HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210429Avista to Staff 1-2.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO AW-E-2r-03 IPUC Production Request StaflOOl i.ir 'itjl*r., ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: DATE PREPARED: 0412912021WITNESS: ,':ri : i.== ?S PH 3, '.i.0 RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: Joe Miller ,_ ,, t,tj',, -: ,.ri;e iEgroi;TELEpHONj. Tia Benjamin' ' Regulatory Affairs (s09) 49s-222s REQUEST: On page 4 of the Application, the Company states that the primary driver of the increase in overhead line extension rates is due to a decrease in vehicle usage during 2020. Please respond to the following regarding decreased vehicle usage and the increase in overhead line extension rates: a. Please provide the reasons for decreased vehicle usage in overhead electrical work durin92020 b. Does the Company expect the decreased vehicle usage in overhead electrical work to continue in future years? Please explain. c. Please provide the vehicle usage by year for all vehicles used in overhead electrical work from 2018-2020. d. Did vehicle usage in underground electrical work decrease during 2020? Please explain. e. Please explain other drivers, besides decreased vehicle use, that caused an increase in overhead line extension rates. RESPONSE: a. The decrease in overhead vehicle usage for electric work was due in part to the cyclical nature of construction projects that has led to variability in the number of hours for various vehicle classes. It is also due to operational changes made during the second and third quarters of 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Company expsriences year-to-year volatility in the number of hours of usage by vehicle type depending on the nature of the consfuction projects that occur. As an example, as shown in Staft-PR-00l Attachment A, the tandem digger, a corlmon vehicle type used in most construction projects, has varied considerably over the past three construction years with a notable uptick in hours when comparing the 2018 and 2019 time-period, followed by a return to normal rrl,2020. Also, in Avista's early response to the COVID-l9 pandemic, starting in March 2020, electric crews were put on limited working schedules where ofEces in rural areas were only responding to outages and urban ofEces were rotating crews at50%o capacity for approx. six to eight weeks. Following that period, crews returned to working following CDC guidelines where the Company continued to operate with a limited workforce due to contact tracing, testing and quarantine protocols. It is estimated, this caused an approximate l0-15%o work reduction over an extended period of 2020. b. The Company expects continued variability by vehicle type in vehicle usage hours due to the variability in construction projects noted in part A. The Company does not expect the COVID-19 pandemic to have an impact on vehicle usage on a go fonvard basis. c. Please see Staff-PR-0Ol Attachment A. d. Yes, for similar reasons described above, underground vehicle usage also decreased in 2020. However, the impact of the business process improvement which affected the way vehicle rates are applied in the Company's workorder system was more impactful to underground work and offset the effect of the decrease in vehicle usage. e. In addition to a reduction in vehicle usage, overhead work saw an overall average 3o/o increase in labor and a 3% increase in materials. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQ[TEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-21-03 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-002 DATE PREPARED: 0412612021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Tia Benjamin DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2225 REQUEST: On page 5 of the Application, the Company states that the primary driver of the decrease in underground line extension rates is due to abusiness process improvement in the way vehicle rates are applied in the Company's workorder system. Did this business process improvement affect any of the other average costs discussed in the Application? If so, please explain how those costs were affected. If not, please explain why not. RESPONSE: The business process improvement did not materially affect any other costs included in this application, only vehicle rates. The improvement specifically targeted improving vehicle usage to better represent vehicle utilization in the field. OH Crew Vehicle Usage 2OL8-2O2O GLASS 56: DUALWHEEL January February March 1ST QTR April May USAGE (imputed) CLASS 66: TANDEM DIGGERS USAGE: (For allvehicles in class, estimated mileage) 2019 86,4',12 69,618 94,964 250,994 2019 147,489 56,560 ',112,139 316,188 2020 95,743 76,850 86,441 259,034 73,111 96,745 64,030 80,434 121,866 66,650 January February March 1ST QTR April May USAGE (imputed) CLASS 68: DOUBLE BUCKET USAGE: (For all vehicles in class, estimated hours) 2018 1,889 1,335 1,748 4,972 2019 1,372 1,901 1,905 5,178 2020 1,126 1,390 1,578 4,094 'l ,262 2,437 1,264 1,259 1,538 'l ,240 January February March lST QTR April May USAGE (imputed)USAGE: (For all vehicles in class, estimated hours) 2019 2,006 1,390 1,979 5,375 2019 1,689 1,532 1,801 5,022 2020 1,413 2,094 1,525 5,032 1,504 1,727 1,058 1,247 1,712 1,281 June zND QTR July August September 3RD QTR October November 120,395 107,580 106,858 273,940 326,191 237,538 102,167 121,555 114,869 81,988 95,655 83,989 98,137 95,767 94,169 282,292 312,977 293,027 89,826 90,088 134,948 75,894 87,342 108,643 June 2ND QTR July August September 3RD QTR October November ,362 ,367 ,222 1 1 1 3,882 5,342 3,726 June 2NDQTR 1,493 1,749 1J04 1,432 1,303 1,267 1,441 1,342 1,443 4,366 4,393 3,814 2,376 1,630 1,519 1,250 1,825 1 ,442 July August September 3RD QTR October November ,2601 ,437 ,497 ,537 1 1 1 4,187 4,936 3,876 1,462 1,427 1,570 1,570 '|.,329 1,618 1,366 1,491 4,650 4,363 4,080 1,612 1,902 1,989 1,709 1,499 2,038 December TOTAL Averase 110,550 u,431 116,911 December 276,270 261,861 360,502 I,083,406 1,217,216 I,150,101 90,29{ 101,t135 95,842 ,520 1,620 1,598 1,546 TOTAL Averaoe 1,388 1,429 1,74;6 December 5,015 4384 4,706 18,235 19,797 16,340 1 1 1 ,650 ,362 TOTAL Averaqe 1,906 1,456 1,il1 5,227 4,867 5,568 19,4{19 {9,178 18,556