HomeMy WebLinkAboutvol5.txt 1 BOISE, IDAHO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2002, 1:00 P.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we'll go back on 5 the record. And before we broke for lunch, we were 6 ready for Mr. Hammond to call his first rebuttal 7 witness. 8 MR. HAMMOND: Thank you. The Staff would call 9 Keith Hessing. 10 MR. KJELLANDER: And, Mr. Hessing, you've 11 already been sworn in. 12 13 KEITH HESSING, 14 produced as a rebuttal witness at the instance of 15 the Staff, having been previously duly sworn, was 16 examined and testified as follows: 17 18 DIRECT EXAMINATION 19 20 BY MR. HAMMOND: 21 Q. Sir, could you please state your name and 22 spell your last name for the record? 23 A. My name is Keith Hessing, H-e-s-s-i-n-g. 24 Q. You are the Keith Hessing that previously 25 had direct testimony entered into the record in 461 1 this matter? 2 A Yes. 3 Q Did you prepare rebuttal testimony as 4 well in this matter? 5 A Yes, I did. 6 Q Did you also prepare, if I'm not 7 mistaken, Staff's Exhibit No. 112? 8 A That's correct. 9 Q As attached to that? 10 A Yes. 11 Q Do have you any corrections, changes, 12 or clarifications that need to be made to your 13 rebuttal testimony today? 14 A Yes, I have one change on page 12 of 15 my rebuttal testimony, line 24. The number that's 16 there that's "800" percent should be changed to 739 17 percent. 18 Q Does that constitute all the changes 19 and corrections? 20 A Yes, it does. 21 Q Mr. Hessing, if I were to ask you the 22 same questions that are set forth in this rebuttal 23 testimony, would your answers be the same today? 24 A Yes, they would. 25 MR. HAMMOND: I would remove that the 462 1 rebuttal testimony of Keith Hessing be spread upon 2 the record in its entirety as if read with the 3 corrections that were stated previously, and Exhibits 4 112 be marked for identification and admitted into 5 the record. 6 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And without 7 objection, the corrected testimony will be spread 8 across the record. And the additional Exhibit, 9 Exhibit 112 will be admitted. 10 (The following prefiled rebuttal 11 testimony of Mr. Hessing is spread upon the record.) 12 (Staff Exhibit No. 112 was marked for 13 identification.) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 463