HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110110Protective Agreement.pdfPROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AVIST A CORPORATION, PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER, IDAHO POWER COMPANY AND IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF AND OTHER PARTIES AS APPLICABLE This Protective Agreement is entered into this _~th day of January 20 II by A vist Corporation (Avista), PacìfiCorp dba Rocky Moutain Power (Rocky Mountain Power), Idano Power Company (Idaho Povl"cr) and the Idaho Publiç Utilties Commission Staff (Staff, and other parties that have executed this Protective Agreement. Rc.'Citals: I. WHEREAS, parties to Case No. GNR-E-1O-04 have Qr may request, and other parties may desire to make available 10 the Staff and other parties as applicable, certain information, and Staff and such other parties desire to examine certin ¡nfoonation, respeting the Joint Petition of Idaho Power Company, A vista Corporation. and Rocky Mountain Power to Address Avoided Cost Issues and Joint Motion to Adjust the Published Avoided Cost Rate Eligibility Cap iii Case No. GNR.E-IO-04. 2. WHEREAS, the parties and Staffas applicable anticipate that certain parties may provide (Providing Party), or make ßvuilable lòr review, c-ertain informtion considered by the Providing' Party to be of a trade secret, privileged or conlidential nature (as defined in idaho Code § 9-340 e( seq, and § 48-80 I t!i seq). 3, \VHFREAS, the parties and Staff agree that entering into a Protective Agreement wil expedite the production ofdöcumcnts; wil afTord the necessary protection to the Providing Parties' employees and/or representatives in this proceeding who might review the information and subsequently be requested to revealits contents by setting forth clear cut parameters for use of Confidential Information, and will protect Confidentìul Infonnation which might be provided hereafter, IT IS HEREBY STIPULA 1'1:0 AND AGREED AS FOLLOWS: i. (a) Confidential Information. Al! documents, data, information. studies and other materials furnished that are claimed to be PROTEcnvE AGREEMENT 8ETWEKN IDAHO PlJBLlC ltl'IUTU':S COMMISSION STAI"I" ANOPARTJES TO GNft.E.IO...t - o -i:: N..--t. """,.;~ of trade set "Tel, proprietary or confidential nature (herein referred to as "Confidentiallnformation") shall be so marked by any Providing Party by stamping the same with Ii designation indicating its trade secret, proprietary or confidential nature and printed on "yellow" paper. Any claim of confidentiality must be accompanied by an attorney's certificate that the material is protected by law from public disclosure and cite the specifc legal authority to support the claim. IDAPA:3 and 3J .01.01.231 Access to and review of Confidential Information shall be Stictly controlled by the terms of this Agreement (b) Use of Confidential Information All persons who may be entitled to review, or who are afforded access to any Confidential Information by reason of this Agreemt~nt shall neither lise nor disclose the Confidential Information for purposes of business or competition, or any purpose other thun the purpose of preparation for and conduct of Case No. GNR-E~ 1 0-04 and then solely as contemplated herein, and shall keep the Confidential Information secure as trade secret, confidential or proprieta information and in accordance with the purpses ürd intent of this Agreement. (c) lers~ms f:ntitled to RevR"W. Access to Confidential Infonnatìon shall be limited to coimsel of the undersigned parties. employees, experts, agents or representatives ofthe undersigned parties who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. Such information wil be dearly marked and protected from uni.nitholÍzed publk disclosure. (d) Nondisclosure Agreement. Confidential Information shall not be disclosed to any person who has not signed a nondisclosure agreement on this form, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorprated herein. The mmdisdosure agreement or Exhibit "A" shall require the person to whom disclosure is to be made to read a copy of this Pmtective Agreement and to certify in writing that he or she has reviewed the s¡.:me and has consented to be bound by its terms, 'nu: Agreement shall contain the signatory's full na.me. permanent address, and employer. Such agreement shal1 be delivered to counsel for the Providing Party and acknowledged and approved by the Providing Party before disclosure is made. fRon:cnVE AGREEME:"T ßicrwn:N IDAHO l1tmUCFlltrrii:s r:OMMlSSION STAFf AND PARTIES TO GNR-l;.10..1 i -" 2. (a) Copies. No copies or transcriptions of the Confidential Information shall be made by Staff, Parties andor the ProvÎding Party except as necessary to make theinformation available to individuals who have executed an Exhibit "A "to this Protective Agreement. (bJ Return of Confidential lnformation. Up(in request üfthc Providing Party. all original documents and copies of the Confidential ¡ nformation shall be: (i ) returned to Providing Party, or (2) shredded by the holder of such documents. Unless otherwÎse ordered, Confidemiallnfomiation. including trnsaipts of depositions containing information to which a claim of confidentiality is made, shall remain under seal, shall contínue to be subject to the protAtive requirements of this Agll~ement, and shall likewise, be returned to counsel for the Providing Party within thirty (30) days after final senlement or conclusion oCthe proceedings before the CommissÎon which Confidential Informntion is relevant including admÎnismltìvc or judicia! review th(~reof. After return of documenls pursuant to this Paragraph. and upon request :; written receípt veri tying return shall be provided by counseL. To the extent that Confidential Infonna.tkm cannot be returned or destroyed as required by this paragraph. either due to electronìc backup or otl'envise, such materialswíl remain subject to the terms ofthis Agreement. (c) Return of Notes. Any notes maintained by a reclpient ofConfidcntiallnfí:mnation. whìch embody or reOect any oftheConfidenlLa! lriformaticm provided under this Agreement shalL, upon request of the Providing Party. be either returned to the Providing Party or. at the option of the recipicl1t.dei:1royed. Tn the extent thai Cnniidentitil Information carmOl be returned or destroyed as required by this paragraph, either due to electronic backup Of otherwise, such materials will remain subject to the terms uf this Agreement. 3. Non-waiver of Objection to Admîssibilty. The furnishing orany document information. data. study or other materials pursuant to this Protective Agreement shall in no way limit or waive the right()fthe providing party to object to its relevance or admissibility in any proceedings before this Commission, PROTH:l'IVE Amn:,¡';IIU:NT u¡.;nn:EI' mAllO PUBUC tJTlLTTU:S COMMISSION STAFF AND PARTIES TO GNR.F;.1(H1 .' 4, CbaUenge to Confidentiality. (a) Initial Cballenge. This Protective Agreement establishes a procedure for the expeditious handling of information the Providing Party claims is confidentiaL. In any proceeding before the Commission, Staff or a Party miiy challenge the characteri7.ation of any information, document, data, or study claimed by the Providing Party to be a trade secret, proprietary or eonf1dential information. If seeking to challenge the confidentiality of any ìnfonnation Staff or a Party shall first contact counsel for the Providing Party and attempt to resolve any differençe by stipulation. Resolution may include removing the çorifidential classifications, creating a non-confidential summary, refOnli8tting the in!t)rmation. etc. (h) Subsequent Challenge. In the event that the Parties cannot agree as to the character of the information challenged, a Party may challenge the confidentìalityoftheinrormation by petitioning in any prO\ceding ¡nwhich the information is relevant the Commission to rule upon the disputed information. The Petition shall be served upon the Commission and all Parties to the proceeding who have signed on Ex.hibit "A" as provided in this Protective Agreement. The Petition shall designate with specificity the document or material challenged and state the grounds upon which the subject material are deemed to be non- confidentiaL. (c) ChaUcnge Hearing. The ehallenging Party shall request that the Commission tonduct al1 in camera proceeding where cmly those persons duly authorized to have access to such challenged materials under this Protective Agreement shall be present This hearing shaH be commenced no etrlier thar five (5) business days after serving the Petition on the Providing Party, the Commission, and other parties. The record orthe in fwnera hcarìng shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL - Subject to Protective Agreement" the exlen! necessary. the trnnscript of such hearing shall be separately Pound, segregated. scaled. iiod withheld from public inspeçtiun by any person not boundhy the terms ofrhis Agreement, (d) Determination. PROTECTIVE AGiu:i:I\U:Nl BETWEEN WAHO PVfU,ic tmLJTll~S COMMISSION STo\n" ANi) PARTIES TOGNR-E-IO-ù4-1 .. The Paries wi!1 ask the Commission to issue an Order determining whether any challenged information or material is not properly deemed to be exempt from public disclosure pursuant to the Idaho Publiç Records Act. (idaho Code § 9-335 el seq.) If information is found to be not exempt from disclosure, Partìes shall not disclose such ¡;hallenged material or use it in the public record or otherwise outside the proceedings for at least five (5) business days unless the Providing Party consents to such conduct- 'I'his procedure enables the providing Party to seek a stay or other relief from the Commissìl)fls Ordi:r removing the restrictions of this Agreement from material claimed to be confidentiaL. Such relicf may be sought from the Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction. S. (a) Rt-ccipt hHo Evidcßce. Provision is hereby made for receipt into evidence in this proceeding uf materials claimed to be eonfidentìal in the f()llowing manner: . (I) If a Party intends to use Confidential Information or to make substantive reference to Confidential Information supplìed to it under this Agreement, it shall give reasonable prior notice of such intention to the Providing Party and shall provide copies of the used Confidential lntbrmatíon öl substantive reference to Confidential lnfomiatíon only to the providing Party, and such other Pariíes,if any, who have executed an Exhibit "A" to this Protective Agreement. (2) One (I) copy of the used Confidential Information or substantive reference to Confidential Information described in Paragraph 5(a)( I) shall be placed in the sealed recQrd. (3) Only one (l) copy of the documents designated to be placed in a sealed record shall be made, which copy shall be supplied by the providing Party, (4) The copy ofthe documents to be placed in the sealed record shall be tendered to the Commission. and shall be maintained in accordançe wÎth the terms or this Pfutective Agreement. (b) SeaL. While in the custody oftheCommÎssíon. materials containing Confidential Information shall be marked "CONFIDENTIAL - SUBJECT TO ATTORNE \,'S CERTIFICATKOF CONFUn:NTIAUTY" and shall not be examined by aii)' person except undenhe conditions set forth in this Agreement, ifapplicab!e. ((,) In Camera Hearing and Transcripts. lROTH:TlVE AGIUSEMENT Iff:nn:EN mAHO PUBLIC I TrUTlES ('()MMfSSION STAfF ANO PARfU:S TO GNl(-i:-fl)Ll 5 - Any Confidential Information that must be orally disclosed at a heng in the proceedings shall be offered at an in camera hearing, attended only by persons authorized to have access to the information under this Protective Agreement Similarly, any transcription of any examination or other reference to Confidential Information (or that portion of the record containing Confidential Information) shall be marked and treated as provided herein for Contidential Information. Sec IDAPA, (d) Access to Rl'eord. Access to sealed testimony, records, and information shall be limited to the Commission and persons who have signed tm Exhibit "A" as provided in this Prötective Agreement, unless such information is released from the restrictions of this Agreement either through agreement of the Partics or idì.er nOlke to the Partie:; and hearing, pursuant to the order ofthe Commission and/or the final order of a court having í1nal jurisdiction. (e) AppeaL. Should an appeal from the proceeding be taken, scaled portions ùfthc record may be forwarded to any court of competent jurisdiction It1r purposes of an appeal, but under seal as designiited herein for the inf(ìnnution and use ofthc court If a portion of the record is forwarded to a court under seal for the purposes of an appeal. the providing party shall be notified whichportíon of the sealed record has been designated by the appealing Party as necessary to the r('Cord on appeaL 6. Destruction. Unlcssoiherwise ordered, Confidential Information provided pursWlll to a discovery request and this Agreement, including transcripts or any discovery depositions to which a claim of confidentiality is made, shall remain under seal. shall continue to be subject to the protective requirements ofthis Agreement, and shall be destroyed withinthirty (30) days afterfinal settlement or conclusion of this matter, including administrative or judicial review thereof. Tn the extent that Cont1dential lnformaüoricannot be returned or destroyed as reau¡rt~d by this paragraph, either due to electronic backup 0, othi:rwíse. such materiab \vin n:rnuin subjeçt tv the tC'rms of this /\greement. 7. Usc in Pleadings. Where references to Confidemial Information in the sealed record or with the custodian is PR(HEC'Tlvr: AGREl::i\U:Nl 8F:"V'El:N IDAHO rtJBLfC lJTH,lTIES COMMISSION STAl"" AND PARTIES TOGNR.E-UI-Ol (itt.- required in pleadings, briefs, arguments, or motions (except as provided in PUl'Jgraph 5), it shall be by citation to title or exhibit number or some other description that will not disçlose the sub~1antivc Confldentia! Information contained therein, Any use of or substantive relèrcnces to Confidential In1brmation shall be placed in 3 separate section ofthc pleading or brief and submitted to the Commission pursuant to Paragraph 5, This scaled section shall be serviced only on counsel of record \-vho have signed the non~disclosure agreemcnts set f(irth in Exhibit "N' attached to this Protective Agreement, and may, in turn. be disclosed by them only to individuals who likewise signed Exhibit "A", 8. Summary of Record. lfdeemcd necessary by the Commission. the Providing Party shall prepare a written summary of the Conlidcnliallnformatíon referred to in Orders to be issued to the public and the parties. 9. This Protective Agreement shall become effcctive on the date hereof. DATED this day of January 20 i I.AV.'1S.'TA~.() /~'lB;) lj~ Michael G. Andrea A vista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 1411 E.MissionAve. Spokane. W/\ 99220-3727 i:maiJ: michael,andrca((iwvishH.orp.com Attorney Representing A v ista Corporation PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN UHHO PUBLIC tlTILlTIES COMMISSION STAFF ANn PARTIES TO GNR-E.1I.04.1 _........_.. 7 ..- PROTECTIVE AGlU:EMENT BKlWEEN IDAHO PlJßLJC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF AND PARTIES TO GNR-E-l0-04-1 Attorney Representing Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff NORTHWEST AND INERMOUNT AIN POWl:R PRODUCERS COALITION; THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, IDAHO; J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY By Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC PO Box 7218 515 N. 27th 81. Boise, lD 83702 Email: peter(çrichardsonandoleary.com Attorney Representing Northwest Intennountain Power Producers Coalition; the Board of Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho; lR. Simplot Company By Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC 515 N. 27ii St. PObox 7218 Boise, lD 83702 Email: greg(q1riçhardsonandgleary.com Attorney Representing Northwest Intermountain Power Producers Coalition; the Board of 8 Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, in "83 702- 5918 Email: Attorney Representing Idaho Public Utilties Commission Staff NORTHWEST AND INERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COAUTION~ THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAi'lS COUNTY, IDAHO; J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANYByti~.~ Peter J. Richards~ Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC PO Box 7218 515N.27úiSt. Boise.1D 83702 Email: Attorney Rcpresentìng Northwest Intcmiouniain Power Producers Coalition; the Board of Commissioners of Adams County, ldaho; J.R. Simplot COl wBy G ,Adams Richardson & O'Leary. lLLC 515N.27thSt. PO box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 Email: Attorney Rí.~preSeniîng Northwest Intermountain Power Producers Coaliiion; the Board of Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho; j,R. Simplot C()mpany IlVNAM1S ENERGY, LLC PROTECTIVE AGRU:MENT BETWEEN IDAHO PllSLlC t'TILJTJES COMMISSION STAFF AND PARnl:S TO GNR-l:.IO-04-1'..8 l'IHnECT1\'F A(;IU:nIE"q Imnvn:1\ UMHO lt 'HUe tTlUTIf:S ('0:'1:\ issm\; SI.\Ff :\:\f) PARTIES TO G1\R-I:-IO,(14.1 Deputy Attorney General ld:iho Public ¡ ftilities Coimnis:;iol1 472 Wcst WashingtlJl1 Street BuiSt. lD 83702-5918 Fmai!: !,ris,,;;¡s,;I,'r ¡l puc.íd~illO,g¡l\ Attorney Representing Idaho Public t:tiJitics. CommissiQI' StaiT ~ORTHWEST A."lDINERMOUNTl\IN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION: THf~ BOARI) 01: COMMISSIONERS OF AOAMS COUNT\'. IDAHO: .J.R. SIMPLOT CO"U:JANY By Peter 1 Riçhurdson Richardson & O'Leary_ PLLC PO Box 7218 515 N.27IhSi. Boise. 10 83702 Email: ne1er¡a'r¡eh~r.q$(,'1aljdqlcflr'y.C(ìm l\tlomcy Representing Nortl1\\icst Intermountain Power Producers Coalition: the Board of Commissitmers of Adams County. klahn: .l.R. Simp!ot ('mn¡,¡HlY By Ur~~f)ry M. :\dam:; Richardson 8: O'Leary. PLLC 515 ,: 27111 51. PO box 7'1 íš Boist:. II) 83702 Email: .\thimC) Rcpn:scnting :-onh\\I:Sl 1l1crmmintaín POHC'r Producers Coalition: the Board of Commissioners of Adam!' Cpi.mty. idaho; J.R. Simplni (\impany O)':,A"1JSENERGY. LLC j (pdQI' (ttck wi..d ltC 8 PROn;CTlH: M;iU:ßU::-T BI:TWEf,;, 1f:\IO f'("LlC I HI nILs iUi-i\Il!\SIO\ ST\FF ,\1'0 PARTIES Ttl GNR.f,.Il.Ö4.1 , RJI LlJ~By Romild L Wiliams Willams Bradbur)'. P.e. 10J5 W. fis)'s 51. Boise. 10 R370:; Lmall: Lon t!.~lJ1Ìll.nJ)bf¡~l.bil¡, o1'L:!J) ,,\uorne\' Rcprcsemim! Dnlamís En(;rl.\. L.LC.. "". ~ r. . .. ..... . Chid (I'dar (rtt\' f).¡"lt¡LLt. I'\TERCONJ"ECT SOLAR UEVF:LOlMENT, L1.C By K. Greg Feme) Mimura Law Ofìces. PlLC 2176 E. Franklin Rd.. Suitt ¡ 20 \.krìdi;Hl in ~3642 k m;ii I: ,c\ 111 /\Horney Representing Imcn:nnncct Seilar Development. i ,i ,( NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANY ANt) TWIN FALLS CANAL COMlLANY By Shelley M. Davis Barker Rushiiii & Simpson. LLP 1010 W. Jefferson Si. Suite 102 BOlsC. JD 83701 ¡.mail: smd a ìd,ihnn¡JWfsxnm Atlomc;. Rcprestnlíng \orth Side Canal Compaii: and Twin Falls Omal Cnmral1) RENEWABLE ENEHGY COALITION H~ Thomas 9 PO Box 121 I Welches. OR 97067 Email; neison(('~;thneJ$on.Cúni Attorney Representmg Renewable Energy Coalition IJ'E~M~U~T ~~~ WIND, LLC \ \. \ . Y L'By! "h / .I\l.~ Dean J. Mi e McDevitt & Miler LLP PO Box 2564 Boise, ID 83702 Email: joe(i:t;;mcdevitt -mil Ier.COl1 Atlomey Representing lnlennountain Wind, LLC IDAHO POWER COMPANY By Donovan E. \Valker Idaho Power Company f.)O box 70 Boise. ID 83707 Email: dwaJkêl.\!Díùahopowcr.com Attorney Representing Idaho PO'lcr Company By ..__._....._.........._....................._...._.....___. Lisa D, Nordstrom Idaho Power Company PO box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Email: lnordstrom(¿¡;îdahopower.cûm Attorney Representing Idaho Power C:ompmiy PAClviCORP dba ROCK Y MOUNTAIN POWER By __.......______ !)lmrECl'IVE AGREEMENT 6ET\cVEEN mARO i'caue VTIUTIES COMMISSION STAFF AND lAtrm:s TO GNR-E-J(.1l4-1 10 PROTECTIVE: AGRU;i\U;N'l ßETWKEN IDAHO PUBLIC iJTIUTIES COMM ISSION Sf AJlF ANi) PARTIES TO GNR-E.iO-(l4-1 PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067 Email: nclscm(£thneIson.co Attorney Representing Renewable Energy Coalition INTER.'10UNT AlN WIND, LLC By Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler LLP PO Box 2564 Boise, ID 83702 Email: joe~mcdcvitt-miler.com Attorney Representing Intermountain Wind, LLC IDAHO .p6~Øi COMPANY /, 12, / C~ l'/. /rIJ ,1",~/. ,"" ' M-// ¡Bý,_.~Ø'~,C (, \"/0 "._....__,.".__.,_._.._ Donova E. Walker Idaho Power Company PO box 70 Bojsc,lD 83707 Emuil: dwalkerc!îdahopowcr.com Attorney Jepresenting Idaho Power Company/' ) -,,"/ / / ,if / !'..¡.._/' "i \._.,' . /By/:".Î't¿7A. .-t/. t" W¿"M,4'1 . Us'á D, Nordstrom Idaho Power Company PO box 70 Boise, JD 83707 Email: Inordstrom(ãJidahopower.t:(pm Attorney Representing Idaho Power Company J'ACIFICORP dba ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER By to lROTf'XTI\'E AGRt:l::VU:l'n Bi':rW¡¡:f:N IDAHO PllBLIC Fl!UTn:S COMMISSION STAFF ,I\NI) PARTIES TO GNR.F;.lO-04-¡ PO Box 121 I Welches, OR 97067 Email: ndsoni.Çithnclsori.com Attorney Reprcsel1ìng Renewable Energy Coalition INTERMOUNTAIN WIND,LLC By _._ Dean J.Miler McDevitt & Miler LLP PO Box 2564 Boise, lD 83702 Emajl: joe(i~mcdeviJt.miller.com Anomey Representing Intermountain Wind, LLC IDAHO POWER COMPANY Ily Donovan E. Walker Idaho Power Company PO hox 70 Boise, lD 83707 Email:dwalkerrgidahopower.com Attorney Representing Idaho Power Company By Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Pmver Company PO box 70 Boise. ID 83707 Emni I: lDQiG..'ítI9rn(âjdahopower.com Attorney Representing Idaho Power Company PAClF1CORP dba ROCKY MOUNTAiN PO \VE.R ¿J . r\,Á~\ i~ 1\By_ . \.. HI Daniel E. Solander Rocky Mountain Power 20) South Main St. Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, LJt;h 84111 Email: d.mleLimlil4çr(ßi pac í fïc()lv-(g.:m Attorney Representing Rocky Mountain Power BIRCH POWER COMPANY B)' .___.., ........_.._..._.__......._..._,~_"."__.._ Ted S. Sorenson. P,E, Birch Power Company 5203 South 1 hit East Idaho F,iIJS. TO 83404 Email: ted (!!) lsorenson,nct IDAHO WINDFARMS, LLC "g-,~~ ¿?'. --_.,_..~.. y ø¿~.-- _A:.._..~~.. .' .', /. /.. nn Jkemoto ~:/ .,." Idaho Wind Farnlt LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 Email: glcl1ni(j¡tiivb¡nriwìnd.com -~7.,./. ..'J ....-, . .ø"\ B "d / ¿. ì/, ..-v" (j--- Margaret Rueger '.~ ' Idaho Wind Farms, Ll:C 672 Blair A venue Piedmont, CA 94611 Email: rnar¡w.rct(ã.\i:l1visiol1\...ind.com I'ROTEcriVE I\GREEMENT ßKlWEEN IDAHO J'lJBUC lJTJUTIES COl\lMlSSlON STiWf' AND PARTIES TOGNR.I';'H).Q4-I 11 EXHIBIT A i have reviewed the furegoing Protective Agreement dated January ~201 I, in Case No. GNR..E:"~""''-''-''''' J 0,,04, and agre to bc bound by the temis and conditions of such Agrement. ~olin Name '/Qvnlz yP?ß / P c. Go ~\ r:i'.~ í f?... Employer or Finn ~2S- /'£ PO/''~I~) Business Address ,, V' / -; no". ",h e§ r DR. q 7. 23 '2 . .. R ovk'1_A1QI/t1I#rla fpYv12r Party -, Date l-' s; - "2 i) _ l'ROTF,CTlVE AGRF;fiJ\1:KNT Bl'TWEl'~N AV1STA CORPORATION AND IDAHO l'UBLlC UTILITIES COMMISSION ST AEFA!'I) l'ARTIES TO GNR'E-10-04 12 EXHlBlTA I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated Januar 5., 201 i, in Case No. GNR-.E- J 0-04. and agree to be hound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. ?o.u Business Address N h Mci tl V1~fÝQ~uis ~.. ~ M~~iV\ Party -_.-1" Q\ OS 20i l rnOTECllVl: AGREEMENT Bl!iWEN AVISTA CORPORATION AND IDAllO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMlSSlUN :iT Aft.f AND PARTIES TO GNH-i!:.1(¡.(4 12 ICXIUBlT A 1 haw rcvic\vcd the kll:goìng Protective Agreement dated January 20 ¡ i, in Case No, GNR-E. ¡ 0.04, and agree (0 be bound by th" icrms and condìiions of such Agreement. Name t.1¿ W"*~ .' ROl.1~tt N\QørL~_t~::~~:lC_,""_" Employer or l' n ~ .1 k Vl t.'-' ~fve.e t Š'te 1-1(,61-" \ de.., 1'\ S L C. 1_.-,:tb'_~.tlU Business Address Party .~J~9='jDah.' . (S' ""C L ~í I'tWTEC'fIVE AGRD:MENT BETWEEN A VISTA COl~PORATIO"\NU !lAHO I'DILle I'Tii,rniis CO"'!\HSSION STAFF ANn PARTIES TO CNR-t:.¡O-04 J: EXHIBIT "A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated ths Stiday of Janua . - 2011 in Case No. GNR-E-lO-04 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. 7?k.S~R1CKSTERL~ IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Employer or Fir 472 W. WASHINGTON STREET, BOISE, IDAHO 83702 Business Address COMMISSION STAFFPar I/¥I! Datel EXHIBIT "A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this 5th day of January 2011 in Case No. GNR-E-1O-04 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. ~CmCÈ TERRI CARLOCK IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Employer or Firm 472 W. WASHINGTON STRET, BOISE, IDAHO 83702 Business Address COMMISSION STAFF Pary i J IOlaoniDate .) EXHIBIT "A" I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this 5th day of Janua 2011 in Case No. GNR-E-IO-04 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. í?~~~ RANDY LOî3 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Employer or Firm 472 W. WASHINGTON STREET, BOISE, IDAHO 83702 Business Address COMMISSION STAFF Pary /kÓ/zdI'L Date