HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230512AVU to Staff 200 Attachment A.pdf2021 Research Overview Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 1 of 100 Q1 January –March 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 2 of 100 Commissioned: Voice of the Customer Each day, two files are generated and automatically sent to MDC Research;a file of calls received in the Call Center and a file of completed service jobs -both from the previous day.MDC randomly selects customers to survey from each file and must complete 400 surveys per quarter to ac​hieve an error margin of +/-5% at a 95% confidence level. Calls are made in as short of a timeframe as possible to the customer's interaction with Avista. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 3 of 100 VoC: Overall Satisfaction 2021 2020 January 94%96% February 94%96% March 97%93% “On a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 means very unsatisfied and 4 means very satisfied, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the customer service that you received from Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 4 of 100 VoC: Overall Loyalty 2021 2020 January 94%89% February 90%90% March 96%91% “Assume you were given a choice of energy providers, and they all charged the same rates that you are now paying to Avista Utilities.What is the likelihood that you would stay with Avista rather than switch to another energy provider?Please use a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 meaning "very unlikely" and 4 meaning "very likely" that you would stay with avista. verify:how likely would you be to stay with Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 5 of 100 Commissioned: Brand Survey 2020* This study tracks customer perceptions of the Avista brand over several key metrics, including general associations, reputation, and likelihood to recommend. *2020 results received in January 2021Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 6 of 100 •This study tracks customer perceptions of the Avista brand over several key metrics, including general associations, reputation, and likelihood to recommend •Where applicable, significant differences are noted between customers in Idaho and Washington, as well as notable trends from the previous year Brand Survey 2020: Objectives and Methodology •Customers were surveyed at random from Avista customer records, targeted for either phone or web administration •Web outreach was optimized for both desktop/laptop and mobile administration •In total, n=833 surveys were completed in November 2020 (n=433 web | n=400 phone) •Slides are noted where questions were aided vs. unaided Methodology Objectives •All respondents were screened to ensure they are Avista customers, age 18 and older, with responsibility for their household’s budget and bills •In addition, no respondent working as an employee of a telephone, cable, utility, or petroleum company, or a market research firm, or living in a household with such an employee, was permitted to take the survey •Data have been weighted to match previous years’ breakouts, and to ensure an equal sampling by state •The total sample size of n=833 has a maximum sampling variability of +/-3.4% at the 95% confidence level; the sample sizes of n=417 for each state have a maximum sampling variability of +/-4.8% •The full dataset was coded into the existing code frame from previous years •In 2019, some web questions were also adjusted to be self-administered in a truly unaided fashion •In 2020, customer service experience questions were added to both phone and web surveysStaff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 7 of 100 Brand Survey 2020 •Majority of respondents (58%) have not contacted us in the last year (or don’t recall) •More than 8 in 10 who recall contact were satisfied (85%) •Overall Satisfaction increased from 78% (2019) to 85% (2020) •75% say they would stay with us if provided with another option •80% believe Avista’s reputation is positive •NPS: 74% would likely recommend Avista to others Link to Brand Survey DocumentStaff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 8 of 100 Brand Survey 2020 •Customers most frequently associate electricity and power with Avista •93% believe Avista provides a valuable service in their everyday life •When provided with two contrasting words, customers believe Avista to be: •Friendly •Environmentally responsible •To have a good reputation Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 9 of 100 Commissioned: Foresee Web Satisfaction Survey ForeSee has been providing Avista with website survey services since 2006. Each month about 400 randomly selected myavista.com customers complete a survey about their website experience, confidence in Avista and general demographic questions. ForeSee consolidates these “voice of the customer” survey responses into detailed reports that include verbatim customer comments, metrics on overall website satisfaction and benchmarking against other utilities and industries. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 10 of 100 Foresee: Combined Web Satisfaction 2021 2020 January 75%*81% February 81%78% March 82%83% Combined Website Satisfaction –both Desktop and Mobile. *Lower score than normal due to the myavista.com outage that prevented customers from being able to report electric outages during the January 2021 Windstorm. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 11 of 100 Avista Advisors This onl​ine panel is c​​omprised of a group of Avista customers who have agreed to share their feedback through [up to] two short surveys each m​onth. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 12 of 100 Avista Advisor Demographics* 3% 9% 30%57% Credit Code 0 1 2 3 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Both Electric Gas 54% 30% 16% Service Type 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% WA ID OR 62% 29% 9% Location 0%20%40%60% Less than 6 months 6 months to less than 1… 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 10 or more years 0% 4% 10% 13% 13% 59% Years as an Avista Customer 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Female Male Other 55% 43% 2% Gender 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 65+55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 24%26% 21% 17% 11% 1% Age *Last updated: April 2021Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 13 of 100 Survey: Safety Awareness: Call Before You Dig Requested By: Safety Department Purpose: To understand the level of our customers’ awareness in order to help inform how we communicate about this program. Fielded: 1/5-1/12 Participants: 373 Key Findings •Most respondents were aware of and understood the terms Hand-Digging and Locate •Only 6% of respondents were familiar with the term Private Locate January 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 14 of 100 Survey: Bill Messages Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To understand what customers notice and find valuable when reviewing their bill in order to focus our efforts. Fielded: 2/12-2/26 Participants: 430 Key Findings •57% of respondents are enrolled in Paperless Billing •64% of Paperless Billing customers visit our website to view their bill and are looking at the following areas: -73% -Amount Due -64% -Total Balance -63% -Electric Detail (Meter Read, Usage Amount, etc) -42% -Due Date -16% -Bill Messages •42% of respondents receive a Paper Bill in the mail •Respondents who receive a Paper Bill are looking at the following areas: -85% -Amount Due -72% -Electric Detail (Meter Read, Usage Amount, etc) -63% -Total Balance -58% -Due Date -19% -Bill Messages •Usage Comparison (to previous month/year/average) wasn’t a response option but several respondents utilized the write in option to state they look at this area as well. •8% of Paperless Billing respondents •7% of Paper Bill respondents February 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 15 of 100 Survey: Safety Awareness: Safe and Sound Requested By: Graham Smith Purpose: To better understand customer willingness to pay for a monthly service. Fielded: 3/9-3/16 Participants: 309 Key Findings •32% would be willing to pay for a monthly service •Of those willing to pay: •83% are willing to pay $5/month or less •14% are willing to pay $10/month •3% are willing to pay $15/month March 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 16 of 100 Survey: Value vs. Value Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To differentiate how our customers value the services we provide (gas, electric and products) versus if they feel valued as a customer. Fielded: 3/18-3/25 Participants: 237 Key Findings* on next several slides March 2021 *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 17 of 100 What comes to mind when you think about Value of a Service? March 2021 Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100% What you get for the price •Cost 41% •Reliability 14% •Versus 11% •Quality 10% Customer Service you receive •Customer Service 24% •Time 18% •Response 9% •Ease 6% Need •Necessity 7% 0%20%40%60% Ease Necessity Response Quality Versus Reliability Time Customer Service Cost 6% 7% 9% 10% 11% 14% 18% 24% 41% Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 18 of 100 What comes to mind when you think about Value of a Product? March 2021 What you get for the price •Cost 56% •Quality 29% •Verses 12% •Longevity 9% •Reliability 8% •Fair 6% Expected Value •Worth 9% •Meets expectations 8% Need •Necessity 9% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60% Fair Reliability Meets Expectations Necessity Worth Longevity Versus Quality Cost 6% 8% 8% 9% 9% 9% 12% 29% 56% Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 19 of 100 Think of the businesses at which you shop… What Actions do they take that make you feel valued? March 2021 Provide good Customer Service •Customer Service 15% •Greet me [by name] 10% •Listen to me 9% •Show Appreciation 7% •Are friendly / polite 8% Provide quality Product •Product [good quality] 14% 0%5%10%15% Friendly / Polite Show Appreciation Listen to me Greet me [by name] Product Customer Service 4% 7% 9% 10% 14% 15% Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 20 of 100 When you think of the value that Avista brings to you, what comes to mind? March 2021 Safe and Reliable Service •Reliability 59% •Safe 3% Customer Service •Quick 12% •Friendly 7% Products •Alerts [Billing / Outage] 4% •Energy savings 4% Price •Price 29% Regulated •Monopoly 8% 0%10%20%30%40%50%60% Safe Alerts Energy Savings Monopoly Friendly Quick Price Reliability 3% 4% 4% 8% 7% 12% 29% 59% Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 21 of 100 When you think about feeling valued as an Avista customer, what comes to mind? March 2021 Good Service •Customer Service 16% •Quick Restoration 10% •Reliability 5% Being Appreciated •[Participating in] Avista Advisors 10% •Communication 8% •You value my money 5% •You listen to me 4% “Nothing, really” •I don’t think about it 22% •Monopoly [I just feel like a captive customer] 5% 0%5%10%15%20%25% You listen to me Monopoly You value my money Reliability Communication Avista Advisors Quick Restoration Customer Service I don't think about it 4% 5% 5% 5% 8% 10% 10% 16% 22% Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 22 of 100 What actions can Avista take to demonstrate that we value you? March 2021 “Nothing, really” •Continue what you are doing 19% •Can’t think of anything 8% Provide good Customer Service •Customer Service 20% Provide clean, reliable power •Clean Energy 10% •Reliable Power 6% Keep rates low •Lower rates 6% •Don’t raise rates 5% Keep us informed •Communication 6%0%5%10%15%20% Don't raise rates Lower rates Communication Reliable Power Can't think of anything Clean Energy Continue what you are doing Customer Service 5% 6% 6% 6% 8% 10% 19% 20% Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 23 of 100 How does your involvement in the Avista Advisor group add value to your experience as an Avista customer? March 2021 Avista is interested •You are listening [to me] 31% •You are interested [in what I’m saying] 27% •You are trying [to do better] 9% I have a voice •I’m providing my opinion 50% •I’m helping 16% I’m not sure you actually use this information •I provide information but can’t see what you’re doing with it / I hope you’re actually doing something with this information [15%] I’m in the know •I’m more aware of what Avista is doing / I have enhanced knowledge / It let’s me know your commitments and plans for improvement [13%] 0%10%20%30%40%50% You are trying I'm in the know I'm not sure you use this info I'm helping You are interested You are listening I'm providing my opinion 9% 13% 15% 16% 27% 31% 50% Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100%Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 24 of 100 What can we do to add value to your involvement in the Avista Advisors group? March 2021 Avista Advisor Survey: Value vs. Value | *Categories were pulled from verbatim responses –percentages may exceed 100% Give us credit •Implement ideas and announce that Avista Advisors provided them / Show us what impact our ideas have had on Avista [28%] Listen to us •Ask us about things that matter –rates, policies, etc / I don’t feel like my feedback is always received [21%] Reward us •Offer discounts, rebates, gift cards, etc [19%] Nothing •Nothing / I’m just trying to help / I do it for my own satisfaction [9%]0%5%10%15%20%25%30% Nothing Reward us Listen to us Give us credit 9% 19% 21% 28% Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 25 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment •2019: 1,012 Members [Gained 1,040, Lost 28]•2020: 1,739 Members [Gained 771, Lost 44]•First targeted recruitment: Email Campaign(s) targeted lower credit codes (0,1,2)•2021: 1,710 Members [Gained 1, Lost 30] •Throughout recruitment, the variables below remain fairly consistent with our actual customer demographics [without a concerted effort] 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Both Electric Gas 54% 30% 16% Service Type 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% WA ID OR 62% 29% 9% Location 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Female Male Other 55% 43% 2% Gender Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 26 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment 3% 9% 30%57% Credit Code 0 1 2 30%20%40%60% Less than 6 months 6 months to less than 1… 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 10 or more years 0% 4% 10% 13% 13% 59% Years as an Avista Customer 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 65+55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 24%26% 21% 17% 11% 1% Age Purpose: To round out the member demographics in order to obtain feedback from all customer groups. Goal: To recruit more people who: •Have been customers for less than 5 years •Have a lower Credit Code (0,1,2) •Are under the age of 45 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 27 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment Purpose: Targeted people under the age of 45 who have been Avista customers for less than 5 years. Fielded: 3/8-3/18 Participants: 52 Recruited: 0 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 28 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment Next Steps… •Utilize Trove* data to target: •Low-Income customers •Customers under the age of 45 •May then decide to open up remaining seats to anyone willing to participate •Current Member Count: 1,710 •Available Seats: ~790 *Trove is an external vendor that provides customer demographic informationStaff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 29 of 100 Survey Monkey This online tool is used for both internal and external feedback as needed. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 30 of 100 Survey: IRP Public Meeting Post Event Survey Requested By: James Gall Purpose: To gather information from customers who registered to attend the virtual Integrated Resource Planning public meeting in order to design future meetings. Fielded: 3/4-3/15 Participants: 159 Key Findings: •Meeting was a success –98% said they would attend again! •People prefer evening meetings –but recording it and promptly posting it is important •Customers want to interact with us either in chat or email (vs verbally) •Breakout sessions need improvement •Someone to monitor and answer questions in the chat would be nice •Other ideas should be discussed March 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 31 of 100 Survey: My Clean Energy Requested By: Joy Fryer Purpose: To assess year over year progress and capture insights on how we might continue to increase value to our My Clean Energy subscribers. Fielded: 3/15-3/22 Participants: 242 March 2021 Net Promoter Score (NPS) 2021 31 2020 28 2019 4 Key Findings: Net Promoter Score has increased each year –most likely as a result of these changes: •Refined messaging •Repositioned product to simplify the value proposition •Rebranded the program •Introduced an environmental calculator to help customers quantify their impact Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 32 of 100 Q2 April –June 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 33 of 100 Commissioned: Voice of the Customer Each day, two files are generated and automatically sent to MDC Research;a file of calls received in the Call Center and a file of completed service jobs -both from the previous day.MDC randomly selects customers to survey from each file and must complete 400 surveys per quarter to ac​hieve an error margin of +/-5% at a 95% confidence level. Calls are made in as short of a timeframe as possible to the customer's interaction with Avista. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 34 of 100 VoC: Overall Satisfaction 2021 2020 April 95%95% May 93%98% June 97%98% “On a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 means very unsatisfied and 4 means very satisfied, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the customer service that you received from Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 35 of 100 VoC: Overall Loyalty 2021 2020 April 95%90% May 91%91% June 95%95% “Assume you were given a choice of energy providers, and they all charged the same rates that you are now paying to Avista Utilities.What is the likelihood that you would stay with Avista rather than switch to another energy provider?Please use a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 meaning "very unlikely" and 4 meaning "very likely" that you would stay with avista. verify:how likely would you be to stay with Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 36 of 100 Commissioned: Foresee Web Satisfaction Survey ForeSee has been providing Avista with website survey services since 2006. Each month about 400 randomly selected myavista.com customers complete a survey about their website experience, confidence in Avista and general demographic questions. ForeSee consolidates these “voice of the customer” survey responses into detailed reports that include verbatim customer comments, metrics on overall website satisfaction and benchmarking against other utilities and industries. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 37 of 100 Foresee: Combined Web Satisfaction 2021 2020 April 81%85% May 84%85% June 80%84% Combined Website Satisfaction –both Desktop and Mobile. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 38 of 100 Commissioned: AMI Follow-Up This survey was fielded by MDC Research to gather people’s opinions about their utility service now that AMI installations are complete in Washington. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 39 of 100 AMI Follow-Up: Objectives and Methodology Methodology •Measure awareness and support for smart meters and smart grids among Washington customers •Understand customer perception and experience with smart meter and smart grid technology •Evaluate differences between customers in differing demographic groups, including gender, age, income, and geographic region Region % of Total Sample % of Collected Interviews n Spokane Urban 74%47%678 Rural North 8%12%176 Rural South 2%13%189 Rural West 5%15%219 Pullman Urban 6%8%121 Clarkson Urban 4%5%69 •Total of 1452 surveys (n=600 phone, n=852 web) conducted among Avista Utilities customers between April 8, 2021 and April 23, 2021 •Both phone and surveys had Avista identified as the sponsor •The sample size of n=1452 has a maximum sample variability of +/-2.6% at the 95% confidence level Survey Audience Respondent screening criteria: •18 years or older •Responsible for/sharing responsibility for household finances or budget •Not employed in a sensitive industry (e.g., telephone, cable, or utility company, market research firm, etc.) •Surveys were stratified across the following six geographic regions: Objectives Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 40 of 100 AMI Follow-Up Key Findings: •Smart meter awareness has increased (from 60% in 2019) to 82% in 2021 •Smart grid awareness remained similar (34% to 37%) •Avista mailer or newsletter is the most common source of awareness (53%) •Awareness of smart meter and smart grid is highest among: •Homeowners (87%) •College educated (85%) •Those with household income above 35K (87%) Link to AMI Follow-Up documentStaff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 41 of 100 AMI Follow-Up Key Findings: •When asked about benefits of Smart meters •Being able to view energy use information online •Faster restoration on power outages •Only 20% have accessed smart meter information through the Avista website •Only 44% recall smart meter installation/service interruption Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 42 of 100 Commissioned: Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception This survey was fielded by MDC Research to understand sentiment and attitude towards Electric Vehicles as well as purchase potential and any obstacles of which we should be aware. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 43 of 100 Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception: Objectives and Methodology Methodology •Measure awareness and perception of electric vehicles •Understand customer experience with electric vehicles •Evaluate differences between customers in differing demographic groups, including gender, age, income •Total of 802 surveys (n=400 phone, n=402 web) conducted among Avista Utilities customers between May 7 and May 23, 2021 •Both phone and web surveys were conducted blind •The sample size of n=802 has a maximum sample variability of +/-3.5% at the 95% confidence level Survey Audience Respondent screening criteria: •18 years or older •Responsible for/sharing responsibility for household finances or budget •Not employed in a sensitive industry (e.g., telephone, cable, or utility company, market research firm, etc.) Among respondents, four segments* were identified based on their attitude towards new technologies: •Early adopter: viewed by others as "expert" or "ahead of the curve" when it comes to new tech •Early majority: may not be a full technology expert, but more aware than a general consumer •Mainstream:average when it comes to new technology •Late adopter: "behind the curve" when it comes to new tech, less aware than the average consumer Objectives *Segments detailed on next slideStaff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 44 of 100 Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception Customer Segmentation Early Adopter (9%) •Viewed by others as “expert or “ahead of the curve” when it comes to new technology •Likely to be: •Older •Retired •Rural Early majority (27%) •May not be a full technology expert, but more aware than a general consumer •Likely to be: •Younger •Have a college degree and higher income Mainstream (45%) •Average when it comes to new technology Late Adopter (19%) •“Behind the curve” when it comes to new technology •Less aware than the average consumer •Likely to be: •Older •Retired •Rural Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 45 of 100 Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception Goal: Increase high awareness and positive perception quadrant (from 23% in 2021) to 50% by 2025. High Awareness (47%) (know some or a lot about EVs) Low Awareness (53%) (know little or nothing) Positive Perception (41%) (favorable or very favorable) Neutral to Negative Perception (59%) (neutral, unfavorable, or very unfavorable) Aware of EVs; have a neutral or negative perception Not aware of EVs; have a neutral or negative perception Aware of EVs; have a positive perception Not aware of EVs; have a positive perception 23% 18%33% 25% Consists of Early Majority and Mainstream audiences Though aware of charging stations, these respondents are more likely to say that getting gas is easier/more convenient than charging an EV Consists of Early Majority and Mainstream audiences More likely to be Late Adopters Most likely to say they do not know where public EV charging stations are Mostly consists of Mainstream audience Most likely to say that better knowledge of where/when to charge would make more likely to own an EV This group is the hardest to move to the right quadrant. They are aware of EVs benefits as well as shortcomings, and do not consider EV as an option. This group will greatly benefit from education. It’s the largest group among all four quadrants, and increased awareness has their potential to change their perception of EVs. This group could also benefit from education about EVs in general as well as location and availability of charging stations. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 46 of 100 Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception Key Findings: •Awareness of Electric Vehicles is high (95%) •Only 47% say they know ‘some to a lot’ about Electric Vehicles •4% own or have owned an Electric Vehicle •28% of the people who intend to purchase a vehicle (34%) are likely to get an Electric Vehicle Link to Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception documentStaff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 47 of 100 Electric Vehicle Awareness and Perception Key Findings: •When asked about Advantages of Electric Vehicles •Environmentally friendly •Quieter •When asked about Disadvantages of Electric Vehicles •Short range •Expensive •Charging Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 48 of 100 Avista Advisors This onl​ine panel is c​​omprised of a group of Avista customers who have agreed to share their feedback through [up to] two short surveys each m​onth. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 49 of 100 Avista Advisor Demographics* 3% 9% 30% 57% Credit Code 0 1 2 3 Both Electric Gas 54% 30% 16% Service Type WA ID OR 62% 29% 9% Location 0%20%40%60% Less than 6 months 6 months to less… 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 10 or more years 0% 4% 10% 13% 13% 59% Years as an Avista Customer Female Male Other 55% 43% 2% Gender 65+55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 24%26% 21% 17% 11% 1% Age *Updated: April 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 50 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment •April 2021: 1,707 [Gained 3, Lost 6] •May 2021: 2,714 [Gained 1,013, Lost 6] •05-03: Targeted recruitment: Email Campaign targeted lower age group (18-24) •05-18: Email Campaign sent to all ages •June 2021: 2,691 [Gained 17, Lost 40] Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 51 of 100 Avista Advisor Demographics* Both Electric Gas 54% 30% 16% Service Type *Updated: June 2021 | Demographics only changed slightly | For the most recent demographics visit the Avista Advisor Avenue Page 65+55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 32% 26% 19%15% 8% 1% Age Less than 6 months 6 months to less… 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 10 or more years 0% 2% 7% 13% 13% 64% Years as an Avista Customer Washington Idaho Oregon 62% 29% 9% Location Female Male Other 51%47% 2% Gender 4% 10% 30% 57% Credit Code 0 1 2 3 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 52 of 100 Survey: Energy Efficiency Awareness Requested By: Colette Bottinelli Purpose: To understand how our customers interact and utilize energy efficiency options. Fielded: 4/27-5/4 Participants: 304 Key Findings •63% of respondents were familiar with Avista’s current Energy Efficiency rebate programs •Only 4% haven’t don’t anything to conserve energy in their home•Most respondents (83%) have seen messages from Avista about ways to save energy •Motivation to utilize programs is mostly to lower bills (59%) and be more efficient (54%)•Main reasons for not utilizing programs is because they don’t have enough information/haven’t done enough research (43%) or can’t afford to upgrade (32%) April 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 53 of 100 Survey: Bill Inserts May 2021 Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To understand what customers find valuable or interesting in the information that comes in the envelope or email they receive each month. Fielded: 5/26-6/2 Participants: 1,067 Next three slides will show results separately for: •55% of respondents are enrolled in Paperless Billing •44% of respondents receive a Paper Bill in the mail •1% chose Other (bill pay service, etc) Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 54 of 100 Survey: Bill Inserts –Paperless Billing (55%) Key Findings •Respondents who receive a Paperless Bill recall receiving the following information: -45% -Energy Efficiency Information -38% -Nothing, only look at bill -36% -Safety Information -33% -Rate Information -26% -Bill Assistance •When asked what they do when they receive a Newsletter with their bill: •71% do a quick scan -Headlines/stories (85%) | Pictures (10%) •21% read to understand it -Headlines/Stories (52%) | Expect to get important info from Avista (45%) | Rates Information (43%) •8% throw it away -Don’t have time (30%) | Already seen/know (28%) | Don’t expect to get important info from Avista (22%) •When asked what they do when they receive a Bill Insert with their bill: •63% do a quick scan -Headlines/stories used (80%) | Pictures (11%) •21% read to understand it -Safety Information (63%) | Headlines (50%) | Expect to get important info from Avista (38%) •16% throw it away -Already seen/know (48%) | Doesn’t look interesting (27%) | Don’t have time (11%) May 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 55 of 100 Survey: Bill Inserts –Paper Bill (44%) Key Findings •Respondents who receive a Paper Bill recall receiving the following information: •70% -Energy Efficiency information •64% -Safety Information •58% -Rate Information •41% -Bill Assistance •36% -Appliance Rebate Information •When asked what they do when they receive a Newsletter with their bill: •63% do a quick scan -Safety Information (65%) | Rates Information (57%) | Headlines (55%) | Expect to get important info from Avista (55%) •24% read to understand it -Headlines/Stories (86%) | Pictures (11%) •13% throw it away -Already seen/know (39%) | Doesn’t look interesting (36%) | Don’t have time (27%) •When asked what they do when they receive a Bill Insert with their bill: •61% do a quick scan -Headlines/stories used (83%) | Pictures (13%) •23% read to understand it -Safety Information (72%) | Rate Information (50%) | Expect to get important info from Avista (50%) | Headlines (49%) •16% throw it away -Don’t expect to get important info from Avista (51%) | Doesn’t look interesting (34%) May 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 56 of 100 Survey: Bill Inserts –Other (1%) Key Findings •Respondents who chose Other recall receiving the following information: •40% -Energy Efficiency information •30% -Safety Information •30% -Rate Information •30% -Nothing, only look at bill •When asked what they do when they receive a Newsletter with their bill: •70% do a quick scan -Headlines (86%) | Don’t know (14%) •20% read to understand it -Expect to get important info from Avista (50%) | Promos / Enter to Wins (50%) | Rate Information (50%) •10% throw it away -Don’t expect to get important info from Avista (100%) •When asked what they do when they receive a Bill Insert with their bill: •60% do a quick scan -Headlines/stories used (67%) | Pictures (33%) •20% read to understand it -Safety Information (100%) | Rate Information (100%) -Expect to get important info from Avista (50%) | Headlines (50%) | Pictures (50%) | Promos / Enter to Wins (50%) •20% throw it away -Already seen/know (51%) | Doesn’t look interesting (50%) May 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 57 of 100 Survey: Member Re-Engagement Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To purge members who are not actively engaged and make room for new members. Fielded: 6/11-6/26 Participants: 116 *This survey was sent to (629) members who hadn’t participated in a survey in several months Next two slides will show results separately for: •79% stated they wanted to Continue Membership (92 members) •21% stated they wanted to End Membership* (24 members) June 2021 *Members were purged in July 2021 (24 who requested as well as those who did not respond to the survey)Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 58 of 100 Survey: Member Re-Engagement –Continue Membership (79%) Key Findings •Respondents who chose to Continue Membership stated the following would improve their experience: •28% –Contact me more often •4% –Contact me less often •33% –Give me more time to complete the surveys •27% –Send shorter surveys •20% –Something Else •Haven’t seen/forget about the email invites •Would like the word “survey” to be included in the email subject line •Would like text notifications •9% –Ask about topics I’d find more interesting •Environmental •Technology •County specific •Pricing/Affordability/Saving customers money •Natural Gas plan •Incentives •Solar June 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 59 of 100 Survey: Member Re-Engagement –End Membership (21%) Key Findings •Respondents who chose to End Membership stated the following would improve their experience: •8% –Contacted me less often •33% –Asked about topics I’d have found more interesting •13% –Given me more time to complete the surveys •50% –Something else -Just too busy/didn’t have time -Don’t check email often enough -Not interested -No longer an Avista customer June 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 60 of 100 Survey: Getting to Know You –Spring 2021 Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To learn about customers’ heating behaviors. Fielded: 6/16-6/30 Participants: 733 Key Findings •52% of respondents wait until it’s consistently warmer to “turn off the heat” for the season •22% turn off the heat the first day it warms up enough •65% of respondents need it to be 61-70 degrees outside to feel comfortable without heat inside •Once heat is “off” for the season: •66% keep it off for the most part but turn it on if it gets cold enough •18% keep it off until Fall no matter what •16% turn it back on any day it gets kind of chilly June 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 61 of 100 Survey Monkey This online tool is used for both internal and external feedback as needed. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 62 of 100 Survey: Budget Alerts Requested By: Matt Halloran Purpose: To get feedback on the Budget Alert Customer Experience Fielded: 4/12-4/19 Participants: 69 *This survey was sent to (approximately 800) customers who were enrolled in Budget Alerts Key Findings •NPS score is 35 •68% of respondents stated that Budget Alerts helped them avoid bill related surprises •55% believe Budget Alerts helped drive changes in their energy use behavior •78% believe Bill Projections were accurate enough to inform when their usage was trending higher than desired •75% said “within $20” is accurate enough to help inform their monthly budget April 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 63 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: June 17, 2021 Meeting Follow-Up Requested By: Annette Brandon Purpose: To understand how customers think about their communities today and how the transition to clean electricity could help shape a more equitable future Fielded: 6/23-6/30 Participants: 9 *This survey was sent to (36) people who attended the June 17, 2021 CEIP meeting Key Findings •Meeting time was appropriate but could have been a little shorter •Most were able to use Zoom technology with no problems •Suggestions: •Use a polling feature during these meetings •Use measurable indicators to shape Avista’s actions •Work with trusted organizations in the community to gather more participation •Refrain from using “industry language” during these meetings/include definitions June 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 64 of 100 Q3 July –September 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 65 of 100 Commissioned: Voice of the Customer Each day, two files are generated and automatically sent to MDC Research;a file of calls received in the Call Center and a file of completed service jobs -both from the previous day.MDC randomly selects customers to survey from each file and must complete 400 surveys per quarter to ac​hieve an error margin of +/-5% at a 95% confidence level. Calls are made in as short of a timeframe as possible to the customer's interaction with Avista. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 66 of 100 VoC: Overall Satisfaction 2021 2020 July 97%98% August 95%99% September 95%97% “On a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 means very unsatisfied and 4 means very satisfied, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the customer service that you received from Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 67 of 100 VoC: Overall Loyalty 2021 2020 July 94%94% August 94%94% September 90%95% “Assume you were given a choice of energy providers, and they all charged the same rates that you are now paying to Avista Utilities.What is the likelihood that you would stay with Avista rather than switch to another energy provider?Please use a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 meaning "very unlikely" and 4 meaning "very likely" that you would stay with avista. verify:how likely would you be to stay with Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 68 of 100 Commissioned: Foresee Web Satisfaction Survey ForeSee has been providing Avista with website survey services since 2006. Each month about 400 randomly selected myavista.com customers complete a survey about their website experience, confidence in Avista and general demographic questions. ForeSee consolidates these “voice of the customer” survey responses into detailed reports that include verbatim customer comments, metrics on overall website satisfaction and benchmarking against other utilities and industries. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 69 of 100 Foresee: Combined Web Satisfaction 2021 2020 July 84%86% August 84%86% September 81%82% Combined Website Satisfaction –both Desktop and Mobile. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 70 of 100 Avista Advisors This onl​ine panel is c​​omprised of a group of Avista customers who have agreed to share their feedback through [up to] two short surveys each m​onth. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 71 of 100 Avista Advisor Demographics* *Updated: October 2021 | For the most recent demographics visit the Avista Advisor Avenue Page 65+55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 37% 27% 18% 13% 5% 0% Age 1% 3%15% 81% Credit Code Less than 6 months 6 months to less than 1… 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 10 or more years 0% 2% 6% 13% 12% 68% Years as an Avista Customer WA ID OR 63% 26% 11% Location Both Electric Gas 61% 20%19% Service Type Male Female Other 49%49% 2% Gender Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 72 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment •July 2021: 2,177 [Gained 3, Lost 517] 517 were purged after the Member Re-Engagement Survey (fielded in June) •August 2021: 2,177 [Gained 1, Lost 1] •September 2021: 2,173 [Gained 0, Lost 5] Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 73 of 100 Survey: Prior Notification Postcards Requested By: David Vowels Purpose: To gather input from customers in order to improve the Prior Notification Postcards. Fielded: 7/27-8/3 Participants: 697 Key Findings •35% of respondents recognize the intent of the postcard immediately •21% notice the type of project or work being done •57% read through to understand further •91% prefer a bulleted format •81% prefer less wording •47% prefer the postcard •42% would like an email •Several respondents inquired about the possibility of more than one notification and/or text July 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 74 of 100 Survey: Safety Awareness: Preparedness Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To gauge how prepared customers are for an emergency or natural disaster. Fielded: 9/22-9/30 Participants: 672 Key Findings •49% say they are prepared for a multiple day outage –preparation plans vary: •58% have enough non-refrigerated food to last several days •57% have lanterns or flashlights •44% have an emergency kit with food, water or medicine •39% have a place to go if they are without power for a prolonged period •25% have an emergency plan •7% do nothing to prepare September 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 75 of 100 Survey: Safety Awareness: Preparedness Key Findings •The most common concerns are around heating/cooling (66%), food spoilage (59%) and needing electricity to run appliances (53%) •Other concerns include: •33% not being able to charge a cell phone or other technology •32% not having access to the internet •32% not having light •23% not being able to use a computer •47% of respondents have already signed up to receive information about electric power outages September 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 76 of 100 Survey Monkey This online tool is used for both internal and external feedback as needed. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 77 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Customer Benefits Survey Requested By: Annette Brandon Purpose: To better understand customers’ priorities and ideas around CEIP and future planning. Fielded: 7/22-8/03 Participants: 2,601 *This survey was sent to all Washington Electric customers Next five slides will show Key Findings for: •Most significant challenges faced by customers/community •Level of concern for climate change •Most important benefits / concerning challenges •Level of importance and ranking of the following benefits: •Public health •Environmental •Economic •Affordability •How Avista can help customers participate July 2021 •Clean electricity participation •Accessibility •Energy resiliency •Comfort and satisfaction Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 78 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Customer Benefits Survey Key Findings •Most significant challenges faced by customers/community: •57% -Affordable housing •55% -High cost of living •49% -Climate change •36% -Healthcare •32% -Homelessness •Concern for climate change on a scale 1-10: •Average of 7 (neutral) July 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 79 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Customer Benefits Survey Key Findings •Most important potential benefits of the transition to clean energy: •50% -Decrease our reliance on fossil fuels •48% -Reduce climate change impacts •37% -Spend less on my energy bills •32% -Improve the air quality •31% -Bring innovation and technology to my community •Most concerning challenges of the transition to clean energy: •74% -Costs and potential bill increases •57% -Dependability of variable clean electricity sources like wind and solar •51% -Potential environmental impact of source materials for clean energy technology •31% -construction impacts for new electric infrastructure •30% -Potential job loss in industries that depend on fossil fuels July 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 80 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Customer Benefits Survey Key Findings: How important are the following benefits… July 2021 Public health: •46% -Very important •29% -Important •15% -Somewhat important •7% -Not at all important •2% -Unsure Environmental: •52% -Very important •26% -Important •14% -Somewhat important •7% -Not at all important •2% -Unsure Economic: •30% -Very important •39% -Important •22% -Somewhat important •7% -Not at all important •2% -Unsure Affordability: •46% -Very important •32% -Important •15% -Somewhat important •5% -Not at all important •1% -Unsure Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 81 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Customer Benefits Survey Key Findings: How important are the following benefits… July 2021 Clean electricity participation: •37% -Very important •28% -Important •18% -Somewhat important •13% -Not at all important •4% -Unsure Accessibility: •35% -Very important •31% -Important •20% -Somewhat important •11% -Not at all important •4% -Unsure Energy resiliency : •46% -Very important •33% -Important •14% -Somewhat important •4% -Not at all important •3% -Unsure Comfort and satisfaction: •32% -Very important •37% -Important •21% -Somewhat important •8% -Not at all important •2% -Unsure Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 82 of 100 Survey: Clean Energy Implementation Plan: Customer Benefits Survey Key Findings July 2021 Most important values to help the community thrive (in order of ranked importance): 1.Environment 2.Affordability 3.Public health 4.Economic 5.Accessibility 6.Energy resiliency 7.Clean electricity participation 8.Comfort and satisfaction How Avista can help customers participate in clean energy programs: •68% -Provide (or increase) financial incentives for customers to participate •64% -Reduce or remove up-front costs •56% -Help me understand if I qualify for programs •37% -Help me understand the benefits of participating •36% -Simplify the application process •26% -Design programs for people who rent their homes •24% -have an Avista employee assist with the application process •14% -Other Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 83 of 100 Q4 October –December 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 84 of 100 Commissioned: Voice of the Customer Each day, two files are generated and automatically sent to MDC Research;a file of calls received in the Call Center and a file of completed service jobs -both from the previous day.MDC randomly selects customers to survey from each file and must complete 400 surveys per quarter to ac​hieve an error margin of +/-5% at a 95% confidence level. Calls are made in as short of a timeframe as possible to the customer's interaction with Avista. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 85 of 100 VoC: Overall Satisfaction 2021 2020 October 97%98% November 98%94% December 96%95% “On a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 means very unsatisfied and 4 means very satisfied, how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the customer service that you received from Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 86 of 100 VoC: Overall Loyalty 2021 2020 October 94%93% November 96%90% December 93%95% “Assume you were given a choice of energy providers, and they all charged the same rates that you are now paying to Avista Utilities.What is the likelihood that you would stay with Avista rather than switch to another energy provider?Please use a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 meaning "very unlikely" and 4 meaning "very likely" that you would stay with avista. verify:how likely would you be to stay with Avista Utilities?” Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 87 of 100 Commissioned: Foresee Web Satisfaction Survey ForeSee has been providing Avista with website survey services since 2006. Each month about 400 randomly selected myavista.com customers complete a survey about their website experience, confidence in Avista and general demographic questions. ForeSee consolidates these “voice of the customer” survey responses into detailed reports that include verbatim customer comments, metrics on overall website satisfaction and benchmarking against other utilities and industries. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 88 of 100 Foresee: Combined Web Satisfaction 2021 2020 October 83%84% November 85%84% December 84%84% Combined Website Satisfaction –both Desktop and Mobile. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 89 of 100 Avista Advisors This onl​ine panel is c​​omprised of a group of Avista customers who have agreed to share their feedback through [up to] two short surveys each m​onth. Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 90 of 100 Avista Advisor Demographics* *Updated: January 2022 | For the most recent demographics visit the Avista Advisor Avenue Page 65+55-64 45-54 35-44 25-34 18-24 37% 27% 18%13% 5% 0% Age Male Female Other 49%49% 2% Gender Less than 6 months 6 months to less than 1… 1 to 2 years 3 to 5 years 6 to 9 years 10 or more years 0% 2% 5% 13% 12% 68% Years as an Avista Customer WA ID OR 63% 26% 11% Location Both Electric Gas 62% 20%19% Service Type 1% 3% 15% 81% Credit Code 0 1 2 3 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 91 of 100 Avista Advisor: Recruitment and Attrition •October 2021: 2,165 [Gained 0, Lost 8] •November 2021: 2,148 [Gained 0, Lost 17] •December 2021: 2,139 [Gained 1, Lost 10] Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 92 of 100 Survey: Public Safety Power Shutoff Requested By: Veronica Soules Purpose: To gauge customer awareness of Public Safety Power Shutoffs. Fielded: 10/18-10/25 Participants: 883 Key Findings •37% of respondents had heard the term Public Safety Power Shuttoff before •When presented with three options of what the term means, 82% chose correctly •71% support the idea in order to help prevent wildfires •Most respondents would prefer notification 1-5 days prior to a PSPS event •47% would prefer 1-2 days prior notification •42% would prefer 3-5 days prior notification •Most respondents (52%) would expect follow-up communication at least once a day •Most respondents (70%) would prefer communication via text/SMS October 2021 Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 93 of 100 Survey: Public Safety Power Shutoff Key Findings •Respondents were then asked to rank their top three choices… “If you know the utility is shutting the power off voluntarily to help prevent a wildfire, what matters most to you in that type of situation?” October 2021 Ranked #1 Ranked #2 Ranked #3 Having time to prepare 34%13%13% Heating / Cooling 20%27%15% Food / Water 19%27%20% Medical Equipment 7%4%4% Vulnerable Family Members 4%5%7% Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 94 of 100 Survey: Tree Trimming and Outages November 2021 Requested By: Celena Mock Purpose: To get a general idea of their understanding around responsibility to maintain or repair equipment. Fielded: 11/01-11/08 Participants: 729 Customers were presented with this diagram and asked a series of questions Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 95 of 100 Survey: Tree Trimming and Outages November 2021 “Who is responsible for this area?” [Avista, Communication Company, Customer] Percentage of respondents who answered correctly in each area: •A: 91% •B: 65% •C: 46% •D: 69% Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 96 of 100 Survey: Tree Trimming and Outages November 2021 85% of respondents said the labeled diagram made it clear who is responsible for which equipment Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 97 of 100 Survey: Tree Trimming and Outages November 2021 Updated diagram based on respondent feedback Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 98 of 100 Survey: Weatherization –Part I Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To measure customer behavior and awareness of energy efficiency and weatherization measures. Fielded: 11/23-11/30 Participants: 710 November 2021 Key Findings Many respondents practice several energy efficient behaviors: •89% keep their refrigerator and freezer full •70% do not have air leaks around external doors •40% keep their hot water heater set between 115-120 degrees Fahrenheit •38% use plastic film or insulated drapes •29% use outlet insulators Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 99 of 100 Survey: Weatherization –Part II Requested By: Corporate Communications Purpose: To measure customer behavior and awareness of energy efficiency and weatherization measures. Fielded: 12/15-12/22 Participants: 662 December 2021 Key Findings Respondents to this survey let us know: •90% clean their lint filter after every load that comes out of the dryer •61% use a ventilation fan when steam / moisture is present •41% use cool / cold water in their washing machine Staff_PR_200 Attachment A Page 100 of 100