HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC Utility Monthly 04-01-11.pdf Please refer to page 13 of this report for detailed disclosure and certification information. INDUSTRY UPDATE Institutional Equity Research April 5, 2011 Utility Monthly Prices: (4/5/11) Industry: Utilities James L. Bellessa, Jr., CFA 406.791.7230 jbellessa@dadco.com Michael Bates Research Associate 406.791.7216 mbates@dadco.com Low Wholesale Power Prices Appear Unlikely to Halt New Projects • Our BUY-rated utilities are Alliant Energy Corp. and IDACORP, Inc. • Since publishing our last Utility Monthly, we initiated coverage of Integrys Energy Group with a NEUTRAL rating and lowered our ratings for ITC Holdings Corp. and MDU Resources Group from Buy to NEUTRAL. • Black Hills Corp. announced plans for additional wind and natural gas-fired generating resources in Colorado. • ITC Holdings Corp. announced updates for two major transmission projects. • NW Natural temporarily withdrew its FERC application for the Palomar Pipeline. • Xcel Energy, Inc. announced the cancellation of its Merricourt Wind Project. The persistence of relatively low wholesale electricity prices has called into question capital spending for new generation resources within the electric utility industry. Coupling current reduced natural gas prices levels (due largely to an increase in supply) with a lack of confidence as to when natural gas prices could rise again, some observers believe utilities should delay spending and rely on short-term power purchase agreements to meet customer demand. Indeed, the expected break-even cost of electricity generated at a new power plant, no matter what the fuel source, is higher than the current open market wholesale price, as suggested by Chart 1. Chart 1: Cost of Electric Generation by Fuel Source vs. Current Wholesale Price $0.057 $0.087 $0.236 $0.067$0.063 $0.117$0.115 $0.047 $0.000 $0.050 $0.100 $0.150 $0.200 $0.250 Wholesale Electricity Natural Gas Coal Natural Gas (Mitigated) Coal (Mitigated) Wind Nuclear Solar PV Br e a k - E v e n P r i c e p e r k W h Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Dallas Morning News, Bluescape Resources However, our contacts within the industry have expressed a general view that low natural gas prices are a short-term luxury. Although the persistence of low wholesale electricity prices should not be ignored by regulators and utilities, in most cases managements are inclined to take a long-term view to go ahead with projects, rather than remaining heavily exposed to the wholesale market, which has been volatile over the last decade. This view is evidenced by the fact that the capital spending budgets released by utilities within our coverage universe continue to show significant spending on new, owned generating resources to replace expiring purchased power agreements. As detailed in Table 1, several utilities under our coverage have set plans in motion to add new generation within the next several years, which we believe will remain intact despite the current low prices for wholesale power. D.A. Davidson & Co. 2 Table 1: Planned Spending for Generating Resources Remains Strong Symbol Utility Project Fuel Source Capacity (MW) In-Service Exp. Cost ($ millions) ALE ALLETE Inc., Bison 2 Wind 105 2012 $160 LNT Alliant Energy Corp. Edgewater Unit 5 Acquisition Coal 95 Acquisition - 2011 $45 Whispering Willow-East Wind 100 TBA $250 Bent Tree 1 Wind 200 1Q'11 $450 Riverside Acquisition Natural Gas 600 Acquisition - 2013 $375 BKH Black Hills Corp. Colorado Regulated Generation Natural Gas 180 2011 $260 Colorado Regulated - Third Turbine Natural Gas 88 2012 $102 Colorado IPP Natural Gas 200 2011 $260 EUI Development Project Wind 29 2012 TBA NWE NorthWestern Corp. Wind Resources (RFI) Wind ~50 2012 $120 South Dakota Peaking Natural Gas ~60 2013-2014 $60 POR Portland General Electric Co. Natural Gas - Peaking (RFI) Natural Gas 200 2013 TBA Natural Gas - Baseload (RFI) Natural Gas 300-500 2015 TBA Natural Gas - Peaking (RFI) Renewable 330-400 2015 TBA XEL Xcel Energy, Inc. Nuclear Uprates/Life Extensions Nuclear 235 2014-2015 $725 Black Dog Repowering Natural Gas 680 2016 $585 Colorado CACJA Repowerings Natural Gas 900 2017 $1,400 Source: Company reports and regulatory filings On March 30th we initiated research coverage of Integrys Energy Group, Inc., a diversified energy company based in Chicago, Illinois that operates primarily as a combination electric and gas utility in the Midwest. The company’s primary operations are carried out through six regulated utilities providing service to ~1.7 million natural gas customers and ~500,000 electric customers in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Integrys’ electric and gas utility subsidiaries are at the front end of multi-year plans to upgrade their electric and natural gas distribution systems and install pollution control equipment for their electric generating fleets. We estimate these projects will fuel annual utility earnings growth of ~6% on average over the next five years. Last year, Integrys completed strategic repositioning of its nonregulated Integrys Energy Services segment, which provides retail natural gas and electric products to customers in the Upper Midwest and Northeast regions of the United States. We believe the repositioning of this segment will increase the predictability of the segment’s earnings and cash flows, as well as compete for growth opportunities in retail markets. We also note that Integrys holds a 34% equity stake in American Transmission Company (ATC), which provides a stream of predictable earnings that we believe will continue to grow as the company continues to expand its asset base. Although the current yield of 5.4% remains well above the peer average, we see little potential for dividend increases over the next few years as the firm seeks to manage its relatively high payout ratio. It is our view that the stock’s current valuation is appropriate, given the company’s growth profile, relatively favorable regulatory backdrop, and its large equity stake in ATC. We initiated coverage with a NEUTRAL rating and a 12-18 month risk-adjusted target price of $50, which equates to 14.5x the average of our 2011 and 2012 EPS estimates. On March 14th Black Hills Corp. announced that it had filed for regulatory approval to add a third gas-fired turbine at its Pueblo Airport Generating Station, which is currently under construction. The utility’s request to increase the new plant’s capacity was primarily driven by an order by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in December 2010 to retire and replace roughly 88 MW of the company's outdated coal-fired facilities in compliance with the state’s Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act. The additional investment at the Pueblo plant is expected to equate to an additional capital investment of ~$102 million. On March 24th Black Hills Corp. announced the filing of a proposal to own 50% of a 29 MW wind project in Colorado (the utility also intends to purchase the electricity and renewable energy credits from its partner’s (EUI Development, LLC) portion of the project). The utility has indicated that although the state’s renewable portfolio standard of 30% renewables by 2020 is still distant, the CPUC will be looking for the utilities to make steady progress toward that requirement over the next decade. If approved, the project will be constructed south of Pueblo in 2012. ***** New Research Coverage Capital Projects D.A. Davidson & Co. 3 On April 1st, an Xcel Energy utility subsidiary announced that it had terminated a construction agreement with a wind farm developer for the planned Merricourt Wind Project in southeastern North Dakota. The reason given for the cancellation was the uncertainty of the cost and timing of mitigating the project’s possible impact on endangered or threatened species (whooping crane and piping plover) protected by federal law. The utility had previously expected to place the 150 MW wind farm in service by year-end 2011 at a cost of roughly $400 million. No material charge-off of development expenses is expected by Xcel, but we estimate the removal of the project reduces XEL’s earnings power by roughly $0.03 per share in 2012. With the removal of the Merricourt wind farm from its capex budget, Xcel now plans to spend ~$2 billion on capital projects in 2011. Although the firm’s store of banked renewable energy credits will likely be sufficient to keep it in compliance with Minnesota’s renewable portfolio standard over the short term, we believe it is reasonable to assume the utility will announce a replacement project within 1-2 years. ***** On March 25th ALLETE, Inc. filed for approval by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) to construct the Bison 2 wind project at an expected cost of ~$160 million. If approved, the 105 MW wind farm will be constructed near its Bison 1 project in central North Dakota in 2012. The electricity generated from the project will be transported to its core markets in Minnesota via the high voltage DC transmission line purchased by the utility in December 2009. ***** On March 17th ITC Holdings filed a request for a siting permit to construct its Kansas V-Plan, which includes 120 miles of 345 kV transmission lines. The estimated $300 million transmission plan has already been approved by SPP regulators as a priority project, qualifying for regional cost recovery. The transmission-only utility expects to begin surveying and easement acquisitions for the line in mid-2011, with the line expected to be in service by year-end 2014. ***** On March 22nd Northwest Natural Gas Co. and TransCanada Corp. (TRP - $41.21) announced the withdrawal of their joint application to construct the two-segment version of the Palomar Pipeline, which included a western extension to the now-cancelled Bradwood Landing LNG terminal on the Columbia River. The parties continue to stress the need for the project and have expressed plans to file a revised application (now excluding the western extension) in 2012, assuming this year’s open season process reflects sufficient demand. We also note that next year’s revised application may include Williams Companies, Inc. (WMB - $31.05) as a partner, which would likely result in a decreased ownership stake for NW Natural. ***** In late February the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) granted approval for a $630 million plan to install scrubbers and baghouses at the 1,139 MW Columbia Energy Center. The coal-fired plant is jointly owned by Alliant Energy Corp. (with a 46.2% interest), Integrys Energy Group Inc. (31.8%), and MGE Energy Inc. (22.0%), and each utility will share in the costs in proportion to their ownership of the asset. The 36-month project is expected to be finished in early 2014. Although the plan faced opposition from intervenors on the basis of cost, these groups are not expected to formally appeal the PSCW’s decision. ***** In late February, the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) handed down approval for ITC Holdings Corp.’s request for an expedited siting certificate for the Michigan Thumb Loop project. The transmission line will be comprised of a 140-mile double circuit 345 kV transmission line and four new substations at a total expected cost of $510 million (significant capital investments are expected to begin in 2012). The project is intended to serve as the backbone of the transmission system needed in that region to accommodate future wind development, and has been classified by MISO as a “Multi-Value Project” under its new cost allocation methodology, which means the costs will be allocated regionally. ***** D.A. Davidson & Co. 4 The New Mexico-based electric utility subsidiary of Xcel Energy (Southwestern Public Service) filed its 2011-test year general rate case, requesting a $19.9 million (+6.9%) electric rate increase. The request is based on an 11.25% ROE and a 51.1% equity capital structure and a $390.3 million rate base. The utility has based its sales forecast on a 2011 test year and asked that the new rates go into effect for 2012. ***** On March 14th the Public Utility Commission of Oregon (OPUC) granted approval of the all- party settlement submitted in Avista Corp.’s natural gas rate case settlement. Under the settlement, rates increased $2.0 million (+2.0%) on March 15th and will increase another $1.0 million (+1.1%) on June 1st. Avista Corp. received upgrades to its credit ratings from both Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s in March, with both upgrades reflective of improved liquidity and recent regulatory rate increases. The firm now holds an overall credit rating of Baa2 (previously Baa3) from Moody’s and BBB (previously BBB-) from S&P’s. ***** On March 15th Alliant Energy Corp. announced a notice of redemption for 1.6 million shares of its 7.10% Series C Cumulative Preferred Stock. The cost to redeem the shares is expected to total $40.4 million, which is expected to be funded by cash from operations. We estimate the redemption of these preferred shares will allow the company to save $2.8 million per year ($0.025 per share) in preferred dividends, but the premium paid for the redemption will delay this benefit until 2012. ***** In early March, ALLETE, Inc. reported that demand nominations from its industrial customers for the months of May through August 2011 were slightly higher than those for the previous four-month period. ALLETE’s pool of industrial customers is heavily weighted toward taconite producers, which are expected to produce at near full capacity levels for the period. The increase in production by these customers should translate into increased power sales and earnings for the utility. Regulatory Developments Other Developments D.A. Davidson & Co. 5 As displayed in Table 2, temperatures in the first quarter of 2011 were mixed in relation to historical averages, but colder than the same period one year ago in the service territories of nearly every utility under our coverage. The gas utility operations of NorthWestern Corp. and Black Hills Corp. likely received the most benefit from favorable weather in the quarter, while we point out that the mild temperatures in Colorado likely resulted in a weak comparison for Xcel Energy’s gas operations in that state. In terms of cooling degree days (see Table 3) temperatures in the service territory of Hawaiian Electric Industries were warmer than both the historical average and what was recorded last year, which likely helped the utility’s electric loads in 1Q’11. Table 2: Heating Degree Day* Data (HDD) –March 2011 and 1Q’11 Totals Parent Company / Utility Location ALLETE, Inc. (ALE) Minnesota Powe Duluth, MN 1264 2% 47% 4439 0% 13% Superior Water, Light & Power Superior, WI 1264 2% 47% 4439 0% 13% Alliant Energy, Inc. (LNT) Interstate Power & Light Cedar Rapids, IA 899 2% 20% 3754 8% 9% Wisconsin Power & Light Madison, WI 998 2% 24% 3647 -1% 6% Avista Corp. (AVA) Avista Utilities Spokane, WA 782 -1% 7% 2628 -9% 1% Black Hills Corp. (BKH) Black Hills Power Rapid City, SD 1040 12% 30% 3672 11% 16% Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Cheyenne, WY 826 -12% -7% 3103 -1% 9% Black Hills Energy - Colorado Electric Colorado Springs, CO 666 -19% -10% 2807 -2% 8% Black Hills Energy - Iowa Gas Des Moines, IA 787 -5% 10% 3465 5% 9% Black Hills Energy - Kansas Gas Wichita, KS 534 -10% -3% 2549 2% 12% Black Hills Energy - Nebraska Gas Lincoln, NE 783 -2% 6% 3397 7% 9% IDACORP, Inc. (IDA) Idaho Power Company Boise, ID 880 3% 23% 2588 -6% 11% Idaho Power Company Idaho Falls, ID 1124 6% 35% 3838 7% 11% Integrys Energy Group, Inc. (TEG) Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. Chicago, IL 637 -5% 3% 3085 0% 2% Wisconsin Public Service Corp. Green Bay, WI 917 0% 0% 3748 1% 6% MDU Resources Group, Inc. (MDU) Cascade Natural Gas Co. Tri Cities, WA 551 -4% 4% 1977 -11% -3% Great Plains Natural Gas Co. Fergus Falls, MN 1327 13% 48% 4676 7% 14% Intermountain Natural Gas Boise, ID 637 -5% 3% 2345 -9% 4% Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. Bismarck, ND 1353 22% 41% 4622 11% 12% MGE Energy, Inc. (MGEE) Madison Gas & Electric Co. Madison, WI 998 2% 24% 3647 -1% 6% Portland General Electric Co. (POR) Portland General Electric Portland, OR 575 7% 15% 1791 -6% 2% Northwest Natural Gas Co. (NWN) NW Natural Portland, OR 575 7% 15% 1791 -6% 2% NorthWestern Corp. (NWE) NorthWestern Energy Billings, MT 899 3% 41% 3177 1% 17% NorthWestern Energy Sioux Falls, SD 1083 10% 28% 4177 10% 14% Otter Tail Corp. (OTTR) Otter Tail Power Co. Fargo, ND 1370 16% 51% 4821 9% 16% Questar Corp. (STR) Questar Corp. Salt Lake City, UT 660 -1% -4% 951 -3% -4% Xcel Energy, Inc. (XEL) NSP-Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 1095 6% 49% 1458 -6% -5% NSP-Minnesota Fargo, ND 1370 16% 51% 1833 2% 10% NSP-Minnesota Sioux Falls, SD 1083 10% 28% 1498 -1% -2% NSP-Wisconsin Eau Claire, WI 1156 9% 48% 1519 -4% -4% PSCo Denver, CO 661 -16% -10% 1117 -19% -30% SPS Clovis, NM 371 -25% -33% 667 -24% -41% % From Average March Total % From 2010 % From Average 1Q'11 Total % From 2010 Source: National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center Table 3: Cooling Degree Day* Data (CDD) – March 2011 and 1Q’11 Totals Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (HE) Hawaiian Electric Co. Honolulu, HI 366 27% 15% 901 23% 7% Maui Electric Co. Kahului, HI 306 22% 20% 728 15% 14% Hawaiian Electric Light Co. Hilo, HI 244 13% 23% 657 14% 3% % From Average March Total % From 2010 % From Average 1Q'11 Total % From 2010LocationParent Company / Utility Source: National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center *A degree day is a quantitative index demonstrated to reflect demand for energy to heat or cool houses and businesses. This index is derived from daily temperature observations at nearly 200 major weather stations in the contiguous United States. The "heating year" during which heating degree days are accumulated extends from July 1st to June 30th and the "cooling year" during which cooling degree data are accumulated extends from January 1st to December 31st. A mean daily temperature (average of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures) of 65°F is the base for both heating and cooling degree day computations. Heating degree days are summations of negative differences between the mean daily temperature and the 65°F base; cooling degree days are summations of positive differences from the same base. For example, cooling degree days for a station with daily mean temperatures during a seven-day period of 67, 65, 70, 74, 78, 65 and 68, are 2, 0, 5, 9, 13, 0 and 3, for a total for the week of 32 cooling degree days. TEMPERATURE DAT D.A. Davidson & Co. 6 The Northwest River Forecast Center continues to forecast normal or above-normal water supply in the northwestern region of the United States through the spring and summer of 2011 due in part to a strong La Niña effect that is expected to continue for several months. As depicted in Figure 1, accumulated precipitation in the Pacific Northwest from October 2010 through February 2011 (the most recent data available) has been above-normal (the “precipitation year” extends from October 1st to September 30th), which stands in contrast with the extremely dry conditions one year ago and should bode well for hydrogeneration-oriented utilities in the region. Figure 1: Accumulated Precipitation: October 2010–February 2011 Source: National Weather Service Northwest River Forecast Center Hydrogeneration Outlook D.A. Davidson & Co. 7 Heavy precipitation levels through most of 1Q’11 were a welcome change from 2010’s mostly dry winter, which brought relatively light levels of precipitation in the Northwestern region. As of April 4th, and as seen in Figure 2, the snow water content in key drainages for hydrogeneration used by Avista Corp., IDACORP, Inc., and Portland General Electric remain above normal levels. Figure 2: Western Region Snow Water Content Source: United States Department of Agriculture The Northwest River Forecast Center’s projection released on March 31st calls for streamflows in the Northwest to be above normal through the spring and summer months of 2011, as seen in Table 4. Streamflows in the region are, for the most part, expected to show a significant improvement over 2010’s hydrogeneration season, which had an extremely slow start but gradually recovered to near-normal levels by the end of the year. Table 4: Streamflow Projections for Key Hydrogeneration Measurement Locations Location of Forecasted % Forecast as % Company Streamflow Forecast Period of Normal - 3/5/10 of Prior-Year Steamflows Avista Corp. Coeur d'Alene Lake Inflow, ID April-July 113% 140% Avista Corp. Whitehorse Rapids, ID April-Sept. 124% 160% IDACORP, Inc. Brownlee Reservoir Inflow April-July 111% 153% Portland General Electric Grand Coulee, WA April-Sept. 110% 136% Portland General Electric Clackamas River, OR April-Sept. 100% 82% Portland General Electric Deschutes River, OR April-Sept. 113% 136% Portland General Electric The Dalles, OR April-Sept. 107% 128% Source: National Weather Service Northwest River Forecast Center D.A. Davidson & Co. 8 The upper portion of Chart 2 depicts an overall ~49% advance in the price of FactSet’s market- weighted index of 100 domestic investor-owned utilities since reaching a trough in early 2009. The middle portion of the chart depicts the group’s 14.3x P/E ratio on year-forward earnings estimates, or half a multiple point below the 5-year average. The bottom panel of Chart 2 shows utilities trading at a 5% premium valuation relative to the S&P 500, or moderately above the 5-year average discount of 1%. Chart 3 provides two additional measurements of value (EV/EBITDA and P/BV), showing that utility valuations have returned to approximately match the 5-year average, based on these metrics. P/BV valuations remain below the average but in line with the general level seen since 2008. As shown in the top panel of Chart 4, the sector’s current average dividend yield of 4.0% remains above the 5-year average of 3.6%. The bottom panel depicts the yield of the utility group relative to the yield of the S&P 500 is currently at ~2.3x. After a prolonged relative downtrend, utilities’ relative yields trended upward through 2009 until turning sideways early in the second quarter of 2010 and leaving the current relative yield near the 5-year high. As depicted in Chart 5, yields in the group relative to 5-year Treasury Bonds sharply improved from mid-2007 to the end of March 2009, due to the flight to quality during the worldwide financial crisis, reaching 203% of parity with T-bonds in December 2008, when the flight to quality left the yield on T-bonds at their lowest level since the U.S. Treasury started selling them. The current 116% relative yield for the sector compares to the 5-year average of 100%. 150 200 250 300 350 400 Utilities 31-Mar-2006 to 04-Apr-2011 (Weekly) High: 388.51 Low: 203.66 Latest: 304.06 Price (USD) 5 10 15 20 Average: 14.8 High: 18.8 Low: 9.5 Latest: 14.3 Price to Earnings - FY1 '06 '07 '08 '09 '100.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 ©FactSet Research SystemsData Source: FactSet Aggregates, FactSet Aggregates, Average: 0.99 High: 1.19 Low: 0.70 Latest: 1.05 Price to Earnings - FY1 - Relative to S&P 500 Source: FactSet Valuation Metrics Chart 2: Utility Price Index, Forward P/E Ratios, and P/E Relative to the S&P 500 D.A. Davidson & Co. 9 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 Utilities 31-Mar-2006 to 04-Apr-2011 (Weekly) Average: 8.0 High: 9.2 Low: 6.6 Latest: 8.2 Enterprise Value to EBITDA '06 '07 '08 '09 '101 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 ©FactSet Research SystemsData Source: , FactSet Aggregates Average: 1.8 High: 2.5 Low: 1.1 Latest: 1.5 Price to Book Source: FactSet 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Utilities 31-Mar-2006 to 04-Apr-2011 (Weekly) Average: 3.6 High: 5.5 Low: 2.4 Latest: 4.0 Dividend Yield '06 '07 '08 '09 '101.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 ©FactSet Research SystemsData Source: FactSet Aggregates, Average: 1.76 High: 2.31 Low: 1.26 Latest: 2.28 Dividend Yield - Relative to S&P 500 Source: FactSet Chart 3: Utility Ratios of EV/EBITDA and P/BV Chart 4: Utility Dividend Yields and ield Relative to Yield on S&P 500 D.A. Davidson & Co. 10 '06 '07 '08 '09 '1040% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200% 220%Utility Industry Yield Relative to 10-Year T-Bond Max: 203.23 Min: 50.50 Last: 116.00 FDSAGG United States / Utilities -SEC - Dividend Yield / US Treasury Constant Maturity - 10 Year - Yield * 100 Recession Periods - United States Source: FactSet Chart 5: Utility Dividend Yield Relative to Yield on U.S. 10-Year Treasury Bonds D.A. Davidson & Co. 11 Table 5: D.A. Davidson Utility Coverage Relative Performance Price Price Ex-Dividend Monthly Year-to-Date 12/31/2010 3/31/2011 in March Total Return Total Return ALLETE, Inc. (ALE) $35.26 $38.97 3.1% 11.8% Alliant Energy Corporation (LNT) 36.77 38.93 -1.1% 7.0% Avista Corp. (AVA) 22.52 23.13 3.6% 3.9% Black Hills Corporation (BKH) 30.00 33.44 8.5% 12.7% Hawaiian Electric Industries (HE) 22.79 24.80 2.7% 10.2% IDACORP, Inc. (IDA) 36.98 38.10 1.0% 3.8% ITC Holdings Corp. (ITC) 61.98 69.90 2.0% 13.3% Integrys Energy Group, Inc. (TEG) 48.51 50.51 3.1% 5.5% MDU Resources Group, Inc. (MDU) 20.27 22.97 $0.16 7.7% 14.1% MGE Energy, Inc. (MGEE) 42.76 40.49 -1.2% -4.4% Northwest Natural Gas Co. (NWN) 46.47 46.13 -1.9% 0.2% NorthWestern Corporation (NWE) 28.83 30.30 0.36 3.2% 6.3% Otter Tail Corp. (OTTR) 22.54 22.73 0.9% 2.2% Portland General Electric Co. (POR) 21.70 23.77 0.26 2.6% 10.7% Questar Corp. (STR) 17.41 17.45 0.15 -1.5% 1.1% Xcel Energy Inc. (XEL)1 23.55 23.89 0.25 0.8% 2.5% Median 2.3% 5.9% Mean 2.1% 6.3% Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJIA) $11,577.51 $12,319.73 $17.14 0.9% 7.1% Standard & Poors 500 (.SPX) 1,257.64 1,325.83 1.90 0.0% 5.9% Dow Jones Utility Average (.UTIL) 404.99 413.06 1.86 -0.2% 3.1% FactSet U.S. Utilities Index 1,158.70 1,207.52 0.7% 4.2% FactSet U.S. Electric Utilities Index 1,151.63 1,186.91 0.5% 3.1% FactSet U.S. Gas Utilities Index 986.33 1,066.12 1.0% 8.1% 1Prices for Questar Corp. prior to 7/1/10 are adjusted for the spin-off of QEP Resources. *Ex-Dividend amount incorporated in index Sources: Bloomberg and SNL Interactive As shown in Table 5, advances by utility stocks in March were not exempt from the broad market’s subdued total return. FactSet’s broad index of 100 utilities advanced 0.7% on a total return basis, compared to 0.9% by the Dow Jones Industrials and a flat return on the S&P 500. The average return by our universe of mostly small to mid-cap utilities generally outperformed these benchmarks, posting a mean monthly return of 2.1%, led by strong gains by Black Hills Corp. (+8.5%) and MDU Resources Group, Inc. (+7.7%). This strong performance by two diversified energy companies stands in contrast to moderate declines in the stock of natural gas distributors Northwest Natural Gas Co. (-1.9%), and Questar Corp. (-1.5%). Leading our coverage universe from a year-to-date total return perspective are MDU Resources Group, Inc. and ITC Holdings Corp., which have risen 14.1% and 13.3% through March 31, 2011. We attribute the strong performance of these companies’ shares relative to their peers to their non-traditional business strategies and above average prospects to grow their asset bases and earnings despite the prevailing uncertainties on the regulatory and economic fronts. As depicted in Table 6, the mean 2012 price-earnings ratio has advanced to 14.2x, up from 13.3x on February 2nd (the pricing date of our last utility monthly), while the mean EV/EBITDA ratio based on our 2012 forecast and the average current dividend yield in our coverage universe are currently 7.4x and 4.1%, respectively. Integrys Energy Group sports the highest yield in the group (currently 5.3%) with a relatively high, yet secure, payout ratio of 80% of projected 2012 earnings. RELATIVE PERFORMANCE D.A. Davidson & Co. 12 Table 6: D.A. Davidson & Co. Utilities Comparison Price EPS EPS EPS P/E P/E P/E 4/5/11 2010 2011E 2012E 2010 2011E 2012E ALLETE Inc.1,2 ALE N $39.82 $39.00 $1,426 $2.31 $2.50 $2.62 15.9 14.7 14.1 99% 1.4 4.5% 71% 6.1 5.8 5.5 44.6% 10.0 9.6 9.1 8.3% 3.2% Alliant Ener Corp.1 LNT B $39.29 $43.00 $4,357 $2.75 $2.90 $3.05 14.3 13.6 12.9 104% 1.5 4.3% 59% 5.1 4.7 4.4 50.9% 8.5 7.7 7.3 10.5% 3.2% Avista Corp.1 AVA N $23.42 $24.00 $1,338 $1.65 $1.70 $1.83 14.2 13.7 12.8 97% 1.2 4.7% 65% 4.0 3.8 3.6 50.6% 7.2 6.8 6.5 8.5% 2.4% Black Hills Corp.1 BKH N $34.31 $32.00 $1,348 $1.76 $2.11 $2.60 19.5 16.3 13.2 95% 1.8 4.3% 69% 4.2 3.9 3.2 56.7% 8.7 8.0 6.6 6.3% 2.0% Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc.1 HE N $25.34 $23.50 $2,399 $1.21 $1.53 $1.90 20.9 16.5 13.3 96% 1.7 4.9% 81% 5.8 5.1 4.5 52.8% 9.0 7.9 7.0 7.9% 1.3% IDACORP Inc.1 IDA B $38.82 $42.00 $1,918 $2.95 $2.80 $3.00 13.1 13.9 12.9 95% 1.3 3.1% 43% 5.7 4.9 4.4 52.3% 10.0 8.6 7.8 9.7% 3.2% Integrys Energy Group, Inc.1 TEG N $50.87 $50.00 $3,935 $3.13 $3.38 $3.53 16.3 15.1 14.4 108% 1.7 5.3% 80% 5.5 5.5 5.2 48.2% 9.0 9.1 8.6 8.4% 2.2% ITC Holdings Corp.1 ITC N $69.79 $75.00 $3,539 $2.84 $3.30 $4.23 24.6 21.1 16.5 79% 30.2 1.9% 41% 8.0 7.2 6.0 69.1% 13.4 12.1 10.0 13.6% 3.5% MDU Resources Group, Inc.1 MDU N $23.47 $24.00 $4,419 $1.29 $1.33 $1.55 18.2 17.7 15.2 113% 2.2 2.8% 49% 5.8 5.4 4.9 36.4% 7.5 7.0 6.4 9.3% 3.9% MGE Energy Inc.1 MGEE U $41.61 $37.00 $962 $2.43 $2.50 $2.55 17.2 16.6 16.3 113% 1.8 3.6% 60% 6.7 6.6 6.4 40.6% 9.2 9.0 8.8 10.9% 4.3% Northwest Natural Gas Co.1 NWN N $45.99 $46.00 $1,226 $2.58 $2.60 $2.70 17.8 17.7 17.0 108% 2.0 3.8% 67% 5.6 5.3 5.1 55.3% 9.5 9.0 8.7 10.2% 2.7% NorthWestern Corp.1 NWE N $30.61 $31.00 $1,109 $2.07 $2.25 $2.35 13.8 12.7 12.2 89% 2.2 4.7% 64% 4.4 4.1 3.8 57.4% 8.7 8.1 7.5 9.4% 2.6% Otter Tail Corp.1 OTTR U $23.01 $20.00 $827 $0.62 $1.20 $1.48 37.1 19.2 15.5 101% 1.6 5.2% 99% 6.1 4.6 4.1 45.7% 10.1 7.5 6.8 3.3% 1.2% Portland General Electric Co.1 POR N $24.20 $24.00 $1,823 $1.66 $1.88 $1.88 14.6 12.9 12.9 105% 1.3 4.3% 55% 3.6 3.4 3.2 53.1% 7.2 6.8 6.4 7.7% 2.3% Questar Corp.1 STR N $17.53 $18.50 $3,134 $1.13 $1.11 $1.19 15.6 15.7 14.7 101% 3.0 3.5% 55% 6.0 5.8 5.4 56.1% 8.5 8.2 7.7 8.8% 3.2% Xcel Ener , Inc.1 XEL N $24.12 $24.00 $11,628 $1.62 $1.71 $1.79 14.9 14.1 13.5 108% 1.4 4.2% 59% 4.7 4.3 4.1 55.2% 8.7 8.0 7.6 9.8% 2.9% Median, 16 Regional Utilities 16.1 15.4 13.8 101% 1.7 4.3% 62% 5.7 5.0 4.5 52.5% 8.8 8.0 7.6 9.0% 2.8% Mean, 16 Regional Utilities 18.0 15.7 14.2 101% 3.5 4.1% 64% 5.5 5.0 4.6 51.5% 9.1 8.3 7.7 8.9% 2.8% Price/ EBITDA 2012E EV / EBITDA 2012E 1D.A. Davidson & Co. makes a market in this security. PE '12E / 10 yr Median Payout Ratio 2011E ROAA (ttm) Dividend Yield ROAE (ttm)Rating Debt / Capital Price/ EBITDA 2011E Price/ EBITDA 2010 Company Name Symbol 2For purposes of calculating P/E, P/EBITDA, and EV/EBITDA ratios, the stock price of ALE has been reduced by our $3.00/sh point estimate of the value of ALLETE Properties. Sources: Company reports and D.A. Davidson & Co. estimates P / TBVPrice Target Mkt Cap ($M) EV / EBITDA 2010 EV / EBITDA 2011E D.A. Davidson & Co. Two Centerpointe Drive, Suite 400 • Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 • (503) 603-3000 • (800) 755-7848 • www.dadavidson.com Copyright D.A. Davidson & Co., 2011. All rights reserved. 13 Required Disclosures D.A. Davidson & Co. expects to receive, or intends to seek, compensation for investment banking services from the companies mentioned in this report in the next three months. D.A. Davidson & Co. is a full service investment firm that provides both brokerage and investment banking services. James L. Bellessa, Jr., CFA and Michael Bates the research analysts principally responsible for the preparation of this report, will receive compensation that is based upon (among other factors) D.A. Davidson & Co.’s investment banking revenue. However, D.A. Davidson & Co.’s analysts are not directly compensated for involvement in specific investment banking transactions. We, James L. Bellessa, Jr., CFA and Michael Bates, attest that (i) all the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect our personal views about the common stock of the subject company, and (ii) no part of our compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report. Ratings Information D.A. Davidson & Co.’s Institutional Research Rating Scale (maintained since 7/9/02): Buy, Neutral, Underperform D.A. Davidson & Co. Institutional Research Ratings Buy Neutral Underperform Risk adjusted return potential azbycx Over 15% total return expected on a risk adjusted basis over next 12-18 months >0-15% return potential on a risk adjusted basis over next 12-18 months Likely to remain flat or lose value on a risk adjusted basis over next 12-18 months Distribution of Ratings (as of 12/31/10) Buy Hold Sell Corresponding Institutional Research Ratings Buy Neutral Underperform and Distribution 57% 39% 4% Corresponding Individual Investor Group Ratings Outperform Market Perform Underperform and Distribution 81% 19% 0% Distribution of Combined Ratings 59% 37% 4% Distribution of companies from whom D.A. Davidson & Co. has received compensation for investment banking services in last 12 mos. Institutional Coverage 8% 4% 10% Individual Investor Group Coverage 0% 20% 0% Distribution of Combined Investment Banking 7% 5% 10% Target prices are our Institutional Research Department’s evaluation of price potential over the next 12-18 months and 5 years, based upon our assessment of future earnings and cash flow, comparable company valuations, growth prospects and other financial criteria. Certain risks may impede achievement of these price targets including, but not limited to, broader market and macroeconomic fluctuations and unforeseen changes in the subject company’s fundamentals or business trends. For a copy of the most recent reports containing all required disclosure information for covered companies referenced in this report, please contact your D.A. Davidson & Co. representative or call 1-800-755-7848. Other Disclosures Information contained herein has been obtained by sources we consider reliable, but is not guaranteed and we are not soliciting any action based upon it. Any opinions expressed are based on our interpretation of data available to us at the time of the original publication of the report. These opinions are subject to change at any time without notice. Investors must bear in mind that inherent in investments are the risks of fluctuating prices and the uncertainties of dividends, rates of return and yield. Investors should also remember that past performance is not necessarily an indicator of future performance and D.A. Davidson & Co. makes no guarantee, express or implied, as to future performance. Investors should note this report was prepared by D.A. Davidson & Co.’s Institutional Research Department for distribution to D.A. Davidson & Co.’s institutional investor clients and assumes a certain level of investment sophistication on the part of the recipient. Readers, who are not institutional investors or other market professionals, should seek the advice of their individual investment advisor for an explanation of this report’s contents, and should always seek such advisor’s advice before making any investment decisions. Further information and elaboration will be furnished upon request.