HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 301.xlsExhibit A Exhibit 301 Comparison of Trended Values and Company Actual/Budget A B C Trend Based Upon IPCo As Filed 9 Months Actual Previous 5 Years 6 months actual 3 Months Budget 2003.00 January $17,578,133.19 $17,256,446.92 actual $17,256,446.92 actual February $17,617,812.38 $15,514,325.21 actual $15,514,325.21 actual March $17,657,491.56 $17,214,954.77 actual $17,214,954.77 actual April $17,697,170.75 $20,879,520.05 actual $20,879,520.05 actual May $17,736,849.93 $19,394,797.48 actual $19,394,797.48 actual June $17,776,529.11 $18,483,681.11 actual $18,483,681.11 actual July $17,816,208.30 $19,989,823.00 20231880.00 242057.00 budget $22,105,906.06 actual August $17,855,887.48 $16,805,036.00 17047093.00 242057.00 budget $13,629,161.61 actual September $17,895,566.66 $17,663,856.00 17905913.00 242057.00 budget $17,717,167.65 actual October $17,935,245.85 $19,076,210.00 budget $19,076,210.00 budget November $17,974,925.03 $17,467,558.00 budget $17,467,558.00 budget December $18,014,604.21 $19,604,940.00 budget $19,604,940.00 budget Total $213,556,424.45 $219,351,148.54 $218,344,668.86 Difference from trend $5,794,724.09 $4,788,244.41 Note: All budget numbers exclude Account 557 expenses. The budgeted Account 557 for July-September are assumed to be $242,057 per month.