HomeMy WebLinkAbout200402131st Response of Staff to ID Power.pdfSCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0320 BAR NO. 1895 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W. WASHINGTON BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 Attorney for the Commission Staff RECEIVED 0 I' r ; I ~- ,~. ~J 2nu~ fEE \ 3 tlH \0: 44 - ' -" ,,) ~~ :'~ \ ~ UTILI \ \\:-_5 cul'\nl';);)ION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION KIMBALL PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, AND HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY, COMPLAINANTS vs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY, RESPONDENT. CASE NO. IPC-OO- RESPONSE OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY' FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General, hereby responds to the First Set of Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Idaho Power Company to the Commission Staff filed February 2, 2004. Staff notes by way of preface to its Interrogatory responses that Idaho Commission Rule of Procedure 225.01.a clearly states , " Production requests or written interrogatories should not be used to obtain statements of opinion or policy not previously written or published and may be objected to on that grounds." IDAP A Despite the objectionable nature of some of the Company s Interrogatories, Staff voices no objection. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 , 2004 INTERROGATORY NO.1: Based upon Mr. Sterling s statement on pages 6-7 of his testimony that "HPlKimball is (and has been) paying for this share of substation costs through its rates as a Schedule 9 customer " is it Staff's contention that HPlKimball has been paying its specific cost of service or that HPlKimball has been paying the cost of service attributed to the Schedule 9 class cost of customers? RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO.1: Based on Mr. Sterling s statement identified in the interrogatory, Staff makes no contention whatsoever concerning cost of service either for HPlKimball individually or for the Schedule 9 customer class. Staff has not prepared and is not aware of any cost of service study that determines cost of service for HPlKimball specifically. HPlKimball is billed by the Company and is paying for service as a Schedule 9 customer. Rates for Schedule 9 customers were set at cost of service in Idaho Power s last general rate case; therefore, HPlKimball is paying the cost of service attributed to the Schedule 9 customer class. Mr. Sterling s statement "HPlKimball is (and has been) paying for this share of substation costs through its rates as a Schedule 9 customer " means that Schedule 9 rates include a component for substation costs, and since HPlKimball is paying Schedule 9 rates, it is therefore paying a portion of substation costs as are all other Schedule 9 customers. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. INTERROGATORY NO.2: Does the Staffhave an opinion as to the relative cost of service for a new customer requiring additional substation facilities as opposed to the cost to serve the incumbent customer within the same customer class? If so, please state the Staffs opinion and the basis for said opinion. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO.2: Staff believes that the relative cost of service for a new customer requiring additional substation facilities will generally always be higher than the cost to serve the incumbent customer within the same customer class due to the tendency of new plant to be higher cost than existing plant. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 , 2004 The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. INTERROGATORY NO.3: Is it the Staffs position that any refund to HPlKimball will then be considered an investment of Idaho Power that will be an increase to rate base? If yes, which customers does the Staff believe will pay the return on investment on that rate base? RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO.3: Yes. Staff agrees that any refund to HPlKimball is an investment ofldaho Power that is eligible for rate base treatment. Any change in rate base must be authorized in a general rate case. The return on investment on that rate base would be paid by the general body of ratepayers in accordance with the portion of costs allocated to each customer class. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. INTERROGATORY NO.4: Please describe the Staffs understanding of who pays for the return on investment for the unused capacity of substations included in rate base. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO.4: The return on investment for the unused capacity of substations included in rate base is paid by the general body of ratepayers in accordance with the portion of costs allocated to each customer class. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. INTERROGATORY NO.5: Does the Staff believe that it is in ratepayer s interest that new customers be encouraged to locate in area( s J (sic J where unused substation capacity already exists? If not, please explain. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 , 2004 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO.5: Generally, yes. To the extent that substation cost is a ratepayer expense, Staff believes that it is in ratepayers' interest that new customers be located in areas where unused substation capacity already exists. Fewer facilities generally means less cost must ultimately be recovered through rates. The only tariff or rule that addresses payment for substations is Schedule 19 wherein it states , " To the extent that additional facilities not provided for under Rule H, including transmission and/or substation facilities, are required to provide the requested service, special arrangements will be made in a separate agreement between the Customer and the Company." The provision itself does not encourage Schedule 19 customers to locate in areas where unused substation capacity already exists; it is Idaho Power s application of the provision that provides encouragement, if any. Staff is aware of no other provisions in Idaho Power s rules or tariffs that encourage customers, or allow Idaho Power to encourage customers, to locate in areas where unused substation capacity already exists. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. INTERROGATORY NO.6: In Mr. Sterling s testimony on page he states that HPlKimball will effectively pay twice. (a) Has the Staff performed an HP IKimball-specific cost of service study that would demonstrate that HPlKimball would be paying twice its cost of service? (b) Is it Staffs position that HP IKimball would be paying twice its cost of service? (c) If the answer to (b) above is "" to what does the word "twice" refer? STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 , 2004 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO. (a) In its full context, the statement in Mr. Sterling s testimony states the following: Q. If the Commission decides that Idaho Power should not refund any substation costs to HP IKimball, and HP IKimball continues to take service as a Schedule 9 customer and thus pay for substations through a portion of its rates, won HPlKimball pay twice and Idaho Power collect twice for the cost of the substation? A. Yes, HPlKimball will effectively pay twice, but no, Idaho Power won t collect twice. HP/Kimball will have paid once through up-front charges and will effectively pay a second time for a share of substation costs built into the rates paid by it and all other Schedule 9 customers. Idaho Power won t collect twice, but it will, however, have to collect less in the future from its other Schedule 9 customers if it retains HPlKimball's contribution. HPlKimball' contribution will reduce rate base, and the substation revenue requirement for all other Schedule 9 customers will be less by the amount of HP/Kimball's contribution. In response to the interrogatory, no, Staff has not performed an HPlKimball-specific cost of service study. Furthermore, Staff makes no allegation concerning HP IKimball' s cost of service in the cited testimony. (b) No, Staff does not know the cost of service for HPlKimball or any other individual Schedule 9 customer. (c) The word "twice" is clearly explained in Mr. Sterling s testimony as repeated above in the sentence "HP/Kimball will have paid once through up-front charges and will effectively pay a second time for a share of substation costs built into the rates paid by it and all other Schedule 9 customers." Pay twice means pay two times; it does not necessarily mean pay double the amount. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13, 2004 INTERROGATORY NO.7: On Page 15 of Mr. Sterling s testimony, he states , " It is discriminatory whenever one customer has to pay for substation facilities and another customer who may require the same or even larger substation capacity, does not have to pay just because extra substation capacity is already available. (a) Would Staff also contend that it is discriminatory whenever one customer has to pay for distribution facilities and another customer, who may require the same or even larger distribution capacity, does not have to pay just because extra distribution capacity is already available? (b) If the answer to (a) is yes, does the Staff believe that Rule H is discriminatory? (c) If the answer to (a) is yes and the answer to (b) is no, please explain why Rule H is not discriminatory. RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORY NO.7: Staff objects to this request on the grounds that distribution facilities and Rule H are not at issue or relevant to this proceeding. The issue in this case is payment for substation facilities not distribution facilities. Rule H clearly states , " This rule does not apply to transmission or substation facilities, or for requests for electric service that are of a speculative nature." See Said direct testimony pp. 5, 6. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1: Has the Staff performed any studies to determine ifHPlKimball's cost of service is greater or less than the cost of service for the Schedule 9 class? If so, please provide such studies. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1: , Staff has not performed any studies to determine if HPlKimball's cost of service is greater or less than the cost of service for the Schedule 9 class. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13, 2004 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2: In the Staff Attorney s question on page 10 of Mr. Sterling s testimony is a statement that "Certainly at least some of the unused capacity that HPlKimball originally requested is now being used to serve new customers." IfHP!Kimball requested 4 MW and Idaho Power added 20 MW, is it the Staffs position that other new customers are utilizing both the 16 MW that Idaho Power funded for use by customers other than HP !Kimball and a portion of the 4 MW for which HP!Kimball paid? If so, please provide the analysis that supports that position. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2: The direct testimony ofldaho Power witness Sikes in this case at page 14, lines 8-23 states as follows: Q. Given the current loads at these locations versus what was originally requested, is the Bethel Court substation being adequately utilized? A. Yes. The summer 2003 load on the Bethel Court feeders was BCRT - 011 at 8.1 MW and BCRT - 012 at 8.3 MW. Q. Isn t that a significant amount ofload when you say the Company would not have built the substation absent Hewlett Packard' request? A. As I previously testified, when Idaho Power constructs new capacity, the Company attempts to fully utilize that capacity as a means of offsetting projects in other areas so the Company can manage its overall budget. By shifting existing loads to these newer facilities, the Company is able to unload other facilities where the growth is occurring to enable those facilities to continue to provide safe and reliable services. Based on this testimony, 16.4 MW of Bethel Court's capacity was utilized in 2002. Mathematically, it is possible that new customers are utilizing only the 16 MW that Idaho Power funded for use by customers other than HP !Kimball and that Idaho Power is preserving the unutilized portion of HPlKimball's 4 MW request. However, Staff believes it would be unwise to continue to preserve HP !Kimball's unused remaining capacity since Staff is not aware of any indication being given that HP!Kimball intends to utilize the capacity in the future. In fact, Idaho Power witness Sikes testimony at page 9, lines 1-3 states that HP!Kimball would likely operate its call center at this location for only about three years. Given that new development continues to occur in the vicinity of the Bethel Court substation, and that vacant property still exists, it seems STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 , 2004 inevitable that new customers will eventually use the remaining capacity of the Bethel Court substation. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3: Please produce any Staff studies that demonstrate that, by paying an upfront contribution for substation costs, HP!Kimball will pay higher than its costs of service. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3: Staff has prepared no such study. Moreover, as stated previously, Staff does not know the cost of service for HP!Kimball specifically. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4: Please produce any Staff analyses that demonstrate that after having made a contribution in aid of construction, HP!Kimball has a lower cost of service than other Schedule 9 customers. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4: As stated previously, Staff does not know the cost of service for HP!Kimball specifically, thus it has no way of knowing how HP/Kimball's cost of service compares to other Schedule 9 customers. The response to this request was prepared by Rick Sterling, P., Staff Engineer, in consultation with Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General for the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff. STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 , 2004 DATED at Boise, Idaho, this 1.5' day of February 2004. Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff: Rick Sterling sw:gdk/umisc/prdreqlipceOO 12.swrpsresponse 1 STAFF RESPONSE TO THE FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF IDAHO POWER FEBRUARY 13 2004 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2004 SERVED THE FOREGOING COMMISSION STAFF'S RESPONSE TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES AND REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION IN CASE NO. IPC-00-, BY MAILING A COpy THEREOF POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: PETER J RICHARDSON RICHARDSON & O'LEARY PO BOX 1849 EAGLE ID 83616 GREGORY W SAID, DIRECTOR REVENUE REQUIREMENT IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 BRIAN GRAHAM HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY 11311 CHINDEN BLVD BOISE ID 83714 MONICA MOEN IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE, ID 83707-0070 '- jJto .r- SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE