HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170808IPC to Staff Request 12 Attachment 45.pdfForm ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month.^Year:2016 Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 NOTICE:This report is mandatory under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275).Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law.For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the provision on sanctions and the provision concerning confidentiality of information in the instructions.Title 18 USC 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. SCHEDULE 1.IDENTIFICATION Survey Contact Contact Cheryl Hobbs Submit Date Title Joint Venture Accountant Address PO Box 70 City/Statc/Zip Boise chobbs@idahopowcr.com ID 83707 Email Phone (208)388-5614 (208)433-5180Fax Supervisor of Contact Person for Survey Contact Randy Henderson Title Address Operations Finance Leader Box 70 City/Statc/Zip Boise rhcnderson@idahopowcr.com ID 83707 Email Phone (208)388-2290 Fax (208)388-2521 Report For Company Name Plant Name Plant ID Idaho Power Co Evander Andrews Power Complex 7953 Plant County 1862 NW Mt Home Hwy Dist RdPlantAddress Plant City Mountain Home Plant State ID fmYes?NoRegulated For contact detail go to http://www.eia.doe.gOv/oss/forms.html#eia-923?sYes No CHP <3 Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART A.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL CONTRACT INFORMATION,RECEIPTS,AND COSTS (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 1.are on page 3.) Contract Information Purchases Cost per Unit Quantity Total Delivered Cost Commodity Cost (coal,natural gas) Solids:Tons Cents per MMBtu,to the nearest 0.1 cents Cents per MMBtu,to the nearest 0.1 cents Fuel Supplier Name Purchase Type or Tolling Agreement Contract Expiration Date Energy Source Liquids:Barrels Gases:MCF (MMYY) VARIOUS (NATURAL GAS SPOT PURCHASES ONLY) ^77,368SNG 344.5 287.9 4vPf -O Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Momh.^Year Monthly E1A923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant.7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART B.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL QUALITY OF FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 2.are on page 4.) Contract Information Quality of Fuels Received Fuel Transportation Natural Gas Mercury Content Moisture Mercury Mercury Chloride Contnct Content Unavailable Content Chloride Content Contract Information Supply Delivery Contract Contract Type Type Average Heat Sulfur Content Content Ash Content Predominant SecondaryChloride Unavailable ModeMode Percent weight to nearestMillionBtus Quantity (MMBtus) per unit Percent weight to nearest Parts per Million,or enter 999 if not available Mode used to transport fuel over the longest distance Mode used to transport fuel over the second longest distance Fuel Supplier Purchase Energy Type Source 0 01% 0.01% VARIOUS (NATURAL GAS SPOT PURCHASES ONLY! S NG 77368 1 PL FF?Yes ?Yes fx]No [~x~l No o Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month: Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART C.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL COAL MINE INFORMATION (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 3.are on page 7.) Coal Mine InformationPurchases(From Schedule 2,Part A) Coal Mine County Coal Mine Stale Coal Mine Type Coal Mine Name Energy Quantity Source Coal MinePurchase TypeFuelSupplier MSHA ID <D \ r Form ApprovalU.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 p'ant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART A.BOILER AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR STEAM-ELECTRIC ORGANIC-FUELED PLANTS FUEL CONSUMPTION AND GENERATION Generators with Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Above Fuel Consumption Boiler Id Boiler Status Units SulfurETAUSE ONLY (Group Code) Report Month Prime Mover Energy Quantity Consumed Avg Heat Content. (High Heating Value) (MMBtu per ton, barrel,or Mcf) Ash Code Source Content, (petroleum and coal only,to nearesl 0.01%) Content, (coal only,to nearest 0.1 %) Specify other fuel: o V Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month:„Year:2016 Form EIA-923 Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017 SCHEDULE 3.PART A.BOILER AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR STEAM-ELECTRIC ORGANIC-FUELED PLANTS FUEL CONSUMPTION AND GENERATION Generators with Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Above Generation Gross Generation Net GenerationReport Month Generator Id (MWh)(MWh) <0 V Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART B.FUEL AND GENERATION INFORMATION FOR SINGLE CYCLE GAS TURBINES, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES,HYDROELECTRIC PUMPED STORAGE,AND COMPRESSED AIR STORAGE Fuel Consumption and Generation GenerationFuelConsumption Prime Mover Quantity Consumed Type Of Units Avg Heat Content, (as burned) (MMBtu perton, barrel,or Mcf) Energy Peaking Unit Gross GenerationPrimeMover Ncl GenerationSourceCode(MWh)(MWh)(Yes/No) -¦\77,368 48 7,441GTNGMcf1.0000 GT Y 7,561* Specify other fuel: <D \ Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month: Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART C.FUEL AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR COMBINED-CYCLE PLANTS Prime Mover CT CA Turbine Generators With Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Abov GenerationFuelConsumption NetPrime Mover Generator Generator Status Gross Generation Prime Boiler/Boiler Energy Mover Generation Status Source Units Average Heat Content EIA USE (High Heating Value)ONLY (Group code) Quantity Consumed EIA USE ONLY Report Month Report Month GenerationID (MWh)(MWh)CodeCodeID(Group code) <9 Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Momh.^Year:2016 Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/201 7FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART D. GENERATION FROM NUCLEAR,NONCOMBUSTIBLE,AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Complete an individual Schedule 3,Part D for each nuclear plant and all wind,solar,geothermal,hydroelectric,or other plants where the energy source is noncombustible,such as purchased steam or waste heat.Do not report for combined cycle plants,which belong on Schedule 3C. -No fuel consumption is required for these types of plants. -Report generation by energy source for nuclear,wind,solar,geothermal,conventional hydroelectric and miscellaneous source4s such as purchased steam or waste heat. -Report nuclear data by generating unt. -Complete a separate row for each prime mover type. A B C D E Gross Generation (MWh)Net Generation (MWh)Prime Mover Energy Unit Code (nuclear units)Source o v1X1 Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month.^Year; Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 4.PART A.FOSSIL FUEL STOCKS AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD AND THE DATA BALANCE For Coal,Oil and Natural Gas Plants Report stocks for Coal,Residual oil (No.5 and No.6 fuel oils),Distillate-type oils (No.2 oil,jet fuel and kerosene),and Petroleum coke. -Central fuel terminals are required to fill both Schedules 4A and 4B. Include back-up fuels,start-up,and flame stabilization fuels. Do not report stocks for waste coal,natural gas,waste oil,or biomass. Column A:Energy Source,and Column B:Units:Apply the following units ofmeasurement for each fuel stock report: Short Tons Barrels Coal: Residual Oil: Distillate-Type Oils:Barrels Petroleum Coke:Short Tons Column G:Ending Month/Year Stocks: -Enter zero if the plant has no stocks.Do not leave blank. -Stocks held off-site that cannot be assigned to an individual plant are reported as stocks held at the central fuel storage site(s). -Report each central fuel storage site separately -Identify the new storage sites for this schedule on Schedule 9:Comments. Column C,D,and E: -These columns contain data from Schedules 2 and 3,and the previous month (or year)report,respectively. -These data are pre-populated on the online forms. Column F:Adjustments to Stocks: -Enter adjustments to stocks when the calculated fuel balance is not zero. -These adjustments may be either positive,negative (having a negative sign),or zero. -Explain any non-zero adjustments in the "Comments for Adjustments"Section at the bottom if the table below. Column H:Fuel Balance: -For coal and oil,calculate the fuel balance as the difference between consumed,received and stocked fuel and the reported ending stocks. -For natural gas,calculate the fuel balance as the difference between consumed and received natural gas. -If the fuel balance does not equal zero,enter an adjustment in Column F to balance the fuel use. -Explain any Column F adjustments in the "Comments for Adjustments"Section at the bottom ofthe table below. Units End of Month/Comments for AdjustmentsEnergyPreviousMonth/ Year Stocks Purchases Consumption Adjustment to Stocks Fuel Balance Year StocksSource A B C D E F G H NG Mcf 77,368 77,368 0 0 <J , Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month.^Year. Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 4.PART B.FOSSIL FUEL DISTRIBUTION FROM CENTRAL FUEL TERMINALS TO POWER PLANTS Report distribution of coal,residual oil (No.5 and No.6 fuel oils),Distillate-type oils (No.2 oil,jet fuel,and kerosene),and petroleum coke. Do NOT report fuel in transit on Schedule 4,Part B.Report fuel in transit on Schedule 4,Part A,as part of negative adjustments. Column A:Plant ID:Enter the Plant ID for the plant to which fuels were distributed. Column B:Plant Name:Enter the name of the plant to which fuels were distributed. Column C:Fuel Type:Report fuel type using energy source codes. Column D:Quantity of Fuel shipped to Plant. -Report the quantity of fuel Shipped to Plant in the following units: Short Tons Barrels Barrels Short Tons Coal: Residual Oil: Distillate-Type Oils: Petroleum Coke: -Enter zero if no shipments were made to this plant this month. FUEL TERMINAL -PLANT RELATIONSHIPS AND FUEL SHIPMENTS Plant ID Plant Name Fuel Type Quantity of Fuel Shipped to Plant A B C D V Form ApprovalU.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Month:^Year-2016 Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report Plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 9.COMMENTS (Instructions for SCHEDULE 9.are on page 20.) Schedule Part Item Approx $762k of reservation/transport fees included for all three plants62 Generator Retirement Dates Retirement Year Changes in Ownership (Provide name ofpurchaser and date sold.) Retirement Month CommentsGeneratorId V Form ApprovalMonthlyE1A923PowerPlantOperationsReport 9 Year:2016 plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex U.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Month:OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 ERRORS Prime Equipment Type Fuel Schedule Mover ID Rpt Month Purchase Override CommentRangesErrorNumber&DescriptionSupplier V U.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:7953 Evander Andrews Power Complex Form Approval Month:OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 3 <5 \ Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 NOTICE:This report is mandatory under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275).Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law.For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the provision on sanctions and the provision concerning confidentiality of information in the instructions.Title 18 USC 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. SCHEDULE 1.IDENTIFICATION Survey Contact Cheryl Hobbs Submit DateContact Joint Venture AccountantTitle Address PO Box 70 City/Statc/Zip Email Boise chobbs@idahopowcr.com ID 83707 Phone (208)388-5614 Fax (208)433-5180 Supervisor of Contact Person for Survey Contact Title Randy Henderson Operations Finance Leader Address Box 70 City/Statc/Zip Email Boise rhcndcrson@idahopower.com ID 83707 Phone (208)388-2290 Fax (208)388-2521 Report For Company Name Plant Name Plant ID Plant Address Plant City Idaho Power Co Bennett Mountain 55733 1015 West Hays St. Mountain Home Plant County Elmore Plant State ID s Yes ?NoRegulated For contact detail go to http://www.eia.doe.gOv/oss/forms.html#eia-923?Ycs s No CHP Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART A.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL CONTRACT INFORMATION,RECEIPTS,AND COSTS (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 1 .are on page 3.) Contract Information Purchases Cost per Unit Quantity Total Delivered Cost Commodity Cost (coal,natural gas) Solids:Tons Cents per MMBtu,to the nearest 0.1 cents Cents per MMBtu,to the nearest 0.1 cents Fuel Supplier Name Purchase Contract Expiralion Date Energy Liquids:BarrelsTypeor Tolling Source Gases:MCF Agreement (MMYY) Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 Plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART B.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL QUALITY OF FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 2.are on page 4.) Contract Information Quality of Fuels Received Fuel Transportation Natural Gas Chloride ContentMercuryContent Moisture Mercury Mercury Chloride Contnet Content Unavailable Content Contract Information Average Heat Sulfur Content Content Ash Content Predominant Supply Delivery Contract SecondaryChlorideModeMode ContractUnavailablePercentweight to nearest Type Type Million Btus Quantity (MMBtus) per unit Percent weight to nearest Mode used to transport fuel over the longest distance Parts per Million,or enter 999 if not available Mode used to transport fuel over the second longest distance Fuel Supplier Purchase Energy Type Source 0.01% 0.01% I I Yes I |Yes ?No ?No Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 Plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART C.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL COAL MINE INFORMATION (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 3.are on page 7.) Purchases (From Schedule 2,Part A)Coal Mine Information Purchase Quantity Coal Mine State Energy Coal Mine Coal Mine Coal Mine Name Coal Mine CountyFuelSupplierTypeSourceMSHAIDType -<?> Form ApprovalU.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Month Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART A.BOILER AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR STEAM-ELECTRIC ORGANIC-FUELED PLANTS FUEL CONSUMPTION AND GENERATION Generators with Nameplate Capacity I0MW or Above Fuel Consumption Prime Mover Boiler Id Boiler Status Quantity Consumed Units Avg Heat Content. (High Heating Value) (MMBtu per ton, barrel,or Mcf) Sulfur AshE1AUSE ONLY (Group Code) Report Month Energy Code Source Content, (petroleum and coal only,to nearest 0.01%) Content, (coal only,to nearest 0.1%) Specify other fuel: Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART A.BOILER AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR STEAM-ELECTRIC ORGANIC-FUELED PLANTS FUEL CONSUMPTION AND GENERATION Generators with Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Above Generation Report Month Gross GenerationGenerator Net Generation Id (MWh)(MWh) <5^ Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART B.FUEL AND GENERATION INFORMATION FOR SINGLE CYCLE GAS TURBINES, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES,HYDROELECTRIC PUMPED STORAGE,AND COMPRESSED AIR STORAGE Fuel Consumption and Generation Fuel Consumption Generation Prime Mover Quantity Consumed Type Of UnitsEnergy Avg Heat Prime Mover Peaking Unit Gross Generation Net GenerationSourceContent.Code (Yes/No)(MWh)(MWh)(as burned) (MMBtu per ton, barrel,or Mcf) McfGTNG8,881 1.0000 GT Y 821 731 Specify other fuel: Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year.2016 Plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART C.FUEL AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR COMBINED-CYCLE PLANTS Prime Mover CT CA Turbine Generators With Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Abov Fuel Consumption Generation E1A USE ONLY Prime Boiler/Boiler Mover Generation Status Quantity Consumed Units Average Heat Content EIA USE (High Heating Value)ONLY (Group code) Energy Prime Mover Generator Generator Status Gross Generation NetReport Month Report MonthSource ID Generation Code(Group code)ID Code (MWh)(MWh) Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration m0mF Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plarit:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART D. GENERATION FROM NUCLEAR,NONCOMBUSTIBLE,AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Complete an individual Schedule 3,Part D for each nuclear plant and all wind,solar,geothermal,hydroelectric,or other plants where the energy source is noncombustible,such as purchased steam or waste heat.Do not report for combined cycle plants,which belong on Schedule 3C. -No fuel consumption is required for these types ofplants. -Report generation by energy source for nuclear,wind,solar,geothermal,conventional hydroelectric and miscellaneous source4s such as purchased steam or waste heat. -Report nuclear data by generating unt. -Complete a separate row for each prime mover type. A B C D E Prime Mover Energy Unit Code (nuclear units) Gross Generation (MWh)Net Generation (MWh) Source Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 4.PART A.FOSSIL FUEL STOCKS AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD AND THE DATA BALANCE For Coal,Oil and Natural Gas Plants Report stocks for Coal,Residual oil (No.5 and No.6 fuel oils),Distillate-type oils (No.2 oil,jet fuel and kerosene),and Petroleum coke. -Central fuel terminals are required to fill both Schedules 4A and 4B. Include back-up fuels,start-up,and flame stabilization fuels. Do not report stocks for waste coal,natural gas,waste oil,or biomass. Column A:Energy Source,and Column B:Units:Apply the following units of measurement for each fuel stock report: Short Tons Barrels Distillate-Type Oils:Barrels Petroleum Coke:Short Tons Coal: Residual Oil: Column G:Ending Month/Year Stocks: -Enter zero if the plant has no stocks.Do not leave blank. -Stocks held off-site that cannot be assigned to an individual plant are reported as stocks held at the central fuel storage site(s). -Report each central fuel storage site separately -Identify the new storage sites for this schedule on Schedule 9:Comments. Column C,D,and E: -These columns contain data from Schedules 2 and 3,and the previous month (or year)report,respectively. -These data are pre-populated on the online forms. Column F:Adjustments to Stocks: -Enter adjustments to stocks when the calculated fuel balance is not zero. -These adjustments may be either positive,negative (having a negative sign),or zero. -Explain any non-zero adjustments in the "Comments for Adjustments"Section at the bottom ifthe table below. Column H:Fuel Balance: -For coal and oil,calculate the fuel balance as the difference between consumed,received and stocked fuel and the reported ending stocks. -For natural gas,calculate the fuel balance as the difference between consumed and received natural gas. -If the fuel balance does not equal zero,enter an adjustment in Column F to balance the fuel use. -Explain any Column F adjustments in the "Comments for Adjustments"Section at the bottom of the table below. UnitsEnergy Source Previous Month/ Year Stocks Purchases Consumption Adjustment to Stocks End ofMonth/Fuel Balance Comments for Adjustments Year Stocks A B C D E F G H & o Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month' Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 p,ant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 4.PART B.FOSSIL FUEL DISTRIBUTION FROM CENTRAL FUEL TERMINALS TO POWER PLANTS Report distribution of coal,residual oil (No.5 and No.6 fuel oils),Distillate-type oils (No.2 oil,jet fuel,and kerosene),and petroleum coke. Do NOT report fuel in transit on Schedule 4,Part B.Report fuel in transit on Schedule 4,Part A,as part of negative adjustments. Column A:Plant ID:Enter the Plant ID for the plant to which fuels were distributed. Column B:Plant Name:Enter the name ofthe plant to which fuels were distributed. Column C:Fuel Type:Report fuel type using energy source codes. Column D:Quantity of Fuel shipped to Plant. -Report the quantity of fuel Shipped to Plant in the following units: Short Tons Barrels Barrels Short Tons Coal: Residual Oil: Distillate-Type Oils: Petroleum Coke: -Enter zero if no shipments were made to this plant this month. FUEL TERMINAL -PLANT RELATIONSHIPS AND FUEL SHIPMENTS Plant ID Plant Name Fuel Type Quantity ofFuel Shipped to Plant B CA D <5=» Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 9.COMMENTS (Instructions for SCHEDULE 9.are on page 20.) Schedule Part Item Generator Retirement Dates Retirement Month Retirement Year Changes in Ownership (Provide name of purchaser and date sold.) Generator Id Comments Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormEIA-923 ERRORS Purchase Prime Equipment Type Fuel Schedule Mover Rpt Month Supplier Error Number &Description Ranges Override CommentID Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 p|ant:55733 Bennett Mountain OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormE1A-923 3 Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 NOTICE:This report is mandatory under the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-275).Failure to comply may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law.For further information concerning sanctions and data protections see the provision on sanctions and the provision concerning confidentiality of information in the instructions.Title 18 USC 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. SCHEDULE 1.IDENTIFICATION Survey Contact Contact Title Cheryl Hobbs Submit Date Joint Venture Accountant Address PO Box 70 City/State/Zip Email Boise chobbs@idahopowcr.com ID 83707 Phone (208)388-5614 Fax (208)433-5180 Supervisor of Contact Person for Survey Contact Randy Henderson Operations Finance LeaderTitle Address Box 70 City/Statc/Zip Boise rhcndcrson@idahopower.com ID 83707 Email Phone (208)388-2290 Fax (208)388-2521 Report For Company Name Plant Name Plant ID Idaho Power Co Langley Gulch Power Plant Plant County Interstate 84 and Highway 30 New Plymouth 57028 PAYETTE Plant Address Plant City Plant State ID $s ?Yes NoRegulated chForcontactdetailgotohttp://www.eia.doe.goV/oss/forms.html#eia-923izrhNo CHP c v Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month' Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 p,ant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/3 1/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART A.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL CONTRACT INFORMATION,RECEIPTS,AND COSTS (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 1.are on page 3.) Contract Information Purchases Cost per Unit Quantity Total Delivered Cost Commodity Cost (coal,natural gas) Solids:Tons Cents per MMBtu,to the nearest 0,1 cents Cents per MMBtu,to the nearest 0.1 cents Fuel Supplier Name Purchase Contract Expiration Date Energy Source Liquids:BarrelsTypeor Tolling Gases:MCF (MMYY)Agreement 5<V ii5VARIOUS(NATURAL GAS SPOT PURCHASES ONLY) S NO 1,182,821 344.5 287.9 XVARIOUS(NATURAL GAS SPOT PURCHASES ONLY) S 99,214 258.8NG 217.8 i1 c Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year.2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormE1A-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART B.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL QUALITY OF FUEL AND TRANSPORTATION (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 2.are on page 4.) Contract Information Quality ofFuels Received Fuel Transportation Natural Gas Mercury Content Moisture Mercury Mercury Chloride Contnct Content Unavailable Content Chloride Content Contract Information Average Heat Sulfur Content Content Ash Content Predominant Secondary Mode Supply Delivery Contract Contract Type Type Chloride Unavailable Mode Percent weight to nearestMillionBtus Quantity (MMBlus) per unit Percent weight to nearest 0.01% Parts per Million,or enter 999 if not available Mode used to transport fuel over the longest distance Mode used to transport fuel over the second longest distance Fuel Supplier Purchase Energy Type Source 0.01 % >i*IVARIOUS (NATURAL GAS SPOT PURCHASES ONLY) VARIOUS (NATURAL GAS SPOT PURCHASES ONLY) S NG 1182821 PL F F?Yes ?Yes fx]No fx")No AsNG 99214 I PL I?Yes I I Yes fin No im No c Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month: Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 Plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 2.PART C.COST AND QUALITY OF FUEL RECEIPTS -PLANT LEVEL COAL MINE INFORMATION (Instructions for SCHEDULE 2.Page 3.are on page 7.) Purchases (From Schedule 2,Part A)Coal Mine Information Purchase Energy Quantity Source Coal Mine Coal Mine State Coal Mine Coal Mine Name Coal Mine County Fuel Supplier Type MSHA ID Type <1. Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 Plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART A.BOILER AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR STEAM-ELECTRIC ORGANIC-FUELED PLANTS FUEL CONSUMPTION AND GENERATION Generators with Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Above Fuel Consumption Quantity Consumed Prime Mover Boiler Id Boiler StatusEIAUSE ONLY (Group Code) Report Month Energy Units Avg Heat Content. Sulfur Ash Code Source Content, (petroleum and coal only,to nearest 0.01%) Content, (coal only,to nearest 0.1%) (High Heating Value) (MMBtu per ton, barrel,or Met) Specify other fuel: 3" Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month' Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 platlt:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART A.BOILER AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR STEAM-ELECTRIC ORGANIC-FUELED PLANTS FUEL CONSUMPTION AND GENERATION Generators with Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Above Generation Report Month Generator Gross Generation Net Generation Id (MWh)(MWh) C xr Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART B.FUEL AND GENERATION INFORMATION FOR SINGLE CYCLE GAS TURBINES, INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES,HYDROELECTRIC PUMPED STORAGE,AND COMPRESSED AIR STORAGE Fuel Consumption and Generation Fuel Consumption Generation Prime Mover Quantity Consumed Type Of Units Avg Heat Content, (as burned) (MMBtu per ton, barrel,or Mcf) Energy Prime Mover Peaking Unit Gross Generation Net GenerationSourceCode(Yes/No)(MWh)(MWh) IE ? Specify other fuel: Form ApprovalU.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART C.FUEL AND GENERATOR INFORMATION FOR COMBINED-CYCLE PLANTS Prime Mover CT CA Turbine Generators With Nameplate Capacity 10MW or Abov GenerationFuelConsumption Prime Boiler/Boiler Energy Mover Generation Status Source Quantity Consumed Units Average Heat Content EIA USE (High Heating Value)ONLY (Group code) Prime Mover Generator Generator Status Gross Generation NetEIAUSE ONLY Report Month Report Month GenerationID Code (MWh) 183,849 (MWh) }3>181US5 (Group code)Code ID 0.000 CT GTG OPCAOPNG0McfJIIII I\1282035 Mcf I I CA STG OP 0CTGTGOPNG011 c 7A Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 Plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 3.PART D. GENERATION FROM NUCLEAR,NONCOMBUSTIBLE,AND RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Complete an individual Schedule 3,Part D for each nuclear plant and all wind,solar,geothermal,hydroelectric,or other plants where the energy source is noncombustible,such as purchased steam or waste heat.Do not report for combined cycle plants,which belong on Schedule 3C. -No fuel consumption is required for these types of plants. -Report generation by energy source for nuclear,wind,solar,geothermal,conventional hydroelectric and miscellaneous source4s such as purchased steam or waste heat. -Report nuclear data by generating unt. -Complete a separate row for each prime mover type. A B C D E Prime Mover Energy Unit Code (nuclear units) Gross Generation (MWh)Net Generation (MWh) Source Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormE1A-923 SCHEDULE 4.PART A.FOSSIL FUEL STOCKS AT THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD AND THE DATA BALANCE For Coal,Oil and Natural Gas Plants Report stocks for Coal,Residual oil (No.5 and No.6 fuel oils),Distillate-type oils (No.2 oil,jet fuel and kerosene),and Petroleum coke. -Central fuel terminals are required to fill both Schedules 4A and 4B. Include back-up fuels,start-up,and flame stabilization fuels. Do not report stocks for waste coal,natural gas,waste oil,or biomass. Column A:Energy Source,and Column B:Units:Apply the following units ofmeasurement for each fuel stock report: Short Tons Barrels Coal: Residual Oil: Distillate-Type Oils:Barrels Petroleum Coke:Short Tons Column G:Ending Month/Year Stocks: -Enter zero if the plant has no stocks.Do not leave blank. -Stocks held off-site that cannot be assigned to an individual plant are reported as stocks held at the central fuel storage site(s). -Report each central fuel storage site separately -Identify the new storage sites for this schedule on Schedule 9:Comments. Column C,D,and E: -These columns contain data from Schedules 2 and 3,and the previous month (or year)report,respectively. -These data are pre-populated on the online forms. Column F:Adjustments to Stocks: -Enter adjustments to stocks when the calculated fuel balance is not zero. -These adjustments may be either positive,negative (having a negative sign),or zero. -Explain any non-zero adjustments in the "Comments for Adjustments"Section at the bottom if the table below. Column H:Fuel Balance: -For coal and oil,calculate the fuel balance as the difference between consumed,received and stocked fuel and the reported ending stocks. -For natural gas,calculate the fuel balance as the difference between consumed and received natural gas. -If the fuel balance does not equal zero,enter an adjustment in Column F to balance the fuel use. -Explain any Column F adjustments in the "Comments for Adjustments"Section at the bottom ofthe table below. Adjustment to Stocks End of Month/Fuel Balance Comments for AdjustmentsUnitsPreviousMonth/ Year Stocks Purchases ConsumptionEnergy Source Year Stocks G HABCDEF 1,282,035NGMcf 1,282,035 0 0 <r - Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 4.PART B.FOSSIL FUEL DISTRIBUTION FROM CENTRAL FUEL TERMINALS TO POWER PLANTS Report distribution of coal,residual oil (No.5 and No.6 fuel oils),Distillate-type oils (No.2 oil,jet fuel,and kerosene),and petroleum coke. Do NOT report fuel in transit on Schedule 4,Part B.Report fuel in transit on Schedule 4,Part A,as part of negative adjustments. Column A:Plant ID:Enter the Plant ID for the plant to which fuels were distributed. Column B:Plant Name:Enter the name of the plant to which fuels were distributed. Column C:Fuel Type:Report fuel type using energy source codes. Column D:Quantity of Fuel shipped to Plant. -Report the quantity of fuel Shipped to Plant in the following units: Short Tons Barrels Barrels Short Tons Coal: Residual Oil: Distillate-Type Oils: Petroleum Coke: -Enter zero if no shipments were made to this plant this month. FUEL TERMINAL -PLANT RELATIONSHIPS AND FUEL SHIPMENTS Plant ID Plant Name Fuel Type Quantity of Fuel Shipped to Plant A B C D C. Form ApprovalU.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Month: Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 SCHEDULE 9.COMMENTS (Instructions for SCHEDULE 9.are on page 20.) Schedule Part Item Approx $762k of reservation/transport fees included for all three plants26 Generator Retirement Dates Retirement Year Changes in Ownership (Provide name of purchaser and date sold.) Retirement Month Generator Id Comments C Form ApprovalU.S.Department ofEnergy Energy Information Administration Mo[Uh. Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormEIA-923 ERRORS Purchase Prime Equipment Type Fuel Schedule Mover ID Rpt Month Supplier RangesErrorNumber&Description Override Comment G> Form ApprovalU.S.Department of Energy Energy Information Administration Month- Monthly EIA923 Power Plant Operations Report 9 Year:2016 plant:57028 Langley Gulch Power Plant OMB No.1905-0129 Approval Expires 05/31/2017FormE1A-923 3 <