HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100210Exhibits A.pdfEXHIBIT "A"~ I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this _ J ai ßay of January 2010 in Case No. GNR-E-09-03 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement.--~ -:/..- ~ ...~/ /"'_..__..e-....~. . ./~.- ¿¿/'-....__.-_.__..._~_.._-_._-_..._._._. ---------JanyJ¿( A viSH! Corporation l.:mployer or Firm 14 i i E. ~ission A vC.--MSC-7. Spokane.. W A 99202 Business Address A vistll Corpo.ratioH________ Party _.~/.~/tL) Date 8 C)..rrco ,.(:: o m ."o'"''¡-... PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN AVlSTA.IDAIIO POWER. AND PAClF1CORP AND IDAIIO PIJBI.C UTILlTII':S COMMISSION STAl'F "3:~ -. EXHIBIT "A" ~ I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this__J.5..~::.__day of January 2010 in Case No. GNR-E-09-03 and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of such Agreement. ¥v)--"" A vi~La CQ.ænitinn Employer or Firm .L411 E. Mission Ave.-MSC-7. Spokane, W A.22.~Df__..._ Business Address AvistaimQQmtion Party Date i 1?/ßl fO( ! 8 -rrrCD ..c: '';~::l ...~'" ..o m":x PROTECTIVE AOREEMENT BETWEEN /\ VISTA. IDAHO POWER. AND PACIFICORP AND IDAHO PUBLIC lJTii.llli-S COMMISSION STAFF ~.. EXHIBIT "A" tI- L havc reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this __ ;i ~ :_day of January 2010 in Case No. GNR-E-09-03 and agree to be bound by thc terms and conditions of such Agreement. -n~c Miehael G. Andrea A vista Corporation Employer or Firm 1411 E. Mission Ave.--MSC-23, Spokane. WA 99202.__ Business Address A vists\ Corporation Party _:J JxhrJ' ê) Dat;¡- 7 PROTECTIVE ¡\(ìREEMENT BETWEEN ¡\ VISTA, IDAHO POWER. AND PAC1FICORP AND IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION STAFF =-rï"co o -0:: ~ .. 8 EXHIBIT" A" t?- I have reviewed the foregoing Protective Agreement dated this ~j__day of January 2010 in Case No. GNR-E-09-03 and agree to be bound by the terms and eonditions of such Agrct:mcnt. /'.~;- ,/" .""..----- .. -. ---- --"'-'~ /"-(/ .",~..- Clint Kalich ß..yista Corporation Employer or Firm 1411 E. Mission Ave.-MSÇ-7, Sp-9kane, WA 992af.. Business Address b-vista Corporation Party __.',1 t- I'; .'_'- '-.. t V'--,,: L ( Date ~--=-ri"'co o n1 -0:i ~ -i PROTECTIVE AGREEMENT Bl~TWEEN !\ VISTA. IDAHO POWER. AND PAllFICORP AND IDA! 10 PUnl.C liTIl.TI ES COMM ISSION STAFF 8