HomeMy WebLinkAbout200311192nd Response Attachment 24 & 31.pdfTT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 24 ID A H O P O W . . , C O M P A N Y OT H E R D E F E R R E D P R O G R A M S A N D P R E P A Y M E N T S At D e c e m b e r 3 1 . 2 0 0 3 FO R E C A " Fo r e c a s t us t Oc t o b e r No v e m b e r De c e m b e r Am o u n t $3 5 . 71 2 $3 3 . 72 8 $3 1 . 74 4 $2 9 . 76 0 $2 7 77 6 $2 5 . 79 2 $2 5 , 79 2 82 2 . 30 2 75 9 , 46 4 69 6 , 62 6 63 3 . 78 8 57 0 , 95 0 50 8 , 11 2 50 8 , 11 2 81 7 , 20 0 77 1 , 80 0 72 6 , 40 0 68 1 . 00 0 63 5 , 60 0 59 0 , 20 0 59 0 , 20 0 55 7 33 1 52 6 , 37 2 49 5 , 41 3 46 4 . 45 4 43 3 , 49 5 40 2 , 53 6 40 2 , 53 6 35 0 , 06 7 34 4 . 85 4 1. 3 3 9 . 64 2 1. 3 3 4 , 42 9 1. 3 2 9 , 21 6 32 4 , 00 4 32 4 , 00 4 18 , 26 4 14 . 61 1 10 , 95 8 30 6 65 3 $4 . 60 0 , 87 6 $4 , 45 0 , 82 9 j $ 4 . 30 0 , 78 3 $4 , 15 0 73 7 $J . . , O O i L 6 9 0 $:1 . , 85 0 . 64 4 -. i 3 , 82 Q . . . 6 4 4 Ac t u a l Ja n u a ~ Fe b r u a r y Ma r c b Ap r i l Ma y Ju n e Li n e Pr o g r a m Ot h e r D e f e r r e d P r o g r a m s , $3 7 69 6 $3 9 , 68 0 $4 1 . 66 4 $4 3 , 64 8 $4 5 , 63 2 $4 7 , 61 6 Ph o t o v o 1 t a i c S t a r t - Up . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 88 5 . 14 0 1. 9 4 7 . 97 8 01 0 . 81 6 07 3 , 65 4 13 6 . 49 2 19 9 , 33 0 Re o r g a n i z a t i o n C o s t s . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 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Staff also recommended an increase in rate base for accumulated costs associated with IPCo s Pilot Photovoltaic Program, IPCo proposed a three-year amortization period, but the Commission previously prescribed a ten-year amortization period in Order No, 24473, issued September 4, 1992 in Case No, IPC-92-17, IPCo in rebuttal recognized the previously ordered ten-year amortization period, but recommended a change to a three-year period to reduce the administrative burden of the longer amortization period. Tr, p, 2794. C'". ,:--.. We find the ten-year amortization period is appropriate in this case, as it is consistent with the previous order of the Commission. 'This adjustment for accumulated photovoltaic expense increases rate base and reduces expenses by $66,222. 3. ConservaJion Program Expenses. A, Accumulated ExDenses,Staff and intervenors recommended changes to IPCo accounting treatment of Demand Side Management (DSM) or conservation programs. IPCo has accumulated $21,213,694 of expenses for DSM programs since 1989, Exhibit No, 13, p, 25, DSM programs include Low Income Weatherization Assistance, Good Cents, Design Excellence Assistance, and Zero Interest Weatherization, IPCo and other utilities have been strongly encouraged by the Commission to aggressively pursue DSM programs to alleviate pressure that energy demands create to construct new generating facilities, See, e,g" Order No, 22299, Before commencing the individual programs, IPCo requested and obtained authorization from the Commission to implement each program, One adjustment to account for accrued DSM expenses was not disputed by IPCo, its initial exhibits, IPCo apparently inadvertently eliminated $1.954 204, the amount for _on - , ORDER NO. 25880 15- Idaho Power Company Account Reconciliatio n Summary of Reorganization Costs - Accounts # 182315, 182316 & 182317 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2002 $ 2 262 168.48 Jan Amort 1/31/2003 838.199,330.42 Feb Amort 2/28/2003 838.136,492. Mar Amort 3/31/2003 838,073,654. Apr Amort 4/30/2003 838.010,816. May Amort 5/31/2003 62,838.947 978. Ju Amort 6/30/2003 838.885,140. July Amort 7/31/2003 838.822 302. Aug Amort 8/31/2003 838.759,464. Sept Amort 9/30/2003 838.696,625. Oct Amort 10/31/2003 62,838.633,787, Nov Amort 11/30/2003 838.570,949. Dec Amort 12/31/2003 838.508,111. Ending Balance 12/31/2003 $ 1 508,111. Total 2003 Reog Costs Idaho Power Company i;, Account Reconciliation . o'I', Other Regulatory Assets-1995 Reorganization - Account # 182315 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 730,818, Jan Amort 1/31/2001 010039 28,846.701 971. Feb Amort 2/28/2001 020039 28,846,673,124. Mar Amort 3/31/2001 030039 28,846,644 277. Apr Amort 4/30/2001 040039 28,846,615,430. May Amort 5/31/2001 050039 28,846,586,583. Ju Amort 6/30/2001 060039 28,846.557 736. July Amort 7/31/2001 070039 28,846.528,889, Aug Amort 8/31/2001 080039 28,846,500,042. Sept Amort 9/30/2001 090039 28,846.1,471,195. Oct Amort 10/31/2001 00039 28,846.1,442 349. Nov Amort 11/30/2001 11 0039 28,846,1 ,413,502. Dec Amort 12/31/2001 120039 28,846.384 655, Ending Balance 12/31/2001 384 655. Jan Amort 1/31/2002 010039 28,846.355,808. Feb Amort 2/28/2002 020039 28,846.326,961. Mar Amort 3/31/2002 030039 28,846,1 ,298,114, Apr Amort 4/30/2002 040039 28,846.269,267. May Amort 5/31/2002 050039 28,846,240,420. Ju Amort 6/30/2002 060039 28,846.211 573. July Amort 7/31/2002 070039 28,846.182 726. Aug Amort 8/31/2002 080039 28,846.153,879. Sept Amort 9/30/2002 090039 28,846.125,032. Oct Amort 10/31/2002 100039 28,846.096 185. Nov Amort 11/30/2002 110039 28,846.067,338. Dee Amort 12/31/2002 120039 28,846.038,491. Ending Balance 12/31/2002 038,491. Jan Amort 1/31/2003 010039 28,846.009,644. Feb Amort 2/28/2003 020039 28,846,980,797. Mar Amort 3/31/2003 030039 28,846.951 950. Apr Amort 4/30/2003 040039 28,846,923,103. May Amort 5/31/2003 050039 28,846.894 256. Ju Amort 6/30/2003 060039 28,846.865,409.40 July Amort 7/31/2003 070039 28,846,836,562.42 Aug Amort 8/31/2003 080039 28,846.807,715.44 Sept Amort 9/30/2003 090039 28,846.778,868. Oct Amort 10/31/2003 100039 28,846,750,021.48 Nov Amort 11/30/2003 110039 28,846,721 174. Dee Amort 12/31/2003 120039 28,846,692 327. Ending Balance 12/31/2003 692,327. Idaho Power Company Account Reconciliation Other Regulatory Assets-1996 Reorganization - Account # 182316 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 $ 1,418,519. Jan Amort 1/31/2001 010039 23,625.394 894, Feb Amort 2/28/2001 020039 23,625.371 268. Mar Amort 3/31/2001 030039 23,625.347,643.49 Apr Amort 4/30/2001 040039 23,625.324 018. May Amort 5/31/2001 050039 23,625.300 392, Ju Amort 6/30/2001 060039 23,625.276,767. July Amort 7/31/2001 070039 23,625.253,141. Aug Amort 8/31/2001 080039 23,625.229,516. Sept Amort 9/30/2001 090039 23,625.205,891, Oct Amort 10/31/2001 1 00039 24,621,181 269, Nov Amort 11/30/2001 110039 23,625,157 644. Dec Amort 12/31 /2001 120039 23,625,1 J 134 019. Ending Balance 12/31/2001 $ 1 134 019. Jan Amort 1/31/2002 010039 23,625.110,393, Feb Amort 2/28/2002 020039 23,625.086,768, Mar Amort 3/31/2002 030039 23,625.063,142, Apr Amort 4/30/2002 040039 23,625.039,517.46 May Amort 5/31/2002 050039 23,625,015,892. Ju Amort 6/30/2002 060039 23,625.992 266, July Amort 7/31/2002 070039 23,625.968,641. .;...c.-."Aug Amort 8/31/2002 080039 23,625,945,015. Sept Amort 9/30/2002 090039 23,625.921 390. Oct Amort 10/31/2002 00039 23,625.897,765:12 Nov Amort 11/30/2002 110039 23,625,874 139. Dee Amort 12/31/2002 120039 23,625,850,514. Ending Balance 12/31/2002 850,514. Jan Amort 1/31/2003 010039 23,625.826,888. Feb Amort 2/28/2003 020039 23,625.803,263. Mar Amort 3/31/2003 030039 23,625.779,638, Apr Amort 4/30/2003 040039 23,625.756,012. May Amort 5/31/2003 050039 23,625,732 387. Ju Amort 6/30/2003 060039 23,625.708,762. July Amort 7/31/2003 070039 23,625,685,136. Aug Amort 8/31/2003 080039 23,625,661 511, Sept Amort 9/30/2003 090039 23,625.637 885. Oct Amort 10/31/2003 100039 23,625,614 260.44 Nov Amort 11/30/2003 110039 23,625.590,635. Dec Amort 12/31/2003 120039 23,625.567 009, Ending Balance 12/31/2003 567,009. Idaho Power Company Account Reconciliation Other Regulatory Assets-1997 Reorganization - Account # 182317 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 621 939.42 Jan Amort 1/31/2001 010039 10,365.611 573, Feb Amort 2/28/2001 020039 10,365.601 208. Mar Amort 3/31/2001 030039 10,365.590,842. Apr Amort 4/30/2001 040039 10,365,580,476. May Amort 5/31/2001 050039 10,365.570,110. Ju Amort 6/30/2001 060039 10,365.559,745. July Amort 7/31/2001 070039 10,365.549,379. Aug Amort 8/31/2001 080039 10,365.539,013. Sept Amort 9/30/2001 090039 10,365.528,648. Oct Amort 10/31/2001 100039 10,365.518,282. Nov Amort 11/30/2001 110039 365.507 916. Dec Amort 12/31/2001 120039 10,365.497 551. Ending Balance 12/31/2001 497 551. Jan Amort 1/31/2002 010039 10,365.487,185.45 Feb Amort 2/28/2002 020039 10,365,476,819. Mar Amort 3/31/2002 030039 10,365,466,454. Apr Amort 4/30/2002 040039 10,365.456,088, May Amort 5/31/2002 050039 10,365.445,722. Ju Amort 6/30/2002 060039 10,365.435,357. July Amort 7/31/2002 070039 10,365.424 991. Aug Amort 8/31/2002 080039 10,365.414 625. Sept Amort 9/30/2002 090039 10,365.404,259. Oct Amort 10/31/2002 100039 365.393,894. Nov Amort 11/30/2002 110039 10,365.383,528. Dec Amort 12/31/2002 120039 10,365.373,162. Ending Balance 12/31/2002 373,162. Jan Amort 1/31/2003 010039 10,365.362 797. Feb Amort 2/28/2003 020039 10,365.352,431. Mar Amort 3/31/2003 030039 10,365.342 065, Apr Amort 4/30/2003 040039 10,365.331 700. May Amort 5/31/2003 050039 10,365.321 334.41 Ju Amort 6/30/2003 060039 10,365.310,968. July Amort 7/31/2003 070039 10,365.300,603. Aug Amort 8/31/2003 080039 10,365.290,237, Sept Amort 9/30/2003 090039 365.279,871. Oct Amort 10/31/2003 100039 10,365.269,505. Nov Amort 11/30/2003 110039 10,365,259,140. Dec Amort 12/31/2003 120039 10,365.248,774. Ending Balance 12/31/2003 248,774, vuu.;c Ul Ule :Secrecarv Service Date October 20, 1995 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER TO DEFER AND AMORTIZE EXTRAORDINARY COSTS OF CORPORATE REORGANIZATION AND APPROVAL TO MODIFY AMORTIZATION METHODS FOR ACCUMULATED DEFERRED) INVESTMENT TAX CREDITS CASE NO, IPC-95- ORDER NO. 26216 BACKGRO UND On August 3, 1995, the Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power, Company) filed an . Application for an accounting order from the Commission authorizing the deferral and amortization of costs related to the reorganization of the Company and for an order approving the modification of amonizarion methods for accumulated deferred. investment tax credits (ADITC) , -=- The Company states that it has commenced a transformation process in which it intends to identify, develop and implement business processes consistent with emerging technology and the changing business environment. Primarily, the Company intends to reduce and reorganize its work force, The Company contends that. due to the adverse effect of recent drought years, it is experiencing low earnings and a deteriorating financial condition calling into question the security of the Company s dividend as well as the general perception of the Company s health by financial analysts.A::. a result. Idaho Power has filed the current Application for an accounting order to defer and amonize extraordinary costs of reorganization and for approval to modify the Company s arnonization methods for ADITc. The Company contends that, if approved, such an order will assist in dispelling any concerns about Idaho Power s health by supporting and stabilizing earnings during an uncertain period. Deferral and amortization of corporate reorganization costs Idaho Power proposes the following accounting and ratemaking treatment for costs of reorganization, The Company proposes to defer in Account 182.3, Regulatory Assets, the ORDER NO. 26216 f)3 reorganization costs incurred in 1995 , 1996 and 1997. Costs incurred by the Company for payments to consultants assisting the Company in developing the reorganization plan, consultants for employee co~eling, lump sum compensation payments for voluntary or involuntary separation, costs incurred by the Company for benefit payments and other charges related to employee separations, will be deferred, The Company proposes to defer only out-of-pocket expenses, consultant's fees, and severance costs; not those costs ofldaho Power employees who are administering the program. Idaho Power proposes to amortize the reorganization costs over a period not to exceed 10 years and three months commencing October 1 , 1995 as follows: Costs incurred in 1995 will be amortized over the period October 1, 1995 through December 31, 2005. Costs ,incurred in 1996 will be amortized over the period January 1 , 1997 through December 31 , 2005. Costs incurred in 1997 will be amortized over the period January 1 , 1998 through December 31, 2005. Rate moratorium and stability of earnings The Company originally requested that, for the years 1995 through 1998, whenever Idaho Power s actual total system earned return on year-end common equity falls below 11.5% the Company would be permitted to modify its amortization methods (Le" accelerate the amortization) for state and federal ADITC by debiting Account 255 (ADITC) and crediting Account 420 , (Investment Tax Credits-amounts not passed on to customers), in an amount that would result in the Company earning on an actual basis an 11.5% return on common equity. The Company states that in computing its actual system earnings, it would include FERC jurisdictional revenues and expenses, In the event the Company s return on equity for any year during the period 1995 through 1998 rises above 11.5%, Idaho Power originally proposed that it would not utilize any accelerated amortization of state or federal ADITC, Instead, the Company would continue to amortize ADITC to operating income as it has in the past Idaho Power originally proposed that if the Commission authorizes the utilization of accelerated amortization of ADITC as set forth in the Application, then Idaho Power would not ORDER NO, 26216 file a general rate application prior to January I , 1999, recognizing that the Commission normally utilizes six months after the filing before granting any general rate relief. Idaho Power s rate moratorium would. by necessity, exclude any new charges imposed by state or federal legislation such as municipal franchise fees, tax rate changes or other new significant costs imposed upon the Company which are outside its control. The Company also proposed an exception for any applications it might file concerning pre-funding measures such as demand side management programs,Additionally, the Company proposed to continue the annual rate adjustments associated with its power cost adjustment mechanism (PCA), Settlement stipulation Subsequent to the filing ofIdaho Power s Application, the Company, the Commission Staff and various interested parties entered into settlement negotiations pursuant to notice and pursuant to Rules 271-277 of the Commission Rules of Procedure (IDAPA 31.01.01), agreement was ultimately reached and a Settlement Stipulation was executed prior to hearing by the following parnes: Idaho Power, Commission Staff, US Department of Energy, FMC Corporation, Commercial Utility Customers, Micron Technology and .the Idaho Irdgation Pumpers Association, Inc. The Stipulation, attached to this Order as Exhibit "" was presented to the Commission for its consideration at the hearing conducted in this case on October 10 1995. The terms of the Stipulation are as follows.First, the parties agree, without modification, to the defeITal, amortization and accounting treatment of corporation reorganization costs proposed by Idaho Power in its Application and described above, The parties further agree that ~uring any year from 1995 to 1999 , inclusive, if the Company s earnings, on an actual basis, represent a return on year-end common equity of less than 11., then Idaho Power would be pennitted to amortize an additional amount of ADITC necessary to increase earnings such that they will represent a return of 11.5%, Idaho Power right to accelerate the amortization of ADITC, however, is limited to a total of $30 mi11!on for the years 1995-1999. With respect to Idaho Power s proposed rate moratorium, the parties agree that the Company s base rates will not be changed prior to January I, 2000 (the "moratorium ) as opposed to Idaho Power s original proposal of January I, 1999. Pursuant to the Stipulation, the ORDER NO. 26216 moratorium does not affect the Company s PCA mechanism nor does it prohibit any party trom instituting a tracker proceeding in the event of significant changes in local, state and federal taxes or franchise fees, In addition, the moratorium does not apply to the following three exceptions: (l) a legislatively imposed surcharge for hydro relic ensing, (2) an application by Idaho Power or any other party, requesting changes in the manner in which demand side management charges are recovered and. (3) the recovery by Idaho Power of costs related to catastrophic events which are outside the control of the Company. The stipulation also provides for an earnings cap, Earnings shall be calculated based on the Company s actual year end results of operations which include the results of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FER~) jurisdiction wholesale operations. Earnings do not include the results of operations from the Company s Nevada or Oregon jurisdictions with their associated FERC allocations. Idaho Power has agreed that for the years 1995 through 1999, the Company will make a formal filing, for review by all parties, of its calculations of earnings along with supporting workpapers, with the Commission by the first day of April of the following year, In the event the Company s actual earnings for a preceding year exceed an 11.75% retUrn on year end common equity, the Company shall refund 50% of the excess commencing on May 15th of each year, in conjunction with its PCA rate adjustment. Any such refund shall be made on a uniform percentage basis. to each customer class, Furthermore, with the exception of FMC Corporation, refunds shall be allocated within each rate schedule that has a separate demand and energy charge, solely on the energy component. The parties have agreed that FMC may, in its discretion, elect to have the refund anocated either to demand or energy or both and shall notify the Company accordingly. The Stipulation further provides that Idaho Power s quality of service will not diminish either as a result of the corporate reorganization at issue in this proceeding or as a result of the Settlement Stipulation. Finally, the Stipulation specifically states that it shall not prevent any party from initiating and pursuing before the Commission any proceeding that is revenue neutral to the Company as a whole, In addition, Idaho Power is not relieved of its obligation to conduct a cost- of-service study as directed by the Commission in Order No, 25880 issued in Case No, IPC-94- ORDER NO. 26216 4 . FINDINGS Initially, we note that no party opposed the Stipulation executed in this case. The Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (ICIP) declined to sign the Stipulation due to concern for allowing an exception to the rate moratorium in the event legislation is passed imposing a surcharge for FERC hydro relicensing costs, Nonetheless, the IClP expressed its general support for the Stipulation, Deferral and amortization of corporate reorganization costs Few disagree that the electric utility industry is currently undergoing significant transfonnation. What is less certain is precisely how those changes taking place will affect utilities such as Idaho Power and . its ratepayers, Idaho Power s ratepayers have long enjoyed some of the lowest rates in the nation while receiving quality service. Idaho Power s ability to continue providing quality service at low rates will depend upon a number of factors including whether the Company remains financially healthy in an increasingly competitive market, This Commission has historically supported the notion that Idaho s utility customers are best served by utilities that arc financially sound. Idaho Power is currently in a situation in --". which it must make very difficult decisions concerning the management of the Company and actions necessary to remain healthy in an increasingly competitive market.Allowing the Company to defer and amortize costs related to efforts taken to ensure financial health and via~ility will ultimately work to the benefit of Idaho Power s ratepayers in the fonn of lower rates. We fmd that the corporate reorganization appears likely to further that end, We further fmd that the Company s proposed accounting treatment is consistent with the principle of matching costs with associated benefits; the benefits in this case consisting of reduced costs attributable to the corporate reorganization, Because the reorganization will take place over a number of years, we fmd that it is reasonable to all~w the Company to defer and amortize those costs over a time period that appears to be concurrent with the benefits realized. Rate moratorium and earnings stability Much has been said regarding the possible benefits of increased competition within the electric utility industry, The changes taking place within the industry, however, also bring uncertainty regarding stranded investment and rate instability, We believe that the most desirable ORDER NO, 26216 aspect of the Settlement Stipulation is the fact that it will continue to provide Idaho Power ratepayers with rate stability and low rates over a relatively long period, especially considering the uncenainty of the times, Idaho Power benefits, of course, by the ability to maintain earnings at a reasonable level during the reorganization process through its right to accelerate the amortization of ADITC as set forth in the Stipulation. While the 11,75% earnings cap may seem significantly higher than the authorized renlIn on equity adopted by this Commission for Idaho Power in Case No. IPC-94-, we note that Idaho Power has agreed to include in its calculation of earnings for the purposes of the Stipulation. the operations of its FERC jurisdiction wholesale operations which increases earnings significantly, In addition, the 50% sharing of earnings provision will ensure that Idaho Power earnings do not become excessive and that ratepayers share the benefits should the Company enjoy higher earnings, In short, we find that the rate moratorium and earnings stability structured by the parties in the Settlement Stipulation are fair, just and reasonable and in the best interest of Idaho Power s ratepayers, In adopting the Settlement Stipulation, we wish to emphasize several points. First, lew rates and rate instability are less meaningful if Idaho Power s ratepayers do not receive quality service. The Staff is directed to monitor the nu:nber of complaints received from Idaho Power s customers during the course of the rate moratorium to determine whether the corporate reorganization has had a deleterious effect on quality of service. Next, we hereby infonn the Company that any attempts by Idaho Power to increase base rates through one of the exceptions provided in Section IV CD) of the Settlement Stipulation shall be rigorously scrutinized. As stated, the primary benefits of the Stipulation, from the viewpoint of ratepayers, are low rates and rate stability. We intend to hold the Company to the assurances provided in the Stipulation in this regard. We further note that Section III of the Stipulation provides that "(t)o the extent that the Application and its accompanying testimony and exhibits conflict with the tenns of (the) Settlement Stipulation, the tenns of the Settlement Stipulation shall prevail." Finally, an issue was raised during the course of the hearing regarding legislation that may be proposed by Idaho Power that would allow the Company to collect a surcharge from its ratepayers to fund the costs of relicensing its hydroelectric facilities, Our acceptance of the Settlement Stipulation is expressly conditioned upon the understanding that no patty, including ORDER NO, 26216 signatories to the Stipulation as well as the Commission itself, shall be prohibited from opposing or taking any particular position. in any forum, with respect to such legislation by virtue of the Settlement Stipulation or this Order, Our approval of the Settlement Stipulation is not an indication of support for the concept of legislation as described above, ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Settlement Stipulation. attached hereto as Exhibit " is approved subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Order, Specifically, we authorize and direct Idaho Power to do the following: A. Continue amortizing ADITC using the same method employed immediately prior to issuance of this Order. B, In the event that, during any year from 1995 to 1999, inclusive, the Company earnings, on an actual basis, represent a return on year-end common equity of less than 11, Idaho Power will be permitted to amortize an additional amount of ADITC (the "additional amount") necessary to increase earnings to 11.5%. C. The additional amount of ADITC shall be amortized to Account 420; Invesnnent Tax Credits-amounts not passed on to customers, and only to that account. Account 420 will only be reflected in non-operating earnings. The additional amount of ADlTC will affect earnings but shall not be reflected in operating income for ratemaking purposes. D. In no event shall the aggregate additional amounts of ADITC ~ortized during the period 1995 to 1999, inclusive, exceed $30 million. E, In no event shall any additional amounts of ADITC previously amortized pursuant to this Order be reflected in operating results on the Company s regulated books of account, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company is prohibited from amortizing any additional amount of ADITC prior to the receipt by it of a favorable private letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service and/or a declaratory ruling from the Idaho State Tax Commission indicating that such amortization on the terms and conditions set forth herein will not violate the normalization rules of the Internal Revenue and/or Idaho Code. The Company is directed to proceed as expeditiously as possible to secure such a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service and/or a declaratory ruling from the Idaho State Tax Commission. ORDER NO, 26216 THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order (or in issues finally decided by this Order) or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. IPC-95- may petition for rec:onsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order or in interlocutory Orders previously issued in this Case No. IPC-95-11, Within, seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See Idaho 'Code ~ 61-626, DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this .,;(0 U- day of October 1995, 0J RALPH NELSON. PRESIDENT Commissioner Smith was out of the office on this date. MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ..:..--.::..~~~ NNIS S, HANSEN. COMMISSIONER ATIEST: (l~#1-~ Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary vldiO-IPC-9S-11.bp ORDER NO. 26216 flrS Ibff ~daho Power Company ~ccount Reconciliation Summary of Post Retirement Benefits - Accounts # 182311, 182312 & 18~313 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2002 $1 ,135,000. Jan Amort 1/31/2003 45,400.089,600. Feb Amort 2/28/2003 45,400.1 ,044,200. Mar Amort 3/.31/2003 45,400.998,800. Apr Amort 4/30/2003 45,400.953,400. May Amort 5/31/2003 45,400.908,000, Ju Amort 6/30/2003 45,400.862,600. July Amort 7/31/2003 45,400.817,200. Aug Amort 8/31/2003 45,400,771,800. Sept Amort 9/30/2003 45,400.726,400. Oct Amort 10/31/2003 45,400.681 000. Nov Amort 11/30/2003 45,400.635,600, Dec Amort 12/31/2003 45,400.590,200. Ending Balance 12/31/2003 590,200, Account #182311 Sum Total Acct DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Descr Amount 182311 Balance 182311 2003-01-01 0072 SFAS 106 POST RETIREMENT 10,100.242,400, 182311 2003-02-020072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.232 300, 182311 2003-02-020072 72A SFAS106POSTRETIRE 10,100,242,400. 182311 2003-02-020072 728 SFAS106POSTRETIRE 10,100.232 300, 182311 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ SFAS 106 10,100,222 200, 182311 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ 2 SF AS 106 10,100,212 100, 182311 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.222 200. 182311 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT A 222,200. 182311 2003-04-040072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.212 100. 182311 2003-05-050072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.202 000. 182311 2003-06-060072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.191 900. 182311 2003-07-070072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.181 800. 182311 2003-08-080072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100,171,700, 182311 2003-09-090072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.161 600. 182311 2003-10-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100,151 500. 2003-11-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100,141,400. 2003-12-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100.131 300. Account #182312 Sum Total Acct DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Descr Amount 182312 Balance 182312 2003-01-010072 SFAS 106 POST RETIREMENT 27,900,669,600, 182312 2003-02-020072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.641 700, 182312 2003-02-020072 72A SFAS106POSTRETIRE 27,900,669,600. 182312 2003-02-020072 728 SFAS1 06POSTRETIRE 900,641 700. 182312 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ SF AS 106 900.613,800. 182312 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ 2 SF AS 1 06 27,900.585 900. 182312 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.613,800. 182312 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT A 613,800. 182312 2003-04-040072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.585 900. 182312 2003-05-050072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.558,000. 182312 2003-06-060072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.530,100. 182312 2003-07-070072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900,502,200. 182312 2003-08-080072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 27,900,474 300. 182312 2003-09-090072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.446,400. 182312 2003-10-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 27,900.418,500. 182312 2003-11-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.390,600. 182312 2003-12-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900.362 700. Account #182313 Sum Total Acct DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Descr Amount 182313 Balance 182313 2003-01-010072 SFAS 106 POST RETIREMENT 7,400,177 600. 182313 2003-02-020072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.170,200. 182313 2003-02-020072 72A SFAS106POSTRETIRE 7,400.177,600, 182313 2003-02-020072 72B SFAS106POSTRETIRE 7,400,170,200, 182313 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ SFAS 106 7,400,162 800. 182313 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ 2 SFAS 106 7,400,155,400, 182313 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.162 800. 182313 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT A 162,800. 182313 2003-04-040072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.155,400. 182313 2003-05-050072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.148,000. 182313 2003-06-060072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.140,600. 182313 2003-07-070072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400,133,200. 182313 2003-08-080072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.125,800. 182313 2003-09-090072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.118,400. 182313 2003-10-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.111 000. 182313 2003-11-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.103,600. 182313 2003-12-100072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400.96,200. Account #182311 Sum Total Acct Period Year Amt Monthly Balance 182311 003 252 500, 182311 003 10,100.242,400. 182311 003 10,100,232,300, 182311 003 10,100.222,200. 182311 003 10,100.212,100. 182311 003 10,100.202,000, 182311 003 10,100.191,900. --...::0.. Account #182311 Sum Total Acet DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Deser Amount 182311 2003-01-010072 SFAS 106 POST RETIREMENT 10,100. 182311 2003-02-020072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100. 182311 2003-02-020072 72A SFAS106POSTRETIRE 10,100. 182311 2003-02-020072 728 SFAS106POSTRETIRE 10,100. 182311 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ SFAS 106 10,100. 182311 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ 2 SFAS 106 10,100. 182311 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100. 182311 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT A 182311 2003-04-040072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100. 182311 2003-05-050072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100. 182311 2003-06-060072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 10,100. Account #182312 Sum Total Acct Period Year Amt Monthly Balance 182312 0 2,003 697,500. 182312 003 900.669,600. 182312 2 2 003 900.641 700, 182312 3 2,003 900.613,800, 182312 4 2 003 900.585,900. 182312 5 2,003 27,900.558,000. 182312 6 2 003 27,900.530,100. Account #182312 Sum Total Acct DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Descr Amount 182312 2003-01-010072 SFAS 106 POST RETIREMENT 27,900, 182312 2003-02-020072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 27,900. 182312 2003-02-020072 72A SFAS106POSTRETIRE 900, 182312 2003-02-020072 728 SFAS1 06POSTRETIRE 27,900, 182312 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ SFAS 106 900. 182312 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ 2 SFAS 106 900. 182312 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900. 182312 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT A 182312 2003-04-040072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900. 182312 2003-05-050072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900, 182312 2003-06-060072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 900, ----'-, Account #182313 Sum Total Acct Period Year Amt Monthly Balance 182313 003 185,000. 182313 003 7,400.177,600, 182313 003 7,400.170,200, 182313 003 7,400.162,800. 182313 003 7,400.155,400. 182313 003 7,400.148,000. 182313 003 7,400.140,600. ----" Account #182313 :sum Total Acct DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Descr Amount 182313 2003-01-010072 SFAS 106 POST RETIREMENT 7,400, 182313 2003-02-020072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400, 182313 2003-02-020072 72A SFAS106POSTRETIRE 7,400. 182313 2003-02-020072 728 SFAS106POSTRETIRE 7,400, 182313 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ SFAS 106 7,400. \--' 182313 2003-03-030072 MAR ADJ 2 SFAS 106 7,400. 182313 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400. 182313 2003-03-030072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENTA 182313 2003-04-040072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400. 182313 2003-05-050072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400. 182313 2003-06-060072 SFAS 106 POSTRETIREMENT 7,400, , "" I", ....' ' associated with various types of environmental clean-ups, Those expenses may be reflected in various other accounts and not separately identified, Without substantial evidence of what the actual annual level of expense is, and without a demonstration that it is not currently reflected in other accounts, it is inappropriate to include this level of expense with other test year expenses, The alternative the Company proposed to recover the $7 million cost of the clean-up, recouping the amount through rates over the next five years, would violate the principle that rates must be prospective and may not be used to recoup past losses, The proscription against retroactive ratemaking means the Pacific Hide amounts spent by IPCo in the past are not recoverable through future rates unless they were preserved for that purpose by deferral or other regulatory action, When it became aware the clean-up costs would be substantial, the Company had ,the opportunity to request rate relief or deferral of these costs for future recovery, It did neither, Had the Company requested deferral of these costs and the Commission had approved it, we could now amortize this expenditure, However, that is not the case and we are without a means to provide recovery of this expense retroactively. 8. Amortization of FAS-IO6 and FAS-112 Expenses. This issue relates to two changes in accounting standards required by State~ent - Fipancial Accounting Standard No. 106, Employers ' Accounting for Post-Retirement Benefits Other Than ,Pensions (pAS-I06) and Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No, 112, Employers' Accounting for Post-employm~nt Benefits (PAS-Il2), Order No, 24831 issued in Case No, IPC-92-28 approved IPCo s use of accrual accounting for post-retirement benefits other than pensions in accordance with FAS-I06, The Order also allowed IPCo to defer the difference in expense between cash and accrual basis accounting, up to a maximum of $6,000,000, for up to two years, The Company s request in Case No, IPC-94-16 to defer and amortize over ten years its FAS-Il2 transition obligation was made subject to resolution in this case. Both FAS-I06 and FAS-112 include the recognition of previously unrecognized obligations on the books of the Company, F AS-l 06 allows the post-retirement "transition obligation to be expensed over a period of up to twenty years, FAS-112 generally requires the post-employment obligation to be expensed in the year FAS-112 is adopted, ~:::7 ORDER NO, 25880 Included in the Company' 5 ,test year results of operations are expenses associated with the amortization of the FAS-I06 obligation, For financial statement purposes, the Compaoy i$ amortizing its FAS-106 transition obligation over tWenty years, and that amortization was included as a known and measurable adjustment to test year expenses, It also adjusted test year expenses to provide for a ten-year amortization of the previously approved $6. 000,000 deferral, Staff included the amortization of the F AS- II2 tranSition obligation over a tWenty year period. saying it should be consistent with the twenty-year amortizalionof the FAS-I06 transition obligation. Tr. p. 1788, We find the appropriate amortization period for the F AS- 1 06 transition obligation to be the tWenty years nsed by lPCo ""d accepted. bY, Staff. We also accept the Company proposed ten'year amortization of the F AS-112 transition obligation. Although the nature of the expenses for FAS-I06 and FAS-1l2 may be similar. the amounts of the two obligations differ dramatically, The FAS-112 obligation is roughly one-tenth the FAS-106 transition obligation. A shorter amortization period for FAS-1l2 will allow the Company to recover this cost and eliminate the regulatory asset in a timely manner, We also agree with the Company that ten years is an appropriate period to amortize the $6,000,000 deferral of the difference betWeen cash and accroa1 basis acconnting for the F AS-106 expense accumulated Oyer the last two years. A ten-year amortization will appropriately limit the life of this ~gu1atory asset. 9. Tax Credits. Staff adjusted test year actual income taX expense by a total of $75, 221 to reflect State gasoline and special fuels taX credits. and Federal research and fuels taX credits acwally received by the Company. IPCo agreed with these adjustments. Tr. p. 2779. Accordingly. we find thai test year income taX expenses should be decreased by $75, 221. 10. FERC Contract Customer Revenues. In its Jurisdictional Separation Study (Exhibit No, 20), IPCo allocated its total system rate base. expenses and revenues among four regulatory jurisdictions-the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the Oregon Public Utilities Commission, the Public Service Commission of Nevada . and the Federal Energy RegulatOry Commission (!'ERC). The Idaho. Oregon and Nevada . " ORDER NO, 25880 10- , '~.,.,... -' c' c.:. '~--"-'-. _.. ,.,.,.."" . Idaho Power Company Account Reconci liation Other Regulatory Assets- FAS112 Post Employee Benefits - Account # 182376 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2000 $ 1 517 060. Jan SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 1/31/2001 010100 959.1,486,101. Feb SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 2/28/2001 020100 959.1,455 142. . Mar SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 3/31/2001 030100 30,959.1,424 183. Apr SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 4/30/2001 040100 959.393 224. May SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 5/31/2001 050100 30,959.362 265. Ju & July SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 7/31/2001 070100 918.300 347, Aug SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 8/31/2001 080100 30,959.269 388. Sept SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 9/30/2001 090100 30,959.238,429. Oct SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 10/31/2001 100100 959.207,470. Nov SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 11/30/2001 110100 959.176,511.00 Dee SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 12/31/2001 120100 30,959.145 552. Ending Balance 12/31/2001 $ 1 145,552. Jan SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 1/31/2002 010100 959.114,593. Feb SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 2/28/2002 020100 959.083,634. Mar SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 3/31/2002 030100 30,959,052,675. Apr SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 4/30/2002 040100 30,959.021 716. May SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 5/31/2002 050100 959.990 757. June SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 6/30/2002 060100 30,959.959,798. July SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 7/31/2002 070100 30,959.928,839. Aug SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 8/3-?/2002 080100 30,959.897 880. Sept SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 9/30/2002 090100 30,959.866,921. Oct SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 10/31/2002 100100 959.835,982. Nov SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 11/30/2002 110100 30,959,805,003. Dee SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 12/31/2002 120100 959.774 044. Ending Balance 12/31/2002 774 044, Jan SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 1/31/2003 010100 959.743 085. Feb SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 2/28/2003 020100 30,959.712,126. Mar SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 3/31/2003 030100 30,959.681,167. Apr SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 4/30/2003 040100 959.650,208. May SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 5/31/2003 050100 30,959.619 249. June SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 6/30/2003 060100 30,959.588,290. July SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 7/31/2003 070100 30,959.557,331. Aug SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 8/31/2003 080100 30,959.526,372. Sept SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 9/30/2003 090100 959.495,413. Oct SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 10/31/2003 100100 30,959.464,454. Nov SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 11/30/2003 110100 959.433,495. Dee SFAS 112 Post Emp Benefits Amort 12/31/2003 120100 30,959.402,536. Ending Balance 12/31/2003 402,536. , '::.:.',3' /';, .,IJ-,ff';,., //.,-,~.;.:- //~/:i 4r/"2'~.v?;'.:.: associated with various types of environmental clean-ups, Those expenses may be reflected in various other accounts and not separately identified, Without substantial evidence of what the actual annual level of expense is, and without a demonstration that it is not currently reflected in other accounts, it is inappropriate to include this level of expense with other test year expenses, The alternative the Company proposed to recover the $7 million cost of the clean-up, recouping the amount through rates over the next five years, would violate the principle that rates must be prospective and may not be used to recoup past losses, The proscription against retroactive ratemaking means the Pacific Hide amounts spent by IPCo in the past are not recoverable through future rates unless they were preserved for that purpose by deferral or other regulatory action, When it became aware the clean-up costs would be substantial, the Company had . the opportunity to request rate relief or defeITal of these costs for future recovery, It did neither, Had the Company requested deferral of these costs and the Commission had approved it, we could now amortize this expenditure, However, that is not the case and we are without a means to provide recovery of this expense retroactively, 8. Amortization of FAS-IO6 and FAS-112 Expenses. This issue relates to two changes in accounting standards required by Statement of Fipancial Accounting Standard No, 106, Employers' Accounting for Post-Retirement Benefits Other Than Pensions (FAS-I06) and Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No, 112, Employers' Accounting for Post-employrn~nt Benefits (FAS-1l2), Order No, 24831 issued Case No, IPC-92-28 approved IPCo s use of accrual accounting for post-retirement benefits other than pensions in accordance with F AS-I 06, The Order also allowed IPCo to defer the difference in expense between cash and accrual basis acr;ounting, up to a maximum of $6,000,000, for up to two years, The Company s request in Case No. IPC-94-16 to defer and amortize over ten years its FAS-112 transition obligation was made subject to resolution in this case, Both FAS-I06 and FAS-112 include the recognition of previously unrecognized obligations on the books of the Company, FAS-1O6 allows the post-retirement "transition obligation to be expensed over a period of up to twenty years, FAS-112 generally requires the post-employment obligation to be expensed in the year FAS-112 is adopted, ORDER NO, 25880 Included in the Company' s test year results of operations are expenses associated with the aJ11ortization of the FAS-I06 obligation, For financial statement purposes. the Company is amortizing its FAS-I06 tranSition obligatinn over tWenty years. and that amortization was included as a known and measurable adjustment to test year expenses, It also adjusted test year expenses to provide for a ten-year amortization of the previously approved $6, 000,000 deferral. Staff included the amortization of the F AS- 112 tranSition obligation over a twenty year period, saying it should be consistent with the twenty- year amortization of the PAS-I06 transition obligation. Tr. p, 1788, We find the appropriate amortization period for the F AS- 1 06 transition obligation to be the twenty years used by !PCo and accepted ,bY , Staff. We also accept the Company proposed ten-year amnrtization of the F AS-112 transition obligation. Although the nature of the expenses for FAS-1O6 and FAS-\12 may be similar. the amounts of the two obligations differ dramatically. The FAS-1l2 obligation is rongblY one-tenth the FAS-IO6 tranSition obligation. A shorter amortization period for FAS-1l2 will allow the Company to reeover this cost and eliminate the regulatory asset in a timely manner, We also agree with me Company mat ten years is an appropriate period to amortize the $6.000,000 deferral of the difference betWeen cash and accrual basis accounting for the F AS-1O6 expense accumulated over the last two years. A ten-year amortization will appropriately limit the life of this regulatory a')set, 9. Tax Credits. Staff adjusted test year actual income taX expense by a total of $75, 221 to reflect State gasoline and special fuels IJIX credits. and Federal research and fuels IJIX credits actually received by the Company. IPCo agreed with these adjustments. Tr. p. 2779. Accordingly. we find that test year income taX expenses should be decreased by $75, 221. 10. FERC Contract Customer Revenues. In its Jurisdictional Separation Study (Exhibit No, 20), IPCo allocated its total system rate base, expenses and revenues among four regulatory jurisdictions-the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. the Oregon Public Utilities Commission. the Public Service Commission of Nevada and the Federal Energy Regu\a!ory Commission (FERC). The Idaho, Oregon and Nevada ORDER NO, 25880 10- '~.~:_~:'.. --., -. ..-~.-", IDAHO POWER COMPANY BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Additional Ratebase and Expense Adjustments For Account 186 - Misc. Deferred Debits ------~~_:::~:-.- ..--.- --------------- Ratebase 1. American Falls Bond Refinancing Currently Being Amortized To Account 536 021 496 2. Boardman AMAX Coal Contract Buyout Currently Being Amortized To Account 557 492 000 (1) The expense portion is included in the actual 1993 operating expenses. Version 4 OS/23/94 04:55 PM (1) (Acct 186) EXHIBIT NO. 17 CASE NO.IPC-94- PAGE 3 OF 5 1 of Exhibit No. 17, is the unamortized cost related to the refinancing at a lower interest rate for the American Falls bonds.The increase of $3,492,000 on page 3, line 2, is the unamortized cost incurred for the buyout and re-negotiation of the AMAX coal contract for the Boardman coal-f ired The both the bondplant.purpose ref inancing and .the AMAX coal contract buyout was to reduce operating expense for customers.Therefore , it is appropriate include the umimort i zed ba lances ratebase and provide thesereturn shareowner-provided funds.The decrease to ratebase of $422,264 on page 4, line 2, is the unamortized credits relative to the acquisition of prairie Power in July 1992.Page 5, line 1, details an increase to ratebase, consistent with IPUC Order No. 24831, of $4 073,994 which is the estimated amount the Company will have pre~funded through 1994 to its Voluntary Employees'Benef iciary Association trust account for post-retirement(VEBA) expenses.Likewise, the Company is increasing ratebase $10,572,477 line which representson page pre-funding the Company'retirement plan.The company's pension expense is calculated, as required in SFAS No. 87, and is comparable to the computation of the post-retirement benefits expense in SFAS No. 106.The Company is also subject to the Employee Retirement Income GRIBBLE, Di Idaho Power Company 4,), ~tb Idaho Power Co mpany Account Reconciliation Summary of Other Deferred Programs and Prepayments- American Falls Bond Refinacing - Acct 186722 & 186770 Description Date JV#Balance Beginning Balance 12/31/2002 386,476. Jan Amort 1/31/2003 171.44 381 305. Feb Amort 2/28/2003 175.40 376,129. Mar Amort 3/31/2003 212.370,917, Apr Amort 4/30/2003 212.365,704. May Amort 5/31/2003 212.360,491. Ju Amort 6/30/2003 212.355,279. July Amort 7/31/2003 212.350,066. Aug Amort 8/31/2003 212,344,854, Sept Amort 9/30/2003 212,339,641.45 Oct Amort 10/31/2003 212,1 ,334,428, Nov Amort 11/30/2003 212.329,216, Dec Amort 12/31/2003 212,1 ,324,003. Ending Balance 12/31/2003 324 003, AmericanFalisBondReC 186722-186770.xls Acct 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 186770 AmericanFalisBondReC 186722-186770.xls DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC 2003-01-31 010042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-02-28 020042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-03-31 030042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-04-30 040042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-05-31 050042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-06-30 060042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-07-31 070042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-08-31 080042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-09-30 090042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-10-31 100042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE 2003-11-30110042 AM FALLS-OLD ISSUE 2003-12-31 120042 AM FALLS - OLD ISSUE Descr AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION SumTotal 186770 Amount Balance 969.85 1 059 949. 969.85 1 055 980, 999.92 1 051 980. 999.92 1 047 980. 999,92 1 043 980, 999.92 1 039 980.42 999.92 1 035,980. 999.92 1 031 980. 999.92 1 027 980. 999.92 1 023 980. 999.92 1 019 980. 999.92 1 015,980. AmericanFallsBondReC 186722-186770,xls ~um Account Total 186722 Acct DB2 Date Voucher DISTDESC Descr Amount Balance 186722 2002-01-010042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 203. 186722 2002-02-020042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 203. 186722 2002-03-030042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 203, 186722 2002-04-040042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 203, 186722 2002-05-050042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 203. 186722 2002-06-060042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 1 ,204. 186722 2002-07-070042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 204, 186722 2002-08-080042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 199. 186722 2002-09-090042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 204. 186722 2002-10-100042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 204, 186722 2002-11-110042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 204. 186722 2002-12-120042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 201,322556, 186722 2003-01-010042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 1 ,201,321 355. 186722 2003-02-020042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 1 ,205,320,149. 186722 2003-03-030042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,318,936. 186722 2003-04-040042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,317,724, 186722 2003-05-050042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,316,511, 186722 2003-06-060042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,315,298. 186722 2003-07-070042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,314 086. 186722 2003-08-080042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,312 873.48 186722 2003-09-090042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,311,660.79, ""70:-:722 2003-10-100042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,310,448, . .. 722 2003-11-110042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212.309,235.41 186722 2003-12-120042 AM FALLS - NEW ISSUE AMERICAN FALLS AMORTIZATION 212,308,022. (1) Amortization Expense for 2003 is per Naomi Shankel. TT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 31 , '--!- Forrey, Dave From: Sent: To: Subject: Forrey, Dave Wednesday, July 02, 20039:03 AM Forrey, Dave FW: Aegence Blue Shield AX unbilled amount The new account set up for this is payable is 232913, Larry we will make the entry in the April close, Darrell, The total amount of AX expenses that have not been billed by Aegence Blue Shield is $647,633,67, The yearly bre~n 2002 $485,266,00 tZ:c.- D~ c ~ () yo o'f" r--e '~t/o"t:t foP' (', rn~ fk S I.. 2003- 162 367.67 JaY! - F4-h 4-0 Ie' t, I' These charges should be booked to account 926120, vrt..OIf f'k '3 , 00 (;) (Po (J..-i nf(..~ +~.e. f"€d.()..c.-I'~?I (!)c 1-- ~e b c:: ():2. if' ,.. ..f " () t\. (3 V'h fndi. !. 7~1 0 0 0 if , ;2.. (p ( 7~, () 00 4; 4o7,:J. f; " 'P '" ~c. nf/. ' "" Co lVe/e n. (f""" tfu l'f, b, ' /f.eJ. ~,.. -fJ' Ve ",,- If, 5 f; of ~ 2 fib (,:J rhe. -kk( (tei J " \+ ",....t- 7-aJ IS :N ~ 5 2-1. I/o wde-r:, 57,'tIC e we.. a/st) r:e Cf:- JJ r-uJfI.V -+'~ ;f1 Jrt ,'Yl -r;e~ ~r- f"- ~Ia.t S- t1vJ-,.#t 'o~ ,p. f& ,,- ,' b71 (6 %) ~ It". fJ 1M. PffU' 1,'. ,( -k -It..t (). (II i; ~ o1J ~ k. 1. ptpl)4 MJ' fir II",/;"b/~,