HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220615Avista to Staff 1-11.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR INFORMATION DATE PREPARED: 06I|412022 .lr.-.-,.' i .f li-ll.l;' :' '!;tUirruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request StaflOO1 WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: N/A Kevin Holland Power Supply (s0e) 4es-21e4 REQUEST: Please explain why the contract term is for only one-year. RESPONSE: As stated in the Joint Petition of Avista Corporation and Ford Hydro Limited Partrrership filed in this proceeding on May 11,2022 ("Joint Petition"), "Ford Hydro has requested a one-year tetrrn." Joint Petition at 3. However, Avista and Jim Ford have elected to extend the one-year term to a two-year term. Avista anticipates filing an amended and restated Agreement that, among other things, revises the term from one year to two years. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Stafl002 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyTELEPHoNE: (509) 49s-2194 REQUEST: The original 1985 contract stated the nameplate capacity was 1,500 kilowatts ("kW"), but the renewal contract states the nameplate capacity is 1,499 kW. Please respond to the following. a. Please reconcile the two numbers. b. What was the installed nameplate capacity when the Facility was first constructed? c. Has the nameplate capacity changed since construction? Please explain. RESPONSE: a. It is unclear why the 1985 stated capacity was 1,500 kW. The 1,499 kW is the current capacity as provided by Project Developer. b. It is unclear whether the 1,500 kW was an inaccurate rounding or the initial installed capacity. 1,499 kW is the current stated capacity as provided by Project Developer. c. It is unclear whether the capacity changed or was previously rounded to 1,500 kW. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Staff-003 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2194 REQUEST: Please respond to the following regarding the Facility's Designated Network Resource ("DNR') status. a. Will the Facility lose its DNR status and become incapable of selling power to the Company after the current 1985 contract expires on June 30,2022? Please explain. b. Please confirm that DNR status can be only requested after a power purchase agreement is executed. c. Have the parties in this ctlse requested the DNR status? Please explain. d. If so, please provide an approximate date when the DNR status will be granted. RBSPONSE: a. No. Avista and Ford Hydro have executed a new power purchase agreement that the parties intend to be effective upon expiration ofthe current contract. Accordingly, the DNR status should not be affected. Notably, DNR status is not required for PURPA projects. Although Avista currently has designated the Facility as a DNR, Avista may designate or undesignated the Facility at any time in accordance with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") requirements. b. The ability to designate a resource as a DNR is dictated by FERC requirements. Section 29.2(viii) of Avista's FERC-approved Open Access Transmission Tariff requires: A staternent signed by an authorized officer from or agent of the Network Customer attesting that all of the Network Resources listed pursuant to Section 29.2(v) satisff the following conditions: (1) the Network Customer owns the resource, has committed to purchase generation pursuant to an executed contract, or has committed to purchase generation where execution of a contract is contingent upon the availability of transmission service under Part III of the Tariff; and (2) the Network Resources do not include any resources, or any portion thereof, that are committed for sale to non-designated third party load or otherwise cannot be called upon to meet the Network Customer's Network Load on a non-intemrptible basis, except for purposes of fulfilling obligations under a reserve sharing program[.] Avista will only designate the Facility as a DNR if FERC's requirements are satisfied. c. As Avista and Ford Hydro have an executed PPA covering the time period until through Jwrc 2023, Avista has included Ford Hydro as a DNR on the system through that period. Avista anticipates that the new PPA will be effective upon expiration of the current PPA and, therefore, Avista anticipates including Ford Hydro as a DNR after the current PPA expires. d. Ford Hydro is currently an Avista DNR Unless a requirement for designating Ford Hydro is, in the future, not satisfie( Avista does not anticipate a change in the status. For this, and oth€r, reasons, Avista executd, and filed with the Commission, the new PPA om May 11, 2022,to ensure that there would be no intemrption when the current contract expires at the end ofJune 2022. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AYU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Stafl004 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2194 REQUEST: Assuming the Agreement is not approved before July 1, 2022, for the period between July 1,2022 and the Commission's approval (the lapse contract period), what rate does the Company propose to pay the Seller for the energy delivered? Please provide justification for the proposed rate. Also, does the Seller plan to sell energy to the Company during the lapse contract period? RESPONSE: The assumption is that the new contract would be approved and in place prior to the expiration of the existing contact. Avista executed the new PPA and filed it with the Commission on May I l, 2022. Accordingly, the rates that will be paid will be the current applicable avoided cost rates in efflect as of the effective date of the new PPA. See also Avista's response to Staf[-PR-007. If the contract is not approved, Avista will pay the new rate effective June l,2022,unti1 such time as it is approved. There is a provision that the contract would expire if approval is not received within a specified timeframe. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Staft005 DATE PREPARED: 06/1412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2194 REQUEST: Please respond to the following regarding the avoided cost rates in the original, 1985 contract. a. Did the avoided cost rates contained in the original 1985 conftact include avoided cost of capacity? Please explain. b. Please provide the Order number that determined the avoided cost rates contained in the original 1985 conhact. RESPONSE: a. Yes. Per the 1985 confract, Section 6 Determination of Payment states "...payments to Seller by Water Power each month for electric energy and capacitv delivered to Water Power ...." emphasis added. In addition, we have been including this resource in our Load and Resource Obligations since that time. b. Avista does not have a copy of the requested order. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AYU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Stafl006 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2194 REQUESTI Please list all the identified capacity deficiency periods that required the Company to add resources since 1985 and provide the capacity resources that were acfually added and the dates when they we,nt online. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response to StaffiPR-005. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO A)/I.J-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Staff-007 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2194 REQUEST: The proposed avoided cost rates contained in the Agreement are based on the rates from GNR-E-22-01, which became effective on June 1,2022. However, the Agreernent was executed on May 11,2022. Please explain why the parties did not use the published avoided cost rates effective on May 11,2022. RESPONSE: The Effective Date of the new Agreement is July l, 2022.In order to ensure that there would be time for the Commission to approve the Agreernent prior to the Effective Date, Avista and Ford Hydro executed, and filed, the new Agreernent on May 11,2022. Given that the early execution date is to accommodate the Commission's approval, it would not be appropriate to penalize the QF for Avista's need to execute the Agreement prior to the dates upon which the new rates became effective. Altematively, the QF could have required Avista to wait until after the new rates became effective prior to executing a new contract, which would have significantly limited the time for obtaining Commission approval. Avista acknowledges that the general rule is that the rates in effect at the time of the Legally Enforceable Obligation ("LEO") are the rates that apply. Avista further acknowledges that the general rule is that the LEO occurs when the agreement is executed. However, that general rule does not prohibit the parties to an agreement from mutually agreeing that the LEO arises at some date other than the date of execution. In this instance, the QF had a choice to either (1) wait until the new rates were in effect to execute the Agreement in order to get the rates that would be in effect on the Ef,fective Date, which would have significantly limited the time for the Commission to review and approve the Agreement, or (2) for the parties to effectively mutually agree that the LEO occurs on the Effective Date rather than the execution date, which allowed the parties to execute and file the Agreement eady enough to allow for review and approval prior to the Effective Date. Under these circumstances, where a renewal occurs shortly after new rates become effective such that execution of the agreement at the time new rates become effective will not provide sufEcient time for Commission review and approval prior to the Effective Date, it is appropriate (if the parties mutually agree) to use the rates that are in effect on the Effective Date. This practical solution allows the parties to execute and file an agreement before the new rates become effective to allow sufficient time for Commission review and approval. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQTJEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AI/r.J-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Stafl008 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2t94 REQUEST: Section 1.23 (the definition of Surplus Energy) states that the monthly generation estimates for the purpose of the 90/110 rule are specified in Section 6.3. However, the estimates are not provided in Section 6.3. Please provide the monthly generation estimates. RESPONSE: Jan 438,000 Feb 520,000 Mar 648"000 Apr 664,000 May 248.000 Jun 75,000 July 0 Aug 0 Sep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dec 180,000 *volumes in kwhs AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AYU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Staff-009 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2t94 REQUEST: Section 6.2 states that "[t]he maximum annual amount of electric power that Avista is obligated to purchase hereunder shall be 5000 megawatt-hours ("MWh") in any Operating Year which is a non-Leap Year, or 5000 MWhs in any Operating Year which is a Leap Year." Please respond to the following. a. How is the 5000 MWhs determined? b. Why is the maximum annual amount of a non-Leap Year the same as the maximum annual amount of a Leap Year? c. What is the relationship between the 5000 MWhs and the sum of the monthly generation estimates provided in Request No. 8? d. What is the relationship between the 5000 MWhs and the ll0% of the sum of the monthly generation estimates provided in Request No. 8? RESPONSE: a. The 5,000 MWh was a mutually agreed upon maximum amount. It is intended to serve as a reasonable cap that would allow for an above normal water/generation year while at the same time providing a cap to avoid significant generation increases due to unanticipated operational changes. b. See part (a) above for explanation on the estimate which is an agreed upon number that is flexible enough not to be affected by one day's generation. c. The relationship is the 5,000 MWh is an amountbothparties are comfortable is sufficiently greater than the sum of the monthly estimates but also provides a cap as described in (a) above. This cap is intended to allow for reasonable changes in generation compared to estimates due to increase flows but provides a cap to avoid increases due to facility upgrades. StaffProduction Request Number 8 is a monthly generation estimate provided by the generator. d. There is no relationship between the 5,000 MWh and 90/110. The 90/110 only has a relationship to the individual monthly estimates. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-22-07 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUESTNO.: Staff-0l0 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022 WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2194 REQUEST: Section 6.3.1 states that Project Developer shall provide monthly generation estimates for both the initial year and each subsequent year. However, the Agreement term in this case is only one-year. Please explain why Project Developer shall provide monthly generation estimates for "each subsequent year". RESPONSE: The requirement to provide monthly generation estimates for "each subsequent yeat''is standard language in Avista's PURPA PPAs. Where, as here, the term is for a single year, the language is moot. Nevertheless, the language was retained because (i) it is moot for a one-year term, and (ii) is helpful to retain in the event the Agreement is later amended to extend the term. In short, inclusion of the language is moot and retaining it does no harm. It is worth noting that and the Project Developer and Avista have agreed to extend the contract to a two-year term. The parties intend to file an amended and restated Agreement that, among other things, extends the term to two years. Accordingly, ny concerns the inclusion of this language will be superseded by that amended and restated Agreonent. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-22-07 IPUC Production Request Staff-0l1 DATE PREPARED: 0611412022WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Kevin Holland DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2194 REQUEST: Section 6.3.2 allows the Seller to provide updates to the monthly generation estimates at least one-month in advance. However, Section 6.3.5 requires the Seller to use a difterent timeframe. Please reconcile the two timeframes and explain which one should be used. RESPONSE: Section 6.3.2 the Project Developer may provide Avista updated monthly Net Delivered Output estimates for the month following the next month. (For example prior to July 31 the Project developer may provide estimates for Septernber). This is a near-term modification. Section 6.3.5 Provides an additional opportunity for the Developer to provide Avista with updated Net Delivered Output estimates. However, these updates cannot pertain to the three consecutive monthly immediately following the month in which estimates were updated. This Section is intended to provide a period more than one month atread.