HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230505122 Supplemental Attachment F.pdfAvista Corporation East 1411 Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Page 1 of 15 Exhibit A STATEMENT OF WORK 2022 Wood Pole Management (WPM) R-43884 Project Overview Contractor shall provide labor and equipment (fully fueled and maintained) for the replacement and removal of poles, transformers, cross arms, and miscellaneous line hardware/equipment and as further described below (the “Work” or “Project(s)”) within Avista’s service territory located throughout Washington and Idaho (“Site” or “Work Site”). 1.0 Scope of Work Contractor shall provide the following and will include but not limited to; replacements or installation of wood poles, crossarms, cutouts, lightning arrestors, guying, wildlife guards, avian protection, conductors, and removal of all pre-existing electrical line equipment whether part of the existing line or not, and work may include trench excavation or boring. Some work locations will be inaccessible with wheeled vehicles and may be performed energized or de-energized, depending on the specifics of each location (the “Work” or “Projects”). Contractor may supply up to (7) seven crews for this construction year. Crews will work throughout Avista’s service territory and will be moved from time to time during the construction year. Avista is currently utilizing contract crews during the winter months. The WPM program anticipates completing 389 miles of distribution lines annually with both Avista crews and contract crews. The percentage breakdown on work on those poles is listed in Appendix A and made part of this Scope of Work (SOW). Unit pricing will be used for the work listed in the SOW which is made part of this Agreement. Avista does not guarantee a certain level of Work as budgets and weather vary throughout the construction season. 2.0 Project Task Contractor shall perform all Work in accordance with the Technical Specification, Standards, and Drawings attached to this Statement of Work. Task 1 Replacement of Overhead Distribution Assets. Contractor shall refer to and construct Avista’s electric facilities following the Avista standards listed in the Avista Electric Distribution Overhead and Underground Construction Standards (“Standards”), which are made a part of this Agreement by this reference. Contractor is responsible for obtaining the most current Standards and shall remain up to date on all other construction guidelines. Contractor shall have the applicable Avista’s Standards and Contractors safety manual on the Work Site at all time. Throughout the Project if any authorized changes are made to the Drawings, Contractor shall provide Avista with redline markups of the Drawings depicting the new “as-builts”. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 1 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 2 of 15 Task 2 Removal of Existing Electrical Line Equipment Contractor shall remove all existing line equipment at the work sites, as shown on the drawings, and deliver any equipment or material that is not used or salvaged on the Project to a designated location set by Avista’s Representative. 2.1 Critical Project Start Dates Contract Start Date: February 1, 2022 Contract Completion Date: February 1, 2025 3.0 Material and Services to be supplied 3.1 Items supplied by Avista 3.1.1 Avista shall supply a packing list of materials which shall be used for the Project(s). 3.1.2 Avista shall provide overhead and underground electrical materials as required for each Project. 3.1.3 Avista shall provide Drawings of the Projects. 3.1.4 Avista will dispose of all pole butts that are returned to Avista’s facilities. 3.2 Items supplied by Contractor 3.2.1 Contractor shall provide a communication device in the vehicles with remote internet capability. 3.3 Permits and Right of Way (ROW) 3.3.1 Avista will provide federal, state highway, county, city and railroad permits. Contractor will comply with all requirements listed on the permit. 3.3.2 Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all other permits not specifically called out in the Statement of Work, such as environmental permits and road restriction permits. Contractor shall not start Work until all permits are obtained for the respective Site(s) and filed with the governing agency. Contractor shall be responsible to meet all terms and conditions of the permits. 4.0 Performance Requirements 4.1 Safety 4.1.1 Contractor will be responsible for all fire safety measures and shall carry fire control equipment on all vehicles. If wind gusts or extreme fire conditions occur as determined by the Contractor or local fire authority, Contractor shall shut down Work. Contractor will return to Work when the appropriate fire danger conditions are over or if the appropriate fire warning has been lifted. Contractor shall follow all local fire requirements regarding fire prevention. 4.1.2 Contractor will “blade” the ground and remove combustible vegetative materials before vehicles are used and Work is started in the area. 4.1.3 Hot line holds and line clearances shall be taken as work conditions require following Avista’s Switching and Clearance Procedures in Attachment B. Contractor shall use the electronic HLH form to request the holds. Hot line holds and line clearance taken on Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 2 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 3 of 15 energized lines shall be issued through the local Avista line dispatcher or Spokane Distribution Dispatch. Line clearance taken on transmission lines shall be issued through the Avista System Operator. Current phone numbers for Avista Distribution Dispatch and System Operator are: Distribution Dispatch 509-495-8565 System Operator 800-877-4167 4.1.4 Estimated Restoration Time (ERT) will be communicated to Avista’s Dispatch prior to removing customers from their electric service. The information communicated to Dispatch shall include the time of removal from service and the estimated time for restoration of the service. If the restoration of service is going to be (1) one hour or more EARLIER than originally estimated or (1) one MINUTE or more LATER than originally estimated, the Foreman will communicate the new ERT to the dispatcher as soon as possible and before the 1 hour earlier or 1 minute later limits are reached. 4.1.5 Avista and Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate meetings, which convey electrical information to Contractor’s employees as required under OSHA standards 1910.269. 4.1.6 Contractor shall always, when performing the Work, be aware of the nearest medical facilities. 4.1.7 Contractor’s crews shall always have their up to date safety manual in their possession. 4.1.8 Weather Outages- For the purposes of determining the weather temperatures set below, Contractor shall use the National Weather Service publication as follows: (i) Unless otherwise approved by Avista, Contractor shall not take an outage to a residential area when the school or school district serving that area is under an unplanned closure, such as snow or other inclement weather. The intent of this provision is to recognize that during school closures, children are likely to be home, such that the outage may have an additional impact on Avista’s customers. (ii) If the morning temperature is below 20 degrees but the expected high is going to be above 25 degrees. Contractor shall limit the outages to 4 hours. (iii) Contractor shall not take a residential customer outage when the forecasted high temperature is NOT above 25 degrees, unless Avista provides written approval. Contractor shall coordinate with Commercial customers to accommodate customer’s outage schedule. (iv) Limit planned outages to 2 hours after (12:00PM) Noon when the expected temperature is forecasted to be above 100 degrees unless all customers approve. Commercial outages can be taken at any time that meets the customer’s schedule. 4.1.9 Contractor shall notify in writing to Avista’s Representative the same day of any accidents causing injury, feeder lockout, or damage to material and provide a formal incident report within 72 hours. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 3 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 4 of 15 4.2 Project Specific 4.2.1 Contractor shall provide adequate protection of third party crops. Other vegetation identified by Avista’s Representative at the Work Site shall be protected as well. Contractor shall avoid crop damage. Contractor shall be responsible for compensating third parties for any crop damage that occurs. 4.2.2 Landscaping and grass restoration and replacement will be required as a result of Contractor’s operations, and Contractor shall re-seed with the appropriate grass- mix according to the local governing agency. 4.2.3 Contractor shall minimize the dust at the Work Site and use best management practices, for onsite dust control, on-site material storage practices, and reduce vehicle/speeds. All Contractor vehicles shall travel at or below speed limits. 4.2.4 Contractor may not supply more than four (4) crews at one time at a specific Work Site without prior approval from Avista. 4.2.5 Contractor may not leave poles in the county or city right of way (ROW) for more than two weeks according to the local agency, and Contractor shall not leave poles in farm field access areas. All poles placed in the ROW shall have traffic cones marking the poles and the cones shall be clearly visible to traffic. 4.2.6 Contractor’s employees will have radios and any other means of communication to remain in contact with Avista’s Representative and Avista Dispatch. Avista will supply radios to Contractor. Avista radio and antennae has the correct broadband spectrum to communicate with Avista’s Distribution Dispatch and System Operations (i.e. Tate trunked system). 4.2.7 Contractor shall allow Avista’s radio contractor to install an Avista radio in their vehicles. Contractor shall make arrangements with Avista’s Representative to schedule a time for the radio installation. 4.2.8 Contractor may not always have electrical loop feeding available; outages will need to be minimized and coordinated with the area offices and Avista’s Representative. Please refer to the Prior Notification Request Procedures for scheduling outages provided for in this Statement of Work as Attachment C. 4.2.9 The Contractor shall include at no additional cost to Avista, a General Foreman to coordinate the Contractor’s crews and provide communication to Avista’s Representatives while working on Avista property. The General Foreman shall attend all meetings related to the Project(s). The maximum number of crews a General Foreman may coordinate on Avista property at any one time is (4) four crews unless prior approval is received from an Avista representative. The General Foreman shall have the ability to text and e-mail at the Work Site. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 4 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 5 of 15 4.2.10 If Contractor’s General Foreman for the Project is away from the Avista service territory, then Contractor shall notify the Avista Representative and provide the name of the responsible Foreman for the Work Site. 4.2.11 If Avista allows a Contractor with Avista’s prior written consent to subcontract Work to non-union sub-contractor, Avista may at its sole discretion, request certified payroll and invoices from Contractor. 4.2.12 Avista will not compensate Contractor for labor or equipment during “down time” due to equipment failure or weather. Avista will not compensate Contractor for line patrols, travel time, moving shop, picking up material or job packets, meetings, and any necessary training. All such costs are to be included in the pricing sheet. 4.2.13 Prior to start of Work, Contractor and crew Foreman will be required to attend a pre-job training to review this SOW, specifications, practices, and procedures at no cost to Avista. If new crews are added at a later time such information must be disseminated to the new crew by Contractor. 4.2.14 At the expiration or termination of the Agreement Contractor shall immediately return: ID badges, access cards, company keys, maps, job packets, and radios. 4.2.15 Contractor shall have the ability to communicate, both send and receive daily communications, with Avista such as Work location, job packets, maps, claim documentation, locates, tracking sheets, data transfer, informational updates, updated standards, and safety information. 4.2.16 Contractor shall provide simple transfers on all joint use poles i.e. communications wire and fiber that will take approximately fifteen minutes or less to transfer, for example tangent in-line transfers, even if there are other non-simple transfers that will remain. The old poles with the communications removed shall be pulled and the butt of the pole shall be removed from the ground. If the old pole will take longer to transfer than fifteen minutes, for example, a riser or dead-end structure, Contractor will cut the pole top per Avista’s standards and it will be a LOPP pole and priced as listed in Exhibit B. 4.2.17 Using a Vacuum Truck excavation on lump sum Work/Pricing is NOT a direct pass through cost to Avista. Pass through billing for this excavation method is for Unit Work and only with Prior Approval from Avista’s Representative. 4.2.18 In 2015 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) amended 29 CFR 1926 Subpart V (Transmission & Distribution) and 29 CFR 1910.269 to require Avista as the “Host Employer”, to provide contractors with certain information before Work begins. This information includes the characteristics of installation and conditions related to the safety of the Work to be performed, nominal voltages of lines and equipment, the maximum switching- transient voltages, the presence of hazardous induced voltages, the presence of protective grounds and equipment grounding conductors and the locations of circuits and equipment, including electric supply lines, communication lines and fire protective signaling circuits Contractor shall use and refer to Electrical Contractor Safety Orientation Handbook which is will be provided to the Contractor at the pre-job conference. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 5 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 6 of 15 4.2.19 Contractor shall resolve customer complaints or inquiries within 24 hours and notify Avista as to how the complaint will be resolved within 24 hours. 4.2.20 In snowy conditions Contractor shall use tarps at the Work Site locations to collect loose material and dirt in order to keep the job site clean. 4.2.21 Contractor General Foreman(s) are required to attend weekly call in meetings and shall be required to give updates on progress of jobs, crew status, material issues, customer issues and safety issues. 4.2.22 Contractor shall provide a written weekly schedule which includes the following: feeder name, polygon number, call out number (location of crew), name of crew Foreman working at location, and the date the crew will be working at the callout worksite. 4.2.23 Contractor will have an Avista Representative on site at all times for inspection of work on underground facilities prior to it being covered, if an Avista Representative is not available Contractor shall take pictures and provide them to the Avista Representative. 4.2.24 Avista’s Representative shall have the authority to order Contractor to un-earth Avista’s Facilities or components and repair or replace what fails to meet the Standards. Contractor is responsible for all costs associated with the repair, removal or replacement of the facilities. 4.2.25 Contractor is required within 72 hours of the conclusion of each job packet to provide all redline “as built” drawings. Contractor shall follow Avista’s Redline Guidelines. As-Built (s) missing information will be returned to Contractor to populate at no additional cost to Avista, and retention will not be paid until accepted As-Built(s) have been received. 4.3 Site Access / Site Restoration 4.3.1 Contractor may encounter wetland or rocky conditions in different Sites in which Contractor will be required to remove poles. Contractor shall provide the proper equipment to handle the pole removal from the Sites, and all costs are included in the Pricing Sheet. 4.3.2 Contractor may be required to enter third party properties to access Avista’s facilities. Contractor shall follow the Contractor Property Access Requirements, which is attached as Attachment D 4.3.3 Any additional access to and from the Work Sites across third party property owners shall be obtained by Contractor and Contractor shall be responsible for meeting such requirements of the property owner. 4.3.4 Contractor performing Work may encounter unusual circumstances or situations at the Site that are not covered under this SOW. Under those circumstances, the Contractor and Avista Representative shall come to a written agreement, prior to any Work being performed or eliminated to define the Work and any additional compensation which may be paid to the Contractor or credit that will be applied to Avista. This agreement shall be captured on a Change Order or Work Authorization form and signed by both the Contractor and Avista’s Representative. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 6 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 7 of 15 4.3.5 General working hours should be limited to no more than ten (10) hours per day and four (4) or five (5) days per week, depending on the hours worked in a week. Normal daytime working hours from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM will be expected for the majority of this Work. Avista will not pay overtime rates to Contractor without prior approval from Avista’s Representative. Contractor shall observe Avista’s work schedule including weekends and holidays. 4.3.6 Contractor shall notify Avista’s customers of any schedule outage 24 hours in advance of such service interruption. Contractor shall complete Prior Notification Request form, 48 hours in advanced, located at https://www.myavista.com/prior-notification per Avista’s Prior Notification Process documented in Attachment C. Contractor’s Work must be planned to minimize these outages. Contractor shall avoid scheduling outages at lunch time, and on the day before Thanksgiving and Christmas as a standard practice and per the weather outage guidelines. 4.3.7 Contractor may request Avista to send an Electronic Voice Projection (EVP) message for nine (9) Customers or more. Contractor shall notify Avista’s Customers via door hanger or face to face for eight (8) Customers or less. Contractor shall follow the protocols set in Exhibit F. 4.3.8 All asphalt removal by Contractor will be accomplished according to the local authority and their approved methods. Contractor shall have prior written approval by Avista to cut any asphalt. All backfill material utilized and compaction shall be performed by the Contractor and shall comply with the most recent published governing agency's specifications. 4.3.9 If Asphalt repair is required as part of the prescribed Work. Avista will provide the hot patch repair. Contractor shall compact and apply cold mix as required by the local governing agency and communicate to Avista’s Representative by completing an asphalt cut sheet. 4.3.10 The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the protection of all property corners or survey monuments, whether marked by Avista or not. If Contractor damages or destroys any survey monuments, the Contractor shall have these monuments repaired or replaced by qualified survey personnel at no cost to Avista. 4.3.11 Contractor shall erect any temporary fencing required to protect both stock and vehicular traffic. Any fencing removed by the Contractor during construction shall be re-installed at the same location, and to the approval of the property owner and Avista’s Representative. All fencing costs will be borne by the Contractor. 4.3.12 Contractor shall provide trenches that are flat, and which have smooth surfaces, the trench will have no sharp rocks, large rocks, roots, or debris in close contact with Avista facilities. Avista Representative or inspector at the Work Site will determine if the soil conditions are such that a suitable surface cannot be obtained, and sand padding will be required. Padding installed without Avista approval shall be done at the Contractor's expense. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 7 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 8 of 15 4.3.13 Contractor shall take extra precaution to protect all roadway and pathway surfaces from damage and shall be responsible for all repairs. Backfill shall be compacted to at least 95 percent. 4.3.14 Contractor shall provide workmen who are trained on safety procedures / methods required in performing HDD boring excavation, Contractor shall provide boring according to the Standards and the attached Attachment F. 4.3.15 Contractor shall maintain the Work Site and protect the public by eliminating potential hazards from all roadways, walks, and excavated areas within the Work Site to the satisfaction of the Avista Representative and local governing authorities. 4.3.16 Contractor shall take pre-construction photos at all Work Sites. Contractor shall be responsible for the repair and all associated repair costs, of located or un-located facilities such as but not limited to water pipes, sewer systems, sprinkler systems and underground tanks damaged by the Contractor while performing the Work. 4.3.17 Contractor shall repair all damage to lawns, flowerbeds, trees and shrubs, sprinkler systems, driveways and walking paths, fences, and other landscaped areas to pre- disturbance. Contractor shall contact the property owner within 24 hours and repair the damage within one week. 4.3.18 When Contractor is on the customer’s premise, Contractor shall limit soil disturbance as much as possible by using mats or other low ground pressure alternatives. If landscape damage occurs while clipping new wires, the additional restoration will be included in the price. 4.3.19 Contractor shall photograph and document all areas with potential landscape damage prior to entering any of these areas. Once landscape repair is complete, per approval of Avista’s Representative, Contractor shall submit before and after photographs and documents to Avista’s Representative. 4.3.20 If electricity is required to operate tools or equipment, Contractor shall contact the Avista Representative on the job. In no case will Contractor connect to existing electrical equipment until they have received specific approval from the Avista Representative on the job or local construction office. 4.3.21 Contractor shall complete all defective work within (4) four business days of being notified by Avista’s Representative or agent. Any variation from this practice shall be both agreed to by Contractor’s General Foreman and an Avista Representative. 4.3.22 Contractor may have to use an approved engineered backfill (ie. ¾ inch minus crush), dependent on achieving the correct compaction around newly installed poles. The cost for acquiring, hauling, placement, and compaction of the engineered backfill will be paid under the excavation Unit. Contractor may use native backfill to fill the old vacated pole hole, Contractor shall compact the old vacated pole hole, to prevent settlement of holes. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 8 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 9 of 15 4.3.23 Contractor shall cut off abandon/ unused anchor rods at 2 feet below grade and backfilled, the rest of the rod and anchor are abandoned in place. 4.3.24 Contractor shall provide the following Work: (i) if the Underground (URD) cable is in conduit the URD cable will be pulled and returned to Avista’s investment recovery and the conduit abandoned in place; (ii) if the conductor cable is direct buried it shall be cut off one foot below grade and abandoned in place. 4.3.25 When Contractor is plowing through dry creek beds, Contractor shall maintain the standard depth as stated in the Standards, if Contractor cannot maintain the correct depth required, then Contractor shall trench that portion and price shall be as listed in their unit price for trenching in dirt, (unless rock is encountered). 4.4 Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic Control 4.4.1 Contractor shall be responsible to meet all terms and conditions of the permits. All traffic plans and required permits must be obtained and at the Site before Work begins. 4.4.2 Contractor shall coordinate all flagging and flagging costs shall be included in the lump sum pricing proposals. When Contractor is using Unit rates and with Avista’s Representative approval Contractor may invoice Avista directly for flagging costs. Contractor is responsible to give associated permit number to the flagging company. 4.4.3 Contractor shall provide and maintain suitable temporary walks, passageways, fences or other structures so as to minimize the obstruction or interference with vehicular or pedestrian traffic in public streets, highways, or private right-of-ways, to the satisfaction of the Avista Representative on the job and governing authorities. 4.5 Locates Underground and Overhead Facilities 4.5.1 No excavation will be allowed without proper notification of the One-Call center. Contractor is responsible for calling in locates with the local One-Call center and following all state and county regulations and rules. All locates shall be at Contractor’s expense. 4.5.2 Repair expenses incurred from damage to underground and overhead facilities are the responsibility of the Contractor. If Avista repairs the damage caused by Contractor, the expenses incurred shall be charged to the Contractor or deducted from retention or the invoice. Contractor will be responsible for filling out and submitting the Damage Information Reporting Tool (DIRT) form for any underground damage (Attachment E). 4.6. Material Tools, Crew and Staging Area 4.6.1 Contractor shall coordinate with Avista Representative to pick up and haul materials from Spokane or local Avista stores to the Work Site as designated by Avista’s Representative. Contractor shall take appropriate precautions to protect material in transit, and Contractor shall inventory all material against the Avista material list at the time of material pick up. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 9 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 10 of 15 Contractor shall protect weather sensitive material. Miscellaneous materials will be picked up at the designated office as designated by Avista. All material hauling, including extra materials needed to complete the job shall be at the Contractor’s expense. 4.6.2 Poles will be delivered by Avista to Contractors lay down area or at a site preapproved by Avista’s Representative. If poles are drop shipped all poles delivered need to be verified by Contractor and Avista Representative. The packing slip must be turned in within (2) two business days of receipt. If there is a local Avista warehouse/pole yard within (5) five miles of the laydown yard or job site Contractor will pick up additional poles as needed to complete the job, up to (3) three in quantity and (50) fifty feet in length at no additional cost to Avista. 4.6.3 Contractor shall provide the bunking platform for all poles that are off loaded in the lay down yard. The Work and materials used shall be included in the lump sum or unit price. 4.6.4 Contractor facilities shall be established at close proximity as possible to each Work Site. Shop trailers may be required to meet written Work regulations or governing standards, and this requirement will be at the Contractor's expense, including moving on and off the Work Sites. 4.6.5 Contractor will secure a separate “Staging Area” for each Avista Program, which includes a locked fenced material area, unless approved otherwise by Avista. Contractor shall not leave materials or equipment at other locations than the Staging Area with the exception of poles which they may be placed in a pole lay down area or placed according to Avista Representative. Contractor is responsible for providing a pole lay down area and poles shall be stored off the ground. 4.6.6 The cost of the site rental for the lay down yard and location of shop trailer, and Staging Areas shall be at Contractor's expense. Staging Areas will be returned to their prior condition and all waste materials removed and disposed at Contractor’s expense. When the Work is completed, all material (new or salvaged) shall be sorted, packaged and returned to Avista's facility at no additional cost to Avista. Avista may at its option inspect Contractor’s vehicles to ensure all Avista materials have been returned. 4.6.7 It is the Contractor’s responsibility to legally dispose of all non-salvageable material and debris from their specific Work Sites. 4.6.8 Avista will indicate its preference on each Project relating to sorting and packaging materials. If Contractor does not properly sort and package materials, it will not be accepted by Avista and Contractor shall be charged for materials out of the retention withheld or from the invoice. All salvageable material shall be removed from the old poles and placed in the appropriate salvage bin. 4.6.9 Contractor shall provide all transportation for any miscellaneous hardware or material required and shall supply the transportation and placement of gravel, asphalt, and backfill. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 10 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 11 of 15 4.6.10 Contractor shall pay pit rates for material such as gravel and sand etc. Avista will pay invoices directly from the pit with no additional mark up or haul charges from a third party (unless specific written approval has been obtained from Avista for each Project). Avista may have an account with a third party contractor for approved backfill material, and Contractor shall check with the appropriate Avista area office for arrangements. Invoices that do not have receipts for materials will be rejected for payment until a bill of materials is submitted with the invoice. 4.6.11 Poles which are excavated by the Contractor shall have the butt ends removed at least (4) four feet above the ground line and Contractor shall be responsible to haul off the pole butts and deposit into a bin or dispose butts at the nearest Avista facility or Contractor will directly dispose of the butts at an approved hazardous land-fill. Contractor shall coordinate the delivery and removal of bins at the Work Sites. Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of bins and legal disposal of the pole butts at approved landfills. 4.6.12 Any storage container in the laydown yard for extra Avista materials (such as truck stock) shall be provided by the Contractor. Contractor is responsible to keep the container locked at all times when not being accessed. Contractor shall be responsible for inventory and reordering materials in the container and are responsible for emptying the container when the job is completed. 5.0 Safety and Substance Abuse Regulations 5.1 Contractor employees and subcontractors of any tier assigned to perform Work must be qualified as required under applicable U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations including, but not limited to, 49 CFR (Commercial Driver’s License Requirements). Contractor shall maintain a drug and alcohol testing program in compliance with 49 CFR part 40 (Requirements and Procedures for Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs for Covered Employees) with respect to respect to such covered employees. 5.2 The Contractor shall self-administer or shall contract out the administration of their anti- drug program. Avista’s involvement shall be review or confirmation of the information. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping all records to DOT guidelines such as: 1. 1 year- Employees passing drug test 2. 3 year- Collection process documentation Supervisor training documentation Employee training documentation 3. 5 year- Number of employees tested 5.3 The Contractor shall promptly provide Avista and any applicable DOT or state agency access to (and the right to examine, audit and copy) such information relating to compliance of any DOT alcohol or drug testing programs. Following such request, the Contractor will promptly provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities for the review of such information. 5.4 It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to promptly notify Avista’s, Health and Safety Department of any changes to the information required by the Contractor's Anti-Drug Plan or administrator. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 11 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 12 of 15 5.5 The Contractor must establish and implement alcohol breath testing, education and training in accordance with Federal and State covered functions. Contractors shall retain copies of appropriate alcohol testing records as required. The records and access to the Contractor's property shall be readily accessible for inspection by Avista, DOT, and representatives of those state agencies under which jurisdiction Avista operates. 6.0 Environmental The following practices represent the minimum required water quality protection measures applicable to all Avista construction sites. There will be instances where Project and Site conditions will require that these minimum protection requirements must be supplemented to conform to applicable federal and state environmental regulations. 6.1 Construction must be scheduled to minimize construction activities in “high-risk areas” and the amount of active disturbed soil areas, during the rainy season. “High-risk areas” include those areas within (50) fifty feet of USGS watercourses, 100-year flood plains, regulated wetlands, and where slopes exceed 16 percent. Where permanent storm water treatment devices are to be constructed, these devices should, whenever feasible, be constructed as an early Work item. 6.2 Contractor must protect existing watercourses; to the extent that any diversion is necessary, such diversion must be accomplished in a non-eroding fashion. To the extent feasible, all concentrated water flows must be channeled away from disturbed soil areas or stockpiles and conveyed in a non-eroding fashion. 6.3 When plowing in Avista’s facilities, Contractor shall cross streams only when dry and Contractor shall have the proper permitting before crossing. All plowing will be the shortest distance across the stream banks and all stream banks shall be restored to the original grade and contour. Plowing across stream banks shall occur where the bank slope is 45 degrees or less, if greater than 45 degrees Contractor shall have prior approval by Avista’s Representative. 6.3 Contractor shall employ appropriate measures to minimize tracking of sediment off-site by vehicles and/or equipment including provisions for stabilized construction entrances/exits and the washing of vehicle tires. Contractor shall minimize soil compaction, ruts and wheel tracks, Contactor shall avoid soil compaction and repair ruts which were caused by the Work being performed. 6.4 Contractor shall protect disturbed soil areas with a combination of measures including soil stabilization, sediment barriers and de-silting basins or sediment traps. There may be situations where sediment basins or some form of treatment may be used as alternative control measures to the above combination of measures. However, when substituting such alternative measures the Contractor must be able to demonstrate that the sediment load within storm water discharges from the construction site will not exceed natural or pre- construction levels. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 12 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 13 of 15 6.5 Contractor shall employ approved soil stabilization measures per applicable federal, state and local guidelines or as directed by Avista, which include: • Hydro-seeding • Suitably stabilized, non-polluting straw/wood/organic mulch • Geotextiles, mats, plastic covers and erosion control blankets • Stabilized construction roadways Approved sediment barriers include: • Silt fences • Sand/gravel bag barriers • Straw bale barriers • Fiber rolls 6.6 Contractor shall provide the means of controlling a large spill of a ruptured transformer, shovels, absorbent pads and extra transformer bags. Contractor shall take all possible means to prevent oil from entering into any water ways, river, stream, or road sewer drains. 6.7 Contractor will be responsible and account for the return of all removed transformers to the Spokane Warehouse. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to make sure all transformers removed are returned to an Avista facility. 6.8 Contractor shall deliver removed transformers to Spokane Avista Warehouse unless otherwise directed by Avista to return them to the local Avista facility within one week of removal. 6.9 All oil containing transformers removed from service must be transported with care. All removed transformers need to be transported in a containment pan and transformer bag provided by Avista. Contractor shall fill out transformer tags and attach it to the transformer. 6.10 If the level of PCBs being handled are greater than 50 ppm PCBs, and any transformer oil leak onto the bed of the Contractor’s vehicles they must report it to the Hazardous Waste Technician handling the delivery of transformers to the Spokane Service Center. The vehicle in this case will be cleaned and decontaminated. 6.11 No PCB markings should be placed on transformers being removed or on the Avista equipment removal tag prior to transport back to the Avista service centers. 6.12 Contractor shall use caution when working (removing or installing materials) in/near customers property to ensure that no bolt, wire, or other material is dropped or left in the area. 6.13 Contractor shall store transformer pans in a manner to prevent precipitation from accumulating inside of the pan. If a pan contains precipitation without any oil being present, it shall be emptied prior to use. Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 13 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 14 of 15 6.14 Any visible or new leaks found on the exterior of a transformer shall be reported to Avista by calling the spill phone (509) 998-0996 Contractor shall bag the transformer and provide cleanup of transformer according to Federal and State rules. 6.15 Transformer oil which has leaked onto the Contractor’s vehicle shall be reported immediately to Avista by calling the spill phone listed. Contractor shall not move the vehicle until cleaned and decontaminated according to Federal and State rules. 6.16 When transformers are removed and transported, Contractor shall follow all federal DOT rules and regulations regarding a bill of lading, the information required shall include the following: date of transformer removal, stencil and serial numbers, location of transformer and condition of transformer when removed. 6.17 Avista will provide training on the storage and transportation of transformers to Contractors. Avista will provide the training at the Contractor’s lay down yard or on Site as determined by Contractor and Avista, training will be approximately 30 to 60 minutes. Contractor shall notify Avista within two weeks of any new Contractor personnel who will require transformer training. 6.18 Contractor shall follow existing access routes within and to the utility corridor and follow the Sediment and Erosion Control Best Management Practices as stated in the current Washington State Department of Transportation publications. 7.0 Pre-Construction Meetings A Pre-Construction Conference will be scheduled with Avista. At this meeting, the Contractor shall provide the submittals and provide the schedule, and Avista will provide the work plans, job requirements, specifications, drawings, phone numbers, and addresses of responsible agents and any questions regarding the Work will be discussed. 8.0 Technical Specifications, Standards and Drawings 1. Sample Agreement and General Conditions 2. Exhibit A Scope of Work 3. Exhibit B Pricing Unit Sheet 4. Attachment A Overhead and Underground Distribution Construction Standards Manual 5. Attachment B Switching Handbook 6. Attachment C Prior Notification Process 7. Attachment D Property Access Requirement 8. Attachment E Dirt Form 9. Attachment F Boring standards Documents listed below will be provided to the awarding Contractors 10. Document A Hot Line Hold Form 11. Document B Electrical Contractor Orientation Handbook. 12. Document C Current Electric Service and Meter Requirements Book 13. Document D Invoicing Instructions 14. Document E Asphalt Cut/Repair Sheet 15. Document F Job Packet (Sample) Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 14 of 15 Statement of Work Avista – R-43884 Page 15 of 15 9.0 Submittals 9.1 Contractor shall submit the following with their bid: • Contractor Safety Questionnaire assessment • Answer questions in the Instructions and Requirements document 9.2 Contractor shall submit the following before Contracting with Avista: • Certificate of Insurance with associated endorsement showing Avista as additional insured • Copy of Contractor's Alcohol Misuse/Anti-Drug Prevention Plan(s) for DOT compliance work (if requested by Avista’s Representative) Staff_PR_122 Supplemental Attachment F Page 15 of 15