HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020920Cable One's State Table.pdf POLE ATTACHMENT REGULATION IN THE STATES State Statute Rule/Cases Comments Rate (Using Idaho Power Data) ALASKA ALASKA STAT. §§42.95.311, 42.05.321 (2001) ALASKA ADMIN. CODE, Title 3 §52.900-940 (2001) Tracks the FCC formula except in the pole investment calculation, i.e, there appears to be no reduction for appurtenances or accumulated deferred tax. $4.00 CALIFORNIA CAL PUB UTIL CODE §767.5 (Deering 2001) Decision 98-10-058 (Ca P.U.C. October 22, 1998) Tracks the FCC formula except in the pole investment calculation. The appurtenance reduction is not a fixed percentage, but rather is established on a case-by-case basis. There is a further reduction from embedded cost for reimbursed capital costs. Declined to adopt a separate telecom formula in 1998. $3.40+ CONNECTICUT CONN. GEN. STAT. §§16-1, 16-19, 16-332 (2001) Application of Southern New England Telephone Co. to Amend its Rates and Rate Structure, Conn. PUC LEXIS 5 (Conn. Dep't P.U.C. July 7, 1993) Departs from the FCC formula only in that the pole investment calculation uses 90% embedded cost and 10% marginal cost. An adjudication determined usable space to be 12.33 feet, as opposed to the FCC's presumptive 13.5 feet. $3.72+ DELAWARE DEL. CODE ANN. Title 26 §§201, 209 (2002) CODE DEL. REGS. §§10-800- 016 (2002) Very different formula which allocates the share of annual per pole costs differently for usable and common space. $2.87 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA D.C. CODE ANN. §34-1208 (2001) D.C. MUN. REGS. Title 15§16 (1984) No formula. PSC intervention when parties cannot reach agreement. ~ IDAHO IDAHO CODE § 61-538 (2001) ~ Proceeding to adopt a formula underway. Rate calculated using the guidelines from the Benewah adjudication. $3.82 ILLINOIS 220 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/7-102, 5/10-101 (2001) ILL. ADMIN. CODE Title 83, §315-315.70 (2002) Tracks the FCC formula except that the appurtenance reduction in the pole investment calculation is 30%, not 15%, and the presumptive usable space is 14 ft., not 13.5 ft. $2.70 State Statute Rule/Cases Comments Rate (Using Idaho Power Data) KENTUCKY KY. REV. STAT. ANN. §278.280(2) (Michie 2002) 807 KY. ADMIN. REGS. 5:006 (2002); The Adoption of a Standard Methodology for Establishing Rates for CATV Pole Attachments, Case No. 251, 49 P.U.R. 4th 127 (Ky P.S.C. Sept. 17, 1982) Tracks the FCC formula except that it weights the average investment in a bare pole by the number of users. Thus, the formula produces a different rate for two-user and three-user poles. $5.62 (2- user) $3.48 (3- user) LOUISIANA LA. CONST. ART. 4, §21(b). Review of LPSC Orders U- 14325, U-14325-A (La. P.S.C. Dec. 17, 1984); Dealing with Agreements for Joint Utilization of Poles and Facilities by Two or More Entities, Docket No. U-22833 (Mar. 12, 1999) Tracks the FCC formula except that two feet of usable space are allocated to CATV instead of one foot. $6.79 MAINE 35-A ME. REV. STAT. §711 CODE ME. R. § 65-407, ch.880 (1997) Very different formula which uses a cost allocation based on attributable percentages of usable and common space. Produces such high rates that it has never been used. All cases have been settled for rates which are much closer to what the FCC formula would produce. ~ MASSACHUSETTS MASS. GEN. LAWS ch. 166, §25(a) (2002) MASS. REGS. CODE Title 220 §45.00-09 (2002); Cablevision of Boston, et al. v. Boston Edison Company, D.T.E. 97- 82 (1998) (Mass. Dept. of Public Utilities) Tracks the FCC formula. $3.40 MICHIGAN MICH. COMP. LAWS §460.6(g) (2001) (regulating electric poles); MICH. COMP. LAWS §§484.2361 (2001) (regulating telecom poles) Opinion and Order, In re The Commission's Own Motion to Examine Setting Just and Reasonable Rates for Attachments to Utility Poles, Ducts, and Conduits Pursuant to MCL 460.6g; MSA 22.13(6g), Docket No. U- 10831 (Mich. P.S.C. Feb. 11, 1997) For electric companies the PSC imposes a rate equal to the weighted average of the rates which would be charged by Michigan's two largest electric companies using the FCC formula. The present rate is $2.74. For telephone companies the FCC formula is followed. $3.40+ State Statute Rule/Cases Comments Rate (Using Idaho Power Data) NEW JERSEY N.J. STAT. ANN. §§48:5A-20, 48:5A-21 (2001) N.J. ADMIN CODE Title 14: 18- 2.9 (2001); In re West Jersey Telephone Co., 77 P.U.R. 4th 89 (NJ B.P.C. Sept. 2, 1986) Tracks the FCC formula. $3.40 NEW YORK N.Y. PUB. SERV. LAW §119-a (2002) Case 95-C-0341, Opinion No. 97-10 (June 17, 1997); Case 01-E-0026, 2002 N.Y. PUC LEXIS 14 (Jan. 15, 2002) Modified formula in 1997 to track FCC formula. Declined to adopt a separate telecom formula in 2002. $3.40 OHIO OHIO REV. CODE ANN. §§4905.71, 4905.72 (Anderson 2002) Ohio Edison Co., et al., Case No. 81-1171-EL-AIR (Ohio P.U.C. Nov. 3, 1982); In re the Commission Order Investigation for the Existing Local Exchange Competition Guidelines, Case No.'s 99- 998-TP-COI; 99-563-TO-COI (Ohio P.S.C. Mar. 1, 2001) Tracks FCC formula. Rulemaking pending looking toward possible use of FCC telecom formula as a second formula. $3.40 OREGON OR. REV. STAT. §757.270-290, 759.650-675 (2001) OR. ADMIN. R. 860-028-0110 (2001) Tracks the FCC formula except that the ground clearance and safety space assumptions result in usable space on a 37.5 foot pole being 9.83 feet instead of 13.5 feet. $4.67 UTAH UTAH CODE ANN. §54-4-13 (2001) UTAH ADMIN. CODE R.746- 345(1-4) (2002) No formula. The PUC intervenes when parties cannot reach agreement. ~ VERMONT VT. STAT. ANN. Title 30, §§2515, 2525- 2525 (2001) VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD RULES §§3.700-711 Pole Attachments (2001) Tracks the FCC formula except that it assumes a pole height of 40 feet and usable space of 16 feet, and it assigns two feet of space to CATV or any attacher which offers telephone service. The latter factor has the effect of doubling the rate. $2.87 $5.74 (for a provider of telephone service) WASHINGTON WASH. REV. CODE §§80.54.010- 070 (2002) ~ No formula, but the statute sets a range of reasonable compensation with a maximum which approximates the FCC formula for determining a maximum rate. ~ 147494_1.DOC