HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210524Clearwater 4-7 to Avista.pdfPeter J. Richardson ISB # 3195 Gregory M. Adams ISB # 7454 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC 5 l5 N. 27th Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone : (208) 938 -223 6 Fax: (208) 938-1904 peter@richardsonandoleary. com Attorneys for Clearwater Paper Corporation BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION .com IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAAS SERVICE TO ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS CUSTOMERS IN THE STATE OF IDAHO CASE NO. AVU-E-21-01 CASE NO. AVU.G.21.O1 SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Pursuant to Rule 225 of the Rules of Procedure of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), Clearwater Paper Corporation ("Clearwater") by and through its attomey of record, Peter J. Richardson, hereby requests that Avista Corporation ("Avista") provide responses to the following with supporting documents, where applicable. This production request is to be considered as continuing, and Avista is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the responses or documents produced. Please provide an additional electronic copy, or if unavailable, a physical copy, to Dr. Don Readingat:6070 Hill Road, Boise, Idaho 83703, Tel: (208) 342-1700:. Fax: (208) 384-l5l l; SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATE,R PAPER CORPORATION IN CASE NO. AVU-E,-2|-OI AVU-G-21.0I - PAGE I RECEIVED 2021May 24, PM 2:14 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION dreading@mindsprine.com and in electronic form to carl.haugen@clearwaterpaper.com; and mal i sa. maynard@,c learwaterpaper. com. For each item, please indicate the name of the person(s) preparing the answers, along with the job title of such person(s) and the witness at hearing who can sponsor the answer. Some of the following requests may include disclosures deemed by to be confidential. Counsel for Clearwater (Peter Richardson and Greg Adams) Clearwater's expert witness, Dr. Don Reading, as well as counsel's legal assistant (Grace Hansen) have executed the confidentiality agreement in order to facilitate complete responses. REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 Company witness Miller in his Direct Testimony was asked if the Commission were to order a revenue requirement lower than the Company's request how would they propose to spread the revenue request. He answered on page 8 of his direct testimony: lf the Commission were to order a lower revenue requirement, the Company proposes to allocate the same increase as the Company's initialfiling to Residential Service Schedule I. The Company also proposes that Large General Service Schedules 2l/22, Extra Large General Service Schedule 25, Pumping Service Schedules 3l/32 and Street and Area Lights Schedules continue to receive an equal percentage of'revenue increase. Any remaining revenue should then be applied equally to Schedules ll/12 qnd Schedule 25P as those schedules are providing signfficantly more than their relative cost ol'service as discussed by Ms. Knox. During Rate Year I (RY I ) the revenue requirement was set to be offset with the tax credit. If the revenue requirement is less that proposed by Avista how will the tax credit benefit ratepayers be spread for the benefit of Avista's ratepayers? SE,COND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION IN CASE NO. AVU-E-21-OI AVU-G-2I -O I - PAGE 2 REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 5 lf the Commission were to order a two-year revenue requirement that is less than the tax credit how does the Company propose the tax credit would be returned to rate payers in Rate Year 2 (RY2X REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO. 6 During Rate Year I (RYl) for Clearwater (Schedule 25P) the Company is proposing to not change any ofthe demand charges but"The revenue increasefor the schedule is proposed to be recovered through qn increase of 0.520 cents per klVh to the energy charge." fDirect Testimony Joseph Miller, p. 16.] Please explain in detail the rational of fixing Clearwater's demand charges at current rates and applying the increased revenue requirement all on energy charges. UEST FOR PRODUCTI During Rate Year 2 (RY2) for Clearwater (Schedule 25P) the Company is proposing ". . the present minimum demand charge of 814,000 be increased by $2,500, to 816,500 per month. Further, the Company is proposing to increase the volumetric demand charge for the 3,000 55,000 kVA blockfrom $5.00/kVA to 55.50/kt/A. The remaining revenue change .for the schedule is proposed to be recovered through a percentage decrease of'approximately 0.4% applied to the single energy block rate, a decrease of 0.017 cents per kwh." [Direct Testimony, a Joseph Miller, pg. 16, 17.] Please explain in detail the rational of increasing Clearwater's demand charges and reducing the per kWh energy charge for RY2. rhi th da¡çof y 202r. J.ISB # 3195 RICHARDSON ADAMS, PLLC SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION IN CASE NO. AVU.E.2I-OI AVU-G-2I-OI - PAGE 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the24th day of May,202l, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST of Clearwater Paper Corporation in Case No. AVU-E-21-01, AVU-G-21-01 was served, pursuant to Commission Order No. 34602, by electronic copy only, to: JanNorkyuki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jan. norivuki@puc. idaho. gov David J. Meyer Vice President and Chief Counsel for Regulatory and Governmental Affairs Avista Corporation Dav id. meyer@avi stacorp.com Benjamin Otto Idaho Conservation League botto Brad Purdy Attorney atLaw bmpurdy(@hotmail.com Norman M. Semanko Parsons Behle & Latimer nsemanko@parsonsbehle.com Steven W. Chriss Director, Energy Strategies, Walmart Inc S tephen. c hri s s (Ðwalmart. c om John Hammond Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission j ohn. hammond@puc. idaho. gov Patrick Ehrbar Avista Corporation Patrick. ehrb ar @av istac o rp. c om dockets @avistacorp. com Diane Gibson-Webb Idaho Conservation League deibson-webb@idahoconservation. org Lany A. Crowley, Director The Energy Strategies lnstitute, Inc. crowle)rla@aol.com Vicki Baldwin Parsons Behle & Latimer vbaldwin@parsonsbehle. com Ron Williams Williams Bradbury ron(Øwi I I iamsbradbury. c om Peter Richardson ISB # 319s SECOND PRODUCTION REQUEST OF CLEARWATER PAPER CORPORATION IN CASE NO. AVU-E-2T-OI AVU-G-2I.OI - PAGE 4