HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211105Avista to Staff 1-11.pdfruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: i{.=cEtvm AYISTA CORPORATION E"l?i HfiY -5 &H } h8 RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATTON i;j.-_i:.i r,ul;li0 rDAHo DArE pREpARED: rotztnaii:;:i i'li)tu{$'{i$$lot'l AVU-E-21-13 WITNESS: N/AIPUC RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaffi0l TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782 REQUEST: How many DC fast charging sites does the Company own and how many are in service? Ftnal Report at 2. RESPONSE: The Company owns and maintains seven DC fast charging sites, and all seve'n are in service. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-21-13 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-O2 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2782 REQUEST: Please provide a workpaper that supports the calculation of all values listed in Table I of the Final Report. Ftnal Report at 4. RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-02-Attachment A. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-21-13 IPUC Production Request Stafl03 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021MTNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782 REQUEST: Please provide a workpaper that shows how $1,206 per EV in net grid benefits was calculated. Final Report at 6. RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-03-Attachment A. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST rOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-21-13 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-04 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Afflairs TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2782 REQUEST: Please provide a workpaper that shows how a $1,661 per EV net benefit was calculated. Final Report at 6. RESPONSE: Please see the Company's response Staff-PR-03-Attachment A. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2I-13 IPUC Production Request Staff-05 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHoNE: (509) 49s-2782 REQUEST: Please itemize cost components in the "Utility Generation and Delivery Cost" column in Table 7 Trarcportation Electrification Plan, Exhibit2, at 41. RESPONSE: Cost components of the Utility Ge'neration and Delivery Cost include added energy costs from the additional load of EVs for each year (estimated by the number of EVs multiplied by the average kWh consumption of each EV), and added capacity costs derived by the additional peak load of EVs when the system is capacity constrained beginning in2026. These energy cost components are listed in Table 5 of the Transportation Electrification Plan on page 40 as "Table 5: 2020 IRP energy costs," representing the average incremental energy and capacity cost to serve Avista customers. A more detailed description of these costs can be found in the 2020IRP, pages ll-20 and ll-24. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-21-13 IPUC Production Request Staff-06 DATE PREPARED: 10l20l202lWITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2782 REQUEST: Please describe how these market transformation progrcms promote energy efEciency. Specifically, please describe how they reduce the amount of energy used. RESPONSE: In terms of electrical energy efficiency, EV energy consumption optimally occurs during off-peak hours of the day and night, utilizing AC Level 2 supply equipment. For example, if more employers provide AC Level 2 workplace charging for commuting employees, a much higher percentage of charging may occur during off-peak daylight hours while the vehicle is parked at work, avoiding on-peak charging in the late afternoons and evenings that coincide with on-peak times throughout the year. A large number of commercial fleet vehicles may similarly be charged during off-peak times of the day and night, at-scale providing for a more efficient delivery of energy for the system as a whole. Furthermore, supplied electricity at Level 2 (240V) compared to Level I (120V), reduces electrical resistive energy losses due to the higher voltage and lower electrical current utilized. ln a broader sense, the most impactful energy efficiency and overall cost savings are realized by the use of electricity as a fransportation fuel, rather than petroleum-derived fuels such as gasoline and diesel. As stated by the U.S. Dept of Energy, "EVs are more efficient than their gasoline-powered counterparts. An EV electric drive system is only responsible for a l5%o to 20%o energy loss compared to 640/o to 75%o for a gasoline engine. EVs also use regenerative braking to recapture and reuse energy that normally would be lost in braking and waste no energy idling . . . EVs are 60Yo to 73Yo efficient, depending upon drive cycle. However, if the energy recaptured from regenerative braking is counted (i.e., recounted when it is re-used), EVs are 77o/o to 100% effi cient." (https://www. fueleconomy. gov/feg/atv-ev.shtml). The typical light-duty EV travels 3.3 miles per kWh, compared to an average of 24 mpg for short wheel base and 18 mpg for long wheel base vehicles in the U.S. in 2019 (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Average Fuel EfEciency of U.S. Light Duty Vehicles, accessed at https ://www.bts. eov/content/averase-fu el-effi ciency-us-li ght-duty-vehicles). Customers that drive electric consume far less energy on a per-mile basis, paying less than $l/gallon gasoline equivalent, while reducing emissions by 80%o, utilizing a domestic energy source. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-21-13 IPUC Production Request Stafl07 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WTINESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: RegulatoryAffairs TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2782 REQUEST: In the Company's first area of focus on "integrated charging, on-site renewables, and battery storage research," please answer the following about the proposal to "develop and implement a research project and report summarizing the current state of integrated stations": a. When is the estimated completion of the research? b. Please provide workpapers and a breakdown for the estimated annual expenses for this research. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, with all formulas intact. c. Please provide workpapers and a breakdown for the estimated total cost to complete this research. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, with all formulas intact. d. How will the research be presented and who will be able to access it? RESPONSE: a. The research phase of this project will focus on learning what is known about integrated charging sites, and what is not known. This research will investigate what equipment is available off the shelf and what equipment will need to be designed. Industry experts and other organizations that have completed work on this topic will be contacted to leverage their existing knowledge into ours. The research phase ofthe project will be completed by the end ofthe third quarter 2023. b. Annual costs for this project are estimated at $9,375. Please see the Company's response Staff-PR-07-Attachment A. c. Total costs for this project are estimated at $18,750. Please see the Company's response Stafl-PR-07-Attachment A. d. A report will be created at the end of the research detailing our findings and laying out a path forward for the design phase. This report will be made public. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-21-13 TPUC Production Request Staff-08 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2782 REQUEST: In the Company's first area of focus on "integrated charging, on-site renewables, and battery storage research," please answer the following about the proposal to "develop a parametric model used to identifr variable cost factors and resulting charging outputs on an ongoing basis": a) When is the estimated completion of the area of focus? b) Please provide workpapers and a breakdown for the estimated annual expenses for this area of focus. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, with all formulas intact. c) Please provide workpapers and a breakdown for the estimated total cost to complete this area of focus. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, with all formulas intact. d) How could the paramekic model be implemented for use? e) Does the Company anticipate future cost after completion in order to maintain the parametric model? RESPONSE: a) The parametric model will be developed in conjunction with the research phase of the project. This phase will be completed by the end of the third quarter 2023. b) Annual costs for this project are estimated at $3,125. Please see Staff-PR-07-Attachment A. c) Total costs for this project are estimated at $6,250. Please see Staff-PR-07-Attachment A. d) This model will compare the cost effectiveness ofbuilding a standard DC fast charging station to that of an integrated charging station with on-site renewables and storage. Standard DC station cost parameters will include all infrastructure, charging equipment, labor, network fees, ongoing charger maintenance, and annual electric bills. Station benefits will include charging fee revenue as well regional benefits seen by reducing greenhouse gas ernissions. Integrated DC stations cost parameters will include all of the same parameters as standard DC fast charging stations and add costs for battery storage, solar panels, and wind turbines. Station benefits will include all of those listed above and add the monetary value of the energy generated on site, as well as the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from generation. In addition, the cost of the on-site storage and generation will be compared to the cost to bring three phase power to the site. e) There will be some ongoing costs to maintain the parametric values in the model. Electric rates, equipment efficiencies, labor rates, etc. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-21-13 IPUC Production Request Stafl09 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2782 REQUEST: In the Company's first area of focus on "integrated charging, on-site renewables, and battery storage research", please answer the following about the "construction project design and implementation plan" proposed and how the area of focus will be scalable: a. What specifically will be included in the design? Integrated charging with batteries and onsite re,newables? Will the Company propose various designs with different Electric Vehicle chargrng station designs? Will the project be designed for residential, workplace, commercial, industrial, or other facilities? b. Who will be able to access the designs and implementation plan? How will they be able to use this information c. What are the components that would need to change on the project design to be able to implement the design at various locations, i.e., Geographical Information System data, electrical diagrams, onsite renewables designs? d. When is the estimated completion of this area of focus? e. Please provide workpapers and a breakdown for the estimated annual expenses for this area of focus. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, with all formulas intact.f. Please provide workpapers and a breakdown for the estimated total cost to complete this area of focus. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, with all formulas intact. g. Does the Company anticipate future cost after completion in order to maintain the results and assist future customers with the implementation of this design? RESPONSE: a. Please see the answers below to each part this request. i. Avista has developed a standard DC Fast charging station through the work completed in the pilot and studying what technology is currently available and what the market currently needs. The stations have been designed with expansion in mind. As the market needs change these stations can be upgraded to incorporate higher powered DC chargers. The initial build out for these stations include: l. 500kW Transformer and electric meter. Transformer pad is sized for lMW unit. 2. 480V 3phase electric panel (DC Chargers fed from this panel.) 3. Step down transformer and 240V single phase panel (AC Level II Chargers fed from this panel.) 4. All the underground electrical conduit that runs from the panels to chargers. Conduit is also run to future charger locations. 5. Two 9.6kW AC Level II chargers. 6. One l80kW DC Fast Charger. 7. An additional l80kw DC fast charger can be installed before the transformer needs to be upgraded. The second phase of the build out will add the following: l. The 500kW transformer will be upgraded to a IMW transformer 2. Two 350kW DC super chargers will be installed. ii. Through our research we will incorporate a large battery storage array on site as well as a solar canopy that will cover the battery storage. Wind generation will also be considered. iii. We will propose two use cases. The first will be for areas in our service territory where three phase power is not readily available and there is a need for fast charging capabilities. This situation can arise in many small towns located along major travel corridors. The second will be for areas where our electic grid is capacity constrained and cannot support a IMW charging load without potentially damaging substation transformers. iv. This project will be designed primarily for public charging. There is a growing demand for more public charging that is reliable and includes fast charging capabilities. The addition of onsite storage and renewable generation will enable us to provide reliable and fast charging to more areas in our service territory. In addition, this design could be modified for fleet customers who need DC fast charging and want to offset their fleets energy use with renewables. b. The engineered designs and drawings are not intended to be made available to the general public. They may be used to consult with inquiring customers, supporting private investment in EVSE in Avista's service territory where grid capacity is constrained, and for any DCFC sites that Avista may own and maintain in the future, where appropriate. Fleet customers will have the opportunity to benefit from these designs through fleet electrification consulting services provided by Avista. If this model is a good fit for a customer, we will work with them to leverage the knowledge and standard design afforded by the model. c. The size of the battery storage, solar and wind generation options will be modular in design and optimized at each site to match the outputs of the DC stations and forecasted demand for drivers. The overall layout of the station will need to be tailored to each site's geographical footprint. A grid impact analysis will be conducted for each site. If the site is identified as being grid constrained the size of the battery storage may be adjusted to appropriately match grid constraints. d. This phase will be completed by the end of the third quarter 2023. e. Annual costs for this project are estimate at $25,000. $12,500 will be allocated for internal labor and $12,500 will be allocated or consulting fees. These consulting fees may include conferring with subject matter experts, work with Avista's Grid Innovation Lab, conhols design, and drafting. Please see the Company's response Staff-PR-07-Attachment A. f. Total costs for this project are estimated at $50,000. $25,000 will be allocated for intemal labor and $25,000 will be allocated for consulting fees. Please see the Company's response Staff-PR-07-Affachment A. g. There will need to be periodic updates to the final design as technology evolves. If the design was to be used by a fleet customer there will be labor costs for time spent consulting the customer and managing construction. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-21-13 IPUC Production Request Staff-10 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2782 REQUEST: In Order No. 35129, at page 9, the Commission ordered that "the Company shall propose and seek approval of an updated R&D progftIm that includes metrics and measurable targets." Please describe how the Company will provide metrics and measurable targets for each of the 3 areas proposed in the "integrated charging, on-site renewable, and battery storage research" areas on page 8 of the Application, lines 7-12, and the "workplace, fleet, and rural access charging infrastructure" program. RESPONSE Project milestone progress to target dates, and actual to target spending will be tracked and reported annually for each of the three areas of the integrated charging, on-site renewable, and battery storage research project, along with a narrative description of the work completed and rernaining to successful project completion. Mehics for the workplace, fleet, and rural access charging infrastructure program will also be reported annually, including installation site information, install costs, O&M costs, oZ uptime, energy consumption and customer satisfaction. Customer fuel cost savings and emissions reductions may be derived from customer information and energy consumption. A narrative will be included with the metrics information, providing more background information on program activities and insights. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQT EST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-21-13 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-l1 DATE PREPARED: 1012012021WTINESS: N/A RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2782 REQUEST: Please provide workpapers and supporting documentation and calculations for the proposed charging infrastructure of $360,000. Please provide the workpapers in Excel format, witlt all formulas intact. RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-l l -Attachmelrt A.