HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020731Avista's First Production Response.pdf~ / tt 'YO Avista Corp. 1411 East Mission PO Box3727 Spokane. Washington 99220-3727 Telephone 509-489-0500 Toll Free 800-727-9170 P.ECEtVEO f\LED 'lmn JUL 3 \ pJ; g: l~ l 'II;' pn PUBLIC UT\LYfl(Sv COt'H"HSS\GI'~ , .J.'~'V'STA. Corp. July 30, 2002 """"""'- '-1 ,c""~- -~-- - Weldon B. Stutzman, Deputy Attorney General State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE:Case No. GNR-02- A vista s responses to pole attachment rate questions. Dear Mr. Stutzman: Below per your request, are Avista s responses to your letter dated July 15 2002, regarding Case No. GNR-02-2 to review and determine a formula for cable television companies to attach equipment to utility company poles. Question 1. Please provide, expressed as aformula, your proposed methodology for calculating cable television pole attachment rates. Provide a narrative discussion of the legal, policy or economic justifications for your proposed formula. Cable TV Rate = Space Occupied Net Pole Investment x CarryingUsable Space Total Number of Poles Charge The formula above is applied to communication attachments that provide cable TV service , and is in compliance with the latest federal guidelines. Currently, Avista Utilities is charging an annual pole attachment fee of $5.00 in Idaho for TV companies that belong to the Idaho Cable Television Association (ICT A). The ICT A members represent the vast majority of cable TV providers in Idaho using Avista facilities. The $5.00 rate is the result of a negotiated agreement that expires after 2003. IPUC - Pole Attachment Workshop July 29 , 2002 Page 2 of 5 Question For each of the following elements, please provide a worksheet showing your proposed methodfor calculating and including the element in a pole attachment formula. If you believe an element should not be included, indicate that as your response. Net Investment Per Bare Pole (include the data source and methodology for determining number of poles in the utility s inventory). Administrative Carrying Charge. Maintenance Carrying Charge Depreciation Carrying Charge Tax Carrying Charge Return on Investment Total Annual Cost per Distribution Pole The attached two-page "A vista Utilities Financial Data" spreadsheets provide the elements that are used in the formula. The numbers in bold are updated annually and the rate is modified each year a result. The source column notes the resource or how the data was derived. For example, (line A) in the source column FFl, P200113 refers to FERC Form No., page 200, line 13. The attached Exhibit B for TV Cable in Idaho" shows how the "Data" information is applied. The main three components are then calculated to determine the rate. The billing rate may be less than the calculated rate as determined by A vista Utilities. Net Investment Per Bare Pole - The Net Investment is determined by starting with the FFI Distribution Plant in Service in Idaho for account 0364 for Poles, Towers, and Fixtures (line E), and subtracting the Depreciation (line M) and the Accumulated Deferred Income Tax (line T) for the same account. This becomes the Net Investment in Poles (line X). Since FERC account 0364 includes poles, crossarms and hardware, an estimate is made of the portion that represents the pole investment only. A factor of 85% is used to adjust for this. We have counted the number of distribution poles on our system in Idaho and separated the counts by county. The counts are modified each year by reviewing construction as-bui It drawings. The as-built drawings are separated by county and adjustments are made for the installation of additional poles and the permanent removal of poles on our system. The Net Investment in Poles (line X) adjusted by the 85% factor is divided by the Number or Poles (line AK) and the result is the Net Investment per Bare Pole. Administrative Carrying Charge - The Administrative charge is determined by starting with the FFI A&G expenses (line Z) and dividing by the Net Electric Plant (line V). Maintenance Carrying Charge - The Maintenance charge is determined by starting with the FFI account 0593 Overhead Line Maintenance expense (line AJ) and dividing by the Net Overhead Distribution Plant (line Y). IPUC - Pole Attachment Workshop July 29, 2002 Page 3 of 5 Depreciation Carrying Charge - The Depreciation charge is determined by multiplying the depreciation rate (line AA) times the Gross-to-Net Investment Ratio (line AB). Tax Carrying Charge - The Tax charge is determined by starting with the total Tax expense (line AI) and dividing by the Net Electric Plant (line V). Return on Investment - The rate allowed by the IPUC is used. The Total Annual Cost per Distribution Pole is determined by adding up the total Carrying Charge expenses above including the Return on Investment. This total percentage factor is then applied to the Net Investment per Bare Pole. Question If your proposed formula requires a determination of how much space on a pole should be assigned to cable television attachments, describe your proposed methodology for determining space assigned to cable television attachments per pole. Include references to data sources necessary to make the determination. The space occupied by the attachment is one foot. This is divided by the total usable space of 12 feet. The result is a 0.083 Usable Space Factor. Question If your proposedformula requires a determination of what space on a pole should be considered Usable Space, describe your proposed methodology for determining Usable Space. Include references to data sources necessary to make the determination. The 12 feet of Usable Space begins with the average pole height presumed to be 37.5 feet by federal guidelines. Six feet plus eighteen feet are subtracted for burial depth and minimum attachment height respectively, leaving 13.5 feet of space. Ten feet is considered usable space and the 3.5 feet remaining is required for a safety zone separation between electric and communication conductors. The IPUC determined in its Order No. 19229 that two feet of the safety zone should be applied to the ten-foot usable space thereby totaling 12 feet of Usable Space. Question Describe your proposed methodology for determining the total number of cable television attachments located on the utility s poles. Agreements with cable television require that each company provide data to support the actual number of their attachments on the electric pole facilities. The utility may perform sample or full pole count audits to validate or rectify the data. IPUC - Pole Attachment Workshop July 29, 2002 Page 4 of 5 Question If your proposedformula requires a determination of average pole height, describe your proposed methodology for determining average pole height. Include references to data sources necessary to make the determination. To avoid a pole-by-pole rate calculation, federal guidelines presume an average pole height of 37. feet and A vista Utilities has adopted this methodology. Question If you contend a pole attachment formula should include rate elements additional to those identified above, please provide a worksheet setting forth your proposed method for calculating Additional Rate Elements. Include references to data sources necessary to make the calculation( s). Provide a narrative discussion of the economic, policy, legal or other justification for any additional rate elements. Many cable television companies are providing more than cable TV and expanding into other lines of business, such as internet service providers. As a result, they are installing additional cable, and thereby increasing the weight of conduit on the pole. This bundling of additional communication cables uses more of the pole strength and capacity. We believe it is appropriate that these multiple service companies be moved to the telecommunication rate below. TelecomRate = (Space Unusable Space Occupied No. of Attaching Entities Pole Height Net Pole Investment Number of Poles CarrYing Charge Rate Pole-by-pole calculations are not practical to determine whether a company is providing more than cable TV service. What is needed is a practical methodology to define when a cable TV compan y has expanded into other lines of business sufficiently to justify conversion to the telecom rate. suggest that when the majority of cable TV customers of a specific company within the utilities defined service territory have the capacity to provide internet and information services, whether or not the services are leased or subleased to others, then all pole attachments by that company be converted to the telecom rate. This would allow the smaller companies (or those that maintain their existing sized conduit) in the more rural areas to stay on the cable TV rate. It would also allow some time for those companies to invest in the internet market, but not pay the higher rate until the majority of their customers have the expanded service available. It should be the responsibility of the communication company to notify the pole owners when the majority of communication IPUC - Pole Attachment Workshop July 29, 2002 Page 5 of 5 customers have the expanded services , or upon an annual letter request by the utility. The pole owners may challenge the data provided by the communications companies in this determination. What constitutes as a "majority" could be determined or defined by the parties to the workshop. Only one of the three main components of the rate formula differs between the Cable TV Rate and the Telecom Rate, and this is the usage factor. The Net Investment per Bare Pole and the Carrying Charges are the same. The Telecom Rate usage factor takes into account the unusable space on the pole and shares this among the attaching entities. We recommend that the Average Number of Attaching Entities not include the pole owner because this is already adjusted for in the 2/3 multiplier. The attached "Exhibit B-1 for Telecommunication Attachments in Idaho" includes the pole owner as an attaching entity for now. The effect of the change in the usage factor for 2002 changes the billing rate from $8.26 for Cable TV to $21.59 overall for Telecom. A vista Utilities is currently implementing the increased rate to telecom companies over five years in 20% increments. For example, in 2002, the difference between the two rates is $13.33. 20% of $13.33 is $2.67. The amount of $2.67 is added to the $8.26 rate to become $10.93 in the first year. Thank you for your consideration on these matters. Please call me at (509) 495-8601 if you have any questions. Sincerely, c0~ O~~ Liz Andrews Rate Analyst cc: Jean Jewell 07 - 25 - 20 0 2 1 : 2 8 P M IT E M TO T A L P L A N T I N S E R V I C E LE S S C W I P PL A N T I N S E R V I C E RA T E S 2 0 0 2 r e v i s e d . xl s D A T A AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S F I N A N C I A L D A T A AT E N D O F 2 0 0 1 fo r c o n t a c t y e a r 2 0 0 2 Fi g u r e s i n OL D ar e u p d a t e d an n u a l l y . CO M P A N Y SO U R C E TO T A L SY S FF 1 P2 0 0 / 1 3 33 2 74 3 57 3 1 77 7 87 5 16 1 FF 1 P2 0 0 / 1 1 96 4 08 2 4 9 21 2 99 1 27 7 77 9 49 1 1 72 8 66 2 17 0 EL E C T R I C OI S T - - - - r TO T A L O I S T P L A N T E . AC C T 3 6 4 : P O L E S 36 4 f T O T A L O I S T P L A N T FF 1 P2 0 7 / 6 9 FF 1 , P2 0 7 / 5 9 S U P P E/ D 67 8 44 7 66 5 60 3 56 4 13 . 06 % 13 2 08 1 27 % AC C T 3 6 5 : O H C O N D U C T O R S AC C T 3 6 9 : S E R V I C E S 36 4 + 3 6 5 + 3 6 9 (3 6 4 + 3 6 5 + 3 6 9 ) f T O T A L D I S T P L A N T FF 1 P2 0 7 / 6 0 S U P P FF 1 , P2 0 7 / 6 4 S U P P E+ G + H I/ O 43 3 87 1 . 5 9 65 3 62 1 73 0 12 4 4 9 73 6 94 9 12 4 29 6 07 6 1 9 7 99 4 13 4 18 . 32 % 2 9 . 18 % TO T AL U T I L I T Y / E L E C T D E P TO T A L D I S T P L A N T D E P 36 4 A L L O C A T I O N S IT O T A L 3 6 4 D E P 36 4 + 3 6 5 + 3 6 9 A L L O C A T I O N S IT O T A L 3 6 4 36 5 36 9 D E P FF 1 P2 0 0 / 1 4 FF 1 P2 1 9 / 2 4 76 7 10 1 65 6 56 7 89 3 37 5 13 . 06 % 25 , 4 5 0 59 8 29 . 18 % 87 2 08 1 TO T A L A D I T A C C T 1 9 0 TO T A L A D I T A C C T 2 8 2 TO T A L A D I T A C C T 2 8 3 TO T A L U T I L I T Y A D I T TO T A L D I S T A D I T 36 4 f T O T A L D I S T P L A N T IT O T A L 3 6 4 A D I T (3 6 4 + 3 6 5 + 3 6 9 ) f T O T AL D I S T P L A N T I T O T A L ( 3 6 4 36 5 36 9 ) A D I T NE T E L E C T P L A N T NE T D I S T R I B U T I O N I N V E S T M E N T NE T I N V E S T M E N T I N P O L E S NE T 3 6 4 36 5 36 9 P L A N T 19 4 87 8 15 1 27 % 12 3 , 4 4 9 18 . 32 % 70 2 95 9 FF 1 P2 3 4 / 1 8 & 8 04 4 94 2 58 3 16 4 FF 1 , P2 7 5 / 9 & 2 21 0 22 9 48 9 16 1 84 2 98 7 FF 1 P2 7 7 / 1 9 & 9 28 7 34 7 83 9 13 0 52 0 47 2 O+ P + O 47 0 53 2 38 6 28 2 78 0 29 5 86 7 00 4 27 % 13 . 06 % 71 2 11 9 85 9 51 8 18 . 32 % 29 . 18 % 21 9 93 0 09 3 72 0 DE P ( K ) - AD I T ( R ) 04 0 14 5 44 9 87 7 98 8 50 0 DE P ( L ) - AD I T ( S ) 43 8 70 2 51 0 E - DE P ( M ) - AD I T ( T ) 29 6 51 3 29 3 44 8 DE P ( N ) - AD I T ( U ) 37 3 18 6 12 8 02 8 33 3 Pa g e 1 07 - 25 - 20 0 2 1 :2 8 P M IT E M AV I S T A U T I L I T I E S F I N A N C I A L D A T A AT E N D O F 2 0 0 1 fo r c o n t a c t y e a r 2 0 0 2 Fi g u r e s i n BO L D ar e u p d a t e d a n n u a l l y . CO M P A N Y SO U R C E TO T A L SY S RA T E S 2 0 0 2 r e v i s e d . xl s D A T A EL E C T R I C DI S T 42 7 65 6 IT O T A L A & G E X P E N S E S AA 3 6 4 DE P R E C I A T I O N R A T E AB G R O S S T O NE T P O L E I N V E S T M E N T R A T ! ( E I X FF 1 P3 2 3 / 1 6 8 93 0 % 54 6 87 0 % 54 6 AC A C C T 4 0 8 . 1: M I S C T A X E S . AD A C C T 4 0 9 . 1: F E D I N C T A X AE A C C T 4 0 9 . 1: O T H E R I N C T A X AF A C C T 4 1 0 . 1: D E F E R R E D I N C T A X AG A C C T 4 1 1 . 1: ( C R ) D E F I N C T A X AH A C C T 41 1 . 4 : I N V E S T M T T A X C R A D J M T AI T O T A L T A X EX P E N S E FF 1 P1 1 4 & P1 1 5 / 1 3 FF 1 P1 1 4 & P1 1 5 / 1 4 FF 1 P1 1 4 & P 1 1 5 / 1 5 FF 1 P1 1 4 & P1 1 5 / 1 6 FF 1 P1 1 4 & P 1 1 5 / 1 7 FF 1 P1 1 4 & P 1 1 5 / 1 8 29 4 52 5 83 0 19 2 74 7 50 4 10 8 32 1 57 4 44 1 83 9 30 8 54 7 25 6 31 3 70 1 59 4 58 3 98 4 60 7 10 1 36 7 17 6 13 7 18 5 96 4 50 2 AJ I A C C T 5 9 3 : O H L I N E M A l N T AK Ip O L E C O U N T FF 1 , P3 2 2 / 1 1 8 S U P P 59 2 36 8 97 4 97 1 30 1 12 9 71 8 AL 'A V E R A G E A T T A C H E R S P E R P O L E NO T E S : N1 . V A L U E S P R O V I D E D B Y F I N A N C E D E P A R T M E N T N2 . R E S U L T S F R O M O N - GO I N G A U D I T O F C O M P A N Y - OW N E D D I S T R I B U T I O N P O L E S N3 . R E S U L T S O F A N I N D E P E N D E N T S A M P L E S T U D Y O F C O M P A N I Y - OW N E D D I S T R I B U T I O N P O L E S Pa g e 2 07-25-200210:07 AM RATES 2002 revised.xls TV 10 EXHIBIT B Computation of Rate per Attachment for TV CABLE Attachments on A vista Utilities poles In the State of Idaho for contact year 2002 IDAHO ITEM DESCRIPTION I SOURCE AMOUNT ISUBTOTA~TOTAL USABLE SPACE FACTOR SPACE OCCUPIED BY ATTACHMENT FCC TOTAL USABLE SPACE UTC 12. USABLE SPACE FACTOR 083 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEPRECIATION CARRYING CHARGE DATA(AA)93% GROSS TO NETINVESTMENT RATIO DATA(AB)546 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DxE 98% ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSE TOTAL APPLICABLE A&G OAT A(Z)39,427 656 NET APPLICABLE PLANT OAT A(V)877,988 500 ADMIN CARRYING CHARGE GIH 49% MAINTENANCE EXPENSE TOTAL APPLICABLE MAINTENANCE DATA(AJ)592 368 NET DISTPLANT IN STATE OAT A(Y)373 186 MAINT CARRYING CHARGE J/K 98% NORMALIZED TAXES TOTAL ALLOCATED TAXES DATA(AI)964 502 NET ELECTRIC PLANT OAT A(V)877 988 500 TAX CARRYING CHARGE MlN 87% RATE OF RETURN ROR CARRYING CHARGE UTC 98% TOTAL CARRYING CHARGE D+I+L+O+P 22.31% NET INVESTMENT PER BARE POLE NET INVESTMENT IN POLES OAT A(X)296 513 RATIO FOR BARE POLE FCC NUMBER OF POLES DATACAK)301 NET INVESTMENT PER BARE POLE SIT 465. 2002 CALCULATED RATE PER POLE ATTACHMENT $8. 2002 BILLING RATE PER POLE ATTACHMENT $8. Source of Data is FERC Forrn1 dated 12/31/01 Prepared By: Title: ' Date: Joint Use June 27 , 2002 EXHIBIT B- Computation of Rate per Attachment for Telecommunication Attachments on Avista Utilities poles In the State of Idaho for contact year 2002 IDAHO ITEM IDESCRIPTION SOURCE AMOUNT ISUBTOTAL ITOTAL USE FACTOR SPACE OCCUPIED BY ATTACHMENT FCC TOTAL USABLE SPACE UTC 12. AVERAGE POLE HEIGHT UTC 37. AVERAGE NUMBER OF ATTACHERS DATAIAL) USE FACTOR 208 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEPRECIATION CARRYING CHARGE DATA(M)93% GROSS TO NET INVESTMENT RATIO DATA(AB)546 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE FxG 98% ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSE TOTAL APPLICABLE A&G DATA(Z)39,427 656 NET APPLICABLE PLANT DATA(V)877 988 500 ADMIN CARRYING CHARGE IIJ 4.49% MAINTENANCE EXPENSE TOTAL APPLICABLE MAINTENANCE DATA(AJ)592 368 NET DIST PLANT IN STATE DATA(Y)373,186 MAINT CARRYING CHARGE 98% NORMALIZED TAXES TOTAL ALLOCATED TAXES DATA(AI)964 502 NET ELECTRIC PLANT DATA(V)877,988,500 TAX CARRYING CHARGE OIP 87% RATE OF RETURN ROR CARRYING CHARGE UTC 98% TOTAL CARRYING CHARGE F+K+N+O+R 22.31% NET INVESTMENT PER BARE POLE NET INVESTMENT IN POLES DATA(X)36,296,513 RATIO FOR BARE POLE FCC NUMBER OF POLES DATAIAK)66,301 NET INVESTMENT PER BARE POLE 465. 2002 CALCULATED RATE PER POLE ATTACHMENT ADJUSTED RATE 1 ST YEAR 20% OF DIFFERENCE OVER TV RATE $21. FCC $10. 2002 BILLING RATE PER POLE ATTACHMENT $10. Source of Data is FEAC Form 1 dated 12131/01 Prepared By: Title: Date: Joint Use July 23, 2002