HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031010Stipulation and Motion for Acceptance of Settlement.pdfIDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 RECEIVED m FfLED 2D~3 nCT - 9 PH 4:31 MONICA MOEN Attorney An IDACORP Company IDr'.IH.J PUbLIC UTILITIES COMHISStON October 9 2003 HAND DELIVERED Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P. O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re:Case No. IPC-03- Stipulation and Motion For Acceptance of Settlement Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company s Stipulation and Motion For Acceptance of Settlement regarding the above-entitled case. I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter in the self-addressed stamped envelope enclosed. Very truly yours Monica Moen MM:jb Enclosures Telephone (208) 388-2692 Fax (208) 388-6936 E-mail MMoenfBJidahopower.com MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 BARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Phone: (208) 388-2682 FAX: (208) 388-6936 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company RECEIVED r. ' , 1 L... IT) 1003 OCT -9 PN 4: 31 PUGLIC UTILITIES CQI'U11SStON Express Mail Address 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO REVISE ITS DEPRECIATION RATES FOR PLANT IN SERVICE CASE NO. IPC-O3- MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT COMES NOW , Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company ) on behalf of itself, the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff") and the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power ("Industrial Customers ), all of whom are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and , in accordance with RP 056 and RP 271-280 , hereby move the Commission for an Order accepting the settlement negotiated by the Parties as embodied in the Stipulation which is attached to this Motion as Exhibit 1. This Motion is based on the following. MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT, Page Procedural History On May 6, 2003, Idaho Power filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission ) requesting authority to institute revised depreciation rates for the Company s electric plant in service. No major changes have been made to the Company s depreciation rates in the last ten years. The Company s depreciation rates last changed in March 1993 when the Commission issued IPUC Order No. 24739 in Case No. IPC-92-23. In its May 6 2003 filing, the Company sought an accounting order approving revised depreciation rates that the Company would prospectively apply to its depreciable plant in service. Although the Company s total annual depreciation expense would increase under its original proposal, the Company did not request to change its electric rates with the Application. The proposed depreciation rates included in the Company s Application were based upon the results of a detailed depreciation study of the Company s electric plant in service as of December 31 2001. On the basis of $2 900 657,420 of depreciable plant in service on December 31 2001 and using the average service life procedure , Idaho Power requested depreciation changes in its Application that would have increased the Company s total annual depreciation expense by $6 994 021. With the exception of some of the concepts identified in the Stipulation the Commission Staff generally accepted the Company s Application as filed with the Commission. Analysis by the Staff confirmed that Idaho Power s proposed depreciation rates were comparable to those used in the industry by similar companies. However MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT, Page 2 Staff expressed concerns regarding specific accounts and these concerns are recited in Staff's comments dated August 29 2003. After a series of public meetings and settlement discussions, on August 11 , 2003, the Parties agreed to several adjustments to the Company s proposed depreciation expenses for certain accounts associated with the Company s steam production plant, hydraulic production plant1 and transmission plant. The Parties also agreed that Idaho Power would adjust the lives for computer equipment and establish sub-accounts to include the reserve adjustments. The Parties accepted the depreciation accruals originally proposed by the Company in its Application for its distribution plant, its general plant (with the exception of computer Accounts 391.200 and 391.210), and its other production plant categories. The changes agreed to by the Parties resulted in an overall reduction in the requested depreciation rate of the Company from approximately 3.15% to 3.06% or a reduction in the Company s annual requested increase in depreciation expense from about $7.0 million to $4.3 million.The Parties' settlement of this matter is embodied in the attached Stipulation. II. All of the Parties agree that the Stipulation is in the public interest and that all of the terms of the Stipulation are fair, just and reasonable. The Parties support adoption of the Stipulation and acceptance of the Stipulation by the Commission as a resolution of all the outstanding issues. 1 Within its Application, Idaho Power proposed that the plant life of its hydro-electric facilities be determined by considering each facility's condition and current Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) operating license. The weight that should be given to the term of the FERC operating license remains unresolved and is not addressed in this Stipulation. MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT, Page 3 III. The Parties negotiated the Stipulation as an integrated settlement document. All of the Parties to this case are signatories to the Stipulation. The Parties request that the Stipulation will be entered into the record as evidence in this proceeding. As a result , in accordance with RP 274 , the Parties respectfully submit that an evidentiary hearing is not required. NOW, THEREFORE , Idaho Power Company, on behalf of itself and of the Parties, requests the Commission issue its Order accepting the Stipulation in settlement of all of the remaining issues in the case. Respectfully submitted this 9th day of October 2003. MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT, Page 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 9th day of October 2003 , I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing MOTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF SETTLEMENT upon the following named individuals by the method indicated below and addressed to the following: Lisa D. Nordstrom Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Peter J. Richardson Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary 99 E. State Street, Suite 200 O. Box 1849 Eagle, Idaho 83616 Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX (J, MONICA B. MOEN CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE EXHIBIT MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 BARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Phone: (208) 388-2682 FAX: (208) 388-6936 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Express Mail Address 1221 West Idaho Street Boise , Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO REVISE ITS DEPRECIATION RATES FOR PLANT IN SERVICE CASE NO. IPC-O3- This Stipulation is entered into among Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company ), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff") and the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company ("Industrial Customers ) as their signatures appear at the end of this Stipulation. Idaho Power and the other signing Parties are hereinafter together referred to as the "Parties. The purpose of this Stipulation is to settle all of the issues in the above- referenced proceeding. STIPULATION - PROCEDURAL HISTORY On May 6 , 2003 , Idaho Power filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission ) requesting authority to institute revised depreciation rates for the Company s electric plant in service. No major changes have been made to the Company s depreciation rates in the last ten years. The Company s depreciation rates last changed in March 1993 when the Commission issued IPUC Order No. 24739 in Case No. IPC-92-23. In its May 6 2003 filing, the Company sought an accounting order approving revised depreciation rates that the Company would prospectively apply to its depreciable plant in service. Although the Company s total annual depreciation expense would increase under its original proposal , the Company did not request to change its electric rates with the Application. The proposed depreciation rates included in the Company s Application were based upon the results of a detailed depreciation study of the Company s electric plant in service as of December 31 2001. On the basis of $2 900 657,420 of depreciable plant in service on December 31 2001 and using the average service life procedure, Idaho Power requested depreciation changes in its Application that would have increased the Company s total annual depreciation expense by $6 994 021. With the exception of some of the concepts discussed below, the Commission Staff generally accepted the Company s Application as filed with the Commission. Analysis by the Staff confirmed that Idaho Power s proposed depreciation rates were comparable to those used in the industry by similar companies. However STIPULATION - 2 Staff expressed concerns regarding specific accounts and these concerns are recited in Staff's comments dated August 29 , 2003. After a series of public meetings and settlement discussions , on August , 2003, the Parties agreed to several adjustments to the Company s proposed depreciation expenses for certain accounts associated with the Company s steam production plant, hydraulic production plant1 and transmission plant. The Parties also agreed that Idaho Power would adjust the lives for computer equipment and establish sub-accounts to include the reserve adjustments. The Parties accepted the depreciation accruals originally proposed by the Company in its Application for its distribution plant, its general plant (with the exception of computer Accounts 391.200 and 391.210), and its other production plant categories. The changes agreed to by the Parties resulted in an overall reduction in the requested depreciation rate of the Company from approximately 3.15% to 3.06% or a reduction in the Company s annual requested increase in depreciation expense from about $7.0 million to $4.3 million. More specifically, the Parties agree as follows. II. AGREEMENT To settle the depreciation matter identified above , the Parties agree to reduce Idaho Power s requested increase in depreciation expense from $6 994 021 to 310 591 per year, based upon 2001 plant levels , in accordance with the following: Within its Application, Idaho Power proposed that the plant life of its hydro-electric facilities be determined by considering each facility s condition and current Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) operating license. The weight that should be given to the term of the FERC operating license remains unresolved and is not addressed in this Stipulation. STIPULATION - 3 Steam Production Plant (Accounts 311 00 31210 31220 and 31400): The Company will lower the salvage costs for the Jim Bridger Plant from a negative ten percent to a negative five percent which coincides with the rates recently approved by the Commission for PacifiCorp. Idaho Power and PacifiCorp are joint owners of the Bridger Plant. As illustrated in Exhibit 1 to this Agreement, changes to accounts 311., 312., 312.20 and 314.00 will reduce the depreciation expense of the Company s steam production plant from $22 672 796 as requested in its Application to $21 693 983 or by $978 813 per year based on 2001 plant levels. Hydraulic Production Plant (Accounts 331 00 332 1 , 332 2 and 334 00: Idaho Power will reduce the proposed depreciation expense of its hydraulic production plant from $13,445 303 as proposed in its Application to $12 393 839 (based upon plant levels as of December 31 , 2001) by adjusting the net salvage rate for accounts 331., 332., 332.2 and 334.00. These changes will result in an overall depreciation expense reduction of $1 ,051 ,464 per year based on 2001 plant levels for the Company s hydraulic production plant as illustrated in Exhibit 1 hereto. Idaho Power and Staff acknowledge that they do not agree on the weight that should be given to the term of FERC operating licenses in setting depreciation expense. Idaho Power and Staff agree that this settlement does not constitute acquiescence on that issue by either Party. Transmission Plant (Accounts 354 00 and 355 00): The Company will reduce the negative salvage rate of its towers and fixtures (account 354.00) from a proposed negative salvage rate of 50% to a negative salvage rate of 30%. Furthermore, the Company will adjust the negative salvage rate of its poles and fixtures STIPULATION - 4 (account 355.00) from a negative salvage rate of 75% to a negative salvage rate of 60%. The combined effect of these changes will reduce the proposed depreciation expense of the Company s transmission plant from $10 717 860 to $10 064 707 for a reduction of $656 153 in proposed depreciation expense based upon 2001 plant levels and as illustrated in Exhibit 1 hereto. General Plcmt (Accounts 391 20 and 391 21 : The Parties agree to divide the two existing computer equipment plant sub-accounts (391.200 and 391.210) into four sub-accounts. Equipment with a vintage prior to 2002 will be amortized at the rates proposed by the Company in its original Application. Equipment with a vintage 2002 and thereafter will be amortized at the straight-line rate for the agreed-upon service lives: 5 years for 391.200 and 6 years for 391.210. The actual implementation process for vintages prior to 2002 , including rates and/or retirements, shall be further determined during the general rate case that is expected to be filed in October 2003. The Parties agree to the depreciation accruals originally proposed by the Company in its Application for its distribution plant, its general plant (with the exception of computer Accounts 391.200 and 391.210), and its other production plant categories as shown on Exhibit 1 hereto. The Parties agree that the depreciation rates agreed to herein shall become effective on December 1 2003. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest with respect to the issues covered by it and that all of the terms of the Stipulation are fair just and reasonable. STIPULATION - 5 This Stipulation will be entered into the record as evidence in this proceeding. The Parties shall support adoption of the Stipulation and acceptance of the Stipulation as a reasonable resolution to the issues identified previously. If the Idaho Public Utilities Commission rejects all or any part of this Stipulation , any Party disadvantaged by such action , including Idaho Power, shall have the right, upon written notice to the Commission and all Parties to the proceeding, within seven (7) days of the Commission s Order, to withdraw from the Stipulation. No withdrawing Party shall be bound by the terms of this Stipulation and any withdrawing Party may seek reconsideration of the Commission s Order. Withdrawal from the Stipulation would not prevent the withdrawing Party from subsequently requesting that the Commission hold a hearing in this case to resolve the depreciation matters identified above. The Parties have negotiated this Stipulation as an integrated settlement document. The Parties recommend that the Commission accept this Stipulation without material change or condition. 10.This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts , and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. STIPULATION - 6 10/06/2003 MON 15: 50 FAX 12089387904 RICHARDSON OLEARY Date Date /ol,lf) J Date STIPULATION - 7 141 002/002 MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Attorney for Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff ~ V~4- PETER J. iCHARDSON Attorney for Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company /0- 07- 03 Date MONICA B. MOEN Attorney for Idaho Power Company (0 /~ / o~ /) u'\ LISA D. NORDSTR M Attorney for Idaho Pu lic Utilities Commission Staff Date PETER J. RICHARDSON Attorney for Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company STIPULATION - 7 EXHIBIT 1 IDAHD POWER COMPANY COMPARISON OF PROPOSED CALCULATED ANNUAL DEPRECIATION ACCRUALS VS. PRESENT ANNUAL DEPRECIATION ACCRUALS CALCULATED ANNUAL DEPRECIATION RATES AS OF DECEMBER 31. 2001 AVERAGEBERVICE LIFE PROCEDURE AND GENERAL PLANT AMORTIZATION ACCOUNT ORIGINAL COST (4) SURVIVOR CURVE C... No. IPC-E.o~7 CALCULATED ANNUALACCRUAL ACCRUAL AMOUNT RATE (8)=(7Y(4) A.g... 4, 2003 COMPROMISE ANNUAL ACCRUAL ACCRUALAMOUNT RATE A.g..111.2003 Nr;T . AS STIPULATED SALVAGE ACCRUAL ACCRUAL PERCENT AMOUNT RATE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CURRENT ANNUAL APPLICATION AND ACCRUAL ACCRUAL STIPULATEDAMOUNT RATE AMOUNTS NET SALVAGE PERCENT (3) NET SALVAGE PERCENT ORIGINAL CO8T (4) DEPRECIABLE PLANT STEAM PRODUCTION PLANT 310.20 LAND AND WATER RIGHTS;27 459 ~:~F" "2. :1:05 113.479 113.479 (fa)078;504 3.6.4 (10) "". .3;Mt.:i8\i 329069 329.069 321.042 321.042 335 335 618 618 742 742 848 91.848 22,872,796 21,893,983 23.207.828 27 4 314 I~' :':~~~!~~ 2.9:1 . 3:48 ;:l~\.. 3 11. 12. ;;a~r (19) Cia! 75-R4 312.30 BOILER PLANT EQUIPMENT - RAILCARS 31~.OO NR!!Qi:j~~E~fP.a:.iij(jff~;'iT' 315.00 ACCESSORY ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT 316.00 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 318,40 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 316.50 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 316.70 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 316.80 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 159.933 495:803 850.874 424.643 22.875 774 086 85.493 116.372. tj1iJi33P:1iOO.8i; 467798. 10,224247. 215428. 17.334. 21.497. 131 591. .. ... !13.~?9 9?8.504 329.069 321042 335 618 742 116.372. fOji:33q,8jiQ;8!;. 487798. 224.247. 215.428, 17.334. 497. 131 591. 25-R3 8~b85-51.5 . 45-RO.5 . 9-L3 9-L3 17-52. 14-L0. TOTAL STEAM PRODUCTION PLANT 755,776,087.22,872,796755,778,087. 333.00 WATER WHEELS, TURBINES AND GENERATORS ~;6b"." ~p:C;Ei!$Qf!f.EQEjt'ff!(jt,~dQjPME!f!;?8T;?:;: ;;j. 335.00 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 336.00 ROADS. RAILROADS AND BRIDGES 181422.884.18 .80-R3 181 422.884.18 (S) 3,324062 1. ?M:,,!!!!,j;i9:iIIi;'t(r;'(~i.:rnl':!?:;;'Mi~lj'~.iJ.~iIIi/?;i.t1!j;;frf ;J~;~fi!i';;; ' ::' :D;:, ~\~' 13,588,424.13 100-50' 13.588,424.13 0 249.870 . 933.691.75-R3 933,691.~ 1.(5) ~j;: :;"'; ;"';;~tv r /~! "iY\': ":~;i.t~J.u;' , ' 2?':~;n 249,870 1.84 0 249870 1. 134,973 1.95 0 134.973 1. 813,898 1. !iM:!!9!\,,;;5PV'i;ij$\?C 213.850 1. 106 093 1. TOTAL HYDRAULIC PRODUCTION PLANT 605,840,412.605,840,412.13,445,303 12,782,708 12,393,839 852,849.Square 852.849.24.206 24.206 206 637.976.Square 637.976.378 46.378 46.378 747 458.Sq.are 747.458.516 21,516 21.S18 40.868;685.Square 40.868.865;161478 161.478 161.478 193,260.Square 193.260.33,283 33.283 33,283 419.086.Square 419.086.69.631 831 47,719,318.719,316.358,492 358 492 358,492 322,808 12,032,270 OTHER PRODUCTION PLANT 341.00 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS. 342.00 FUEL HOLDERS 343.00 PRIME MOVERS 344.00 GENERATORS 345.00 ACCESSORY ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT 348.00 MISCELLANEOUS POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT 23.180 65.332 20.804 115.184 868 88,840 TOTAL OTHER PRODUCTION PLANT TRANSMISSION PLANT 350. 352. 353. ~;:~ 358. 359. 12.814.839.05 65-R3 12.814.639.05 0 197074 241 837.88 8O-R3 27.241 837.88 (20) 352.556 184,645 278.92 45-50.5 184.645,276.92 (5) 3,906,396 ;i;I!~~"~;~';~~~~.1~1~~\~:~I~I;~j;i;:~:I~IJi~\)!X!1:.~~~":' 96.912.093.19 6D-R2 96.912,093.19 (20) 1,895,458 318,351.65-R3 318,351. 197.074 352,558 906,396 i:i,~~I:I' ::~,895.458 399 54 0 197 074 1,54 17409729 (20) 352 558 1.29 744 57512 (5) 3.906.398 2.12 4.261.469 .~8 ;~;~;~:~~'4If~ ~~~1I!iR, :;i fiX:' i!t: :!~~' :ii ::j i:~i ~~il. 96 (20) . . ' 1 895,456 . l.ee .. 1.709.eO!0 3,399 1.07 4 854 !?4 , ; :;l:=i (20) (5) J~r~;. (20) i"'ft:i:~; LAND RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS STATION EQUIPMENT l:wa~"ii.I~~:\~ii:1W\~i ~)~, i"i'. OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES ROADS AND TRAILS TOTAL TRANSMISSION PLANT 457,252.175.457,252,175.10,717,860 223 179 13,306,974.55-R2.13.306.974.(~O)272.237 (20)272.237 102,170.691.50-01 102,170,691.879,401 679,401 186.092.812.41-R1.166,092,812.(50)090.876 (50)090.878 86.833.411.46-R2 86,833,411.(30)811.631 (30)811,631 582.849.8O-R2 582 949.(25)582,854 (25)582.854 119.073.666.37-51.119,073.868.(10)258.824 (10)258,624 246883,110.35-R2 248.883,110.300,852 300.852 42.822.542.30-52 42.822,542.(30)571,829 (30)571 829 37.736,793.30-L2 736,793.530,909 530,909 359.317.8-55 359.317.102,116 28.42 102.116 726.825.II-RO.726.825.(20)204.641 11.(20)204.841 818.844.2Q.R1 818.844.(20)219.509 (20)-219 509 851.007,738.851 007,738.22.823.279 22.823.279 10.064,707 955.765 (20)272,237 351.080 ' 2. 879 401 405.079 (50)090.876 445.759 (30)811 831 114 193 (25)582.854 543.757 (10)268.624 872,998 300.852 831 275 (30)571 829 981.870 530.909 084051 28.102 116 28.25,311 11.(20)204.841 11.134,154 (20)219,509 176.225 22,823,279 27,765750 (5)544,177 400,961 (5)573.315 571 805 227.423 242. 026,268 505.535 34.189,362 34.590,992 12. 31.931,348 31.618461 12. 1.78 320 19,855 10. 447.995 369.063 11. 33,799.12. 841 958 828,503 135,122 153,993 53,401 116.198 89.588 30.216 288.268 150863 588,169 375,431 435.313 177597 11.751 085 11.259.339 898.442 354.509 312,435 145,721 16.125.343 18.37.521 158.450 111,325 20,578,778 10,114,064 88,709.078 64,398,485 DISTRIBUTION PLANT 361.00 STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS 362.00 STATION EQUIPMENT 364.00 POLES, TOWERS AND FIXTURES 365.00 OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES 388.00 UNDERGROUND CONDUIT 367.00 UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS AND DEVICES 368.00 LINE TRANSFORMERS 369.00 SERVICES 370.00 METERS 371.10 PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATIONS 371.20 INSTALLATION ON CUSTOMER PREMISES 373.20 STREET LIGHTING AND SIGNAL SYSTEMS . TOTAL DISTRIBUTION PLANT GEN~RAL PLANT 390.STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS - CHQ ~UllDING 025,167.100-51.025.167.(5)544,177 (5)544.177 390.STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS - EXCL CHQ BLDG 28,402,838.5O-R3 26,402.838.(5)573.315 (5)573.315 390.LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS 909.147.25-53 909,147.227.423 227 423 391.OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT- FURNITURE 10.620.849.20-5Q 10.820 849.026,268 026,268 391.OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT - EDp EQUIP.32,450,427.5-5Q S2.450,~27.189,362 391,OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT - EDP EQUIP.040.091.8-S5 040 091.931.348 31.931.348 392.TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT - AUTOMOBILES 186,379.9-L3 186,379.320 1.78 320 392.TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT - SMALL TRUCKS 12.986.421.9-L3 12,986.421.447995 447.995 392.TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT - t,1ISC.240 910.240 910. 392.TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT -LARGE TRUCKS (HYD)17.837 896.17-52.17.837 896.841 956 841.956 392.TRANSPORTATION EQUIP. -LARGE TRUCKS (NON-HYD)172.154.17-52.172 154.135.122 135.122 392.TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT - TRAILERS 785,626.30-51 765.626.53,401 53,401 393.STORES EQUIPMENT 881 754.25-5Q 881.754.588 89,588 394.TOOLS, SHOP AND GARAGE EqUIPMENT 443.757.20-59 443 757.286,266'286,266 395.lABORATORY EQUIPMENT 899,229.20-5Q 899.229.5ie,169 568 189 396.POWER OPERATED EQUIPMENT 224 273.14-LO.224.273.435.313 35'435,313 397.COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - TELEPHONES 469,836.15-5Q 469,836.751,085 11.751 085 397.COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - MICROWAVES 986,939.15-5Q 988.939.896,898.442 397.COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - RADIO 127,433.15-5Q 127.433.312435 312,435 397.COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - FIBER OPTIC 781 737.I0-5Q 781 737.126,343 16.45 ' .() 125.343 398.MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 884.815.15-5Q 884.815.158.450 158.450 TOTAL GENERAL ~LANT 183,081,889.183,081,889.20,578,778 20,576,776 TOTAL DEPRECIABLE PLANT 900,857.420.900.857,420.110,215,230 NONDEPRECIABLE PLANT 330.LAND 13.935,723.13.935,723. 340.LAND 213,791.213.791. 360.LAND 437.393.437.393. 389.LAND 750,595.750.595. TOTAL NONDEPRECIABLE PLANT 26.337,503.26.337,503. TOTAL ELECTRIC PLANT 928.994,923.928,994,923. STIPULATION - 8 .;:.;~~:~~; ~2;780 .. 0 171,115. 978,813 6iI';781 051,484 ~f1~ 853,153 883,430 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STIPULATED AMOUNTS AND CURRENT ACCRUAL 145 (485.388) (551 556) (122,087) (48,454) 311 586 (521 805) (103.601) (19.840) 156) (344) 26.355 (1,513,8451 628.383 72.842 178.842) (54,181) 510,368 316 101 35.820 28,880 381 589 026 (18.954) 912 46,294 415 991 884 22.977 (392,019) (355,073) 458.647 190,210 185.655 (1.455) 108,942 (78,843) (725.678) 845,117 697438 39,097 (616,372) (5,330.423)' (410.241) 446.858 76,805 70.487 43,284 (5,142,471) 143:216 71C (15.354) 52~,733 598,370 312.887 (16.535) (941.068) (33.799) 13.453 (18.871) (62.797) 39,370 135,803 192,738 257.718 491 746 541 933 166 714 822 47.125 10,482,712 310,591 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this q;t/(.day of October 2003, I served a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing STIPULATION upon the following named parties by the method indicated below , and addressed to the following: Lisa Nordstrom Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 ---2L Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary O. Box 1849 Eagle, Idaho 83616 ---2L Hand Delivered S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX $. MONICA B. MOEN STIPULATION - 9