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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC My Credit Profile.pdfMy Credit Profile My Credit Profile Table of Contents • Major Rating Factors • Rationale • Outlook Idaho Power Co. Publication date:12-Feb-2009 Primary Credit Analyst:Tony Bettinelli, San Francisco (1) 415-371-5067; Major Rating Factors Corporate Credit Rating BBB/Stable/A-2 Ratings Detail >> Strengths: l A strong power cost adjustment (PCA) mechanism that allows 95% of uncollected power costs to be deferred for timely collection; l A low-cost hydro- and coal-based generating fleet; l A generally supportive state regulatory regime; and l The absence of material, unregulated businesses. Weaknesses: l High exposure to hydroelectric generation volatility on the Snake River, resulting in unpredictable power supplies and costs, although ultimate recovery is higher due to the company's PCA mechanism; l Average cash flow to debt persistently at the lower range of current financial risk category; and l Planning challenges related to generation and transmission needs due to the uncertainty of future growth and recovery. Rationale The 'BBB' corporate credit rating on IDACORP is based on the consolidated credit profile of the company, consisting primarily of integrated electric utility Idaho Power Co. (IPC), which carries the same rating, and reflects a 'strong' business profile and 'aggressive' consolidated financial profile. IPC normally provides more than 90% of earnings and most of IDACORP's consolidated cash from operations. IPC's 'strong' business profile incorporates both its low-cost hydroelectric generation base, which exposes the company to substantial replacement power price risk in the event of low water flows, and a credit-supportive regulatory environment in Idaho. Under normal water conditions, hydrological generation provides about half of total generation needs, necessitating a robust cost recovery mechanism. The recently authorized improvements to Idaho Power Company's annual power cost adjustment (PCA) mechanism support credit quality and are expected to reduce the under-collection of power costs and reduce cash flow volatility. The most significant credit-supportive modifications to the PCA include a reduction in the sharing mechanism that halves power cost exposure to 5% from 10%, a new forecasted cost methodology that is expected to result in smaller true-up balances, a beneficial change to the (1 of 6)2/12/2009 1:28:44 PM My Credit Profile punitive load growth add-back adjustment, and the inclusion of third-party transmission costs that have become more onerous in recent years. In exceptionally low water years, deferrals materially weaken cash flows and credit metrics, but we view this primarily as a liquidity matter since 95% of costs above base rates are collected with a carrying charge over 12 months. The 'aggressive' financial profile is marked by gradual deterioration of cash flow coverage and volatile cash flows. Over time, average credit metrics have deteriorated, but the company has taken steps to stabilize returns and cash flow with new updated base rates and modified power cost mechanisms. Ratios are expected to improve in 2009. As of Sept. 30, 2008, IDACORP's adjusted funds from operations (FFO) coverage of interest and FFO to total debt were 3.1x and 11.1%, respectively, on a 12- month rolling basis. (Credit metrics are adjusted to include the debt equivalent of leases, purchased power obligations, and postretirement benefit obligations.) Cash flow-based coverage ratios have improved slightly but steadily over the past two quarters, based on the impact of multiple rate increases over the past 12 months. While leverage remains reasonable for the rating, with an adjusted debt-to-total-capitalization ratio at 57.3% as of Sept. 30, 2008, it has increased slightly due to a higher proportion of debt being used to fund capital expenditures. Management indicated in the August earnings call that additional equity may be used to maintain a balanced capital structure, however. Short-term credit factors IDACORP's 'A-2' short-term rating reflects its adequate liquidity. Liquidity is provided by a $100 million, five-year credit agreement at IDACORP and a $300 million, five-year credit facility at IPC, primarily used for deferred power costs. At Nov. 5, 2008, $146 million of commercial paper (CP) backed by the facility was outstanding at IPC and $58 million of CP and draws were outstanding at IDACORP. Both facilities terminate on April 25, 2012. Cash flows are volatile and highly dependant on hydrological conditions. Twelve-month rolling cash flows from operations as of Sept. 30, 2008, totaled $149 million, versus only $39.8 million a year earlier. Cash and cash equivalents as of Sept. 30, 2008, were $57.7 million. Debt maturities are moderate at $87 million in 2009, and $4 million in 2010. A temporary $170 million 12-month term loan was recently renewed, as the company works to restructure some re-purchased tax-exempt debt. Planned capital expenditures in 2008 had been reduced to $235 million-$250 million from $280 million-$300 million and further refinement would not be surprising, as the customer growth outlook has been reduced. Slower growth will reduce borrowing needs, although generated cash, debt, and equity may be needed as capital sources to maintain a balanced capital structure. Outlook The stable outlook reflects a requisite level of regulatory support and expected long-term financial metrics that are adequate for the ratings -- above current levels. A downward rating action may occur if the company does not carefully manage costs and investments to ensure full recovery, especially in light of a weakening economy. Improvement in credit ratings, although unlikely in the near term, would require significantly stronger financial metrics over a longer-term horizon, in addition to solid regulatory support. Table 1 | Download Table IDACORP Inc. -- Peer Comparison* Industry Sector: Electric IDACORP Inc.Avista Corp.Puget Energy Inc. Portland General Electric Co. NorthWestern Corp. Rating as of Feb. 5, 2009 BBB/Stable/A-2 BBB-/Stable/A-3 BB+/Stable/--BBB+/Negative/A-2 BBB/Stable/-- --Average of past three fiscal years-- (Mil. $) Revenues 882.8 1,427.9 2,899.7 1,569.7 1,159.0 (2 of 6)2/12/2009 1:28:44 PM My Credit Profile Net income from cont. oper. 89.4 52.3 166.1 93.3 50.7 Funds from operations (FFO) 159.2 187.4 442.5 281.2 176.9 Capital expenditures 232.8 194.5 726.5 359.6 122.7 Debt 1,416.1 1,349.9 3,343.9 1,390.0 958.1 Equity 1,099.7 873.6 2,298.5 1,217.5 767.8 Adjusted ratios Oper. income (bef. D&A)/ revenues (%) 30.7 18.7 26.9 27.3 20.1 EBIT interest coverage (x) 2.3 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.2 EBITDA interest coverage (x) 3.6 2.6 3.4 4.3 3.1 Return on capital (%) 5.9 6.8 7.5 8.4 8.4 FFO/debt (%)11.2 13.9 13.2 20.2 18.5 Debt/EBITDA (x) 5.3 5.1 4.3 3.2 4.3 *Fully adjusted (including postretirement obligations). Table 2 | Download Table IDACORP Inc. -- Financial Summary* Industry Sector: Electric --Fiscal year ended Dec. 31-- 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Rating history BBB+/Negative/A-2 BBB+/Negative/A-2 BBB+/Stable/A-2 BBB+/Stable/A-2 A-/Stable/A-2 (Mil. $) Revenues 879.4 926.3 842.9 827.9 823.0 Net income from continuing operations 82.3 100.1 85.7 80.8 46.5 Funds from operations (FFO) 119.2 189.5 168.9 185.9 238.5 (3 of 6)2/12/2009 1:28:44 PM My Credit Profile Capital expenditures 279.8 225.8 192.9 196.8 153.6 Cash and short-term investments 8.0 9.9 52.4 23.4 75.1 Debt 1,545.8 1,355.5 1,347.0 1,175.7 1,179.0 Preferred stock 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.4 Equity 1,207.3 1,124.2 967.5 956.4 870.9 Debt and equity 2,753.1 2,479.7 2,314.5 2,132.1 2,049.9 Adjusted ratios EBIT interest coverage (x) 2.1 2.5 2.4 1.9 1.5 FFO int. cov. (x) 2.4 3.5 3.3 3.6 4.7 FFO/debt (%)7.7 14.0 12.5 15.8 20.2 Discretionary cash flow/ debt (%) (14.7)(6.6)(4.9)(4.0)7.3 Net cash flow/capex (%) 23.7 61.2 61.2 71.2 113.1 Debt/debt and equity (%) 56.1 54.7 58.2 55.1 57.5 Return on common equity (%) 5.9 8.4 7.6 7.9 5.3 Common dividend payout ratio (un-adj.) (%) 64.4 51.2 59.1 56.7 139.1 *Fully adjusted (including postretirement obligations). Table 3 | Download Table IDACORP Inc.--Quarterly Data* Industry Sector: Electric September 2008 June 2008 March 2008 December 2007 September 2007 (Mil. $) Revenues 299.7 230.2 213.4 197.4 261.5 (4 of 6)2/12/2009 1:28:44 PM My Credit Profile Net income from continuing operations 51.7 17.5 21.7 10.3 28.9 Funds from operations (FFO)56.7 53.1 59.5 19.8 37.4 Capital expenditures 49.1 70.5 52.9 78.2 82.1 Cash and short-term investments 57.7 8.9 7.4 8.0 16.7 Debt 1,705.4 1,651.2 1,601.1 1,545.8 1,501.2 Preferred stock 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Equity 1,270.7 1,224.6 1,217.5 1,207.3 1,208.1 Debt and equity 2,976.1 2,875.8 2,818.6 2,753.1 2,709.3 Adjusted ratios EBIT interest coverage (x)2.3 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 FFO int. cov. (x)3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.9 FFO/debt (%)11.1 10.3 9.7 9.5 10.0 Discretionary cash flow/debt (%)(7.2)(11.8)(12.1)(12.9)(15.2) Net cash flow/capex (%)54.0 41.3 36.0 33.5 37.9 Debt/debt and equity (%)57.3 57.4 56.8 56.1 55.4 Return on common equity (%)6.6 5.2 5.6 5.9 7.0 Common dividend payout ratio (un-adj.) (%) 53.2 68.4 67.2 64.4 57.4 Table 4 | Download Table Reconciliation Of IDACORP Inc. Reported Amounts With Standard & Poor's Adjusted Amounts (Mil. $)* --Fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2007-- IDACORP Inc. reported amounts Debt Operating income (before D&A) Operating income (before D&A) Operating income (after D&A) Interest expense Cash flow from operations Cash flow from operations Capital expenditures Reported 1,354.8 252.4 252.4 149.3 63.3 80.6 80.6 287.8 Standard & Poor's adjustments Operating leases 15.3 3.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.8 2.8 -- Postretirement benefit obligations 50.3 (2.5)(2.5)(2.5)--(4.3)(4.3)-- Capitalized interest --------8 (8)(8)(8) Share-based compensation expense ----2.7 ---------- Power purchase agreements 115.9 10.3 10.3 6.6 6.6 3.7 3.7 -- (5 of 6)2/12/2009 1:28:44 PM My Credit Profile Asset retirement obligations 9.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 (0.7)(0.7)-- Reclassification of nonoperating income (expenses) ------10 -------- Reclassification of working-capital cash flow changes ------------13.2 -- Other ----------31.9 31.9 -- Total adjustments 191 12.3 12.2 15.8 16.3 25.4 38.6 (8) Standard & Poor's adjusted amounts Debt Operating income (before D&A)EBITDA EBIT Interest expense Cash flow from operations Funds from operations Capital expenditures Adjusted 1,545.80 264.7 264.6 165.1 79.6 106 119.2 279.8 *IDACORP Inc. reported amounts shown are taken from the company’s financial statements but might include adjustments made by data providers or reclassifications made by Standard & Poor's analysts. Please note that two reported amounts (operating income before D&A and cash flow from operations) are used to derive more than one Standard & Poor's-adjusted amount (operating income before D&A and EBITDA, and cash flow from operations and funds from operations, respectively). Consequently, the first section in some tables may feature duplicate descriptions and amounts. Ratings Detail (As Of 12-Feb-2009)* Idaho Power Co. Corporate Credit Rating BBB/Stable/A-2 Commercial Paper Local Currency A-2 Senior Secured (11 Issues)A-Senior Secured (4 Issues)A/Negative Senior Unsecured (2 Issues)BBB/A-2 Corporate Credit Ratings History 31-Jan-2008 BBB/Stable/A-227-Mar-2006 BBB+/Negative/A-2 29-Nov-2004 BBB+/Stable/A-2 15-Jun-2004 A-/Watch Neg/A-2 Related Entities IDACORP Inc. Issuer Credit Rating BBB/Stable/A-2 Commercial Paper Local Currency A-2 *Unless otherwise noted, all ratings in this report are global scale ratings. Standard & Poor's credit ratings on the global scale are comparable across countries. Standard & Poor's credit ratings on a national scale are relative to obligors or obligations within that specific country. Copyright © 2009 Standard & Poor's. All rights reserved. (6 of 6)2/12/2009 1:28:44 PM