HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131210Retail Rate Increase.pdfFRll Rrvrn RuRt ElrcrRtc CooprnnrvE, lNc. 1150 North 3400 East Ashton, lD 83420 ' I t.' l- |irl ':", I December 3,2013 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Paul Kjeilander, President P.O. Box 83720 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Subject: Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative Retail Rate Increase Dear President Kjellander: The board members of Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc., have reviewed and approved a ten-year financial forecast, reviewed a consultant's cost of service analysis, conducted a market review of retail electric rates, held public meetings for our owner-members, and have concluded that Fall River's retail electric rates were inadequate to meet the Cooperatives revenue requirements. Fall River will increase its retail rates effective January 2014 for all members in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. This rate adjustment is needed as a result of an increase in both wholesale power costs and an additional increase in transmission costs instituted by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) on October 1,2013. Fall River Electric understands the impact arate increase can have on members and has taken a number of steps to reduce the impact including eliminating or deferring capital expenditures, have reduced operating expenses by ll%o, trimmed the Cooperative's workforce by 26%o, reduced interest rate payments to just 4.3%o, and have saved $1.6M in construction costs by utilizing our own crews rather than relying on outside contractors. Through written communication directly to members, local media coverage, our website & social media links, as well as radio & newspaper advertisements, our members were invited to attend any of three meetings held in November throughout our service territory conceming the proposed rate increase. At all three meetings, few members attended and a limited number of comments were received via electronic and standard mail. Copies of those emails are available upon request. 208-652-7 431 . 800-632-5726 208-652-7825fax www.fal I riverelectric, com ai FRll RrveR Runr Elecrruc CoopeRRrvE, lNc. 1 150 North 3400 East Ashton, lD 83420 Considering this information, the board passed a motion to increase retail electric rates an average of 5.5Yo starting with owner-member statements received in January 2014. We have included the Board approved tariff sheets to have on file. Please find the enclosed tariff sheets: Residential Service General Service - Commercial Irrigation Small General Service If you need additional information, please let me know. I would also be interested in assisting if owner-members have concerns or questions. Fall River's board has also instructed staff to increase the amount of funding we collect and distribute to assist those who need assistance in paying their energy bills. We realize this rate increase is being implemented in a time of slow economic recovery but we remain committed to increasing our efforts to support those in the communities we serve. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, o o o a ffi Bryan L. Case CEO/General Manager 208-652-7 431 . 800-632-5726 208-652-7825fax www.fallriverelectric.com Fall Rivcr Rural Elecric Coopontivc, Inc. I 150 North 3400 East Ashton,ldaho 83420 Datcd: Novcmbcr25. 2013 tr,F,3[+t- Trrlff Effective for the state of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Date Effective: January 1.2014 RESIDENTIAL SERVICE Rate Code: 0l Apglicabilitv: Applicable to rcsidential consumers, rcquiring continuous use of elecEic facilitics. Other supplemcntal uscs may be servcd on this ratc, providod, howeycr, that supplcmcntal usc is in conjunction with thc full time residence, and scrvicc from thc samc facility. Character of Service: Single and thrcc phasc, 60 cyclcs, at socondary voltago. The Cooperativc rqscrves thc right to spocify the phasc ofscrvicc supplies under this schedule. Ratc: Line and Systcm Maintenancc Charge: $35.00 pcr month Energy Charge: kWh hours 0-2000 0.07427 kWh kWh hours 2ffi1 and above 0.08765 kwh Adden If a consumer elocts to incur an additional chargc for purchasc of "Rcnewable Encrgf'the increase will be equivalcnt to $0.01I kWh Tcrms of Pavment: Bills for scrvices hqrundcr shall bc paid monthly at the office of the Seller in Ashton, Statc of Idaho, within thc time specified by the Board of Dirtctors, urd indisated in the applicable Cooperative Policy. Ifthe consumer shall fail to pay any such bill within the specified timc, the Scller may discontinue servicc hercundcr in accordancc with the rulcs and regulations as adoptcd bythe Board of Directors. Dan Skene Title: Board Presidcnt Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. I150 North 34fi) East Ashton, Idaho 83420 Datcd: November2S-2O11 Tariff Effectivc for the state of ldaho, Montana and Wyoming Datc Effective: Januarv 1.20H Titlq Board President RESIDENTIAL SERVICE - Continued Rate Code 01 Tcmporarv Servicc: Temponry scrvicc shall be providcd on this ratc, and according to the provisions set forth in thc mo$ current Line Extcnsion Policy. Service Extsnsions: Scrrrice extensions shall be installed by the Coopcrativg and according to the provisions sct forth in the most currcnt Line extension Policy. Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. I150 North 3400 East Ashton,ldaho t3420 Datcd: Novcmbcr25-2013 .P'^31* Trrltt Effostive forthe statr of Idahq Montana and Wyoming DarcEffoctivc:@ GEMRAL SERVICE Rate Codc: 03 Apdicability: Applioablc to commcrcial, industrial, and any other customqR not scrvcd under other spccific schedules. Charactcr of Servicc: Singlc or threc phasc, 60 cycles, at secondary voltagc. Gencral Scrvicc Rate is dctormined on KW (dcmand) ovcr 50 KW in any month of thc prior ycar. The Cooperativc rtscrves the right to spaciry thc phasc of servicc supplies under this schedule. Ratc: Line and System Maintenance Charge: $58.00 per month Monthly Variable Acccss : Charge pcr kWh $ 0.05284 ChargepcrkWovcr l0 $ 8.17 Adder: If a oonsumer elccts to incur an additional chargc for purchasc of"Rcnewable Energ/'thc increasc will be cquivalent to S 0.011 kwh Bvi Dsn Skenc Titlc: Board President Fall River Rural Elecbic Coopcrative, Inc. I 150 North 3400 East Ashton,ldaho 83420 Dated: November 25. 2013 *,D^ €h- Trrlff Effoctive for the state of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming DaAEffoctive:@ GENERAL SERVICE - Continued Rate Code: 03 Terms of Pavment: Bills for scrvice hercundcr shall be paid at the office ofthc Seller in Ashton, Statc of ldahq within thc time specified by thc Board of Direstors and indicated in the applicable Cooperative Policy. If the consumer shall fail to pay any such bill within the spocified time, thc Cooperative may discontinuc service hereunder in accordancc with the rules and rcgulations as adoptcd by the Board of Directors. Howcver, disconncction of scrvicc for failuro to comply with thc terms of this agrecment, or the rules and regulatiors as adoptcd by the Board of Directors, or by request of thc consumer does not invalidate any of the provisions for payment. Tcmoorar.v Scrvice: Temponry service shall be providcd on this rate, and according to the provisions sct forth in the most current Line Extension Policy. Service Extcnsions: Senrice extcnsions shall be installed by the Coopcrative, and according to the provisions set forth in thc most curr€nt Line cxtension Policy. Dan Skene Title: Board Prcsident Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative,lnc. I l50North 3400 East Ashton, Idaho 83420 Dated: November25. 2013 Teriff Effective for the state of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Date Effcctivc: Januarv l. 2014 Applicable to farm customers for inigation pumping or uscs essontial to pumping operations. Character of Scrvice: Singlc and three phase 60 cyclcs, at available sccondary voltagc. Rate: Horse Powcr Charge 0- 100 Horcepower $21.00 Ovcr 100 Horsepowcr $30.87 Horscoower charge is to be paid at the time of connection in thc spring. It will not be applied to the season's bill. Dcmand Charcq All kwh billed at $ 1.44 Ener5r Charge: All kwh billed at $0.03037 Adder: If a consumer elects to incur an additional charge for purchasc of "Renewable Energy''thc increase will be cquivalcnt to $0.01I kWh The horscpower chargc is calculated on thc assumption that an inigation insallation utilizes onc kilowatt per horsepower. Thc horsepowcr charges indicated abovc are applicable as long as the kilowatt demand registercd on the mcter does not exceod the horsopower that was prcpaid for seruice undcr that meter. Should the kW demand registercd on the meter during thc scason excced the prepaid horscpower for that mcter, then the incrcmental diffcrence betwcen the kW demand and the prepaid horscpower will be calculated for cach meter automatically each month of ttre inigUion ssarx)n, widr thc final sasonal billing reflecting the additional charge for the murimum difference. The horcepower chargc is to be paid prior to May 11 before connection, and will not be applied to the season's billing or be refunded. The collcction of this chargc will rcsult in lower energy and demand ratcs for ttre seasons. Dan Skene Titlc: Board Prcsident Fall River Rural Electric Coopcrative,lnc. I150 North 3400 East Ashton,ldaho 83420 Datcd: November25.2013 Terlff Effcctive for the state of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Date Effcctive: Januarv l. 2014 DE-WEATIIERIZEII IRRIGATION - Condnucd Dcmand chargcs are applied to the monthly dcmand reading. Thc billing under this schedule shall be the highest ofthc following:l. The Contact demand, in any or 2. The highest dcmand occuning in any lS-minute intcrual ofthc monthly billing period as detcrmined by the dcmand metcr, adjusted for powcr factor. Dctermination of demand (kW) inputwhere dcmand reading is not obainable: The Coopcrative shall determinc the kilowatt demand by aking a voltage and amp metcr rcading at the option of the Cooperativc or by the calculated kilowatr by multiplying .9693 times the horcepower rating shown on tho nameplate ofthe motor. Powcr Factor Adiustnent: Thc customer agraEs to maintain unity powcr frctor as ncarly as practicable. For customenr whose demand cxcceds 300 kWh the Cooper*ivc may detcrmine ratio betwecn the kilowatt and reactivc kilovolt-ampere demand by means of installcd inshrments or by pcriodic tests. When dctermined by tests, the resulting ratio shall remain in effect until a new determination is made. The dcmand chargc, bcfore adjustment for power factor, shall be incroased by l% for each l% by which the avcrage power factor is less than .90 lagging. The formula for detcrmining averagc power factor is as follows: Kilowatt-hours AveragePowcrFactor = { k\tftr+kvh, Minimum Charce: The minimum charge for scasonal urd non-seasonal usc is ttre horsepowcr chargc computed at $21.00 pcr horsepower up to 100 horsepower. Over l([ horsepower at $30.87 pu horsepowcr, or the contract whichever is larcer. "r, T . €Ler- Dan Skene Title: Board Prcsident Fall River Rural Electric Coopcrativc, lnc. I 150 North 3400 East Ashton, Idaho 83420 Dated: Novembcr 25. 2013 Tariff Effoctivc for tre state of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Date Effective: Januarv 1.2014 SMALL GENERAL SERVICE Rate Code: 05 Applicabilityt Applicable to commeroial, industrial, and any other customcrs not servcd under other spccific schedules. Charactor of Service: Single or thrce phasc, 60 cycles, at secondary voltage. Small General Service Rate is dctcrmined on KW (demand) less than 50 KW in ury month of the prior year. The Cooperative reserves the right to spcciff the phase of seruice supplies under this schedule. Rate: Line and System Maintenancc Chargc: $36.00 per month Monthly Variablc Access: Chargc pcr kWh $ 0.05551 Charge per kW over l0 $ 8.17 Adder: If a consumcr clects to incur an additional chargc for purchasc of "Renewable Encrry" the increase will be equivalent to $ 0.01I kwh Title: Board hesident Fall River Runl Electric Coopentivc, Inc. I150 North 3400 East Ashton,ldaho 83420 Dated: Novemhcr25-2013 ,r,D,,,.fiLo- Tariff Effective br tho strate of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming Date Efrectivc: Januarv l. 20H SMALL GENERAL SERVICE - Contlnued Rrte Code: lXi Terms of Pavment: Bills for scwicc hcrcundcr shall be paid at thc office of the Scller in Ashton, State of Idatrq within thc time specificd by thc Boad of Dirocon and indicatcd in the applicablc Cooperativc Policy. [f thc consumer shall fail to pay any suoh bill within the specified timc, the Coopcrative may discontinue scrvice hcreundcr in accordancc with the rules and regulations as adoptcd by thc Board of Dircctors. Howcver, disconnection of servicc for failure to comply with the tcrms of ftis agrccmcnt, or thc rulcs and rcgulations as adoptcd by fte Board of Directors, or by requcst ofthc consumer docs not invalidatc any ofthe provisions for payment. Tcmoorarv Scrvice: Tenrporary serrricc shall bc provided on this ratc, and according to thc povisions set forth in the most currcnt Linc Extcnsion Policy. Service Extrnsions: Scrvicc odcnsions shall bc installod by thc Coopcrdivc, and according to the provisions sct forth in thc most currcnt Linc extcnsion Policy. Dan Skcne Title: Board President