HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221123Avista to Staff 23-31.pdfAYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RECEIVED 2u22 NOV 23 PN4 3:51 IDAHO PUBLIC UTI L ITIES COIVIUISSION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AYU-E-22-13/AW-G-22-05 REQUESTER: IPUC StAffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 23 DATE PREPARED: llllT 12022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: The 2020 in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers reports benefit values of $ I 27,59 I , $2,535,203 , and $168,525, respectively, for the low-income, residential, and non-residential natural gas programs. The third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers show benefit values of $68,285, $3,502,394, and $181,083 for those same programs despite claiming the same number of therm savings as the in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers. Please reconcile the difference in benefit values from the Company's in-house workpapers and the third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers for the residential, low-income, and non-residential programs. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. (See Attachments A through G in Response to Production Request No I for workpapers referenced above). RESPONSE: Residential and Low lncome: Please see Staff-PR-23 - Attachment A. Several factors caused differences in the approach, inputs and other factors. Please see the list below: l. ADM model started in second year which was identified as 2020. Avista started with the fust year in the model which was 2019. 2. ADM model inadvertently included the 10% conservation adder applicable to both the TRC and UCT avoided cost tables. Avista adjusted its model so that the l0% conservation adder only applies to the TRC. 3. ADM used discount rate of 2.10o/o intheir model while Avista wed,4.7l%;o. 4. Avista's methodology uses a half-year factor on its discount rate; ADM does not use this methodology. 5. ADM did not include health and safety in the calculation of the low-income benefit whereas Avista did include that value. 6. Avista's model does not correctly include avoided costs out past 38 years due to an error in the model's calculation. The impact of this is that avoided cost values stop at 38 years instead of continuing to escalate into the future. Non-Residential: Please see Staff-PR-23 - Attachment B. Several factors caused differences in the approach to calculating the benefit value for natural gas. Please see the list below regarding the differences in approaches, inputs and other factors: l. For 2020, Cadmus used the avoided cost values from the prior CPA, which contained slightly higher commodity and pipeline values. The avoided costs used by Cadmus were from the 2016 CPA study whereas the values used in the Avista model were sourced from the 2018 CPA study. Note that Cadmus advanced the avoided cost table to use values for 2020 which was the 3d year of the study. This differs from Avista's approach, which used the first year of the avoided cost table as their starting point. 2. Cadmus had included in their avoided cost values the 10% conservation adder. This value was not included in Avista's avoided cost but added later in its modeling so that it only is applied to the TRC cost-effectiveness test and not the UCT. 3. Cadmus made a mathematical error in adjusting the avoided cost tables to account for the Washington Carbon Adder. This value was subtracted from the avoided cost table, however, it was not previously included in the calculation. The result of this is that the avoided cost for Idaho was inadvertently lowered by the value of the Washington Carbon Adder. This has been included in Attachment B to further illustrate the adjustment made by Cadmus. Note that Avista did not include this in its modeling. 4. Cadmus made a mathematical error counting the pipeline T&D value by including it within the commodity avoided cost and also individually; this resulted in double counting. 5. Avista's methodology uses a half-year factor on its discount rate, while Cadmus does not use this methodology. 6. [n calculating the avoided cost for heating equipment, Cadmus did not use the winter avoided cost set. These values vary slightly as they assume a different avoided cost price pertaining to individual measures installed. Avista included a winter and annual value in calculating its avoided cost. 7. Avista provided an updated discount rate to 4.71 n its calculations while the Cadmus calculation used 4.27. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMA',TTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AYU -E-22- 1 3 /AVU- G -22 -0 5 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff -24 DATE PREPARED: llllT /2022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4873 REQUEST: T\e 2020 in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers show benefits and costs of $311,999 and $637,629, respectively, for the low-income electric program. The third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers show benefits and costs of $272,178 and $546,723, respectively, despite claiming the same number of saved kWh for the same program. Please reconcile the differences between costs and benefits between the workpapers. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: Benefits: Please see Staff PR 24 - Attachment A. The difference in benefit values is primarily due to different starting points in the avoided cost tables. ADM's cost-effectiveness analysis begins with the "year 2" value while the Avista workpapers start at "year 1". Because of this difference, a higher value is used in ADM workpapers as the avoided cost values escalate into the future. The second difference is that Avista's model uses a half-year convention for the discount rate whereas ADM does not. This difference in methodology is not expected to create a significant difference, however, it will result in a variation in each year's avoided cost value. Because the2020 avoided costs were based offthe 2019 CPA, the starting point used in the Avista model was'!ear l" but from a labeling perspective, was 2019 avoided cost values. ADM started their analysis based on the values identified as2020 which is the 3d year ofthe avoided cost within the model. StaffPR 24 - Attacfune'nt A provides an illusfration between the two sets. Tab 1.0 illustrates the avoided cost for each load shape. The intent of this tab is to show that there is no variation in the avoided costs used, acknowledgrng that the two models used different years as their starting points. This is before applying the discount rate. Tab 1.1 illustrates that by modifring the starting point and the discount rate factor, the avoided costs arrive at the same values. StaffPR 24 - Attaclwrent B shows the individual measures and the differing inputs that went into each respective model. Note that for some measures, a difference exists for the load shape used and the measure life. This attachment illustrates how the $272,178 was calculated by ADM and how the $311,999 value was calculated by Avista. Costs: Please see StaffPR 24 - Attachmoril C fur a rrconciliation of costs associatod with the low-income program. In review of the total expenses, ADM had inadverterily ercluded $90,906.43 related to general implerrentation exp€ilses. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AYU-E-22-13/AW-G-22-05 REQUESTER: IPUC StAffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff - 25 DATE PREPARED: ltllT 12022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: T\e 2020 in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers and the 2020 Annual Report show 5,282,547 kWh in energy savings for the residential electric program. The third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers show energy savings of 4,523,393 kwh. Please reconcile the difference in kWh savings between the work-papers. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: TIte 4,523,393 kwh as provided in ADM workpapers is not inclusive of the savings derived from the Multifamily Direct Install (MFDD program, which is also considered a residential offering and included in the reports total for residential programs. This program was evaluated by Cadmus and provided an additional747,227 kWh of savings. After accounting for the saving from the MFDI program, the total residential savings was 5,282,547 kWh for the 2020 progrartyear. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU -E-22- l 3 /AW-G -22-0 s IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 26 DATE PREPARED: llllT 12022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4873 REQUEST: Please provide the workpapers for the benefits and costs reported in the 2020 Annual Report at 72 for the residential electric program. RESPONSE: Please see the Cost Effectiveness tab contained within Staff-PR-30 - Attachment A. The tables for residential on page 72 cnntain the combined values from the residential program as evaluated by ADM and also the Multifamily Direct Install (MFDD Program as evaluated by Cadmus. See Staff-PR-l - Attachment E for the below program portfolio calculations. MFDI See StaflPR-l -Attachment C forthebelow data. Residential $551,861 $590,021 0.94Total Resource Cost (TRC) Utility Cost Test (UCT)$501,692 $445,952 t.t2 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$1,087,671 $422,624 2.57 Ratepayer Impact (RIM)$501,692 91,255,067 0.40 Cost-Ell'ectivcness Tcst Benclits Costs Bcnelit/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost (TRC)$5,579,452 $2,681,641 $1,687,155 2.08 Utility Cost Test (UCT)95,072,229 3.01 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$6,330,037 $1,597,316 3.96 Ratepayer Impact (RIM)$5,072,229 $10,805,160 0.47 Res+MFDI (Combined) Total Resource Cost (TRC)$6,131,313 s3,271,662 1.87 Utility Cost Test (UCT)$5,573,921 $2,133,107 2.61 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$7,417,708 $2,019,940 3.67 Ratepayer Impact (RIN,I)85,573,921 $12,060,227 0.46 Please see the Cost-Effectiveness workpapers provided in the Company's resporurc to Staff-PR-Ol. For natural gas, no MFDI was included, therefore, please reference Staff-PR-l - Attachment D for the below infomration. Residential Total Resource Cost (TRC)3.852.633 3.466.M2 1 ll Utilrty Cost Test (UCT)3,s02"394 1"426.403 2.46 Participant Cost Test (PCT)4,821,706 3,422,171 I .4I Ratepayer Impact GIlvI)3,502,394 I1,836,441 0.30 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMA'TION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-22-13/AW-G-22-05 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-27 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: tUt712022 N/A Ryan Finesilver Energy Efficiency (s}e) 4es-4873 REQUEST: The Company's202D Annual Report at 72 shows the residential electric program had benefits and costs of $5 ,573,921 and $2,1 13,107, respectively. The third- party cost-effectiveness workpapers show the residential electrical program had benefits and costs at $5,072,229 and $1,687,155, respectively. The 2020 in-house workpapers for residential electric programs show benefits and cost at $4,852,201and $1,870,086, respectively. Please reconcile the differences in benefits and costs between the in-house workpapers, third-party workpapers, and the 2020 Annual Report. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: Benefits: With regard to the 2020 Annual Report's table at 72 versus third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers, the table at 72 was prepared with the combined values from the residential program (evaluated by ADM) and the MFDI program (evaluated by Cadmus). After including $501,692 of benefits from the MFDI program to the $5,072,229 from residential, the sum is $5,573,921. Note that the tables included at 72 do not reflect the Company's in-house calculations since the Order to provide in-house cost-effectiveness occurred after the report was finalized. MFDI Total Resource Cost (TRC)$551,861 $590,021 0.94 Utility Cost Test (UCT)$501,692 $445,952 1.12 $1,087,671Participant Cost Test (PCT)$422,624 2.57 Ratepayer Impact (RIM)$501,692 $r,255,067 0.40 Cost-Effectiveness Test Benefits Costs Benefit/Cost Ratio Residential Total Resource Cost (IRC)$5,579,452 $2,681,il|2.08 Utility Cost Test (UCT)$5,072229 $1,687,155 3.01 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$6,330,037 $1,597,316 3.96 Ratepayer Impact (RIIrd)$5,072,229 $10,805,160 0.47 Total Resource Cost (TRC)$6,131,313 $3,271,662 1.87 Utility Cost Test (UCT)$5,573,921 $2,133,107 2.61 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$7,417,708 $2,019,940 3.67 Ratepayer Impact (Rnd)$5,573,921 $12,060,227 0.46 Res+MFDI Regarding third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers versus Avista workpapers, please see the Company's response to Staff-PR-24.\\e workpapers provided for low-income also support the residential calculations Costs With regard to the 2020 Annual Report's table at 72 versus third-parly cost-effectiveness workpapers, see the tables above for benefit and cost info. Regarding third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers versus Avista workpapers, please see StaffiPR-27 - Attachment A for details and the reconciliation. The variance is caused by the following: 1. ADM had inadvertently double counted $602,830.19 of incentives in calculating the total cost value. 2. ADM did not include $77,768 of general implerrentation expenses in the calculation of costs. 3. Since Cadmus evaluated the MFDI program, ADM's calculation did not include $445,952 relatd to MFDI, creating a reconciliation item. 4. Avista had inadvertently double counted $262,550 of third-parly costs related to Simple Steps in its calculation. This error was due to the model classiffing the expense as a 3d party cost and also a non-incentive cost. 5. An immaterial variance of $509 in incentive values between Avista and ADM ince,ntive calculations. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU -E-22- I 3 /AW- G -22 -0 5 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 28 DATE PREPARED: llllT 12022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4873 REQUEST: Tt,re2020 in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers show costs of $166,393 for the non-residential gas program. The third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers show costs of $196,443 for the non-reside,lrtial gas program despite claiming the same number of saved therms. Please reconcile the cost differences between the two sets of workpapers. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: The variance between the two cost numbers is due to an error in Avista's model where the non-incentive utility costs had not correctly been allocated to all non-residential programs resulting in understating non-residential costs by $30,049. Please see Staff-PR-28 - Attachment A for a reconciliation of these costs. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AYU-E-22-13/AW-G-22-05 REQUESTER: IPUC StAffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 29 DATE PREPARED: llllT 12022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: The2020 in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers show costs of $2,711,045 for the non-residential electrical program. The third-party cost-effectiveness workpapers show costs of $3,207,038 despite claiming the same number of saved kWh for the same progrilm. Please reconcile the cost differences between the two sets of workpapers. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: The variance between the values originates from the incentive values used in Avista's model. First, the Company had inadvertently understated in its cost-effectiveness model incentive values related to site-specific programs with a reconciling value of $271,515.33 ($242,717 + $28,799) between Avista-provided costs and Cadmus-provided costs. Second, the incentive value related to SS Multifamily was overstated by Cadmus, which caused an additional reconciling itern. The overall incentive value is $444,000, which agrees to Avista's records. Please see Staff-PR-29 - Attachment A. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU -E-22- I 3 /AW-G -22-0 5 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 30 DATE PREPARED: llllT 12022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: Please provide the workpapers for the therm savings reported in the 2020 Annual Report at99. RESPONSE: Please see the low-income tab within Staff-PR-3O - Attachment A. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU -E-22- I 3 /AVU-G -22-05 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 3l DATE PREPARED: llllT /2022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4873 REQUEST: T\e 2020 in-house cost-effectiveness workpapers and third-party workpapers show savings of 4,748 therms for the low-income natural gas program.T\e2020 Annual Report at 99 shows therm savings of 5,495 for the low-income natural gas program. Please reconcile the difference between the savings value reported in the Annual Report and the two sets of workpapers. Please provide in Excel format with all formulas intact. RESPONSE: Avista had inadvertently included the *adjusted" savings value for G HE Fumaces of 3,049.76 instead of the "vetrified" savings value of 3,796.64 therms in its cost-effectiveness model. This is a variance of 747 therms. See Table No. 63 of the Annual Conservation Report forthe illustration of these values.