HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110215AVU to NIPPC 67-68.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 ¿tll.STJI. Corp.' \ c InJ \0: \ 2 'l~ n fEB ,J 1\11 .ß Februar 14,2011 Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th St. Boise, il. 83702 Re: Production Request of the Nortwest and Intermounta Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC)in Case No. GNR-E-IO-04 Dear Mr. Richardson and Mr. Adams, Enclosed are an original of A vista's responses to NIPC production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailing are Avista's responses to production request 67 and 68. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact Michael Andrea at (509) 495-2564 or via e-mail atmichaei.andrea~avistacorp.coms~ Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures cc: IPUC(Jewell) . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO GNR- E-l 0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPPC-67 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 02/1112011 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Reference the trcript of oral argument before the Idao Public.UtiIitiesComnssiòns on Janua 27,2011 at pages 18 - 19, wherein Mr. Wälker asserted: Idaho Power in its reply comments discloSed tht the softe providerfòr its modeling program, AURORA, had advised us th there may be some kind of modelig problems with that software for vey small projects under two megawatt in size and we disclose that in our reply comments, and prior to tht time Idao Power ha not ben required to ru AURORA on projects that small and in fact, we have not run projects smaller than two megawatts through the AURORA modeling, and for several of the reaons that we've outlined in our documents, we ha received no requests from anyone to ru AURORA pricing for avoided costs for projects that low either. However, since the time, since Januat 19th at the tie when we filed our reply comments, obviously, we've been workig on this issue, we consulted with Avisti and found out tht Avista routinely runs their AURORA modeling for 1 00 kilowatt projects as par of their IR process; Also the Company's analysts also ran several testmodelings at 100 kiowat levels and the CompanY is confdent tht themòdelig doèsresult in accurate and usable results for projects smaer th two megawatt .., Also reference id at page 20, wherein Mr. Walker assered: Well, firs of all, Mad Cornssioner, the Companýtieverdid state anywhere that the AURORA modeling was flawed, so we object to that characterization ... (a) Please reconcile the assertion quoted above th the "Company never did state anywhere that the AURORA modeling was flawed" with Idao Power's Reply Comments atp. 13 stting: If the projectissmall enough that it does not trgger changes in the base model operations, Le., it is lost. in the rounding to MW s or MWs, then the bas model results could be identica to the modeled resultS that include the project. Ths woúÌd resultii an AURORA pricing ofi;ero. While Idao Power believes using the IRP-basd methodology for any proJect above 100 kW is thenght answer, there are some liitations to modelig projects below a cen size. To remedy this sitution, Idaho Power proposes to work with Sta to reh an appropriate solution... (b) Please identify the "Company's anysts" who "also ra several testmodeligs" and provide the models they ran along with all supporting work papers. (c) For Avista, please identify the individuas at the company who were "consulted with" by Idao Power, the dates of said consultations and provide asunar of the con$ultations. Please provide copies of allinformatioD, studies or models provide to Idaho Powetregarding AURORA and its abilty to estimateàvoided costs for projectslarger th 100 kW . . . Page 2 (d) For Idao Power please identify the individuas at the company who "ra severa test modelings" and provide a copy of the results of the test modeIings along with supportg work papers. (e) For Idaho Power, please identify the individuas at the company who "consulted with" Avista the dates of said consultations and provide asumar of the consultations. Please provide copies .of all information, studies or models provide to Idao Power by Avist regarng AURORA and its abilty to estiate avoided costs for projects larger than 100 kW. (1) For Avista and Idao Power, please provide copies of and support work papers for the thee most recent iterations of Avista's "routin(eJ... ru (ofltheir AURORA modeling forlOO kilowatt projects as par of their IRP proces." (g) Has Idaho Power had any communcations .'wth Sta to reach an appropriate solution"? If so, please sumarize those communications, identify and provide copies of any documents exchanged as par of those communcations. (h) For Idaho Power, please provide all additioIi evidence supportng the clai in Mr. Walter's oral arguent that AURORA yields accurate resultsforQF projects srnerth2 MW. RESPONSE: a) This request was not directed at A vista; therefore A vista wil not respond. b) This request was not directed at A vista; therefore A vista wil not respond. c)The individuals at Avista were James Gall, Senior Power Supply Analyst and Clint Kalich, Manager of Resource Planng. Mr. Gall reports to Mr. Kalich. Mr. Kalich and Mr. Gall had discussions with Mr. Alphin, Mr. Noll, and Mr. Pagoaga. Avista does not have any model rus, work papers, or other wrtten correspondence responsive to ths request. The first meeting with Idaho Power was on Januar 21,2010. A secnd meeting occured on Januar 26. In each of these meetings Avista described how it used 100 kW resources in AURORA for its IR modeling. d) This request was not directed at A vista; therefore A vista will not respond. e) This request was not directed at A vista; therefore A vista wil not respond. f) In 2005, Avistamodeled 1 MWresources. In the 2007 and2009IRs,Avistamodeled 100 kW resources. Due to the volumous nature of IR modeling results, A vista wil make its models and data available at its headquarers in Spokane, W A. g) Ths request was not directed at A vista; therefore A vista wil not respond. h) This request was not directed at Avista; therefore Avista wil not respond. . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO GNR- E-l 0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPPC-68 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 02/10/2011 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Please reference the transcnpt of Counsel for A vista's oral argument before the Idao Public Utilities Commssion on Janua 27,2011 at page 29 wherein Mr. Andrea stated: I do want to address just really quickly Idaho Power's concers about the AURORA program working for two megawatts or less. As Mr. Waler noted. Idaho Power has worked with A vista over the past week or so to work on that issue and I thnk they've come to the conclusion that they're comfortable that it does in fact work. (a) Please identify the personnel at Avist who "worked" with Idaho Power in the two weeks pnor to oral argument. Please also identify the personnel from Idaho Power who they worked with. (b) Please provide all documentation related to the work referenced in Mr. Andrea's statement, including AURORA model rus, work papers and correspondence. RESPONSE: a) The individuals at Avista were James Gall, Senior Power Supply Analyst and Clint Kalich, Manager of Resource Planng. Mr. Gall reports to Mr. Kalich. Mr. Kalich and Mr. Gall had discussions with Mr. Alphin, Mr. Noll, and Mr. Pagoaga. b) A vista does not have any model runs, work papers, or other written correspondence responsive to this request.