HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210810Technical Hearing Transcript Vol II.pdfe BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION EOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NOS. AVU-E-21-01 AVU-G-21-01 --{ Ft? t.-.? Aa:!i;- ,,.4.rC; n'l a-'!(::}n /_3:Dd lf r "lt '-111"v-!t qrl €rJ EXHIBITS \ i.-, BEFORE #M'flr.-. c,+., ;ffi(} 4- COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER (Presiding) COMMISSIONER PAUL K.IELLANDER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON PLACE:Commlssion Hearing Room 11331 West Chinden Blvd.Building 8, Suite 201-ABoise, fdaho DATE:August 2, 202L VOLUME II Pages 12 1,49 CSB REPORTING C ertifrc d S h o rt h on d Rep o ile rs Post Office Box9714 Boise,Idaho 83707 csbreporting@..valroo. com Ph: 208-890-5198 For: l-888-623-6899 Reporter: Constance Bucy, CSR ORIGINAL DAVID J. MEYER VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF COUNSEL FOR REGULATORY & GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS AVISTA CORPORATION P.O.BOX3727 141 1 EAST MISSION AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 9 9220 -37 27 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4316 FACSIMLE: (s09) 495-8851 DAVTD. MEYER@AVISTACORP. COM BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) oF AVTSTA CORPORATION FOR THE ) AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES ) AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND ) NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC ) AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE ) STATE OF IDAHO ) CASE NO. AVU-E-zI.OI CASE NO. AW.G.2I.Ol EXHIBIT NO. 19 OF ELIZABETH M. ANDREWS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION (ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS) David J. Meyer, Esq. Vice President and Chief Counsel of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation l4l1 E. Mssion Avenue P.O.Box3727 Spokane, Washingto n 99220 Phone: (509) 495-4316, Fax: (509) 495-8851 John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attomey General Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0074 Phone: (208) 334-0357,Fax: (208) 334-3762 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU.E-2l-OI AVU-G-21-01 STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT This Stipulation and Settlement ("Stipulation") is entered into by and among Avista Corporation, doing business as Avista Utilities ("Avista" or "Company"), the Staff of the ldalro Public Utilities Commission ("Staff'), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater"),Idaho Forest Group, LLC ("Idaho Forest"), the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. ('CAPAI.), the Idaho Conservation League ("ICL"), and Walmart Inc. ("Walmart"). These entities are collectively referred to as the "Parties" and singularly as a 'oParty," and represent all who have appeared in these proceedings. The Parties understand this Stipulation is subject to approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC" or the "Commission"). STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-2141& AW-G-2I-OI Page I I. INTRODUCTION 1. The terms and conditions ofthis Stipulation are set forth herein. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a fair, just, and reasonable compromise of all the issues raised in the proceeding, is in the public interest, and its acceptance by the Commission represents a reasonable resolution of the multiple issues identified in this case. The Parties, thereforc, recommend that the Commission, in accordancewith RP 274, approve the Stipulation and all of its terms and conditions withoutmaterial change or condition. II. BACKGROUND 2. On January 29, 2021, Avista filed an Application with the Commission for authority to increase revenue effective September 1,202I, and September I ,2022, for electric and natural gas service in ldaho. The Companyproposed a "Two-Year Rate Plan" with an increase in electric baserevenueof g24.8million or l0.lYofor "Rate Year 1", and $8.7 million or 3.2%ofor "Rate Year 2" .1With regard to natural gas, the Company proposed an increase in base revenue of $52,000 or0.lYofor 'oRate Year 1", and $l.0million or2.2oh for"Rate Year2". By OrderNo. 34930, dated February 23,2021, the Commission provided notice of the Application and set an intervention deadline for interested persons and parties to intervene in the case. In its filed case, Avista proposed that these increases would be offsetby the effect of Tax Customer Credit Tariff Schedules 76 (electric) and 176 (natural gas). Avista stated the proposed amortizatron of approximately $31.3 million in electric tax benefits from Schedule 76, beginning on September 1, 202l,would completely offsetAvista's requestedelectric rate relief forRate Year I until about November 30,2022. However, Avista also represented that its Idaho electric customers would see an $8.7 million (3.5%) bill increase for Rate Year 2, effective September 1, I "Rate Year I " is definedas September 1,2021through August 3 1,z02z.*RateYear2" is defined as Septembo 1, 2022 throuStAu gust 3 l, 2023. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141& AW-G-21-01 Page 2 2022. Avista also stated the proposed l0-year amortization of $12.1 million in natural gas ta,x benefits from Schedule 1 76, beginning September I,2021 , would result in about $ 1 .2 million in benefits per year. The Company stated that these benefits would offset the proposed (as-filed) $0.1 million natural gas base rate increase in Rate Year 1, decreasing natural gas customers' bills by about 1.8 percent. For Rate Year 2 Avista proposed to amortize its "Natural Gas Deferred Depreciation Expense" balance of about $0.9million for one-year, effective September l,2D2through August 31,2023. Avista also proposod offsettingthe proposed $ 1.0 million revenue requirement increase througlr Schedule 177.1\e Companyrepresented that, afterapplication of SchedulelT6 andl77 impacts, customers would see a 0. I percent increase, effective September I ,2A2. 3. Petitions to intervene in this proceeding were filed by Clearwater, Idaho Fores! CAPAI, ICL, and Walmart. The Commission granted these interventions in IPUC Order Nos. 3 49 40, 3 49 53, 3 49 58 and 3 4967 . 4. A settlement conferencewas noticed and held virtually on May 19,2021.\n addition, a second settlement conference was held virtually on June 4,2021. All Parties were in attendance atboth meetings. As a compromise ofpositionsin this case, and for other consideration as set forth below, the Parties agree to the followingterns: III. TERMS OF THE STIPULATION AI\D SETTLEMENT 5. Overview of Settlementand Revenue Requirement. The Parties agree that AvisE should be allowed to implement revised tariff schedules designed to increase annual base electic revenues by $ 10.6 million, or 4.3%o, effective September 1,202I, and increase base revenues by $8.0million,or3.lo/o,effectiveSeptemberl,2022. Fornaturalgas,thePartiesagreethatAvish should be allowed to decreasenatural gas base revenueby $1.6 million, or 3.7o/o, effective STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-2141& AW-G.2I.OI Page 3 September 1,2021, and increase natural gas base revenue $0.9 million, or 2.2%o, effective September 1,2022. 6. Tax Customer Credit. The Parties agree to return to customers the Tax Customer Credits available of approximately $3 1.3 million for electric and $ 12.1 million for natural gas, through separate Tariff Schedules 76 (electric) and 176 (natural gas). The Parties agree to apply the Tax Customer Credit for electric and natural gas over the Two-Yem Rate Plan as described in fl20 below.2 7. Cost of Canital.The Parties agree to a 9.4 percent return on equity, with a 50.0 percent common equity ratio. The capital structure andresultingrate of return is as set forth below: Component Capital Structure Cost Weighted Cost Debt ConrmnEquity Total 50% s0% 4.70% 9.40% 2.3s% 4.70% 100%7.0504 A. ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT 8. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement (September 1, 2021\ fRate Year ll Below is a summary table and descriptions of the electric revenuerequirement components agrd to by the Parties, effective September 1,2021: 2 ThePartiesagreedthenaturalgasDefenedDepreciationCreditbalanceof$8g4,000wouldnotbemadeavaihbb at this time but would be held foruse in a future proceeding. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141& AW-G-21-01 Page 4 Table No. I SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVENUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTTVE SEPTEMBER I, 2021 (000s of Dollars) Revenue Requirrment Rate Base Amount as Filed: Adjustments: a.) Cost of Capital b.) Company 202012U1Net Rate Base Updates c.) Miscelhneous Company Updates: Compass Regulatory Amortizaticrl Reguhtory Assessmant Fee, Colstrb/CS2 Major Maintenance, Insurance and Conversion Factor d.) Restate Incentives and Officer Labor to 2019 Test Year Actuals e.) Remove 2020 Non-Union and202l Labor Increases f) Remove Certain 2021 Caprtal Projects C.) Remove AMA2022CapitalAdditions h.) Adjust Wildfire Expenses i.) Delay EIM Investment Recovery to September 1,2022 j.) Update Net Pro Forma Power Supply Expense and Transmission Revenues i.) Update Pro Forma Gas Prices ii.) Include Palouse and Rattlesnake Wind PPA Contracts in PCA iii.) Remove BPA Contact iv.) Revise Transmission Revenues k.) Restate Uncollectibhs t.) Fee Free Amortization m.) Miscelhneous Adjustments: Board of Dbector Expenses, Injuries and Damages, Legal and Internal Auditing expenses, Gains on Sale of Property, Information Services expense and reclassification of other administrative and general Adjusted Amounts Efrective September 1,2021 $ 24,783 $ 864,166 $ 2,816 (2,881) &0 6n) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (426) (u66) (1,010) (1,438) (727) (n2) 1,878 (394e) (383) (2,529) (2e) (s8) (462) $ (4,673) $ (n34t) $ (3,891) $ 10,599 $ 836,077 a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see fl7 above). This adjustnent reduces flre overall revenue requirement by $ 2.8 8 I million. b. Companv 2020/2021 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjustnents to netrate base to update information related to 2020 arrd 2021 (January l, 2020 through August 31, 2021) capital additions, includingrelated depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxes, b reflect balances as of August 31,2021. This adjustnort increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 640, 000 and increases net rate b ase by $ 2.8 I 6 million. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-2I4I & AW-G.2I-01 Page 5 c. Miscellaneous Companv Updates. Reflects adjustrnents to expenses to update information related to removal of the expiring Project Compass regulatory amortization, to correct the regulatory fee expense calculation and update for the current IPUC 2021 regilatory assessment fee, including its impact on the Revenue Conversion Factor, as well as adjustments to reflect actual major maintenance expense associated with the Company's Colstrip generation plant and actual insurance expense. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 5 22, 000. d. Restate Incentives and Officer Labor to 2019 Test Year Actuals. Reflects the removal of the six-year average incentives as proposed by the Company and2020 incremenhl officer labor. This adjustrnent reflects actual incentive and officer labor at 2019 test periodlevels. Thisadjustmentdecreasestheoverallrevenuerequirementby$426,000. e. Remove 2020 Non-Unionand 2021 Laborlncreases. This adjustment removes 2020 non-union and202l union and non-union labor increases included by the Company, reflecting only labor salary levels of 2019 for non-union employees and 2020 for union employees. This adjustrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 1.366 million. f. Remove Certain 2021 Capital Proiects This adjustrnent removes certain capihl investnents related to: I ) Rattlesnake Flats Interconnection and Transmission/Substation project s; 2) 5Yo of certain IS/IT investrnents; and 3 ) 50%o of theCustomerFacingTechnoloryprojects. Forsettlementpurposes,theseprojecthave been removed from this rate case and will be reviewed in the Company's next general rate case. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirementby $ 1.01 million and reduces net rate base by $4.673 million. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-2141& AW.G-2I-OI Page 6 g. Remove 2022 AMA Capital Additions. This adjustment removes the Company's capital additions beyond August 31,2021, included by the Company for Rate Year l, reflecting only plant investnent prior to the September 1, 2021 , effective date. This adjusfrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ I .43 8 million and reduces net rate base by $22.341 million. h. Adiust Wildfire Expenses. This adjusfinent reflects actual wildfire expenses for the period September 2020 through Decembel. 2020, as well as expected amounb ftom January 2021 througlr August 2021. The agreed-upon wildfire expense amount of $1.471 million establishes the "base" wildfire expense level for Rate Year 1. This adjusfrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 727,000. See Wildfire Balancing Account discussion atllT below. i. Delav EIM Recoverv to September l. 2022. This adjustment removes Enerry Imbalance Market (EIM) investment expected to be in service by the March 1,2022 "Go-Live" date. This invesfrnent is delayed forrecovery until September 1,2022. Tl:ris adjusimentdecreases the overall revenue requiremortby $ 922,000 and reduces netrate baseby $3.891 million. and Transmission Related Net i. Update Pro Forma Gas Prices. Restates pro forma power supply net expenses to reflect updated natural gas forward prices for September 2Al through August 2022 contract months. This adjustnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 1 .878 million. ll.Palouse and Wind. Reflects the removal of the Palouse Wind and Rattlesnake Wind Power Purchase Agreements ("PPA") net expenses from base power supply expense but allows actual costs to be reflected in J. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-2141 & AW-G-21-01 Page 7 the PCA. This adjusfrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $3.949 million. See fll0 (Palouse) and fll I (Rattlesnake) below for furtrer information. Remove BPA Contact. Reduces power supply expenses to reflect not having contacted with BPA for an additional 50 MW of firm transmission rights for Coyote Springs 2. T\e Company was recently notified by BPA that they retracted their offer for tansmission services, indicating a lack of availability over that path. This adjustrnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $3 83,000. Revise Transmission Revenues. Revise transmission revenues to reflect Idaho's share of: l) a long-term firm point-to-point transmission service agreement with Idaho Power for 100 MW of service commencing on I\4ay 1,2021, and continuingthrough April 30, 2026 ($829,000 Idaho); 2) forn (4) months of a second long-term firm point-to-point transmission service agreement with Idaho Power for 100 MW of service commencing on May 1,2022, and continuing througfu April 30,2027 ($276,000 Idaho); 3) inclusion of the Company's FERC Transmission General Rate Case revenue increase expected to begin October l,zDl ($ I .399 million Idatro); and 4) a correction to fransmission revenue from the original Application ($ 2 5, 000 Idaho ). These resulting changes in transmission revenues will also be reflected in the PCA authorized base effective September 1 , 2021. This adjusfrnent decreases the overall revenue requirementby $2.529 million. ur lv. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-2141& AVU.G.zI-OI Page 8 k. Restate Uncollectibles. Avista has authority to defer uncollectible expsnse above tre amount embedded in current rates into a COVID-I9 Regulatory Asset Account.3 This adjusfrnent sets the uncollectible expense amount at the amounts approved in the previous rate case. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $29,000. l. Fee Free Amortization. This adjustment revises the amortization expense of the Fee Free deferral balance ($291,000) to reflect a three-year amortization, beginning September 1,202I, of approximately $91,000 annually. This adjustment decreases tre overall revenue requirement by $ 5 8,000. m. Miscellaneous Adiustrnents. Reflects the net change in operating expenses related to: I ) removing Board of Director expenses and fees ($ 189,000); 2) removing legal expenses allocated to Idaho electric ($ 50,000); 3) including ldaho's share of the gains on the sale of electric property in 2019 ($22,000); 4) removing internal audit expenses ($49,000); 5) removing injury and damages expenses from the six-year average ($4,000); 6) removing IS/IT expenses to reflect actual expenses in2020 ($86,000); and 7) removing other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($26,000). The net effect of this adjusfinent decreases the overall revenue requirementby $462,000. 9. Overview of Electric Revenue Requirement (September 1. 2022) lRate Year 21. Below is a summary table and descriptions of the incremental Electric revenue requirement components agreed to by the Parties effective September 1,2022: 3 SeeCaseNo. GNR-U-20-03,includingConsolidated Avista C;aseNos. AW-E-20-03 andAW-G-20-03. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-21-{I-1& AW-c-21-01 Page 9 Table No.2 a.) b.) i ii iii iv. vi vii. SUMMARY TABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO ELECTRIC REVEI\iUE REQUIREMENT EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I, 2022 (000s ofDollan) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Effective September 1,2021 fncremental Revenue Adjustment to Septembe r 1,2021 Rate Change (see Tabel No. 1): Add EIM Investnent Add Incremental202l/2022 Rehted Capital and Expenses: CapitalAdditiom Property Tax Expense on 2Al Plant Additions 2020 / 2021 Labor lncrea se IS/IT Expenses Wildfre Expenses Colstrip/CS2 Major Maintenance Colstrfi Amortization September 1r2022 Incremental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above September 1,2021 Rate Change - see Table No. 1) $ 836,077 922 $ 3,891$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4266 786 924 201 365 381 155 $ n,948 $ 1,890 $ 8,000 $ E69,806 a. Add EIM Investnent. Effective September l,2022,this adjusfinentreflects the EIM investnent that will be in service by the March l, 2022, "Go-Live" date. This adjustnent increases the overall revenue requirementby $922,000, and increases net ratebaseby $3.891 million in RateYear2, above Rate Year I levels. b. Add Incremental 202112022 Related Capital and Expenses to Rate Year 2 (incremental aboveRate Year I ). i. Capital Additions. Includes certain 2021 capital additions from Septonber 1,202I througlr August 3l,2022,prior to the Rate Year 2 September 1, 2022, effective date. This adjustnent increases the overall revenue requirementby $4.266 million and increases net rate base by $27.948 million. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.2I4I & AW-G.2I.OI Page l0 11.Prnnertv Tax F.xnense nn 202t Canifel Additinns Includes property tax lll. expense associated with202l capital additions at existing levy rates. This adjusftnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 786,000. 202012021 Labor Increases. Includes the2020 non-union annualized non- executive labor increases and the 2021 union annualizod labor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $924,000. iv. IS/IT Expenses. Reflects incremental 202112022 expected increases primarily as so ciated with chan ges in contractual agreements, pre -p aid co sb, or the continuation of costs for products and services that will increase beyond the Rate Year I levels. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $20 1,000. v. Wildfire Expenses. Reflectsincremental202l12022 expected increases. This revisesthe agreed upon "base"wildfire expense levelto $ 1.836 million for Rate Year 2. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $365,000. See Wildfire Balancing Account discussion atll7 below. vi. Colstrip/CS2 Maior Maintenance. Reflects the Colstrip/CS2 Maintenance expense level included in Rate Year I to reflect the revised expense for Rate Year 2. This adjustment adjusts expense to one-third of each amount deferred for calendar years 201 9 throu gn 2021. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $381,000. Colstrip Amortization. Reflects the recovery of Avista's investment in the Colstrip Units 3 and 4 generating facilities (reflecting an acceleratod depreciation rate of 2027), including the Colstrip capital additions between September I ,2022 and August 3l ,2023 on an AMA basis in the Colstrip vll. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-2I {I & AW-G-2l-OI Page I I Regulatory Asset for recovery over its authorized amortization period. This adjustnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $155,000 and increases net rate base by $ 1.89 million. 10. Palouse Wind. The Parties agree that, forpurposes of this case, power supply expenses related to the Palouse Wind PPA will continue to be included in the PCA, subjectto the current sharing (90% customer, 10% Company).4 Idaho will continue to be assigned its proportional share of all environmental attributes. I 1 . Rattlesnake Wind. The Parties agree that, for purposes of this case, power supply expenses related to the RattlesnakeWind PPA will be included in the PCA, subjectto the current sharing (90% customer, 10% Company).s Idaho will be assigned its proportional share of all environmental attributes. B. NATURAL GAS REVENUE REOUIREMENT 12. Overviewof Natural Gas RevenueRequirement(September 1.2021) lRate Year ]]. Below is a summary table and descriptions of thenatural gas revenue requiremort componenb agreed to by the Parties effective September 1,2021 a The Palouse Wind PPA is a 3O-year contract that was executed in 201I by the Company and prnchases all of fu output(l05MWnameplatecapacity)andenvironmentalattnbutes. Theprojectbegancommercialoperationir December20l2. 5 TheRattlesnakeFlatWindPPAis a2O-yearcontactwhichconsistsof50Siemen'sS-l2929ItdWwindtuftines withatotalcapacityofapproximately l45MW's. TheprojectbegancommercialopemtioninDecember2020. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141& AW-G-21-01 Page t2 Table No.3 a) b.) c.) d") e.) f) c.) h.) i.) i.) ST]MMARYTABLE OFADJUSTMENTS TO NATURAL GAS REVENTIE REQTIIREMENT EFTTCTTVE SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 (000s ofDollars) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Amount as Filed: $ Adjustments: Cost of Capital $ Conpany 202012021Net Rate Base Updates $ Miscellaneous Conpany Updates: Regulatory Assessmant Fee, Insurance and $ Conversion Factor. Restate ktcentives and Officer Labor to 2019 Test Year Actuals $ Remove 2020 Non-Union att202l Labor Increases $ Remove Certain 2021 Capital Profcts $ Remove AMA2Dz2CapitalAdditions $ Restate Uncollectibles $ Fee Free Amortization $ Miscelhneous Adjustnents: Board of Director Expenses, Legal Intemal $ Auditing and Informatbn Services expenses, and rechssification of other administrative and general expenses 52 $ 173,485 (141) Adjusted Amounts Effective September lr202l $ (1,621) $ 171,148 (s78) (r7) $ 7 (loe) (436) (34s) (o 56 (7e) (166) $ (1,117) $ (1,079) a. Cost of Capital. As previously described (see fl7 above). This adjusftnent reduces tre overall revenue requirement by $ 578p00. b. Companv 202012021 Net Rate Base Updates. Reflects adjustnents to net rate base to update informationrelated to 2020 arrd202l (January 1,2020, througlr August 31, 2021) capital additions, includingrelated depreciation expense, as well as the impact on Accumulated Depreciation and Accumulated Deferred Federal Income Taxeg to reflect balances as of August 3l ,2021. This adjustnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ I 7,000 and decreases net rate base by $ l4l ,000. c. Miscellaneous Companv Uodates. Reflects adjusfrnents to expenses to correct the regulatory fee expense calculation and update for the current IPUC 2021regalatory assessment fee, including its impact on the Revenue Conversion Factor, as well as STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E-21{.].1& AW-G.?I-OI Page 13 adjustnents to reflect actual insurance expense. This adjustrnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 7,000. d. Restate Incentives and Officer Labor to 2019 Test Year Actuals. Reflects the removal of the six-year average incentives as proposod by the Company and2020 incremental officer labor. This adjustment reflects actual incentive and officer labor at 2019 test period levels. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 1 09,000. e. Remove 2020 Non-Union and 2021 Labor Increases. This adjusfnent removes 2020 non-union and202l union and non-unionlaborincreases included by the Company, reflecting labor salary levels of 2019 for non-union employees and 2020 for union employees. This adjustnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $ 43 6,000. f. Remove Certain 2021 Capital Proiects. This adjustnentremoves certain capihl investrnentsrelated to: 1) 5o/o of certain IS/IT investnents; 2\ 50% of the Customer Facing Technologr projects; 3) ER 3002 Regulator Station Replacement invesfinorf 4) ER 3005 Non-Revenue (Failed Equipment) investnent;5) ER 3007Isolated Steel Replacement investrnent; 6) ER 3055 PMC Program invesfrnent. For settlement purposes, theseprojects have bee,n removed fromthis rate case and will be reviewed in the Company's next general rate case. This adjustment decreases the overall revenue requirementby $345,000 and reduces net rate base by $ 1.1 l7 million. oD'Remove 2022 Canital Additions-This adjustrnent removes the Company's capital additions beyond August 31,2021, included by the Company for Rate Year 2, reflecting only plant investnent prior to the September l, 2022 effective date. This adjustnent decreases the overall revenue requirement by $6,000 and reduces net rale base by $1.079 million. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-2141& AW-G.?I-OI Page 14 h. Restate Uncollectibles. Avista has authority to defer uncollectible expense abovethe amount embedded in current rates into a COVID-l9 Regulatory Asset Account. This adjusfrnent sets the uncollectible expense amount at the amounts approved in the previous rate case. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requirement by $56,000. i. Fee Free Amortization. This adjustrnent revises the amortization expense of the Fee Free deferral balance ($475,000) to reflect a three-year amortization, beginning September I , 2021, of approximately $ 1 5 8,000 annually. This adjustrnent decreases the overall revenue requirementby $79,000. j. Miscellaneous Adiusftnents. Reflects the net change in operating expenses relatod tc: 1) removing Board of Director expenses and fees ($48,000);2) removing legal expenses allocated to Idaho electric ($ 13,000); 3) removing internal audit expenses ($ I 3,000); 4) removing IS/IT expenses to reflect actual expenses n 2020 ($ 22,000); and 5) removing other miscellaneous A&G expenses ($ 70,000). The net effect of lhis adjustrnent decreases the overall revenue requirementby $ 166,000. I 3. Overview of Natural Gas Revenue Requirement (September I . 2022) [ Rate Year !]. Below is a summary table and descriptionsof the incremental Natural Gas revenue requirement components agreed to by the Parties effective September 1,2022: STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-2I41 & AW-G-21-01 Page 15 Table No.4 a) ST'MMARYTABLE OF ADJUSTMENTS TO NATTJRAL GAS REVENI]E REQUIREMENT EFFECTM SEPTEMBER t, 2022 (000s ofDollan) Revenue Requirement Rate Base Rate Base Amount Efrective September 1,2021 Incre me ntal Reve nue Adjus tme nt to Septe mbe r l, 2021 Rate Change (see Tabel No. 1): Add Incremental202l/2022 Related Capital and Expenses: Capital Additions Property Tax Expense on202l Phnt Additims 2A0/2Al Labor Increase ISAT Expenses September 1,2022 Incrrcmental Revenue Adjustment and Rate Base Amount (above September 1,2021Rate Change - see Table No. l) $ 171,148 i IL lll iv. $ $ $ $ 458 134 297 50 $ 1,163 $939 $ 172,311 a. Add Incremental 202112022 Related Capital and Expenses to Rate Yeu 2 (incremental aboveRate Year 1). i. Capital Additions. Includes certain 2021 capital additions from Septerrber 1,2021, througfr August 3l,2022,prior to the Rate Year 2 September l, 2022, effective date. This adjustrnent increases the overall reve,nue requirement by $458,000 and increases net rate base by $ 1.163 million. ii. Properw Tax Expense on 2021 Capital Additions. Includes property tax expense associated with 2021 capital additions at existing levy rates. This adjustrnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $ I 34,000. iii. 2020 /202 | Labor ln.creaser. Includes the 2020 non-union arulualized non- executive labor increases and the 2021 union annualizod labor increases. This adjustment increases the overall revenue requiremortby $297,000. iv. IS/IT Expenses. Reflects incremental 202112022 expected increases primarily asso ciated with changes in contractual agreements, pre -p aid co stq or the continuation of costs for products and services that will increase STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-2141& AW-G-2I.OI Page 16 beyond Rate Year 1 levels. This adjustnent increases the overall revenue requirement by $ 50,000. C. OTHER SETTLEMENT COMPONENTS 14. PCA Authorized Level of Expense. The new level of power supply revenues, expenses, retail load, and Load Change Adjusfinent Rate resulting from the September 1,2021, settlement revenue requirement for purposes of the monthly PCA mechanism calculations are detailed in Appendix A. 15. Elecfric and Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adiustnent Mechanisms Authorized Base. The new level of baseline values for the electric and natural gas fixed cost adjustnent mechaniyn (FCA) resulting from the September l, 2021 and September 1, 2022, settlement revenue requirements are detailed as follows: o Appendix B - September 1,2021Electric FCA Baseo Appendix C- September 1,2022 Electric FCA Baseo Appendix D - Septemb er 1,2021Natural Gas FCA Baseo Appendix E- September 1,2022 Natural Gas FCA Base 16. Natural Gas Tax Credit Amortization. The Parties agree to begin amortizing the Company's natural gas tax basis benefit over ten years in this case and carryingthroug[r the Two- Year Rate Plan. However, the amortization period ofthe remaining balance available at the time of the Company's next general rate case will be subject to review and possible change of the amortization period at that time. 17. Wildfire Balancins Account. The Parties agree to a two-way Wildfire O&M Expense Balancing Account to defer the difference in actual O&M Wildfire expenses, up or dowrq from the authorized "base" level approved in Rate Year I of $ 1 .471 million and Rate Year 2 of STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E-21-{]-1& AW.G.2I.OI Page 17 $ 1.836 million. The balance in the deferral will be included for review and recovery in fufirc general rate cases. 18. Enersv Imbalance Market (EIM). Currently Idaho's share of its incremental EIM O&M expenses are being deferred per Order No. 34606 in Case No. AVU-E-20-01 until the expected "go live" date March 1,2022. The Parties agree that effective with the expected "go live" March l, 2022 date, the Company will begin to reflect Idaho's share of incremental EIM O&M expenses througlr the PCA up to Idaho's share of EIM benefits that also will flow througfi the PCA. Any incremental EIM O&M expenses exceeding EIM benefits would continue tc be deferred for review and determination of recovery in a future proceeding. 19. Ageed Upon Workshops and Meeting/Conferences. The Parties have agreed trr a number of workstrops and meetings to explore various issues. Avista will work with the interested parties to arrive at a schedule for the meetings and workshops within 45 days of the effective date of this case (by October 15, 2021), with such meetings and workshops to occur after that date. Tho se workshop s or meetings are provided b elow : (a) Cost of Service Workshops - See !f24 below. O) Basic Charge Discussion - See'[24 below. (c) Long-term Ownership of Colstrip - In OrderNo. 34814 in Case No. AW- E-19-01, pertaining to the Company's2020 Electric Integrated Resource Plan, the Commission ordered the Company to file an annual update on its Colstrip ownerstrip interest by October I of each year. The report is intended to "provide updated economic analyses of retirement dates, closure plans and estimated retirement dates, and annual accounting for decommissioning and remediation expenditures/estimates." Additionally, the Order requires that "Avista shall notify the Commission within 30 days of Colstrf parbrer decisions and plant issues that may materially affect ldaho customers." The STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2I { I & AW-G-21 -01 Page I 8 Commission noted that "Providing a separate venue for the Colstrip analysis reflects the IRP's usefulness as a portfolio planning process that leaves specific resource decisions to separate dockets." The process established will provide a venue for all interested stakeholders to receive information as it pertains to the Company's long-term ownership interest in Colsfip. Avista will extend an invitation to the Parties to participate in scheduled meetinp as contemplatedbyOrder No.34814, supra, and to provideits annualreporb filed with the Commission to the Parties. (d) WeatherNormalization Discussion - See fl25 below. (e) Neilson Substation and Interconnection Discussion- Avista agrees to med and confer with Commission Staff to discuss the prudence of network upgrades related b the Neilson Substation and Interconnection. (0 Customer Service Meffics/CustomerFacing Technologies - Avista agrees to meet and conferwith Commission Staff to discuss customer satisfaction metics, and how the Company's investment in customer-facing technologies affect those metrics and drive customer experiences. D. COST OF SERVICE/RATE SPREAD/RATE DESIGN 20. Costof Service/Rate Spread (Base Rate Chanses). The Parties do not agree on any particular cost of service methodology. In recognition, however, that certain rate schedules are generally above their relative cost of service, the Parties agree that Schedule 25P should receive 25o/o of the overall percentage base rate changes for the September 1,2021and September 1,2022 base rate increases. In addition, Schedules llll2 should receive 25%o of the overall percentage base rate change for the September 1,2022 increase. All other schedules, except Schedule 1, should receive a uniform percentage of the overall base rate revenue increase. The remaining STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-21,41& AW-G.ZI-OI Page 19 revenue requirement should be spread to Schedule 1. For natural gas, the Parties agreed to a uniform percentage of distribution margin increase on September 7,2021and September 1,2022. The Parties agree to retum to customers the Tax Customer Credits through separate Taffi Schedules 76 (electric) and 176 (natural gas). For Year I electric, the Parties agree to return an amount equal to the base rate increase. ForYear 2 electric, the Parties agree to return the remaining balance of the Tax Customer Credit, offsetting the overall base rate increase effective Septernber 1,2022. The Parties agreed that $250,000 of the Tax Customer Credit applicable to Schedule 1l would be allocated to Schedile 25 . For natural gas, the Parties agree to begin returning the Tax Customer Credit September I ,2021 , over a ten-year period as proposed by the Company. 21. Rate Desisr. The Parties agree to the rate design changes proposed by the Company in Mr. Miller's direct testimony for the September I ,2021, base rate increases.6 For the September l, 2022 base rate increases, the electric and natural gas Residential Basic Charges (Schedule I and 101), will increase from $6.00 per month to $7.00 per month, an increase of $1.00 per month. The Parties agree that there will be no changes to the electric demand charges in either year of the rate plan. All other basic and minimum charges effective September I ,2022, will be as proposed by the Company in its initial filing. Appendix Fprovides a summary of the current and revised rates and charges (as per the Settlement) for electic and natural gas service. 22. Resultine Percentaee Chanee bv Electric Service Schedule. The followingtables reflect the agreed-uponpercentage change by schodule for electric service: 6 FortheSeptemberl,202lratencrease,theCompanyproposedthatallofthebaserevenueincreaseberecovered solely through theenerry charges forallof the electric andnatumlgasrate schedules. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141 & AVU-G-21-01 Page 20 Effective September lr202l @ate Year 1) Increase in Billing Change in Billing Increase in Base Revenue before Revenue with Revenue Offset OffsetRate Schedule Residential Schedule I General Servbe Schedules 1ll12 I-arge General Servbe Schedules 21122 Brfta I-arge General Service Schedub 25 Clearwater Paper Schedule 25P Ptrrping Service Schedules 3ll32 Sfreet & Area Lldts Schedubs 4l-48 Overall Residenthl Schedule I General Service Schedules I l/12 l,arge General Service Schedules 2lD2 Extra Large General Service Schedule 25 Charwater Paper Schedule 25P Purying Senrice Schedubs 31/32 Steet & Area Lighfs Schedules 4l-48 Ovelall 49% 4.3% 4.3% 43% I.t% 4.3% 4.3% 4,3Y! 4.9% 4.t% 4.1% 4.2% r.0% 4.2% 4.2% 4,2,y! 0.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -3.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0,0% Elfective September 1,2022 (Rate Year2) Rate Schedule Increase in Bi[ing Change in Bilting Increase in Base Revenue beforc Revenue with Revenue Olhet Olfset 03% -25% -0.8% -2.2% -3.2% -0.8% -0.8% :0.8% 4.3% 0.tYo 3.t% 3.t% 08% 3.1% 3.1% a% 4.4% 0.8% 3.t% 3.1% 0.9Yo 3.1% 3.1%w 23. Resultins Percentase Increase Natural Gas Service Schedule The following tables reflect the agreed-upon percentage increaseby schedule for natural gas service: Effective September 1,2021@ate Year 1) Change in Margin Revenue Change in Bilting Change in Revenue Bilting Revenue before Offset with OffsetRate Schedule General Servbe Schedute 101 I-arge General Servbe Sclpdules lll/ll2 Transportatbn Servbe Schedule 146 Ovenall -3.7% -3.7% -3.7% AJY! -2.60/o -2.1% -3.7o/o 2'5Ys -4.60/o -3.7o/o -65% 4,5% STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141& AVU.G.LI.OI Page 2l Effective September 112022 (Rate Year2) Rate Schedule General Servbe Schedub 101 l^arge General Service Sclredtrbs llllll2 Transportation Service Schedub 146 Ovenll Change in MarginRevenue Change in Bi[ing Revenue 2.2% 2.2% 2.2% 22% 1.6% 1.3% 2.3% 1.5% 24. Electric Cost of Service and Basic Charse Workshop. The Parties agtee, prior to the Company's next general rate case filing, to meet and confer regarding the Company's electic cost of service study and the appropriate level ofbasic charges. The purpose ofthe workshop will be to discuss the merits of differing cost of service methodologies and basic charge levels. The Company will provide available information, studies and data requested by any of the Parties so as to enable meaningful workshop prticipation and discussion of issues. No Party shall be bound by workshop discussions and may contest cost of service and rate spread or rate design issues in subsequent proceodings. 25. Weather Normalization - Avista agrees to meet and confer with Staff, and interested parties, on its weather normalization methodologies, with the intention to see what changes, if any, should be made to further the accuracy of its modeling. T 7 The Company's electric and natual gas weathernormalization adjustnent calculates the change in usage required toadjustactualloadsduringthe2019testperiodtotheamountexpctedifweatherhadbennounal. Thisadjustnent incorporatestheeffectofbothheatingandcooling(forelectric)onweather-sensitivecu$omergroups. Theweather adju$ment is developedfrom a regressionanalysis oftenyears ofbilled usage percustornerand billingperiod heathg andcoolingdegreedaydata. Theresultingseasonalweathersensitivityfactors(use-per-customer-po-heating-degree day and use-per-customer-per-coolingdegree day) are applied to monthly test period customers and the diffs€noe between normalheating/ooolingdegeedaysandmonthly testperiodobservedheating/coolingdegree-days. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141& AW-G-21-01 Page 22 IV. OTHER GENERAL PROVISIONS 26. The Parties agree that this Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties in this case. As provided in RP 272, other than any testimony filed in support ofthe approval of this Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a Party to explain before the Commission its own statements and positions with respect to the Stipulation, all statements made and positions taken in negotiations relating to this Stipulation shall be confidential and will not be admissible in evidence in this or any otherproceeding, unless all Parties to the negotiation agree to the contary in writing. 27 . The Parties submit this Stipulation to the Commission and recommend approval in its entirety pursuant to RP 274. Parties shall support this Stipulation before the Commission, and no Party shall appeal a Commission Order approvingthe Stipulation or an issue resolved by the Stipulation. If this Stipulation is challenged by any person not a party to the Stipulation, the Parties to this Stipulation reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examinewitresses and put on such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issues presented, includingthe right to raise issues that are incorporated in the settlement terms embodied in this Stipulation. Notwithstandingthis reservation of rights, the Parties to this Stipulation agree that they will continue to support the Commission's adoption ofthe terms of this Stipulation. 28. If the Commission rejects any part or all of this Stipulation or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Stipulation, each Party reserves the rigfut upon written notice to the Commission and the otherParties to this proceeding within 14 days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Stipulation. In such case, no Party shall be bound orprejudiced by the terms of this Stipulation, and each Party shall be entitled to seek reconsiderationof the Commission's order, file testimony as it chooses, cross-examine witnesses, and do all otherthings necessary to put on such case as it deems appropriate. In suctr STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU-E-2141& AW-G-21-01 Page 23 case, the Parties immediately will request the prompt reconvening of a prehearing conference for purposes of establishing a procedural schedule for the completion of the case, in accordance with law. 29. The Parties agree thatthis Stipulation is in thepublic interestand thatall of its terms and conditions are fair, just and reasonable. 30. No Party shall be bound, benefited or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Stipulation be construed as a waiver of the rights of any Party unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Execution of this Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method theory or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation or costrecovery employed in arrivingat this Stipulation is appropriate forresolvingany issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Stipulation. 3 1 . The obligations of the Parties underthis Stipulation are subjectto the Commission's approval of this Stipulation in accordancewith its terms and conditions and upon such approval beingupheld on appeal, if any,by a court of competent jurisdiction. 32. This Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constifute an original document. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-2141& AW-G-21-01 Page 24 DATED this l4th day of June,202l. Avista Corporation J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho,lnc. By Brad Purdy Attomey for CAPAI ldaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group LLC By Walmart, Inc. B Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. Ronald Williams Attorney for ldaho Forest Group LLC Idaho Conservation League, Inc Ben Otto Attorney for ldaho Conservation League, Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.2I -O I & AVU.C.2I -O I Page25 By DATED this 11th day of June,202l Avista Corporation David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation By Peter Richardson Attomey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho, Inc. By Brad Purdy Attomey for CAPAI Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff By t/- 7/^*/ 1St:rr,R. Hammond Jr.t4eputy Attorney General Walmart,Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attomey for Walmart Inc Idaho Forest Group LLC Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Idaho Conservation League, Inc. Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. By By By STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU.E.2 I .O I & AVU-G-2 I .O I Page25 ,tr DATED thi/l day of June ,2021. By B Avista Corporation David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Attomey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association of ldatro, Inc. By Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group LLC Walmart, Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attomey for Walmart Inc. Ronald Williams Attorney for Idalro Forest Group LLC Idaho Conservation lrague, Inc. Ben Otto Attorney for ldaho Conservation League, Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E.2I.OI & AVU.G.2I.OI Page 25 DATED this _day of June,202l. Avista Corporation Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney Gcneral Idaho Fonst Group LLC ' - R,,*lrl L h/l/lr'- David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attorney for Clarwater Paper Corporation Brad Purdy Attorney foTCAPAI Ronald Williams Attomey for ldaho Forest Group LLC Ben Otto Attorney for ldaho Conservation League, Inc. CommtrnityAstionPartrcrshipAssociation ldahoConservationLeague,Inc. of ldalro,Inc. Walmart,Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AW.E.2I.OI & AV(,.G.2I.OI Page25 -rh DATED tfri, I I day of June ,2021 Avista Corporation Idatro Public Utilities Commission Staff John R FlammondJr. Deputy Attomey General Idaho Forest Group LLC By: Community Action Partrrership Association ldaho Conservation League, [nc. of Idatro,Inc. DavidJ. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attonrey for Clearwater Paper Corporation Brad Pwdy Attorney for CAPAI Ronald Williams Attorney for tdaho Forest Group LLC Ben Otto Attorney for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. By Walmart,Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT - AVU.E-ZI-OI & AVU.G.2I-OI Page25 DATED this _l4th_ day of June,202l Avista Corporation David J. Meyer Attomey for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation By: Peter Richardson Afforney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Brad Purdy Attorney for CAPAI Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney General Idaho Forest Group LLC By: By: Ronald Williams Attorney for Idaho Forest Group LLC Community Action Partnership Association Idaho Conservation League, Inc of Idaho, Inc. H Benjamin J. Otto Attorney for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. Walmart,Inc. Vicki M. Baldwin Attorney for Walmart Inc. STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT _ AVU-E-ZI.OI & AVU-G.ZI-OI Page25 By DATED this _ day of June,202l Avista Corporation David J. Meyer Attorney for Avista Corporation Clearwater Paper Corporation Peter Richardson Attorney for Clearwater Paper Corporation Community Action Partnership Association ofldaho, Inc. By Brad Purdy Attomey for CAPAI Walmart,Inc. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attomey General Idaho Forest Group LLC ByBy By Ronald Williams Attomey for Idaho Forest Group LLC Idaho Conservation League, Inc. Ben Otto Attomey for Idaho Conservation League, Inc. By Vicki M. Attorney for Walmart Inc. STIPULATION AI.ID SETTLEMENT - AW-E-21-01& AVU-G-21-01 Page25 APPE,I{DIX A Avista Corp AW-E-21{1 Appendix A PCA Authorized Expense and Retall Sales 2019 Normallzed Loads PCA Authodzed Power Supplv Erpsnse - Svstem NumbsB (11 Total Account 555 - Purchased Power $75,558,267 Accountsol -Thermal Fuel $31,583,795 Account 537- MT Inv8sive Species $1,610,000 Ac@unt 547 - Natural Gas Frel $81,530,747 Account 557 - Other Exponses $631,627 Account 565 - Transmission Expense $17,278,767 A@unt 456 - Other Revenue -$6,290,910 Account 447 - Sale for Resale -$52,622,947 Januaru $6,s56,792 $3.087.726 $134,167 s10,790,239 $52,636 $1,439,E97 -$265,977 -04,453,080 Februarv $7,435,932 $3,1 51,777 $134,167 $8,942,'r04 $52,636 $1,439,E97 -0633,351 -$2,316,991 March $7,069,211 s2,749,966 $134,167 $7,474,530 952,636 $1,439,E97 -$664,038 -$'l,936,564 April $7,433,801 $2,896,333 0134,167 s5,068,911 $52,636 $1,439,897 -$880,329 -92,540,468 Mav $5,672,869 $2,060,445 $134,167 $4,095,763 $52,636 $1,439,897 -$3E5,474 -$4,230,873 June $5,579,483 $1,526,4't 2 $'134,167 $2,284,385 $52,636 i1,439,897 -$657,028 -03,489,856 &T $5,419,s45 s1,782,225 $1 34,167 $3,1 17,887 $52,636 $1,439,897 -s615,703 -0s,862,698 Auoust $5,937,659 $2,E79,1 62 9134,167 $6,693,265 052,636 $1,439,897 -$524,310 -09,557,120 Septemb( $5,836,0 $3,146,0 $134,1 $7,977,5 $52,6 i1,439,8 -E514,4 -s4,493,1 Power Supply Exponse Account 456 - Transmission Revenue (2) Total Authodzed Exp€nse $149,279,346 $17,342,40t $1E,206,17'l $'16,319,E04 313,604,9t18 $8,839,429 S6,870,095 05,467,956 S7,055,356 $13,578,6 -$23,471,003 -$1,634,727 -$1,El1,669 -$1,891,560 -$1,715,927 -$2,123,305 -$2,306,697 -$2,267,E60 -$2,209,469 -$1,714,5 ldahoOnly(noad.iustmentforDirectlyassigned) $43,227,747 $5,397,157 $5,633,151 $4,957,545 $4,085,068 $2,307,660 $1,567,983 $1,099,553 S1,665,047 $4,076,5 PCA Authodzod ldaho Retail Salas (3) Total ldaho Retall Sales, IYIWh (4)2,966,810 290,239 259,340 251,93E 233,373 224,656 219,310 245,017 250,933 210,2 2022 Load Change AdJGtment Ratc (5) 2023 Load Chango Adjustment Rate (5) (1) Multiply number by ROO curent production^ransmission allocation ratio of 34.36% to determine ldaho share. (2) Transmission Revenue as discussed by Company \Mtness Schlect and updsted for Settlement Revenue Requirement. (3) Test Year Wealher Normalized ldaho Retail Sales monthly data from Company witness Ms. Knox Revenue Normalization workpapers. (4) For application of the LCAR, actual ldaho Retail Sales exclude Schedule 25P Block 2 volumes per the purchase and sale agreement approved by Order No. 34252. (4) Rate Year 1 and Rate Year 2 Load Change Adjuslrnent Rate discussed by Ms. Knox and updated for Settlement Revenue Requirement. CASE NO. AVU.E.21.O1 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX A APPENDIXB Avista Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adiustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Fixcd Cost Adjustment Rcvenuc by Rate Schedule - Electric AW-E-2l{ll Yeer I Ratcs Effective 09/012021 TOTAL RESIDENTI,AL GENERALSVC. SCTIEDI.JLE I SCH. II,I2 LG. GEN. SVC. scH.2t,22 1 Total Normalized Test Year Revenue2 Settlement Revenue Change 3 Total Rate Revenue (September 1,2021\ 4 Nomralized kWhs (Test Year)5 Load Change Adjustuent Rate (Ln 14)6 Variable Power Supply Revenue (Ln 4 * Ln 5) 64' Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh 68 Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue 7 Subtotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6) 7A Subtotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6 - Ln 68) 8 Customer Bills (Test Year)9 Settlement Fixed Chargesl0 Fixed Charge Revenue (Ln 8 * Ln 9) I I Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (Ln 7 - Ln l0) I lA Fixed Cost Adjustnent Revenue (Ln 7A - Ln l0) $ $ (New Customers Only) (New Customers Only) $ (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ t,6t2,tzt $ 16,938,392 t,317,789 6.00 $ 7,906,734 $ 81,298,401 $ 52,560,849 $ s 244,590,000 $$ 10,599,000 $$ 255,189,000 $ 2,966,809,875 0.02500 74,170,247 66,572,6t7 156,380,194 $ 102,891,068 $ 113,042,000 $ 5,551,000 $ 118,593,000 $ 1,175,514,61 8 $ 0.02500 $$ 29,387,865 $$ 0.02445 $$ 28,737,55t $ 89,205,135 $ 60,467,583 $ 36,636,000 $ 1,587,000 $ 38,223,000 $ 386,398,071 0.02500 $ 9,659,952 $ 0.02s71 $ 9,934,870 $ 28,563,048 $ t8,628,179 $ 264,377 13.00 $ 3,436,901 $ 25,126,147 $ t5,191,278 $ 47,822,000 2,069,000 49,891,000 621,475,710 0.02500 15,536,893 0.02226 13,832,843 34,354,t07 20,521,264 t2,7t8 425.00 5,405,150 29,948,957 l5,l l6,l l4 $ $ t39,441,802 $ 85,952,676 $ $0.02489 t00.44% $0.02500 12 Load Change Adjustnent Rate (Appendix A) 13 Gross Up Factor for Revenue Related Exp 14 Grossed Up lnad Change Adjustnent Rate 15 Average Number of Customers (Line 8 / 12) 16 Annual kWh l7 Basic Charge Revenues 18 Customer Bills 19 Average Basic Charge 20 Average Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh (Line 68 lLine 4) Residential Non-Residential Group 109,816 24,528 1.175,514,618 1,068,197,6217,906,734 9,031,6581,317,789 294,332 s6.00 $30.69$0.02445 $0.02317 CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Linc Avirta Utilitles Elcctric Fhcd Cort Adjurtmcrt Mcchrnbm Odrho) Ilcvcbpncnt of Annuel Fkcal Cort Adiurtmcnt Rcvonuc Pcr Costomer - ElccHc AW-E-21{I1 Ycer I Rrter Effcctivc WNlnA2l Sourcc Rccfulontid Non-Rcsidcntirl Schedulcs*No (a) Existltts Crrci/orrrrr FC"4 I FixedCostAdjusfreatRaterue 2 Test Yer Nrmber of Customers 3 Fixed Cost Adjumeirt Revenue Per Customer NcvQtslonqFICA I FixedCostAdjushentRevenr 2 Test Year Nrmber of Crstomers 3 Fixed Cost Adjusheat Rcvemr Per C\rstomer t Schedules ll, 12, 21, 22" 31, od 32. o) Page I Reverue Data (l) / (2) Page I Revenue Data (1) / (2) (c) 81298,401 $ 109,816 740.!2 S $ 52,560,849 $ 109,816 $ 478.63 $ (d) 58,143,401 24,52E 2,370.52 33,391,827 U,5?3 1,361.39 $ $ CASE NO. AVU-E-2 1-01 SETTLEM E NT STI PU LATION APPE N DIX B Lim No.Sdrca Aviste Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of Monthly Fixed Cost Adjmtment Revenue Per Customer - Electric AW-E-21-01 Yerr I Rates f,ffective09l0ll202l Jm F.b Mrl Apr M,I Ju Jul Aug sGP O.r 7.021 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 t 9 t0 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 l7 IE t9 20 2l 23 24 26 2a D ELdric Sd6 o) Montbly Test Yd % of TMI (6)(d)(f) 88,983,622 29,969,32E 52,193,481 26,551,095 31,016,760 3,7U,859 934,270 G) 81,059,355 28,615,170 50,606,724 26,437,O30 32,290,770 4,759,244 887,809 ft) 75,162,338 28,655,762 51,717,035 26,Ot2,t54 29,64E,650 1,201,915 912,322 (, 89,6t7,523 32,462,096 5t,504,746 26,t94,$2 32,657,540 8,932,472 943,582 132,2t4,362 37,5t2,684 53,135,539 27,139,t44 35,210.010 3,373,500 984,019 108,9r?,621 34,483,637 54.267.4t5 26,t14,252 30,123,170 3.114,281 889,945 t05,0t2,726 31,547,959 47,779,2a7 27,924,sAl 35,740,380 3,039,193 894,132 87,968,037 r2,3t0,453 53,t06,034 27,3t9,t83 39,269,540 9,276,342 912,538 69,480,502 21,725,199 48,341,U7 25,650,252 I 1,549,600 6,523,050 929,011 (l) 82,472,6t1 ' {8,26: 6,59r -5,19( 29,938,81( 3.306,93: 903.1t( t32,284,362 tt.25% 108,9t7.62r 9.27"/. 105,0t2.726 a.Byn 88.983,622 7.570/. 81,059,355 6.90y. 75.t6,338 6.3v/. E9,617,523 ?.6y/o 87.968,037 7.44% 69,480,502 5.9to/, 42,472,6t: $ 83.31 S 68.64 $ 66.14 $ 5604 $ 51.05 $ 47.34 $ 56.,14 $ 55.40 | 43.76 $ 51.9. $ 208.65$ 205.33S 182.79$ t9060t 186.37S 194.34$ 210.60t 2il.69$ 183.28t 190.t. $ 53.85$ 44.3tt 42.76 J 36.23S 33.00S 30.60S 36.49$ 35.82$ 28.29$ 33.51 t 119.83 s u7.92 I 104.e7 $ 109.46 $ 107.03 S ur6l S 120.95 $ 121.58 $ 105.25 $ 109.4: - % ofAmul Tobl Nry-Residcntial. Modblt T6r Y@ % of T@l 94,021,723 t.t0./. 92,525.334 a 66./" t2.366.439 7.7tyo t5.Et7.667 a.040/. t3,9fl,137 ?.a6r/o 87.574.7t2 a 2ff/" 94,899,3 l3 8.8r/. 95.392,429 a.9./. t2,590,295 7.13% E5,861.tor E.04,- 7c of Amul Tdl Mudlv Filcd Cct Adidmcd Racnw Pcr Cuttomr frRPC"l Fot Td Ye ExJdine AtuM Resideatial -Firedc6tAdj. Rcvmuepscutohs Pdg.2 - Mot'ly Fix.d Cd Adj. R.v@e p6 Cstorcr (a) x (14) Nonqesidential' - Fixcd Ccl Adj. Rod@ ptrCsto@ - Mmlhly Fix.d C6t Adj- R*6oe F Culo@ -UM$@Reridenliol - Fixcd C6t Adj. Rqrnue p6 Cst@s - Mo6b Fixcd C6t Adj. Rcvoue p6 CutoNr Nil-Rcsid.nfial. - Fixed C$t Adj. Rc\qE ps CslM - M@llily Fird Cd Adi. Rc@W p6 C6rotur r &hodul6 I I, 12, 21, 22, 31, ed 32. Nomliad Tsl Yw Usage Rcsidcmisl Schcdule 001 G@eral Svc Schcdulc 0l l/012 Irrgc Gcn Src Schedulc 021/022 Etr. Ldge Ga Schedule 25 Extrs Lage G6 Schedule 25P Pmping Sch.dule 3ll32 Stleet lnd Ar6a Lighb Total Nomdizcd T6t Y6 Usage Nomalired Tst Ycu C6tomer Bills Residerrial Schedule 001 Gseral Svc Schedule 0tl/012 Luge Gen Svc Schcdule 021/022 Etr6 Ldge Gq Schedule 25 Extla Lsgc G6 Schedule 25P Pmping Schodul€ 3ll32 St eet ed Arc. Lights Tohl Nom.liad Tcst Yesr Cutoher Bills Test Ye{ Avcrage Usgc ps Cutomrr Rridcotial NGR6idcntial t09,875 22.t09 t.052ll I I,435 173 I 10,481 22,3tt 1,051ll l I,45: l7t Prg.2 (8) x (18) Page 2 (4) x (24) P^gc 2 (8) x (2t) 74(6318016887408t4960997 30 3l 32 33 14 35 36 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 41 48 49 50 5l 52 290,239,258 259,340,322 25t,938,251 233,373,4t5 224.656,101 2t9,310,t75 245,016,590 250,932,827 210,199,659 227,542,121 109,298 21,974 1,073 II I 1,449 t7t 109,305 2t,826 1,063ll I l,4l I l7l 109,387 2t,945 1,071il I 1,437 170 t09,363 2t,934 I,066ll I 1,430 172 t09,475 22,073 I,070ll I 1,453 t7l 109,301 21,883 t,058il I t,$2 l7l 109,687 22,ttl 1,061ll I 1,,148 t7t I l0,l2l 22,01t 1,053ll I t,423 174133,917 133,788 t34,022 t33,911 t34254 133,857 l34t90 134,656 134,801 135,49: r2r0 3,838 3,808 3,368 3,5t6 3,4t4 3,593 817 3,855 3.878 3,372 3,451 CASE NO. AVU-E-z1.01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Sumcost AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue to Cost by Functional Component Summary For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 20'19 ldaho Jurisdiction Electdc Utility (k) Extra Larye Service CP Sch 25P Effective 09t01t21 (m) Street & Area Lights Sch 4'149 Scenario: AVU-E-21-01 Company RY'l Settlement Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission by Demand (b) (c)0 Residentid GenerdSyslem Service ServiceDescription Total Sch 01 Sch 11-12 Functiond Cost Components rt Cuirent Retum by Schodule Production 110,368,920 45,026,607 15,016,248 Transmission 25,402,086 10,674,724 3,858,465 Distribution 60,662,792 31,638,712 10,416,920 Common 48,156,202 25,701,956 7,U4,367 Total Cunent Rate Revenue (d) (e)(h)(s)(i) Large Gen Service Sch 21-22 (j} Extra Large Gen Service Sch 25 (0 Pumping Service &h 3l-32 1 2 2 4 E 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 't3 14 15 23,050,652 s,293,989 1'1,556,617 7,910,742 1 1,049,719 2,178,153 1,899,251 2,748,877 13,844,812 2,978,357 356,741 2,81 1,090 2,036,686 377,1U 2,070,ul 1,042,290 344,1 96 41,215 2,713,709 596,881 244,s90,000 113,042,000 36,636,000 4t,822,000 17,876,000 19,991,000 5,527,000 3,696,000 Exprsssed as $/kwh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Curent Melded Ratss Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform Cunent Cost Expressed as $/kwh Production Transmission Distribution Common Totd Cunent Uniform Melded Rates $0.03720 $0.00856 $0.02045 $0.0'1523 $0.03830 $0.00908 $0.02691 $0.02186 $0.03886 $0.00999 $0.02696 $0.01901 $0.03709 $0.00852 $0,01861 $0.01273 $0.03428 $0.00676 $0.00589 $0.00853 $0.03552 $0.00764 $0.00092 $0,00721 $0.03376 $0.00625 $0.03433 $0.01728 $0.031 14 $0.00373 $0.24553 $0.0s400 $0.08244 $0.09616 $0.09481 $0.07695 $0.05546 $0.05129 $0.09162 $0.33440 Functiond Cogt Componmt3 at Uniform Gunent Retum 110,0'13,540 2s,351,944 60,924,91 I 48,299,605 46,088,5r8 1 1,671,020 33,569,000 26,424,297 14,398,'t58 3,328,994 9,387,597 6,990,480 23,040,476 5,285,340 1 1,551,429 7,906,701 11,222,907 2,310,238 1,987,653 2,799,143 12,91 1,968 2,349,472 289,171 2592,739 2,034,273 375,534 2,063,904 1,040,854 317,239 31,346 2,076,157 545,390 244,590,000 117,752,834 34,105,230 47,783,946 18,319,940 18,'143,351 5,5'14,565 2,970,133 16 17 18 19 20 $0.03708 $0.00855 $0.02054 $0.01628 $0.03921 $0.00993 $0.02856 $0.02248 $0.03726 $0.00862 $0.02430 $0.01809 $0.03707 $0.00850 $0.01859 $0.01272 $0.03482 $0.00717 $0.00617 $0,00868 $0.03313 $0.00603 $0.00074 $0.00665 $0.03372 $0.00623 $0.03421 $0.01725 $0.02870 $0,00284 $0.18785 $0.04935 21 Revenue to Co{ Ratio .l Cumil Reter $0.08244 $0.10017 0.96 $0.08826 1.07 $0.07689 1.00 $0.05684 0.98 $0.04655 1.10 $0.09142 1,00 $0.26873 1.241.00 22 23 24 25 tb Functionrl Cost Componenb rt Proposed Rdum by Schedule Production 113,026,267 Transmission 27,716,178 Distribution 64,M,884 Common 49,601,671 46,278,258 11,848,469 33,912,998 26,553,275 't5,403,950 4,'190,418 1 1,062,310 7,5ffi,322 23,604,1 26 5,764,126 12,392,271 8,130,477 11,351,741 2,408,383 2,053,348 2,836,528 13,954,944 3,052,489 364,706 2,836,860 2,083,069 408,889 2,204,141 1,069,901 350,179 43,403 2,855,1 1 1 608,307 Total Proposed Rate Revenue as $/kwh Distribution Common Total Proposed Melded Rates Total ljniform Cost Expressed as $/kwh Production Transmission Distribution Common 255,189,000 122,876,581 35,582,617 $0.03801 $0,M)19 $0.03820 $0.00934 $0.01085 $0.00942 $0.02191 $0.03034 $0.0258s $0.01676 $0.02315 $0.01863 255,189,000 118,593,000 38,223,000 49,891,000 18,650,000 20,209,000 s,766,000 3,857,000 29 30 31 32 33 34 2E 36 37 38 39 40 41 $0.01994 $0.01308 $0.00637 $0.00880 $0.00094 $0.00728 $0.03654 $0.01774 $0.2s832 $0.05504$0.01672 $0.022s9 $0.0'1958 $0.08601 $0.10089 $0.09892 $0,08028 $0.05787 $0.05185 $0.09558 $0,34897 Functional Cost Componcnb at Unifom Requested RetumProduction 112,771,U4Transmission 27,705,287Distribution 64,988,079Common 49,724,290 47,243,8s8 12,754,405 35,668,217 27,210,102 14,759,089 3,638,015 9,988,404 7,1 97,108 23,618,052 5,77s,962 12,413,055 8,136,007 11,504,241 2,524,6W 2,1 31,1 90 2,880,789 13,235,644 2,567,567 312,644 2,668,494 2,085,268 410,393 2,210,4M 1,0't1,210 325,192 u,256 2,264,14s 560,580 49,943,075 19,040,910 18,784,309 5,777,335 3,184,173 $0.03800 $0.00929 $0.01997 $0.0.l309 $0.03569 $0.00783 $0.00661 $0.00894 $0,03396 $0.00659 $0.00080 $0.00685 $0.03457 $0.00680 $0.03664 $0.01i76 $0.02942 $0.00310 $0.20485 $0.05072 Total Uniform Melded Rates $0.0860r $0.10453 $0.09209 42 Rrvenue to Cost Rltlo.t Propo3od Rder 1.00 0.97 1.07 43 Curenl R€uonueto Proposed Cost Rdio 0.96 0.92 1,03 44 T.rgd R€venue lncressc 10,599,000 9,835,000 (1,053,000) File: lDElec COS RY 1 Settlement Case AVU-E-21-0'l.xlsm / Sumcosl Exhibits $0.08036 1.00 0.96 2,121,000 $0.05908 0.98 0.94 't,165,000 $0.04820 1.08 1.06 (r,207,000) $0.0s577 1.00 0.96 250,000 $0.28810 1.21 l.l6 (512,000) Page 2 ot 4 27 28 $0.03810 $0.00931 30.03522 $0.00747 i0.03153 s0.00678 $0.03168 Tnnsmhsion $0.00783 $0.03937 $0.03987 10.03798 CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 4 - Cost of Service AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor ldaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3L,2OL9 Line No. 2 Description 1 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles 3 Commission Fees ldaho lncome Tax Total Expenses 6 Net Operating lncome Before FIT Federal lncome Tax @ 2LYo REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR Factor 1.000000 0.002401 0.001953 0.046024 0.050378 o.949622 o.L9942L 0.750201 1.000000 0.002401 0.001953 0.004354 0.995545 1,.OO44 4 5 7 8 9 Gross Up Factorfor Revenue Related Expenses CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX B Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor APPENDIX C Avista Utilities Electric Fixcd Cost Adjustment Mcchanism fldaho) Development of Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue by Rate Schedule - Electric AW-E-21-01 Year 2 Rates Effective 0910112022 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL GENERALSVC SC}IEDI.JLE I SCH. II,I2 LG. GEN. SVC. scH.2t,22 I Total Normalized Test Year Revenue 2 Settlement Revenue Change Year I 24, Settlement Revenue Change Year 2 3 Total Rate Revenue (September 1,2022) 4 Nomralized kWhs (Test Year) 5 toad Change Adjustment Rate (L,n 14) 6 Variable Power Supply Revenue (Ln 4 * Ln 5) 64, Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh 6B Fixed Production and Transmission Revenue 7 Subrotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6) 7A Subtotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6 - Ln 68) 8 Customer Bills (Test Year)9 Settlement Fixed Chargesl0 Fixed Charge Revenue (Ln 8 * Ln 9) I I Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (Ln 7 - Ln l0) I lA Fixed Cost Adjustrnent Revenue (Ln 7A - Ln l0) $ 244,590,000 $$ 10,599,000 $$ 8,000,000 $$ 263,189,000 $ 2,966,809,875$ 0.02554$ 7s,772,324 68,894,635 162,304,589 $ 106.605,466 $ I 13,042,000 $ 5,550,000 $ 5,088,000 $ 123,680,000 $ 1,175,5 14,61 8$ 0.02554 $$ 30,022,643 $$ 0.02590 $$ 30,440,212 $ 93,657,357 $ 63,217,14s $ 36,636,000 $ 1,587,000 $ 302,000 $ 38,525,000 $ 386,398,071 0.02554 $ 9,868,607 $ 0.02571 $ 9,932,774 $ 28,656,393 $ 18,723,619 $ 47,822,000 2,069,000 1,566,000 5 r,457,000 621,475,710 0.02ss4 15,872,490 0.02302 14,307,080 35.584,5r0 21,277,431 (New Customers Only) (New Customers Onty) $ (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ t,6t2,t2t $ 18,819,409 1,317,789 7.00 $ 9,224,523 $ 84,432,834 $ s3,992,622 $ 264,377 15.00 $ 3,965,655 $ 24,690,738 S 14,757,964 $ $ $ 12,718 42s.00 5,405. l 50 30,179,360 r5,872,28t 143,485,180 $ 87,786,057 $ $0.02543 100.44y" s0.02ss4 12 Load Change Adjustnent Rate (Appendix A) 13 Gross Up Factor forRevenue Related Exp 14 Grossed Up Load Change Adjustment Rate 15 Average Number of Customers (Line 8 / 12) 16 AnnualkWh 17 Basic Charge Revenues l8 Customer Bills 19 Average Basic Charge 20 Average Fixed Production and Transmission Rate per kWh (Line 68 lLine 4) Residential Non-Residential Group109.816 24,528 1.175,514,618 t,068,197,6219,224,523 9,594,886r,317,789 294,332$7.00 $32.60$0.02590 $0.02365 CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C Linc Avista Utilitics Elcctric Fixcd Cost Adjustment Mcchenism (drho) Devclopment of Annuel Fixed Cost Adjustment Rcvcnue Pcr Customcr - Electric AW-E-21{1 Yeer 2 Retcs Elfcctivc 0910112022 Sourcc Residential Non-Residcntiel Schcdules*No. (a) Exisfine Custamet FCA I Fixed Cost Adjusment Revenue 2 Test Year Number of Customers 3 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer Nen,Castomer FCA I Fixed Cost Adjushent Revenue 2 Test Year Number of Customers 3 Fixed Cost Adjushent Revenue Per Customer * Sohedules ll, 12, 21, 22, 31, an,d 32. (b) Page I Revenue Data (t) t (2) Page I Revenue Data (t\ t (2) (c) 84,432,834 $ 109,816 768.85 $ 53,992,622 $ 109,816 491.67 $ (d) 59,052,347 24,528 2,407.59 33,793,435 24,529 1,377.77 $ s $ $ CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 SETTLEM ENT STI PU LATION APPE N DIX C Ll* No.S@rca Aviste Utilities Electric Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idrho) Development of Monthly Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer - Electric AW-E-21-01 Yerr 2 Ratec Eife$iyeOgl0ln022 JD Fcb Mr Apr M.y Ju Jul Aut s.p (xr (a) Eldric S.L. R$idcntiol - Welhcr-Nmdir.d kwt Sal6 - 7o of AEul Tel F0 Nd,CttuMt Residenlol - Fixcd C6t Adj. R66G p6 Cutoffi - MdrNy Fix.d C6t Adj. ReEw ps Cur@t Non-RBid.ntlol. - Fixcd C6t Adj. RaaE pd CN@ - Mdlbly Fixd C6t Adj. RcvqE ps Cstomt * Schdul.s I l. 12, 21. 22.31. and32. Nomaliad Tat Yor Usage Residotial Scledule 001 Gmcral Svc S.Icdule 0l l/012 Irge G6 Sw Schrdule 021/022 Era Lage Ga Schedule 25 Extrs Lsgc Ga Schedule 25P Puping Schedule 3l/32 Ste€t and Arca Ughts Totsl Nomalizcd Test Yqr Usage Nomalized Tst Yer Cutqner Bills Residq[ial Sdcdulc 001 Gocral Svc Sdrcdule 0l l/012 I{ge Gen Svc Schcdule 021/022 ExE. Lrge Cq Schcdule 25 Exta Lsge Go Schedule 25P Pumping Schedule 3 l/32 Strcct md Arca Lights Totll Nomalized T6t Yca Cutoms Bills T6t Yed Awagr Usge ps CstoDer Rqidential NGR6idential 8t,059,355 28,615,170 50,606,724 26,437,030 32,290,770 4,759,244 75.t62.338 28,655,762 5r,7r7,035 26,0t2,t54 29,648,650 7,201,915 89,617,523 ,2t62,096 53,504,746 26,898,632 32,657,540 8,932,472 87,968,037 32,310,453 53,806,034 27,3t9,t83 19,269,540 9,276,342 (b)(d)(€)(f)(t)(l)(t)0) s 86.52S 71.2E$ 68.58$ 58.205 33.02 $ 49.16S 58.625 57.54 S 45.44$ 53.9. I 2 4 5 6 7 t 9 IO ll t2 l3 l4 t5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2t 29 30 3l 3Z 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5I 52 Mmlhly Test Yd % of TMI t32,2t4,362 1t.25% 108,9t7.621 9.210/0 t05.012.726 E.93% 8E,983,622 7.57r/. E1,059,355 6.9V/o 75.16233a 6.3f/o t7.96t,037 7.4*/o t9,617,523 ?.62% 69,480,502 5.91o/o t2,472.6t: 1.02. MoDlhlt T6t Y@ 'Z of T&l 94.02t,72i 8 80./o 92,525.334 4.660/" 42366,439 7 710/" t5,t87,667 a 040/" 83,9&,137 7 A6./" 81.574.7t2 a 7tr/. 94,899,3 l3 aa8f/" 95.392.a29 4.93./" u,590,295 7 73./" t5,861,t0{ t.M' Non4.6id.ntdl. - Wethg-Ndulizd lwh Sal6 -%ofAmlTel Non-R6id.nfal. - Fix.d Ccr Adj. R6'mG p6 CBtm - Mdthty Fird Cd Adj. Revdre F Cu@r Psgc 2 (8) x (lt) Monttlv Fircd C6r Adilfu.d Raok P.r CudoD.r a"RPC") F0 f.fi Ye Esldlrre CttuM Residenlial -FixedcGtAdj. Rc\uucpscNtomq Prg.z -M@OlyFix.dc6lAdj.RevmupercBtoEr (4)x(14) Psec 2 (4) x (24) P.gc 2 (8) x (28) t 2ll.9l 3 20t.54 $ 185.54 $ 19358 I 189.28 t r97.3t $ 213.89 $ 215.00 $ 186.15 $ 193.5: $ 55.33$ a5.59$ 43.925 37.22 t 33.90S 3r.{4$ 37.48$ 36.79I 29.06$ 14.41 s t2r.27 I il9.343 106.24$ u0.78$ 108.32i 112.95S 122.40 S 123.04I 106.53S 110.7: 984,019 889,945 894,132 934,270 887,809 912,322 943,582 912,538 929,01 I 903,71( 290,239,258 259,340,322 25t.938.257 233.173.415 224.656.t01 219.310.175 245.0t6.590 250,932.827 210.199,659 227,542,t21 132,284,162 37,5t2,684 53,135,539 27,739,144 35,2t0,010 3,373,500 109,298 21,974 1,073ll I t,449 171 I08,987,621 14,483,6X7 54,267,415 26,t14,252 30,823,170 3,774,281 109,305 2l,826 1,063 u I l,4l I l7l t05,0t2,726 3t,547,959 47,779,287 27,924,58t 35,740,380 3,039,193 88,983,622 29,969,328 52,193,481 26,551,095 31,0t6,760 3,724,859 69,480,502 27,725,399 48,34t,U1 25.650.252 3 I,549,600 6,523,050 t2,412,6t1 '48,26: 6,591 15,19( 29,938,81( 3,306,93: t09,387 2t,945 1,071 It I 1,431 170 I 10,481 22,3il 1,05:ll I 1,45: l7' 109,363 21,934 1,066ll I 1,430 t72 t09,475 22,073 1,070ll I 1,453 l7l 109,30t 2l,883 1,058ll I t,432 t7t 109,687 22,ttl 1,061ll I 1,,148 l7l t09,875 22,1W 1,052ll I 1,435 t73 I l0,l2l 22,0t8 1,053ll I |,423 174t33,917 133,788 134,022 133j77 134,254 133,857 134,490 134,656 134,80t t35,49: I,210 3,838 3,808 740 3.4t4 74(63t8018176888t4960997 1,36t 3,516 3,593 3,855 3,878 3,312 3,45t CASE NO. AVU.E.21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C I 2 2 4 5 Sumcost Scenario: AVU-E-2l-01 Company RY2 Setdement Case Load Factor Peak Credit Transmission by Demand 0) (c) (d) (e)(f) SystemDescription Total Functlonrl Cost Componeritr rt Curent Refium by ScheduleProduction 110,722,222 Transmission 25,005,064 Distribution 59,870,874Cammon 48,991,841 AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue to Cost by Functional Component Summary For the Twelve Monhs Ended December 31, 2019 (s) Residential Service Sch 01 45,165,458 10,503,718 31,258,713 26,1 14,051 (h) Goneral Service Sch 11J2 (D Large Gen Service Sch 21-22 0) Extra Large Gen Service Sch 25 ldaho Jurisdiction Electric Utility (k) Extra Large Service CP Sch 25P (l) Pumping Service Sch 31-32 Effective 09Mt22 (m) Street & Area Lights Sch 4149 15,095,677 3,823,U4 10,265,722 7,45'1,258 23,126,547 5,212,580 1 1,390,1 70 8,092,703 1 1,061,847 2,126,785 1,88'1,260 2,806,1 08 13,880,257 2,924,727 345,740 2,844,276 2,045,229 372,613 2,ofi,705 1,06s,4s2 u7,207 41,237 2,68s,564 621,993 Totd Cunent Rate Revenue Expressed as $tkWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Cunent Melded Rates Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform Cunent Cost Expressed m $ftWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Current Unifom Melded Rates 244,590,000 113,042,000 36,636,000 47,822,000 17,876,000 19,991,000 5,527,000 3,696,000 b 7 I I 10 $0.03732 $0.00843 $0.02018 $0.01651 $0.03842 $0.00894 $0.02659 $0.02221 $0.03907 $0.00989 $0.02657 $0.01928 $0.03i21 $0.00839 $0.01833 $0.01302 $0.03432 $0.00660 $0.00584 $0.008i1 $0.03561 $0.00750 $0.00089 $0.00729 $0.03390 $0.00618 $0.03388 $0.01766 $0.03141 $0.00373 $0.24298 $0.05628 $0.08244 $0.09616 $0.09481 $0.07695 $0.05546 $0.05129 $0.09162 $0.33440 Funcliond Co3t Componenb at Uniform Cunsnl Rotum 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 10,400,961 24,983,24$ 60,072,101 49,'133,692 46,250,822 11,501,286 33,106,391 26,805,956 't4,448,863 3,280,580 9,255,371 7,104,313 23,121,615 5,208,474 11,383,'t91 8,090,868 11,262,429 2,276,639 1,979,483 2,860,666 12,957,439 2,315,304 281,M 2,638,689 2,041,437 370,0't2 2,033,407 1,063,336 318,357 30,890 2,032,815 569,865 244,590,000 117,664,455 34,089,127 47,804,148 '18,379,216 18,192,875 5,508,251 2,9s1,927 $0.0372'1 $0.00842 $0.02025 $0.01656 $0.03935 $0.00978 $0.02816 $0.02280 $0.03739 $0.00849 $0.02395 $0.01839 $0.03720 $0.00838 $0.01832 $0.01302 $0.03494 $0.00706 $0.00614 $0.00888 $0.03325 $0.00594 $0.00072 $0.00677 $0.03384 $0.00613 $0.03371 $0.01763 $0.02880 $0.00279 $0.1 8392 $0.051s6 21 Revenue to Cost Rdio atCurent Rttcs $0.08244 1.00 $0.1001 0 0.96 $0.08822 1.07 $0.07692 1,00 $0,05703 0.97 $0.04668 1.10 $0.09131 1,00 $0,26708 1.25 22 23 24 25 26 Func{ionrl Cost Componenb st Proposed Retum by SchaduleProduction 115,535,712Transmission 29,131,247 Distribulion 67,049,733Common 51,472,308 47,663,877 12,798,979 35,510,471 27,706$73 15,575,598 4,225,782 1 1,014,958 7,708,662 24,1 31,1 00 6,048,469 12,811,022 8,466,409 1 1,604,466 2,531,980 2,146,862 2,953,692 14,072,313 2,130,211 358,147 3,051,362 429,518 45,157 359,102 2,274,383 2,932,935 2,882,224 1,112,888 641,761 Tolal Proposed Rate Revenue as $/kwh Dislribution Common Totd Propsed Melded Rates Total Ljniform Cost Expressed as $/kWh Production Transmission Distribution Common Total Uniform Melded Rates Revsnue lo Cod Relio ,t kopored Ratcr 263,189,000 123,680,000 38,s25,000 51,457,000 19,237,000 20,365,000 5,947,000 3,978,000 $0.02260 $0.0173s $0,03021 $0.02357 $0.02851 $0.01995 $0.02061 $0.0r362 $0.00666 $0.00916 $0.00092 $0.00740 $0.03770 $0.01845 $0.26536 $0.0580630 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 $0.08871 $0.'10521 $0.09970 $0.08280 $0.05969 $0.05225 $0.09858 $0.35992 Functioml Cost Components st Unifom Requosted Retum Production 115,418,248 Transmission 29,177,W Dishibution 67,030,991 Common 51,562,418 48,352,739 13,432,080 36,683,16'l 28,145,81 3 1 5,'105,506 3,831,312 '10,280,6s4 7,456,510 24,172,401 6,082,854 12,869,466 8,481,774 11,774,262 2,658,833 2,230,009 2,999,875 13,546,303 2,703,988 322,4s3 2,761,318 2,1U,212 432,199 2,285,250 1,115,121 332,825 36,076 2,359,998 596,007 263,'189,000 126,613,794 36,673,982 51,606,495 19,662,980 19,340,063 5,966,782 3,324,905 $0.03890 $0.00983 $0,02259 $0.01738 $0.041 13 $0.0'11€ $0.03't2l $0.02394 $0.03909 $0.00992 $0.02661 $0.01930 $0.03890 $0.00979 $0.02071 $0.01365 $0.03653 $0.00825 $0.00692 $0.00931 $0.03476 $0.00694 $0.00083 $0.00710 $0.03538 00.00716 $0.03788 $0.01849 $0.0301 1 $0.00326 $0.213s3 $0.05393 43 CunEnt R.vGnueto Proporcd Cosl Rrtio 0,93 44 Trrld Rwrrue lncrcrsc tE,599'000 File: lDElec COS RY 2 Settlemenl Case AVU-E-2141.x|sm / Sumcost Exhibits $0.08871 1.00 $0.10771 0.98 0.89 13,s72,000 $0.09491 '1.05 t.00 3E,000 $0.08304 1.00 0.93 3JU,000 $0.06101 0.98 0.91 I,787,000 $0.04962 1.05 1.03 (65r,000) $0.09891 1.00 0.93 440,000 $0.30083 1.20 1.11 (37r,000) Page2ol 4 27 28 Production Tnnsmbsion s0.03894 i0.00982 $0.01089 $0.01094 $0.00973 $0.00786 $0.007E3 $0.00712 $0.00109 CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX C Page 4 - Cost of Service AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Electric System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3L,2OL9 Line No.FactorDescription 1 Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees ldaho lncome Tax Total Expenses Net Operating lncome Before FIT Federal lncome Tax @ 2LYo REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.000000 0.002401 0.0019s3 o.046024 1.000000 0.002401 0.0019s3 0.004354 0.995545 1.0044 0.050378 0.949622 o.199421, o.750201, 9 Gross Up Factor for Revenue Related Expenses CASE NO. AVU-E.21-01 SETTLEMENT ST]PUIATION APPENDIX C Page 5 - Rev Conversion Factor APPENDIX t) Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of F'ixed Cost Adjustment Revenue by Rate Schedule - Natural G AW-G-21-01 Year I Rates Effective 0910112021 TOTAL GENERAL LARGEGENER SERVICE SERVICE SCHEDULE IOI SCH. I1I/I12 I Total StaffAdjusted Normalized Test Year Revenue 2 Settlement Revenue Change 3 Total Base Rate Revenue (September 1,2021) 4 Normalized Therms (Test Year) 5 WACOG Rate Embedded in Base Rates6 Variable Gas Cost Revenue (Ln 4 * Ln 5) A^ Fixed Production and Underground Storage Rate per Therm68 Fixed Production and Underground Storage 7 Subtotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6) 7A Subtotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6 - Ln 68) 8 Customer Bills (Test Year) 9 Settlement Fixed Chargesl0 Fixed Charge Revenue (Ln 8 * Ln 9) I I Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (Ln 7 - Ln l0) I lA Fixed Cost Adjustrnent Revenue (Ln 7A - Ln l0) $ $ $ 43,770,000 $ (1,621,000) $ 42,149,000 $ 151,139,637 41,579,000 $ 39,004.878 $ r,030,478 7,926,389 33,652,61I $ 31,078,489 $ 35,787,000 $ (1,328,000) $ 34,459,000 $ 0.02812 $ 1,798,745 $ 34,459,000 $ 32,660,255 $ 1,012,322 6.00 $ 6,073.932 $ 28,385,068 $ 26,586,323 $ 7,395,01 (27s,01 7,120,01 25,554,1t 0.030: 775,3' 7,120,01 6,344,6" l8,l: 102.( 1,852,4: 63,958.196 $ $ (New Customers Only) (New Customers Only) $ (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 772,646,3 $ $ $ ),lr 12 Average Number of Customers (Line 8 / 12)l3 Annual Therms 14 Basic Charge Revenuesl5 Customer Bills 16 Average Basic Charge Residential Non-Residential , 84,360 1,5 63,958,196 25,554,1r 6,073,932 1,852,4: 1,012,322 18,1: $6.00 $102.r AVU-G-2 1-01 S ETTLE M E NT STI PU LATIO N APPE N DIX D Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Deveropm"""'n"";i;-HT-r?i:lli"#;J;[ffiil;i;ffi ;'imer-NaturarGas Line No.Source Residential Non-Resid Schedul 2 3 (a) Existinp Customer FCA 1 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Test Year Number of Customers Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer New Customer FCA I Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 2 Test YearNumber of Customers 3 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer * Schedules lll and 112. (b)(c)(d) Page I $ 29,395,069 $ 5,2 Revenue Data 84,360 Pagel $ 26,586,323 $ 4,4 Revenue Data 84,360 (t) t (2) $ AVU-G-21.01 SETTLEM ENT STIPU LATION APPEN DIX D (r) t (2) $336.47 $3o 31s.1s $ 2, Avictr Udlitica Nrturel Ges Firod CortAdimtncnt Mccbnism (Ideho) Development of Monthly Fircd Cost Adjustucnt Revcnuo Per Customcr - Nttur.l Gis AW4'21-OI Yerr I Rrtes Effective09l0ll202l Ue SoG Ju LU Mu JE J[tAprMry Arr srP Jd I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 l{ l, l5 t1 l8 l9 20 2t 2l 24 25 25 28 29 30 3l 32 34 35 36 37 3t 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 16 47 4t 49 50 (.) Nfrr.l Ga S.ld Rdknfial - Wqltcr.l{o@liad Ttso DGUE -Y Vol@ -'l. d^rnsl Tdl NdAedd.ntlol tulct - W€lhcr-Nsn Iircd Th@ Dclivc.y Vol@ - % ofAmud Totsl irodldy Td Yd %6T*l to2o7,6n 15.95./o 9.143,661 tl.30,/. 6.691,E52 to.#o/. 4.768.159 7.8C. 3.097.43) l.Uvn t,797,351 2.AIY. 1281.751 2.Orq. 1,302,t59 204,a 1.43 1,979 2.2t 4 5.t 15.55{ a.00P/ 3,379,095 tl.22'/o 3.130,05? 12.25o/o 2.473,0y1 9.6tp/. t.999.917 7.t1y. 1.414.946 5.62% t,214,576 4.15./. 1.227.172 4,W. t.279.9& 5.Oty. 1.3t5,404 5.42'/o 2.0t5.t21 t.16, P.tc 2 (4) x (14) P.gr 2 (4) x (24) o) lrrmltly Ts Y6 7o ofTdel (c) 299,5t9 5-t0o.272 (0 4,76t,159 1,999,977 G) 3,097,450 1434,946 (h)o 0) 1,302,r59 t,279.940 (d)(.) $1-027 5.324-447 294.422 5-(N3-043 8.86 3 6.33 3 G)0) 6.42 tr 7.(xt I 25,2t Non*'esid.nndl &lcr. - AlosDd Fixld Cd Adj. R.MB pcr Omm6 - A]l@d lvioilhly Fix.d Cod Adj. Ra@B pe. tutmd P\8.2 (t) x (lt) Mmlily tr{Ed Cd Adtutul Rm.u Ps Ctm6 enDC"} -bJ4fs@Lg@Rcddendol - AfkNrd Fi,cd Cd Adj. RlW F OE@a - A[@d M.nftly FirGd Cd Adj. Ride pcr GKms -MlsSs@R sitLnlial - AlosEd fi,cd Cd A4i. R!@E Fr 08@6 - Alosd Lror6ty FixGd Cd Adj. Rr@& Fr CBma . Sc.ncduh lrl ald l12. No@liad T6t Ysr Uete S@[ Swis Schcdulc l0l Irrgc Sflie Schr&L l I Ul 12 htarupt Sdie Sch!&rlc l3l/132 T6r.posr Sdie Schldd. l,16 Speial Cmd TnnrDd TolNmlizd Tsr Ya Usge No@ted Tert Y{ Cust@r BiI! Soall Swie Soheiirle l0 I Irlgc &rvicc Schlduh I I l/l 12 Iltrm?t Scryice Schldule 13 Ul32 Trupdt S€ryicr ScMulc 145 Spei.l Cots ct TnEport To{sl Notulizod T.sl Y@ CMffi Billg T6t Y6 AMge Usrgc pcr Custm Rsildtrial Nm{Bidilid t $.m3 {8.103 35.203 25.0Et l6-r0t 9.16S 5.?6t 6_85t 7.533 26.9r S ,160.3?3 426.443 336.941 272.1t S 195.50$ 165.47S 167.19l 174.3E$ ltt.75l 2tf.l7 I $.30 I 45.05 j 32.91 S 23.{9 3 15.26 3 N@-Rcttd.illal fulcs. - AlbsGd Fixd Cd Attj. Rlw Fr Odffi - Atlmld lrodDly Fix.d Co.t Adj. Rmnc pc. CBoM Pat. 2 (t) x (2t)3 392.6tI 363.573 217.34t 232.31t t(..72 I t4l,l23 l42.5tI 1,r8,?tS t60.97t 242.34 t0,207,617 3,379,095 9,143.551 3,130.057 6,591.852 2t13-097 1,791,351 1214,516 1,284,75t t,227,172 1,43t,979 1,3t5.404 5,1 15,554 2,0t5,t21 i,937'g ,2,261 320,254 3-355-350 362,015 3-499.246 295,5r8 4-339-0t9 252,351 3-505.555 250.t24 1.393225 241.915 5.060295 19,066,563 17,935.192 14,502-414 10,,t43,740 1,193,656 7,6/,6,610 6,269,t30 7,D6.14t t,125.593 83,824 t,5r l 83.73r l.5l I t3-827 t.513 83,969 1,49r 84.415 1.J07 84.49t 1.506 t3,998 l,5ll t4,107 1,506 u,244 t,5t1 t5,03t t,529 62222222222t5,343 t5250 t5.348 t5,5t? E5,62t t5,475 t5,769 t5-930 t6.012 t6,515 2.236 2.012 1.635 l,3U l5 849 l5 t09 2t 8l I 57I09 37 953 t7 920 50 t,3& AVU-G-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPUIATION APPENDIX D AVU-G-21-01 Company RYI Setllement Case AVISTA UTILITIES Summary by Function with Margin Analysis For the Year Ended December 31, 201 9 (c) (d) (e) (0 Natural Gas Utility ldaho Jurisdiction (b) Line Descriotion System Total (s) Residential Service Sch 101 (h) Large Firm Service Sch 111/112 U) lntenupt Service Sch 131/132 (k) Transport Service Sch146 Functional Cost Component at Curront Rates 1 Production2 Underground Storage 3 Distribution 4 Common5 Total Curent Rate Revenue6 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 7 Total Margin Revenue at Current Retes Margin per Therm at Cunent Rates Production Underground Storage Distribulion Common Tolal Cunent Margin Melded Rate per Therm Functional Colt Component! at Uniform Current Retum Production Underground Storag6 Distribution Common Total Uniform Curenl Cost Exdude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. Total Uniform Cunent Margin Margin per Therm at Uniform Cunent Retum Production Underground Storage Distribution Common Total Cunent Uniform Margin Melded Rate per Therm 25 Margin to Cost Ratlo at Curront Ratos '[3,659,000 35,7E6,655 7,391,494 0 407,447 2,353,248 28,939,593 s58 288,442 1,592,837 23,6',t7,028 to 288 3!9 1',t5,245 688,939 5,020,573 1.569.736't1 712 0 0 0 0 3,759 71,472 301,992 100.628 0 0 0 177,851 0$,659,000 35,786,655 7,394,494 0 177,E51 I I '10 1',| 12 $0.00437 $0.02526 $0.31058 90.12834 $0.00451 $0.02490 $0.36926 $0.16086 $0.00451 $0.02096 $0.19647 $0.06143 t0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00r03 $0.01950 $0.08238 $0.02745 $0.46E55 $0.55953 10.28937 i0.00000 $0.13035 00 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 407,447 2,289,716 28,937,939 12.O23.494 288,442 1,677 ,9',t7 24,718,148 o 470 951 115,245 554,586 3,982,542 1.459.5114 0 0 0 0 3,759 57,214 237,249 93.403 0 391,625 0 4s,659,000 37,155,a5E 6,111,917 0 391,625 s0.00437 $0.00451 $0.00451 $0.00000 $0.00103$0.02/t57 00.02623 $0.02170 $0.00000 S0.01561s0.31057 $0.38647 $0.15585 $0.00000 $0.06472 $0.12904 $0.16372 90.05712 90.00000 90.0254830.{6E55 30.5E093 10.23917 $0.00000 $0.10683 1.00 0.96 1.21 0.00 1.22 /fi!,659,000 37,155,i15E 0 6,111,917 0 Functional Cost Component! at Proposed Ratos 26 Production 27 Underground Storage 2E Distribution 29 Common 30 Total Proposed Rate Rovsnue31 Exdude Cost of Gasw/ Revenue Exp.32 ToLl tlargin Revenue at Proposed Rate3 Therm at Rates 35 Distribution36 Common 37 Total Proposed Margin Melded Rate perTherm 42,038,000 3t1,458,655 7,119,491 0 407,4U 2,238,942 27,635,398 11,756,22s 288,433 1,510,312 22,5/,8.685 10.1 1 1.025 't15,242 660,1 35 4,798,035 1,546,082 0 0 0 0 3,759 68,496 28E,478 99, t t8 0 0 0 o 459,851 042,03E,000 34,458,655 7,119,494 $0.29659 $0.126't 7 18776 0 459,E51 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.07869 $0.02704 38 Production 39 Underground Storage40 Distribution41 Common 42 Total Uniform Proposed Cost 43 Exdude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 44 Total Uniform Proposed Margin Margin per Therm at Uniform Proposed Retum 45 Produc{ion 46 Underground Storage 47 Distribution 48 Common49 Total Proposed Uniform Margin Melded Rate perTherm 50 Margin to Co3t Ratlo at Propored Rate3 51 Curent Margin to Proposed Co3t Ratlo Functional Cost Componentr et Uniform Proposed Retum $0.1 5809 00.06050 $0.fs116 $0.53E77 30.27860 $0.00000 $0.125{4 407,4U 28E,433 1',t5,242 0 3,7592,176,009 '1,594,591 527,045 0 54,372 27,633,760 23,639,644 3,769,767 0 224,349 11,620,797 10,291,910 't,436,926 0 91,961 42,038,000 35,814,578 5,E4E,9E1 0 371,4200000 '[2,03E,000 35,8'14,578 5,E4E,9EI 0 371,42 $0.00437 $0.00451 $0.00451 $0.00000 $0.00103$0.02335 $0.02493 S0.02062 $0.00000 $0.01483$0.296s7 $0.36901 $0.14752 $0.00000 $0,06120 $0.126E6 $0.16092 S0.05623 90.00000 90.02509s0.45116 30.55997 10.22889 S0.00000 10.10214 1.00 0.96 1.22 0.00 1.23 1.04 1.00 1.26 0.00 1.2E 33 34 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00/*tl $0.01 AVU-G-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX D Page 4 - Cost of Service Line No. AVISTAUTILIIIES Rovenue Conversion Factor Ideho - Natural Gas System TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2019 Ilcgcription Revenues Erpenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho State Income Tax Total Exponses Net Operating Income Before FIT Fed€rat Income Tax @2lo/o REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR I 2 Frctor 1.000000 0.002401 0.001953 0.046024 0.050378 0.949622 0.tw42t 0.750201 AVU-G-2 1-01 SETTLEM ENT STI PU IATION APPEN DIX D 1.00000( 0.00240: 0.00195! 0.00435. 0 ^^564t 3 4 5 6 7 8 APPENDIX E Avista Utilities Natural Gas X'ixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Development of X'ixed Cost Adjustment Revenue by Rate Schedule - Natural ( AW-G-21-01 Year 2 Rates Effective 0910112022 TOTAL GENERAL LARGEGENER SERVICE SERVICE SCHEDI.'LE IOI SCH. III/I12 I Total StaffAdjusted Normalized Test Year Revenue 2 Settlement Revenue Change Year I 2A Settlement Revenue Change Year 2 3 Total Base Rate Revenue (September 1,2022) 4 Normalized Therms (Test Year) 5 WACOG Rate Embedded in Base Rates 6 Variable Gas Cost Revenue (Ln 4 * Ln 5) Fixed Production and Underground Storage64 Rut.perTherm 68 Fixed Production and Underground Storage 7 Subtotal (Ln 3 - Ln 6) 7A Subtotal (Ln 3 'Ln 6 - Ln 68) 8 Customer Bills (Test Year) 9 Settlement Fixed Charges l0 Fixed Charge Revenue (Ln 8 * Ln 9) l1 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (Ln 7 - Ln l0) I lA Fixed Cost Adjustnent Revenue (Ln7A - Ln l0) {o(o (New Customers Only) (New Customers Only) S (Test Year Customers) $ (New Customers) $ (Test Year Customers) S (New Customers) $ 43,770,000 $ (1,621,000) $ 939,000 $ 43,088,000 $ 42,508,000 39,872,950 1,030,478 $ 8,943,068 $ 33,564,932 $ 30,929,882 $ 35,787,000 $ (1,328,000) $ 770,000 $ 35,229,000 $ 0.02872 l,g37,l5l $ 35,229,000 $$ 33,391,849 $ 1,012,322 7.00 $ 7,086,254 $ 28,142,746 $ 26,305,595 $ $ $ $ $ 7,395,01 (275,0t 159,01 7,279,01 0.031: 797,81 7,279,01 6,481,11 l8,l: 102.:. 1,856,8 2,ti 4,624,2i 151,139,637 63,958,196 25,554,1r 776709,2, $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 12 Average Number of Customers (Line 8 / 12) 13 Annual Therms 14 Basic Charge Revenues l5 Customer Bills l6 Average Basic Charge Residential Non-Residential , 84,360 1,5 63,958,196 25,554,1t7,086,254 1,856,81,012,322 l8,l: $7.00 $102.: AVU.G.2 1-01 SETTLEM ENT STIPU LATION APPEN DlX E Avista Utilities Natural Gas Fixed Cost Adjustment Mechanism (Idaho) Deveropme""'^""$;'[T#r?i:llfffi$[::fr :;i,r#;Tmer-NaturarGas Line Source Residential Non-Resid SchedulNo. (a) Existine Customer FCA I Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue 2 Test YearNumber of Customers 3 Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer New Customer FCA I Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue (b)(c)(d) Page 1 $ 28,142,746 $ 5,4 Revenue Data 84,360 (r) t (2) $333.60 $J, Page I $ 26,305,595 $ 4,6 84,3602 3 Test Year Number of Customers Revenue Data Fixed Cost Adjustment Revenue Per Customer (t) t (2) $ AVU-G-2 1-01 SETTLEM ENT STI PU LATION APP EN DIX E 311.82 $3, * Schedules 111 and l12. Ula Sdre Avistr Utilitia Netunl Grs FLcd Cost Adjostncnt Methenisn (Idrho) DcvclopDcnt of Monttly Fircd Cost Adjurtmcnt Revcue Per Custoncr - Nrtonl Grc AVU{-2I{! Yerr 2 Retcs Efrective 09l0ln022 J& f.b Mr Apr Mry J@ Jul Ar!scD J.l (.) Ntrrd Gs S.ler R.sld.nnol . W{rhd-NmBlizd Th.m Dclivsy Volw - 7. dAr@l TGI o)(c)o G)(h)(i)6)(r)0)(d)G) I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 ll t2 l3 t4 t5 l6 l7 l8 l9 20 2tu 21 24 25 26 21 2A 29 3l 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 456 47 4t 49 JO LrotrlblyTd Y6 ./. nfT&l t0,207,671 15.96% 9.1{3,651 t4.30/. 6-691,t52 ro.{50/. ,1.768- 159 7.6% 1-097.450 4.t4./" 1,191,137 2.Aly. t.284.1st 2.0t /. r.302.t59 2.04v. 1.43 1,979 2.U./. 5.ll3.SJ,a X.O$t Non-Rcdd.nial &/ct - Wolhcr-Nc@Iiz.d TtsD D.lhqy Vol@ - % of^nrEl Tobl lY&o&lyTd Y6 % of rfil 3,379,095 t3.22% 3.t30,057 12.29/. 2.413,@1 9.64/o t,vrg.9n 7.t31c 1.434.9,16 5.62y. 1,214,576 1.75y. 1.227.t12 1.{U. 12199,o s.0t% 1.3t5,40{ 5 12./" 2.Ot5.t2l 8. !6./ M.dh fied Cd Adiffi n v.u P0 Clffi (,IFC$I FdfdYeHdrrhM R.ddadal - Nfoeql Fird Co* Adj. R*cre p.r O$m6 - AlloEd lroafrly Fi&d Cd Adj. Rd6s F. CBmcr Non-Rsid.fral kl.s. - Allwqt Ftured Cd Adj. Rd@ p., Otd@d - All@d lrodly Fircd C6t Adj. Ra6E Fr CtdoM -&@Rdd.ndal - Alowd Fixql Cd Adr. Rro pr Ostmc -AllomdluothlyFixcdC6 Adj. Rr@FCu@r N*R.ddefrol tu16. - Allo$6d Fixrd Cofi Adj. Rrwe p.r Odm6 - AtloEd M@thly Fixod Cd Ad. Rau@ Fr Cstm.r P3ac2 (4) x (14) P.gc 2 (t) r (lt) PaCc 2 (4) r (24) Prgc 2 (t) ! (2E) $ 53.2{N 41.69 N 34.903 24.t73 l6.t6i 9.71 t 6,70t 6.10S 1.41 S 26.6t I 413.893 43t.st 3.16.133 2r0.{tt 201.24t l?0.33t t72.l0t 179.50t 194.29} 297.52 , 49.n $ 44.58t 32.63| 23.25 t r5.l0t 8.76t 6.26$ 6.35t 6.9rS 2{.9,r t 4r)4.15N 114.11 $ 295.?9t 239.20t l?1.621 145.2?' t46.11 I 153.09' 165.701 U9.41 . Sc,h.&l6lll rnd ll2. 30 NomliEdTdYq U$gc t0,207,671 3,379,095 6,69t,t52 2473.097Irrgc Swix S&odule I I l/l 12 hrnry S@ic. Schr&lc l3l/132 TEEpo(t Swie Sdcddc lil6 Spei.l Coutr.d TEDlEdt Totrl N@lizpd Tst Yer Usge Nomliad Td Y€r Cusldrcr Bilk Lsrge Seni@ Scbodul€ I I l/l 12 Iatcmpt Swicc Schrdrh l3l/132 Tnaspqt Swie Scbcdule 146 Speial Cor.ct TEElon Tffil Nomliz€d T€s Yer CurtoM Billr Tet Yar Arrngo Usgc pcr Cmm 9,143.66t 3,130.057 4,76r,159 t,999,977 3,097,450 1434,946 1,797,351 1,2t4,576 t2u,75l 1227,t72 1,302.r59 t279.940 rA3t-919 1,385.401 5,1t5,554 2,085,82r 5,937299,519 5Jao,272 331-O27 5,324-447 294.422 5,043.043 320,254 3,355.350 36,,015 3.t99.U6 295,58t 4J3S.0r9 252,351 3.505,555 250.124 4,393.225 211-9t5 5.060-295 19,065,563 t7,935-192 14,502.414 10,443,740 8,793,656 7,A6,6tO 6269,t30 7,226.t4t r,125-593 rp:!, t226t t3,t24 E3-t2783.731 l.5lt t3,998 l,5l I t4,t07 1,506 E3,969 1,49r t4,244 1,5t7 t4-4t5 1.50? 84.498 1.506 t5,038 1,529 6 1.513 6 l,5n 2222 5 2 6 2 6 2 666 2 60l7 920 l5 t49 l5 t09953t,324 5780t09122 t5,343 t5150 15.348 t5,517 15,621 15fi5 t5,759 15.930 t6.012 t6,575 Rsi&ilirl No-RBi(hirl 2236 2.072 1.635 2tul 1,364 AVU-G.21-01 SETTLEM ENT STIPU I.ATION APPEN DIX E AVU-G-21-01 Company RY2 Settlement Case AVISTA UTILITIES Summary by Function with Margin Analysis For the Year Ended December 31 , 201 9 (c) (d) (e) (0 System Total Natural Gas Utility ldaho Jurisdiction (b) Line Descriotion (s) Residential Service Sch 101 (h) (i) Large Firm lnterruptService Service Sch 111/112 Sch 131/132 (k) Transport Service Sch 146 Functlonal Co3t Components at Currgnt Rate! 1 Production 2 Underground Storage3 Distribution4 Common 5 Total Current Rate Revenue6 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp. 7 Total Margin Revenue at Current Ratet 43,659,000 35,7E6,655 7,391,191 0 477,851 414,471 2,344,6E9 28,811,563 12,088,276 293,415 1,579.336 23,192,175 10,42',t,728 117,232 693,095 5,017,363 1,566,804 0 0 0 0 3,824 72,258 302,025 99,744 43,659,000 35,786,655 0 7,991,151 0 0 0 177,851 0 8 I 10 11 12 Margin per Therm al Cunenl Rates Production Underground Storage Distribution Common Total Cunent Margin Melded Rate per Therm 12973 16295 $0.46E5s 30.55953 30.2E937 10.00000 $0.13035 $0.00445 $0.02516 $0.3092'l 4',t4,471 2,277,953 28,E1 1,79E 12,1U,777 s0.00459 $0.02469 $0.36731 293,415 1,669,297 24,631,607 10,602,177 $0.00459 $0.027't2 $0.19634 $0.0613'l 117,232 551,737 3,946,217 1,459,945 $0.00000 s0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00104 $0.01971 $0.08239 $o.02721 3,824 56,920 233,974 92,655 Functional Cost Compon6nt3 at Uniform Current Retum 13 Production14 Underground Storage 15 Distribution 16 Common 17 Total Uniform Cunent Cost 16 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.19 Total Uniform Cunent Margin Margin per Therm at Uniform Cunent Retum 20 Produclion 21 Underground Storage22 Distribution 23 Common 24 Total cunent Uniform Margin Melded Rate per Therm 25 Margln to Cost Retio at Current Ratei 43,6s9,000 37,196,496 6,075,131 0 387,373 $0.00/145 $0.00459 S0.00459 $0.00000 $0.00104 $0.02445 $0.02610 $0.02159 $0.00000 $0.01553 s0.30921 $0.38512 $0.15443 $0.00000 $0.06382$0.13045 $0.16577 $0.05713 $0.00000 $0.02527 10.46E55 10.58158 50.2N771 10,00000 $0.10567 1.00 0.96 1.22 0.00 1.23 o 0 0 0 43,659,000 37,196,'t96 0 6,075,131 0 0 0 387,373 0 Functional Co3t Compononts at Proposed Rstes 26 Production 27 Underground Storage28 Distribution 29 Common 30 Total Propo3ed Rate Revenue31 Exclude Cost of Gas w / Revenue Exp.32 Total Margin Revenue at Proposed Ratos 414,466 253,4',t1 2,295,310 1,343,740 2E,260,482 23,041,274 12,006,742 10,350,230 117,23',1 680,668 4,923,200 1,557,396 0 0 0 0 3,E24 70,902 296,009 99,1'16 42,977,000 35,228,655 7,27E,491 0 0 0 469,851 00 0 12,977,000 35,228,655 7,278,191 0 469,E51 33 34 10.00445 30.02453 $0,00a59 00.02414 Therm at Rates Distribution Common Total Proposed Margin Melded Rate per Therm 30.45123 10.55081 10.284E3 30.00000 i0.12Er7 $0.30329 $0.12886 $0.36026 $0.r61E3 $0.19266 $0.06094 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.08075 $0.0270/1 35 36 37 3E 39 /t0 41 42 43 44 Functional CoEt Componont3 at Uniform Propored Return Production Underground Storage 414,466 2,228,873 28,260,692 12,O72,96E 293.411 1,633,331 24,176,O17 10,529,936 1't7,231 539,849 3,8s6,142 1,450,945 0 0 0 0 3,824 55,693 228,533 92,088 Distribution Common Total Uniform Proposed Cost Exclude Cost ot Gas w / Revenue Exp. Total Uniform Proposed Margin Margin per Therm al Uniform Proposed Retum 45 Produclion 46 Underground Storage47 Distribution 48 Common49 Total Proposed Uniform Margin Melded Rate perTherm 50 M.rgin to Cost Ratlo at PropGed Rateg 51 Current Margin to Propoled Co3t Ratio 42,977,000 36,632,695 5,964,167 0 o 0 0 380,138 0 42,977,000 36,632,695 5,964,167 0 3E0,13E $0.00445 $0.00459 00.00459 s0.000o0 $0.00104 $0.02392 $0.02554 $0.02113 $0.00000 $0.01519$0.30330 $0.37800 $0.15090 $0.00000 $0,06234$0.12957 $0.16464 $0.05678 $0.00000 $0.02512 30.{6123 $0.57276 $0.23339 10.00000 $0.10369 1.00 0.96 1.22 0.00 1.21 1.02 0.9E 1.21 0.00 1.26 AVU-G-21-01 SETTLEMENT STIPULATION APPENDIX E Page 4 - Cost of Service Lire AVISTA UTILITIES Revenue Conversion Factor Idaho - Natural Gas System TWELYE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 3I,2OI9 Description Revenues Expenses: Uncollectibles Commission Fees Idaho'State Income Tax Total Expenses Net Operating Income Before FIT Federal lncome Tax @ 2lo/o REVENUE CONVERSION FACTOR 0.001953 0.046024 0.050378 0.949622 0.199421 0,750201 AVU-G-21-01 SETTLEM ENT STI PU LATION APPEN DlX E Factor 1.000000 1.00000( 0.002401 0.00240: 0.00195: 0.00435. P - -s64, No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 APPENDIX F AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO, AVU.E.2I{'I PROPOSED INCREASE BY SERVICE SCHEDULE 12 MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2019 (000s of Dollars) Effective September 1, 2021 Line Type ofNo. Service Base TariffRevenue Percentage Schedule UnderPresent ofNumber Rates Base lncrease S€ttlement Rate Spread Allocation lncrease Base Tariff Baso Total Billed PercontRevenue Tarlff Revenue Total lncroase on Sch 7 UnderProposed Percent atPresent General Bllled GRC TaxCn Rates lncroaae Rates(l) lncrease Royenus Decrea (k) (4, (1, (2, I I I 0)(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(D 1 Residential2 General Service3 Large General Service4 bdra Large General Service5 Clearwater6 Pumping Service7 Street & Area Lights 8 Total 1 11,12 21,22 25 25P 31,32 4',t49 $1 13,042 $36,636 $47,822 $1 7,876 $19,991 $5,s27 $3.696 $244,s89 113o/o 10004 100% IOOYo 25Yo IOOYo 100% $5,548 $1,588 $2,072 $775 $217 $239 $160 $10,599 $118,590 $38,223 $49,894 $18,651 $20,207 $5,766 $3.856 $255,188 4,9olo 4,30h 1,30/o 1.3% 1.10/o 1.301o 1.3% 1.3% $'t't4,241 $38,291 $50,073 $18,630 $20,840 $5,766 $3,842 $251,683 $5,548 $1,s88 $2,O72 $775 $217 $239 $1 60 $10,599 4.9Yo 1.10/o 1,101o 4,20/o 1.0% 4.2% 1.2% 1.20/" $ Settlement Pro-rata Allocation lncrease Base Tariff Revenue Under Propos€d Rates Base Tarlff Percent lncrease Total Billed Revenue at Present Rates Total General lncrease Percont lncroase on Billod GRC Rovenue $t $ (10 Additio Sch 7 Tax Cre Decrea Effective September 1, 2022 Line Type of Service Base Tariff Revenue Percentage Schedule Under Present ofNumber Rates Base lncreaseNo. (a)(b)(c) 1 't1,12 21,22 25 25P 31,32 4'.t49 $1 1 8,590 $38,223 $49,894 $18,651 $20,207 $5,766 $3.856 $255,188 137Yo 25% 10OYo 100% 25Yo 'to0Yo IOOYo $5,092 $300 $1,564 $s85 $1 58 $181 $1 21 $8.000 $123,681 $38,523 $51,458 $19,236 $20,366 $5,947 $3.977 $263,188 1.30/o 0.8% 3.101o 3.1% 0.8% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% $1 14,890 $38,291 $50,073 $18,630 $20,191 $5,766 s3.842 $251,683 $5,092 $300 $1,564 $58s $1 58 $1 81 $1 21 $8,000 0) 4.4o/o o,80/o 3,1% 3.1Vo o.80h 3,1% 3,10h 3.2% (k) $ (4,$(1$(1$t${ ( { ($10 (d)(e)(f)(s)(h)(i) 1 Residential2 General Service3 Large General Service4 Extra Large General Service5 Clearwater6 Pumping Service7 Street & Area Lights 8 Total Appendix F - Electric AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.2I.OI PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective September 1, 2021 Residential Service - Schedule 1 Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kWhs All over 600 kWhs Glearwater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: Block'l Retail kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumoinq Service - Schedule 3l Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kW/kWhs All additional kWhs Base Tariff Present Present Sch. Rate OtherAdi.(1) Billino Rate(b) (c) (d) $6.00 $6.00 (a) General Rate lnc/(Decr) (e) $0.00 $0.00448 $0.00503 $0.00 $0.00448 $0.00314 no charge $0.00337 $0.00284 $0.00 $0.00276 $0.00231 $0.00435 $0.00367 Schedule 76 Tax Credlt Chanqe (f) Proposed Bilting Rate (s) Proposed Base Tariff Rate (h) $0.08930 $0.r0036 $0.09357 $0.06558 no charge $6.00/kw $0.06328 $0.05333 $/t25.00 $5.50/kw $0.2olkw $0.05484 $0.04s94 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.2o/kw $14,ooo $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.20/kw $0.10r26 $0.08551 $6.00 $6.00 General Services - Schedule 'll Basic Charge $13.00 Energy Charge: First 3,650 kWhs $0.08909 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.06244 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge Over 20 kW $6.00/kW Laroe General Service - Schedule 2l Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs $0.05991 All over i (2) lncludes all preser $0.05049 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $425.00 Over 50 kW $5.50/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Extra Laroe General Servlce - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kwhs $0.05208 Allover 500,000 kWhs $0.04363 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $14,000 Over 3,000 kva $5.00/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20/kW Annual Minimum Present: $0.08482 $0.09533 $14,000 $5.0O/kva $2.50/kva $0.2o/kw Present: $0.00102 $0.00102 $0.08s84 $0.09635 ($o.oo3e6) ($0.00,145) ($0.00,148) ($0.00314) ($0.00337) ($0.00284) ($0.00276) ($0.00231) Proposed: ($0.00435) ($0.00367) $0.08636 $0.09693 $0.09362 $0.06697 $6.00/kw $0.06357 $0.0541s $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.2olkw $0.05442 $0.04tt97 $14,ooo $5.00/kva $0.2o/kw $726,7N $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.5O/kva $0.2o/kw $6:t3,6:t0 $0.10r13 $0.08606 $13.00 $0.09362 $0.06697 no charge $6.00/kw $0.06357 $0.05415 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.2o/kw $0.05/142 $0.04597 $14,000 $5.00/kva $0.2o/kw $13.00 $13.00 $0.00453 $0.00453 $0.00366 $0.00366 $0.00234 $0.00234 $698,630 Proposed $0.04177 $0.00218 $0.04395 $0.00056 ($0.00222) $0.04229 $0.04233 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.2olkw $627,470 $11.00 $0.09691 $0.08184 $0.00422 $0.00422 $0.101 13 $0.08606 $11.00 $0.00 $11.00 $11.00 (1) lncludes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 75 - Fixed Cost Adjustment, and Schedule 91 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment. Appendix F Page 2 of 6 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO ELECTRIC, CASE NO. AVU.E.2I.O1 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective September 1, 2022 (a) Residential Service. Schedule I Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 600 kWhs All over 600 kWhs Clearwater - Schedule 25P Energy Charge: Block 1 Retail kWhs Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less 3,000 - 55,000 kva Over 55,000 kva Primary Volt. Discount Annual Minimum Pumoino Service - Schedule 3l Basic Charge Energy Charge: First 165 kW/kWhs All additional kWhs Base Tariff Present Present Sch. Rate Other Adi.(1) Billinq Rate(b) (c) (d) $6.00 $6.00 General Rate !nc/(Decr) (e) Schedule 76 Tax Credit Chanoe (f) Proposed Billing &te(s) Proposed Base Tariff Rate (h) $0.09234 $0.10378 $0.09293 $0.06513 no charge $6.0o/kw $0.06583 $0.05548 $425.00 $s.50/kw $0.20/kw $0.05693 $0.04769 $14,ooo $5.00/kva $0.20/kw $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.2o/kw $0.r0392 $0.08776 $1.00 $0.00304 $0.00342 $2.00 ($o.ooo64) ($o.ooo45) no charge $0.0025s $0.00215 $0.00 $0.00209 $0.00175 $2.00 $0.00266 $0.0022s $7.00 $7.00 General Services - Schedule ll Basic Charge $13.00 Energy Charge: First 3,650 kwhs $0.09357 All over 3,650 kWhs $0.06558 Demand Charge: 20 kW or less no charge Over2O kW $6.00/kW Larqe General Service - Schedule 21 Energy Charge: First 250,000 kWhs $0.06328 All over I (2) lncludes all preser $0.05333 Demand Charge: 50 kW or less $425.00 Over 50 kW $5.50/kW Primary Voltage Discount $0.20/kW Extra Larqe General Service - Schedule 25 Energy Charge: First 500,000 kWhs $0.05484 All over 500,000 kWhs $0.04594 Demand Charge: 3,000 kva or less $14,000 Over 3,000 kva $5.00/kva Primary Volt. Discount $0.20/kW Annual Minimum Present: $0.08930 $0.10036 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.20/kw Present: ($o.o02e4) ($0.00343) $0.08636 $0.09693 ($o.oo37e) ($0.00426) ($0.00357) ($o.o0250) ($0.00322) ($0.00271) ($0.00352) ($o.oo2e5) Proposed: ($o.o04r4) ($o.oo35o) $0.08561 $0.09609 $0.08941 $0.06402 $6.0o/kw $0.06290 $0.0s359 $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.20/kw $0.05299 $0.0477 $14,ooo $5.00/kva $0.20/kw $748,030 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.20/kw $638,030 $0.09965 $0.0848{ $0.00005 $0.00139 $0.00029 $0.00082 ($o.ooo42) $0.00003 $13.00 $0.09362 $0.06697 no charge $6.0o/kw $0.06357 $0.0541s $425.00 $5.50/kw $0.20lkw $0.05442 $0.04597 $14,000 $5.0O/kva $0.20/kw $15.00 $15.00 $726,740 Proposed: $0.04233 ($0.00004) $0.04229 $0.00040 ($0.00205) $0.04064 $0.04273 $14,000 $5.00/kva $2.50/kva $0.2olkw $633,630 $11.00 $0.10126 $0.08551 ($0.00013) $0.00055 $11.00 $0.101 13 $0.08606 $13.00 $13.00 (1) lncludes all present rate adjustments: Schedule 59 - Residential & Farm Energy Rate Adjustment, Schedule 66 - Temporary Power Cost Adjustment, Schedule 75 - Fixed Cost Adjustment, and Schedule g1 - Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment. Appendix F Page 3 of 6 AVISTA UTILITIES tDAlto GAs, cAsE No. Avu.G-21-01 PROPOSED lilCREASE BY SERVTCE SCHEDULE 12 IIONTHS ENDED DECEI'BER 31, 2OI9 (00(13 of Dolla]l) No. Effective September 1, 2021 Line Schedule Number 1 General Service2 Large General Service3 TransportationService4 Special Contracts5 Total Effective September 1, 2022 Line Type of Service (a) 1 General Service2 Large General Service3 TransportationServica4 Special Contracts5 Total Appendix F - Natural Gas Rate Spread Base Tariff Settlement Base Tariff DisfibutionRevenue Percentage Base DistributionRevenue Under Prssent of Rat6 Under Proposed Rat6s (1) Base Chanoe Ghanoe Rates(c) (d) (e) (0 Type of Service (a) Baro Tadff Penrent Chanoe (s) (3.796) (3.7%) (3.7%) 0.095 (3.7%) Base Tarlff Porcont Chanoe (s) Total Billed Revenue at Presont Rates (21 (h) w,222 $12,909 $478 $1 10 $63,719 Total General Chanoe (i) Sch 176 Tax Credit Decrease U) ($r,005) ($208) ($te1gI -$1,226 lncremsntal Sch176 Tax Crodit Decrease 0) Ne. (b) 101 1111112 1'16 14 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 10'l 't1t112 't46 18 Base Tariff Settlement Base Tarifi DistributionRevenue Percentage Base DistributionRevenue Schedule Under Pres€nt of Rate Under ProposodNumber Rates ('l) Bass Chanoe Chanoe Rates(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) $35,787 $7,395 $478 $110 $43,770 100% 100% 100% o% 100o/o 't00Yo 100o/o Oo/o ($1,32s) (s275) ($18) @ ($1,621) $34,458 $7,120 $'160 $1 10 942,149 $35,228 $7,279 $470 $1 10 $43,088 ($1,32e) ($275) ($18) @ ($1,621) Total Billed Revenue at Presont Rates (2) (h) $47,888 $'t2,426 $447 s110 $60,872 Total General lncrease (i) $34,458 $7,120 $4.60 $1't0 $42,149 $770 $159 $10 $q $939 2.2% 2.2% 2.2% 0.0% 2.2% $770 $159 $10 $0 $939 Effectlve September 1, 2021 Tvoe of Seryice (a) Ganeral Servlc.. Schedule t01 Basic Charge Usage Charge: Alltherms AVISTA UTILITIES TDAHO GAS, CASE t{O. AVU€-21-01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COTPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Generrl Rate ftosert Base PresentDbfifuilon Present Revbed BIlirE PresentRate(2) Schedule'172 BaseRates RateAdi.(l) BillimRate(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) t6.00 $6.00 $0.s0087 ($0.03630) $0.46457 $0.22569 $0.69026 16.00 (so.or567) 10.65382 L.roe General Servlc.. Schedule lll Usage Charge:First2@thorms $0.53090 200 - 1,000 therms $0.32402 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.241'17 Allover 10,000therms $0.18639 Mlnimum Charge:p€rmonth $106.18p€rtherm $0.00000 lnterruotlble Selvlce. Schedule 131 Usage Charge: AllThems $0.226m ($0.01897) W.20712 $0.17261 $106.18($0.01897) ($0.01897) $0.21825 $0.19928 $0.37973 $250.00 $0.12544 $0.01897 (9,0.026631 00.01897 ($0.00811) ($0.01897) ($0.01897) ($0.01897) ($0.01897) $0.5'1193 $0.30505 $0.22220 $0.16742 $0.21825 $0.21825 $0.21825 $0.21825 $0.73018 $0.52330 $0.44045 $0.38567 ($0.02075) (to.o3oo8) ($0,02707) (to,o2so7) (t4'15) (30.oo8rl) ($o.0o8rl) ($0.00811) ($0.00811) s0.74,29 30.50.o8 {.42124 $0.37146 lncr(Decrl (s) $0.00 ($o.os7o7) Schadule 172 Tax reform Chanoe (h) 10.036ix, 9,.01897 10.01897 $0,01897 $0.01897 Schedule 176 Tax Credit Chanoe (r) Proporod Bllllng Rste 0) Propos6d Brle Dlltrlbutlon Rate (k) 06.00 $0.4/880 $0,5r015 $0.29394 $0.21410 $0.r6r32 0r02.03 10.00000 10.199t16 $250.00 10.12057 Tran3port tlon S.rvlce - Schedule 146BasicCharge $250.00 Usage Cha.ge:AllTt€rms $0.13441 ($0.00897) $102.03(so.oo8r1) $0.21014 10.36396 $250.00 $0.fi692$0.12544 ($o.or38{) lo.oo897 (to.00365) (1) lnclud€s SctEdule 15() - Purchased Gas Cct Adj6tment, Schedule 155 - Gas Rate Adj6tmont, Sch€dule 175 - Fhed Cost Adjustment ard Schedule 191 - DSM Appendk F Page 5 of 6 AVISTA UTILITIES IDAHO GAS, CASE NO. AVU-G-2.I-01 PRESENT AND PROPOSED RATE COMPONENTS BY SCHEDULE Effective September 1, 2022 Present Base Distribution Tvoe of Service Rate(a) (b) General Service. Schedule 101 Basic Charge $6.00 Usage Charge: All therms $0.44380 Laroe General Service - Schedule 111 Usage Charge: First 200 therms $0.510'15 200 - '1,000 therms $0.29394 1,000 - 10,000 therms $0.21410 All over 10,000 therms $0.16132 Minimum Charge: per month $102.03pertherm $0.00000 lnterruotible Servlce - Schedule 131 Usage Charge: All Therms $0.19946 Transoortation Service - Schedule 146 Basic Charge $250.00 Usage Charge: All Therms $0.12057 Present Schedule 172 (c) $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 $0.00000 Revised Base Rates (d) $0.51015 $0.29394 $0.21410 $0.16132 PresentBilling Present Rate Adi.(1) Billino Rate(e) (0 $6.00 $0.00000 $0.44380 $0.21002 $0.65382 $0.72029 $0.50408 $0.42424 $0.37146 General Rate lnc/(Decr) (s) $1.00 ($o.oo37e) $0.00120 $0.00863 $0.00628 $0.00'f7'f $0.24 $50.00 $0.00175 Proposed Bllling Rate (D $7.00 $0.65003 $0.72149 $0.51271 $0.430s2 $0.37620 il02.27 $0.2101.0 $300.00 $0.1 I 867 Proposed Base Distributlon Bclc(i) $7.00 $0.'{4001 s0.5113s $0.30257 $0.2203E $0.16606 $102.27 $0.00000 $300.00 $0.12232 $0.21014 $0.21014 $0.21014 $0.21014 $0.00000 $0.19946 $0.164s0 $0.36396 $0.00433 i0.36829 $0.20379 $102.03$0.00000 $0.00000 $0.21014 $0.21014 $250.00 $0.00000 $0.12057 ($0.0036s) $0.11692 (1)lncludesSchedulel50-PurchasedGasCostAdjustment,Schedulel55- GasRateAdjustment,SchedulelT5-FixedCostAdjustmentand Schedule 191 - DSM, Schedule 176 - Tax Customer Credit Appendix F Page 6 of 6 Professional. Qualificationsof Donn English Program Manager - Accounting and Audit Program Manager - Technical Analysis fdaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission EDUCATION Mr. English graduated from Boise State University in l99B with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Accounting. His studies concentrated on corporate finance and taxation. He was a member of the Alpha Beta Psi honor society for Account.ing students. He completed the Annual Regulatory Studies Program, the Advanced Regulatory Studies Program, and the Accounting and Ratemaklng Course offered through the Institute of Public Utilities at Michigan State University. Additionally, he regularly attends meeting and conferences sponsored by the National Association of Regulatory Commissioners (NARUC) and the Society of Utility and Regulatory Financial Analysts. In 200\, Mr. Engllsh became a designated member of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) and was awarded the professional designatj-on of Qualified Pension Adminlstrator (QPA) and Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA). Mr. English was al-so a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examinators. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Prior to joinlng the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), Mr. English was a trust Accountant with a pension administration, actuarial, and consulting firm in Boise, Idaho. In 1999, he was promoted to Pension Administrator, and in 2001 he was promoted to Pension Consultant. fn that capacity, Mr. English performed actuarial calcul-ations and the required non- discrimination calculations for hundreds of qualified retirement plans. He completed and filed Form 5500s and represented clients during audits by the Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Servj-ce. He also participated on the task force that wrote questions for the ASPPA administrator and actuarial exams. Exhibit No. 101 case Nos. AVU-E-21-01 /AVU-G-21-01 D. English, Staff 01 / L9 /27 Mr. English joined the IPUC in 2003 as a Staff Auditor. In 2016, he was promoted to Audit Team Lead, and in 2078 he became the Program Manager for the Accounting and Audlt Departmentwithin the Utilities Division. In 2020, Mr. English a-l-so accepted the responsibility of supervising the Technical Analysis and Energy Efficiency team. At the Commission, Mr. English has audited a number of utilities including electric,water, and natural gas companies, and provided comrnents and testimony in numerous cases that deal wlth general rates, taxissues, pension issues, depreciation and other accounting issues, and other regulatory policy decisions. Mr. Englishparticipates in the Energy Efficlency Advisory Groups andExternal Stakeholder Advisory Committees for fdaho Power, Avista Utilities, Rocky Mountain Power, and Intermountain Gas Company. He is the Commission's representative on the NARUC Subcommitteeof Accounting and Finance, and he also teaches at the NARUC Rate SchooI. Exhibit No. 101 Case Nos. AVU-E-21-01 /AVU-G-21-01D. English, Staff 01 /19/21 Professional QuaLificationsof Michael Louis Program Manager - Engineering Idaho Public Utilities Cornmission EDUCATTON Mr. Louis received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Englneering with concentrations in manufacturing systems and engineering economics from Purdue University in 1985 and 1,992, respectively. He also received his Masters in Public PoIicy and Administration at Boise State University in 2005. fn addition to his formal education, Mr. Louis has attended Michigan State Universit.y Institute of Public Utilities Annual Regulatory Studies Program, NARUC Utility Rate School, and Electricity Grid School- . BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Mr. Louis is currently the Staff Engineering Program Manager over the Engineering Section at the fdaho Public Utllities Commission where he has supervised Staff and worked on a variety of cases regulating to electric, natural gas, and water utilities. His assignments and responsibilities include cases involving prudence determination of major utility investments and power supply cost, integrated resource plans, cost adjustment mechanisms, reviews of power purchase agreements and customer special contracts, demand-side management., sales of utilities and their assets, avoj-ded cost ratemaking for PURPA, cl-ass and j urisdictional cost all-ocation using cosL of serviceprinciples, rate design, and a variety of engineering studies involving the design and operation of public utility systems. Mr. Louis' work experlence also includes 1B years of industrial/commercial practice at General Motors, Hewlett- Packard, Jabit Circuit, and Albertsons Companies developing, managing, and improving manufacturing systems and operations, planning processes, and supply chains. He has also spent six years at Boise State University where he administrated and conducted energy policy research as the Assistant Director of the Energy Policy Institute and taught classes in program andproject management in the Department of Publ-ic PoIicy and Administration. Exhibit No. 102 Case Nos. AVU-E-21-01 /AVU-G-21-01 M. Louis, Staff 01 /1_9/2\