HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101229AVU to NIPPC 5-12.pdfAvista Corp. 1411 East Mission P.O. Box 3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-0500 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 RECE ~'V'STJI' Corp. to nEr 29 l'i4¡,",- 2: 03 iniùû-'J · December 27,2010 Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th St. Boise, il. 83702 Re: Production Request of the Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC) in Case No. GNR-E-1O-04 Dear Mr. Richardson and Mr. Adams, Enclosed are an original of Avista's responses to NIPPC production requests in the above referenced docket. Included in this mailng are Avista's responses to production requests 05 through 12. If there are any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at (509) 495- 4584 or via e-mail atpaul.kimabll(favistacorp.com ~A Paul Kimball Regulatory Analyst Enclosures CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have served Avista Corporation's Responses to NIPPC's Production Requests 05 thr 12 in GNR-E-I0-04, by electronic mail to the following: Daniel E. Solander PacifiCorp/ dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 S., Main St., Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel. solanderßYacificorp. com Donald 1. Howell, II Krstine A. Sasser Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, il 83702-0074 don.howell(fuc.idaho. gov kris.sasser(fuc.idaho.gov Donovan E. Walker Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, il 83707-0070 dwalker(fidahopower.com lnordstrom(fidahopoer .com Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Lear, PLLC PO Box 7218 Boise, il 83702 peter(frichardsonandoleary.com greg(frichardsonandoleary. com Robert D. Kah Executive Director Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition 117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101 rkahn(fnippc.org Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II 15690 Vista Circle Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 Robertapaul08 (fgmail. com Don Sturtevant J.R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise, il 83707-0027 don.sturtevant(fsimplot.com Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, il 83702 ron(fwilliamsbradbury.com James Carkulis Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC 802 W. Banock St., Suite 1200 Boise, il 83702 jcarkulis(fexergydevelopment.com Scott Montgomery Cedar Creek Wind, LLC 668 Rockwood Dr. North Salt Lake, UT 84054 scott(fwestemenergy. us Dana Zentz Summit Power Group, Inc. 2006 E. Westminster Spokane, W A 99223 dzentz(fsummitpower.com Thomas H. Nelson, Attorney Renewable Energy Coalition PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 nelson(fthnelson.com Page 11 John R. Lowe, Consultant Renewable Energy Coalition 12050 SW Tremont St. Portland, OR 97225 jravensanarcos(fyahoo.com R. Greg Ferey Mimura Law Offices, PLLC 2176 E. Franin Rd., Suite 120 Merdan, il 83642 greg(fmimuralaw.com Bil Piske Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 1303 E. Carer Boise, il 83706 bilpiske(fcableone.net Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler, LLP POBox 2564 Boise, WA 83701 joe(fmcdevitt -miler. com Paul Marin Intermountain Wind, LLC PO Box 353 Boulder, CO 80306 paulmarin(fintermountainwind.com Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, il 83702 ron(fwiliamsbradbury.com Wade Thomas General Counsel Dynamis Energy. LLC 776 W. Riverside Dr., Suite 15 Eagle, il 83616 wthomas(fdynamisenergy.com Shelley N. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP 1010 W. Jefferson St. Boise, il 83702 smd(fidahowaters.com Brian Olmstead Twin Falls Canal Company POBox 326 Twin Falls, il 83303 olmstead(ftfcanal.com Ted Diehl Nort Side Canal Company 921 N. Lincoln St. Jerome, il 83338 nscanal(fcableone.net Bil Brown, Chair Board of Commissioners of Adams County, il PO Box 48 Council, il 83612 bdbrown(ffrontiernet.net Ted S. Sorenson, P.E. Birch Power Company 5203 South 11 th East Idaho Falls, il 83404 ted(ftsorenson.net BY:~December 27,2010 Page 12 . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO GNR- E-l 0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPC-05 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 On what basis do the Joint Utilties include Avista Corporation in the Joint Motion to reduce the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates? RESPONSE: In responding to this request, A vista canot, and does not, speak for any utilty or entity other than itself. A vista is subject to Commission jursdiction and all PUR A laws under the State ofIdaho. Avista believes that PUR A policies generally should apply equally to all utiities in the State. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO GNR-E-I0-04 NIPPC Production Request NIPC-06 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kaich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 Please provide copies of all documentation relied upon by the Joint Utilities in makg the decision to include A vista Corporation in the Joint Motion. Said documentation should include all studies, wrtings, documents, correspondence, notes and memoranda used or referenced in the decision makng process to include Avista Corporation in the Joint Motion. RESPONSE: There are no wrtten studies or other documentation. . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO GNR-E-I0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPC-07 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 Does Avista have any wind QFs currently online? What is the level (nameplate MWs) of wind (pURA and non-PURA) that Avista is curently integrating on its system? What is Avista's peak, minimum and average load (in MW s)? Please provide workpapers supporting the response. RESPONSE: Please see the sheets "PUR A Char" and "PUR A Sumary" in the attached file "AVA _ GNR-E-l 0-04_ NIPC _PR2.xlsx" for a listing of the PUR A wind project data requested. Avista curently purchases 35 MW of wind power from the Stateline project. The Stateline power purchase is not a PUR A contract. Please see the sheet "Loads" in the same file for our most recent 12 months of load data and our average, maximum and minimum loads over that perod. . . . 70 0 60 0 50 0 VI 4 0 0 i:C'~:0cu ~ 3 0 0 20 0 10 0 Av i s t a P U R P A P r o j e c t s a n d t h e S t a t e l i n e W i n d P r o j e c t . P U R P A N o n - W i n d P r o j e c t s II S t a t e l i n e W i n d P r o j e c t . P U R P A W i n d P r o p o s e d . P U R P A N o n - W i n d P r o p o s e d 0 0 .. N rt e Ln \Ø I' 00 en 0 .. N rt e Ln \Ø I' 00 en 0 .. en en en en en en en en en en 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. I en en en en en en en en en 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \Ø .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. N N N N N N N N N N N N \Øen.. PU R P A C h a r t 12 - 2 3 - 2 0 1 0 A V A _ G N R - E - 1 0 - 0 4 _ N I P P C _ P R 2 . x l s x . PU P R A H i s t o r y a n d 2 0 0 9 . 2 0 1 0 P U R P A A c t i v i t 12 . 1 3 . 2 0 1 0 Ex I s I 1 P U R P A P r o j e c t Ex i s l " . P r o j e c t Sta r t D a t e Te c h n o l o g y Ca p a c i t y Lo c a t i o n OW n e r s h i p Pro j e c t 1 OS - 0 1 . 1 9 6 6 ~r o 17 . 7 M W Sp o k a n e . W A Cit y of S p k a n e Pro j e c t 2 02 . 1 2 . 1 9 8 2 H~ r o 0. 2 2 M W Cle r k F o r f I D Ja m s . Wh i t e Pro j e c t 3 06 . 0 1 . 1 9 8 2 H~ r o 0. 0 2 M W No r t h p o i n t , W A Gle n n P h i l i p s Pr o j e e t 4 0& . 1 . 1 9 8 6 H~ r o 1. 4 M I No r t h p o i n t , W A Gle n n P h i l i p s Pr o j e c t S Og . 1 . 1 9 S 7 H~ r o O.9 M W Lu c i l e , 10 Da v i C e r e g h i n o Pro j e c t 6 04 - 1 . 1 9 8 8 H~ r o 1. 4 1 M W We i p p e , 10 Fo r d H y d r o L i m i t e d Pro j e c t 7 02 . 1 2 . 1 9 9 9 H~ r o 1.3 M W Ke t t l e F a l l s , W A Hy d r o T e c h S y s e m a Pr o j e c S 07 . 2 2 . 2 0 0 3 Th r m a l . W o o d 62 I K le w i s t n . 1 0 Cle a r w a t e r P a p e r C o m p a n y Pro j e c t 9 10 - 0 1 . 2 0 0 6 Th r m a l . W o o d 6M W Plu m m e r , 10 St i m s o n L u m b e r SU M ., M W PU R P A I n q u i r i s 1) P r o j e c t t h a t h a v e m a d e I n q u i r i s a n d W f ' v e s e n t t h e m t h e m a t e r i a l s . No f u r t e r n e g o d a t i o n s h a v t a k e n p l a c e fl Q! bu t C g m m u n l c . V p " IW .£ Pr o j e c t 1 No v 0 9 Ma r - l 0 Win d 20 M W Pr o j e c t 2 Ma r - 1 0 Ap r - 1 0 la n d f i l l Ga s lM W Pr o j e d 3 Ma r - 1 0 Ma r . 1 0 Bi o m a s s 10 M W Pr o j e d 4 Ap r - 1 0 Ap r - 1 0 Win d 10 M W Pr o j e c t S Ju n - 1 0 De c - 1 0 Hy d r o 0.4 M W Pr o j e c 6 Ju l - 1 0 Ju l - 1 0 Win d 80 M W Pr o j e c t 7 Au g - t O Au C . i o Bi o m a s s 9M W Pr o j e c t 8 oe c - 1 0 De c - l 0 Bi o m a s s 80 M W Pr o j e c t 9 De c - l 0 De c - l 0 Wi n d & So l a r 70 M W Su m 28 6 M W fl 2) P r o j e c t s t h a t h a v e m a d e d e v e l o p m e n t p r o r e s s a n d c o n t r a c t u a l p r o g r e s s Al l o f t h e s e p r o j e c t p r o p o s e d t o d e l i v e r t o A v l s t a I n I d a h o Pr o j e 1 Pr o j e c t 2 Pr o j e c t 3 Pr o j e c t 4 Pro j e c t S Pr o j e c 6 Pr o j e c t 7 Pr o j e 8 Pr o j e c t 9 Pro j e c t 1 0 2m J. . - o Ja n - 1 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - 1 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - 1 0 Oc t - 1 0 No v - 1 0 18 8 8 - 9 0 pU R p A N o n _ W i n d p r o ! e c t An n u a l M W ( C a p a b i r i t y ) Cu m m u l a t i v e M W pU R p A W i n d p r o p o s e d An n u a l M W ( C a p a b i l i t ) Cu m m u l a t i M W eU R P A N o p - j n d p m p o u d An n u a l M W ( C a p a b l l l y ) Cu m m u l a t l . . M W St a t e l i n e W i n d P r o i e c t 19 9 8 19 9 9 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 $ 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 8 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 U (6 2 " 0 ) 6 2 " 0 M 83 . 7 65 " 0 85 . 0 85 " 0 23 . 0 85 . 0 85 " 0 85 " 0 .1 . 0 91 . 0 .'" 0 91 , 0 91 . 0 91 . 0 20 20 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 20 40 35 0 35 0 o 1 6 8 . 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 1 6 8 . 4 1 6 8 . 4 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Li l t C o m m u n i c a t i o n No v 0 9 Se p - 1 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - 1 0 Ju n - l 0 Ju n - 1 0 No v - t O De e - 1 0 De c - t O IW Win d Bio - p s Win d Win d Win d Win d Win d Win d Win d Win d ~20 M W 7 M W 20 M W 20 M W 20 M W 20 M W 20 M W 30 M W 10 M W 10 M W Su m '7 7 M W ,. . , 18 8 2 1 9 8 3 18 8 4 1 8 8 5 18 8 8 1 8 8 7 2U 21 . 7 2 1 . 7 62 " 0 83 . 7 8 3 . 7 83 . 7 8 3 . 7 au 8 3 " 7 o o . J. SW M o n t a n a Co e u r d ' A l e n e , 1 0 SW O r e g o n Re a r d a n , W A No r h p o l n t . W A SW W a s h i n g t o n SW O r e o n E. W A Wa s h i n g t n J. No r r s , M T Bla n c h a r d , 1 0 Gr a n i e v l 1 1 e , 1 0 Gr a n g e v i l e , 1 0 Gr a n g e v i l l e , 1 0 Gr a n i e v i l l e , 1 0 Gr a n g e v i l l e , 1 0 Co l u m b u s , M T Or e g o n Or e g o n PU R P A S u m m a r y . 12 - 2 3 - 2 0 1 0 A V A _ G N R - E - 1 D - _ N I P P C _ P R 2 . l d s x Avista Load Statistics (12/6/2009-12/5/2010).Total Idaho *Date Average 1,080 378 Minimum 664 232 06-01-2010 Maximum 1,763 617 12-08-2009 * estimated as Avista does not distinguish between 10 and WA loads . . loads AVA_ GN R-E-10-04_N IPPC_PR2.xlsx . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 IDAHO GNR- E-l 0-04 NIPPC Production Request NIPC-08 REQUEST: Reference Joint Petition and Joint Motion, at p. 4, stating Rocky Mountain Power has 358 MW of new wind contract requests. Reference the Joint Petition and Joint Motion at p. 4 stating Idaho Power has over 570 MW of new wind contract requests. a. What is the equivalent number for Avista Corporation? b. Please provide a list of all such requests, including the name of the requesting entity, nameplate capacity of the wind project, point of initial contact with Avista Corporation, and date and natue of the last communcation between the Utilities. c. For each requesting entity, please provide supportg evidence that the project is stil being pursued. Such evidence may include a recent correspondence from the requesting entity requesting a contract. d.If the documents and information requested in items (a) and (b) are unavailable, please explain the basis for the response to No. 7(a) above. RESPONSE: a. The equivalent number of wind contract requests is 350 MW for Avista. b. Please see the sheet "PURA Sumary" that was included in the Company's response to NIPC-07 for a listing of all requests. c. None of the requests have been rescinded by the project developers. Please see the answer to b. above. d. N/A . . . JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: REQUEST: A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION IDAHO GNR-E-I0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPPC-09 DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: Reference Joint Petition and Joint Motion Attachment No. 1. 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kaich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 a. Please provide equivalent data for Avista Corporation and Rocky Mountain Power. b. Please provide, in electronic format where possible, all work papers, spreadsheets, and data used in the response to No. 8(a). c. Please state the name of the person who can sponsor this attachment at a hearng. RESPONSE: a. Please see the sheets "PUR A Char" and "PUR A Summary" that were included in the Company's response to NIPC-07 for a listing of the wind project data requested. b.See a. above c. Clint Kalich will sponsor ths exhbit. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION.JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO GNR-E-I0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPPC-I0 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Reference Joint Petition and Joint Motion at p. 7 stating, "When the utility is forced to buy QF power in excess of its tre avoided cost or in excess of its minimum loads, customers are no longer indifferent. " a. Is it the position of each of the Joint Utilities that its avoided cost rates are, in fact, in excess of its tre avoided costs? b. If the answer to 9(a) is yes, please provide documentation of each of the Joint Utilities' ''te avoided cost" and in electronic format where possible, all work papers, spreadsheets and data used in response to 9(a). c. If the answer to No. 9(a) is no, please explain the relevance of the assertion relative to "tre avoided cost" to the Joint Utilities' pleading. . RESPONSE: In responding to ths request, A vista canot, and does not, speak for any utility or entity other than itself. a. To the extent a resource does not provide simlar characterstics to the Surrogate Avoided Resource (e.g., energy-only resources, requires wind integration, non-dispatchable), the avoided cost rates are not equal to our ''te avoided cost." b. A vista assumes ths request refers to item 10a above. Assumng this is the case, avoided costs are based on the unque characteristics of a generation resource. Ths is why A vista advocates that larger PUR A projects receive a negotiated rate to approximate the value the asset brings to Avista's portfolio. A negotiated rate better approximates Avista's "tre avoided cost." c. N/A . . . . A VISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO GNR-E-I0-04 NIPC Production Request NIPC-ll DATE PREPARD:WISS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Reference Joint Petition and Joint Motion at p. 7 as quoted in Request NO.9. a. What is each of the Joint Utilties' mimum load? Please explain how that number is derived and provide documentation of each of the Joint Utilities' answer. b. Please provide your response to No. lO(a) on both a system wide and an Idaho jurisdictional basis. c. Please document the number of hours each year that each of the Joint Utilties' total generation exceeds minimum load. Please provide ths information on both a system wide basis and an Idaho jursdictional basis d.Please document the number of hours each year that generation (by type of resource e.g. hydro, coal, natual gas, etc) exceeds minimum load. Please provide ths information on both a system wide basis and an Idaho jursdictional basis. e. Please explain, on both engineeng and a financial basis, each of the Joint Utilities' response to a situation where total generatión exceeds minimum load. RESPONSE: In responding to ths request, A vista canot, and does not, speak for any utility or entity other than itself. a. See the sheet "Loads" that was included in the Company's response to NIPC-07 to arve at our minimum load of 664 MW. Ths figue was derved by takng recorded dáta of our hourly loads from December 6,2009 though December 5,2010 and locating the lowest hourly demand on our system. b.From a power supply perspective, A vista does not distinguish between its Idaho and Washington loads. The best approximation would be from Avista's most recent general rate case where based on retail sales, Idaho customers represent approximately 35% of A vista's overall load. Applying ths percentage would equate to 232 MW for Idaho. These calculations may be found in the sheet "Loads" that was included in the Company's response to NIPC-07. . . . c. Page 2 As documented in our most recent Integrated Resource Plan (IR), see pages 2-27 and 2-28 of that document, Avista's generation facilties and power contracts exceed our loads in all hours of each month. Therefore Avista's capabilities exceed our loads in all hour. d. Please see the sheet "Max Gen versus Load" in the attched fie "AVA_GNR-E-I0-04_ PR2.xlsx." Avista's lowest load was on June 1,2010, at 664 MW (232 MW estimated Idaho jursdiction). Resource generation levels by resource tye are shown from our 2009 IR Loads and Resources tabulation. e. Generation must equal electrcal load on a near-instantaneous basis. If generation approaches the point of exceeding electrcal load, the utility must decrease generation to a level where load equals generation or sell the excess generation in the market place if it is economically or physically able to do so. If a market does not exist, the generation resources are dispatched in economic order. If only hydro resources are operating, the utility must spil excess generation to the extent it can do so. . . . Resource Peak Calculations Resource Hydro Other Contracts Gas Coal Wind Biomass Total Nameplate Capacity 1,148 332 526 222 35 47 2,310 Capacity Avaiable on The Minimum Load Day * 1,145 332 228 111 o Q 1,816 * based on capacity during June. Some plants are on maintenance; therefore availability is lower than nameplate. Max Gen versus Load AVA_ G NR-E-10-04_NIPPC_PR2.xlsx . . . AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMTION JUSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO GNR-E-I0-04 NIPPC Production Request NIPC-12 DATE PREPARD: WITSS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMNT: TELEPHONE: 12/22/2010 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Energy Resources (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Reference Joint Petition and Joint Motion at p. 7 stating "It is also important that this change in eligibilty for published avoided cost rates be applied equally to the Utilities, as exclusion of one may act as a "magnet" attracting a disproportionate number of proposals for that utility." a. For A vista Corporation, please identify all possible firm transmission paths into its balancing area from the other two Joint Utilities' Idaho balancing areas upon which renewable resources could schedule energy and capacity to Avista. b. For each such transmission path please identify the available firm transmission capacity that renewable resources may use for deliver of energy and capacity to Avista. c. Please identify and estimate all costs to a renewable resource located in each of the other two Joint Utilities' balancing area for deliver of energy and capacity to Avista. d.Please provide responses to II(a) - (c) with regard to deliver to Idaho Power from the balancing area of the other Joint Utilities. e. Please provide responses to II(a) - (c) with regard to deliver to Rocky Mountain Power from the balancing area of the other Joint Utilities. RESPONSE: a. A vista is electrcally connected with the Idaho Power Company at Lolo, Dry Creek and the Hot Sprigs. Avistais electrcally interconnected with Rocky Mountain Power at Dr Creek and Hot Springs. b. Posted path capacities are only available for a 13-month rollng basis and can var hourly. If a developer requests a long-term transmission serce agreement, the host transmission provider performs the studies necessary to determine available transmission capacity from the point of receipt to the point of delivery. c. This information is not known until a request for transmission is made on the host utility's transmission system. Costs to transmit power from a FERC jursdictional utility to a purchaser outside of the host utility's balancing authority are identified in each jurisdictional utilty's Open Access Transmission Tarff. d.This information is not known until a request for transmission is made on the host utility's transmission system. Costs to transmit power from a FERC jursdictional utilty to a . . . Page 2 purchaser outside of the host utilty's balancing authority are identified in each jursdictional utility's Open Access Transmission Tarff. e.Ths information is not known until a request for transmission is made on the host utilty's transmission system. Costs to transmit power from a FERC jursdictional utility to a purchaser outside of the host utilty's balancing authority are identified in each jursdictional utility's Open Access Transmission Tarff.