HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210527Avista to Clearwater 4-7.pdfJURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO RBQ[TEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512412021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joseph Miller Clearwater Paper RESPONDER: Joe Miller Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory cP-004 TELEPHONE: (509) REQUEST: Company witness Miller in his Direct Testimony was asked if the Commission were revenue requirement lower than the Company's request how would they propose to revenue request. He answered on page 8 of his direct testimony: If the Commission were to order a lowerrevenue requirement, the Company proposes to allocate the same increase as the Company's initial filing to Schedule l. The Company also proposes that Large General Service Schedules Large General Service Schedule 25, Pumping Service Schedules 31132 and Sheet Lights Schedules continue to receive an equal percentage of revenue rernaining revenue should then be applied equally to Schedules 1ll12 and those schedules are providing significantly more than their relative cost of discussed by Ms. Knox. During Rate Year I (RY 1 ) the reve,nue requirement was set to be offset with the tax If the revenue requirement is less than proposed by Avista how will the tax credi ratepayers be spread for the benefit of Avista's ratepayers? RESPONSE: As described in testimony, the objective for rate spread was to offset the rate impact general rate increase with the Tax Customer Credit so that all customers will not billed rate increase n202l.r To the extent the Commission orders a lower revenue the Company supports lowering the Ta>r Customer Credit offset so that all customer not a billing rate increase in 2021. Lowering the amount of the tax credit offset would credit to stay in effect for a longer period of time from what the Company proposed in fi1ing. I Miller, Di, p. 7,11. 6-8. RECEIVED 27, PM 2:21 PABLIC COMMISSION order a the Service Extra Area Any 25P as as benefit the rate initial the a ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: A\ISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512412021 AW.E.2I-01 / AW.G-2I-01 WITNESS: Clearwater Paper RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:CP-OO5 TELEPHONE: Joseph (s0e) REQUEST: If the Commission were to order a two-year revenue requirement that is less than the tax how does the Company propose the tax credit would be retumed to rate payers in Rate (RY2)? RESPONSET The Company is proposing that the Tax Customer Credit be used to offset the Rate Year I increase only and stay in effect until the full amount of the balances available is customers. The Company is not proposing any of the Tax Customer Credit be used to the base rate increase for Rate Year 2. Joe Miller Regulatory 2 to rate any of JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512412021 AVU.E.2I-OI / AW.G.2I.Ol WITNESS: Clearwater Paper RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:CP.OO6 TELEPHONE: Joseph Joe Miller Regulatory (50e) REQUEST: During Rate Year I (RYl) for Clearwater (Schedule 25P) the Company is proposing to any of the demand charges but "The revenue increase for the schedule is proposed to be through an increase of 0.520 cents per kWh to the energy charge." [Direct Testimony J Miller, p. 16.] Please explain in detail the rational of fixing Clearwater's demand current rates and applying the increased revenue requirement all on energy charges. RESPONSE: The Tax Customer Credit is proposed to be returned on a per kWh basis. In order to customers experience no bill change resulting from the general rate case in Rate Year l, Company proposed to adjust both the general rate increase and Tax Customer Credit on and offsetting energy only basis for all rate schedules. change that all at equal JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0512412021 AVU-E-2I-OI / AVU-G-2I-OI WITNESS: Clearwater Paper RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENTCP-OO7 TELEPHONE: Joseph REQUEST: During Rate Year 2 (RY2) for Clearwater (Schedule 25P) the Company is proposing minimum demand charge of $14,000 be increased by $2,500, to $16,500 per month. Company is proposing to increase the volumetric demand charge for the 3,000 - 55,000 k from $5.00/kVA to $5.50/kVA. The remaining revenue change for the schedule is recovered through apercentage decrease of approximately 0.4%o applied to the single rate, a decrease of 0.017 cents per kwh." [Direct Testimony, Joseph Miller, pg. 16, I explain in detail the rational of increasing Clearwater's demand charges and reducing the energy charge for RY2. RESPONSE: The Company intended to propose an increase to the applicable basic charges and for all rate schedules in Year I of the rate plan but did not do so in order to keep the increase and the Tax Customer Credit rate design perfectly aligned so that no customers rate change in202l. The Company intended to propose basic charge and demand charge to the applicable rate schedules in each year under the rate plan, but because no proposed in Year 1, the Company proposed larger increases in Year 2. Specific to the insreases in dernand charges, the Company's transmission and is constructed to meet the collective peak demand of its customers. The Company adequate resources available to meet peak demand. If customers reduce their peak reduce the need for additional investment in these facilities and resources. receive the proper price signal to encourage a reduction in their peak demand, i.e., charges. The system allocated dernand cost from the cost of service study is $l 1.69 ftW) month.r The Company's present monthly demand charges range from $5 $6.001kW, well below the system allocated demand cost. While the exact level of costs as demand-related can be debated, clearly the levels of demand charges proposed will be well below demand-related costs as supported by the Company's cost of service proceeding. I Exhibit No. 16, Sch 3, p. 3, ln 28. Joe Miller Regulatory (s0e) 4e5 present the Ablock to be block .l Please kwh charges rate were system have it will need to demand kilowatt Ato to in this a