HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230502PR_129 Attachment C - No. 28.pdfIDAHO CUSTOMERS Helpful Information about Your Avista Utilities Account You are a valued customer. To help you get the most benefit from our services, we want you to know your rights and responsibilities. RULES FOR DEPOSITS When is a deposit for residential service required? A deposit for new residential service may be required if: (a) you had an unpaid, overdue bill with our utility in the last four years and the bill remains unpaid and is not in dispute at the time of application for service; or (b) your service was terminated in the past four years because you did not pay a bill; you misrepresented your identity for the purpose of obtaining service from us; or you did not pay for damages to our facilities caused by your negligence; or (c) you have sought any form of relief under federal bankruptcy laws; or (d) you obtained your service without the Company’s permission; or (e) you did not have service with the Company for at least 12 consecutive months during the last four years, and do not pass a credit screen; or (f) you are requesting service for a residence where a former customer who owes a past due balance for service incurred still resides; or (g) the Company has given you two or more written final notices of termination within the last 12 consecutive months. When is a deposit for non-residential service required? A deposit will be required from commercial applicants for the same reasons as from residential applicants, or if application for service is made for the first time. How much is the deposit? If a residential/small commercial deposit is required, the amount will not be more than one-sixth of the amount reasonably expected to be billed at your location over the next year. This brochure is a summary of some rules set forth by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission or IPUC). Complete sets of the IPUC regulations and Avista Utilities’ tariff, filed with the IPUC are available on their website, www.puc.idaho.gov. Avista Utilities’ tariffs can also be found on the Company website and at all Avista Utilities offices. If you need more information, please contact one of our customer service representatives at (800) 227-9187. If our representative cannot answer your questions, you may contact the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, or (208) 334-0300, for additional help. (800) 227-9187 myavista.com AVA445i (07-21) Third party notification As an Avista Utilities customer, you may select a third party to be notified if your service is in danger of suspension. The third party (a friend, relative, social agency, etc.) has no obligation to pay the bill, but can notify or remind you of the pending suspension and/or help in making payment arrangements. What about medical emergencies? If you are not able to pay your bill or are able to pay only in installments, and if disconnecting your service would create or aggravate a medical condition for you or a member of your household, you must provide the Company a written certificate signed by a licensed physician or public health official. After receiving this certificate, the Company will grant a 30-day extension of the shutoff date. What about the winter months? If you are unable to pay your bill in full and have children, elderly or infirm in the household, you may qualify for protection from disconnection of service with the Winter Payment Plan or Moratorium during the winter months. You should notify the Company if one of these conditions does exist and you have received a shut-off notice. It is important to make payment arrangements during this time. Special winter payment plans are available to those who qualify. The Winter Payment Plan offers a monthly payment arrangement equal to one-half of your level pay amount during the months of November, December, January, February, and March. The level pay amount is based on the average monthly billing, plus 1/12 of your account balance. You must make your monthly payments each month and by April 1 you must either pay your account balance or negotiate a new payment arrangement. The Winter Moratorium will provide protection from disconnection during the months of December, January, and February. During this time, any payment toward your utility bill will help reduce the balance due by March 1st. We encourage you to continue to make regular monthly payments. Charges for special services There is no charge to connect new customers during regular business hours. A reconnection charge will apply when service has been discontinued at the request of the customer or when service has been discontinued for failure to comply with Commission rules and regulations including nonpayment. Avista Utilities charges a service fee for handling any payment for which your bank refuses payment. Checks returned for nonpayment will be re-deposited electronically. We want to do our best to provide efficient, reliable, and courteous service to you. Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions you may have about your service. Visit our website at myavista.com, or contact one of our customer service representatives at (800) 227-9187. Do I get interest on my deposit? Yes. Interest is computed from the time the deposit is paid until the time it is refunded to you or applied to your account. The Commission sets the interest rate annually based on the average interest rate on one-year Treasury Bills. What if I cannot pay the entire deposit? If you are unable to pay the entire deposit, you may pay the deposit in two installments – one-half of the deposit amount when you apply for service, and the second half one month after that. When do I get my deposit back? Your deposit and the interest earned on it will be refunded to you or applied to your account balance when you have paid your bills without receiving more than one notice during the past 12 successive months, or when you close your account. What happens when I move? When you move, your deposit will apply first to any unpaid balance owing at the time the final bill is prepared. If there is a credit on your account after the deposit is applied to your final bill, the credit will be refunded promptly, or transferred to your new address if you move within our service territory. RULES FOR SERVICE TERMINATION When is a bill past due? Your monthly bill is due within 15 days after issuance. The past due date is shown on your bill. A late charge of 1% may be added to past due balances if carried to the next month’s bill. What if I can’t pay by the past due date each month? If it is a hardship for you to pay by the past due date, please call us as soon as possible. We may be able to set a "Preferred Due Date" on your account to help align the billing due date with your payday. Further information on Preferred Due Dates are contained within this brochure. When can service be terminated? Your service can be terminated for a variety of reasons, including any of the following: (a) not paying your bill by the due date; or (b) failing to pay a deposit or deposit installment; or (c) giving a false identity to the utility in order to get service; or (d) failing to keep the terms of a payment arrangement; or (e) willfully preventing the Company’s access to the meter; or (f) willfully wasting service through improper equipment or otherwise as prescribed by State or other applicable standards; or (g) you are a minor not competent to contract as described in Sections 29-101 and 32-101, Idaho Code. In addition, the Company is not required to connect service for you if you owe a balance on an existing or previous account. Is notice required? In most instances, Avista Utilities must provide you a written notice seven days before we intend to disconnect your service. The notice tells you the reason for the planned disconnection, what you can do to keep your service on, and the date by which you must take action. At least 24 hours before the time of the planned disconnection, we must try to contact you again to remind you to take action to avoid the disconnection. If we do not disconnect your service within 21 days of the deadline date on your notice, we will issue another notice before disconnecting your service. The Company does not have to give you prior notice of disconnection when: (a) a situation exists that causes immediate danger to life, property or physical safety; (b) you are receiving service without Avista Utilities’ permission; or (c) the Commission or other authorized public agency orders your service disconnected. Can payment arrangements be made to avoid service termination? We want to keep your service on. Please call us if you are unable to pay the past due balance on your account. Our customer service representatives are trained to work with you to find a plan that will let you keep your service, while you bring payment of your account up to date. In weighing payment plan options, Avista will consider your ability to pay, your account balance, your past payment record, how far past due your account is, and why past due payments have not been paid. The following are payment plans and options the Company may offer: •Level Pay Plan (Comfort Level Billing) – Equalize monthly payments of all arrears, if any, and anticipated future bill amounts over a period of not less than one year •Payment Arrangements – can help customers who find themselves in a difficult situation due to a variety of reasons. You may qualify for a special payment arrangement—and with an online account, you can even make them online •Bill Assistance – available for qualifying customers from various agencies and sources. •Preferred Due Date - can help align the billing due date with your payday. We may be able to adjust your payment due date, depending on your account status and specific situation. •E-bill and Online Payments – keeps you in touch with your account no matter what your schedule, and makes it easy to stay ahead no matter where you are. Are there restrictions on service terminations? Your service may not be terminated for nonpayment of: •An unpaid bill that totals less than $50 or two months’ charges for service, whichever is less. •An unpaid bill for utility service to any other customer, or for any other class of service (residential or commercial). •An unpaid bill for purchase of non-utility goods or services. •An unpaid bill for service provided four or more years ago unless there has been a promise in writing to pay or make arrangements. •Charges on which a decision from the Commission is pending based on a complaint you filed, as long as all other charges are paid. If Avista Utilities disconnects your service, it must be between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. We will not disconnect your service on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, any day preceding a legal holiday, or on any other day when our customer service offices are not open for business. These restrictions do not apply when there is danger to life, safety of property, or when a court or public authority orders disconnection. If a Company employee is at your service address to disconnect your service for nonpayment, you may show proof of payment, or make payment to him/her of the amount required to keep your service on. Company employees collecting payment at your service address will not accept cash.