HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210514Avista to Staff 104-104C Supplemental.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATION RECEIVED 2021May 14, PM 4:30 IDAEO PABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511412021 AVLI-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: H. Rosentater/I(. SchultzIPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-Bonney Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs Staffi104 Supplemental TELEPHONE: (509) 495-1130 REQUEST: Please provide the following documentation for each natural sas capital project with a budget amount of $1,000,000 or more that was completed from 2018 through the current date (where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided and how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost): a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for each project along with a cost/benefit analysis comparison of alternatives. b. Project Plani. Initial project scope.ii. Proposedbudget.iii. Proposed schedule. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) i. Project requirements.ii. Specifications.iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winningbid. d. Project construction documentation including:i. Construction contract.ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action items list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned.ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus 5 percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difflerence. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to StaflPR_IO4C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exanpt from public view and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Natural gas expenditure requests (ERs) with total annual transfers to plant of $1,000,000 or more, on an Idatro allocated basis, for 2018 through February 2021 include three ERs: ER_3008 - Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement, ER_3003 - Gas Replace,ment Sfreet and Highway, and ER_3301 - Rathdrum Prairie HP Gas Reinforcement. Two of the ERs selected, ER_3008 - Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement and ER_3003 - Gas Replacement Street and Highway, are programmatic in nature and are comprised of various individual projects over many areas within Avista's jurisdiction. ER_3301 - Rathdrum Prairie HP Gas Reinforcement had three separate projects within transfer to plant balances from January 2018 through February 2021. The high-pressure reinforcement project in Post Falls, totaling approximately $3 million that transferred to plant in 2018, comprises the majority of transfers to plant under this ER for the period referenced above. The remaining two projects consisted of the Post Falls Gate2l5 telemetry equipment, totaling approximately $70,000, and some trailing charges for the Coeur d'Alene HP Gas Reinforcement, totaling approximately $l 15,000. Documentation specific to the teleme@ project is not included below. In addition to the specific project information being provided below, please see Staff-PR-096 for an overview of the Company's methodology for planning, monitoring and completing capital projects. ER_3008 - Aldyl -A Pipe Replacement a. Analysis ofNeed Please see the Business Case Justification Narrative (BCJN) for the Gas Facility Replacernent Program (GFRP) Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 9 for a full description of the need for this work including the altematives considered. The Company's 2020 Natural Gas Infrastructure Plan, contained in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 4, also discusses the Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement progfirm. b. Project Plan Please see the GFRP Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement BCJN in Company wifiress Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 9 for a full description of the GFRP scope, 20-year schedule, and budget. As discussed in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's testimony, the Company has continued to re-evaluate the analysis since the initial work was completed, which has confirmed Avista's approach and timeline for managing this issue. Please also see the most recent report updating this analysis, conducted in 2018, and contained in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. l l, Schedule 6. The GFRP has developed and submitted a BCJN and provides annual 5-year Capital Budget updates to Avista's Financial Planning & Analysis Group for review by Avista's Offrcers and Finance Council. The GFRP's annual budget is rolled into the Company wide Capital Plan. The Capital Budget approval is granted by the Board of Directors Finance Committee. Once a project budget is established, the GFRP generates and submits a Capital Project Request (CPR) to Utility Accounting, whom in turn assigns a discrete project account number for each project. Refer to StaffPR - 104 Attachment A for a listing of individual projects and total transferred to plant for the years within scope of the request. The GFRP utilizes Earned Value measurernent to track and monitor the Program, as well as individual projects. GFRP Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement planned projects are categorized as follows: o Major Projects: Major projects are planned and managed under the direct control of the GFRP with its own dedicated distribution pipeline contractor under a 5-year unit price contract. For this body of work, the GFRP generates detailed project estimates that utilize current Unit Price Contact prices, project design, anticipated project conditions, impediments, construction methodologies, and project quantity assumptions. o Minor Projects: Minor projects and budgets are assigned by the GFRP to local dishict resources that operate in their respective areas. The local district is responsible to execute the work under their local contract. Minor project budgets are based on the basic scope of work multiplied by the current average cost per foot, or cost per unit assumptions. The GFRP tracks the budgets and progress throughout the year. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) The GFRP is dedicated to the delivery of projects in the most cost/budget efficient manner possible. GFRP utilizes multi-year confracts (5-year contract is typical) through Request for Proposals (RFPs) for cost stability and amortization of constructors' start-up and equipment cost across multiple years of programmed work quantities. The RFP process ensures the best market rate pricing is being achieved. To ensure the GFRP's body of work is being performed at market rate, the GFRP issued a RFP to solicit bids in late 2017 . NPL was awarded the 5-year contract (2018 to 2022). Refer to the following for each itern: o StaffPR 104 - Attachment B - Project Requirements / Specificationso StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment C - Bidder Scorecard (Confidential). StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment D - RFP from winning bid d. Project consffuction documentation: o Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment E.l - Construction confracto StaffPR 104 - Attachment F - Organizational chart.o StaffPR 104 - Attachment B - Scope document, work breakdown structure and Baseline Scheduleo Monthly project status reports - The GFRP utilizes the ER_3008 project data provided by Financial Planning & Analysis, in combination with project progress tracking dat4 to track and document that status of each project, as well as program wide performance. The GFRP generates and delivers a Budget Update presentation monthly to the internal Stakeholders. The presentation summaizes both budget and project progress in terms of percent of work complete and includes program wide Earned Value results. A sample of Annual Budget Summaries Updates are attached as Staff PR 104 - Attachment G.l - G.3 for the years within scope of the request.. Specific action iterr lists are not used in conjunction with the GFRP Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement. Refer to the Budget Update presentations (StaffPR 104 - Affachment G.l - G.3) for items completed and upcoming action items.o Contractor Change Order Requests - Five (5) contract amendments have been incorporated into the contract. See StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachments E.2 - E.6. Company proj ect completion analysis GFRP projects are set-up as "blanket projects" and are transferred to plant (TTP) each month as new pipe is installed and made "used and useful". e. Earned Value results are updated monthly by entering the actual percent of work completed and the actual costs. The GFRP utilizes the Earned Value results to ensure the entire program is on track, or when a course correction is warranted. Additionally, the GFRP drills down and monitors the work performance for each individual project. As noted in the BCJN in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. ll, Schedule 9, the progftrm is not anticipated to be completed until 2031. ER_3003 - Gas Replacement Street and Highway Program a. Analysis ofNeed Please see the BCJN for Gas Replacement Street and Highway Program in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. ll, Schedule 9 for a full description of the need for this work. As noted within her testimony, there is no alternative to this program since the Company is required to move its facilities, within a specified time frame, when notifid by local jurisdictions pursuant to our franchise agreements. b. Project Plan Please see the BCJN for Gas Replacement Street and Highway Program in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. l l, Schedule 9. As noted within Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, these jurisdictional projects are outside Avista's control, and because it's impossible to forecast the year-to-year costs, this program and its ultimate costs are subject to considerable variability. Refer to StaffPR -104 Attachment H for a listing ofindividual projects and total transferred to plant for the years within scope of the request. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) This work is performed by in house crews or contracted dock crews, as such RFP's are not performed for this type of work. d. Project Construction Documentation This is programmatic work and is driven by state/county/city road projects each year. This ER is made up of many small individual projects that are not of the scope or size to warrant the formal documentation requested. Refer to Staff PR 104 Attachmelrt H for detailed list of individual projects within the scope of this request. e. Company Project Completion Analysis i. Due to the nature of this business case where projects are typically small and unplanned, a lessons-learned is not conducted for individual projects. Job estimates for the projects funded by this program are not tacked on an individual basis. The overall ER budget is monitored and discussed during a regularly scheduled monthly meeting with the Natural Gas Director. The annual budget is set each year based on historical spend and knowledge of upcoming projects. The budget is frequently adjusted throughout the year when the need occurs. The actual amount spent often differs from the budgeted amount because 11. lrl the municipal projects that drive this work are very dynamic in nature and can fluctuate drastically from one year to another. ER 3301- Rathdrum Prairie HP Gas Reinforcement a. Analysis ofNeed Please see the BCJN for Gas Rathdrum Prairie HP Main Reinforcement in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 9 for a full description of the need for this work including the alternatives considered. b. Project Plan Please see the BCJN for Gas Rathdrum Prairie HP Main Reinforcement in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 9. Initial Project Scope: This project was divided up into two phases called the Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement (completed in 2017) and the Post Falls 6" IIP Reinforcement (completed in 2018). Staff PR 104 - Attachment I were the plan drawings developed fort the project, StaffPR 104 - Attachme,nt J are for the Post Falls Reinforcement proj ect plans. Though the initial expected budgets based on unknown needs were listed at $10 million of capital costs, budgets were adjusted to provide a total of $3.3 million for the Coeur d'Alene Reinforcement and $2.5 million budgeted for the Post Falls Reinforcement. The Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by December 31,2017 and the Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by December 31,2018. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) Refer to Staff PR 104 - Attachment K and StaffPR I 04 - Attachment L for statement of work for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. Specifications for the RFP are attached in StaffPR 104 - Attachment M and StaffPR 104 - Attachment N for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. Refer to StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment O and StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment P for Avista's Short Bid Matix for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. iv. Refer to StaffPR 104 - Confidential Auachment Q and StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment R for winning bids for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. d. Project construction documentation: Refer to Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment S and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment T for executed contracts for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. ii 111 11 ul. l. Refer to Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment Q and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment R for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects organization charts. As this was contracted work, scope is identified in Staff PR 104 - Attachment K and StaffPR 104 - Attachment L for statement of work for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. lv.The work breakdown structure can be found in Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment Q and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment R for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcernent projects, pages I I and 8-10 respectively. The Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by December 31,2017 and the Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by December 31, 2018. vi. Project status reports were provided via email. Refer to StaffPR 104 - Attachment U for full chain of project updates on the Coeur D'Alene reinforcement project and Staff PR 104 - Attachment V for first and last email update for the Post Falls reinforcement project. vii. Action item lists were not used for these projects. Refer to work tasks located in Statements of Work in StaffPR 104 - Attachment K and StaffPR 104 - Attachment L for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. viii. There were no contractor change orders for either the Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement project or the Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement project. e. Company project completion analysis i. No specific Lesson's Learned document was prepared for these projects. However, the cost for trucking and material backfill was not included accurately in the project estimating, which resulted in the actual costs being higher than the estimated costs. 11.Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement budget estimate:$3,292,491 Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement actual cost: $3,511,427 Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement budget estimate = $2,491,087 Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement actual cost: $2,991,816 111.The Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to conclude by December 31, 2017 and was placed into service on August 31, 2017. The Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement project was scheduled to conclude by December 31, 2018 and was placed into service on Novernber 30, 2018. For both the Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement and Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement projects, the main factors that resulted in the actual costs being higher than the estimated costs were contractor trucking and backfill material charges and Avista crew labor. lt lll. v lv SUPPLEMENTAL - O5I I4I2O21 The Company has updated information in regard to ER_3008 Aldyl - A Replacernent to help explain the determination of the use of the confractor. Avista's Contracts Department conducted the Gas Facility Replacement Program (GFRP) Request for Proposals (RFP) process n2017 for the five-year conhact cycle (2018-2022). Six pipeline contractors were invited to submit proposals; however, only three contractors, Michels, Infrasource, and NPL, submitted proposals. Avista's Contracts Deparfrnent collected the respondent contractors bid packages and populated the Bid Matrix accordingly. Refer to Staff_PR_I04 Supplemental Confidential Attachment A - Bid Matrix for the completed Bid Matrix. Confidential documentation from each of the bidder's packets are within the zipped files, Staff_PR_104c_Supplemental Confidential Attachments A-B, and Staff PR_I04c_Supplernental Confidential Attachments C- D. The Bid Matrix (Sta[PR_104_Supplemental Confidential Attachment A) identifies each contractor's unit prices for comparison, however since the unit prices alone are abshact and without context, the Bid Matrix worksheet simulates an assumed body of work by identifuing scope/quantities as determined by Avista which are found in column D for Oregon and Column E for Washington & Idaho. The unit cost and resulting comparative calculations are shown in columns G - R, and the primary results found cells J, N and R on Line 154. NPL was selected based on this analysis. Avista requested Idaho and Washington pricing to be coupled together for a variety of reasons: The Local 77 Labor Union rules require that Prevailing Wage & Benefit rules apply to all gas construction labor confracts in Washington and Idaho jurisdictions. In the Oregon jurisdiction, Avista's gas construction labor is not unionized so these rules do not apply. This is why there is a separate Price Sheet for Oregon. The contractor is able to serve the GFRP projects within the Washington and Idaho jurisdictions with a single geographically located base of operations. Combining the scope of work for these two jurisdictions (WA/ID) provides for a larger volume of work. These volumes translate to lower volume driven unit pricing. o a a AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511412021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: H. RosentraterA(. Schultz REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-BonneyTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-lO4C Supplemental TELEPHONE: (509) 495-1130 REQUEST: Please provide the following documentation for each natural gas capital project with a budget amount of $1,000,000 or more that was completed from 2018 through the current date (where requested information has not been provided, please explain why it was not provided and how the Company assured the construction of the project was completed at least cost): a. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for each project along with a cost/benefit analysis comparison of altematives. b. Project Plani. Initial project scope.ii. Proposedbudget.iii. Proposed schedule. c. Requests for proposals (RFP)i. Project requirements.ii. Specifications.iii. Short list bidder scorecard. iv. RFP from winning bid. d. Project construction documentation including:i. Construction contract. ii. Organizational chart. iii. Scope document. iv. Work breakdown structure. v. Baseline Schedule. vi. Monthly project status report(s). vii. Action iterns list(s). viii. Contractors change order request(s). e. Company project completion analysis i. Lessons learned.ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for overall project and by year. iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison. iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus 5 percent during a particular year please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Staff PR_104C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Natural gas expenditure requests (ERs) with total annual transfers to plant of $1,000,000 or more, on an Idaho allocated basis, for 2018 through February 2021 include three ERs: ER_3008 - Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement, ER_3003 - Gas Replacement Sheet and Highway, and ER_3301 - Rathdrum Prairie HP Gas Reinforcement. Two of the ERs selected, ER_3008 - Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement and ER_3003 - Gas Replacement Street and Highway, are programmatic in nature and are comprised of various individual projects over many areas within Avista's jurisdiction. ER_3301 - Rathdrum Prairie HP Gas Reinforcement had three separate projects within transfer to plant balances from January 2018 through February 2021. The high-pressure reinforcernent project in Post Falls, totaling approximately $3 million that transferred to plant in 2018, comprises the majority of transfers to plant under this ER for the period referenced above. The remaining two projects consisted ofthe Post Falls Gate}ll telemetry equipment, totaling approximately $70,000, and some trailing charges for the Coeur d'Alene HP Gas Reinforcement, totaling approximately $115,000. Documentation specific to the telemetry project is not included below. In addition to the specific project information being provided below, please see Staff-PR-096 for an overview of the Company's methodology for planning, monitoring and completing capital projects. ER_3008 - Aldyl -A Pipe Replacement a. Analysis ofNeed Please see the Business Case Justification Narrative (BCJN) for the Gas Facility Replaconent Program (GFRP) Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I 1, Schedule 9 for a full description of the need for this work including the alternatives considered. The Company's 2020 Natural Gas Infrastructure Plan, contained in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 4, also discusses the Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement program. b. Project Plan Please see the GFRP Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement BCJN in Company witness Ms. Rosentrateros Testimony, Exhibit No. ll, Schedule 9 for a full description of the GFRP scope, 2}-year schedule, and budget. As discussed in Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's testimony, the Company has continued to re-evaluate the analysis since the initial work was completed, which has confirmed Avista's approach and timeline for managing this issue. Please also see the most recent report updating this analysis, conducted in 2018, and contained in Company witress Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 6. The GFRP has developed and submitted a BCJN and provides annual 5-year Capital Budget updates to Avista's Financial Planning & Analysis Group for review by Avista's Officers and Finance Council. The GFRP's annual budget is rolled into the Company wide Capital Plan. The Capital Budget approval is granted by the Board of Directors Finance Committee. Once a project budget is established, the GFRP generates and submits a Capital Project Request (CPR) to Utility Accounting, whom in turn assigns a discrete project account number for each project. Refer to StaffPR - 104 Attachment A for a listing of individual projects and total transferred to plant for the years within scope of the request. The GFRP utilizes Earned Value measurement to track and monitor the Program, as well as individual projects. GFRP Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement planned projects are categorized as follows: o Major Projects: Major projects are planned and managed under the direct control of the GFRP with its own dedicated distribution pipeline contractor under a 5-year unit price contract. For this body of work, the GFRP generates detailed project estimates that utilize current Unit Price Contact prices, project design, anticipated project conditions, impediments, construction methodologies, and project quantity assumptions. o Minor Projects: Minor projects and budgets are assigned by the GFRP to local district resources that operate in their respective areas. The local district is responsible to execute the work under their local contract. Minor project budgets are based on the basic scope of work multiplied by the current average cost per foot, or cost per unit assumptions. The GFRP tracks the budgets and progress throughout the year. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) The GFRP is dedicated to the delivery of projects in the most cost/budget efEcient manner possible. GFRP utilizes multi-year contracts (S-year contract is typical) through Request for Proposals (RFPs) for cost stability and amortization of constructors' start-up and equipment cost across multiple years of programmed work quantities. The RFP process ensures the best market rate pricing is being achieved. To ensure the GFRP's body of work is being performed at market rate, the GFRP issued a RFP to solicit bids in late 2017 . NPL was awarded the 5-year contract (2018 to2022). Refer to the following for each item: . StaffPR 104 - Attachment B - Project Requirements / Specificationso StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment C - Bidder Scorecard (Confidential)o StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment D - RFP from winning bid d. Project construction documentation: r StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment E.l - Construction contracto Staff PR 104 - Attachment F - Organizational chart.o StaffPR 104 - Attachment B - Scope document, work breakdown structure and Baseline Scheduleo Monthly project status reports - The GFRP utilizes the ER_3008 project data provided by Financial Planning & Analysis, in combination with project progress tracking data, to track and document that status of each project, as well as progr.rm wide perfofinance. The GFRP generates and delivers a Budget Update presentation monthly to the internal Stakeholders. The presentation summarizes both budget and project progress in terms ofpercent of work complete and includes program wide Earned Value results. A sample of Annual Budget Summaries Updates are attached as Staff PR 104 - Attachment G.l - G.3 for the years within scope of the request.o Specific action item lists are not used in conjunction with the GFRP Aldyl-A Pipe Replacement. Refer to the Budget Update presentations (StaffPR 104 - Attachment G.1 - G.3) for items completed and upcoming action items.o Contractor Change Order Requests Five (5) contract amendments have been incorporated into the contract. See Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachments 8.2 - E.6. e. Company project completion analysts GFRP projects are set-up as "blanket projects" and are transferred to plant (TTP) each month as new pipe is installed and made'oused and useful". Earned Value results are updated monthly by entering the actual percent of work completed and the actual costs. The GFRP utilizes the Earned Value results to ensure the entire program is on track, or when a course correction is waranted. Additionally, the GFRP drills down and monitors the work performance for each individual project. As noted in the BCJN in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. ll, Schedule 9, the program is not anticipated to be completed until 2031. ER_3003 - Gas Replacement Street and llighway Program a. Analysis of Need Please see the BCJN for Gas Replacement Street and Highway Program in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. 11, Schedule 9 for a full description of the need for this work. As noted within her testimony, there is no alternative to this program since the Company is required to move its facilities, within a specified time frame, when notified by local jurisdictions pursuant to our franchise agreements. b. Project Plan Please see the BCJN for Gas Replacement Street and Highway Program in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 9. As noted within Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, these jurisdictional projects are outside Avista's control, and because it's impossible to forecast the year-to-year costs, this program and its ultimate costs are subject to considerable variability. Refer to StaffPR - 104 Attachment H for a listing of individual projects and total fransferred to plant for the years within scope of the request. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) This work is performed by in house crews or contracted dock crews, as such RFP's are not performed for this type of work. d. Project Construction Documentation This is programmatic work and is driven by state/county/city road projects each year. This ER is made up of many small individual projects that are not of the scope or size to warrant the formal documentation requested. Refer to Staff PR 104 Attachment H for detailed list of individual projects within the scope of this request. e. Company Project Completion Analysis i. Due to the nature of this business case where projects are typically small and unplanned, a lessons-learned is not conducted for individual projects. ii. Job estimates for the projects funded by this program are not tracked on an individual basis. The overall ER budget is monitored and discussed during a regularly scheduled monthly meeting with the Natural Gas Director. The annual budget is set each year based on historical spend and knowledge of upcoming projects. The budget is frequently adjusted throughout the year when the need occurs. The actual amount spent often differs from the budgeted amount because 111 the municipal projects that drive this work are very dynamic in nature and can flucfuate drastically from one year to another. ER 3301 - Rathdrum Prairie HP Gas Reinforcement a. Analysis of Need Please see the BCJN for Gas Rathdrum Prairie HP Main Reinforcement in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I 1, Schedule 9 for a full description of the need for this work including the alternatives considered. b. Project Plan Please see the BCJN for Gas Rathdrum Prairie HP Main Reinforcement in Ms. Rosentrater's Testimony, Exhibit No. I l, Schedule 9. tritial Project Scope: This project was divided up into two phases called the Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement (completed in 2017) and the Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement (completed in 2018). Staff PR 104 - Attachment I were the plan drawings developed fort the project, StaffPR 104 - Attachment J are for the Post Falls Reinforcement project plans. ii. Though the initial expected budgets based on unknown needs were listed at $10 million of capital costs, budgets were adjusted to provide a total of $3.3 million for the Coeur d'Alene Reinforcement and $2.5 million budgeted for the Post Falls Reinforcement. The Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by December 31,2017 and the Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by Decernber 3 l, 2018. c. Requests for proposals (RFP) Refer to Staff PR 104 - Attachment K and StaffPR 104 - Attachment L for statement of work for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. Specifications for the RFP are attached in StaffPR 104 - Attachment M and StaffPR 104 - Attachment N for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. Refer to Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment O and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment P for Avista's Short Bid Matrix for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. lv.Refer to Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment Q and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment R for winning bids for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. d. Project construction documentation: Refer to Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment S and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment T for executed contracts for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement proj ects respectively. llr. 1. 11. lll. 1. 11.Refer to Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment Q and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment R for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects organization charts. iii. As this was contracted work, scope is identified in Staff PR 104 - Attachment K and StaffPR 104 - Attachment L for statement of work for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement proj ects respectively. The work breakdown structure can be found in StaffPR 104 - Confidential Attachment Q and Staff PR 104 - Confidential Attachment R for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects, pages l l and 8-10 respectively. The Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by December 31,2017 and the Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to be completed by Dece,nrber 31, 2018. vi. Project status reports were provided via ernail. Refer to StaffPR 104 - Attachment U for full chain of project updates on the Coeur D'Alene reinforcement project, and Staff PR 104 - Attachment V for first and last email update for the Post Falls reinforcernent project. vii. Action item lists were not used for these projects. Refer to work tasks located in Statements of Work in StaffPR 104 - Attachment K and StaffPR 104 - Attachment L for Coeur d'Alene and Post Falls reinforcement projects respectively. viii. There were no contractor change orders for either the Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement project or the Post Falls 6'HP Reinforcement project. e. Company project completion analysis No specific Lesson's Learned document was prepared for these projects. However, the cost for trucking and material backfill was not included accurately in the project estimating, which resulted in the actual costs being higher than the estimated costs. Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement budget estimate : $3,292,491 Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement actual cost: $3,511,427 Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement budget estimate : $2,491,087 Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement acfual cost: $2,991,816 iii. The Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement was scheduled to conclude by December 31, 2017 and was placed into service on August 31,2017. The Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement project was scheduled to conclude by December 31, 2018 and was placed into service on Novernber 30, 2018. For both the Coeur d'Alene 6" HP Reinforcement and Post Falls 6" HP Reinforcement projects, the main factors that re sulted in the actual costs being higher than the estimated costs were contractor trucking and backfill material charges and Avista crew labor. 1V v 1. 11. tv SUPPLEMENTAL _ O5I I4I2O2I The Company has updated information in regard to ER_3008 Aldyl - A Replacement to help explain the determination of the use of the contractor. Avista's Contracts Departrnent conducted the Gas Facility Replacement Program (GFRP) Request for Proposals (RFP) process in20l7 for the five-year contract cycle (2018-2022). Six pipeline contractors were invited to submit proposals; however, only three contractors, Michels, Infrasource, and NPL, submitted proposals. Avista's Contracts Department collected the respondent contractors bid packages and populated the Bid Matrix accordingly. Refer to Sta[PR_104 Supplernental Confidential Attachment A - Bid Matrix for the completed Bid Matrix. Confidential documentation from each of the bidder's packets are within the zipped files, Staff PR_lO4c_Supplemental Confidential Attachments A-B, and StaLPR_l O4c_Sup,planental Confi dential Attachments C- D. The Bid Matrix (Staff_PR_104_Supplemental Confidential Attachment A) identifies each contractor's unit prices for comparison, however since ttre unit prices alone are abstract and without context, the Bid Matrix worksheet simulates an assumed body of work by identiffing scope/quantities as determined by Avista which are found in column D for Oregon and Column E for Washington & Idaho. The unit cost and resulting comparative calculations are shown in columns G - R, and the primary results found cells J, N and R on Line 154. NPL was selected based on this analysis. Avista requested Idaho and Washington pricing to be coupled together for a variety of reasons: The Local 77 Labor Union rules require that Prevailing Wage & Benefit rules apply to all gas construction labor contracts in Washington and Idaho jurisdictions. In the Oregon jurisdiction, Avista's gas construction labor is not unionized so these rules do not apply. This is why there is a separate Price Sheet for Oregon. The contractor is able to senre the GFRP projects within the Washington and Idaho jurisdictions with a single geographically located base of operations. Cornbining the scope of work for these two jurisdictions (WA/ID) provides for a larger volume of work. These volumes translate to lower volume driven unit pricing. o t o