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HomeMy WebLinkAbout200401201st Response of ID Power to FEA Part 1.pdfBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 388-2682 FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 FILED LLJ ~"- r, ,- - ,-. ' :- ! \ ! r. ::,l :,t- "p~' '"" (" OM!'I')? IUll!1 v.:~t~ \) (II 4' ,,'-; '- ,_: \ UTlL \ j IE;) COi'h'1ISSION Attorney for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS INTERIM) AND BASE RATES AND CHARGES FORELECTRIC SERVICE. CASE NO. IPC-03- IDAHO POWER COMPANY' RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES COMES NOW , Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "the Company and in response to the First Set of Interrogatories propounded by the United States Federal Executive Agencies ("FEA") received by Idaho Power on December 23,2003 herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO. FEA-1: Please provide copies of all requests for information submitted by other parties to Idaho Power in this docket. This is an ongoing request. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 1 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA-1: Idaho Power has , and will continue to provide FEA with copies of all of its responses to production requests from all parties. The response to this request was prepared by Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. FEA-2: Referring to the direct testimony of Maggie Brilz at page 15, line 16 - page 16 , line 6: (a) (b) Provide a copy 'of the 2002 I RP. Define capacity deficits as used at page 15 , lines 19-20. (c)Define generation-related marginal costs as used at page 15 line 25. (d)Identify and explain in detail the principal causes underlying the change from the early 1990s to the present in the months in which Idaho Power generation-related marginal costs are non-zero. (e)Provide the magnitude (MW), date, and hour of Idaho Power monthly system peaks from 1990 to the present. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- (a)A copy of the 2002 I RP has previously been provided in response to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association s Second Data Requests to Idaho Power Company, Request No. 33. A copy of that response has been provided to FEA. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 2 (b)The term "capacity deficits" is used to refer to the monthly peak- hour deficiencies identified in Figure 5 of the 2002 Integrated Resource Plan. Capacity" refers to the ability to serve instantaneous load or in this case the one-hour load. "Deficit" refers to periods of time when the total load exceeds the total generating capability of the system. The identified deficiencies occur based upon planning criteria assumptions that 70th percentile water and loads occur. The results identified in Figure 5 include the Garnet project as a resource; however, the Garnet project will not be constructed. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Gregory W. Said , Director of Revenue Requirement, Idaho Power Company, and Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. (c)The term generation-related marginal costs as used at page 15 line 25 of the testimony of Company witness Brilz refers to those costs associated with supplying additional capacity during those times when the Company s existing resources are not adequate to serve load. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Gregory W. Said, Director of Revenue Requirement, Idaho Power Company, and Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. (d)The determination of generation-related capacity marginal costs is undertaken in two parts. The first part is the determination of the cost per kW of generating capacity that Idaho Power would add to maintain generating system IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 3 reliability in response to load growth. The second part is the determination of generation capacity cost responsibility for each month or season. It is this seasonalization that determines which months have non-zero marginal generation capacity costs. In both Case No. IPC-94-5 and the present case (Case No. IPC-03- 13), Idaho Power relied upon its most current Integrated Resource Plan (I RP) for the identification of the marginal resource required on the system to meet generation capacity needs and for the quantification of the cost of that resource. The Company 1993 IRP identified a simple-cycle combustion turbine as the first peaking resource needed on the system in the base case plan. The estimated plant investment cost of that resource was $450 per kW in 1993 and the annual marginal cost for generation capacity was estimated to be $60 per kW-year. The Company s 2002 IRP also identifies a simple-cycle combustion turbine as the next peaking resource needed on Idaho Power s system. The estimated investment cost of this resource, as contained in the 2002 IRP, is $653 per kW. The associated annual marginal generation capacity cost is $91 per kW-year. The identification of monthly generation capacity cost responsibility in both the 1993 marginal cost study and in the 2003 marginal cost analysis reflects monthly load/resource balances. However, a number of fundamental elements which contribute to relative monthly load/resource balance within the year have changed during the intervening years. These changes include load shape, operation of the hydro system to accommodate fish recovery, and the Company s resource portfolio. While these elements individually exert both upward and downward pressure on the resource balance during the summer months, the overall impact is that the summer season IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 4 responsibility for new generation capacity has grown , relative to the other seasons of the year. Over the last ten years , Idaho Power s load shape has changed due to the loss of relatively flat loads such as FMC (Astaris) and certain FERC jurisdictional loads resulting from the expiration of power supply contracts and the growth of load within various customer classes that has tended to be much more seasonal and dependent upon weather. Ten years ago, Idaho Power was a summer peaking utility with a distinct, but somewhat lower, peak during the winter season. Idaho Power remains a summer peaking utility but the difference between the summer and winter loads has widened. Since the last rate case Idaho Power has implemented a fall Chinook recovery plan which has resulted in changes in the operation of the hydro system. As a result of the operational changes, hydro generation is distributed differently throughout the year than it was prior to the fish recovery program , with modeled generation at the Hells Canyon complex greater now in the summer and less in the winter than previously modeled. Changes to the Company s resource portfolio include the expiration of two seasonal energy exchanges for which the Company contracted and which were in place ten years ago. Both contracts provided for the receipt of energy by Idaho Power Company during the summer months and the delivery of energy by Idaho Power Company to our counterparties during the winter months. Therefore , while fish-related operation of the hydro system has resulted in the redistribution of hydro generation within the year with relatively more generation in IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 5 the summer than in the winter, the termination of the seasonal exchange contracts has reduced summer energy imports and winter energy exports. At the same time , summer peak loads have increased relatively more than winter peak loads. All of these elements combined produce a greater summer peaking requirement relative to the winter peaking requirement than was the case ten years ago. In addition to the changes in the Company s load/resource balance over the past ten years, the Company has also made changes to the way it models the monthly assignment of generation capacity marginal costs within the year. In 1993, the Company relied upon a loss of load hour (LOLH) study based on the then-current IRP to define the monthly responsibility for generation capacity costs. Monthly factors were aggregated into seasons and averaged, consistent with the approach utilized at that time. The identification of responsibility by month in the present case is also based upon the Company s most recent IRP, but the Company no longer utilizes modeling that determines LOLH. In the current marginal cost analysis the Company assigned cost responsibility to the months identified in the 2002 IRP as those in which peak deficiencies are projected to occur. For the years 2003 to 2007, the 2002 IRP identifies June , July, August, November, and December as the months with generation deficiencies. The months were not aggregated into seasons and then averaged as they were in the 1993 study. The result of both the change in monthly load/resource balance within the year over the past ten years and the integration of the IRP into the modeling of the monthly marginal cost factors has been a redistribution of the marginal generation capacity cost within the year. In Idaho Power s 1993 marginal cost study, November IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 6 through August were identified as months with non-zero marginal generation capacity costs, while in the 2003 analysis July through August , November and December were identified as having non-zero marginal generation capacity costs. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Gregory W. Said , Director of Revenue Requirement, Idaho Power Company, and Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. (e)The magnitude (MW), date , and hour of Idaho Power s monthly system peaks from 1998 through 2002 have previously been provided in response to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association s Second Data Requests to Idaho Power Company, Request No. 35. A copy of that response has been provided to FEA. The remainder of the requested information is enclosed with this response. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. FEA-3: Referring to the direct testimony of Maggie Brilz at page 16, line 16 - page 18 , line 13: (a)Identify the sources of the generation-related marginal costs shown in Exhibit No. 40 that were used to develop allocation factor D1 o. Provide all workpapers , studies, analyses , and documents supporting and/or underlying the identified marginal costs. (b)Identify the sources of the transmission-related marginal costs shown in Exhibit No. 40 that were used to develop allocation factor D13. Provide all IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 7 workpapers, studies, analyses , and documents supporting and/or underlying the identified marginal costs. (c)Identify the sources of the energy-related marginal costs shown in Exhibit No. 40 that were used to develop allocation factor E1 O. Provide all workpapers studies , analyses , and documents supporting and/or underlying the identified marginal costs. (d)Explain in detail Idaho Power s rationale for selecting September- Mayas nonsummer seasonal months in deriving the D1 ONS allocation factor when generation capacity deficits occur only in November-December during the nonsummer season. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- (a)The Company performed an analysis of the generation and transmission marginal costs during 2003 for use in the class cost-of-service study. A copy of the Company s analysis has previously been provided in response to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association s Second Data Requests of Idaho Power Company, Request No. 30. A copy of that response has been provided to FEA. The generation- related marginal costs shown in Exhibit 40 are described on page 2 of the analysis. (b)Please refer to the Response to Request No. FEA-3( a). The transmission-related marginal costs shown in Exhibit 40 are described on page 3 of the analysis. (c)Please refer to the Response to Request No. FEA-3(a). The energy-related marginal costs shown in Exhibit 40 are described on page 1 of the analysis. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 8 (d)Idaho Power has used the Weighted 12 Coincident Peaks methodology as the basis for its class cost-of-service studies since the U-1 006-185 case filed in December, 1981. This methodology takes into account each class monthly contribution to the system peak when developing allocation factors rather than just considering the single peak, the summer and winter peak, or any other subset of peaks. Including the coincident peaks for all of the months between September and May rather than just the capacity deficit months of November and December recognizes that each customer class has some cost responsibility each month. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline, Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. FEA-4: Referring to the direct testimony of Maggie Brilz at page 17, lines 7- (a)Explain in detail the rationale for averaging the actual and weighted D10 and D13 ratios. (b)Did Idaho Power consider using other methodologies in this case to allocate generation capacity-related and transmission-related costs? If the answer is yes, identify and describe the methodology in detail and explain Idaho Power s basis for rejecting each alternative allocation methodology. (c)Identify other utilities in the United States that use a methodology identical to that used by Idaho Power to allocate generation capacity-related and transmission-related costs. Provide all workpapers, studies , analyses , and documents supporting and/or underlying this response. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 9 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- (a)The purpose for weighting the monthly coincident peaks by the applicable marginal cost is to interject a component of forward-looking costs into the cost allocation process. By averaging the actual and weighted D10 and D13 ratios both a backward-looking and a forward-looking component are represented in the cost allocation process. This process strikes a reasonable balance between allocating costs based solely on a current cost basis (i.e., actual coincident peaks) and allocating costs based solely on a marginal cost basis (i.e., weighted coincident peaks). (b)Idaho Power considered using only the five weighted coincident peaks for allocating generation capacity-related costs and the three weighted coincident peaks for allocating transmission costs. However, this alternative was rejected because of the significant emphasis this methodology would have placed on forward-looking costs with no emphasis placed on the actual month-to-month cost causation. (c)Idaho Power has not undertaken a search to determine if any other utility in the United States uses a methodology identical to that used by Idaho Power in this case to allocate generation capacity-related and transmission-related costs. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. FEA-5: Referring to the direct testimony of Maggie Brilz at page 17, lines 18-23: IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 10 (a)Explain in detail the rationale for weighting "the normalized monthly energy usage for each customer class and special contract customer" by monthly marginal energy costs. (b)Explain in detail what the E10 ratio for each class is supposed to indicate about that class' energy-related cost responsibility. (c)Identify other utilities in the United States that use a methodology identical to that used by Idaho Power to allocate energy-related costs. Provide all workpapers, studies , analyses, and documents supporting and/or underlying this response. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- (a)The purpose for weighting the normalized monthly energy usage by monthly marginal energy costs is to interject a component of forward-looking costs into the cost allocation process. The weighting process recognizes that the costs associated with energy consumption vary depending on the time of year in which the energy consumption occurs. (b)The E10 ratio indicates each class s proportionate share of the total energy-related costs. (c)Idaho Power has not undertaken a search to determine if any other utility in the United States uses a methodology identical to that used by Idaho Power in this case to allocate energy-related costs. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 11 REQUEST NO. FEA-6: Referring to Exhibit No. 48: (a)Describe in detail how Idaho Power determines whether service is delivered at secondary, primary, or transmission voltage. Provide all workpapers studies, analyses, and documents supporting and/or underlying this response. (b)Provide all workpapers , studies, analyses , and documents supporting and/or underlying the proposed voltage discounts in Schedules 9 and 19. (c)Provide all studies and/or analyses of system losses by service voltage prepared by or for Idaho Power in the past five years. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- (a)The voltage at the Point of Delivery determines the service voltage for a particular customer. As defined in the Company s Tariff, Rule B, the Point of Delivery is "the junction point between the facilities owned by the Company and the facilities owned by the Customer; OR the point at which the Company s lines first become adjacent to the Customer s property; OR as otherwise specified in the Company s Tariff" Rule B further defines the service voltage , or Service Level , as being Secondary, Primary, or Transmission: Service Level is defined as follows: Secondary Service is service taken at 480 volts or less , or where the definitions of Primary Service and Transmission Service do not apply. The Company is responsible for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it is to be used by the Customer taking Secondary Service. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 12 Primary Service is service taken as 12.5 kilovots (kV) to 34. kV. Customers taking Primary Service are responsible for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it is to be used by the Customer. Transmission Service is service taken at 44 kV or higher. Customers taking Transmission Service are responsible for providing the transformation of power to the voltage at which it is to be used by the Customer. As described in the testimony of Company witness Brilz at page 22, lines 9 through 19, customers who own their own substations are served at Transmission Service level. Customers who own their own secondary facilities or who pay the Company a monthly facilities charge for use of the dedicated secondary facilities are served at Primary Service level. Customers who utilize non-dedicated Company-owned secondary facilities are served at Secondary Service level. (b)The differentials in the demand and energy charges between the service levels for Schedule 9 and Schedule 19 were first proposed and approved as part of the Company s last general rate case , Case No. IPC-94-5. Please refer to pages 41 through 54 of the testimony included in response to Request No. FEA-7(c) for a description of the price differentials. Enclosed with this response are the pertinent pages of the exhibits and workpapers of Company witness Brilz from Case No. IPC- 94-5 that describe and support the price differentials. The proposed differentials in the demand and energy charges for Schedule 9 and Schedule 19 in the current case are the same as those approved by the Commission in Case No. IPC-94- IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 13 (c)The tables summarizing the results of the Company s loss study prepared in 2003 are enclosed with this response. The workpapers supporting the study are voluminous and as such will be made available for review in a discovery room at Idaho Power. Any party desiring to review documents in the discovery room should call Myrna Aasheim at 208-388-2558 to arrange a time for the room to be made available. No other studies or analyses have been prepared in the past five years. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz , Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. FEA-7: With respect to Idaho Power s last general rate case filed with the Commission: (a)Provide a copy of the cost-of-service study (both hard copy and electronic copy on CD) filed in the case. (b)Provide a copy of the revenue (rate) spread (both hard copy and electronic copy on CD) filed in the case in a format similar to the format of Exhibit No. 61 filed in the current case. In addition, provide a copy of all testimony and exhibits (both hard copy and electronic copy on CD) discussing and/or related to the revenue spread filed in the last general rate case. (c)Provide a copy of all testimony and exhibits (both hard copy and electronic copy on CD) filed by the Company s cost-of-service witness in the case. (d)Provide a copy of any cost-of-service study (both hard copy and electronic copy on CD) conducted by or for Idaho Power between the date of the order in the last general rate case and the cost study filed in the current case. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 14 RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- (a)A hard copy of the class cost-of-service study filed in the Company s last general rate case (Case No. IPC-94-5) is enclosed with this response. An electronic copy of the study is included on the CD labeled "First Production Request of the Federal Executive Agencies" enclosed with this response. (b)A hard copy of the revenue (rate) spread as well as a copy of the pertinent pages of the testimony of Company witness Gale filed in the Company s last general rate case are enclosed with this response. An electronic copy of the requested information is no longer available. (c)A hard copy of the testimony and exhibits filed by the Company class cost-of-service witness Brilz in the last general rate case are enclosed with this response. An electronic copy of the testimony and Exhibit Nos. 33, 39 , and 40 are included on the CD labeled "First Production Request of the Federal Executive Agencies" enclosed with this response. An electronic copy of Exhibit Nos. 30, 31 , and 35 , which are part of the cost-of-service study, are included with the response to Request No. FEA-7(a). Electronic copies of Exhibit Nos. 36 , 37, 38, 41 , 42, and 43 are no longer available. (d)A hard copy of the class cost-of-service study filed with the Commission on April 1 , 1997 has been previously provided in response to the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association s Second Data Requests to Idaho Power Company, Request No. 45. A copy of this response has been provided to FEA. An electronic copy of this study is not available. A hard copy of a class cost-of-service study prepared in September, 2000 is included with this response. An electronic copy of this IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 15 study is included on the CD labeled "First Production Request of the Federal Executive Agencies" enclosed with this response. The response to this request was prepared by Maggie Brilz, Pricing Director, Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO. FEA-8: Referring to the direct testimony of John Gale at page 11 , line 20 through page 13 , line 1: (a)Explain in detail why the 25 percent limit was placed on the increase to the irrigation customer class. Provide all workpapers, studies , analyses and documents supporting and/or underlying this response. (b)Describe in detail Idaho Power s plans to reduce the interclass revenue subsidy received by the irrigation customer class. Provide all workpapers studies , analyses , and documents supporting and/or underlying this response. (c)What rate of return is earned from each customer class following Idaho Power s spreading "the revenue shortfall created by the mitigation back to the other customer classes...." (page 12 , lines 20-22) Provide all workpapers, studies analyses, and documents supporting and/or underlying this response. (d)If we assume that further adjustments to move rates for irrigation customers closer to cost of service cannot occur between general rate cases, identify the date (or general timeframe) when Idaho Power expects to file its next general rate case. RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA- IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 16 (a)The referenced testimony states , " A pure CCOS rate spread would mean a 67.1 percent increase to the irrigation customer class." Idaho Power believes that cost causation is a primary determinant in setting rates; however, a 67.1 percent increase creates rate shock for the irrigation group. The Company mitigated the rate shock by setting an upward limit, on the irrigation increase at 25 percent. In its judgment, Idaho Power viewed the 25 percent movement as significant progress toward cost of service , without creating undue rate shock to the customer class. (b)The Company has consistently recommended steady movement toward cost of service results in the instant docket and in prior proceedings before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Future filings will likely continue to reflect this position. (c)The overall rate of return for each customer class based upon the Company s recommendations is attached to this response. (d)Given the expected level of new investment in the Idaho Power system over the next three years and the potential impacts of the relicensing of the Hells Canyon Complex , one could expect one or more rate applications during the remainder of this decade. The response to this request was prepared by John R. Gale , Vice President , Regulatory Affairs , Idaho Power Company, in consultation with Barton L. Kline , Senior Attorney, Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 17 DATED at Boise , Idaho, this 16th day of January, 2004. r~ tL-- BARTON L. KLINE 'Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Page 18 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 16th day of January, 2004, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES PROPOUNDED BY THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL EXECUTIVE AGENCIES upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Weldon B. Stutzman Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ---L- Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 334-3762 Randall C. Budge Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey O. Box 1391; 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 Hand Delivered S. Mail ---L- Overnight Mail FAX (208) 232-6109 Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village , OH 44140 Hand Delivered - U.S. Mail ---L- Overnight Mail FAX (440) 808-1450 Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary 99 East State Street , Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle , ID 83616 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 938-7904 Don Reading Ben Johnson Associates 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (208) 384-1511 Lawrence A. Gollomp Assistant General Counsel U. S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Avenue , SW Washington, D.C. 20585 Hand Delivered S. Mail ---L- Overnight Mail FAX (202) 586-7479 Dennis Goins Potomac Management Group 5801 Westchester Street Alexandria, VA 22310-1149 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page Hand Delivered S. Mail ---L- Overnight Mail FAX Kevin Higgins 39 Market Street, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Thomas M. Power Economics Department, LA 407 University of Montana 32 Campus Drive Missoula, MT 59812 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX OY- BARTON L. KLINE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE , Page 3 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O3- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST FEA TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA-2(e) MOUNTAIN TIME System Load Peak - 2003 Month Date Hour Peak Load Month Total Jan 01/07/03 0800 1955 1,151 719 Feb 02/24/03 0800 1974 024 559 Mar 03/04/03 0800 1779 020 954 Apr 04/07/03 0800 1715 981,457 May OS/29/03 1700 2537 1.181 860 Jun 06/17/03 1800 2759 1,478 665 Jul 07/22/03 1700 2944 684 920 Aug 08/01/03 1700 2674 467 469 Sep 09/03/03 1900 2397 177 996 Oet 10/02/03 1800 1800 062 195 Nov 11/26/03 0900 1949 1.108 858 Dee 12/16/03 0800 1961 1,186.793 TOT AL 527 445 I~~s ~f~~t ~~~i"alch 'J A ResuCnI1 snon ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT Report below the infonmation called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated, purchased, exchanged and wheeled ciJring the year.Line IteMMo. (I) SOURCES OF ENERGY Generltion (Excluding Station Use): Stellll Nuclelr Hydro.-Conventional Hydro--Pumped Storage Other (Less) Energy 'for Pumping Net GenerDtion (Enter Totalof Ines 3 thru 8) 10' Purchases 11 Power Exchanges:12 Received13 Del ivered14 Net Exchanges (Line 12 minus line 13) 15 Transmission For Other C~heel ing)16 Received17 Del fvered18 Net Tran$mi$sion for Other(L ne 16 minus Line 17)19 Transmission By Other Losses 994 430 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT 1. If the respondent has two or IIOre power systems which with the sales 10 that the total on line 41 exceeds the are not physically integrated furnish the required infor- amount on line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (ormeti on for each non- integrated system. estimated) in making the Non-Requi rements Sales For Resale. 2. Report in colum (b) the system's energy output for 4. Report in colUll1 (d) the system'monthly mexi- each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total megawatt load (6Q-minute integration) associatad with theon line 20. net energy for the system defined IS the difference between 3. Report in colum (c) a monthly breakdown of the columns (b) and (c). lion-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on line 24. 5. Report in colUll1S(e) and (1) the specified infon.t;cln Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated for each monthly peak load reported in colUll1 (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: IDAHO ~ER COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD Monthly ~on-Requ repentsLine Month Total Monthly Energy Sales for Resa e .No. Assocl8ted Losses(a) (b) (c)January 1 960 879 713,824, February 1 911 828 838 008March 1 862 825 801 117April 1 667 482 610,289May 2,021 244 767,644June 2 403 880 1 077,219July 2 556 626 1 139 326August 2 600 580 1 270 252 September 2 570 962 1 430 010October 2 659 856 1 561 783November 2,344 242 1 234,081 December 2 434 126 1 152 257TOTAL 26 994 530 12,595,810 Name of ResPQndent" IDAHO POWER COMPANY Date of Report (S2'3 8'~8 Yr) Megawatt Hours Line(b) No. 394 172 Item(a) DISPOSITION OF ENERGY es to Ultimate Consumers( ncluding Interdepartmental Sales) Z3 Requir~nts Sales or Resale(See Instruction , page 311. 24 Non-Requirement$ Sales For Re$ale (See Instruction 4 , page 311. 25 Energy Furni shed ~i thout Charge 26 Energy Used bv the C~any (ElectricDepartment Only,Excluding Station Use) 27 Total Energy Losses28 TOTAL CEnter Total of Lines 22 Thru 27) (MUST ,EQUAL 'LINE 20) 807 057 201 324 676,409 897 126 769 498 127 628 898 495,829 (10 931) ~O~\4~lRt:~T Y9~l of Lines 9, I 35 MONTHLY PEAK Megawatts (See Instr. 4) Day of Month(d) (e) 190 165 876 242 530 545 335 164 904 986 184 'ERC FORM NO.1 (REVISED. 12-90)Page fo01 Year of Report Dec. 31, 1997 Megawatt Hours(b) 240 421 1oS 981 12,595 810 109 218 994 430 HINr(t) 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 6 PM 4 PM 8 PM 6 PM 5 PM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM Name of ResPQndent IDAHO P~ER COMPANY This ReP9rt 1$: (1) (x) An OrIginal (2) ( J A ResuE:rnission Date of ~ort (~f)38'~7 Y ) Megawatt Hours(b) 782,764 713 443 496 452 986 961 705 853 728 687 (22 834) 959 932 856 729 103 203 245 line ItemNo. (a)21 DISPOSITION OF ENERGY 22 Sales to Ultimate Consumers (Including Interdepartmental Sales) 23 Requir~nts Sales for Resale (See InstructIon 4, page 311.24 Non-Requireff~nt$ Sales For Re$ale (See InstructIon 4, page 311.25 Energy Furni shed ~i thout Charge 26 Energy Used by the C~any (ElectricDepartment Only,Excludlng StatIon Use) 27 Total Energy Losses28 TOTAL CEnter Total of lines 22 Thru 27) (MUST EQUAL liNE 20) ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated, purchased , exchanged and wheeled during the year.line ItemNo. (8) SOURCES OF ENERGY Generation (Excluding Station Use): Steam Nuclear Hydro-.Conventional Hydro--Pumped Storage Other (Less) Energy for Pumping Net Generat i on (Enter Total of lInes j thru 8) 10 Purchases 11 Power Exchanges:12 Received13 Del ivered14 Net Exchanges (line 12 minus line 13) 15 TransmIssion For Other (~heel ins)16 Received17 Del ivered 18 Net Transmission for Other (LIne 16 mInus LIne 17)19 Transmission By Other losses 20 T~~~~4~1at~~Ty~~l of lines 9 563 782 MONTHl Y PEAKS AND OUTPUT 1. I f the respondent has two are not physically integrated mation for each non-integrated 2. Report in column (b) the each month such that the total on line 20. 3. Report in column (c) a monthly breakdown of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on line 24. Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated NAME OF SYSTEM: IDAHO PO~ER COMPANY - SYSTEM lOAD or more power systems which furnish the required infor- system. system's energy output for on line 41 matches the total lineNo.Tota l Month l y Energy (b) 583 597 408 331 599 726 482 878 548 013 714 462 666 880 513 776 494 339 578,382 331 ,706 641 692 563 782 Month (a) January February March Apri l May June July August SepterTber October November December TOT AL FERC FORM NO.1 (REVISED. 12-90) Monthly Non-Requ r~ntsSales tor Resa e ,Assoc I at ed Losses(c) 366 311 738 582,982 483 918 433 316 325 476 120 855 149 111 31,7 869 41,1,841 231,718 1,20 824 222 423 Year of Report Dec. 31 , 1996 Megawatt Hours(b) 13,035 1,66 860 222,423 258 033 563 782 with the sales so that the total on line 1,1 exceeds the amount on line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (or estimated) in making the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale, 1" Report in column (d) the system'monthly maximum megawatt load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the di fference between columns (b) and (c). 5. Report in columns(e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). MONTHLY PEAK Megawatts (See Instr, 1,) Day of Month(d) (e) 179 310 908 781 036 398 661 371, 163 983 920 251 Page 1,01 1,0 11, Hoyr( t) 9 AM 9 AM 8 AM 8 AM 3 PM 5 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM Name of ResPQndent ~is ReP9rt 1$:Date of Re~rt Year of Report IDAHO P~ER COMPANY ~ ~ (X~ An or~"al (~f'3 8'Q6 Y )Dec. 31 , 1995A Res Isslon ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated purchased , exchanged and wheeled during the year. Line Item Megawatt Hours Line Item Megawat~ Hours No.(a),No.(a) ( ) SOURCES OF ENERGY DISPOSITION OF ENERGY Generation (Excluding Station Use):Sales ~.Ultimate Consumers 11,982 514 Steam 591 542 (Incl Ing Interdepartmental Sales) ~uirements Sales Lor Resa Nuclear See InstructIon , page 1.46,663 Hydro. - Convent i one l 277 162 Non-Requirement$ sales For ~i,ale 849 401(See InstructIon , page . Hydro- -Pumped Storage Energy Furni shed Wi thout Charge Other 325 Energ~ Used by the ~~any tElectric (Less) Energy for Pumping Depar ment On y,Exc Ing S atlon Use) it Gener !tion (Snter Total 869 029 Total Energy Losses 146 378lInes thru )~TAL ~7nter Total of Lines ~2Purchases973492T ru ) (MUST EQUAL LINE 2 )024 956 Power Exchanges: Received 628 419 Del ivered 514 005 Net Exchanges (Line 12 minus line 13)114 414 Transmission For Other (Wheel ing) Received 069 253 Del ivered 001 232 Net Tran~ml$sion for ~lher 021(LIne 1 mInus LIne Transml ss i on By Other Losses ~6~\4~~8t:~T YO~l of Lines 9 024,956 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT 1. I f the respondent has two or more power systems which with the sales so that the total on line 41 exceeds the are not physically integrated furnish the required infor-amount on line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (or mation for each non-integrated system.estimated) in making the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale. 2. Report in column (b)the system's energy output for 4. Report column (d)the system'monthly maxinun each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total megawatt load (60-minute integration)associated with the on line energy for the system defined as the difference between 3. Report column (c)monthly breakdown of the columns (b) and (c). Non-Requi rements Sales For Resale reported on line 24.5. Report in columns(e) and (f) the specified information Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: IDAHO POJER COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD Line Month Total Monthly Energy Month l y NOn-Requ i rerents MONTHLY PEAKSales for ~esa e No.Assoc I at Losses Megawatts ~see Instr, 4)Day of Month(a)(b)(c)(e) ( ) January 377 575 226 908 196 8 AM February 164,016 215,316 990 8 AM March 278,274 237 918 878 8 AM April 199,151 238 419 8 AM May 470 457 589 947 5 PM 400 284 322 709 220 5 PM July 537,966 136 104 393 5 PM August 382,873 105 450 202 7 PM Septer1ber 316 642 165 823 066 6 PM October 249 877 211,581 833 9 AM Nover1ber 171,201 141 564 940 8 AM Decer1ber 476 376 302,124 018 8 AM TOTAL 024 956 761 505 FERC FORM NO.1 (REVISED. 12-90)Page 401 Name of Res~nt rS ReP9rt 1$:Date of Re~rt Year of Report IDAHO POWER COMPANY i J fx ~ An or~oal (~f'29'~5 Y )Dec. 31 , 1994A Res ISSlon ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated purchased,exchanged and wheeled dJring the year. Line Item Megawatt Hours Line Item Megawatt Hours No.(8)(b)No.(a)(b) SOURCES OF ENERGY DISPOSITION OF ENERGY Generat i on (Exclucli ng Station Use):Sales to Ultimate Consumers Steam 221 727 (Including Interdepartmental Sales)12,194 302 ersirerpents SaLes tor ResaNuclearSee InstructIon , page 1.146 165 Hydro- -Convent i one l 213 175 Non-R~irement$ sales For ~t~ale 157 017 Hydro- -Pumped Storage (See InstructIon , page . Other Energy Furni shed ~i thout Charge Ener~ Used the ~~ny (Electric (Less) Energy for Pumping Depar ment On y,Exc Ing StatIon Use) it l Gener~t i on (enter Total Total Energy Losses 224 492 lnes thru )434 934 gTAL~?nter Total of Lines 62 Purchases 278,454 T ru ) (MUST EQUAL LINE 2 )15,721 976 Power Exchanges: Received 806 277 Del ivered 880 269 Net Exchanges (Line 12 minus line 13)(73 992) Transmission For Other (~eel ing) Received 770 524 Delivered 687 944 Net . Trangml $S i on for ~1her(LIne 1 mInus LIne 580 TransmIssion By Other Losses ~bA \ (~nter T Y9al of Lines 9, 4 , 8 and )721 976 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT 1. If the respondent has two or more power systems which with the sales so that the total on line 41 exceeds the are not physically integrated furni sh the requi red i nfor-amount on line 24 by the MIOUnt of losses incurred (or mation for each non-integrated system.estimated) in making the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale. 2. Report in column (b)the system's energy output for 4. Report coll.lm (d)the system'monthly maxinun each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total megawatt load (60-minute integration)associated with the on line energy for the system defined as the difference between 3. Report coll.lm (c)monthly breakdown of the coll.lms (b) and (c). Non-Requi rements Sales For Resale reported on line 24.5, Report in columns(e) and (f) the specified information Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associ ated for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: IDAHO P~ER COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD Line Month l y Non-Requi r~nts MONTHLY PEAK Month Total Monthly Energy Sales ~or ~esa e Day of MonthNo.Assoc lat Losses Megawatts isee Instr. (a)(b)(c)(e) ( ) January 309 524 221 620 957 February 218 116 235 053 982 March 286 580 320 358 749 April 076 094 117,932 688 10 PM May 234 553 113,626 035 ' June 404 300 338 392 July 582 951 163 140 310 ' August 507 333 173 557 237 Septenber 308 784 225,987 950 October 214 983 238,000 735 Novenber 223,268 115,031 139 Decerrber 355 490 143 375 015 TOTAL 15,721,976 157 017 FERC FORM NO,1 (REVISED. 12-90)Page 401 - - - - - - -- - -- -- --- ----- -- - --- -- --- -- - -- --- --- -- --- - --- - - -- --- -- - -- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- -- - --- - - --- - -- -- - -- --- - - -- ---- -- -- - -- - - -.- NIIIIe of Itespondent This Report is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) (X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)IDAHO Pa.lER CD4PANY (2) ( ) A Reslbnission Dec. 31 , 1993 - - - -- - -- -.- -- --- --- -- --- - -- - - - - - - -. - - a_. --- -- --- --- -. -- - - -- - - - -- - -- -- --- -- - -- - -- -. - - - --- --- -- --- - -- - - --- -- - - - --- - -- - -.. - -.. -..- ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT - - - -- - -- --- -- --- --- -------- -- --- .-- --- - - --- -- --- --- -- - - - - - - - - ------ -- --- --- -- --- - - - - - --- - -- ----- ___e. --- -- - -- - -- - - - -- -- - - --.. -. Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated purchased, exchanged and wheeled dJring the year. Line No. Item (a) -- - -- - -- ----- --- --- ----- - -- -- --- - -- -- --- --- -- --- -- - -- - - - -- -. - --- --- - - -- - --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- ---- - - -- - -- --- - - - - - --- -- --- -- - - - -- Item(a) Megawatthourl (b) Megawatthours Line (b) No. --- -- - -- --- -------- ----- --- -- -- - - -- -- --- --- -- --- -- - - - -- - - -. -- - -- --- - - --- --- -- --- - - - -- --- --- ---------- - - - - -- - - - - - --- -- --- --. -..- SOURCES OF ENERGY Generation (Excluding Station Use): Steam. ... ...,......... ... . .. .. ...... ... Nuclear..........................."...Hydro-Conventional......,.......,...... Hydro-Pumped Storage...........,.......Other.................................. Less Energy for P~ing.............Net Generation (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 8)................10 Purchases............... ... ." ,.... ... ... 11 Power Exchanges:12 Received...............................13 Delivered........................ ......14 Net Exchanges(Line 12 minus line 13)..15 Transmission For Other (~eel ing)16 Received17 Del ivered Net Transmission for Other (Line 16 minus line 17)............. 19 Transmission by Others Losses20 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 9 , 18 and 19)................ 485 395 361 720 102 - .---- -- - --- ------ 847 217 211 873 680 051 663 637 - -- - - - -- - - -- -- -- -- 414 776 806 731 343 - --- -- - -- - -- -- ---- 463 - --- -- --- -- - -- ---- 120 967 DISPOSITION OF ENERGY Sales to Ultimate Consumers (Includ- ing Interdepartnental Sales)....... Requirements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4 , page 311. )...... Non-R~irements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4 , page 311. )...... Energy Furnished \lithout Charge...... Energy Used by the C~y (Electric Departnent Only, Excluding Station Use)....., ... ........ ,.......", .... Total Energy Losses TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 22 through 27) (MUST EQUAL LINE 20) 406 093 143 826 446 008 Included Inenergy losses 125,040 --- n --- n- n n 120 967 --- - - - - - - -- -- --- --- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- -- -. MONTHLY PEAKS AND CUTPUT -- - -- ------ .--------- ------ -- --- - -. -- ------ -.------ -- -- - --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- -- - - -- -- --- ------------- - -- -- - -- --- --- ----- --- --.- 1. If the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated , furnish the required information for each non-integrated system. 2. Report in column (b) the system's energy output for each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total on line 20. 3. Report in column (c) a monthly brea~dOwn of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on line 24. Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales so that the total on line 41 exceeds the amount on line 24 by the snount of losses incurred (or estimated) in making the Non-R~irements Sales For Resale. 4. ,Report in column (d) the system's monthly maximum negawatt load (6Q-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c). NAME OF SYSTEM: 5. Report in column (e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). --- -- --- --- -- _e. -------- -- - - - - -- - - - -- --- --- ----- --- -- - -- --- -- -- - --- -- --- --- -- -- - - - - -- -- - - ---- ----------- - - - -- - - - - -- ----- ------- IDAHO ~R COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD --- -- --- -------- ----- --- - - - - - - - - --- -- --- -------- --- -- - - - --- -- --- --- -- --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- ------ -- -- - - - - -- - - - --- ------------ Line Month No. (8) - - - - -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- Jan.aary February March April May J IrIe July August Septenber October Novenber Decenber TOTAL Total Monthly Energy (b) Monthly Non-Req- uirements Sales For Resale & Associated Losses (c) MONTHLY PEAK - -- --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---------------- -- - - - ---- -- -- --- ------- Megawatts (See Instructions 4) (d) Day of Month (e) Hour -- - - --- --- -- --- -------- --- -- -- - - -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -------- --- -- -- - -- -------------- ---- 329,149 165 204 009 8 AM 248 828 210 825 154 8 AM 376 432 390 174 843 8 AM 368 515 487 065 612 8 AM 388 365 311 288 847 3 PM 465 011 402 788 082 7 PM 330 976 584 105 5 PM 303 987 167 621 053 5 PM 407 566 387 200 804 6 PM 390 903 446, T78 628 8 AM 223 573 197 407 973 8 AM 287 662 187 074 908 9 AM -- - - --- -- - -- --- --- -- -- -- - - - - -- -- - ----- - 16,120 967 446 008 FERC FORM NO, 1 (REVISED 12-90) --- -- --- --- -- ----------- -- - - - --- - - - -- - -- --- -- --- --- --- -- - - - - - --- -- - - ---- -.- -- --- - - - - - - -- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- - - - -- ----- --- --- ---- Page 401 -- - -------- - - --- -- --- ------ ----- --- -- -- - --- - - - -- ----- --- ---- - -- - --- -- - -- --- -- ------ - - -- - --- - - - -- - -- ----- --- ----- -- - -- - -- --- ---- N line 0 f R es ponden t IDAHO POWER COMPANY This Report is: (1) (XJ An Original (2) ( J A Resubmission Year of ReportDate of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31 , 1992 ----- ------ -- - -- --- -- --- --- -- --- - - - - - --- --- -- --- --- -- --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - -- ----- -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - ----- -- --- -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT --- ----- ----- --- --- -------- -- --- --- -- - - - - - - -- - -- - ---- --- --- -- --- - -- -- --- - -- ----- --- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - -------- --- -- - - - -- - -- -- - -- -- Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric' energy generated purchased, exchanged arel wheeled dJring the year. line No. Item(a) ----- --- ----- --- --- ---------- --- --- - - -- - - -- -- --- --- -- --- -- - -- - -- -- - - - --- --- -- --- --- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - -- --- --- -- --- --- - - --- --- -- e- Item (a) Megawatthourl (b)Megawatthours Line (b) No. ----- --- --- - - --- ----- --- e-e -- --- - - - - - --- --- -- ------ -- --- --- - - - - - - -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- --- --- -- - -- - 0- - - -- - -- - -- -- SOURCES OF ENERGY Generation (Excluding Station Use): Steam. , .. ... .. -.. .. - .. ... - . . . . , .. . . . . . . Nuclear.. ................ ... ........... Hydro-Conventi anal..................... Hydro-Pumped Storage...................Other,......................"......... Less Energy for P~ing."......,... Net Generation (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 8).....,.......,..10 Purchases............,...,...............11 Power Exchanges:12 Received....................,..........13 Delivered.......................,...... 14 Net Exchanges(Line 12 minus line 13),.15 Transmission For Other (Wheel ing)16 Received17 Del ivered18 Net T ransmi ss i on for Other (Line 16 minus line 17)............. 19 Transmission by Others Losses20 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 9 , 14, 18arel 19)................ 295 159 990 264 475 - --- -- --- - -- -- -- -- 285 898 155 629 514 008 566 829- --- e- --- --- - - - - -- (52 821) 394 178 394 178 - - -_e- --- --- -- - --- MONTHLY PEAKS AND WTPUT 388 706 DISPOSITION OF ENERGY Sales to Ul t imate Consumers (Includ- irE! Interdepartmental Sales)....... Requirements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4 , pagE! 311. )...... Non-Requi rements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4 , page 311. )...... Energy Furnished Without Charge,..... Energy Used by the Corrpany (Electric Department Only, Excluding Station Use)...... ...,.. .................... Total Energy Losses TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 22 through 27) (MUST EQUAL LINE 20) 388 706 606 254 143 068 478 401 Included inenergy losses 160 983 -- n - _n _n eo.. e-- -- --- ----- --- - ---- --- - -- -- --- -- - - - --- - -- - - --- --- -- - -- --- - - - - - - - - - ---- --- -- --- --- -- - -- - - - -- - -- --- -- --- --- ----- -- - -- - -- -- - ---- ----- --- _e- -- ------ -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- - - - -- --- --- -- --- --- -- - - - - -- - - --- --- -- ------ -- --- - -- -- - -- -- --- --- ----- --- --- -- - -- - - - - - -- 1. If the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated, furnish the required infonmati on for each non- integrated system. 2. Report in column (b) the system s energy output for each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total on line 20. 3. Report in column (c) a monthly breakdown of the Non-Requi rements Sales For Resale reported on line 24. Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales so that the total on line 41 exceeds the amount on line 24 by the anount of losses incurred (or estimated) in makirE! the Non-Requirements Sales for Resale. 4. Report in column (d) the system s monthly maximum megawatt load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c). NAME OF SYSTEM: 5. Report in column (e) 'and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). ----- --- --- -- - -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- - -- - -- - - - -- -- - ----- --- --- -- - -- - - - -- - - - --- -- --- - - - -- --- - -- -- --- --- -- ------ -- --- -- - - - 0 _0 --- ---- IDAHO POWER COMPANY - SYSTEM lOAD --- ----- --- -- --- --- -------- -- --- - -- - - --- --- -- ----------- ---- - - - 0 - - - 0- --- ----- --- --- - - - - 0 --- -- - - - ----- --- --- -- --- 0 -- -- - ----- ---- Line Month No. (a) ---------- -- --- --- -- --- JanJllry February March April May JuneJuly August Septenber October Novenber Decenber TOTAL Total Monthly Energy Monthly Non-Req- MONTHLY PEAK ui rements Sales - - - --- --- -- --- -- - - - --- - - - -- --- - -- -- ------ -- --- --- -- _0- --- ----for Resale & Megawatts Day of Hour Associated losses (See Instructions 4) Month(c) (d) (e) (I)(b) ---------- -- --- --- -- --- --- ----- --- -- --- - - - -- - -- ----- ------ -- -- - --- - - -- - -- - -- --- --- ----- --- -- --- --- ---- 250 145 174 689 1917 8 AM 079 519 157 182 8 AM 064 353 166 905 1601 8 AM 059 061 82,205 1793 4 PM 312 944 104 1974 5 PM 327 022 319 2268 3 PM 306,364 100 612 2023 7 PM 334 500 104 993 2063 6 PM 089 297 305 1792 6 PM 108 798 161 860 1639 8 AM 149 410 128,615 1952 8 AM 307 293 143 612 2015 8 AM -- -- - -- --- - - - - - --- -- -- ----- ------ -- --- - 388 706 478 401 ---..... ..... .-. --- -. --- -...- .-. -.- -- - - - -- - -- --- -------- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- - -- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- - 0- --- -- -- - -- -...- fERC FORM NO.1 (REVI SED 12-90)Page 401 - -- - - --- ----- ------ -- --- --- - - - -- ----------- -- ------ -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- - - --- -------- --- -- -- - -- - -- ------ -- --- --- - - -- Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year of Report (1) (X) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) IDAHO POWER COMPANY (2) ( ) A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 1991 - -- -- --- -------- ------- - --- - - - - - - ---- - - - --- -- --- --- -- ---- - - -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- - - - - - --- --- ----- --- -- --- - - - - - --- - - - -- --- - -- -- --- -- ----- ---------------- --- -- - -- --- -- --- ----- --- ---- - ------ -- ------ -- --- --- - - --- --- - ---- --- ----- --- -- ---- - - -- --- --- -- --- --- - - -- ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated, purchased, exchanged arel wheeled clIring the year. - -- -- --- --- ---------- --- --- -- - -- - ---- --- ----- --- ----- --- --- -- ------ ----- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- ----- --- -- - - - --- -- --- --- - --- Llne Item Megawatthours Line Item Megawatthours~o. (a) (b) No. (a) (b) - ---- - -- --- -------- -- --- - -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- ----- --- --- -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- -- ------ -- --- -- - -- - -- ----- --- --- - - -- SOURCES OF ENERGY Generation (Excluding Station Use): Steam. ...... ..-..............,......... Nuclear.......................... ......Hydro-ConventionaL......_............. Hydro-Pumped Storage..,................7 Other........ ~......................... Less Energy for p~ing............. Net Generation (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 8).......,........10 Purchases............._..................11 Power Exchanges:12 Received............ .. ... ..... ...... ... 13 Delivered............,...........,"... 14 Net Exchanges(Line 12 minus line 13)..15 Transmission For Other (Uheel ing)16 Received17 Del ivered18 Net Transmission for Other (Line 16 minus line 17)............. 19 Transmission by Others Losses20 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 9 , 14, 18 arel 19)................ 833,391 819 219 DI SPOSITION OF ENERGY Sales to Ultimate Censurers (Includ- ing Interdepartmental Sales)....... Requi rements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4, page 311. )...... Non-Requi rements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4 , page 311, )...... Energy Furni shed Yi thout Charge...... Energy Used by the C~ny (Electric Department Only, Excluding Station Use). ........ ........ ..... .,. ....,.. Total Energy Losses TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 22 through 27) (MUST EQUAL LINE 20)235 992 265,618 140 291 952,199 Included in energy losses 311 ---- - - - -- - -- -- ---- 652 921 560 871 877,884 --_n----------430 135 407 935 - --- -- --- - -- -- ---- 22,200 475,197 475 197 - --- -- -- - - -- -- ---- 235 992 --- -- --- --- -- -------- --- -- - - - --- --- -- --- ----- --- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- -------- ----- --- -- --- ----- -------- --- - - -.- --- --- - - ------ - - -- tl3NTHLY PEAK:S AND WTPUT --- -- -- - --- ----- ----------- - - - - - --- - - --- ----- ------ -- --- - -- -- --- --- -- --- --- -- - - - - -- -- --- -- - -------- - ---- - -- - - --- - -- -- - - - --- - - -- 1. If the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated, furnish the required information for each non-integrated system. 2. Report in column (b) the system s energy output for each month such that the total on line 41 matches the total on line 20. 3. Report in column (c) a roonthly breakdown of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on line 24. Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales so that the total on line 41 exceeds the amount on line 24 by the amount of losses incurred (or estirreted) in making the Non-Requiremenu Sales For Resale.. 4. Report in column (d) the system s roonthly rreximum megawatt load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c). 5. Report in column (e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: --- ----- --- -- -------- --- --- -- --- --- - - - ----- ----- --- -- --- - -- -- -- - --- -- --- -- - -- - - - - - - -- --- ------------ - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- --- --- - - -- IDAHO ~R COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD --- -- - -- --- -- ----------- -- - -- - - - --- - - --- --- ----- --- -- -- - - -- - - ------ -- --- --- -- - - - --- -- -- - - -- ----- --- -- - - - - - - -- --- - -- -- - -- --- -- -- Line Total Monthly EnergyMonth No.(b) --- - --- ----- ------ -- --- -- - - - -- --- -- -- ---- -- --- --- -- -- - -- - -- --- --- -- --- --- - - --- - - - - - --- - -- ----- --- -- -- - --- - -- -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- (a) 295 099 012,795 083 921 993 , 026 123,288 211,295 394 578 301 679 215,956 169 662 207 972 226 721 J al"lJ8 ry February March April May June July August Septerrber October Noverrber Decerrber Monthly Non-Req- MONTHLY PEAK: ui rements Sales - -------- - - - - - -- - -- --- -------- --- -- --- --- -- - -- --- -- --- -- - - - -- For Resale & Megawatts Day of Hour Associated Losses (See Instructions 4) Month(c) (d) (e) (1) 161 096 159 268 185,311 122,525 161 836 102 660 84,049 95 , 099 236 785 232,937 251 881 158,752 2103 1861 1694 1703 1667 1883 2125 2034 1899 1684 1656 1878 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM 1 PM 4 PM 5 PM 7 PM 8 AM 8 AM 8 AM TOTAL 235 992 -- -- --- -- - -- --------- - - ---- - -- --- -- ---- 952 199 --- --------------------- --- -- --- -- - -- --- ----- --- --- -- - -- -- - -- --- --- -- --- --- -- _e. --- - - --- --- -------- -- --- - - - - -. -- --- - - --- -- -- - -- FERC FORM NO.1 (REVISED 12-90)Page 401 -- - -- - - - - - --- ----- ------- _e. ---- -- .--- -- - - ------- --. - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - --- -- ------ -- --- - - -- -- - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -. -.... Revised Name of Respondent This Report is: Date of Report Year of Report(1) ( J An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) IDAHO POolER COMPANY (2) (XJ A Resubmission Dec. 31 , 1990 - - - - - - - -. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. ELECTRIC ENERG~ ACCOUNT --- ----- .---- ------- -------- ------.- - -- -- ------ ---- - - - -- - - - - -. - - - -- - - -- - ------ -------- -. - - - --- ----- --- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- Report below the information called for concerning the disposition of electric energy generated, purchased, exchanged and wheeled during the year. - - - - -. - -.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -. -. ~~ I I ~er: I Megaw thours I L~::e. I I er: I Megaw ~~~hour. - - - - - --- - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. SOJRCES OF ENERGY Generation (Excluding Station Use):Steam................ ....... . .. ....... Nuclear...............................Hydro-Conventional............,........ Hydro-Pumped Storage................... Other. . . .... .. ....... . . . . . .. . .. , . . ... Less Energy for pumping......,.... Net Generation (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 8)..............10 Purchases.... ... ..................... ... 11 Power Exchanges:12 Received. ... ...... .... .......... ....... 13 Delivered.............................14 Net Exchanges(Line 12 minus line 13)..15 Transmi ssi on For Other (~heel ing)16 Received17 Del ivered18 Net Transmission for Other (Line 16 minus line 17)............. 19 Transmission by Others Losses20 TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 9 10, 14, 18 and 19)............... 956 357 DISPOSITION OF ENERGY Sales to Ultimate Consumers (Includ- ing Interdepartmental Sales)..,.... Requirements Sales for Resale (See instNCtion 4 , page 311. )...... Non-Requirements Sales for Resale (See instNCtion 4, page 311. )..... Energy Furni shed ~i thout Charge...... Energy Used by the Corrpany (Electric Department Only, Excluding Station Use).. ................. .........,... Total Energy Losses TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 22 through 27) (MUST EQUAL LINE 20)002 539 085 609 139 331,108 854 615 731,678 Included Inenergy lossa. ----- - - - - - - - - - - - -- 12,065 826 926 069 333,222 322 578 ()l,2,91S - - - - -- -. u --- eo ----- - -- - - -- - -- - -- 1 0 , 6/.1, 562 228 562,228 ----- -- -- - - -- -. --- 11,002,539 ---------- -.------- -------- --- - -- -- --- - ------------ ---- -- - - - -- - -- --------- ------ -.- ---- -- - -- - ------- - ---- - - - - -- - - --- -------- --- MONTHL Y PEAKS AND OUTPUT - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- ,. If the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physically integrated , furnish the required ;nformat ion for each non- integrated system. 2. Report in column (b) the system s energy output for each month such that the total on line 1,1 matches the total on line 20. 3. Report in column (c) a monthly breakdown of the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale reported on line 21,. Include in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales so that the total on line 41 exceeds the amount on line 21, by the amount of losses incurred (or estimated) in making the Non-Requirements Sales For Resale- 4. Report in column (d) the system s monthly maximum megawatt load (60-minute integration) associated with the net energy for the system defined as the difference between columns (b) and (c). NAME OF SYSTEM: 5. Report in column (e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). -- - - --- -- ------ --------- - ----- - ---- --- ---.--------- -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - --------- --.- -- -- ---- - -- -----~- -- --- - - - - --. - - ----- ------- IDAHO P~ER COMPANY - SYSTEM LOAD -- - -- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Toul Monthly Non-Req-MONTHLY PEAK Line Monthly uirements Sales - - - - -------- - -- -- - - -- -- -- - - ----- --- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- --- Month Energy For Resale &Megawatts Day of Hour No.Associ ated Losses (See Instruct i ons 4)Month (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f) ----- ---- --- -- - -- - ------ - - -- -- --- - .-- -- -- ------ ---- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -. -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- --- January 216 763 199 1,58 1 , 81.8 8 AM February 028 523 124 696 908 8 AM March 028 170 147 788 701 8 AM April 980 061 153 51,2 8 AM May 145 350 91,11,9 71,7 10 AM JLne 267 1,71 180,500 168 7 PM July 363 220 86,835 11,0 7 PM August 26/.()l,1 105,088 127 I, Septenber 185 ""9 181 137 7 PM October 176 055 257 790 593 8 AM Novenber 033 162 128 488 722 8 AM Decenber 311,274 150 596 165 '10 AM - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---------- -- -- -- - --- TOTAL 11,002,539 731,678 FERC FORM NO.1 (REVI SED 12-90) ----------- -. -- - -- --------- --- - -- --- - - -- ------------- - -- -- - -- - - -- - - --- - ----- - -- - ------- --- - - -- - -------- --- - - - - - - - -- - -------- --- Page 401 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC-O3- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST FEA TT A CHMENT TO RESPO NSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA-6(b) :- ' Sc h e d u l e 1 Sc h e d u l e 7 Sc h e d u l e 9 Sc h e d u l e 1 9 Sc h e d u l e 2 4 (I n - Se a s o n ) mb . 8/ 2 7 1 8 . . RA T E S U M . XL S ID A H O P O W E R C O M P A N Y SU M M A R Y O F C H A R G E S A N D B A S I S F O R R A T E S ME T E R E D S C H E D U L E S Ch a m e Se c o n d a r y Bi1 I Ba s i s Pr i m a r y Ba s i s Tr a n s m i s s i o n Ra t e Ba s i s Cu s t o m e r 15 % o f c a s En e r g y 05 0 2 1 1 Re s i d u a l Cu s t o m e r 15 % o f c a s En e r g y 06 0 1 4 6 Re s i d u a l Cu s t o m e r 15 % o f c a s 85 . R1 9 P 85 . R1 9 T Ba s i c Eq u a l t o ca s R1 9 P R1 9 T De m a n d R1 9 S R1 9 P R1 9 T En e r g y 02 6 1 5 5 Re s i d u a l 02 1 4 9 0 R1 9 P + 5 % 02 1 0 1 1 R9 P - l o s s e s Cu s t o m e r R9 S 85 . 30 % o f c a s 85 . R1 9 P Ba s i c R9 S Eq u a l t o ca s Eq u a l t o ca s De m a n d R1 9 P + l o s s e s Re s i d u a l R 1 9 P - l o s s e s En e r g y 02 4 9 1 3 R9 S - 4 . 75 % 02 0 4 6 7 No C h a n g e 02 0 0 1 1 R1 9 P - l o s s e s Cu s t o m e r 10 . 15 % o f c a s nl a 85 , R1 9 T Ba s i c 8% o f R e v . Re Q , nl a % o f R 2 4 S D m d De m a n d R1 9 S nl a R1 9 T En e r g y 02 8 3 9 7 Re s i d u a l nl a 02 6 9 8 8 R2 4 S - l o s s e s Bi . a EX H I B I T N O . 3 9 CA S E N O . I P C - 94 - M. B R I L l . t P C O PA G E 1 O F Ge n e r a t i o n L e v e l Tr a n s m i s s i o n St a t i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n P r i m a r y Al l O t h e r Ge n e r a t i o n L e v e l Tr a n s m i s s i o n St a t i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n P r i m a r y Al l O t h e r mb . 8/ 2 7 / 8 4 . RS R T C O M P . XL S Sc h e d u l e 9 Bi l l i n g C o m p o n e n t C h a r g e s C a l c u l a t i o n Ca l c u l a t i o n o f S e r v i c e L e v e l E n e r g y C h a r g e s Lo s s e s En e r g y % C h a n g e En e r g y $ 00 0 04 7 1. 0 4 7 04 4 8 9 0 02 0 8 9 1 05 3 05 3 00 5 6 9 8 02 1 0 1 1 07 7 07 7 02 2 2 8 4 02 1 4 9 0 10 8 10 8 02 7 9 7 8 02 6 1 5 5 Ca l c u l a t i o n o f S e r v i c e L e l l e l D e m a n d C h a r g e s 05 3 06 7 10 1 13 3 00 0 05 3 06 7 10 1 13 3 05 0 3 3 2 01 3 1 2 1 03 0 8 8 1 02 8 2 4 4 Pa g e 3 Ge n e r a t i o n L e v e l Tr a n s m i s s i o n St a t i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n P r i m a r y Al l O t h e r Ge n e r a t i o n L e v e l Tr a n s m i s s i o n St a t i o n Di s t r i b u t i o n P r i m a r y Al l O t h e r mb . 8/ 2 4 / 8 4 . R1 8 P R I C P . XL S Sc h e d u l e 1 9 Bi l l i n g C o m p o n e n t C h a r g e s C a l c u l a t i o n Ca l c u l a t i o n o f S e r v i c e L e v e l E n e r g y C h a r g e s Lo s s e s En e r g y % C h a n g e 00 0 04 7 04 7 04 4 8 9 0 05 3 05 3 00 5 6 9 8 07 7 07 7 02 2 2 8 4 10 8 10 8 02 7 9 7 8 Ca l c u l a t i o n o f S e r v o e e L e v e l D e m a n d C h a r g e s 05 3 06 7 10 1 13 3 00 0 05 3 06 7 1. 1 0 1 13 3 05 0 3 3 2 01 3 1 2 1 03 0 8 8 1 02 8 2 4 4 En e r g y $ 01 9 8 9 7 02 0 0 1 1 02 0 4 6 7 02 1 0 4 0 Pa g e 2 IDAHO POWER COMPANY CASE NO. IPC- E-O3- FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST FEA TT A CHMENT TO RESPO NSE TO REQUEST NO. FEA-6(c) Idaho Power Company Average System Loss Coefficients Typical Peak Demand Coefficients 1985 1986 1987 2001 Average old average System Level Transmission Distribution Station Distribution Primary Distribution Secondary 050 063 104 139 061 072 099 128 059 066 100 131 050 058 095 123 055 065 100 130 057 067 101 133 Annual Energy Coefficients 1985 1986 1987 2001 Average System Level Transmission 041 038 046 040 041 041 Distribution Station 052 049 053 048 051 051 Distribution Primary 079 066 078 070 073 074 Distribution Secondary 110 093 115 111 107 106 . Distribution Secondary includes distribution line transformers DLS 5/30/03 Exchange In Utility Purchases PS Generation Utility Purchases PS Generation Utility Purchases PS Generation 564 954 168,337 13,251 969 277,579 515 Figure 1: Idaho Power Company 2001 Energy Loss Coefficients Diagram Values in MWh Transmission System Input =16,985,260 Losses =657,609 Output -327,651 Loss Coefficient =0403 13,432 375 To Distribution Distribution Stations Input 13,432 375 Losses =102 178 Output =13,330,197 Loss Coefficient =0077 11,575,000 To Distribution Prim Distribution Primary Input 860 094 Losses =254 222 Outout =605,872 Loss Coefficient =0219 033,111 To Distribution Sec Distribution Secondarv Input =033 111 Losses =330 044 Output =703,067 Loss Coefficient =0379 Exchange In = Utility Purchases = PS Generation = Total Input = Exchange Out = HV Sales = Station Sales = Dist. Secondary Sales = Total Output = Total Losses = Totals 564 954 3,445 916 13,259,484 17,270 354 508,070 387 206 755,197 275 828 15,926,301 344,053 508,070 Exchange Out 387,206 HV Sales 691 711 Direct Station Sales 63,486 Irrigation Sales ary 572,761 Direct Sales ondary 703,067 Distribution Sales Exchange In Utility Purchases PS Generation Utility Purchases PS Generation Utility Purchases PS Generation 430. 363. 556. Figure 2: Idaho Power Company 2001 Typical Peak Loss Coefficients Values in MW Transmission System Input 349. Losses =112. ..... Output -237. Loss Coefficient =0504 161.9 To Distribution Distribution Stations Input -161.9 Losses =16. ..... Output =145. Loss Coefficient =0075 042.3 To Distribution Prima Distribution Primary Input -067. --. Losses =70.4 Output =996. Loss Coefficient =0353 996.9 To Distribution Seco Distribution Secondary Input =996. , Losses =50. Output =946. Loss Coefficient =0261 25. Totals Exchange In = 430. Utility Purchases = 388. PS Generation = 556. Total Input = 2 374. Exchange Out = 0. HV Sales = 75.4 Station Sales = 103. Dist. Secondary Sales = 946. Total Output = 2,125. Total Losses = 249. 0 Exchange Out 75.4 HV Sales 92.7 Direct Station Sales 10.8 Irrigation Sales 0 Direct Sales ndary 946.1 Distribution Sales