HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210512Avista to Staff Supplemental 3.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RECEIWI) 2021May 12, PM 3:31 IDAEO PABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/1212021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Liz Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Jeanne PluthTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staft-0Ol-Supplement 3 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2204 REQUEST: Please provide copies of the monthly frial balances from January 2019 through the most current month available. Please supplement your response when additional months become available throughout 2021. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_OOl-Attachment A for the trial balance for each month between January 2019 and January 2021. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE 1: Please see Staff PR_00l-Supplement l-Attachment B for the trial balance for each month between January 2019 and February 2021. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE 2: Please see Staff PR_00l-Supplement 2-Attachment C for the hial balance for each month between January 2019 and March 2021. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE 3: Please see Staff PR_00l-Supplement 3-Attachment D for the trial balance for each month between January 2019 and Apil2021. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511212021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth AndrewsIPUC RESPONDER: T. Benjamin / L. Andrews Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs Staft-027 Supplanental TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2225 REQUEST: Please summarize all benefit and retirement plans provided to any classification of Company employees. Please also include any changes that have occurred to the benefits/accruals during the past five years. SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSE 05/1212021 Included as Staf[-PR-027 Supplemental Affachment A is an updated Benefit Adjustment 3.03 including actual employee medical and post-retirement benefits as of December 2020. This adjustment also reflects the updated O&M percentage of 59.08% as for 2020. Revising this adjustrnent to reflect actual 2020 expenses above 2019 test period results in an increase in benefit expenses of $543,000 Idaho electric and $140,000 Idaho natural gas above 2019 test year levels. The net effect of updating this adjustment to reflect actual 2020 versus as filed increases electric and natural gas benefit expenses by $667,000 and $172,000, respectively. The impact on revenue requirement is an increase of $668,000 for electric and $174,000 for natural gas. 2021 actuarial reports have not been received by the Company, however, expectations are 2021 levels will be similar to 2020 actual levels. RESPONSE: All regular employees, including Executive Officers, are eligible for the Company's Qualified Defined Benefit plan (hires after 01.01.14 - see below), the Company's 401(k) plan, health and dental coverage, Company-paid term life insurance, disability insurance, paid time off and paid holidays. This benefit package offers several choices as to the type of medical plan, dental plan, life insurance, etc. to determine the best fit for the employee's circumstances. These plans are designed to be competitive with the overall market practices and are in place to attract and retain the talent needed in the business. As with all portions of the plan, the Company works with a third-party administrator to determine the annual rates for the Company and for each individual onployee based on their elections.r Medical - Avista sponsors a self-funded medical benefit plan that provides various levels of coverage for medical, dental and vision. Avista encourages employees to take responsibility for their health care decisions and make lifestyle changes to avoid health care issues. The Company also encourages participants to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles, and use health care wisely. Proactive progfttms are set up to help individuals change their behaviors and live a healthier life. The Company addresses this by using a health continuum; low risk (Wellness), moderate risk (Wellness, Lifestyle Health Coaching) and high risk (Disease Management, Case Management). I The Company also offers Optional and Dependent Life insurance, Voluntary Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, Group Legal Services, and miscellaneous other benefits. Expenses related to these benefits are borne by the employee and are not included in the Company's case. For this reason, and the immaterial nature of the cost, we have not described these benefits in this response. As noted above, Avista provides various wellness progr.rms in an effort to proactively manage medical expense claims. In addition, the Company has implernented several measures to keep medical costs down. To keep office visit costs down, we offer access to phone or web-based24l7 telemedicine services and an on-site clinic. We have limited our exposure to large claims through an insurance policy with annual stop-loss limits of $275,000 per person. When employees do require medical care for catastrophic conditions, we have a case management program managed by a third-party administrator to help manage these costs. To keep prescription drug costs down, the Company has contracted with specialty pharmacies who help participants determine the most economic treatment options. In addition, effective January 1,2014 the Company made the following changes to the medical plan offered to onployees: a For non-bargaining ernployees hired or rehired on or after January 1,2014, and Local Union 659 employees hired or rehired on or after April 1,2014, upon retirement the Company no longer provides a contribution towards his or her medical premiums. The Company will provide access to the retiree medical plan, but the retiree will pay the full cost of premiums upon retirernent. Manage Utilization of Specialty Drugs - The Company reviews measures to lower the cost of prescription drugs including requiring prior authoization, and implementing step therapy. Beginning January 1,2020, the method for calculating health insurance premiums for the following employee groups changed: non-bargaining retirees, Local Union 659, hired or rehired after April 1,2014 under age 65, and active non-bargaining employees hired or rehired after April 1,2014 under age 65. Revisions will result in separate health insurance premium calculations for retirees and active employees beginning January 1, 2020. Finally, as of 2017, Avista offers a self-insured High Deductible Health Plan ("HDHP") in addition to the current self-insured plan. The HDHP requires plan participants to pay all costs of medical care up to defined deductible limits. This plan enforces the message to participants to manage their own health with an array of tools to assist them in becoming better consumers. Over time we expect this plan to result in lower overall medical costs to the Company. The level of cost savings is dependent upon, among other things, the number of employees that choose this plan, and the level of utilizationofmedical care for those ernployees (i.e., the overall medical expense to the Company under the High Deductible plan versus the old plan for those particular employees and their families). The level of cost savings from the HDHP is expected to be minimal initially, and will be unknown for the longer-term until we have actual experience under the plan. Retirement Plans - Retirement programs are crucial to attracting and retaining a skilled workforce within the utility industry. The Company provides a defined benefit pension plan and a defined contribution plan (401k) to ernployees. For all employees hired or rehired on or after January l, 20142, the Company's defined benefit is closed to all non-bargaining employees. All actively ernployed non-bargaining employees that were hired prior to January 1,2014, and were covered under the defined benefit pension plan at that time, will continue accruing benefits as originally specified in the plan. A defined contribution aOlft) plan replaced the defined benefit pension plan a 2 Changes were applicable to Local Union 659 (Southeast Oregon) effective April l, 2014. for all non-bargaining employees hired or rehired on or after January 1,2014. Under the defined contribution plan, the Company will provide a non-elective contribution as a percentage of each anployee's pay based on his or her age. This defined contribution is in addition to the existing 401(k) contribution, where Avista matches a portion of the pay deferred by each participant. In addition to the above changes, the Company also revised our lump sum calculation for non-bargaining retirees under the defined benefit pension plan to provide non-bargaining participants who retire on or after January 1,2014 with a lump sum amount equivalent to the present value of the annuity based upon applicable discount rates. Miscellaneous Other Benefits The Company also offers these miscellaneous other Miscellaneous Benefits. Overall, costs represented by these benefits represent less than 2o/o of overall benefit costs: o Short and Long Term Disabilityo Employee Assistance Plano Company Provided Term Life Insurancer Tuition Assistance program In addition, executives are offered the following benefits: l. Supplemental Executive Officer Retirement Plan (SERP) In addition to the Company's retirement plan for all employees, the Company provides additional pension benefits through the SERP to executive officers of the Company who have attained the age of 55 and a minimum of 15 years of credited service with the Company. The costs associated with SERP are excluded from retail rates. 2. Deferred Compensation The Executive Offi cer Deferred Compensation plan provides the opportunity to defer up to 75oh ofbase salary and up to 100% of cash bonuses for payment at a future date. This plan is competitive in the market, and provides eligible employees and executive officers with a tax-efficient savings method. The costs associated with Deferred Compensation are excluded from retail rates. Avista regularly participates in a comprehensive benefit study, BENEVAL, conducted by Towers Watson which compares the total value of our benefit package to the total benefit value of our peers. This study is comparable to the peer group benchmarking conducted annually for direct compensation. See Avista's response to Staff PR_032 for additional information. The Company actively manages costs associated with the overall compensation package which includes base salary and pay-at-risk incentive compensation in addition to the benefit package. Please see the Company's response to Sta[PR_024 and Sta[PR_025 for additional information on incentive and base pay.