HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230512AVU to Staff 199 Attachment B.pdfManager Report AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. Nov 22, 2022 1 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 1 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 LETTER FROM THE CEO Hello, Thank you for all your support with the 2022 Employee Experience Survey. We received 73% participation rate, which is our best yet. This year’s overall favorability score of 74% is relatively unchanged from the 2019 survey. Our engagement score is 78%, a slight dip from the 80% engagement score in 2019. Overall, I’m encouraged by the survey results and am dedicated to supporting activities that will strengthen our collective culture and sense of belonging. Your employee experience survey results are reflective of the business area you lead. This information will help you understand more about the nuances of your business unit compared to Avista overall and can assist in business-unit level action planning. As reminder, all employee ratings and comments are strictly confidential. Vice President, Director, and Manager reports were only generated for teams with at least 5 or more responses and to further protect employee anonymity and confidentiality, manager reports do not include verbatim responses. Your report contains Overall results for your specific area Engagement scores and descriptions Response information for all survey items Tips on how to make sense of the data and to prioritize focus areas Suggestions that will help you get started on action-planning Your HR Manager will also be available to help you interpret these results and support you and your team with survey follow-up. A detailed presentation about our company’s results will be provided in Q1 of 2023 to all employees and will shed light on where we’re performing well and where we need to make improvements. We will also be working on overall strategies for high priority themes common across the company. Thanks to each of you who took the time to support and to participate in the 2022 Employee Experience Survey. Sincerely, Dennis 2 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 2 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 ENGAGING PEOPLE GUIDANCE FOR MANAGERS Look for Themes – As you read through this report, look for themes of strength and opportunity. What is going well? What are the areas that need improvement? Your highest- and lowest-scoring questions will often help you identify strengths and opportunities. Be Curious – Adopt an attitude of curiosity. The feedback from your employees may at times be a little confusing or perhaps difficult to read as the manager of the team. Pay attention to your own emotions. If something in the report makes you upset, try to move quickly to an attitude of curiosity. Ask yourself questions, like why are my employee’s feeling this way? What can I do to help create a more positive experience? Do not try to identify the individuals behind the feedback or plan some form of retaliation. Focus on 1 or 2 Areas of Improvement - The most successful managers work with their teams to identify and prioritize one or two areas to work on at a time. Focusing on too many things will dilute your efforts and lead to frustration. You don’t have to improve every single low scoring area in your team’s results, but you should work diligently to improve one or two areas that will have a positive impact on your team’s experience. The way in which your employees engage in their work is critical to your organization’s success. True employee engagement is an emotional state where employees feel passionate, energetic, and committed toward their work. When employees are engaged, they invest more of themselves in their work in order to deliver for your team and the organization. When employees engage, great things happen. This report contains your team’s employee survey results. When employees provide their feedback through an organizational survey, they expect to be heard and understood by their leaders. As a manager, you greatly influence many aspects of the work experience. The information in this report presents a unique opportunity for you to understand and improve your team’s employee engagement. 3 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 3 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 OVERALL The overall score represents a combined percentage of all items on the survey that were responded to favorably (Agree or Strongly Agree) by your team. This is an important number for comparing your team's results to the overall company results, as well as for tracking progress year-over-year. Pay attention throughout the rest of your report for questions that are above or below this average score. SCORE CALCULATION: Survey item responses are grouped into the following categories: Favorable (Agree or Strongly Agree), Neutral, and Unfavorable (Disagree or Strongly Disagree). Grouping of item responses allows you to gauge the overall tone and sentiment of your team. OVERALL74% 0 from Avista Overall PARTICIPATION Participation is one measure of success for an employee survey. Your participation number tells you how many team members felt taking the survey was a safe and worthwhile investment of their time. PARTICIPATION73% 1339 of 1826 0 from Avista Overall DIMENSIONS The survey is comprised of different dimensions (or categories) of questions. Each dimension can help you better understand a different element of the employee experience on your team. Favorable Neutral Unfavorable 74%17%9% 79%14%8% 85%11%4% 79%14%7% 67%21%11% 78%17%5% 55%29%16% 79%14%7% ALL QUESTIONS MY JOB MY TEAM MY MANAGER AVISTA CUSTOMER INVENT PERFORM 4 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 4 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 89%8%3% 89%8%3% 89%10%2 85%11%4% 84%10%6% 46%27%27% 49%27%23% 54%28%18% 55%30%15% 57%26%17% HIGH SCORES These are the five survey items across the entire survey with the most favorable responses for your team. Often, these items can help you understand which areas are going well. Consider leveraging these strengths when it comes time to action plan on lower scoring areas. 12. The people I work with treat me with respect. 9. I'm willing to go beyond the requirements of my job to help Avista succeed. 15. I enjoy working with the people on my team. 13. The people on my team collaborate and help each other. 3. I have the freedom to choose how to best perform my job. LOW SCORES These are the five survey items across the entire survey with the fewest favorable responses for your team. These items can help you start to understand which areas might require some attention for improvement. 24. We work effectively across departments and functions. 31. Senior leaders have a clear understanding of what is going on at Avista. 30. Avista values employee input, feedback, and suggestions. 33. Avista is responsive to ideas and suggestions for improvement. 29. Senior Leaders communicate well with all employees about what is going on. 5 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 5 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 TEAM ENGAGEMENT Employee engagement is an emotional state where employees feel passionate, energetic, and committed toward their work. When employees are engaged, they invest more of themselves in the work they do. Certain survey items, called engagement anchor questions, are designed to measure your team's employee engagement directly. Based on an employee’s response to these engagement anchor questions, they are placed into one of four categories of engagement. The chart below shows your team's engagement levels. The overall engagement score combines the two highest engaged groups together. 78% Overall Engagement 27% Fully Engaged This highly-motivated group of employees is characterized by strong discretionary effort, organizational pride, and innovation. (n=360) 51% Key Contributors This satisfied group of employees can be considered the "strong and steady" population heavily represented in most organizations. (n=688) 17% Opportunity Group This highly neutral group is on the fence with regard to the company. This group represents an opportunity to increase engagement. (n=228) 5% Fully Disengaged This group is generally bored and frustrated with work, speaks poorly about leaders, and blames others. (n=63) 6 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 6 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 Three Actions That Put The Functional InCross-Functional Collaborationhttps://employee.xyz/RM9 Six Crucial Behaviors Of CollaborativeLeadershttps://employee.xyz/RMb Develop Your Company’s Cross-FunctionalCapabilitieshttps://employee.xyz/RMc Cultivating Collaboration: Don't Be So Defensive! https://employee.xyz/RMd How To Encourage Cross-Department Collaboration https://employee.xyz/RPV OPPORTUNITIES As a leader it is important to help the team take strategic action on the survey data. Based on your team's results, the following opportunity areas should be considered for improving engagement on your team. Cross Functional Collaboration Cross-functional collaboration is a challenge that is common to most organizations. The root of this challenge is found in competing priorities that exist across departments and the lack of common goals within the organization. A lack of cross-functional effectiveness can lead to a high level of frustration among employees, and ultimately to dissatisfaction. Most organizations who struggle cross-functionally, focus on stronger communication between functions and increasing empathy between departments. Employee Voice When the employee voice is strong, employees feel it is safe to speak up and that their ideas and suggestions will be heard and valued by the organization. This feeling is reinforced when the organization is able to receive employee feedback and take meaningful action. Most employees speak up because they care about their jobs and the organization for which they work. Providing healthy forums for employee ideas fosters a greater sense of belonging and organizational ownership. Diversity & Inclusion To feel included in the group is a basic human need. When employees sense they are being excluded from their team culture for any reason, it is difficult for them to engage. Managers should ensure that their management style and team culture is inclusive to all employees. Work diligently to ensure that employees are treated equally regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religious beliefs, and sexual orientation. CROSS FUNCTIONAL COLLABORATION MEDIA THINK ABOUT Which departments rely upon your team for information? Which departments does your team rely upon for information? How does the rest of the organization perceive your team's ability to work across functions? IDEAS FOR ACTION Build relationships by having regular meetings with managers from other departments. Identify with your team the areas of the business with which they have a high need to collaborate. Identify with your team the key organizational stakeholders of your team. Develop a plan of what your team can do to better serve them. 7 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 7 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe https://employee.xyz/RLJ Four Lessons From Companies That Get Employee Engagement Right https://employee.xyz/RMf 6 Ways Effective Listening Can Make You A Better Leader https://employee.xyz/RMg 5 Ways to Listen Betterhttps://employee.xyz/RMh Employee Voice and Listening To Othershttps://employee.xyz/RPY How to Get Serious About Diversity andInclusion in the Workplacehttps://employee.xyz/RNf Diversity and Inclusion are Driving Force ofFuture of Businesseshttps://employee.xyz/RNh A Culture of Inclusion: PromotingWorkplace Diversity and Belonginghttps://employee.xyz/RNz Diversity and Inclusion https://employee.xyz/RPX EMPLOYEE VOICE MEDIA DIVERSITY & INCLUSION MEDIA THINK ABOUT What is your role in gathering and responding to the input, feedback, and suggestions from the people on your team? How do the members of your team know when their input is valued? What employee suggestions have proven to be valuable to your team? What mechanisms exist for members of your team to provide suggestions to the organization? IDEAS FOR ACTION Provide forums for employees to give their input on how to improve the team. Recognize and reward good suggestions from members of the team. Set the expectation that you will ask for feedback and suggestions in your 1:1 meetings with employees. Close the loop with employees when they provide suggestions. Let them know they have been heard and tell them what you will do with their suggestions. THINK ABOUT Who on your team might be feeling excluded from activities or opportunities? Are you ensuring that each member of your team has equal access to growth and development opportunities? How do the actions of your team members detract from the inclusiveness of your team? Does each member of your team have opportunities to give their input? IDEAS FOR ACTION Look for ways to spread your attention equally to the members of your team. Examine your decision making process when giving opportunities to members of your team. Ensure your decisions are based on fair measures. Provide opportunities to people who generally do not participate in discussions or team meetings to contribute more regularly. 8 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 8 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 WHAT'S NEXT Understanding your survey results and taking meaningful action as a team builds trust, unity, and employee engagement. Do not try to take action alone. Involve others in the process to build buy-in and benefit from others’ energy and ideas. The steps below outline a simple but effective process for sharing your results with your team and involving them in your team's engagement efforts. Review the Results Pay attention to the engagement score, high and low scores, and comparisons to the rest of the company Identify what you and your team are doing well Identify the parts of your team’s experience you would like to improve Share the Results with Your Team Schedule a meeting to share the results of the survey with your team Share survey results openly; look for underlying causes to issues Create a safe environment where people feel comfortable expressing thoughts and opinions Ask questions that invite clarification and exploration Prioritize Opportunities and Create Goals Identify action steps that will make a positive difference for your team Do not attempt to solve all problems at the same time or take on too much Create 1 or 2 goals that address areas you are trying to improve Identify effective ways to measure progress and success Take Action Involve your team in carrying out action plans; Improvement efforts will be more successful if they are shared as a team Communicate with the team as actions are taken Evaluate and Optimize Meet regularly with your team to discuss progress, make adjustments, and celebrate successes Review team progress toward goals Make adjustments to your action plans as needed 9 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 9 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 APPENDIX ITEM FAVORABLE NEUTRAL UNFAVORABLE DIFFERENCE FROM AVISTA OVERALL 1. I have the tools and resources I need to do my job well.79%11%10%0 2. The amount of work I am expected to do is reasonable.74%13%13%0 3. I have the freedom to choose how to best perform my job.84%10%6%0 4. I feel that I can share my ideas without fear of negative consequences.76%12%12%0 5. The level of stress in my job is manageable.69%19%12%0 6. My job provides me with a sense of meaning and purpose.76%17%7%0 7. It is easy to become engaged in my job.82%13%4%0 8. I enjoy the day-to-day work I perform.82%14%4%0 9. I'm willing to go beyond the requirements of my job to help Avista succeed.89%8%3%0 10. Most days, I look forward to doing my job.79%15%6%0 11. Overall, I love my job.75%19%6%0 12. The people I work with treat me with respect.89%8%3%0 13. The people on my team collaborate and help each other.85%11%4%0 14. The people I work with take accountability for results.77%15%8%0 15. I enjoy working with the people on my team.89%10%2%0 16. The people I work with have a passion for doing their best and serving the customer.84%12%4%0 17. My manager communicates important information to the team. 84%10%7%0 18. My manager gives me ongoing feedback about my performance.75%16%9%0 19. My manager supports my efforts to develop and grow.81%13%6%0 20. I trust my manager.80%13%7%0 21. My manager cares about me.82%13%6%0 22. My manager creates a positive and energizing workplace.75%19%7%0 23. I clearly understand what my manager expects of me.80%13%7%0 24. We work effectively across departments and functions.46%27%27%0 25. I understand how my work contributes to the overall vision and goals of Avista.81%14%6%0 26. The vision and goals of Avista are important to me personally. 77%18%6%0 27. I am satisfied with the opportunities for my own professional growth at Avista.67%18%15%0 28. I feel like I belong here.75%17%8%0 29. Senior Leaders communicate well with all employees about what is going on.57%26%17%0 30. Avista values employee input, feedback, and suggestions.54%28%18%0 31. Senior leaders have a clear understanding of what is going on at Avista.49%27%23%0 Survey item responses are grouped into the following categories: Favorable (Agree or Strongly Agree), Neutral, and Unfavorable (Disagree or Strongly Disagree). Grouping of item responses allows you to gauge the overall tone and sentiment of your team. 5 or more points above comparison score 5 or more points below comparison score 10 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 10 of 11 AVISTA Vermillion, Dennis P. (n=1339) Engaging People Manager Report Nov 22, 2022 32. Avista trusts employees to do their jobs.82%13%5%0 33. Avista is responsive to ideas and suggestions for improvement.55%30%15%0 34. I feel comfortable in Avista's culture.68%19%12%0 35. Avista cares about employees.74%18%8%0 36. I am confident that Avista has a successful future.73%20%7%0 37. I would choose to remain with Avista, even if a job with similar pay and benefits were available elsewhere.65%24%12%0 38. I would recommend Avista as a great place to work.76%19%5%0 39. Employees are treated with fairness and respect, regardless of background or position.69%19%12%0 40. Creating an inclusive environment is a top priority for Avista. 69%22%9%0 41. Avista attracts, develops, and retains people with diverse backgrounds.61%28%11%0 42. I receive quality internal customer experience while at work (or from other employees I interact with).72%23%6%0 43. I can report misconduct without fear of retaliation.70%19%12%0 44. I play an important role in Avista's future.73%22%5%0 11 © DecisionWise Staff_PR_199 Attachment B Page 11 of 11