HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210415Avista to Staff 116-135.pdfRECEIVED AVISTA CORpORATION 2021Aprit 15,AM i:44 RESPONSErOREQTTESTFORrNTORMArrON rrrrri?#3;rli:;fro* JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPAREDCASENO: AW-E-21-01 /AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER:TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: REQUEST NO.: Staff-116 TELEPHONE: 041t2t2021 Clint Kalich Lori Hennanson Power Supply (s09) 49s-4658 REQUEST: Company witness Kalich's Exhibit No. 9 is based on the pro forma period from September 1,2021 through August 31, 2022. Please confirm that Exhibit No. 9 will be used for both Rate Year 1 (September I,2021throughAugust3l,2022) andRateYear2 (September L,2022through August 31,2023). RESPONSE: Yes. It is the Company's intent for Exhibit No. 9 to be used for both Rates Years 1 and 2. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED AW.E-2I-01 / AW-G-2l-OI WITNESS:IPUC RESPONDER: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Stafll 17 TELEPHONE: 04112t2021 Clint Kalich Lori Hermanson Power Supply (s0e) 4e5-46s8 REQUEST: Item "BPA Point-to-Point for Colship, Coyote Springs 2 & Lancaster" in Schedule 2 of Mr. Kalich's Exhibit No. 9 contains transmission expenses based on BPA's Point-to-Point transmission capacity for Colstrip, Coyote Springs 2, and Lancaster, which includes additional 50 MW contract for Coyote Springs 2. However, BPA did not award Avista the 50MW conhact. Please provide the pro forma net power cost adjustrnents with updates to confidential and non-confidential schedules and workpapers supporting Mr. Kalich's Exhibit No. 9 and any corresponding changes to the revenue requirement. RBSPONSE: Please see Avista's response ll7c, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Please see Sta[PR_ll7C Confidential Attachment A - Confidential Exhibit 9 Schedule Nos 1C-5 updated for the removal of the 50 MW BPA contract. See also Staff PR I l7C Confidential Attachment B supporting workpaper. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 I -0 I /AW-G -2t -01 IPUC Production Request Staff-l l8 DATE PREPARED: 0411412021 WITNESS: H.Rosentrater/I(. Schultz RESPONDER: Kaylene Schultz DEPARTMENT: RegulatoryAffairs TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-2482 REQUEST: For the natural gas capital projects listed in Table No. 4 (Natural Gas Capital Projects (System)) on page32 of Company witness Rosentrater's direct testimony, please provide the table in Excel with formulas enabled to include: a) Current system values for each business case by year. b) Current values for each jurisdiction by each business case and by year. Include a supporting worksheet(s) that shows how each jurisdictional value is calculated. c) An explanation of allocation factors applied or exceptions to allocation factors applied to each business case and jurisdiction. RESPONSE: Please see Sta[PR_ll8 Attachment A for the list of natural gas projects (business cases) contained in Table No. 4 of Company witness Ms. Rosentrater's direct testimony and related transfers to plant, on both a system and Idaho allocated basis, for the period of January l, 2020 through August 31, 2023. Calendar year 2020 represents actual fransfers to plant, while the rernainder of the period January 1,2021through August 31,2023 represents forecasted transfers to plant. As indicated in the Company's response to StaflPR_043, the Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 - 22.02 with Ql actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - Decernber 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apnl202l, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update the response to Staff PR 043 the first two weeks of May. As Company witness Ms. Schultz's direct testimony states, the Company directly assigns costs when appropriate. Costs not specifically identifiable to a specific jurisdiction are allocated in accordance with an approved allocation procedure. If costs were not directly assigned to natural gas projects specific to our Idaho jurisdiction, all other costs were allocated to ldaho as part of an allocation process, which, for nafural gas projects specifically, designates costs as common to all natural gas operations (GD.AA) or allocated-north natural gas operations (GD.AN).The annually updated allocation factors used in this case and applied to each business case are shown in Staff PR 118 Attachment A. JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0411212021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WTINESS: Elizabeth AndrewsIPUC RESPONDER: Joel Anderson Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs Staff-120 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2811 REQUEST: Regarding the Company's response to Production Request No. 12, please provide further explanation of the events that caused the injuries and damages claims for the following amounts:o $29,43L01: Invoice#:L - 909340 D . $9,192.6: Invoice#: L- 934297 D o $3,27.32: Invoice #:L-924021D RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response Staff-l20C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Page I of1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -01 / AVU-G-21-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-122 DATE PREPARED: 0411212021WITNESS: Elizabeth Andrews RESPONDER: Joel Anderson DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2811 REQUEST: Please provide a copy of Avista's Policies on Travel for employees and executives. RESPONSE: Please see Staff PR 122 Attachments A & B. TRAVEL & EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT POLICY t February 2018 This document ie b be coneldered a policy for Avieta Corporation/Avieta Utilitiee (Conpany). Stafi_PR_l 22 Aitadlment A Page'l of I INTRODUCTION lt is Avista's practice to reimburse employees for actual costs of reasonable expenses incurred by employees in the normal conduct of Company business. You should consider expenditures made for Company purposes in the same manner you would consider expenditures you would make personally. Use common sense and spend as you would if it were your own money. The term "employee" refers to all employees (union and non-union). The Company's Code of Conduct should be followed when incurring costs and requesting reimbursement of those costs. Failure to follow the Company's Code of Conduct as well as this Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Expense reports are subject to audit. It is the approving manager's responsibility to review and request detailed explanations, if not provided, for all expenses incurred prior to approval. Employees should include enough explanation/justification to substantiate the expense and clearly show how the expense is a valid business expense. An iExpense report should contain enough information/documentation to be able to stand on its own. When submitting an expense reimbursement request, it is important that the appropriate Project and Task accounts are utilized, including the correct FERC account, service and jurisdiction codes. If you are uncertain as to the correct accounts to use, please refer to the Reeulatory Accountine Guidelines and Policies under Code of Conduct on the Avenue. The Company is committed to making business travel and expense reimbursement easy and efficient. Adherence to the Travel & Expense Reimbursement Policy will ensure that any employee personally incurring appropriate company-related expenses will receive the expected reimbursement. Travel Approval Managers are responsible for approving travel and controlling expenses within their area of responsibility. All expenses incurred are NOT automatically reimbursed. Employees should discuss travel arrangements and/or expenses with their manager giq to incurring costs. Employees should consult with their manager regarding any questions on cost or reimbursement practices. Air TraveUTicketing Air travel reservations will be made via the company's travel parfrrer with the exception of Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines. If air travel reservations are made directly, payment should be made through a corporate credit card if available to the department or employee. Further information is outlined on the Travel website on the Avenue. Statr PR 122 AttachrYlentA Page 2 of 9 o Employees are expected to select the most economical and efficient airline schedule when booking travel. o Select coach class with standard seating when booking air travel. Selection of fares that allow for the selection of a particular standard coach seat and/or carry-on bags is permissible. . Employees are encouraged to purchase airline tickets in advance whenever possible to take advantage of less expensive fares. . Business class is NOT allowed, except for international travel (Canada and Mexico are not considered international). Employees must have written approval from manager prior to booking Business Class, please include approval with airline receipt attachment. o The choice between refundable and non-refundable tickets should be made based on the timing and certainty of the travel. o Reasonable baggage fees are reimbursable expenses.. All airfare and /or airline ticket receipts must be attached to the expense form. In the case ofan e-ticket, the e-ticket receipt should be attached to the expense report. Items that WILL NOT be reimbursed include but are not limited to: o TSA Pre-check enrollment and renewals o Airline club membership fees . Any kickbacks/rewards - only actual charges will be reimbursed o Passport and Passport renewals (unless international travel is required) o AII seat upgrades (premium/comfort seating, exit row, etc.), any convenience upgrades (early-bird, preferred seating in front of cabin, etc.) are not reimbursable. However, exceptions may be made when physical or other health related limitations require seating with more area or early boarding options. Employees must obtain a medical recommendation before booking seat upgrade exceptions. . Travel insurance Frequent Flyer Programs Mileage points or discounts accumulated from frequent flyer programs during company travel will remain the property of the employee. Travel Insurance The Company does not carry travel insurance on employees. The purchase of travel insurance is not reimbursable. The Company maintains Basic Life Insurance for eligible employees. Employees may purchase additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment coverage and/or Optional Life Insurance through the benefits programs. Contact the Benefits Administrator in Human Resources for more information. Staff PR l22AttachmentA Page 3 of I Trip Cancellations, Interruptions and Unused Tickets It is the employee's responsibility to facilitate a ticket change or notifu the travel agent in the event of a cancellation or routing change. Unused tickets or their value may be transferred or reissued depending on airline policies. Employees will make every effort to apply unused or partially used tickets against future ticket requests to minimize incremental travel costs. Depending on the airline, the Company may be able to reassign the ticket to another traveler to ensure the ticket is used within the expiration window. Employees will report unused tickets to their manager or department travel planner to facilitate reassignment wherc possible. Travelers should not volunteer to be "bumped" in an airline oversell or similar situation in order to collect compensation from the airlines if it adversely impacts company business. Ground Transportation Employees are expected to select the most economical and efficient ground hansportation method (i.e., rental car, Uber/Lyft, shuttle service, taxi) depending on the location, duration and nature of the business trip. A receipt is required for reimbursement. Rental Car Employees are encouraged to use the Company's preferred provider (Enterprise Rent-a-Car or National Car Rental) to take advantage of Avista's negotiated rates whenever possible. If rental car reservations are made directly, payment should be made through a corporate credit card if available to the deparfinent or employee. Avista's rates are inclusive of collision and liability insurance. Standard Class vehicles ane the default rental option for Avista employees unless weather conditions or number of travelers warrant another car type. Gas, parking and toll charges related to business use are reimbursed by the Company and must be identified separately on expense reports. Refer to the Travel website on the Avenue for access to Avista's prefened car rental partner. Items that WILL NOT be reimbursed include but are not limited to:o Luxury or sports vehicleso Travelers are responsible for any parking tickets or other driving violations.o Rental car expense when transportation is provided by the Companyo Car washes, oil changes, and other maintenance lrepair services for personal or rental vehicles Car Rental Collision and Liability Insurance The Company provides coverage for collision and liability only with Enterprise-Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental, which is handled as part of our corporate agreement if the reservation is booked using the corporate account. Consequently, employees should decline the coverage when arranging for a rental with Enterprise or National. Stafi_PR_1 22 Attachment A Page 4 of 9 For other car rental companies, Avista will reimburse Collision/Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) and Liability insurance expenses and recommends the purchase of Collision/LDW for protection against out-of-pocket expenses before any claims are settled. The Company does not reimburse for Personal Effects insurance. Accidents, Damage or Stolen Vehicles Employees must notiff the car rental company and local police if involved in an accident or if the vehicle is damaged, vandalized or stolen. Failure to noti$ both may result in termination of the insurance agreement. Employees must also immediately notift the Avista Claims Deparhnent (business hours) at (509) 495-4552 or (after hours) through Distribution Dispatch at (509) 495-4610. Ges Replenishment Whenever practical, travelers should refuel the car prior to returning it to the rental agency. The option of prepayment of fuel should not be used and travelers should be aware of gas refueling prices and service charges to avoid unnecessary charges. Lost or Stolen Articles Employees are personally responsible for all cash, baggage and personal effects during corporate business trips. Should loss or theft occur, employees are expected to seek necourse against their personal insurance company, the carrier, hotel, restaurant or other involved parties. The Company is not responsible for reimbursement of lost or stolen articles. Personal Automobiles - Commuting to and from Work In order to be reimbursed for mileage, the following items are required to be included in iExpense: the employee name, date, miles, and speciftc trip purpose. If this information is maintained in a separate document and only a summary is included in iExpense, the supporting documentation should be attached to the iExpense form. A Mileage Data Sheet may be used to provide detailed mileage information and attached to your iExpense report that has the summarized information. The Mileage Data Sheet can be found on the Avenue under Tools and Resources/Common Tasks/Forms/Finance Forms. Personal cars may be used for business and will be reimbursed at the current rate set by the Finance Departnent which is based on the IRS Standard Mileage Rate. Parking and toll charges are also reimbursable expenses during travel for business purposes. Gasoline purchased and insurance on a personal vehicle is the employee's responsibility and its cost is assumed in the mileage reimbursement rate. Stafi_PR_1 22 Attachment A Page 5 of 9 Employees may drive personal cars to business meetings in another city in lieu of flying, taking into account time and schedule availability. Additionally, the mileage cost for the trip should not exceed the cost of an airline ticket for the same trip. Employees will not be reimbursed for mileage for their normal commute to and from work or for distances that are less than their normal commute when traveling to alternate locations. The guideline for reimbursing mileage is as follows: If an employee reports to work first and then travels elsewhere on company business, the additional mileage is reimbursable. For example, a customer service representative that reports to work at Trent and is required to travel to Mission, is eligible for reimbursement for their mileage to/from Trent to Mission, not their residence. If the employee normally works at Trent and must report to Mission as their first stop, it is still only the distance from Trent (the normal place of work) to Mission that will be reimbursed. Mileage to the airport related to business air travel is only allowed for mileage exceeding the employee's normal commute. For instance, an employee is attending a conference and will be traveling to the airport instead of reporting to Mission, their normal place of work. Mileage is calculated as the amount over their normal commute, not from their residence to the airport. Lodging Hotel and motel accommodations are authorized for employees traveling on Company business when an overnight stay is required for business reasons. The Company will also reimburse employees for reasonable weekend accommodations when business reasons require the arrival or departure on the weekend. Employees must make every effort to cancel hotel reservations in accordance with the hotel's cancellation policy to ensure that 'ho show" charges are not incuned. Hotel bills must be itemized separately by type of expenditure on the expense report (room, meals, telephone, etc.) to meet IRS reporting requirements. Telephone Usage in Hotels Appropriate telephone calls made while traveling will be reimbursed. Copies of applicable telephone charges (i.e. credit card statements and/ortelephone card statements) must be submitted with an expense report. Employees using their own personal cell phone will be reimbursed for charges in excess of their monthly plan. Employees may use the "no receipf' process within iBxpense, in the event a receipt or statement is not available. If the call was made through the hotel telephone system, the hotel bill itemizes charges and the phone charges on the itemized bill will act as the receipt for reimbursement. Employees with extensive out of town tavel who have a need for a company cell phone may access cell phone policies on the Avenue under Tools and Resources/Help/Telephone Services. Stafi_PR_l 22 Attiachment A Page 6 of I Meals and Entertainment Reasonable meal costs will be reimbursed based on actual receipts. All meal expenses must be identified separately on expense reports. The paid receipt must be included showing the total and tip. In addition, a listing ofthe names of each individual participating in the meal as well as the business purpose is required. For questions about appropriate expenses, employees should consult with their manager. Meals purchased from a food tmck or other similar vendor will only be reimbursed for a maximum amount of $10.00 if a receipt is not present. Items that WILL NOT be reimbursed include but are not limited to: o Meal costs when meals are provided by a conference or another company/individual o Any kickbacks/rewards - only actual expenses will be reimbursed Entertainment expenses are reimbursable only if they are ordinary and necessary in the course of the business. Employees must report the date, person, company name, place, business purpose of the meeting and the cost on the expense report. When a group expense is incurred, the highest-level manager present pays for the group and then submits for reimbursement. Tips and Gratuities Tips and Gratuities are not to exceed 20yo, this includes restaurant staff, ta>d drivers, etc. When a percentage is not appropriate (bellhops, skycaps, housekeeping) tips should not exceed $10. Gift Cards Gift cards, when purchased as employee recognition or employee giveaways, must be reported to payroll as they are taxable income to the employee. A copy of the email notification to payroll detailing the recipient's name and dollar amount of gift card MUST be submitted with the expense report for reimbursement. Gift cards given to contractors are not subject to this policy and do not need to be reported to payroll. EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT SUBMITTAL Expense Reports are to be submitted to Accounts Payable using Oracle iExpense. All appropriate documentation and approvals must be attached to the expense report prior to submission. Expense reports must be submitted within 45 days of the incurred expense or the request for reimbursement may be denied. o Staff PR l22AttachmentA Page 7 of 9 All current year expenses should be submitted prior to the year-end processing deadline to correctly reflect the period in which the expenses were incurred. All expense reports will be paid electronically by Direct Deposit (ACH). This will allow afaster turnaroundfor reimbursement of expenses. The employee's manager must approve all iExpense reports. It is the manager's responsibility to thoroughly review employee expense reports before approval. Receipts are required to be attached electronically at the line level of the expense or header level of report. Employees are advised to keep a copy of the confirmation page for themselves and all original receipts until payment has been received. Refer to the following policy when submitting expense reports for approval: o The 'Justification" portion should be detailed, describing the purpose ofthe expense. Detailed information will aid both the manager in approval of the expense report and the auditors in subsequent expense report audits.o All miscellaneous items need to be explained.. All expense reports should be completed in U.S. dollars. International travelers should translate each receipt from foreign currency to U.S. dollars and indicate the exchange rates used on the receipt. A copy of the documentation veriffing the exchange rate used must be attached to the expense report. For any other transactions, appropriate exchange rates from the Wall Street Journal shall be used or the credit card statement with the appropriate rate charged by the credit card company.. All airfare and/or airline ticket receipts must be attached to the expense form. In the case of an e-ticket, the e-ticket receipt should be attached to the expense report.o When submitting an expense reimbursement request, it is important that the appropriate Project and Task accounts are utilized, including the correct FERC account, service and jurisdiction codes. Ifyou are uncertain as to the correct accounts to use, please refer to the Regulatory Accounting Policy and Policies Manual on the Avenue under Code of Conduct, Ethics and Compliance Issues. All expense reports are subject to audits so it is important that an adequate/detailed explanation of the charges is included in the request to substantiate the expense during future audits. Receipts Electronic image of original receipts are required for all expenditures. [n the event of a missing receipt: note that the receipt is missing in the justification section along with the description of the expense. If a receipt is lost, include other supporting documentation (i.e. credit card statement). For an Electronic Ticket, an email or notice from the issuing agencylairline will suffice as the receipt. Personal credit card statements are to be used as a last resort for receipts but may be accepted. Failure to provide a receipt could result in the reimbursement of the expense being denied. Staff PR 122 AttachmentA Page 8 of 9 COLLECTTVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS Non-Reimbursable Expenses The following list provides examples of some ofthe expenses that are NOT considered business expenses and will not be reimbursed by the Company. This is not a complete list. Employees are expected to use sound judgment in determining whether or not to submit an expense for reimbursement. o Clothing/Shoes o Credit card fees o TSA Pre-Check fees . Gym fees o Haircuts o Laundry, dry cleaning and ironing services o Newspapers, magazines and other personal reading material o Personal entertainment (movies, theater, in-room movies, etc.) . All personal toiletries or services, including OTC medicines The Avista Travel & Expense Reimbursement Policy does not supersede any collective bargaining agreements. However, if the item is not covered in the contract, these serve as policy. Staff_PR_1 22 Attachment A Page 9 of 9 ^&vrsr,lCorp. Avista Executive Safety and Travel Guidelines Approved by the Board of Directors May 2004 - Amended and Approved February 2016 The following guidelines generally apply to Avista Corporation's Executive Officers and Board of Directors, including Avista Corporation's subsidiaries and other key persons designated by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Objective: Leadership is critical to Avista's current and future success. These guidelines are intended to avoid travel related loss of key leadership and knowledge to Avista Corporation, communities, employees, and shareholders. Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and President of Avista Utilities: As a best practice, the following travel arrangements are to be followed whenever flying on the corporate aircraft and personal or other light aircraft: The CEO and the President should avoid traveling on the corporate airplane together as a general practice and when reasonably possible. In general, it is agreed that it is expedient and necessary for effrcient business purposes for the CEO and the President to travel together to present at quarterly employee meetings in Avista service locations and to attend EEI, AGA, PUC, and analyst rating meetings. It is permissible to travel together in other situations only after the CEO has weighed and balanced the risk of traveling together. The CEO will verbally report to the Lead Director and the Compensation & Organization Committee of the Board on a regular basis when this guideline has been overridden to discuss the reasons for allowing travel together outside of the guidelines. The Travel Guidelines will be reviewed annually at the February committee meeting. Board of Directors: As a general guideline, it is advisable that only up to 60oh of the Board of Directors travel together on any form of transportation whether by air, ground, or water. When reasonable, up to four (4) of the independent Directors are to find an alternative mode of transportation. Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Key Persons: As a general guideline, no more than 60Yo of the Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Key Persons, as designated by the CEO for purposes of these guidelines, should travel together on any form of transportation whether by air, ground, or water. *The CEO may approve deviations from the above guidelines to accommodate individual situations or needs. If the CEO is unavailable, multi-officer approval should be gained to deviate from the above guidelines. However, all exceptions shall be reported to the Compensation & Organization Committee of Board at least annually through a verbal report from the CEO. Stafi_PR_1 22 Attachment B Pagel ol2 Use of Uncontrolled Airports by the Corporate Aircraft or Chartered Flights Uncontrolled airports may lack certain flight safety, security, or ground support services available at larger airports. Executives may fly into uncontrolled airports on the Company plane or charter flights at the discretion of Avista's chief pilot. Uncontrolled airports may include locations near Avista district community properties or other remote facilities. Charter companies approved by Avista's flight services are listed on the travel website. Avista's travel website is located on the AVAnet under "Your Company Resources." Personal/L ight Aircrafts No more than three officers or board members, inclusive of the pilot, may travel together on private chartered or personal aircrafts. Pilots must be qualified on Avista's aircraft insurance policy as a personal aircraft pilot of non-Company owned aircraft. Employees piloting an aircraft in the performance of Company business must be qualified and rated for the aircraft they are piloting. International Travel Situations vary widely in other countries. At a minimum, the precautions listed for National Travel are expected for executives who travel alone or together outside the United States and Canada. Please refer to Avista's Travel website located on the AVAnet under "Your Company Resources" and use the links provided for assistance when planning, arranging, or conducting international travel. Board and Officer Meetings and Events When engaging in any event that involves a significant group of board members and officers, the event planning should be designed to assure Avista's Facility/Ir4eeting Evacuation Plan is reviewed and adhered to. Detailed evacuation plans for Board and Officer meetings and events may be requested from the Chief Security Officer. Staff_PR_l 22 Attachment B Page 2 ot 2 ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQIIEST FOR TNFORMATTON IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0411512021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Elizabeth AndrewsIPUC RESPONDER: Joel Anderson Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AftairsStafl135 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2811 RBQUEST: For each FERC account listed below, please provide a list of all transactions booked in 2019. Please include vendor name, date, invoice number, and a brief description of the expense. Please also include total system amounts, and how each amount was allocated or assigned to each jurisdiction: a. 403.027 Colstrip Plant Adj Depr b. 588 Dishibution Oper-Misc c. 880 Dist Exp Oper-Other Expenses d. 904 Uncollect Accts e. 905 Misc Cust Ac Ex f. 910 Cust Svc & Info Exp-Misc g. 923 Outside Services Employed h. 932.2 Misc General Expense RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR 135 Attachment A for the requested information.