HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210512Avista to Staff 136-177.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RECEIWD 2021May 12, PM 3:31 IDAEO PUBLIC ATILITIES COMMISSION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe Miller REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Amanda GheringTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: RegulatoryAffairs REQUEST No.: Staff-136 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please provide the first call resolution rate by month for each of the past three years (2018, 2019, 2020). "First call resolution rate" is the percentage of customer contacts where the transaction, inquiry or complaint is resolved upon initial contact with the Company. RESPONSE: Avista utilizes a third-party company, MDC Research, to conduct regular customer satisfaction surveys. A standard question posed to Avista customers through such surveys includes, "How would you rate your satisfaction with the representative giving you all the information you needed in one call? " Please see Staff PR_l36 Attachment A to see the monthly breakdown of responses received by the Company for the calendar years of 2018 through 2020. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW-E-21.01 / AVU-G-2I-OI WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:Staff-137 TELEPHONE: lslr0t202t Kelly Magalsky Stephanie Myers Customer Technology (s09) 49s-4620 REQUEST: Company witness Magalsky's testimony states that customer contacts have steadily increased over the last twelve years. What factors does the Company attribute to the increase in customer contacts? RESPONSE: Between 2008 to 2020 the total customer contacts have increased from under 3 million to over 7 million, as referenced in Mr. Magalsky's testimony in Figure 3 on page 11. Nearly all this glowth has been in self-service channels such as our website and mobile app and proactive outbound notifications through email, text, and mobile app. Much of the growth in total contacts can be attributed to the overall digital fransformation occurring in our society in general that has seen a move toward customer preference for self-service digital interactions. We have observed that a large portion of our customers prefer to self-serve and will attempt to solve their problem through self-service methods first and only if they can't resolve it through that method they may choose to call the contact center as a last resort or they may abandon their effort to accomplish the task. Another reason for the increase is that as we have added more functionality to the web and app over this time period, customers have more reason to visit our digital channels and are more successful solving their problem or answering their question on their own. Additionally, a growth in total number of customers during this time has also certainly contributed to the gfo\Mth. Lastly, customer expectations for proactive communications has grown for topics such as outages, billing, and energy management and we have responded with relatively new methods to send outbound personalized alerts to customers and those quantities are included in these numbers as well. JUzuSDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe MillerIPUC RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-138 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please describe the self-help options that are available to customers using the Company's lnteractive Voice Response system. For 2018, 2019, and2020, please provide the utilization rate for each available option. RESPONSE: 2018 2019 2020 Billing Information 37o/o 32%24% Customer can choose to hear accountbilling details such as the date of last payment & the amount paid, total account balance and next payment amount due as well as the due date. Additionally, customers can hear confirmation that they are enrolled in Electronic billing (paperless bills), Comfort Level Billing (CLB) and/or Automatic Payment Services (APS). Customers enrolled in APS will hear the date of the next scheduled payment. Payment Arrangement 0.7%0.7%0.3% Customers have the ability to request more time to pay the account balance Make a Payment 52o/o 57%64% Once the customer is authenticated, the IVR facilitates connecting thern with a 3rd party vendor for payment processing. The Caller will hear their account balance and be guided through the process which includes speciffing the desired payment amount Outage Related 9%8%9% Customers have the ability to report an active outage at an address and may request to receive automated calls related to a change in the Estimated Restoration time or be provided with a wake-up call. Additionally, the customer will hear outage related details such as the time the outage was reported, and the number of customers afflected. Budget Plan CLB 0.1%0.1%0.1% Customer can learn if they are eligible to enroll in a budget plan, what their enrollment amount is based on their account balance and elieible customers are able to self-enroll in CLB. Close Service 2%2o/s 2o/o Customers may request to stop their utility senrice at a specific address by a desired date. The customermay also choose to update their forwarding address at this time. Locate Assistance Agency/ Pay Station 0.lo/,0.to/a O.lo/o Provides the caller with name and location of local Assistance Agency or Pay Station based on zip code entered ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer TechnologyStaff-139 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Please describe the self-help options that are available to customers using the Company's website. For 2018,2019, and2020, please provide the utilization rate for each available option. What percentage of Idaho customers have established a myAvista account? RESPONSE: Web visits are identified below for each of the self-service, or self-help options for the last three full years. The utilization rate can be equated to web visits and are included below. In addition,560A of Idaho customers have an online (myavista.com) registration. Self-Seruice Activity (total visits)2018 2019 2020 Total visits to website (all self-service activity)3,770,243 4,406,233 4,209,265 Make online payment (number of payments)l,l9g,g43 1,257,840 1,606,857 Manage payment options (payment methods, auto pay, schedule future payments, payment arrangements) 141,932 218,917 160,695 *View billing, payment or usage history information 1,454,003 820,827 *View Your Usage 58,986 *Billing and Payment History 243,369 200,813 *Compare Your Bills 60,549 48,290 Vieilreport or check outage status 2M,222 520,396 1,080,951 Start/Stop/Transfer S ervice 70,959 63,749 65,115 ViewAJpdate Enrollments (Comfort Level Billing, Paperless Billing, My Clean Energy, Project Share) 76,643 65,246 55,108 ViewAJpdate Profile (mailing address, phone number, ernail address, login information) 82,834 102,096 103,790 ViewAJpdate outage, billing and budget notifications 2,672 22,437 15,702 View High/Low/Av erage billing information for residential addresses 31,983 31,598 23,093 Apply for energy efficiency rebates 13,l3 1 12,238 13,616 Find nearest energy assistance agency 14,186 14,462 165,659 Find nearest pay station 6,824 3,176 36,736 Find their email address (forgot email)6,191 6,150 74,392 Reset their password (forgot password)121,404 96,683 88,436 S earch for contractors/dealers 3,048 6,149 3,845 Manage rental properties (Landlords)2,753 2,653 1,952 Find/Contact Avista Customer Service 128,802 189,666 131,376 View current lake level/water flow information 13,613 17,609 12,683 View current bill inserts and how to read your bill 23,109 18,006 10,180 Fuel Cost Comparison Calculator 4,282 4,968 5,174 Create a home energy and savings profile 1,834 3,885 3,863 Sign up for Fumace Filter reminder program 3,291 2,772 1,097 Research/Shop for appliances (Avista Marketplace)6,689 6,421 4,133 Get current rate information 12,928 13,287 8,550 View interactive river recreation maps r66 2,295 1,421 File a property loss claim s88 1,102 738 View Smart Meter Information - including meter deployment schedule and opt out request 3,304 20,999 17,826 * There was a change to the website in 2019 that impacted the "View billing, payment or usage history" line item. This data is now distributed between "View Your Usage", "Billing and Payment Htstory", and "Compare Your Bills" line items. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe Miller REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Dalila SheehanTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Corporate Communications REQUEST NO.: Staff-140 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7887 REQUEST: With respect to the Company's Voice of the Customer Survey, how often does the Company conduct the survey? How are survey participants selected? How many customers are surveyed? What percentage of survey participants are Idatro customers? For 2018, 2019, and 2020, please provide copies of the survey instrument(s) used, survey results, and any analysis performed by Avista of those results. RESPONSE: Voice of the Customer is an ongoing survey - it is fielded year-round. Each day, two files are generated and automatically sent to MDC Research;a file of calls received in the Call Center and a file of completed service jobs both from the previous day. MDC randomly selects customers to survey from each file. MDC completes approximately 400 surveys per quarter. The percentage of Idaho customers surveyed varies slightly but is 17-18% on average. See Staff PR_140 Attachment A for a copy of the 2018-2020 Survey instrument. The Overall Satisfaction scores below. VoC Overall Satisfaction 2020 96% 2019 94% 2018 97% There has been no formal analysis of this information. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RBSPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer TechnologyStaffil4l TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Please provide all customer survey metrics and documentation in relation to customer satisfaction, requested technologies, and payment satisfaction utilized in the Customer Facing Technology Program. RESPONSE: The scores below reflect the overall satisfaction of customers visiting the website during the last 12 months. Month CSAT Score Apr-21 80.8 Mar-21 81.7 Feb-21 80.8 Jan-21 75.2* Dec-20 84.2 Nov-20 83.6 Oct-20 84.3 Sep-20 82.0 Aug-20 8s.6 Jul-20 86.0 Jun-20 83.5 May-20 84.9 *Lower score than normal due to the m)tavista.com outage that prevented customers from being able to report electric outages during the January 2021 Windstorm. The only specific customer satisfaction metrics we have for the Mobile App, are the Star Ratings that appear in the Apple (IOS) and Google (Android) App Stores. Since the mobile app was first implemented with viedreport outage functionality in June 2017:o l6 ratings have been received for IOS, with an avera$e star rating of 3.4 out of 5 starso 80 ratings have been received for Android, with an average star rating of 3.6 out of 5 stars We also survey our website (myavista.com) customers for overall satisfaction with their website visit and ask respondents what we can do to enhance their online experience. From January 1,2021 through l!lay 4,2021 we have received 1,470 completed website/feedback surveys. 23 of those responses included comments related to requested technologies and are listed below Date Satisfaction Score (out of 100) Customer Comment (fechnolory Request) 0412912021 8 A quick bill pay link that would BE EASIER and not a bunch of crap asking me to sign up an account. pay and get my # and go. 0411212021 78 You could improve your search engine 04105t2021 63 Ability to report encroachments and excavation safety issues, especially as they relate to natural gas lines 0312912021 8 Update your telecom and Customer Service capabilities!! 03/25t202t 44 Add a calendar to usage data page. Makes review of specific types of usage on any given day. A cascade drop down like is already there with day hour usage options. Smart meter information is spotty at best. When will they be fully operational? Hard to eet full picture when days show no energy usage. 0312U2021 44 I don't like the fact that for about 5 or 6 days out of the month you can't see the usage. You would think with today's technology you would be able to keep it up to date daily even at beginning and end of billing period. 03fi0t2021 70 Support chrome 0310912021 7 A search field at the top of the Home Screen, without having to sign in 0310912021 63 Would be nice to have option to do this on my Chromebook but the site is not supported on one side or the other, so I have to use my Android phone. 0212612021 89 I would like to download more detailed, granular, usage history (5 minute or more frequent interval) of my solar production and net meters. I would like to compare your production meter with the data I am getting with my solar monitoring software. I am also evaluating some electrical monitoring software and hardware and would like to compare data from your net meter with the monitorins packase that I eet. 02t26t2021 74 A clickable button that links to a direct month by month usage breakdown. 021201202t 22 Face ID doesn't work for me! That's what I like 021031202t 100 Maybe use PayPal so I don't have to enter my card number 021021202t 74 A l2-month usage compared to last 12 months on one page. 0t/28t202r 78 If it was an app rather than soing online 0U271202t 81 As a net metering customer, I would like a dashboard to see the credits I've generated per week, month and year. 01/20/2021 11 If you offer a "Check Status" function, let customers check the status of their service rather than route them to a process for reporting an outage. Reportins an outase is not the same as checking status of service. 0yts/2021 63 I would like the option for Apple Pay! 0ytsl202t 81 Website has more info than app. Couldn't change phone number on app 0yt4l202r 67 Direct live chat with asent 0yt4l202t 22 Know my zip code and tell me what is happening with our power 0Ut3l202t 100 Larger space box to type for elderly or visually impaired customers. 01,10412021 74 Perhaps a live chat option? The scores below are comprised only of those customers whose primary reason for visiting the website was to pay a btll online during the last 12 months. CSAT Score Month Desktop Mobile Apr-21 82.9 80.0 Mar-21 85.0 83.9 Feb-'21 84.4 81.0 Jain-21 86.5 74.2* Dec-20 82.7 85.2 Nov-20 83.2 84.7 Oct-20 84.3 84.8 Sep-20 85.9 81.2 Aug-20 87.2 86.8 Jul-20 90.3 85.3 Jun-20 83.2 85.2 May-20 86.6 87.s * Lower score than normal due to Avista's payment processor (Fisertt) being unavailable due to an outage in Texas, where Fiserv's data centers are located. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST f,'OR INF',ORMA',TION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 051712021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: James Kensok REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Karen SchuhTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/IT REQUEST NO.: Staff-142 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2293 REQTJEST: Please provide a detailed list ofprojects and descriptions, in the same Excel format as those provided in response to StaffProduction Request 81, for the following business cases:a. Technology Refresh to Sustain Business Processb. Facilities Driven Technology Improvementsc. Human Resources Technologyd. Legal and Compliance Technologye. Enterprise Business Continuity RESPONSE: The detailed list of projects and descriptions for projects listed in a-d above can be found in the Company's response to StaffProduction Request 81 Attachment A by filtering by "ER_DESC" in column B. The original Sta[PR_142 Attachnrent A is also attached here and filtered for the above projects for ease ofreference. JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05llll202l AVU-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Heather RosenhaterIPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-Bonney Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStafl143 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4130 REQUEST: Pease provide all business cases that contain costs for the Company's Rattlesnake Flat Wind integration project. Please include a detailed breakdown of costs. RESPONSE: All integration costs incurred to integrate the Rattlesnake Flat Wind farm to the Company's transmission network were performed under a single Business Case - Rattlesnake Flat Wind Farm Project ll5kv Integration Project. It is noted that this encompasised two ERs (ER 2604 - Lind-Warden 115kV Transmission Line Rebuild and ER 2618 - Rattlesnake Flat l15kv Wind Farm Project). Please refer to Staff_PR_l44 for breakdown of costs. ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05llll202l AW-E-21-01 /AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: HeatherRose'ntraterIPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-Bonney Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-144 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4130 REQUEST: Please separate investment costs related to the Company's Rattlesnake Flat Wind integration project for existing transmission line rebuild, the additional switching station and transmission line leading to it, and existing substation upgrades. Please describe what costs and which parts of the project the Company is required to make per NERC standards, and which are not. Rosentrater Schedule 3 at9. RESPONSE: Refer to StaflPR_l44-Attachment A for breakout of actual transfers of plant associated with the Rattlesnake Flat Wind integration work from inception in 2019 through March 2021. Specific projects are listed, detailing the associated ER and BI, showing transfers to plant added per year for the Company as a whole, as well as on an Idaho basis. All work performed was necessitated by NERC requirements specific to a power producer gaining access to the transmission gnd. Though there was a planned rebuild of the Lind-Warden Line prior to the interconnection of the Rattlesnake Flat Wind farm due to asset condition, the work was rolled into the replacement as it was determined to be a necessity for the interconnection. Refer to Staff-PR-lO3 Attachment 260481 LGIR-49 Facilities Study Rev I 20171215 -Final, for detail of expected costs and required actions to integrate the new power production facility. The rebuild of the transmission line was noted as a requirement of the integration, per section 5.0 Cost Summary, itern7.2.1. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Jason ThackstonIPUC RESPONDER: Garreff Brown Production Request DEPARTMENT: Transmission ServicesStaffil45 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2133 REQUEST: Please provide a detailed schematic of the Company's Rattlesnake Flat Wind integration project which includes existing transmission intended for rebuild, the existing substation, the additional switching station and transmission line leading to it, and the Rattlesnake Flat Wind facility. RESPONSE: The I 15 kV interconnection diagram, shown in Figure l, outlines both the proposed generator interconnection configuration used in the Facilities Study for the Rattlesnake Flat Wind Project, and the transmission upgrades back to Warden Substation. Llnd Sldon RltarlI. o I o t0 C nil6R:o.oEX. 0 060t7 S = 0.057 loatuR:llmsX. O 6rBa tE.gffi R:007038x .0-10G0 @ Uarslgo l3 kv 21InL R . 0 eClrD X = 0 l3l2t S :0 t.5O0 a rilaR.0lXB&l X . O GEt{trI = 0qB,l. o O.Iar Neilson Station '1.4.4 mbrR:0617dX=0.0G E . 0 01066 l0 4 nib! R ! 0 0a3{6x:0.6084B :0 alrra3 W.dite Gtrf. !aOriardrD R=0(Iul3 X : 0 01881 B=00m00 159 ltrrA I rSBa 5 r!r'Rdil213 X=0 07e01 @ R=0m56at.0UEI = 0 0300.o @ o @ lnA.SI Con lrcl r m d.don: Neilson Stalion R.fu|ts Und - Srn rt 115 lil..gnEt b. r*rimrmrl.riln',di, ol3l{ }rir'A.15r UVA 3a $r0G0l1/r R.hrlld Und - W!d.n 115 w ln to ruffi rdno o, 314 MVAR.0.Ootg$x:0064?50 Proi.cl aag hcffi.t lrhg dd. !up9{.d by d.\/.lc9.r Prolci *10 lrt' MW - Pro0os., Ay6l' F&aI6 - P6podrsloe.r Fldliti.. Flsurr 1- ll5 kV Irtertonnectlon Dhsrrm JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW.E-2I-01 / AW.G-21-01 WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:Staff-146 TELEPHONE: 05ltU202t James Kensok Karen Schuh/A. Leija IS/IT (s09) 49s-2293 REQUEST: It is Staff s understanding that software refresh and upgrade type projects can occur at a global administrative level. Please explain if cost recovery for the following projects is replicated in multiple business cases: firewall refresh and upgrades, endpoint protection, Microsoft products updates, Pi enhancernents. RESPONSE: Some software refresh can occur across different business cases, however, the projects and assets that are directly assigned to each business case, align with the investment drivers in that specific business case. For example, Microsoft Product Updates can be updates to not only endpoint devices (Endpoint Compute and Productivity business case) but also communication devices (Enterprise Communication Systems business case). In the Endpoint Compute and Productivity business case, these updates could consist of refreshing an operating system like Office 365 (M365) whereas the Enterprise Communication Systems business case would include only devices that are used to communicate with others. AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST X'OR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 051712021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: James Kensok REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Nolan S.Akren SchuhTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: IS/IT REQUEST NO.: Stafll47 TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-2293 REQUEST: Please describe Enterprise Data Science program packages and provide the forecast of planned projects and associated costs. Kensok, Schedule I at 88. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_I47 Attachment A and Attachment B for the uses cases included in the 2 packages that were completed n2020. The Enterprise Data Science program business case does not have any forecasted costs or projects :m2021-2023 andtherefore, costs in 2021-2023 have not been included in this case. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511212021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kaylene Schultz REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-BonneyTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Stafl148 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4130 REQUEST: Regarding the Company's response to Production Request Nos. 42 and 43, please provide all projects, including ER numbers and business case numbers, that were delayed or pushed back beyond the original Decernber 31,2020 completion date. RESPONSE: Please refer to StaflPR_O43 Supplemental and associated attachments for the Company's latest transfers to plant (TTP) update. This updated includes actual TTP for January 2020 through March 2021, a re-forecast of April-Dece,nrber 2021 TIP and any current known changes to f:ul;'ne 2022 and2023 TTP included in this case. Given that this TTP update includes actuals through Ql 2021, TTP delayed or pushed beyond December 31,2020 from the Company's original filing would be captured in StaflPR_043 Supplemental. Refer to StaflPR_l4S Attachment A as it contains a listing of Budget Items (BI), along with the corresponding Business Case and Expenditure Request (ER), that were originally anticipated to be completed by Deconber 31, 2020 yet all work was delayed. This does not necessarily mean the Business Case or ER in entirety did not TTP, just the identified BI; BI is the most granular basis the Company forecasts hansfers to plant. Of the 18 identified BIs, two hansferred to plant in Ql 2021, eight are expected to be complete and transfer to plant by August 2021, and four are expected to transfer to plant in Q4 of 2021. Of note, the expected TTP for the Tribal Permits & Settlements Business Case have been updated in Staff_PR_043_Supplemental B and are now associated with a single BI, BI_LD703, specific to Nez Perce agreernents. Additionally, only one BI of the l8 identified currently does not have an expected completion date and has been removed from the updated expected TTP; this is reflected in Stafl PR_043 Supplonental. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511212021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kaylene SchultzIPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-Bonney Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStafll49 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4130 REQUEST: Please provide the same information requested in Production Request No. 149 for any projects delayed or pushed back beyond the original August 31,2021completion date. RESPONSE: Please refer to StaLPR_043 Supplemental and associated attachments for the Company's latest transfers to plant (TTP) update. This updated includes actual TTP for January 2020 through March 2021, a re-forecast of April-Decernber 2021 TIP and any current known changes to ftttwe 2022 and 2023 TTP included in this case. TTP delayed or pushed beyond August 31,2021 from the Company's original filing would be captured in StafLPR_043 Supplemental. StaflPR_l49 Attachment A contains a listing of Budget Items (BI), along with the corresponding Business Case and Expenditure Request (ER), that were originally anticipated to be completed by August 31,2021(excluding those addressed in Sta[PR_l48) but all work is now expected to be delayed beyond August 31,2021. This does not necessarily mean the Business Case or ER in entirety is not forecast to TTP, just the identified BI is expected to transfer during the time period presented; BI is the most granular basis the Company forecasts transfers to plant. Of the three identified BIs, two have an expected transfer to plant date within 2021 and one BI is forecasted to TTP in 2023; this is reflected in Sta[PR_043 Supplemental. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05llll202l AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer TechnologyStaff-150 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: For the Customer Facing Technology Program Business Case, please provide a list of projects that have been started and when those projects will be implemented. Are any projects expected to be delayed or transferred to plant beyond the original August 3I,2021End of Period date? For the Customer Transactional Systems Business Case, please provide a list of projects that have been started and when those projects will be implemented. Are any projects expected to be delayed or transferred to plant beyond the original August 31,2021End of Period date? RESPONSE: Below is a list of projects for Customer Facing Technology that have been started, the expected transfer to plant date is included. No projects that have been started are expected to be delayed 31 202r. Below is a list of projects for Customer Transactional Systems that have been started, the expected transfer to plant date is included. No projects that have been started are expected to be delayed 31 2021. Any cost changes or delays are included in Staff PR_043 Supplernental. Customer Facins Technology Program Expected Transfer to Plant Digital Channel Features Pkg. I - 09906778 0612r Customer Transactional Systems Expected Transfer to Plant AMI Load Disaggregation Tools - 09906726 0512t CC&B/\,[DM Enhancements Pkg. I - 09906777 0612t My Clean Energy Phase 2 - 09906724 0212t 0812rRate Tool AMI Study: 09906870 JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05/0612021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer TechnologyStafl151 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Regarding the Customer Transactional Systems, please provide the CC&B software name. If acquired after Case No. AVU-E-19-04, please provide a copy of the bids/proposals and the selection criteria used to select the software. RESPONSE: The software referred to as CC&B is more formally named Customer Care & Billing. lll.202l we upgraded to version CC&B was acquired prior to Case No. AVU-E-19-04. ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer TechnologyStafl152 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Regarding the Customer Experience Platform (*CXP") Business Case, please provide when CXP was created, why it was fransferred to a new business case, and if any projects have been started. RESPONSE: The first project put into service was the C)(P Technical & Platform Foundation Project (09906307). It was created and placed into service within the Customer Facing Technology business case. It was not fransferred to the Customer Experience Platform business case. Under the C)(P business case, there has been one project thus far: Imple,rnentation of Additional Features (09906729). This is the only project currently in-flight within the CXP business case. JURISDTCTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WTTNESS: Kaylene SchultzIPUC RESPONDER: Tamara Bradley Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electrical EngineeringStaff-153 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7896 H!!l I 2C22 J ll lJ tlyn aitl 2 2C2i S tt!ll 1 2023 l{ ?ati 2 2C2? s Hal, ! 2C24 lt Hrtl 2.2024 Hlit 1 2028 Lr REQUEST: Please provide an update to the Idaho Advanced Metering Infrastructure ("AMI") Expansion project for Electric and Gas. Please include in Excel format a list of the relative business case numbers, the amount assigned specifically for Idaho AMI Expansion, the expected start date, and the expected completion date. RESPONSE: Avista will conduct a three-year project in order to install an advanced metering infrastructure (AMD in the state of ldaho. The project will begin designing and planning in Ql 2022. Key activities currently planned for 2022 include an expansion to our Head End System, along with the design and staging of our Collection Infrastructure. In Q4 of 2022, our Collection Grid Router (CGR) installs will begin and carry through Ql 2023. Avista plans to install roughly 136,000 electric meters and 87,000 gas modules in Idaho. Meter Deployment will begin early Ql of 2023 and run through Q4 of 2024. We will seek to optimize the network after deployment and close the project in Q2 of 2025. In the Company's current general rate case filing, no AMI related capital transfers to plant have been included. The capital expenditures by planned key activities provided in the table below are current spend estimates, which have not been fully vetted at this time. 1 t,! I' ET t't! 2 2C21 JSIi li lt I ,{ xG.d rt-HaCeArDrila MhnSe hd 3,ttGmr ErDaaroSo - CoLctin 0G.5n Ja cGn Prrf allD !trta torl.tZmd Iro9lormir Srrlt Ocolorrldrf ProFct II .IAI,5 INB lt rzt tiltt tciEl( I2BN,i ,J14,6 2,935,185sMeter Data Manacement Head End System S 6500,850 Collector lnf rastructure $ 6,3/,9,497 Meter Deployment $ 5L(nO337 Voltaee Reduction 3,567,Nls Revenue Assurance s 79O,169 Outase Manacement L131,953s Program Expenditure Totals Total S 82,295,487 ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kaylene SchultzIPUC RESPONDER: Tamara Bradley Production Request DEPARTMENT: Electrical EngineeringStafl154 TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-7896 REQUEST: Please provide a list, in Excel fonnat, of all Business Cases that have AMI related capital expenses. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response to Staff-PR-I53. There are no ID AMI related capital additions pro formed into this case. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05llll202l CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kaylene Schultz REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Justin Baldwin-BonneyTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-155 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4130 REQUEST: Please provide the cost breakdowno in Excel format, for the $1,925,172 Gas Distribution Non-Reve,nue in Business Case2023 that was fransferred to plant in2020. RESPONSE: Per email discussion for clarification, the production request was to isolate specific projects that make up the budgeted amount of new plant additions in calendar year 2023 for the Gas Distribution Non-Revenue business case. The Gas Distribution Non-Revenue business case uses a programmatic approach on expected spend and only a single Budget Item (BI) is used to allocate the expected new plant additions in each jurisdiction. For 2023, as shown within Sta[PR_043 Attachment B, the total budgeted transfers to plant for Idaho were within the Coeur d'Alene area BI. However, actual work is recorded based on service areas, which includes Coeur d'Alene, Kellogg, Sandpoint, Lewiston, and Palouse. As Company witness Ms. Rosentrater noted in her direct testimony, the work performed within this business case includes investments to replace obsolete facilities, pipe and equipment at the end of their useful life or that have failed, equipment and/or technology to enhance gas system operation andlor maintenance, projects to improve public safety, and improvements ancillary to customer requested work. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Scott KinneyIPUC RESPONDER: Scott Kinney Production Request DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyStaft-156 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4494 REQUEST: Of the projects mentioned in Witness Kinney's testimony related to EIM, please provide a list of projects that have uses other than integrating with EIM. RESPONSE: Sta[PR_156 Attachment A- List of EIM Projects provides the EIM projects that have other uses or provide value beyond EIM. In summary the list includes:o Testing Equipment - can be used in the future to test the accuracy of measurement transformerso Meter Upgrades - provides more accurate accounting for generation, load, and interchange flows, and eliminates antiquated equipment, processes and meter reading softwareo Network Communication Upgrades - improves the collection and exchange of data, eliminates manual generation reads, accommodates the replacement of unsupported network software, and at some substation interconnection sites allows for the migration off of leased and poorly supported communications circuits to cellular communicationso Generation Control Upgrades - provides Automatic Generation Control (AGC) at Lancaster and additional unit control capability at Noxon and Cabinet Gorgeo Software Applications o Outage Management System - rqrlaces in-house developed outage management system with an offthe shelf application that can be used for outage notification with the Western Reliability Coordinator and improves intemal coordination and approval ofoutageso Avista Decision Support System (ADSS) enhancements to the current optimization tool that allows for enhanced in-hour generation dispatch modeling, improved generation and ancillary services value determination and in-hour resource to load monitoring JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST F'OR rNF'ORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510812021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Scott KinneyIPUC RESPONDER: Janessa Stromberger Production Request DEPARTMENT: Projects & FA AccountingStaft-157 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2538 REQUEST: In Order No. 34606, Case No. AVU-E-20-01 the Commission granted the Company a deferral of incremental O&M Costs related to the implementation of EIM. Please provide the current amount booked to the regulatory asset account. Please provide monthly updates as additional amounts are deferred. RESPONSE: As of April30,202l, the Company has recorded $277,390 to the regulatory asset account for deferral of incremental O&M EIM implementation costs. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Adam MunsonTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Finance REQUESTNO.: Staffi158 TELEPHONE: (509)495-2471 REQUEST: Please provide a list of all currently "loaned employees" who are performing work for other Company's, i.e., McKinsfiy Engineering and Consulting, or any non-regulated subsidiary. Please also include the total remuneration for those ernployees n 2019 and the accounts to which they were charged. RESPONSE: We have a single employee who is operating under a "loaned executive" agreement with McKinstry. This agreement was effective February 2021 andhas an 18-month term. During 2019, we had another employee who operated under a "loaned executive" agreement. When an ernployee operates under a "loaned executive" agreement, their costs are charged to account 426.5 and billings are recorded in account 417.1. Labor and associated expenses for these employees 2019 ard 2020 was recorded in FERC account 426.5: 426.5i L28,097 $ 193,833 On a regular basis, general office employees of Avista Corporation spend time on corporate service support, such as accounting, federal income tax filing, planning, supplies, postage, legal, graphic services, etc. for subsidiaries. Their time and expenses are directly charged to the subsidiary and a receivable is recorded (FERC Account No. 146) when billed to the subsidiary. If other resources are expended during the course of this work, such as travel or consulting services, these costs are also charged to suspense accounts and billed to the subsidiary. All corporate services provided, and costs incurred, are direct billed to subsidiaries at cost. No additional margin or profit is included and no assets are allocated. Suspense and capture of Avista Corporation employee costs, which are then billed back to the subsidiry at cost, serve to reduce the utility expenses. 2020Account 201-9 ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer Technology Staff-159 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Regarding Customer at the Center Initiative in Kelly E. Magalsky Direct Testimony, please provide a consolidated list and breakdown of all cost savings, future cost savings, deferred costs, and cost savings realized in this rate case related to the Customer at the Center Initiative. RESPONSE: As discussed on pages 19-20 of Mr. Magalsky's testimony, cost savings with the Customer Facing Technology Program are associated with avoided phone calls to our call center instead of being handled through a lower cost self-senre digital channel. Ifthe Company's digital channels did not exist, then undoubtedly a portion of the self-service interactions would have instead been completed by a phone call to the call center. Regarding the reduction in calls into the call center referenced on pages 25-26 of Mr. Magalsky's testimony attributed to the Customer Experience Platform, as noted, one must remernber that the Company is also growing, adding more customers every day. The calls that do tend to escalate from self-service channels to live Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) are generally more complicated in nature. The investrnent in Customer Technology will not reduce the number of CSRs the Company onploys, however, it will reduce the number of new CSRs the Company would need to e,mploy, absent the investrnents. For these reasons the company did not incorporate these estimates into its revenue requirement. Lastly, as mentioned on page 12 of Mr. Magalsky's testimony, financial savings are not the primary purpose of the Customer Technolory work. The primary purpose is to deliver both basic functionalities required to operate our business while at the same time delivering on our overall customer experience strategy of ensuring that our customer's evolving and growing expectations are being met. All businesses are experiencing the digital transformation that is occurring in our world and our goal is to support our customers in that transformation while maintaining customer satisfaction. A\ISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly Magalsky REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer Technology REQUEST NO.: Staff-160 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Regarding Customer at the Center Initiative in Kelly E. Magalsky Direct Testimony, please provide the data, costs, and calculations used to develop the average cost per call. RESPONSE: Average cost per call for 2019 is as follows Actual Labor: Hours Staffed x Agent Loaded Labor Rate Cost Per Call: Actual Labor + CSR Handled Calls 2019 Hours Staffed Agent loaded labor rate Actual Labor CSR Handled Calls Cost per call Jan 9,878 $43.70 $431,705.27 55,713 s7.7s Feb 8,713 $43.70 $380,790.45 49,486 $7.69 Mar 9,717 $43.70 $424,668.98 56,109 s7.s7 Apr 9,71,6 $43.70 $424,625.27 56,332 $7.s4 May 9,709 $43.70 $424"3t9.35 55,515 $7.64 Jun 8,624 $43.70 $376,900.82 48,316 $7.80 Jul 9,451 $43.70 $413,043.79 54,060 97.64 Aug 9,346 $43.70 $408,454.90 51,643 $7.91 sep 9,374 $43.70 $409,678.60 52,753 $7.77 Oct 10,829 $43.70 $473,267.51 60,702 $7.80 Nov 9,092 $43.70 $397,354.16 48,204 $8.24 Dec 9,384 $43.70 $410,115.64 52,387 $7.83 YTI)113,833 $43.70 $4,974,924.73 641,220 $7.76 JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Kelly MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Stephanie Myers Production Request DEPARTMENT: Customer Technology Staff-161 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4620 REQUEST: Regarding Customer at the Center Initiative CXP Cost Savings in Kelly E. Magalsky Direct Testimony, page 25, please provide the number of calls placed to the call center, amount of time it takes to resolve a customer case, time spent to onboard representatives, and labor hours for call center representative for the last five years. RESPONSE: The number of calls placed to the call center over the past 5 years is as follows: Call Volume 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Jan 66,927 68,212 65,284 56,577 60,276 Feb 62,832 65,185 55,341 50,407 52,875 Mar 61,828 70,372 58,877 57,371 47,684 Apr 59,695 58,181 53,852 57,245 36,515 Mav 58,907 59,836 56,189 56,985 38,614 Jun 60,658 62,131 54,048 49,265 45,624 Jul 53,352 58,037 51,058 54,629 39,129 Aug 60,575 60,058 56,705 51,449 37,313 se'p 57,112 58,102 51,496 53,746 42,723 Oct 57,103 63,281 58,284 61,535 48,122 Nov 51,663 58,165 52,873 48,133 36,028 Dec 56,42t 56,433 47,969 51,929 38,690 The amount of time it takes to resolve a customer case is: The time spent to onboard re,presentatives is a total of 12 weeks - 6 weeks of training - 6 weeks of mentorship The labor hours for the call center for the past 4 years are as follows 2017 172.029 2018 202.000 2019 203,036 2020 208,186 Time to resolve a customer case 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Jan 7:28 6:39 6:26 6:29 6:46 Feb 7:20 6:52 6:25 6:25 6:59 Mar 6:49 6:36 6:36 6:44 6:58 Apr 6:32 6:20 6:27 6:32 7:09 May 6:18 6:28 6:34 6:31 7:33 Jun 6:24 6:30 6:21 6:38 7:08 JuI 6:18 6:16 6:30 6:33 7;32 Aug 6:27 6:32 6:17 6:38 8:04 sep 6:29 6:24 6:22 6:59 7:57 Oct 6:33 6:29 6:16 6:56 8:10 Nov 6:30 6:24 6:25 7:01 8:01 Dec 6:27 6:16 6:22 6:52 8:02 ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RBSPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMA',TION IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW-E-2I-01 / AW.G.21-01 WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:Staffil62 TELEPHONE: 0511012021 Elizabeth Andrews Joel Anderson Regulatory Affairs (s09) 49s-281r REQUEST: For all expenses assigned to FERC Account #909 for Idaho Gas referenced in Adjustment No 2.08, please provide a copy of the invoices and an explanation for why these expenses were assigned to "AN.CD.'' RESPONSE: Please see Staff_PR_162 Attachment A for a list of FERC account 909 transactions from Adjustment 2.08. Please see StaflPR_162 Attachment B for the requested invoices. These 4 invoices included in attachment B were origina[y assigned to AN.CD because the expense occurred in the Washington/Idaho territory. However, these 4 expenses were removed in adjustment 2.08 because they were determined to be donations made to charitable organizations. JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0511012021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth AndrewsIPUC RESPONDER: Tara Knox Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStafll63 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325 REQUEST: Please provide all updated supporting documentation for the estimated O&M expenses for Colstrip/CS2 shown in Adjushnents No. 2.12 and22.06. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR_163_Attachment A that is the adjusfinent calculation workpaper with estimates replaced by actual values through Apil 2021 and updated 2021 expected spend estimates for May through Decerrber 2021 and the updated 2021 production/transmission ratio used in the deferral. ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05llll202l AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: JeffSchlectIPUC RESPONDER: JeffSchlect Production Request DEPARTMENT: Transmission ServicesStaff-164 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4851 REQUEST: Please fully describe the $25,000 increase in transmission revenues in Pro Forma Transmission Revenues and Expenses Adjustment 3.00T that was not included in Exhibit No. 5, Schedule l. RESPONSE: The transmission revenue adjustments originally reflected in Exhibit No. 5, Schedule I were preliminary and did not reflect the final set of pro forma adjustnents included in Pro Forma Transmission Revenues and Expenses Adjustment 3.00T. Please see Staff PR_164 Attachment A - Comparison Table (ID Aw-E-21_Schlect).xls for a comparison between the preliminary and final adjustments. The following are brief descriptions of these differences. The net difference in these updated, or final, adjustments was an increase in expected transmission revenues of $25,000. Account 456100 - BPA and PacifiCom (Drv Gulch) Transmission Revenue: The preliminary adjustment did not reflect the use of a three-year average for these two agreements. Revenues under these agreements are based upon actual loads which vary from year to year due to temperature and other considerations. A three-year average is normally used to determine pro forma revenue under these agreements. Account 456130 - BPA Ancillary Service Revenue: The preliminary adjustnent reflected an early estimate of the reduction in BPA ancillary service revenue based only on 2018 invoiced amounts for operating reserves. The updated pro forma adjustment is based upon invoiced amounts for the three-year period 2017-2019, providing a better representation of the expected reduction in BPA ancillary service revenue due to BPA's choice to commence self-supply of operating reseryes under FERC rules. Account 456705 - BPA Low Voltaee Charges Revenue: The preliminary adjustment did not reflect a new low voltage use-of-facilities charge associated with the new Hallett & White substation point of delivery for BPA's service to Inland Power & Light. At the time the preliminary adjustment was compiled, this new charge was not known and measurable. At the time the updated adjustment was compiled the Company had filed the new charge with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and, while not yet accepted by FERC, this expected revenue was nonetheless reflected in the updated Transmission Revenues and Expenses Adjustment 3.00T. The Company notes that, since the calculation of this new charge was based upon estimated load values, the Company is obligated to re-file this charge with FERC following the completion of the 2020-2021 winter period when actual Hallett & White load values are available. Following submittal of the recalculated charge to FERC in May 2021, the actual revenue that will be invoiced to BPA for this charge during the Company's 2021-2022 pro forma rate period will be $8,000 less per year than what has been reflected in the updated Transmission Revenues and Expenses Adjustment 3.00T. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW-E-2I-OI / AVU.G.2I-01 WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:Staff-165 TELEPHONE: 0slt0l202t JeffSchlect JeffSchlect Transmission Services (s0e) 4es-48s1 REQTiEST: Please provide supporting documentation for the pro forma adjustments shown in Adjustment No 3.00T PF for the following parties: a. NorthernGrid b. NERC CIP c. RC West d. OASIS e. PacifiCorp (Dry Gulch) RESPONSE: Please see the following documents: (a) NorthernGrid - The pro forma adjustment is based upon 2020 actual expenses. The Company was invoiced $206,501 for the 2020-2021 period, which averages to the $103,000 pro forna expense athibuted to NorthernGrid. See Sta[PR_l65 Attachment A - NorthernGrid Invoice2020-2021.pdf (b) NERC CIP - The pro forma adjusfinent is based upon 2020 actual NERC CIP expenses. See StaflPR_165 Attachment B - NERC CIP Expenses.xls for a summary of 2020 NERC CIP expenses. (c) RC West - The pro forma adjustment for Reliability Coordinator services required by mandatory federal reliability standards is based upon 2020 actual expenses of $411,574. See Staff PR_165 Attachment C - CAISO RC 2020Invoice.pdf (d) OASIS - See Staf[_PR_165 Attachment D - Revenue Items.xls for a detailed calculation ofthe adjustment from the 2019 test yearperiod to the three-year average of OASIS revenue projected for the pro forma rate period. (e) PacifiCorp (Dry Gulch) - See Stafl PR_165 Attachment D - Revenue Items.xls for a detailed calculation of the adjustment from the 2019 test year to the three-year average of revenue projected for the pro forma period under this agreement. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Heather RoseirhaterIPUC RESPONDER: Kelly Conley Production Request DEPARTMENT: Corporate CommunicationsStaff-166 TELEPHONE: (509\ 495-2814 REQUEST: Please describe the methods of communication the Company provides to customers for reporting outages and the methods of communication the Company uses to accurately provide timely updates of outages to its customers. RESPONSE: Avista provides customers with multiple methods to report outages, as well as multiple ways to access updates about those outages. For reporting, customers can report outages in the following ways:o Calling our toll-free customer service line at l-800-227-9187o Reporting on the web via any electronic device at myavista.com/outageo Downloading and reporting through our mobile appo By texting .'OIJT" to AVISTA (284-782)* For updates, customers receive them using the following methods:o Calling our toll-free customer se,nrice line at 1-800-227-9187o Direct email: Avista will email broadly affected groups or specifically affected groups, dependent on the nature and duration of the outage.o When initial reporting by phone, a customer can choose, via IVR, to receive stafus call backs. The IVR system will then auto-dial with updates.o Accessing our online outage map at myavista.com/outageo Viewing the outage map via our mobile appo Checking status via our mobile app. By texting'.STAT" to AVISTA (284-782)* *To utilize text services, customer must first register by texting "REG" to AVISTA (284-782), or by logging into their online account and signing up. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Heather Rosentrater REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Reuben Arts TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Distibution Dispatch REQUEST NO.: Staftl67 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2187 REQUEST: What improve,ments, if any, is the Company making to its outage management notification? RESPONSE: Avista is not currently making any technology changes to our outage management text notification system KUBRA or IVR (Integrated, Voice Response) automated phone system. Continuous iteration with existing equipment, for the purpose of improving the customer experience, is always on-going. These changes are procedural in nature, though at times they do require a tweak to the existing software. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 051061202r AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe MillerIPUC RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-168 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years (2018,2019 and YTD 2020). RESPONSE: 2018 2019 2020 January 65,774 56,577 62,395 February 55,341 50,335 54,621 March 58,877 57,396 48,693 April 53,852 57,245 37,079 Mav 56,189 56,986 39,197 June 54,048 49,265 46,103 July 5l,058 55,582 39,532 Auzust 56,705 52,296 37,946 Septemober 51,496 54,861 43,518 October 58,284 62.975 48,809 Nove,nrber 52,873 49,612 36,611 Decenrber 48,063 53,527 39,490 ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AVU-E-21-01 / AW-c-21-01 WITNESS: Joe MillerIPUC RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaffil69 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please provide the number of abandoned calls to the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years (2018,2019 and YTD 2020). "Abandoned calls" are calls that reach the Company's incoming telephone system, but the calling party terminates the call before speaking with a customer service representative. RESPONSE: Abandoned Calls 2018 2019 2020 January I 586 1,286 3,065 February 1,275 1,356 2,803 March 1,412 I t503 2,769 April 1,328 1,476 1,853 May 1,566 1,959 3,629 June 1,424 1,556 5,454 July 1,330 2,415 1693 August 1,617 1,973 1740 September 1,394 3,252 2166 October 1,379 3,524 3805 November 1,829 2,523 tt99 December 1,205 2,203 164r'l AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe Miller REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Amanda GheringTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-170 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please provide the average speed of answer for the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years (2018,2019 and YTD 2020). "Average speed of answer" is the interval (typically measured in seconds) between when acall reaches the Company's incoming telephone system and when the call is picked up by a customer service representative. RESPONSE Average Speed of Answer (seconds) 2018 2019 2020 January 29 3l 34 February 29 32 30 March 3l 30 2t April 29 33 t7 May 3l 34 28 June 3l 33 23 July 33 42 2t August 34 33 35 Septe,rrrber 33 39 44 October 31 42 64 Novenrber 36 31 26 December 29 31 32 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2l -01 / AW-G-21-01 IPUC Production Request StaF171 DATE PREPARED: 0510612021WTINESS: Joe Miller RESPONDER: Shawn Bonfield DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2t82 REQUEST: Please provide the service level for the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years (2018, 2019 andYTD 2020). "Service level'o is the percentage of calls answered within a certain number of seconds , e.9., 80Yo of calls answered within 20 seconds. RESPONSE: 2018 2019 2020 January 82.2o/o 8r.8%8lo/o February 82.4%81.4%83.9% March 81.6%81.8%84.6% April 83%80.5%89.7% May 80.9%80.8%82.5% June 81.2o/o 81.7%80.5% July 80.4%80.3%88.3% Auzust 80.7o/o 81.7%813% Septernber 80.9%76.1%81.7% October 81.9%8t%78.5% Novernber 80.5%80.8%87.t% Dece,nrber 82.8%8t%84.7% AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR INF'ORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe Miller REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Amanda GheringTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-172 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please provide the average number of busy signals reached by parties calling the customer service call center by month for each of the past three years (2018 ,2019 and YTD 2020). RESPONSE: Avista does not track the average number of busy signals reached by parties calling into the Customer Service Contact Center. The Company has a substantial incoming phone lines to accept customer calls and utilizes a Virtual Hold Technology (VHT) that offers customers the option of receiving a call back from Avista when their tum in lines approaches. This technology is employed during periods of long hold times. It is extremely rare for a customer to receive a busy signal when attempting to reach Avista's contact center. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW-E-2I-OI / AVU-G-2I-OI WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT:Staff-173 TELEPHONE: 0s1061202t Joe Miller Amanda Ghering Regulatory Affairs (s0e) 49s-7es0 REQUEST: Please provide the average response time for e-mail transactions by month for each of the past three years (2018, 2019 and YTD 2020). "Average response time" is the average number of hours from receipt of an e-mail by the Company to sending a substantive response; auto-response acknowledgements do not count as a substantive response. RESPONSE: The table below illustrates the monthly number of ernail transactions, and average response time to the ernails for 2018, 2019, and2020. The Company's typical response time ranges between 6-10 hours, save for April and May of 2018, which is a clear exception. The increase in the average monthly response time seen in April and May of 2018 where the response times were29:25:41 and 87:32:29, respectively, can primarily be attributed to technical difficulties. It was discovered during these months that legitimate customer emails were arriving in the Company's "Missed Emails" queue, and therefore not being immediately viewed by an Avista responder. These ernails were identified and transferred to the appropriate response queue, where agents were then able to send a manual reply back to the customer. Without these two months, 2018's average response time would have been 6:36:12, again aligning with the typical 6-10 hour response time range the Company is accustomed to seeing. 2018 hh:mm:ss 2019 hh:mm:ss 2020 hh:mm:ss January 7:31:54 9:25.,27 10:33:35 February 3:42:27 8:42:58 8:47:29 March l:54:29 8:29:24 8:25:M April 29:25:41 7:15:20 5:10:36 May 87:32:29 9:10:34 6:50:45 June 7:16:58 7:59:04 6:51:45 July 7:22:26 9:06:16 6:14:00 August 6:50:02 8:41:34 5:21:18 Septenrber 8:18:19 9:37:57 7:36:34 October 9:19.,39 6:49:45 7:27:58 Novenrber 11:58:26 7:31:26 7:19:26 December 7:58:14 9:05:44 6:52:34 ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RBSPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510612021 AVLI-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joe MillerIPUC RESPONDER: Amanda Ghering Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaffil74 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-7950 REQUEST: Please provide the average handling time by month for each of the past three years (201 8 , 2019 and YTD 2020). "Average handling time" is the average amount of time (usually expressed in minutes) it takes for a customer service representative to talk with a customer plus any additional "off-line" time it takes to complete the transaction or fully resolve the customer's issue(s). RESPONSE: Average Handle Time mm:ss 2018 2019 2020 January 6:26 6:29 6:46 February 6:25 6:25 6:59 March 6:36 6:44 6:58 April 6:27 6:32 7:09 May 6:34 6:31 7:33 June 6:21 6:38 7:08 July 6:30 6:33 7:32 August 6:17 6:38 8:04 Septernber 6:22 6:59 7:57 October 6:16 6:56 8:10 Nove,nrber 6:25 7:01 8:01 Decernber 6:22 6:52 8:02 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510712021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Clint Kalich REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Clint Kalich TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Power Supply REQUEST NO.: Staff-175 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Is the integration rate of $ I .067/kW-month supplied in response to Staff Production Request No. 56 a rate that should be applied to the total nameplate capacity of Rattlesnake Flat? Please explain. RESPONSE: No. The $0.994 would be a better representation since the great majority of the project is in the 100-200 MW range. But if you wanted to get more precise, you could do the math this way (200 MW level -105 MW PW project:95 MW quali$ing as rate of $0.994. Then rest of project 160 MW - 95 MW : 65 MW at rate of $ 1 .067. For an average of $ I .024lkW-mo applied to nameplate. 2007 Wind Integration Study Results *Avista has more than 200 MW of wind on its systern starting in 2021; any incrernental wind projects would be "charged" based on the $1067/kw-mo until we have a total of 400 MW on our system. rf Price Price Incre,mental $&W-moSizeNCF$/IvIWh $/kW-mo 0.328 0.32810034.0%r.32 200 2.67 0.661 0.99433.9% 400 30.5%3.88 0.864 0.886 0.93160030.5%3.98 gqlf"rrFg*L,ri:ii,iiil AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: TDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0510712021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Clint Kalich REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Clint Kalich TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Power Supply REQUEST NO.: Staffil76 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2453 REQUEST: What integration rate should be applied to Palouse Wind? RESPONSE: For Palouse, the fact that it was'oflrst in" comes to a value basically at the 100 MW size level, or $.3597/kW-mo. See the data below. Palouse MW First 100 MW Last 5 MW Average 105 $0.3280 /kW-mo $0.9940/kW-mo $0.3597 /kW-mo 2007 Wind Integration Study Results Price Price Incremental Size NCF $a4wh $lkW-mo $/kW-mo 100 34.0%1.32 0.328 4328 200 33.9%2.67 0.661 0.994 400 30.5o/o 3.88 0.864 600 305%3.98 0.886 0.931 *Avista has more than 200 MW of wind on its system starting in 2021; any incremental wind projects would be "charged" based on the $1067/kw-mo until we have a total of 400 MW on our system. * A\ISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 05110/2021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Mark Thies REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Bob BrandkampTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Risk Management REQUEST NO.: Staff- 177 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4924 REQUEST: Regarding the pro forma insurance costs discussed in Andrews Direct Testimony, pages 42-44, please provide copies of any invoices received in202l for insurance premiums. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 177C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exernpt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. The pro forma 2021 expenses have been revised to reflect invoices received through renewals as of March 31,2021. Please refer to Staff PR 177 Attachment A. Invoices can be found on the following attachments: Propertv: Staff PR l77C Confidential - Attachment A - 12 I 20 prop renewal.pdf Excess Liabilitv: StaffPR_l77C Confidential - Attachment Bl - AEGIS and HDI Invoices 1 12 2l.pdf StaLPR_l77C Confidential - AttachmentB2 - EIM Invoice I 5 21.pdf Staff_PR_I77C Confidential - Attachment 83 - Sompo Invoice I l2Tl.pdf D&O: Sta[PR_l 7 7 C Confidential - Attachment C I - D & O $ I 1 0M traditional.pdf Sta[PR_l77CConfidential -Attachment C2 - EIM D and O 4 15 Zl.pdf Sta[PR_l 77C Confrdential - Attachment C3 - Side A D and O 4 15 2l.pdf Updating for the final invoices received, result in an overall reduction to insurance expense as pro formed in the Company's case from $8.9 million as filed to $8.8 million revised. The impact of this update on Idaho allocated is a reduction of expense of $19.000 electric and $10.000 natural sas.