HomeMy WebLinkAbout200306242nd Response to Question 16.pdfNon-numeric Project Id definitions.Most project id's that will receive capital charges are written in Passport and given anumeric sequentially numbered project id. There are some that are written for onespecific purpose , for example to record retirements only, that are created in PeopleSoftand given an alpha project id. Some of these and a description of each are listed below.RETGEN99RETGENO1These projects were written to record the retirement of general plant items. Generalplant assets in accounts 391 , 393 , 394 , 395 , 397 , 398 are retired by vintage year. Theseare treated as mass property and are not retired individually. The retirement of theseassets occurs annually in December , based on the vintage year. To easily identify theproject id to record these retirements the project id of RETGENYR , where YR is the two-digit year , was developed. These project id's are to record the retirement only of theseassets and do not receive any charges.INPTRNO1INPMTRO2INPMTR99INPMTROOInplant purchase project id's are written each year to record the purchase of inplantitems. These items include meters , transformers , capacitors and overhead devices.One project id is written for each type of inplant asset per year. The naming conventionfor these project id's is INPXXXYR.IN P stands for inplantXXX stands for the type of inplant asset. TRN - transformers MTR - meters OVH - overhead devices CAP - capacitors YR stands for the two-digit year Retirements of inplant assets are recorded to these work orders as they are disposed of by investment recovery. All inplant assets are taken to investment recovery where they are evaluated as to whether they can be repaired or should be junked. A property disposal report is received monthly by Property Accounting to show those inplant items that have been removed from service. The retirements are done from this report. NEVADAO1 This project id was written to record the retirement of those Nevada distribution assets that were sold to Raft River Electric in 2001. This was a retirement only project id and no other charges were recorded to this project id. RETVEH99 This Project Id was written to record the retirement of company vehicles that were sold at auction or otherwise disposed of. Only retirements of vehicles from the auction list were recorded to this Project Id. This practice has since changed. Now a Project Id is written each year to record the proceeds from the vehicle auction and the retirement of those vehicles is done to that same Project Id keeping the sales proceeds and the retirements of vehicles in the same Project Id.