HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020920Qwest's Response.pdfMary S. Hobson (ISB #2142) Stoel Rives LLP 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702 Tele: (208) 387-4277Fax: (208) 389-9040 W~CE/VED ~:- !LEO 2002 SEP 20 PN 4: 30 i~~tL'= FUDLIC UTILIT iES COiiriiSSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION BY THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION TO DETERMINE A POLE ATTACHMENT RATE FORMULA PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE SECTION 61- 538 CASE NO. GNR-02- QWEST CORPORATION'S COMMENTS Qwest Corporation (Qwest) provides the following comments in response to the pole attachment fonnula proposed by the Commission Staff, and to the procedural questions raised in the letter of Weldon B. Stutzman, dated September 6, 2002. Stafrs Pole Attachment Formula Qwest appreciates this opportunity to comment on the fonnula proposed by Staff, known as the "Modified Benewah Fonnula . After attending the workshop held in Boise on August 27 2002, it is apparent that there are widely diverse views on the appropriate level of pole attachment fees to be paid by those entities attaching to poles owned by Idaho utilities. Staffs proposal, in Qwest's opinion, offers a reasonable compromise between the positions advocated by the cable industry on the one hand, and the fonnula presented by Idaho Power Company on the other. In the interests of reaching a speedy and efficient conclusion to these proceedings therefore, Qwest is willing to accept what it understands as the "Modified Benewah Fonnula" as illustrated in the attachment to Mr. Stutzman s September 6 letter for purposes of establishing QWEST CORPORA nON'S COMMENTS - Boise-147045.2oo29164-00084 Page 1 the "default" attachment fee for use of its poles and for Qwest's use of the poles provided by other Idaho utilities. Because Staffs proposal is presented in the fonn of an Idaho Power Company example it is necessary to clarify how it will apply to Qwest. One of the benefits of the Staff proposal is its use of publicly available data. In the case of Idaho Power Company and other electric companies, the necessary data for calculation of the carrying charge component of the Staff fonnula is available from filings made with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. For telecommunications companies such as Qwest, similar data is submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Automated Regulatory Management Infonnation System (ARMIS) reports. In addition, for companies that have a negative net pole investment, it is necessary to modify the Staffs fonnula to use gross investment, rather than net investment amounts in the calculation and application of the carrying charges. As the FCC recognized in their order, this is the most reasonable and efficient application of the general carrying charge fonnula for the production of consistent results across all companies. Finally, although the Modified Benewah Fonnula represents a reasonable compromise Qwest recognizes that it yields results that, in some cases, may amount to a sizeable price increase to certain pole users. In the interest of compromise, Qwest suggests that the Staff consider adopting a "phase in" period for the rates established under the Staff proposal, similar to that adopted by the FCC for its pole attachment fonnulas. A multi-year approach to achieving the higher rate levels could ease the economic impact on affected users and pennit them to adjust their retail rates in order to recover the increased costs. QWEST CORPORA nON'S COMMENTS - Boise-147045.2oo29164-00084 Page 2 Procedural Schedule Qwest believes that the issues relating to the level of pole attachment fees are well understood by the parties, the Staff and the Commission. It is apparent that the key driver of the price level for pole attachments is the amount of the unusable space that is assigned to the cost calculation for various pole users. Resolution of this issue is a matter of policy that is not necessarily aided by the evidentiary hearing process. Qwest recommends, therefore, that the interested parties file briefs on the remaining disputed issues. If the Commission feels it would be aided by oral argument, such a proceeding could be scheduled after the briefs are submitted. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 20th day of September, 2002. ~L~---- Mary S. son Stoel Rives LLP Attorneys for Qwest Corporation QWEST CORPORATION'S COMMENTS- Boise-147045.2oo29164-00084 Page 3