HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCCARVIL.txt 1 (The following proceedings were 2 had in open hearing.) 3 (Astaris Exhibit Nos. 203 through 4 205, having been previously marked for 5 identification, were admitted into evidence.) 6 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And are you 7 ready to tender the witness? 8 MR. TARPEY: And I would tender the 9 witness for cross-examination. 10 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we will 11 jump around a little bit, start with Mr. Richardson. 12 MR. RICHARDSON: Thank you, 13 Mr. Chairman. I have no questions for this witness. 14 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. And 15 in the course of jumping around, Mr. Hammond. 16 17 CROSS-EXAMINATION 18 19 BY MR. HAMMOND: 20 Q. Good morning. 21 A. Good morning. 22 Q. I just have a few questions. Hopefully 23 we'll move through fairly quickly. 24 Can you tell me what the environmental 25 costs and the general range of dollar amounts were 381 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 incurred during 2001 at the following sites: 2 Pocatello plant, the Astaris Pocatello plant; the 3 silica mine; the Dry Valley operation; and the 4 Kemmerer plant? 5 A. I could prepare such information, but 6 I could not give you an estimate of that cost off 7 the top of my head. And I would also need you to 8 clearly define what you included under the category 9 of "environmental" and to distinguish between 10 operating and capital. And such information could 11 be prepared, but that isn't something that I could 12 just rattle off off the top of my head. 13 Q. Without quantifying it, do you know if 14 there are additional costs from 2001? 15 A. The Pocatello site has been a site of 16 scrutiny by the Environmental Protection Agency for 17 a number of years. As the FMC Corporation entered 18 into a Consent Decree and completed a very large 19 series of projects to comply with that Consent 20 Decree, and over the time frame of let's just say 21 the mid '90s through 2001, the plant sustained 22 increased costs associated with the compliance of 23 that Consent Decree. 24 Q. Okay. Please explain -- I'm sorry. 25 Without quantifying, could you please explain what 382 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 incremental costs might have been required at these 2 other sites if the Pocatello plant did not close? 3 A. At silica mine, Dry Valley, and 4 Kemmerer? 5 Q. Yes, I'm sorry, silica mine, Dry 6 Valley, and Kemmerer. 7 A. At the silica mine, I am not aware of 8 any particular new environmental regulations. It 9 was a very small operation and a very simple 10 operation. 11 The Dry Valley mine is obviously still 12 in operation, and I do not know of any major changes 13 as yet in any environmental regulations that would 14 have substantially changed the cost profile of the 15 mine. And as I said, the mine continues to operate 16 and supply our facility in Conda, Idaho. 17 At Kemmerer, I do not know of any 18 major environmental regulation changes at that site. 19 It is a site that has some sulfur -- had some sulfur 20 dioxide emissions that had to stay in compliance 21 with a permit, but I don't know of any pending 22 regulation. 23 Q. Were there any new requirements that 24 you're aware of that would affect -- environmental 25 requirements -- that would affect the Pocatello 383 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 plant? 2 A. At the Pocatello facility, we were 3 completing a series of projects associated with 4 compliance of the Consent Decree. Several of them 5 would have come to fruition at the end of 2001 and 6 into 2002, and one of the elements around operating 7 the plant at one furnace that we saw was that the 8 cost of compliance running the plant at one furnace 9 was virtually the same as running it at two 10 furnaces, which was going to add an additional 11 burden on the cost of the plant going into the 12 future. 13 Q. Can you tell me, what does the 14 abbreviation "TID" as used in the Astaris monthly 15 production report stand for? 16 A. Certainly. That's taxes, insurance, 17 and depreciation. 18 Q. Thank you. And can you tell me also, 19 what does the abbreviation "AFE" as used in the 20 Astaris Monthly Production Report stand for? 21 A. That was an FMC terminology for 22 Authorization For Expenditure, a proposal for a 23 formal capital request. 24 Q. Can you tell me, was there a penalty 25 paid -- actually paid -- during 2001 for coal 384 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 shortfalls under a Contract? 2 A. I believe that there was about an 3 $850,000 payment made to P&M Coal as part of the 4 penalty for -- it was an adjustment to the cost of a 5 Contract that FMC has with P&M Coal and Astaris 6 participates in. It was a volume, because at 7 certain volumes, we paid -- they had to pay 8 different prices. 9 Q. Do you know if that invoice or 10 documentation regarding that penalty was provided 11 anywhere in this record? 12 A. No, I don't. And I would want to 13 point out that certainly my testimony was prepared 14 from normal management reports and did not go down 15 to source-level detail, although I know that Staff 16 required and requested source-level detail, which to 17 the best of our ability we tried to supply. 18 Q. During 2001, is it true that you only 19 had one Contract signed for replacement of P4 raw 20 materials and that it was for a small quantity? 21 A. If you -- if you mean a -- a Contract 22 in the sense of an umbrella Agreement, that may be 23 true. However, we had Purchase Orders and cut 24 thousands, I would guess, of Purchase Orders, which 25 I believe would be considered as a Contract, 385 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 although I'm not a lawyer, so I won't make that 2 legal opinion. 3 And I guess I want to amend what I 4 said, because there is a Contract between Astaris 5 and Monsanto for a very large quantity of elemental 6 phosphorus. 7 Q. How many Contracts with different 8 suppliers were signed, do you know? 9 A. How many Purchase Orders? 10 Q. Yes. Oh, I'm sorry, Contracts. 11 A. There were thousands of Purchase 12 Orders. 13 Q. Contracts, not Purchase Orders. 14 A. Well, there were Contracts for raw 15 material supplies associated with phosphoric acid. 16 I believe there were two umbrella Contracts such as 17 you described in that area. 18 Again, we had Purchase Orders for 19 purified phosphoric acid from a number of suppliers. 20 Q. What -- I'm sorry. What term lives 21 were contracted in 2001? 22 A. For what materials? 23 Q. For the raw materials, the P4. 24 A. We had Purchase Orders and Agreements 25 with a number of suppliers for different terms. 386 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Some were, you know, very spot and maybe only lasted 2 a month or two in nature. Others were in the form 3 of maybe a one-year kind of Agreement. 4 Q. Did you have a one-year Contract in 5 2001? 6 A. We had Agreements with certain 7 suppliers that were an annual nature, but you keep 8 going back to Contract in terms of an umbrella 9 Agreement, and many of these things were contracted 10 more on verbal basis. 11 Q. So there's no documentation regarding 12 these? 13 A. The Purchase Orders, which we 14 supplied. 15 Q. Are there any actual Contracts? Just 16 there's no actual Contracts, just Purchase Orders. 17 Is that -- 18 A. That's correct. 19 Q. Okay. Can you tell me what the power 20 cost was -- what was the power cost budgeted for 21 2001 for the Pocatello plant? 22 A. I heard that earlier yesterday and I 23 thought someone would come up with it. I really 24 don't recall, precisely, the number. I think it was 25 in the 30 area, if you took both blocks. 387 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Q. The 30 -- the price would be $30 a 2 megawatt? 3 A. Right. But our budget was on 4 215 million pounds of phosphorus produced, and so it 5 envisioned a certain amount of Block 2 power, as 6 well as Block 1. 7 Q. So if it envisioned using Block 2 8 power, are you aware that FMC had a strike price for 9 Block 2 power? 10 A. No. 11 MR. HAMMOND: I don't think I have 12 anything further. Thank you. 13 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay, 14 Mr. Hammond. 15 Let's move to Mr. Ripley. 16 MR. RIPLEY: Just a few that's been 17 prompted by Mr. Seder. 18 19 CROSS-EXAMINATION 20 21 BY MR. RIPLEY: 22 Q. If I look at your prepared testimony, 23 page 1, lines 14 through 16, you say you're 24 testifying on behalf of Astaris LLC, Astaris Idaho 25 LLC, and FMC Corporation. Is that correct? 388 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. And if I understand correctly from 3 page 1, line 6, you are actually employed by Astaris 4 LLC as the CFO of that company? 5 A. That's correct. 6 Q. Let me ask you this: Does Astaris LLC 7 or Astaris Idaho Power LLC have any interest in the 8 Pocatello plant today? 9 A. I don't believe so. 10 Q. So it's all FMC Corporation? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Now, at the present time, is Astaris 13 LLC or Astaris Idaho LLC providing power to FMC 14 Corporation? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. And is Astaris LLC or Idaho LLC 17 billing FMC for that power? 18 A. I believe so. 19 Q. Is Astaris LLC retaining the benefits 20 of the take-or -- or, excuse me. 21 Is Astaris LLC retaining the payments 22 that are paid by Idaho Power Company for the 23 voluntary load reduction? 24 A. Yes. 25 Q. But at the current time, neither 389 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Astaris LLC or Astaris Idaho LLC have any load 2 requirement at the Pocatello plant? 3 A. That would appear to be correct. 4 Q. Do you believe that FMC Corporation is 5 an affiliate of Astaris LLC or Astaris Idaho LLC? 6 A. From an accounting perspective, that 7 is correct. 8 Q. Do you think from a legal perspective 9 they are? 10 A. I have no -- 11 MR. TARPEY: I would object to 12 question about legal perspective. 13 Q. BY MR. RIPLEY: Now, as I understand 14 it, your role of CFO is strategy and planning, 15 mergers and acquisition, supervision of negotiations 16 of critical Contracts, and yet you don't have an 17 opinion as to whether or not -- 18 MR. TARPEY: I would object. 19 Mr. Ripley is getting argumentative with the 20 witness. And the objection was about the earlier 21 question when asking for her legal perspective, as 22 opposed to her accounting. 23 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Mr. Ripley. 24 MR. RIPLEY: I'll re-ask the question. 25 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. 390 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Q. BY MR. RIPLEY: In your capacity as 2 CFO in charge of strategy and planning, mergers and 3 acquisition, supervision of negotiations of critical 4 Contracts, do you have the necessity to determine 5 what an affiliated subsidiary of LLC, of Astaris, 6 would be? 7 A. I would again say that I feel very 8 confident from an accounting perspective Astaris LLC 9 is an affiliate of FMC Corporation, and FMC 10 Corporation is an affiliate of Astaris LLC. I am 11 not a lawyer and I would not like to make a legal 12 judgment. 13 Q. When did -- let me ask you this first: 14 Did Astaris LLC convey its interest in the Pocatello 15 plant to Astaris Idaho LLC, do you know? 16 A. I am not the best person to ask that 17 question. I really don't know. I know that 18 appropriate legal transfers were taken, but I didn't 19 pay a lot of attention to that. 20 Q. Then did Astaris Idaho LLC convey its 21 ownership to FMC Corp.? You don't know? 22 A. Again, our General Counsel could give 23 you the precise answer. I'm sure that it was 24 conducted properly. I just didn't pay attention to 25 the actual conveyance process. 391 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (X) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Q. From an accounting standpoint, on 2 page 13 of your testimony, you were asked the 3 question How much more money is due to Astaris under 4 the buyback arrangement? 5 Could you define for me what entities 6 you are including in the term or as you understand 7 it, in the question that's asked, "Astaris"? 8 A. It was Astaris LLC. 9 Q. Who is going to be responsible for the 10 payments of power on an ongoing basis to Idaho Power 11 Company? Would that still be Astaris LLC? 12 A. Yes, it is. 13 Q. And so the arrangement is contemplated 14 that Astaris LLC will provide power to FMC? 15 A. Yes. 16 MR. RIPLEY: That's all the questions 17 I have. Thank you. 18 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you. 19 Are there questions from the 20 Commission? Commissioner Smith. 21 22 EXAMINATION 23 24 BY COMMISSIONER SMITH: 25 Q. Ms. McCarvill, I've been a 392 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Com) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Commissioner for 11 years, which I guess is neither 2 here nor there except that during that period of 3 time, I've had the benefit of numerous presentations 4 about this industry, both from Monsanto, Solutia, 5 FMC, and perhaps even Astaris, and those seem to 6 indicate that the production of elemental phosphorus 7 in the manner done at the Pocatello facility was 8 clearly a diminishing business because there was a 9 new process called wet acid. Are you familiar with 10 that? 11 A. I'm familiar. I don't -- 12 Q. That it exists? 13 A. That it exists, not that I'm an 14 engineer and can describe the process. 15 Q. Right. I'm not either. I'm just 16 familiar that it exists, and by all representations 17 of knowledgeable industry people, it is 18 significantly lower cost than using the amounts of 19 electricity which are required at Pocatello. Is 20 that your understanding? 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. So it's been over these 11 years the 23 discussion was how to manage a diminishing business 24 that everyone knew would eventually be gone when the 25 wet acid process could ultimately produce a product 393 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Com) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 of high enough quality that it could replace what's 2 being produced or what was produced at Pocatello. 3 Now, given that background, I guess -- 4 and your seeming testimony that all of these costs 5 are attributed to the buyback -- I guess just have 6 to know, wasn't the Company planning for these 7 anyway, because by all respects over the last 11 8 years, there was every indication that this facility 9 would close, it was just a question of time? 10 A. I -- I would want to just make one 11 point about the thought that the only inevitable 12 replacement was wet process acid. This is a global 13 industry. 14 Q. And this was the only facility left 15 doing it by this process, correct, this and 16 Monsanto? 17 A. No, Monsanto. 18 Q. Yes. 19 A. There's a facility in Europe, but 20 there are probably over 100 producers in China, 21 there are some other producers in Asia. And I just 22 wanted to make that clear that there are other 23 sources of elemental phosphorus in the world. 24 As Astaris was formed and I joined the 25 Company -- I had been working in other areas of 394 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Com) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 FMC -- the plans were clear that we were going to 2 continue to sell a family of products that require 3 elemental phosphorus, and there was a belief that 4 the Pocatello facility could produce that phosphorus 5 at a price that would be economical and comparable 6 to what it would take us to land elemental 7 phosphorus into the United States from these 8 overseas sites. So I would say that, you know, the 9 first plans that I saw for the Company when I joined 10 the Company showed Pocatello, two-furnace 11 operation -- 12 Q. And when was that? 13 A. I joined the Company -- I officially 14 joined Astaris in March of 2000, but I first was 15 exposed to the idea of the job in September of 1999, 16 and those long-range plans showed Pocatello in 17 operation through 2010. 18 Q. Okay. Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Commissioner 20 Hansen. 21 22 EXAMINATION 23 24 BY COMMISSIONER HANSEN: 25 Q. I've got a question here on page 12 of 395 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Com) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 your testimony, if you could turn to that page. And 2 you talked here about the financial impact on 3 Astaris of the Buyback Agreement, and you actually 4 have a table here at the bottom of the page that 5 showed the different costs. And my question: 6 Are you 100 percent sure that all 7 these amounts you list in this table as being Letter 8 Agreement Amendment related? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Well, let me ask you this then: 11 On the second item, the 50 megawatts 12 of power from Idaho Power and you show 12 million, 13 isn't this the result of the take-and-pay amount 14 Astaris pays to Idaho Power? 15 A. Yes, it is. 16 Q. Well, wouldn't this cost have been 17 incurred whether or not the Letter Agreement 18 Amendment was entered? 19 A. You're right, but I was trying to show 20 from an accounting perspective that we still had to 21 pay the $12 million. It still had to flow from an 22 accounting perspective through my books, the cash 23 had to come out of the door. That's what I was 24 showing. It's not an economic analysis here; it is 25 an accounting analysis. 396 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Com) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Q. So these dollar amounts really do not 2 totally relate all to the Letter Agreement in total? 3 A. In my mind, they do. 4 Q. In my mind, I think they're 5 overestimated. 6 COMMISSIONER HANSEN: Thank you. 7 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Okay. I 8 think we're ready now for redirect. 9 MR. TARPEY: Excuse me. Thank you. 10 11 REDIRECT EXAMINATION 12 13 BY MR. TARPEY: 14 Q. Just a couple of questions following 15 up on what Commissioner Hansen was asking you, and 16 this distinction you were making about the "economic 17 analysis" I think is the word you used and what you 18 were doing from an accounting perspective. 19 Would you explain in more detail what 20 you were -- what the purpose of your putting these 21 numbers together was and what it was you were 22 addressing for this Commission? 23 A. Yes. What we were trying to do was 24 show that when we entered into the Letter Agreement, 25 Astaris had to embark on a really big set of 397 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 initiatives to comply with the Letter Agreement; and 2 that meant that we went through severance at sites, 3 wind down at Kemmerer, we had to scramble to procure 4 the substitute raw materials. And that supply line, 5 as I mentioned, had to extend into China, and not 6 the coast of China, it's the inland part of China. 7 We really had quite a task in front of us. And I 8 was simply trying to assemble in one place that 9 whole set of activities. 10 Q. And was this addressing the costs that 11 were being incurred by Astaris as well as what I 12 will call -- to me, I guess "costs" might 13 be "cash" -- but also expenses and write-offs? 14 A. Yes, it includes the expenses and the 15 write-offs, all of the things from an accounting 16 perspective as we reviewed our monthly results with 17 our auditors and our owners' auditors that we were 18 categorizing. 19 Q. Now, you mentioned earlier that you 20 were not trying to do an economical study, or I 21 think that was the terminology? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. And would you explain what it was that 24 you were not trying to do? 25 A. I wasn't trying to kind of come up 398 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 with what was the value of the 50-megawatt buyback 2 deal, you know, to try to come up with some sort of 3 an estimate of that. That was not my purpose. 4 My purpose was to show the activities 5 and the kinds of costs and cash or book write-offs 6 that we were incurring as a result of complying with 7 the Letter Agreement. 8 Q. And from your perspective, were the 9 steps taken, were they significant? 10 A. Yes, they were extremely significant. 11 MR. TARPEY: I have no other 12 questions, Mr. President. 13 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: Thank you 14 very much. 15 And I believe that you are excused. 16 THE WITNESS: Thank you. 17 (The witness left the stand.) 18 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And we're 19 ready for your next witness. 20 MR. NELSON: Mr. Chairman, at this 21 time, we would call Mr. Ronald Binz to the stand, 22 please. 23 24 25 399 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING McCARVILL (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 RONALD BINZ, 2 produced as a witness at the instance of Astaris, 3 being first duly sworn, was examined and testified 4 as follows: 5 6 DIRECT EXAMINATION 7 8 BY MR. NELSON: 9 Q. Would you please state and spell your 10 name and give us your business address, please? 11 A. My name is Ronald, initial J, Binz. 12 It's B-I-N-Z. My address is 333 Eudora -- that's 13 E-U-D-O-R-A -- Street, Denver, Colorado, 80220. 14 Q. Mr. Binz, what is your occupation? 15 A. I'm a consultant in the area of public 16 utility regulation. I operate a business called 17 the -- well, actually, I have two occupations. My 18 consulting practice is known as Public Policy 19 Consulting. I'm also the president of a nonprofit 20 organization in Washington, D.C., called the 21 Competition Policy Institute. 22 Q. Mr. Binz, did you prepare and cause to 23 be filed direct testimony and Exhibits Nos. 206 and 24 207 in this proceeding? 25 A. Yes, I did. 400 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING BINZ (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris 1 Q. And, Mr. Binz, do you have any 2 corrections or changes to that testimony or to those 3 exhibits at this time? 4 A. I do not. 5 Q. Mr. Binz, if I were to ask you the 6 same questions today under oath as appear in that 7 testimony and those exhibits, would your answers be 8 the same? 9 A. Yes, they would. 10 MR. NELSON: Mr. Chairman, at this 11 time, I would move that Mr. Binz's testimony be 12 spread upon the record as if read, and that 13 Exhibits Nos. 206 and 207 be admitted into evidence. 14 COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: And without 15 objection, we will spread the testimony across the 16 record as if read, and admit Exhibits 206 and 207. 17 (The following prefiled direct 18 testimony of Mr. Binz was spread upon the record.) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 401 HEDRICK COURT REPORTING BINZ (Di) P.O. BOX 578, BOISE, ID 83701 Astaris