HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031110Attachment to Response No.76 of Idaho Power.pdfTT A CHMENT TO RESPONSE TO REQUEST NO. 76 FlLEDlEFFE Cl1'v~ ARTICLES OF INCORPORA TJON 1JAIII titYIt..'"If' srm 89/14/e881 85:88w:q#~ MOUNTAIN VIEW POWER. INC.SECRET -; r" ~ I stArt' ATE l.'F : ;; ~ ~i~ , "". ' Name. The name of the Corporation is MOUNTAIN VIEW POWER. INC.. 2. Authorized shares ' The aggregate number of shares the corporation is authorized to issue shall be, One Million (1,000.000) shares, all of which shall be common , voting stock.' ' - ' 3. Reaistered office and agent ' The re.gistered office of the corporation is 1015 W. Hays Street. Boise 1083702 and its,registered"8Q8.nt.at.thatad.dr~ is ROBERTD..LOOPER. ' " 4. Incomoraror. The name of the incorpOrator is ROBERTO. LOOPER and the incorporator's address is 1015 W. Hays street, Boise ID 83702. 5. Camorate DUroose.The purpose for which this corporation is organized is the transaction of any and all.lawful business for whiCh corporations may be incorporated under the Idaho Business Corporation Ad.. 6. Board of Directors.All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of . ' and the bljsiness and affairs of the corporation managed under the direction , its board of directors, subject to any limitation set forth in a shareholder agreement authorized under section 30-1..732, Idaho Code. 7. Indemnification.The corporation shall indemnify the directors and officers of the corporation to the fullest extent permitted by the Idaho Business Corporation Act, as the same exiSts or may hereafter by amended (but,' in the case of any such amendment, only to the extent that such amendment permits the corporation to provide broader indemnification rights than 'the Idaho Business Cofporation Act-pefT1iitted the corporation to provide priorto such a~ndment). ' 8. Ymitation of Uabilily . . No director shall be:liable'tothe corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of ,fiduciary duty except liability for.(Q the amount of a financial benefit received by ,8 'director to which 'he is not entitled;(ii) an intentional infliction ,of harm on the corporation or the shareholders; (iii) a violation of ~ 30-1- 833~ Idaho Code; or (iv)'ariintentional violation of~minallaw. In witneSS whereof, I have subscn-bed these Articles of Incorporation this -11- day of September, 2001. ,ROBE MVP - ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION