HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020425IPC to Conservation Groups Nos. 1-5.pdfLARRY D.RIPLEY ISB #965IdahoPowerCompany P.O.Box 70 Boise,Idaho 83707Telephone:(208)388-2674FAXTelephone:(208)388-6936 Attorneyfor Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail: 1221 West ldaho Street Boise,Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AN )CASE NO.IPC-E-02-02ENERGYCOSTFINANCINGORDERAND)IPC-E-02-03AUTHORITYTOINSTITUTEANENERGY)COSTBONDCHARGE.) )IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S )RESPONSE TO FIRSTINTHEMATTEROFTHEAPPLICATION)PRODUCTION REQUESTOFIDAHOPOWERCOMPANYFOR)OF CONSERVATIONGROUPSAUTHORITYTOIMPLEMENTAPOWER)COSTADJUSTMENT(PCA)RATEFOR )ELECTRIC SERVICE FROM MAY 16,2002 )THROUGH MAY 15,2003.) COMES NOW,Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"or "the Company"), and in response to the First Production Requestof Conservation Groups dated April 18, 2002,herewith submits the following information: REQUEST NO.1:On July 31,2001,Idaho Power filed a "Compliance Filing"with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("PUC"or "Commission")in the case of IPC-E-0-13.Does the ComplianceFiling accurately reflect the Company'scurrent IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRSTPRODUCTIONREQUESTOFCONSERVATIONGROUPS,Page 1 position with respect to the implementationof a tariff rider to fund demand-side management("DSM")programs?If the Compliance Filing does not continue to reflect the Company'scurrent position with respect to the implementationof a tariff rider to fund DSM programs,pleaseexplainthe Company's changed position. Response to Request No.1:Please refer to the testimonyof John R. Gale filed in this proceeding.Essentially it is the Company'sposition that funding of DSM activities remains the same as stated in ComplianceFiling,IPC-E-01-13. The responses to the request for information were obtained from various individuals within the Companyunder the general guidance of John R.Gale,Vice President of Regulatory Affairs,and Larry D.Ripley,Senior Attorney,Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.2:Has the Company conducted or commissioned any studies or other analyses to determine the amount of cost-effective DSM resources that are available in its service territory,as expressedin total potentialenergy and/or capacity savings?As used in this question,the term "cost-effective DSM resources" means those DSM resources the cost of which is lower than that of the electricity supply needed in their absence,based on a comparison of total resource cost. Response to Request No.2:The Companyconducted studies determiningthe amount of cost-effective DSM resources in its service territory in the 1990s.The Company has relied upon regional studies in the recent past.There are other organizations in the region that have completedDSM resource studies or are currently conducting them,some of which are partially funded by the Company.The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance conducts market assessments for a broad array of IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRSTPRODUCTIONREQUESTOFCONSERVATIONGROUPS,Page 2 applicable energy efficiency markets.Also,the Companyis participating with the Northwest Power Planning Councils to update the DSM resource assessment for the Pacific Northwest.The Northwest Energy Coalition is currently conducting a regional study of DSM potential.The Company believes that regional data can be examined and then appropriately applied to its service territory,allowingcustomer funds to be expendedin delivering actual DSM programs. The responses to the request for information were obtained from various individuals within the Company under the general guidance of John R.Gale,Vice President of RegulatoryAffairs,and Larry D.Ripley,Senior Attorney,Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.3:Has the Companyconducted or commissioned any other study or analysis to determine the extent of DSM resources that are available in its service territory,as expressedin total potentialenergy and/or capacity savings? Response to Request No.3:Please see response to RequestNo.2. The responses to the request for information were obtained from various individuals within the Company under the general guidance of John R.Gale,Vice President of RegulatoryAffairs,and Larry D.Ripley,Senior Attorney,Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.4:In the ComplianceFiling,the Companyproposeda DSM tariff rider of 0.5%of revenues,or approximately$2.6 million per year.Please briefly describe the underlying rationale for this proposed DSM funding level. Response to Request No.4:The Company currently funds DSM programs at almost .5%of revenues.An additional .5%would representapproximately IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRSTPRODUCTIONREQUESTOFCONSERVATIONGROUPS,Page 3 1%funding of DSM programs.The Companybelieves that acceptance of the DSM tariff rider will permit the Company to institute DSM programs on a rational and economic basis. The responses to the request for information were obtained from various individuals within the Company under the general guidance of John R.Gale,Vice President of Regulatory Affairs,and Larry D.Ripley,Senior Attorney,Idaho Power Company. REQUEST NO.5:In Order No.28894 ("Order"),at page 8,the Commission ordered Idaho Power to use the BPA Conservation and Renewables Discount credit to fund certain energy efficiency programs primarily targetedfor low income and high energy usage customers.Please briefly describe the Company's efforts to comply with this aspect of the Order,including by identifying the Company's expendituresof the BPA Conservation and Renewables Discount credit and other Company expenditures,and by describing the Company'simplementationof programs as directed in the Order. Response to Request No.5:Please see the Company'sresponse to Requests Nos.7,9,and 13 of the Commission Staff's First Production Requestto Idaho Power. The responses to the request for information were obtained from various individuals within the Company under the general guidance of John R.Gale,Vice President of RegulatoryAffairs,and Larry D.Ripley,Senior Attorney,Idaho Power Company. IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CONSERVATION GROUPS,Page 4 Dated at Boise,Idaho,this 25th day of April,2002. LARRY D.RKEY / Attorney for Idaho Power Company IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CONSERVATION GROUPS,Page 5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 25th day of April,2002,I served a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE TO FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CONSERVATION GROUPS upon the followingnamed parties by the method indicated below,and addressed to the following: Lisa D.Nordstrom x Hand DeliveredDeputyAttorneyGeneral_U.S.Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission OvernightMail 472 W.Washington Street FAX P.O.Box 83720 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 R.Scott Pasley _Hand Delivered Assistant General Counsel _x_U.S.Mail J.R.SimplotCompany _OvernightMail 999 Main Street x FAX P.O.Box 27 Boise,Idaho 83702 David Hawk Hand Delivered Director,Energy Natural Resources U.S.Mail J.R.SimplotCompany OvernightMail 999 Main Street x_FAX P.O.Box 27 Boise,Idaho 83702 Peter J.Richardson Hand Delivered Richardson &O'Leary,PLLC x U.S.Mail 99 East State Street,Suite 200 _OvernightMail P.O.Box 1849 x FAX Eagle,Idaho 83616 William M.Eddie Hand Delivered Land and Water Fund of the Rockies U.S.Mail P.O.Box 1612 OvernightMail Boise,Idaho 83701 x FAX LARRY D.IP CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE