HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC rbc-8-8-08.doc06:17am EDT 8-Aug-08 RBC Capital Markets (US) (Lasan Johong) IDA IDA.N RBC: IDA: Quarter miss reflects timing issues and weather Part 1 RBC CAPITAL MARKETS EQUITY RESEARCH Price Target Revision | COMMENT August 8, 2008 IDACORP, Inc. NYSE:IDA Sector Perform Above Average Risk Quarter miss reflects timing issues and weather Priced as of prior trading day's market close, EST (unless otherwise stated). For required disclosures, please see Required Disclosures section at the end of this comment. RBC Capital Markets Corp. Lasan Johong (Analyst) (212) 428-6462; lasan.johong@rbccm.com Emily Christy (Associate) (212) 428-6970; emily.christy@rbccm.com Ella Faynzilberg (Associate) (212) 428-6492; ella.faynzilberg@rbccm.com Price: 29.66 Price Target: 35.00(prev:38.00) Shares O/S (MM): 44.1 Implied All-In Return: 22% Dividend: 1.20 Market Cap (MM): 1,308 Yield: 4.0% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- All values in USD unless otherwise noted. FY Dec 2007A 2008E 2009E Adj EPS - FD 1.86 1.80 2.14 Prev. 2.01 P/AEPS 15.9x 16.5x 13.9x Adj CFPS - FD 1.77 4.55 4.96 Prev. 4.84 5.08 P/ACFPS 16.8x 6.5x 6.0x EBITDA/Share - FD 5.92 6.46 8.08 Prev. 6.97 8.36 FCFPS - FD (2.63) (1.08) (0.76) Prev. (1.12) (0.51) P/FCF NM NM NM Adj EPS - FD Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2007 0.56A 0.42A 0.65A 0.23A 2008 0.48A 0.35A 0.71E 0.26E Prev. 0.51E 0.31E Adj CFPS - FD 2007 0.98A 0.30A 0.50A 0.00A 2008 1.02A 1.08A 1.45E 1.01E Prev. 1.27E 1.47E 1.08E EBITDA/Share - FD 2007 1.60A 1.41A 1.71A 1.21A 2008 1.57A 1.46A 2.00E 1.43E Prev. 1.78E 2.06E 1.56E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDA reported 2Q08 adjusted-EPS of $0.35 vs. consensus of $0.42 and our $0.51 estimate Maintaining CNAV of $38 and SP rating. Lowering Target Price to $35 from $38 to reflect recent market weakness. Rate increase offsets lower demand at the utility The implementation of higher retail rates and higher power cost adjustment rates, which took respective effect in March and June 2008, increased year- over-year revenues by $19MM. Usage by irrigation customers, however, was 16% lower than 2Q07 due to weather. Customer growth continued, but at a slightly slower rate of 1.8% compared to 2.0% in 1Q08. Hydrology a relative bright spot compared to recent history Although actual April to July reservoir inflows were still only 70% of the 30yr average at 4.4 million acre-feet (maf), weather and climate conditions have been favorable year-over-year. Hydroelectric generation for the quarter, at 2,077MWh was up year-over-year by 35%, Brownlee Reservoir storage was 113% of average in July, and IDA may add at least 69,000 maf to peak summer flows via water leases. Accordingly, IDA has increased the lower end and refined the range of its expectations for hydro generation to 6.5-7.5MM MWh from 6.0-8.0MM MWh. Regulatory Environment at a Crossroads IDA is working to mitigate the regulatory risk that has plagued the company. Since 1Q08, IDA filed a general rate case requesting a $67MM revenue increase, held its first regulatory workshop to discuss the PCA and LGAR mechanisms, and filed an application for its proposed $71MM AMI deployment. IDA hopes to build on its recent success in OR, where the reign of free power finally ended in June with the approved PCAM rates. As proceedings begin, we expect to conduct a more thorough analysis of the proposed changes and possible outcomes. Conclusion: Little has changed for IDA in the longer-term, but potential catalysts are on the horizon Hydrology conditions remain as the backbone of IDA's success or failure under the existing regulatory framework, but regulatory acknowledgement of this risk and resulting pressure on the company's financial health seems to be taking hold. Formal discussions are certainly a step in the right direction, but of course only positive results can tip the scale away from risk and towards reward. Details Growing power gap remains a question, magnified by regulatory shortcomings As customer and demand growth continue, IDA's reliance on purchased power will increase. With current flaws in the PCA and LGAR mechanisms, this growth could actually impair earnings. Construction and ownership of a new base load power plant could turn this pressure on earnings into an accretive benefit. Since scrapping preliminary plans for an IGCC plant (fortunately, in our opinion), IDA has yet to announce a replacement project or alternative plan to fill the expected power gap. We look for more clarity on this issue when IDA files its updated Integrated Resource Plan in 2009. Regulatory Updates: IDA filed its General Rate Case to the IPUC The company filed for a $67MM annual increase in revenues, an 11.25% ROE and an equity ratio of approximately 50%. As the last rate case was settled without singling out these metrics, relevant comparisons to existing rates are somewhat murky. For the prior rate case, IDA received roughly half of its requested $64MM revenue increase in its rate case, but uncertainty lingered as to which costs were covered by the settlement, which costs were disallowed, and which costs remain pending for the next rate case. Through this rate case, IDA seeks to establish a solidified forecast test-year methodology and an applicable ROE for a specific equity ratio. This filing will base costs on forecasts for 2008 that are built from the last audited year, 2007. As the forecasting methodology will be new to the commission, this hearing may take some time. It is our hope that the details be examined and the issues fully resolved, rather than reaching another cash settlement agreement filled with loose-ends. If the timing of costs and projects can be more favorably treated by this process, shareholder value would increase accordingly. Danskin added to rate base The 166MW gas-fired Danskin peaking plant began commercial operations in March, 2008. Effective as of June 1, 2008, $64.2MM was added to rate base for this plant. The associated annual revenue increases are approximately $8.9MM. PCA amount approved, allocation methodology changed In May, the IPUC approved $73.3MM in purchased power cost recovery. Additionally, the IPUC determined that cost recovery would be allocated evenly on a monthly basis, rather than seasonally with MWh usage. The change in distribution should not have an impact on longer term annual results, but quarterly fluctuations are expected to diminish. Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity filed for AMI deployment proposal Under the deployment plan, IDA will install the new meters to nearly all of its customers, beginning in 2008 and ending in 2011. Although IDA has begun to contract for supplies and materials related to this initiative, it has retained the option to cancel all obligations if regulatory approvals are not in line with forecasts. If approved, IDA's AMI plan will have a $12.2MM positive impact on 2009 earnings. We have not yet included this upside in our current model and will wait for the regulatory process to conclude. Regulatory progress in OR: Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism (PCAM) approved Cost recovery from the PCAM in OR took effect in June 2008. In May the OPUC approved IDA's updated forecast of its expected purchased power costs for April 2008 through March 2009 in the amount of $4.8MM. Prior to the PCAM, in the last OR general rate case regulators imposed a negative value to purchased power expenses, assuming that the owned generation would be not only sufficient to serve the load, but also enough for off-system sales. VALUATION Our calculated net-asset-value (CNAV) is $38 and our Target Price is $35. We determine our CNAV based on a full discounted cash flow model using an average of Free Cash Flow to the Firm and Free Cash Flow to Equity. We apply a multistage growth rate with a terminal multiple of 11.0x based on a dynamic WACC with an initial rate of 8.10%. The terminal value is calculated approximately 25 years forward. Our target price is set at a discount to our CNAV due to recent market weakness and economic uncertainty in the near term. As a pure-play electric utility with a significant hydroelectric generation fleet, IDA operates in a heavily regulated environment. Considering the risk management policies of IDA, the Idaho regulatory structure, solid operations and the above-average population growth for the service territory, the company continues to perform as expected. PRICE TARGET IMPEDIMENT Volatile hydrology, unfavorable regulatory decisions, poor growth project selections, operational setbacks, changes in credit ratings, environmental regulations, cost overruns with the capex projects and weather. COMPANY DESCRIPTION IDACORP is a holding company for the following subsidiaries: Idaho Power Company, IDACORP Financial, and Ida-West Energy. Idaho Power Company (IPC) is a regulated utility serving approximately 472,000 customers in Idaho and western Oregon. Through its regulated operations, IPC generates, purchases, transmits, distributes, and sells electric power. Through its 17 hydroelectric power plants, IPC is one of few utilities with a predominant hydro generating base. The company also owns and operates coal and natural gas-fired plants to round out its approximately 3,300MW power portfolio. Additionally, IPC has 4,600 miles of transmission lines and 26,000 miles of distribution lines. IDACORP Financial is an investment company with a focus on affordable housing and historic preservation projects. Ida-West Energy is an independent power project development company with 44.6MW of combined interest in nine hydroelectric power plants in California and Idaho. 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IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES The analyst(s) responsible for preparing this research report received compensation that is based upon various factors, including total revenues of the member companies of RBC Capital Markets and its affiliates, a portion of which are or have been generated by investment banking activities of the member companies of RBC Capital Markets and its affiliates. A member company of RBC Capital Markets or one of its affiliates received compensation for products or services other than investment banking services from IDACORP, Inc. during the past 12 months. During this time, a member company of RBC Capital Markets or one of its affiliates provided non-securities services to IDACORP, Inc. RBC Capital Markets is currently providing IDACORP, Inc. with non-securities services. RBC Capital Markets has provided IDACORP, Inc. with non-securities services in the past 12 months. 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