HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210527ICL 1-6 to Avista.pdfruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512612021 AW.E-21-01 / AVU-G.2I.01 WITNESS: Idaho Conservation League RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT: ICL - OOI TELEPHONE: REQUEST: Mr. Thackston states on page 2l of his Direct Testimony that the Colstrip owners did a capital budget during 2020.In response to StaffProduction Request 98, Avista states owners approved a2021capital budget on March 24,2021. Please update the timeline for each of the Colstrip related capital projects included in this docket to reflect the ownership goup approved capital budgets for 2020 and202l. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 001C, which contain TRADE SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, 233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. For budget yeu 2020, nearly all the capital work was associated with the Unit 4 OH). The work had been originally scheduled for a May-June 2020 time frame. because of COVID, the decision was made to shift this outage from May-June 2020 to to Novonber 2020. An additional shorter outage was taken in May to inspections for the U4 OH and to install a new Auxiliary Transformer. Timelines and budgets for 2020 have been reconstructed from the monthly invoices for information is Attachment 1 below. For 2021, information is derived from the from March 2021 and supplemented with information from the monthly financial Apil202l (the most current monthly financial report). This is Attachment 2 below. files for 2020 and202l arc: ICL_PR_001C Confidential Attachment 1- Colstrip 2020 Budget.xlsx ICL PR 00lC Confidential Attachmerfi2 - Colstrip 2021Budget.xlsx If more details are desired, attached is the year end 2020 monthly financial report and current 2021 frnancial report. Specifically, project information is located on the "3 Recap" tab on these spreadsheets. These are attached as part of this request to provide details if needed. ICL_PR_00IC Confidential Attachment 3 - 12-20 Bud vs Act, Un 3-4.xlsx ICL_PR_O0IC Confidential Attachment 4 - 04-21Bud vs Act, Un 3-4.xlsx On each of these attached reports, the pertinent information is on the *3&4 Capital Column F -'YTD Actual" and Column G - "YTD Budget" shows the budget for each costs associated with each of those projects. Additionally, column Q - "Est. Plant in shows the planned schedule, or timeline, for each iton. Jason Steve GPSS (soe) 4es-4 RECEIWD May 27, PM 2:21 PABLIC COMMISSION approve budgets or 067 and (u4 some This budget through attached most Capital tab. ect and Colstrip Date" ftruSDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512612021 AVU.E-21-01 / AW-G.2I-OI WITNESS: Idaho Conservation League RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT: tcL - 002 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4r REQUEST: Please provide the most recent budget to actual reports Avista has received from Talen of the Colstrip related capital additions included in Mr. Thackston's Direct Testimony Exhibit 7, Schedule 5. For any project that is completed and the budget included a amount, please indicate whether that contingency amount was spent or not. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 002C, which contain TRADE SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 233, ard, Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Please also see ICL PR 002 - Attachment A through C for updated PF Colstrip Amortization Adjustment 3.14 and22.07 - reflecting actual Colstrip 2020 transfers to updated 2021-2022 pro forma plant additions. The impact of this update lowers the requirement by $22,000 and increases RY2 revenue requirement by $38,000. The update lowers the RYI rate base by $2.081 million, and increases RY2 rate base by $59 The projects listed in Exhibit 7, Schedule 5 represent some of the higher cost projects, a comprehensive list. Some of the projects were completed in 2020 and a few are part of budget plan. The Owners do not get an individual project report on those projects listed 7, Schedule 5. Instead, these projects are among the list of projects that were either 2020 or are currently underway lrr2021. Attached is the December 2020Bndget vs Actual report and the 2021Bndget vs Actual the month of April. This is the most current 2021 report The information on the "3 Recap" tab in the reports contains the information being requested. There are some are listed on the *3&4 ARO Recap" tab of the reports. The specific projects listed in Schedule 5 have been highlighted for easy identification. ICL_PR_)I2C Confidential Attachment I - 12-20 Budvs Act, Un 3-4.xlsx ICL_PR_012C Confidential Attachment 2 - 04-21 Bud vs Act, Un 3-4.xlsx To help identifu the projects, Exhibit 7, Schedule 5 is repeated here but now number references. These are included at the top of each rate sheet of the Exhibit 7, package. ICL_PR_DOZC Confidential Attachment 3 - Exhibit No. 7, Schedule S.pdf Projects are not estimated with an identified contingency. The only project that has an contingency is the Dry Waste Disposal Project (Reference Project ID 10027002, listed on *3&,4 Jason Steve GPSS Pluth each or 067 and and and revenue of this ,000. are not 202t Exhibit Capital ects that 7, project ln for 5 ARO Recap" ta,b of the reports; The contingency is built up usisg,the methodolory the doerrment below. As this project will not be completed uotil Iuly l,2il22,it is not much of the contingsncy has bem speirt or not. ICL.PR_MIC Confidattial Attachnqt 4 - 210105.A O*well - Dry Waste Contingency.pQf rn how AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512612021ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AW-E-2I-OI / AW-G.21-01 WITNESS: Idaho Conservation League RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT: ICL - OO3 TELEPHONE: Jason Steve GPSS (s0e) REQUEST: Please provide documentation that the Montana Department of Environmental Quality has review of the Remedial Design/Remedial Action Report for Units 3 arrd4 as described in Thackston's Direct Testimony pages 55, lines 6- 8 and lines22-23. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 003C, which contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIE CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Attached is a July 30,2020letter from Montana DEQ to Gordon Criswell of Talen provides the conditional approval of the Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan, EHP Area. The conditions established were some additional sampling and treatability ICL PR 003C Confidential Attachment I -3&4RDRA DEQComments Wenke 49s-41 or 067 and that 3&4 pdf AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512612021 AVU.E.2I.O1 / AW.G-2I.OI WITNESS: ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: Jason Idaho Conservation League RESPONDER: Steve W Production Request DEPARTMENT: GPSS ICL - OO4 TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4t REQUEST: Please provide all updated project timelines and budgets that result the Montana DEQ Remedial Design/Remedial Action Report for Units 3 and 4. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 004C, which contain TRADE SECRET, PRO CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 233, ard Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Several documents are provided here to respond for this request. The first two documents are the approved projects in the long-term plan for site document is specific to Units 3 and 4. At the bottom of this document is the establish the Financial Assurances that are provided to MDEQ to financially secure this ICL_PR_004C Confidential Attachment I -Colstrip 34 EHP Revised Remedy Table 7-5 Alt4 Cost ioz6 update I I-10-2020.pdf The second of these two documents are the approved projects for the long term for the entire site. This include projects that would be associated with Units I and2, and common facility projects (i.e. stormwater holding ponds, sediment ponds). At the this document is the calculation used to establish the Financial Assurances that are MDEQ to financially secure this work. ICL_PR_004C Confidential Attachment 2 - Colstrip Plantsite Revised Remedy Table 7-6 Alt4 Cost 3% update 1l-10-2020.pdf The third document is a sheet from the March 24 approved budget that shows the ARO budget Items and plans for 2021. This includes the projects that are required as approved RD/RA plan. (The entire budget is not being included here, only page 5.) document includes both projects and ongoing maintenance work for these purposes. ICL PR 004C Confidential Attachment 3 -Colstrip Units 34 2021 ARO-AOC Finally, the last document here identifies the amount that each Owner is required to MDEQ as a Financial Assurance to secure that this work plan will be performed. Incl document is intended to demonstrate Avista's commitment to completing these proj provides these assurances in the form of surety Bonds. As work on the plans are Financial Assurances are adjusted each year to reflect both completion of plans and any that may be made to the plans. Attached is the 2020 update for these Financial ICL_JPR_004C Confi.dential Auachment 4 -Colstrip WW AOC Financial Update Summary I l-I0-2020.pdf of the or 067 and One used to plan AOC of the that this this Avista 4, of to on and3 to the JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512612021 AW-E.2I.01 / AVU-G-2l-OI WITNESS: Idaho Conservation League RESPONDER: Steve W Production Request DEPARTMENT: GPSS ICL. OO5 TELEPHONE: REQUEST: Please provide documentation that the Unit 3 overhaul scheduled for May 2021 is provide any update on the expected in service date for all capital additions included in overhaul. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 005C, which contain TRADE SECRBT, CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, 233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Attached is an Overhaul Review document that along with other information, provides and schedule of the planned overhaul. ICL_PR_0|SC - Confidential Auachrnent - I -Colstrip Unil 3 Overhaul Review 2021 Also attached are a series of Overhaul reports provided by the plant. Each day of work, generated. Included here are the first week's reports. To save volume of generated on Monday of each succeeding week up to the date of this response is are attached below: ICL-PR_005C - Confidential Attachment - 2A -Colstrip Unil 3 Daily OH Report 4-12-2 ICL_PR_0O5C - Confidential Anachment - 28 -Colstrip Unil 3 Daily OH Report 4-13-2 ICL)PR_005C - Confidential Attachment - 2C -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 4-14-2 ICL_PR_015C - Confidential Attachruent - 2D -Colstrip Unil 3 Daily OH Report 4-1 ICL_PR_01SC - Confidential Auachment - 2E -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 4-16-2 ICL_PR_001C - Confidential Auachment - 2F -Colstip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 4-19-2 ICL_PR_00iC - Confidential Attachrnent - 2G -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report ICL_PR_00iC - Confidential Attachment - 2H -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 5-03- ICLJR_)11C - Confidential Attachment - 2I -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 5-10-2 ICL_PR_00SC - Confidential Attachment - 2J -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 5-17-2 ICL_PR_OO|C - Confidential Auachment - 2K -Colstrip Unit 3 Daily OH Report 5-24-2 Finally, attached are two Apil 2021 Budget vs Actual reports. One for Capital Maintenance Expense. These reports show how much has been spent on each Overhaul as of the end of April. (The outage is scheduled through the month of May to Final expenses won't be known until July or August of this year.) ICL_PR_0OSC - Con/idential Attachment - 3A -2021 Colstrip OH Capilal April Bud v ICL:PR_)1SC - Confidential Auachment - 38 -2021 Colstrip OH Maint April Bud v As of this data request response, there are no identified schedule delays. The planned to end on June 25m. Jason (s09) 49s-4r and or 067 arld scope report is a report These .docx .docx .docx .docx .docx .docx .docx .docx docx docx .docx one for of the 25'J, is still AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512612021 CASE NO:AW.E-2I.01 / AVLI-G-2I.OI WITNESS:Jason REQUESTER: Idaho Conservation League RESPONDER: Steve WTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: GPSS REQUEST NO.: ICL - 006 TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-41 REQUEST: Please provide a status report on the arbiffation proceeding currently underway between Colstrip ownership goup. RESPONSE: On March 12,2021 Norflrwestern Corporation filed a Demand for Arbifration Sound Energy, Avista Corporation, PacifiCorp, Portland General Electric, and Talen Respondents. This Demand was subsequently amended on April2, 2021. Different filed their initial responses to this Demand. To date, the parties have not agreed on the protocols and have not selected an arbitrator. Puget have as