HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC getPDF.PDFIDACORP Inc. Primary Credit Analyst: Tony Bettinelli, San Francisco (1) 415-371-5067; antonio_bettinelli@standardandpoors.com Table Of Contents Major Rating Factors Rationale Outlook February 24, 2010 www.standardandpoors.com/ratingsdirect 1 777482 | 300052516 IDACORP Inc. Major Rating Factors Strengths: ·A strong power cost adjustment (PCA) mechanism that allows 95% of uncollected power costs to be deferred for timely collection; ·A low-cost hydro- and coal-based generating fleet; ·An economic environment that has suffered less than regional and national averages; ·A generally supportive state regulatory regime; and ·The absence of material, unregulated businesses. Corporate Credit Rating BBB/Stable/A-2 Weaknesses: ·High exposure to hydroelectric generation volatility on the Snake River, resulting in unpredictable power supplies and costs, although ultimate recovery is higher due to the company's PCA mechanism; ·Cash flow volatility that periodically pushes credit metrics to the lower end of what is expected at the current financial risk category; and ·Rising capital expenditures related to generation and transmission needs, coupled with uncertainty of future growth and recovery. Rationale The 'BBB' corporate credit rating on IDACORP Inc. is based on the company's consolidated credit profile, which consists primarily of Idaho Power Co.'s (IPC) integrated regulated electric utility operations, and reflects an "excellent" business risk profile and "aggressive" consolidated financial risk profile under our corporate risk profile matrix. IPC normally provides over 90% of IDACORP's earnings and most of its consolidated cash from operations. IPC serves retail electric customers in Idaho and Oregon, which account for about 95% and 5% of regulated assets, respectively. IPC's "excellent" business profile incorporates both its low-cost hydroelectric generation base and a credit-supportive regulatory environment in Idaho. Under normal water conditions, hydrological generation provides about half of total generation needs, although the proportion has lessened as energy demand has grown. Significant hydroelectric generation results in some of the lowest average retail customer rates in the U.S, but also exposes the company to substantial replacement power price risk in the event of low water flows. Idaho state regulators have authorized a robust cost recovery mechanism to assist in collecting such costs and limiting financial exposure. IPC's current annual power cost adjustment (PCA) mechanism in Idaho, implemented in 2009, supports credit quality and reduces the undercollection of power costs, thus reducing the company's exposure to disallowed power costs. The most significant credit-supportive components of the annually filed PCA mechanism include a sharing provision that reduces power cost exposure to 5% of undercollected costs, and a forecast cost methodology that reduces deferrals and collection lag. In exceptionally low water years, deferrals can materially weaken cash flows and credit metrics, but we view this primarily as a temporary collection delay because 95% of costs above base rates Standard & Poor’s | RatingsDirect on the Global Credit Portal | February 24, 2010 2 777482 | 300052516 are collected with a carrying charge over 12 months. The mechanism also has a long history of support and no record of significant disallowances. The economic resilience of IPC's main service markets also supports the credit profile. Unemployment has been lower than regional and national averages, with low energy rates attracting businesses and jobs from other West Coast states. Load growth and customer growth are expected to continue. The "aggressive" financial profile is marked by periodically low cash-flow-based credit metrics and average adjusted debt leverage, based on Standard & Poor's Ratings Services' indicative financial ratios for corporate issuers. Indicative ratios reflect adjusted funds from operations (FFO) to debt of 10%-20%. Average credit metrics have deteriorated and rebounded since the company took steps to stabilize returns and cash flow with updated base rates and a modified power cost mechanism. Credit ratios improved in 2009, supported by rate increases derived from general rate proceedings and PCA updates, but are partially offset by lower consumption due to the economy and mild weather, resulting in cash flow credit metrics that remain weak for the rating. Load loss due to the company's significant energy efficiency spending is not considered a significant risk at this time due to a fixed-cost adjustment mechanism in Idaho that decouples certain costs from energy usage on residential and commercial customers. For 2009, IDACORP's adjusted FFO interest coverage and FFO to total debt were 4.5x and 17.9%, respectively, boosted above long-term averages by the collection of power costs and increased depreciation. (Credit metrics are adjusted to include the debt equivalent of leases, purchased power obligations, and postretirement benefit obligations.) Cash-flow-based coverage ratios have improved significantly from an adjusted FFO to debt of less than 10% in mid-2008. We expect the company to maintain average adjusted FFO to debt of 13%-15% to ensure credit stability. The company's consolidated adjusted debt to total capitalization was 55.6% as of Dec. 31, 2009. Adjusted debt leverage remains aggressive, while reported debt leverage trended down to 51% at year-end 2009. Management appears to be targeting a balanced unadjusted capital structure and has taken steps to maintain it. Capital expenditures in 2009 were about $250 million, and are expected rise in 2010 and 2011 for reasons related to the proposed Langley Gulch power plant, which was preapproved by a commission decision after legislation enacted in 2009 granted preapproval authority. The size of IPC's planned capital expenditures and expected internal cash funding ability should allow the company to manage a balanced capital structure with periodic debt and occasional external equity issuance. The need for external equity, assuming the capital structure is maintained, would be heightened if transmission proposals in the northwest move forward. Short-term credit factors The 'A-2' short-term rating on IDACORP reflects its adequate liquidity. Liquidity is provided by a $100 million, five-year credit agreement at IDACORP and a $300 million, five-year credit facility at IPC, primarily used for deferred power costs. At Dec. 31, 2009, no commercial paper (CP) or other draws were outstanding on IPC's credit facility and $53.7 million of CP backed by IDACORP's credit facility was outstanding. Both facilities terminate on April 25, 2012. Cash flows are volatile and highly dependent on hydrological conditions, and ample capacity must remain available for higher-than-expected power costs and events. Cash flows from operations for 2009 totaled $284 million, versus only $136.5 million as of year-end 2008 and $80.6 million in 2007, due to the timing of power cost collections. Cash and cash equivalents as of Dec. 31, 2009, were $53 million. Recovery analysis We rate IPC's first mortgage bonds 'A-', two notches higher than the corporate credit rating, with a recovery rating of '1+', reflecting our highest expectation for full recovery of principal in a payment default scenario. Under www.standardandpoors.com/ratingsdirect 3 777482 | 300052516 IDACORP Inc. Standard & Poor's criteria, first mortgage bonds with a '1+' recovery rating issued by companies in the 'BBB' rating category are rated two notches above the corporate credit rating. Outlook The stable outlook reflects what we consider a requisite level of regulatory support and expected long-term financial metrics that are adequate for the ratings -- above current levels. We could lower the rating if the company does not carefully manage costs and investments to ensure full recovery and the maintenance of credit metrics, especially in light of a weakening economy. We could raise the rating if the company were able to consistently achieve significantly stronger financial metrics, in addition to solid regulatory support, although higher ratings are unlikely in the near term. Table 1. IDACORP Inc. -- Peer Comparison* IDACORP Inc. Puget Energy Inc.Avista Corp. Portland General Electric Co. NorthWestern Corp. Rating as of Feb. 11, 2010 BBB/Stable/A-2 BB+/Stable/--BBB-/Positive/A-3 BBB/Stable/A-2 BBB/Stable/-- --Average of fiscals 2006-2008-- (Mil. $) Revenues 922.0 3,161.2 1,533.6 1,669.3 1,190.8 Net income from cont. oper.93.6 168.9 61.7 101.0 52.8 Funds from operations (FFO)162.9 543.9 208.1 310.7 206.8 Capital expenditures 250.4 832.2 195.9 402.5 113.7 Cash and short-term investments 8.9 37.4 20.1 31.7 13.5 Debt 1,549.8 3,689.2 1,331.3 1,620.3 949.0 Preferred stock 0.0 91.5 37.8 0.0 0.0 Equity 1,211.3 2,395.2 980.4 1,298.0 776.4 Debt and equity 2,761.1 6,084.4 2,311.6 2,918.3 1,725.5 Adjusted ratios EBIT interest coverage (x)2.3 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.3 FFO int. cov. (x)2.9 3.4 3.2 3.7 3.7 FFO/debt (%)10.5 14.7 15.6 19.2 21.8 Discretionary cash flow/debt (%) (10.1)(12.2)(2.1)(15.2)4.8 Net cash flow/capex (%)44.0 51.1 88.7 65.1 140.5 Total debt/debt plus equity (%)56.1 60.6 57.6 55.5 55.0 Return on common equity (%)7.1 6.7 6.0 6.2 6.6 Common dividend payout ratio (unadj.) (%) 56.5 67.6 52.1 48.5 89.2 *Fully adjusted (including postretirement obligations). Standard & Poor’s | RatingsDirect on the Global Credit Portal | February 24, 2010 4 777482 | 300052516 IDACORP Inc. Table 2. IDACORP Inc. -- Financial Summary* --Fiscal year ended Dec. 31-- 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Rating history BBB/Stable/A-2 BBB/Stable/A-2 BBB+/Negative/A-2 BBB+/Negative/A-2 BBB+/Stable/A-2 (Mil. $) Revenues 1,049.8 960.4 879.4 926.3 842.9 Net income from continuing operations 124.4 98.4 82.3 100.1 85.7 Funds from operations (FFO)314.3 180.0 119.2 189.5 168.9 Capital expenditures 247.2 245.6 279.8 225.8 192.9 Cash and short-term investments 53.0 8.8 8.0 9.9 52.4 Debt 1,757.4 1,748.0 1,545.8 1,355.5 1,347.0 Preferred stock 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Equity 1,401.5 1,302.4 1,207.3 1,124.2 967.5 Debt and equity 3,159.0 3,050.4 2,753.1 2,479.7 2,314.5 Adjusted ratios EBIT interest coverage (x)2.6 2.2 2.1 2.5 2.4 FFO int. cov. (x)4.5 2.9 2.4 3.5 3.3 FFO/debt (%)17.9 10.3 7.7 14.0 12.5 Discretionary cash flow/debt (%)(1.5)(8.7)(14.7)(6.6)(4.9) Net Cash Flow/Capex (%)104.1 51.2 23.7 61.2 61.2 Debt/debt and equity (%)55.6 57.3 56.1 54.7 58.2 Return on common equity (%)8.7 7.0 5.9 8.4 7.6 Common dividend payout ratio (unadj.) (%)45.3 55.1 64.4 51.2 59.1 *Fully adjusted (including postretirement obligations). Table 3. Reconciliation Of IDACORP Inc. Reported Amounts With Standard & Poor's Adjusted Amounts (Mil. $)* --Fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 2008-- IDACORP Inc. reported amounts Debt Operating income (before D&A) Operating income (before D&A) Operating income (after D&A) Interest expense Cash flow from operations Cash flow from operations Capital expenditures Reported 1,421.2 292.2 292.2 190.2 73.1 136.5 136.5 243.5 Standard & Poor's adjustments Operating leases 22.4 3.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.0 9.1 Postretirement benefit obligations 163.7 (1.6)(1.6)(1.6)--(5.7)(5.7)-- Accrued interest not included in reported debt 16.7 -------------- Capitalized interest --------7.0 (7.0)(7.0)(7.0) Share-based compensation expense ----3.9 ---------- Power purchase agreements 115.9 10.4 10.4 6.7 6.7 3.7 3.7 -- www.standardandpoors.com/ratingsdirect 5 777482 | 300052516 IDACORP Inc. Table 3. Reconciliation Of IDACORP Inc. Reported Amounts With Standard & Poor's Adjusted Amounts (Mil. $)* (cont.) Asset retirement obligations 8.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 (0.3)(0.3)-- Reclassification of nonoperating income (expenses) ------0.5 -------- Reclassification of working-capital cash flow changes ------------32.1 -- Other ----------18.7 18.7 -- Total adjustments 326.8 12.6 14.5 7.4 15.5 11.4 43.5 2.1 Standard & Poor's adjusted amounts Debt Operating income (before D&A)EBITDA EBIT Interest expense Cash flow from operations Funds from operations Capital expenditures Adjusted 1,748.0 304.8 306.7 197.5 88.5 147.9 180.0 245.6 *IDACORP Inc. reported amounts shown are taken from the company’s financial statements but might include adjustments made by data providers or reclassifications made by Standard & Poor's analysts. Please note that two reported amounts (operating income before D&A and cash flow from operations) are used to derive more than one Standard & Poor's-adjusted amount (operating income before D&A and EBITDA, and cash flow from operations and funds from operations, respectively). Consequently, the first section in some tables may feature duplicate descriptions and amounts. Ratings Detail (As Of February 24, 2010)* IDACORP Inc. Corporate Credit Rating BBB/Stable/A-2 Commercial Paper Local Currency A-2 Corporate Credit Ratings History 31-Jan-2008 BBB/Stable/A-2 27-Mar-2006 BBB+/Negative/A-2 29-Nov-2004 BBB+/Stable/A-2 Business Risk Profile Excellent Financial Risk Profile Aggressive Related Entities Idaho Power Co. Issuer Credit Rating BBB/Stable/A-2 Commercial Paper Local Currency A-2 Senior Secured (16 Issues) A- Senior Secured (1 Issue) A/Developing Senior Unsecured (1 Issue) BBB Senior Unsecured (2 Issues) BBB/A-2 *Unless otherwise noted, all ratings in this report are global scale ratings. Standard & Poor's credit ratings on the global scale are comparable across countries. Standard & Poor's credit ratings on a national scale are relative to obligors or obligations within that specific country. Standard & Poor’s | RatingsDirect on the Global Credit Portal | February 24, 2010 6 777482 | 300052516 IDACORP Inc. S&P may receive compensation for its ratings and certain credit-related analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of securities or from obligors. S&P reserves the right to disseminate its opinions and analyses. S&P's public ratings and analyses are made available on its Web sites, www.standardandpoors.com (free of charge), and www.ratingsdirect.com and www.globalcreditportal.com (subscription), and may be distributed through other means, including via S&P publications and third-party redistributors. Additional information about our ratings fees is available at www.standardandpoors.com/usratingsfees. S&P keeps certain activities of its business units separate from each other in order to preserve the independence and objectivity of their respective activities. 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Copyright ( c ) 2010 by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (S&P), a subsidiary of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. www.standardandpoors.com/ratingsdirect 7 777482 | 300052516