HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC 2011_1_28_Watts_Happening.pdfINDUSTRY |COMMENT JANUARY 28, 2011 Watt's Happening? Notable Utility Events on the Horizon Earnings Continue In our coverage,TE and UTL report next week. Relevant uncovered names reporting next week include CEG, LVS and WEC. TE Earnings Thoughts •Based on NEE's results, we don't expect much movement in FL sentiment. We look to see if TE was able to capture any of the 4Q10 coal price spikes in Central App. Although 2012 prices went as high as $85, we don't believe that much coal was actually contracted at this level. Positive weather impacts create upside to our estimate at both the electric and gas utilities. •We expect TE to issue guidance. We expect $1.37 for 2011 EPS based on lower revenue from the Guatemalan divestiture and normalized weather relative to 2010, offset by higher coal pricing and modest consumption growth. UTL Earnings Thoughts •Weather impacts - slightly colder weather likely offset by higher O&M with snowstorms in the Northeast. We look for regulatory updates regarding UTL's pending case in NH and recently filed cases in MA. Key Regulatory Items •The stipulation deadline for PNM’s NM rate case is February 3. This is a major potential catalyst for PNM and a reasonable result in the rate case should complete the restoration of investor confidence in the NM regulatory environment. Settlement outcomes minimize rate case overhang and generally produce favorabe results for utilities. If the other parties do not agree on the terms reached by PNM/Staff/AG, we would still expect to see a stipulation, but the hearing process may get a bit noisier. •Briefs are due in NVE’s energy efficiency proceeding on January 31. The company requested $83M in program cost recovery and $42M in lost revenue incentives. Although only an intermediary step in the approval process, the legislative intent of the energy efficiency legislation is at issue. Considering the precedent at stake for NVE, this matter warrants close attention. Recent Filings of Note •In the cost approval proceedings for DUK’s Edwardsport IGCC plant, the company filed a motion on January 25 requesting a revised procedural schedule that would push back hearings from March until June. In the end, we still expect a manageable outcome for DUK, but delays prolong the negative overhang on the stock. Priced as of prior trading day's market close, EST (unless otherwise noted). All values in USD unless otherwise noted. RBC Capital Markets, LLC Emily Christy (Analyst) (212) 428-6970; emily.christy@rbccm.com Lasan Johong (Analyst) (212) 428-6462; lasan.johong@rbccm.com Ella Vuernick (Associate) (212) 428-6492; ella.vuernick@rbccm.com (Company, Ticker, Rating, 1/27/11 Price, Price Target, Risk Qualifier) O=Outperform; SP=Sector Perform; U= Underperform AVG=Average Risk Source: RBC Capital Markets For Required Conflicts Disclosures, see Page 4. 2 Exhibit 1: Earnings for the Week of January 30 – February 5 Ticker Report Date Estimates 4Q10E 2010E 2011E Dial-In UTL 2/3/11 RBC Estimate:$0.61 $1.02 $1.37 2/3/2011 - 2:00pm Consensus Estimate:$0.68 $1.10 $1.42 Phone: 866-825-3308 UTL Guidance: NA NA NA Passcode: 85827916 TE 2/4/11 RBC Estimate:$0.21 $1.33 $1.37 2/4/2011 - 9:00am Consensus Estimate:$0.25 $1.31 $1.40 Phone: 1-866-643-8017 TE Guidance: $0.13-$0.23 $1.25-$1.35 NA Passcode: 36886021 Source: Factset, RBC Capital Markets estimates Relevant Uncovered Companies Reporting 2/2/2011: WEC 2/3/2011: LVS (Read-through on Las Vegas fundamentals for NVE) 2/4/2011: CEG Regulatory Happenings PNM Stipulation Deadline for NM Rate Case on February 3 Background: PNM applied for a $165M rate increase in NM in June 2010. The rate case uses a forward test year for the first time in NM as a result of legislative changes. Requested an ROE of 11.75%. PNM received ~69% of its last rate case in NM in 2009 for an increase of $77M. PNM has reached an agreement with Staff and the NM Attorney General (AG) but extended the deadline in order to include other parties in the settlement. Thoughts: This is a major potential catalyst for PNM and a reasonable result in the rate case should complete the restoration of investor confidence in NM. Settlement outcomes minimize rate case overhang and generally produce favorable results for utilities. If the other parties do not agree on the terms reached by PNM/Staff/AG, we would still expect to see a stipulation, but the hearing process may get a bit noisier. Filings Due in NVE’s Energy Efficiency Incentives Proposal on January 31 Background: In October 2010, NVE filed for recovery of energy efficiency program costs ($83M) and lost revenues ($42M) per newly enacted NV legislation. In its filings, Staff disagreed with the timeframe for the lost revenue incentives. Staff’s view would bring the $42M request down to ~$10M. Briefs are now due on January 31 from both parties pertaining to the legislative intent behind the filing. Thoughts: We expected bumps along the way for this first approval process, but we thought that most issues related to forecasting and incentive windows, not the actual legislative interpretation of incentives. Although it is still early in the proceedings, we believe that close monitoring is warranted due to the energy efficiency precedents being considered. Furthermore, results of this proceeding may influence the requested revenue in the upcoming rate case filing. Other Upcoming Regulatory Activity Next week, we expect SO to file the monthly cost update for Plant Ratcliffe, the IGCC plant being built in Mississippi. Through November 2010, the project was on budget for $2.4B with $181M incurred to date and 42% of the costs confirmed. Watt Happened Last Week No DUK Settlement Reached on Edwardsport IGCC; Proceedings Likely Prolonged Happening: DUK filed a motion on January 25 requesting a revised procedural schedule that would push back the cost approval hearings from March until June. The company further requested that: 1) parameters regarding discovery requests be limited to the cost increase from $2.25-$2.88B; 2) 6-month progress report approvals remain on schedule for March hearings, and 3) any discussion alleging fraud, concealment or gross mismanagement be relegated to a separate proceeding. Watt's Happening?January 28, 2011 3 Thoughts: We expected a bumpy road in Indiana and here it is. Interveners are taking their shots at DUK. In the end, we still expect a manageable outcome for DUK, but delays undoubtedly prolong the negative overhang on the stock. Earnings Read-Throughs Results were mostly as expected for NEE and SO. NEE affirmed weakness in power prices and the associated challenges with wind development. SO highlighted the need for clarity with respect to EPA regulations with its broad three-year capex range. For more details, please see our notes on NEE published on January 25, 2011 and on SO published on January 26, 2011. Metrics That Matter In this section, we highlight certain economic and industry metrics recently updated that impact our coverage universe. Y-o-Y % Change Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 2010 Companies Impacted Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index 80.9 81.2 81.5 8.6% 8.0% 8.4% 8.1%CMS, DTE, DUK S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices¹ US National 137.6 137.6 NA 0.3%0.3% Las Vegas 101.0 100.6 NA -3.6%-3.5%NVE Miami 144.0 143.8 NA -3.4% -3.5%NEE Tampa 135.2 134.1 NA -3.6%-4.0%TE Las Vegas Tourism Statistics²(2010 YTD) Occupancy Metric³86.8 73.0 NA 5.5%0.6%1.9%NVE Normal 12/16/10 12/30/10 1/7/11 1/20/11 1/27/11 Brownlee Dam River Flows (maf)6.30 6.75 6.78 7.23 6.87 6.72 IDA % normal 107%108%115%109%107% (1) December S&P/Case-Shiller index to be published in February 22nd (2) December Las Vegas Tourism Statistics expected to be published in February (3) City Hotel Occupancy multiplied by Average Daily Room Rate Source: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, U.S. Census Bureau, Factset, S&P, Las Vegas Visitors Bureau, National Weather Service, RBC Capital Markets Construction Corner Updates on notable construction projects in our coverage universe. Project Capacity (MW) Date of Progress Costs Incurred Projected Cost Certified Cost % Costs Confirmed Expected Online SO Nuclear Plant Vogtle 3&4 1005(1)12/31/2010 $1,337 $6,092 $6,113 2016/2017 SO IGCC Plant Ratcliffe 582 11/30/2010 $181 $2,395 $2,395 42% May-2014 IDA Langley Gulch CCGT plant 300 10/31/2010 $157 $427 $397(2)Jul-2012 DUK Edwardsport IGCC plant 618 9/30/2010 $2,045 $2,880 $2,880 Aug-2012 (1) Represents SO's 45.7% share of the 2200MW plant (2) The Commission only provided "regulatory assurance" of cost recovery of $397M, but the project cost estimates were $427M at the start. Source: Mississippi Public Service Commission, Georgia Public Service Commission, Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, Idaho Public Utilities Commission Watt's Happening?January 28, 2011 4 Required Disclosures Conflicts Disclosures This product constitutes a compendium report (covers six or more subject companies). As such, RBC Capital Markets chooses to provide specific disclosures for the subject companies by reference. To access current disclosures for the subject companies, clients should refer to https://www.rbccm.com/GLDisclosure/PublicWeb/DisclosureLookup.aspx?entityId=1 or send a request to RBC CM Research Publishing, P.O. Box 50, 200 Bay Street, Royal Bank Plaza, 29th Floor, South Tower, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2W7. The analyst(s) responsible for preparing this research report received compensation that is based upon various factors, including total revenues of the member companies of RBC Capital Markets and its affiliates, a portion of which are or have been generated by investment banking activities of the member companies of RBC Capital Markets and its affiliates. 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