HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040218Stipulation.pdfBARTON L. KLINE ISB #1526 MONICA B. MOEN ISB #5734 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 1221 West Idaho Street (83702) Boise, Idaho 83707 T,...I....",h,............ (1")"0\ 000 I")t:!OI")II::m::::JJIIVIII:::::. \~vUJ vuu-~uu~ FAX Telephone: (208) 388-6936 C (, \1 r: . 1.- ,- , c. zeU'i . LC~ n 4' t I J T \ L \r j :~:;- C 0;,1 i'~1 i~: S i 0 H Attorney for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S INTERIM AND PROSPECTIVE HEDGING , RESOURCE PLANNING , TRANSACTION PRICING AND IDACORP ENERGY SOLUTIONS (IES) AGREEMENT. ) CASE NO. IPC-01- (PHASE II) STIPULATION This Stipulation is entered into among Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"), Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff"), the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company ("ICIP"), and the other Parties in this proceeding as their signatures appear at the end of this Stipulation. Idaho Power and the other signing Parties are hereinafter together referred to as the "Parties. This Stipulation is the result of approximately 12 settlement meetings that took place between September 2001 and September 2003. During that two- year period, numerous parties participated in the negotiations with Idaho Power Company and included Staff , ICIP , AARP, the Idaho Retailers Association, the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, J.R. Simplot Company, Micron Technology Inc., and Advanced Energy Strategies Inc. Exhibit 1 to JOINT MOTION STIPULATION , Page The purpose of this Stipulation is to settle all of the outstanding compensation issues relating to and arising out of any transactions between Idaho Power and IDACORP Energy Solutions LP or IDACORP Energy. (IDACORP Energy Solutions LP was the entity initially engaged in "non-operating" wholesale marketing and trading activities. IDACORP Energy Solutions LP subsequently changed its name to IDACORP Energy. Both entities are hereinafter collectively referred to as "IE"). The settlement agreement between the Parties is more particularly described below. Agreements In settlement the Parties agree as follows: The procedural history of this proceeding is long and complex. To avoid unnecessary duplication , the procedural history of this case is set out in full in the Company s Motion for Acceptance of Settlement filed simultaneously with this Stipulation. The Parties have reviewed the Motion for Acceptance of Settlement and agree that the facts included in the Motion needed to support this Stipulation are incorporated by reference in this Stipulation. Because the transactions between Idaho Power and IE span multiple years, involve thousands of transactions , and because the issues involve multiple contested claims , the Parties have agreed on a single global settlement amount as a compromise of the Parties' respective contested claims. The settlement is intended to resolve all outstanding compensation issues including, but not limited to, the following: STIPULATION , Page 2 (a)All issues related to or arising out of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) informal , non-public investigation which was resolved by the FERC Order approving the Stipulation and Consent Agreement dated May 16, 2000 issued in Docket No. IN03-000. (b)All issues related to or arising out of transactions under the Electricity Supply and Management Agreement between Idaho Power and IE which was approved by the Commission in Order No. 28596 issued on December 19 , 2000. (c)All compensation issues relating to or arising out of transactions involving IE's use of the Idaho Power transmission system, and any ancillary services or scheduling services or other services received by IE from Idaho Power from March 2001 through December 2002. These services specifically included but are not limited to transmission, wheeling, flips, arbitrage transactions , parking and lending, operating reserves , spinning reserves and load following requirements. (d)All issues relating to or arising out of IE's operations which utilized former Idaho Power employees, Idaho Power "good will " Idaho Power credit and other Idaho Power assets , either tangible or intangible through 2002 when IE wound down operations. (e)Idaho Power s trading practices (including hedging, use of Mid-C or Palo Verde pricing indexes , and use of the weighted average pricing methodology for real-time transactions) from March 1 2001 until IE ceased operating on August 1 2002. (f)Pricing of real-time transactions for the month of July 2002 using the weighted average methodology or the high-low methodology between Idaho Power and IE. This issue was transferred to this case from IPC-03- STIPULATION , Page 3 (g) Recovery of IE-Tri State transmission costs paid while servicing the contract. This issue was transferred to this case from IPC-03- (h)Sharing of FERC Settlement amounts associated with contract transactions between Idaho Power and I E that were not properly filed with FERC. This issue was transferred to this case from IPC-03- (i)Any additional settlement amounts associated with services provided by Idaho Power to IE with the Truckee-Donner contract, the Montana Power load following agreement and the Tri-State contract for periods not included in the FERC settlement. Continuance of the $2 000 000 annual revenue credit for IE management contract benefits approved in Case No. I PC-00-, Order No. 28596. This issue was transferred to this case from IPC-03- The parties agree there currently is not and there will be no customer responsibility for IE contract buyouts and litigation of contracts associated with any non-operating transactions, including but not limited to Grays Harbor and Overton. The Parties acknowledge that there are several proceedings currently pending before the FERC and in the courts in which certain California and Pacific Northwest entities have alleged that IE and Idaho Power dba IE , together with numerous other entities, engaged in wholesale market activities that increased the cost of wholesale energy in California and the Pacific Northwest and violated the anti-trust laws. Idaho Power and IE have denied wrongdoing and are vigorously defending these cases. Nevertheless , the Parties agree that if, in these proceedings, the FERC or a court of competent jurisdiction ultimately issues a final unappealable ruling that Idaho STIPULATION , Page 4 Power or IE should receive any payment(s) or are directed to pay Idaho retail jurisdictional customers some amount, payment of those amounts to customers are neither precluded nor required by this settlement. The Parties further agree that this agreement is not intended to settle any inter-affiliate expense allocation issues in Idaho Power s pending general rate case , docket No. IPC-03-13. For example , this agreement would not bar a party from asserting in the rate case that some portion of the expenses Idaho Power is seeking to recover through Idaho Power s rates should instead be allocated to IE. The settlement amount consists of $5 826 186.02 benefits on a system basis that are currently being passed through to Idaho Power s customers in the 2003-2004 PCA. Idaho customers are currently receiving benefits of $4,457 032.30 in the 2003-2004 PCA. An additional $5.5 million will be flowed through to Idaho customers by continuing the $167 000 per month credit in the PCA from April 1 , 2003 through December, 2005. This credit will continue to be a separate line item in the PCA calculation with 100% of the benefit going to Idaho customers. Idaho customers have already received or will receive a total of $9 957 032.31 from the total system settlement amount of $12 296,774.26. The Parties agree that this Stipulation is in the public interest with respect to the issues covered by it and that all of the terms of the Stipulation are fair just and reasonable. This Stipulation will be entered into the record as evidence in this proceeding. The Parties shall support adoption of the Stipulation and acceptance of the Stipulation as a reasonable resolution to the issues identified previously. If the Idaho STIPULATION , Page 5 Commission rejects all or any part of this Stipulation , any Party disadvantaged by such action , including Idaho Power, shall have the right , upon written notice to the Commission and all Parties to the proceeding, within seven (7) days of the Commission s Order, to withdraw from the Stipulation. No withdrawing Party shall be bound by the terms of this Stipulation and any withdrawing Party may seek reconsideration of the Commission s Order. Withdrawal from the Stipulation would not prevent the withdrawing Party from subsequently requesting that the Commission hold a hearing in this case to resolve the issues identified above. The Parties have negotiated this Stipulation as an integrated settlement document. The Parties recommend that the Commission accept this Stipulation without material change or condition. 10.This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts, and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. (J 2 - 0 5- 0 '-I Date BARTON L. KLINE Attorney for Idaho Power Company 0.2. 05 - () Lf- Date STIPULATION , Page 6 ?-( if) /0 Date fJ PETER J. RICHARDSON Attorney for Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Company STIPULATION ~o joJ ate R. SCO ASLEY Attorney for J.R. Simplot Co STIPULATION J-/t:L/oLj ate STIPULATION