HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230323United 1-17 to Burley.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB No.3195 Richardson Adams PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Boise,ldaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-790 I Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter@richardsonadams. com Attorneys for United Electric Co-op, Inc BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. Cl5-E-23-01 IN THE MATTER OF UNITE,D ELECTRIC CO-OP INC.'S FORMAL COMPLAINT FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE IDAHO ELECTRIC STABILIZATTON ACT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION OF LINITED ELECTRIC CO-OP, TNC TO THE CITY OF BURLEY Pursuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission" or "IPUC"), United Electric Co-op, Inc, by and through its attorney of record, Peter J. Richardson, hereby requests that the City of Burley ("City") provide its responses to the following Requests for Production of documents and Requests for Admission. These Production Requests and Requests for Admission are to be considered as continuing, and the City is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment/update the documents produced. Page I Frrìs't PRoDtJC'ftoN RFIQUEST AND REQUESTS FOR ADMTSSTON OF UNI'IED ET,EC'I'RIC CO-OP TO TFIE CI'I'Y OF I]URT,F,Y RECEIVED 2023 March 23, AM 10:49 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Please provide one copy of the City's responses to Mr. Richardson at the address noted above and one copy to Mr. Michael Danington at 1330 21't Street Heyburn, Idaho 83336. In lieu of physical copies, electronic copies of your responses may be provided to Mr. Richardson at the email noted above and to Mr. Darrington at: mdarrington@uec. coop. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearing who can sponsor the answer For purposes of the following, references to "Suntado" are references to Suntado, LLC's proposed dairy/milk processing facility in Burley, Idaho and to Suntado, LLC and its employees, agents, contractors and persons or entities operating under (or at) its control or direction. References to the City includes references to the City of Burley, its employees, agents, mayor, council members and contractors and persons or entities operating under (or at) its control or direction. REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION and PRODUCTION REQUESTS REOUEST FOR ADMISSION NO. I: Please admit that the City has begun to construct the necessary infrastructure for it to provide electric service to Suntado. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 1: Please provide copies of all documents in the City's possession that address the City's provision of electric service to Suntado, inclusive of all communications the City has had with Suntado. Include all line and/or service extension agreements and copies of Page 2 FIRST PRODUC'IION REQUEST AND REQUFTS'.t'S FOR ADMTSSTON OF UNI'f ED tJI,F]C]'RIC CO-OP'fO'I'FIE CI'I'Y OF BLJRI,I,,Y all bills and expenditures made by the City in furtherance of its provision of electric service to Suntado. EST FOR ADMISSION 2 Please admit that the Suntado plant is located in the area identified as the exclusive service territory of United Electric Co-op, Inc. pursuant to the existing Territory Agreements and Amendments that were the subject of the City's and United's joint application in IPUC Docket No. GNR-E-03-03. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 2: If you deny Request for Admission No. 2,then please provide all documentation in support of your denial, including correspondence, maps, agreements and IPUC orders. REOUEST FOR ADMISSION NO.3: Please admit that the referenced Territory Agreements and Amendments that were the subject of the City's and United's joint application (dated June 12,2003) in ldaho PUC docket No. GNR-E-03-03 have not been amended, altered or revised since the time of filing of the joint application in GNR-E-03-03. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 3: If you deny Request for Admission No. 3, then please provide all documents in support of your denial, including correspondence, maps, agreements and IPUC orders. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 4: Please provide copies of all correspondence between the City and the Bonneville Power Administration and/or the ldaho Power Company regarding the City's proposed provision of electric service to Suntado. Page 3 FrRST PROI)UC'r'rON REQUT.TST AND REQTJI-rS'fS FOR ADMTSSTON OF LJNI IEI) tlllECl'RIC CO-OP T'O l'llE Cl'l'Y OF UUR[-t1Y PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 5 Please provide copies of all documents in the City's possession or control relating to the City's compliance with the ldaho law known as the Electric Supplier Stabilization Act. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 6: Please provide all documents in the City's possession or control relating to its compliance, or lack thereof,, with the Service Territory Agreements referenced in Request for Admission No. 2. PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. 7: Please provide copies of allcorrespondence that the City and/or Suntado has had with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, individual Commissioners of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and/or the Staff of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission regarding the respective service territories of the City and United Electric Co-op, Inc. and/or the provision of electric services to Suntado. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 8: Please provide copies of all correspondence from the City to United Electric's members regarding the provision of electric service by the City including, specifically, those United Electric's members residing on Almo Avenue in the City of Burley in the year 2021 . PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. 9: Please identifl, the date the City physically began construction on the electric service line and/or facilities necessary for the City to provide electric service to Suntado. lf construction is not complete, please identifo the anticipated completion date. Provide one-line diagrams of the service line and the anticipated final one-line diagrams showing the ultimate build out of service by the City to serve Suntado. Page 4 FrRSl' PRODUC'ilON REQTJES'r AND REQUI.]SI-S FOR ADMISSION OIì L,INI'I'ED F,T,EC]'RIC CO.OP TO I'TID CI'I'Y Ot.' BI.JRI,T.,Y PRODTJCTION UEST NO. IO: Please separately identify the City's proposed and/or anticipated meter charges, demand charges, customer charges and energy rates the City will charge Suntado for electric service once it begins operating. Please provide all studies and analysis showing the impact of the City's service to Suntado will have on the City's other electric customers and/or the City's overall finances. PRODTJCTION ESTNO I I: Please provide a copy of the minutes, notes, emails, and any other documents associated with the City of Burley's Electric Committee meeting that was held on December 13,2022. Please identify all of the meeting's attendees, their professional titles and affiliation with the City PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. I2: Pursuant to the Cify of Burley Electric Committee meeting minutes held on December 13,2022, please describe the'omany issues and problems in the city because of redundance of service within city limits." PROI)IJCTION EOUEST NO. I3 Pursuant to the City of Burley Electric Committee meeting minutes held on December 13,2022, please describe what is meant by the sentence, "it is not safe and as the city grows these problems will continue." PRODUCTION REQUEST NO. I4: Has the City subrnitted a Technical Requirements for Interconnection Transmission Line and Loads Connection Information Forrn (BPA F 6420.25e), or its equivalent, to the Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA") applicable to the Suntado Project or the City's facilities to serve Suntado's electric load? If one has been submitted, please provide a copy of the form, identify its current status, and provide copies of any report(s) and allthe City's communications with BPA regarding the same. Page 5 FilìST' PRODUC'f rON REQUES t' AND REQUES'I'S FOR ADMISSfON OF UNITED EI,I]C'IRIC CO-OI' I'O ]'FII] CI'IY OF BURLEY PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. I 5: Please provide copies of all Feasibility Studies, System Impact Studies, and Facilities Studies applicable to transmission capacity to serve Suntado's electric load. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. I6: Please describe all grants, donations, debt or expense forgiveness or similar benefits that are expected to be received (or have been received) by the City or by Suntado for the intended use of providing electric service to Suntado. PRODUCTION REOUEST NO. I7: Please provide all cost-of-service studies completed or begun by the City to determine whether Suntado's rates and anticipated revenues are expected to fully recover the City's cost to meet Suntado's expected service needs. Please provide all workpapers and supporting documents used or referenced in the preparation of said cost-of-service studies and identify the names and titles of those preparing the same. DATED this 23rd day of March2023 Richardson Adams, PLLC By Peter J. Page 6 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION OF UNITF]D ELECTRIC CO-OP TO TFIE CITY OF' BURT,EY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the23'd day of March2023,a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FIRST PRODUCTION REUEST and REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION of United Electric Co-op, Inc. was served by electronic means only to: David Shirley, City Attomey City of Burley dshirley@pmt.org Jaxon Munns, Esq. City of Burley, Special Counsel jaxon@murrayziel.com Chris Burdin, Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission chri s.burdin@nuc. idaho. gov Jan Noriyuki, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov Peter Richardson, ISB # 3195 Page 7 FIRST PRODUC'|ION REQUEST AND REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION OF UNI"|ED ELECTRIC CO-OP TO THE CITY OF BURLEY