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I . 1 I"m * mp T I i i* I¦a i I s *1 I i i I 1 il l I I i I i R J I S1 I I Ihi I ! in L * 2 i i j I L L U 1 ffii i 'ii y || JL L L L L L L L L L L L L L If j| i « 'C L L L L L L L L L L L L L ly f i l 1C L L L L L L L L L L L L L T HB In frhl I «a I «mill I SonrSMt 1IJ,»M.|UU | <k I | DsaJ Ponar Plant Opotition Rc-poit m!-a,ml FarmAppcoviJ OMBW I90J-0129 ft*UIJ-UWrf VtW* Ovwnto F«mEIA9l3M2flll FRROK-S jp*fisL s™»jy™ f.***MW.bw>« r ¦> ji r - P r rn --— r i -- r f I I J Hobbs,Cheryl Cassar,Christopher [Christopher.Cassar@eia.gov] Tuesday,June 24,2014 5:13 AM Hobbs,Cheryl RE:This is another error. From: Sent: To: Subject: Hey Cheryl,sorry for the delay in responding to you.We are aware of this issue occurring with the new form so I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused you.I have logged into Plant 55733's EIA-923M for May 2014 data and submitted the survey form for you so you're good to go. Regards, Chris From:Hobbs,Cheryl [mailto:CHobbs@idahopower.com1 Sent:Friday,June 20,2014 4:04 PM To:Cassar,Christopher Subject:This is another error. l jj oSw K ire FormsSe/vkei SB »*<>««•B.^NIUouma.nCOT MOW a^,|[Maai td.iIn"HCR I WmUT j SurreySubmitPrint |SdwioUiB |&Mole4A |SdMrfoliS |Bnon IScheduleI U.S.Department ofEnergy Energy InformationAdministration FormEIA-923M2014 FormApproval OMBNo.1905-0129 ApprovalExpires 3/31/2017 PowerPlantOperations Report NOTICE:ThisreportismandatoryundertheFederalEnergyAdministration Actof1974(Pubisclaw93-275).Failure to complymayresultinorfamrmlfines,civilpenalties andothersanctions asprovidedbylaw.Forftirtheirinformation concerningsanctionsand dataprotections,seetheprovisionon sanctions andtheprovisionconcerningconfidentialityofinformationin theinstructions Title 18USC 1001makesitaoimtnaloffenseforanyparsonknowingly endwilHngLy tomaketoanyAgencyorDepartment oftheUnited States anyfalse,fictitious,orfraudulentstatements as to anymatterwithinitsjurisdiction. TESTING SCHEDULEL IDENTIflCATION LogDate/User 1B-JUN-20I4 lOPStCHHiSSSurreyContact NamejOurylHohbs Tide llmutfVwhite Accountail Address |PQBoa70 City iBoise Email jchobbs#ldahopo Telephone |<2Df)J88-56U StateJlD Zip|B3707 Wacom FaxlOOB)433-3180 SoparriiorofContactPersonfiirSurrey NamejlandtvHwwlenan Title[Optraiiom Financel+adat Address [Box70 CityStale Statefro Zip[B3707 ililfndnsOiiyVirjill Telephone!r20S>StS-2290 ~ (CCTB Fax1(208)388-2321 CompanyNemelldaho PowrrCo PlantNamefBenurtiMountain Plant 10(33733 PLANT COUNTYSfciore" PlantAddrwijl013WenHiyi St. PlantCtty^Mounlnri Home ""State]ID IsHasplantragtiftltd?&Yes UIhtiaconihuiedheat (-^ indpowtrplantr'' f No No Forquestionsrelatedto e-ffle system:EIASurveyHelpCeril«i@enLgov 202-5B6-9595 Forquestionsaboutthedatarequested Schedules lend4:ChrisCesser Schedule2:BeckyPeterson Schedules 345:RonHankey Schedule6,1&8:OrhanYddtz.Orfaao ELA-923Fee 202.2X7-1959or202-287-1960 EIA-923Mailbox:E2A-923@<tkgov chattophw c®BBBr@eia gov rebecca4wter30n@cia.gov thinlrcyflfli gov orhan-yddiz^eifl.gov 202-586-5448 202-586-4509 202-586-2630 202-586-xm I4 ,-j «1 >V'1.hvc </1/ .iw- 7^ M*,ii[H (t / r -SarvkW.Oti In"RCS |I tUlil J SurreySubmit Help |Sm |hit |Print I 54*%>JU3||Sd«lalMA j Eneas ] U.S.Department ofEnergy EnergyInformationAdmims(ration FormELA-923M2014 FonaApproval OMBNo.1905-0129 ApprovalErprres5/31/2017 Power Plant Operations <Report < SCHEDULE3.PART B.FUELAND GENERATIONINFORMATIONFORSINGLE CYCLEGASTURBINES, INTERNALCOMBUSTIONENGINES,HYDROELECTRICPUMPED STORAGE,ANDCOMPRESSED AIRSTORAGE Reportforeach pnmemovertype;donot reportforeachindividual prime moverunit. Ifnoftielis consumedoreltctKilygenerated,enterzero;do notleave Hint However,ifgross or netgenerationisnotmeasuredleave thefieldblank; do notreport zero. ForPumpedStorageunits,provide all three elements ofthefollowingequation: Netgeneration(>!Wh)»Grosi Generation (MWh)EnergyCoruumedfortiorage pumping(MWh) Gross Generation:Entmthetotal amountofeketnexxyproducedforeach primemovertype,tnMWh. Net Generation.Nitinerationte groit generationminus the pimnhc station loid,re.muonme.in MWh.Jsons FuelCommnptfon AveHeat Content (a Imned) (MMBtnperton, banal,orMcf) Eneriy Sowce Typ*Of Mover Quantity Uniti 1st"Im5aw l Remove i" r Rcmorc r Rcmnrc RgitioVC r r r i IfEnergySourcereportedis QTH,OBS.OBO.OSL. orOG,phrase speedy: i I Plime Peaking Moym Unit |GT r Tea r No Yes C No Yes ^No Yes <"No <"Yes r No C Yes ^No Yes C No C Yes **No Grosa Gotendton NetGtnmnop, i-w .y r^jg DM I r r : A % -KireForm*Servers±±Ofi .U. fljEw-521 e™,i P!urt owumrum Wwt ssm -8am,wMountainCO.;Won M RCR |RTttfll I Surrey SabmirIn H«ly |Sit»|hit [Print Stfn*il«l I Sd*rtuk3B g !<3*tel4A]|ScMala9 | U.S DepartmentofEnergy EnergyInformationAdmmtsbttioft FomiEIA-923M2014 Enon FormApprove! OMBNo.1905-0129 ApprovalExpirea 5/31/2017 PowerPlait Operations Report SCHEDULE4FOSSILFUEL STOCKS AT THEENDOFTHEREPORTING PERIODANDTHE DATABALANCE ForCoal,OilandNaturalCu Plants Report stock*forcoalpetroleum product*{residualand dutiQalefuelotb),andpfltroteumcoke Do not report >iocksfor natural jas.wast#cool waste ofl.orbiomase. Include stocks forback-up ftiela.start-upfuels,andflame-stabilizationflials. When the calculatedfuelbalancetsnotrero,enteravaluefor *Adjustment!ro Stocks,*AdjustmentsmaybeMtheipositive,ucgahv e(having«negative sign).oritro. Explain anynon-mo adjustmentsinthe Commnusfor Adjustment*'sectionat thebottom ofthe table below Fornaturalgatplants,the onlyrequiredHeld,ifnecessary,is 'Adjustments to Stocks.*m which cosea'Comment forAdjustments'must be provided. JEDITS TypeOf PreviousPanad CurrantPeriod Urals EndingStocks Receipts Energy Source CurrantPeriod Consumption CurrantPeriod Ending Stock: toStocks r iii i i :I r !I Energy Source Balance Comment(ifadjustmentisnotzero please enteracomment)to Stocks "F I lr!a '¦/)o </ ¦jj Or•drFuport Mu Formi Sbyxbfare ©ElA.S23P0».,PtinlOj> I In 1^ .t I"IU'|Survey Submit Hvlp |Sere |Erit |RCK Mubote1 |SdedoleBB |SdutaleU :iJ IvIlT j| U5.DepartmentofEnergy EnergyInformation Achniniatration FonnEIA-923M2014 I Power Plut Operations FoimApproval OMBNo.1905-0129 ApprovalExpires 5/31/2017 Report SCHEDULE9.COMMENTS Schedule Part Item f r GeneratorRetirementDatoa Completethis sectionforgenerators with retirement dates planned forthe nexttwelvemonths. Generator Id Retirement Retirement Comments Month Year r Arr'* •i ] U' P;/ c FamiS*rVico ilM |IFT wwt,m>-uwatwflmm»ww.swii Mil «CT I 'I'M |SnmySubmit Milp |Sm Exit |'ilWi1"||Sd*feta2A |SdxdnltS |SetaMtK |3cMnle3C |SdMiU |5dMfef*f |Emm | US DtptfTMoMafEnnfy EflMgy fnfOmuikotiAdministration F«nK1A.9HM 20It Few.Approval <XMBNo lW-0129 ApprOVilf-iftn 5/31/2017 PowerPlutOpentiois Rnport NOTICE;Thu report ismandatory underthe FederalEnergyAdnnnuuitianAct of1974(PublicLaw93-273).Faluntocomplynayresultinajminalfines,civilpenalties andotbrrsanctions asprovided bylaw.ForAntherinformationconcenwig sanctions anddataprotections,sea theprovisiononunctionsand theprovisionconcerningconfidentiality ofinformationintheinstructions. Tab I8UBC100Lmakes SocraninaloffltnMforanypenonknowinglyandwflSnglyto maketo any Agency or Departmentofthe UnitedStatesany&lse,fictitious,orftiudiilwitstatemeats as to anymatterwithinAsjurisdiction- TESTING SCHEDULEL IDENTIFICATION LegDaWUiw. 1B-JUN-2Q14 |0PSSCn>6533SumyContact Name ICteyiHobbi TM«JjointVKMtatAr-cgam* Address [POBoi70 State]ID Z3p|S37D7Cityffloino Email IchobbiiS^-tiiiopoBWfortt Telephone |(2Df)33S-5614 Fax1(208)433-3180 SoperriaorofCaatirtPersonbrSnrrey Name (BendyHenderson Address |Bax7D City |Bo1aj StataflD ZipjR3707 Email hlwndf»Oftgid*hgpo*weflrw Telephone 1(208)388-2290 F«1(208)333-2521 Ktwnfor CompanyNam'(Idaho Per*itCo PlimtNmr&flfevtMcbPrttrwwinT Plana©(57021 flANT CCHfSTTiPASTTtf PlantAddrrr.llnimiairH wullEah*ry30~" PlaxdCitytNawPlymouth Staled Isthiiplantregulated?^Yes li Quii ctAtHiidbul Wl4powftpliritA f No r Yes SsS Forqueatkma relatedto frfflesystnn;iiA&urv*yH*Jpr*ntfr3*ugov 202-586-9595 Forquestions aboutthedatarequested:I Schedules land4;Ctxia Ckiur Schedule2:BeckyPetarion Schedules 345:RonHaokay Schedule6,7A 8;QdianY34r.0rh«n EIA-923 Far 202-217-1959 or202-287-1960 EIA-923 Maflbor EU «J$aajfov chdctophsr.caaaarQtta.gov itbtccaprtmonffntgov i!unlury£ri*g«v othjjvNildtsfln*gov 202-536-3448 202-5364509 202-386-2630 202-560-nxa ! 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I « I ll ii b L L L |[ | in ll u L L L HU L L an KB Pfa.it 370ga-L»nqtitrQWhPWWPt|«Qtf*twoM PHal |RCR | i1TtXflt |Surrey Submit[FT HJp I Smrm bit I2A |VHiMrffl |IctaMiK |*,|||-'—|bMAU |**+H*9 [|•ll I US.Daputmtol ofEnwgy EnstgyTrrfamtationAdnunistnrflofl Fotm EIA-92JM20M PowerPlaitOperations FormApprove OMBNo.1905-0129 ApprovalEapirea 5/31/2017 Report SCHEDULE9.COMMENTS Sohsdid*Part Itsa 2 6 -ApptaiitiHrofUsmfiaiiJilsaftett«vit»ji 11includedforbHOneplants. Zj tutDatnG««i CompleteUna sactionfbrgenentton withretires)ent datesplainedforthe runttwelveniDfriba. Onmntor Id Retirement Retirement Month Tear * Arr li