HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210415Avista to Staff 102.pdfEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Avista has experienced multiple catastrophic GSU transformer failures since the plant’s construction in the early 2000’s. The purpose of this project is to replace the currently in-service transformer, “T4”, which exhibited unacceptably high gassing levels after only being in service a couple of months following the failure of it’s twin that failed after approximately nine years of service “T3”. Coyote Springs serves Washington and Idaho electric customers. After a detailed financial analysis was performed, the recommended solution is to replace the existing three-phase dual-wound transformer, T4, with three single phase dual-wound transformers. As of the June 2020 (version 3.2) update to this Business Case, the estimated cost is expected to be $21,400,000 which includes replacement of T4 as well as the purchase of a spare unit. The financial analysis included a calculation of Customer Internal Rate of Return as compared to all possible alternative options. The CIRR of the proposed solution was the highest. Subjectively stated, this project will result in higher reliability and reduced power supply expense. The timeline is critical given the current gassing state of T4. The risk of not approving this business case is the likely failure of T4 with a corresponding outage of 18-24 months. VERSION HISTORY Version Author Description Date Notes 1.0 Mike Mecham Initial draft of original business case 6.25.19 Signed/approved 2.0 Thomas Dempsey Updated Budget 9.19.19 3.0 Thomas Dempsey Updated Budget 12.23.19 3.1 Kara Heatherly Conversion to new format 6.20.20 Includes budget update 3.2 Thomas Dempsey Final Updates to new format 7/7/2020 GENERAL INFORMATION Requested Spend Amount $21,400,000 Requested Spend Time Period 2 years Requesting Organization/Department GPSS Business Case Owner | Sponsor Thomas Dempsey | Andy Vickers Sponsor Organization/Department GPSS Phase Execution Category Project Driver Failed Plant & Operations Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 1 of 10 1. BUSINESS PROBLEM 1.1 What is the current or potential problem that is being addressed? Coyote Springs 2 currently uses a single three phase transformer (GSU) configuration for power transformation to the BPA electric grid. Subsequent initial GSU energization in 2002, we have experienced seven GSU failures. In 2018, a spare transformer (T4) was placed in service subsequent the failure of Transformer 3 (T3). After being in service for one month, T4 saw a spike in combustible gases. Gases are now being closely monitored and the transformer is currently limited to 90% capacity. The Business Problem is that we now have an underperforming transformer that is not at full capacity and which is exhibiting troubling gassing behavior. We consider the risk of failure to be significantly higher than acceptable. We also have no spare at this time- a failure without a spare could lead to an 18 month or longer outage. The table below is an overview of the historical failures of the 4 three-phase transformers purchased and installed at Coyote Springs 2 since construction: 1.2 Discuss the major drivers of the business case and the benefits to the customer Failed Plant Conditions: one of the primary drivers to our selection of this preferred alternative is the likelihood of the risk exposure that remains with an “in kind” three-phase replacement. It is in Avista’s best interested to spend these resources on a more reliable solution. Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 2 of 10 1.3 Identify why this work is needed now and what risks there are if not approved or is deferred This work is needed immediately given the condition of the existing transformer and the lack of a reliable spare. If the existing transformer fails now we would expect to see an 18-24 month outage with its associated power supply expense implications. See business problem details in Section 1.1 and additional data and analysis details provided in Section 2.1. 1.4 Identify any measures that can be used to determine whether the investment would successfully deliver on the objectives and address the need listed above. • Power Output- After the project is complete, the operating limit of the plant will be increased to 320 MW- This is an immediate increase and an appropriate objective measure. • Gassing Levels- The new transformers will be outfitted with Serveron Gas Monitoring equipment to ensure that we are not experiencing interal hot spots or arcing that could lead to catastrophic failure. • Reliabilty- We expect the new transformers to provide reliable service immediately and into the future, therefore equipment availability is the third such measure that can be used to determine if the investment has met the stated objectives. 1.5 Supplemental Information 1.5.1 Please reference and summarize any studies that support the problem Please see the appendices listed under Section 2.1 1.5.2 For asset replacement, include graphical or narrative representation of metrics associated with the current condition of the asset that is proposed for replacement. This project provides for replacement of the failed T3 as well as the currently operating but gassing T4. T3 failed catastrophically due to an internal fault. See Figure 1 below that clearly shows internal arcing damage. T4, which is of nearly identical construction as T3, is currently gassing at dangerous levels. If left unchecked, we expect the gasses could reach explosive levels within a two year period. We are carefully monitoring gassing levels to make sure they do not reach these explosive limits during the period of time we are waiting to install the new single phase units. Figure 2 shows the gassing levels currently being seen in T4. In June 2019 we performed a “dialysis” of sorts as a mitigative measure to prevent the dissolved gasses from reaching an explosive level until such time as the transformer can be replaced. Figure 1- T3 Static Shield Ring Catastrophic Internal Damage Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 3 of 10 Figure 2- T4 Gassing Trend 1.6 Describe what metrics, data, analysis or information was considered when preparing this capital request. Avista has experienced multiple failures of GSU transformers in service at Coyote Springs despite proper operations and maintenance activities. • The new transformers will collectively be higher in capacity than the prior transformers at Coyote to provide a higher safety margin and also to allow for technology improvements (which historically have been typical) that allow for higher output at higher efficiency. • The three phase transformers have proven to be very expensive and difficult to move due to their size and weight. In an email exchange with BPA where Avista asked about use of three Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 4 of 10 phase transformers in this application, BPA indicated they would not use transformers of this size due to transportation difficulty. • Changing to a single phase design versus keeping the existing three phase configuration will be challenging- but given the large number of failures Avista believes it is prudent to abandon the existing configuration. To that end, the financial analysis assumptions regarding three phase transformer reliability reflect Avista’s experience at Coyote Springs 2. • The difficulty and enormous complexity of mobilization associated with the three phase solution results in longer duration outages than those associated with individual single phase transformers. • Avista and its expert consultants determined that manufacturing defects were the likely culprit with respect to the failures of T1 and T2. The failure mechanism for T3 is currently being evaluated. T4 is in service, however it is gassing at dangerous levels. Avista cannot rule out a fundamental application flaw associated with what Siemens and others have described as a somewhat “unusual” configuration. It is possible that this dual low voltage with 500KV high side configuration approach has as yet-to-be determined fundamental flaws. Avista can no longer rule out this possibility given the number of failures we have experienced. PGE, with its single phase transformers is interconnected with the grid at a virtually identical location as unit 2, and they have experienced no failures in 20+ years of operation. Additional detail and project background can be found in the associate documents: • Appendix I 20191223 Power Supply Asset Management Consolidated Financial Analysis • Appendix II David Nichols Engineering Recommendation • Appendix III Avista-CoyoteSpgs-GSU-Replcmt-Concept-Report_Final_Rpt-w-ATT rev.pdf • Appendix IV 20191223 Decision Tree Narrative • Appendix V 20200513 New Financial Analysis of T5 Project.docx 1.7 Discuss how the requested capital cost amount will be spent in the current year (or future years if a multi-year or ongoing initiative). (i.e. what are the expected functions, processes or deliverables that will result from the capital spend?). Include any known or estimated reductions to O&M as a result of this investment. In accordance with the detailed project schedule, annual projected capital expenditures for remaining scope are as identified in the 5-year CPG budget: • 2020 - $9,900,000 • 2021 - $11,500,000 With respect to O&M reduction, the primary reduction to customer expense is the reduction in power supply expense. The financial analysis includes such risk modified expenses. The financial analysis is included as Appendix I. Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 5 of 10 1.8 Outline any business functions and processes that may be impacted (and how) by the business case for it to be successfully implemented. This project requires internal and external resources for it to be completed successfully. 1.9 Discuss the alternatives that were considered and any tangible risks and mitigation strategies for each alternative. Note: The following table of results and the associated explanations represent the initial results from the initial study associated with this project. These numbers were based on our best estimates at the time. As we have gotten further into the project, costs have increased due a number of reasons, including increased fire protection requirements and firm bids from suppliers that were higher than initially projected by Avista’s Consulting Engineer. The options were subsequently reviewed and Option V remains the best choice for customers. A summary of the new analysis performed may be found in this document: 20200513 New Financial Analysis of T5 Project.docx. Option Capital Cost NPV of Net Plant Margin Relative CIRR Start Complete I. Repair T3, no repair of T4 $6.2 Million $209.0 Million 4.0% 10/201 9 6/2020 II. Purchase one (1) new 3- phase, no repair of T4 $8.0 Million $206.5 Million 5.8% 10/201 9 12/2020 III. Purchase one (1) new 3- phase, Repair T3 $13.7 Million $206.3 Million 5.8% 10/201 9 6/2022 IV. Purchase two (2) new 3- phase units $13.1 Million $207.2 Million 6.2% 9/2019 12/2020 V. Purchase four (4) single- phase transformers (includes spare) $15.1 Million $213.9 Million 9.4% 9/2019 6/2021 Options I- Eliminated due to high power supply risk and relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option II- Eliminated due to high power supply risk and relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option III- Eliminated because Option IV provides superior reliability at lower cost and lacks the opportunity for a double redundant emergency spare. This option also has a relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option IV- Siemens-Austria provided an indicative price for two new 3-phase units at a delivered and commissioned at price of about $9.2 million (Option IV). After other site costs, Avista engineering, and other costs are considered, the price estimate is $13.1 million. Furthermore, Avista expects that a choice to begin a new procurement process and a path towards a 3-phase solution would cause significant power supply risk for the summer of 2021. These considerations point further towards Option V as the best solution. Option IV eliminated because even though this option provides the potential for a double redundant emergency spare, it still utilizes the 3-phase dual wound design that has proven unreliable at Coyote Springs in this configuration. This option also has a relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 6 of 10 Option V- Option 5 is the preferred option as it has the highest relative IRR of any of the options. This option uses single phase transformers that are smaller and much easier to transport. This is the same configuration that is used on Unit 1 which have proven highly reliable over time. This option also allows for a double redundant emergency backup using T4 (this would require iso-phase bus reconfiguration and would only be used if single phase lead times dictated the need). Siemens-Austria and SMIT-Netherlands were the finalists for Option V. David Nichols and Rob Selby from Avista as well as Avista’s expert consultant Pierre Feghali visited both factories. While both appeared to be of high quality, Siemens-Austria stood out as a top of class facility with extensive quality control mechanisms in place. It is therefore the factory of choice the transformer supply costs are referenced to. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase and install four (4) single phase transformers and all supporting equipment (coolers, fans, instrumentation, bushings). Included in the request is all of the design engineering, all equipment modification including containments, fire suppression, electrical protection, isophase bus, and all supporting equipment. 1.10 Include a timeline of when this work will be started and completed. Describe when the investments become used and useful to the customer. spend, and transfers to plant by year. Project planning and design activities began in 2019. In order to minimize outage activities during critical operations windows, the project execution plan will include a two-phased outage during the Spring/Summer of 2020 and 2021. The 2020 outage will consist of early civil/structural foundation work for the T5A and C locations and T5A, B, and C containment where possible. The 2021 outage will include all civil/structural activities that require T4 to be out of service and relocated, as well as all other activities (including but not limited to): placement of new transformers, installation of IsoPhase Bus, new deluge system piping, and High Voltage Bus. Project is expected to be completed and Coyote Springs Unit 2 back online by the end of June 2021. Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 7 of 10 1.11 Discuss how the proposed investment aligns with strategic vision, goals, objectives and mission statement of the organization. Mission: This project safely, responsibility and affordably improves the level of service we provide to our customers. This project does so by: • Minimizing our exposure to unnecessary breaks in service • Avoiding inflated power purchase prices and subsequent increased costs to our customers • Minimizing the risk of potentially catastrophic failure • Eliminating ongoing operations safety risks, and • Eliminating unnecessarily escalating operating costs Strategic Initiatives: 1. Safe and Reliable Infastructure, 2. Responsible Resources. 1.12 Include why the requested amount above is considered a prudent investment, providing or attaching any supporting documentation. In addition, please explain how the investment prudency will be reviewed and re-evaluated throughout the project A number of alternatives were considered. The recommended course of action represents the highest value of CIRR. See Appendix I and Appendix II. With respect to investment prudency review; as of version 3.2 of this business case,the project budget was increased to $21.4 million. We conducted a thorough review as well as a new financial analysis to review whether going forward was the best course of action. It was. A complete discussion of this process and its results is provided in Appendix V- 20200513 New Financial Analysis of T5 Project.docx. A summary table exerpt from that document is provided below: 1.13 Supplemental Information 1.13.1 Identify customers and stakeholders that interface with the business case There is no customer interface with respect to this project. Key stakeholders include the Avista Power Supply group as well as GPSS. Options Capital Cost $M / Plant Net Market Value $M Options Original Analysis Revised Analysis Option I- Rebuild T3; T4 Spare 6.2/209 Rejected Option II- New 3Ph, T4 Spare 8/206.5 Rejected Option III- New 3Ph, Repair T3 13.7/206.3 17.1/202.5 Option IV- Two new 3Ph 13.1/207.2 17.6/202.1 Option V- Single Phase 15.1/213.9 21.4/206.6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 8 of 10 1.13.2 Identify any related Business Cases This Business Case represents the new 2020 format and thus it replaces the prior approved Business Case titled, “BCJN_CS2 Single Phase Transformer_signed 201912”. 2.1 Steering Committee or Advisory Group Information Prior to July 2020, executive level oversight of this project was provided on an as-needed basis by Power Supply Management, GPSS Management, and Energy Resources Executive Leadership. Initial project estimates and project execution frameworks were developed by Avista’s consultant engineer and project manager, Black and Veatch. A formal Steering Committee has been established as of July 2020 and will meet on a quarterly basis over the next year to review project status. As of March 2020, this project has been assigned an Avista Project Manager responsible for the management and regular reporting of scope, schedule and budget deviations from the current project execution plan. 2.2 Provide and discuss the governance processes and people that will provide oversight Executive level scope, schedule, & budget oversight is provided by the Steering Committee on a Quarterly basis. Ongoing senior management is provided by the Manager of Thermal Operations. Day to day project oversight is provided by the assigned Project Manager. 2.3 How will decision-making, prioritization, and change requests be documented and monitored Project decisions will be made at the PM level where appropriate and escalated to the Mananger of Thermal Operations & Maintenance when and if determined to be necessary by the role definitions above. Regular updates will be provided to management by the PM team as project scope, schedule and budget are defined, and throughout the course of the project execution. The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case and agree with the approach it presents. Significant changes to this will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Signature: Date: Print Name: Thomas Dempsey Title: Manager, Thermal Operations Role: Business Case Owner Signature: Date: Print Name: Andy Vickers Title: Director of GPSS Role: Business Case Sponsor Signature: Date: Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 9 of 10 Print Name: Title: Role: Steering/Advisory Committee Review Template Version: 05/28/2020 Staff_PR_102 Attachment D Page 10 of 10 Note to File 5/13/2020 Thomas C Dempsey, Mgr. Thermal Operations & Maintenance Coyote Springs 2 Transformer Replacement Project The purpose of this note to file is to document the results of an updated financial analysis of the Coyote Springs 2 transformer replacement project that incorporates the latest cost and other pertinent data. In particular, this financial analysis incorporates the following information: • T3 Condition- The forensic analysis conducted by ABB to date has revealed severe damage that in our opinion would require an extensive rebuild return to service and more importantly, could be the result of a fundamental design flaw. Avista expects additional cost increases associated with further analysis of the problem. • T4 Condition- T4 is nearly identical to T3; it is therefore considered unlikely given the significant expense of swapping transformers in and out that we would consider it to be a sufficiently reliable spare in an Option I or Option II scenario. Options I & II eliminated from consideration • Engineering and project management costs have come in somewhat higher than originally anticipated by our consulting engineer (Black & Veatch) • At the direction of our consulting engineer we have had to incorporate a significantly more substantial fire wall than we had anticipated. This has increased the costs of all of the options. The first step of this revised financial analysis was to conduct the analysis as if we had known the information in advance of choosing an option. In other words, this analysis did not consider any of the sunk costs of current construction activities, engineering services to date, executed purchase agreements, or Power Supply expense that would be associated with a switch to a different option at this stage of the replacement process. The revised financial analysis still concluded that Option V was the best financial option. Had this not been the case, Step 2 of the analysis would have been to evaluate stopping all work and proceeding with one of the other options. This step was not necessary because Option V was still found to be the best option and furthermore by adding the aforementioned sunk costs (>5MM) plus additional power supply expense that would be incurred the summer of 2021, clearly shows that Option V remains the best value for customers. Options Capital Cost $M / Plant Net Market Value $M Options Original Analysis Revised Analysis Option I- Rebuild T3; T4 Spare 6.2/209 Rejected Option II- New 3Ph, T4 Spare 8/206.5 Rejected Option III- New 3Ph, Repair T3 13.7/206.3 17.1/202.5 Option IV- Two new 3Ph 13.1/207.2 17.6/202.1 Option V- Single Phase 15.1/213.9 21.4/206.6 See 20200513 TCD Gall CS2_Tranformer_Analysis Check-in updated numbers.xlsm for additional detail. Staff_PR_102 Attachment C Page 1 of 1 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 1 of 5 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Steering Committee or Advisory Group Information The Advisory Group consisted of Power Supply Management, GPSS Management, GPSS Engineering, Asset Management and IRP Management. Cost estimates were developed using estimates from third party vendors such as Black and Veatch as well as Avista engineering estimates. 2. BUSINESS PROBLEM Coyote Springs 2 currently uses a single three phase transformer (GSU) configuration for power transformation to the BPA electric grid. Subsequent initial GSU energization in 2002, we have experienced seven GSU failures. In 2018, a spare transformer (T4) was placed in service subsequent the failure of Transformer 3 (T3). After being in service for one month, T4 saw a spike in combustible gases. Gases are now being closely monitored and the transformer is currently limited to 90% capacity. The Business Problem is that we now have an underperforming transformer that is not at full capacity and which is exhibiting troubling gassing behavior. We consider the risk of failure to be significantly higher than acceptable. We also have no spare at this time- a failure without a spare could lead to an 18 month or longer outage. The table below is an overview of the historical failures of the 4 three phase transformers purchased and installed at Coyote Springs 2 since construction: Requested Spend Amount $15,100,000 Total over 3 years (2019,20,21) Requesting Organization/Department Generation Production and Substation Support Business Case Owner Thomas Dempsey Business Case Sponsor Andy Vickers Sponsor Organization/Department Generation Production and Substation Support Category Project Driver Failed Plant & Operations Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 1 of 5 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 2 of 5 3. OPTIONS, PROPOSAL AND RECOMMENDED SOLUTION Option Capital Cost NPV of Net Plant Margin Relative CIRR Start Complete $6.2 Million $209.0 Million 4.0% 10/2019 6/2020 phase, no repair of T4 $8.0 Million $206.5 Million 5.8% 10/2019 12/2020 phase, Repair T3 $13.7 Million $206.3 Million 5.8% 10/2019 6/2022 phase units $13.1 Million $207.2 Million 6.2% 9/2019 12/2020 V. Purchase four (4) single- phase transformers (includes spare) $15.1 Million $213.9 Million 9.4% 9/2019 6/2021 Options I- Eliminated due to high power supply risk and relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option II- Eliminated due to high power supply risk and relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option III- Eliminated because Option IV provides superior reliability at lower cost and lacks the opportunity for a double redundant emergency spare. This option also has a relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option IV- Siemens-Austria provided an indicative price for two new 3-phase units at a delivered and commissioned at price of about $9.2 million (Option IV). After other site costs, Avista engineering, and other costs are considered, the price estimate is $13.1 million. Furthermore, Avista expects that a choice to begin a new procurement process and a path towards a 3-phase solution would cause significant Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 2 of 5 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 3 of 5 power supply risk for the summer of 2021. These considerations point further towards Option V as the best solution. Option IV eliminated because even though this option provides the potential for a double redundant emergency spare, it still utilizes the 3-phase dual wound design that has proven unreliable at Coyote Springs in this configuration. This option also has a relatively lower IRR than the preferred option. Option V- Option 5 is the preferred option as it has the highest relative IRR of any of the options. This option uses single phase transformers that are smaller and much easier to transport. This is the same configuration that is used on Unit 1 which have proven highly reliable over time. This option also allows for a double redundant emergency backup using T4 (this would require iso-phase bus reconfiguration and would only be used if single phase lead times dictated the need). Siemens-Austria and SMIT-Netherlands were the finalists for Option V. David Nichols and Rob Selby from Avista as well as Avista’s expert consultant Pierre Feghali visited both factories. While both appeared to be of high quality, Siemens- Austria stood out as a top of class facility with extensive quality control mechanisms in place. It is therefore the factory of choice the transformer supply costs are referenced to. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase and install four (4) single phase transformers and all supporting equipment (coolers, fans, instrumentation, bushings). Included in the request is all of the design engineering, all equipment modification including containments, fire suppression, electrical protection, isophase bus, and all supporting equipment. Final Summary Notes Regarding the project: Avista has experienced multiple failures of GSU transformers in service at Coyote Springs despite proper operations and maintenance activities. • The new transformers will collectively be higher in capacity than the prior transformers at Coyote to provide a higher safety margin and also to allow for technology improvements (which historically have been typical) that allow for higher output at higher efficiency. • The three phase transformers have proven to be very expensive and difficult to move due to their size and weight. In an email exchange with BPA where Avista asked about use of three phase transformers in this application, BPA indicated they would not use transformers of this size due to transportation difficulty. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 3 of 5 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 4 of 5 • Changing to a single phase design versus keeping the existing three phase configuration will be challenging- but given the large number of failures Avista believes it is prudent to abandon the existing configuration. To that end, the financial analysis assumptions regarding three phase transformer reliability reflect Avista’s experience at Coyote Springs 2. • The difficulty and enormous complexity of mobilization associated with the three phase solution results in longer duration outages than those associated with individual single phase transformers. • Avista and its expert consultants determined that manufacturing defects where the likely culprit with respect to the failures of T1 and T2. The root cause analysis is currently underway for T3. T4 is in service. Avista cannot rule out a fundamental application flaw associated with what Siemens and others have described as a somewhat “unusual” configuration. It is possible that this dual low voltage with 500KV high side configuration approach has as yet-to-be determined fundamental flaws. Avista can no longer to rule out this possibility given the number of failures we have experienced. PGE, with its single phase transformers is interconnected with the grid at a virtually identical location as unit 2, and they have experienced no failures in 20+ years of operation. Additional detail and project background can be found in the associate documents: • Appendix I 20191223 Power Supply Asset Management Consolidated Financial Analysis • Appendix II David Nichols Engineering Recommendation • Appendix III Avista-CoyoteSpgs-GSU-Replcmt-Concept-Report_Final_Rpt- w-ATT rev.pdf • Appendix IV 20191223 Decision Tree Narrative Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 4 of 5 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 5 of 5 4. APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Baseload Thermal Program Business Case and agree with the approach it presents and that it has been approved by the steering committee or other governance body identified in Section 1.1. The undersigned also acknowledge that significant changes to this will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Date: Thomas Dempsey Business Case Owner Date: Andy Vickers Business Case Sponsor 5. VERSION HISTORY Versi on Implemented By Revision Date Approved By Approval Date Reason Template Version: 02/24/2017 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 5 of 5 1 DATE: 12/23/2019 TO: Andy Vickers, Jason Thackston CC: Glen Farmer, David Nichols, Mike Mecham, Pat Ehrbar FROM: Thomas C Dempsey, Manager Thermal Operations & Maintenance Jeff Smith, Senior Business Analyst James Gall, IRP Manager SUBJECT: Coyote Springs 2 Transformer Option Analysis DISCUSSION Coyotes Springs 2 currently uses a single three phase transformer configuration for power transformation to the BPA electric grid. Since the plant opened in 2002 and while utilizing this configuration, Avista has experienced seven different transformer failures over four transformers and two transformer manufacturers. Additionally, the currently in-service transformer (T4) began significant gassing shortly after installation and is now operating at 90 percent of its rated capability so as to reduce electric current and associated heating (therefore limiting plant generation capacity). Avista has considered and evaluated five options regarding how to proceed: • Option 1, repair Transformer #3 and return it to service; T4 available for return as a spare emergency transformer. • Option 2, Purchase new three-phase Transformer #5; T4 available for return as a spare emergency transformer. • Option 3, Purchase new three-phase Transformer #5; T3 is repaired and returned to a spare pad; T4 available for return as a spare emergency transformer. • Option 4, Purchase two new three-phase transformers (T5 & T6). T3 scrapped. T4 available for return as an emergency spare. • Option 5, Purchase four single-phase transformers, one of which would serve as a spare. T4 available for return as an emergency spare (which would also require a bus reconfiguration). Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 1 of 5 2 RECOMMENDATION The analysis suggests switching to a bank of three single-phase transformers (Option 5) is the best option to serve Avista’s customers from both a risk mitigation and financial point of view. Table 1- Summary of Option Costs and Financial Metrics METHODOLOGY Each of the five options were analyzed to evaluate the option returning the most value for customers from a present value perspective between 2019 and 2045. This analysis includes the revenue requirement for associated transformer investments and installation, margin from operating the plant (i.e. market value minus fuel cost & variable O&M), lost capacity value (avoided cost of building new “peak” generating resources), lost power sales, and the risk of lost market opportunities due to transformer failure. The analysis uses the expected value approach, using historical probability of occurrence for transformer failure and expected future energy market prices. Additionally, the costs and risks were analyzed to calculate a relative Customer Internal Rate of Return which is summarized in Table 1. ASSUMPTIONS This section includes the major assumptions included in the analysis. The full financial analyses spreadsheets are included in the final notes to file. Transformer Risk This analysis assumes the existing configuration will have transformer failure every 5.85 years. Another scenario was performed using 3.7 years as a high case. The 5.85 years was chosen due to the actual historical performance of the technology in place adjusted for significance and suppliers. Table 2 below outlines the history of transformer failures since the plant was placed in service 16.7 years ago. Each of the failures were assigned a significance and supplier weighting. These weightings adjust the failure rate to 2.85 times since plant operation as shown in Table 4. Failure every 5.85 years translates into an annual probability of failure of 17 percent each year. This probability is used to reduce the expected margin the plant is expected to produce each calendar year. If the Company chooses to move to a bank of three single-phase transformers, the risk of failure reduces significantly. This is assumed to be one failure every 30 years or 0.3 percent. This assumption is consistent with expected performance of single phase GSU transformers and consistent with the performance Option Capital Cost NPV of Net Plant Margin Relative CIRR Start Complete I.Repair T3, no repair of T4 II.Purchase one (1) new 3- phase, no repair of T4 $8.0 Million $206.5 Million 5.8% 10/2019 12/2020 phase, Repair T3 $13.7 Million $206.3 Million 5.8% 10/2019 6/2022 phase units $13.1 Million $207.2 Million 6.2% 9/2019 12/2020 V. Purchase four (4) single-phase transformers (includes spare) $15.1 Million $213.9 Million 9.4% Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 2 of 5 3 observed at Unit 1 which has not experienced any failures in its lifetime. Additionally, in the event of a single phase unit failure, a spare can be installed in a fraction of the time. Between now and the 2021 outage, this analysis assumes the existing de-rated transformer configuration has a 10 percent change of failure. This assumption assumes Avista continues to run the plant at lower capacities to mitigate excessive oil gassing leading to failure. Table 2: Coyote Springs 2 Transformer History Table 3: Outage Weights for Failure Rate 1 2 1 T1 100% 50% 0.5 2 T2 50% 50% 0.25 3 T2 20% 50% 0.1 4 T2 100% 50% 0.5 5 T2 100% 50% 0.5 6 T3 100% 50% 0.5 7 T4 100% 50% 0.5 2.85 Energy & Capacity Value Coyote Springs 2 contributes to lowering customer rates by operating when economic in the northwest energy markets. To estimate how much it contributes to power costs is calculated by the difference between market price of power at Mid-C and fuel prices and VOM costs when the plant is economic to run. This calculation results in the margin of the plant. The margin of the plant can be estimated in many ways. The first is to use forward prices of power at the Mid-C and assumes the plant could be sold at current prices of power and gas purchased on current forward prices. This method is useful for the next 18 months. Although the Company’s risk strategy would not allow for locking in these prices this early for the full 18 months. Another way to look at the value of the plant is to simulate plan operations in a power system model such as Aurora. 1 This attempts to adjust risk downward for failures related to the application 2 This is a subjected reduction in risk thas assumes a more reliable supplier could be found going forward if Avista chooses a new three phase transformer. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 3 of 5 4 Avista currently has a 2020 Aurora simulation used for the Idaho rate proceeding, this includes estimated margins for 80 different water years. While these values are good to estimate near term valuations, a longer term method is needed for years after 2020. Typically, the Company’s Integrated Resource Plan is used for this type of analysis. Avista’s latest IRP was produced in 2017 and does not include recently passed legislation in Washington State. This legislation will significantly impact the long term value of CS2 due to higher amounts of renewable energy in the Northwest. Further, the state of Oregon is contemplating a carbon cap and trade or other mechanism to lower carbon emissions. To address this, this analysis uses the 2020 IRP forecast (in draft), this analysis include 500 potential future market conditions to address future uncertainty in the electric market. Table 4 includes the values used to estimate the margin of Coyote Springs 2 for the forecast period of this study (2019-2045). For 2019, the forward prices (as of Aug 6th, 2019) are used. For 2020, the average of forwards and the Idaho General Rate Case (IGRC) is used. For 2021 and beyond the 2020 IRP is blended with forward price curves, the forward market beyond 2020 is thinly traded, but the prices included represent the trend of higher market prices then current fundamental price forecasts, to address this risk, the forwards beyond 2020 are blended with the fundamental forecast from the 2020 IRP. The forward blend assumes 75% in 2021, 50% in 2022, 25% in 2023, 25% in 2024, and 10% in 2025. Table 4: Energy Value (millions) Energy energy 2019 12 12 2020 32 23 28 2021 41 14 35 2022 48 14 31 2023 49 15 24 2024 50 16 24 2025 48 14 18 2026 15 15 2027 14 14 2028 14 14 2029 15 15 2030 14 14 2031 14 14 2032 13 13 2033 13 13 2034 13 13 2035 12 12 2036 13 13 2037 11 11 2038 13 13 2039 12 12 2040 11 11 2041 12 12 2042 12 12 2043 13 13 2044 16 16 2045 16 16 CIRR METHODOLOGY Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 4 of 5 5 In addition to the methodology outlined above, Avista worked with its Asset Management Group to evaluate the same five options to determine Customer Internal Rate of Return. Option V provided the highest relative CIRR of all of the options. The CIRR analysis compares all five alternatives against one another and therefore is not necessarily a true indication of an Internal Rate of Return. Rather, it looks for an optimal customer based solution from the alternatives provided. ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGY KEY RESULTS/FINDINGS The analysis performed supports Alternative 5: purchasing (4) single phase transformers to replace the existing single three phase transformer configuration. Support for this conclusion, includes but is not limited to: • Purchasing (4) single phase transformers results in the highest relative CIRR and likely provides the most stability; this alternative provides the most value for Avista’s customers. • Existing transformer configuration is unreliable with projected failures expected to occur once every 5.85 years (Alternatives 1-4). Replacement power costs are relatively low but a market event could materially impact future costs. • Alternative 1 (Repair Transformer #3) requires the lowest amount of upfront capital. This option, as well as Alternative 2 leave us with a spare transformer that has been shown to exhibit high gassing characteristics. Risk exists with the recommended scenario because the new transformer configuration will take 4 months longer to implement. This subjects Avista to market risk if there were to be a failure of T4 although the remaining alternatives expose Avista to longer term risk given the observed failure rate of the CS2 original configuration. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 5 of 5 1 DATE: June 13, 2019 TO: Thomas Dempsey, Mgr Thermal Ops and Maint, Generation Mgmt & Admin Support CC: Glen Farmer, Mike Mecham FROM: David Nichols, Senior Generation Engineer SUBJECT: Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer – Engineering Recommendation Background On September 21, 2018 at 14:21 the Coyote Springs 2 generator step-up unit (GSU) transformer tripped offline due to a suspected internal electrical fault. This event dropped approximately 295 MW of crucial generation in Avista’s service area of about 1,500 MW at the time. Although Avista had a spare transformer on-site, it still took 37 days to swap both 750,000 pound transformers. Significant additional power supply costs were also incurred during the outage, at times in the range of $100,000 per day. While the spare transformer allowed the plant to continue operations, it soon exhibited some problematic symptoms that have limited the plant output to about 90% of full capacity. Engineering Analysis One of the highest financial risks in this type of outage situation is the ongoing cost of market-priced power to supplant lost generation. As such, Generation Engineering has been exploring and evaluating various solutions to resolve the most recent transformer failure. One possibility engineering is exploring is changing the design of the transformer bank from a three-phase package design to that of a single-phase design. Here is the present matrix of actions we are exploring. Action Description Each of these solutions has various costs and schedule requirements. See Appendix A. Historically, Coyote Springs 2 has experienced seven failures over four transformers in the last 17 years. See the following table. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 1 of 4 2 We did change the manufacturer after the first two failures because we thought those were tied to manufacturing problems, but we then saw additional failures with the second manufacturer. Any future purchase will need to closely address in-person interactions at the manufacturing plant, including design review in advance, inspection activities, and witnessing of final testing, to name a few. All four of these transformers were of the three-phase package design. This fact is significant because many other 500 kV class plants utilize a single-phase package design for the GSU transformer bank. In fact, this is seen at the adjacent Portland General Electric’s Coyote Springs 1 plant as well as others in the region. With a single-phase package, a spare transformer can be changed out faster and easier due to its smaller comparative size, and the problem phase can also be identified more easily. The large volume of transformer oil in this three-phase GSU (24,000 gallons) is also problematic during operation (requiring large oil containment) and when evacuating and processing for an installation or internal inspection (requiring multiple Baker tanks for storage). While the goal of this document is to provide a recommendation, not to determine root cause, it stands to reason that the special design tolerances and methods involved with extra high voltage (EHV) design may be further complicated in a three-phase package vs. a single phase package. (A separate process for evaluation of the failed transformer is already in progress.) For these reasons from an engineering standpoint, single-phase design should be thoroughly evaluated for feasibility at this plant. To that end, Avista enlisted the assistance of a national engineering consultant, Black & Veatch (B&V), to provide an initial feasibility evaluation for the single-phase concept. In their report, B&V estimated a retrofit cost of about $13.5 million and an overall project schedule of about 19 months, including an outage window of about 11 weeks with well-coordinated construction. The ideal outage window is late spring from a power supply perspective, so starting the effort now would put Avista on track for an April/May/June 2021 outage. Another one of the complicating issues of the original design is that this large three-phase transformer has a 500 kV high side and dual low side windings at 18 kV and 13.8 kV. This is the only 500 kV class transformer in Avista’s fleet, and it is also the largest rated transformer in the fleet at 355 MVA. The high side has a no-load tap changer with a rating of 532 kV +/- 2.5% that we typically run on tap 2, or in other words 545.3 kV. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) sets the target voltage schedule for this substation at 542 kV, and this is the typical value seen here, but it can vary between 538 kV up to 550 kV. Sometimes due to power flow conditions on the transmission grid, BPA needs this plant to help provide voltage support, i.e. var support, to maintain optimal conditions in the region. Additionally, the GSU has an impedance that needs to support vars from the generators, not from the grid. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 2 of 4 3 The transformers at this plant have exhibited some high temperature concerns in the past, primarily due to a carbon steel lid construction that promotes eddy current heating. The failed transformer from September 2018 had been previously retrofitted with some magnetic shielding to reduce the heating effect. However, the internal inspection showed significant oil scorching marks inside the top of the transformer near the low side bushing turrets, which most likely could have been created before the retrofit. The spare transformer had a design improvement incorporated into its lid construction with the use of stainless steel, and we don’t expect the same issue on that unit. After the short time the spare was energized, during an internal inspection no scorching was observed. When the spare was initially energized, however, it did have a 40°C rise under no load just during the 24 hour soak. This suggests possible harmonics or some other hot-spot concern with the spare transformer. We are soliciting multiple transformer experts for their opinions on these topics. The spare unit also exhibited a spike in gassing of the oil after operating at full load for two weeks, also suggesting a hot-metal concern or flaw in the unit. The only temperature devices are simple oil temp gauges for top oil and simulated core temperature. Our present standard is to use an intelligent transformer monitor temperature system with true winding temp sensors, and this should be implemented either in a repair scenario or in a new GSU purchase. During routine testing in 2017, the low-side bushings for the gas turbine generator winding were notably deteriorated and replaced on-site. These high current terminals had developed significant heating during the previous ten years of operation. As mentioned before, the turrets showed extreme discoloration due to high temperature oil scorching, most likely due to eddy current heating, and it can be deduced that excessive heating also caused the bushing failures. While the power rating of the transformer seemed adequate at the time the plant was commissioned, the generator turbines have undergone upgrades that resulted in uprated values. Last year the combustion turbine generator (CTG) ran up to 102% of its transformer winding value, or in other words 212 MVA. Since future upgrades are possible during the remaining 20-30 year life of the plant, more margin should be built into the rating of the transformers. More margin is likely to help mitigate some of the heating issues with the high duty cycle of a GSU. It is recommended that with any replacement transformer, the CTG winding should be designed to run continuously at its present rating of 207 MW with a 0.91 p.f., plus 10% above that to allow for future upgrades and contingency, or 250 MVA. The steam turbine generator (STG) winding should be designed to run continuously at its present rating of 116.16 MW with a 0.9 p.f., plus 10% above that for upgrades and another 5% above that for contingency, or 150 MVA. The present installation only has a top rating (OA/FA/FA) of 208 MVA for the CTG and 147 MVA for the STG. Avista’s Power Supply and Asset Management groups also recently provided separate evaluations of the transformer situation at Coyote Springs. Power Supply provided a report that looked over the most likely options for resolving the failed transformer and weighed the risks of the various options using standard methods common to other risk evaluation methods when forecasting power supply needs. Asset Management also looked at the options from a different perspective using methodology common to Avista’s other asset portfolios. Recommendation From an engineering perspective, because of the tolerances and different construction methods of 500 kV, as well as the large size requirement of this transformer bank, a single-phase design would be more reliable. As mentioned earlier, if a single phase did fail in the future, the evaluation and replacement would be much easier than with an entire three-phase package with substantially reduced lost generation costs. It is likely that transformer cooling would be more consistent and efficient with the larger relative surface area of individual tanks, and the health of each unit could be monitored individually. Most importantly, the performance of single-phase units is expected to provide a design life of 20-30 years as opposed to the historical replacement performance of the three-phase units Avista has had at this plant averaging 5-6 years. For these reasons, Generation Engineering recommends the single-phase GSU bank solution. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 3 of 4 4 APPENDIX A Coyote Springs 2 - GSU Transformer T#3 Resolution and Options Cost Time Estimated Date Estimated T#3 failure removal from service and investigation costs to date 0.9M$ n/a Avista costs to date subtotal 0.9M$ n/a 6/4/2019 ABB Forensic Investigation Avista issues work authorizations n/a 1 week 6/4/2019 ABB requests railcar to Coyote Springs n/a 3-6 weeks 7/5/2019 ABB disassembles GSU & prepares for shipping 0.1M$ 1 week 7/12/2019 Shipping transformer by rail from Coyote Springs to ABB Ontario 0.4M$ 3-4 weeks 8/6/2019 ABB Ontario receives transformer and performs low voltage testing 0.1M$ 2 weeks 8/20/2019 ABB performs additional incoming high voltage testing 0.4M$ 1 week 8/27/2019 ABB untanks transformer and performs visual inspection 0.0M$ 2-4 weeks 9/17/2019 ABB performs tear down inspection 0.2M$ 3-4 weeks 10/11/2019 MAJOR HOLD POINT - PROBLEM IS FOUND OR NOT FOUND These funds needed because we still need to find Root Cause - ABB inspection subtotal 1.2M$ 16-23 weeks 8/23/2019 If problem is found at major hold point: Insurance credit to be determined unknown n/a Avista may choose one or more of the following options depending on risk tolerance, ongoing performance of T#4, power supply costs, and budget availability. Option 1: ABB Repair Budgetary estimate to repair by rewinding transformer 2.8M$ 46-52 weeks 7/31/2020 Shipping transformer by rail from ABB Ontario to Coyote Springs 0.4M$ 3-4 weeks 8/25/2020 ABB reassembles and commissions GSU 0.3M$ 2-3 weeks 9/11/2020 Removal of T#4 to place repaired T#3 in service 0.5M$ incl. Avista/PGE personnel support at commissioning 0.1M$ incl. ABB repair subtotal 4.1M$ 51-59 weeks 9/11/2020 ABB inspection and repair total 5.3M$ 67-82 weeks 9/11/2020 Option 2: Scrap T#3 after inspection Placeholder for scrapping transformer after inspection unknown n/a Option 3: Purchase new three-phase GSU If started now Budgetary cost of new three-phase transformer from Hyundai, including specification time, Avista/PGE crew support, and removal of T#4 4.8M$ 72 weeks 8/25/2020 Option 4: Purchase new single-phase GSU bank If started now Budgetary cost of three new single-phase transformers and associated plant modifications per conceptual design by Black & Veatch, plus 8 wks budget approval 13.5M$ 90 weeks 12/29/2020 If started after inspection 5/14/2021 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 4 of 4 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 1 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 2 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Table of Contents i Table of Contents 1.0 Project Description ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Cost Estimate ......................................................................................................................... 1 2.1.1 General Clarifications .......................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Civil/Structural/Mechanical Clarifications........................................................... 3 2.1.3 Plant Electrical Clarifications ............................................................................... 4 2.1.4 High Voltage Electrical Tie-in Clarifications ......................................................... 4 3.0 Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 5 4.0 Attachments .......................................................................................................................... 6 Attachment 1: Conceptual Design Layout and Demolition Drawings Attachment 2: Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Attachment 3: GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 4: IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 5: Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Attachment 6: Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Attachment 7: Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 3 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Project Description 1 1.0 Project Description Black & Veatch was retained to develop a conceptual layout, project cost estimate and project/outage schedule for the Coyote Springs Unit 2 Generator Step-up (GSU) transformer replacement from the existing 3-phase transformer to three new single-phase transformers. Black & Veatch professionals visited Coyote Springs Generating Station to meet with Avista Utilities’ plant personnel and walk down the existing Unit 2 GSU transformer installation to identify physical, operating and scheduling constraints that may affect the conceptual design, layout and/or project cost estimate. The Unit 2 conceptual design is based on a similar existing GSU configuration used on the Coyote Springs Unit 1 Generating Station. Black & Veatch has included the following documents that provide the details for the basis of the project cost estimate and schedule summarized below for the work. These documents are included as attachments: Attachment 1: Conceptual Design Layout & Demolition Drawings Attachment 2: Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Attachment 3: GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 4: IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 5: Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Attachment 6: Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Attachment 7: Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule 2.0 Cost Estimate Black & Veatch developed an overall project cost estimate based on the conceptual design layout, major equipment indicative price quotations, and construction cost details as follows: Conceptual Design Layout The following Conceptual Design Layout & Demolition Drawings are included as Attachment 1: 401395-SK-0001: GSU Transformer Isophase Bus Layout Plan 401395-SK-0002: GSU Transformer Isophase Bus Layout Sections 401395-SK-0003: GSU Transformer Demolition Plan Major Equipment A Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary with a breakdown between the equipment purchase cost and associated installation cost is included as Attachment 2. Indicative pricing specific to this project was received in March 2019 for the following major equipment: GSU Transformer o Four (includes one spare) o Single-phase, 60Hz, 13.8/18/500kV, 71/94.66/118.33 MVA Iso-Phase Bus Electrical Duct System o 18kV, 7000A Both the GSU and IPB Suppliers listed in 2.1.3 provided indicative pricing quotations for the supply of equipment and on-site installation (see Attachments 3 and 4). Equipment and installation cost estimates included for the high voltage electrical tie-in equipment was provided from historical project data by the Black & Veatch Power Delivery construction group (see Attachment 5). Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 4 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Cost Estimate 2 Construction Costs A detailed breakdown of the Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for the following major portions of the project are included in Attachment 5: Civil/Structural/Mechanical Plant Electrical (includes the GSU and IPB) High Voltage (500kV) Tie-in to the Existing Substation Black & Veatch developed the BOQ for the Balance of Plant (BOP) materials and equipment required for the new GSU foundation/firewalls, steel structural supports, electrical/controls tie-in, grounding, etc. from the conceptual design. Commodity/other pricing from historical project data from recent EPC and/or construction projects performed by Black & Veatch was used to develop the cost estimates. Installation costs were adjusted for Boardman, Oregon and utilizing union labor where applicable. Engineering Costs The estimated engineering costs include the following activities to support the project: Initial Site Investigations, Data Gathering, and Preliminary Engineering Major Electrical Equipment Bid Specification Development and Procurement Technical Support Electrical/Controls/Civil/Structural/Mechanical Balance of Plant (BOP) Detailed Engineering and Construction Specifications HV Electrical Tie-in Detailed Engineering and Construction Specifications Construction Contractor Bid and Procurement Technical Support Home Office and Field Technical Support during Construction Total Project Costs The total project estimated cost including engineering, procurement, and construction is $13,485,000; broken down as indicated in the table below with escalation factor applied based on the schedules included in Section 3.0. This cost estimate excludes the cost of the unit outage and lost revenue of the plant. Discipline Description Subtotal Total Civil/Structural/Mechanical Foundations, Steel, HVAC Demo and Installation 1,943,000$ Transformer Fire Protection Deluge System 100,000$ HVAC Air Handler & Ductwork 100,000$ C/S/M Engineering & Project Management 315,000$ 2,458,000$ Plant Electrical Removal of Existing GSU Transformer 500,000$ GSU Transformers (incl. Shipping, Assembly, Dress-out, Testing, Spare Parts)8,011,000$ Isolated Phase Bus Duct & Support Steel (incl. Shipping, Demo, Installation)1,674,000$ Wiring, Ground Grid, Underground and Aboveground Raceway 212,000$ Elec Engineering & Project Management 236,000$ 10,633,000$ HV Electrical Tie-In 500kV OH Connection, Surge Arresters and Structures, Neutral Bus 324,000$ HV Elec Engineering & Project Management 70,000$ 394,000$ 13,485,000$ OVERALL PROJECT COST SUMMARY TOTAL Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 5 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Cost Estimate 3 2.1.1 General Clarifications The following general clarifications pertain to the cost estimates: Based on the preliminary scope of work completed by Black & Veatch, the cost estimates were performed at a +/- 20% accuracy level generally consistent with a Class 4 level as defined by AACE International Recommended Practice No. 18R-97 Cost Estimate Classification System – As Applied in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries (https:/web.aacei.org) Engineering and construction costs have been escalated at 3% per year from a base estimate in 2019 US dollars. Construction cost estimate includes 30% contingency rate. 2.1.2 Civil/Structural/Mechanical Clarifications The following clarifications pertain to the civil/structural/mechanical cost estimates: Demolish existing transformer foundation and firewalls. o The footprint of the new single-phase transformers is significantly larger than the existing three-phase transformer. o The most cost-effective solution is to demolish the existing foundation and install a new foundation. o Preserve the existing piles for partially supporting the new transformers. o The existing firewall does not meet NFPA 850 “Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations” and will need to be replaced. Demolish existing HVAC air handler foundation. Relocate existing HVAC air handler unit. o The existing air handler unit needs to be relocated to accommodate new transformer foundation. o New location of existing air handler unit is expected to be at existing grade elevation on the east side of the CT air intake. o Ductwork within the building would need to be redesigned and rerouted to the new air handler location. o An allowance for new HVAC equipment and/or substantial ductwork modifications has been included in the cost estimate. o New different sized equipment may be needed to accommodate extension/reconfiguration of the duct work required for the new air handler location. Relocate existing underground fire protection pipe. Install a new fire protection deluge system around the perimeter of each of the new single- phase transformers. o An allowance for equipment and installation has been included in the construction cost estimate. Install new transformer foundation with secondary containment o Requires 8 to10 new piles. o Sized for the oil volume, design rain event, and fire protection water. o Does not include a drain or oil/water separator to match current site conditions. This is based off discussions with plant personnel. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 6 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Cost Estimate 4 Install firewalls. o Firewalls will be sized per NFPA 850 to limit the damage and potential spread of fire in the event of a transformer failure. Set the spare single-phase transformer on the existing spare foundation. Construction cost estimate includes a 15% markup for three 8-hour shifts to reduce the duration of the outage. 2.1.3 Plant Electrical Clarifications The following clarifications pertain to the plant electrical cost estimates: Black & Veatch solicited indicative pricing for four (4) single-phase GSU transformers from ABB, Inc. (Córdoba, Spain) and Hyundai Power Transformers USA (Montgomery, AL). This scope includes delivery, off-loading, assembly, dress-out, and testing of each unit. Black & Veatch solicited indicative pricing for necessary modifications to the existing isolated phase bus duct from AZZ Calvert (Richland, MS) and Technibus (Canton, OH). This scope includes demolition of the existing bus duct to the building wall; and delivery, off- loading, and installation of new bus duct and support assemblies. The modified isolated phase bus duct will include space heaters similar to the existing bus duct design. These will be field wired into the existing space heater control panel and thermostat. The ground grid in the area surrounding the new GSU transformer foundation will be modified surrounding the transformer foundation area, along with associated ground rods and equipment stingers. No additional grounding analysis has been considered. The underground duct bank and associated risers to the existing GSU control panel will be modified, as required, with risers to each of the new GSU control panels. Black & Veatch has assumed auxiliary low voltage power feed and control circuits to the existing transformer may need to be replaced, and has accounted for this wiring. A new power feed to a junction box located near the spare transformer foundation has been considered. Existing GSU protective relay settings will be reviewed and modified as required in order to protect the new transformers. No additional review of existing coordination, plant relay settings, or arc flash studies has been considered. Construction cost estimate includes a 15% markup for three 8-hour shifts to reduce the duration of the outage. 2.1.4 High Voltage Electrical Tie-in Clarifications The following clarifications pertain to the high voltage (HV) electrical tie-in cost estimates: This conceptual design includes only 500kV side of the three (3) transformer HV connections to the BPA substation and associated civil and electrical works. The HV rigid bus from the substation will remain as is to avoid installation of an A-Frame in BPA substation side. There would not be enough space for the A frame. The three (3) single phase transformers and surge arresters will be positioned similar to the existing Unit 1 Transformer configuration. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 7 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Schedule 5 The 34.5kV neutral bus arrangement will be similar to the existing Unit 1 Transformer configuration. The neutral will be grounded close to the middle transformer. Firewalls of both ends of the Unit 2 transformer bay will be used to support the neutral bus. The west bus will not be changed. The connection from the west bus to the west transformer HV bushing will be done by 3x1590 kcmil ACSR conductors. The same conductors will be used for the surge arrester connection. Depending on the length of these conductors, a conductor support (Dead-end Assembly) from the building wall may be required. The middle bus will be cut from the BPA-side middle bus structure and re-connect diagonally to the existing east bus structure on the plant side. o The existing middle bus structure, insulator, and foundation on the plant side will be removed. o The connection from the BPA-side middle bus to the middle transformer HV bushing will be done by 3x1590 kcmil ACSR conductors. The same conductors will be used for the surge arrester connection. Depending on the length of these conductors, a conductor support from the building wall may be required. The east bus will be cut from the BPA-side east bus structure and re-connect diagonally to a new bus structure in the plant side (far east). o The connection from the BPA-side east bus to the east transformer HV bushing will be done by 3x1590 kcmil ACSR conductors. The same conductors will be used for the surge arrester connection. Depending on the length of these conductors, a conductor support from the building wall may be required. Grounding of bus structure, surge arresters, and surge arrester structures is included in this design scope. The civil structural scope associated with the HV tie-in work includes: o New bus support structure (1). o Surge arrestor structure (3). o Spread footing foundations for the new bus support structure and the surge arrester support structures. 3.0 Schedule Assuming this project is started by Avista Utilities in 3Q/4Q 2019 with a 56-week (maximum) delivery time for the GSU transformer, an overall project estimated schedule of 19 months will support installation during a planned Q1/Q2 unit outage in 2021. The overall major activities for this project are expected to be performed in the phases as defined below. Phase 1: Site Investigations, Preliminary Engineering, and Major Equipment Specification/Bid/Award Phase 2: Major Equipment Procurement, Detailed Engineering, and Construction Contractor Specification/Bid/Award Phase 3: Major Equipment Delivery and Installation Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 8 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 6 The overall project estimated schedule is shown below: OVERALL PROJECT ESTIMATED SCHEDULE 2019 2020 2021PROJECT YEAR Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 This schedule is based on the Level 1 Engineering and Major Equipment Procurement Schedule and Construction/Unit Outage Schedule provided as Attachments 6 and 7. Further refinement of these schedules will be needed during Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project. 4.0 Attachments The following attachments are included in this report: Attachment 1: Conceptual Design Layout and Demolition Drawings Attachment 2: Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Attachment 3: GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 4: IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 5: Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Attachment 6: Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Attachment 7: Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 9 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 7 Attachment 1 Conceptual Design Layout and Demolition Drawings Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 10 of 209 CHECKED DATE DRAWN CODE APPPDECHKDESNODATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT REV AREA DRN 10987654321 A B C D E F A B C D E F AN S I D 3 4 x 2 2 R ISOPHASE BUS LAYOUT RGH 03 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 9 0 7 : 0 6 P M DESIGNER THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF THE NATIVE FORMAT CAD FILE OF THIS DRAWING IS UNCONTROLLED. THE USER SHALL VERIFY TRACEABILITY OF THIS DRAWING TO THE LATEST CONTROLLED VERSION. FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT TO BE USED COYOTE SPRINGS GSU TRANSFORMER UPGRADE 401395-SK-0001 X2 X2 X2 X1X1X1 Y1 Y1 Y1Y2Y2Y2 8'4'0 8'16' 1/8"=1'-0" ha s 0 7 2 5 2 AE C O s i m B u i l d i n g D e s i g n e r v 1 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 3 8 Fu l l S i z e 1 = 1 1 SK-0002 PLAN FOUNDATION (TYP) NEW TRANFORMER (TYP) NEW TRANSFORMER (TYP) NEW ISOPHASE BUS BUILDING EXISTING ROAD EXISTING 30 ' - 0 " 36'-9"36'-9" 32 ' - 8 " 110'-3" AIR HANDLING UNIT RELOCATED STATION FENCE EXISTING CL ROAD EXISTING ROADWAY STRUCTURE & FOUNDATION NEW BUS SUPPORT (TYP 3 PLCS) CONDUCTOR 3X1590 KCMIL FLEXIBLE ARRESTER SURGE ARRESTER SURGE ARRESTER SURGE BUS STRUCTURE EXISTING 500kV BUS STRUCTURE EXISTING 500kV AND SURGE ARRESTER (TYP) JUMPER TO THE XFMR THIS WILL BE USED TO SUPPORT STRUCTURE. TO SPAN FROM BUS ATTACHMENT POINTS UTILIZE EXISTING BUS STRUCTURE EXISTING 500kV RIGID BUS NEW 500kV FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL SUPPORTED FROM NEUTRAL BUS - Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 11 of 209 CHECKED DATE DRAWN CODE APPPDECHKDESNODATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT REV AREA DRN 10987654321 A B C D E F A B C D E F AN S I D 3 4 x 2 2 R ISOPHASE BUS LAYOUT RGH 03 / 2 5 / 2 0 1 9 0 7 : 3 7 P M DESIGNER THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF THE NATIVE FORMAT CAD FILE OF THIS DRAWING IS UNCONTROLLED. THE USER SHALL VERIFY TRACEABILITY OF THIS DRAWING TO THE LATEST CONTROLLED VERSION. FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT TO BE USED COYOTE SPRINGS GSU TRANSFORMER UPGRADE 401395-SK-0002 8'4'0 8'16' 1/8"=1'-0" ha s 0 7 2 5 2 AE C O s i m B u i l d i n g D e s i g n e r v 1 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 3 8 Fu l l S i z e 1 = 1 NEW TRANSFORMER FDN TRANSFORMER NEW FIREWALL 2HR RATED SEAL (TYP) FIREWALL PENETRATION BUILDING WALL EXISTING ISOPHASE BUS NEW CL XFMR COL 30'-0" 25 ' - 0 " SECTION 1 SEE DWG 401395-SK-00 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" CONNECTION 500kV Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 12 of 209 CHECKED DATE DRAWN CODE APPPDECHKDESNODATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT REV AREA DRN 10987654321 A B C D E F A B C D E F AN S I D 3 4 x 2 2 R DEMOLITION PLAN RGH 03 / 2 5 / 2 0 1 9 0 6 : 5 3 P M DESIGNER ha s 0 7 2 5 2 AE C O s i m B u i l d i n g D e s i g n e r v 1 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 3 8 Fu l l S i z e 1 = 1 THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF THE NATIVE FORMAT CAD FILE OF THIS DRAWING IS UNCONTROLLED. THE USER SHALL VERIFY TRACEABILITY OF THIS DRAWING TO THE LATEST CONTROLLED VERSION. FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT TO BE USED COYOTE SPRINGS GSU TRANSFORMER UPGRADE 401395-SK-000 HANDLING UNIT RELOCATED AIR PILING TO BE LEFT INTACT EXISTING TRANSFORMER AREA TO BE DEMOLISHED, DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 8'4'0 8'16' 1/8"=1'-0" TOWARD NEW POSITION 500kV RIGID BUS & BEND & FOUNDATION. CUT SUPPORT STRUCTURE REMOVE EXISTING BUS NEW POSITION & BEND TOWARDS CUT 500kV RIGID BUS ROADWAY EXISTING EXISTING FENCE Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 13 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 8 Attachment 2 Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 14 of 209 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - MAJOR EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT COST SUMMARY Equipment Description Equipment Labor Total GSU Transformers GSU (4) 1PH 532/13.8/18kV 71/94/118MVA ONAN/ONAF/ONAF $ 6,823,950 Recommended Spare Parts $ 93,206 Assembly, Dress-out, Testing (Multiple Shift Union Labor Adder)$ 640,000 Escalation (6%)$ 415,029 $ 38,400 GSU Transformer Sub-Total $ 7,332,185 $ 678,400 $ 8,010,585 Isolated Phase Bus Duct CTG IPBD, 18kV, 7000A $ 234,685 STG IPBD, 13.8kV, 7000A $ 258,311 Structural Steel $ 55,800 Freight $ 89,650 Demolition of Existing IPB and Structural Supports $ 84,875 Installation New Structural Supports and New IPB $ 735,160 Estimated Adder for Multiple Shift Labor $ 120,000 Escalation (6%)$ 38,307 $ 56,402 Isolated Phase Bus Duct Sub-Total $ 676,753 $ 996,437 $ 1,673,190 HV Electrical Tie-In 500kV Overhead Connection, Surge Arresters and Structures, Neutral Bus $ 94,000 $ 211,000 Escalation (6%)$ 5,640 $ 12,660 HV Electrical Tie-In Sub-Total $ 99,640 $ 223,660 $ 323,300 TOTAL $ 8,108,578 $ 1,898,497 $ 10,007,075 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 15 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 9 Attachment 3 GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 16 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 1/9 © ABB 2019 — ABB REFERENCE NUMBER: OPP-19-2977050 Power Transformer Cordoba, Spain Customer Project Date ABB Quote No. Black and Veatch Coyote Springs GSU Replacement 03/07/2019 QT-19-01456802 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A BUDGETARY PROPOSAL FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. A FIRM PROPOSAL CAN BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 17 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 2/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Scope of Supply and Pricing ......................................................................................................................... 4 3. Conditions of Sale .......................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Terms of Payment ........................................................................................................................................... 5 5. Cancellation Schedule.....................................................................................................................................6 6. Warranty ..........................................................................................................................................................6 7. Approval Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 7 8. Transportation and Delivery .......................................................................................................................... 7 9. Maintenance and Instruction Manuals ..........................................................................................................8 10. Technical Clarifications, Comments, and Exceptions ...............................................................................8 11. Attachments ..................................................................................................................................................8 00 03/072019 Original Release Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 18 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 3/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. Introduction ABB is pleased to submit for your kind consideration this budgetary proposal which covers design, manufacturing, testing and transportation to pad of four (4) 1-phase Generator Step Up Transformers, rated 13.8/18/500 kV 118.33 MVA for Coyote Springs Generating Station. ABB has designed a unit fully interchangeable with the required electrical data: ratings, voltages, DETC, impedances and BIL. The design has also considered the mechanical connection to the dog house flanges for the 2 LV provided at the drawing: “GSU Layout Drawing Reference” According to a preliminary evaluation, the tank could be placed at the same location. However, cooler needs to be placed at least in two panels. Please, check if this solution is ok for you. If a higher bus duct flange height or a minor impedance change is admissible, ABB could provide an optimized solution. We sincerely hope that you find of your interest this budgetary proposal which we are ready to further discuss with you and firm it. Thank you for considering ABB for your power transformer requirements. If there are any questions, please contact your local ABB representative. Sarah McQuistion Account Manager ABB Inc Phone: 913-317-1315 Email:sarah.mcquistion@us.abb.com Jose Sanchez-Marin Business Development – Cordoba Factory ABB Inc. Transformers Neeta Khanna Market Manager ABB Inc Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 19 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 4/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 2. Scope of Supply and Pricing ITEM QTY Description Price (Net Each) Price (Total) Delivery 10 4 Oil filled Shell Form GSU 71/94.66/118.33 MVA, ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, 1-phase, 60 Hertz, 13.8/18/500 kV (DETC) Delivery: FCA ABB Córdoba (Spain) according to INCOTERMS 2010 1,550,000 USD 6,200,000 USD 10-12 months FCA Cordoba Factory 20 1 Delivery of item 10 from FCA ABB Cordoba Factory to Site on PAD (DDP Offloaded) at Coyote Springs 200 Ullman Blvd Boardman, OR 97818 TBA TBA 2 – 3 months after FAT 30 1 Transformer 24 months warranty Included in transformer price 40 $28,800 40.a 4 Install: Assembly, Oil-Fill & Testing $428,000 Notes: The Sales price shown is on a per item basis. If the Customer purchases a quantity other than that shown above, then the sales price is subject to change. Please note that the shipment date(s) specified above is subject to prior sales. The shipment after re- ceipt of order (ARO) is determined on the first available production slot at the time of proposal submit- tal. The shipment ARO could remain as stated or be extended depending on prior sales. Please com- municate with your ABB sales representative on a regular basis about shipment lead time during proposal evaluation. All prices are budgetary. 3. Conditions of Sale 3.1. Prices The total selling price for the offered equipment is expressed in USD. Prices are budgetary and not bid- ding. ABB has not included any kind of sales or use taxes or duties imposed by state or local authorities. Any difference in the observed rate of the tax, between the date of this proposal and the shipment of the equipment from our factory, will be the responsibility of the purchaser. All prices are contingent upon gaining valid shipping clearances at the time of shipment. If clearance is not available due to highway construction, changes in state regulations, changes in bridge limitations or other items beyond our control, ABB will not be responsible for any additional shipping or handling charges. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 20 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 5/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 3.2. Applicable Terms and Conditions of Sale Terms and conditions of sale are based upon this proposal and ABB General Terms and Conditions of sale herein. We stand open to negotiate any of the items contained therein in an effort to reach a mutually ac- ceptable set of commercial terms and conditions applicable to this potential contract. 3.3. Liquidated Damages Liquidated Damages are exclusive remedy for late delivery (full and final settlement). Liquidated damages for late delivery shall be 0,5% for each full week's delay in no case to exceed 10% of the price of the delayed portion of the goods. Liquidated damages for performance shall not exceed 10% of the purchase order price. Seller’s sole liability and Purchaser’s exclusive remedy for the failure to meet the delivery date and/or any performance guarantees is assessment of liquidated damages. Seller’s maximum aggregate liability for failure to meet the delivery date and/or any performance guarantees shall be ten percent of the purchase order price. 4. Terms of Payment All prices are firm and based on the following progress payment terms unless specifically noted other- wise. Payments are due net 30 days after submittal of invoice unless noted otherwise. Transformer Payment Milestone Payment (% of Price) At Order Placement 10 % Upon the approval of the drawings 10 % At reception of copper and steel at factory 30 % At completion of Factory Acceptance Tests 30 % Upon delivery at site but not later than 60 days after EXW availability. 20 % Transportation Payment Milestone Payment (% of Price) Upon completion i.e. DDP delivery 100 % Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 21 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 6/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Note:If payment is not made when due, for above payment term, Purchaser shall pay, in addition to the overdue payment, a late charge equal to the lesser of 1 1/2% per month or any part thereof 5. Cancellation Schedule The Purchaser may cancel the order upon written notice and upon payment to ABB of reasonable and proper cancellation charges. These charges will be based on the following schedule: Milestone Cancellation % of Price After order entry 20 % After submittal of approval drawings 40 % After receipt of copper and E-steel at the factory, prior to start of manufacture 80% After start of manufacture 100 % Time period is from PO date or letter of Intent date to the date of receipt of written notification of can- cellation. Cancellation at “No Charge” may be made only if ABB refuses to meet the terms of this agree- ment or the technical requirements of the applicable customer specification, excluding noted excep- tions herein. 6. Warranty Warranty shall apply for a period of 18 months from the date of its energization, or 24 months after EXW Cordoba Factory availability, whichever comes first. The goods supplied against any order resulting from this proposal would be guaranteed against defects in design, materials or workmanship as stated below, under the condition that: The unit must be assembled and filled with oil no longer than six (6) months after shipment from ABB’s factory. Erection and commissioning is performed by ABB or by personnel contracted by ABB. Technical Assistance of the erection and commissioning is performed by ABB or by personnel approved in writing by ABB. (ABB does not assume responsibility for any issues of nonconformance directly caused by the negligence of third party organizations.) ABB will provide a service engineer (Technical Assistance) for warranty validation for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive days per transformer, includ- ing transportation, at no additional charge. It will be the Purchaser’s responsibility to: Make arrangements for ABB to be present during the installation process. If installation plus travel exceeds ten (10) consecutive days per transformer, ABB Technical Assistance services will be charged at the rates stated in the ABB Rate Sheet 1ZUL9520_001 or latest attached revi- sion. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 22 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 7/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Complete and return the ABB Warranty Validation Sheet within one (1) week of installation completion. If a warranty repair is necessary, ABB will not be responsible for handling, storing, treating, or replace- ment of transformer oil. The warranties and remedies set forth herein are conditioned upon the proper receipt, handling, stor- age and installation of the equipment supplied hereunder and upon the purchaser’s completion and re- turn of the Receiving Inspection, Unloading and Storage and Installation check lists supplied with the transformer. The warranties and remedies are further conditioned upon the equipment having been operated and maintained in accordance with ABB recommendations and standard industry practice, and not having been subjected to accident, alteration, abuse or misuse. 7. Approval Drawings Drawings for approval can be supplied based on the following schedule. Dates are in weeks after re- ceipt of complete order information. Drawings will be submitted according to the following schedule: ·DRM documentation package: 8-10 weeks ARO ·Detailed design package: 8-10 weeks from DRM approval ·Final documentation package: 4-6 weeks from FAT ABB requires customer to approve and return drawings within 2 weeks of submittal. Return of these drawings after the 2 week period may result in schedule delays. Shipments and drawing dates are sub- ject to prior sales. Approval order pricing is firm for 30 days after initial mailing date of approval draw- ings. Orders not released for manufacture within 30 days of the initial drawing date are subject to price adjustment. All lead times are subject change due to engineering load at time of order and must be confirmed at time of order. The Final drawings will be provided after completion of tests. 8. Transportation and Delivery Item Incoterms Additional Shipping Terms Shipment (ARO) 20 DDP Delivery of item 10 from FCA ABB Cordoba Factory to Site on PAD (DDP Offloaded) at Coyote Springs 200 Ullman Blvd Boardman, OR 97818 2 – 3 months after FAT Shipment date is subject to prior sales and confirmation at the time of order. Lead times are subject to change based on availability of production space and/or materials at time of order. Please contact your ABB representative to confirm the lead time at order entry. Drawings and shipment in less than typical lead times are available upon request and will be priced accordingly. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 23 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 8/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. If delivery is delayed by Purchaser, payment shall be due on the date ABB is prepared to make delivery. Delays in delivery or nonconformities in any installments delivered shall not relieve Purchaser of its obli- gation to accept and pay for remaining installments. Shipment date is contingent upon the Seller's ability to obtain a valid shipping clearance at the time of shipment. At the time of award, the purchaser is advised to confirm transformer dimensions and weights prior to proceeding with civil work. Site Installation The cost for site assembly is not included in the unit price quoted above. It is included as a separate line item. Please refer to the ABB TRES proposal attached. Purchase Order must make reference to all pertinent documentation, including acknowledgment of this proposal and complete shipping address with site contact information. 9. Maintenance and Instruction Manuals ABB will supply hard bound copies of Maintenance and Instruction Manuals. These include certified test results, requested transformer pictures, and drawings. 10. Technical Clarifications, Comments, and Exceptions Please see attached Technical Proposal: OPP-19-2977050 - Technical data sheet_coyote R00 11. Attachments 1.ABB general terms and conditions of sale 2.OPP-19-2977050 - Technical data sheet_coyote R00 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 24 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 9/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Thank you for considering ABB for your power transformer requirements. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you concerning our proposal or any other questions you may have. Best regards, Sarah McQuistion Account Manager ABB Inc Phone: 913-317-1315 Email:sarah.mcquistion@us.abb.com Jose Sanchez-Marin Business Development – Cordoba Factory ABB Inc. Transformers Neeta Khanna Market Manager ABB Inc Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 25 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale ABB INC. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. General. The terms and conditions contained herein, together with any additional or different terms contained in ABB's Proposal, if any, submitted to Purchaser (which Proposal shall control over any conflicting terms), constitute the entire agreement (the "Agreement") between the parties with respect to the order and supersede all prior communications and agreements regarding the order. Acceptance by ABB of the order, or Purchaser's acceptance of ABB's Proposal, is expressly limited to and conditioned upon Purchaser's acceptance of these terms and conditions, payment for or acceptance of any performance by ABB being acceptance. These terms and conditions may not be changed or superseded by any different or additional terms and conditions proposed by Purchaser to which terms ABB hereby objects. Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "Equipment" as used herein means all of the equipment, parts, accessories sold, and all software and software documentation, if any, licensed to Purchaser by ABB ("Software") under the order. Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "Services" as used herein means all labor, supervisory, technical and engineering, installation, repair, consulting or other services provided by ABB under the order. As used herein, the term "Purchaser" shall include the initial end use of the Equipment and/or services; provided, however, that Paragraph 13(a) shall apply exclusively to the initial end user. 2. Prices. (a) Unless otherwise specified in writing, all Proposals expire thirty (30) days from the date thereof. (b) Unless otherwise stated herein, Services prices are based on normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday). Overtime and Saturday hours will be billed at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the hourly rate; and Sunday hours will be billed at two (2) times the hourly rate; holiday hours will be billed at three (3) times the hourly rate. If a Services rate sheet is attached hereto, the applicable Services rates shall be those set forth in the rate sheet. Rates are subject to change without notice. (c) The price does not include any federal, state or local property, license, privilege, sales, use, excise, gross receipts, or other like taxes which may now or hereafter be applicable. Purchaser agrees to pay or reimburse any such taxes which ABB or its suppliers are required to pay or collect. If Purchaser is exempt from the payment of any tax or holds a direct payment permit, Purchaser shall, upon order placement, provide ABB a copy, acceptable to the relevant governmental authorities of any such certificate or permit. (d) The price includes customs duties and other importation or exportation fees, if any, at the rates in effect on the date of ABB’s Proposal. Any change after that date in such duties, fees, or rates, shall increase the price by ABB's additional cost. 3. Payment. (a) Unless specified to the contrary in writing by ABB, payment terms are net cash, payable without offset, in United States Dollars, 30 days from date of invoice by wire transfer to the account designated by ABB in the Proposal. (b) If in the judgment of ABB the financial condition of Purchaser at any time prior to delivery does not justify the terms of payment specified, ABB may require payment in advance, payment security satisfactory to ABB, or may terminate the order, whereupon ABB shall be entitled to receive reasonable cancellation charges. If delivery is delayed by Purchaser, payment shall be due on the date ABB is prepared to make delivery. Delays in delivery or nonconformities in any installments delivered shall not relieve Purchaser of its obligation to accept and pay for remaining installments. (c) Purchaser shall pay, in addition to the overdue payment, a late charge equal to the lesser of 1 1/2% per month or any part thereof or the highest applicable rate allowed by law on all such overdue amounts plus ABB's attorneys' fees and court costs incurred in connection with collection. 4. Changes. (a) Any changes requested by Purchaser affecting the ordered scope of work must be accepted by ABB and resulting adjustments to affected provisions, including price, schedule, and guarantees mutually agreed in writing prior to implementation of the change. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 26 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale (b) ABB may, at its expense, make such changes in the Equipment or Services as it deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to conform the Equipment or Services to the applicable specifications. If Purchaser objects to any such changes, ABB shall be relieved of its obligation to conform to the applicable specifications to the extent that conformance may be affected by such objection. 5. Delivery. (a) All Equipment manufactured, assembled or warehoused in the continental United States is delivered F.O.B. point of shipment. Equipment shipped from outside the continental United States is delivered F.O.B. United States port of entry. Purchaser shall be responsible for any and all demurrage or detention charges. (b) If the scheduled delivery of Equipment is delayed by Purchaser or by Force Majeure, ABB may move the Equipment to storage for the account of and at the risk of Purchaser whereupon it shall be deemed to be delivered. (c) Shipping and delivery dates are contingent upon Purchaser's timely approvals and delivery by Purchaser of any documentation required for ABB's performance hereunder. (d) Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to ABB within ten days of delivery. Equipment may not be returned except with the prior written consent of and subject to terms specified by ABB. Claims for damage after delivery shall be made directly by Purchaser with the common carrier 6. Title & Risk of Loss. Except with respect to Software (for which title shall not pass, use being licensed) title to Equipment shall remain in ABB until fully paid for. Notwithstanding any agreement with respect to delivery terms or payment of transportation charges, risk of loss or damage shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery. 7. Inspection, Testing and Acceptance. (a) Any inspection by Purchaser of Equipment on ABB's premises shall be scheduled in advance to be performed during normal working hours. (b) If the order provides for factory acceptance testing, ABB shall notify Purchaser when ABB will conduct such testing prior to shipment. Unless Purchaser states specific objections in writing within ten (10) days after completion of factory acceptance testing, completion of the acceptance test constitutes Purchaser's factory acceptance of the Equipment and its authorization for shipment. (c) If the order provides for site acceptance testing, testing will be performed by ABB personnel to verify that the Equipment has arrived at site complete, without physical damage, and in good operating condition. Completion of site acceptance testing constitutes full and final acceptance of the Equipment. If, through no fault of ABB, acceptance testing is not completed within thirty (30) days after arrival of the Equipment at the site, the site acceptance test shall be deemed completed and the Equipment shall be deemed accepted. 8. Warranties and Remedies. (a) Equipment and Services Warranty. ABB warrants that Equipment (excluding Software, which is warranted as specified in paragraph (d) below) shall be delivered free of defects in material and workmanship and that Services shall be free of defects in workmanship. The Warranty Remedy Period for Equipment (excluding Software, Spare Parts and Refurbished or Repaired Parts) shall end twelve (12) months after installation or eighteen (18) months after date of shipment, whichever first occurs. The Warranty Remedy Period for new spare parts shall end twelve (12) months after date of shipment. The Warranty Remedy Period for refurbished or repaired parts shall end ninety (90) days after date of shipment. The Warranty Remedy Period for Services shall end ninety (90) days after the date of completion of Services. (b) Equipment and Services Remedy. If a nonconformity to the foregoing warranty is discovered in the Equipment or Services during the applicable Warranty Remedy Period, as specified above, under normal and proper use and provided the Equipment has been properly stored, installed, operated and maintained and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after such discovery and within the applicable Warranty Remedy Period, ABB shall, at its option, either (i) repair or replace the nonconforming portion of the Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming Services or (ii) refund the Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 27 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale portion of the price applicable to the nonconforming portion of Equipment or Services. If any portion of the Equipment or Services so repaired, replaced or re-performed fails to conform to the foregoing warranty, and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after discovery and within the original Warranty Remedy Period applicable to such Equipment or Services or 30 days from completion of such repair, replacement or re-performance, whichever is later, ABB will repair or replace such nonconforming Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming Services. The original Warranty Remedy Period shall not otherwise be extended. (c) Exceptions. ABB shall not be responsible for providing working access to the nonconforming Equipment, including disassembly and re-assembly of non-ABB supplied equipment, or for providing transportation to or from any repair facility, all of which shall be at Purchaser's risk and expense. ABB shall have no obligation hereunder with respect to any Equipment which (i) has been improperly repaired or altered; (ii) has been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; (iii) has been used in a manner contrary to ABB's instructions; (iv) is comprised of materials provided by or a design specified by Purchaser; or (v) has failed as a result of ordinary wear and tear. Equipment supplied by ABB but manufactured by others is warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty, and only the remedies, if any, provided by the manufacturer will be allowed. (d) Software Warranty and Remedies. ABB warrants that, except as specified below, the Software will, when properly installed, execute in accordance with ABB's published specification. If a nonconformity to the foregoing warranty is discovered during the period ending one (1) year after the date of shipment and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after such discovery and within that period, including a description of the nonconformity and complete information about the manner of its discovery, ABB shall correct the nonconformity by, at its option, either (i) modifying or making available to the Purchaser instructions for modifying the Software; or (ii) making available at ABB's facility necessary corrected or replacement programs. ABB shall have no obligation with respect to any nonconformities resulting from (i) unauthorized modification of the Software or (ii) Purchaser-supplied software or interfacing. ABB does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will operate in combinations which may be selected for use by the Purchaser, or that the software products are free from errors in the nature of what is commonly categorized by the computer industry as "bugs". (e) THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USAGE OF TRADE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. THE REMEDIES STATED HEREIN CONSTITUTE PURCHASER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ABB’S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. 9. Patent Indemnity. (a) ABB shall defend at its own expense any action brought against Purchaser alleging that the Equipment or the use of the Equipment to practice any process for which such Equipment is specified by ABB (a “Process”) directly infringes any claim of a patent of the United States of America and to pay all damages and costs finally awarded in any such action, provided that Purchaser has given ABB prompt written notice of such action, all necessary assistance in the defense thereof and the right to control all aspects of the defense thereof including the right to settle or otherwise terminate such action in behalf of Purchaser. (b) ABB shall have no obligation hereunder and this provision shall not apply to: (i) any other equipment or processes, including Equipment or Processes which have been modified or combined with other equipment or process not supplied by ABB; (ii) any Equipment or Process supplied according to a design, other than an ABB design, required by Purchaser; (iii) any products manufactured by the Equipment or Process; (iv) any patent issued after the date hereof; or (v) any action settled or otherwise terminated without the prior written consent of ABB. (c) If, in any such action, the Equipment is held to constitute an infringement, or the practice of any Process using the Equipment is finally enjoined, ABB shall, at its option and its own expense, procure for Purchaser the right to continue using said Equipment; or modify or replace it with non-infringing equipment or, with Purchaser's assistance, modify the Process so that it becomes non-infringing; or remove it and refund the portion of the price allocable to the infringing Equipment. THE FOREGOING Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 28 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale PARAGRAPHS STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF ABB AND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER FOR ANY PATENT INFRINGEMENT. (d) To the extent that said Equipment or any part thereof is modified by Purchaser, or combined by Purchaser with equipment or processes not furnished hereunder (except to the extent that ABB is a contributory infringer) or said Equipment or any part thereof is used by Purchaser to perform a process not furnished hereunder by ABB or to produce an article, and by reason of said modification, combination, performance or production, an action is brought against ABB, Purchaser shall defend and indemnify ABB in the same manner and to the same extent that ABB would be obligated to indemnify Purchaser under this "Patent Indemnity" provision. 10. Limitation of Liability. (a) In no event shall ABB, its suppliers or subcontractors be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of the Equipment or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, downtime costs, delays, and claims of customers of the Purchaser or other third parties for any damages. ABB's liability for any claim whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise for any loss or damage arising out of, connected with, or resulting from this Agreement or the performance or breach thereof, or from the design, manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, repair, replacement, installation, technical direction of installation, inspection, operation or use of any equipment covered by or furnished under this Agreement, or from any services rendered in connection therewith, shall in no case (except as provided in the section entitled "Patent Indemnity") exceed one-half (1/2) of the purchase price allocable to the Equipment or part thereof or Services which gives rise to the claim. (b) All causes of action against ABB arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance or breach hereof shall expire unless brought within one year of the time of accrual thereof. (c) In no event, regardless of cause, shall ABB be liable for penalties or penalty clauses of any description or for indemnification of Purchaser or others for costs, damages, or expenses arising out of or related to the Equipment and/Services. 11. Laws and Regulations. ABB does not assume any responsibility for compliance with federal, state or local laws and regulations, except as expressly set forth herein, and compliance with any laws and regulations relating to the operation or use of the Equipment or Software is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser. All laws and regulations referenced herein shall be those in effect as of the Proposal date. In the event of any subsequent revisions or changes thereto, ABB assumes no responsibility for compliance therewith. If Purchaser desires a modification as a result of any such change or revision, it shall be treated as a change per Article 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as imposing responsibility or liability upon ABB for obtaining any permits, licenses or approvals from any agency required in connection with the supply, erection or operation of the Equipment. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, but excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and excluding New York law with respect to conflicts of law. Purchaser agrees that all causes of action against ABB under this Agreement shall be brought in the State Courts of the State of New York, or the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. If any provision hereof, partly or completely, shall be held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or portion hereof and these terms shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion thereof had never existed. 12. OSHA. ABB warrants that the Equipment will comply with the relevant standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 ("OSHA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder as of the date of the Proposal. Upon prompt written notice from the Purchaser of a breach of this warranty, ABB will replace the affected part or modify it so that it conforms to such standard or regulation. ABB's obligation shall be limited to such replacement or modification. In no event shall ABB be responsible for liability arising out of the violation of any OSHA standards relating to or caused by Purchaser's design, location, operation, or maintenance of the Equipment, its use in association with other equipment of Purchaser, or the alteration of the Equipment by any party other than ABB. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 29 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale 13. Software License. (a) ABB owns all rights in or has the right to sublicense all of the Software, if any, to be delivered to Purchaser under this Agreement. As part of the sale made hereunder Purchaser hereby obtains a limited license to use the Software, subject to the following: (i) The Software may be used only in conjunction with equipment specified by ABB; (ii) The Software shall be kept strictly confidential; (iii) The Software shall not be copied, reverse engineered, or modified; (iv) The Purchaser's right to use the Software shall terminate immediately when the specified equipment is no longer used by the Purchaser or when otherwise terminated, e.g. for breach, hereunder; and (v) the rights to use the Software are non-exclusive and non-transferable, except with ABB's prior written consent. (b) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to convey to Purchaser any title to or ownership in the Software or the intellectual property contained therein in whole or in part, nor to designate the Software a "work made for hire" under the Copyright Act, nor to confer upon any person who is not a named party to this Agreement any right or remedy under or by reason of this Agreement. In the event of termination of this License, Purchaser shall immediately cease using the Software and, without retaining any copies, notes or excerpts thereof, return to ABB the Software and all copies thereof and shall remove all machine readable Software from all of Purchaser's storage media. 14. Inventions and Information. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ABB and Purchaser, all right, title and interest in any inventions, developments, improvements or modifications of or for Equipment and Services shall remain with ABB. Any design, manufacturing drawings or other information submitted to the Purchaser remains the exclusive property of ABB. Purchaser shall not, without ABB's prior written consent, copy or disclose such information to a third party. Such information shall be used solely for the operation or maintenance of the Equipment and not for any other purpose, including the duplication thereof in whole or in part. 15. Force Majeure. ABB shall neither be liable for loss, damage, detention or delay nor be deemed to be in default for failure to perform when prevented from doing so by causes beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to acts of war (declared or undeclared), Acts of God, fire, strike, labor difficulties, acts or omissions of any governmental authority or of Purchaser, compliance with government regulations, insurrection or riot, embargo, delays or shortages in transportation or inability to obtain necessary labor, materials, or manufacturing facilities from usual sources or from defects or delays in the performance of its suppliers or subcontractors due to any of the foregoing enumerated causes. In the event of delay due to any such cause, the date of delivery will be extended by period equal to the delay plus a reasonable time to resume production, and the price will be adjusted to compensate ABB for such delay. 16. Cancellation. Any order may be cancelled by Purchaser only upon prior written notice and payment of termination charges, including but not limited to, all costs identified to the order incurred prior to the effective date of notice of termination and all expenses incurred by ABB attributable to the termination, plus a fixed sum of ten (10) percent of the final total price to compensate for disruption in scheduling, planned production and other indirect costs. 17. Termination. No termination by Purchaser for default shall be effective unless, within fifteen (15) days after receipt by ABB of Purchaser's written notice specifying such default, ABB shall have failed to initiate and pursue with due diligence correction of such specified default. 18. Export Control. (a) Purchaser represents and warrants that the Equipment and Services provided hereunder and the "direct product" thereof are intended for civil use only and will not be used, directly or indirectly, for the production of chemical or biological weapons or of precursor chemicals for such weapons, or for any direct or indirect nuclear end use. Purchaser agrees not to disclose, use, export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any information provided by ABB or the "direct product" thereof as defined in the Export Control Regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, except in compliance with such Regulations. (b) If applicable, ABB shall file for a U.S. export license, but only after appropriate documentation for the license application has been provided by Purchaser. Purchaser shall furnish such documentation within Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 30 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale a reasonable time after order acceptance. Any delay in obtaining such license shall suspend performance of this Agreement by ABB. If an export license is not granted or, if once granted, is thereafter revoked or modified by the appropriate authorities, this Agreement may be canceled by ABB without liability for damages of any kind resulting from such cancellation. At ABB's request, Purchaser shall provide to ABB a Letter of Assurance and End-User Statement in a form reasonably satisfactory to ABB. 19. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement or of any rights or obligations under the Agreement without prior written consent of ABB shall be void. 20. Nuclear Insurance – Indemnity. For applications in nuclear projects, the Purchaser and/or its end user customer shall have complete insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a nuclear incident to and shall indemnify ABB, its subcontractors, suppliers and vendors against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. 21. Resale. If Purchaser resells any of the Equipment, the sale terms shall limit ABB's liability to the buyer to the same extent that ABB's liability to Purchaser is limited hereunder. 22. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between ABB and Purchaser. There are no agreements, understandings, restrictions, warranties, or representations between ABB and Purchaser other than those set forth herein or herein provided. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 31 of 209 Transformer Performance Specification For: B&V Date: 05/03/2019 Quote: Coyote S. Item: Spec: 63.3801 Rating Type Transformer Class H Winding X Winding Y Winding Phase 1 500 kV 13.8 kV 18 kV Hertz 60 ONAN 71,000 KVA 29,330 KVA 41,660 KVA Temp Rise 55 C ONAF1 94,660 KVA 39,000 KVA 55,660 KVA Insulating Type Mineral Oil ONAF2 118,330 KVA 49,000 KVA 69,330 KVA Additional Tap Voltages H Winding (kV) ± 2 × 2.5% of 500 kV, DETC X Winding (kV) No Taps Y Winding (kV) No Taps Dielectric Tests Insulation Levels Applied Voltage (To other wind- ings and ground) H Winding 34 kV ITEMS Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level (BIL kV) X Winding 34 kV Y Winding 50 kV H line 1425 Induced Voltage Enhancement level / 7200 Cycle (ph-G) 550 kV H neutral 110 X line 110 One hour level (ph-G) 475 kV Y line 150 Loss Data based on NL @ 20°C, LL @ 75°C Based on loading at 500 kV To 13.8 kV Winding Load KVA H 71,000 X 29,330 Y 46,660 No Load Loss 126 kW Load Loss 84 kW Total Loss 210 kW Regulation at Power Factor % Reg % Load Auxiliary Losses (Not included in above) Percent Exciting Current Mechanical Data Not for Construction Purposes 12 kW 100% V 110% V 0.34 0.9 Drawing Average Sound Pressure Level Total Height 371 in dB(A) Class Total Length 274 in 82 ONAF2 Total Width 250 in **no-load sound (core plus cooling system) Shipping Height 175 in Shipping Width 142 in Shipping Length 166 in Oil Preservation Conservator Percent Impedance Voltage Weights (approximate) (lbs) % IZ Between Windings At Core and Coils 217,000 lbs Tank and Fittings 103,000 lbs 5.33 (*) 500/13.8 71 MVA Fluid 8,453 gal 63,000 lbs 5.33 (*) 500/18 71 MVA Total Weight 383,000 lbs 10.33 (*) 13.8/18 kV 71 MVA Shipping Weight 275,000 lbs Shipped in Dry Air (*)Impedances tolerance: +-5% Notes and Clarifications: ▪ Shell form is proposed ▪ Impedances tolerance is +-5% ▪ Radiators are placed at segments 2 and 3 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 32 of 209 - ABB has designed a unit fully interchangeable with the required electrical data: ratings, voltages, DETC, impedances and BIL. - The design has also considered the mechanical connection to the dog house flanges for the 2 LV provided at the drawing: “GSU Layout Drawing Reference” - According to a preliminary evaluation, the tank could be placed at the same location. However, cooler needs to be placed at least in two panels. Please, check if this solution is ok for you. - If a higher bus duct flange height or a minor impedance change is admissible, ABB could provide an optimized solution. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 33 of 209 TO: FROM: Hyundai Power Transformer USA Or Hyundai Corporation USA Black & Veatch ATTN: Chris Echter Name : Jaehun Kim Phone No. : 334-481-2039 Fax No. : 334-481-2098 E-mail : jaehun.kim@hhiamerica.com Our Ref. No. : A1902-729 Date : March 15, 2019 Subject : Proposal for Avista / Coyote Spring GSU replacement Dear Mr. Chris Echter, We thank you very much for your invitation for the subject and are pleased to submit our Proposal as follows: AA. Description # Description Unit Price Q’ty Extended Price 1 1PH 60HZ 532/13.8/18KV 71/94.6/118.3MVA YNd1d1 HV-DETC ONAN/ONAF/ONAF $1,705,988 4EA $6,823,950 2 Recommended Spare Parts (Optional) $93,206 1LOT $93,206 1) Contracting entity : Hyundai Power Transformer USA If the unit is manufactured out of 215 Folmar Parkway, Montgomery, AL 36105 2) Contracting entity : Hyundai Corporation USA If the unit is manufactured out of Ulsan, Korea BB. Commercial Terms and Conditions 1. Scope of Supply Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 34 of 209 2 1.1 Design, manufacture, test at factory, and delivery according to ANSI/IEEE standards. 1.2 Full routine test in accordance with applicable international standards ANSI. Any type test requirement should be notified by the Purchaser explicitly and is quoted separately. The cost thereof shall be added to contract price. The equipment will be subjected to standard inspection requirement of the supplier. Short Circuit Test is not included in the proposed price. 1.3 Seaworthy packing (if needed), as per Hyundai’s export packing standard, and allowing for shipment and handling in good conditions, is included. Details thereon can be obtained upon request. The equipment shall be marked according to the supplier’s standard, unless specific instructions thereto have been given by the purchaser. 1.4 Price Included in Item AA. 2. Price terms: 2.1 The prices quoted above are in U.S. Dollars. 2.2 The proposed prices are firm and valid for 60 days. Any overrun on these time limits, not due to the supplier, shall result in a totally revised quotation. 3. Terms of Payment 3.1 Net 30Days - 10% after submitting the drawing for approval - 20% after in-tanking - 20% after successful Factory Acceptance Test Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 35 of 209 3 - 40% after delivery to job site - 10% after submittal of LOC valid through the warranty period. 4. Delivery date 4.1 Hyundai would like to deliver the unit for a period of 56 weeks after receipt of order if the unit is manufactured out of Montgomery, AL 4.12 Hyundai would like to deliver the unit by May 30, 2020 if the unit is manufactured out of Ulsan, Korea 5. Warranty: 5.1 HPT warrants the Equipment will be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for twenty four (24) months after Delivery or 12 months after substantial completion date, which occurs first (the “Warranty Period”). During the aforesaid Warranty Period, HPT shall, at its option and expense, promptly repair such defective Equipment or replace such defective Equipment with equivalent Equipment. The foregoing remedies are the exclusive remedies available to the Purchaser for any defect in the Equipment. 5.2 This warranty shall not apply to: (i) any defects caused or induced by damage from unreasonable use (accident, fire or other casualty, misuse, negligence, incorrect wiring); (ii) any use or installation not in conformance with written instructions furnished by HHI; (iii) any defects occurring because of modifications to Equipment not authorized in writing or supplied by HPT or because of improper storage or handling of the Equipment; or (iv) any deficiency attributable to normal wear and tear. 5.3 The warranties set out in this Agreement are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, representations or conditions, express or implied, either in fact or by operation of law, statutory or otherwise, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. HPT neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale, installation, maintenance or use of the Equipment. 5.4. During the Warranty Period, Hyundai shall remedy any defects in the foregoing warranties without any additional cost to PURCHASER, including for in-and-out costs during the first twelve (12) months from Delivery. However, after twelve (12) months from Delivery, Buyer shall bear any in-and-out costs. 6. Limitation of Liability Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 36 of 209 4 6.1 The maximum aggregate liability of Hyundai, arising out of or in connection with any Purchase Order issued to it shall not exceed the proportional Purchase Order value of the specific item of Equipment giving rise to such liability, and shall in no events exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the total value of that Purchase Order. 6.2 In no event shall Hyundai be liable to Purchaser or any third party, in connection with or in any way relating to a Purchase Order, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of contract, loss of revenue, loss of production, damage to business reputation or loss of goodwill. 6.3 The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply regardless of cause, including for negligence, and on any theory of liability, including under contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. 7. Suspension 7.1 Company shall have the right to suspend Contractor’s performance of a Purchase Order by written notice to Contractor at least seven (7) days in advance of the effective date of such suspension. 7.2 During the period of such suspension, Contractor shall be entitled to charge or set-off all costs, expenses or fees incurred as a result of the suspension, including for warehousing and insurance (if applicable). 7.3 If the suspension persists for more than one-hundred and eighty (180) days in the aggregate, Contractor shall be permitted to terminate the Agreement in respect of that Purchase Order and collect all costs, expenses, fees or damages arising out of such termination, including a reasonable amount for profit. 8. Storage 8.1 If the Company fails to take delivery of the Equipment on the date designated for Delivery, or fails to take over the Equipment within twenty (20) days after the applicable factory and/or acceptance test (the “Takeover Date”), then Contractor shall have the right Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 37 of 209 5 to store or warehouse the Equipment until Delivery or takeover takes place, as the case may be, at the location of its choosing, and to charge or set-off all related costs and expenses (including insurance) to the Purchaser. In the event of the foregoing, the date on which Purchaser failed to accept Delivery, or the applicable Takeover Date, as the case may be, shall function to trigger the commencement of the Warranty Period as hereinafter defined. 9. Liquidated damage Drawing: $500/day Equipment: 1st to 7th day - 0.2%/day From 8th day – 0.5%/day Substantial completion : 1%/day Maximum aggregate cap : 10% 10. Remarks 9.1 Other terms and conditions will be discussed and compromised later Hoping our proposal will be in line with your expectation, we look forward to hearing good news from you soon. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 38 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Yes/No Required Bid Submittals 16151 Power Transformers . 16151 Complete description of proposed transformer.YES 16151 Preliminary outline drawings showing estimated weights, dimensions, oil volumes, and locations of major accessories.YES 16151 Descriptive literature of all equipment proposed.YES 16151 Manufacturer catalog sheets for proposed bushings.YES 16151 Summary description of codes and standards used if different than specified, including a review of major differences.YES 16151 List of recommended spare parts.YES 16151 List of special and maintenance tools to be furnished.YES 16151 Supplier's experience record with proposed equipment.YES 16151 List of routine factory tests.YES 16151 Complete description of the extent of shop assembly of components.YES 16151 Location of factory actually building the transformers. Manufacturing factories are subject to approval.YES Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 39 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Tech Fill-In Data Technical Fill-In Data 16151 Power Transformers .16151 General 16151 Bidder Hyundai Power Transformers USA, Inc. or Hyundai Corporation 16151 Transformer Manufacturer HPT or HE 16151 Factory Location Montgomery, AL or Ulsan, Korea 16151 Applicable Standards (ANSI, IEC, etc.)ANSI16151 Quantity 416151 Number of Phases 116151 Number of Windings 3 16151 Type (Generator Step-Up, Unit Auxiliary, etc.)Generator Step-up 16151 Cooling Class (ONAN, ONAF, ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, etc.)ONAN/ONAF/ONAF 16151 Temperature Rise (Winding)55/65 16151 Temperature Rise (Oil)55/6516151 Vector Group YNd1d116151 Angular Displacement LV lags 30° HV16151 Core Material GRAIN ORIENTED SILICON STEEL 16151 Core and Coil Construction Type CORE TYPE 16151 Winding Material COPPER 16151 MVA Ratings at 55º C 16151 High Voltage, HV 71/94.66/118.3316151 Low Voltage, XV 71/94.66/118.3316151 Neutral, H0 N/A16151Voltage and BIL Ratings 16151 Rated / Line / Neutral 16151 High Voltage, HV 532 kV / 1425 Kv / 110 kV 16151 Low Voltage, XV 13.8 kV / 110 kV 16151 Neutral, H0 18 kV / 150 kV16151Connections16151 HV Side Wye16151 XV Side Delta 16151 Guaranteed Performance 16151 Impedance on MVA base, 75º C 16151 HV-XV, HV-YV, XV-YV H-X : 15.3 % @ 71 MVA 16151 X/R Ratio H-Y : 15.3 % @ 71 MVA 16151 Zero-Sequence Impedance X-Y : 29.8 % @ 71 MVA 16151 Loss Evaluation16151 No-load losses (Ambient Temp. Oil and 105% Rated Voltage), kW 57 kW 16151 Load losses at base MVA rating (75º C and 100% Rated Voltage), kW 112 kW @71 MVA 16151 Auxiliary Losses at Maximum MVA rating, kW 4 kW 16151 Total losses (No-load + Load), kW 457 kW16151 Efficiency16151 100 Percent Load 99.7616151 75 Percent Load 99.77 16151 50 Percent Load 99.76 16151 Voltage Regulation 16151 100% (Unity) Power Factor 1.33% 16151 80% Power Factor (Lagging)10.04%16151 80% Power Factor (Leading)-8.29%16151 Excitation Current (100% Rated Voltage), %0.35%16151 Additional Requirements 16151 Audible Sound Level at Maximum MVA Rating, dBA ≤ 85 16151 Core Flux Density at 100% Rated Voltage, Tesla ≤ 1.7 16151 Core Flux Density at 110% Rated Voltage, Tesla ≤ 1.9 16151 Oil16151 Type / Grade Non-inhibited type II16151 Manufacturer Ergon, Nynas, Calumet or EQ16151 Preservation System Conservator System 16151 Cooling Equipment 16151 Total Number of Coolers/Radiators 10 Radiators 16151 Total Number of Fans 10 Fans 16151 Total Number of Pumps N/A16151Individual Motor Data16151 Fans / Pumps16151 Horsepower 1/3 hp 16151 Voltage and Number of Phases 480V - 3-ph Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 40 of 209 16151 Running Amperes ≤1.0 Amps 16151 Quantity Each Cooler/Radiator 1 Fan per 1 Radiator 16151 Bushing Information 16151 Manufacturer / Type / ID Number 16151 HV ABB / Condenser / 550Z2000BD16151 XV ABB / Condenser / 034T0450VF16151 Neutral ABB / Condenser / 034Z0412UT 16151 Bushing Current Transformers 16151 Ratio / Accuracy / Position / Quantity 16151 HV 1200:5 / C800 / Upper & Middle Upper / 1 16151 HV 400:5 / 0.3B-1.8 / Middle Lower & Lower / 1 16151 HV16151 XV 8000:5A / C800 / Lower / 216151 YV 1200:5 / C800 / Lower / 2 16151 Neutral 1200:5A / C800 / Lower / 1 16151 No-Load Tap Changer 16151 Manufacturer ABB Inc. 16151 Number of Steps (Plus / Minus)+ 2 / -216151 Total % (Above / Below)+ 5% / - 5%16151 Control Cabinet16151 Location Segment 4 16151 Enclosure Type NEMA 3R 16151 Auxiliary Power (AC) Required, Voltage, Phase, Amperes, Qty 480V / 3-ph / TBD / 2 16151 Auxiliary Power (DC) Required, Voltage, Amperes, Qty 125V / - / TBD / 1 16151 Aux. Power Automatic Transfer Switch Included16151 Test Switches Included16151 Space Heater Included16151Accessories 16151 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Type, Locations, Qty Included / Pt100 / 2 16151 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors, Type, Location, Qty Not included 16151 Pressure Relief Devices Included 16151 Special Tools Please refer to special tools price16151 Spare Gaskets Included16151 Grounding Pads Included16151 Fall-Arrest Protection Lugs Included 16151 Alarms & Indications 16151 Transformer Monitor System Included (DGA) 16151 Voltage Failure Relay Included 16151 Magnetic Liquid Level Gauges Included16151 Magnetic Liquid Temperature Gauge Included16151 Hot Spot Winding Temperature Indicator Relay Included16151 Temperature Controller Included (WTI & OTI) 16151 Sudden Pressure Relay Included 16151 Buchholz Relay Included 16151 Oil Flow Indicator N/A 16151 Testing16151 ANSI Routine Testing Included16151 Winding Resistance Included16151 Transformer Turns Ratio Included 16151 Polarity Included 16151 Phase Relationship Included 16151 Exciting Current & No Load Losses Included 16151 Load Losses & Impedances Included16151 Aux. Cooling Losses Included16151 Loss Measurement Error Certification Included16151 Load Current Included 16151 Gas-in-Oil Included 16151 Overexcitation Included 16151 Megger Included 16151 DETC Impedance INCLUDED (transformer's impedance test)16151 Temperature Rise Included16151 Impulse Included16151 Induced Overvoltage Included 16151 Applied Voltage Included 16151 Leak Testing Included 16151 Sound Testing Included 16151 SFRA Included16151 Other Included16151Paint16151 Painting System Please refer to painting procedure Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 41 of 209 16151 Tank and Accessories Color ANSI 70 GREY 16151 Porcelain Color GREY 16151 Approximate Weights, lb (kg) 16151 Core and Coils 147,000 Ib 16151 Tank and Fittings 65,000 Ib16151 Oil 83,000 Ib16151 Total Assembled Weight 295,000 Ib 16151 Shipping Weight 182,000 Ib 16151 Approximate Dimensions, in. (mm) 16151 Overall Width 243 in 16151 Overall Depth 309 in 16151 Overall Height 404 in16151 Height, to Top of Tank 165 in16151 Shipping Width 214(5430) 16151 Shipping Depth 160(4050) 16151 Shipping Height 181(4590) 16151 Delivery 16151 Total Oil Required 11,175 gal16151 Oil Shipped Separately 11,175 gal16151 Proposed Method of Transformer Shipment Rail 16151 Parts Which Required Field Assembly Radiator, Conservator, Conservator Support, Fans, Bushings & Housings, Pipings, Etc Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 42 of 209 Item No. Reference Document Submittal Item Submittal Dates LD's Apply?CalendarDays Event Due Date Schedule of Submittals 633801 Power Transformer - Generator Step-Up 0401 633801 Certification Letter or Certificate of Authorization (copy), if certified by a registered agency, e.g., ASME Certificate of Authorization, ISO Certificate 30 After Effective Date 0402 633801 Subsupplier listing 5 Before Issue of Subsupplier Purchase Order 0403 633801 Notification of inspection/test (for B&V hold/witness points)14 Before Test/Inspection 0404 633801 Quality Manual, uncontrolled copy 28 After Effective Date 0405 633801 Inspection and test plan with monthly inspection target dates 28 After Effective Date and thenmonthly thereafter 0440 633801 Copies of Certified Test and Inspection Reports 14 After Test or Inspection 0450 633801 Leak Test Procedure 90 After Effective Date No 0460 633801 Factory Acceptance Test Procedure 90 Before Test 0510 633801 Outline Drawing Containing the Following Information Required for Transformer Foundation Design(Not to Exceed Information as a Minimum) : Equipment Base OutlineFoundation Requirements (incl. Anchorage)Weights(Shipping & Oil Filled) Oil Volume. Dimensions of Rad/COPS Tanks for Oil Containment Design. Overall Transformer Dimensions Including all Auxiliary Equipment,Base Dimensions and Top of Oil Tank. Clearance Requirements from Buildings or Fire Walls. Horizontal & Vertical Location of Center of Gravity 42 After Effective Date 0520 633801 Detailed Outline Drawing, Including the Following:Location of Major Auxiliary Equipment Size and Location of Termination Lugs / Grounding Pads. Conduit Entry. 70 After Effective Date 0521 633801 3D Model of Complete Transformer Assembly using native tool formatand as agreed to by the Purchaser.70 After Effective Date 0522 633801 Certified Data for Detailed Outline Drawings and 3D Model 98 After Effective Date 0531 633801 Bushing & Arrester Outline Drawings 42 After Effective Date 0534 633801 Wiring Diagrams & Elementary Diagrams 84 After Effective Date 0635 633801 Andersen Program Input Data 70 After Effective Date 0637 633801 Short-Circuit Withstand Type Data With Proposal (if requested) 0640 633801 Design Data & Transformer Performance Curves Including: - No Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time)- Full Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time)- MVA Capability vs. Average Ambient Temperature - I²t Damage Curves 84 After Effective Date 0642 633801 Auxiliary Power requirements 84 After Effective Date 0643 633801 Current transformer ratio correction factor and excitation curve withinternal resistance (at stated temperature reference) of the CT stated on the secondary excitation characteristic curve. 84 After Effective Date 0644 633801 Current transformer ANSI relaying and metering accuracy; thermal rating; secondary resistance at 25 degrees C (77.0 degrees F); phaseangle correction factor curves 84 After Effective Date 0645 633801 Current transformer thermal rating 84 After Effective Date 0646 633801 Current transformer secondary resistance at 25° C (77.0° F)84 After Effective Date 0647 633801 Current transformer phase angle correction factor curves 84 After Effective Date D100 Site Meteorological and Seismic Data .D100 None Q170 Welding of Electrical Equipment 04xx Q170 Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) with applicable Procedure Qualification Records (PQR)(when required by Q170)60 Before Start of Fabrication Q301 Manufacturer's Standard Coating . 06xx Q301 Shop drawings that identify shop-applied coating systems 30 Before Start of Fabrication No 06xx Q301 Manufacturer's product data sheets 30 After Release to Proceed No Q500 Shop Drawings and Instruction Manuals . 07xx Q500 For instruction manual submittal requirements, refer to TechnicalSupplemental Q501 and the commercial submittals section.Upon Shipment of Equipment Yes Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 43 of 209 CUSTOMER : Black & Veatch SPECS NO. : PROJECT NAME : Coyote Springs GSU Replacement HPT REF. NO. : A1902-729 SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMER HYUNDAI POWER TRANSFORMERS USA, INC. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 44 of 209 0 Clarification & Deviation Sheet 1 Technical Datasheet for Transformer 2 Outline for Transformer 3 Sub-vendor List 4 Bushing Drawings 5 6 7 8 9 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 45 of 209 page : 1 of 1 Clarification Sheet for B&V – Coyote Springs GSU Replacement Date: March 14, 2019 Bushing Specification on “63.3801 Power Transformer - Generator Step-up Assembly” document, The XV and YV winding are in delta connection. Therefore neutrals are not present. X0 & Y0 bushings are not applicable to this transformer. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 46 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Yes/No Required Bid Submittals 16151 Complete description of proposed transformer.YES 16151 Preliminary outline drawings showing estimated weights, dimensions, oil volumes, and locations of major accessories. YES 16151 Descriptive literature of all equipment proposed.YES 16151 Manufacturer catalog sheets for proposed bushings.YES 16151 Summary description of codes and standards used if different than specified, including a review of major differences. YES 16151 List of recommended spare parts.YES 16151 List of special and maintenance tools to be furnished.YES 16151 Supplier's experience record with proposed equipment.YES 16151 List of routine factory tests.YES 16151 Complete description of the extent of shop assembly of components.YES 16151 Location of factory actually building the transformers. Manufacturing factories are subject to approval. YES Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 47 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Tech Fill-In Data Technical Fill-In Data 16151 General 16151 MVA Ratings at 55º C Voltage and BIL Ratings Connections Guaranteed Performance 16151 112 kW @71 MVA ≤ 85 ≤ 1.7 ≤ 1.9 Oil Cooling Equipment Individual Motor Data Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 48 of 209 16151 Running Amperes ≤1.0 Amps 16151 Quantity Each Cooler/Radiator 1 Fan per 1 Radiator 16151 Bushing Information 16151 Manufacturer / Type / ID Number 16151 HV ABB / Condenser / 550Z2000BD 16151 XV ABB / Condenser / 034T0450VF 16151 Neutral ABB / Condenser / 034Z0412UT 16151 Bushing Current Transformers 16151 Ratio / Accuracy / Position / Quantity 16151 HV 1200:5 / C800 / Upper & Middle Upper / 1 16151 HV 400:5 / 0.3B-1.8 / Middle Lower & Lower / 1 16151 HV 16151 XV 8000:5A / C800 / Lower / 2 16151 YV 1200:5 / C800 / Lower / 2 16151 Neutral 1200:5A / C800 / Lower / 1 16151 No-Load Tap Changer 16151 Manufacturer ABB Inc. 16151 Number of Steps (Plus / Minus)+ 2 / -2 16151 Total % (Above / Below)+ 5% / - 5% 16151 Control Cabinet 16151 Location Segment 4 16151 Enclosure Type NEMA 3R 16151 Auxiliary Power (AC) Required, Voltage, Phase, Amperes, Qty 480V / 3-ph / TBD / 2 16151 Auxiliary Power (DC) Required, Voltage, Amperes, Qty 125V / - / TBD / 1 16151 Aux. Power Automatic Transfer Switch Included 16151 Test Switches Included 16151 Space Heater Included 16151 Accessories 16151 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Type, Locations, Qty Included / Pt100 / 2 16151 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors, Type, Location, Qty Not included 16151 Pressure Relief Devices Included 16151 Special Tools Please refer to special tools price 16151 Spare Gaskets Included 16151 Grounding Pads Included 16151 Fall-Arrest Protection Lugs Included 16151 Alarms & Indications 16151 Transformer Monitor System Included (DGA) 16151 Voltage Failure Relay Included 16151 Magnetic Liquid Level Gauges Included 16151 Magnetic Liquid Temperature Gauge Included 16151 Hot Spot Winding Temperature Indicator Relay Included 16151 Temperature Controller Included (WTI & OTI) 16151 Sudden Pressure Relay Included 16151 Buchholz Relay Included 16151 Oil Flow Indicator N/A 16151 Testing 16151 ANSI Routine Testing Included 16151 Winding Resistance Included 16151 Transformer Turns Ratio Included 16151 Polarity Included 16151 Phase Relationship Included 16151 Exciting Current & No Load Losses Included 16151 Load Losses & Impedances Included 16151 Aux. Cooling Losses Included 16151 Loss Measurement Error Certification Included 16151 Load Current Included 16151 Gas-in-Oil Included 16151 Overexcitation Included 16151 Megger Included 16151 DETC Impedance INCLUDED (transformer's impedance test) 16151 Temperature Rise Included 16151 Impulse Included 16151 Induced Overvoltage Included 16151 Applied Voltage Included 16151 Leak Testing Included 16151 Sound Testing Included 16151 SFRA Included 16151 Other Included 16151 Paint 16151 Painting System Please refer to painting procedure Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 49 of 209 16151 Tank and Accessories Color ANSI 70 GREY 16151 Porcelain Color GREY 16151 Approximate Weights, lb (kg) 16151 Core and Coils 147,000 Ib 16151 Tank and Fittings 65,000 Ib 16151 Oil 83,000 Ib 16151 Total Assembled Weight 295,000 Ib 16151 Shipping Weight 182,000 Ib 16151 Approximate Dimensions, in. (mm) 16151 Overall Width 243 in 16151 Overall Depth 309 in 16151 Overall Height 404 in 16151 Height, to Top of Tank 165 in 16151 Shipping Width 214(5430) 16151 Shipping Depth 160(4050) 16151 Shipping Height 181(4590) 16151 Delivery 16151 Total Oil Required 11,175 gal 16151 Oil Shipped Separately 11,175 gal 16151 Proposed Method of Transformer Shipment Rail 16151 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 50 of 209 Event Due Date 633801 Power Transformer - Generator Step-Up registered agency, e.g., ASME Certificate of Authorization, ISO Transformer Foundation Design(Not to Exceed Information as a Minimum) : Equipment Base Outline Foundation Requirements (incl. Anchorage) Oil Volume. Overall Transformer Dimensions Including all Auxiliary Equipment, Size and Location of Termination Lugs / Grounding Pads. - No Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time) - Full Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time) - MVA Capability vs. Average Ambient Temperature rating; secondary resistance at 25 degrees C (77.0 degrees F); phase D100 Site Meteorological and Seismic Data D100 Q170 Welding of Electrical Equipment Q301 Manufacturer's Standard Coating Q500 Shop Drawings and Instruction Manuals LD's Apply? Days Schedule of Submittals Item No. Reference Document Submittal Item Submittal Dates Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 51 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 52 of 209 T - 3 1 of 1 SUB-VENDOR LIST 1 BUSHINGS ABB or PCORE U.S.A. 2 DE ENERGIZED TAP CHANGER ABB or EQ. U.S.A. 3 COOLING FANS KRENZ or EQ. U.S.A. 4 OIL LEVEL INDICATOR QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 5 OIL TEMPERATURE IND. QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 6 WINDING TEMPERATURE IND. QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 7 PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 8 SUDDEN PRESSURE RELAY QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 9 BUCCHOLZ RELAY CEDASPE or EQ ITALY 10 DEHYDRATING BREATHER TAIJIN or EQ. U.S.A. 11 DISSOLVED GAS ANALYZER QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. Serveron 12 GENERAL VALVES OAK-KWANG KOREA 13 CURRENT TRANSFORMER MERAMEC or EQ U.S.A. 14 B.C.T TERMINAL BOXES TAIJIN KOREA 15 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL HYUNDAI U.S.A. 16 COPPER CONDUCTOR SAMDONG or EQ. U.S.A. 17 SILICON STEEL TKES, JFE, NSSMC, POSCO, AK STEEL VARIOUS - Selection of suppliers from above list shall be the manufacturer’s option unless customer specified. - If customer askes to change maker or model after award, that may occur cost adder from HPT. - Selection of supplier for other equipment than listed herein above shall be manufacturer’s option. - This vendor list is negotiable subject to the cost adder. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 53 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 54 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 55 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 56 of 209 INSULATION OIL : 1902-729-00-A01 B&V / Coyote Springs GSU Replacement 1PH 60HZ J.Y.HAHM 2019.03.14 OIL(LT)42300 REV.0 OPEN CLOSE PER PACKING TOTAL L(M)W(M)H(M)PER PACKING TOTAL 1 MAIN BODY COMPLETE DRAIN 1 1 90,718 90,718 5.60 3.90 4.70 102.65 102.65 2 HV BUSHING CLOSE 1 1 3,900 3,900 7.42 0.96 0.96 6.84 6.84 3 HVN BUSHING CLOSE 1 1 82 82 1.72 0.52 0.52 0.47 0.47 4 XV/XVN BUSHING CLOSE 2 2 86 172 1.78 0.53 0.53 0.51 1.02 5 YV/YVN BUSHING CLOSE 2 2 212 424 1.75 0.53 0.53 0.50 1.00 6 HV HOUSING-A OPEN 1 1 167 167 0.60 1.20 1.40 1.01 1.01 7 HVN HOUSING-A OPEN 1 1 101 101 0.75 0.70 0.90 0.48 0.48 8 XV/XVN HOUSING-A OPEN 2 1 368 368 0.56 2.05 1.30 1.50 1.50 9 YV/YVN HOUSING-A OPEN 2 1 607 607 1.11 2.05 1.30 2.96 2.96 10 PRD PIPE(MAIN)OPEN 2 1 176 176 2.12 0.60 0.40 0.51 0.51 11 FAN SUPPORT(INTERLOCKING)OPEN 1 1 80 80 2.00 0.90 0.20 0.36 0.36 12 LADDER OPEN 1 1 203 203 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 13 CONSERVATOR OPEN 1 1 2,106 2,106 4.71 1.88 2.48 21.96 21.96 14 3EA x 1BOX OPEN 6 2 2,261 4,522 1.59 2.90 1.88 8.67 17.34 15 2EA x 1BOX OPEN 2 1 754 754 1.59 2.90 1.31 6.05 6.05 16 6EA x 1BOX CLOSE 6 1 230 230 2.50 1.00 0.90 2.25 2.25 17 4EA x 1BOX CLOSE 4 1 150 150 1.70 1.00 0.90 1.53 1.53 18 BANK OPEN 1 1 1,090 1,090 2.70 2.65 1.08 7.73 7.73 19 PIE & STURCTURE OPEN 1 1 2,000 2,000 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 20 OTHERS OPEN 1 1 2,000 2,000 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 109,850 196.66 /STT O T A L RADIATOR COOLING FAN CHARGE :ISSUED 71/94.66/118.33/MVA 532/13.8/18//KV DETC/// YN/d1/d1/ ITEM SPECIFICATION Q'TY RFQ. NO :PACKING LIST Q'TY OF TR :4 PROJECT NAME : REMARKS TR. SPEC : NO. OF PACKING GROSS WEIGHT(KG)SHIPPING DIMENSION(M)MEASUREMENT(M3) NO/YES(현지구매) Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 57 of 209 PJT : A1902-729 B&V / Coyote Springs GSU (Unit: Dollar)3/15/2019 ITEM SPECIFICATION UNIT Q'TY U/PRICE T/PRICE REMARKS GSU, 3-Ph, 60 Hz, 71/94.66/118.33//132.53 MVA, 532/13.8/18 kV, YNd1d1 HV:DETC 1 HV BUSHING EA 1 48,612 48,612 2 HVN BUSHING EA 1 2,100 2,100 3 XV BUSHING EA 1 19,222 19,222 5 YV BUSHING EA 1 19,222 19,222 6 COOLING FAN EA 1 900 900 7 COMPLETE SET OF GASKETS LOT 1 3,150 3,150 TOTAL 93,206$ *** *** This price is valid if and only if spare parts are included with main transformer PO. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 58 of 209 Special Tools for Erection,Operation and Maintenance UNIT : DOLLAR NO.DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Q'TY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 SCREW DRIVE SET #8 (PLUS & MINUS) 1 SET 2 OPEN ENDED SPANNER 8mm ∼ 32mm 1 SET 3 WIRE STRIPPER 1mm ∼ 3.2mm 1 EA 4 SOCKET WRENCH 12.7SQ (8mm ∼ 33mm) 1 SET 5 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 6" (9.5mm ∼ 20mm) 1 EA 10" (16mm ∼ 27mm) 1 EA 12" (19mm ∼ 33mm) 1 EA 6 PIPE WRENCH #250 ( 6mm ∼ 26mm) 1 EA #300 (10mm ∼ 32mm) 1 EA #600 (13mm ∼ 65mm) 1 EA 7 TOOL BOX W600 1 EA * This offered price is valid when spare parts PO is obtained with main transformer unit PO. *This Special Tools are mandatory spare parts as per customer spec but, those are NOT included on our base price. We provide them as a separate list herein. SUB TOTAL TOTAL ($)Included in base price REMARK Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 59 of 209 HYUNDAI POWER TRANSFORMERS USA This submission (the “Submission”) contains the sensitive commercial information which is pro prietary to Hyundai Power Transformers USA (“Proprietary Information”). The Proprietary Inform ation is intended solely for the recipient of this Submission (the “Recipient”). By accepting this S ubmission, the Recipient agrees to keep the Proprietary Information confidential and, except wit h the prior written consent of Hyundai Power Transformers USA, not to disclose or make availabl e the Proprietary Information in whole or in part to any third party. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 60 of 209 1 Index Superior Experience Performances HPT Introduction HPT NEWs Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 61 of 209 No. Customer Specification Quantity Accumulated Capacity (MVA) Delivery year 1 FPL 525kV 500MVA, etc 38 8,262 2014~2017 2 Bechtel 362/19KV 415MVA, etc 28 5,052 2013~2016 3 Duke Energy 230kV 475MVA, etc 15 3,533 2014~2017 4 Calpine 230/18kV 300MVA, etc 14 3,529 2012~2014 5 XCEL Energy(Generation)115KV 300MVA, etc 12 2,558 2014~2017 6 NextEra 354kV 280MVA, etc 19 2,550 2014~2017 7 PPL 230KV 170MVA, etc 16 2,180 2014~2106 8 WAPA 345KV 600MVA, etc 7 2,075 2013~2014 9 Gemma Power 352/21KV 378MVA, etc 6 1,936 2016 10 MidAmerican 345kV 560MVA, etc 6 1,712 2015~2016 11 ATC 345kV 500MVA, etc 6 1,125 2014~2017 12 Golden Spread Electric Coop erative 345kV 235MVA, etc 7 1,112 2015~2017 13 Tampa Electric 240kV 288/384/480MVA, etc 3 1,101 2015~2016 14 Burns & McDonnell 161KV 150MVA, etc 9 863 2014~2017 15 PSE&G 230kV 45MVA, etc 14 855 2016~2017 Major Performance List 2 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 62 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 1 KCPL (Kansas City Power & Light) IATAN UNIT 1B 24/7.2/7.2kV 24/32/40MVA, DETC 2012.3.1 (Energized) 2 SCE (Southern California Edison) CHEVEGEN 67/14.49kV 30/40/50MVA, OLTC 2012.4.17 (Energized) 3 CALPINE SOUTH POINT ENERGY 230/18kV 2012.6.1 (Energized) 4 National Grid WEST SPARE Auto Transformer 115/13.8kV 30/40/50MVA, OLTC 2012.8.15 (Energized) 5 CMP (Central Maine Power Company) CMP / LIVERMORE SPARE 120/36.2kV 12/16.6/20MVA, OLTC 2012.8.10 (Energized) 6 LSP (LSP Energy Limited Partnership) LSP ENERGY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 161/18kV 2012.8.31 (Energized) 7 AEP (American Electric Power) LYTLE 138/13.09kV 90/54MVA, OLTC 2012.12.27 (Energized) 8 LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) LCRA / NADA 138/69/13.2kV 36/48/60MVA, OLTC 2012.11.03 (Energized) Performance List 3 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 63 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 9 SCE (Southern California Edison) Santa Clara 230/70.5kV 2012.12.20 (Energized) 10 Mohave Electric Longtin Substation 230/69/12.5kV 60/80/100MVA, OLTC 2012.12.27 (Energized) 11 AEP (American Electric Power) Ft. Wayne 135.4/36.2kV 125/75MVA, DETC 2012.12.31 (Energized) 12 National Grid NE Spare 115/13.2kV 24/32/40MVA 2012.02.15 (Energized) 13 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) Coolidge 230/12.47kV 90/120/150MVA 2013.02.01 (Energized) 14 SWPA (South Western Power Administration) Table Rock 161/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2013.03.14 (Energized) 15 National Grid Central Spare 115/13.8kV 24/32/40MVA 2012.01.31 (Energized) 16 McGregor Construction(Canada) Christina Lake 265/25kV 30/40/50MVA, OL 2012.03.30 (Energized) Performance List 4 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 64 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 17 Alabama Power Montgomery, AL 115/13.09kV 15/20/25MVA 2013.02.27 (Energized) 18 PSE (Puget Sound Energy) Sammamish AUTO 230/117.875/13.2kV 195/260/325MVA 2013.03.28 (Energized) 19 PSE (Puget Sound Energy ) Talbot Hill AUTO 230/117.875/13.2kV 195/260/325MVA 2013.04.26 (Energized) 20 KCPL / Sargent & Lundy La Cygne Environmental Retrofit Project 13.8/6.9kV 16/12MVA (4 units) 2013.04.01 (Energized) 21 KCPL / Sargent & Lundy La Cygne Environmental Retrofit Project 345/13.8kV (2013.04.01 (Energized) 22 Bechtel Power Corp. Panda Temple I & Sherman Power Project(GSU) 362/19kV 153/204/250MVA ( 2013.7.10 (Energized) 23 Fluor Centinela Solar Energy Project 13.8/34.5/230kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.5.30 (Energized) 24 Bechtel Power Corp. Panda Temple I & ShermanPower Project(GSU) 362/19kV (2013.7.10 (Energized) Performance List 5 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 65 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 25 Bechtel Power Corp. Panda Temple I & Sherman Power Project(Aux.) 18/4.16kV 24/32MVA (4 units) 2013.7.10 ~8.12 (Energized) 26 PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) Oro Loma Substation 115/12.47/7.2 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2013.7.10 (Delivered) 27 Calpine Deer Park and other stations 352/18kV 150/200/250MVA and Others (8 units) 2013.8.15~ 11.30 (All installed, 2 Energized) 28 HDR Bowdoin 230/161/12.47kV 20/26.7/33MVA (2 units ) 2014.11.30 (Installed) 29 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) WAPA / CHEYENNE AUTO 230/115/13.8kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.9.30 (Energized) 30 NRG Energy French Branch 230/69kV 60/80/100MVA (2 units) 2013.9.30 (Energized) 31 CEPC (Central Electric Power Cooperative) Thomas Hill 345/161/13.2kV 300/400/500MVA 2013.9.30 (Energized) 32 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) Sioux Falls AUTO 13.2/115/230kV 150/200/250MVA (2 units) 2013.10.22 (Energized) Performance List 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 66 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 33 WAPA (WESTERN AREA POWER ADM.) Williston AUTO 13.2/115/230kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.10.22 (Energized) 34 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Breiningsville AUTO 138/69/12.47kV ( 2014.6.15(#1) 2014.6.22(#2) (Energized) 35 US Army Corp. Gavins Point 115/13.2kV 37.5/50MVA (3 units) 2013.11.22 (Energized) 36 US Army Corp. Garrison Dam AUTO 230/115/13.8kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.11.22 (Energized) 37 XCEL Energy Cherokee Station 115/17.5kV 180/240/300MVA 2013.12.31 (Energized) 38 XCEL Energy Cherokee Station 115/17.5kV (2013.12.31 (Energized) 39 FPL (FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT) Sanford Substation AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 2014.3.15 (Energized) 40 Calpine Garrison 231/18 kV 150/200/250MVA 2014.3. 21 (Installed) Performance List 7 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 67 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 41 Calpine Garrison 231/18kV 98/128/160MVA 2014.3. 31 (Installed) 42 Bechtel Power Corp. Temple II Power Project (GSU) 362/19kV 249/332/415MVA 2014.4.1 (Energized) 43 Duke Energy West Wind 132/13kV 40/53.34/66.67MVA (3 units) 2014.3.19 (Installed) 44 Bechtel Power Corp. Temple II Power Project 362/19kV (2 2014.4.15 (Energized) 45 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Green Bay 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2014.8.1 (Energized) 46 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Plains T8 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA (Energized) 47 NRG Energy Holton 115/69kV 50/66.6/83.3MVA 2014.4.30 (Energized) 48 Bechtel Power Corp. Temple II Power Project (Aux) 18/4.16kV 12/24/32MVA (2 units) 2014.5.1 (Energized) 8 Performance List 8 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 68 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 49 SCE (Southern California Edison) Laguna Bell PT 230/70.5kV 150/200/250MVA 2014.6.13 (Energized) 50 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Pentewell AUTO 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2014.7.31 (Installed) 51 . ATC (American Transmission Co.) Plains T9 AUTO 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2014.5.1 (Energized) 52 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Council Creek AUTO 161/138/13.8kV 135/180/225MVA 2014.9.8 (Installed) 53 CLECO Acadia 230/138kV 132/176/220MVA 2014.10.26 (Energized) 54 TECO (Tampa Electric Company) Tampa Polk 2 CCPP (GSU) 240/24kV 342/456/570MVA 2015.6.19 (Energized) 55 TECO (Tampa Electric Company) Tampa Polk 2 CCPP (SST) 230/4.2kV 18/24/30MVA (2units) 2015.6.10 (Energized) 56 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) Mead Substation AUTO 345/230/24kV 450/600MVA 2014.12.4 (Installed) 9 Performance List 9 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 69 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 57 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Roberts AUTO 1PH 525/241.5/34.5kV 300/400/500MVA (4units) 2014.10.15 (Energized) 58 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Magnolia AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 300/400/500MVA 2014.9.03 (Energized) 59 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Pocono Substation AUTO 230/69/12.47kV 102/135/170MVA 2014.11.25 (Energized) 60 McGregor Construction Co.(Canada) Christina Lake (Duplicate)260/25kV 30/40/50MVA 2015.01.06 (Energized) 61 McGregor Construction Co.(Canada) Sunday Creek 260/24kV 40/53/66MVA (2) 260/24kV 50/66/83MVA (2) 2015. 01.06 (Energized) 62 TIC (The Industrial Company) Elk Station Unit 1 Project 345/18kV 144/188/235/263.2MVA 18/4.16kV 12/16/20MVA 2014.11.13 (Energized) 63 Burns & McDonnell Empire Riverton 161/13.8KV 90/120/150MVA 161/4.16KV 12/16/20MVA 2014.12.10 (Energized) 64 NextEra Energy 230/34.5/13.2KV 84/112/140MVA (2 Units) 2014.12.13 (Energized) Performance List 10 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 70 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 65 Calpine Decatur 165/18kV 200/267/333MVA 2014.12.03 (Installed) 66 Dominion Virginia Power Burton 115/36.5KV 32/44/56MVA 2016.1.15 (Delivered) 67 EPCOR (Canada) Lambton 245/15.5/15.5kV 75/100MVA (2units) 2015.3.31(Energized) 2015.7.15 (Energized) 68 MidAmerican Energy Bondurant 161/69 kV 75/100/125MVA 2015.5.30 (Installed) 69 First Solar Stateline 230/34.5/13.8kV 102/136/170MVA (2units) 2015.2.15 (Energized) 70 NV Energy Falcon AUTO 345/125/24.9kV 170/225/285MVA 2015.3.1 (Installed) 71 Chelan County PUD Rocky Reach AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 200/266/333MVA 2015.2.17 (Installed) Performance List 11 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 71 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 72 Brazos Electric Cooperative Seaton Substation 138/69/13.2kV 60/80/100MVA 2015.5.15 (Installed) 73 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 144/13.8kV 45/60/75MVA (4 units) 2015.6.30 (Delivered) 74 Seattle City Light Shoreline 121/27.24/14.2kV 54/72/90MVA 2016.06.30 (Installed) 75 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 144/13.8kV 40/53/66MVA 2015.07.30 (Delivered) 76 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 2015.07.30 (Delivered) 77 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Lycoming 230/69/12.47kV 102/136/170MVA 2015.05.30 (Installed) 78 MidAmerican Energy Group 2 #4 161/34.5/13.8kV 108/144/181MVA 2015.05.26 (Installed) 79 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Levee Substation #1 525/241.5/34.5kV 300/400/500MVA 2015.11.16 (Installed) Performance List 12 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 72 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 80 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Jenkins T2, Juanita Cumberland T2 230/69/12.47kV 102/136/170MVA (4 units) 2015.08.07/ 2015.08.24/ 2015.07.09/ 2015.09.21 (Installed) 81 NextEra Energy Golden West Wind 241.5/34.5/13.8kV 180/240/300MVA 2015.07.01 (Installed) 82 NextEra Energy Javelina Wind Project 354/138/34.5/13.8kV 168/224/280MVA 2015.08.07 (Energized) 83 Duke Energy Lee CC 105/18kV 183/244/305MVA (2 units) 105/189.5kV 282/376/470MVA (1 unit) 2016.07.30 (Installed) 84 MidAmerican Energy Group 6 – Sub 18 161/69/13.8kV 100/133/167MVA 2015.06.30 (Installed) 85 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Lauschtown T1 & T2 23/69/12.47kV 102/136/170MVA (2 units) 2016.07.16 (Installed) 86 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Summer haven Windfarm 241.5/34.5kV 84/112/140MVA (1 unit) 2015.07.31 (Energized) 87 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 144/13.8kV 85/113MVA (2 Units) 2016.04.01 (Energized) Performance List 13 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 73 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 88 M&A Electric Coop Fletcher AUTO 345/161/13.8kV 238/313/392MVA 2015.09.30 (Energized) 89 NextEra Energy Blythe Solar Power GSU 230/34.5/13.2kV 84/112/140MVA (2 units) 2015.10.01 (Energized) 90 MidAmerican Energy Victory Substation AUTO 161/34.5/13.8kV 72/96/120MVA 2015.08.31 (Installed) 91 CLECO Hopkins GSU 138/34.5kV 50/67/83MVA 2016.01.18 (Energized) 92 Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana Mt. Vernon AUTO 140/70/12kV 60/80/100MVA 2015.10.31 (Energized) 93 TECO (Tampa Electric Company) Sub 80-14 AUTO 233.7/138/13.2kV 201.6/268.8/336MVA 2015.11.10 (Installed) 94 LG&E (Louisville Gas & Electric) Trimble GSU 345/138kV 120/160/200//224MVA 2016.4.29 (Installed) 95 Wolverine Alpine GSU 138/18kV 2016.1.24 (Installed) Performance List 14 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 74 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 96 Duke Energy Brecon Substation 138/69/13.09kV 100.8/134.4/168MVA 2015.12.15 (Delivered) 97 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Miami 230/138/13.2kV 336/448/560MVA 2015.12.15 (Installed) 98 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Medium Power 230/24kV 33/44/55MVA (2 units ) 2015.12.01 (Delivered) 2015.12.07 (Delivered) 99 Golden Spread Electric Coop Elk Station Unit #2 345/18kV 144/188/235/263.2MVA 345/4.16kV 18/24/30MVA 2015.10.30 (Installed) 100 Duke Energy Hines Power Plant 230/16kV 114/152/190MVA 2015.12.1 (Delivered) 101 PSE&G North Bergen 230/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2016.02.18 (Installed) 102 PSE&G Leonia 230/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2016.04.01 (Installed) 103 PSE&G Carlstadt 69/27.72kV 72/96/120MVA 2016.05.19 (Delivered) 104 AEP Asherton 138/70.5/13.09kV 78/104/130MVA 2015.12.01 (Installed) Performance List 15 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 75 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 105 Duke Energy Citrus Power Plant (GSU) 230/21kV 243/324/405MVA x 2 230/20kV 285/380/475MVA x 1 525/21kV 243/324/405MVA x 2 525/20kV 285/380/475MVA x 1 230kV 475MVA x 1 525kV 475MVA x 1 2016.11.30 ~ 2018 106 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Levee Substation AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5kV 300/400/500MVA 2015.12.29 (Installed) 107 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Jackson Substation 230/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA (2 Units) 2016.08.16 (Delivered) 108 OPPD (Omaha Public Power District) PO No. 216181 AUTO 161/69/13.8kV 108/144/180MVA 2016.05.20 (Installed) 109 Bechtel Power Corp. Carroll County Energy Facility (GSU) 362/18kV 235/188/141MVA x 2 330/264/198MVA x 1 2016.07.11 2016.07.12 2016.07.13 (Energized) 110 Sempra Energy Mesquite Solar 230/34.5/(13.8)kV 112/148.96/187.04MVA 2016.05.20 (Energized) 111 Bechtel Oil , Gas and Chemicals Corpus Christi LNG 138/34.5kV 164/132/98MVA 2016.06.30 (Energized) 112 SCE (Southern California Edison) Etiwanda Substation 230kV 250MVA x 1 2016.7.02 (Delivered) Performance List 16 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 76 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 113 MidAmerican Energy Grimes & 39 Substation AUTO 345/161/13.8kV 336/448/560MVA (2 units) 2016.06.03 2016.06.17 (Installed) 114 Bechtel Carroll County UAT 18/4.16-4.16kV 24/32MVA (2 units) 2016.07.11 2016.07.12 (Delivered) 115 FPL Bunnell 230/115/13.2kV 240/320/400MVA 2016.12.20 (Installed) 116 FPL 62nd Avenue Substation 138/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA 2016.08.27 (Delivered) 117 FPL Urban Substation 230/24kV 33/44/55MVA 2016.08.19 (Delivered) 118 FPL Natoma 138/13.8kV 24/32/40MVA (2 units) 2016.10.07 (Delivered) 119 NextEra Kingman I & II 354/34.5/13.8kV 78/104/130MVA (2 units) 2016.08.19 (Installed) 120 Vectren Mt. Vernon AUTO 140/70/12kV 90/120/150//168MVA 2016.10.31 (Installed) Performance List 17 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 77 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 121 Bechtel Hummel Station Project 538/18kV 162/216/270MVA (3 units) 538/18kV 291/388/450MVA (1 unit) 2016.10.30 2016.11.15 2016.11.30 2016.12.15 (Delivered) 122 NV Energy Humboldt 345/125/24.9kV 173/226/283MVA 2016.10.01 (Installed) 123 FPL Hanson Solar 241.5/34.5/13.8kV 48/64/80MVA 2016.08.27 (Energized) 124 Georgia Power ITS Spare 115.5/20.7kV 36/48/60MVA 2016.09.15 (Delivered) 125 FPL Pheasant Run Wind 354/34.5/13.8kV 108/144/180MVA 2016.11.30 (Energized) 126 Gemma Power NTE Middletown 352/21kV 226/300/378MVA 352/21kV 170/226/284MVA 2016.11.01 (Energized) 127 Duke 345/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA (2 units) 2016.12.14 (Energized) 128 Bechtel Hummel Energy Project UAT (2 units) 18kV 40MVA (2 units) 2016.10.15 2016.10.30 (Delivered) Performance List 18 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 78 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 129 First Solar Stateline Spare 230/34.5/(13.8)kV 102/136/170MVA 2016.08.15 (Installed) 130 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Ft. Smith LHT AUTO 500/161/13.8kV 240/320/400MVA 2016.11.01 (Delivered) 131 Gemma Power Towantic Energy Center 115/18kV 198/264/330MVA (3 units) 2016.11.30 (Energized) 132 FPL Jackson Spare 230/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA 2017.12.30 (Delivered) 133 XCEL Energy Black Dog Unit #6 GSU 115/18kV 225/300MVA 2017.03.17 (Installed) 134 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Northwest Bank 3 AUTO 345/138/13.8kV 240/320/400//448MVA 2017.03.01 (Delivered) 135 Black & Veatch Ocotillo GSU 230/13.8kV 78/104/130MVA (6 units) 2017.11.15 (2 units) 2018.08.30 (4 units) 136 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Plant 236.1/46.2kV 45/60/75MVA 2017.05.15 (Delivered) Performance List 19 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 79 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 137 FPL Normandy AUTO 138/69/13.2KV 67.2/89.6/112MVA 2017.03.15 (Delivered) 138 Golden Spread Electric Coop Elk Station GSU 345/18kV 141/188/235//263.2MVA 2017.04.30 (Installed) 139 Golden Spread Electric Coop Mustang Station GSU 230x115/18kV 115/153/191//213.8MVA 2017.04.30 (Energized) 140 Golden Spread Electric Coop Antelope GSU 230/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2017.04.30 (Installed) 141 EPCOR Victoria SUB 72/14.4kV 50/66.7MVA 2017.03.31 (Installed) 142 Burns & McDonnell NRG Carlsbad 230kV 127MVA (5 units) 138kV 127MVA (1 unit) 13.8kV 29MVA (2 units) 2017.05.28 (Installed) 143 GDF Suez Midlothian Power Plant GSU 354/21kV 210/280/350MVA 2017.05.01 (Delivered) 144 Exelon Nuclear Peach Bottom UAT 22/13.8-13.8kV 32/42/52MVA (2 units) 2017.06.01 2018.07.15 Performance List 20 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 80 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 145 PSE&G Locust Substation SUB 69/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.07.15 (Delivered) 146 SCL Shoreline Option #2 PT 121/27.24/14.2kV 54/72/90MVA 2018.07.20 147 East River Power Coop VT Hanlon AUTO 230/69/12.47kV 60/80/100MVA 2017.04.30 (Installed) 148 SSAB 200MVA 230/34.5kV 120/140/180//200MVA 2017.04.15 (Installed) 149 Cleco Coughlin Power Plant GSU 131.48-144-150.26/21-23-24kV 210MVA 2017.08.01 (Installed) 150 FPL Sunny Isle Substation SUB 138/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA 2017.04.17 (Delivered) 151 Calpine Pine Bluff GSU 115/13.8kV 55/73MVA 2017.06.30 (Delivered) 152 FPL Alexander SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.04.14 (Delivered) Performance List 21 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 81 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 153 FPL Holy Cross SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.03.20 (Delivered) 154 FPL Plantation SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.03.20 (Delivered) 155 ATC North Appleton AUTO 345/138/24.9kV 300/400/500MVA 2017.08.28 (Installed) 156 E-flow WAPA Big George AUTO 115/69/12.47kV 30/40/50MVA 2017.06.30 (Delivered) 157 FPL Center GSU 1pH 525/20kV 250MVA 2018.04.15 (4 units) 158 FPL Laurelwood & Yulee AUTO 230/138/13.2kV 336/448/560MVA 2018.01.05 2017.07.17 (Delivered) 159 Cleco St. Mary Clean Energy Center GSU 34.5/13.8kV 37.5/50/62.5MVA 2017.07.21 (Installed) 160 PG&E Cooley Landing AUTO 115/61.5/13.2kV 120/160/200MVA 2017.10.01 (Delivered) Performance List 22 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 82 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 161 FPL Dade Substation SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2017.5.15 (Delivered) 162 EPC Services Company AEP / Lincoln-Berrywood AUTO 138/70.5/12.47 kV 78/104/130 MVA 2017.8.21 (Installed) 163 FPL Alexander Substation SUB 230/24 kV 33/44/55 MVA 2017.05.20 (Delivered) 164 FPL Osborne Substation SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45 MVA 2017.06.15 (Delivered) 165 NextEra Solar GSU 2017 GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 2017.07.10 (3 units) 2017.08.15 (4 units) (Installed) 166 NextEra Solar GSU 2017 GSU 117.5/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 2017.07.10 (Installed) Performance List 23 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 83 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 167 NextEra Solar GSU 2017 GSU 141.5/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 2017.07.10 (Installed) 168 NextEra Pratt Wind (HV: OLTC) GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 147/196/245 MVA 2018.06.15 169 Atlantic City Electric (Exelon) Rio Grande SS (3 units) Sea Isle SS (1 unit) SUB 69/13.09 kV 33.6/44.8/56 MVA 2017.09.30, 2017.11.30 2018.01.31, 2018.09.30 (4 units total) 170 FPL Galloway Substation SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2017.08.25 (Delivered) 171 LG&E Hardin Substation AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 110/146/185 MVA (2 units) 54/72/90 MVA (1 unit) 2017.06.30 (Installed) 172 Cleco Bayou Vista AUTO 230/138/13.8 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.02.01 173 Delmarva Power & Light Edgemoor Spare AUTO 138/69/13.2 kV 67.2/89.6/112 MVA 2017.10.02 (Installed) 174 NextEra Javelina II (HV: OLTC) GSU 354/34.5//13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2017.10.27 (energized) Performance List 24 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 84 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 175 NextEra Stuttgart Solar GSU 354/34.5//13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2017.09.15 (Installed) 176 PSE&G Port Street SUB 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2018.04.01 (Delivered) 177 NextEra Pinal Solar GSU 235/34.5//13.8 kV 33/44/55 MVA 2018.01.05 178 First Solar Rosamond PT 230/34.5/(13.8) kV 96/128/160 MVA 2018.03.17 179 First Solar Willow Springs PT 230/34.5/(13.8) kV 64/85/106 MVA 2018.03.17 180 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Solar Spare GSU 138/34.5 kV 71/94.4/118 MVA 2017.11.15 (Installed) 181 LG&E Pineville PT 161/69//13.2 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2017.10.27 (Installed) Performance List 25 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 85 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 182 FPL Corbett AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2017.11.22 (Delivered) 183 FPL Sugar AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.01.15 (4 units) 184 NRG Canal-3 GSU 345/25 kV 259/345/431 MVA 2018.05.01 185 Bechtel Cricket Valley GSU 354/18/18 kV 244/326/407 MVA 2018.11.01 2018.12.01 2019.01.01 186 Bechtel OG&C Hyperzone LB-1 SUB 138/12.47/12.47 kV 53.6/60 MVA 2018.01.29 187 AECOM Alliant Riverside Energy Center Expansion GSU 365/18 kV 194/256/321 MVA 2018.02.08 188 AECOM Alliant Riverside Energy Center Expansion GSU 365/18 kV 174/229/288 MVA 2018.02.08 (2 units) Performance List 26 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 86 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 189 PSE&G Aldene PT 230/27.72/11 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2017.10.17 (Delivered) 190 PSE&G Metuchen PT 230/27.72/11 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2017.12.15 (Delivered) 191 SCE La Fresa Bank No.4A PT 230/70.5 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2017.11.30 (Delivered) 192 PG&E Hopland Bank 3 AUTO 115/60/13.2 kV 60/80/100 MVA 2018.03.01 193 OPPD Sub 3740 AUTO 354/161/13.8 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.05.01 194 OPPD Sub 1291 AUTO 161/69/13.8 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2018.05.01 195 PSE&G Harrison PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2018.10.01 196 SCE La Fresa Bank No.3A PT 230/70.5 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2018.04.03 Performance List 27 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 87 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 197 EDPR Turtle Creek GSU 345/34.5/(13.8) kV 138/184/230 MVA 2018.05.01 198 APS Casa Grande PT 230/69/12.47 kV 100/133.3/166.7//186.7 MVA 2018.06.01 199 NextEra Wildcat GSU 117/34.5//13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2018.07.10 200 FPL Medium Alliance #8A SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2017.12.31 (3 units) (Delivered) 201 LG&E Elizabethtown AUTO 345/161-138//13.8 kV 270/360/450 MVA 2018.06.22 202 LG&E Lexington AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 110/146/185 MVA 2018.02.28 203 FPL DESERET/GACO AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.07.31 (3 units) Performance List 28 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 88 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 204 Great River Energy Riverview AUTO 345/118/34.5 kV 200/270/336 MVA 2018.06.23 205 Great River Energy Riverview AUTO 118/72/12.8 kV 84/112/140 MVA 2018.06.23 206 FPL Glenn Substation SUB 115/24 kV 33/44/55 MVA 2018.03.15 207 FPL Hillsboro Substation SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2018.03.15 208 FPL Watts Substation SUB 230/24kV 33/44/55 MVA 2018.03.15 209 Garland Power & Light Dent Rd Substation AUTO 138/69//12.47 kV 90/120/150 (168) MVA 2018.07.10 210 WAPA Folsom (KV4A) AUTO 230/138/13.8 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2018.11.07 Performance List 29 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 89 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 211 Cooperative Energy Missionary Substation AUTO 230/161//13.8 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2018.06.13 212 PPL Sunbury Replacement AUTO 1pH 512.5/230/12.47 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2018.05.30 213 FPL Lauderdale Plant GSU 239/18 kV 168/224/280 MVA 2018.08.08 214 FPL Lauderdale Plant GSU 143/18 kV 168/224/280 MVA 2018.08.08 215 NextEra Minco IV Wind GSU 354/34.5//(13.8) kV 75/100/125 MVA 2018.06.29 216 Xcel Energy Foxtail Wind AUTO 230/34.5/13.8 kV 113/150/188 MVA 2018.09.01 217 Xcel Energy Freeborn Wind AUTO 161/34.5/13.8 kV 75/100/125 MVA 2020.07.01 Performance List 30 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 90 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 218 First Energy Portland Substation AUTO 230/115/13.2 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2018.10.05 219 Minnkota Power Frontier Substation AUTO 236/118/13.8 kV 112/150/187 MVA 2018.09.01 220 Exelon Nuclear Calvert Cliff AUX 500/14 kV 60/80/100 MVA 2018.10.31 / 2021.06.01 / 2022.06.01 (3 units) 221 Allete / Minnesota Power GNTL Iron Range Substation AUTO 1pH 500/230/46 kV 240/320/400 MVA 2019.07.28 (4 units) 222 NextEra Armadillo Flats Wind GSU 142/34.5//13.8 kV 168/224/280 MVA 2018.08.15 223 NextEra Heartland Divide Wind GSU 165/34.5//13.8 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2018.10.08 224 NextEra Sholes Wind GSU 354/34.5//13.8kV 108/144/180MVA 2018.10.01 225 Entergy Waterford Storage Yard AUTO 230/13.8// kV 40/53/67 MVA 2018.10.31 Performance List 31 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 91 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 226 GSEC Mustang Station Spare GSU 230-115/18-19 kV 115/153/191//213.8 MVA 2018.11.21 227 NextEra Horizon-Athens Spare GSU 141.5-117.5/34.5//(13.2) kV 51/68/85 MVA 2018.10.30 228 First Energy Hill Valley AUTO 115/46/13.2 kV 45/60/75 MVA 2018.09.01 229 APS Mural Substation AUTO 115/69/12.47 kV 60/80/100 MVA 2018.05.30 230 SCE Laguna Bell PT 230/70.5 kV 150/200/250//280 MVA 2018.10.31 231 PG&E Pit 1 Bank 5 AUTO 230/61.5//13.2 kV 42/56/70 MVA 2018.10.30 232 PG&E Pease Bank 5 AUTO 115/61.5/13.2 kV 120/160/200 MVA 2018.10.17 233 PG&E Pease Bank 2 AUTO 115/61.5/13.2 kV 120/160/200 MVA 2019.11.15 Performance List 32 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 92 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 234 Cleco Power Brame Spare GSU 224.3/22-23-25 kV 600 MVA 2018.09.30 235 Exelon Nuclear Calvert Cliff Nuclear Plant AUX 500/14// kV 60/80/100 MVA 2022.06.01 236 PSE&G Trenton Switching Station PT 230/27.72/11 kV 72/96/120MVA 2019.10.01 237 PSE&G Hopewell Switching Station PT 230/69 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2019.02.19 238 JEA Firestone Substation T6 AUTO 230/69/13.8 kV 120/160/200 MVA 2019.01.13 239 Duke Energy Asheville Spare GSU 230x115/13.8 kV 75/100/125 MVA 2019.05.01 240 Duke Energy Asheville Spare GSU 230x115/18 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.05.01 241 Hydro One Campbell T1 PT 215.5/14.2/14.2 kV 60/80/100MVA 2018.08.07 Performance List 33 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 93 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 242 Hydro One Campbell T2 PT 215.5/14.2/14.2kV 60/80/100MVA 2018.08.07 243 APS WestWing AUTO 230/69/12.47kV 100/133.3/166.7//186.7MVA 2019.10.15 244 ATC Mount Pleasant AUTO 345/138//24.9kV 300/400/500MVA (3 units) 2019.06.12 / 2019.07.10 / 2019.08.14 245 APS Ocotillo 69kV Spare GSU 69/13.8kV 78/104/130MVA 2019.04.30 246 FPL Yulee Duplicate AUTO 230/138/13.2kV 336/448/560MVA (2 units) 2019.01.02 247 NextEra Blythe III & IV GSU 230/34.5/(13.8)KV 84/112/140MVA (2 units) 2019.10.14 2019.10.21 248 Duke Jocassee Hydro GSU 230/14.4kV 225MVA 2019.08.15 249 Duke Jocassee Hydro GSU 230/14.4kV 225MVA 2020.01.23 Performance List 34 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 94 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 250 AECOM Alliant Riverside STG Spare GSU 365/18kV 188/250/313MVA 2019.02.28 251 GTC Verner Farms AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 240/320/400MVA 2019.05.15 252 SCE Chino Substation PT 230/70.5kV 150/200/250MVA 2019.02.01 253 OPPD RFP #5407 AUTO 354/161/13.8 kV 300/400/500 MVA (2 units) 2019.05.01 254 MEPPI Duke/Rural Hall SVC 1pH 100/25 kV 60/80/100 MVA (4 units) 2019.04.05 255 Greenville Light & Power West Greene Substation AUTO 161.7/69/13.09 kV 75/100/125//140 MVA 2019.05.27 256 NOVEC Gant Substation PT 230/34.5 kV 81/108/135//151.2 MVA (2 units) 2019.09.19 257 NOVEC QTS Innovation Substation PT 230/34.5 kV 81/108/135//151.2 MVA (2 units) 2019.06.19 Performance List 35 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 95 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 258 PSE&G Metuchen Switching AUTO 230/69 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2020.04.15 259 NOVEC Freedom Innovation Substation PT 230/34.5 kV 81/108/135//151.2 MVA (2 units) 2019.09.19 260 NextEra Hendry II / Ghost GSU 525/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA (2 units) 2020.07.15 261 STEC Fowlerton AUTO 345138/24.9 kV 405/540/675 MVA 2019.06.30 262 STEC San Miguel AUTO 345138/24.9 kV 405/540/675 MVA (2 units) 2019.11.30 263 PPL Milton AUTO 230/69/12.47 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2019.07.01 264 OPPD RFP #5407 #3 AUTO 345/161/13.8 kV 336/448/560 MVA 2019.09.01 265 PSE&G Kuller Rd PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2021.01.08 Performance List 36 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 96 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 266 PSE&G Sand Hills PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2019.08.01 267 PSE&G Medford PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2019.08.01 268 JEA Northside AUTO 230/138/13.8 kV 240/320/400 MVA 2019.10.02 269 Xcel Tolk GSU 230/24 kV 650/728 MVA 2019.09.16 270 Tri-State Gateway Substation AUTO 230/115/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2019.10.28 – 2019.11.25 271 Tri-State Colfer AUTO 115/69/12.47 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2019.10.14 – 2019.11.08 271 Tri-State Davis AUTO 115/69/12.47 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2020.02.18 – 2020.03.11 272 Xcel Hobbs Spare AUTO 230/120/13.2kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.10.10 Performance List 37 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 97 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 272 Xcel Hobbs Spare AUTO 230/120/13.2kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.10.10 274 First Energy Avon GSU 345/140/13.2 kV 336/448/560 MVA 2019.10.14 275 Calpine Wind PTC GSU 345/34.5/13.8 kV 133/178/222 MVA 2019.11.30 276 NextEra Crowned Ridge NEER GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 69/92/115 MVA 2019.08.03 – 2019.08.17 277 NextEra Crowned Ridge NEER GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2019.08.03 – 2019.08.17 278 NextEra Crowned Ridge XCEL GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 69/92/115 MVA 2019.09.03 – 2019.09.17 279 NextEra Crowned Ridge XCEL GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2019.09.03 – 2019.09.17 280 Roughrider Electric Long Butte & South Heart AUTO 230/115/13.8 kV 75/100/125 MVA (2 units) 2019.09.25 Performance List 38 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 98 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 281 NextEra Dodge County Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 114/152/190 MVA 2020.01.17 282 EKPC Skaggs AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2019.10.15 283 EKPC Stanley-Parker AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2019.12.03 284 EKPC Fox Hollow AUTO 161/69/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2021.05.02 285 WETT Long Draw Solar AUTO 345/138/13.2 kV 360/480/600 MVA 2020.01.31 286 NextEra Soldier Creek #1 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2019.11.20 287 NextEra Soldier Creek #2 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2019.11.20 288 NextEra Roundhouse Wind GSU 236/34.5/13.8 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.12.20 Performance List 39 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 99 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 289 NextEra Bronco Plains #1 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2020.02.15 290 NextEra Bronco Plains #2 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2020.02.15 291 First Energy Ringgold (#1 & #2) AUTO 230/135.3/13.2 kV 339/450 MVA (2 units) 2019.12.17 2020.07.01 292 PSE&G Melrich PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2020.02.28 293 PSE&G Sand Hills #2 PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2020.03.22 294 STEC San Miguel (#1 & #2) AUTO 345138/24.9 kV 405/540/675 MVA (2 units) 2020.11.30 295 First Energy Catoctin AUTO 230/135.3/13.2 kV 339/450 MVA 2020.09.16 296 Vistra Energy Midlothian Power Plant GSU 354/21kV 210/280/350MVA 2020.01.15 Performance List 40 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 100 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 297 NextEra Cedar Springs III PT 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2020.02.17 298 GSEC Mustang Spare GSU 230x115/18kV 115/153/191//213.8MVA 2019.12.31 Performance List 41 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 101 of 209 YOUR VISIT TO Montgomery, AL IS ALWAYS WELCOME! Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 102 of 209 For More Information, Please Contact Sasha Lee Email : sashalee@hyundai-electric.com Tel : (334) 481-2008 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 103 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 104 of 209 DDP: 5/30/2020 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Days:6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 Unit 1 Pre-testingAssemblyProcessing Testing Unit 2 Pre-testing AssemblyProcessing Testing Final Walk-down/Clean-up for unit 1 & 2 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Days:6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 Unit 3 Pre-testing AssemblyProcessing Testing Unit 4 Pre-testingAssembly Processing Testing Final Walk-down/Clean-up for unit 3& 4 B&V / Avista - Coyote Springs Installation Preliminary Schedule (Based on 2 Crews) GSU, 1-Ph, 60 Hz, 532/18/13.8 kV 71/94.66/118.33 MVA Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 105 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 10 Attachment 4 IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 106 of 209 PROPOSAL Ref No: QI-14115 Date: March 25, 2019 Prepared by: Erin Dorris, Proposal Supervisor AZZ Bus Systems Phone: 601.939.9191 ext. 2322 Email: erindorris@azz.com Proposal to: BLACK & VEATCH COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT (401395.63.1201) Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 107 of 209 Date: March 25, 2019 Customer: BLACK & VEATCH Attn: MR. CHRIS ECHTER EchterCl@bv.com Ref: COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT (401395.63.1201) AZZ Quote No: QI-14115 Dear Mr. Echter, Thank you for your interest in AZZ Electrical Bus Duct. We are pleased to provide the attached proposal in accordance with your request. Within the proposal attached, you will find General Notes, Commercial/Technical Clarifications and/or Exceptions, Pricing Summary, Quotation Bills of Material, and AZZ’s Standard Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us or your sales representative Grant Agee with Power Equipment Specialists at 303-815-2145 or via email at gagee@pes-co.com Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Sincerely, AZZ Bus Systems Erin Erin Dorris, Proposal Supervisor cc: Grant Agee, Power Eq. Specialists Stewart Cox, AZZ Electrical 120 Aztec Drive | Richland, MS 39218 USA | Phone: 601.939.9191 | Fax: 601.420.8334 | azz.com Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 108 of 209 Pricing Summary General Notes Commercial Notes Technical Notes Quotation Bills of Material Data Sheets Terms and Conditions AZZ’s Escalation Policy Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 109 of 209 UNIT RUN DESCRIPTION PRICING 1 1 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $83,157 1 2 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $52,654 1 3 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $60,196 2 1 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $81,745 2 2 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $52,684 2 3 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $61,874 STRUCTURAL SUPPORT STEEL (17,000 Pounds)$44,200 TOTAL EQUIPMENT PRICE (Ex Works Factory)$436,510 OPTIONAL PRICING: 1 $42,900 2 $8,000 3 $8,730 4 $2,619 5 ESTIMATED FREIGHT TO JOBSITE, FCA BOARDMAN, OREGON PE STAMP: State of OREGON EXTENDED WARRANTY PERFORMANCE and WARRANTY LETTER OF CREDIT - 30%/10% PERFORMANCE and/or SUPPLY BOND $6,548 Pricing Summary Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 110 of 209 General Notes: 1. This quotation is valid for a period of thirty (30) days. 2. Delivery to be negotiated at time of order and shall be based on plant loading at that time. 3. Unless otherwise noted, this quotation is per the AZZ Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale; dated November 10, 2010, attached, and made part of our proposal and price. 4. Time allowed for approval drawing submittal will begin after receipt of the order, as well as after receipt of all required design information. 5. The prices quoted are based on information provided at the time of our proposal. If there are changes to the quantities and components during the completion of design (customer requested changes to the original proposal scope of supply or design), a change order will be requested. The request for change order will be based on the unit prices provided in our quotation and must have customer approval prior to final shipment of equipment; this also includes a change order for the freight as well if any changes occur from the original scope of supply. The final price will be based on the certified drawings and adjusted per the unit prices quoted. 6. All drawings will be sent electronically to customer. Additional cost may apply if extra copies are required. 7. Quotation is based on aluminum, current copper and steel prices on the date quoted. Surcharges may be applied at the time of order and/or time of material order placement due to aluminum, copper and steel price increases. 8. AZZ Bus Systems reserves the right to add a freight surcharge. Commercial Notes Clarifications: 1. Calvert proposes terms based on PSP Agreement dated January 23, 2015. Payment terms, liquidated damages, etc. shall be negotiated prior to final acceptance. 2. AZZ’s proposed payment terms are Net 30 days based on the following schedule: a. 10% Down Payment b. 25% Upon Submittal of Drawings for Approval or Start of Fabrication, whichever comes first. c. 60% Monthly based on the value of equipment shipped d. 5% Buyer’s receipt of engineering documents, drawings, spare parts list and instruction manuals. Purchase Orders should be made out to The Calvert Company, Inc. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 111 of 209 Technical Notes Clarifications: 1. AZZ’s bus is built per ANSI/IEEE C37.23 Standards. 2. AZZ’s standard hardware is 304 stainless steel bolts and washers with silicon bronze nuts to prevent galling. 3. A dress-up plate shall be provided to seal between the outside of the bus enclosure and the building opening. 4. Any fire rating or insulating material (for any firestop or wall seal) between the wall and outside of the bus duct enclosure shall be supplied by the buyer. 5. AZZ does not recommend the use of bellows or isolated clam-shells at any isolated phase bus (IPB) termination over 15,000 amps. AZZ has empirical and historical evidence that using bellows in these cases results in significant induced currents on the enclosure and the equipment local to the bellows location due to the premature break in the continuous enclosure design. For this reason, AZZ recommends a fully welded IPB enclosure design without the use of bellows or isolated clam-shells for terminations. 6. AZZ cannot guarantee a bus design allowing bushing removal without cutting and re- welding. This design is dependent on the routing of the bus and detailed equipment termination details. Once AZZ has all required design information, if this design is feasible, a Change Order may be requested to facilitate this design. 7. There are no special tools required for installation or maintenance of bus equipment. No tools have been included in our equipment pricing. 8. There are no start-up spares required for installation of bus equipment. No start-up spares have been included in our equipment pricing. 9. Please note that all heater and dry air piping, power supply, wiring, and conduits are not included in our quote. 10. AZZ provides alignment tools for connections to equipment where flexible connectors will be used. The installation contractor should use these alignment tools as instructed per each alignment tool drawing in order to ensure that the flexes provided will fit properly according to the termination design drawings. Failure to use the alignment tools may result in incorrect or varying alignment and may require special flexible connectors to be purchased to fit the installation. 11. Calvert provides one aluminum rating plate at each end of a run of bus. 12. Generator circuit breakers and/or disconnect switches: a. AZZ’s proposal includes welding the IPB enclosure directly to both sides of the generator circuit breaker or switch enclosures. b. AZZ’s proposal includes our standard conductor termination with the quantity of flexes noted on our attached data sheet. c. Any backing ring, cylinder, or any other special requirements required by the GCB or switch manufacturer shall be supplied by the GCB or switch manufacturer. 13. Structural Steel: a. AZZ’s proposal does not include anchor bolts in our equipment pricing. b. AZZ’s estimate on steel support weight is based on a maximum support cross beam width of the overall bus width, which is noted on the data sheet, plus five (5) feet (i.e.: 2.5 feet extensions on each side) and is based on the bus centerline height noted on our structural steel data sheets. c. AZZ’s estimate on steel includes cross bracing between all support members. If this is not feasible, AZZ reserves the right to revise our pricing for the steel based on the updated design requirements based on the unit price in our proposal. d. No hanger rods or beam clamps have been included in our steel pricing. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 112 of 209 e. Any PE stamps are for structural calculations only. 14. AZZ’s prices do not include performing design tests for the product we plan to furnish. We intend to submit existing test reports or extrapolations performed on similar designs as allowed by IEEE C37.23. We trust that our existing reports will be deemed acceptable. If design testing is added to the project scope the associated costs will be added to the contract price. In the event that tests results prove that equipment modifications are necessary any costs related to the modifications will be added to the price. The addition of design tests and or equipment modifications required as a result of the testing will be subject to extension of the project schedule to accommodate the testing and modifications. Production testing is included in our price and will be carried out in accordance with IEEE C37.23. Any testing outside IEEE C37.23 will be added to the contract price. AZZ confirms our standard bus designs have not changed since type tests were performed. 15. AZZ takes exception to line #108 for the firestop having to be UL or FM listed and proposes our standard firestop per ANSI/IEEE C37.23 standards. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 113 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 1 Run No 1 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 118 FT A14115011 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 24308.00 4 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1528.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 1 EA CAL3AHB0021401 FIRESTOP ASSEMBLY, SS, 3-PH 19253.00 EA 19253.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 11 83157.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: LOW VOLTAGE - A PHASE; UNIT 1 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 114 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 1 Run No 2 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 73 FT A14115012 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 15038.00 4 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1528.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 8 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 3584.00 8 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2168.00 8 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2168.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 12 52654.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: LOW VOLTAGE - B PHASE; UNIT 1 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 115 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 1 Run No 3 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 100 FT A14115013 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 20600.00 4 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1528.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 13 60196.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: LOW VOLTAGE - C PHASE; UNIT 1 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 116 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 2 Run No 1 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 113 FT A14115021 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 23278.00 3 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1146.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 1 EA CAL3AHB0021401 FIRESTOP ASSEMBLY, SS, 3-PH 19253.00 EA 19253.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 21 81745.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: HIGH VOLTAGE - A PHASE; UNIT 2 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 117 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 2 Run No 2 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 75 FT A14115022 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 15450.00 3 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1146.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 8 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 3584.00 8 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2168.00 8 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2168.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 22 52684.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: HIGH VOLTAGE - B PHASE; UNIT 2 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 118 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 2 Run No 3 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 110 FT A14115023 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 22660.00 3 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1146.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 23 61874.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: HIGH VOLTAGE - C PHASE; UNIT 2 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 119 of 209 CUSTOMER: BLACK AND VEATCH DATE:20-Mar-19 RFQ NO.:COYOTE SPRINGS QUOTE NO.:QI-14115 QUOTE BY:EL REVISION:0 Site Location Generator / Transformer Unit Bus Run A. BUS DESIGN PARAMETERS:English Metric 1 Maximum Rated Voltage kV 27 27 2 Maximum Operating Voltage kV 18 18 3 Rated Continuous Current Amps 7000 7000 4 BIL Rating of the Bus System kV 150 150 5 Momentary Current Rating kAMP-asym 155 155 6 Momentary Current Rating kAMP-Peak 260 260 7 Short Time Current Rating kAMP-sym 100 100 8 Short Time Current Duration Seconds 1 1 9 System Frequency Hertz 60 60 B. ENVIROMENTAL PARAMETERS: 1 Ambient Temperature Deg-C 40 40 2 Max Allowable Conductor Temp Rise Deg-C 65 65 3 Max Allowable Conductor Operating Temp Deg-C 105 105 4 Max Allowable Enclosure Temp Rise Deg-C 40 40 5 Max Allowable Enclosure Operating Temp Deg-C 80 80 6 Elevation Above Sea Level Feet /Meters 3280 1000 7 Solar Station nearest Site 8 Solar Rerate Temperature Degrees C. CONDUCTOR DATA: 1 Bus Catalog Number 2 Conductor Material 3 Conductor Diameter Inches/mm 10 254 4 Conductor Thickness Inches/mm 0.375 9.525 5 Conductor Cross Sectional Area SqIn/Sqmm 11.34 7315.59 6 Conductor Weight Lbs/Ft -kg/m 13.29 19.77 7 Conductor Conductivity %IACS 0.595 0.595 8 Conductor Emissivity Factor 0.9 0.9 9 13.6898 44.91 10 Temperature Coefficient of Resistance 0.0040 0.0040 11 D.C.Resistance @20-C Microhms/Ft-M 1.2073 3.9609 12 D.C.Resistance @105 C Microhms/Ft-M 1.6178 5.3076 13 Skin Effect Factor @105 C 1.0332 1.0332 14 A.C.Resistance @105 C Microhms/Ft-M 1.6714 5.4836 15 Conductor to Enclosure Clearance Inches/mm 10.375 263.5250 16 Base Expansion Temperature Degree-C 0 0 17 Pitch Circumference Inches/mm 30.2378 768.0409 None Applicable 77.0F / 25.0C 1 Boardman, OR 1 Version 17 Resistivity @ 20C Microhms in^2/ft / Microhms-M ISOLATED PHASE BUS DATA SHEET 27FAGEB-131125-AE-15 Extruded Aluminum F:\Quotes\14100\QI-14115 - Black and Veatch - Coyote Springs GSU Replacement\Page 1 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 120 of 209 CUSTOMER: BLACK AND VEATCH DATE:20-Mar-19 RFQ NO.:COYOTE SPRINGS QUOTE NO.:QI-14115 QUOTE BY:EL REVISION:0 Version 17 ISOLATED PHASE BUS DATA SHEET D. ENCLOSURE DATA: 1 Enclosure Material Rolled Alum. 2 Enclosure Diameter Inches/mm 31.125 790.575 3 Enclosure Thickness Inches/mm 0.1875 4.7625 4 Enclosure Cross-Sectional Area SqIn/Sqmm 18.22 11757.20 5 Enclosure Weight Lbs/Ft -kg/m 21.35 31.78 6 Enclosure Conductivity %IACS 0.605 0.605 7 Enclosure Internal Emissivity Factor 0.9 0.9 8 Enclosure External Emissivity Factor 0.8 0.8 9 Temperature Coefficient of Resistance 0.004 0.004 10 Ratio Enclosure Current to Conductor Current 0.95 0.95 11 Pitch Circumference Inches/mm 97.1930 2468.7030 E. INSULATOR DATA: 1 Insulator Type 2 Insulator Arrangement 3 Recommended Phase-Phase Centers Inches/mm 46.6875 1185.8625 4 Proposed Phase-Phase Centers Inches/mm 46.6875 1185.8625 5 Momentary Short Circuit Force Lbs/Ft-Kg/M 125.16 186.26 6 Insulator Cantilever Strength Lbs/kg 2067.23 937.68 7 Max Spacing due to Insul. Strength Feet/Meters 16.52 5.03 8 Proposed Insulator Spacing Feet/Meters 15 4.57 F. CALCULATED VALUES: 1 Max Curent - Bus without Solar Consideration Amperes 2 Rated Continuous Current Amperes 3 Cond. Temp Rise @ Rated Current Deg-C 4 Cond. Oper. Temp @ Rated Current Deg-C 5 Conductor Temp after Short Time Fault Current Deg-C 6 Cond. DC Resistance @ 20Deg-C Microhms/Ft-M 1.2073 3.9609 7 Cond. DC Resistance@ Oper. Temp Microhms/Ft-M 1.5367 5.0417 8 Skin Effect Factor Rac/Rdc 1.0373 9 Cond. AC Resistance @ Oper.Temp Microhms/Ft-M 1.5941 5.2300 10 Conductor Losses @ Rated Current Watts/Ft-M 78.11 256.2695 11 Enclosure Temp Rise @ Rated Current Deg-C 12 Enclosure Oper. Temp @ Rated Current Deg-C 13 Enclosure Temp after Short Time Current Deg-C 14 Enclosure Losses @ Rated Current Watts/Ft-M 37.92 124.4117 15 Total I-square x R Losses Watts/Ft-M 116.03 380.6812 16 Internal Air Temperature @ 8345 Amperes Deg-C 17 Inductance Microhenries/Foot 18 Inductive Reactance Microhms/Ft-M 26.08075 85.5657 19 Inductive Volt Drop Volt/Ft-M 0.18266 0.5993 20 Capacitance Picofarads/Ft-M 15.0747 49.4572 21 Impedance Microhms/Ft-M 26.1294 85.7254 22 Metal Weight Lbs/Ft -kg/m 34.64 51.55 23 Cond. Expansion from 0 to 88 Degrees C In/Ft-mm/M 0.02517 0.1949 24 Enclo. Expansion from 0 to 60 Degrees C In/Ft-mm/M 0.01683 0.1303 60.99 79.77 0.06922 48.22 88.22 91.19 19.94 59.94 8345 7000 Porcelain Post One / Location F:\Quotes\14100\QI-14115 - Black and Veatch - Coyote Springs GSU Replacement\Page 2 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 121 of 209 Dimension Symbol Inches Millimeters Conductor Diameter =D = 10 254 Conductor Thickness=T = 0.375 9.525 Enclosure Diameter =D1 = 31.125 790.575 Enclosure Thickness=T1 = 0.1875 4.7625 Phase to Phase Centers =P1 = 46.6875 1185.8625 Overall Width of 3-Phase Assembly=OW = 124.5 3162.3 Maximum Insulator Spacing =IS3 = 180 4572 Number Insulators Per Location =NI = 1 1 Single Phase Weight / Foot (with insulators) =36.975 lbs / ft 55.024 kg / m Three Phase Weight / Foot (with insulators) =110.925 lbs / ft 165.073 kg / m Bus Catalog Number =27FAGEB-131125-AE-15 Conductor Termination =10 750kcmil Rope Lay Enclosure Expan & Earth Quake =10 750kcmil Rope Lay ISOLATED PHASE BUS DATA SHEET Version 16 T T1 P1 P1 DD1 OW F:\Quotes\14100\QI-14115 - Black and Veatch - Coyote Springs GSU Replacement\Page 3 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 122 of 209 1 AZZ incorporated, Electrical Products Group Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale November 10, 2010 Rev. 0 Atkinson Industries, Inc. Pittsburg, KS Electrical Power Systems, Inc. Tulsa, OK The Calvert Company, Inc. Richland, MS CGIT Systems, Inc. Medway, MA Central Electric Manufacturing. Co. Fulton, MO Rig-A-Lite Partnership, Ltd. Houston, TX AZZ Blenkhorn & Sawle Limited St. Catharines, ON, Canada The terms and conditions set forth below shall constitute the expression of all the terms of this agreement as a complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between COMPANY (hereafter referred to as SELLER, any of the wholly-owned subsidiaries of AZZ incorporated listed above) and the PURCHASER (hereafter referred to as BUYER). TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Unless different or additional terms and conditions are stated or referred to in the SELLER’s proposal or final order acknowledgement, in which event such different or additional terms and conditions shall be exclusive as to the particular subject covered, the terms and conditions stated below shall apply. These terms and conditions shall supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. No course of prior dealings between the parties and no usage of the trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used in these terms and conditions. Acceptance or acquiescence in a course of performance rendered under these terms and conditions shall not be relevant to determine the meaning of these terms and conditions even though the accepting or acquiescing party has knowledge of the nature of the performance and the opportunity for objection. All orders are subject to approval by SELLER. Any additional or different terms or conditions set forth in the BUYER’s order or other communications are objected to and shall not be effective or binding unless assented to by an authorized representative of the SELLER. Any waiver or alteration of terms herein shall not be binding unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the SELLER. Each quotation is valid for 60 days. PRICES All product prices are F.O.B. SELLER's plant, or point of origination of shipment unless otherwise specified and shall be the prices in effect at the time of shipment. All prices for service shall be at SELLER’s prevailing rates at the time service is performed. However, prices are subject to change without notice in the event of: (1) alterations in specifications, quantities, designs, or delivery schedules; and (2) foreign or domestic legislation (including tax legislation) enacted by any level of government which would increase the cost of producing, warehousing or selling the goods purchased hereunder. In addition, prices may be subject to escalation as negotiated at the time of quotation and receipt of order. All costs for modification or adjustment to the products required to suit unforeseen field conditions or errors or omissions in the information supplied to SELLER, with or without SELLER's aid, shall be assumed and paid by BUYER. No discount will be allowed unless specifically set forth in accordance with the established price and discount schedules of the SELLER. In the event of a price change, the effective date of the change will be the date shown on the new price or discount sheets. However, where a price change is made in writing, the effective date may be given as part of the announcement. TAXES Any excise, sales, use, GST/HST or similar tax or duty of any nature whatsoever arising out of, or assessed against orders, shall be added to the prices quoted and paid by the BUYER unless BUYER provides SELLER with an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or customs authorities at the time an order is submitted. In the event SELLER is required to pay any such taxes or duties, the BUYER shall reimburse SELLER thereon. PAYMENT AND CREDIT TERMS Subject to establishment of satisfactory credit, terms are strictly net cash thirty (30) days from date of invoice, payable in U.S. funds. Invoices will be issued as shipments are made. If shipments are delayed by the BUYER, payments shall become due on the date when the SELLER is prepared to make shipment. If the work to be performed hereunder is delayed by the BUYER, payments shall be made based on the purchase price and the percentage of completion. Equipment held for the BUYER shall be at the risk and expense of the BUYER. If payments are not made in accordance with these terms and conditions, a service charge will, without prejudice to the right of SELLER to Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 123 of 209 2 immediate payment, be added in an amount equal to the lower of 1.5% per month or fraction thereof or the highest legal rate on the unpaid balance. Until the purchase price and all other sums due pursuant hereto are paid in full, SELLER retains a security interest in the materials sold (hereafter sometimes referred to as 'Goods') and in all proceeds of said Goods. BUYER shall execute financing statement(s) on request and authorizes SELLER to execute and file same. If the financial condition of the BUYER at any time does not, in the judgment of the SELLER, justify continuance of the work to be performed by the SELLER hereunder on the terms of payment agreed upon, the SELLER may require full or partial payment in advance or shall be entitled to cancel any order then outstanding and shall receive reimbursement of its reasonable and proper cancellation charges. In the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of the BUYER or in the event any proceeding is brought against the BUYER, voluntarily or involuntarily, under the bankruptcy or any insolvency laws, the SELLER shall be entitled to cancel any order then outstanding at any time during the period allowed for filing claims against the estate and shall receive reimbursement for its reasonable and proper cancellation charges. In event of cancellation, SELLER shall be entitled to receive reasonable cancellation charges and shall not in such event be liable for breach or nonperformance of contract in whole or in part. The rights of the SELLER under this paragraph are cumulative and in addition to all rights available to the SELLER at law or in equity. PROVISIONS ON PAYMENT VOUCHERS Exception is taken to any provisions printed either on the front or back of payment drafts, vouchers and checks. Those provisions will not be considered a part of this Agreement. SELLER's endorsement is not an acceptance of such provisions. ORDERS Orders are subject to a minimum billing per order and acceptance at the home office of the SELLER. All orders and shipments shall, at all times, be subject to the approval of the SELLER’s Credit Department. For products manufactured specifically for BUYER and in accordance with BUYER's instructions, SELLER shall cause plans and/or drawings to be prepared and submitted to BUYER for approval. The approved plans and/or drawings shall be a part of the agreement between BUYER and SELLER and the products will be manufactured by SELLER in accordance therewith. Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by BUYER to the SELLER in connection with performance hereunder are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence except as may be otherwise provided in a writing signed by a duly authorized representative of the SELLER. PACKAGING All materials are carefully packed/packaged for Domestic shipment and prices stated are based on SELLER's standard packaging. SELLER reserves the right of packaging material in any manner acceptable to commercial carrier. Special customer packaging will be furnished only when specified in writing, and the cost thereof shall be borne by the BUYER. SELLER will not be responsible for loss, delay or damage made by carriers. However, SELLER will render BUYER all possible assistance in securing satisfactory adjustments of such claims. DELIVERY Unless otherwise specified, all products are shipped F.O.B. point of shipment, whereupon delivery to a carrier shall constitute delivery to BUYER per INCOTERMS. Any claim by BUYER for shortage or damage occurring subsequent to such delivery or for nonconformance of Goods must be made within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the Goods from carrier in the condition claimed, or such Goods shall be deemed finally inspected, checked and accepted by BUYER. Should the BUYER request that SELLER delay shipment, once manufacturing and testing are completed, SELLER will store such equipment, subject to the following conditions: a) Upon completion, the BUYER will allow SELLER to issue an invoice for the equipment and process said invoice, within the payment terms of the purchase order, as if the equipment had actually shipped. b) BUYER agrees to assume title and ownership of the equipment on the date the invoice is issued. c) BUYER agrees to pay SELLER applicable handling and storage fees until time of shipment. If shipment is delayed for more than three months, an additional fee will be assessed for inspection and cleaning of the equipment prior to shipment. BUYER agrees to accept and sign a Bill & Hold Agreement in a form acceptable to SELLER (which shall, in any event, include provisions a) through c) above) STORAGE CHARGES Goods held in the factory or placed in storage beyond the completion/delivery date for the convenience of BUYER will be invoiced monthly. Terms of payment will apply from invoice date. Title and risk of loss shall pass to the BUYER upon invoicing or moving of such Goods to storage. Said Goods will be subject to charges for warehousing, any direct costs of storage, and any other expenses incidental to such delay. BUYER agrees to pay SELLER any direct costs of storage charges plus an additional 10% thereof. Such direct costs may include delivery charges to a storage facility if necessitated. FORCE MAJEURE The SELLER shall not be liable in any way for default or delay in delivery or in performance or failure to manufacture or deliver, due to contingencies beyond its control or the control of its suppliers or sub-contractors. This includes but is not limited to acts of God, acts of the BUYER, acts of civil or military authority, acts of war, priorities, bombings, accidents, fires, strikes or other labor disturbances, floods, droughts, epidemics, riot, inability on account of causes beyond SELLER’s reasonable control to obtain necessary labor, materials, components or manufacturing facilities, or any other contingency affecting the SELLER, its suppliers, or Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 124 of 209 3 sub-contractors. In the event of any such delay, the SELLER shall have the right to cancel a contract of sale or to extend the date of delivery or performance by a minimum period at least equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. SHIPPING AND ROUTING SELLER will notify BUYER when the products or any part thereof are ready for shipment. If the contemplated shipment cannot be made for any cause referred to under "Force Majeure" hereof, including the lack of shipping instructions for the BUYER or BUYER appointed independent freight forwarder, SELLER may, unless other agreement is made with the BUYER, store such products or parts in which event the following conditions shall apply: a) BUYER shall advise SELLER of shipping instructions within ten days from the date of SELLER notification that the products are ready for shipment. b) If SELLER does not receive shipping instructions within such ten day period, then all expenses incurred by SELLER in connection with the storage of products including demurrage, the cost of preparation for storage, storage charges, taxes, insurance, if placed, and handling charges shall be payable by the BUYER upon submission of invoices and warehouse receipts therefore. SELLER shall select the point of origin of shipment, the method of transportation, the type of carrier equipment and the routing of the shipment. If the BUYER specifies a special method of transportation, type of carrier equipment, routing or delivery requirement, BUYER shall pay all special freight and handling charges. When freight is included in the price, no allowance will be made in lieu of transportation if the Buyer accepts shipment at factory, warehouse or freight station or otherwise supplies its own transportation. Except in the event of shipments specifically designated by SELLER as F.O.B. destination shipments, SELLER will not participate in any settlement of claims for concealed or other shipment damage. When shipment has been made on an F.O.B. destination basis, the BUYER must unpack immediately and, if damage is discovered, must: 1. Not move the product from the point of examination. 2. Retain shipping container and packing material. 3. Notify the carrier of any apparent damage in writing on carrier's delivery receipt and request the carrier to make an inspection. 4. Notify SELLER representative within 72 hours of delivery. 5. Send SELLER a copy of the carrier's inspection report. For the avoidance of doubt, risk of loss or damage to the products shall pass to BUYER at the F.O.B. point. CANCELLATIONS AND CHANGES Orders are not subject to cancellation, additions, changes in specifications, shipping schedules, or any other conditions except with SELLER's written consent and subject to conditions then agreed upon. The BUYER may cancel his order only upon written notice and upon payment to the SELLER of reasonable and proper cancellation charges, which may take into account, without limitation (costs of materials incurred through the date of cancellation, charges for labor for work done through the date of cancellation, overhead and the SELLER’s margin on such materials and labor). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the case of cancellations, BUYER shall indemnify SELLER against any liability and expense incurred and commitments made by SELLER in the course of processing and performing such order and shall provide for compensation for the contract value of products or parts completed and ready for shipment, plus an additional payment equal to 10% of the amount of the payment for which SELLER otherwise would have invoiced BUYER with respect to such order. Any orders delayed or rescheduled at the request of the BUYER will be subject to the prices and conditions of sale in effect at the time of the release of the hold or reschedule. ERRORS All clerical errors are subject to correction. PATENTED PROCESSES The purchase of the Goods does not entitle BUYER to employ the same with any patented process owned by SELLER or others. PATENT INFRINGEMENT (A) SELLER shall, at its expense, defend any lawsuit brought against BUYER based on a claim that any product furnished by SELLER pursuant to this agreement constitutes an infringement of any United States or Canadian patent, and SELLER shall pay all judgments and costs recovered against BUYER in any such suit and shall reimburse BUYER for costs or expenses incurred by BUYER in the defense of any such suit, provided that BUYER gives SELLER prompt notice of such suit, reasonable assistance in the defense thereof, and full opportunity to control all aspects of the defense thereof, including settlement. In the event such product is held to constitute infringement, and the use of the product is enjoined, SELLER shall, at its option, procure for the BUYER the right to continue using the product, replace it with non-infringing product, modify it so it becomes non- infringing, or remove the product and refund the portion of the contract price applicable thereto, including the transportation and installation thereof. (B) SELLER’s liability for patent infringement shall not apply to: 1. Patented processes performed by the product or another product produced thereby; 2. Products supplied according to a design other than that of SELLER and which is required by the BUYER; or 3. Modifications of the product or combinations of the product with another product not furnished by SELLER. (C) THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF SELLER FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT BY ANY PRODUCT FURNISHED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT AND ARE Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 125 of 209 4 CONTINGENT UPON BUYER NOT TAKING ANY POSITION ADVERSE TO SELLER IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH CLAIM. (D) If a suit is brought against SELLER on account of: any patented processes performed by the product or with respect to another product produced thereby, products supplied according to a design other than that of SELLER and which is required by the BUYER; or modifications of the product or combinations of the product with another product not furnished by SELLER, BUYER shall indemnify SELLER in the same manner and to the same extent that SELLER would indemnify BUYER pursuant to the foregoing paragraphs. DESIGNS All designs and specifications shown in SELLER’s catalogs/brochures are subject to change without notice. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT Any assignment of this contract or any rights hereunder without written consent of the SELLER shall be void. The provisions of this contract are for the benefit of the parties thereto and not for any other individual or company. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SELLER and its contractors and suppliers of any tier shall not be liable in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise for damage or loss of other property or equipment, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of equipment or power system, cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement power or temporary equipment (including additional expenses incurred in using existing facilities), claims of customers of the BUYER, or for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages whatsoever, regardless of whether such potential damages are foreseeable or if SELLER has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Consequential damages for purposes hereof shall include without limitation, loss of income or profit, or losses sustained as the result of injury (including death) to any person, or loss of or damage to property. BUYER shall indemnify SELLER against all liability, cost, or expense which may be sustained by SELLER on account of any such loss, damage or injury. Other than in the case of orders placed to or shipped from the SELLER’s Canadian locations, any additional or different terms specifically relating to or addressing the subject matter of this paragraph shall be deemed material alterations within the meaning of Section 2.207(b)(2) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. The remedies of the BUYER set forth herein are exclusive and the total cumulative liability of the SELLER with respect to these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, or anything done in connection therewith such as the performance or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, or use of any product covered by or furnished under these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, whether in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, shall not exceed the price of the product or part on which such liability is based. No action, regardless of form, arising out of the transaction under these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, may be brought by Purchaser more than one (1) year after the cause of action has accrued. If the SELLER furnishes BUYER with advice or other assistance that concerns any products supplied hereunder or any system or equipment in which any such product may be installed and which is not required pursuant to these terms and conditions, the furnishing of such advice or assistance will not subject the SELLER to any liability, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence) or otherwise. WARRANTY SELLER warrants that the Goods manufactured by it and/or services provided by it will be free from defect in workmanship, material and manufacture; provided, however, that this warranty shall terminate on the date one (1) year from the date of shipment. In the event any service supplied or product sold hereunder manufactured by the SELLER is defective due to workmanship or material, the SELLER agrees for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, at its option, to correct such non-conformity or replace such defective part or product. The agreement, however, is upon condition that the BUYER promptly notifies the SELLER in writing of any claim in this respect, setting forth in detail any such claimed defect and that the SELLER Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 126 of 209 5 be afforded a reasonable opportunity to examine the product and to investigate the claimed defect. This warranty does not obligate the SELLER to bear any transportation charges in connection with the replacement or repair of defective products. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the SELLER shall be, in no event, liable for damages, whether based in contract or negligence, beyond the lower of the cost of correcting the non-conformity as herein provided or the price paid by the BUYER for such defective product and shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damage whatsoever. SELLER's warranty does not apply to any product which has been subjected to misuse, mishandling, misapplication, abuse neglect (including but not limited to improper maintenance), accident, improper installation or storage, modification (including but not limited to use of unauthorized parts or attachments), or adjustment or repair performed by anyone other than SELLER or one of SELLER's authorized agents. This warranty does not cover reimbursement for labor, gaining access, removal, installation, temporary power or any other expenses, which may be incurred in connection with repair or replacement. Goods which may be sold by SELLER but which are not manufactured by SELLER are not warranted by SELLER, but are sold only with the warranties, if any, of the manufacturers thereof. SELLER does not warrant any products or services of others that BUYER has designated. The liability of the SELLER shall not exceed any adjustments with respect to which such manufacturer accepts responsibility. No affirmation, modification, or addition to this agreement with respect to warranty of the SELLER, either before or after contract of sale, shall be made except in writing by an authorized representative of the SELLER. In no event shall Seller be responsible for gaining access to the product(s), disassembly, or reassembly. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. BY ACCEPTANCE HEREOF, THE BUYER AGREES THAT THERE ARE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES BY THE SELLER OR BY ANY MANUFACTURER AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, CAPACITY, OR EFFICIENCY OF ANY PRODUCT SOLD OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, AND THAT THERE ARE NO ORAL OR IMPLIED ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES MADE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SALE BASED HEREON. CORRECTION OF NON¬CONFORMITIES IN THE MANNER AND FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME PROVIDED ABOVE SHALL CONSTITUTE SELLER'S SOLE LIABILITY AND BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR FAILURE OF SELLER TO MEET ITS WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS, WHETHER CLAIMS OF THE BUYER ARE BASED IN CONTRACT, IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY) OR OTHERWISE. For the avoidance of doubt, the warranties and remedies set forth herein are conditioned upon (a) proper storage, installation, use and maintenance, and conformance with any applicable recommendations of SELLER and (b) BUYER promptly notifying SELLER of any defects and, if required, promptly making the product available for correction. GOVERNING LAW The rights and remedies of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State of Texas. SELLER certifies that its goods will be produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Section 6, 7, and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and of regulations and orders of the U. S. Department of Labor issued pursuant thereto. Despite the foregoing, in the case of orders placed to or shipped from the SELLER’s Canadian locations, the rights and remedies of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the law of Ontario, Canada. SELLER certifies that its goods will be produced in compliance with all applicable requirements. NUCLEAR FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES Unless otherwise agreed in writing by a duly authorized representative of SELLER, products sold hereunder are not intended for use in connection with any nuclear facility or activity. If so used, the provisions of the immediately following paragraph will apply. NUCLEAR INSURANCE – INDEMNITY If any products sold hereunder are used in connection with any nuclear facility or activity, SELLER and its suppliers shall have no liability to BUYER or its insurers for any nuclear damage or contamination, and BUYER shall indemnify SELLER against any such liability, whether as a result of breach of contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including SELLER's negligence), strict liability or otherwise. The provisions in the paragraph titled “WARRANTY” above, and any other provision herein that may require SELLER to indemnify BUYER, if any, shall not apply to any damages or bodily injury, or both, arising out of a "nuclear incident", as that term is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the "Act"). In addition, BUYER shall furnish financial protection as required by Section 170 of the Act, including an agreement of indemnification and/or nuclear liability insurance from ANI and MAELU, or both, pursuant to Section 170 of the Act, as applicable. BUYER shall not remove any items of equipment from the plant site or otherwise transfer any interest therein without first providing SELLER with written assurance of limitation of and protection against liability (both nuclear and non-nuclear) following the proposed removal or transfer in a form reasonably acceptable to SELLER. Removal or transfer contrary to this provision shall, in addition to any other legal or equitable rights of SELLER, make BUYER the indemnitor of SELLER and its suppliers to the same extent that they would have been protected had no such removal or transfer taken place. Any of SELLER's material or equipment which becomes radioactive at the work site, shall, at SELLER's option, be purchased by BUYER. Any nuclear decontamination necessary for SELLER's performance Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 127 of 209 6 (including warranty) shall be performed by BUYER without cost to SELLER. This paragraph and the foregoing one apply in their entirety to orders originating from SELLER’s Canadian operations which would otherwise be governed by Ontario Law. CLAIMS Any claim by BUYER with reference to the Goods sold hereunder shall be deemed waived by the BUYER unless submitted in writing to SELLER within ten (10) days from the date BUYER discovered, or by reasonable inspection should have discovered, any claimed breach of the foregoing warranty. Any cause of action for breach of the foregoing warranty shall be brought within one (1) year from the date the alleged breach was discovered or should have been discovered, whichever occurs first. At SELLER's request, BUYER will send, at BUYER’s sole expense, any allegedly defective parts to the plant of SELLER which manufactured them or such other place as SELLER may request. Parts, products which are repaired, or replacement parts or products, shall be delivered to BUYER F.O.B. SELLER's plant or such other place as SELLER may designate. FAILURE TO ENFORCE Forbearance or failure of the SELLER to enforce any of these conditions, or to exercise any right accruing from any default of the BUYER, shall not constitute a waiver of SELLER’s rights hereunder or, for the avoidance of doubt, affect or impair the SELLER’s rights should default continue, or in case of subsequent default of BUYER. Such forbearance or failure shall not be deemed a waiver of the SELLER’s rights in case of other or future defaults of the BUYER. COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA SELLER offers no warranty and makes no representation that its products comply with the provisions or standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, or any regulation issued thereunder. In no event shall SELLER be liable for any loss, damage, fines, penalty or expenses arising under said Act. ARBITRATION Any disputes or differences concerning the performance, breach or interpretation of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, other than for SELLER’s Canadian locations, shall be resolved only by binding arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the State of Texas and the proceeding will be held in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. For orders placed to or shipped from the SELLER’s Canadian locations, any such disputes or differences shall be resolved only by binding arbitration rules of the Province of Ontario and the proceeding will be held in Toronto, Ontario. Any judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. GENERAL The provisions of these terms and conditions are for the benefit of the parties thereto and not for any other person. No understanding, promise or representation, and no waiver, alteration or modification of any of the provisions hereof, shall be binding upon the SELLER unless assented to in writing by an authorized representative of the SELLER. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any of the foregoing paragraphs will not affect the remainder of such paragraph or any other paragraph contained herein. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 128 of 209 CALVERT ESCALATION POLICY REV2 WIP.doc The Calvert Company Escalation Policy Isolated Phase Bus Systems Segregated Phase Bus Systems Non-Segregated Phase Bus Systems To protect against drastic increases in raw material costs over the life of this project, The Calvert Company will utilize the following escalation policy as an integral part of this contract for copper, aluminum, and structural steel, as applicable, and as determined by published indices. The published indices used for calculating applicable escalation are based on the following: Copper and Aluminum: COMEX prices as published daily in the Wall Street Journal. Structural Steel: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Index WPU101 With an order placed within the timeframe of the validity of the quotation, the “Base Level” for copper and aluminum will be determined as the average of the daily COMEX prices published in the Wall Street Journal during the calendar month in which the quotation was issued. For any month throughout the life of the contract, the “Average Daily Cash Price” will be calculated for the month immediately prior to shipment 1. The “Base Level” for structural steel will be based on the average monthly index for Iron and Steel as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics during the calendar month in which the quotation was issued. For any month throughout the life of the contract, the “Average Daily Cash Price” will be calculated for the month immediately prior to shipment 2. Definitions CB = Base Level of Copper (determined at the time of order, and included in the quotation) AB = Base Level of Aluminum (determined at the time of order, and included in the quotation) SB = Base Level of Steel (determined at the time of order, and included in the quotation) C1 = Average Daily Cash Price of Copper (for month immediately prior to shipment) A1 = Average Daily Cash Price of Aluminum (for month immediately prior to shipment) S1 = Average Daily Cash Price of Steel (for month immediately prior to shipment) Contract Escalation for Isolated Phase Bus Systems Escalation for Isolated Phase Bus Systems will be based on the total weight of aluminum and structural steel supports supplied as part of the contract. The total price change will be calculated as follows: Escalation Percentage: EP = [((A1 / AB) – 1) x .40] + [((S1 / SB) – 1) x .15] Calvert will hold prices firm for raw material cost swings from a Base Level, which affect the Escalation Percentage less than 2%. If the Escalation Percentage varies by more than 2%, then prices will be adjusted by multiplying the contract price of equipment by 1 + EP. 1 Under cash prices for commodities in the WSJ: “Aluminum Comex lb.” for aluminum; “Copper, high gr lb, Cmx sp price” for copper 2 Under Producer Price Index – Commodities, Series Id WPU101 for Iron and steel Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 129 of 209 CALVERT ESCALATION POLICY REV2 WIP.doc Contract Escalation for Segregated Phase Bus Systems Escalation for Segregated Phase Bus Systems will be based on the total weight of aluminum and structural steel supports supplied as part of the contract. The total price change will be calculated as follows: Escalation Percentage: EP = [((A1 / AB) -1) x .15] + [((C1 / CB) – 1) x .25] + [((S1 / SB) - 1) x .10] Calvert will hold prices firm for raw material cost swings from a Base Level, which affect the Escalation Percentage less than 2%. If the Escalation Percentage varies by more than 2%, then prices will be adjusted by multiplying the contract price of equipment by 1 + EP. Contract Escalation for Non-Segregated Phase Bus Systems Escalation for Segregated Phase Bus Systems will be based on the total weight of aluminum and structural steel supports supplied as part of the contract. The total price change will be calculated as follows: Escalation Percentage: EP = [((A1 / AB) -1) x .15] + [((C1 / CB) – 1) x .25] + [((S1 / SB) - 1) x .10] Calvert will hold prices firm for raw material cost swings from a Base Level, which affect the Escalation Percentage less than 2%. If the Escalation Percentage varies by more than 2%, then prices will be adjusted by multiplying the contract price of equipment by 1 + EP. Examples ONLY As a point of reference, the Average Daily Cash Prices for copper, aluminum, and steel for the current month were as follows: Copper: $3.50 / lb. Aluminum: $1.30 / lb. Steel: 185 Using the above numbers as “base” numbers (i.e., CB = $3.50, AB = $1.30, and Steel = 185) in the following examples, and assuming new values of C1, A1, and S1 as shown, this Price Escalation Clause would affect pricing as follows: Example 1: Non-segregated Phase Bus Systems Including Steel Structures A1 = $1.32 C1 = $3.00 S1 = 188 EP = [((1.32/1.30) - 1) x .15] + [((3.00/2.98) -1) x .25] + [((188/185) -1) x .10] EP = 0.005607 (0.56%) Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 130 of 209 CALVERT ESCALATION POLICY REV2 WIP.doc Since EP is less than 2%, escalation does not apply. Example 2: Isolated Phase Bus Systems Including Structural Steel A1 = $1.40 S1 = 188.2 EP = [((1.40/1.30) - 1) x .40] + [((188.2/185) -1) x .15] EP = 0.0262 (2.62%) Since EP is greater than 2%, escalation does apply. New Price for Bus System = Contract Price x (1 + .0262) Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 131 of 209 BUDGETARY PROPOSAL Proposal to: Black and Veatch Coyote Springs GSU Replacement David Smith Service Manager AZZ Bus Systems Phone: 601.939.9191 ext.2380 Email: davidsmith@azz.com Ref No: CQ-2532 Date: March 25, 2019 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 132 of 209 2 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) Date: March 25, 2019 Customer: Black and Veatch Ref: Inquiry: Coyote Spring GSU Replacement Calvert Co. Quote #: CQ-2532 Dear Chris Echter, Thank you for your interest in AZZ Installation Services. We are pleased to provide the attached proposal in response to your request for a budgetary proposal to demolition of existing isolated phase bus from the building to the transformer. Plus install the newly configured isolated phase bus to the new designed confirmation to allow for connecting to the new phase transformer line up arrangement for two units. Within the proposal attached, you will find General Notes, Commercial Clarifications and/or Exceptions, Technical Clarifications and/or Exceptions, as applicable, a Pricing Summary, and other documentation pertinent to your specific project. Price quoted is by our non-union labor force. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact your local AZZ authorized Sales Representative Grant Agee with Power Equipment Specialist at (303) 815-2142. Customer contact: Chris Echter at (303) 256-4055. Thank you again for your interest. Sincerely, David Smith Office (601) 939-9191 ext. 2380 Cell (601) 594-4884 Fax (601) 936-9398 cc: Mark Samol, AZZ Incorporated Stewart Cox, AZZ Incorporated Grant Agee, Power Equipment Specialist Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 133 of 209 3 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) Table of Contents Cover Page 1 Proposal Letter 2 Table of Contents 3 Pricing Summary 4 Daily Rates 5 General Notes 5 Commercial Clarifications/Exceptions 5-6 Technical Clarifications/Exceptions 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 134 of 209 4 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) PRICING SUMMARY Services Description Price • Travel time for 7 men • Airfare • Tool shipment GSU for both runs of IPB: Plus the Installation of the new bus for bot STG and CTG Unit 2 from the building wall back to the GSUs: • Seven men working ten hours a day/six days per week for five weeks • Scaffolding (ten locations) anything needed above the quoted amount will price at billed at actual cost. • Care for five weeks • One man lift for five weeks • One for lift for five weeks • One small office trailer • Hand tools • Consumables • Welding equipment • PPE Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 135 of 209 5 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) Additional Rates for Scope Changes and or Delays (Per Technician) Daily Rate 8 hours worked, Monday through Friday or any day of travel $2,047.00 per day Saturday Rate 8 hours worked on Saturday $2,852.00 per day Overtime Hourly Rate Hours worked in excess of regular 8 hour work day during the week and on Saturdays Daily Rate Overtime Rate work day on Sundays and Holidays *Labor, local transportation, per diem, and lodging are included in these rates General Notes 1. AZZ Field Technicians hold Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC) 2. AZZ Field Technicians are OSHA-30 certified. 3. AZZ employees have passed a thorough background check. 4. AZZ employees are in compliance with AZZs Drug and Alcohol policy. 5. AZZ welders are ASTM and ANSI/AWS MIG certified aluminum welders. 6. Our personnel will require access to restroom facilities. Commercial Clarifications/Exceptions 1. This quotation is valid for a period of 30 days. 2. AZZ must receive a purchase order before any work will be scheduled. All terms and conditions must be negotiated prior to final acceptance. We have attached our standard terms for your review. 3. Payments are Net 30 days from invoice date. 4. All local and state construction permits or licenses to be provided by the owner. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 136 of 209 6 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) 5. Delays by the purchaser or by prerequisite work of others will require an adjustment of AZZs time and expenses. 6. Orientation is included in this quote and is based on a standard 1 to 2 hours in duration. 7. Price quoted does not include any additional onsite testing or certification of welders. 8. Crane-truck (with operator) to perform welding to be supplied by AZZ. 9. If required, scaffolding to be supplied by the AZZ. 10. Argon gas (99.9% purity) to be supplied by AZZ. 11. A full time safety director is not included in this quote. 12. A dedicated fire watch is not included in this quote. 13. Pricing for the receipt and unloading of material is not included in this quote. 14. AZZs proposal must be made a part of the contract agreement for clarification purposes. Technical Clarifications/Exceptions 1. Our crew will require access to 110V, 20A electrical power hook-up. 2. Our welding machines will require connection to the plant’s 60-amp, 480V, 3-phase electrical service. 3. AZZ will dispose of our debris in owner-supplied dumpsters. Please submit PO as follows: The Calvert Company, Inc. 120 Aztec Drive Richland, MS 39218 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 137 of 209 Proposal Number :190326A1I Customer :Black and Veatch Salesman:Cliff Norris Revision:Project :Coyote Springs GSU Replacement Account Manager:Cliff Norris Date :March 26, 2019 Contact Name / Phone:Chris Echter 303-256-4055 Sales Associate:Hartigan Power - Matt Oliver Proposal validity:30 Days Fax / email :EchterCI@BV.com Purchase Order: Payment Terms :30 Days Project Number: Version:June 27, 2018 ITEM GSU X to CTG GSU Y to CTG Structural  Bus Run1  Bus Run2  Bus Run3  Bus Run4  Bus Run5  Bus Run6     Epoxy Insulators     Porcelain Insulators 30 30 30Voltage Class 18kV 150kV BIL 13.8kV 150kV BIL 18kV 150kV BILCurrent Rating 65°C Rise, 40°C Amb./60Hz 7,000 Amperes 7,000 Amperes 7,000 AmperesCapacitance Pico Farads / Ft. / Φ 1.59E+01 1.59E+01 1.59E+01Inductance Microhenry / Ft. / Φ 6.53E-02 6.53E-02 6.53E-02Standard watt loss / 3Φ  Foot 422 422 422Enclosure Painted Aluminum 1100-H14 32.25"OD X .157"Thk.1100-H14 32.25"OD X .157"Thk.1100-H1432.25"OD X .157"Thk.Conductor Painted Aluminum 6101-T64 11.00"OD X .313"Thk.6101-T64 11.00"OD X .313"Thk.6101-T6411.00"OD X .313"Thk.Weight 103 Pounds per 3 Φ foot 103 Pounds per 3 Φ foot 103 Pounds per 3 Φ footWithstand Current 260 kA Asymmetrical 260 kA Asymmetrical 260 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical Description Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Single phase length 285 $397per ft.315 $397per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.Elbows - 1-Phase 12 $428 15 $428 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Transition to existing bus - 1-Phase 3 $500 3 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Conductor expansion joint - 1 Phase 6 $761 6 $761 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Enclosure expansion joint - 1 Phase 6 $885 6 $885 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Tee Tap - 1 Phase 3 $347 3 $347 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $012 Ft. Max.- 1 Phase 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Porcelain Insulator 12 Ft. Max.- 1 Phase 42 $894 48 $894 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Seal-Off Bushing - 1 Phase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Shorting Plate - 2-Phase 3 $1,689 3 $1,689 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Wall Plate - 3 Phase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $03-Phase Encl. Support 19 $991 23 $991 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Transformer Termination (1-Phase)6 $5,654 6 $5,654 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Generator Termination (1-Phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Circuit Breaker Termination (1-Phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Auxiliary transformer Termination - 1 Phase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Disconnect Link -( 1 Phase) 1HDP82 2321 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Hanger Supports $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Wall Supports $0 $0 6 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Double Column Support 10 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Double Column Support 20 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Double Column Support 30 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Quad Column Support 10 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Quad Column Support 20 foot max $0 $0 5 $9,824 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Quad Column Support 30 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Column Weight =23,879 Lbs.GCB Support 10 foot max.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GCB Support 20 foot max.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0GCB Support 30 foot max.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0GCB Weight =0,000 Lbs.$0 $0 $0Total Weight =23,879 Lbs.$0 $0 $41,812$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0PT & Surge Connection (1-Phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 P.T. & Surge Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Generator Neutral Tie $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Generator Neutral Ground Compt.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Grounding Switch Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Disconnect Switch Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Cable Termination Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Heater Assemblies 42 $185 48 $185 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Heater Control Cabinet $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0CT Inside Enclosure $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Thermostat3$294 3 $294 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Thermometer w/Window $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Air Pressurization System $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $02 Hour Fire Stop (1-phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Neutral Ground Transformer/Resistor $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0IR Window $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 Buyout Items $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$234,685 $258,311 $55,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Supports only $0 $0 $55,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Bus only $234,685 $258,311 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Freight Terms:Prepaid & Allowed Notice:Shipping Point:FOB Technibus This pricing is the property of Technibus and is consideredproprietary and confidential. Any use duplication ordisclosure of the contents requires prior written authorization. * Please consult factory for derating factors and special construction, optionsnot listed, or current ratings not listed. Standard finish is ANSI-61 consult factory for special colors. Sell Price:$548,795 Equipment terminations include up to one foot of conductor, end flanges, bolting hardware, gasket, and insulating materials when required. Any additionalmaterials will be added to the price shown.Freight Allowance:$89,650Total Price:$638,445 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 138 of 209 Terms and Conditions of Sale 3 of 8 Revised 7-7-2017 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Technibus, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE    Technibus,   Inc.   (“Technibus”)   will   provide   the   Services   and   supply   the   Products   described   on   the   accompanying   Quotation, Acknowledgement or Purchase Order (the “Job”) in accordance with terms and conditions set forth on the face of the Quotation or Acknowledgment together with these standard terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms and Conditions”). Technibus expressly objects to any different or additional terms or conditions contained in Customer’s purchase order or other document unless expressly accepted in writing signed by Technibus. Even when so accepted, any such different or additional terms and conditions shall apply only to the particular Job covered. Authorization by Customer to furnish the quoted services, or receipt or acceptance of delivery of the Products will constitute Customer’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. QUOTATIONS  Quoted prices do not include freight, non-standard packaging, duties or taxes unless specifically stated in the Quotation. Quotations are void unless accepted by Customer within thirty (30) days from the date thereof, and are subject to change without notice until accepted in writing. Quotations are made based on Technibus' interpretation of the plans and specifications submitted by Customer. It is Customer's obligation to review the quotation carefully and to immediately advise Technibus of any differing interpretation Customer has so that any necessary change can be made. Orders are not binding until accepted in writing by Technibus.  Job completion and shipping dates are approximate and based on prompt receipt of all necessary information and approvals from Customer. TAXES  Quoted prices exclude all taxes.  Customer shall pay Technibus for all federal, state, local, international or other taxes (excluding Technibus’ income taxes) applicable to, measured by or imposed upon by law with respect to any items, services and/or products sold or conveyed.  If Customer is tax exempt Customer   shall   provide   Technibus   valid   tax   exemption   certificates   acceptable   to   the   taxing   authorities.    When   Customer   fails   to   furnish   the   required documentation all unpaid sales, use, excise, or other taxes will be billed to Customer. PAYMENT TERMS  Terms are net cash within thirty (30) days from date of invoice.  Unless otherwise agreed in writing any payments made after thirty (30) days are past due. Amounts past due shall accrue interest at the rate of  of one-and-one-half percent (1½%) per month up to  the maximum rate allowed by law, without prejudice to Technibus’ right to immediate payment. Payment shall not be contingent upon the results of any unauthorized testing procedures. Invoices are not subject to offset and shall be paid by Customer regardless of whether there are disputes regarding other matters or Jobs. Customer waives the right to assert offset defenses or counter claims.  Any check or remittance received from or for the account of the Customer may be accepted and applied by Technibus against any indebtedness owing by Customer without prejudice to the remainder of any such indebtedness, regardless of any condition or notation appearing on or accompanying such check, draft or remittance. Technibus may require advance payment (in part or in full), or cancel the Job and recover reasonable cancellation charges if it believes payment is at risk due to Customer’s financial condition including, but not limited to the following: (i) commencement of, consent to or failure to contest bankruptcy proceedings; (ii) insolvency; or (iii) admission of inability to pay debts.  If Customer delays Job completion, Technibus may request immediate payment for materials accumulated and work performed and may also require payment of a storage fee of $0.25 per cubic foot per month of storage space plus a handling charge of 1% of the value of the equipment being stored.  For work performed in Technibus’ Service Center, Technibus may, at its option, retain possession of Products ordered or serviced under the contract if its charges for such Products or Services are not paid within the terms set forth above. Technibus may, upon not less than seven (7) days’ notice by certified mail to the Customer at the Customer’s last known address, sell the Products at public or private sale and apply the net proceeds to Technibus’ charges. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, for Projects exceeding $250,000 NET, progress payments are payable according to the followi ng milestones: • 20% due upon submittal of Approval Drawings • 30% due upon release of equipment • 50% due upon Shipment For projects involving partial releases/shipments, progress payments will be made on a pro-rated basis. SHIPMENT AND ROUTING:  All products will be shipped Ex Works (“EXW”) of the 2010 Incoterms. SERVICE AND REPAIR WARRANTY  Technibus warrants that repair work and other services performed by Technibus will be free of defects in materials or workmanship and will be performed in all material respects in accordance with ANSI or IEEE standards as applicable. If performed on Customer’s premises, Technibus further warrants that such work shall be performed in accordance with Customer’s safety policies, so long as such policies are provided to Technibus in writing prior to commencement of the work. Technibus will rework any nonconforming service or repair work during the one (1) year period (“Warranty Period”) commencing as of Job completion. NEW PRODUCT WARRANTY   Technibus warrants to Customer that Products furnished hereunder will be free from defects in material, workmanship and title and will be of the kind and quality specified in the Quotation. The foregoing warranties (excluding the warranty of title) shall terminate one (1) year after the date of installation of the Product or Products which are the subject of this contract, or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment by Technibus, whichever warranty period terminates first. If any Product covered by this contract fails to meet the foregoing warranties (except title) Customer's exclusive remedy shall be for Technibus to correct any such failure by either (at the option of Technibus) replacing defective parts or repairing any defective parts of the Product.  If repair or replacement is infeasible under the circumstances, the parties shall negotiate a satisfactory adjustment.  The total cumulative liability to Technibus shall be limited to the price of the Product on which such liability is based. This warranty shall not apply to any Product which has been (a) repaired or altered without Technibus’ written authorization, (b) subjected to damage due to improper handling, installation, storage, maintenance or operation beyond the specified ranges.  The foregoing warranties do not cover reimbursement for labor, transportation, removal, installation, or other expenses which may be incurred as a result of the repair or replacement.  Upon expiration of the warranty period or equipment not warranted due to conditions (a) or (b) defined herein, all liability of Technibus for its Product shall terminate. TECHNIBUS DISCLAIMS ANY MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS BEING SOLD PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT.  THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THIS CONTRACT. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 139 of 209 Terms and Conditions of Sale 4 of 8 Revised 7-7-2017 LIMITED REMEDY  The warranties stated above are expressly limited as follows. Technibus’ entire liability and obligation to Customer under this warranty shall be expressly limited to the repair, replacement or crediting, as Technibus may choose at its sole discretion, of any defective or nonconforming Products or items provided Customer has given written notice to Technibus in the manner as provided below. No claim under this warranty shall be valid unless, within thirty (30) days of the date upon which Customer discovered or reasonably should have discovered the defect, Customer furnishes Technibus written notice describing in reasonable detail the nonconformity with the above warranties. Absent such timely notice, Customer shall be deemed to have waived any recourse due to defect or nonconformity of the Product or services.  Following prompt written notice from Customer, Technibus’ sole obligation shall be, at its election, to rework nonconforming service or to repair, recondition, or replace Customer’s nonconforming equipment.  Technibus shall not be responsible for any removal, disassembly,   transportation   or   reinstallation   of   equipment,   materials   or   structures   required   to   provide   access   to   permit   cure   of   such   nonconformities. Transportation to and from the Technibus Service Center shall be at Customer’s sole risk and expense. Technibus shall perform all warranty work on Monday through Friday, on a single-shift, straight time basis.  Any overtime, double-time or premium hours requested by Customer shall be at the Customer’s sole expense. Repairs or replacements pursuant to this warranty shall not renew or extend the applicable original warranty period. Technibus may, at its option, substitute improved Products when replacing any part. INSPECTION CHARGE WHEN OUTSIDE WARRANTY When Customer asks Technibus to open, examine, and test an item to determine if a problem is covered by warranty, Customer will pay Technibus the reasonable cost of opening, examining, and testing the item if Technibus determines that the problem is not covered by warranty. PATENT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT Technibus warrants that any and all Products included in the Job will be free of rightful third-party patent or trademark infringement claims and will indemnify Customer against liabilities arising from such claims. Subject to the general limitations set forth below, Technibus will (at its sole option) participate in or exclusively defend actions brought against Customer for any such claim, will bear all reasonable costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) of such defense and will pay any judgment awarded against Customer for such claim, provided Technibus is notified promptly of the claim and Customer cooperates fully. The indemnity obligations of the Section shall not apply to (i) equipment or components specified by the Customer, (ii) modifications made to equipment by the Customer or at its request, or (iii) use of equipment in combination with other equipment not supplied or approved by Technibus. IN NO EVENT SHALL TECHNIBUS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF CUSTOMER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF USE OR UNDER-UTILIZATION OF LABOR OR FACTILITIES OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR ANTICIPATED PROFITS. FURTHERMORE, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OVERALL LIABLITY OF TECHNIBUS HEREUNDER EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES WHICH GIVE RISE TO THE CLAIM. THE ABOVE REMEDIES ARE CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR FOR ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE JOB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER A CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT LAW, TORT LAW (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY. INDEMNIFICATION  Subject to the limitations set forth above, Technibus shall indemnify Customer for claims of third parties for physical damage to property and personal injury (including death) occurring during the performance of a Job on the premises of Customer but only to the extent arising or resulting directly and solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of Technibus or its employees while engaged in such work, provided that Technibus is notified in writing promptly of such claims and is given an opportunity to defend against them. SITE EXCLUSION  Technibus shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any liability arising from any unanticipated, hidden or concealed site conditions of Customer’s site or for injury to person(s) or property which is caused by such condition. NUCLEAR INSURANCE - INDEMNITY  For applications in nuclear projects, Customer or Owner shall have complete and proper insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a “nuclear incident” (as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended), and shall indemnify Technibus, its suppliers and subcontractors, of any tier, against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. EXCUSABLE DELAYS  Technibus shall not be liable for delay due to causes beyond its reasonable control including acts of Customer, acts of God, prerequisite work by third parties, valid or invalid action by governmental authority, fires, floods, windstorms, explosions, riots, natural disasters, acts of war or terrorism, sabotage, labor problems (including lockouts, strikes and slowdowns), inability to obtain electrical service or transportation, faulty casting or forgings, or court injunction or order. In the event of such delay, the time of performance shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. If Technibus’ work is delayed by acts of the Customer or by prerequisite work by other contractors or suppliers of Customer, Technibus shall be entitled to an equitable price adjustment in addition to extension of the time of performance. TERMINATION   In the event of project termination prior to final delivery of the Product for Orders over $250,000, Buyer will pay a pro-rata share of the agreed purchase price, based on the percentage of completion of the Product. Any order below $250,000 may be terminated by the Customer only upon written notice to Technibus and will be subject to the following cancellation fees: •      20% after issuance of approval drawings •      50% at release to manufacturing •      100% at start of fabrication CANCELLATION  Technibus shall have the right to cancel any Job or contract at any time by written notice for any material breach by the Customer, including material delays in releasing equipment. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY  Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by the Customer to Technibus are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence unless submitted in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Technibus.  Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by Technibus to Customer shall be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 140 of 209 Terms and Conditions of Sale 5 of 8 Revised 7-7-2017 APPROVAL DRAWINGS  When required by a specific Job, drawings will be submitted for approval per agreed upon schedules, and price policy, below, to assure Technibus has designed the equipment as described in Customer's specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation. If, at the time of drawing approval, Technibus has not designed the equipment to meet the specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation, Technibus will make the appropriate changes at no charge to Customer. Where the Customer's specification is not definitive, Technibus shall have the right to design the Product in line with good commercial practice, without further obligation to Customer. If, at drawing approval, Customer makes changes outside the design as stated in the specifications, such changes shall be treated as a change order as provided below.  Customer’s approval of drawings shall relieve Technibus of responsiblility for errors or omissions. PRICING – CUSTOMER CHANGES  Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, all prices cover a bill of material as described in Technibus’ specifications or quotations to be designed and manufactured to Technibus standard designs. Customer may make minor changes not affecting the time or cost of performance without charge prior to the start of manufacture. If any changes are requested by Customer after submission of the original Purchase Order which affect the cost or time of performance, additional billing will be made with the amount of price adder dependent on the change and status of the order when the change is made. Changes may also require an time extension for completion and/or shipment. All changes will be agreed to by the parties, in writing, prior to implementation. Customer's rescheduling of a shipment will be considered a change. All expenses incurred by Technibus in connection with the storage of equipment, including demurrage, packing, storage charges, insurance and handling charges by Technibus will be paid by Customer upon submission of invoices by Technibus. Technibus will issue price changes for any change requested by Customer that affects modification of equipment, changes the bills of material, engineering or drawings or delivery schedule. Changes to the order cannot be processed until a formal signed change order is received from Customer. WITNESS OF TESTS AND FACTORY INSPECTIONS  Normal production schedules do not provide the opportunity for Customer to witness routine factory tests on equipment or make factory inspections. Witnessing of tests or factory inspections by the Customer may result in delays of production for which Technibus will not be responsible. Witness testing and factory inspections must be requested at the time of quotation and confirmed at order entry. Standard Technibus factory testing and inspection will apply. Technibus will notify Customer fourteen (14) calendar days prior to scheduled witness testing or inspection. In the event Customer is unable to attend, the Parties may mutually agree on a rescheduled date. However, Technibus, at its sole option, may consider the witness tests and/or inspection waived, and ship and invoice the Products. Customer will be responsible for paying for all scheduled witness testing, whether or not Customer attends. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS  Technibus shall perform hereunder in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances including OSHA requirements. DISPUTE RESOLUTION  Customer agrees that the Ohio state courts located in Stark county, Ohio U.S.A (or if there is exclusive federal jurisdiction, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio) shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any dispute arising out of this agreement and/or Job. To the extent not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of such courts, Customer hereby agrees to waive any objection to jurisdiction and to subject itself to the jurisdiction of such courts. This agreement and/or Job shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs shall be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this agreement and/or job. COMPLETE AGREEMENT  This document, including the language on the face of the Quotation or acknowledgment together with these Terms and Conditions, contains the complete agreement between Technibus and Customer and no modification, amendment, rescission, waiver or other change will be binding on Technibus unless assented to in writing by Technibus’ authorized representative. Any oral or written representation, warranty, or course of dealing not contained or referenced herein will not be binding upon Technibus. The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any of the individual paragraphs of the contract will not affect the remainder of such paragraph or any other paragraph or term herein. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 141 of 209 Exceptions And Clarifications Technibus 1501 Raff Rd. SW Canton OH 44710         Telephone: 330 478-6395 FAX: 330 478-8377 Website: www.technibus.com PROPOSAL:190326A1I The following Technibus clarifications and recommendations pertain to the referenced clause of the specification. REF. Our freight quote is based upon standard packaging and shipment via common carrier using (  ) flat bed truck(s) to Boardman Oregon for the quantities of equipment listed on the bills of materials. Increased quantities, split shipments, special packaging, or other forms of carriers will be subject to increased freight charges. Our bus systems are designed to be operated at the  ratings specified. Operating the bus at ratings other than those specified may shorten the service life of the system and increase maintenance requirements. We recommend consultingthe factory regarding any abnormal operation either above or below the ratings specified. 401395.63.1201 Isophase Bus Duct 401395.63.1201 - 100 IPB Total Lengths Pricing based on ~ 600 linear feet of bus based on supplied drawings and information. Length dependent on final location of transformers and cut in existing bus. Pricing subject to change with increase or decrease of total bus footage required. 401395.63.1201-108 - Exception to fire wall requirementPriced as break or cut point to be on outside of wall as indicated in RFP. No firewall material priced in for internal or external bus. If firewall required or needed, repricing will be required. Terms and Conditions No commercial terms supplied with RFP. Any requirements to commercial terms, warranty, bonding etc to be reviewed and negotiated separately at award of order. Technical considerations based on RFP 401395.63.1201 Isophase Bus Duct: Any variations require review and possible repricing. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 142 of 209         DATE: March 26, 2019 PROJECT:Coyote Springs GSU Replacement DESTINATION:Black and Veatch PROPOSAL:190326A1I SENT TO:Chris Echter 303-256-4055 REV. NO. :0 AT:EchterCI@BV.com SENT BY:Cliff Norris Thank you for sending your inquiry to TECHNIBUS. We are pleased to offer our proposal as described below: Technibus Standard Terms & Conditions, and Cancellation Policy shall apply and prevail over all customer and project Owner Terms & Conditions. Prices are firm for up to 45 calendar days beyond the shipment period quoted. TECHNIBUS reserves the right to apply escalation charges for any customer or third party actions which delay the delivery in excess of 45 calendar days. Escalation will be based upon Bureau of Labor Statistics andproducer price indices, COMEX for copper and Midwest Spot based on LME for aluminum. If delays result in escalation being applied this pricing will be adjusted using the indices in effect at the time of manufacture. The pricing and technical contents of this proposal are proprietary and confidential property of TECHNIBUS. This information is approved for use by the addressee and the client of the addressee only. Any other use, duplication or disclosure of the contents requires prior written authorization. This proposal is for a one time shipment date in accordance with the schedule provided below. Should partial shipments be required Technibus will issue partial invoices for the value of the equipment being shipped. The unshipped balance of order can be held at Technibus for a period not toexceed 30 days and invoiced at the time of shipment. As an option, the unshipped balance can be invoiced and be placed in storage.  Storage charges will be prorated at a cost of $.25 per cubic foot per month of storage plus a handling charge of 1% of the value of the equipment being stored.  Any additional freight cost incurred due to split shipment will also be added to the final price.  Installation is not included in our Project Scope.Field Installation Supervision is excluded from this quote. Schedule The scheduled shipment date shown below is based on our current backlog and contingent upon meeting the following milestones: Order Placement & Receipt of Equipment Details__________________________________September 1, 2019 Receipt of Outstanding Technical Information__________________________________September 8, 2019 Layout Approval Submittal___________________________________________________October 6, 2019 Return of Approvals with Release for Manufacture_______________________________October 13, 2019 Shipment Week of_______________________________________________________________March 15, 2020 In the event that the order is placed later than the date shown above, the cycles are subject to change and shipment may be delayed. PRICING All prices are quoted in U.S. Dollars. Our unit pricing is based upon the cycle time proposed and is discounted in accordance with the economies of scale for the volume quoted.  These unit prices may be subject to increase for scope changes.  For example, the project is segmented into multiple shipments i.e. partial shipment ocurringat different times,expedited shipment, custom field fit assemblies, recution in project scope, or modifications which are ordered after the project has shipped.  Technibus Saleswill provide revised pricing in accordance with your project needs. No Sales taxes, use taxes, duties, or other fees are included in the prices quoted. Consequently, in addition to the purchase price, the amount of anypresent or future taxes, duties or fees must be paid by the purchaser. The quoted price is based upon the footage and component quantities shown on the pricing page. These quantities were determined from information available at the time of inquiry. Changes in materials or quantities may result in a price adjustment. Final price will be adjusted based upon actual  quantities furnished in accordance with the final drawings. Technibus price adjustment policy will apply as follows:  No adjustments will apply for  changes less than $100.  No adjustments will apply for changes less than 1% of the contract value for projects less than $50,000.  No adjustments will apply for changes less than $500 for projects exceding $500,000. Please note freight is prepay & add and is not included in our price.    Total Lot Net :$ 638,445 US Proposal validity:30Payment Terms :30 Days NET Shipping Point :FOB TechnibusFreight Terms :Prepaid & Allowed Please call at your earliest convenience if we can be of any further assistance. Sincerely,Technibus, Inc.cc Hartigan Power - Matt Oliver Cliff Norris PHONE 330/479-4202 FAX 330/478-8377 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 143 of 209       1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202  METAL ENCLOSED BUS                        DEMO / INSTALLATION PROPOSAL COYOTE SPRINGS IPB  BOARDMAN OREGON,  190326A1 FS COYOTE SPRINGS REV. 0     PREPARED FOR:   CHRIS ECHTER  303‐256‐4055  EchterCl@BV.com         TECHNIBUS  CLIFF NORRIS  SALES MANAGER  832‐702‐5004  CNORRIS@TECHNIBUS.COM    Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 144 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS Quotation Number: 190326A1 FS Coyote Springs IPB Rev. 0       Date: March 26, 2019    Project:  Coyote Springs IPB Demo and Installation Options    Reference(s): Technibus Material Quote 190326A1I IPB    Technibus INC. appreciates the opportunity to provide the following options for the Coyote  Springs GSU replacement project in Boardman Oregon. Please see the options  below for the demolition of exis ting structures and isolated phase bus and  installation of new structures and bus.     Demolition Existing IPB and Structural Supports: $84,875.00 Scope Includes: 1. Cut existing bus enclosure and conductor at pre-determined location 2. Rig, remove existing bus duct 3. Un-bolt existing steel 4. Remove existing steel 5. Remove existing transformer compartments 6. Remove existing termination 7. Clean work area Schedule: 6 men crew, (1) foreman, (5) welder/technician 5 days to complete work.   Notes: a. Mobilization and demobilization for demolition is priced into Installation scope. Anticipate one week for demolition scheduled the week prior to start of installation scope below. b. Disposal of demoed material is the responsibility of the owner. Technibus will stage material at designated location identified by owner / customer. Installation Labor New Structural Supports and New IPB: $735,160.00 Scope Includes: 2. Mobilize to the site 3. Rig and set new structural steel based on OEM drawings and locations 4. Rig and set new IPB 5. Weld new conductor collars at splice locations 6. Weld new enclosure covers at splice locations 7. Rig and set transformer terminations – Transformers installed by others. 8. DC Hi-pot the bus duct based on OEM ratings 9. Install flex links at the transformer terminations 10. Clean work area 11. Demobilize Schedule: 6 men crew, (1) foreman, (5) welder/technician estimated 28 work days to complete work. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 145 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS   Notes: a. A maximum of (1) day of on-site training is included on the above price. b. (1) day of site visit for design, termination and dimensional confirmation is included in the price shown above. c. Cut location of existing bus defined on outside of existing wall. Any firestop or transition inside or beyond the wall will be at additional pricing. d. Demo of existing IPB and structures priced separately, see demolition pricing.    Clarifications:  1. This quotation is a firm fixed price 2. This quotation is based on working one 10-hour shift per day, 6 days a week. Sunday or Holiday work is not included 3. Anticipate completing work = SEE ABOVE 4. No standby time is included (unless noted). If encountered, stand-by time will be billed additionally per man, per hour plus per diem. 5. Work outside specified scope may be subject to a lump sum adder or T&M rates. 6. If deficiencies are discovered, additional time to repair may be needed 7. Technibus requires all switching, LOTO, and isolation to be performed by others. 8. Where required, Technibus assumes adequate lighting is available, or temporary lighting is provided by others. 9. Technibus assumes all equipment is accessible and free of obstructions. Any delays caused by the inability to access the equipment will be charged per Technibus’s standard rate sheet. 10. Scaffolding, manlifts and material lifts if required are not included in the above pricing 11. Above scaffolding, manlifts and material lifts if required by Technibus will be invoiced at cost plus 15%. 12. Power supplied by plant 110V, 480V. 13. If required, lead paint abatement will be by others (stand-by time may apply) 14. No taxes are included in our price 15. Price assumes union contract labor 16. Sanitary facilities provided by customer. 17. If within (24) hours of scheduled work, the project is cancelled, TECHNIBUS will bill for travel and per diems. This includes weather delays.             Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 146 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS     Terms:     Quotation is valid for 60 days   TECHNIBUS Payment Terms: NET 30  o Proposed Milestone Billing:   10% ‐ Receipt of Order   30% ‐ Upon Mobilization   60% ‐ Completion of scope   No Taxes are included in Price   Terms and Conditions: See Below    TECHNIBUS is committed to providing the highest level of service in the industry. We thank you for the  opportunity to submit this quotation. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, concerns, or additional  clarifications. We look forward to working with you on a successful project.  Sincerely,    Cliff Norris  Sales Manager  832‐702‐5004  cnorris@Technibus.com        Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 147 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Technibus, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Technibus, Inc. (“Technibus”) will provide the Services and supply the Products described on the accompanying Quotation, Acknowledgement or Purchase Order (the “Job”) in accordance with terms and conditions set forth on the face of the Quotation or Acknowledgment together with these standard terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms and Conditions”). Technibus expressly objects to any different or additional terms or conditions contained in Customer’s purchase order or other document unless expressly accepted in writing signed by Technibus. Even when so accepted, any such different or additional terms and conditions shall apply only to the Job covered. Authorization by Customer to furnish the quoted services, or receipt or acceptance of delivery of the Products will constitute Customer’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. QUOTATIONS: Quoted prices do not include freight, non-standard packaging, duties or taxes unless specifically stated in the Quotation. Quotations are void unless accepted by Customer within thirty (30) days from the date thereof and are subject to change without notice until accepted in writing. Quotations are made based on Technibus' interpretation of the plans and specifications submitted by Customer. It is Customer's obligation to review the quotation carefully and to immediately advise Technibus of any differing interpretation Customer has so that any necessary change can be made. Orders are not binding until accepted in writing by Technibus. Job completion and shipping dates are approximate and based on prompt receipt of all necessary information and approvals from Customer. TAXES: Quoted prices exclude all taxes. Customer shall pay Technibus for all federal, state, local, international or other taxes (excluding Technibus’ income taxes) applicable to, measured by or imposed upon by law with respect to any items, services and/or products sold or conveyed. If Customer is tax exempt Customer shall provide Technibus valid tax exemption certificates acceptable to the taxing authorities. When Customer fails to furnish the required documentation all unpaid sales, use, excise, or other taxes will be billed to Customer. PAYMENT TERMS: Terms are net cash within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Unless otherwise agreed in writing any payments made after thirty (30) days are past due. Amounts past due shall accrue interest at the rate of one-and-one-half percent (1½%) per month up to the maximum rate allowed by law, without prejudice to Technibus’ right to immediate payment. Payment shall not be contingent upon the results of any unauthorized testing procedures. Invoices are not subject to offset and shall be paid by Customer regardless of whether there are disputes regarding other matters or Jobs. Customer waives the right to assert offset defenses or counter claims. Any check or remittance received from or for the account of the Customer may be accepted and applied by Technibus against any indebtedness owing by Customer without prejudice to the remainder of any such indebtedness, regardless of any condition or notation appearing on or accompanying such check, draft or remittance. Technibus may require advance payment (in part or in full) or cancel the Job and recover reasonable cancellation charges if it believes payment is at risk due to Customer’s financial condition including, but not limited to the following: (i) commencement of, consent to or failure to contest bankruptcy proceedings; (ii) insolvency; or (iii) admission of inability to pay debts. If Customer delays Job completion, Technibus may request immediate payment for materials accumulated and work performed and may also require payment of a storage fee of $0.25 per cubic foot per month of storage space plus a handling charge of 1% of the value of the equipment being stored. For work performed in Technibus’ Service Center, Technibus may, at its option, retain possession of Products ordered or serviced under the contract if its charges for such Products or Services are not paid within the terms set forth above. Technibus may, upon not less than seven (7) days’ notice by certified mail to the Customer at the Customer’s last known address, sell the Products at public or private sale and apply the net proceeds to Technibus’ charges. PROGRESS PAYMENTS: Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, for Projects exceeding $250,000 NET, progress payments are payable according to the following milestones: •20% due upon submittal of Approval Drawings • 30% due upon release of equipment • 50% due upon Shipment For projects involving partial releases/shipments, progress payments will be made on a pro-rated basis. SHIPMENT AND ROUTING: All products will be shipped Ex Works (“EXW”) of the 2010 Incoterms. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 148 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS SERVICE AND REPAIR WARRANTY: Technibus warrants that repair work and other services performed by Technibus will be free of defects in materials or workmanship and will be performed in all material respects in accordance with ANSI or IEEE standards as applicable. If performed on Customer’s premises, Technibus further warrants that such work shall be performed in accordance with Customer’s safety policies, so long as such policies are provided to Technibus in writing prior to commencement of the work. Technibus will rework any nonconforming service or repair work during the one (1) year period (“Warranty Period”) commencing as of Job completion. NEW PRODUCT WARRANTY: Technibus warrants to Customer that Products furnished hereunder will be free from defects in material, workmanship and title and will be of the kind and quality specified in the Quotation. The foregoing warranties (excluding the warranty of title) shall terminate one (1) year after the date of installation of the Product or Products which are the subject of this contract, or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment by Technibus, whichever warranty period terminates first. If any Product covered by this contract fails to meet the foregoing warranties (except title) Customer's exclusive remedy shall be for Technibus to correct any such failure by either (at the option of Technibus) replacing defective parts or repairing any defective parts of the Product. If repair or replacement is infeasible under the circumstances, the parties shall negotiate a satisfactory adjustment. The total cumulative liability to Technibus shall be limited to the price of the Product on which such liability is based. This warranty shall not apply to any Product which has been (a) repaired or altered without Technibus’ written authorization, (b) subjected to damage due to improper handling, installation, storage, maintenance or operation beyond the specified ranges. The foregoing warranties do not cover reimbursement for labor, transportation, removal, installation, or other expenses which may be incurred as a result of the repair or replacement. Upon expiration of the warranty period or equipment not warranted due to conditions (a) or (b) defined herein, all liability of Technibus for its Product shall terminate. TECHNIBUS DISCLAIMS ANY MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS BEING SOLD PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THIS CONTRACT. LIMITED REMEDY: The warranties stated above are expressly limited as follows. Technibus’ entire liability and obligation to Customer under this warranty shall be expressly limited to the repair, replacement or crediting, as Technibus may choose at its sole discretion, of any defective or nonconforming Products or items provided Customer has given written notice to Technibus in the manner as provided below. No claim under this warranty shall be valid unless, within thirty (30) days of the date upon which Customer discovered or reasonably should have discovered the defect, Customer furnishes Technibus written notice describing in reasonable detail the nonconformity with the above warranties. Absent such timely notice, Customer shall be deemed to have waived any recourse due to defect or nonconformity of the Product or services. Following prompt written notice from Customer, Technibus’ sole obligation shall be, at its election, to rework nonconforming service or to repair, recondition, or replace Customer’s nonconforming equipment. Technibus shall not be responsible for any removal, disassembly, transportation or reinstallation of equipment, materials or structures required to provide access to permit cure of such nonconformities. Transportation to and from the Technibus Service Center shall be at Customer’s sole risk and expense. Technibus shall perform all warranty work on Monday through Friday, on a single-shift, straight time basis. Any overtime double-time or premium hours requested by Customer shall be at the Customer’s sole expense. Repairs or replacements pursuant to this warranty shall not renew or extend the applicable original warranty period. Technibus may, at its option, substitute improved Products when replacing any part. INSPECTION CHARGE WHEN OUTSIDE WARRANTY: When Customer asks Technibus to open, examine, and test an item to determine if a problem is covered by warranty, Customer will pay Technibus the reasonable cost of opening, examining, and testing the item if Technibus determines that the problem is not covered by warranty. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 149 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS PATENT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT: Technibus warrants that all Products included in the Job will be free of rightful third-party patent or trademark infringement claims and will indemnify Customer against liabilities arising from such claims. Subject to the general limitations set forth below, Technibus will (at its sole option) participate in or exclusively defend actions brought against Customer for any such claim, will bear all reasonable costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) of such defense and will pay any judgment awarded against Customer for such claim, provided Technibus is notified promptly of the claim and Customer cooperates fully. The indemnity obligations of the Section shall not apply to (i) equipment or components specified by the Customer, (ii) modifications made to equipment by the Customer or at its request, or (iii) use of equipment in combination with other equipment not supplied or approved by Technibus. IN NO EVENT SHALL TECHNIBUS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF CUSTOMER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF USE OR UNDER-UTILIZATION OF LABOR OR FACTILITIES OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR ANTICIPATED PROFITS. FURTHERMORE, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OVERALL LIABLITY OF TECHNIBUS HEREUNDER EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES WHICH GIVE RISE TO THE CLAIM. THE ABOVE REMEDIES ARE CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR FOR ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE JOB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER A CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT LAW, TORT LAW (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY. INDEMNIFICATION Subject to the limitations set forth above, Technibus shall indemnify Customer for claims of third parties for physical damage to property and personal injury (including death) occurring during the performance of a Job on the premises of Customer but only to the extent arising or resulting directly and solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of Technibus or its employees while engaged in such work, provided that Technibus is notified in writing promptly of such claims and is given an opportunity to defend against them. SITE EXCLUSION: Technibus shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any liability arising from any unanticipated, hidden or concealed site conditions of Customer’s site or for injury to person(s) or property which is caused by such condition. NUCLEAR INSURANCE - INDEMNITY For applications in nuclear projects, Customer or Owner shall have complete and proper insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a “nuclear incident” (as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended), and shall indemnify Technibus, its suppliers and subcontractors, of any tier, against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. EXCUSABLE DELAYS Technibus shall not be liable for delay due to causes beyond its reasonable control including acts of Customer, acts of God, prerequisite work by third parties, valid or invalid action by governmental authority, fires, floods, windstorms, explosions, riots, natural disasters, acts of war or terrorism, sabotage, labor problems (including lockouts, strikes and slowdowns), inability to obtain electrical service or transportation, faulty casting or forgings, or court injunction or order. In the event of such delay, the time of performance shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. If Technibus’ work is delayed by acts of the Customer or by prerequisite work by other contractors or suppliers of Customer, Technibus shall be entitled to an equitable price adjustment in addition to extension of the time of performance. TERMINATION In the event of project termination prior to final delivery of the Product for Orders over $250,000, Buyer will pay a pro- rata share of the agreed purchase price, based on the percentage of completion of the Product. Any order below $250,000 may be terminated by the Customer only upon written notice to Technibus and will be subject to the following cancellation fees: • 20% after issuance of approval drawings • 50% at release to manufacturing • 100% at start of fabrication CANCELLATION: Technibus shall have the right to cancel any Job or contract at any time by written notice for any material breach by the Customer, including material delays in releasing equipment. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 150 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by the Customer to Technibus are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence unless submitted in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Technibus. Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by Technibus to Customer shall be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence. APPROVAL DRAWINGS: When required by a specific Job, drawings will be submitted for approval per agreed upon schedules, and price policy, below, to assure Technibus has designed the equipment as described in Customer's specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation. If, at the time of drawing approval, Technibus has not designed the equipment to meet the specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation, Technibus will make the appropriate changes at no charge to Customer. Where the Customer's specification is not definitive, Technibus shall have the right to design the Product in line with good commercial practice, without further obligation to Customer. If, at drawing approval, Customer makes changes outside the design as stated in the specifications, such changes shall be treated as a change order as provided below. Customer’s approval of drawings shall relieve Technibus of responsibility for errors or omissions. PRICING – CUSTOMER CHANGES: Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, all prices cover a bill of material as described in Technibus’ specifications or quotations to be designed and manufactured to Technibus standard designs. Customer may make minor changes not affecting the time or cost of performance without charge prior to the start of manufacture. If any changes are requested by Customer after submission of the original Purchase Order which affect the cost or time of performance, additional billing will be made with the amount of price adder dependent on the change and status of the order when the change is made. Changes may also require a time extension for completion and/or shipment. All changes will be agreed to by the parties, in writing, prior to implementation. Customer's rescheduling of a shipment will be considered a change. All expenses incurred by Technibus in connection with the storage of equipment, including demurrage, packing, storage charges, insurance and handling charges by Technibus will be paid by Customer upon submission of invoices by Technibus. Technibus will issue price changes for any change requested by Customer that affects modification of equipment, changes the bills of material, engineering or drawings or delivery schedule. Changes to the order cannot be processed until a formal signed change order is received from Customer. WITNESS OF TESTS AND FACTORY INSPECTIONS: Normal production schedules do not provide the opportunity for Customer to witness routine factory tests on equipment or make factory inspections. Witnessing of tests or factory inspections by the Customer may result in delays of production for which Technibus will not be responsible. Witness testing and factory inspections must be requested at the time of quotation and confirmed at order entry. Standard Technibus factory testing and inspection will apply. Technibus will notify Customer fourteen (14) calendar days prior to scheduled witness testing or inspection. In the event Customer is unable to attend, the Parties may mutually agree on a rescheduled date. However, Technibus, at its sole option, may consider the witness tests and/or inspection waived, and ship and invoice the Products. Customer will be responsible for paying for all scheduled witness testing, whether Customer attends. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Technibus shall perform hereunder in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances including OSHA requirements. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Customer agrees that the Ohio state courts located in Stark county, Ohio U.S.A (or if there is exclusive federal jurisdiction, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio) shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any dispute arising out of this agreement and/or Job. To the extent not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of such courts, Customer hereby agrees to waive any objection to jurisdiction and to subject itself to the jurisdiction of such courts. This agreement and/or Job shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs shall be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this agreement and/or job. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This document, including the language on the face of the Quotation or acknowledgment together with these Terms and Conditions, contains the complete agreement between Technibus and Customer and no modification, amendment, rescission, waiver or other change will be binding on Technibus unless assented to in writing by Technibus’ authorized representative. Any oral or written representation, warranty, or course of dealing not contained or referenced herein will not be binding upon Technibus. The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any of the individual paragraphs of the contract will not affect the remainder of such paragraph or any other paragraph or term herein. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 151 of 209 TECHNIBUS 1501 Raff Rd., SW Telephone: 330 478-6395 Canton, Ohio 44710 Fax: 330 478-8377 Rev. 2/13 Website: www.technibus.com Technibus Price Schedule For Domestic Field Service & Service Engineering RATES (EXCLUDING TRAVEL & LIVING EXPENSES) Service Type STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME & SATURDAYS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS 1 – 4 HRS. 5 – 8 HRS. Field Service- Hourly Rate $170 $258 $320 4 Hr. Min. 8 Hr. Min. * Rates exclude travel and living expenses, special tools or instruments. * Minimum billing for any day that service work is performed will be four hours at the applicable rate. * Terms of payment are net upon receipt of invoice. EXPLANATION OF RATES STRAIGHT TIME is defined as time worked on a regular schedule of 8 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, or for time worked on any other agreed upon schedule of 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday. Each hour of straight time shall be billed for at the straight time rate. OVERTIME is defined as time worked in excess of or at times other than the regular straight time schedule. Each hour of overtime shall be paid for at one and one-half times the straight time rate; except that hours worked in excess of 16 hours per day, Monday through Friday, or excess of 8 hours on Saturday, and hours worked on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at twice the straight time rate. A "Holiday" is any day observed by TECHNIBUS as a holiday. STAND-BY TIME is defined as time, up to 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday, during which the Representative during the course of this assignment is available for work, but is not working because of circumstances beyond TECHNIBUS's control. Each hour of stand-by time will be paid for at the applicable rate. TRAVEL TIME is defined as time spent by the Representative in traveling to the jobsite and in returning, including travel occurring on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays (but not exceeding actual travel time between TECHNIBUS Headquarters and the customer's jobsite). Time is calculated portal to portal. Each hour of travel time shall be paid at the applicable rate. TIME WORKED, TIME TRAVELED AND STAND-BY TIME occurring on the same day will each be charged at the rates and within the limitations as aforesaid. TRAVEL, LIVING AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES are not included in any part of the hourly rates and shall be billed at cost, plus a handling charge of 15 percent. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 152 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ      IsolatedPhaseBusduct InstallationManual      ProjectName:________________ ProjectNumber:________________   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 153 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ  TableofContents 1Introduction ..................................................................................................... 4 2Receiving, Handling, and Storing ................................................................... 4 2.1Receiving .................................................................................................... 4 2.2Handling ..................................................................................................... 7 2.3Storing ........................................................................................................ 8 3Enclosure........................................................................................................ 8 3.1Materials ..................................................................................................... 8 3.2Arrangements ............................................................................................. 9 3.3Terminations............................................................................................. 10 3.4Expansion joints ....................................................................................... 10 3.5Painting .................................................................................................... 11 4Conductor ..................................................................................................... 11 4.1Materials ................................................................................................... 11 4.2Terminations............................................................................................. 14 4.3Disconnecting links ................................................................................... 16 4.4Painting .................................................................................................... 16 5Short Circuit Design ...................................................................................... 17 5.1Stresses ................................................................................................... 17 6Support Insulators ........................................................................................ 18 6.1Usage ....................................................................................................... 18 7Enclosure supports ....................................................................................... 19 7.1Usage ....................................................................................................... 19 8Seal off bushing ............................................................................................ 21 8.1Usage ....................................................................................................... 21 9Grounding ..................................................................................................... 22 9.1Enclosure tube as ground bus .................................................................. 22 10Erection Equipment and Tools ...................................................................... 22 10.1Handling equipment ................................................................................. 22 10.2Testing equipment .................................................................................... 22 10.3Assembly tools ......................................................................................... 22 11Installation .................................................................................................... 23 11.1Introduction............................................................................................... 23 11.2Safety measures ...................................................................................... 23 11.3Procedures ............................................................................................... 23 11.4Details ...................................................................................................... 24 11.5Routine Checks ........................................................................................ 25 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 154 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ 12Overhaul ....................................................................................................... 25 12.1Scheduling................................................................................................ 25 12.2Tasks........................................................................................................ 26 13Faults ............................................................................................................ 27 13.1Internal faults ............................................................................................ 27 13.2Temporary increased temperature operation in bolted connections ......... 27 13.3Effects of moisture .................................................................................... 28 14Removal and installation of electrical connections ....................................... 28 14.1Copper and aluminum connections .......................................................... 28 14.2Bolt assembly and torque values .............................................................. 29 14.3Disassembly and assembly of post insulators .......................................... 29 14.4Disassembly and assembly of cast resin with boot seal off bushing ........ 32 14.5Disassembly and assembly of rubber bellows .......................................... 32 15Steel Structures ............................................................................................ 33 15.1Design ...................................................................................................... 33 15.2Usage ....................................................................................................... 33 16Spare Parts ................................................................................................... 34 16.1Contact Technibus for approved spare parts ............................................ 34 17Field Service ................................................................................................. 34 17.1Contact Technibus field service ................................................................ 34 18Appendix....................................................................................................... 35 18.1Air Pressurization ..................................................................................... 35 18.2IR Windows .............................................................................................. 38 18.3PT Cubicle ................................................................................................ 39 18.4Heater System .......................................................................................... 40     Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 155 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͶ 1 Introduction TheTechnibushighcurrentIsolatedPhaseBusDuct(IPB)isacompletemetalenclosedsystem.Thebus ductisofcontinuousdesignencompassingaluminumconductorsenclosedinaluminumenclosures. Eachphaseisisolatedfromtheothersinitsownrespectiveenclosure.Advantagesofenclosingphase conductorsinanisolatedfashionaretominimizeexternalmagneticfields,protectionfromthe environment,reliability,andpersonnelsafety. PersonnelwhoareplanningtoworkontheIPBareencouragedtoreadtheinstallationmanualtobe familiarizedwiththeequipment. Thisinstallationmanualisonlyoneofseveraldocumentswhichalltogetherformthepackagethatmake upthefullorder.Themanualrevisionisonlyactiveforthecurrentorderwhichisreferencedonthe frontpage.Illustrationsandtextwithintheinstallationmanualmayormaynotbetheexact representationsintheactualproject.Thisinstallationmanualissubordinatetotheprojectdrawings, specifications,andotherprojectspecificdetails. Technibuswillfurnishdrawingsoftheoverallinstallationwhichspecifyindetailtheplacementofeach IPBassemblyorcomponent.Anydetaildrawingsnecessaryforfieldcrewstoappropriatelyand successfullyinstallthecomponentsoftheprojectorderwillbefurnished.Technibusdoesnotperform anyinstallation.Technibuscanprovideadvisoryservicestoinstallersforbusductinstallation. 2 Receiving,Handling,andStoring TechnibusIPBisshippedinasfewseparateunitsaspossibleyetcomplyingwithownerspecificrequests inthisregard.Eachunitisasfullyassembledashandlingandtransportingfacilitiespermit.Thebus componentsarriveonsiteasaseriesofcratedanduncrateditems.Thefollowingproceduresshouldbe takenwhentheequipmentarrives. 2.1 Receiving 2.1.1 Immediatelychecktheitemsreceivedagainsttheshippingliststobesureallitems havebeendelivered.Missingitemsshouldbetracedthroughthecarrier.Notify Technibusimmediatelyofthelosstoensurepromptcorrectiveactionshoulditbe necessarytoreplacethemissingitem(s) 2.1.2 Inspecttheoutsideofuncratedequipmenttoseeifanydamagehasoccurredduring transit.Ifdamageexists,immediatelyfileaclaimnoticewiththecarrierandnotify Technibus. 2.1.3 Inspecttheoutsideofcratedequipmenttoseeifanydamagehasoccurredduring transit.Ifanyevidenceisnoticed,opencratesandexaminecontents.Ifdamage exists,immediatelyfileaclaimnoticewiththecarrierandnotifyTechnibus.Reclose thecratesandsetaside 2.1.4 Forprotectionofequipmentuntilitisinstalled,leavetheequipmentinthecratesas shippedunlessotherwisespecifiedintheinstructionsfortheparticularitem.If storedoutdoorsallcratesmustbeprotectedfromtheweatherbytarps Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 156 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͷ 2.1.5 Ifthecratingiswrappedinplastic,thenchecktheplasticshippingcoversandwraps onbussectionsandterminalassembliesfordamage.Repairifnecessarytoprevent water,dustanddirtintrusionintotherespectivesections.Donotremovethe plasticshippingmaterialsfrombusshippingsectionsuntiljustpriortoinstallation 2.1.6 Toaidthecustomeronreceivingandcoordinatingpackages,iftheprojecthas multiplebusrunsthepackagesforaparticularbusrunarecolorcoordinatedthe same.Thesecanthenbelocatedtogetherforlatererectioninthefield 2.1.7 Alsocratedassemblieshavelabelswhichalignwithdrawingsforproperplacement intherun  Figure1:Conductorsupportedbywoodforshipping Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 157 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͸  Figure2:Wrappedendofunitwhichisalsosilverplated   Figure3:Strappingofassembliesforshipping Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 158 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͹ 2.2 Handling 2.2.1 MovetheIPBequipmentwithgreatcare 2.2.2 Avoidbumpingenclosuresections.Damagetotheenclosurecanaltertheelectrical andmechanicalstrengthoftheequipment 2.2.3 Bussectionsshallbeliftedandtransportedusingcloth/fabricslingsandspreader barsforlongerassemblies.DonotusechainsforliftingormovingtheIPB equipmentunlessliftinglugsareprovidedforthispurposeonthespecific component 2.2.4 Giventhereisafirmbaseandwoodenshippingblocksremainwiththebussections, thosesectionscanbestackedthreehigh.Theendsaretobekepthighenough abovegroundtopreventwaterfromentering 2.2.5 Preventbarehandtouchingofsilverplatedsurfacesaswellasaccidentalbumping andscratchingofthesilverplatedsurfaces 2.2.6 Conductorsmaybeshippedwithweldedbracesfromthefactory(seeFigure7)but maybebracedwithwood(Figure1).Thesearetoremaininplaceuntilafterthe conductorisweldedinplaceatitsfinaldestination.Donotremovethebraces beforethisisdone  Figure4:ExampleofhoistingstrapfortransportofIPB   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 159 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͺ 2.3 Storing 2.3.1 Specialcareandprecautionsmustbetakeniftheequipmentistobestoredforan extendedperiodoftimebeforethesystemisassembled 2.3.2 Allcrateditemsmustbestoredindoorsorprotectedbytarpsifstoredoutdoors. Forextendedstoragetimesinexcessofthreeweeksitisrecommendedthatall crateditemsbestoredindoors 2.3.3 Bussectionsmustbesufficientlyhighsothatstandingwaterdoesnotenterthe interioroftheassemblies.Checkplasticshippingcoversandwrapsfordamageand repairasnecessarytopreventrainfromenteringthesections.Repeatedchecksof theplasticarenecessaryespeciallyincaseofheavywindthatmayresultintearsto theplastic 2.3.4 Silverplatedsurfacesareprotectedwithgreasepriortoshipping.Checktheseareas andreapplywithaTechnibusapprovedgreaseifthecoatinghasbecomeinanyway removedorcompromised 3 Enclosure 3.1 Materials 3.1.1 Typically1100materialaluminumsheetsrolledandwelded 3.1.2 Enclosurecurrentsapproximately95%orbetterofconductorcurrentswhich virtuallyeliminatesexternalmagneticfieldsandinducedcurrentsinadjacentsteel 3.1.3 EnclosuresupportsforinsulatorsarecastingsweldedinplacewithOͲringseals 3.1.4 Aluminumexpansionjointsinlongrunsforthermalexpansionpurposes.Thejoints areweldedinplacetotheenclosuretubes 3.1.5 Attheendsofbusductruns,aluminumshorting/bondingplatesareweldedinplace betweenphases.Allthreephasesare“shorted”orbondedtogether.Thisis requiredfortheenclosurecurrentstoflowandresultsinshieldingmostofthe externalenvironmentfrommagneticforces 3.1.6 Rubberexpansionjoints(bellows)areinplacetopreventenclosurecurrents enteringadjacentequipmentandallowforthermalexpansionpurposesaswellas assistingwithshiftingorsettlingofGSUtransformers.Typicallythebellowsis strappedaroundoutsideofbusductassemblywithstainlesssteelstraps Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 160 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͻ  Figure5:TwopartcastingintheIPBenclosurewhichhousestheinsulator 3.2 Arrangements 3.2.1 Enclosurerunlengthsfromthefactoryareabletobeprovidedinupto40foot assemblies.ItistheresponsibilityofthecustomertoprovidetoTechnibuswhat assemblylengthsarenecessaryfortheproject 3.2.2 ElbowsandTsareprovidedasanassemblyreadyforinstallationinthefield.No weldingwillbeneededinthefieldtocreateelbowsorTs 3.2.3 Accesscoversareprovidedforeasyreachtoflexibleconnectorsattheendsof conductors.Thiswouldbeatterminationstogenerators,transformers,circuit breakers,andelsewhereshownonprojectlayouts.Thecoversaregasketedand boltedtothemainenclosuretubes  Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 161 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͲ  Figure6:Tassembly 3.3 Terminations 3.3.1 Enclosureterminationstoequipmentwithratingabove6000Awillbeinanisolated style.Thiswillbethedefaultunlessotherarrangementsareagreeduponwiththe customer 3.3.2 Isolationishandledthrougharubbermatplacedbetweentheterminationboxand equipmentflange 3.3.3 Boltinghardwareisfittedwithelectricallyisolatingshoulderwashers 3.3.4 Surfacesincontactwiththerubbermatshouldbecleanofdirt,chemicals,and sharpedges.Nogreases,solvents,orotherchemicalstobeapplied 3.3.5 Theboltinghardwareattheterminationtotheequipmentflangeisisolatedby designfromtheterminationbox.Eachboltistobegroundedeitherbysuccessful useofstarwashertoallowbolttoconnecttoequipmentflangemetal,useofcable toreachaground,orbyothermeansapprovedbyownerandTechnibus 3.4 Expansionjoints 3.4.1 Aluminumexpansionjointsareinlongrunsforthermalexpansionpurposes. Weldedinplacetotheenclosuretubes 3.4.2 Rubberexpansionjoints(bellows)areinplacetopreventenclosurecurrents enteringadjacentequipmentandallowforthermalexpansionpurposesaswellas assistingwithshiftingorsettlingofGSUtransformers.Typicallythebellowsis strappedaroundoutsideofbusductassemblywithstainlesssteelstraps Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 162 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͳ 3.5 Painting 3.5.1 Enclosureinsideandoutsidearepaintedforheatdissipation 3.5.2 Enclosurewillneedfieldpaintingattheshippingsplitsbeforeandafterwelding. Theinsideandoutsideofthecoverneedspainting 3.5.3 Cleantheareastobepaintedofgrease,oil,anddebrisforgoodadhesionandallow todry 3.5.4 Applythedualetchliberallybybrush,rinsewithwater,wipeoffandallowtodry 3.5.5 Mixpaintandcatalyst.6partspaintto1partcatalyst Noteyouhaveonlyafewhourstoapplythemixturebeforeitisunusable 3.5.6 Addintothemixtureasmuchreducertoachieveproperviscosityforapplication Applicationreferstomethodsuchassprayorrollon 3.5.7 Usepaintthinnerforcleaningtoolsandareasinadvertentlypainted 3.5.8 Applytopcoatofpainttoenclosureoutsideontoppfthedryprimerandallowto dry  Figure7:Paintedenclosureandconductor.Unpaintedareasforfieldwelding 4 Conductor 4.1 Materials 4.1.1 Typically1100materialaluminumsheetsrolledandweldedor6101extrudedfor smalldiameters Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 163 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳʹ 4.1.2 Conductorexpansionjointsinlongrunsforthermalexpansionpurposes. Constructedofstacksofaluminumlaminationsweldedtoaringwhichisinturn weldedtotheconductor.Thisisacommonplacewhereashippingsplitislocated andthefieldcontractorappliestheweldfortheunattachedring 4.1.3 Conductorstobeconnectedinthefieldwithnoshippingsplitarefactorybeveledin preparationoffieldwelding  Figure8:Conductorexpansionjoint.Factoryweldedtoconductorononeside Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 164 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ͵  Figure9:Conductorexpansionjoint.Endtobefieldinstalledandwelded  Figure10:Ttakeofffromamainbusconductorconsistsofanexpansionjoint Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 165 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͶ  Figure11:Beveledendofconductorforbuttweldingbyfieldinstaller  4.2 Terminations 4.2.1 Attheterminations,conductorsaredesignedtohavethemostpractical arrangementofattachmentpointstoservetheequipmentinwhichwillbe connected.CustomerisrequiredtogiveTechnibustheequipmenttermination details 4.2.2 Terminationsarebydefaultsilverplated.Technibusstandardis0.5milsthickness andarecoatedingreaseandwrappedinplasticpriortoshipment.Thesilverplated partsshouldremaincoatedingreaseuntilreadytoapplytheconnectorstothe terminatedequipment 4.2.3 ConnectorsaretypicallyterminatedviaflexiblebraidedcopperwithNEMA2Ͳhole pattern 4.2.4 Connectorsatcircuitbreakerterminationsarealsoflexiblebraidedcopper.The connectorsareheldinplaceduringashortcircuiteventbyaseparatemounted restrictionplate 4.2.5 Fieldcontractorwillberesponsibletoputallconnectorsinplaceinthebusruns. HardwareforconnectorsprovidedbyTechnibus Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 166 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͷ  Figure12:Silverplatedtermination  Figure13:Terminationformainequipment.Sometimesreferredasacrown Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 167 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ͸  Figure14:Apossibleflexiblecopperbraidconnector  4.3 Disconnectinglinks 4.3.1 Disconnectinglinksareoftheflexiblebraidedcoppertypeboltedinplaceat locationsrequestedbythecustomerandshownondrawinglayouts 4.3.2 Accesscoversintheenclosureallowownertoinspectthelinksasneeded 4.4 Painting 4.4.1 Conductoroutsideispaintedforheatdissipation 4.4.2 Conductorsatshippingsplitlocationsarenotfactorypaintedtoallowforfield welding.Whenweldingiscompletetheselocationsneedtobefieldpainted.Figure 7and8areexamplesoflocationsthatwouldneedtobefieldpaintedafterwelding 4.4.3 Cleantheareastobepaintedofgrease,oil,anddebrisforgoodadhesionandallow todry 4.4.4 Applythedualetchliberallybybrush,rinsewithwater,wipeoffandallowtodry 4.4.5 Mixpaintandcatalyst.6partspaintto1partcatalyst Noteyouhaveonlyafewhourstoapplythemixturebeforeitisunusable 4.4.6 Addintothemixtureasmuchreducertoachieveproperviscosityforapplication Applicationreferstomethodsuchassprayorrollon 4.4.7 Usepaintthinnerforcleaningtoolsandareasinadvertentlypainted Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 168 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ͹ 5 ShortCircuitDesign 5.1 Stresses 5.1.1 TheTechnibusIPBisdesignedtohandlethermalandmechanicalforcesofshort circuitcurrents.Spacingoftheinsulatorstationsandminimummaterialthicknesses aredeterminedtowithstandtheshortcircuitsspecified 5.1.2 Shortcircuitsarefedfromthegeneratorandtheline(load)side.Asaresultifthe tapbusisthelocationofashortcircuitfault,shortcircuitcurrentsmaysumfrom bothsources.Thereforethetapbusislikelytorequirehighershortcircuit withstandcapability 5.1.3 ThetubularshapesusedinIPBofferthebestpossibleresistancetothemechanical forcesgeneratedduringshortcircuitevents.Theseforcesacttocompressthe conductorandexpandtheenclosure.Sincetheexteriormagneticfieldisverylow themodestphasetophasemechanicalforcesgeneratedduetoafaultareeasily handled.Steelsupportspansupto40feetormorearepossible   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 169 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͺ 6 SupportInsulators 6.1 Usage 6.1.1 Conductorisisolatedandsupportedfromtheenclosurebyeithercastresinor porcelaininsulators 6.1.2 InsulatorsarechosentohandleratingsofBIL,highpotential,andshortcircuits 6.1.3 Asetofthreeinsulatorsareusedinthebusrunatoneinsulatorstation.Theyare eachsupportedbyatwopartaluminumcasting.Thebaseisweldedtothe enclosureandtheinsulatorisboltedontotheremovablecover.Theremovable coveristhenboltedtothebase 6.1.4 Theendsofthesupportinsulatorsthatareinrequireddirectcontactwiththe conductorareofthreetypes:Fixed,Sliding,andSpring 6.1.5 Fixedcontrolsthedirectionofthermalexpansionandshortcircuitforces 6.1.6 Slidingallowsforthermalexpansion 6.1.7 Springallowsforconductoradjustmentverticallytohandleshortcircuiteventsand fortheinsulatorstationtohavearesilientlysupportedconductor  Figure15:Porcelaininsulatorssupportingconductor Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 170 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͻ  Figure16:Insulatortips 7 Enclosuresupports 7.1 Usage 7.1.1 Twotypesofenclosuresupportsareinuse:fixedandsliding. 7.1.2 Fixedversioncontrolsthedirectionofthermaldirection 7.1.3 Slidingallowsforthermalexpansion 7.1.4 Thesesupportsareboltedintoacustomdesignedextrusionwhichisweldedonto theenclosurebody 7.1.5 ThebaseoftheenclosuresupportsareboltedontotheIPBsteelsupports 7.1.6 Severalinchesofaxialadjustmentareallowedduringfieldassembly 7.1.7 Enclosuresupportsareoptionallyabletoinsulatetheenclosurefromthesteel supports.Thisisachoiceintheprojectspecification 7.1.8 Coordinationisnecessarybetweensteelsupportprovider(ifnotTechnibus)and Technibustolocatetheseappropriatelytomatchwheninstalledtogetherinthe field Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 171 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͲ  Figure17:Fixedenclosuresupportwithextrusion  Figure18:Slidingenclosuresupport Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 172 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͳ 8 Sealoffbushing 8.1 Usage 8.1.1 Sealoffbushingsarelocatedatwallentrancesfromindoortooutdoor,possiblyat generatorterminations,oratlocationsasnecessarytoholdairpressurein pressurizedoptionsofIPB 8.1.2 Sealoffbushingsaremountedwithbothboltsandaboot 8.1.3 SealoffbushingsarechosentohandleratingsofBILandhighpotential 8.1.4 Thesealoffbushingisnotdesignednorinstalledtoprovidemechanicalsupportof theconductor  Figure19:Sealoffbushing   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 173 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹʹ 9 Grounding 9.1 Enclosuretubeasgroundbus 9.1.1 Theenclosuretubeisusedasthegroundbus.Thethreesinglephasetubesare connectedandthereforeallgroundedviatheshortingplates 9.1.2 Thecrosssectionalareaoftheenclosuretubeisseveraltimeslargerthanthat requiredforgroundingconductors.Thisconsiderablyreducesthermalloadingand contactvoltagedropinthecaseofanearthfault 9.1.3 Additionalgroundingconductorsarenotrequired 10 ErectionEquipmentandTools 10.1 Handlingequipment 10.1.1 Nylonslingsfourincheswideby8feetlongwith3shorttoncapacityinchoker configuration 10.1.2 Mobileboomtypetentoncrane 10.1.3 Buckettruckorequipmentforworkingatheightsuptothemaximumheighttothe topofthebus 10.1.4 Woodenbeamsfortemporarysupports 10.1.5 Powersupplyforlights,welders,andpowertools 10.1.6 Permanentsteelsupports 10.2 Testingequipment 10.2.1 ACHiͲpottesterratedatleast60kV 10.2.2 Circuittesterforcontrolwiring 10.3 Assemblytools 10.3.1 WeldingsupplyConstantvoltage 10.3.2 Welder 10.3.3 Weldingwire 10.3.4 Lintfreewipesforcleaninginsulatorsandterminations 10.3.5 Acetonesolventforcleaning 10.3.6 Scotchbriteforremovingaluminumoxide 10.3.7 200Ͳ400gritsandpaperforcleaningabrasions,deburring,andoxideremoval 10.3.8 Plasticbagsfortemporarycoversovercompartmentsduringassembly 10.3.9 Tapeforsealingplasticcoversinplace 10.3.10 Torquewrenches 10.3.11 Socketwrenches 10.3.12 Spotlight 10.3.13 Oxideinhibitingconductivegreaseforsilveredconnections–NoOx,CualͲGelor Technibusapprovedcomparablematerial Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 174 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ͵ 11 Installation 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Businstallationisreadyaftertheequipmentwhichwillbeterminatedtoareallin place,aligned,shimmed,andthemselvesreadyforconnection 11.2 Safetymeasures 11.2.1 Organizeasafetyplanwithalltradesworkingintheareaoronthesystem 11.2.2 Observepossiblesafetyhazardsaroundtheworkingareaincludingintheair,onthe ground,andundertheground 11.2.3 Verifythesectionsandbusrunstobeworkedonaredisconnectedfromvoltage sources.Checksourcesupstreamanddownstreamandatdifferentvoltagelevels 11.2.4 Protectagainstaccidentalreconnectiontosources 11.2.5 FollowthelockͲouttagͲoutandtestprocedures 11.2.6 Groundthebusconductors 11.2.7 Nearbylivepartsmustbecoveredorbarrierserected 11.2.8 Afteropeningtheenclosuresystemandcubicles,applyworkinggroundson conductors 11.3 Procedures 11.3.1 Collectandreviewtheprojectlayoutdrawings.Bussectionsarelabeledonthe drawingsastheyareonthephysicalequipment 11.3.2 Placethesteelsupportsonfoundationsaheadofthebus,shimtothecorrect heights.Usetemporarywoodsupportstosupportbusasnecessary 11.3.3 Installinplaceallassembliesandterminationsforafullrunbeforeanythingis welded 11.3.4 ThroughoutpieceͲbyͲpieceinstallationverifyprojectdrawingdimensionsand locations 11.3.5 Beginningfromoneendofthebusrun,alignthesubsequentassembliestothe projectdrawingsandtheterminationboxes 11.3.6 Installthenextassembly.Witheachassemblysection,adjustmentsareallowedfor fittinginthefieldthebestpossiblebyuseoftheenclosureshippingsplitcovers, conductorexpansionjoints,enclosureexpansionjoints,rubberbellows,andflexible connectors 11.3.7 AteverystepalongthewaykeeptheIPB,especiallytheinside,clean,dry,andfree ofextraneousitems 11.3.8 Afteraconductorisweldedtoitsneighboringassemblyconductortheshipping bracescanthenberemovedfromboththeconductors  Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 175 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͶ 11.4 Details 11.4.1 InstallallterminationassembliesͲbothconductorandenclosureonrespective equipment(generator,GSU,UAT,etc)beforeinstallingtherestofbusrun 11.4.2 IfterminationsareisolatedthentestforisolationviahiͲpotbeforemovingforward 11.4.3 Selectthecorrectbusassemblytoinstallbasedonprojectlayoutdrawings 11.4.4 Movetheassemblysectionintoposition 11.4.5 Asanassemblyisinstalled,cleaninsulators,conductor,andinsideofenclosuresince accessisstilleasiestpriortocompletionofassembly 11.4.6 Ifsupportstructureislocatedonthesection,useittosupportthepiece.Keepin mindtoallowforroomtoslidebasedontemperaturefluctuationsexpected throughoutthedayandyear.Ifnosupportthenusetemporarysupportsforthe pieceuntilthesectionisweldedorboltedinplace 11.4.7 Keepinmindintheinstallationplan,shiploosepartssuchasrubberbellowsthat needtoslipovertheendofthecurrentsectionbeforetheconductorsarewelded together 11.4.8 Assembletheconductorconnection.Ifboltedconnectionthenfollowthe procedureofsection14.Ifweldedconnection,cleantheendsoftheconductors withasteelwirebrushtoremoveoxidestoinsureagoodweld.Weldasspecifiedin theTechnibusWeldingSpecificationalongwiththetypeofweldatthislocation. Weldsizemustbeequaltothecrosssectionsizeoftheconductortoensure adequatecurrentcarryingcapacity 11.4.9 Assembletheenclosureconnection.Forrubberbellowsfollowtheprocedureof section14.5.Flangedconnectionsshouldhavethesurfacescleanedwithstainless steelwirebrushorScotchbritepadtoremovetheoxidefilm.Immediatelyapplya lightcoatofapprovednonͲoxidizingcontactgreaseifitisaflangetoflange connection.InstallOͲringorgasketorothermaterialasperprojectdrawingsand boltthejointtogether.Followtorquevaluesinsection14.2.Ifothergreasesare usedtheymaydamagetheOͲring 11.4.10 Weldedconnectionsaremadebyfilletweld.Weldsmustbewatertightandofthe samecrosssectionalareaastheenclosure 11.4.11 Oncetheconductorandenclosureareassembledtheassociatedgroundingand bondingconnectionscanbemade.Followboltedorweldedconnectionsasabove thatisrequiredperprojectdrawings.Weldsizehereshouldbenolessthanthe crosssectionalareaofthesmallestmemberofthegroundpathtoensureadequate currentcarryingcapacity 11.4.12 Iftheassemblyincludesexternalaccessoriessuchasheaters,thermostats,hose connections,etc.thesecanbeinstalledandwiredatthistime.   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 176 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͷ  11.5 RoutineChecks 11.5.1 Allcomponentsofthebusductshouldbecheckedforproperfunctioningbythe commissioningpersonnelafterthetrialrunofthegenerator.Particularfocus shouldbeonthemechanicalandelectricalconnections.Boltsshouldbechecked andsettothepropertighteningtorques 11.5.2 Afterinstallationcheckformaintainedterminationboxisolationfromequipment flangeviahiͲpot.Repeatthistestatanytimewhenterminationboxismovedor handled.Visuallychecktherubberisolationmatandboltisolationisingood condition 11.5.3 Atinitialinstallationandsubsequentmaintenanceeventsandoverhauls,the supportinsulatorsaretobeverifiedeachareincontactwiththeconductor 11.5.4 Checksshouldbemadeafter: 1stweekofoperation 3rdweekofoperation 3rdmonthofoperation 6thmonthofoperation Every6thmonththereafterorduringnormalstationchecks 11.5.5 Tobechecked: Visibleconnectionsandboltedjointsonconductors Generatorandtransformerterminationsandconnectors Allboltedconnectionswhichcanbeseenthroughinspectionholes Rubberexpansionbellowsontheenclosure 11.5.6 Boltedconnectionsandsurfacesaretobelookedatforchangesincolor(tarnished copper)whichwouldindicateoverheating 11.5.7 Rubberbellowclampsshouldbecheckedfortightnessandthebellowitselfchecked forbrittleness,holes,ortears 12 Overhaul 12.1 Scheduling 12.1.1 TechnibusIPBisdesignedinsuchawaythatnoregularmaintenanceworkis necessaryduringnormaloperation 12.1.2 Inspectionandgeneraloverhaulintervalscaneasilybeintegratedintothegeneral plantmaintenanceschedules 12.1.3 Generaloverhaulsaretotakeplaceduringoverallsystemoverhauls 12.1.4 Threeweeksafterresumingoperation,checkslistedin11.5shouldbeperformed Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 177 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ͸ 12.2 Tasks 12.2.1 Allboltedconnectionsaretobeuncoveredandcheckedforpropertorques. Retighteningasnecessary 12.2.2 Checkforanychangesincolorortarnishingontheflexibleconnectors.Thismaybe anindicationofincreasedtemperaturecausedbydecreasedpressureonthe contactsurfaceandpossibleoxidationofthecontactarea.Therespective connectorsmustberemovedandcleaned 12.2.3 Checkgasketqualityandtighteningtorquesonaccesscovers.Checkboltedtorques onflangedconnectionsaswellasOͲrings.Checkboltedconnectionsonconnection housesandgroundconnections.Ifevidenceofdamageoroverheatingexiststhen thejointmustbedisassembledandcleaned.Priortoreassemblycontactsurfaces mustbetreatedasinsection14.1 12.2.4 Rubberexpansionbellowsontheenclosuremustberemovedtoreachtheflexible connectors.Bellowsaretobecheckedinsideandoutfordamageorbrittleness. Replaceifnecessary 12.2.5 Thebusductishighlyresistanttowateranddust.Asaresultasimpledismantling ofoneormoreinsulatorstoinspectvisuallytheinsulatorassemblyis recommended.Checkwithalighttheinsideoftheenclosureandlookforwater leaksorpreviouswatertrackingalongthewallandthebottomofthebusduct.If contaminationisfoundordamageispresentitwillbenecessarytocleanorreplace theinsulators 12.2.6 Visuallychecktheterminationboxrubberisolationmatsandboltisolationmaterials ifapplicable.PerformahiͲpotat500VAConeachterminationboxtoconfirm maintainedelectricalisolation.Duringthistesttheterminationboxground connectionsaretobetemporarilyremoved.Replacethegroundconnectiononce testiscomplete   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 178 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ͹ 13 Faults 13.1 Internalfaults 13.1.1 Themechanicalandthermalstrengthofthebusduct,especiallyinfeederstothe auxiliarytransformerandtomeasuringandprotectioncubicles,areassuredaslong asnoshortcircuitarcsoccur 13.1.2 Duringshortcircuitarcsinoneofthephases,thebusductwillnotbedestroyedas longasthefaultoccursinthatonephase.Distortionofthebusductconnections cansometimesoccur,however;theycanberepairedrelativelyquicklyafterafinal check 13.1.3 PerformthechecksofOverhaulinsection12 13.1.4 Checkfixedandslidingenclosuresupportpointsfordeformation 13.1.5 Checkconductorexpansionjoints.Deformedaluminumorcopperconductor expansionjointsmustbereturnedtotheiroriginalshape;possibleexamplesshown belowinFigure20,otherwiseincreasesintemperaturecanoccur    Figure 20:Possibleconductorexpansionconnectorshapes 13.2 Temporaryincreasedtemperatureoperationinbolted connections 13.2.1 Iftemperatureincreasesoccurinaboltedconnection,shutdownoftheinstallation isnotalwayspossible.Itispermissibletoruntheinstallationforshortperiodsas longasthetemperaturedoesnotriseabove110°C 13.2.2 Inthissituationthetemperaturemustbecheckedtwicepereighthourshift 13.2.3 Ifthetemperatureincreasesabove110°C,thesystemmustbeswitchedoffandthe connectionrepaired 13.2.4 Duringdisassemblyoftheconnections,thecauseofthetemperatureincrease(e.g. looseboltedjoints,oxidizedcontactsurfaces,etc)mustbedeterminedandrectified 13.2.5 Duringreinstallation,theinstructionsinsection14.1mustbefollowed Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 179 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͺ 13.3 Effectsofmoisture 13.3.1 Condensationcanoccuroninsulatorsandsealoffbushings 13.3.2 Experimentshaveshownthattheeffectsofcondensationoninsulatorwithstand voltageisminimalaslongastheinsulatorsurfaceisfreeofpollution 13.3.3 TechnibusinsulatorsarebydefaultchosentooperatesuccessfullyperIEEEC37.23 Table1withorwithoutacondensationcontrolsystem 13.3.4 Aftersystemshutdown,thebusductshouldbepurgedwithdryairbeforereturning thesystemtoservice 13.3.5 BusductshouldbecheckedforwatertightnessCheckthefollowinginorder: x Rubberexpansionbellows x Connectionflangesontransformers x Accesscovers x Insulatorcovers x Sealoffbushingseals 14 Removalandinstallationofelectricalconnections 14.1 Copperandaluminumconnections 14.1.1 Removetheboltsandtakeouttheconnectorsandvisuallyinspectthem 14.1.2 Ifthereisdeformationreturntooriginalshape 14.1.3 Ifsurfaceisnotsilverplated,removetheoldgreasefromcontactsurfaces.Remove oxidefilmwithuseofstainlesssteelbrushorScotchbrite(noemery).Lightlygrease contactareaswithNoOxorTechnibusapprovedcontactgrease.Workquicklyas newoxidefilmsdevelopquickly.Verifytheentirecontactsurfaceiscoveredwith greasethenbolttogether 14.1.4 Ifsurfaceissilverplated,removetheoldgreasefromcontactsurfaces.Subsequent cleaningoperationsmustnotdamagethesilverͲplatingofthesurface.Treatwith acetoneandlintfreeclothtoremoveoldgrease.Lightlygreasethecontactsurface areawithNoOxorTechnibusapprovedcontactgrease.Verifytheentirecontact surfaceiscoveredwithgreasethenbolttogether 14.1.5 Everytimetheconnectionsareremovedtheaboveprocessmustbefollowed 14.1.6 Silverplatedcontactsurfacesmustalwaysbeprotectedwithgreaseduring intermediatestorageanderection.Eachcontactsurfaceisshippedwithgrease appliedinthefactory.Donotremovethisgreaseuntilthefinalconnectionistobe assembled   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 180 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͻ 14.2 Boltassemblyandtorquevalues 14.2.1 Whenboltingthevariouselements,twospringwashers(Bellevillewashers)andtwo flatwashersshouldbeusedforeachboltpoint.Putoneofeachtypeunderthe headoftheboltandonesetunderthenut.Forthespringwasher,onlyusethe specificpartnumbershownontheassemblydrawing 14.2.2 Priortotightening,applyathinfilmofTechnibusapprovedthreadlubricanttothe boltthreadstopreventgallingofstainlesssteelboltsiftheyareused.Thebolt tighteningtorquesare:  StainlessSteelHardware M820Nm M1035Nm M1266Nm M16120Nm M20240Nm Table1:BolttorquesͲMetric 1/4”6.5ftͲlb 3/8”25ftͲlb 1/2”45ftͲlb 5/8”90ftͲlb 3/4”132ftͲlb Table2:BolttorquesͲStandard Grade5PlatedSteelHardware 5/16”20ftͲlb  3/8”30ftͲlb  1/2”55ftͲlb* 5/8”110ftͲlb* 3/4”200ftͲlb* Table3:Bolttorques–Standard(*indicatesvaluesapplicabletogalvanizedA325 structuralbolts) 14.3 Disassemblyandassemblyofpostinsulators 14.3.1 Donotdisassembletwoormoresuccessivepostinsulatorsatthesametime. Removalofmorethanoneinsulatormayoverstressadjacentinsulatorassemblies 14.3.2 TIP:Ifremovingandreinstallingtheinsulatorsremoveandreinstallthemattheir originallocations.Insulatorsareadjustedfortheirrespectivelocationandfollowing thistipcouldassistwithpropersettingsatreassembly 14.3.3 Disassemblyisasfollows:Thetopinsulatorwiththespringtipisremovedfirst thenthelowerinsulatorsinthesamesectionaresecond.Theinsulatorcoverhex headboltsareremoved.Removaloftheinsulatorfromtheenclosureshouldbe takenwithgreatcaretoavoiddamagetothesheds(orskirtsorribs).Adjustmentof theslidingorfixedtipsshouldbedoneonlyifnecessary.Theinsulatortipsare protectedagainstmovementbywrappingthethreadswithTeflontape 14.3.4 Cleaning:Visuallychecktheinsulator,ifdusthasaccumulated,cleanwithdrylintͲ freecloth.Foroilycontaminationcleantheinsulatorwithacetone,thenapplya Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 181 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵Ͳ thinfilmofsiliconepastetotheinsulatorsurfaceandrubitintoasmoothlightfilm. Preventfromapplyingtoomuchpaste 14.3.5 Installation:ChecktheOͲringsoftheinsulatorcoverfordamageandreplaceif necessary(useReinzoplastadhesivetoattachtheOͲring).Forinstallationofthe insulatorproceedinreverseorderof14.3.3above.Payattentiontothemounting direction(arrowontheinsulatorcover).Forinsulatorsonthebottomofthebus sectionthearrowmustpointupward.Withreferencetothespringloadedinsulator itisnecessarytofirstadjustthepreͲloadonthespring.Thisisdonebyturningthe springpartandcarryingoutatrialinsertionoftheinsulator.Whentheinsulatoris insertedthegapbetweenweldedcastingandinsulatorcovermustbe2mm(ain Picture2below).SeeFigure21.Tightencoverbolts.Whentheinsulatorsare installedbesureallthree(upperandtwolower)areincontactwiththeconductor Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 182 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͳ  Figure21:Threepostinsulatorcrosssection Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 183 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ʹ 14.4 Disassemblyandassemblyofcastresinwithbootsealoffbushing 14.4.1 Disassemblyisasfollows:Thisisassumingpreliminaryworkhasbeenperformed wherethesealoffbushinghasaclearpathofremovalfromtheconductor. Uniformlyloosentheinnerbolts(Teflonormetallic)fromtheinterfaceoftheboot totherigidbushing.Uniformlyremovetheouterboltswhichconnecttherigid bushingtothealuminumframe.Withassistancepulltherigidbushingandboot fromtheconductor.Collectanynutsandboltsthatmaycomeloose.Therubber bootdoesconstrictaroundtheconductorsoeffortwillbeneededtopullfromthe conductor.Caremustbealsomaintainedtopreventanytearstotheboot.Thereis awhiterigidgasketonthebacksideoftheboottorigidbushing.Setthisasidefor reinstallation.SeeFigure19 14.4.2 Cleaning:Visuallycheckthebushing,ifdusthasaccumulated,cleanwithdrylintͲ freecloth.RTVsiliconeisusedtosealupinterfaces.Cleanthesurfaceswith acetonetoremovetheresidue.Foroilycontaminationcleanthebushingwith acetone,thenapplyathinfilmofsiliconepastetothebushingsurfaceandrubitin toasmoothlightfilm.Preventfromapplyingtoomuchpaste.Checkthebootfor anydeformationordamageandreplaceifnecessary.Cleantheenclosureand conductorofanydirt,dustorresidue.Replacethegasketonthealuminumring 14.4.3 Installation:Forinstallationofthebushingusethefollowing.Rigidbushingtoboot assemblyshouldbedoneonabench,thenthisinstalledintotheenclosureandover theconductorasacompleteunit.ApplyRTVaroundtherigidbushingholesand aroundtherigidopeningfromholetoholeonthesidetherubberbootmounts. UseRTVsiliconetofillallholesinwhichboltsgothroughtodisplaceairspacewhich mayhavealeak.IfTeflonboltsareprovideduseaTeflonplumbers’sealanton thosethreads.Whenreadytomovethebushingassemblyintotheenclosure,first putintoplaceanewgasketifnecessary.ThenapplyliberalamountsofRTVsilicone onthealuminummountingringaroundtheholes,onthemetalboltthreads,andon thegasket.Withassistancepushthesealoffbushingassemblyintoplaceandslide bootovertheconductor.Afterallboltsareinplace,runabeadofsiliconebetween thebootandconductoraroundthecircumference.Pullupthelipofthebootand placethisbeadaboutaninchintothebootͲconductor.Especiallyforairpressurized busthecriticalityofsealingleaksisapriority 14.5 Disassemblyandassemblyofrubberbellows 14.5.1 Disassemblyisasfollows:Loosenbandclampbolts.Uncoverexpansionjointby pullingthebellowovertheenclosuretubeend 14.5.2 Check:Visuallycheckthebellowsandreplacethemiftheyshowtracesof damageorbrittleness.Checksealingareasoftheenclosureflangesforgroovesand burrs.Repair,ifnecessary 14.5.3 Installation:Forinstallationofthebellowproceedinreverseorderof14.5.1above. Caremustbetakentopreventdamagetothesealsthatoverlaptheenclosureends. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 184 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵͵ Thebandstrapsmustbeproperlyplacedovertheoverlapsofthebellowand tightenedsecurely. 15 SteelStructures 15.1 Design 15.1.1 Steelsupportstructuresareanoptionaladditionanddesignedbasedonparameters providedtoTechnibus 15.1.2 Technibusdoesnotprovidenordesignconcretefoundationsnoranchorbolts 15.1.3 TechnibusdoessupplywhererequiredPEstampcertificationofthedesign structures.ThismayormaynotbepossibleinareasoutsideoftheUnitedStates. CheckwithTechnibusEngineeringdepartmentforthesitelocationinquestion 15.1.4 TechnibuscanprovidethesteelsupportstructuresforGeneratorCircuitBreaker supportsaswell 15.1.5 TubesteeldesignisthedefaultbutIͲbeamdesignsarealsoavailable 15.1.6 SteelstructureisbydefaulthotͲdippedgalvanizedpriortoshipmentfromthe factory 15.1.7 Fieldassemblyisbasedonprojectspecificdrawings 15.2 Usage 15.2.1 Steelsupportstructuresaretobeinstalledbasedonprojectdrawingsandparticular assemblyplacement 15.2.2 Ifanydrilling,cutting,oranythingelseisdonethatcouldremovethegalvanized layerthenrepairofgalvanizingisnecessary.UseaTechnibusapprovedcold galvanizertoprovideasufficientprotectivelayer 15.2.3 AnantiͲseizeanticorrosioncompoundisacceptableforinstallinghardwareand preferredifstainlesssteelhardwareisused.Thisisinparticulartopreventgalling. UseaTechnibusapprovedproductonTechnibusprovidedsteelstructures 15.2.4 Ifsteelsupportisdesignatedtohaveaconnectiontoagroundcable,thenapply appropriatecompoundswhichwillallowconnectionofdissimilarmetalswithout corrosionandenhanceelectricalconnectivity.ContactTechnibusfor recommendation 15.2.5 IncertainlocationssteelstructurescanbeincloseproximitytotheIPBwhere inducedcurrentsmustbehandled.Thisincludeshiddenstructures.Technibus shouldbegrantedstructuraldrawingstoassistwithmitigationmeanstopreventor eliminatetheseproblems.Shielding/screening,increaseddistances,amortisseur bands,andothermeansmaybesolutions Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 185 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵Ͷ 16 SpareParts 16.1 ContactTechnibusforapprovedspareparts 16.1.1 Address,phonenumber,website: Purchasing Technibus 1501RaffRdSW Canton,OH44710 330Ͳ478Ͳ6395 http://www.technibus.com/  Sales Technibus 1501RaffRdSW Canton,OH44710 330Ͳ478Ͳ6395 http://www.technibus.com/ sales@technibus.com 17 FieldService 17.1 ContactTechnibusfieldservice 17.1.1 Address,phonenumber,website:  FieldService Technibus 1501RaffRdSW Canton,OH44710 330Ͳ478Ͳ6395 http://www.technibus.com/ fieldservice@technibus.com       Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 186 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͷ 18 Appendix 18.1 AirPressurization 18.1.1 Basics Onecontrolstationperthreephaserunforupto600SCFHoftotal makeupair.Ifmuchlargerorlongerrunsthenasecondcontrolstationwould beneeded Siteinstrumentqualityairisrequiredwithairpressureatthecontrol stationof100PSIminimum Site120VACpowerrequiredforpoweringtheinternalcabinet components.Seeprojectdrawingsforthosedetails.Provideappropriate upstreamelectricalprotection Controlstationmayormaynotconsistofanenclosure.Generallynot neededpendingthecontrolstationismountedindoorsandtheambient environmentisconduciveforitsproperoperation.ConsultTechnibuswith thesedetailstoseeifenclosureisnecessary Technibusdoesnotprovidethepipingnorpipingsupportsfromthe controlstationtotheenclosures.Priortoinstallingthepipingistobecleaned ofdirtandresidue.Onceinstalledtheselinesshouldbepressuretestedand clearedofanyleaks Nonconductiverubberhoseswithorwithoutvalvesattheenclosureare tobeusedtopreventunwantederroneousgroundconnectionsandcurrents fromtravellingalongthepiping.Thisisforboththeairsourceandairmonitor lines FieldassembledpressurizedIPBassembliesaretobesealedupby contractorwithRTVsiliconecaulkorTechnibusapprovedalternative.Thiswill beontopofgaskets,aroundboltsandflanges,boltthreads,andotherlocations wherepressurizedaircouldescape 18.1.2 Generalsteps Oncethesourceairisavailableandvalidatedtobecleanandofproper pressure,airpressurizationinstallationcanbegin Theairpressurizationcontrolstationistobelocated,wired,and plumbed. Afterthelonghaulpipingisinstalledterminatetothecontrolstation assuringtheproperphaseforairsourceismatchedwiththeproperphasefor theairmonitoringline Removeanyshippingplugsorcoversfromtheenclosureconnection stubs OncetheIPBisinstalledandreadytobepressurized,slightlyopena belloworslightlycrackopenaninsulatorawayfromairentrypoint.Dothisfor eachphase.Thiswillallowtheinsideenclosureairtoescapeandbereplacedby thedryinstrumentpressurizedair Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 187 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵͸ Byusingprojectdrawingsverifyproperwiring:120VACandcontrol signals.Alsotakenoteofgaugedialsandairflowmeterodometervalue Closeallhandvalves.Turnonsourcefromtheplant.Checkforleaksat interfacewithcontrolstation Thesafetyvalveandpressurereducingvalvehavebeenpresetfrom Technibustomaximum0.5PSIand0.2PSIrespectively Opencontrolstationairfeedlineandallowpressuretobuildinsidethe controlstationcabinet.Checkforleaksinthecabinet.Cabinethasbeen pressuretestedatthefactorypriortoshipment Opencontrolstationdischargevalvetochargethefieldsourcelines. Valvesshouldbeclosedatenclosureentrylocations.Therecouldbesomeair flowduetopressurebuildinthefieldlinessothegasflowmetercanpulseupat thispoint Openfieldvalves.Flowmetercouldtendtogotomaximumflowrate. Atthispoint,itwilltakeseveralhourstofillthebuswithinstrumentair. Afterthegivenestimatedamountoftimefrompreviousstep,closethe openingmadeinthebusandallowpressuretobuild.Thiswillagaintakehours. Gaugescanbeobservedtoriseforeachphase.Lowpressuresignalswillclear. Gasmetershouldstillbenotedaspulsingforairentryintothebus AtsomepointitwillneedtobedecidedwhattheIPBbuswillbe consideredasnormalpressure.Gaugeredneedlescanbeadjustedbyownerto definewhattheywishtobehighandlowalarmvalues.Thesecanbechanged atthistimetochecktheownercontrolsystemwiringforthesesignals Heaterandthermostatcanbecheckedforoperation.Heateris extremelyhot.Donottouchitorheatconductivematerialsneartheheater Commissioningoftheairpressurizationiscomplete.Itissuggestedto checkonthecompletesystemoverthenextfewdaystocheckforleaksand operation Theverylowpressureairpressurizationsystemissensitivetothe environment.Ambienttemperaturesandpressureswillbenoticeablebythe gaugesandlikelybythegasmeterusage.Alsoanenergizedbuswillusethe pressurizationsystemdifferentlythanadeenergizedbusduetotheheatingof internalair.Thesesituationsaredifferentbutdonotindicateafaultofthe system 18.1.3 Maintenance DonotworkontheIPBitselfwhileitispressurized.Closehandvalves topreventairreplenishmentandcrackopenslowlyabelloworaninsulatorto allowaplannedbleedofpressure WhenIPBisdepressurizedeachmonitoringlineshouldbesignalinga lowpressuresituation Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 188 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵͹ Maintaincleandrysourceairtopreventimpuritiestomoveintotheair pressurizationcabinet.Thesesmallpressureshavesmallareasinsidethe controlvalveswhichcanbecompromised Checktherubberconnectionhosesinthefieldforcracksandbrittleness andreplaceasnecessaryduringascheduleddepressurizationoftheIPB Duringscheduleddowntimesmanuallyoperatebackandforthallhand valves Whenanyworkonthepressurizationsourceormonitoringlinescheck forleaksandperformanycorrectionspriortofinalrechargingofthelinesand bus WhenworkingonotherareasofthepressurizedIPBrun,replace gaskets,oͲrings,caulk,andothersealingmaterialsasnecessarytoverifyasbest ofairsealaspossible  Figure22: Airpressurizationcabinetfrontviewwithoptionalenclosuredoorsopen     EnclosurePressure MonitoringGauges GasFlowMeter SafetyReliefValve PressureReducing Valve WiringTerminalBlocksFor MonitoringandPower Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 189 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͺ 18.2 IRWindows 18.2.1 Basics IRWindowsarelocatedontheIPBbusrunsatlocationsbasedon projectdrawings Windowsareplacedinanenclosure ParticularmakeandmodelofIRwindowisbasedonproject specificationsandagreementwiththecustomer 18.2.2 Usage IRwindowmayormaynothavealenscover.Ifitdoesthenthiscover shouldbeleftclosedunlessviewingthroughthewindow IRcamerasareusedtoviewthroughthesewindowsandobtain temperaturereadings.Itiscamerauserresponsibilitytosetupthecamerawith correctparameters(emissivity,transmission,oranyothercameraspecific settings)toviewthecorrecttemperatures.Theseparametersaredifferentper cameraͲwindowcombination ItissuggestedtosetupatestofcameraͲwindowtemperatureviewing resultstoseewhataparticularcameraneedstobesettoreadthevalues.Then itshouldbethesamecamerausedeachtimeforreadingthroughthese windows Lowemissivitycomponents(unpaintedorevenworsepolishedmetals) areverydifficulttocorrectlyreadevenwithoutanIRwindowwithadifferent transmissionrating.Ifpossiblereadpaintedsurfaceswithveryhighemissivity forbestvalues.Forexamplethecopperbraidconnectorsarenotpainted. ThesewillbedifficulttogetcorrecttemperaturewithacamerathroughanIR window.Thenearbypaintedaluminumconnectorheadorconductorwillgive betterresults ConsultyourIRcameramanufacturerwithquestionsspecifictothisIPB projectarrangementifresultsareinquestion  Figure23:IRWindowinstalledinIPB(left)andwiththecoveropen(right) Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 190 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͻ 18.3 PTCubicle 18.3.1 Basics PTcubicledetailsareprovidedontheprojectdrawings Specificparametersofenclosureandenclosurecomponentsoriginated fromtheprojectspecificationsandanydiscussionsduringtheproject TechnibusdoesnotrecommendnorofferPTsonthehighsidewired phasetophase.PTswillbewiredwyeonthehighside Dependingonthecustomerrequestoptionscouldbe: Dualsecondary Installedresistorinsecondaryforferroresonance MultiplePTsperphase PTcubiclestendtobecustombasedonthecustomerspecification requestssoithighlyissuggestedtoprimarilyviewtheprojectspecific documentsforthePTcubicledetails 18.3.2 Usage ThePTsareoffixedorremovabledesignasprojectdictates TypicallythePTprimaryfuseisclearlymountedontopofthe transformer PTsecondaryfusesifapplicablearemountedinawiringjunctionboxon theoutsideoftheenclosure(s) PTsecondarywiringistoshortingblocksinthewiringjunctionbox. Theseshortsaretoberemovedduringinstallation/commissioning Surgecapacitors,ifapplicable,areshippedwithoriginalmanufacturer shortingwirebetweenhighvoltageterminalandground.Thisistoberemoved duringinstallation/commissioning AcoppergroundbusisinthePTcubicleenclosureassembly.Besure thisissolidlyconnectedtostationgroundpriortoenergizing Keepdoorsclosedandlockedduringoperation Disconnecttheinternalcomponentspriortoapplyinganyhighvoltage testing   Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 191 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͶͲ 18.4 HeaterSystem 18.4.1 Basics HeatersareanoptionalaccessoryaddedtoexistingIPBdesign enclosures Thesystemconsistsofroundheaterelementshousedinaluminum boxeswhichareweldedontotheenclosure,athermostatwhichmaybefixedor adjustablesetting,wiringandconduit(byothers).Ifaheatercontrollerisused thenaseparatedocumentexistsforthatdesignandoperation Heatersareplacedtypicallynexttoinsulatorstationstominimizethe buildͲupofcondensationontheinsulatorstation.Thedesignisnottoincrease theoverallIPBruntemperatureaboveadewpointvalue.Thiswouldtakea tremendousamountofenergyandthereforeimpracticaltodoso Theinterioroftheheaterboxispurposefullynotpaintedtoassistwith reflectingtheenergyintothebusductenclosure.Paintingwouldpromote movingheatthroughtheboxwallandthenintothesurroundingenvironment 18.4.2 Safety Theheatersarepoweredfromaseparatesourceandasaresultany workdoneonthissystemmustbeinitiallytreatedastheheatersystemis energizeduntilproventhatitisnot Heatersaretypicallybutnotalwaysoperatedat120VAC.Referto projectdrawingsbutalwayscheckwithmeterforvoltageandvalueofvoltage Heaterboxesaremountedaroundanopeninginthebusenclosure. Thismeansaccessisthenopentotheinteriorofthebusenclosure.Nowork shouldbedoneontheheatersystemwhiletheIPBisenergized.Careshouldbe takentonothaveanythingputintoorapproachthebusenclosureopening.Itis onlytherefortheheatenergyfromtheheaterelementtoenterthebusinterior Heaterroutingsmayrequiremultiplecircuitstosuccessfullypowera singlephasebusrun.Ifpoweringdownacircuitverifythatthecorrectcircuitis deenergized 18.4.3 IPBmagneticfieldintroducesavoltageontonearbyconductivemetallicstructures. Thisvoltagewillthenimpartacurrentifaclosedloopismadebythisstructure.Itis recommendedtogroundtheconduitswhichhousetheheatersystemwiringfrom heaterboxtoheaterboxbutinstallanonconductivebushingintheconduitpathin eachsegment.ThiswillpreventalooprunningparallelalongtheIPBpath.Seethe projectdrawings.Wiringandconduitmaterialsandinstallationarenotinthescope ofTechnibus 18.4.4 Donotconnectmoreheatersthenthethermostatcanhandleandkeepinginmind appropriatecodes 18.4.5 Theinstallationcontractororowneraretoprovidecircuitprotectionelements (fuses,breakers,orothermeans) Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 192 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͶͳ 18.4.6 Theheaterenclosureboxesmayhaveholesonoppositesidesoftheboxforconduit connection.Itissuggestedtomakethisanonmetallicflexibleconnectiontothe mainconduitrun.Theoppositesideunusedholeistobepluggedandsealed 18.4.7 Heatercoversonceclosedontotheboxesaretohaveabeadofsiliconeappliedat theinterfaceofthecoverandtheheaterbox 18.4.8 Itishighlyrecommendedthathightemperaturewiringandterminationaccessories beusedattheheatertermination.Thesurfaceoftheheaterisinexcessof400 degreeFahrenheitandsotheterminationsoftheelementareincloseproximityof thosehightemperatures.Thisisresponsibilityoftheinstallationcontractor  Figure24:Heaterviewwithcoverremoved.Terminalsshownforcontractorwiring  Figure25:Thermostatboxwhichcontrolstwoseparate25ampcircuits Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 193 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 11 Attachment 5 Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 194 of 209 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCT/MECH ESTIMATE TOTALS Description Amount Totals Hours Rate Percent of Total Labor 463,072 8,771 23.83% Material 341,638 17.58% Subcontract 7,774 0.40% Equipment 86,216 2,216 4.44% Other 7,979 0.41% TOTAL DIRECT COST 906,679 906,679 46.66% ALLOWANCES Shift Work ( 3 - 8 hr shifts)69,461 15.0%3.57% TOTAL DIRECT COST W/ ALLOWANCE 69,461 976,140 3.58% SUBCONTRACTOR MARK-UP'S Subcontractor-GCs 61,112 8.0%3.15% Subcontactor-OH 45,834 6.0%2.36% Subcontractor-Fee 45,834 6.0%2.36% Subcontractor-Bond/Insurance 19,098 2.5%0.98% GRAND TOTAL DIRECT COST 171,878 1,148,018 8.85% RISK ASSESSMENT MARK-UP's Construction Contingency 344,405 30.0%17.73% Escalation to Mid Point 68,881 6.0%3.55% TOTAL INCLUDING RISK 413,286 1,561,304 21.27% GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General Conditions Management 85,872 5.5%4.42% General Conditions Subsistance 31,226 2.0%1.61% General Conditions Temp Fac 15,613 1.0%0.80% General Conditions Equipment 7,807 0.5%0.40% General Conditions Start-up 23,420 1.5%1.21% General Conditions Permits 7,807 0.5%0.40% Sales Tax TOTAL INCLUDING GC'S 171,745 1,733,049 8.84% CONTRACTOR FEE G&A 69,322 4.0%3.57% Profit 116,578 6.0%6.00% TOTAL INCLUDING FEE 185,900 1,918,949 9.57% INSURANCES & BOND Builders All Risk Insurance 6,141 0.3%0.32% General Libility Insurance 3,886 0.2%0.20% Other Insurance P&P Bond 13,989 0.7%0.72% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 24,016 1,942,965 1.24% Total 1,942,965 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 195 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer Cutting Torch - Miller 500, 2164 lb, Diesel 16.00 hr 161 10.09 /hr 161 Saw Cut Concrete Wall 100.00 lf 8 429 77 5.06 /lf 506 Torch Cut TS supports 120.00 lf 62 3,132 26.10 /lf 3,132 Demo Concrete Piers - Bus Duct Supports 6.00 ea 144 7,393 321 1,285.59 /ea 7,714 Demo Bus Duct TS Supports 3.00 ea 36 1,807 602.29 /ea 1,807 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 2.00 load 2 98 150 124.02 /load 248 Dump Fees 2.00 ton 200 100.00 /ton 200 02220.02.0100 Remove Bus Duct TS supports & Concrete Piers 3.00 ea 252 12,858 200 709 4,589.25 /ea 13,768 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 8.00 hr 273 34.14 /hr 273 Cutting Torch - Miller 500, 2164 lb, Diesel 8.00 hr 81 10.09 /hr 81 Torch Cut TS supports 6.00 lf 3 157 26.10 /lf 157 Demo Concrete Ftg/Pier - Cross Insulator 1.00 ea 24 1,232 53 1,285.59 /ea 1,286 Demo Steel Cross Insulator column 1,706 lb, 36' long 1.00 ea 15 942 941.88 /ea 942 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 2.00 load 2 98 150 124.02 /load 248 Dump Fees 3.00 ton 300 100.00 /ton 300 02220.02.0110 Remove 500kV Cross Insulator steel column & footing 1.00 ea 44 2,429 300 557 3,285.94 /ea 3,286 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 16.00 hr 546 34.14 /hr 546 Demo Concrete Ftg/Pier - Cross Insulator 3.00 ea 72 3,696 160 1,285.59 /ea 3,857 Demo Steel Cross Insulator column 553 lb, 8' long 3.00 ea 45 2,826 941.88 /ea 2,826 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 3.00 load 3 147 225 124.02 /load 372 Dump Fees 6.00 ton 600 100.00 /ton 600 02220.02.0120 Remove 500kV Surge Arrestor Support & Footing 3.00 ea 120 6,669 600 932 2,733.57 /ea 8,201 EXCAVATOR - Hydraulic - (Cat 321D LCR) 1.18 cy w/ Operator 31.00 hr 31 1,884 2,527 142.30 /hr 4,411 Demo Below Ground Pipe and Appurtanances - fire water 147.00 lf 31 1,549 10.54 /lf 1,549 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 3.00 load 3 147 225 124.02 /load 372 Dump Fees 3.00 ton 60 20.00 /ton 60 02220.02.0150 Remove DI Fire Water Pipe, 10" dia 147.00 lf 65 3,580 60 2,753 43.49 /lf 6,393 BACKHOE - 4WD 14-15' - (CAT 420E) 1.25 cy w/ Operator 300.00 hr 300 17,807 10,071 92.93 /hr 27,878 BACKHOE - Jack Hammer/Breaker Attachment 300.00 hr 5,637 18.79 /hr 5,637 LOADER - Articulated Wheel (Cat 924H) 2.4 cy w/ Operator 300.00 hr 300 18,231 12,168 101.33 /hr 30,399 Demo Concrete Wall Heavy Rebar, behind transformer, 40' L x 19'-6" H 780.00 sf 94 4,698 6.02 /sf 4,698 Demo Concrete SOG with Rebar, existing AHU 22 cy 578.00 sf 43 2,176 3.76 /sf 2,176 Demo Concrete SOG with Rebar, existing Transformer Pedestal, 3'-6" deep, 47 cy 362.00 sf 36 1,817 5.02 /sf 1,817 Demo Concrete SOG with Rebar, existing Transformer containment SOG, 1' deep, 3'-6" H walls, 53 cy 1,432.00 sf 129 6,469 4.52 /sf 6,469 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 20.00 load 20 979 1,501 124.02 /load 2,480 Dump Fees 302.00 ton 6,040 20.00 /ton 6,040 02220.03.0100 Remove Transformer Concrete Pad & Wall 129.00 cy 922 52,177 6,040 29,377 679.02 /cy 87,594 02200 Site Preparation 1,403 77,713 7,200 34,328 119,241 Grade stone surfacing after installation 1,555.00 sy 4 236 306 0.35 /sy 542 Excavate and load onto trucks, common earth, bulk bank measure, front end loader, wheel mounted, 3 cy bucket 260.00 cy 7 439 362 3.08 /cy 801 Haul excavated material on-site, 12 cy dump truck, 15 mph average, cycle 0.5 miles 260.00 cy 5 265 355 2.38 /cy 620 Load fill from on-site stockpile onto dump truck, front end loader, wheel mounted, 3 cy bucket 260.00 cy 7 439 362 3.08 /cy 801 Haul fill from on-site stockpile, 12 cy dump truck, 15 mph average, cycle 0.5 miles 260.00 cy 5 265 355 2.38 /cy 620 Spread dumped material (from on-site stockpile),260.00 cy 3 182 231 1.59 /cy 413 02310.02.0100 Remove/Respread Stone Surfacing 260.00 cy 32 1,826 1,971 14.61 /cy 3,797 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ Page 1 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 196 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ 02300 Earthwork 32 1,826 1,971 3,797 Load excavated material onto dump truck, front end loader, wheel mounted, 1-1/2 cy bucket 24.00 cy 2 122 81 8.44 /cy 203 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 50 mph average, cycle 20 miles 24.00 cy 2 98 131 9.54 /cy 229 Disposal Fee, public landfill 12.00 ton 240 20.00 /ton 240 Auger Cast Piles 24" dia x 25' deep, 8 ea 200.00 vlf 40 2,402 6,103 42.53 /vlf 8,505 Auger Cast Piles - mobilization 1.00 lot 18 1,081 2,746 3,827.36 /lot 3,827 Drilled Pier Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 3.30 tn 1 52 33 20 31.74 /tn 105 Drilled Pier Rebar 3.30 tn 3,135 950.00 /tn 3,135 -- Install Drill Pier Rebar 3.30 tn 53 3,304 1,001.28 /tn 3,304 4000 psi Concrete 24.00 cy 2,592 108.00 /cy 2,592 Place Drilled Piers, Pumped 24.00 cy 18 857 35.71 /cy 857 Drilled Pier Concrete Pumping- 92' Boom (28m)24.00 cy 235 240 19.80 /cy 475 02465.02.0100 Auger Cast Piles, 24" dia x 25' Deep 8.00 ea 134 7,916 6,000 9,081 235 240 2,934.04 /ea 23,472 02450 Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements 134 7,916 6,000 9,081 235 240 23,472 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 79.00 cy 4 240 322 7.12 /cy 562 Labor support during excavation 79.00 cy 4 194 2.46 /cy 194 Load excavated material onto dump truck, backhoe / loader, 3/4 cy bucket 16.00 cy 1 47 27 4.65 /cy 74 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 16.00 cy 1 52 70 7.67 /cy 123 ASTM D448 # 57 Stone (1.00- No. 4) Pipe bedding 12.00 cy 288 24.00 /cy 288 Haul import stone 12 cy dump truck, hourly 1.00 hr 1 49 65 114.43 /hr 114 Spread dumped import fill, pipe bed & soil 75.00 cy 5 297 378 8.99 /cy 674 Compact fill, single drum, padfoot, 8" lift, pipe bed & soil 75.00 cy 4 223 132 4.72 /cy 354 -- Install DI Post Indicating Valve - Flg, HWO, 10" - Relocate existing 1.00 ea 8 536 536.10 /ea 536 10" DI Mortar-Lined, Restrained Joint, Class 50, Pipe, Fire water 185.00 lf 7,436 40.19 /lf 7,436 -- Install 10" DI Restrained Joint, Class 50, Pipe 185.00 lf 72 3,766 1,716 29.63 /lf 5,482 02510.02.0100 Relocate Existing DI Fire Water Pipe, 10" dia 185.00 lf 100 5,405 7,724 2,709 85.61 /lf 15,838 DRILL AIR TRACK - auger, w/ Operator 8.00 hr 8 475 418 111.63 /hr 893 4000 psi Concrete 1.10 cy 119 108.00 /cy 119 Place Bollard Footing, Direct Chute, 4 ea 1.10 cy 8 373 339.25 /cy 373 Steel Pipe Bollard - 6" Schedule 40 4 ea x 7' lg 28.00 lf 1,593 56.91 /lf 1,593 -- Erect Steel Pipe Bollard - 6" Schedule 40 4 ea x 7' lg 28.00 lf 28 1,758 62.79 /lf 1,758 02510.02.0110 Pipe Bollards at PIV Valve 4.00 ea 44 2,606 1,712 418 1,184.16 /ea 4,737 02510 Water Utility Distribution Piping 143 8,011 9,436 3,128 20,575 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 4.00 hr 19 4.87 /hr 19 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 26.50 cy 2 107 144 9.49 /cy 251 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 21.20 cy 1 64 86 7.12 /cy 151 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 21.20 cy 2 104 139 11.44 /cy 243 Disposal Fee, public landfill 8.00 ton 160 20.00 /ton 160 Spread dumped material, by hand 5.30 cy 4 160 30.27 /cy 160 Import Aggregate Base Fill 14.14 cy 212 15.00 /cy 212 Spread dumped imported fill, by hand 14.14 cy 9 428 30.27 /cy 428 Compact granular fill around a building foundation, 8" lifts, walk behind 21" x 24" vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 14.14 cy 1 41 7 3.41 /cy 48 -- Fine Grade Foundation 572.75 sf 5 231 0.40 /sf 231 Slab-on-Grade (Edge Form Mat'l), 1-Use 108.00 sf 356 3.30 /sf 356 -- Install Slab-on-Grade (Edge Forms), 1-Use 108.00 sf 32 1,605 14.86 /sf 1,605 Page 2 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 197 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ Construction/Key Joint, 12"29.00 lf 45 1.56 /lf 45 SOG Form Oil & Hardware 108.00 sf 54 0.50 /sf 54 -- Install Construction/Key Joint, 12"29.00 lf 3 131 4.51 /lf 131 SOG Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 0.80 ton 1 63 8 24 118.70 /ton 94 SOG Rebar 0.80 ton 755 950.00 /ton 755 -- Install SOG Rebar 0.80 ton 14 902 1,134.62 /ton 902 4000 psi Concrete 21.21 cy 2,291 108.00 /cy 2,291 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)0.64 cy 69 108.00 /cy 69 Place SOG, Direct Chute 21.21 cy 32 1,542 72.70 /cy 1,542 Broom Finish SOG 572.75 sf 1 55 0.10 /sf 55 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 572.75 sf 1 55 34 0.16 /sf 90 03300.03.0100 Relocated AHU SOG 12"21.20 cy 108 5,490 3,985 420 466.74 /cy 9,895 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 8.00 hr 39 4.87 /hr 39 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 1,017.00 cy 14 824 1,106 1.90 /cy 1,930 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 889.00 cy 44 2,701 3,624 7.12 /cy 6,325 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 889.00 cy 89 4,353 5,819 11.44 /cy 10,172 Disposal Fee, public landfill 100.00 ton 2,000 20.00 /ton 2,000 Spread dumped material,128.00 cy 6 371 209 4.53 /cy 580 Import Aggregate Base Fill 148.15 cy 2,222 15.00 /cy 2,222 Spread dumped imported fill, stone 148.15 cy 36 1,825 79 12.86 /cy 1,905 Compact granular fill around a building foundation, 8" lifts, walk behind 21" x 24" vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 148.15 cy 2 115 20 0.91 /cy 135 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 5.00 day 40 2,525 3,824 1,269.66 /day 6,348 Slab-on-Grade (Edge Form Mat'l), 1-Use 560.00 sf 2,800 5.00 /sf 2,800 -- Install Slab-on-Grade (Edge Forms), 1-Use 560.00 sf 168 8,324 14.86 /sf 8,324 Keyway 356.00 lf 1,068 3.00 /lf 1,068 Construction/Key Joint, 24"80.00 lf 400 5.00 /lf 400 SOG Form Oil & Hardware 560.00 sf 280 0.50 /sf 280 -- Install keyway 356.00 lf 53 2,668 7.49 /lf 2,668 -- Install Construction/Key Joint, 24"80.00 lf 24 1,199 14.99 /lf 1,199 SOG Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 16.30 ton 5 257 163 98 31.74 /ton 517 SOG Rebar 16.30 ton 15,481 950.00 /ton 15,481 -- Install SOG Rebar 16.30 ton 293 18,356 1,126.44 /ton 18,356 4000 psi Concrete 296.30 cy 32,000 108.00 /cy 32,000 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)8.89 cy 960 108.00 /cy 960 Superplasticizers 296.00 cy 5,920 20.00 /cy 5,920 Place SOG, Pumped 296.30 cy 593 28,310 95.55 /cy 28,310 Float Finish SOG 4,000.00 sf 32 1,550 0.39 /sf 1,550 SOG Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)296.30 cy 1,161 2,963 13.92 /cy 4,124 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 4,000.00 sf 8 387 240 0.16 /sf 627 03300.03.0125 Transformer SOG 24"296.30 cy 1,407 73,765 63,534 14,817 1,161 2,963 527.31 /cy 156,241 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 5.00 day 40 2,525 3,824 1,269.66 /day 6,348 Equipment Pad Form Mat'l > 8" thick 504.00 sf 2,520 5.00 /sf 2,520 Chamfer 3/4"168.00 lf 168 1.00 /lf 168 Equipment Pad Form Oil & Hardware 504.00 sf 252 0.50 /sf 252 Epoxy Bonding Agent 192.00 sf 96 0.50 /sf 96 -- Install Equipment Pad Forms > 8" thick (SF)504.00 sf 176 8,740 17.34 /sf 8,740 -- Apply Epoxy Bonding Agent 192.00 sf 6 285 1.49 /sf 285 -- Install Chamfer 3/4"168.00 lf 13 671 4.00 /lf 671 Equipment Pad Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 4.11 ton 2 97 41 37 42.61 /ton 175 Equipment Pad Rebar 4.11 ton 3,902 950.00 /ton 3,902 Page 3 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 198 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ -- Install Equipment Pad Rebar 4.11 ton 74 4,626 1,126.44 /ton 4,626 4000 psi Concrete 64.00 cy 6,912 108.00 /cy 6,912 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)1.91 cy 206 108.00 /cy 206 Place Equipment Pad, Pumped 64.00 cy 160 7,644 119.44 /cy 7,644 Broom Finish Equipment Pad 576.00 sf 6 279 0.48 /sf 279 Equipment Pad Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)64.00 cy 1,254 640 29.60 /cy 1,894 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 576.00 sf 1 56 35 0.16 /sf 90 -- Fabricate/Place/ Align Anchor Bolts- 2 Bolt Set 6.00 set 12 599 240 139.91 /set 839 03300.03.0150 Transformer Pedestals 3 ea, 16'x12'x3'64.00 cy 490 25,523 14,372 3,860 1,254 640 713.27 /cy 45,649 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 10.00 day 80 5,049 7,647 1,269.66 /day 12,697 Rent Conc.. Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,200.00 sf 16,400 2.00 /sf 16,400 -- Assemble and Erect Rented Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,200.00 sf 820 40,627 4.96 /sf 40,627 Bulkheads/Construction Joints/Wall Ends 164.00 sf 820 5.00 /sf 820 -- Install Bulkheads/Construction Joints/Wall Ends 164.00 sf 74 3,656 22.30 /sf 3,656 Blockout / Boxout Form Mat'l (Contact Area) Bus Duct 84.00 sf 420 5.00 /sf 420 -- Install Blockout / Boxout Forms (Contact Aea)85.00 sf 43 2,123 24.98 /sf 2,123 Chamfer 3/4"200.00 lf 200 1.00 /lf 200 -- Install Chamfer 3/4"200.00 lf 30 1,499 7.49 /lf 1,499 Wall Form Oil & Hardware 8,282.00 sf 10,767 1.30 /sf 10,767 Wall Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 8.35 ton 4 197 84 75 42.61 /ton 356 Wall Rebar 8.35 ton 7,934 950.00 /ton 7,934 -- Install Wall Rebar 8.35 ton 167 10,453 1,251.60 /ton 10,453 4000 psi Concrete 151.85 cy 16,400 108.00 /cy 16,400 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)4.56 cy 492 108.00 /cy 492 Superplasticizers 151.85 cy 3,037 20.00 /cy 3,037 Place Straight Wall, Pumped 151.85 cy 759 36,778 106 242.89 /cy 36,884 Float Finish / Strike-off top of Wall 100.00 sf 3 145 1.45 /sf 145 Straight Wall Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)151.85 cy 2,480 1,519 26.33 /cy 3,999 PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"100.00 lf 420 4.20 /lf 420 -- Install PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"100.00 lf 10 495 4.96 /lf 495 Point & Patch Wall 8,282.00 sf 41 2,005 83 0.25 /sf 2,088 03300.03.0220 Transformer Back Wall 100' x 41' x 12"151.85 cy 2,031 103,029 57,056 7,829 2,480 1,519 1,132.12 /cy 171,913 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 5.00 day 40 2,525 3,824 1,269.66 /day 6,348 Rent Conc.. Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,736.00 sf 17,472 2.00 /sf 17,472 -- Assemble and Erect Rented Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,736.00 sf 874 43,283 4.95 /sf 43,283 -- Move Wall Gang Forms > 20' tall 1.00 move 32 1,585 1,585.44 /move 1,585 Chamfer 3/4"312.00 lf 312 1.00 /lf 312 -- Install Chamfer 3/4"312.00 lf 47 2,319 7.43 /lf 2,319 Wall Form Oil & Hardware 8,736.00 sf 11,357 1.30 /sf 11,357 Wall Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 8.90 ton 4 210 89 80 42.61 /ton 379 Wall Rebar 8.90 ton 8,453 950.00 /ton 8,453 -- Install Wall Rebar 8.90 ton 178 11,137 1,251.60 /ton 11,137 4000 psi Concrete 161.78 cy 17,472 108.00 /cy 17,472 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)4.85 cy 524 108.00 /cy 524 Superplasticizers 161.78 cy 3,236 20.00 /cy 3,236 Place Straight Wall, Pumped 161.78 cy 809 39,182 113 242.89 /cy 39,295 Float Finish / Strike-off top of Wall 156.00 sf 5 227 1.45 /sf 227 Straight Wall Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)161.78 cy 2,642 1,618 26.33 /cy 4,260 PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"156.00 lf 655 4.20 /lf 655 -- Install PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"156.00 lf 16 773 4.95 /lf 773 Page 4 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 199 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ Point & Patch Wall 8,736.00 sf 44 2,115 87 0.25 /sf 2,203 03300.03.0240 Transfomer Divider Walls 39' x 28' x 12" 4 each 161.77 cy 2,047 103,355 59,657 4,017 2,642 1,618 1,058.84 /cy 171,289 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 2.00 hr 10 4.87 /hr 10 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 15.00 cy 1 46 61 7.12 /cy 107 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 3.60 cy 1 44 59 28.46 /cy 102 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 3.60 cy 1 35 47 22.89 /cy 82 Disposal Fee, public landfill 3.00 ton 60 20.00 /ton 60 Spread dumped material,11.40 cy 1 66 37 9.06 /cy 103 Import Aggregate Base Fill 1.50 cy 23 15.00 /cy 23 Spread dumped imported fill, by hand 1.50 cy 2 68 45.40 /cy 68 Compact granular fill, walk behind vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 1.50 cy 1 29 5 22.71 /cy 34 Continuous Footing Form Mat'l <= 12" thick 1-Use 36.00 lf 481 13.36 /lf 481 Foundation Form Oil & Hardware 68.00 sf 34 0.50 /sf 34 -- Install Continuous Footing Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 36.00 lf 9 450 12.49 /lf 450 -- Install Pedestal Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 32.00 sf 10 480 14.99 /sf 480 Foundation Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 0.21 ton 1 41 2 16 281.80 /ton 59 Foundation Rebar 0.21 ton 200 950.00 /ton 200 -- Install Foundation Rebar 0.21 ton 10 635 3,025.60 /ton 635 4000 psi Concrete 3.59 cy 388 108.00 /cy 388 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)0.09 cy 10 108.00 /cy 10 Superplasticizers 3.59 cy 11 3.15 /cy 11 Place Continuous Footing, Direct Chute 3.59 cy 18 870 242.32 /cy 870 Float Finish / Strike-off Top of Footing / Foundation 81.00 sf 1 31 0.39 /sf 31 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 81.00 sf 1 31 5 0.45 /sf 36 Concrete Sealer- Water Based 81.00 sf 1 31 2 0.41 /sf 33 -- Set Anchor Bolts, 1-3/4" x 2'-4" long 4.00 ea 12 606 400 251.51 /ea 1,006 03300.03.0300 500kV Cross Insulator Support Footing 3.59 cy 67 3,464 1,615 235 1,479.98 /cy 5,313 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 3.00 hr 15 4.87 /hr 15 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 28.40 cy 3 173 232 14.23 /cy 404 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 8.90 cy 2 108 145 28.46 /cy 253 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 8.90 cy 1 44 58 11.44 /cy 102 Disposal Fee, public landfill 4.00 ton 80 20.00 /ton 80 Spread dumped material, by hand 19.50 cy 3 162 91 12.95 /cy 252 Import Aggregate Base Fill 3.57 cy 54 15.00 /cy 54 Spread dumped imported fill, by hand 3.57 cy 7 324 90.80 /cy 324 Compact granular fill, walk behind vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 3.57 cy 2 104 18 34.05 /cy 122 Continuous Footing Form Mat'l <= 12" thick 1-Use 96.00 lf 1,283 13.36 /lf 1,283 Foundation Form Oil & Hardware 144.00 sf 72 0.50 /sf 72 -- Install Continuous Footing Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 96.00 lf 24 1,189 12.39 /lf 1,189 -- Install Pedestal Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 96.00 sf 29 1,439 14.99 /sf 1,439 Foundation Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 0.93 ton 1 64 9 24 105.12 /ton 98 Foundation Rebar 0.93 ton 884 950.00 /ton 884 -- Install Foundation Rebar 0.93 ton 28 1,759 1,891.02 /ton 1,759 4000 psi Concrete 8.90 cy 961 108.00 /cy 961 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)0.30 cy 32 108.00 /cy 32 Superplasticizers 8.90 cy 28 3.15 /cy 28 Place Continuous Footing, Direct Chute 8.90 cy 45 2,157 242.32 /cy 2,157 Float Finish / Strike-off Top of Footing / Foundation 192.00 sf 2 74 0.39 /sf 74 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 192.00 sf 1 65 12 0.40 /sf 77 Concrete Sealer- Water Based 192.00 sf 1 65 5 0.36 /sf 70 Page 5 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 200 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ -- Set Anchor Bolts 1-1/2" x 2'-1" long 12.00 ea 36 1,784 960 228.64 /ea 2,744 03300.03.0310 500kV Surge Arrestor Support Footing 8.90 cy 184 9,509 4,379 583 1,625.90 /cy 14,470 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete 6,335 324,135 204,598 31,759 7,539 6,739 574,770 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 8.00 hr 273 34.14 /hr 273 Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 16" dia.35.33 lf 3,846 108.85 /lf 3,846 -- Erect Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 16" dia x 35'-4" long 35.33 lf 23 1,442 40.82 /lf 1,442 05130.05.0100 500kV Cross Insulator Steel Support, 16" dia x 35' lg 1.00 ea 23 1,442 3,846 273 5,560.78 /ea 5,561 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 8.00 hr 273 34.14 /hr 273 Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 13" dia.24.00 lf 2,448 102.00 /lf 2,448 -- Erect Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 13" dia x 8' long 24.00 lf 42 2,637 109.89 /lf 2,637 05130.05.0110 500kV Surge Arrestor Steel Support, 12 3/4" dia x 8' lg 3.00 ea 42 2,637 2,448 273 1,786.13 /ea 5,358 05100 Structural Metal Framing 65 4,079 6,294 546 10,919 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 80.00 hr 2,731 34.14 /hr 2,731 Support Beams, embeds, anchor bolts 6.00 tn 18,000 3,000.00 /tn 18,000 -- Support Beams 6.00 tn 96 6,028 1,004.67 /tn 6,028 Steel Grate - Press-Locked - 1-1/2 x 3/16 - (1-3/16 & 4" spacing)3,168.00 sf 84,110 26.55 /sf 84,110 -- Install Steel Grating - Press Locked 3,168.00 sf 295 18,500 5.84 /sf 18,500 05530.05.0100 Steel Grating, Galvanized 3,168.00 sf 391 24,528 102,110 2,731 40.84 /sf 129,370 05500 Metal Fabrications 391 24,528 102,110 2,731 129,370 LIFT - Articulating Boom Lift - 40' Reach - 2WD Electric 36.00 hr 490 13.62 /hr 490 Alum Ribbed 3" Profile Siding (Painted) .032"100.00 sf 1,000 10.00 /sf 1,000 -- Install/Modify Metal Siding Panels 100.00 sf 36 1,844 18.44 /sf 1,844 07410.07.0100 Modify Existing Bldg at Relocated AHU 100.00 sf 36 1,844 1,000 490 33.34 /sf 3,334 07400 Roofing and Siding Panels 36 1,844 1,000 490 3,334 CRANE - Hydraulic Truck - 45T (Max boom Length 110') w/ Operator 2.00 day 16 1,010 2,181 1,595.34 /day 3,191 Air handler, existing, Relocate, approximately 80 lf 1.00 ea 120 6,975 6,974.64 /ea 6,975 Ductwork, balance - at Relocated AHU 1.00 lot 96 5,035 5,000 1,000 11,035.20 /lot 11,035 15720.15.0100 Relocate Existing AHU Unit 1.00 ea 232 13,020 5,000 2,181 1,000 21,200.51 /ea 21,201 15720 Mechanical Equipment 232 13,020 5,000 2,181 1,000 21,201 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer TOTAL 8,771 463,072 341,638 86,216 7,774 7,979 906,679 Page 6 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 201 of 209 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - PLANT ELECTRICAL ESTIMATE TOTALS Description Amount Totals Hours Rate Percent of Total Labor 83,053 841 39.28% Material 18,033 8.53% Subcontract 0 0.00% Equipment 1,575 0 0.74% Other 0 0.00% TOTAL DIRECT COST 102,660 102,660 48.56% ALLOWANCES Shift Work ( 3 - 8 hr shifts)0 Included in Wage Rate 0.00% TOTAL DIRECT COST W/ ALLOWANCE 0 102,660 0.00% SUBCONTRACTOR MARK-UP'S Subcontractor-GCs 8,213 8.0%3.88% Subcontactor-OH 6,160 6.0%2.91% Subcontractor-Fee 6,160 6.0%2.91% Subcontractor-Bond/Insurance 2,567 2.5%1.21% GRAND TOTAL DIRECT COST 23,099 125,759 10.93% RISK ASSESSMENT MARK-UP's Construction Contingency 37,728 30%17.84% Escalation to Mid Point 7,546 6%3.57% TOTAL INCLUDING RISK 45,273 171,032 21.41% GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General Conditions Management 9,407 5.5%4.45% General Conditions Subsistance 3,421 2.0%1.62% General Conditions Temp Fac 1,710 1.0%0.81% General Conditions Equipment 855 0.5%0.40% General Conditions Start-up 2,565 1.5%1.21% General Conditions Permits 855 0.5%0.40% Sales Tax 0.0%0.00% TOTAL INCLUDING GC'S 18,814 189,846 8.90% CONTRACTOR FEE G&A 7,594 4.0%3.59% Profit 11,391 6.0%5.39% TOTAL INCLUDING FEE 18,985 208,830 8.98% INSURANCES & BOND Builders All Risk Insurance 668 0.32%0.32% General Libility Insurance 418 0.20%0.20% Other Insurance 0 0.00%0.00% P&P Bond 1,504 0.72%0.71% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 2,589 211,420 1.22% Total $ 211,420 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 202 of 209 AVISTA COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - PLANT ELECTRICAL BOQ Description Takeoff Quantity Labor Unit Labor Hours Labor Price Labor Amount Material Price Material Amount Equipment Rate Equipment Amount Total Amount ELECTRICAL 1.00 ls ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 1.00 ls PROTECTIVE RELAYS 4.00 ea Existing GSU Relays - Update Settings & Test 4.00 ea 32 128.00 $ 98.75 $ 12,640.00 $ -$ -$ 12,640.00 ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 1.00 ls CABLE & TERMS-600V 7,200.00 lf 3/C #12 AWG 600V POWER W/GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 0.71 $ 568.00 $ -$ 2,938.00 2/C #12 AWG 600V POWER W/ GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)1,200.00 lf 0.03 36.00 $ 98.75 $ 3,555.00 $ 0.63 $ 757.20 $ -$ 4,312.20 2/C #10 AWG 600V POWER W/ GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 0.90 $ 720.00 $ -$ 3,090.00 3/C #4 AWG 600V POWER W/GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 3.04 $ 2,428.80 $ -$ 4,798.80 2/C #12 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)1,200.00 lf 0.03 36.00 $ 98.75 $ 3,555.00 $ 0.43 $ 511.20 $ -$ 4,066.20 2/C #10 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)400.00 lf 0.03 12.00 $ 98.75 $ 1,185.00 $ 0.61 $ 242.80 $ -$ 1,427.80 4/C #12 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 0.80 $ 641.60 $ -$ 3,011.60 4/C #10 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)1,200.00 lf 0.03 36.00 $ 98.75 $ 3,555.00 $ 1.16 $ 1,396.80 $ -$ 4,951.80 #10 AWG 600V Term 48.00 ea 0.80 38.40 $ 98.75 $ 3,792.00 $ 2.50 $ 120.00 $ -$ 3,912.00 #12 AWG 600V Term 60.00 ea 0.80 48.00 $ 98.75 $ 4,740.00 $ 2.50 $ 150.00 $ -$ 4,890.00 #4 AWG 600V Term 12.00 ea 0.90 10.80 $ 98.75 $ 1,066.50 $ 2.50 $ 30.00 $ -$ 1,096.50 GROUNDING 580.00 lf GROUND STINGER EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS 8.00 ea 0.80 6.40 $ 98.75 $ 632.00 $ 25.00 $ 200.00 $ -$ 832.00 GROUND STINGER-CONDUCTOR (4/0 AWG X 15')8.00 ea 1.05 8.40 $ 98.75 $ 829.50 $ 43.95 $ 351.60 $ -$ 1,181.10 1/C 4/0 AWG 600V INSULATED GND CABLE 120.00 lf 0.07 8.40 $ 98.75 $ 829.50 $ 2.93 $ 351.60 $ -$ 1,181.10 #4/0 AWG 600V INSULATED GND TERM 12.00 ea 0.50 6.00 $ 98.75 $ 592.50 $ 15.00 $ 180.00 $ -$ 772.50 500 KCMIL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 460.00 lf 0.09 41.40 $ 98.75 $ 4,088.25 $ 6.68 $ 3,071.42 $ 1.58 $ 725.00 $ 7,884.67 GROUNDING RODS (3/4" X 10')8.00 ea 2.00 16.00 $ 98.75 $ 1,580.00 $ 22.52 $ 180.16 $ -$ 1,760.16 EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION -TEE (4/0 AWG - 4/0 AWG)2.00 ea 0.50 1.00 $ 98.75 $ 98.75 $ 15.83 $ 31.66 $ -$ 130.41 GROUND STINGER-TEE EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION (4/0 AWG - 4/0 AWG)8.00 ea 0.50 4.00 $ 98.75 $ 395.00 $ 15.83 $ 126.64 $ -$ 521.64 EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION -CROSS (4/0 AWG - 4/0 AWG)4.00 ea 0.50 2.00 $ 98.75 $ 197.50 $ 20.20 $ 80.80 $ -$ 278.30 EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION -GND ROD (3/4" - 4/0 AWG)8.00 ea 0.50 4.00 $ 98.75 $ 395.00 $ 15.79 $ 126.32 $ -$ 521.32 CONDUIT-UNDERGROUND 180.00 lf U/G 2" DIA SCHED 40 PVC CONDUIT 180.00 lf 0.06 10.80 $ 98.75 $ 1,066.50 $ 0.81 $ 145.80 $ 4.72 $ 850.00 $ 2,062.30 U/G 2" DIA, 90 DEG,36" RADIUS, FIBERGLASS ELBOW 4.00 ea 1.26 5.04 $ 98.75 $ 497.70 $ 98.08 $ 392.32 $ -$ 890.02 SPACERS-BASE 4" WITH 3" SEPARATION 12.00 ea 0.35 4.20 $ 98.75 $ 414.75 $ 0.75 $ 9.00 $ -$ 423.75 SPACERS-INTERMEDIATE 4" WITH 3" SEPARATION 12.00 ea 0.35 4.20 $ 98.75 $ 414.75 $ 0.75 $ 9.00 $ -$ 423.75 CONDUIT ABOVE GROUND 400.00 lf A/G 3/4" RGS Conduit and Fittings 400.00 lf 0.30 120.00 $ 98.75 $ 11,850.00 $ 4.85 $ 1,940.00 $ -$ 13,790.00 PANELS, POWER TRANSFORMERS ETC.4.00 ea DISCONNECT SWITCH 480V, 3PH, 30A THROUGH, FUSIBLE 2.00 ea 4.00 8.00 $ 98.75 $ 790.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 $ -$ 1,390.00 NEMA 4 Enclosure 12"x 12" x6"2.00 ea 6.00 12.00 $ 98.75 $ 1,185.00 $ 625.00 $ 1,250.00 $ -$ 2,435.00 JUNCTION BOXES 1.00 ea PULL BOX - 32"H x 32"W x 18"D, INDOOR/OUTDOOR 1.00 ea 8.00 8.00 $ 98.75 $ 790.00 $ 820.00 $ 820.00 $ -$ 1,610.00 DEVICES ETC.3.00 ea Transformer Fire Protection Elec Interface 3.00 ea 40.00 120.00 $ 98.75 $ 11,850.00 $ -$ -$ 11,850.00 Misc Receptacles 4.00 EA 2.5 10.00 $ 98.75 $ 987.50 $ 150.00 $ 600.00 $ -$ 1,587.50 TOTAL 841 $ 83,053 $ 18,033 $ 1,575 $ 102,660 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 203 of 209 4/1/2019 1 of 2 Coyote-SpringsGSU_HV_Material-and-Labor_BOQ.xls - Det Pricing S01 Mob/Demob Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Security Guard WEEKS $ -0 $ 2,160.00 0 Mobilize LOT $ -150 1 150 $-$ 36,480 $ 36,480 1 150 1 4 3.75 0.75 De- Mobilize LOT $ -150 1 150 $-$ 36,480 $ 36,480 1 150 1 4 3.75 0.75 (do not use or delete this line) S01 Subtotal 300 $-$ 72,960 $ 72,960 300 7.50 1.50 S02 Site Work Labor $ 116.47Sub$ - (do not use or delete this line) S02 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S03 Concrete Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Drilled Piers(Remove Civil per request)Install/Day Qty Concrete - Drilled Piers 0 4 CY 5.00 $ 500.00 0 1 4 Concrete Cost + 25% over run CY $ 175.00 0 Rebar Cost LOT $ 1.00 0 Anchor Bolts LOT $ 1.00 0 Rock Excavation CY 3.00 $ 500.00 0Install/Day Qty Spoil Removal TON 0.10 $ 150.00 0 1 2 Concrete Testing EA $ 300.00 0 Layout LOT 100.00 0 Bollards LOT $ 100.00 5.00 0 (do not use or delete this line) S03 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S04 Distribution OH Line Labor $ 116.47Sub$ - (do not use or delete this line) S04 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S05 Steel Structures Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Tubular Steel (Unit Price $/lb)$ 1.90 Lattice Steel (Unit Price $/lb)$ - Manhours per 1/2 ton $ 3.50 Misc Structural Steel LB/EA 1000 LB $ 1.90 3.50 0 Descriptions come from Foundation Tab 500kV Take-Off Tower, Full Tension LB/EA 85000 EA $ 161,500.00 297.50 500kV Fire Walls LB/EA 4000 EA $ 7,600.00 14.00 0 500kV High Disc Sw Stand LB/EA 8000 EA $ 15,200.00 28.00 0 500kV Low Disc Sw Stand LB/EA 8000 EA $ 15,200.00 28.00 0 500kV High Bus Support Stand,1PH LB/EA 2500 EA $ -8.75 9.00 0 1 4 500kV Low Bus Support Stand,1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV Low SA, 1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV High SA, 1PH LB/EA 2500 EA $ -8.75 26.00 0 1 4 500kV CT Stand,1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV CCVT Stand,1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV LT Stand,1PH LB/EA 2500 EA $ 4,750.00 8.75 0 500kV Jack Bus Stand,1PH LB/EA 8000 EA $ 15,200.00 28.00 0 500kV CGIT Stand,1PH LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Unlisted LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Unlisted LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Unlisted LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Spare FT $ -0.00 0 Spare FT $ -0.00 0S07GroundingLabor$ 116.47 Sub $ - Above Grade Grounding FT $ 2.50 0.15 0.20 354 53 $ 1,170 $ 12,914 $ 14,084 354 53 1 4 1.33 0.27 AG Two hole pads EA $ 35.00 0.22 0.50 8 2 $ 370 $ 428 $ 798 8 2 1 4 0.04 0.01 BG Duestch Press EA $ 55.00 0.22 0.50 74 16 $ 5,402 $ 3,976 $ 9,378 74 16 1 4 0.41 0.08 Ground Mats EA $ 500.00 1.00 1.75 0 Ground Well(150')EA $ 5,000.00 50.00 100.00 0 (do not use or delete this line) S07 Subtotal 71 $ 6,942 $ 17,318 $ 24,260 71 1.78 0.36 S08 Conductor Labor $ 116.47Sub$ - (do not use or delete this line) S08 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S09 Switchyard Buswork Labor $ 116.47(Bus Prices Include Fittings)Sub $ - 15 kV Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.25 0.50 0 15 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.25 0.50 0 34.5 kV Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.54 1.06 0 34.5 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.54 1.06 7 4 $ 925 $ 919 $ 1,845 7 4 1 4 0.09 0.02 69 kV Insulator EA $ 140.00 1.50 2.33 0 69 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 210.00 1.50 2.33 0 115 kV Insulator EA $ 221.00 2.00 4.23 0115 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 320.00 2.00 4.23 0 138 kV Insulator EA $ 270.00 2.25 4.33 0 138 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 350.00 2.25 4.33 0 161 kV Insulator EA $ 440.00 2.50 4.50 0 161 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 600.00 2.50 4.50 0 230 kV Insulator EA $ 460.00 3.00 5.50 0 230 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 620.00 3.00 5.50 0 Avista Energy Trench ACCR OPGW HDWR OHGW Initial Coyote Springs 2 GSU XMFR Upgarde $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4/1/2019 500kV Connection for 3 single pahse XMFR 401395.11 Bid $304,835 Enviro ROW Survey Testing DICM XFMR Aerial $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.04 Price Estimate Manpower Schedule CostCode Description Data Unit Labor Rate Unit Material UnitCost Labor Unit 1MH Labor Unit 4MH Sub Unit Cost Testing UnitCost Total QTY Total MH Total SellMaterials Total SellLabor Total SellPrice QTY EstimateHours QTY Crews QTY Men Duration inWork Days DurationWeeks Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 204 of 209 4/1/2019 2 of 2 Coyote-SpringsGSU_HV_Material-and-Labor_BOQ.xls - Det Pricing 345 kV Insulator EA $ 900.00 4.00 6.50 0 345 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 1,400.00 4.00 6.50 0 500 kV Insulator EA $ 1,150.00 5.00 8.00 0 500 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 1,650.00 5.00 8.00 1 5 $ 2,181 $ 1,216 $ 3,397 1 5 Jumper Conductor Change Rates every Bid 1590 kcmil AAAC AL FT $ 6.00 0.30 675 203 $ 5,354 $ 49,248 $ 54,602 675 203 1 4 5.06 1.01 Bus Conductor 4" Bus AL FT $ 45.00 0.40 120 48 $ 7,138 $ 11,674 $ 18,812 120 48 1 2 2.40 0.48 5" Bus AL FT $ 65.00 0.50 120 60 $ 10,311 $ 14,592 $ 24,903 120 60 1 2 3.00 0.60 500kV - 2 conductor spacer, Corona free EA $ 55.00 0.50 3 2 $ 218 $ 365 $ 583 3 2 1 2 0.08 0.02 500kV - 3 conductor spacer, Corona free EA $ 75.00 1.00 12 12 $ 1,190 $ 2,918 $ 4,108 12 12 1 4 0.30 0.06 Overhead Dead End Insulators EA $ 1,000.00 3.03 5.93 3 9 $ 3,966 $ 2,211 $ 6,176 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 V-String Insulators EA $ 500.00 4.50 6.50 $ -0 Single Conductor Assemblies EA $ 100.00 1.00 2.00 3 3 $ 397 $ 730 $ 1,126 3 3 1 2 0.15 0.03 Dead-End Compression EA $ 250.00 4.00 $ -3 12 $ 991 $ 2,918 $ 3,910 3 12 1 4 0.30 0.06 Strain Bus FT $ 4.00 0.10 $ -0 Compression Terminal Connector, EHV, Corona free EA $ 200.00 2.00 $ -30 60 $ 7,932 $ 14,592 $ 22,524 30 60 1 4 1.50 0.30 4 hole nema pad, welded to pipe, EHV, Corona free EA $ 200.00 3.00 $ 150.00 3 9 $ 793 $ 2,733 $ 3,526 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 Elbow for 5" bus EA $ 250.00 3.00 $ 150.00 4 12 $ 1,322 $ 3,644 $ 4,966 4 12 1 4 0.30 0.06 Trifurcating Terminal Single to Triple Flat Pads, TAT-9-EHV-W1S, Travis EA $ 450.00 3.00 $ 150.00 3 9 $ 1,785 $ 2,733 $ 4,518 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 Trifurcating Coupler, TAC-9-EHV, Travis EA $ 200.00 3.00 $ 150.00 3 9 $ 793 $ 2,733 $ 3,526 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 Conductor Jumper Assemblies EA $ 200.00 5.00 $ -0 Spare EA 0 (do not use or delete this line) S09 Subtotal 456 $ 45,296 $ 113,228 $ 158,523 456 14.08 2.82S15Surge Arrestors Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Surge Arr,34kV Sys,70kV MCOV EA $ 750.00 2.00 4.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,69kV Sys,70kV MCOV EA $ 1,000.00 2.00 4.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,115kV Sys,70kV MCOV EA $ 1,300.00 4.00 6.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,138kV Sys,84kV MCOV EA $ 1,500.00 5.00 7.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,161kV Sys,84kV MCOV EA $ 2,000.00 5.00 7.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,230kV Sys,152kV MCOV EA $ 3,000.00 6.00 8.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,345kV Sys,212kV MCOV EA $ 6,000.00 7.00 9.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,500kV Sys,318kV MCOV EA $ 10,500.00 8.00 10.00 $ 2.00 3 24 $ 41,641 $ 7,470 $ 49,111 3 24 1 4 0.60 0.12 Spare EA 0 (do not use or delete this line) S15 Subtotal 24 $ 41,641 $ 7,470 $ 49,111 24 0.60 0.12 GRAND TOTALS 851 93879 210976 304855 6 0.00 Sub 851 93879 210976 304855 Sub 6 1 T-Line 0 $-$-$-T-Line 0 $-$ (20)$ (20) HV TIE-IN TOTAL 851 $ 93,879 $ 210,956 $ 304,835 Avista Energy Trench ACCR OPGW HDWR OHGW Initial Coyote Springs 2 GSU XMFR Upgarde $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4/1/2019 500kV Connection for 3 single pahse XMFR 401395.11 Bid $304,835 Enviro ROW Survey Testing DICM XFMR Aerial $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.04 Price Estimate Manpower Schedule CostCode Description Data Unit Labor Rate Unit Material UnitCost Labor Unit 1MH Labor Unit 4MH Sub Unit Cost Testing UnitCost Total QTY Total MH Total SellMaterials Total SellLabor Total SellPrice QTY EstimateHours QTY Crews QTY Men Duration inWork Days DurationWeeks Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 205 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 12 Attachment 6 Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 206 of 209 C r e a t e a G a n tt C h a rt in t hi s w o r k s h e e t. E n t e r ti tl e o f t hi s p r o je ct in c el l B 1. L e g e n d ti tl e is in c el l I1 . I n f o r m a ti o n a b o u t h o w t o u s e t hi s w o r k s h e e t, in cl u di n g in st r u ct io n s f o r s c r e e n r e a d e rs a n d t h e a u t h o r o f t hi s w o r k b o o k is in t h e A b o u t w o r k s h e e t. C o n ti n u e n a vi g a ti n g d o w n c ol u m n A t o h e a r f u rt h e r in st r u ct io n s. AVISTA COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT E n t e r C o m p a n y N a m e in c el l B 2. A le g e n d is in c el ls I2 t h r o u g h A C 2. ENGINEERING AND MAJOR EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE - PRELIMINARYE n t e r t h e n a m e o f t h e P r o je ct L e a d in c el l B 3. E n t e r t h e P r o je ct S t a rt d a t e in c el l F 3 o r al lo w t h e s a m pl e f o r m ul a t o fi n d t h e s m al le st d a t e v al u e fr o m t h e G a n tt D a t a t a bl e. P r o je ct S t a rt D a t e : la b el is in c el l D 3. C el ls I5 t h r o u g h B L 5 c o n t ai n t h e d a y n u m b e r o f t h e m o n t h f o r t h e M o n t h r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e c el l bl o c k a b o v e e a c h d a t e c el l a n d a r e a u t o c al c ul a t e d . D o n o t m o di fy t h e s e c el ls . T o d a y' s d a t e is o u tl in e d in R e d ( h e x # A D 3 8 1 5 ) fr o m t o d a y' s d a t e in r o w 5 t h r o u g h t h e e n ti r e d a t e c ol u m n t o t h e e n d o f t h e p r o je ct s c h e d ul e. Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 A s c r ol lb a r is in c el ls I6 t h r o u g h B L 6. T h e in c r e m e n t f o r p a gi n g t h r o u g h t h e d a t a is d e fi n e d a s 2 p a g e s a t a ti m e a n d c a n b e c o n fi g u r e d in t h e s e tt in g s f o r t h e c o n tr ol b a r. T o j u m p f o r w a r d o r b a c k w a r d in t h e ti m el in e, e n t e r a v al u e o f 0 o r hi g h e r in c el l F 4. A v al u e o f 0 t a k e s y o u t o t h e b e gi n ni n g o f t h e c h a rt . T hi s r o w c o n t ai n s h e a d e rs f o r t h e p r o je ct s c h e d ul e t h a t f ol lo w s b el o w t h e m . N a vi g a t e fr o m B 7 t h r o u g h B L 7 t o h e a r t h e c o n t e n t. T h e fi rs t le tt e r o f e a c h d a y o f t h e w e e k f o r t h e d a t e a b o v e t h a t h e a di n g, st a rt s in c el l I7 a n d c o n ti n u e s t h r o u g h c el l B L 7. A ll p r o je ct ti m el in e c h a rt in g is a u t o g e n e r a t e d b a s e d o n t h e c a t e g o r y, st a rt d a t e a n d n u m b e r o f d a y s e n t e r e d in t h e M il e st o n e s t a bl e. Milestone Description No. Weeks PHASE 1 PHASE 2 E n t e r P r o je ct in f o r m a ti o n st a rt in g in c el l B 9 t h r o u g h c el l G 9. S a m pl e d a t a is in c el ls B 9 t h r o u g h G 3 3. E n t e r M il e st o n e D e s c ri p ti o n , s el e ct a C a t e g o r y fr o m t h e d r o p- d o w n li st , a s si g n s o m e o n e t o t h e it e m , e n t e r t h e p r o g r e s s, st a rt d a t e a n d n u m b e r o f d a y s f o r t h e t a s k t o st a rt c h a rt in g. T h e n e x t in st r u ct io n is in c el l A 3 4. Engineering Site Investigations & Preliminary Engineering 8 GSU Bid and Procurement Technical Support 18 IPB Bid and Procurement Technical Support 16 Electrical/Controls BOP Detailed Engineering & Construction Specifications 28 Civil/Structural/Mechanical BOP Detailed Engineering & Construction Specifications 28 Construction Contractor Bid and Procurement Technical Support 12 E n t e r P r o je ct in f o r m a ti o n st a rt in g in c el l B 9 t h r o u g h c el l G 9. S a m pl e d a t a is in c el ls B 9 t h r o u g h G 3 3. E n t e r M il e st o n e D e s c ri p ti o n , s el e ct a C a t e g o r y fr o m t h e d r o p- d o w n li st , a s si g n s o m e o n e t o t h e it e m , e n t e r t h e p r o g r e s s, st a rt d a t e a n d n u m b e r o f d a y s f o r t h e t a s k t o st a rt c h a rt in g. T h e n e x t in st r u ct io n is in c el l A 3 4. GSU Transformer Procurement GSU Sizing Calculation 1 Develop GSU Specification 2 Issue for Bid 4 Award GSU Procurement 4 GSU Delivery Lead Time 52-56 Preliminary GSU Outline Drawing 6 Final GSU Outline Drawing 10 IPB Procurement Conceptual IPB Design 2 Develop IPB Specification 2 Finalize IPB Design 1 Issue for Bid 4 Award IPB Procurement 4 IPB Delivery Lead Time 20-26 Final IPB Outline & Support Drawings 8 Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 207 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 13 Attachment 7 Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 208 of 209 1110 1110-1 -1 8 91234567 8 9 GSU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WEEKS DWN CHK APP GLHCMS NO.DATE REVISIONS & RECORD OF ISSUE ISSUE FOR STUDY AVISTA UTILITIES LEVEL 1 SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 401395COYOTE SPRINGS GENERATING STATION UNIT 2 TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT OUTAGE START 0 29-MAR-19 GROUND GRID MODIFICATIONS UNDERGROUND DUCT BANK MODIFICATIONS ABOVE GROUND RACEWAY CABLE INSTALLATION & WIRING RELAY SETTINGS & TESTING DEMO 2 SECTIONS OF 500kV BUS INSTALL 3 SURGE ARRESTERS INSTALL 34.5 kV NEUTRAL BUS INSTALL NEW 500kV BUS INSTALL 500kV CONNECTIONS FOR XFMR BUSHINGS & SURGE ARRESTERS DEMO EXISTING XFMR FND & FIREWALLS DEMO 3 SURGE ARRESTER FNDS/ STRUCTURES INSTALL GSU FOUNDATION WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INSTALL GSU FIREWALLS INSTALL BUS DUCT SUPPORT FND/ STRUCTURE INSTALL 3 SURGE ARRESTER FNDS/ STRUCTURES DEMO 1 BUS DUCT SUPPORT FND/STRUCTURE *RELOCATE EXISTING HVAC HANDLER UNIT *DEMO EXISTING HVAC AIR HANDLER FND *RELOCATE EXISTING U/G FP PIPE DE-ENERGIZE AND REMOVE GSU INSTALL GSU & DRESS OUT GSU TESTING INSTALL ISO-PHASE BUS DUCTISO PHASE HV ISO PHASE BUS DUCT TESTING DJC OUTAGE END COMMISSIONING INSTALL 500kV INSULATOR INSTALL GSU PILING INSTALL GSU FIRE PROTECTION SET GSU *INSTALL AHU DUCTS ELECT & PIPING MODIFICATIONS *THIS WORK MAY BE SCHEDULED AND COMPLETED PRIOR TO THIS OUTAGE MECH SYSTEMS Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 209 of 209 Thomas C Dempsey Mgr. Thermal Operations & Maintenance 12/23/2019 Section 1- Decision Tree as of December 23, 2019 The only change from the prior version is that the line to the right of element 6 has been bolded green as we have not had as of yet any major issues with T4. The thick green lines represent where we are as of this date. Element Descriptions and comments follow. 1. T3 failed and T4 is gassing. Gas turbine output is being limited to reduce amperage on the 18 kV low side windings. As gas levels accumulate they get closer to explosive limits. We monitor those levels closely and plan for de-gassing at the appropriate time. 2. We are currently shipping T3 back to Ontario for forensic analysis to identify the failure point- specifically what caused acetylene to spike. A forensic analysis is necessary for insurance recovery. Shipping the transformer to the ABB shop allows us optionality to repair T3. A careful forensic analysis at ABB might also allow us to identify a weak point in the design that is shared with T4. As of November 26th, 2019, ABB in Ontario believes they have identified- through energization and acoustic testing- a potential internal failure as well as its location. We are cautiously optimistic that the failure point will be found. 3. We have the option store the transformer in Ontario as there are scenarios that might cause us to want to repair T3. We still have the option to store the transformer because even though we are now planning to award the T5 contract to Siemens-Austria, we can envision scenarios where we might still want to fix T3 or T4 given the long lead time for the new transformers. 4. Element 4 is a decision diamond representing a financial and qualitative analysis undertaken to determine the best course of action. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 1 of 3 5. Five options are listed and discussed in detail in the next section of this document. 6. The financial analyses indicated that Option V is the best course of action. Element 6 is a decision diamond that considers the longevity of T4. The expected path is that T4 lasts until the Option 5 single-phase transformers can be installed in 2021. 7. T5 Single Phase Transformers installed in 2021. 8. This is a concurrent parallel path with 7. This scenario might come into play if, for example, we were to lose a Colstrip unit to a long term outage or the electric market forwards indicated very high Power Supply risk. 9. This decision element was put here because what we do with the transformer stored in Ontario may depend on if T4 fails. If T4 were to fail soon, the most prudent action might be to repair T3 as quickly as possible and get it back in service OR purchase a new 3-phase- even if the single phase installation was the ultimate solution underway. Even though as of November 26th, 2019 we are ready to award the single phase option we still at this time want to preserve the ability to fix T3 or T4 if circumstances dictate. 10. These options consider power pricing, confidence in the interim three phase solution, and potentially other factors such as warranty activation on single phase units, etc. 11. This option is reached when is has not been proven to be cost effective to install an interim 3- phase solution. Under this scenario T4 has failed, but it does not make sense to repair T3 due to timing of the arrival of T5 single phase units, the cost of the T3 repair, or the combination thereof. Section 2- Description of Options Option I - Under this scenario, we would repair the T3 transformer at ABB’s facilities in Ontario. T4 is returned to the spare pad for use in an emergency only (T4 not sent off for repair). • Advantages o This is the lowest cost option. o Assuming we find the fault, this option gives the clearest path to insurance recovery (compared to forensics conducted at site) since actual costs will be known. • Disadvantages o This leaves us with an unreliable design. o We are near the AC current limit on the 18 kV GT side. o The spare transformer would have a serious known problem that would not be addressed Option II – Purchase a new 3-phase transformer. T4 is returned to the spare pad for use in an emergency only (T4 not sent off for repair). T3 scrapped. • Advantages o This is the second lowest capital cost option o We get a new 3-phase transformer with a higher 18 kV AC current limit. o We expect a better manufacturer design • Disadvantages o We keep a 3-phase option that has proven to be terrible over the years. Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 2 of 3 o The spare transformer would have a serious known problem that would not be addressed Option III – A new 3-phase is purchased and T3 is repaired and returned to the spare pad. T4 could be kept for emergency service- TBD. • Advantages o We end up with a new transformer, presumably from a better manufacturer o T3 becomes our active spare- which is presumably a better choice than an unrepaired T4 o T4 could be a 2nd contingency emergency spare o For the main unit, higher margin on the 18kV, 13.8kV, and 500 kV sides • Dis-Advantages o Retains a problematic 3 phase design o Expensive option given the expected reliability o Not the best evaluated option. o More expensive yet a less reliable option that Option IV. Option IV – Two new 3-phase transformers are purchased. T3 scrapped. T4 could be kept for emergency service- TBD. • Advantages o We end up with two new transformers, presumably from a better manufacturer. Siemens-Brazil is out of the picture o T4 could be a 2nd contingency emergency spare o Higher margin on the 18kV, 13.8kV, and 500 kV sides o Beats Option 3 outright as new transformers are less expensive than a repaired T3 • Dis-Advantages o Retains a problematic 3 phase design (albeit hopefully less problematic than Alstom or Siemens-Brazil) o Expensive option given the expected reliability of a 3-phase solution. o Not the best evaluated option. Option V -- With this option, four single-phase transformers (T5 a,b,c,d) are purchased and placed into service. The 4th single phase transformer is placed on the existing spare pad for emergency use. T4 could be kept for emergency service- TBD. • Advantages o Smaller, easier to handle transformers o Proven less complex design o Much less expensive and time consuming to swap o Best evaluated option. o T4 could be a 2nd contingency emergency spare o Higher margin on the 18kV, 13.8kV, and 500 kV sides • Disadvantages o Most expensive option Staff_PR_102 Attachment B Page 3 of 3 Thomas C Dempsey Mgr. Thermal Operations & Maintenance 08/05/2019 Section 1- Decision Tree as of August 5, 2019 The thick green lines represent where we are as of this date. Element Descriptions and comments follow. 1. T3 failed and T4 is gassing. Gas turbine output is being limited to reduce amperage on the 18 kV low side windings. As gas levels accumulate they get closer to explosive limits. We monitor those levels closely and plan for de-gassing at the appropriate time. 2. We are currently shipping T3 back to Ontario for forensic analysis to identify the failure point- specifically what caused acetylene to spike. A forensic analysis is necessary for insurance recovery. Shipping the transformer to the ABB shop allows us optionality to repair T3. A careful forensic analysis at ABB might also allow us to identify a weak point in the design that is shared with T4. 3. We have the option store the transformer in Ontario as there are scenarios that might cause us to want to repair T3. 4. Element 4 is a decision diamond representing a financial and qualitative analysis undertaken to determine the best course of action. 5. Five options are listed and discussed in detail in the next section of this document. 6. The financial analyses indicated that Option V is the best course of action. Element 6 is a decision diamond that considers the longevity of T4. The expected path is that T4 lasts until the Option 5 single-phase transformers can be installed in 2021. 7. T5 Single Phase Transformers installed in 2021. T4 Fail? 3-Phase Interim Solution? 1 2 3 4 I 6 7 8 9 New 3-phase 1110a10b II III IV V 5 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 3 8. This is a concurrent parallel path with 7. This scenario might come into play if, for example, we were to lose a Colstrip unit to a long term outage or the electric market forwards indicated very high Power Supply risk. 9. This decision element was put here because what we do with the transformer stored in Ontario may depend on if T4 fails. If T4 were to fail soon, the most prudent action might be to repair T3 as quickly as possible and get it back in service OR purchase a new 3-phase- even if the single phase installation was the ultimate solution underway. 10. These options consider power pricing, confidence in the interim three phase solution, and potentially other factors such as warranty activation on single phase units, etc. 11. This option is reached when is has not been proven to be cost effective to install an interim 3- phase solution. Under this scenario T4 has failed, but it does not make sense to repair T3 due to timing of the arrival of T5 single phase units, the cost of the T3 repair, or the combination thereof. Section 2- Description of Options Option I - Under this scenario, we would repair the T3 transformer at ABB’s facilities in Ontario. T4 is returned to the spare pad for use in an emergency only (T4 not sent off for repair). • Advantages o This is the second lowest cost option o Assuming we find the fault, this option gives the clearest path to insurance recovery since actual costs will be known. • Disadvantages o This leaves us with an unreliable design. o We are near the AC current limit on the 18 kV GT side. o The spare transformer would have a serious known problem that would not be addressed o This option appears to be more expensive than Option I with no advantage over Option I. Option II – Purchase a new 3-phase transformer. T4 is returned to the spare pad for use in an emergency only (T4 not sent off for repair). T3 scrapped. • Advantages o This is the least capital cost option o We get a new 3-phase transformer with a higher 18 kV AC current limit. o We expect a better manufactured design • Disadvantages o We keep a 3-phast option that has proven to be terrible over the years. o The spare transformer would have a serious known problem that would not be addressed o This option beats option I on its face, but is not the best evaluated option overall Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 3 Option III – A new 3-phase is purchased and T3 is repaired and returned to the spare pad. T4 could be kept for emergency service- TBD. • Advantages o We end up with a new transformer, presumably from a better manufacturer o T3 becomes our active spare- which is presumably a better choice than an unrepaired T4 o T4 could be a 2nd contingency emergency spare o For the main unit, higher margin on the 18kV, 13.8kV, and 500 kV sides • Dis-Advantages o Retains a problematic 3 phase design o Expensive option given the expected reliability o Not the best evaluated option. o More expensive yet a less reliable option that Option IV. Option IV – Two new 3-phase transformers are purchased. T3 scrapped. T4 could be kept for emergency service- TBD. • Advantages o We end up with two new transformers, presumably from a better manufacturer. Siemens is out of the picture o T4 could be a 2nd contingency emergency spare o Higher margin on the 18kV, 13.8kV, and 500 kV sides o Beats Option 3 outright as new transformers are less expensive than a repaired T3 • Dis-Advantages o Retains a problematic 3 phase design (albeit hopefully less problematic than Alstom or Siemens) o Expensive option given the expected reliability of a 3-phase solution. o Not the best evaluated option. Option V -- With this option, four single-phase transformers (T5 a,b,c,d) are purchased and placed into service. The 4th single phase transformer is placed on the existing spare pad for emergency use. T4 could be kept for emergency service- TBD. • Advantages o Smaller, easier to handle transformers o Proven less complex design o Much less expensive and time consuming to swap o Best evaluated option. o T4 could be a 2nd contingency emergency spare o Higher margin on the 18kV, 13.8kV, and 500 kV sides • Disadvantages o Most expensive option Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 3 of 3 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 1 of 3 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Steering Committee or Advisory Group Information The Advisory Group consisted of Power Supply Management, GPSS Management, GPSS Engineering, Asset Management and IRP Management. Cost estimates were supplied by a third party contractor (Black and Veatch). 2. BUSINESS PROBLEM Coyote Springs 2 currently uses a single three phase transformer (GSU) configuration for power transformation to the BPA electric grid. Subsequent initial GSU energization in 2002, we have experienced seven GSU failures. In 2018, a spare transformer (T4) was placed in service subsequent the failure of Transformer 3 (T3). After being in service for one month, T4 saw a spike in combustible gases. Gases are now being closely monitored and the transformer is currently limited to 90% capacity. The Business Problem is that we now have an underperforming transformer that is not at full capacity and which is exhibiting troubling gassing behavior. We consider the risk of failure to be significantly higher than acceptable. We also have no spare at this time- a failure without a spare could lead to an 18 month or longer outage. The table below is an overview of the historical failures of the 4 three phase transformers purchased and installed at Coyote Springs 2 since construction: Requested Spend Amount $13,600,000 Total over 3 years Requesting Organization/Department Generation Production and Substation Support Business Case Owner Thomas Dempsey Business Case Sponsor Andy Vickers Sponsor Organization/Department Generation Production and Substation Support Category Project Driver Failed Plant & Operations Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 3 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 2 of 3 3. OPTIONS, PROPOSAL AND RECOMMENDED SOLUTION Option Capital Cost Start Complete $4,400,000 10/2019 6/2020 $4,800,000 10/2019 12/2020 $8,600,000 10/2019 6/2022 $9,000,000 9/2019 12/2020 Purchase four (4) single- (includes spare) $13,600,000 9/2019 6/2021 Options I- Eliminated because Option II provides superior reliability at a lower cost. Option II- Eliminated primarily due to an unreliable 3-phase design, the emergency spare would be a 3-phase transformer with known gassing issues. Option III- Eliminated because Option IV provides superior reliability at lower cost and lacks the opportunity for a double redundant emergency spare. Option IV- Eliminated because even though this option provides the potential for a double redundant emergency spare, it still utilizes the 3-phase dual wound design that has proven unreliable at Coyote Springs in this configuration. Option V- Option 5 is the preferred option as it has the highest CIRR. This option uses single phase transformers that are smaller and much easier to transport. This is the same configuration that is used on Unit 1. This option also allows for a double redundant emergency backup in that T4 can be place back on its spare pad. RECOMMENDATION: Purchase and install four (4) single phase transformers and all supporting equipment (coolers, fans, instrumentation, bushings). Included in the Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 3 CS2 Single Phase Transformer Business Case Justification Narrative Page 3 of 3 request is all of the design engineering, all equipment modification including containments, fire suppression, electrical protection, isophase bus, and all supporting equipment. Additional detail and project background can be found in the associate documents: • Appendix I 20190823 Power Supply Asset Management Consolidated Financial Analysis • Appendix II David Nichols Engineering Recommendation 4. APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Baseload Thermal Program Business Case and agree with the approach it presents and that it has been approved by the steering committee or other governance body identified in Section 1.1. The undersigned also acknowledge that significant changes to this will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Date: Thomas Dempsey Business Case Owner Date: Andy Vickers Business Case Sponsor 5. VERSION HISTORY Version Implemented By Revision Date Approved By Approval Date Reason Template Version: 02/24/2017 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 3 of 3 1 DATE: 9/19/2019 TO: Thomas Dempsey, Manager of Thermal Ops and Maintenance CC: Glen Farmer, David Nichols, Mike Mecham FROM: James Gall, IRP Manager Jeff Smith, Senior Business Analyst SUBJECT: Coyote Springs 2 Transformer Option Analysis DISCUSSION Coyotes Springs 2 currently uses a single three phase transformer configuration for power transformation to the BPA electric grid. Since the plant opened in 2002 and while utilizing this configuration, Avista has experienced six different transformer failures over four transformers and two transformer manufacturers. Additionally, the currently in-service transformer (T4) began significant gassing shortly after installation and is now operating at 90 percent of its rated capability so as to reduce electric current and associated heating (therefore limiting plant generation capacity). Avista has considered and evaluated five options regarding how to proceed: • Option 1, repair Transformer #3 and return it to service; T4 available for return as a spare emergency transformer. • Option 2, Purchase new three-phase Transformer #5; T4 available for return as a spare emergency transformer. • Option 3, Purchase new three-phase Transformer #5; T3 is repaired and returned to a spare pad; T4 available for return as a spare emergency transformer. • Option 4, Purchase two new three-phase transformers (T5 & T6). T3 scrapped. T4 available for return as an emergency spare. • Option 5, Purchase four single-phase transformers, one of which would serve as a spare. T4 available for return as an emergency spare (which would also require a bus reconfiguration). RECOMMENDATION The analysis suggests switching to a bank of three single-phase transformers (Option 5) is the best option to serve Avista’s customers from both a risk mitigation and financial point of view. Table 1: Present Value of Net Plant Margin (millions) #1 $213.7 #2 $212.8 #3 $214.0 #4 $213.8 #5 $215.7 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 7 2 METHODOLOGY Each of the five options were analyzed to evaluate the option returning the most value for customers from a present value perspective between 2019 and 2037. This analysis includes the revenue requirement for associated transformer investments and installation, margin from operating the plant (i.e. market value minus fuel cost & variable O&M), lost capacity value (avoided cost of building new “peak” generating resources), lost power sales, and the risk of lost market opportunities due to transformer failure. The analysis uses the expected value approach, using historical probability of occurrence for transformer failure and expected future energy market prices. ASSUMPTIONS This section includes the major assumptions included in the analysis. The full model of the Power Supply analysis is also attached as Appendix A- Power Supply Analysis. Transformer Risk This analysis assumes the existing configuration will have transformer failure every 5.85 years. Another scenario was performed using 3.7 years as a high case. The 5.85 years was chosen due to the actual historical performance of the technology in place adjusted for significance and suppliers. Table 3 below outlines the history of transformer failures since the plant was placed in service 16.7 years ago. Each of the failures were assigned a significance and supplier weighting. These weightings adjust the failure rate to 2.85 times since plant operation as shown in Table 4. Failure every 5.85 years translates into an annual probability of failure of 17 percent each year. This probability is used to reduce the expected margin the plant is expected to produce each calendar year. If the Company chooses to move to a bank of three single-phase transformers, the risk of failure reduces significantly. This is assumed to be one failure every 30 years or 0.3 percent. This assumption is consistent with expected performance of single phase GSU transformers. Additionally, in the event of a single phase unit failure, a spare can be installed in a fraction of the time. Between now and the 2021 outage, this analysis assumes the existing de-rated transformer configuration has a 10 percent change of failure. This assumption assumes Avista continues to run the plant at lower capacities to mitigate excessive oil gassing leading to failure. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 7 3 Table 2: Coyote Springs 2 Transformer History Table 3: Outage Weights for Failure Rate 1 2 1 T1 100% 50% 0.5 2 T2 50% 50% 0.25 3 T2 20% 50% 0.1 4 T2 100% 50% 0.5 5 T2 100% 50% 0.5 6 T3 100% 50% 0.5 7 T4 100% 50% 0.5 2.85 Energy & Capacity Value Coyote Springs 2 contributes to lowering customer rates by operating when economic in the northwest energy markets. To estimate how much it contributes to power costs is calculated by the difference between market price of power at Mid-C and fuel prices and VOM costs when the plant is economic to run. This calculation results in the margin of the plant. The margin of the plant can be estimated in many ways. The first is to use forward prices of power at the Mid-C and assumes the plant could be sold at current prices of power and gas purchased on current forward prices. This method is useful for the next 18 months. Although the Company’s risk strategy would not allow for locking in these prices this early for the full 18 months. Another way to look at the value of the plant is to simulate plan operations in a power system model such as Aurora. Avista currently has a 2020 Aurora simulation used for the Idaho rate proceeding, this includes estimated margins for 80 different water years. While these values are good to estimate near term valuations, a longer term method is needed for years after 2020. Typically, the Company’s Integrated Resource Plan is used for this type of analysis. Avista’s latest IRP was produced in 2017 and does not include recently passed legislation in Washington State. This legislation will significantly impact the long term value of CS2 due to higher amounts of renewable energy in the Northwest. Further, the state of Oregon is contemplating a 1 This attempts to adjust risk downward for failures related to the application 2 This is a subjected reduction in risk thas assumes a more reliable supplier could be found going forward if Avista chooses a new three phase transformer. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 3 of 7 4 carbon cap and trade or other mechanism to lower carbon emissions. To address this, this analysis uses the 2020 IRP forecast (in draft), this analysis include 500 potential future market conditions to address future uncertainty in the electric market. Table 4 includes the values used to estimate the margin of Coyote Springs 2 for the forecast period of this study (2019-2045). For 2019, the forward prices (as of Aug 6th, 2019) are used. For 2020, the average of forwards and the Idaho General Rate Case (IGRC) is used. For 2021 and beyond the 2020 IRP is blended with forward price curves, the forward market beyond 2020 is thinly traded, but the prices included represent the trend of higher market prices then current fundamental price forecasts, to address this risk, the forwards beyond 2020 are blended with the fundamental forecast from the 2020 IRP. The forward blend assumes 75% in 2021, 50% in 2022, 25% in 2023, 25% in 2024, and 10% in 2025. Table 4: Energy Value (millions) Energy energy 2019 12 12 2020 32 23 28 2021 41 14 35 2022 48 14 31 2023 49 15 24 2024 50 16 24 2025 48 14 18 2026 15 15 2027 14 14 2028 14 14 2029 15 15 2030 14 14 2031 14 14 2032 13 13 2033 13 13 2034 13 13 2035 12 12 2036 13 13 2037 11 11 2038 13 13 2039 12 12 2040 11 11 2041 12 12 2042 12 12 2043 13 13 2044 16 16 2045 16 16 ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGY In addition to the methodology outlined above, Avista worked with its Asset Management Group to evaluate the same five options. A brief summary of those results is provided in Table 5, below. As is shown in Table 5, the perceived “Customer Internal Rate of Return (CIRR)”, a measure indicating best value to customers, is highest with Option 5- Single Phase Transformers. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 4 of 7 5 Table 5- Avista Asset Management CS2 Transformer Evaluation Summary ALTERNATIVE METHODOLOGY KEY RESULTS/FINDINGS The analysis performed supports Alternative 5: purchasing (4) single phase transformers to replace the existing single three phase transformer configuration. Support for this conclusion, includes but is not limited to: • Purchasing (4) single phase transformers results in the highest CIRR and likely provides the most stability; this alternative provides the most value for Avista’s customers. • Existing transformer configuration is unreliable with projected failures expected to occur once every 5.85 years (Alternatives 1-4). Replacement power costs are relatively low but a market event could materially impact future costs. • Alternative 1 (Repair Transformer #3) requires the lowest amount of upfront capital. This option, as well as Alternative 2 leave us with a spare transformer that has been shown to exhibit high gassing characteristics. • Risk exists with the recommended scenario because the new transformer configuration will take 4 months longer to implement. This subjects Avista to market risk if there were to be a failure of T4 although the remaining alternatives expose Avista to longer term risk given the observed failure rate of the CS2 original configuration. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 5 of 7 6 APPENDIX B- ADDITIONAL KEY ASSUMPTIONS • Each of the five options were analyzed to evaluate the option returning the most value for customers from a present value perspective over 20 years. This analysis includes the revenue requirement for associated transformer investments and installation, margin from operating the plant (i.e. market value minus fuel cost & variable O&M), lost capacity value (avoided cost of building new “peak” generating resources), lost power sales, and the risk of lost market opportunities due to transformer failure. • The project life is considered to be 20 years. • O&M escalation (inflation) is 2%. • Under the existing transformer configuration (single three-phase), failures are assumed to occur 1/5.85 years. 5.85 years was chosen due to the actual historical performance of the technology in place adjusted for significance and suppliers. Failure every 5.85 years translates into an annual probability of failure of 17 percent each year. This probability is used to reduce the expected margin the plant is expected to produce each calendar year. • Transformer #4 operates at 90% capacity. • If the Company chooses to move to a bank of three single-phase transformers (Alternative 5), the risk of failure reduces significantly. This is assumed to be one failure every 30 years or 0.3 percent. This assumption is consistent with expected performance of single phase GSU transformers. Additionally, in the event of a single phase unit failure, a spare can be installed in a fraction of the time. • Coyote Springs 2 contributes to lowering customer rates by operating when economic in the northwest energy markets. To estimate how much it contributes to power costs is calculated by the difference between market price of power at Mid-C and fuel prices and VOM costs when the plant is economic to run. This calculation results in the margin of the plant. The margin of the plant can be estimated in many ways. The first is to use forward prices of power at the Mid-C and assumes the plant could be sold at current prices of power and gas purchased on current forward prices. This method is useful for the next 18 months. Although the Company’s risk strategy would not allow for locking in these prices this early for the full 18 months. Another way to look at the value of the plant is to simulate plant operations in a power system model such as Aurora. • Avista currently has a 2020 Aurora simulation used for the Idaho rate proceeding, this includes estimated margins for 80 different water years. While these values are good to estimate near term valuations, a longer term method is needed for years after 2020. Typically, the Company’s Integrated Resource Plan is used for this type of analysis. Avista’s latest IRP was produced in 2017 and does not include recently passed legislation in Washington State. This legislation will significantly impact the long term value of CS2 due to higher amounts of renewable energy in the Northwest. Further, the state of Oregon is contemplating a carbon cap and trade or other mechanism to lower carbon emissions. To address this, this analysis uses the 2020 IRP forecast (in draft), this analysis include 500 potential future market conditions to address future uncertainty in the electric market. • Table (below) includes the values used to estimate the margin of Coyote Springs 2 for the forecast period of this study (2019-2045). For 2019, the forward prices (as of Aug 6th, 2019) are used. For 2020, the average of forwards and the Idaho General Rate Case (IGRC) is used. For 2021 and beyond the 2020 IRP is blended with forward price curves, the forward market beyond 2020 is thinly traded, but the prices included represent the trend of higher market prices then current fundamental price forecasts, to address this risk, the forwards beyond 2020 are blended with the fundamental forecast from the 2020 IRP. The forward blend assumes 75% in 2021, 50% in 2022, 25% in 2023, 25% in 2024, and 10% in 2025. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 6 of 7 7 Energy Value (millions) Energy energy 2019 12 12 2020 32 23 28 2021 41 14 35 2022 48 14 31 2023 49 15 24 2024 50 16 24 2025 48 14 18 2026 15 15 2027 14 14 2028 14 14 2029 15 15 2030 14 14 2031 14 14 2032 13 13 2033 13 13 2034 13 13 2035 12 12 2036 13 13 2037 11 11 2038 13 13 2039 12 12 2040 11 11 2041 12 12 2042 12 12 2043 13 13 2044 16 16 2045 16 16 The CIRR analysis compares all five alternatives against one another and therefore is not necessarily a true indication of an Internal Rate of Return. Rather, it looks for an optimal customer based solution from the alternatives provided. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 7 of 7 1 DATE: June 13, 2019 TO: Thomas Dempsey, Mgr Thermal Ops and Maint, Generation Mgmt & Admin Support CC: Glen Farmer, Mike Mecham FROM: David Nichols, Senior Generation Engineer SUBJECT: Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer – Engineering Recommendation Background On September 21, 2018 at 14:21 the Coyote Springs 2 generator step-up unit (GSU) transformer tripped offline due to a suspected internal electrical fault. This event dropped approximately 295 MW of crucial generation in Avista’s service area of about 1,500 MW at the time. Although Avista had a spare transformer on-site, it still took 37 days to swap both 750,000 pound transformers. Significant additional power supply costs were also incurred during the outage, at times in the range of $100,000 per day. While the spare transformer allowed the plant to continue operations, it soon exhibited some problematic symptoms that have limited the plant output to about 90% of full capacity. Engineering Analysis One of the highest financial risks in this type of outage situation is the ongoing cost of market-priced power to supplant lost generation. As such, Generation Engineering has been exploring and evaluating various solutions to resolve the most recent transformer failure. One possibility engineering is exploring is changing the design of the transformer bank from a three-phase package design to that of a single-phase design. Here is the present matrix of actions we are exploring. Action Description Each of these solutions has various costs and schedule requirements. See Appendix A. Historically, Coyote Springs 2 has experienced seven failures over four transformers in the last 17 years. See the following table. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 4 2 We did change the manufacturer after the first two failures because we thought those were tied to manufacturing problems, but we then saw additional failures with the second manufacturer. Any future purchase will need to closely address in-person interactions at the manufacturing plant, including design review in advance, inspection activities, and witnessing of final testing, to name a few. All four of these transformers were of the three-phase package design. This fact is significant because many other 500 kV class plants utilize a single-phase package design for the GSU transformer bank. In fact, this is seen at the adjacent Portland General Electric’s Coyote Springs 1 plant as well as others in the region. With a single-phase package, a spare transformer can be changed out faster and easier due to its smaller comparative size, and the problem phase can also be identified more easily. The large volume of transformer oil in this three-phase GSU (24,000 gallons) is also problematic during operation (requiring large oil containment) and when evacuating and processing for an installation or internal inspection (requiring multiple Baker tanks for storage). While the goal of this document is to provide a recommendation, not to determine root cause, it stands to reason that the special design tolerances and methods involved with extra high voltage (EHV) design may be further complicated in a three-phase package vs. a single phase package. (A separate process for evaluation of the failed transformer is already in progress.) For these reasons from an engineering standpoint, single-phase design should be thoroughly evaluated for feasibility at this plant. To that end, Avista enlisted the assistance of a national engineering consultant, Black & Veatch (B&V), to provide an initial feasibility evaluation for the single-phase concept. In their report, B&V estimated a retrofit cost of about $13.5 million and an overall project schedule of about 19 months, including an outage window of about 11 weeks with well-coordinated construction. The ideal outage window is late spring from a power supply perspective, so starting the effort now would put Avista on track for an April/May/June 2021 outage. Another one of the complicating issues of the original design is that this large three-phase transformer has a 500 kV high side and dual low side windings at 18 kV and 13.8 kV. This is the only 500 kV class transformer in Avista’s fleet, and it is also the largest rated transformer in the fleet at 355 MVA. The high side has a no-load tap changer with a rating of 532 kV +/- 2.5% that we typically run on tap 2, or in other words 545.3 kV. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) sets the target voltage schedule for this substation at 542 kV, and this is the typical value seen here, but it can vary between 538 kV up to 550 kV. Sometimes due to power flow conditions on the transmission grid, BPA needs this plant to help provide voltage support, i.e. var support, to maintain optimal conditions in the region. Additionally, the GSU has an impedance that needs to support vars from the generators, not from the grid. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 4 3 The transformers at this plant have exhibited some high temperature concerns in the past, primarily due to a carbon steel lid construction that promotes eddy current heating. The failed transformer from September 2018 had been previously retrofitted with some magnetic shielding to reduce the heating effect. However, the internal inspection showed significant oil scorching marks inside the top of the transformer near the low side bushing turrets, which most likely could have been created before the retrofit. The spare transformer had a design improvement incorporated into its lid construction with the use of stainless steel, and we don’t expect the same issue on that unit. After the short time the spare was energized, during an internal inspection no scorching was observed. When the spare was initially energized, however, it did have a 40°C rise under no load just during the 24 hour soak. This suggests possible harmonics or some other hot-spot concern with the spare transformer. We are soliciting multiple transformer experts for their opinions on these topics. The spare unit also exhibited a spike in gassing of the oil after operating at full load for two weeks, also suggesting a hot-metal concern or flaw in the unit. The only temperature devices are simple oil temp gauges for top oil and simulated core temperature. Our present standard is to use an intelligent transformer monitor temperature system with true winding temp sensors, and this should be implemented either in a repair scenario or in a new GSU purchase. During routine testing in 2017, the low-side bushings for the gas turbine generator winding were notably deteriorated and replaced on-site. These high current terminals had developed significant heating during the previous ten years of operation. As mentioned before, the turrets showed extreme discoloration due to high temperature oil scorching, most likely due to eddy current heating, and it can be deduced that excessive heating also caused the bushing failures. While the power rating of the transformer seemed adequate at the time the plant was commissioned, the generator turbines have undergone upgrades that resulted in uprated values. Last year the combustion turbine generator (CTG) ran up to 102% of its transformer winding value, or in other words 212 MVA. Since future upgrades are possible during the remaining 20-30 year life of the plant, more margin should be built into the rating of the transformers. More margin is likely to help mitigate some of the heating issues with the high duty cycle of a GSU. It is recommended that with any replacement transformer, the CTG winding should be designed to run continuously at its present rating of 207 MW with a 0.91 p.f., plus 10% above that to allow for future upgrades and contingency, or 250 MVA. The steam turbine generator (STG) winding should be designed to run continuously at its present rating of 116.16 MW with a 0.9 p.f., plus 10% above that for upgrades and another 5% above that for contingency, or 150 MVA. The present installation only has a top rating (OA/FA/FA) of 208 MVA for the CTG and 147 MVA for the STG. Avista’s Power Supply and Asset Management groups also recently provided separate evaluations of the transformer situation at Coyote Springs. Power Supply provided a report that looked over the most likely options for resolving the failed transformer and weighed the risks of the various options using standard methods common to other risk evaluation methods when forecasting power supply needs. Asset Management also looked at the options from a different perspective using methodology common to Avista’s other asset portfolios. Recommendation From an engineering perspective, because of the tolerances and different construction methods of 500 kV, as well as the large size requirement of this transformer bank, a single-phase design would be more reliable. As mentioned earlier, if a single phase did fail in the future, the evaluation and replacement would be much easier than with an entire three-phase package with substantially reduced lost generation costs. It is likely that transformer cooling would be more consistent and efficient with the larger relative surface area of individual tanks, and the health of each unit could be monitored individually. Most importantly, the performance of single-phase units is expected to provide a design life of 20-30 years as opposed to the historical replacement performance of the three-phase units Avista has had at this plant averaging 5-6 years. For these reasons, Generation Engineering recommends the single-phase GSU bank solution. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 3 of 4 4 APPENDIX A Coyote Springs 2 - GSU Transformer T#3 Resolution and Options Cost Time Estimated Date Estimated T#3 failure removal from service and investigation costs to date 0.9M$ n/a Avista costs to date subtotal 0.9M$ n/a 6/4/2019 ABB Forensic Investigation Avista issues work authorizations n/a 1 week 6/4/2019 ABB requests railcar to Coyote Springs n/a 3-6 weeks 7/5/2019 ABB disassembles GSU & prepares for shipping 0.1M$ 1 week 7/12/2019 Shipping transformer by rail from Coyote Springs to ABB Ontario 0.4M$ 3-4 weeks 8/6/2019 ABB Ontario receives transformer and performs low voltage testing 0.1M$ 2 weeks 8/20/2019 ABB performs additional incoming high voltage testing 0.4M$ 1 week 8/27/2019 ABB untanks transformer and performs visual inspection 0.0M$ 2-4 weeks 9/17/2019 ABB performs tear down inspection 0.2M$ 3-4 weeks 10/11/2019 MAJOR HOLD POINT - PROBLEM IS FOUND OR NOT FOUND These funds needed because we still need to find Root Cause - ABB inspection subtotal 1.2M$ 16-23 weeks 8/23/2019 If problem is found at major hold point: Insurance credit to be determined unknown n/a Avista may choose one or more of the following options depending on risk tolerance, ongoing performance of T#4, power supply costs, and budget availability. Option 1: ABB Repair Budgetary estimate to repair by rewinding transformer 2.8M$ 46-52 weeks 7/31/2020 Shipping transformer by rail from ABB Ontario to Coyote Springs 0.4M$ 3-4 weeks 8/25/2020 ABB reassembles and commissions GSU 0.3M$ 2-3 weeks 9/11/2020 Removal of T#4 to place repaired T#3 in service 0.5M$ incl. Avista/PGE personnel support at commissioning 0.1M$ incl. ABB repair subtotal 4.1M$ 51-59 weeks 9/11/2020 ABB inspection and repair total 5.3M$ 67-82 weeks 9/11/2020 Option 2: Scrap T#3 after inspection Placeholder for scrapping transformer after inspection unknown n/a Option 3: Purchase new three-phase GSU If started now Budgetary cost of new three-phase transformer from Hyundai, including specification time, Avista/PGE crew support, and removal of T#4 4.8M$ 72 weeks 8/25/2020 Option 4: Purchase new single-phase GSU bank If started now Budgetary cost of three new single-phase transformers and associated plant modifications per conceptual design by Black & Veatch, plus 8 wks budget approval 13.5M$ 90 weeks 12/29/2020 If started after inspection 5/14/2021 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 4 of 4 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Table of Contents i Table of Contents 1.0 Project Description ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Cost Estimate ......................................................................................................................... 1 2.1.1 General Clarifications .......................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Civil/Structural/Mechanical Clarifications........................................................... 3 2.1.3 Plant Electrical Clarifications ............................................................................... 4 2.1.4 High Voltage Electrical Tie-in Clarifications ......................................................... 4 3.0 Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 5 4.0 Attachments .......................................................................................................................... 6 Attachment 1: Conceptual Design Layout and Demolition Drawings Attachment 2: Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Attachment 3: GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 4: IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 5: Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Attachment 6: Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Attachment 7: Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 3 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Project Description 1 1.0 Project Description Black & Veatch was retained to develop a conceptual layout, project cost estimate and project/outage schedule for the Coyote Springs Unit 2 Generator Step-up (GSU) transformer replacement from the existing 3-phase transformer to three new single-phase transformers. Black & Veatch professionals visited Coyote Springs Generating Station to meet with Avista Utilities’ plant personnel and walk down the existing Unit 2 GSU transformer installation to identify physical, operating and scheduling constraints that may affect the conceptual design, layout and/or project cost estimate. The Unit 2 conceptual design is based on a similar existing GSU configuration used on the Coyote Springs Unit 1 Generating Station. Black & Veatch has included the following documents that provide the details for the basis of the project cost estimate and schedule summarized below for the work. These documents are included as attachments: Attachment 1: Conceptual Design Layout & Demolition Drawings Attachment 2: Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Attachment 3: GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 4: IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 5: Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Attachment 6: Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Attachment 7: Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule 2.0 Cost Estimate Black & Veatch developed an overall project cost estimate based on the conceptual design layout, major equipment indicative price quotations, and construction cost details as follows: Conceptual Design Layout The following Conceptual Design Layout & Demolition Drawings are included as Attachment 1: 401395-SK-0001: GSU Transformer Isophase Bus Layout Plan 401395-SK-0002: GSU Transformer Isophase Bus Layout Sections 401395-SK-0003: GSU Transformer Demolition Plan Major Equipment A Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary with a breakdown between the equipment purchase cost and associated installation cost is included as Attachment 2. Indicative pricing specific to this project was received in March 2019 for the following major equipment: GSU Transformer o Four (includes one spare) o Single-phase, 60Hz, 13.8/18/500kV, 71/94.66/118.33 MVA Iso-Phase Bus Electrical Duct System o 18kV, 7000A Both the GSU and IPB Suppliers listed in 2.1.3 provided indicative pricing quotations for the supply of equipment and on-site installation (see Attachments 3 and 4). Equipment and installation cost estimates included for the high voltage electrical tie-in equipment was provided from historical project data by the Black & Veatch Power Delivery construction group (see Attachment 5). Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 4 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Cost Estimate 2 Construction Costs A detailed breakdown of the Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for the following major portions of the project are included in Attachment 5: Civil/Structural/Mechanical Plant Electrical (includes the GSU and IPB) High Voltage (500kV) Tie-in to the Existing Substation Black & Veatch developed the BOQ for the Balance of Plant (BOP) materials and equipment required for the new GSU foundation/firewalls, steel structural supports, electrical/controls tie-in, grounding, etc. from the conceptual design. Commodity/other pricing from historical project data from recent EPC and/or construction projects performed by Black & Veatch was used to develop the cost estimates. Installation costs were adjusted for Boardman, Oregon and utilizing union labor where applicable. Engineering Costs The estimated engineering costs include the following activities to support the project: Initial Site Investigations, Data Gathering, and Preliminary Engineering Major Electrical Equipment Bid Specification Development and Procurement Technical Support Electrical/Controls/Civil/Structural/Mechanical Balance of Plant (BOP) Detailed Engineering and Construction Specifications HV Electrical Tie-in Detailed Engineering and Construction Specifications Construction Contractor Bid and Procurement Technical Support Home Office and Field Technical Support during Construction Total Project Costs The total project estimated cost including engineering, procurement, and construction is $13,485,000; broken down as indicated in the table below with escalation factor applied based on the schedules included in Section 3.0. This cost estimate excludes the cost of the unit outage and lost revenue of the plant. Discipline Description Subtotal Total Civil/Structural/Mechanical Foundations, Steel, HVAC Demo and Installation 1,943,000$ Transformer Fire Protection Deluge System 100,000$ HVAC Air Handler & Ductwork 100,000$ C/S/M Engineering & Project Management 315,000$ 2,458,000$ Plant Electrical Removal of Existing GSU Transformer 500,000$ GSU Transformers (incl. Shipping, Assembly, Dress-out, Testing, Spare Parts)8,011,000$ Isolated Phase Bus Duct & Support Steel (incl. Shipping, Demo, Installation)1,674,000$ Wiring, Ground Grid, Underground and Aboveground Raceway 212,000$ Elec Engineering & Project Management 236,000$ 10,633,000$ HV Electrical Tie-In 500kV OH Connection, Surge Arresters and Structures, Neutral Bus 324,000$ HV Elec Engineering & Project Management 70,000$ 394,000$ 13,485,000$ OVERALL PROJECT COST SUMMARY TOTAL Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 5 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Cost Estimate 3 2.1.1 General Clarifications The following general clarifications pertain to the cost estimates: Based on the preliminary scope of work completed by Black & Veatch, the cost estimates were performed at a +/- 20% accuracy level generally consistent with a Class 4 level as defined by AACE International Recommended Practice No. 18R-97 Cost Estimate Classification System – As Applied in Engineering, Procurement, and Construction for the Process Industries (https:/web.aacei.org) Engineering and construction costs have been escalated at 3% per year from a base estimate in 2019 US dollars. Construction cost estimate includes 30% contingency rate. 2.1.2 Civil/Structural/Mechanical Clarifications The following clarifications pertain to the civil/structural/mechanical cost estimates: Demolish existing transformer foundation and firewalls. o The footprint of the new single-phase transformers is significantly larger than the existing three-phase transformer. o The most cost-effective solution is to demolish the existing foundation and install a new foundation. o Preserve the existing piles for partially supporting the new transformers. o The existing firewall does not meet NFPA 850 “Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and High Voltage Direct Current Converter Stations” and will need to be replaced. Demolish existing HVAC air handler foundation. Relocate existing HVAC air handler unit. o The existing air handler unit needs to be relocated to accommodate new transformer foundation. o New location of existing air handler unit is expected to be at existing grade elevation on the east side of the CT air intake. o Ductwork within the building would need to be redesigned and rerouted to the new air handler location. o An allowance for new HVAC equipment and/or substantial ductwork modifications has been included in the cost estimate. o New different sized equipment may be needed to accommodate extension/reconfiguration of the duct work required for the new air handler location. Relocate existing underground fire protection pipe. Install a new fire protection deluge system around the perimeter of each of the new single- phase transformers. o An allowance for equipment and installation has been included in the construction cost estimate. Install new transformer foundation with secondary containment o Requires 8 to10 new piles. o Sized for the oil volume, design rain event, and fire protection water. o Does not include a drain or oil/water separator to match current site conditions. This is based off discussions with plant personnel. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 6 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Cost Estimate 4 Install firewalls. o Firewalls will be sized per NFPA 850 to limit the damage and potential spread of fire in the event of a transformer failure. Set the spare single-phase transformer on the existing spare foundation. Construction cost estimate includes a 15% markup for three 8-hour shifts to reduce the duration of the outage. 2.1.3 Plant Electrical Clarifications The following clarifications pertain to the plant electrical cost estimates: Black & Veatch solicited indicative pricing for four (4) single-phase GSU transformers from ABB, Inc. (Córdoba, Spain) and Hyundai Power Transformers USA (Montgomery, AL). This scope includes delivery, off-loading, assembly, dress-out, and testing of each unit. Black & Veatch solicited indicative pricing for necessary modifications to the existing isolated phase bus duct from AZZ Calvert (Richland, MS) and Technibus (Canton, OH). This scope includes demolition of the existing bus duct to the building wall; and delivery, off- loading, and installation of new bus duct and support assemblies. The modified isolated phase bus duct will include space heaters similar to the existing bus duct design. These will be field wired into the existing space heater control panel and thermostat. The ground grid in the area surrounding the new GSU transformer foundation will be modified surrounding the transformer foundation area, along with associated ground rods and equipment stingers. No additional grounding analysis has been considered. The underground duct bank and associated risers to the existing GSU control panel will be modified, as required, with risers to each of the new GSU control panels. Black & Veatch has assumed auxiliary low voltage power feed and control circuits to the existing transformer may need to be replaced, and has accounted for this wiring. A new power feed to a junction box located near the spare transformer foundation has been considered. Existing GSU protective relay settings will be reviewed and modified as required in order to protect the new transformers. No additional review of existing coordination, plant relay settings, or arc flash studies has been considered. Construction cost estimate includes a 15% markup for three 8-hour shifts to reduce the duration of the outage. 2.1.4 High Voltage Electrical Tie-in Clarifications The following clarifications pertain to the high voltage (HV) electrical tie-in cost estimates: This conceptual design includes only 500kV side of the three (3) transformer HV connections to the BPA substation and associated civil and electrical works. The HV rigid bus from the substation will remain as is to avoid installation of an A-Frame in BPA substation side. There would not be enough space for the A frame. The three (3) single phase transformers and surge arresters will be positioned similar to the existing Unit 1 Transformer configuration. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 7 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Schedule 5 The 34.5kV neutral bus arrangement will be similar to the existing Unit 1 Transformer configuration. The neutral will be grounded close to the middle transformer. Firewalls of both ends of the Unit 2 transformer bay will be used to support the neutral bus. The west bus will not be changed. The connection from the west bus to the west transformer HV bushing will be done by 3x1590 kcmil ACSR conductors. The same conductors will be used for the surge arrester connection. Depending on the length of these conductors, a conductor support (Dead-end Assembly) from the building wall may be required. The middle bus will be cut from the BPA-side middle bus structure and re-connect diagonally to the existing east bus structure on the plant side. o The existing middle bus structure, insulator, and foundation on the plant side will be removed. o The connection from the BPA-side middle bus to the middle transformer HV bushing will be done by 3x1590 kcmil ACSR conductors. The same conductors will be used for the surge arrester connection. Depending on the length of these conductors, a conductor support from the building wall may be required. The east bus will be cut from the BPA-side east bus structure and re-connect diagonally to a new bus structure in the plant side (far east). o The connection from the BPA-side east bus to the east transformer HV bushing will be done by 3x1590 kcmil ACSR conductors. The same conductors will be used for the surge arrester connection. Depending on the length of these conductors, a conductor support from the building wall may be required. Grounding of bus structure, surge arresters, and surge arrester structures is included in this design scope. The civil structural scope associated with the HV tie-in work includes: o New bus support structure (1). o Surge arrestor structure (3). o Spread footing foundations for the new bus support structure and the surge arrester support structures. 3.0 Schedule Assuming this project is started by Avista Utilities in 3Q/4Q 2019 with a 56-week (maximum) delivery time for the GSU transformer, an overall project estimated schedule of 19 months will support installation during a planned Q1/Q2 unit outage in 2021. The overall major activities for this project are expected to be performed in the phases as defined below. Phase 1: Site Investigations, Preliminary Engineering, and Major Equipment Specification/Bid/Award Phase 2: Major Equipment Procurement, Detailed Engineering, and Construction Contractor Specification/Bid/Award Phase 3: Major Equipment Delivery and Installation Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 8 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 6 The overall project estimated schedule is shown below: OVERALL PROJECT ESTIMATED SCHEDULE 2019 2020 2021PROJECT YEAR Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 This schedule is based on the Level 1 Engineering and Major Equipment Procurement Schedule and Construction/Unit Outage Schedule provided as Attachments 6 and 7. Further refinement of these schedules will be needed during Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the project. 4.0 Attachments The following attachments are included in this report: Attachment 1: Conceptual Design Layout and Demolition Drawings Attachment 2: Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Attachment 3: GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 4: IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Attachment 5: Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Attachment 6: Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Attachment 7: Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 9 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 7 Attachment 1 Conceptual Design Layout and Demolition Drawings Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 10 of 209 CHECKED DATE DRAWN CODE APPPDECHKDESNODATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT REV AREA DRN 10987654321 A B C D E F A B C D E F AN S I D 3 4 x 2 2 R ISOPHASE BUS LAYOUT RGH 03 / 2 7 / 2 0 1 9 0 7 : 0 6 P M DESIGNER THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF THE NATIVE FORMAT CAD FILE OF THIS DRAWING IS UNCONTROLLED. THE USER SHALL VERIFY TRACEABILITY OF THIS DRAWING TO THE LATEST CONTROLLED VERSION. FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT TO BE USED COYOTE SPRINGS GSU TRANSFORMER UPGRADE 401395-SK-0001 X2 X2 X2 X1X1X1 Y1 Y1 Y1Y2Y2Y2 8'4'0 8'16' 1/8"=1'-0" ha s 0 7 2 5 2 AE C O s i m B u i l d i n g D e s i g n e r v 1 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 3 8 Fu l l S i z e 1 = 1 1 SK-0002 PLAN FOUNDATION (TYP) NEW TRANFORMER (TYP) NEW TRANSFORMER (TYP) NEW ISOPHASE BUS BUILDING EXISTING ROAD EXISTING 30 ' - 0 " 36'-9"36'-9" 32 ' - 8 " 110'-3" AIR HANDLING UNIT RELOCATED STATION FENCE EXISTING CL ROAD EXISTING ROADWAY STRUCTURE & FOUNDATION NEW BUS SUPPORT (TYP 3 PLCS) CONDUCTOR 3X1590 KCMIL FLEXIBLE ARRESTER SURGE ARRESTER SURGE ARRESTER SURGE BUS STRUCTURE EXISTING 500kV BUS STRUCTURE EXISTING 500kV AND SURGE ARRESTER (TYP) JUMPER TO THE XFMR THIS WILL BE USED TO SUPPORT STRUCTURE. TO SPAN FROM BUS ATTACHMENT POINTS UTILIZE EXISTING BUS STRUCTURE EXISTING 500kV RIGID BUS NEW 500kV FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL FIREWALL SUPPORTED FROM NEUTRAL BUS - Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 11 of 209 CHECKED DATE DRAWN CODE APPPDECHKDESNODATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT REV AREA DRN 10987654321 A B C D E F A B C D E F AN S I D 3 4 x 2 2 R ISOPHASE BUS LAYOUT RGH 03 / 2 5 / 2 0 1 9 0 7 : 3 7 P M DESIGNER THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF THE NATIVE FORMAT CAD FILE OF THIS DRAWING IS UNCONTROLLED. THE USER SHALL VERIFY TRACEABILITY OF THIS DRAWING TO THE LATEST CONTROLLED VERSION. FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT TO BE USED COYOTE SPRINGS GSU TRANSFORMER UPGRADE 401395-SK-0002 8'4'0 8'16' 1/8"=1'-0" ha s 0 7 2 5 2 AE C O s i m B u i l d i n g D e s i g n e r v 1 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 3 8 Fu l l S i z e 1 = 1 NEW TRANSFORMER FDN TRANSFORMER NEW FIREWALL 2HR RATED SEAL (TYP) FIREWALL PENETRATION BUILDING WALL EXISTING ISOPHASE BUS NEW CL XFMR COL 30'-0" 25 ' - 0 " SECTION 1 SEE DWG 401395-SK-00 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" CONNECTION 500kV Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 12 of 209 CHECKED DATE DRAWN CODE APPPDECHKDESNODATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT REV AREA DRN 10987654321 A B C D E F A B C D E F AN S I D 3 4 x 2 2 R DEMOLITION PLAN RGH 03 / 2 5 / 2 0 1 9 0 6 : 5 3 P M DESIGNER ha s 0 7 2 5 2 AE C O s i m B u i l d i n g D e s i g n e r v 1 0 . 1 1 . 0 . 3 8 Fu l l S i z e 1 = 1 THE DISTRIBUTION AND USE OF THE NATIVE FORMAT CAD FILE OF THIS DRAWING IS UNCONTROLLED. THE USER SHALL VERIFY TRACEABILITY OF THIS DRAWING TO THE LATEST CONTROLLED VERSION. FOR CONSTRUCTION NOT TO BE USED COYOTE SPRINGS GSU TRANSFORMER UPGRADE 401395-SK-000 HANDLING UNIT RELOCATED AIR PILING TO BE LEFT INTACT EXISTING TRANSFORMER AREA TO BE DEMOLISHED, DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" 8'4'0 8'16' 1/8"=1'-0" TOWARD NEW POSITION 500kV RIGID BUS & BEND & FOUNDATION. CUT SUPPORT STRUCTURE REMOVE EXISTING BUS NEW POSITION & BEND TOWARDS CUT 500kV RIGID BUS ROADWAY EXISTING EXISTING FENCE Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 13 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 8 Attachment 2 Major Equipment Procurement Cost Summary Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 14 of 209 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - MAJOR EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT COST SUMMARY Equipment Description Equipment Labor Total GSU Transformers GSU (4) 1PH 532/13.8/18kV 71/94/118MVA ONAN/ONAF/ONAF $ 6,823,950 Recommended Spare Parts $ 93,206 Assembly, Dress-out, Testing (Multiple Shift Union Labor Adder)$ 640,000 Escalation (6%)$ 415,029 $ 38,400 GSU Transformer Sub-Total $ 7,332,185 $ 678,400 $ 8,010,585 Isolated Phase Bus Duct CTG IPBD, 18kV, 7000A $ 234,685 STG IPBD, 13.8kV, 7000A $ 258,311 Structural Steel $ 55,800 Freight $ 89,650 Demolition of Existing IPB and Structural Supports $ 84,875 Installation New Structural Supports and New IPB $ 735,160 Estimated Adder for Multiple Shift Labor $ 120,000 Escalation (6%)$ 38,307 $ 56,402 Isolated Phase Bus Duct Sub-Total $ 676,753 $ 996,437 $ 1,673,190 HV Electrical Tie-In 500kV Overhead Connection, Surge Arresters and Structures, Neutral Bus $ 94,000 $ 211,000 Escalation (6%)$ 5,640 $ 12,660 HV Electrical Tie-In Sub-Total $ 99,640 $ 223,660 $ 323,300 TOTAL $ 8,108,578 $ 1,898,497 $ 10,007,075 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 15 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 9 Attachment 3 GSU Transformer Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 16 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 1/9 © ABB 2019 — ABB REFERENCE NUMBER: OPP-19-2977050 Power Transformer Cordoba, Spain Customer Project Date ABB Quote No. Black and Veatch Coyote Springs GSU Replacement 03/07/2019 QT-19-01456802 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A BUDGETARY PROPOSAL FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. A FIRM PROPOSAL CAN BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 17 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 2/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Scope of Supply and Pricing ......................................................................................................................... 4 3. Conditions of Sale .......................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Terms of Payment ........................................................................................................................................... 5 5. Cancellation Schedule.....................................................................................................................................6 6. Warranty ..........................................................................................................................................................6 7. Approval Drawings .......................................................................................................................................... 7 8. Transportation and Delivery .......................................................................................................................... 7 9. Maintenance and Instruction Manuals ..........................................................................................................8 10. Technical Clarifications, Comments, and Exceptions ...............................................................................8 11. Attachments ..................................................................................................................................................8 00 03/072019 Original Release Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 18 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 3/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. Introduction ABB is pleased to submit for your kind consideration this budgetary proposal which covers design, manufacturing, testing and transportation to pad of four (4) 1-phase Generator Step Up Transformers, rated 13.8/18/500 kV 118.33 MVA for Coyote Springs Generating Station. ABB has designed a unit fully interchangeable with the required electrical data: ratings, voltages, DETC, impedances and BIL. The design has also considered the mechanical connection to the dog house flanges for the 2 LV provided at the drawing: “GSU Layout Drawing Reference” According to a preliminary evaluation, the tank could be placed at the same location. However, cooler needs to be placed at least in two panels. Please, check if this solution is ok for you. If a higher bus duct flange height or a minor impedance change is admissible, ABB could provide an optimized solution. We sincerely hope that you find of your interest this budgetary proposal which we are ready to further discuss with you and firm it. Thank you for considering ABB for your power transformer requirements. If there are any questions, please contact your local ABB representative. Sarah McQuistion Account Manager ABB Inc Phone: 913-317-1315 Email:sarah.mcquistion@us.abb.com Jose Sanchez-Marin Business Development – Cordoba Factory ABB Inc. Transformers Neeta Khanna Market Manager ABB Inc Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 19 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 4/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 2. Scope of Supply and Pricing ITEM QTY Description Price (Net Each) Price (Total) Delivery 10 4 Oil filled Shell Form GSU 71/94.66/118.33 MVA, ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, 1-phase, 60 Hertz, 13.8/18/500 kV (DETC) Delivery: FCA ABB Córdoba (Spain) according to INCOTERMS 2010 1,550,000 USD 6,200,000 USD 10-12 months FCA Cordoba Factory 20 1 Delivery of item 10 from FCA ABB Cordoba Factory to Site on PAD (DDP Offloaded) at Coyote Springs 200 Ullman Blvd Boardman, OR 97818 TBA TBA 2 – 3 months after FAT 30 1 Transformer 24 months warranty Included in transformer price 40 $28,800 40.a 4 Install: Assembly, Oil-Fill & Testing $428,000 Notes: The Sales price shown is on a per item basis. If the Customer purchases a quantity other than that shown above, then the sales price is subject to change. Please note that the shipment date(s) specified above is subject to prior sales. The shipment after re- ceipt of order (ARO) is determined on the first available production slot at the time of proposal submit- tal. The shipment ARO could remain as stated or be extended depending on prior sales. Please com- municate with your ABB sales representative on a regular basis about shipment lead time during proposal evaluation. All prices are budgetary. 3. Conditions of Sale 3.1. Prices The total selling price for the offered equipment is expressed in USD. Prices are budgetary and not bid- ding. ABB has not included any kind of sales or use taxes or duties imposed by state or local authorities. Any difference in the observed rate of the tax, between the date of this proposal and the shipment of the equipment from our factory, will be the responsibility of the purchaser. All prices are contingent upon gaining valid shipping clearances at the time of shipment. If clearance is not available due to highway construction, changes in state regulations, changes in bridge limitations or other items beyond our control, ABB will not be responsible for any additional shipping or handling charges. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 20 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 5/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 3.2. Applicable Terms and Conditions of Sale Terms and conditions of sale are based upon this proposal and ABB General Terms and Conditions of sale herein. We stand open to negotiate any of the items contained therein in an effort to reach a mutually ac- ceptable set of commercial terms and conditions applicable to this potential contract. 3.3. Liquidated Damages Liquidated Damages are exclusive remedy for late delivery (full and final settlement). Liquidated damages for late delivery shall be 0,5% for each full week's delay in no case to exceed 10% of the price of the delayed portion of the goods. Liquidated damages for performance shall not exceed 10% of the purchase order price. Seller’s sole liability and Purchaser’s exclusive remedy for the failure to meet the delivery date and/or any performance guarantees is assessment of liquidated damages. Seller’s maximum aggregate liability for failure to meet the delivery date and/or any performance guarantees shall be ten percent of the purchase order price. 4. Terms of Payment All prices are firm and based on the following progress payment terms unless specifically noted other- wise. Payments are due net 30 days after submittal of invoice unless noted otherwise. Transformer Payment Milestone Payment (% of Price) At Order Placement 10 % Upon the approval of the drawings 10 % At reception of copper and steel at factory 30 % At completion of Factory Acceptance Tests 30 % Upon delivery at site but not later than 60 days after EXW availability. 20 % Transportation Payment Milestone Payment (% of Price) Upon completion i.e. DDP delivery 100 % Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 21 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 6/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Note:If payment is not made when due, for above payment term, Purchaser shall pay, in addition to the overdue payment, a late charge equal to the lesser of 1 1/2% per month or any part thereof 5. Cancellation Schedule The Purchaser may cancel the order upon written notice and upon payment to ABB of reasonable and proper cancellation charges. These charges will be based on the following schedule: Milestone Cancellation % of Price After order entry 20 % After submittal of approval drawings 40 % After receipt of copper and E-steel at the factory, prior to start of manufacture 80% After start of manufacture 100 % Time period is from PO date or letter of Intent date to the date of receipt of written notification of can- cellation. Cancellation at “No Charge” may be made only if ABB refuses to meet the terms of this agree- ment or the technical requirements of the applicable customer specification, excluding noted excep- tions herein. 6. Warranty Warranty shall apply for a period of 18 months from the date of its energization, or 24 months after EXW Cordoba Factory availability, whichever comes first. The goods supplied against any order resulting from this proposal would be guaranteed against defects in design, materials or workmanship as stated below, under the condition that: The unit must be assembled and filled with oil no longer than six (6) months after shipment from ABB’s factory. Erection and commissioning is performed by ABB or by personnel contracted by ABB. Technical Assistance of the erection and commissioning is performed by ABB or by personnel approved in writing by ABB. (ABB does not assume responsibility for any issues of nonconformance directly caused by the negligence of third party organizations.) ABB will provide a service engineer (Technical Assistance) for warranty validation for a maximum of ten (10) consecutive days per transformer, includ- ing transportation, at no additional charge. It will be the Purchaser’s responsibility to: Make arrangements for ABB to be present during the installation process. If installation plus travel exceeds ten (10) consecutive days per transformer, ABB Technical Assistance services will be charged at the rates stated in the ABB Rate Sheet 1ZUL9520_001 or latest attached revi- sion. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 22 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 7/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Complete and return the ABB Warranty Validation Sheet within one (1) week of installation completion. If a warranty repair is necessary, ABB will not be responsible for handling, storing, treating, or replace- ment of transformer oil. The warranties and remedies set forth herein are conditioned upon the proper receipt, handling, stor- age and installation of the equipment supplied hereunder and upon the purchaser’s completion and re- turn of the Receiving Inspection, Unloading and Storage and Installation check lists supplied with the transformer. The warranties and remedies are further conditioned upon the equipment having been operated and maintained in accordance with ABB recommendations and standard industry practice, and not having been subjected to accident, alteration, abuse or misuse. 7. Approval Drawings Drawings for approval can be supplied based on the following schedule. Dates are in weeks after re- ceipt of complete order information. Drawings will be submitted according to the following schedule: ·DRM documentation package: 8-10 weeks ARO ·Detailed design package: 8-10 weeks from DRM approval ·Final documentation package: 4-6 weeks from FAT ABB requires customer to approve and return drawings within 2 weeks of submittal. Return of these drawings after the 2 week period may result in schedule delays. Shipments and drawing dates are sub- ject to prior sales. Approval order pricing is firm for 30 days after initial mailing date of approval draw- ings. Orders not released for manufacture within 30 days of the initial drawing date are subject to price adjustment. All lead times are subject change due to engineering load at time of order and must be confirmed at time of order. The Final drawings will be provided after completion of tests. 8. Transportation and Delivery Item Incoterms Additional Shipping Terms Shipment (ARO) 20 DDP Delivery of item 10 from FCA ABB Cordoba Factory to Site on PAD (DDP Offloaded) at Coyote Springs 200 Ullman Blvd Boardman, OR 97818 2 – 3 months after FAT Shipment date is subject to prior sales and confirmation at the time of order. Lead times are subject to change based on availability of production space and/or materials at time of order. Please contact your ABB representative to confirm the lead time at order entry. Drawings and shipment in less than typical lead times are available upon request and will be priced accordingly. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 23 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 8/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. If delivery is delayed by Purchaser, payment shall be due on the date ABB is prepared to make delivery. Delays in delivery or nonconformities in any installments delivered shall not relieve Purchaser of its obli- gation to accept and pay for remaining installments. Shipment date is contingent upon the Seller's ability to obtain a valid shipping clearance at the time of shipment. At the time of award, the purchaser is advised to confirm transformer dimensions and weights prior to proceeding with civil work. Site Installation The cost for site assembly is not included in the unit price quoted above. It is included as a separate line item. Please refer to the ABB TRES proposal attached. Purchase Order must make reference to all pertinent documentation, including acknowledgment of this proposal and complete shipping address with site contact information. 9. Maintenance and Instruction Manuals ABB will supply hard bound copies of Maintenance and Instruction Manuals. These include certified test results, requested transformer pictures, and drawings. 10. Technical Clarifications, Comments, and Exceptions Please see attached Technical Proposal: OPP-19-2977050 - Technical data sheet_coyote R00 11. Attachments 1.ABB general terms and conditions of sale 2.OPP-19-2977050 - Technical data sheet_coyote R00 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 24 of 209 SECURITY LEVEL DOCUMENT KIND Confidential COMMERCIAL BUDGET TITLE DOCUMENT ID.REV.LANG.PAGE Coyote Springs GSU Replacement OPP-19-2977050 00 EN 9/9 © ABB 2019 |TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ARE BASED UPON THIS PROPOSAL AND ABB GENER AL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Thank you for considering ABB for your power transformer requirements. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you concerning our proposal or any other questions you may have. Best regards, Sarah McQuistion Account Manager ABB Inc Phone: 913-317-1315 Email:sarah.mcquistion@us.abb.com Jose Sanchez-Marin Business Development – Cordoba Factory ABB Inc. Transformers Neeta Khanna Market Manager ABB Inc Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 25 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale ABB INC. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. General. The terms and conditions contained herein, together with any additional or different terms contained in ABB's Proposal, if any, submitted to Purchaser (which Proposal shall control over any conflicting terms), constitute the entire agreement (the "Agreement") between the parties with respect to the order and supersede all prior communications and agreements regarding the order. Acceptance by ABB of the order, or Purchaser's acceptance of ABB's Proposal, is expressly limited to and conditioned upon Purchaser's acceptance of these terms and conditions, payment for or acceptance of any performance by ABB being acceptance. These terms and conditions may not be changed or superseded by any different or additional terms and conditions proposed by Purchaser to which terms ABB hereby objects. Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "Equipment" as used herein means all of the equipment, parts, accessories sold, and all software and software documentation, if any, licensed to Purchaser by ABB ("Software") under the order. Unless the context otherwise requires, the term "Services" as used herein means all labor, supervisory, technical and engineering, installation, repair, consulting or other services provided by ABB under the order. As used herein, the term "Purchaser" shall include the initial end use of the Equipment and/or services; provided, however, that Paragraph 13(a) shall apply exclusively to the initial end user. 2. Prices. (a) Unless otherwise specified in writing, all Proposals expire thirty (30) days from the date thereof. (b) Unless otherwise stated herein, Services prices are based on normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday). Overtime and Saturday hours will be billed at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the hourly rate; and Sunday hours will be billed at two (2) times the hourly rate; holiday hours will be billed at three (3) times the hourly rate. If a Services rate sheet is attached hereto, the applicable Services rates shall be those set forth in the rate sheet. Rates are subject to change without notice. (c) The price does not include any federal, state or local property, license, privilege, sales, use, excise, gross receipts, or other like taxes which may now or hereafter be applicable. Purchaser agrees to pay or reimburse any such taxes which ABB or its suppliers are required to pay or collect. If Purchaser is exempt from the payment of any tax or holds a direct payment permit, Purchaser shall, upon order placement, provide ABB a copy, acceptable to the relevant governmental authorities of any such certificate or permit. (d) The price includes customs duties and other importation or exportation fees, if any, at the rates in effect on the date of ABB’s Proposal. Any change after that date in such duties, fees, or rates, shall increase the price by ABB's additional cost. 3. Payment. (a) Unless specified to the contrary in writing by ABB, payment terms are net cash, payable without offset, in United States Dollars, 30 days from date of invoice by wire transfer to the account designated by ABB in the Proposal. (b) If in the judgment of ABB the financial condition of Purchaser at any time prior to delivery does not justify the terms of payment specified, ABB may require payment in advance, payment security satisfactory to ABB, or may terminate the order, whereupon ABB shall be entitled to receive reasonable cancellation charges. If delivery is delayed by Purchaser, payment shall be due on the date ABB is prepared to make delivery. Delays in delivery or nonconformities in any installments delivered shall not relieve Purchaser of its obligation to accept and pay for remaining installments. (c) Purchaser shall pay, in addition to the overdue payment, a late charge equal to the lesser of 1 1/2% per month or any part thereof or the highest applicable rate allowed by law on all such overdue amounts plus ABB's attorneys' fees and court costs incurred in connection with collection. 4. Changes. (a) Any changes requested by Purchaser affecting the ordered scope of work must be accepted by ABB and resulting adjustments to affected provisions, including price, schedule, and guarantees mutually agreed in writing prior to implementation of the change. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 26 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale (b) ABB may, at its expense, make such changes in the Equipment or Services as it deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to conform the Equipment or Services to the applicable specifications. If Purchaser objects to any such changes, ABB shall be relieved of its obligation to conform to the applicable specifications to the extent that conformance may be affected by such objection. 5. Delivery. (a) All Equipment manufactured, assembled or warehoused in the continental United States is delivered F.O.B. point of shipment. Equipment shipped from outside the continental United States is delivered F.O.B. United States port of entry. Purchaser shall be responsible for any and all demurrage or detention charges. (b) If the scheduled delivery of Equipment is delayed by Purchaser or by Force Majeure, ABB may move the Equipment to storage for the account of and at the risk of Purchaser whereupon it shall be deemed to be delivered. (c) Shipping and delivery dates are contingent upon Purchaser's timely approvals and delivery by Purchaser of any documentation required for ABB's performance hereunder. (d) Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to ABB within ten days of delivery. Equipment may not be returned except with the prior written consent of and subject to terms specified by ABB. Claims for damage after delivery shall be made directly by Purchaser with the common carrier 6. Title & Risk of Loss. Except with respect to Software (for which title shall not pass, use being licensed) title to Equipment shall remain in ABB until fully paid for. Notwithstanding any agreement with respect to delivery terms or payment of transportation charges, risk of loss or damage shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery. 7. Inspection, Testing and Acceptance. (a) Any inspection by Purchaser of Equipment on ABB's premises shall be scheduled in advance to be performed during normal working hours. (b) If the order provides for factory acceptance testing, ABB shall notify Purchaser when ABB will conduct such testing prior to shipment. Unless Purchaser states specific objections in writing within ten (10) days after completion of factory acceptance testing, completion of the acceptance test constitutes Purchaser's factory acceptance of the Equipment and its authorization for shipment. (c) If the order provides for site acceptance testing, testing will be performed by ABB personnel to verify that the Equipment has arrived at site complete, without physical damage, and in good operating condition. Completion of site acceptance testing constitutes full and final acceptance of the Equipment. If, through no fault of ABB, acceptance testing is not completed within thirty (30) days after arrival of the Equipment at the site, the site acceptance test shall be deemed completed and the Equipment shall be deemed accepted. 8. Warranties and Remedies. (a) Equipment and Services Warranty. ABB warrants that Equipment (excluding Software, which is warranted as specified in paragraph (d) below) shall be delivered free of defects in material and workmanship and that Services shall be free of defects in workmanship. The Warranty Remedy Period for Equipment (excluding Software, Spare Parts and Refurbished or Repaired Parts) shall end twelve (12) months after installation or eighteen (18) months after date of shipment, whichever first occurs. The Warranty Remedy Period for new spare parts shall end twelve (12) months after date of shipment. The Warranty Remedy Period for refurbished or repaired parts shall end ninety (90) days after date of shipment. The Warranty Remedy Period for Services shall end ninety (90) days after the date of completion of Services. (b) Equipment and Services Remedy. If a nonconformity to the foregoing warranty is discovered in the Equipment or Services during the applicable Warranty Remedy Period, as specified above, under normal and proper use and provided the Equipment has been properly stored, installed, operated and maintained and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after such discovery and within the applicable Warranty Remedy Period, ABB shall, at its option, either (i) repair or replace the nonconforming portion of the Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming Services or (ii) refund the Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 27 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale portion of the price applicable to the nonconforming portion of Equipment or Services. If any portion of the Equipment or Services so repaired, replaced or re-performed fails to conform to the foregoing warranty, and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after discovery and within the original Warranty Remedy Period applicable to such Equipment or Services or 30 days from completion of such repair, replacement or re-performance, whichever is later, ABB will repair or replace such nonconforming Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming Services. The original Warranty Remedy Period shall not otherwise be extended. (c) Exceptions. ABB shall not be responsible for providing working access to the nonconforming Equipment, including disassembly and re-assembly of non-ABB supplied equipment, or for providing transportation to or from any repair facility, all of which shall be at Purchaser's risk and expense. ABB shall have no obligation hereunder with respect to any Equipment which (i) has been improperly repaired or altered; (ii) has been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; (iii) has been used in a manner contrary to ABB's instructions; (iv) is comprised of materials provided by or a design specified by Purchaser; or (v) has failed as a result of ordinary wear and tear. Equipment supplied by ABB but manufactured by others is warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty, and only the remedies, if any, provided by the manufacturer will be allowed. (d) Software Warranty and Remedies. ABB warrants that, except as specified below, the Software will, when properly installed, execute in accordance with ABB's published specification. If a nonconformity to the foregoing warranty is discovered during the period ending one (1) year after the date of shipment and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after such discovery and within that period, including a description of the nonconformity and complete information about the manner of its discovery, ABB shall correct the nonconformity by, at its option, either (i) modifying or making available to the Purchaser instructions for modifying the Software; or (ii) making available at ABB's facility necessary corrected or replacement programs. ABB shall have no obligation with respect to any nonconformities resulting from (i) unauthorized modification of the Software or (ii) Purchaser-supplied software or interfacing. ABB does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will operate in combinations which may be selected for use by the Purchaser, or that the software products are free from errors in the nature of what is commonly categorized by the computer industry as "bugs". (e) THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE, WHETHER WRITTEN, ORAL OR IMPLIED, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USAGE OF TRADE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. THE REMEDIES STATED HEREIN CONSTITUTE PURCHASER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ABB’S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF WARRANTY. 9. Patent Indemnity. (a) ABB shall defend at its own expense any action brought against Purchaser alleging that the Equipment or the use of the Equipment to practice any process for which such Equipment is specified by ABB (a “Process”) directly infringes any claim of a patent of the United States of America and to pay all damages and costs finally awarded in any such action, provided that Purchaser has given ABB prompt written notice of such action, all necessary assistance in the defense thereof and the right to control all aspects of the defense thereof including the right to settle or otherwise terminate such action in behalf of Purchaser. (b) ABB shall have no obligation hereunder and this provision shall not apply to: (i) any other equipment or processes, including Equipment or Processes which have been modified or combined with other equipment or process not supplied by ABB; (ii) any Equipment or Process supplied according to a design, other than an ABB design, required by Purchaser; (iii) any products manufactured by the Equipment or Process; (iv) any patent issued after the date hereof; or (v) any action settled or otherwise terminated without the prior written consent of ABB. (c) If, in any such action, the Equipment is held to constitute an infringement, or the practice of any Process using the Equipment is finally enjoined, ABB shall, at its option and its own expense, procure for Purchaser the right to continue using said Equipment; or modify or replace it with non-infringing equipment or, with Purchaser's assistance, modify the Process so that it becomes non-infringing; or remove it and refund the portion of the price allocable to the infringing Equipment. THE FOREGOING Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 28 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale PARAGRAPHS STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF ABB AND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER FOR ANY PATENT INFRINGEMENT. (d) To the extent that said Equipment or any part thereof is modified by Purchaser, or combined by Purchaser with equipment or processes not furnished hereunder (except to the extent that ABB is a contributory infringer) or said Equipment or any part thereof is used by Purchaser to perform a process not furnished hereunder by ABB or to produce an article, and by reason of said modification, combination, performance or production, an action is brought against ABB, Purchaser shall defend and indemnify ABB in the same manner and to the same extent that ABB would be obligated to indemnify Purchaser under this "Patent Indemnity" provision. 10. Limitation of Liability. (a) In no event shall ABB, its suppliers or subcontractors be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, including, but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of the Equipment or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, downtime costs, delays, and claims of customers of the Purchaser or other third parties for any damages. ABB's liability for any claim whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise for any loss or damage arising out of, connected with, or resulting from this Agreement or the performance or breach thereof, or from the design, manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, repair, replacement, installation, technical direction of installation, inspection, operation or use of any equipment covered by or furnished under this Agreement, or from any services rendered in connection therewith, shall in no case (except as provided in the section entitled "Patent Indemnity") exceed one-half (1/2) of the purchase price allocable to the Equipment or part thereof or Services which gives rise to the claim. (b) All causes of action against ABB arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance or breach hereof shall expire unless brought within one year of the time of accrual thereof. (c) In no event, regardless of cause, shall ABB be liable for penalties or penalty clauses of any description or for indemnification of Purchaser or others for costs, damages, or expenses arising out of or related to the Equipment and/Services. 11. Laws and Regulations. ABB does not assume any responsibility for compliance with federal, state or local laws and regulations, except as expressly set forth herein, and compliance with any laws and regulations relating to the operation or use of the Equipment or Software is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser. All laws and regulations referenced herein shall be those in effect as of the Proposal date. In the event of any subsequent revisions or changes thereto, ABB assumes no responsibility for compliance therewith. If Purchaser desires a modification as a result of any such change or revision, it shall be treated as a change per Article 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as imposing responsibility or liability upon ABB for obtaining any permits, licenses or approvals from any agency required in connection with the supply, erection or operation of the Equipment. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, but excluding the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and excluding New York law with respect to conflicts of law. Purchaser agrees that all causes of action against ABB under this Agreement shall be brought in the State Courts of the State of New York, or the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. If any provision hereof, partly or completely, shall be held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or portion hereof and these terms shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion thereof had never existed. 12. OSHA. ABB warrants that the Equipment will comply with the relevant standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 ("OSHA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder as of the date of the Proposal. Upon prompt written notice from the Purchaser of a breach of this warranty, ABB will replace the affected part or modify it so that it conforms to such standard or regulation. ABB's obligation shall be limited to such replacement or modification. In no event shall ABB be responsible for liability arising out of the violation of any OSHA standards relating to or caused by Purchaser's design, location, operation, or maintenance of the Equipment, its use in association with other equipment of Purchaser, or the alteration of the Equipment by any party other than ABB. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 29 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale 13. Software License. (a) ABB owns all rights in or has the right to sublicense all of the Software, if any, to be delivered to Purchaser under this Agreement. As part of the sale made hereunder Purchaser hereby obtains a limited license to use the Software, subject to the following: (i) The Software may be used only in conjunction with equipment specified by ABB; (ii) The Software shall be kept strictly confidential; (iii) The Software shall not be copied, reverse engineered, or modified; (iv) The Purchaser's right to use the Software shall terminate immediately when the specified equipment is no longer used by the Purchaser or when otherwise terminated, e.g. for breach, hereunder; and (v) the rights to use the Software are non-exclusive and non-transferable, except with ABB's prior written consent. (b) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to convey to Purchaser any title to or ownership in the Software or the intellectual property contained therein in whole or in part, nor to designate the Software a "work made for hire" under the Copyright Act, nor to confer upon any person who is not a named party to this Agreement any right or remedy under or by reason of this Agreement. In the event of termination of this License, Purchaser shall immediately cease using the Software and, without retaining any copies, notes or excerpts thereof, return to ABB the Software and all copies thereof and shall remove all machine readable Software from all of Purchaser's storage media. 14. Inventions and Information. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ABB and Purchaser, all right, title and interest in any inventions, developments, improvements or modifications of or for Equipment and Services shall remain with ABB. Any design, manufacturing drawings or other information submitted to the Purchaser remains the exclusive property of ABB. Purchaser shall not, without ABB's prior written consent, copy or disclose such information to a third party. Such information shall be used solely for the operation or maintenance of the Equipment and not for any other purpose, including the duplication thereof in whole or in part. 15. Force Majeure. ABB shall neither be liable for loss, damage, detention or delay nor be deemed to be in default for failure to perform when prevented from doing so by causes beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to acts of war (declared or undeclared), Acts of God, fire, strike, labor difficulties, acts or omissions of any governmental authority or of Purchaser, compliance with government regulations, insurrection or riot, embargo, delays or shortages in transportation or inability to obtain necessary labor, materials, or manufacturing facilities from usual sources or from defects or delays in the performance of its suppliers or subcontractors due to any of the foregoing enumerated causes. In the event of delay due to any such cause, the date of delivery will be extended by period equal to the delay plus a reasonable time to resume production, and the price will be adjusted to compensate ABB for such delay. 16. Cancellation. Any order may be cancelled by Purchaser only upon prior written notice and payment of termination charges, including but not limited to, all costs identified to the order incurred prior to the effective date of notice of termination and all expenses incurred by ABB attributable to the termination, plus a fixed sum of ten (10) percent of the final total price to compensate for disruption in scheduling, planned production and other indirect costs. 17. Termination. No termination by Purchaser for default shall be effective unless, within fifteen (15) days after receipt by ABB of Purchaser's written notice specifying such default, ABB shall have failed to initiate and pursue with due diligence correction of such specified default. 18. Export Control. (a) Purchaser represents and warrants that the Equipment and Services provided hereunder and the "direct product" thereof are intended for civil use only and will not be used, directly or indirectly, for the production of chemical or biological weapons or of precursor chemicals for such weapons, or for any direct or indirect nuclear end use. Purchaser agrees not to disclose, use, export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any information provided by ABB or the "direct product" thereof as defined in the Export Control Regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, except in compliance with such Regulations. (b) If applicable, ABB shall file for a U.S. export license, but only after appropriate documentation for the license application has been provided by Purchaser. Purchaser shall furnish such documentation within Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 30 of 209 ABB Form 50-490 General Terms and Conditions of Sale a reasonable time after order acceptance. Any delay in obtaining such license shall suspend performance of this Agreement by ABB. If an export license is not granted or, if once granted, is thereafter revoked or modified by the appropriate authorities, this Agreement may be canceled by ABB without liability for damages of any kind resulting from such cancellation. At ABB's request, Purchaser shall provide to ABB a Letter of Assurance and End-User Statement in a form reasonably satisfactory to ABB. 19. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement or of any rights or obligations under the Agreement without prior written consent of ABB shall be void. 20. Nuclear Insurance – Indemnity. For applications in nuclear projects, the Purchaser and/or its end user customer shall have complete insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a nuclear incident to and shall indemnify ABB, its subcontractors, suppliers and vendors against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. 21. Resale. If Purchaser resells any of the Equipment, the sale terms shall limit ABB's liability to the buyer to the same extent that ABB's liability to Purchaser is limited hereunder. 22. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between ABB and Purchaser. There are no agreements, understandings, restrictions, warranties, or representations between ABB and Purchaser other than those set forth herein or herein provided. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 31 of 209 Transformer Performance Specification For: B&V Date: 05/03/2019 Quote: Coyote S. Item: Spec: 63.3801 Rating Type Transformer Class H Winding X Winding Y Winding Phase 1 500 kV 13.8 kV 18 kV Hertz 60 ONAN 71,000 KVA 29,330 KVA 41,660 KVA Temp Rise 55 C ONAF1 94,660 KVA 39,000 KVA 55,660 KVA Insulating Type Mineral Oil ONAF2 118,330 KVA 49,000 KVA 69,330 KVA Additional Tap Voltages H Winding (kV) ± 2 × 2.5% of 500 kV, DETC X Winding (kV) No Taps Y Winding (kV) No Taps Dielectric Tests Insulation Levels Applied Voltage (To other wind- ings and ground) H Winding 34 kV ITEMS Basic Lightning Impulse Insulation Level (BIL kV) X Winding 34 kV Y Winding 50 kV H line 1425 Induced Voltage Enhancement level / 7200 Cycle (ph-G) 550 kV H neutral 110 X line 110 One hour level (ph-G) 475 kV Y line 150 Loss Data based on NL @ 20°C, LL @ 75°C Based on loading at 500 kV To 13.8 kV Winding Load KVA H 71,000 X 29,330 Y 46,660 No Load Loss 126 kW Load Loss 84 kW Total Loss 210 kW Regulation at Power Factor % Reg % Load Auxiliary Losses (Not included in above) Percent Exciting Current Mechanical Data Not for Construction Purposes 12 kW 100% V 110% V 0.34 0.9 Drawing Average Sound Pressure Level Total Height 371 in dB(A) Class Total Length 274 in 82 ONAF2 Total Width 250 in **no-load sound (core plus cooling system) Shipping Height 175 in Shipping Width 142 in Shipping Length 166 in Oil Preservation Conservator Percent Impedance Voltage Weights (approximate) (lbs) % IZ Between Windings At Core and Coils 217,000 lbs Tank and Fittings 103,000 lbs 5.33 (*) 500/13.8 71 MVA Fluid 8,453 gal 63,000 lbs 5.33 (*) 500/18 71 MVA Total Weight 383,000 lbs 10.33 (*) 13.8/18 kV 71 MVA Shipping Weight 275,000 lbs Shipped in Dry Air (*)Impedances tolerance: +-5% Notes and Clarifications: ▪ Shell form is proposed ▪ Impedances tolerance is +-5% ▪ Radiators are placed at segments 2 and 3 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 32 of 209 - ABB has designed a unit fully interchangeable with the required electrical data: ratings, voltages, DETC, impedances and BIL. - The design has also considered the mechanical connection to the dog house flanges for the 2 LV provided at the drawing: “GSU Layout Drawing Reference” - According to a preliminary evaluation, the tank could be placed at the same location. However, cooler needs to be placed at least in two panels. Please, check if this solution is ok for you. - If a higher bus duct flange height or a minor impedance change is admissible, ABB could provide an optimized solution. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 33 of 209 TO: FROM: Hyundai Power Transformer USA Or Hyundai Corporation USA Black & Veatch ATTN: Chris Echter Name : Jaehun Kim Phone No. : 334-481-2039 Fax No. : 334-481-2098 E-mail : jaehun.kim@hhiamerica.com Our Ref. No. : A1902-729 Date : March 15, 2019 Subject : Proposal for Avista / Coyote Spring GSU replacement Dear Mr. Chris Echter, We thank you very much for your invitation for the subject and are pleased to submit our Proposal as follows: AA. Description # Description Unit Price Q’ty Extended Price 1 1PH 60HZ 532/13.8/18KV 71/94.6/118.3MVA YNd1d1 HV-DETC ONAN/ONAF/ONAF $1,705,988 4EA $6,823,950 2 Recommended Spare Parts (Optional) $93,206 1LOT $93,206 1) Contracting entity : Hyundai Power Transformer USA If the unit is manufactured out of 215 Folmar Parkway, Montgomery, AL 36105 2) Contracting entity : Hyundai Corporation USA If the unit is manufactured out of Ulsan, Korea BB. Commercial Terms and Conditions 1. Scope of Supply Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 34 of 209 2 1.1 Design, manufacture, test at factory, and delivery according to ANSI/IEEE standards. 1.2 Full routine test in accordance with applicable international standards ANSI. Any type test requirement should be notified by the Purchaser explicitly and is quoted separately. The cost thereof shall be added to contract price. The equipment will be subjected to standard inspection requirement of the supplier. Short Circuit Test is not included in the proposed price. 1.3 Seaworthy packing (if needed), as per Hyundai’s export packing standard, and allowing for shipment and handling in good conditions, is included. Details thereon can be obtained upon request. The equipment shall be marked according to the supplier’s standard, unless specific instructions thereto have been given by the purchaser. 1.4 Price Included in Item AA. 2. Price terms: 2.1 The prices quoted above are in U.S. Dollars. 2.2 The proposed prices are firm and valid for 60 days. Any overrun on these time limits, not due to the supplier, shall result in a totally revised quotation. 3. Terms of Payment 3.1 Net 30Days - 10% after submitting the drawing for approval - 20% after in-tanking - 20% after successful Factory Acceptance Test Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 35 of 209 3 - 40% after delivery to job site - 10% after submittal of LOC valid through the warranty period. 4. Delivery date 4.1 Hyundai would like to deliver the unit for a period of 56 weeks after receipt of order if the unit is manufactured out of Montgomery, AL 4.12 Hyundai would like to deliver the unit by May 30, 2020 if the unit is manufactured out of Ulsan, Korea 5. Warranty: 5.1 HPT warrants the Equipment will be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for twenty four (24) months after Delivery or 12 months after substantial completion date, which occurs first (the “Warranty Period”). During the aforesaid Warranty Period, HPT shall, at its option and expense, promptly repair such defective Equipment or replace such defective Equipment with equivalent Equipment. The foregoing remedies are the exclusive remedies available to the Purchaser for any defect in the Equipment. 5.2 This warranty shall not apply to: (i) any defects caused or induced by damage from unreasonable use (accident, fire or other casualty, misuse, negligence, incorrect wiring); (ii) any use or installation not in conformance with written instructions furnished by HHI; (iii) any defects occurring because of modifications to Equipment not authorized in writing or supplied by HPT or because of improper storage or handling of the Equipment; or (iv) any deficiency attributable to normal wear and tear. 5.3 The warranties set out in this Agreement are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, representations or conditions, express or implied, either in fact or by operation of law, statutory or otherwise, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. HPT neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale, installation, maintenance or use of the Equipment. 5.4. During the Warranty Period, Hyundai shall remedy any defects in the foregoing warranties without any additional cost to PURCHASER, including for in-and-out costs during the first twelve (12) months from Delivery. However, after twelve (12) months from Delivery, Buyer shall bear any in-and-out costs. 6. Limitation of Liability Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 36 of 209 4 6.1 The maximum aggregate liability of Hyundai, arising out of or in connection with any Purchase Order issued to it shall not exceed the proportional Purchase Order value of the specific item of Equipment giving rise to such liability, and shall in no events exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the total value of that Purchase Order. 6.2 In no event shall Hyundai be liable to Purchaser or any third party, in connection with or in any way relating to a Purchase Order, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, loss of contract, loss of revenue, loss of production, damage to business reputation or loss of goodwill. 6.3 The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply regardless of cause, including for negligence, and on any theory of liability, including under contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise. 7. Suspension 7.1 Company shall have the right to suspend Contractor’s performance of a Purchase Order by written notice to Contractor at least seven (7) days in advance of the effective date of such suspension. 7.2 During the period of such suspension, Contractor shall be entitled to charge or set-off all costs, expenses or fees incurred as a result of the suspension, including for warehousing and insurance (if applicable). 7.3 If the suspension persists for more than one-hundred and eighty (180) days in the aggregate, Contractor shall be permitted to terminate the Agreement in respect of that Purchase Order and collect all costs, expenses, fees or damages arising out of such termination, including a reasonable amount for profit. 8. Storage 8.1 If the Company fails to take delivery of the Equipment on the date designated for Delivery, or fails to take over the Equipment within twenty (20) days after the applicable factory and/or acceptance test (the “Takeover Date”), then Contractor shall have the right Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 37 of 209 5 to store or warehouse the Equipment until Delivery or takeover takes place, as the case may be, at the location of its choosing, and to charge or set-off all related costs and expenses (including insurance) to the Purchaser. In the event of the foregoing, the date on which Purchaser failed to accept Delivery, or the applicable Takeover Date, as the case may be, shall function to trigger the commencement of the Warranty Period as hereinafter defined. 9. Liquidated damage Drawing: $500/day Equipment: 1st to 7th day - 0.2%/day From 8th day – 0.5%/day Substantial completion : 1%/day Maximum aggregate cap : 10% 10. Remarks 9.1 Other terms and conditions will be discussed and compromised later Hoping our proposal will be in line with your expectation, we look forward to hearing good news from you soon. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 38 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Yes/No Required Bid Submittals 16151 Power Transformers . 16151 Complete description of proposed transformer.YES 16151 Preliminary outline drawings showing estimated weights, dimensions, oil volumes, and locations of major accessories.YES 16151 Descriptive literature of all equipment proposed.YES 16151 Manufacturer catalog sheets for proposed bushings.YES 16151 Summary description of codes and standards used if different than specified, including a review of major differences.YES 16151 List of recommended spare parts.YES 16151 List of special and maintenance tools to be furnished.YES 16151 Supplier's experience record with proposed equipment.YES 16151 List of routine factory tests.YES 16151 Complete description of the extent of shop assembly of components.YES 16151 Location of factory actually building the transformers. Manufacturing factories are subject to approval.YES Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 39 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Tech Fill-In Data Technical Fill-In Data 16151 Power Transformers .16151 General 16151 Bidder Hyundai Power Transformers USA, Inc. or Hyundai Corporation 16151 Transformer Manufacturer HPT or HE 16151 Factory Location Montgomery, AL or Ulsan, Korea 16151 Applicable Standards (ANSI, IEC, etc.)ANSI16151 Quantity 416151 Number of Phases 116151 Number of Windings 3 16151 Type (Generator Step-Up, Unit Auxiliary, etc.)Generator Step-up 16151 Cooling Class (ONAN, ONAF, ONAN/ONAF/ONAF, etc.)ONAN/ONAF/ONAF 16151 Temperature Rise (Winding)55/65 16151 Temperature Rise (Oil)55/6516151 Vector Group YNd1d116151 Angular Displacement LV lags 30° HV16151 Core Material GRAIN ORIENTED SILICON STEEL 16151 Core and Coil Construction Type CORE TYPE 16151 Winding Material COPPER 16151 MVA Ratings at 55º C 16151 High Voltage, HV 71/94.66/118.3316151 Low Voltage, XV 71/94.66/118.3316151 Neutral, H0 N/A16151Voltage and BIL Ratings 16151 Rated / Line / Neutral 16151 High Voltage, HV 532 kV / 1425 Kv / 110 kV 16151 Low Voltage, XV 13.8 kV / 110 kV 16151 Neutral, H0 18 kV / 150 kV16151Connections16151 HV Side Wye16151 XV Side Delta 16151 Guaranteed Performance 16151 Impedance on MVA base, 75º C 16151 HV-XV, HV-YV, XV-YV H-X : 15.3 % @ 71 MVA 16151 X/R Ratio H-Y : 15.3 % @ 71 MVA 16151 Zero-Sequence Impedance X-Y : 29.8 % @ 71 MVA 16151 Loss Evaluation16151 No-load losses (Ambient Temp. Oil and 105% Rated Voltage), kW 57 kW 16151 Load losses at base MVA rating (75º C and 100% Rated Voltage), kW 112 kW @71 MVA 16151 Auxiliary Losses at Maximum MVA rating, kW 4 kW 16151 Total losses (No-load + Load), kW 457 kW16151 Efficiency16151 100 Percent Load 99.7616151 75 Percent Load 99.77 16151 50 Percent Load 99.76 16151 Voltage Regulation 16151 100% (Unity) Power Factor 1.33% 16151 80% Power Factor (Lagging)10.04%16151 80% Power Factor (Leading)-8.29%16151 Excitation Current (100% Rated Voltage), %0.35%16151 Additional Requirements 16151 Audible Sound Level at Maximum MVA Rating, dBA ≤ 85 16151 Core Flux Density at 100% Rated Voltage, Tesla ≤ 1.7 16151 Core Flux Density at 110% Rated Voltage, Tesla ≤ 1.9 16151 Oil16151 Type / Grade Non-inhibited type II16151 Manufacturer Ergon, Nynas, Calumet or EQ16151 Preservation System Conservator System 16151 Cooling Equipment 16151 Total Number of Coolers/Radiators 10 Radiators 16151 Total Number of Fans 10 Fans 16151 Total Number of Pumps N/A16151Individual Motor Data16151 Fans / Pumps16151 Horsepower 1/3 hp 16151 Voltage and Number of Phases 480V - 3-ph Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 40 of 209 16151 Running Amperes ≤1.0 Amps 16151 Quantity Each Cooler/Radiator 1 Fan per 1 Radiator 16151 Bushing Information 16151 Manufacturer / Type / ID Number 16151 HV ABB / Condenser / 550Z2000BD16151 XV ABB / Condenser / 034T0450VF16151 Neutral ABB / Condenser / 034Z0412UT 16151 Bushing Current Transformers 16151 Ratio / Accuracy / Position / Quantity 16151 HV 1200:5 / C800 / Upper & Middle Upper / 1 16151 HV 400:5 / 0.3B-1.8 / Middle Lower & Lower / 1 16151 HV16151 XV 8000:5A / C800 / Lower / 216151 YV 1200:5 / C800 / Lower / 2 16151 Neutral 1200:5A / C800 / Lower / 1 16151 No-Load Tap Changer 16151 Manufacturer ABB Inc. 16151 Number of Steps (Plus / Minus)+ 2 / -216151 Total % (Above / Below)+ 5% / - 5%16151 Control Cabinet16151 Location Segment 4 16151 Enclosure Type NEMA 3R 16151 Auxiliary Power (AC) Required, Voltage, Phase, Amperes, Qty 480V / 3-ph / TBD / 2 16151 Auxiliary Power (DC) Required, Voltage, Amperes, Qty 125V / - / TBD / 1 16151 Aux. Power Automatic Transfer Switch Included16151 Test Switches Included16151 Space Heater Included16151Accessories 16151 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Type, Locations, Qty Included / Pt100 / 2 16151 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors, Type, Location, Qty Not included 16151 Pressure Relief Devices Included 16151 Special Tools Please refer to special tools price16151 Spare Gaskets Included16151 Grounding Pads Included16151 Fall-Arrest Protection Lugs Included 16151 Alarms & Indications 16151 Transformer Monitor System Included (DGA) 16151 Voltage Failure Relay Included 16151 Magnetic Liquid Level Gauges Included16151 Magnetic Liquid Temperature Gauge Included16151 Hot Spot Winding Temperature Indicator Relay Included16151 Temperature Controller Included (WTI & OTI) 16151 Sudden Pressure Relay Included 16151 Buchholz Relay Included 16151 Oil Flow Indicator N/A 16151 Testing16151 ANSI Routine Testing Included16151 Winding Resistance Included16151 Transformer Turns Ratio Included 16151 Polarity Included 16151 Phase Relationship Included 16151 Exciting Current & No Load Losses Included 16151 Load Losses & Impedances Included16151 Aux. Cooling Losses Included16151 Loss Measurement Error Certification Included16151 Load Current Included 16151 Gas-in-Oil Included 16151 Overexcitation Included 16151 Megger Included 16151 DETC Impedance INCLUDED (transformer's impedance test)16151 Temperature Rise Included16151 Impulse Included16151 Induced Overvoltage Included 16151 Applied Voltage Included 16151 Leak Testing Included 16151 Sound Testing Included 16151 SFRA Included16151 Other Included16151Paint16151 Painting System Please refer to painting procedure Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 41 of 209 16151 Tank and Accessories Color ANSI 70 GREY 16151 Porcelain Color GREY 16151 Approximate Weights, lb (kg) 16151 Core and Coils 147,000 Ib 16151 Tank and Fittings 65,000 Ib16151 Oil 83,000 Ib16151 Total Assembled Weight 295,000 Ib 16151 Shipping Weight 182,000 Ib 16151 Approximate Dimensions, in. (mm) 16151 Overall Width 243 in 16151 Overall Depth 309 in 16151 Overall Height 404 in16151 Height, to Top of Tank 165 in16151 Shipping Width 214(5430) 16151 Shipping Depth 160(4050) 16151 Shipping Height 181(4590) 16151 Delivery 16151 Total Oil Required 11,175 gal16151 Oil Shipped Separately 11,175 gal16151 Proposed Method of Transformer Shipment Rail 16151 Parts Which Required Field Assembly Radiator, Conservator, Conservator Support, Fans, Bushings & Housings, Pipings, Etc Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 42 of 209 Item No. Reference Document Submittal Item Submittal Dates LD's Apply?CalendarDays Event Due Date Schedule of Submittals 633801 Power Transformer - Generator Step-Up 0401 633801 Certification Letter or Certificate of Authorization (copy), if certified by a registered agency, e.g., ASME Certificate of Authorization, ISO Certificate 30 After Effective Date 0402 633801 Subsupplier listing 5 Before Issue of Subsupplier Purchase Order 0403 633801 Notification of inspection/test (for B&V hold/witness points)14 Before Test/Inspection 0404 633801 Quality Manual, uncontrolled copy 28 After Effective Date 0405 633801 Inspection and test plan with monthly inspection target dates 28 After Effective Date and thenmonthly thereafter 0440 633801 Copies of Certified Test and Inspection Reports 14 After Test or Inspection 0450 633801 Leak Test Procedure 90 After Effective Date No 0460 633801 Factory Acceptance Test Procedure 90 Before Test 0510 633801 Outline Drawing Containing the Following Information Required for Transformer Foundation Design(Not to Exceed Information as a Minimum) : Equipment Base OutlineFoundation Requirements (incl. Anchorage)Weights(Shipping & Oil Filled) Oil Volume. Dimensions of Rad/COPS Tanks for Oil Containment Design. Overall Transformer Dimensions Including all Auxiliary Equipment,Base Dimensions and Top of Oil Tank. Clearance Requirements from Buildings or Fire Walls. Horizontal & Vertical Location of Center of Gravity 42 After Effective Date 0520 633801 Detailed Outline Drawing, Including the Following:Location of Major Auxiliary Equipment Size and Location of Termination Lugs / Grounding Pads. Conduit Entry. 70 After Effective Date 0521 633801 3D Model of Complete Transformer Assembly using native tool formatand as agreed to by the Purchaser.70 After Effective Date 0522 633801 Certified Data for Detailed Outline Drawings and 3D Model 98 After Effective Date 0531 633801 Bushing & Arrester Outline Drawings 42 After Effective Date 0534 633801 Wiring Diagrams & Elementary Diagrams 84 After Effective Date 0635 633801 Andersen Program Input Data 70 After Effective Date 0637 633801 Short-Circuit Withstand Type Data With Proposal (if requested) 0640 633801 Design Data & Transformer Performance Curves Including: - No Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time)- Full Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time)- MVA Capability vs. Average Ambient Temperature - I²t Damage Curves 84 After Effective Date 0642 633801 Auxiliary Power requirements 84 After Effective Date 0643 633801 Current transformer ratio correction factor and excitation curve withinternal resistance (at stated temperature reference) of the CT stated on the secondary excitation characteristic curve. 84 After Effective Date 0644 633801 Current transformer ANSI relaying and metering accuracy; thermal rating; secondary resistance at 25 degrees C (77.0 degrees F); phaseangle correction factor curves 84 After Effective Date 0645 633801 Current transformer thermal rating 84 After Effective Date 0646 633801 Current transformer secondary resistance at 25° C (77.0° F)84 After Effective Date 0647 633801 Current transformer phase angle correction factor curves 84 After Effective Date D100 Site Meteorological and Seismic Data .D100 None Q170 Welding of Electrical Equipment 04xx Q170 Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) with applicable Procedure Qualification Records (PQR)(when required by Q170)60 Before Start of Fabrication Q301 Manufacturer's Standard Coating . 06xx Q301 Shop drawings that identify shop-applied coating systems 30 Before Start of Fabrication No 06xx Q301 Manufacturer's product data sheets 30 After Release to Proceed No Q500 Shop Drawings and Instruction Manuals . 07xx Q500 For instruction manual submittal requirements, refer to TechnicalSupplemental Q501 and the commercial submittals section.Upon Shipment of Equipment Yes Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 43 of 209 CUSTOMER : Black & Veatch SPECS NO. : PROJECT NAME : Coyote Springs GSU Replacement HPT REF. NO. : A1902-729 SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMER HYUNDAI POWER TRANSFORMERS USA, INC. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 44 of 209 0 Clarification & Deviation Sheet 1 Technical Datasheet for Transformer 2 Outline for Transformer 3 Sub-vendor List 4 Bushing Drawings 5 6 7 8 9 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 45 of 209 page : 1 of 1 Clarification Sheet for B&V – Coyote Springs GSU Replacement Date: March 14, 2019 Bushing Specification on “63.3801 Power Transformer - Generator Step-up Assembly” document, The XV and YV winding are in delta connection. Therefore neutrals are not present. X0 & Y0 bushings are not applicable to this transformer. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 46 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Yes/No Required Bid Submittals 16151 Complete description of proposed transformer.YES 16151 Preliminary outline drawings showing estimated weights, dimensions, oil volumes, and locations of major accessories. YES 16151 Descriptive literature of all equipment proposed.YES 16151 Manufacturer catalog sheets for proposed bushings.YES 16151 Summary description of codes and standards used if different than specified, including a review of major differences. YES 16151 List of recommended spare parts.YES 16151 List of special and maintenance tools to be furnished.YES 16151 Supplier's experience record with proposed equipment.YES 16151 List of routine factory tests.YES 16151 Complete description of the extent of shop assembly of components.YES 16151 Location of factory actually building the transformers. Manufacturing factories are subject to approval. YES Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 47 of 209 Reference Document Submittal Item Tech Fill-In Data Technical Fill-In Data 16151 General 16151 MVA Ratings at 55º C Voltage and BIL Ratings Connections Guaranteed Performance 16151 112 kW @71 MVA ≤ 85 ≤ 1.7 ≤ 1.9 Oil Cooling Equipment Individual Motor Data Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 48 of 209 16151 Running Amperes ≤1.0 Amps 16151 Quantity Each Cooler/Radiator 1 Fan per 1 Radiator 16151 Bushing Information 16151 Manufacturer / Type / ID Number 16151 HV ABB / Condenser / 550Z2000BD 16151 XV ABB / Condenser / 034T0450VF 16151 Neutral ABB / Condenser / 034Z0412UT 16151 Bushing Current Transformers 16151 Ratio / Accuracy / Position / Quantity 16151 HV 1200:5 / C800 / Upper & Middle Upper / 1 16151 HV 400:5 / 0.3B-1.8 / Middle Lower & Lower / 1 16151 HV 16151 XV 8000:5A / C800 / Lower / 2 16151 YV 1200:5 / C800 / Lower / 2 16151 Neutral 1200:5A / C800 / Lower / 1 16151 No-Load Tap Changer 16151 Manufacturer ABB Inc. 16151 Number of Steps (Plus / Minus)+ 2 / -2 16151 Total % (Above / Below)+ 5% / - 5% 16151 Control Cabinet 16151 Location Segment 4 16151 Enclosure Type NEMA 3R 16151 Auxiliary Power (AC) Required, Voltage, Phase, Amperes, Qty 480V / 3-ph / TBD / 2 16151 Auxiliary Power (DC) Required, Voltage, Amperes, Qty 125V / - / TBD / 1 16151 Aux. Power Automatic Transfer Switch Included 16151 Test Switches Included 16151 Space Heater Included 16151 Accessories 16151 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD), Type, Locations, Qty Included / Pt100 / 2 16151 Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors, Type, Location, Qty Not included 16151 Pressure Relief Devices Included 16151 Special Tools Please refer to special tools price 16151 Spare Gaskets Included 16151 Grounding Pads Included 16151 Fall-Arrest Protection Lugs Included 16151 Alarms & Indications 16151 Transformer Monitor System Included (DGA) 16151 Voltage Failure Relay Included 16151 Magnetic Liquid Level Gauges Included 16151 Magnetic Liquid Temperature Gauge Included 16151 Hot Spot Winding Temperature Indicator Relay Included 16151 Temperature Controller Included (WTI & OTI) 16151 Sudden Pressure Relay Included 16151 Buchholz Relay Included 16151 Oil Flow Indicator N/A 16151 Testing 16151 ANSI Routine Testing Included 16151 Winding Resistance Included 16151 Transformer Turns Ratio Included 16151 Polarity Included 16151 Phase Relationship Included 16151 Exciting Current & No Load Losses Included 16151 Load Losses & Impedances Included 16151 Aux. Cooling Losses Included 16151 Loss Measurement Error Certification Included 16151 Load Current Included 16151 Gas-in-Oil Included 16151 Overexcitation Included 16151 Megger Included 16151 DETC Impedance INCLUDED (transformer's impedance test) 16151 Temperature Rise Included 16151 Impulse Included 16151 Induced Overvoltage Included 16151 Applied Voltage Included 16151 Leak Testing Included 16151 Sound Testing Included 16151 SFRA Included 16151 Other Included 16151 Paint 16151 Painting System Please refer to painting procedure Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 49 of 209 16151 Tank and Accessories Color ANSI 70 GREY 16151 Porcelain Color GREY 16151 Approximate Weights, lb (kg) 16151 Core and Coils 147,000 Ib 16151 Tank and Fittings 65,000 Ib 16151 Oil 83,000 Ib 16151 Total Assembled Weight 295,000 Ib 16151 Shipping Weight 182,000 Ib 16151 Approximate Dimensions, in. (mm) 16151 Overall Width 243 in 16151 Overall Depth 309 in 16151 Overall Height 404 in 16151 Height, to Top of Tank 165 in 16151 Shipping Width 214(5430) 16151 Shipping Depth 160(4050) 16151 Shipping Height 181(4590) 16151 Delivery 16151 Total Oil Required 11,175 gal 16151 Oil Shipped Separately 11,175 gal 16151 Proposed Method of Transformer Shipment Rail 16151 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 50 of 209 Event Due Date 633801 Power Transformer - Generator Step-Up registered agency, e.g., ASME Certificate of Authorization, ISO Transformer Foundation Design(Not to Exceed Information as a Minimum) : Equipment Base Outline Foundation Requirements (incl. Anchorage) Oil Volume. Overall Transformer Dimensions Including all Auxiliary Equipment, Size and Location of Termination Lugs / Grounding Pads. - No Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time) - Full Load Overexcitation Capability(% vs. time) - MVA Capability vs. Average Ambient Temperature rating; secondary resistance at 25 degrees C (77.0 degrees F); phase D100 Site Meteorological and Seismic Data D100 Q170 Welding of Electrical Equipment Q301 Manufacturer's Standard Coating Q500 Shop Drawings and Instruction Manuals LD's Apply? Days Schedule of Submittals Item No. Reference Document Submittal Item Submittal Dates Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 51 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 52 of 209 T - 3 1 of 1 SUB-VENDOR LIST 1 BUSHINGS ABB or PCORE U.S.A. 2 DE ENERGIZED TAP CHANGER ABB or EQ. U.S.A. 3 COOLING FANS KRENZ or EQ. U.S.A. 4 OIL LEVEL INDICATOR QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 5 OIL TEMPERATURE IND. QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 6 WINDING TEMPERATURE IND. QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 7 PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 8 SUDDEN PRESSURE RELAY QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. 9 BUCCHOLZ RELAY CEDASPE or EQ ITALY 10 DEHYDRATING BREATHER TAIJIN or EQ. U.S.A. 11 DISSOLVED GAS ANALYZER QUALITROL or EQ U.S.A. Serveron 12 GENERAL VALVES OAK-KWANG KOREA 13 CURRENT TRANSFORMER MERAMEC or EQ U.S.A. 14 B.C.T TERMINAL BOXES TAIJIN KOREA 15 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL HYUNDAI U.S.A. 16 COPPER CONDUCTOR SAMDONG or EQ. U.S.A. 17 SILICON STEEL TKES, JFE, NSSMC, POSCO, AK STEEL VARIOUS - Selection of suppliers from above list shall be the manufacturer’s option unless customer specified. - If customer askes to change maker or model after award, that may occur cost adder from HPT. - Selection of supplier for other equipment than listed herein above shall be manufacturer’s option. - This vendor list is negotiable subject to the cost adder. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 53 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 54 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 55 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 56 of 209 INSULATION OIL : 1902-729-00-A01 B&V / Coyote Springs GSU Replacement 1PH 60HZ J.Y.HAHM 2019.03.14 OIL(LT)42300 REV.0 OPEN CLOSE PER PACKING TOTAL L(M)W(M)H(M)PER PACKING TOTAL 1 MAIN BODY COMPLETE DRAIN 1 1 90,718 90,718 5.60 3.90 4.70 102.65 102.65 2 HV BUSHING CLOSE 1 1 3,900 3,900 7.42 0.96 0.96 6.84 6.84 3 HVN BUSHING CLOSE 1 1 82 82 1.72 0.52 0.52 0.47 0.47 4 XV/XVN BUSHING CLOSE 2 2 86 172 1.78 0.53 0.53 0.51 1.02 5 YV/YVN BUSHING CLOSE 2 2 212 424 1.75 0.53 0.53 0.50 1.00 6 HV HOUSING-A OPEN 1 1 167 167 0.60 1.20 1.40 1.01 1.01 7 HVN HOUSING-A OPEN 1 1 101 101 0.75 0.70 0.90 0.48 0.48 8 XV/XVN HOUSING-A OPEN 2 1 368 368 0.56 2.05 1.30 1.50 1.50 9 YV/YVN HOUSING-A OPEN 2 1 607 607 1.11 2.05 1.30 2.96 2.96 10 PRD PIPE(MAIN)OPEN 2 1 176 176 2.12 0.60 0.40 0.51 0.51 11 FAN SUPPORT(INTERLOCKING)OPEN 1 1 80 80 2.00 0.90 0.20 0.36 0.36 12 LADDER OPEN 1 1 203 203 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 13 CONSERVATOR OPEN 1 1 2,106 2,106 4.71 1.88 2.48 21.96 21.96 14 3EA x 1BOX OPEN 6 2 2,261 4,522 1.59 2.90 1.88 8.67 17.34 15 2EA x 1BOX OPEN 2 1 754 754 1.59 2.90 1.31 6.05 6.05 16 6EA x 1BOX CLOSE 6 1 230 230 2.50 1.00 0.90 2.25 2.25 17 4EA x 1BOX CLOSE 4 1 150 150 1.70 1.00 0.90 1.53 1.53 18 BANK OPEN 1 1 1,090 1,090 2.70 2.65 1.08 7.73 7.73 19 PIE & STURCTURE OPEN 1 1 2,000 2,000 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 20 OTHERS OPEN 1 1 2,000 2,000 2.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 8.00 109,850 196.66 /STT O T A L RADIATOR COOLING FAN CHARGE :ISSUED 71/94.66/118.33/MVA 532/13.8/18//KV DETC/// YN/d1/d1/ ITEM SPECIFICATION Q'TY RFQ. NO :PACKING LIST Q'TY OF TR :4 PROJECT NAME : REMARKS TR. SPEC : NO. OF PACKING GROSS WEIGHT(KG)SHIPPING DIMENSION(M)MEASUREMENT(M3) NO/YES(현지구매) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 57 of 209 PJT : A1902-729 B&V / Coyote Springs GSU (Unit: Dollar)3/15/2019 ITEM SPECIFICATION UNIT Q'TY U/PRICE T/PRICE REMARKS GSU, 3-Ph, 60 Hz, 71/94.66/118.33//132.53 MVA, 532/13.8/18 kV, YNd1d1 HV:DETC 1 HV BUSHING EA 1 48,612 48,612 2 HVN BUSHING EA 1 2,100 2,100 3 XV BUSHING EA 1 19,222 19,222 5 YV BUSHING EA 1 19,222 19,222 6 COOLING FAN EA 1 900 900 7 COMPLETE SET OF GASKETS LOT 1 3,150 3,150 TOTAL 93,206$ *** *** This price is valid if and only if spare parts are included with main transformer PO. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 58 of 209 Special Tools for Erection,Operation and Maintenance UNIT : DOLLAR NO.DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Q'TY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1 SCREW DRIVE SET #8 (PLUS & MINUS) 1 SET 2 OPEN ENDED SPANNER 8mm ∼ 32mm 1 SET 3 WIRE STRIPPER 1mm ∼ 3.2mm 1 EA 4 SOCKET WRENCH 12.7SQ (8mm ∼ 33mm) 1 SET 5 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 6" (9.5mm ∼ 20mm) 1 EA 10" (16mm ∼ 27mm) 1 EA 12" (19mm ∼ 33mm) 1 EA 6 PIPE WRENCH #250 ( 6mm ∼ 26mm) 1 EA #300 (10mm ∼ 32mm) 1 EA #600 (13mm ∼ 65mm) 1 EA 7 TOOL BOX W600 1 EA * This offered price is valid when spare parts PO is obtained with main transformer unit PO. *This Special Tools are mandatory spare parts as per customer spec but, those are NOT included on our base price. We provide them as a separate list herein. SUB TOTAL TOTAL ($)Included in base price REMARK Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 59 of 209 HYUNDAI POWER TRANSFORMERS USA This submission (the “Submission”) contains the sensitive commercial information which is pro prietary to Hyundai Power Transformers USA (“Proprietary Information”). The Proprietary Inform ation is intended solely for the recipient of this Submission (the “Recipient”). By accepting this S ubmission, the Recipient agrees to keep the Proprietary Information confidential and, except wit h the prior written consent of Hyundai Power Transformers USA, not to disclose or make availabl e the Proprietary Information in whole or in part to any third party. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 60 of 209 1 Index Superior Experience Performances HPT Introduction HPT NEWs Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 61 of 209 No. Customer Specification Quantity Accumulated Capacity (MVA) Delivery year 1 FPL 525kV 500MVA, etc 38 8,262 2014~2017 2 Bechtel 362/19KV 415MVA, etc 28 5,052 2013~2016 3 Duke Energy 230kV 475MVA, etc 15 3,533 2014~2017 4 Calpine 230/18kV 300MVA, etc 14 3,529 2012~2014 5 XCEL Energy(Generation)115KV 300MVA, etc 12 2,558 2014~2017 6 NextEra 354kV 280MVA, etc 19 2,550 2014~2017 7 PPL 230KV 170MVA, etc 16 2,180 2014~2106 8 WAPA 345KV 600MVA, etc 7 2,075 2013~2014 9 Gemma Power 352/21KV 378MVA, etc 6 1,936 2016 10 MidAmerican 345kV 560MVA, etc 6 1,712 2015~2016 11 ATC 345kV 500MVA, etc 6 1,125 2014~2017 12 Golden Spread Electric Coop erative 345kV 235MVA, etc 7 1,112 2015~2017 13 Tampa Electric 240kV 288/384/480MVA, etc 3 1,101 2015~2016 14 Burns & McDonnell 161KV 150MVA, etc 9 863 2014~2017 15 PSE&G 230kV 45MVA, etc 14 855 2016~2017 Major Performance List 2 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 62 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 1 KCPL (Kansas City Power & Light) IATAN UNIT 1B 24/7.2/7.2kV 24/32/40MVA, DETC 2012.3.1 (Energized) 2 SCE (Southern California Edison) CHEVEGEN 67/14.49kV 30/40/50MVA, OLTC 2012.4.17 (Energized) 3 CALPINE SOUTH POINT ENERGY 230/18kV 2012.6.1 (Energized) 4 National Grid WEST SPARE Auto Transformer 115/13.8kV 30/40/50MVA, OLTC 2012.8.15 (Energized) 5 CMP (Central Maine Power Company) CMP / LIVERMORE SPARE 120/36.2kV 12/16.6/20MVA, OLTC 2012.8.10 (Energized) 6 LSP (LSP Energy Limited Partnership) LSP ENERGY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 161/18kV 2012.8.31 (Energized) 7 AEP (American Electric Power) LYTLE 138/13.09kV 90/54MVA, OLTC 2012.12.27 (Energized) 8 LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority) LCRA / NADA 138/69/13.2kV 36/48/60MVA, OLTC 2012.11.03 (Energized) Performance List 3 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 63 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 9 SCE (Southern California Edison) Santa Clara 230/70.5kV 2012.12.20 (Energized) 10 Mohave Electric Longtin Substation 230/69/12.5kV 60/80/100MVA, OLTC 2012.12.27 (Energized) 11 AEP (American Electric Power) Ft. Wayne 135.4/36.2kV 125/75MVA, DETC 2012.12.31 (Energized) 12 National Grid NE Spare 115/13.2kV 24/32/40MVA 2012.02.15 (Energized) 13 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) Coolidge 230/12.47kV 90/120/150MVA 2013.02.01 (Energized) 14 SWPA (South Western Power Administration) Table Rock 161/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2013.03.14 (Energized) 15 National Grid Central Spare 115/13.8kV 24/32/40MVA 2012.01.31 (Energized) 16 McGregor Construction(Canada) Christina Lake 265/25kV 30/40/50MVA, OL 2012.03.30 (Energized) Performance List 4 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 64 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 17 Alabama Power Montgomery, AL 115/13.09kV 15/20/25MVA 2013.02.27 (Energized) 18 PSE (Puget Sound Energy) Sammamish AUTO 230/117.875/13.2kV 195/260/325MVA 2013.03.28 (Energized) 19 PSE (Puget Sound Energy ) Talbot Hill AUTO 230/117.875/13.2kV 195/260/325MVA 2013.04.26 (Energized) 20 KCPL / Sargent & Lundy La Cygne Environmental Retrofit Project 13.8/6.9kV 16/12MVA (4 units) 2013.04.01 (Energized) 21 KCPL / Sargent & Lundy La Cygne Environmental Retrofit Project 345/13.8kV (2013.04.01 (Energized) 22 Bechtel Power Corp. Panda Temple I & Sherman Power Project(GSU) 362/19kV 153/204/250MVA ( 2013.7.10 (Energized) 23 Fluor Centinela Solar Energy Project 13.8/34.5/230kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.5.30 (Energized) 24 Bechtel Power Corp. Panda Temple I & ShermanPower Project(GSU) 362/19kV (2013.7.10 (Energized) Performance List 5 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 65 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 25 Bechtel Power Corp. Panda Temple I & Sherman Power Project(Aux.) 18/4.16kV 24/32MVA (4 units) 2013.7.10 ~8.12 (Energized) 26 PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) Oro Loma Substation 115/12.47/7.2 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2013.7.10 (Delivered) 27 Calpine Deer Park and other stations 352/18kV 150/200/250MVA and Others (8 units) 2013.8.15~ 11.30 (All installed, 2 Energized) 28 HDR Bowdoin 230/161/12.47kV 20/26.7/33MVA (2 units ) 2014.11.30 (Installed) 29 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) WAPA / CHEYENNE AUTO 230/115/13.8kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.9.30 (Energized) 30 NRG Energy French Branch 230/69kV 60/80/100MVA (2 units) 2013.9.30 (Energized) 31 CEPC (Central Electric Power Cooperative) Thomas Hill 345/161/13.2kV 300/400/500MVA 2013.9.30 (Energized) 32 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) Sioux Falls AUTO 13.2/115/230kV 150/200/250MVA (2 units) 2013.10.22 (Energized) Performance List 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 66 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 33 WAPA (WESTERN AREA POWER ADM.) Williston AUTO 13.2/115/230kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.10.22 (Energized) 34 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Breiningsville AUTO 138/69/12.47kV ( 2014.6.15(#1) 2014.6.22(#2) (Energized) 35 US Army Corp. Gavins Point 115/13.2kV 37.5/50MVA (3 units) 2013.11.22 (Energized) 36 US Army Corp. Garrison Dam AUTO 230/115/13.8kV 120/160/200MVA 2013.11.22 (Energized) 37 XCEL Energy Cherokee Station 115/17.5kV 180/240/300MVA 2013.12.31 (Energized) 38 XCEL Energy Cherokee Station 115/17.5kV (2013.12.31 (Energized) 39 FPL (FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT) Sanford Substation AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 2014.3.15 (Energized) 40 Calpine Garrison 231/18 kV 150/200/250MVA 2014.3. 21 (Installed) Performance List 7 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 67 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 41 Calpine Garrison 231/18kV 98/128/160MVA 2014.3. 31 (Installed) 42 Bechtel Power Corp. Temple II Power Project (GSU) 362/19kV 249/332/415MVA 2014.4.1 (Energized) 43 Duke Energy West Wind 132/13kV 40/53.34/66.67MVA (3 units) 2014.3.19 (Installed) 44 Bechtel Power Corp. Temple II Power Project 362/19kV (2 2014.4.15 (Energized) 45 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Green Bay 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2014.8.1 (Energized) 46 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Plains T8 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA (Energized) 47 NRG Energy Holton 115/69kV 50/66.6/83.3MVA 2014.4.30 (Energized) 48 Bechtel Power Corp. Temple II Power Project (Aux) 18/4.16kV 12/24/32MVA (2 units) 2014.5.1 (Energized) 8 Performance List 8 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 68 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 49 SCE (Southern California Edison) Laguna Bell PT 230/70.5kV 150/200/250MVA 2014.6.13 (Energized) 50 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Pentewell AUTO 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2014.7.31 (Installed) 51 . ATC (American Transmission Co.) Plains T9 AUTO 138/69/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2014.5.1 (Energized) 52 ATC (American Transmission Co.) Council Creek AUTO 161/138/13.8kV 135/180/225MVA 2014.9.8 (Installed) 53 CLECO Acadia 230/138kV 132/176/220MVA 2014.10.26 (Energized) 54 TECO (Tampa Electric Company) Tampa Polk 2 CCPP (GSU) 240/24kV 342/456/570MVA 2015.6.19 (Energized) 55 TECO (Tampa Electric Company) Tampa Polk 2 CCPP (SST) 230/4.2kV 18/24/30MVA (2units) 2015.6.10 (Energized) 56 WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) Mead Substation AUTO 345/230/24kV 450/600MVA 2014.12.4 (Installed) 9 Performance List 9 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 69 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 57 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Roberts AUTO 1PH 525/241.5/34.5kV 300/400/500MVA (4units) 2014.10.15 (Energized) 58 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Magnolia AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 300/400/500MVA 2014.9.03 (Energized) 59 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Pocono Substation AUTO 230/69/12.47kV 102/135/170MVA 2014.11.25 (Energized) 60 McGregor Construction Co.(Canada) Christina Lake (Duplicate)260/25kV 30/40/50MVA 2015.01.06 (Energized) 61 McGregor Construction Co.(Canada) Sunday Creek 260/24kV 40/53/66MVA (2) 260/24kV 50/66/83MVA (2) 2015. 01.06 (Energized) 62 TIC (The Industrial Company) Elk Station Unit 1 Project 345/18kV 144/188/235/263.2MVA 18/4.16kV 12/16/20MVA 2014.11.13 (Energized) 63 Burns & McDonnell Empire Riverton 161/13.8KV 90/120/150MVA 161/4.16KV 12/16/20MVA 2014.12.10 (Energized) 64 NextEra Energy 230/34.5/13.2KV 84/112/140MVA (2 Units) 2014.12.13 (Energized) Performance List 10 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 70 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 65 Calpine Decatur 165/18kV 200/267/333MVA 2014.12.03 (Installed) 66 Dominion Virginia Power Burton 115/36.5KV 32/44/56MVA 2016.1.15 (Delivered) 67 EPCOR (Canada) Lambton 245/15.5/15.5kV 75/100MVA (2units) 2015.3.31(Energized) 2015.7.15 (Energized) 68 MidAmerican Energy Bondurant 161/69 kV 75/100/125MVA 2015.5.30 (Installed) 69 First Solar Stateline 230/34.5/13.8kV 102/136/170MVA (2units) 2015.2.15 (Energized) 70 NV Energy Falcon AUTO 345/125/24.9kV 170/225/285MVA 2015.3.1 (Installed) 71 Chelan County PUD Rocky Reach AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 200/266/333MVA 2015.2.17 (Installed) Performance List 11 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 71 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 72 Brazos Electric Cooperative Seaton Substation 138/69/13.2kV 60/80/100MVA 2015.5.15 (Installed) 73 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 144/13.8kV 45/60/75MVA (4 units) 2015.6.30 (Delivered) 74 Seattle City Light Shoreline 121/27.24/14.2kV 54/72/90MVA 2016.06.30 (Installed) 75 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 144/13.8kV 40/53/66MVA 2015.07.30 (Delivered) 76 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 2015.07.30 (Delivered) 77 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Lycoming 230/69/12.47kV 102/136/170MVA 2015.05.30 (Installed) 78 MidAmerican Energy Group 2 #4 161/34.5/13.8kV 108/144/181MVA 2015.05.26 (Installed) 79 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Levee Substation #1 525/241.5/34.5kV 300/400/500MVA 2015.11.16 (Installed) Performance List 12 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 72 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 80 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Jenkins T2, Juanita Cumberland T2 230/69/12.47kV 102/136/170MVA (4 units) 2015.08.07/ 2015.08.24/ 2015.07.09/ 2015.09.21 (Installed) 81 NextEra Energy Golden West Wind 241.5/34.5/13.8kV 180/240/300MVA 2015.07.01 (Installed) 82 NextEra Energy Javelina Wind Project 354/138/34.5/13.8kV 168/224/280MVA 2015.08.07 (Energized) 83 Duke Energy Lee CC 105/18kV 183/244/305MVA (2 units) 105/189.5kV 282/376/470MVA (1 unit) 2016.07.30 (Installed) 84 MidAmerican Energy Group 6 – Sub 18 161/69/13.8kV 100/133/167MVA 2015.06.30 (Installed) 85 PPL (PPL Electric Utilities Corp.) Lauschtown T1 & T2 23/69/12.47kV 102/136/170MVA (2 units) 2016.07.16 (Installed) 86 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Summer haven Windfarm 241.5/34.5kV 84/112/140MVA (1 unit) 2015.07.31 (Energized) 87 Suncor Energy (Canada) Fort Hills Power System 144/13.8kV 85/113MVA (2 Units) 2016.04.01 (Energized) Performance List 13 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 73 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 88 M&A Electric Coop Fletcher AUTO 345/161/13.8kV 238/313/392MVA 2015.09.30 (Energized) 89 NextEra Energy Blythe Solar Power GSU 230/34.5/13.2kV 84/112/140MVA (2 units) 2015.10.01 (Energized) 90 MidAmerican Energy Victory Substation AUTO 161/34.5/13.8kV 72/96/120MVA 2015.08.31 (Installed) 91 CLECO Hopkins GSU 138/34.5kV 50/67/83MVA 2016.01.18 (Energized) 92 Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana Mt. Vernon AUTO 140/70/12kV 60/80/100MVA 2015.10.31 (Energized) 93 TECO (Tampa Electric Company) Sub 80-14 AUTO 233.7/138/13.2kV 201.6/268.8/336MVA 2015.11.10 (Installed) 94 LG&E (Louisville Gas & Electric) Trimble GSU 345/138kV 120/160/200//224MVA 2016.4.29 (Installed) 95 Wolverine Alpine GSU 138/18kV 2016.1.24 (Installed) Performance List 14 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 74 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 96 Duke Energy Brecon Substation 138/69/13.09kV 100.8/134.4/168MVA 2015.12.15 (Delivered) 97 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Miami 230/138/13.2kV 336/448/560MVA 2015.12.15 (Installed) 98 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Medium Power 230/24kV 33/44/55MVA (2 units ) 2015.12.01 (Delivered) 2015.12.07 (Delivered) 99 Golden Spread Electric Coop Elk Station Unit #2 345/18kV 144/188/235/263.2MVA 345/4.16kV 18/24/30MVA 2015.10.30 (Installed) 100 Duke Energy Hines Power Plant 230/16kV 114/152/190MVA 2015.12.1 (Delivered) 101 PSE&G North Bergen 230/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2016.02.18 (Installed) 102 PSE&G Leonia 230/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2016.04.01 (Installed) 103 PSE&G Carlstadt 69/27.72kV 72/96/120MVA 2016.05.19 (Delivered) 104 AEP Asherton 138/70.5/13.09kV 78/104/130MVA 2015.12.01 (Installed) Performance List 15 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 75 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 105 Duke Energy Citrus Power Plant (GSU) 230/21kV 243/324/405MVA x 2 230/20kV 285/380/475MVA x 1 525/21kV 243/324/405MVA x 2 525/20kV 285/380/475MVA x 1 230kV 475MVA x 1 525kV 475MVA x 1 2016.11.30 ~ 2018 106 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Levee Substation AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5kV 300/400/500MVA 2015.12.29 (Installed) 107 FPL (Florida Power & Light) Jackson Substation 230/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA (2 Units) 2016.08.16 (Delivered) 108 OPPD (Omaha Public Power District) PO No. 216181 AUTO 161/69/13.8kV 108/144/180MVA 2016.05.20 (Installed) 109 Bechtel Power Corp. Carroll County Energy Facility (GSU) 362/18kV 235/188/141MVA x 2 330/264/198MVA x 1 2016.07.11 2016.07.12 2016.07.13 (Energized) 110 Sempra Energy Mesquite Solar 230/34.5/(13.8)kV 112/148.96/187.04MVA 2016.05.20 (Energized) 111 Bechtel Oil , Gas and Chemicals Corpus Christi LNG 138/34.5kV 164/132/98MVA 2016.06.30 (Energized) 112 SCE (Southern California Edison) Etiwanda Substation 230kV 250MVA x 1 2016.7.02 (Delivered) Performance List 16 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 76 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 113 MidAmerican Energy Grimes & 39 Substation AUTO 345/161/13.8kV 336/448/560MVA (2 units) 2016.06.03 2016.06.17 (Installed) 114 Bechtel Carroll County UAT 18/4.16-4.16kV 24/32MVA (2 units) 2016.07.11 2016.07.12 (Delivered) 115 FPL Bunnell 230/115/13.2kV 240/320/400MVA 2016.12.20 (Installed) 116 FPL 62nd Avenue Substation 138/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA 2016.08.27 (Delivered) 117 FPL Urban Substation 230/24kV 33/44/55MVA 2016.08.19 (Delivered) 118 FPL Natoma 138/13.8kV 24/32/40MVA (2 units) 2016.10.07 (Delivered) 119 NextEra Kingman I & II 354/34.5/13.8kV 78/104/130MVA (2 units) 2016.08.19 (Installed) 120 Vectren Mt. Vernon AUTO 140/70/12kV 90/120/150//168MVA 2016.10.31 (Installed) Performance List 17 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 77 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 121 Bechtel Hummel Station Project 538/18kV 162/216/270MVA (3 units) 538/18kV 291/388/450MVA (1 unit) 2016.10.30 2016.11.15 2016.11.30 2016.12.15 (Delivered) 122 NV Energy Humboldt 345/125/24.9kV 173/226/283MVA 2016.10.01 (Installed) 123 FPL Hanson Solar 241.5/34.5/13.8kV 48/64/80MVA 2016.08.27 (Energized) 124 Georgia Power ITS Spare 115.5/20.7kV 36/48/60MVA 2016.09.15 (Delivered) 125 FPL Pheasant Run Wind 354/34.5/13.8kV 108/144/180MVA 2016.11.30 (Energized) 126 Gemma Power NTE Middletown 352/21kV 226/300/378MVA 352/21kV 170/226/284MVA 2016.11.01 (Energized) 127 Duke 345/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA (2 units) 2016.12.14 (Energized) 128 Bechtel Hummel Energy Project UAT (2 units) 18kV 40MVA (2 units) 2016.10.15 2016.10.30 (Delivered) Performance List 18 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 78 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 129 First Solar Stateline Spare 230/34.5/(13.8)kV 102/136/170MVA 2016.08.15 (Installed) 130 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Ft. Smith LHT AUTO 500/161/13.8kV 240/320/400MVA 2016.11.01 (Delivered) 131 Gemma Power Towantic Energy Center 115/18kV 198/264/330MVA (3 units) 2016.11.30 (Energized) 132 FPL Jackson Spare 230/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA 2017.12.30 (Delivered) 133 XCEL Energy Black Dog Unit #6 GSU 115/18kV 225/300MVA 2017.03.17 (Installed) 134 Oklahoma Gas and Electric Northwest Bank 3 AUTO 345/138/13.8kV 240/320/400//448MVA 2017.03.01 (Delivered) 135 Black & Veatch Ocotillo GSU 230/13.8kV 78/104/130MVA (6 units) 2017.11.15 (2 units) 2018.08.30 (4 units) 136 Duke Energy Marshall Steam Plant 236.1/46.2kV 45/60/75MVA 2017.05.15 (Delivered) Performance List 19 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 79 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 137 FPL Normandy AUTO 138/69/13.2KV 67.2/89.6/112MVA 2017.03.15 (Delivered) 138 Golden Spread Electric Coop Elk Station GSU 345/18kV 141/188/235//263.2MVA 2017.04.30 (Installed) 139 Golden Spread Electric Coop Mustang Station GSU 230x115/18kV 115/153/191//213.8MVA 2017.04.30 (Energized) 140 Golden Spread Electric Coop Antelope GSU 230/13.8kV 60/80/100MVA 2017.04.30 (Installed) 141 EPCOR Victoria SUB 72/14.4kV 50/66.7MVA 2017.03.31 (Installed) 142 Burns & McDonnell NRG Carlsbad 230kV 127MVA (5 units) 138kV 127MVA (1 unit) 13.8kV 29MVA (2 units) 2017.05.28 (Installed) 143 GDF Suez Midlothian Power Plant GSU 354/21kV 210/280/350MVA 2017.05.01 (Delivered) 144 Exelon Nuclear Peach Bottom UAT 22/13.8-13.8kV 32/42/52MVA (2 units) 2017.06.01 2018.07.15 Performance List 20 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 80 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 145 PSE&G Locust Substation SUB 69/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.07.15 (Delivered) 146 SCL Shoreline Option #2 PT 121/27.24/14.2kV 54/72/90MVA 2018.07.20 147 East River Power Coop VT Hanlon AUTO 230/69/12.47kV 60/80/100MVA 2017.04.30 (Installed) 148 SSAB 200MVA 230/34.5kV 120/140/180//200MVA 2017.04.15 (Installed) 149 Cleco Coughlin Power Plant GSU 131.48-144-150.26/21-23-24kV 210MVA 2017.08.01 (Installed) 150 FPL Sunny Isle Substation SUB 138/13.8kV 33/44/55MVA 2017.04.17 (Delivered) 151 Calpine Pine Bluff GSU 115/13.8kV 55/73MVA 2017.06.30 (Delivered) 152 FPL Alexander SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.04.14 (Delivered) Performance List 21 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 81 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 153 FPL Holy Cross SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.03.20 (Delivered) 154 FPL Plantation SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45MVA 2017.03.20 (Delivered) 155 ATC North Appleton AUTO 345/138/24.9kV 300/400/500MVA 2017.08.28 (Installed) 156 E-flow WAPA Big George AUTO 115/69/12.47kV 30/40/50MVA 2017.06.30 (Delivered) 157 FPL Center GSU 1pH 525/20kV 250MVA 2018.04.15 (4 units) 158 FPL Laurelwood & Yulee AUTO 230/138/13.2kV 336/448/560MVA 2018.01.05 2017.07.17 (Delivered) 159 Cleco St. Mary Clean Energy Center GSU 34.5/13.8kV 37.5/50/62.5MVA 2017.07.21 (Installed) 160 PG&E Cooley Landing AUTO 115/61.5/13.2kV 120/160/200MVA 2017.10.01 (Delivered) Performance List 22 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 82 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 161 FPL Dade Substation SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2017.5.15 (Delivered) 162 EPC Services Company AEP / Lincoln-Berrywood AUTO 138/70.5/12.47 kV 78/104/130 MVA 2017.8.21 (Installed) 163 FPL Alexander Substation SUB 230/24 kV 33/44/55 MVA 2017.05.20 (Delivered) 164 FPL Osborne Substation SUB 138/13.8kV 27/36/45 MVA 2017.06.15 (Delivered) 165 NextEra Solar GSU 2017 GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 2017.07.10 (3 units) 2017.08.15 (4 units) (Installed) 166 NextEra Solar GSU 2017 GSU 117.5/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 2017.07.10 (Installed) Performance List 23 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 83 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 167 NextEra Solar GSU 2017 GSU 141.5/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA 2017.07.10 (Installed) 168 NextEra Pratt Wind (HV: OLTC) GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 147/196/245 MVA 2018.06.15 169 Atlantic City Electric (Exelon) Rio Grande SS (3 units) Sea Isle SS (1 unit) SUB 69/13.09 kV 33.6/44.8/56 MVA 2017.09.30, 2017.11.30 2018.01.31, 2018.09.30 (4 units total) 170 FPL Galloway Substation SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2017.08.25 (Delivered) 171 LG&E Hardin Substation AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 110/146/185 MVA (2 units) 54/72/90 MVA (1 unit) 2017.06.30 (Installed) 172 Cleco Bayou Vista AUTO 230/138/13.8 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.02.01 173 Delmarva Power & Light Edgemoor Spare AUTO 138/69/13.2 kV 67.2/89.6/112 MVA 2017.10.02 (Installed) 174 NextEra Javelina II (HV: OLTC) GSU 354/34.5//13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2017.10.27 (energized) Performance List 24 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 84 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 175 NextEra Stuttgart Solar GSU 354/34.5//13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2017.09.15 (Installed) 176 PSE&G Port Street SUB 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2018.04.01 (Delivered) 177 NextEra Pinal Solar GSU 235/34.5//13.8 kV 33/44/55 MVA 2018.01.05 178 First Solar Rosamond PT 230/34.5/(13.8) kV 96/128/160 MVA 2018.03.17 179 First Solar Willow Springs PT 230/34.5/(13.8) kV 64/85/106 MVA 2018.03.17 180 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Solar Spare GSU 138/34.5 kV 71/94.4/118 MVA 2017.11.15 (Installed) 181 LG&E Pineville PT 161/69//13.2 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2017.10.27 (Installed) Performance List 25 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 85 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 182 FPL Corbett AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2017.11.22 (Delivered) 183 FPL Sugar AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.01.15 (4 units) 184 NRG Canal-3 GSU 345/25 kV 259/345/431 MVA 2018.05.01 185 Bechtel Cricket Valley GSU 354/18/18 kV 244/326/407 MVA 2018.11.01 2018.12.01 2019.01.01 186 Bechtel OG&C Hyperzone LB-1 SUB 138/12.47/12.47 kV 53.6/60 MVA 2018.01.29 187 AECOM Alliant Riverside Energy Center Expansion GSU 365/18 kV 194/256/321 MVA 2018.02.08 188 AECOM Alliant Riverside Energy Center Expansion GSU 365/18 kV 174/229/288 MVA 2018.02.08 (2 units) Performance List 26 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 86 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 189 PSE&G Aldene PT 230/27.72/11 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2017.10.17 (Delivered) 190 PSE&G Metuchen PT 230/27.72/11 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2017.12.15 (Delivered) 191 SCE La Fresa Bank No.4A PT 230/70.5 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2017.11.30 (Delivered) 192 PG&E Hopland Bank 3 AUTO 115/60/13.2 kV 60/80/100 MVA 2018.03.01 193 OPPD Sub 3740 AUTO 354/161/13.8 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.05.01 194 OPPD Sub 1291 AUTO 161/69/13.8 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2018.05.01 195 PSE&G Harrison PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2018.10.01 196 SCE La Fresa Bank No.3A PT 230/70.5 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2018.04.03 Performance List 27 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 87 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 197 EDPR Turtle Creek GSU 345/34.5/(13.8) kV 138/184/230 MVA 2018.05.01 198 APS Casa Grande PT 230/69/12.47 kV 100/133.3/166.7//186.7 MVA 2018.06.01 199 NextEra Wildcat GSU 117/34.5//13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2018.07.10 200 FPL Medium Alliance #8A SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2017.12.31 (3 units) (Delivered) 201 LG&E Elizabethtown AUTO 345/161-138//13.8 kV 270/360/450 MVA 2018.06.22 202 LG&E Lexington AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 110/146/185 MVA 2018.02.28 203 FPL DESERET/GACO AUTO 1pH 525/241.5/34.5 kV 300/400/500 MVA 2018.07.31 (3 units) Performance List 28 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 88 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 204 Great River Energy Riverview AUTO 345/118/34.5 kV 200/270/336 MVA 2018.06.23 205 Great River Energy Riverview AUTO 118/72/12.8 kV 84/112/140 MVA 2018.06.23 206 FPL Glenn Substation SUB 115/24 kV 33/44/55 MVA 2018.03.15 207 FPL Hillsboro Substation SUB 138/13.8 kV 24/32/40 MVA 2018.03.15 208 FPL Watts Substation SUB 230/24kV 33/44/55 MVA 2018.03.15 209 Garland Power & Light Dent Rd Substation AUTO 138/69//12.47 kV 90/120/150 (168) MVA 2018.07.10 210 WAPA Folsom (KV4A) AUTO 230/138/13.8 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2018.11.07 Performance List 29 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 89 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 211 Cooperative Energy Missionary Substation AUTO 230/161//13.8 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2018.06.13 212 PPL Sunbury Replacement AUTO 1pH 512.5/230/12.47 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2018.05.30 213 FPL Lauderdale Plant GSU 239/18 kV 168/224/280 MVA 2018.08.08 214 FPL Lauderdale Plant GSU 143/18 kV 168/224/280 MVA 2018.08.08 215 NextEra Minco IV Wind GSU 354/34.5//(13.8) kV 75/100/125 MVA 2018.06.29 216 Xcel Energy Foxtail Wind AUTO 230/34.5/13.8 kV 113/150/188 MVA 2018.09.01 217 Xcel Energy Freeborn Wind AUTO 161/34.5/13.8 kV 75/100/125 MVA 2020.07.01 Performance List 30 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 90 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 218 First Energy Portland Substation AUTO 230/115/13.2 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2018.10.05 219 Minnkota Power Frontier Substation AUTO 236/118/13.8 kV 112/150/187 MVA 2018.09.01 220 Exelon Nuclear Calvert Cliff AUX 500/14 kV 60/80/100 MVA 2018.10.31 / 2021.06.01 / 2022.06.01 (3 units) 221 Allete / Minnesota Power GNTL Iron Range Substation AUTO 1pH 500/230/46 kV 240/320/400 MVA 2019.07.28 (4 units) 222 NextEra Armadillo Flats Wind GSU 142/34.5//13.8 kV 168/224/280 MVA 2018.08.15 223 NextEra Heartland Divide Wind GSU 165/34.5//13.8 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2018.10.08 224 NextEra Sholes Wind GSU 354/34.5//13.8kV 108/144/180MVA 2018.10.01 225 Entergy Waterford Storage Yard AUTO 230/13.8// kV 40/53/67 MVA 2018.10.31 Performance List 31 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 91 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 226 GSEC Mustang Station Spare GSU 230-115/18-19 kV 115/153/191//213.8 MVA 2018.11.21 227 NextEra Horizon-Athens Spare GSU 141.5-117.5/34.5//(13.2) kV 51/68/85 MVA 2018.10.30 228 First Energy Hill Valley AUTO 115/46/13.2 kV 45/60/75 MVA 2018.09.01 229 APS Mural Substation AUTO 115/69/12.47 kV 60/80/100 MVA 2018.05.30 230 SCE Laguna Bell PT 230/70.5 kV 150/200/250//280 MVA 2018.10.31 231 PG&E Pit 1 Bank 5 AUTO 230/61.5//13.2 kV 42/56/70 MVA 2018.10.30 232 PG&E Pease Bank 5 AUTO 115/61.5/13.2 kV 120/160/200 MVA 2018.10.17 233 PG&E Pease Bank 2 AUTO 115/61.5/13.2 kV 120/160/200 MVA 2019.11.15 Performance List 32 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 92 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 234 Cleco Power Brame Spare GSU 224.3/22-23-25 kV 600 MVA 2018.09.30 235 Exelon Nuclear Calvert Cliff Nuclear Plant AUX 500/14// kV 60/80/100 MVA 2022.06.01 236 PSE&G Trenton Switching Station PT 230/27.72/11 kV 72/96/120MVA 2019.10.01 237 PSE&G Hopewell Switching Station PT 230/69 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2019.02.19 238 JEA Firestone Substation T6 AUTO 230/69/13.8 kV 120/160/200 MVA 2019.01.13 239 Duke Energy Asheville Spare GSU 230x115/13.8 kV 75/100/125 MVA 2019.05.01 240 Duke Energy Asheville Spare GSU 230x115/18 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.05.01 241 Hydro One Campbell T1 PT 215.5/14.2/14.2 kV 60/80/100MVA 2018.08.07 Performance List 33 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 93 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 242 Hydro One Campbell T2 PT 215.5/14.2/14.2kV 60/80/100MVA 2018.08.07 243 APS WestWing AUTO 230/69/12.47kV 100/133.3/166.7//186.7MVA 2019.10.15 244 ATC Mount Pleasant AUTO 345/138//24.9kV 300/400/500MVA (3 units) 2019.06.12 / 2019.07.10 / 2019.08.14 245 APS Ocotillo 69kV Spare GSU 69/13.8kV 78/104/130MVA 2019.04.30 246 FPL Yulee Duplicate AUTO 230/138/13.2kV 336/448/560MVA (2 units) 2019.01.02 247 NextEra Blythe III & IV GSU 230/34.5/(13.8)KV 84/112/140MVA (2 units) 2019.10.14 2019.10.21 248 Duke Jocassee Hydro GSU 230/14.4kV 225MVA 2019.08.15 249 Duke Jocassee Hydro GSU 230/14.4kV 225MVA 2020.01.23 Performance List 34 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 94 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 250 AECOM Alliant Riverside STG Spare GSU 365/18kV 188/250/313MVA 2019.02.28 251 GTC Verner Farms AUTO 230/115/13.2kV 240/320/400MVA 2019.05.15 252 SCE Chino Substation PT 230/70.5kV 150/200/250MVA 2019.02.01 253 OPPD RFP #5407 AUTO 354/161/13.8 kV 300/400/500 MVA (2 units) 2019.05.01 254 MEPPI Duke/Rural Hall SVC 1pH 100/25 kV 60/80/100 MVA (4 units) 2019.04.05 255 Greenville Light & Power West Greene Substation AUTO 161.7/69/13.09 kV 75/100/125//140 MVA 2019.05.27 256 NOVEC Gant Substation PT 230/34.5 kV 81/108/135//151.2 MVA (2 units) 2019.09.19 257 NOVEC QTS Innovation Substation PT 230/34.5 kV 81/108/135//151.2 MVA (2 units) 2019.06.19 Performance List 35 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 95 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 258 PSE&G Metuchen Switching AUTO 230/69 kV 180/240/300 MVA 2020.04.15 259 NOVEC Freedom Innovation Substation PT 230/34.5 kV 81/108/135//151.2 MVA (2 units) 2019.09.19 260 NextEra Hendry II / Ghost GSU 525/34.5/13.8 kV 51/68/85 MVA (2 units) 2020.07.15 261 STEC Fowlerton AUTO 345138/24.9 kV 405/540/675 MVA 2019.06.30 262 STEC San Miguel AUTO 345138/24.9 kV 405/540/675 MVA (2 units) 2019.11.30 263 PPL Milton AUTO 230/69/12.47 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2019.07.01 264 OPPD RFP #5407 #3 AUTO 345/161/13.8 kV 336/448/560 MVA 2019.09.01 265 PSE&G Kuller Rd PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2021.01.08 Performance List 36 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 96 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 266 PSE&G Sand Hills PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2019.08.01 267 PSE&G Medford PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2019.08.01 268 JEA Northside AUTO 230/138/13.8 kV 240/320/400 MVA 2019.10.02 269 Xcel Tolk GSU 230/24 kV 650/728 MVA 2019.09.16 270 Tri-State Gateway Substation AUTO 230/115/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2019.10.28 – 2019.11.25 271 Tri-State Colfer AUTO 115/69/12.47 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2019.10.14 – 2019.11.08 271 Tri-State Davis AUTO 115/69/12.47 kV 72/96/120 MVA 2020.02.18 – 2020.03.11 272 Xcel Hobbs Spare AUTO 230/120/13.2kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.10.10 Performance List 37 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 97 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 272 Xcel Hobbs Spare AUTO 230/120/13.2kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.10.10 274 First Energy Avon GSU 345/140/13.2 kV 336/448/560 MVA 2019.10.14 275 Calpine Wind PTC GSU 345/34.5/13.8 kV 133/178/222 MVA 2019.11.30 276 NextEra Crowned Ridge NEER GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 69/92/115 MVA 2019.08.03 – 2019.08.17 277 NextEra Crowned Ridge NEER GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2019.08.03 – 2019.08.17 278 NextEra Crowned Ridge XCEL GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 69/92/115 MVA 2019.09.03 – 2019.09.17 279 NextEra Crowned Ridge XCEL GSU 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2019.09.03 – 2019.09.17 280 Roughrider Electric Long Butte & South Heart AUTO 230/115/13.8 kV 75/100/125 MVA (2 units) 2019.09.25 Performance List 38 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 98 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 281 NextEra Dodge County Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 114/152/190 MVA 2020.01.17 282 EKPC Skaggs AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2019.10.15 283 EKPC Stanley-Parker AUTO 138/69/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2019.12.03 284 EKPC Fox Hollow AUTO 161/69/13.8 kV 90/120/150 MVA 2021.05.02 285 WETT Long Draw Solar AUTO 345/138/13.2 kV 360/480/600 MVA 2020.01.31 286 NextEra Soldier Creek #1 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2019.11.20 287 NextEra Soldier Creek #2 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2019.11.20 288 NextEra Roundhouse Wind GSU 236/34.5/13.8 kV 150/200/250 MVA 2019.12.20 Performance List 39 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 99 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 289 NextEra Bronco Plains #1 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2020.02.15 290 NextEra Bronco Plains #2 Wind GSU 354/34.5/13.8 kV 102/136/170 MVA 2020.02.15 291 First Energy Ringgold (#1 & #2) AUTO 230/135.3/13.2 kV 339/450 MVA (2 units) 2019.12.17 2020.07.01 292 PSE&G Melrich PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2020.02.28 293 PSE&G Sand Hills #2 PT 69/13.8 kV 27/36/45 MVA 2020.03.22 294 STEC San Miguel (#1 & #2) AUTO 345138/24.9 kV 405/540/675 MVA (2 units) 2020.11.30 295 First Energy Catoctin AUTO 230/135.3/13.2 kV 339/450 MVA 2020.09.16 296 Vistra Energy Midlothian Power Plant GSU 354/21kV 210/280/350MVA 2020.01.15 Performance List 40 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 100 of 209 Nr. Customer Project Name Specification Delivery Date 297 NextEra Cedar Springs III PT 241.5/34.5/13.8 kV 135/180/225 MVA 2020.02.17 298 GSEC Mustang Spare GSU 230x115/18kV 115/153/191//213.8MVA 2019.12.31 Performance List 41 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 101 of 209 YOUR VISIT TO Montgomery, AL IS ALWAYS WELCOME! Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 102 of 209 For More Information, Please Contact Sasha Lee Email : sashalee@hyundai-electric.com Tel : (334) 481-2008 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 103 of 209 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 104 of 209 DDP: 5/30/2020 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Days:6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 Unit 1 Pre-testingAssemblyProcessing Testing Unit 2 Pre-testing AssemblyProcessing Testing Final Walk-down/Clean-up for unit 1 & 2 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Days:6/1 6/2 6/3 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 6/10 6/11 6/12 6/13 6/14 6/15 6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 6/30 Unit 3 Pre-testing AssemblyProcessing Testing Unit 4 Pre-testingAssembly Processing Testing Final Walk-down/Clean-up for unit 3& 4 B&V / Avista - Coyote Springs Installation Preliminary Schedule (Based on 2 Crews) GSU, 1-Ph, 60 Hz, 532/18/13.8 kV 71/94.66/118.33 MVA Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 105 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 10 Attachment 4 IPB Electrical Duct Supplier Indicative Price Quotations Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 106 of 209 PROPOSAL Ref No: QI-14115 Date: March 25, 2019 Prepared by: Erin Dorris, Proposal Supervisor AZZ Bus Systems Phone: 601.939.9191 ext. 2322 Email: erindorris@azz.com Proposal to: BLACK & VEATCH COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT (401395.63.1201) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 107 of 209 Date: March 25, 2019 Customer: BLACK & VEATCH Attn: MR. CHRIS ECHTER EchterCl@bv.com Ref: COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT (401395.63.1201) AZZ Quote No: QI-14115 Dear Mr. Echter, Thank you for your interest in AZZ Electrical Bus Duct. We are pleased to provide the attached proposal in accordance with your request. Within the proposal attached, you will find General Notes, Commercial/Technical Clarifications and/or Exceptions, Pricing Summary, Quotation Bills of Material, and AZZ’s Standard Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us or your sales representative Grant Agee with Power Equipment Specialists at 303-815-2145 or via email at gagee@pes-co.com Thank you again for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon! Sincerely, AZZ Bus Systems Erin Erin Dorris, Proposal Supervisor cc: Grant Agee, Power Eq. Specialists Stewart Cox, AZZ Electrical 120 Aztec Drive | Richland, MS 39218 USA | Phone: 601.939.9191 | Fax: 601.420.8334 | azz.com Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 108 of 209 Pricing Summary General Notes Commercial Notes Technical Notes Quotation Bills of Material Data Sheets Terms and Conditions AZZ’s Escalation Policy Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 109 of 209 UNIT RUN DESCRIPTION PRICING 1 1 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $83,157 1 2 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $52,654 1 3 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $60,196 2 1 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $81,745 2 2 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $52,684 2 3 18kV 7000A ISOLATED PHASE BUS $61,874 STRUCTURAL SUPPORT STEEL (17,000 Pounds)$44,200 TOTAL EQUIPMENT PRICE (Ex Works Factory)$436,510 OPTIONAL PRICING: 1 $42,900 2 $8,000 3 $8,730 4 $2,619 5 ESTIMATED FREIGHT TO JOBSITE, FCA BOARDMAN, OREGON PE STAMP: State of OREGON EXTENDED WARRANTY PERFORMANCE and WARRANTY LETTER OF CREDIT - 30%/10% PERFORMANCE and/or SUPPLY BOND $6,548 Pricing Summary Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 110 of 209 General Notes: 1. This quotation is valid for a period of thirty (30) days. 2. Delivery to be negotiated at time of order and shall be based on plant loading at that time. 3. Unless otherwise noted, this quotation is per the AZZ Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale; dated November 10, 2010, attached, and made part of our proposal and price. 4. Time allowed for approval drawing submittal will begin after receipt of the order, as well as after receipt of all required design information. 5. The prices quoted are based on information provided at the time of our proposal. If there are changes to the quantities and components during the completion of design (customer requested changes to the original proposal scope of supply or design), a change order will be requested. The request for change order will be based on the unit prices provided in our quotation and must have customer approval prior to final shipment of equipment; this also includes a change order for the freight as well if any changes occur from the original scope of supply. The final price will be based on the certified drawings and adjusted per the unit prices quoted. 6. All drawings will be sent electronically to customer. Additional cost may apply if extra copies are required. 7. Quotation is based on aluminum, current copper and steel prices on the date quoted. Surcharges may be applied at the time of order and/or time of material order placement due to aluminum, copper and steel price increases. 8. AZZ Bus Systems reserves the right to add a freight surcharge. Commercial Notes Clarifications: 1. Calvert proposes terms based on PSP Agreement dated January 23, 2015. Payment terms, liquidated damages, etc. shall be negotiated prior to final acceptance. 2. AZZ’s proposed payment terms are Net 30 days based on the following schedule: a. 10% Down Payment b. 25% Upon Submittal of Drawings for Approval or Start of Fabrication, whichever comes first. c. 60% Monthly based on the value of equipment shipped d. 5% Buyer’s receipt of engineering documents, drawings, spare parts list and instruction manuals. Purchase Orders should be made out to The Calvert Company, Inc. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 111 of 209 Technical Notes Clarifications: 1. AZZ’s bus is built per ANSI/IEEE C37.23 Standards. 2. AZZ’s standard hardware is 304 stainless steel bolts and washers with silicon bronze nuts to prevent galling. 3. A dress-up plate shall be provided to seal between the outside of the bus enclosure and the building opening. 4. Any fire rating or insulating material (for any firestop or wall seal) between the wall and outside of the bus duct enclosure shall be supplied by the buyer. 5. AZZ does not recommend the use of bellows or isolated clam-shells at any isolated phase bus (IPB) termination over 15,000 amps. AZZ has empirical and historical evidence that using bellows in these cases results in significant induced currents on the enclosure and the equipment local to the bellows location due to the premature break in the continuous enclosure design. For this reason, AZZ recommends a fully welded IPB enclosure design without the use of bellows or isolated clam-shells for terminations. 6. AZZ cannot guarantee a bus design allowing bushing removal without cutting and re- welding. This design is dependent on the routing of the bus and detailed equipment termination details. Once AZZ has all required design information, if this design is feasible, a Change Order may be requested to facilitate this design. 7. There are no special tools required for installation or maintenance of bus equipment. No tools have been included in our equipment pricing. 8. There are no start-up spares required for installation of bus equipment. No start-up spares have been included in our equipment pricing. 9. Please note that all heater and dry air piping, power supply, wiring, and conduits are not included in our quote. 10. AZZ provides alignment tools for connections to equipment where flexible connectors will be used. The installation contractor should use these alignment tools as instructed per each alignment tool drawing in order to ensure that the flexes provided will fit properly according to the termination design drawings. Failure to use the alignment tools may result in incorrect or varying alignment and may require special flexible connectors to be purchased to fit the installation. 11. Calvert provides one aluminum rating plate at each end of a run of bus. 12. Generator circuit breakers and/or disconnect switches: a. AZZ’s proposal includes welding the IPB enclosure directly to both sides of the generator circuit breaker or switch enclosures. b. AZZ’s proposal includes our standard conductor termination with the quantity of flexes noted on our attached data sheet. c. Any backing ring, cylinder, or any other special requirements required by the GCB or switch manufacturer shall be supplied by the GCB or switch manufacturer. 13. Structural Steel: a. AZZ’s proposal does not include anchor bolts in our equipment pricing. b. AZZ’s estimate on steel support weight is based on a maximum support cross beam width of the overall bus width, which is noted on the data sheet, plus five (5) feet (i.e.: 2.5 feet extensions on each side) and is based on the bus centerline height noted on our structural steel data sheets. c. AZZ’s estimate on steel includes cross bracing between all support members. If this is not feasible, AZZ reserves the right to revise our pricing for the steel based on the updated design requirements based on the unit price in our proposal. d. No hanger rods or beam clamps have been included in our steel pricing. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 112 of 209 e. Any PE stamps are for structural calculations only. 14. AZZ’s prices do not include performing design tests for the product we plan to furnish. We intend to submit existing test reports or extrapolations performed on similar designs as allowed by IEEE C37.23. We trust that our existing reports will be deemed acceptable. If design testing is added to the project scope the associated costs will be added to the contract price. In the event that tests results prove that equipment modifications are necessary any costs related to the modifications will be added to the price. The addition of design tests and or equipment modifications required as a result of the testing will be subject to extension of the project schedule to accommodate the testing and modifications. Production testing is included in our price and will be carried out in accordance with IEEE C37.23. Any testing outside IEEE C37.23 will be added to the contract price. AZZ confirms our standard bus designs have not changed since type tests were performed. 15. AZZ takes exception to line #108 for the firestop having to be UL or FM listed and proposes our standard firestop per ANSI/IEEE C37.23 standards. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 113 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 1 Run No 1 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 118 FT A14115011 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 24308.00 4 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1528.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 1 EA CAL3AHB0021401 FIRESTOP ASSEMBLY, SS, 3-PH 19253.00 EA 19253.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 11 83157.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: LOW VOLTAGE - A PHASE; UNIT 1 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 114 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 1 Run No 2 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 73 FT A14115012 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 15038.00 4 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1528.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 8 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 3584.00 8 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2168.00 8 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2168.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 12 52654.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: LOW VOLTAGE - B PHASE; UNIT 1 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 115 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 1 Run No 3 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 100 FT A14115013 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 20600.00 4 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1528.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 13 60196.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: LOW VOLTAGE - C PHASE; UNIT 1 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 116 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 2 Run No 1 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 113 FT A14115021 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 23278.00 3 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1146.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 1 EA CAL3AHB0021401 FIRESTOP ASSEMBLY, SS, 3-PH 19253.00 EA 19253.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 21 81745.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: HIGH VOLTAGE - A PHASE; UNIT 2 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 117 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 2 Run No 2 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 75 FT A14115022 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 15450.00 3 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1146.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 8 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 3584.00 8 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2168.00 8 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2168.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 22 52684.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: HIGH VOLTAGE - B PHASE; UNIT 2 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 118 of 209 QUOTATION BILL OF MATERIAL Customer BLACK AND VEATCH Date 03/22/19 End User COYOTE SPRINGS GSU REPLACEMENT Proposal No QI-14115 RFQ/Spec No Unit No 2 Run No 3 Job No Voltage Ampacity Ambient Rise BIL Short Circuit 27FAGEB-131125 18k 7000 150K 155kA Asym QTY SUBASSY DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENSION 110 FT A14115023 BUS SECTIONS, 1-PH 206.00 FT 22660.00 3 EA CAL3AB00410 HORIZ ELBOW, IPB, 1-PH 382.00 EA 1146.00 1 EA CAL3AC00410 TEE-TAP, IPB, 1-PH 366.00 EA 366.00 3 EA CAL3ACF00410 EXISTING BUS TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 2030.00 EA 6090.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021401 EXISTING BUS ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 766.00 EA 2298.00 3 EA CAL3AAH00214 XFMR COMPARTMENT, 1-PH (BUS)2424.00 EA 7272.00 3 EA CAL3AEA0021401 BUS END FLANGE 570.00 EA 1710.00 3 EA CAL3ACG00410 XFMR TERMINATION, ROPE LAY FLEX, 1-PH 1648.00 EA 4944.00 3 EA CAL3AEF0021402 XFMR ENCL TERM, BELLOWS, 1-PH 816.00 EA 2448.00 10 EA CAL3AJR00214 SPLICE, IPB, 1-PH 448.00 EA 4480.00 10 EA CAL3ALF0021401 SADDLE SUPPORT, 1-PH 271.00 EA 2710.00 10 EA CAL3ANA00128 IPB HEATER ASSEMBLY 271.00 EA 2710.00 1 EA CAL3ANC00128 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY, 3-PH 1936.00 EA 1936.00 6 EA CAL3ANF0012802 DRAINS/FILTERS 184.00 EA 1104.00 5/29/18 TOTAL OF RUN 23 61874.00 DESC: 18kV, 7000A, ISOLATED PHASE BUS NOTES: HIGH VOLTAGE - C PHASE; UNIT 2 QR-4.03.06 Rev. 3 9/12/18 Catalog Number Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 119 of 209 CUSTOMER: BLACK AND VEATCH DATE:20-Mar-19 RFQ NO.:COYOTE SPRINGS QUOTE NO.:QI-14115 QUOTE BY:EL REVISION:0 Site Location Generator / Transformer Unit Bus Run A. BUS DESIGN PARAMETERS:English Metric 1 Maximum Rated Voltage kV 27 27 2 Maximum Operating Voltage kV 18 18 3 Rated Continuous Current Amps 7000 7000 4 BIL Rating of the Bus System kV 150 150 5 Momentary Current Rating kAMP-asym 155 155 6 Momentary Current Rating kAMP-Peak 260 260 7 Short Time Current Rating kAMP-sym 100 100 8 Short Time Current Duration Seconds 1 1 9 System Frequency Hertz 60 60 B. ENVIROMENTAL PARAMETERS: 1 Ambient Temperature Deg-C 40 40 2 Max Allowable Conductor Temp Rise Deg-C 65 65 3 Max Allowable Conductor Operating Temp Deg-C 105 105 4 Max Allowable Enclosure Temp Rise Deg-C 40 40 5 Max Allowable Enclosure Operating Temp Deg-C 80 80 6 Elevation Above Sea Level Feet /Meters 3280 1000 7 Solar Station nearest Site 8 Solar Rerate Temperature Degrees C. CONDUCTOR DATA: 1 Bus Catalog Number 2 Conductor Material 3 Conductor Diameter Inches/mm 10 254 4 Conductor Thickness Inches/mm 0.375 9.525 5 Conductor Cross Sectional Area SqIn/Sqmm 11.34 7315.59 6 Conductor Weight Lbs/Ft -kg/m 13.29 19.77 7 Conductor Conductivity %IACS 0.595 0.595 8 Conductor Emissivity Factor 0.9 0.9 9 13.6898 44.91 10 Temperature Coefficient of Resistance 0.0040 0.0040 11 D.C.Resistance @20-C Microhms/Ft-M 1.2073 3.9609 12 D.C.Resistance @105 C Microhms/Ft-M 1.6178 5.3076 13 Skin Effect Factor @105 C 1.0332 1.0332 14 A.C.Resistance @105 C Microhms/Ft-M 1.6714 5.4836 15 Conductor to Enclosure Clearance Inches/mm 10.375 263.5250 16 Base Expansion Temperature Degree-C 0 0 17 Pitch Circumference Inches/mm 30.2378 768.0409 None Applicable 77.0F / 25.0C 1 Boardman, OR 1 Version 17 Resistivity @ 20C Microhms in^2/ft / Microhms-M ISOLATED PHASE BUS DATA SHEET 27FAGEB-131125-AE-15 Extruded Aluminum F:\Quotes\14100\QI-14115 - Black and Veatch - Coyote Springs GSU Replacement\Page 1 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 120 of 209 CUSTOMER: BLACK AND VEATCH DATE:20-Mar-19 RFQ NO.:COYOTE SPRINGS QUOTE NO.:QI-14115 QUOTE BY:EL REVISION:0 Version 17 ISOLATED PHASE BUS DATA SHEET D. ENCLOSURE DATA: 1 Enclosure Material Rolled Alum. 2 Enclosure Diameter Inches/mm 31.125 790.575 3 Enclosure Thickness Inches/mm 0.1875 4.7625 4 Enclosure Cross-Sectional Area SqIn/Sqmm 18.22 11757.20 5 Enclosure Weight Lbs/Ft -kg/m 21.35 31.78 6 Enclosure Conductivity %IACS 0.605 0.605 7 Enclosure Internal Emissivity Factor 0.9 0.9 8 Enclosure External Emissivity Factor 0.8 0.8 9 Temperature Coefficient of Resistance 0.004 0.004 10 Ratio Enclosure Current to Conductor Current 0.95 0.95 11 Pitch Circumference Inches/mm 97.1930 2468.7030 E. INSULATOR DATA: 1 Insulator Type 2 Insulator Arrangement 3 Recommended Phase-Phase Centers Inches/mm 46.6875 1185.8625 4 Proposed Phase-Phase Centers Inches/mm 46.6875 1185.8625 5 Momentary Short Circuit Force Lbs/Ft-Kg/M 125.16 186.26 6 Insulator Cantilever Strength Lbs/kg 2067.23 937.68 7 Max Spacing due to Insul. Strength Feet/Meters 16.52 5.03 8 Proposed Insulator Spacing Feet/Meters 15 4.57 F. CALCULATED VALUES: 1 Max Curent - Bus without Solar Consideration Amperes 2 Rated Continuous Current Amperes 3 Cond. Temp Rise @ Rated Current Deg-C 4 Cond. Oper. Temp @ Rated Current Deg-C 5 Conductor Temp after Short Time Fault Current Deg-C 6 Cond. DC Resistance @ 20Deg-C Microhms/Ft-M 1.2073 3.9609 7 Cond. DC Resistance@ Oper. Temp Microhms/Ft-M 1.5367 5.0417 8 Skin Effect Factor Rac/Rdc 1.0373 9 Cond. AC Resistance @ Oper.Temp Microhms/Ft-M 1.5941 5.2300 10 Conductor Losses @ Rated Current Watts/Ft-M 78.11 256.2695 11 Enclosure Temp Rise @ Rated Current Deg-C 12 Enclosure Oper. Temp @ Rated Current Deg-C 13 Enclosure Temp after Short Time Current Deg-C 14 Enclosure Losses @ Rated Current Watts/Ft-M 37.92 124.4117 15 Total I-square x R Losses Watts/Ft-M 116.03 380.6812 16 Internal Air Temperature @ 8345 Amperes Deg-C 17 Inductance Microhenries/Foot 18 Inductive Reactance Microhms/Ft-M 26.08075 85.5657 19 Inductive Volt Drop Volt/Ft-M 0.18266 0.5993 20 Capacitance Picofarads/Ft-M 15.0747 49.4572 21 Impedance Microhms/Ft-M 26.1294 85.7254 22 Metal Weight Lbs/Ft -kg/m 34.64 51.55 23 Cond. Expansion from 0 to 88 Degrees C In/Ft-mm/M 0.02517 0.1949 24 Enclo. Expansion from 0 to 60 Degrees C In/Ft-mm/M 0.01683 0.1303 60.99 79.77 0.06922 48.22 88.22 91.19 19.94 59.94 8345 7000 Porcelain Post One / Location F:\Quotes\14100\QI-14115 - Black and Veatch - Coyote Springs GSU Replacement\Page 2 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 121 of 209 Dimension Symbol Inches Millimeters Conductor Diameter =D = 10 254 Conductor Thickness=T = 0.375 9.525 Enclosure Diameter =D1 = 31.125 790.575 Enclosure Thickness=T1 = 0.1875 4.7625 Phase to Phase Centers =P1 = 46.6875 1185.8625 Overall Width of 3-Phase Assembly=OW = 124.5 3162.3 Maximum Insulator Spacing =IS3 = 180 4572 Number Insulators Per Location =NI = 1 1 Single Phase Weight / Foot (with insulators) =36.975 lbs / ft 55.024 kg / m Three Phase Weight / Foot (with insulators) =110.925 lbs / ft 165.073 kg / m Bus Catalog Number =27FAGEB-131125-AE-15 Conductor Termination =10 750kcmil Rope Lay Enclosure Expan & Earth Quake =10 750kcmil Rope Lay ISOLATED PHASE BUS DATA SHEET Version 16 T T1 P1 P1 DD1 OW F:\Quotes\14100\QI-14115 - Black and Veatch - Coyote Springs GSU Replacement\Page 3 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 122 of 209 1 AZZ incorporated, Electrical Products Group Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale November 10, 2010 Rev. 0 Atkinson Industries, Inc. Pittsburg, KS Electrical Power Systems, Inc. Tulsa, OK The Calvert Company, Inc. Richland, MS CGIT Systems, Inc. Medway, MA Central Electric Manufacturing. Co. Fulton, MO Rig-A-Lite Partnership, Ltd. Houston, TX AZZ Blenkhorn & Sawle Limited St. Catharines, ON, Canada The terms and conditions set forth below shall constitute the expression of all the terms of this agreement as a complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between COMPANY (hereafter referred to as SELLER, any of the wholly-owned subsidiaries of AZZ incorporated listed above) and the PURCHASER (hereafter referred to as BUYER). TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Unless different or additional terms and conditions are stated or referred to in the SELLER’s proposal or final order acknowledgement, in which event such different or additional terms and conditions shall be exclusive as to the particular subject covered, the terms and conditions stated below shall apply. These terms and conditions shall supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. No course of prior dealings between the parties and no usage of the trade shall be relevant to supplement or explain any term used in these terms and conditions. Acceptance or acquiescence in a course of performance rendered under these terms and conditions shall not be relevant to determine the meaning of these terms and conditions even though the accepting or acquiescing party has knowledge of the nature of the performance and the opportunity for objection. All orders are subject to approval by SELLER. Any additional or different terms or conditions set forth in the BUYER’s order or other communications are objected to and shall not be effective or binding unless assented to by an authorized representative of the SELLER. Any waiver or alteration of terms herein shall not be binding unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the SELLER. Each quotation is valid for 60 days. PRICES All product prices are F.O.B. SELLER's plant, or point of origination of shipment unless otherwise specified and shall be the prices in effect at the time of shipment. All prices for service shall be at SELLER’s prevailing rates at the time service is performed. However, prices are subject to change without notice in the event of: (1) alterations in specifications, quantities, designs, or delivery schedules; and (2) foreign or domestic legislation (including tax legislation) enacted by any level of government which would increase the cost of producing, warehousing or selling the goods purchased hereunder. In addition, prices may be subject to escalation as negotiated at the time of quotation and receipt of order. All costs for modification or adjustment to the products required to suit unforeseen field conditions or errors or omissions in the information supplied to SELLER, with or without SELLER's aid, shall be assumed and paid by BUYER. No discount will be allowed unless specifically set forth in accordance with the established price and discount schedules of the SELLER. In the event of a price change, the effective date of the change will be the date shown on the new price or discount sheets. However, where a price change is made in writing, the effective date may be given as part of the announcement. TAXES Any excise, sales, use, GST/HST or similar tax or duty of any nature whatsoever arising out of, or assessed against orders, shall be added to the prices quoted and paid by the BUYER unless BUYER provides SELLER with an exemption certificate or other documents acceptable to taxing or customs authorities at the time an order is submitted. In the event SELLER is required to pay any such taxes or duties, the BUYER shall reimburse SELLER thereon. PAYMENT AND CREDIT TERMS Subject to establishment of satisfactory credit, terms are strictly net cash thirty (30) days from date of invoice, payable in U.S. funds. Invoices will be issued as shipments are made. If shipments are delayed by the BUYER, payments shall become due on the date when the SELLER is prepared to make shipment. If the work to be performed hereunder is delayed by the BUYER, payments shall be made based on the purchase price and the percentage of completion. Equipment held for the BUYER shall be at the risk and expense of the BUYER. If payments are not made in accordance with these terms and conditions, a service charge will, without prejudice to the right of SELLER to Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 123 of 209 2 immediate payment, be added in an amount equal to the lower of 1.5% per month or fraction thereof or the highest legal rate on the unpaid balance. Until the purchase price and all other sums due pursuant hereto are paid in full, SELLER retains a security interest in the materials sold (hereafter sometimes referred to as 'Goods') and in all proceeds of said Goods. BUYER shall execute financing statement(s) on request and authorizes SELLER to execute and file same. If the financial condition of the BUYER at any time does not, in the judgment of the SELLER, justify continuance of the work to be performed by the SELLER hereunder on the terms of payment agreed upon, the SELLER may require full or partial payment in advance or shall be entitled to cancel any order then outstanding and shall receive reimbursement of its reasonable and proper cancellation charges. In the event of bankruptcy or insolvency of the BUYER or in the event any proceeding is brought against the BUYER, voluntarily or involuntarily, under the bankruptcy or any insolvency laws, the SELLER shall be entitled to cancel any order then outstanding at any time during the period allowed for filing claims against the estate and shall receive reimbursement for its reasonable and proper cancellation charges. In event of cancellation, SELLER shall be entitled to receive reasonable cancellation charges and shall not in such event be liable for breach or nonperformance of contract in whole or in part. The rights of the SELLER under this paragraph are cumulative and in addition to all rights available to the SELLER at law or in equity. PROVISIONS ON PAYMENT VOUCHERS Exception is taken to any provisions printed either on the front or back of payment drafts, vouchers and checks. Those provisions will not be considered a part of this Agreement. SELLER's endorsement is not an acceptance of such provisions. ORDERS Orders are subject to a minimum billing per order and acceptance at the home office of the SELLER. All orders and shipments shall, at all times, be subject to the approval of the SELLER’s Credit Department. For products manufactured specifically for BUYER and in accordance with BUYER's instructions, SELLER shall cause plans and/or drawings to be prepared and submitted to BUYER for approval. The approved plans and/or drawings shall be a part of the agreement between BUYER and SELLER and the products will be manufactured by SELLER in accordance therewith. Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by BUYER to the SELLER in connection with performance hereunder are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence except as may be otherwise provided in a writing signed by a duly authorized representative of the SELLER. PACKAGING All materials are carefully packed/packaged for Domestic shipment and prices stated are based on SELLER's standard packaging. SELLER reserves the right of packaging material in any manner acceptable to commercial carrier. Special customer packaging will be furnished only when specified in writing, and the cost thereof shall be borne by the BUYER. SELLER will not be responsible for loss, delay or damage made by carriers. However, SELLER will render BUYER all possible assistance in securing satisfactory adjustments of such claims. DELIVERY Unless otherwise specified, all products are shipped F.O.B. point of shipment, whereupon delivery to a carrier shall constitute delivery to BUYER per INCOTERMS. Any claim by BUYER for shortage or damage occurring subsequent to such delivery or for nonconformance of Goods must be made within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the Goods from carrier in the condition claimed, or such Goods shall be deemed finally inspected, checked and accepted by BUYER. Should the BUYER request that SELLER delay shipment, once manufacturing and testing are completed, SELLER will store such equipment, subject to the following conditions: a) Upon completion, the BUYER will allow SELLER to issue an invoice for the equipment and process said invoice, within the payment terms of the purchase order, as if the equipment had actually shipped. b) BUYER agrees to assume title and ownership of the equipment on the date the invoice is issued. c) BUYER agrees to pay SELLER applicable handling and storage fees until time of shipment. If shipment is delayed for more than three months, an additional fee will be assessed for inspection and cleaning of the equipment prior to shipment. BUYER agrees to accept and sign a Bill & Hold Agreement in a form acceptable to SELLER (which shall, in any event, include provisions a) through c) above) STORAGE CHARGES Goods held in the factory or placed in storage beyond the completion/delivery date for the convenience of BUYER will be invoiced monthly. Terms of payment will apply from invoice date. Title and risk of loss shall pass to the BUYER upon invoicing or moving of such Goods to storage. Said Goods will be subject to charges for warehousing, any direct costs of storage, and any other expenses incidental to such delay. BUYER agrees to pay SELLER any direct costs of storage charges plus an additional 10% thereof. Such direct costs may include delivery charges to a storage facility if necessitated. FORCE MAJEURE The SELLER shall not be liable in any way for default or delay in delivery or in performance or failure to manufacture or deliver, due to contingencies beyond its control or the control of its suppliers or sub-contractors. This includes but is not limited to acts of God, acts of the BUYER, acts of civil or military authority, acts of war, priorities, bombings, accidents, fires, strikes or other labor disturbances, floods, droughts, epidemics, riot, inability on account of causes beyond SELLER’s reasonable control to obtain necessary labor, materials, components or manufacturing facilities, or any other contingency affecting the SELLER, its suppliers, or Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 124 of 209 3 sub-contractors. In the event of any such delay, the SELLER shall have the right to cancel a contract of sale or to extend the date of delivery or performance by a minimum period at least equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. SHIPPING AND ROUTING SELLER will notify BUYER when the products or any part thereof are ready for shipment. If the contemplated shipment cannot be made for any cause referred to under "Force Majeure" hereof, including the lack of shipping instructions for the BUYER or BUYER appointed independent freight forwarder, SELLER may, unless other agreement is made with the BUYER, store such products or parts in which event the following conditions shall apply: a) BUYER shall advise SELLER of shipping instructions within ten days from the date of SELLER notification that the products are ready for shipment. b) If SELLER does not receive shipping instructions within such ten day period, then all expenses incurred by SELLER in connection with the storage of products including demurrage, the cost of preparation for storage, storage charges, taxes, insurance, if placed, and handling charges shall be payable by the BUYER upon submission of invoices and warehouse receipts therefore. SELLER shall select the point of origin of shipment, the method of transportation, the type of carrier equipment and the routing of the shipment. If the BUYER specifies a special method of transportation, type of carrier equipment, routing or delivery requirement, BUYER shall pay all special freight and handling charges. When freight is included in the price, no allowance will be made in lieu of transportation if the Buyer accepts shipment at factory, warehouse or freight station or otherwise supplies its own transportation. Except in the event of shipments specifically designated by SELLER as F.O.B. destination shipments, SELLER will not participate in any settlement of claims for concealed or other shipment damage. When shipment has been made on an F.O.B. destination basis, the BUYER must unpack immediately and, if damage is discovered, must: 1. Not move the product from the point of examination. 2. Retain shipping container and packing material. 3. Notify the carrier of any apparent damage in writing on carrier's delivery receipt and request the carrier to make an inspection. 4. Notify SELLER representative within 72 hours of delivery. 5. Send SELLER a copy of the carrier's inspection report. For the avoidance of doubt, risk of loss or damage to the products shall pass to BUYER at the F.O.B. point. CANCELLATIONS AND CHANGES Orders are not subject to cancellation, additions, changes in specifications, shipping schedules, or any other conditions except with SELLER's written consent and subject to conditions then agreed upon. The BUYER may cancel his order only upon written notice and upon payment to the SELLER of reasonable and proper cancellation charges, which may take into account, without limitation (costs of materials incurred through the date of cancellation, charges for labor for work done through the date of cancellation, overhead and the SELLER’s margin on such materials and labor). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in the case of cancellations, BUYER shall indemnify SELLER against any liability and expense incurred and commitments made by SELLER in the course of processing and performing such order and shall provide for compensation for the contract value of products or parts completed and ready for shipment, plus an additional payment equal to 10% of the amount of the payment for which SELLER otherwise would have invoiced BUYER with respect to such order. Any orders delayed or rescheduled at the request of the BUYER will be subject to the prices and conditions of sale in effect at the time of the release of the hold or reschedule. ERRORS All clerical errors are subject to correction. PATENTED PROCESSES The purchase of the Goods does not entitle BUYER to employ the same with any patented process owned by SELLER or others. PATENT INFRINGEMENT (A) SELLER shall, at its expense, defend any lawsuit brought against BUYER based on a claim that any product furnished by SELLER pursuant to this agreement constitutes an infringement of any United States or Canadian patent, and SELLER shall pay all judgments and costs recovered against BUYER in any such suit and shall reimburse BUYER for costs or expenses incurred by BUYER in the defense of any such suit, provided that BUYER gives SELLER prompt notice of such suit, reasonable assistance in the defense thereof, and full opportunity to control all aspects of the defense thereof, including settlement. In the event such product is held to constitute infringement, and the use of the product is enjoined, SELLER shall, at its option, procure for the BUYER the right to continue using the product, replace it with non-infringing product, modify it so it becomes non- infringing, or remove the product and refund the portion of the contract price applicable thereto, including the transportation and installation thereof. (B) SELLER’s liability for patent infringement shall not apply to: 1. Patented processes performed by the product or another product produced thereby; 2. Products supplied according to a design other than that of SELLER and which is required by the BUYER; or 3. Modifications of the product or combinations of the product with another product not furnished by SELLER. (C) THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF SELLER FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT BY ANY PRODUCT FURNISHED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT AND ARE Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 125 of 209 4 CONTINGENT UPON BUYER NOT TAKING ANY POSITION ADVERSE TO SELLER IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH CLAIM. (D) If a suit is brought against SELLER on account of: any patented processes performed by the product or with respect to another product produced thereby, products supplied according to a design other than that of SELLER and which is required by the BUYER; or modifications of the product or combinations of the product with another product not furnished by SELLER, BUYER shall indemnify SELLER in the same manner and to the same extent that SELLER would indemnify BUYER pursuant to the foregoing paragraphs. DESIGNS All designs and specifications shown in SELLER’s catalogs/brochures are subject to change without notice. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT Any assignment of this contract or any rights hereunder without written consent of the SELLER shall be void. The provisions of this contract are for the benefit of the parties thereto and not for any other individual or company. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SELLER and its contractors and suppliers of any tier shall not be liable in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise for damage or loss of other property or equipment, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of equipment or power system, cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement power or temporary equipment (including additional expenses incurred in using existing facilities), claims of customers of the BUYER, or for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages whatsoever, regardless of whether such potential damages are foreseeable or if SELLER has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Consequential damages for purposes hereof shall include without limitation, loss of income or profit, or losses sustained as the result of injury (including death) to any person, or loss of or damage to property. BUYER shall indemnify SELLER against all liability, cost, or expense which may be sustained by SELLER on account of any such loss, damage or injury. Other than in the case of orders placed to or shipped from the SELLER’s Canadian locations, any additional or different terms specifically relating to or addressing the subject matter of this paragraph shall be deemed material alterations within the meaning of Section 2.207(b)(2) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. The remedies of the BUYER set forth herein are exclusive and the total cumulative liability of the SELLER with respect to these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, or anything done in connection therewith such as the performance or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, or use of any product covered by or furnished under these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, whether in contract, in tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, shall not exceed the price of the product or part on which such liability is based. No action, regardless of form, arising out of the transaction under these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, may be brought by Purchaser more than one (1) year after the cause of action has accrued. If the SELLER furnishes BUYER with advice or other assistance that concerns any products supplied hereunder or any system or equipment in which any such product may be installed and which is not required pursuant to these terms and conditions, the furnishing of such advice or assistance will not subject the SELLER to any liability, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence) or otherwise. WARRANTY SELLER warrants that the Goods manufactured by it and/or services provided by it will be free from defect in workmanship, material and manufacture; provided, however, that this warranty shall terminate on the date one (1) year from the date of shipment. In the event any service supplied or product sold hereunder manufactured by the SELLER is defective due to workmanship or material, the SELLER agrees for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, at its option, to correct such non-conformity or replace such defective part or product. The agreement, however, is upon condition that the BUYER promptly notifies the SELLER in writing of any claim in this respect, setting forth in detail any such claimed defect and that the SELLER Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 126 of 209 5 be afforded a reasonable opportunity to examine the product and to investigate the claimed defect. This warranty does not obligate the SELLER to bear any transportation charges in connection with the replacement or repair of defective products. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the SELLER shall be, in no event, liable for damages, whether based in contract or negligence, beyond the lower of the cost of correcting the non-conformity as herein provided or the price paid by the BUYER for such defective product and shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damage whatsoever. SELLER's warranty does not apply to any product which has been subjected to misuse, mishandling, misapplication, abuse neglect (including but not limited to improper maintenance), accident, improper installation or storage, modification (including but not limited to use of unauthorized parts or attachments), or adjustment or repair performed by anyone other than SELLER or one of SELLER's authorized agents. This warranty does not cover reimbursement for labor, gaining access, removal, installation, temporary power or any other expenses, which may be incurred in connection with repair or replacement. Goods which may be sold by SELLER but which are not manufactured by SELLER are not warranted by SELLER, but are sold only with the warranties, if any, of the manufacturers thereof. SELLER does not warrant any products or services of others that BUYER has designated. The liability of the SELLER shall not exceed any adjustments with respect to which such manufacturer accepts responsibility. No affirmation, modification, or addition to this agreement with respect to warranty of the SELLER, either before or after contract of sale, shall be made except in writing by an authorized representative of the SELLER. In no event shall Seller be responsible for gaining access to the product(s), disassembly, or reassembly. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE NOT EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN. BY ACCEPTANCE HEREOF, THE BUYER AGREES THAT THERE ARE NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES BY THE SELLER OR BY ANY MANUFACTURER AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, CAPACITY, OR EFFICIENCY OF ANY PRODUCT SOLD OTHER THAN EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, AND THAT THERE ARE NO ORAL OR IMPLIED ADDITIONAL WARRANTIES MADE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY SALE BASED HEREON. CORRECTION OF NON¬CONFORMITIES IN THE MANNER AND FOR THE PERIOD OF TIME PROVIDED ABOVE SHALL CONSTITUTE SELLER'S SOLE LIABILITY AND BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR FAILURE OF SELLER TO MEET ITS WARRANTY OBLIGATIONS, WHETHER CLAIMS OF THE BUYER ARE BASED IN CONTRACT, IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY) OR OTHERWISE. For the avoidance of doubt, the warranties and remedies set forth herein are conditioned upon (a) proper storage, installation, use and maintenance, and conformance with any applicable recommendations of SELLER and (b) BUYER promptly notifying SELLER of any defects and, if required, promptly making the product available for correction. GOVERNING LAW The rights and remedies of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the law of the State of Texas. SELLER certifies that its goods will be produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of Section 6, 7, and 12 of the Fair Labor Standards Act, as amended, and of regulations and orders of the U. S. Department of Labor issued pursuant thereto. Despite the foregoing, in the case of orders placed to or shipped from the SELLER’s Canadian locations, the rights and remedies of the parties hereunder shall be governed by the law of Ontario, Canada. SELLER certifies that its goods will be produced in compliance with all applicable requirements. NUCLEAR FACILITIES AND ACTIVITIES Unless otherwise agreed in writing by a duly authorized representative of SELLER, products sold hereunder are not intended for use in connection with any nuclear facility or activity. If so used, the provisions of the immediately following paragraph will apply. NUCLEAR INSURANCE – INDEMNITY If any products sold hereunder are used in connection with any nuclear facility or activity, SELLER and its suppliers shall have no liability to BUYER or its insurers for any nuclear damage or contamination, and BUYER shall indemnify SELLER against any such liability, whether as a result of breach of contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including SELLER's negligence), strict liability or otherwise. The provisions in the paragraph titled “WARRANTY” above, and any other provision herein that may require SELLER to indemnify BUYER, if any, shall not apply to any damages or bodily injury, or both, arising out of a "nuclear incident", as that term is defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the "Act"). In addition, BUYER shall furnish financial protection as required by Section 170 of the Act, including an agreement of indemnification and/or nuclear liability insurance from ANI and MAELU, or both, pursuant to Section 170 of the Act, as applicable. BUYER shall not remove any items of equipment from the plant site or otherwise transfer any interest therein without first providing SELLER with written assurance of limitation of and protection against liability (both nuclear and non-nuclear) following the proposed removal or transfer in a form reasonably acceptable to SELLER. Removal or transfer contrary to this provision shall, in addition to any other legal or equitable rights of SELLER, make BUYER the indemnitor of SELLER and its suppliers to the same extent that they would have been protected had no such removal or transfer taken place. Any of SELLER's material or equipment which becomes radioactive at the work site, shall, at SELLER's option, be purchased by BUYER. Any nuclear decontamination necessary for SELLER's performance Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 127 of 209 6 (including warranty) shall be performed by BUYER without cost to SELLER. This paragraph and the foregoing one apply in their entirety to orders originating from SELLER’s Canadian operations which would otherwise be governed by Ontario Law. CLAIMS Any claim by BUYER with reference to the Goods sold hereunder shall be deemed waived by the BUYER unless submitted in writing to SELLER within ten (10) days from the date BUYER discovered, or by reasonable inspection should have discovered, any claimed breach of the foregoing warranty. Any cause of action for breach of the foregoing warranty shall be brought within one (1) year from the date the alleged breach was discovered or should have been discovered, whichever occurs first. At SELLER's request, BUYER will send, at BUYER’s sole expense, any allegedly defective parts to the plant of SELLER which manufactured them or such other place as SELLER may request. Parts, products which are repaired, or replacement parts or products, shall be delivered to BUYER F.O.B. SELLER's plant or such other place as SELLER may designate. FAILURE TO ENFORCE Forbearance or failure of the SELLER to enforce any of these conditions, or to exercise any right accruing from any default of the BUYER, shall not constitute a waiver of SELLER’s rights hereunder or, for the avoidance of doubt, affect or impair the SELLER’s rights should default continue, or in case of subsequent default of BUYER. Such forbearance or failure shall not be deemed a waiver of the SELLER’s rights in case of other or future defaults of the BUYER. COMPLIANCE WITH OSHA SELLER offers no warranty and makes no representation that its products comply with the provisions or standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, or any regulation issued thereunder. In no event shall SELLER be liable for any loss, damage, fines, penalty or expenses arising under said Act. ARBITRATION Any disputes or differences concerning the performance, breach or interpretation of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions, or any agreement between BUYER and SELLER governed hereby, other than for SELLER’s Canadian locations, shall be resolved only by binding arbitration to be conducted in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the State of Texas and the proceeding will be held in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. For orders placed to or shipped from the SELLER’s Canadian locations, any such disputes or differences shall be resolved only by binding arbitration rules of the Province of Ontario and the proceeding will be held in Toronto, Ontario. Any judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. GENERAL The provisions of these terms and conditions are for the benefit of the parties thereto and not for any other person. No understanding, promise or representation, and no waiver, alteration or modification of any of the provisions hereof, shall be binding upon the SELLER unless assented to in writing by an authorized representative of the SELLER. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any of the foregoing paragraphs will not affect the remainder of such paragraph or any other paragraph contained herein. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 128 of 209 CALVERT ESCALATION POLICY REV2 WIP.doc The Calvert Company Escalation Policy Isolated Phase Bus Systems Segregated Phase Bus Systems Non-Segregated Phase Bus Systems To protect against drastic increases in raw material costs over the life of this project, The Calvert Company will utilize the following escalation policy as an integral part of this contract for copper, aluminum, and structural steel, as applicable, and as determined by published indices. The published indices used for calculating applicable escalation are based on the following: Copper and Aluminum: COMEX prices as published daily in the Wall Street Journal. Structural Steel: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Index WPU101 With an order placed within the timeframe of the validity of the quotation, the “Base Level” for copper and aluminum will be determined as the average of the daily COMEX prices published in the Wall Street Journal during the calendar month in which the quotation was issued. For any month throughout the life of the contract, the “Average Daily Cash Price” will be calculated for the month immediately prior to shipment 1. The “Base Level” for structural steel will be based on the average monthly index for Iron and Steel as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics during the calendar month in which the quotation was issued. For any month throughout the life of the contract, the “Average Daily Cash Price” will be calculated for the month immediately prior to shipment 2. Definitions CB = Base Level of Copper (determined at the time of order, and included in the quotation) AB = Base Level of Aluminum (determined at the time of order, and included in the quotation) SB = Base Level of Steel (determined at the time of order, and included in the quotation) C1 = Average Daily Cash Price of Copper (for month immediately prior to shipment) A1 = Average Daily Cash Price of Aluminum (for month immediately prior to shipment) S1 = Average Daily Cash Price of Steel (for month immediately prior to shipment) Contract Escalation for Isolated Phase Bus Systems Escalation for Isolated Phase Bus Systems will be based on the total weight of aluminum and structural steel supports supplied as part of the contract. The total price change will be calculated as follows: Escalation Percentage: EP = [((A1 / AB) – 1) x .40] + [((S1 / SB) – 1) x .15] Calvert will hold prices firm for raw material cost swings from a Base Level, which affect the Escalation Percentage less than 2%. If the Escalation Percentage varies by more than 2%, then prices will be adjusted by multiplying the contract price of equipment by 1 + EP. 1 Under cash prices for commodities in the WSJ: “Aluminum Comex lb.” for aluminum; “Copper, high gr lb, Cmx sp price” for copper 2 Under Producer Price Index – Commodities, Series Id WPU101 for Iron and steel Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 129 of 209 CALVERT ESCALATION POLICY REV2 WIP.doc Contract Escalation for Segregated Phase Bus Systems Escalation for Segregated Phase Bus Systems will be based on the total weight of aluminum and structural steel supports supplied as part of the contract. The total price change will be calculated as follows: Escalation Percentage: EP = [((A1 / AB) -1) x .15] + [((C1 / CB) – 1) x .25] + [((S1 / SB) - 1) x .10] Calvert will hold prices firm for raw material cost swings from a Base Level, which affect the Escalation Percentage less than 2%. If the Escalation Percentage varies by more than 2%, then prices will be adjusted by multiplying the contract price of equipment by 1 + EP. Contract Escalation for Non-Segregated Phase Bus Systems Escalation for Segregated Phase Bus Systems will be based on the total weight of aluminum and structural steel supports supplied as part of the contract. The total price change will be calculated as follows: Escalation Percentage: EP = [((A1 / AB) -1) x .15] + [((C1 / CB) – 1) x .25] + [((S1 / SB) - 1) x .10] Calvert will hold prices firm for raw material cost swings from a Base Level, which affect the Escalation Percentage less than 2%. If the Escalation Percentage varies by more than 2%, then prices will be adjusted by multiplying the contract price of equipment by 1 + EP. Examples ONLY As a point of reference, the Average Daily Cash Prices for copper, aluminum, and steel for the current month were as follows: Copper: $3.50 / lb. Aluminum: $1.30 / lb. Steel: 185 Using the above numbers as “base” numbers (i.e., CB = $3.50, AB = $1.30, and Steel = 185) in the following examples, and assuming new values of C1, A1, and S1 as shown, this Price Escalation Clause would affect pricing as follows: Example 1: Non-segregated Phase Bus Systems Including Steel Structures A1 = $1.32 C1 = $3.00 S1 = 188 EP = [((1.32/1.30) - 1) x .15] + [((3.00/2.98) -1) x .25] + [((188/185) -1) x .10] EP = 0.005607 (0.56%) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 130 of 209 CALVERT ESCALATION POLICY REV2 WIP.doc Since EP is less than 2%, escalation does not apply. Example 2: Isolated Phase Bus Systems Including Structural Steel A1 = $1.40 S1 = 188.2 EP = [((1.40/1.30) - 1) x .40] + [((188.2/185) -1) x .15] EP = 0.0262 (2.62%) Since EP is greater than 2%, escalation does apply. New Price for Bus System = Contract Price x (1 + .0262) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 131 of 209 BUDGETARY PROPOSAL Proposal to: Black and Veatch Coyote Springs GSU Replacement David Smith Service Manager AZZ Bus Systems Phone: 601.939.9191 ext.2380 Email: davidsmith@azz.com Ref No: CQ-2532 Date: March 25, 2019 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 132 of 209 2 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) Date: March 25, 2019 Customer: Black and Veatch Ref: Inquiry: Coyote Spring GSU Replacement Calvert Co. Quote #: CQ-2532 Dear Chris Echter, Thank you for your interest in AZZ Installation Services. We are pleased to provide the attached proposal in response to your request for a budgetary proposal to demolition of existing isolated phase bus from the building to the transformer. Plus install the newly configured isolated phase bus to the new designed confirmation to allow for connecting to the new phase transformer line up arrangement for two units. Within the proposal attached, you will find General Notes, Commercial Clarifications and/or Exceptions, Technical Clarifications and/or Exceptions, as applicable, a Pricing Summary, and other documentation pertinent to your specific project. Price quoted is by our non-union labor force. If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact your local AZZ authorized Sales Representative Grant Agee with Power Equipment Specialist at (303) 815-2142. Customer contact: Chris Echter at (303) 256-4055. Thank you again for your interest. Sincerely, David Smith Office (601) 939-9191 ext. 2380 Cell (601) 594-4884 Fax (601) 936-9398 cc: Mark Samol, AZZ Incorporated Stewart Cox, AZZ Incorporated Grant Agee, Power Equipment Specialist Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 133 of 209 3 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) Table of Contents Cover Page 1 Proposal Letter 2 Table of Contents 3 Pricing Summary 4 Daily Rates 5 General Notes 5 Commercial Clarifications/Exceptions 5-6 Technical Clarifications/Exceptions 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 134 of 209 4 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) PRICING SUMMARY Services Description Price • Travel time for 7 men • Airfare • Tool shipment GSU for both runs of IPB: Plus the Installation of the new bus for bot STG and CTG Unit 2 from the building wall back to the GSUs: • Seven men working ten hours a day/six days per week for five weeks • Scaffolding (ten locations) anything needed above the quoted amount will price at billed at actual cost. • Care for five weeks • One man lift for five weeks • One for lift for five weeks • One small office trailer • Hand tools • Consumables • Welding equipment • PPE Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 135 of 209 5 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) Additional Rates for Scope Changes and or Delays (Per Technician) Daily Rate 8 hours worked, Monday through Friday or any day of travel $2,047.00 per day Saturday Rate 8 hours worked on Saturday $2,852.00 per day Overtime Hourly Rate Hours worked in excess of regular 8 hour work day during the week and on Saturdays Daily Rate Overtime Rate work day on Sundays and Holidays *Labor, local transportation, per diem, and lodging are included in these rates General Notes 1. AZZ Field Technicians hold Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC) 2. AZZ Field Technicians are OSHA-30 certified. 3. AZZ employees have passed a thorough background check. 4. AZZ employees are in compliance with AZZs Drug and Alcohol policy. 5. AZZ welders are ASTM and ANSI/AWS MIG certified aluminum welders. 6. Our personnel will require access to restroom facilities. Commercial Clarifications/Exceptions 1. This quotation is valid for a period of 30 days. 2. AZZ must receive a purchase order before any work will be scheduled. All terms and conditions must be negotiated prior to final acceptance. We have attached our standard terms for your review. 3. Payments are Net 30 days from invoice date. 4. All local and state construction permits or licenses to be provided by the owner. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 136 of 209 6 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week After Hour or Emergency Repair Service: (866)688-2258) 5. Delays by the purchaser or by prerequisite work of others will require an adjustment of AZZs time and expenses. 6. Orientation is included in this quote and is based on a standard 1 to 2 hours in duration. 7. Price quoted does not include any additional onsite testing or certification of welders. 8. Crane-truck (with operator) to perform welding to be supplied by AZZ. 9. If required, scaffolding to be supplied by the AZZ. 10. Argon gas (99.9% purity) to be supplied by AZZ. 11. A full time safety director is not included in this quote. 12. A dedicated fire watch is not included in this quote. 13. Pricing for the receipt and unloading of material is not included in this quote. 14. AZZs proposal must be made a part of the contract agreement for clarification purposes. Technical Clarifications/Exceptions 1. Our crew will require access to 110V, 20A electrical power hook-up. 2. Our welding machines will require connection to the plant’s 60-amp, 480V, 3-phase electrical service. 3. AZZ will dispose of our debris in owner-supplied dumpsters. Please submit PO as follows: The Calvert Company, Inc. 120 Aztec Drive Richland, MS 39218 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 137 of 209 Proposal Number :190326A1I Customer :Black and Veatch Salesman:Cliff Norris Revision:Project :Coyote Springs GSU Replacement Account Manager:Cliff Norris Date :March 26, 2019 Contact Name / Phone:Chris Echter 303-256-4055 Sales Associate:Hartigan Power - Matt Oliver Proposal validity:30 Days Fax / email :EchterCI@BV.com Purchase Order: Payment Terms :30 Days Project Number: Version:June 27, 2018 ITEM GSU X to CTG GSU Y to CTG Structural  Bus Run1  Bus Run2  Bus Run3  Bus Run4  Bus Run5  Bus Run6     Epoxy Insulators     Porcelain Insulators 30 30 30Voltage Class 18kV 150kV BIL 13.8kV 150kV BIL 18kV 150kV BILCurrent Rating 65°C Rise, 40°C Amb./60Hz 7,000 Amperes 7,000 Amperes 7,000 AmperesCapacitance Pico Farads / Ft. / Φ 1.59E+01 1.59E+01 1.59E+01Inductance Microhenry / Ft. / Φ 6.53E-02 6.53E-02 6.53E-02Standard watt loss / 3Φ  Foot 422 422 422Enclosure Painted Aluminum 1100-H14 32.25"OD X .157"Thk.1100-H14 32.25"OD X .157"Thk.1100-H1432.25"OD X .157"Thk.Conductor Painted Aluminum 6101-T64 11.00"OD X .313"Thk.6101-T64 11.00"OD X .313"Thk.6101-T6411.00"OD X .313"Thk.Weight 103 Pounds per 3 Φ foot 103 Pounds per 3 Φ foot 103 Pounds per 3 Φ footWithstand Current 260 kA Asymmetrical 260 kA Asymmetrical 260 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical 0 kA Asymmetrical Description Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Qty.Unit Price Single phase length 285 $397per ft.315 $397per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.$0per ft.Elbows - 1-Phase 12 $428 15 $428 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Transition to existing bus - 1-Phase 3 $500 3 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Conductor expansion joint - 1 Phase 6 $761 6 $761 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Enclosure expansion joint - 1 Phase 6 $885 6 $885 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Tee Tap - 1 Phase 3 $347 3 $347 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $012 Ft. Max.- 1 Phase 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Porcelain Insulator 12 Ft. Max.- 1 Phase 42 $894 48 $894 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Seal-Off Bushing - 1 Phase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Shorting Plate - 2-Phase 3 $1,689 3 $1,689 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Wall Plate - 3 Phase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $03-Phase Encl. Support 19 $991 23 $991 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Transformer Termination (1-Phase)6 $5,654 6 $5,654 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Generator Termination (1-Phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Circuit Breaker Termination (1-Phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Auxiliary transformer Termination - 1 Phase $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Disconnect Link -( 1 Phase) 1HDP82 2321 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Hanger Supports $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Wall Supports $0 $0 6 $1,113 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Double Column Support 10 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Double Column Support 20 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Double Column Support 30 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Quad Column Support 10 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Quad Column Support 20 foot max $0 $0 5 $9,824 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Quad Column Support 30 foot max $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Column Weight =23,879 Lbs.GCB Support 10 foot max.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GCB Support 20 foot max.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0GCB Support 30 foot max.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0GCB Weight =0,000 Lbs.$0 $0 $0Total Weight =23,879 Lbs.$0 $0 $41,812$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0PT & Surge Connection (1-Phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 P.T. & Surge Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Generator Neutral Tie $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Generator Neutral Ground Compt.$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Grounding Switch Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Disconnect Switch Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Cable Termination Compartment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Heater Assemblies 42 $185 48 $185 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0Heater Control Cabinet $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0CT Inside Enclosure $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Thermostat3$294 3 $294 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Thermometer w/Window $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Air Pressurization System $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $02 Hour Fire Stop (1-phase)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Neutral Ground Transformer/Resistor $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0IR Window $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 Buyout Items $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$234,685 $258,311 $55,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Supports only $0 $0 $55,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Bus only $234,685 $258,311 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Freight Terms:Prepaid & Allowed Notice:Shipping Point:FOB Technibus This pricing is the property of Technibus and is consideredproprietary and confidential. Any use duplication ordisclosure of the contents requires prior written authorization. * Please consult factory for derating factors and special construction, optionsnot listed, or current ratings not listed. Standard finish is ANSI-61 consult factory for special colors. Sell Price:$548,795 Equipment terminations include up to one foot of conductor, end flanges, bolting hardware, gasket, and insulating materials when required. Any additionalmaterials will be added to the price shown.Freight Allowance:$89,650Total Price:$638,445 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 138 of 209 Terms and Conditions of Sale 3 of 8 Revised 7-7-2017 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Technibus, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE    Technibus,   Inc.   (“Technibus”)   will   provide   the   Services   and   supply   the   Products   described   on   the   accompanying   Quotation, Acknowledgement or Purchase Order (the “Job”) in accordance with terms and conditions set forth on the face of the Quotation or Acknowledgment together with these standard terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms and Conditions”). Technibus expressly objects to any different or additional terms or conditions contained in Customer’s purchase order or other document unless expressly accepted in writing signed by Technibus. Even when so accepted, any such different or additional terms and conditions shall apply only to the particular Job covered. Authorization by Customer to furnish the quoted services, or receipt or acceptance of delivery of the Products will constitute Customer’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. QUOTATIONS  Quoted prices do not include freight, non-standard packaging, duties or taxes unless specifically stated in the Quotation. Quotations are void unless accepted by Customer within thirty (30) days from the date thereof, and are subject to change without notice until accepted in writing. Quotations are made based on Technibus' interpretation of the plans and specifications submitted by Customer. It is Customer's obligation to review the quotation carefully and to immediately advise Technibus of any differing interpretation Customer has so that any necessary change can be made. Orders are not binding until accepted in writing by Technibus.  Job completion and shipping dates are approximate and based on prompt receipt of all necessary information and approvals from Customer. TAXES  Quoted prices exclude all taxes.  Customer shall pay Technibus for all federal, state, local, international or other taxes (excluding Technibus’ income taxes) applicable to, measured by or imposed upon by law with respect to any items, services and/or products sold or conveyed.  If Customer is tax exempt Customer   shall   provide   Technibus   valid   tax   exemption   certificates   acceptable   to   the   taxing   authorities.    When   Customer   fails   to   furnish   the   required documentation all unpaid sales, use, excise, or other taxes will be billed to Customer. PAYMENT TERMS  Terms are net cash within thirty (30) days from date of invoice.  Unless otherwise agreed in writing any payments made after thirty (30) days are past due. Amounts past due shall accrue interest at the rate of  of one-and-one-half percent (1½%) per month up to  the maximum rate allowed by law, without prejudice to Technibus’ right to immediate payment. Payment shall not be contingent upon the results of any unauthorized testing procedures. Invoices are not subject to offset and shall be paid by Customer regardless of whether there are disputes regarding other matters or Jobs. Customer waives the right to assert offset defenses or counter claims.  Any check or remittance received from or for the account of the Customer may be accepted and applied by Technibus against any indebtedness owing by Customer without prejudice to the remainder of any such indebtedness, regardless of any condition or notation appearing on or accompanying such check, draft or remittance. Technibus may require advance payment (in part or in full), or cancel the Job and recover reasonable cancellation charges if it believes payment is at risk due to Customer’s financial condition including, but not limited to the following: (i) commencement of, consent to or failure to contest bankruptcy proceedings; (ii) insolvency; or (iii) admission of inability to pay debts.  If Customer delays Job completion, Technibus may request immediate payment for materials accumulated and work performed and may also require payment of a storage fee of $0.25 per cubic foot per month of storage space plus a handling charge of 1% of the value of the equipment being stored.  For work performed in Technibus’ Service Center, Technibus may, at its option, retain possession of Products ordered or serviced under the contract if its charges for such Products or Services are not paid within the terms set forth above. Technibus may, upon not less than seven (7) days’ notice by certified mail to the Customer at the Customer’s last known address, sell the Products at public or private sale and apply the net proceeds to Technibus’ charges. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, for Projects exceeding $250,000 NET, progress payments are payable according to the followi ng milestones: • 20% due upon submittal of Approval Drawings • 30% due upon release of equipment • 50% due upon Shipment For projects involving partial releases/shipments, progress payments will be made on a pro-rated basis. SHIPMENT AND ROUTING:  All products will be shipped Ex Works (“EXW”) of the 2010 Incoterms. SERVICE AND REPAIR WARRANTY  Technibus warrants that repair work and other services performed by Technibus will be free of defects in materials or workmanship and will be performed in all material respects in accordance with ANSI or IEEE standards as applicable. If performed on Customer’s premises, Technibus further warrants that such work shall be performed in accordance with Customer’s safety policies, so long as such policies are provided to Technibus in writing prior to commencement of the work. Technibus will rework any nonconforming service or repair work during the one (1) year period (“Warranty Period”) commencing as of Job completion. NEW PRODUCT WARRANTY   Technibus warrants to Customer that Products furnished hereunder will be free from defects in material, workmanship and title and will be of the kind and quality specified in the Quotation. The foregoing warranties (excluding the warranty of title) shall terminate one (1) year after the date of installation of the Product or Products which are the subject of this contract, or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment by Technibus, whichever warranty period terminates first. If any Product covered by this contract fails to meet the foregoing warranties (except title) Customer's exclusive remedy shall be for Technibus to correct any such failure by either (at the option of Technibus) replacing defective parts or repairing any defective parts of the Product.  If repair or replacement is infeasible under the circumstances, the parties shall negotiate a satisfactory adjustment.  The total cumulative liability to Technibus shall be limited to the price of the Product on which such liability is based. This warranty shall not apply to any Product which has been (a) repaired or altered without Technibus’ written authorization, (b) subjected to damage due to improper handling, installation, storage, maintenance or operation beyond the specified ranges.  The foregoing warranties do not cover reimbursement for labor, transportation, removal, installation, or other expenses which may be incurred as a result of the repair or replacement.  Upon expiration of the warranty period or equipment not warranted due to conditions (a) or (b) defined herein, all liability of Technibus for its Product shall terminate. TECHNIBUS DISCLAIMS ANY MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS BEING SOLD PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT.  THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THIS CONTRACT. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 139 of 209 Terms and Conditions of Sale 4 of 8 Revised 7-7-2017 LIMITED REMEDY  The warranties stated above are expressly limited as follows. Technibus’ entire liability and obligation to Customer under this warranty shall be expressly limited to the repair, replacement or crediting, as Technibus may choose at its sole discretion, of any defective or nonconforming Products or items provided Customer has given written notice to Technibus in the manner as provided below. No claim under this warranty shall be valid unless, within thirty (30) days of the date upon which Customer discovered or reasonably should have discovered the defect, Customer furnishes Technibus written notice describing in reasonable detail the nonconformity with the above warranties. Absent such timely notice, Customer shall be deemed to have waived any recourse due to defect or nonconformity of the Product or services.  Following prompt written notice from Customer, Technibus’ sole obligation shall be, at its election, to rework nonconforming service or to repair, recondition, or replace Customer’s nonconforming equipment.  Technibus shall not be responsible for any removal, disassembly,   transportation   or   reinstallation   of   equipment,   materials   or   structures   required   to   provide   access   to   permit   cure   of   such   nonconformities. Transportation to and from the Technibus Service Center shall be at Customer’s sole risk and expense. Technibus shall perform all warranty work on Monday through Friday, on a single-shift, straight time basis.  Any overtime, double-time or premium hours requested by Customer shall be at the Customer’s sole expense. Repairs or replacements pursuant to this warranty shall not renew or extend the applicable original warranty period. Technibus may, at its option, substitute improved Products when replacing any part. INSPECTION CHARGE WHEN OUTSIDE WARRANTY When Customer asks Technibus to open, examine, and test an item to determine if a problem is covered by warranty, Customer will pay Technibus the reasonable cost of opening, examining, and testing the item if Technibus determines that the problem is not covered by warranty. PATENT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT Technibus warrants that any and all Products included in the Job will be free of rightful third-party patent or trademark infringement claims and will indemnify Customer against liabilities arising from such claims. Subject to the general limitations set forth below, Technibus will (at its sole option) participate in or exclusively defend actions brought against Customer for any such claim, will bear all reasonable costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) of such defense and will pay any judgment awarded against Customer for such claim, provided Technibus is notified promptly of the claim and Customer cooperates fully. The indemnity obligations of the Section shall not apply to (i) equipment or components specified by the Customer, (ii) modifications made to equipment by the Customer or at its request, or (iii) use of equipment in combination with other equipment not supplied or approved by Technibus. IN NO EVENT SHALL TECHNIBUS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF CUSTOMER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF USE OR UNDER-UTILIZATION OF LABOR OR FACTILITIES OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR ANTICIPATED PROFITS. FURTHERMORE, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OVERALL LIABLITY OF TECHNIBUS HEREUNDER EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES WHICH GIVE RISE TO THE CLAIM. THE ABOVE REMEDIES ARE CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR FOR ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE JOB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER A CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT LAW, TORT LAW (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY. INDEMNIFICATION  Subject to the limitations set forth above, Technibus shall indemnify Customer for claims of third parties for physical damage to property and personal injury (including death) occurring during the performance of a Job on the premises of Customer but only to the extent arising or resulting directly and solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of Technibus or its employees while engaged in such work, provided that Technibus is notified in writing promptly of such claims and is given an opportunity to defend against them. SITE EXCLUSION  Technibus shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any liability arising from any unanticipated, hidden or concealed site conditions of Customer’s site or for injury to person(s) or property which is caused by such condition. NUCLEAR INSURANCE - INDEMNITY  For applications in nuclear projects, Customer or Owner shall have complete and proper insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a “nuclear incident” (as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended), and shall indemnify Technibus, its suppliers and subcontractors, of any tier, against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. EXCUSABLE DELAYS  Technibus shall not be liable for delay due to causes beyond its reasonable control including acts of Customer, acts of God, prerequisite work by third parties, valid or invalid action by governmental authority, fires, floods, windstorms, explosions, riots, natural disasters, acts of war or terrorism, sabotage, labor problems (including lockouts, strikes and slowdowns), inability to obtain electrical service or transportation, faulty casting or forgings, or court injunction or order. In the event of such delay, the time of performance shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. If Technibus’ work is delayed by acts of the Customer or by prerequisite work by other contractors or suppliers of Customer, Technibus shall be entitled to an equitable price adjustment in addition to extension of the time of performance. TERMINATION   In the event of project termination prior to final delivery of the Product for Orders over $250,000, Buyer will pay a pro-rata share of the agreed purchase price, based on the percentage of completion of the Product. Any order below $250,000 may be terminated by the Customer only upon written notice to Technibus and will be subject to the following cancellation fees: •      20% after issuance of approval drawings •      50% at release to manufacturing •      100% at start of fabrication CANCELLATION  Technibus shall have the right to cancel any Job or contract at any time by written notice for any material breach by the Customer, including material delays in releasing equipment. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY  Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by the Customer to Technibus are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence unless submitted in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Technibus.  Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by Technibus to Customer shall be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 140 of 209 Terms and Conditions of Sale 5 of 8 Revised 7-7-2017 APPROVAL DRAWINGS  When required by a specific Job, drawings will be submitted for approval per agreed upon schedules, and price policy, below, to assure Technibus has designed the equipment as described in Customer's specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation. If, at the time of drawing approval, Technibus has not designed the equipment to meet the specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation, Technibus will make the appropriate changes at no charge to Customer. Where the Customer's specification is not definitive, Technibus shall have the right to design the Product in line with good commercial practice, without further obligation to Customer. If, at drawing approval, Customer makes changes outside the design as stated in the specifications, such changes shall be treated as a change order as provided below.  Customer’s approval of drawings shall relieve Technibus of responsiblility for errors or omissions. PRICING – CUSTOMER CHANGES  Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, all prices cover a bill of material as described in Technibus’ specifications or quotations to be designed and manufactured to Technibus standard designs. Customer may make minor changes not affecting the time or cost of performance without charge prior to the start of manufacture. If any changes are requested by Customer after submission of the original Purchase Order which affect the cost or time of performance, additional billing will be made with the amount of price adder dependent on the change and status of the order when the change is made. Changes may also require an time extension for completion and/or shipment. All changes will be agreed to by the parties, in writing, prior to implementation. Customer's rescheduling of a shipment will be considered a change. All expenses incurred by Technibus in connection with the storage of equipment, including demurrage, packing, storage charges, insurance and handling charges by Technibus will be paid by Customer upon submission of invoices by Technibus. Technibus will issue price changes for any change requested by Customer that affects modification of equipment, changes the bills of material, engineering or drawings or delivery schedule. Changes to the order cannot be processed until a formal signed change order is received from Customer. WITNESS OF TESTS AND FACTORY INSPECTIONS  Normal production schedules do not provide the opportunity for Customer to witness routine factory tests on equipment or make factory inspections. Witnessing of tests or factory inspections by the Customer may result in delays of production for which Technibus will not be responsible. Witness testing and factory inspections must be requested at the time of quotation and confirmed at order entry. Standard Technibus factory testing and inspection will apply. Technibus will notify Customer fourteen (14) calendar days prior to scheduled witness testing or inspection. In the event Customer is unable to attend, the Parties may mutually agree on a rescheduled date. However, Technibus, at its sole option, may consider the witness tests and/or inspection waived, and ship and invoice the Products. Customer will be responsible for paying for all scheduled witness testing, whether or not Customer attends. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS  Technibus shall perform hereunder in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances including OSHA requirements. DISPUTE RESOLUTION  Customer agrees that the Ohio state courts located in Stark county, Ohio U.S.A (or if there is exclusive federal jurisdiction, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio) shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any dispute arising out of this agreement and/or Job. To the extent not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of such courts, Customer hereby agrees to waive any objection to jurisdiction and to subject itself to the jurisdiction of such courts. This agreement and/or Job shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs shall be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this agreement and/or job. COMPLETE AGREEMENT  This document, including the language on the face of the Quotation or acknowledgment together with these Terms and Conditions, contains the complete agreement between Technibus and Customer and no modification, amendment, rescission, waiver or other change will be binding on Technibus unless assented to in writing by Technibus’ authorized representative. Any oral or written representation, warranty, or course of dealing not contained or referenced herein will not be binding upon Technibus. The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any of the individual paragraphs of the contract will not affect the remainder of such paragraph or any other paragraph or term herein. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 141 of 209 Exceptions And Clarifications Technibus 1501 Raff Rd. SW Canton OH 44710         Telephone: 330 478-6395 FAX: 330 478-8377 Website: www.technibus.com PROPOSAL:190326A1I The following Technibus clarifications and recommendations pertain to the referenced clause of the specification. REF. Our freight quote is based upon standard packaging and shipment via common carrier using (  ) flat bed truck(s) to Boardman Oregon for the quantities of equipment listed on the bills of materials. Increased quantities, split shipments, special packaging, or other forms of carriers will be subject to increased freight charges. Our bus systems are designed to be operated at the  ratings specified. Operating the bus at ratings other than those specified may shorten the service life of the system and increase maintenance requirements. We recommend consultingthe factory regarding any abnormal operation either above or below the ratings specified. 401395.63.1201 Isophase Bus Duct 401395.63.1201 - 100 IPB Total Lengths Pricing based on ~ 600 linear feet of bus based on supplied drawings and information. Length dependent on final location of transformers and cut in existing bus. Pricing subject to change with increase or decrease of total bus footage required. 401395.63.1201-108 - Exception to fire wall requirementPriced as break or cut point to be on outside of wall as indicated in RFP. No firewall material priced in for internal or external bus. If firewall required or needed, repricing will be required. Terms and Conditions No commercial terms supplied with RFP. Any requirements to commercial terms, warranty, bonding etc to be reviewed and negotiated separately at award of order. Technical considerations based on RFP 401395.63.1201 Isophase Bus Duct: Any variations require review and possible repricing. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 142 of 209         DATE: March 26, 2019 PROJECT:Coyote Springs GSU Replacement DESTINATION:Black and Veatch PROPOSAL:190326A1I SENT TO:Chris Echter 303-256-4055 REV. NO. :0 AT:EchterCI@BV.com SENT BY:Cliff Norris Thank you for sending your inquiry to TECHNIBUS. We are pleased to offer our proposal as described below: Technibus Standard Terms & Conditions, and Cancellation Policy shall apply and prevail over all customer and project Owner Terms & Conditions. Prices are firm for up to 45 calendar days beyond the shipment period quoted. TECHNIBUS reserves the right to apply escalation charges for any customer or third party actions which delay the delivery in excess of 45 calendar days. Escalation will be based upon Bureau of Labor Statistics andproducer price indices, COMEX for copper and Midwest Spot based on LME for aluminum. If delays result in escalation being applied this pricing will be adjusted using the indices in effect at the time of manufacture. The pricing and technical contents of this proposal are proprietary and confidential property of TECHNIBUS. This information is approved for use by the addressee and the client of the addressee only. Any other use, duplication or disclosure of the contents requires prior written authorization. This proposal is for a one time shipment date in accordance with the schedule provided below. Should partial shipments be required Technibus will issue partial invoices for the value of the equipment being shipped. The unshipped balance of order can be held at Technibus for a period not toexceed 30 days and invoiced at the time of shipment. As an option, the unshipped balance can be invoiced and be placed in storage.  Storage charges will be prorated at a cost of $.25 per cubic foot per month of storage plus a handling charge of 1% of the value of the equipment being stored.  Any additional freight cost incurred due to split shipment will also be added to the final price.  Installation is not included in our Project Scope.Field Installation Supervision is excluded from this quote. Schedule The scheduled shipment date shown below is based on our current backlog and contingent upon meeting the following milestones: Order Placement & Receipt of Equipment Details__________________________________September 1, 2019 Receipt of Outstanding Technical Information__________________________________September 8, 2019 Layout Approval Submittal___________________________________________________October 6, 2019 Return of Approvals with Release for Manufacture_______________________________October 13, 2019 Shipment Week of_______________________________________________________________March 15, 2020 In the event that the order is placed later than the date shown above, the cycles are subject to change and shipment may be delayed. PRICING All prices are quoted in U.S. Dollars. Our unit pricing is based upon the cycle time proposed and is discounted in accordance with the economies of scale for the volume quoted.  These unit prices may be subject to increase for scope changes.  For example, the project is segmented into multiple shipments i.e. partial shipment ocurringat different times,expedited shipment, custom field fit assemblies, recution in project scope, or modifications which are ordered after the project has shipped.  Technibus Saleswill provide revised pricing in accordance with your project needs. No Sales taxes, use taxes, duties, or other fees are included in the prices quoted. Consequently, in addition to the purchase price, the amount of anypresent or future taxes, duties or fees must be paid by the purchaser. The quoted price is based upon the footage and component quantities shown on the pricing page. These quantities were determined from information available at the time of inquiry. Changes in materials or quantities may result in a price adjustment. Final price will be adjusted based upon actual  quantities furnished in accordance with the final drawings. Technibus price adjustment policy will apply as follows:  No adjustments will apply for  changes less than $100.  No adjustments will apply for changes less than 1% of the contract value for projects less than $50,000.  No adjustments will apply for changes less than $500 for projects exceding $500,000. Please note freight is prepay & add and is not included in our price.    Total Lot Net :$ 638,445 US Proposal validity:30Payment Terms :30 Days NET Shipping Point :FOB TechnibusFreight Terms :Prepaid & Allowed Please call at your earliest convenience if we can be of any further assistance. Sincerely,Technibus, Inc.cc Hartigan Power - Matt Oliver Cliff Norris PHONE 330/479-4202 FAX 330/478-8377 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 143 of 209       1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202  METAL ENCLOSED BUS                        DEMO / INSTALLATION PROPOSAL COYOTE SPRINGS IPB  BOARDMAN OREGON,  190326A1 FS COYOTE SPRINGS REV. 0     PREPARED FOR:   CHRIS ECHTER  303‐256‐4055  EchterCl@BV.com         TECHNIBUS  CLIFF NORRIS  SALES MANAGER  832‐702‐5004  CNORRIS@TECHNIBUS.COM    Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 144 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS Quotation Number: 190326A1 FS Coyote Springs IPB Rev. 0       Date: March 26, 2019    Project:  Coyote Springs IPB Demo and Installation Options    Reference(s): Technibus Material Quote 190326A1I IPB    Technibus INC. appreciates the opportunity to provide the following options for the Coyote  Springs GSU replacement project in Boardman Oregon. Please see the options  below for the demolition of exis ting structures and isolated phase bus and  installation of new structures and bus.     Demolition Existing IPB and Structural Supports: $84,875.00 Scope Includes: 1. Cut existing bus enclosure and conductor at pre-determined location 2. Rig, remove existing bus duct 3. Un-bolt existing steel 4. Remove existing steel 5. Remove existing transformer compartments 6. Remove existing termination 7. Clean work area Schedule: 6 men crew, (1) foreman, (5) welder/technician 5 days to complete work.   Notes: a. Mobilization and demobilization for demolition is priced into Installation scope. Anticipate one week for demolition scheduled the week prior to start of installation scope below. b. Disposal of demoed material is the responsibility of the owner. Technibus will stage material at designated location identified by owner / customer. Installation Labor New Structural Supports and New IPB: $735,160.00 Scope Includes: 2. Mobilize to the site 3. Rig and set new structural steel based on OEM drawings and locations 4. Rig and set new IPB 5. Weld new conductor collars at splice locations 6. Weld new enclosure covers at splice locations 7. Rig and set transformer terminations – Transformers installed by others. 8. DC Hi-pot the bus duct based on OEM ratings 9. Install flex links at the transformer terminations 10. Clean work area 11. Demobilize Schedule: 6 men crew, (1) foreman, (5) welder/technician estimated 28 work days to complete work. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 145 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS   Notes: a. A maximum of (1) day of on-site training is included on the above price. b. (1) day of site visit for design, termination and dimensional confirmation is included in the price shown above. c. Cut location of existing bus defined on outside of existing wall. Any firestop or transition inside or beyond the wall will be at additional pricing. d. Demo of existing IPB and structures priced separately, see demolition pricing.    Clarifications:  1. This quotation is a firm fixed price 2. This quotation is based on working one 10-hour shift per day, 6 days a week. Sunday or Holiday work is not included 3. Anticipate completing work = SEE ABOVE 4. No standby time is included (unless noted). If encountered, stand-by time will be billed additionally per man, per hour plus per diem. 5. Work outside specified scope may be subject to a lump sum adder or T&M rates. 6. If deficiencies are discovered, additional time to repair may be needed 7. Technibus requires all switching, LOTO, and isolation to be performed by others. 8. Where required, Technibus assumes adequate lighting is available, or temporary lighting is provided by others. 9. Technibus assumes all equipment is accessible and free of obstructions. Any delays caused by the inability to access the equipment will be charged per Technibus’s standard rate sheet. 10. Scaffolding, manlifts and material lifts if required are not included in the above pricing 11. Above scaffolding, manlifts and material lifts if required by Technibus will be invoiced at cost plus 15%. 12. Power supplied by plant 110V, 480V. 13. If required, lead paint abatement will be by others (stand-by time may apply) 14. No taxes are included in our price 15. Price assumes union contract labor 16. Sanitary facilities provided by customer. 17. If within (24) hours of scheduled work, the project is cancelled, TECHNIBUS will bill for travel and per diems. This includes weather delays.             Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 146 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS     Terms:     Quotation is valid for 60 days   TECHNIBUS Payment Terms: NET 30  o Proposed Milestone Billing:   10% ‐ Receipt of Order   30% ‐ Upon Mobilization   60% ‐ Completion of scope   No Taxes are included in Price   Terms and Conditions: See Below    TECHNIBUS is committed to providing the highest level of service in the industry. We thank you for the  opportunity to submit this quotation. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, concerns, or additional  clarifications. We look forward to working with you on a successful project.  Sincerely,    Cliff Norris  Sales Manager  832‐702‐5004  cnorris@Technibus.com        Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 147 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Technibus, Inc. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Technibus, Inc. (“Technibus”) will provide the Services and supply the Products described on the accompanying Quotation, Acknowledgement or Purchase Order (the “Job”) in accordance with terms and conditions set forth on the face of the Quotation or Acknowledgment together with these standard terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms and Conditions”). Technibus expressly objects to any different or additional terms or conditions contained in Customer’s purchase order or other document unless expressly accepted in writing signed by Technibus. Even when so accepted, any such different or additional terms and conditions shall apply only to the Job covered. Authorization by Customer to furnish the quoted services, or receipt or acceptance of delivery of the Products will constitute Customer’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between the parties. QUOTATIONS: Quoted prices do not include freight, non-standard packaging, duties or taxes unless specifically stated in the Quotation. Quotations are void unless accepted by Customer within thirty (30) days from the date thereof and are subject to change without notice until accepted in writing. Quotations are made based on Technibus' interpretation of the plans and specifications submitted by Customer. It is Customer's obligation to review the quotation carefully and to immediately advise Technibus of any differing interpretation Customer has so that any necessary change can be made. Orders are not binding until accepted in writing by Technibus. Job completion and shipping dates are approximate and based on prompt receipt of all necessary information and approvals from Customer. TAXES: Quoted prices exclude all taxes. Customer shall pay Technibus for all federal, state, local, international or other taxes (excluding Technibus’ income taxes) applicable to, measured by or imposed upon by law with respect to any items, services and/or products sold or conveyed. If Customer is tax exempt Customer shall provide Technibus valid tax exemption certificates acceptable to the taxing authorities. When Customer fails to furnish the required documentation all unpaid sales, use, excise, or other taxes will be billed to Customer. PAYMENT TERMS: Terms are net cash within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. Unless otherwise agreed in writing any payments made after thirty (30) days are past due. Amounts past due shall accrue interest at the rate of one-and-one-half percent (1½%) per month up to the maximum rate allowed by law, without prejudice to Technibus’ right to immediate payment. Payment shall not be contingent upon the results of any unauthorized testing procedures. Invoices are not subject to offset and shall be paid by Customer regardless of whether there are disputes regarding other matters or Jobs. Customer waives the right to assert offset defenses or counter claims. Any check or remittance received from or for the account of the Customer may be accepted and applied by Technibus against any indebtedness owing by Customer without prejudice to the remainder of any such indebtedness, regardless of any condition or notation appearing on or accompanying such check, draft or remittance. Technibus may require advance payment (in part or in full) or cancel the Job and recover reasonable cancellation charges if it believes payment is at risk due to Customer’s financial condition including, but not limited to the following: (i) commencement of, consent to or failure to contest bankruptcy proceedings; (ii) insolvency; or (iii) admission of inability to pay debts. If Customer delays Job completion, Technibus may request immediate payment for materials accumulated and work performed and may also require payment of a storage fee of $0.25 per cubic foot per month of storage space plus a handling charge of 1% of the value of the equipment being stored. For work performed in Technibus’ Service Center, Technibus may, at its option, retain possession of Products ordered or serviced under the contract if its charges for such Products or Services are not paid within the terms set forth above. Technibus may, upon not less than seven (7) days’ notice by certified mail to the Customer at the Customer’s last known address, sell the Products at public or private sale and apply the net proceeds to Technibus’ charges. PROGRESS PAYMENTS: Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, for Projects exceeding $250,000 NET, progress payments are payable according to the following milestones: •20% due upon submittal of Approval Drawings • 30% due upon release of equipment • 50% due upon Shipment For projects involving partial releases/shipments, progress payments will be made on a pro-rated basis. SHIPMENT AND ROUTING: All products will be shipped Ex Works (“EXW”) of the 2010 Incoterms. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 148 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS SERVICE AND REPAIR WARRANTY: Technibus warrants that repair work and other services performed by Technibus will be free of defects in materials or workmanship and will be performed in all material respects in accordance with ANSI or IEEE standards as applicable. If performed on Customer’s premises, Technibus further warrants that such work shall be performed in accordance with Customer’s safety policies, so long as such policies are provided to Technibus in writing prior to commencement of the work. Technibus will rework any nonconforming service or repair work during the one (1) year period (“Warranty Period”) commencing as of Job completion. NEW PRODUCT WARRANTY: Technibus warrants to Customer that Products furnished hereunder will be free from defects in material, workmanship and title and will be of the kind and quality specified in the Quotation. The foregoing warranties (excluding the warranty of title) shall terminate one (1) year after the date of installation of the Product or Products which are the subject of this contract, or eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment by Technibus, whichever warranty period terminates first. If any Product covered by this contract fails to meet the foregoing warranties (except title) Customer's exclusive remedy shall be for Technibus to correct any such failure by either (at the option of Technibus) replacing defective parts or repairing any defective parts of the Product. If repair or replacement is infeasible under the circumstances, the parties shall negotiate a satisfactory adjustment. The total cumulative liability to Technibus shall be limited to the price of the Product on which such liability is based. This warranty shall not apply to any Product which has been (a) repaired or altered without Technibus’ written authorization, (b) subjected to damage due to improper handling, installation, storage, maintenance or operation beyond the specified ranges. The foregoing warranties do not cover reimbursement for labor, transportation, removal, installation, or other expenses which may be incurred as a result of the repair or replacement. Upon expiration of the warranty period or equipment not warranted due to conditions (a) or (b) defined herein, all liability of Technibus for its Product shall terminate. TECHNIBUS DISCLAIMS ANY MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS BEING SOLD PURSUANT TO THIS CONTRACT. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THIS CONTRACT. LIMITED REMEDY: The warranties stated above are expressly limited as follows. Technibus’ entire liability and obligation to Customer under this warranty shall be expressly limited to the repair, replacement or crediting, as Technibus may choose at its sole discretion, of any defective or nonconforming Products or items provided Customer has given written notice to Technibus in the manner as provided below. No claim under this warranty shall be valid unless, within thirty (30) days of the date upon which Customer discovered or reasonably should have discovered the defect, Customer furnishes Technibus written notice describing in reasonable detail the nonconformity with the above warranties. Absent such timely notice, Customer shall be deemed to have waived any recourse due to defect or nonconformity of the Product or services. Following prompt written notice from Customer, Technibus’ sole obligation shall be, at its election, to rework nonconforming service or to repair, recondition, or replace Customer’s nonconforming equipment. Technibus shall not be responsible for any removal, disassembly, transportation or reinstallation of equipment, materials or structures required to provide access to permit cure of such nonconformities. Transportation to and from the Technibus Service Center shall be at Customer’s sole risk and expense. Technibus shall perform all warranty work on Monday through Friday, on a single-shift, straight time basis. Any overtime double-time or premium hours requested by Customer shall be at the Customer’s sole expense. Repairs or replacements pursuant to this warranty shall not renew or extend the applicable original warranty period. Technibus may, at its option, substitute improved Products when replacing any part. INSPECTION CHARGE WHEN OUTSIDE WARRANTY: When Customer asks Technibus to open, examine, and test an item to determine if a problem is covered by warranty, Customer will pay Technibus the reasonable cost of opening, examining, and testing the item if Technibus determines that the problem is not covered by warranty. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 149 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS PATENT OR TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT: Technibus warrants that all Products included in the Job will be free of rightful third-party patent or trademark infringement claims and will indemnify Customer against liabilities arising from such claims. Subject to the general limitations set forth below, Technibus will (at its sole option) participate in or exclusively defend actions brought against Customer for any such claim, will bear all reasonable costs and expenses (including attorney’s fees) of such defense and will pay any judgment awarded against Customer for such claim, provided Technibus is notified promptly of the claim and Customer cooperates fully. The indemnity obligations of the Section shall not apply to (i) equipment or components specified by the Customer, (ii) modifications made to equipment by the Customer or at its request, or (iii) use of equipment in combination with other equipment not supplied or approved by Technibus. IN NO EVENT SHALL TECHNIBUS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF CUSTOMER INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOSS OF USE OR UNDER-UTILIZATION OF LABOR OR FACTILITIES OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR ANTICIPATED PROFITS. FURTHERMORE, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OVERALL LIABLITY OF TECHNIBUS HEREUNDER EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES WHICH GIVE RISE TO THE CLAIM. THE ABOVE REMEDIES ARE CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR FOR ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE JOB REGARDLESS OF WHETHER A CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT LAW, TORT LAW (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY. INDEMNIFICATION Subject to the limitations set forth above, Technibus shall indemnify Customer for claims of third parties for physical damage to property and personal injury (including death) occurring during the performance of a Job on the premises of Customer but only to the extent arising or resulting directly and solely from the negligence or willful misconduct of Technibus or its employees while engaged in such work, provided that Technibus is notified in writing promptly of such claims and is given an opportunity to defend against them. SITE EXCLUSION: Technibus shall not be liable or responsible in any way for any liability arising from any unanticipated, hidden or concealed site conditions of Customer’s site or for injury to person(s) or property which is caused by such condition. NUCLEAR INSURANCE - INDEMNITY For applications in nuclear projects, Customer or Owner shall have complete and proper insurance protection against liability and property damage resulting from a “nuclear incident” (as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended), and shall indemnify Technibus, its suppliers and subcontractors, of any tier, against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident. EXCUSABLE DELAYS Technibus shall not be liable for delay due to causes beyond its reasonable control including acts of Customer, acts of God, prerequisite work by third parties, valid or invalid action by governmental authority, fires, floods, windstorms, explosions, riots, natural disasters, acts of war or terrorism, sabotage, labor problems (including lockouts, strikes and slowdowns), inability to obtain electrical service or transportation, faulty casting or forgings, or court injunction or order. In the event of such delay, the time of performance shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. If Technibus’ work is delayed by acts of the Customer or by prerequisite work by other contractors or suppliers of Customer, Technibus shall be entitled to an equitable price adjustment in addition to extension of the time of performance. TERMINATION In the event of project termination prior to final delivery of the Product for Orders over $250,000, Buyer will pay a pro- rata share of the agreed purchase price, based on the percentage of completion of the Product. Any order below $250,000 may be terminated by the Customer only upon written notice to Technibus and will be subject to the following cancellation fees: • 20% after issuance of approval drawings • 50% at release to manufacturing • 100% at start of fabrication CANCELLATION: Technibus shall have the right to cancel any Job or contract at any time by written notice for any material breach by the Customer, including material delays in releasing equipment. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 150 of 209                    1501 Raff Road SW   Canton, OH  44710   Phone  (330) 479‐4202   The content of this proposal is the intellectual property of Technibus Inc. All content is intended for the sole use of the addressee and/or his/her employer and should  be considered privileged and/or confidential, inasmuch, it may not be copied, distributed, or shared without express written consent of Technibus Inc.  METAL ENCLOSED BUS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by the Customer to Technibus are not to be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence unless submitted in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of Technibus. Any information, suggestions or ideas transmitted by Technibus to Customer shall be regarded as secret or submitted in confidence. APPROVAL DRAWINGS: When required by a specific Job, drawings will be submitted for approval per agreed upon schedules, and price policy, below, to assure Technibus has designed the equipment as described in Customer's specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation. If, at the time of drawing approval, Technibus has not designed the equipment to meet the specifications, as modified by Technibus' quotation, Technibus will make the appropriate changes at no charge to Customer. Where the Customer's specification is not definitive, Technibus shall have the right to design the Product in line with good commercial practice, without further obligation to Customer. If, at drawing approval, Customer makes changes outside the design as stated in the specifications, such changes shall be treated as a change order as provided below. Customer’s approval of drawings shall relieve Technibus of responsibility for errors or omissions. PRICING – CUSTOMER CHANGES: Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, all prices cover a bill of material as described in Technibus’ specifications or quotations to be designed and manufactured to Technibus standard designs. Customer may make minor changes not affecting the time or cost of performance without charge prior to the start of manufacture. If any changes are requested by Customer after submission of the original Purchase Order which affect the cost or time of performance, additional billing will be made with the amount of price adder dependent on the change and status of the order when the change is made. Changes may also require a time extension for completion and/or shipment. All changes will be agreed to by the parties, in writing, prior to implementation. Customer's rescheduling of a shipment will be considered a change. All expenses incurred by Technibus in connection with the storage of equipment, including demurrage, packing, storage charges, insurance and handling charges by Technibus will be paid by Customer upon submission of invoices by Technibus. Technibus will issue price changes for any change requested by Customer that affects modification of equipment, changes the bills of material, engineering or drawings or delivery schedule. Changes to the order cannot be processed until a formal signed change order is received from Customer. WITNESS OF TESTS AND FACTORY INSPECTIONS: Normal production schedules do not provide the opportunity for Customer to witness routine factory tests on equipment or make factory inspections. Witnessing of tests or factory inspections by the Customer may result in delays of production for which Technibus will not be responsible. Witness testing and factory inspections must be requested at the time of quotation and confirmed at order entry. Standard Technibus factory testing and inspection will apply. Technibus will notify Customer fourteen (14) calendar days prior to scheduled witness testing or inspection. In the event Customer is unable to attend, the Parties may mutually agree on a rescheduled date. However, Technibus, at its sole option, may consider the witness tests and/or inspection waived, and ship and invoice the Products. Customer will be responsible for paying for all scheduled witness testing, whether Customer attends. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: Technibus shall perform hereunder in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances including OSHA requirements. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Customer agrees that the Ohio state courts located in Stark county, Ohio U.S.A (or if there is exclusive federal jurisdiction, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio) shall have exclusive jurisdiction and venue over any dispute arising out of this agreement and/or Job. To the extent not otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of such courts, Customer hereby agrees to waive any objection to jurisdiction and to subject itself to the jurisdiction of such courts. This agreement and/or Job shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio. Reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs shall be awarded to the prevailing party in the event of litigation involving the enforcement or interpretation of this agreement and/or job. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This document, including the language on the face of the Quotation or acknowledgment together with these Terms and Conditions, contains the complete agreement between Technibus and Customer and no modification, amendment, rescission, waiver or other change will be binding on Technibus unless assented to in writing by Technibus’ authorized representative. Any oral or written representation, warranty, or course of dealing not contained or referenced herein will not be binding upon Technibus. The invalidity, in whole or in part, of any of the individual paragraphs of the contract will not affect the remainder of such paragraph or any other paragraph or term herein. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 151 of 209 TECHNIBUS 1501 Raff Rd., SW Telephone: 330 478-6395 Canton, Ohio 44710 Fax: 330 478-8377 Rev. 2/13 Website: www.technibus.com Technibus Price Schedule For Domestic Field Service & Service Engineering RATES (EXCLUDING TRAVEL & LIVING EXPENSES) Service Type STRAIGHT TIME OVERTIME & SATURDAYS SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS 1 – 4 HRS. 5 – 8 HRS. Field Service- Hourly Rate $170 $258 $320 4 Hr. Min. 8 Hr. Min. * Rates exclude travel and living expenses, special tools or instruments. * Minimum billing for any day that service work is performed will be four hours at the applicable rate. * Terms of payment are net upon receipt of invoice. EXPLANATION OF RATES STRAIGHT TIME is defined as time worked on a regular schedule of 8 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, or for time worked on any other agreed upon schedule of 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday. Each hour of straight time shall be billed for at the straight time rate. OVERTIME is defined as time worked in excess of or at times other than the regular straight time schedule. Each hour of overtime shall be paid for at one and one-half times the straight time rate; except that hours worked in excess of 16 hours per day, Monday through Friday, or excess of 8 hours on Saturday, and hours worked on Sundays and Holidays shall be paid at twice the straight time rate. A "Holiday" is any day observed by TECHNIBUS as a holiday. STAND-BY TIME is defined as time, up to 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday, during which the Representative during the course of this assignment is available for work, but is not working because of circumstances beyond TECHNIBUS's control. Each hour of stand-by time will be paid for at the applicable rate. TRAVEL TIME is defined as time spent by the Representative in traveling to the jobsite and in returning, including travel occurring on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays (but not exceeding actual travel time between TECHNIBUS Headquarters and the customer's jobsite). Time is calculated portal to portal. Each hour of travel time shall be paid at the applicable rate. TIME WORKED, TIME TRAVELED AND STAND-BY TIME occurring on the same day will each be charged at the rates and within the limitations as aforesaid. TRAVEL, LIVING AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES are not included in any part of the hourly rates and shall be billed at cost, plus a handling charge of 15 percent. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 152 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ      IsolatedPhaseBusduct InstallationManual      ProjectName:________________ ProjectNumber:________________   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 153 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ  TableofContents 1Introduction ..................................................................................................... 4 2Receiving, Handling, and Storing ................................................................... 4 2.1Receiving .................................................................................................... 4 2.2Handling ..................................................................................................... 7 2.3Storing ........................................................................................................ 8 3Enclosure........................................................................................................ 8 3.1Materials ..................................................................................................... 8 3.2Arrangements ............................................................................................. 9 3.3Terminations............................................................................................. 10 3.4Expansion joints ....................................................................................... 10 3.5Painting .................................................................................................... 11 4Conductor ..................................................................................................... 11 4.1Materials ................................................................................................... 11 4.2Terminations............................................................................................. 14 4.3Disconnecting links ................................................................................... 16 4.4Painting .................................................................................................... 16 5Short Circuit Design ...................................................................................... 17 5.1Stresses ................................................................................................... 17 6Support Insulators ........................................................................................ 18 6.1Usage ....................................................................................................... 18 7Enclosure supports ....................................................................................... 19 7.1Usage ....................................................................................................... 19 8Seal off bushing ............................................................................................ 21 8.1Usage ....................................................................................................... 21 9Grounding ..................................................................................................... 22 9.1Enclosure tube as ground bus .................................................................. 22 10Erection Equipment and Tools ...................................................................... 22 10.1Handling equipment ................................................................................. 22 10.2Testing equipment .................................................................................... 22 10.3Assembly tools ......................................................................................... 22 11Installation .................................................................................................... 23 11.1Introduction............................................................................................... 23 11.2Safety measures ...................................................................................... 23 11.3Procedures ............................................................................................... 23 11.4Details ...................................................................................................... 24 11.5Routine Checks ........................................................................................ 25 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 154 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ 12Overhaul ....................................................................................................... 25 12.1Scheduling................................................................................................ 25 12.2Tasks........................................................................................................ 26 13Faults ............................................................................................................ 27 13.1Internal faults ............................................................................................ 27 13.2Temporary increased temperature operation in bolted connections ......... 27 13.3Effects of moisture .................................................................................... 28 14Removal and installation of electrical connections ....................................... 28 14.1Copper and aluminum connections .......................................................... 28 14.2Bolt assembly and torque values .............................................................. 29 14.3Disassembly and assembly of post insulators .......................................... 29 14.4Disassembly and assembly of cast resin with boot seal off bushing ........ 32 14.5Disassembly and assembly of rubber bellows .......................................... 32 15Steel Structures ............................................................................................ 33 15.1Design ...................................................................................................... 33 15.2Usage ....................................................................................................... 33 16Spare Parts ................................................................................................... 34 16.1Contact Technibus for approved spare parts ............................................ 34 17Field Service ................................................................................................. 34 17.1Contact Technibus field service ................................................................ 34 18Appendix....................................................................................................... 35 18.1Air Pressurization ..................................................................................... 35 18.2IR Windows .............................................................................................. 38 18.3PT Cubicle ................................................................................................ 39 18.4Heater System .......................................................................................... 40     Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 155 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͶ 1 Introduction TheTechnibushighcurrentIsolatedPhaseBusDuct(IPB)isacompletemetalenclosedsystem.Thebus ductisofcontinuousdesignencompassingaluminumconductorsenclosedinaluminumenclosures. Eachphaseisisolatedfromtheothersinitsownrespectiveenclosure.Advantagesofenclosingphase conductorsinanisolatedfashionaretominimizeexternalmagneticfields,protectionfromthe environment,reliability,andpersonnelsafety. PersonnelwhoareplanningtoworkontheIPBareencouragedtoreadtheinstallationmanualtobe familiarizedwiththeequipment. Thisinstallationmanualisonlyoneofseveraldocumentswhichalltogetherformthepackagethatmake upthefullorder.Themanualrevisionisonlyactiveforthecurrentorderwhichisreferencedonthe frontpage.Illustrationsandtextwithintheinstallationmanualmayormaynotbetheexact representationsintheactualproject.Thisinstallationmanualissubordinatetotheprojectdrawings, specifications,andotherprojectspecificdetails. Technibuswillfurnishdrawingsoftheoverallinstallationwhichspecifyindetailtheplacementofeach IPBassemblyorcomponent.Anydetaildrawingsnecessaryforfieldcrewstoappropriatelyand successfullyinstallthecomponentsoftheprojectorderwillbefurnished.Technibusdoesnotperform anyinstallation.Technibuscanprovideadvisoryservicestoinstallersforbusductinstallation. 2 Receiving,Handling,andStoring TechnibusIPBisshippedinasfewseparateunitsaspossibleyetcomplyingwithownerspecificrequests inthisregard.Eachunitisasfullyassembledashandlingandtransportingfacilitiespermit.Thebus componentsarriveonsiteasaseriesofcratedanduncrateditems.Thefollowingproceduresshouldbe takenwhentheequipmentarrives. 2.1 Receiving 2.1.1 Immediatelychecktheitemsreceivedagainsttheshippingliststobesureallitems havebeendelivered.Missingitemsshouldbetracedthroughthecarrier.Notify Technibusimmediatelyofthelosstoensurepromptcorrectiveactionshoulditbe necessarytoreplacethemissingitem(s) 2.1.2 Inspecttheoutsideofuncratedequipmenttoseeifanydamagehasoccurredduring transit.Ifdamageexists,immediatelyfileaclaimnoticewiththecarrierandnotify Technibus. 2.1.3 Inspecttheoutsideofcratedequipmenttoseeifanydamagehasoccurredduring transit.Ifanyevidenceisnoticed,opencratesandexaminecontents.Ifdamage exists,immediatelyfileaclaimnoticewiththecarrierandnotifyTechnibus.Reclose thecratesandsetaside 2.1.4 Forprotectionofequipmentuntilitisinstalled,leavetheequipmentinthecratesas shippedunlessotherwisespecifiedintheinstructionsfortheparticularitem.If storedoutdoorsallcratesmustbeprotectedfromtheweatherbytarps Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 156 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͷ 2.1.5 Ifthecratingiswrappedinplastic,thenchecktheplasticshippingcoversandwraps onbussectionsandterminalassembliesfordamage.Repairifnecessarytoprevent water,dustanddirtintrusionintotherespectivesections.Donotremovethe plasticshippingmaterialsfrombusshippingsectionsuntiljustpriortoinstallation 2.1.6 Toaidthecustomeronreceivingandcoordinatingpackages,iftheprojecthas multiplebusrunsthepackagesforaparticularbusrunarecolorcoordinatedthe same.Thesecanthenbelocatedtogetherforlatererectioninthefield 2.1.7 Alsocratedassemblieshavelabelswhichalignwithdrawingsforproperplacement intherun  Figure1:Conductorsupportedbywoodforshipping Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 157 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͸  Figure2:Wrappedendofunitwhichisalsosilverplated   Figure3:Strappingofassembliesforshipping Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 158 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͹ 2.2 Handling 2.2.1 MovetheIPBequipmentwithgreatcare 2.2.2 Avoidbumpingenclosuresections.Damagetotheenclosurecanaltertheelectrical andmechanicalstrengthoftheequipment 2.2.3 Bussectionsshallbeliftedandtransportedusingcloth/fabricslingsandspreader barsforlongerassemblies.DonotusechainsforliftingormovingtheIPB equipmentunlessliftinglugsareprovidedforthispurposeonthespecific component 2.2.4 Giventhereisafirmbaseandwoodenshippingblocksremainwiththebussections, thosesectionscanbestackedthreehigh.Theendsaretobekepthighenough abovegroundtopreventwaterfromentering 2.2.5 Preventbarehandtouchingofsilverplatedsurfacesaswellasaccidentalbumping andscratchingofthesilverplatedsurfaces 2.2.6 Conductorsmaybeshippedwithweldedbracesfromthefactory(seeFigure7)but maybebracedwithwood(Figure1).Thesearetoremaininplaceuntilafterthe conductorisweldedinplaceatitsfinaldestination.Donotremovethebraces beforethisisdone  Figure4:ExampleofhoistingstrapfortransportofIPB   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 159 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͺ 2.3 Storing 2.3.1 Specialcareandprecautionsmustbetakeniftheequipmentistobestoredforan extendedperiodoftimebeforethesystemisassembled 2.3.2 Allcrateditemsmustbestoredindoorsorprotectedbytarpsifstoredoutdoors. Forextendedstoragetimesinexcessofthreeweeksitisrecommendedthatall crateditemsbestoredindoors 2.3.3 Bussectionsmustbesufficientlyhighsothatstandingwaterdoesnotenterthe interioroftheassemblies.Checkplasticshippingcoversandwrapsfordamageand repairasnecessarytopreventrainfromenteringthesections.Repeatedchecksof theplasticarenecessaryespeciallyincaseofheavywindthatmayresultintearsto theplastic 2.3.4 Silverplatedsurfacesareprotectedwithgreasepriortoshipping.Checktheseareas andreapplywithaTechnibusapprovedgreaseifthecoatinghasbecomeinanyway removedorcompromised 3 Enclosure 3.1 Materials 3.1.1 Typically1100materialaluminumsheetsrolledandwelded 3.1.2 Enclosurecurrentsapproximately95%orbetterofconductorcurrentswhich virtuallyeliminatesexternalmagneticfieldsandinducedcurrentsinadjacentsteel 3.1.3 EnclosuresupportsforinsulatorsarecastingsweldedinplacewithOͲringseals 3.1.4 Aluminumexpansionjointsinlongrunsforthermalexpansionpurposes.Thejoints areweldedinplacetotheenclosuretubes 3.1.5 Attheendsofbusductruns,aluminumshorting/bondingplatesareweldedinplace betweenphases.Allthreephasesare“shorted”orbondedtogether.Thisis requiredfortheenclosurecurrentstoflowandresultsinshieldingmostofthe externalenvironmentfrommagneticforces 3.1.6 Rubberexpansionjoints(bellows)areinplacetopreventenclosurecurrents enteringadjacentequipmentandallowforthermalexpansionpurposesaswellas assistingwithshiftingorsettlingofGSUtransformers.Typicallythebellowsis strappedaroundoutsideofbusductassemblywithstainlesssteelstraps Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 160 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͻ  Figure5:TwopartcastingintheIPBenclosurewhichhousestheinsulator 3.2 Arrangements 3.2.1 Enclosurerunlengthsfromthefactoryareabletobeprovidedinupto40foot assemblies.ItistheresponsibilityofthecustomertoprovidetoTechnibuswhat assemblylengthsarenecessaryfortheproject 3.2.2 ElbowsandTsareprovidedasanassemblyreadyforinstallationinthefield.No weldingwillbeneededinthefieldtocreateelbowsorTs 3.2.3 Accesscoversareprovidedforeasyreachtoflexibleconnectorsattheendsof conductors.Thiswouldbeatterminationstogenerators,transformers,circuit breakers,andelsewhereshownonprojectlayouts.Thecoversaregasketedand boltedtothemainenclosuretubes  Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 161 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͲ  Figure6:Tassembly 3.3 Terminations 3.3.1 Enclosureterminationstoequipmentwithratingabove6000Awillbeinanisolated style.Thiswillbethedefaultunlessotherarrangementsareagreeduponwiththe customer 3.3.2 Isolationishandledthrougharubbermatplacedbetweentheterminationboxand equipmentflange 3.3.3 Boltinghardwareisfittedwithelectricallyisolatingshoulderwashers 3.3.4 Surfacesincontactwiththerubbermatshouldbecleanofdirt,chemicals,and sharpedges.Nogreases,solvents,orotherchemicalstobeapplied 3.3.5 Theboltinghardwareattheterminationtotheequipmentflangeisisolatedby designfromtheterminationbox.Eachboltistobegroundedeitherbysuccessful useofstarwashertoallowbolttoconnecttoequipmentflangemetal,useofcable toreachaground,orbyothermeansapprovedbyownerandTechnibus 3.4 Expansionjoints 3.4.1 Aluminumexpansionjointsareinlongrunsforthermalexpansionpurposes. Weldedinplacetotheenclosuretubes 3.4.2 Rubberexpansionjoints(bellows)areinplacetopreventenclosurecurrents enteringadjacentequipmentandallowforthermalexpansionpurposesaswellas assistingwithshiftingorsettlingofGSUtransformers.Typicallythebellowsis strappedaroundoutsideofbusductassemblywithstainlesssteelstraps Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 162 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͳ 3.5 Painting 3.5.1 Enclosureinsideandoutsidearepaintedforheatdissipation 3.5.2 Enclosurewillneedfieldpaintingattheshippingsplitsbeforeandafterwelding. Theinsideandoutsideofthecoverneedspainting 3.5.3 Cleantheareastobepaintedofgrease,oil,anddebrisforgoodadhesionandallow todry 3.5.4 Applythedualetchliberallybybrush,rinsewithwater,wipeoffandallowtodry 3.5.5 Mixpaintandcatalyst.6partspaintto1partcatalyst Noteyouhaveonlyafewhourstoapplythemixturebeforeitisunusable 3.5.6 Addintothemixtureasmuchreducertoachieveproperviscosityforapplication Applicationreferstomethodsuchassprayorrollon 3.5.7 Usepaintthinnerforcleaningtoolsandareasinadvertentlypainted 3.5.8 Applytopcoatofpainttoenclosureoutsideontoppfthedryprimerandallowto dry  Figure7:Paintedenclosureandconductor.Unpaintedareasforfieldwelding 4 Conductor 4.1 Materials 4.1.1 Typically1100materialaluminumsheetsrolledandweldedor6101extrudedfor smalldiameters Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 163 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳʹ 4.1.2 Conductorexpansionjointsinlongrunsforthermalexpansionpurposes. Constructedofstacksofaluminumlaminationsweldedtoaringwhichisinturn weldedtotheconductor.Thisisacommonplacewhereashippingsplitislocated andthefieldcontractorappliestheweldfortheunattachedring 4.1.3 Conductorstobeconnectedinthefieldwithnoshippingsplitarefactorybeveledin preparationoffieldwelding  Figure8:Conductorexpansionjoint.Factoryweldedtoconductorononeside Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 164 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ͵  Figure9:Conductorexpansionjoint.Endtobefieldinstalledandwelded  Figure10:Ttakeofffromamainbusconductorconsistsofanexpansionjoint Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 165 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͶ  Figure11:Beveledendofconductorforbuttweldingbyfieldinstaller  4.2 Terminations 4.2.1 Attheterminations,conductorsaredesignedtohavethemostpractical arrangementofattachmentpointstoservetheequipmentinwhichwillbe connected.CustomerisrequiredtogiveTechnibustheequipmenttermination details 4.2.2 Terminationsarebydefaultsilverplated.Technibusstandardis0.5milsthickness andarecoatedingreaseandwrappedinplasticpriortoshipment.Thesilverplated partsshouldremaincoatedingreaseuntilreadytoapplytheconnectorstothe terminatedequipment 4.2.3 ConnectorsaretypicallyterminatedviaflexiblebraidedcopperwithNEMA2Ͳhole pattern 4.2.4 Connectorsatcircuitbreakerterminationsarealsoflexiblebraidedcopper.The connectorsareheldinplaceduringashortcircuiteventbyaseparatemounted restrictionplate 4.2.5 Fieldcontractorwillberesponsibletoputallconnectorsinplaceinthebusruns. HardwareforconnectorsprovidedbyTechnibus Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 166 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͷ  Figure12:Silverplatedtermination  Figure13:Terminationformainequipment.Sometimesreferredasacrown Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 167 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ͸  Figure14:Apossibleflexiblecopperbraidconnector  4.3 Disconnectinglinks 4.3.1 Disconnectinglinksareoftheflexiblebraidedcoppertypeboltedinplaceat locationsrequestedbythecustomerandshownondrawinglayouts 4.3.2 Accesscoversintheenclosureallowownertoinspectthelinksasneeded 4.4 Painting 4.4.1 Conductoroutsideispaintedforheatdissipation 4.4.2 Conductorsatshippingsplitlocationsarenotfactorypaintedtoallowforfield welding.Whenweldingiscompletetheselocationsneedtobefieldpainted.Figure 7and8areexamplesoflocationsthatwouldneedtobefieldpaintedafterwelding 4.4.3 Cleantheareastobepaintedofgrease,oil,anddebrisforgoodadhesionandallow todry 4.4.4 Applythedualetchliberallybybrush,rinsewithwater,wipeoffandallowtodry 4.4.5 Mixpaintandcatalyst.6partspaintto1partcatalyst Noteyouhaveonlyafewhourstoapplythemixturebeforeitisunusable 4.4.6 Addintothemixtureasmuchreducertoachieveproperviscosityforapplication Applicationreferstomethodsuchassprayorrollon 4.4.7 Usepaintthinnerforcleaningtoolsandareasinadvertentlypainted Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 168 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳ͹ 5 ShortCircuitDesign 5.1 Stresses 5.1.1 TheTechnibusIPBisdesignedtohandlethermalandmechanicalforcesofshort circuitcurrents.Spacingoftheinsulatorstationsandminimummaterialthicknesses aredeterminedtowithstandtheshortcircuitsspecified 5.1.2 Shortcircuitsarefedfromthegeneratorandtheline(load)side.Asaresultifthe tapbusisthelocationofashortcircuitfault,shortcircuitcurrentsmaysumfrom bothsources.Thereforethetapbusislikelytorequirehighershortcircuit withstandcapability 5.1.3 ThetubularshapesusedinIPBofferthebestpossibleresistancetothemechanical forcesgeneratedduringshortcircuitevents.Theseforcesacttocompressthe conductorandexpandtheenclosure.Sincetheexteriormagneticfieldisverylow themodestphasetophasemechanicalforcesgeneratedduetoafaultareeasily handled.Steelsupportspansupto40feetormorearepossible   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 169 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͺ 6 SupportInsulators 6.1 Usage 6.1.1 Conductorisisolatedandsupportedfromtheenclosurebyeithercastresinor porcelaininsulators 6.1.2 InsulatorsarechosentohandleratingsofBIL,highpotential,andshortcircuits 6.1.3 Asetofthreeinsulatorsareusedinthebusrunatoneinsulatorstation.Theyare eachsupportedbyatwopartaluminumcasting.Thebaseisweldedtothe enclosureandtheinsulatorisboltedontotheremovablecover.Theremovable coveristhenboltedtothebase 6.1.4 Theendsofthesupportinsulatorsthatareinrequireddirectcontactwiththe conductorareofthreetypes:Fixed,Sliding,andSpring 6.1.5 Fixedcontrolsthedirectionofthermalexpansionandshortcircuitforces 6.1.6 Slidingallowsforthermalexpansion 6.1.7 Springallowsforconductoradjustmentverticallytohandleshortcircuiteventsand fortheinsulatorstationtohavearesilientlysupportedconductor  Figure15:Porcelaininsulatorssupportingconductor Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 170 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͳͻ  Figure16:Insulatortips 7 Enclosuresupports 7.1 Usage 7.1.1 Twotypesofenclosuresupportsareinuse:fixedandsliding. 7.1.2 Fixedversioncontrolsthedirectionofthermaldirection 7.1.3 Slidingallowsforthermalexpansion 7.1.4 Thesesupportsareboltedintoacustomdesignedextrusionwhichisweldedonto theenclosurebody 7.1.5 ThebaseoftheenclosuresupportsareboltedontotheIPBsteelsupports 7.1.6 Severalinchesofaxialadjustmentareallowedduringfieldassembly 7.1.7 Enclosuresupportsareoptionallyabletoinsulatetheenclosurefromthesteel supports.Thisisachoiceintheprojectspecification 7.1.8 Coordinationisnecessarybetweensteelsupportprovider(ifnotTechnibus)and Technibustolocatetheseappropriatelytomatchwheninstalledtogetherinthe field Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 171 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͲ  Figure17:Fixedenclosuresupportwithextrusion  Figure18:Slidingenclosuresupport Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 172 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͳ 8 Sealoffbushing 8.1 Usage 8.1.1 Sealoffbushingsarelocatedatwallentrancesfromindoortooutdoor,possiblyat generatorterminations,oratlocationsasnecessarytoholdairpressurein pressurizedoptionsofIPB 8.1.2 Sealoffbushingsaremountedwithbothboltsandaboot 8.1.3 SealoffbushingsarechosentohandleratingsofBILandhighpotential 8.1.4 Thesealoffbushingisnotdesignednorinstalledtoprovidemechanicalsupportof theconductor  Figure19:Sealoffbushing   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 173 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹʹ 9 Grounding 9.1 Enclosuretubeasgroundbus 9.1.1 Theenclosuretubeisusedasthegroundbus.Thethreesinglephasetubesare connectedandthereforeallgroundedviatheshortingplates 9.1.2 Thecrosssectionalareaoftheenclosuretubeisseveraltimeslargerthanthat requiredforgroundingconductors.Thisconsiderablyreducesthermalloadingand contactvoltagedropinthecaseofanearthfault 9.1.3 Additionalgroundingconductorsarenotrequired 10 ErectionEquipmentandTools 10.1 Handlingequipment 10.1.1 Nylonslingsfourincheswideby8feetlongwith3shorttoncapacityinchoker configuration 10.1.2 Mobileboomtypetentoncrane 10.1.3 Buckettruckorequipmentforworkingatheightsuptothemaximumheighttothe topofthebus 10.1.4 Woodenbeamsfortemporarysupports 10.1.5 Powersupplyforlights,welders,andpowertools 10.1.6 Permanentsteelsupports 10.2 Testingequipment 10.2.1 ACHiͲpottesterratedatleast60kV 10.2.2 Circuittesterforcontrolwiring 10.3 Assemblytools 10.3.1 WeldingsupplyConstantvoltage 10.3.2 Welder 10.3.3 Weldingwire 10.3.4 Lintfreewipesforcleaninginsulatorsandterminations 10.3.5 Acetonesolventforcleaning 10.3.6 Scotchbriteforremovingaluminumoxide 10.3.7 200Ͳ400gritsandpaperforcleaningabrasions,deburring,andoxideremoval 10.3.8 Plasticbagsfortemporarycoversovercompartmentsduringassembly 10.3.9 Tapeforsealingplasticcoversinplace 10.3.10 Torquewrenches 10.3.11 Socketwrenches 10.3.12 Spotlight 10.3.13 Oxideinhibitingconductivegreaseforsilveredconnections–NoOx,CualͲGelor Technibusapprovedcomparablematerial Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 174 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ͵ 11 Installation 11.1 Introduction 11.1.1 Businstallationisreadyaftertheequipmentwhichwillbeterminatedtoareallin place,aligned,shimmed,andthemselvesreadyforconnection 11.2 Safetymeasures 11.2.1 Organizeasafetyplanwithalltradesworkingintheareaoronthesystem 11.2.2 Observepossiblesafetyhazardsaroundtheworkingareaincludingintheair,onthe ground,andundertheground 11.2.3 Verifythesectionsandbusrunstobeworkedonaredisconnectedfromvoltage sources.Checksourcesupstreamanddownstreamandatdifferentvoltagelevels 11.2.4 Protectagainstaccidentalreconnectiontosources 11.2.5 FollowthelockͲouttagͲoutandtestprocedures 11.2.6 Groundthebusconductors 11.2.7 Nearbylivepartsmustbecoveredorbarrierserected 11.2.8 Afteropeningtheenclosuresystemandcubicles,applyworkinggroundson conductors 11.3 Procedures 11.3.1 Collectandreviewtheprojectlayoutdrawings.Bussectionsarelabeledonthe drawingsastheyareonthephysicalequipment 11.3.2 Placethesteelsupportsonfoundationsaheadofthebus,shimtothecorrect heights.Usetemporarywoodsupportstosupportbusasnecessary 11.3.3 Installinplaceallassembliesandterminationsforafullrunbeforeanythingis welded 11.3.4 ThroughoutpieceͲbyͲpieceinstallationverifyprojectdrawingdimensionsand locations 11.3.5 Beginningfromoneendofthebusrun,alignthesubsequentassembliestothe projectdrawingsandtheterminationboxes 11.3.6 Installthenextassembly.Witheachassemblysection,adjustmentsareallowedfor fittinginthefieldthebestpossiblebyuseoftheenclosureshippingsplitcovers, conductorexpansionjoints,enclosureexpansionjoints,rubberbellows,andflexible connectors 11.3.7 AteverystepalongthewaykeeptheIPB,especiallytheinside,clean,dry,andfree ofextraneousitems 11.3.8 Afteraconductorisweldedtoitsneighboringassemblyconductortheshipping bracescanthenberemovedfromboththeconductors  Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 175 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͶ 11.4 Details 11.4.1 InstallallterminationassembliesͲbothconductorandenclosureonrespective equipment(generator,GSU,UAT,etc)beforeinstallingtherestofbusrun 11.4.2 IfterminationsareisolatedthentestforisolationviahiͲpotbeforemovingforward 11.4.3 Selectthecorrectbusassemblytoinstallbasedonprojectlayoutdrawings 11.4.4 Movetheassemblysectionintoposition 11.4.5 Asanassemblyisinstalled,cleaninsulators,conductor,andinsideofenclosuresince accessisstilleasiestpriortocompletionofassembly 11.4.6 Ifsupportstructureislocatedonthesection,useittosupportthepiece.Keepin mindtoallowforroomtoslidebasedontemperaturefluctuationsexpected throughoutthedayandyear.Ifnosupportthenusetemporarysupportsforthe pieceuntilthesectionisweldedorboltedinplace 11.4.7 Keepinmindintheinstallationplan,shiploosepartssuchasrubberbellowsthat needtoslipovertheendofthecurrentsectionbeforetheconductorsarewelded together 11.4.8 Assembletheconductorconnection.Ifboltedconnectionthenfollowthe procedureofsection14.Ifweldedconnection,cleantheendsoftheconductors withasteelwirebrushtoremoveoxidestoinsureagoodweld.Weldasspecifiedin theTechnibusWeldingSpecificationalongwiththetypeofweldatthislocation. Weldsizemustbeequaltothecrosssectionsizeoftheconductortoensure adequatecurrentcarryingcapacity 11.4.9 Assembletheenclosureconnection.Forrubberbellowsfollowtheprocedureof section14.5.Flangedconnectionsshouldhavethesurfacescleanedwithstainless steelwirebrushorScotchbritepadtoremovetheoxidefilm.Immediatelyapplya lightcoatofapprovednonͲoxidizingcontactgreaseifitisaflangetoflange connection.InstallOͲringorgasketorothermaterialasperprojectdrawingsand boltthejointtogether.Followtorquevaluesinsection14.2.Ifothergreasesare usedtheymaydamagetheOͲring 11.4.10 Weldedconnectionsaremadebyfilletweld.Weldsmustbewatertightandofthe samecrosssectionalareaastheenclosure 11.4.11 Oncetheconductorandenclosureareassembledtheassociatedgroundingand bondingconnectionscanbemade.Followboltedorweldedconnectionsasabove thatisrequiredperprojectdrawings.Weldsizehereshouldbenolessthanthe crosssectionalareaofthesmallestmemberofthegroundpathtoensureadequate currentcarryingcapacity 11.4.12 Iftheassemblyincludesexternalaccessoriessuchasheaters,thermostats,hose connections,etc.thesecanbeinstalledandwiredatthistime.   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 176 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͷ  11.5 RoutineChecks 11.5.1 Allcomponentsofthebusductshouldbecheckedforproperfunctioningbythe commissioningpersonnelafterthetrialrunofthegenerator.Particularfocus shouldbeonthemechanicalandelectricalconnections.Boltsshouldbechecked andsettothepropertighteningtorques 11.5.2 Afterinstallationcheckformaintainedterminationboxisolationfromequipment flangeviahiͲpot.Repeatthistestatanytimewhenterminationboxismovedor handled.Visuallychecktherubberisolationmatandboltisolationisingood condition 11.5.3 Atinitialinstallationandsubsequentmaintenanceeventsandoverhauls,the supportinsulatorsaretobeverifiedeachareincontactwiththeconductor 11.5.4 Checksshouldbemadeafter: 1stweekofoperation 3rdweekofoperation 3rdmonthofoperation 6thmonthofoperation Every6thmonththereafterorduringnormalstationchecks 11.5.5 Tobechecked: Visibleconnectionsandboltedjointsonconductors Generatorandtransformerterminationsandconnectors Allboltedconnectionswhichcanbeseenthroughinspectionholes Rubberexpansionbellowsontheenclosure 11.5.6 Boltedconnectionsandsurfacesaretobelookedatforchangesincolor(tarnished copper)whichwouldindicateoverheating 11.5.7 Rubberbellowclampsshouldbecheckedfortightnessandthebellowitselfchecked forbrittleness,holes,ortears 12 Overhaul 12.1 Scheduling 12.1.1 TechnibusIPBisdesignedinsuchawaythatnoregularmaintenanceworkis necessaryduringnormaloperation 12.1.2 Inspectionandgeneraloverhaulintervalscaneasilybeintegratedintothegeneral plantmaintenanceschedules 12.1.3 Generaloverhaulsaretotakeplaceduringoverallsystemoverhauls 12.1.4 Threeweeksafterresumingoperation,checkslistedin11.5shouldbeperformed Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 177 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ͸ 12.2 Tasks 12.2.1 Allboltedconnectionsaretobeuncoveredandcheckedforpropertorques. Retighteningasnecessary 12.2.2 Checkforanychangesincolorortarnishingontheflexibleconnectors.Thismaybe anindicationofincreasedtemperaturecausedbydecreasedpressureonthe contactsurfaceandpossibleoxidationofthecontactarea.Therespective connectorsmustberemovedandcleaned 12.2.3 Checkgasketqualityandtighteningtorquesonaccesscovers.Checkboltedtorques onflangedconnectionsaswellasOͲrings.Checkboltedconnectionsonconnection housesandgroundconnections.Ifevidenceofdamageoroverheatingexiststhen thejointmustbedisassembledandcleaned.Priortoreassemblycontactsurfaces mustbetreatedasinsection14.1 12.2.4 Rubberexpansionbellowsontheenclosuremustberemovedtoreachtheflexible connectors.Bellowsaretobecheckedinsideandoutfordamageorbrittleness. Replaceifnecessary 12.2.5 Thebusductishighlyresistanttowateranddust.Asaresultasimpledismantling ofoneormoreinsulatorstoinspectvisuallytheinsulatorassemblyis recommended.Checkwithalighttheinsideoftheenclosureandlookforwater leaksorpreviouswatertrackingalongthewallandthebottomofthebusduct.If contaminationisfoundordamageispresentitwillbenecessarytocleanorreplace theinsulators 12.2.6 Visuallychecktheterminationboxrubberisolationmatsandboltisolationmaterials ifapplicable.PerformahiͲpotat500VAConeachterminationboxtoconfirm maintainedelectricalisolation.Duringthistesttheterminationboxground connectionsaretobetemporarilyremoved.Replacethegroundconnectiononce testiscomplete   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 178 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹ͹ 13 Faults 13.1 Internalfaults 13.1.1 Themechanicalandthermalstrengthofthebusduct,especiallyinfeederstothe auxiliarytransformerandtomeasuringandprotectioncubicles,areassuredaslong asnoshortcircuitarcsoccur 13.1.2 Duringshortcircuitarcsinoneofthephases,thebusductwillnotbedestroyedas longasthefaultoccursinthatonephase.Distortionofthebusductconnections cansometimesoccur,however;theycanberepairedrelativelyquicklyafterafinal check 13.1.3 PerformthechecksofOverhaulinsection12 13.1.4 Checkfixedandslidingenclosuresupportpointsfordeformation 13.1.5 Checkconductorexpansionjoints.Deformedaluminumorcopperconductor expansionjointsmustbereturnedtotheiroriginalshape;possibleexamplesshown belowinFigure20,otherwiseincreasesintemperaturecanoccur    Figure 20:Possibleconductorexpansionconnectorshapes 13.2 Temporaryincreasedtemperatureoperationinbolted connections 13.2.1 Iftemperatureincreasesoccurinaboltedconnection,shutdownoftheinstallation isnotalwayspossible.Itispermissibletoruntheinstallationforshortperiodsas longasthetemperaturedoesnotriseabove110°C 13.2.2 Inthissituationthetemperaturemustbecheckedtwicepereighthourshift 13.2.3 Ifthetemperatureincreasesabove110°C,thesystemmustbeswitchedoffandthe connectionrepaired 13.2.4 Duringdisassemblyoftheconnections,thecauseofthetemperatureincrease(e.g. looseboltedjoints,oxidizedcontactsurfaces,etc)mustbedeterminedandrectified 13.2.5 Duringreinstallation,theinstructionsinsection14.1mustbefollowed Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 179 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͺ 13.3 Effectsofmoisture 13.3.1 Condensationcanoccuroninsulatorsandsealoffbushings 13.3.2 Experimentshaveshownthattheeffectsofcondensationoninsulatorwithstand voltageisminimalaslongastheinsulatorsurfaceisfreeofpollution 13.3.3 TechnibusinsulatorsarebydefaultchosentooperatesuccessfullyperIEEEC37.23 Table1withorwithoutacondensationcontrolsystem 13.3.4 Aftersystemshutdown,thebusductshouldbepurgedwithdryairbeforereturning thesystemtoservice 13.3.5 BusductshouldbecheckedforwatertightnessCheckthefollowinginorder: x Rubberexpansionbellows x Connectionflangesontransformers x Accesscovers x Insulatorcovers x Sealoffbushingseals 14 Removalandinstallationofelectricalconnections 14.1 Copperandaluminumconnections 14.1.1 Removetheboltsandtakeouttheconnectorsandvisuallyinspectthem 14.1.2 Ifthereisdeformationreturntooriginalshape 14.1.3 Ifsurfaceisnotsilverplated,removetheoldgreasefromcontactsurfaces.Remove oxidefilmwithuseofstainlesssteelbrushorScotchbrite(noemery).Lightlygrease contactareaswithNoOxorTechnibusapprovedcontactgrease.Workquicklyas newoxidefilmsdevelopquickly.Verifytheentirecontactsurfaceiscoveredwith greasethenbolttogether 14.1.4 Ifsurfaceissilverplated,removetheoldgreasefromcontactsurfaces.Subsequent cleaningoperationsmustnotdamagethesilverͲplatingofthesurface.Treatwith acetoneandlintfreeclothtoremoveoldgrease.Lightlygreasethecontactsurface areawithNoOxorTechnibusapprovedcontactgrease.Verifytheentirecontact surfaceiscoveredwithgreasethenbolttogether 14.1.5 Everytimetheconnectionsareremovedtheaboveprocessmustbefollowed 14.1.6 Silverplatedcontactsurfacesmustalwaysbeprotectedwithgreaseduring intermediatestorageanderection.Eachcontactsurfaceisshippedwithgrease appliedinthefactory.Donotremovethisgreaseuntilthefinalconnectionistobe assembled   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 180 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷʹͻ 14.2 Boltassemblyandtorquevalues 14.2.1 Whenboltingthevariouselements,twospringwashers(Bellevillewashers)andtwo flatwashersshouldbeusedforeachboltpoint.Putoneofeachtypeunderthe headoftheboltandonesetunderthenut.Forthespringwasher,onlyusethe specificpartnumbershownontheassemblydrawing 14.2.2 Priortotightening,applyathinfilmofTechnibusapprovedthreadlubricanttothe boltthreadstopreventgallingofstainlesssteelboltsiftheyareused.Thebolt tighteningtorquesare:  StainlessSteelHardware M820Nm M1035Nm M1266Nm M16120Nm M20240Nm Table1:BolttorquesͲMetric 1/4”6.5ftͲlb 3/8”25ftͲlb 1/2”45ftͲlb 5/8”90ftͲlb 3/4”132ftͲlb Table2:BolttorquesͲStandard Grade5PlatedSteelHardware 5/16”20ftͲlb  3/8”30ftͲlb  1/2”55ftͲlb* 5/8”110ftͲlb* 3/4”200ftͲlb* Table3:Bolttorques–Standard(*indicatesvaluesapplicabletogalvanizedA325 structuralbolts) 14.3 Disassemblyandassemblyofpostinsulators 14.3.1 Donotdisassembletwoormoresuccessivepostinsulatorsatthesametime. Removalofmorethanoneinsulatormayoverstressadjacentinsulatorassemblies 14.3.2 TIP:Ifremovingandreinstallingtheinsulatorsremoveandreinstallthemattheir originallocations.Insulatorsareadjustedfortheirrespectivelocationandfollowing thistipcouldassistwithpropersettingsatreassembly 14.3.3 Disassemblyisasfollows:Thetopinsulatorwiththespringtipisremovedfirst thenthelowerinsulatorsinthesamesectionaresecond.Theinsulatorcoverhex headboltsareremoved.Removaloftheinsulatorfromtheenclosureshouldbe takenwithgreatcaretoavoiddamagetothesheds(orskirtsorribs).Adjustmentof theslidingorfixedtipsshouldbedoneonlyifnecessary.Theinsulatortipsare protectedagainstmovementbywrappingthethreadswithTeflontape 14.3.4 Cleaning:Visuallychecktheinsulator,ifdusthasaccumulated,cleanwithdrylintͲ freecloth.Foroilycontaminationcleantheinsulatorwithacetone,thenapplya Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 181 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵Ͳ thinfilmofsiliconepastetotheinsulatorsurfaceandrubitintoasmoothlightfilm. Preventfromapplyingtoomuchpaste 14.3.5 Installation:ChecktheOͲringsoftheinsulatorcoverfordamageandreplaceif necessary(useReinzoplastadhesivetoattachtheOͲring).Forinstallationofthe insulatorproceedinreverseorderof14.3.3above.Payattentiontothemounting direction(arrowontheinsulatorcover).Forinsulatorsonthebottomofthebus sectionthearrowmustpointupward.Withreferencetothespringloadedinsulator itisnecessarytofirstadjustthepreͲloadonthespring.Thisisdonebyturningthe springpartandcarryingoutatrialinsertionoftheinsulator.Whentheinsulatoris insertedthegapbetweenweldedcastingandinsulatorcovermustbe2mm(ain Picture2below).SeeFigure21.Tightencoverbolts.Whentheinsulatorsare installedbesureallthree(upperandtwolower)areincontactwiththeconductor Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 182 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͳ  Figure21:Threepostinsulatorcrosssection Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 183 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ʹ 14.4 Disassemblyandassemblyofcastresinwithbootsealoffbushing 14.4.1 Disassemblyisasfollows:Thisisassumingpreliminaryworkhasbeenperformed wherethesealoffbushinghasaclearpathofremovalfromtheconductor. Uniformlyloosentheinnerbolts(Teflonormetallic)fromtheinterfaceoftheboot totherigidbushing.Uniformlyremovetheouterboltswhichconnecttherigid bushingtothealuminumframe.Withassistancepulltherigidbushingandboot fromtheconductor.Collectanynutsandboltsthatmaycomeloose.Therubber bootdoesconstrictaroundtheconductorsoeffortwillbeneededtopullfromthe conductor.Caremustbealsomaintainedtopreventanytearstotheboot.Thereis awhiterigidgasketonthebacksideoftheboottorigidbushing.Setthisasidefor reinstallation.SeeFigure19 14.4.2 Cleaning:Visuallycheckthebushing,ifdusthasaccumulated,cleanwithdrylintͲ freecloth.RTVsiliconeisusedtosealupinterfaces.Cleanthesurfaceswith acetonetoremovetheresidue.Foroilycontaminationcleanthebushingwith acetone,thenapplyathinfilmofsiliconepastetothebushingsurfaceandrubitin toasmoothlightfilm.Preventfromapplyingtoomuchpaste.Checkthebootfor anydeformationordamageandreplaceifnecessary.Cleantheenclosureand conductorofanydirt,dustorresidue.Replacethegasketonthealuminumring 14.4.3 Installation:Forinstallationofthebushingusethefollowing.Rigidbushingtoboot assemblyshouldbedoneonabench,thenthisinstalledintotheenclosureandover theconductorasacompleteunit.ApplyRTVaroundtherigidbushingholesand aroundtherigidopeningfromholetoholeonthesidetherubberbootmounts. UseRTVsiliconetofillallholesinwhichboltsgothroughtodisplaceairspacewhich mayhavealeak.IfTeflonboltsareprovideduseaTeflonplumbers’sealanton thosethreads.Whenreadytomovethebushingassemblyintotheenclosure,first putintoplaceanewgasketifnecessary.ThenapplyliberalamountsofRTVsilicone onthealuminummountingringaroundtheholes,onthemetalboltthreads,andon thegasket.Withassistancepushthesealoffbushingassemblyintoplaceandslide bootovertheconductor.Afterallboltsareinplace,runabeadofsiliconebetween thebootandconductoraroundthecircumference.Pullupthelipofthebootand placethisbeadaboutaninchintothebootͲconductor.Especiallyforairpressurized busthecriticalityofsealingleaksisapriority 14.5 Disassemblyandassemblyofrubberbellows 14.5.1 Disassemblyisasfollows:Loosenbandclampbolts.Uncoverexpansionjointby pullingthebellowovertheenclosuretubeend 14.5.2 Check:Visuallycheckthebellowsandreplacethemiftheyshowtracesof damageorbrittleness.Checksealingareasoftheenclosureflangesforgroovesand burrs.Repair,ifnecessary 14.5.3 Installation:Forinstallationofthebellowproceedinreverseorderof14.5.1above. Caremustbetakentopreventdamagetothesealsthatoverlaptheenclosureends. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 184 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵͵ Thebandstrapsmustbeproperlyplacedovertheoverlapsofthebellowand tightenedsecurely. 15 SteelStructures 15.1 Design 15.1.1 Steelsupportstructuresareanoptionaladditionanddesignedbasedonparameters providedtoTechnibus 15.1.2 Technibusdoesnotprovidenordesignconcretefoundationsnoranchorbolts 15.1.3 TechnibusdoessupplywhererequiredPEstampcertificationofthedesign structures.ThismayormaynotbepossibleinareasoutsideoftheUnitedStates. CheckwithTechnibusEngineeringdepartmentforthesitelocationinquestion 15.1.4 TechnibuscanprovidethesteelsupportstructuresforGeneratorCircuitBreaker supportsaswell 15.1.5 TubesteeldesignisthedefaultbutIͲbeamdesignsarealsoavailable 15.1.6 SteelstructureisbydefaulthotͲdippedgalvanizedpriortoshipmentfromthe factory 15.1.7 Fieldassemblyisbasedonprojectspecificdrawings 15.2 Usage 15.2.1 Steelsupportstructuresaretobeinstalledbasedonprojectdrawingsandparticular assemblyplacement 15.2.2 Ifanydrilling,cutting,oranythingelseisdonethatcouldremovethegalvanized layerthenrepairofgalvanizingisnecessary.UseaTechnibusapprovedcold galvanizertoprovideasufficientprotectivelayer 15.2.3 AnantiͲseizeanticorrosioncompoundisacceptableforinstallinghardwareand preferredifstainlesssteelhardwareisused.Thisisinparticulartopreventgalling. UseaTechnibusapprovedproductonTechnibusprovidedsteelstructures 15.2.4 Ifsteelsupportisdesignatedtohaveaconnectiontoagroundcable,thenapply appropriatecompoundswhichwillallowconnectionofdissimilarmetalswithout corrosionandenhanceelectricalconnectivity.ContactTechnibusfor recommendation 15.2.5 IncertainlocationssteelstructurescanbeincloseproximitytotheIPBwhere inducedcurrentsmustbehandled.Thisincludeshiddenstructures.Technibus shouldbegrantedstructuraldrawingstoassistwithmitigationmeanstopreventor eliminatetheseproblems.Shielding/screening,increaseddistances,amortisseur bands,andothermeansmaybesolutions Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 185 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵Ͷ 16 SpareParts 16.1 ContactTechnibusforapprovedspareparts 16.1.1 Address,phonenumber,website: Purchasing Technibus 1501RaffRdSW Canton,OH44710 330Ͳ478Ͳ6395 http://www.technibus.com/  Sales Technibus 1501RaffRdSW Canton,OH44710 330Ͳ478Ͳ6395 http://www.technibus.com/ sales@technibus.com 17 FieldService 17.1 ContactTechnibusfieldservice 17.1.1 Address,phonenumber,website:  FieldService Technibus 1501RaffRdSW Canton,OH44710 330Ͳ478Ͳ6395 http://www.technibus.com/ fieldservice@technibus.com       Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 186 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͷ 18 Appendix 18.1 AirPressurization 18.1.1 Basics Onecontrolstationperthreephaserunforupto600SCFHoftotal makeupair.Ifmuchlargerorlongerrunsthenasecondcontrolstationwould beneeded Siteinstrumentqualityairisrequiredwithairpressureatthecontrol stationof100PSIminimum Site120VACpowerrequiredforpoweringtheinternalcabinet components.Seeprojectdrawingsforthosedetails.Provideappropriate upstreamelectricalprotection Controlstationmayormaynotconsistofanenclosure.Generallynot neededpendingthecontrolstationismountedindoorsandtheambient environmentisconduciveforitsproperoperation.ConsultTechnibuswith thesedetailstoseeifenclosureisnecessary Technibusdoesnotprovidethepipingnorpipingsupportsfromthe controlstationtotheenclosures.Priortoinstallingthepipingistobecleaned ofdirtandresidue.Onceinstalledtheselinesshouldbepressuretestedand clearedofanyleaks Nonconductiverubberhoseswithorwithoutvalvesattheenclosureare tobeusedtopreventunwantederroneousgroundconnectionsandcurrents fromtravellingalongthepiping.Thisisforboththeairsourceandairmonitor lines FieldassembledpressurizedIPBassembliesaretobesealedupby contractorwithRTVsiliconecaulkorTechnibusapprovedalternative.Thiswill beontopofgaskets,aroundboltsandflanges,boltthreads,andotherlocations wherepressurizedaircouldescape 18.1.2 Generalsteps Oncethesourceairisavailableandvalidatedtobecleanandofproper pressure,airpressurizationinstallationcanbegin Theairpressurizationcontrolstationistobelocated,wired,and plumbed. Afterthelonghaulpipingisinstalledterminatetothecontrolstation assuringtheproperphaseforairsourceismatchedwiththeproperphasefor theairmonitoringline Removeanyshippingplugsorcoversfromtheenclosureconnection stubs OncetheIPBisinstalledandreadytobepressurized,slightlyopena belloworslightlycrackopenaninsulatorawayfromairentrypoint.Dothisfor eachphase.Thiswillallowtheinsideenclosureairtoescapeandbereplacedby thedryinstrumentpressurizedair Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 187 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵͸ Byusingprojectdrawingsverifyproperwiring:120VACandcontrol signals.Alsotakenoteofgaugedialsandairflowmeterodometervalue Closeallhandvalves.Turnonsourcefromtheplant.Checkforleaksat interfacewithcontrolstation Thesafetyvalveandpressurereducingvalvehavebeenpresetfrom Technibustomaximum0.5PSIand0.2PSIrespectively Opencontrolstationairfeedlineandallowpressuretobuildinsidethe controlstationcabinet.Checkforleaksinthecabinet.Cabinethasbeen pressuretestedatthefactorypriortoshipment Opencontrolstationdischargevalvetochargethefieldsourcelines. Valvesshouldbeclosedatenclosureentrylocations.Therecouldbesomeair flowduetopressurebuildinthefieldlinessothegasflowmetercanpulseupat thispoint Openfieldvalves.Flowmetercouldtendtogotomaximumflowrate. Atthispoint,itwilltakeseveralhourstofillthebuswithinstrumentair. Afterthegivenestimatedamountoftimefrompreviousstep,closethe openingmadeinthebusandallowpressuretobuild.Thiswillagaintakehours. Gaugescanbeobservedtoriseforeachphase.Lowpressuresignalswillclear. Gasmetershouldstillbenotedaspulsingforairentryintothebus AtsomepointitwillneedtobedecidedwhattheIPBbuswillbe consideredasnormalpressure.Gaugeredneedlescanbeadjustedbyownerto definewhattheywishtobehighandlowalarmvalues.Thesecanbechanged atthistimetochecktheownercontrolsystemwiringforthesesignals Heaterandthermostatcanbecheckedforoperation.Heateris extremelyhot.Donottouchitorheatconductivematerialsneartheheater Commissioningoftheairpressurizationiscomplete.Itissuggestedto checkonthecompletesystemoverthenextfewdaystocheckforleaksand operation Theverylowpressureairpressurizationsystemissensitivetothe environment.Ambienttemperaturesandpressureswillbenoticeablebythe gaugesandlikelybythegasmeterusage.Alsoanenergizedbuswillusethe pressurizationsystemdifferentlythanadeenergizedbusduetotheheatingof internalair.Thesesituationsaredifferentbutdonotindicateafaultofthe system 18.1.3 Maintenance DonotworkontheIPBitselfwhileitispressurized.Closehandvalves topreventairreplenishmentandcrackopenslowlyabelloworaninsulatorto allowaplannedbleedofpressure WhenIPBisdepressurizedeachmonitoringlineshouldbesignalinga lowpressuresituation Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 188 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵͹ Maintaincleandrysourceairtopreventimpuritiestomoveintotheair pressurizationcabinet.Thesesmallpressureshavesmallareasinsidethe controlvalveswhichcanbecompromised Checktherubberconnectionhosesinthefieldforcracksandbrittleness andreplaceasnecessaryduringascheduleddepressurizationoftheIPB Duringscheduleddowntimesmanuallyoperatebackandforthallhand valves Whenanyworkonthepressurizationsourceormonitoringlinescheck forleaksandperformanycorrectionspriortofinalrechargingofthelinesand bus WhenworkingonotherareasofthepressurizedIPBrun,replace gaskets,oͲrings,caulk,andothersealingmaterialsasnecessarytoverifyasbest ofairsealaspossible  Figure22: Airpressurizationcabinetfrontviewwithoptionalenclosuredoorsopen     EnclosurePressure MonitoringGauges GasFlowMeter SafetyReliefValve PressureReducing Valve WiringTerminalBlocksFor MonitoringandPower Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 189 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͺ 18.2 IRWindows 18.2.1 Basics IRWindowsarelocatedontheIPBbusrunsatlocationsbasedon projectdrawings Windowsareplacedinanenclosure ParticularmakeandmodelofIRwindowisbasedonproject specificationsandagreementwiththecustomer 18.2.2 Usage IRwindowmayormaynothavealenscover.Ifitdoesthenthiscover shouldbeleftclosedunlessviewingthroughthewindow IRcamerasareusedtoviewthroughthesewindowsandobtain temperaturereadings.Itiscamerauserresponsibilitytosetupthecamerawith correctparameters(emissivity,transmission,oranyothercameraspecific settings)toviewthecorrecttemperatures.Theseparametersaredifferentper cameraͲwindowcombination ItissuggestedtosetupatestofcameraͲwindowtemperatureviewing resultstoseewhataparticularcameraneedstobesettoreadthevalues.Then itshouldbethesamecamerausedeachtimeforreadingthroughthese windows Lowemissivitycomponents(unpaintedorevenworsepolishedmetals) areverydifficulttocorrectlyreadevenwithoutanIRwindowwithadifferent transmissionrating.Ifpossiblereadpaintedsurfaceswithveryhighemissivity forbestvalues.Forexamplethecopperbraidconnectorsarenotpainted. ThesewillbedifficulttogetcorrecttemperaturewithacamerathroughanIR window.Thenearbypaintedaluminumconnectorheadorconductorwillgive betterresults ConsultyourIRcameramanufacturerwithquestionsspecifictothisIPB projectarrangementifresultsareinquestion  Figure23:IRWindowinstalledinIPB(left)andwiththecoveropen(right) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 190 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷ͵ͻ 18.3 PTCubicle 18.3.1 Basics PTcubicledetailsareprovidedontheprojectdrawings Specificparametersofenclosureandenclosurecomponentsoriginated fromtheprojectspecificationsandanydiscussionsduringtheproject TechnibusdoesnotrecommendnorofferPTsonthehighsidewired phasetophase.PTswillbewiredwyeonthehighside Dependingonthecustomerrequestoptionscouldbe: Dualsecondary Installedresistorinsecondaryforferroresonance MultiplePTsperphase PTcubiclestendtobecustombasedonthecustomerspecification requestssoithighlyissuggestedtoprimarilyviewtheprojectspecific documentsforthePTcubicledetails 18.3.2 Usage ThePTsareoffixedorremovabledesignasprojectdictates TypicallythePTprimaryfuseisclearlymountedontopofthe transformer PTsecondaryfusesifapplicablearemountedinawiringjunctionboxon theoutsideoftheenclosure(s) PTsecondarywiringistoshortingblocksinthewiringjunctionbox. Theseshortsaretoberemovedduringinstallation/commissioning Surgecapacitors,ifapplicable,areshippedwithoriginalmanufacturer shortingwirebetweenhighvoltageterminalandground.Thisistoberemoved duringinstallation/commissioning AcoppergroundbusisinthePTcubicleenclosureassembly.Besure thisissolidlyconnectedtostationgroundpriortoenergizing Keepdoorsclosedandlockedduringoperation Disconnecttheinternalcomponentspriortoapplyinganyhighvoltage testing   Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 191 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͶͲ 18.4 HeaterSystem 18.4.1 Basics HeatersareanoptionalaccessoryaddedtoexistingIPBdesign enclosures Thesystemconsistsofroundheaterelementshousedinaluminum boxeswhichareweldedontotheenclosure,athermostatwhichmaybefixedor adjustablesetting,wiringandconduit(byothers).Ifaheatercontrollerisused thenaseparatedocumentexistsforthatdesignandoperation Heatersareplacedtypicallynexttoinsulatorstationstominimizethe buildͲupofcondensationontheinsulatorstation.Thedesignisnottoincrease theoverallIPBruntemperatureaboveadewpointvalue.Thiswouldtakea tremendousamountofenergyandthereforeimpracticaltodoso Theinterioroftheheaterboxispurposefullynotpaintedtoassistwith reflectingtheenergyintothebusductenclosure.Paintingwouldpromote movingheatthroughtheboxwallandthenintothesurroundingenvironment 18.4.2 Safety Theheatersarepoweredfromaseparatesourceandasaresultany workdoneonthissystemmustbeinitiallytreatedastheheatersystemis energizeduntilproventhatitisnot Heatersaretypicallybutnotalwaysoperatedat120VAC.Referto projectdrawingsbutalwayscheckwithmeterforvoltageandvalueofvoltage Heaterboxesaremountedaroundanopeninginthebusenclosure. Thismeansaccessisthenopentotheinteriorofthebusenclosure.Nowork shouldbedoneontheheatersystemwhiletheIPBisenergized.Careshouldbe takentonothaveanythingputintoorapproachthebusenclosureopening.Itis onlytherefortheheatenergyfromtheheaterelementtoenterthebusinterior Heaterroutingsmayrequiremultiplecircuitstosuccessfullypowera singlephasebusrun.Ifpoweringdownacircuitverifythatthecorrectcircuitis deenergized 18.4.3 IPBmagneticfieldintroducesavoltageontonearbyconductivemetallicstructures. Thisvoltagewillthenimpartacurrentifaclosedloopismadebythisstructure.Itis recommendedtogroundtheconduitswhichhousetheheatersystemwiringfrom heaterboxtoheaterboxbutinstallanonconductivebushingintheconduitpathin eachsegment.ThiswillpreventalooprunningparallelalongtheIPBpath.Seethe projectdrawings.Wiringandconduitmaterialsandinstallationarenotinthescope ofTechnibus 18.4.4 Donotconnectmoreheatersthenthethermostatcanhandleandkeepinginmind appropriatecodes 18.4.5 Theinstallationcontractororowneraretoprovidecircuitprotectionelements (fuses,breakers,orothermeans) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 192 of 209 ǦͲʹͳǦͳͳͲͳǦͳ‡˜ͻ —‡ʹͲͳͷͶͳ 18.4.6 Theheaterenclosureboxesmayhaveholesonoppositesidesoftheboxforconduit connection.Itissuggestedtomakethisanonmetallicflexibleconnectiontothe mainconduitrun.Theoppositesideunusedholeistobepluggedandsealed 18.4.7 Heatercoversonceclosedontotheboxesaretohaveabeadofsiliconeappliedat theinterfaceofthecoverandtheheaterbox 18.4.8 Itishighlyrecommendedthathightemperaturewiringandterminationaccessories beusedattheheatertermination.Thesurfaceoftheheaterisinexcessof400 degreeFahrenheitandsotheterminationsoftheelementareincloseproximityof thosehightemperatures.Thisisresponsibilityoftheinstallationcontractor  Figure24:Heaterviewwithcoverremoved.Terminalsshownforcontractorwiring  Figure25:Thermostatboxwhichcontrolstwoseparate25ampcircuits Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 193 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 11 Attachment 5 Construction Cost Estimate Totals & Bill of Quantities Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 194 of 209 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCT/MECH ESTIMATE TOTALS Description Amount Totals Hours Rate Percent of Total Labor 463,072 8,771 23.83% Material 341,638 17.58% Subcontract 7,774 0.40% Equipment 86,216 2,216 4.44% Other 7,979 0.41% TOTAL DIRECT COST 906,679 906,679 46.66% ALLOWANCES Shift Work ( 3 - 8 hr shifts)69,461 15.0%3.57% TOTAL DIRECT COST W/ ALLOWANCE 69,461 976,140 3.58% SUBCONTRACTOR MARK-UP'S Subcontractor-GCs 61,112 8.0%3.15% Subcontactor-OH 45,834 6.0%2.36% Subcontractor-Fee 45,834 6.0%2.36% Subcontractor-Bond/Insurance 19,098 2.5%0.98% GRAND TOTAL DIRECT COST 171,878 1,148,018 8.85% RISK ASSESSMENT MARK-UP's Construction Contingency 344,405 30.0%17.73% Escalation to Mid Point 68,881 6.0%3.55% TOTAL INCLUDING RISK 413,286 1,561,304 21.27% GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General Conditions Management 85,872 5.5%4.42% General Conditions Subsistance 31,226 2.0%1.61% General Conditions Temp Fac 15,613 1.0%0.80% General Conditions Equipment 7,807 0.5%0.40% General Conditions Start-up 23,420 1.5%1.21% General Conditions Permits 7,807 0.5%0.40% Sales Tax TOTAL INCLUDING GC'S 171,745 1,733,049 8.84% CONTRACTOR FEE G&A 69,322 4.0%3.57% Profit 116,578 6.0%6.00% TOTAL INCLUDING FEE 185,900 1,918,949 9.57% INSURANCES & BOND Builders All Risk Insurance 6,141 0.3%0.32% General Libility Insurance 3,886 0.2%0.20% Other Insurance P&P Bond 13,989 0.7%0.72% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 24,016 1,942,965 1.24% Total 1,942,965 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 195 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer Cutting Torch - Miller 500, 2164 lb, Diesel 16.00 hr 161 10.09 /hr 161 Saw Cut Concrete Wall 100.00 lf 8 429 77 5.06 /lf 506 Torch Cut TS supports 120.00 lf 62 3,132 26.10 /lf 3,132 Demo Concrete Piers - Bus Duct Supports 6.00 ea 144 7,393 321 1,285.59 /ea 7,714 Demo Bus Duct TS Supports 3.00 ea 36 1,807 602.29 /ea 1,807 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 2.00 load 2 98 150 124.02 /load 248 Dump Fees 2.00 ton 200 100.00 /ton 200 02220.02.0100 Remove Bus Duct TS supports & Concrete Piers 3.00 ea 252 12,858 200 709 4,589.25 /ea 13,768 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 8.00 hr 273 34.14 /hr 273 Cutting Torch - Miller 500, 2164 lb, Diesel 8.00 hr 81 10.09 /hr 81 Torch Cut TS supports 6.00 lf 3 157 26.10 /lf 157 Demo Concrete Ftg/Pier - Cross Insulator 1.00 ea 24 1,232 53 1,285.59 /ea 1,286 Demo Steel Cross Insulator column 1,706 lb, 36' long 1.00 ea 15 942 941.88 /ea 942 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 2.00 load 2 98 150 124.02 /load 248 Dump Fees 3.00 ton 300 100.00 /ton 300 02220.02.0110 Remove 500kV Cross Insulator steel column & footing 1.00 ea 44 2,429 300 557 3,285.94 /ea 3,286 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 16.00 hr 546 34.14 /hr 546 Demo Concrete Ftg/Pier - Cross Insulator 3.00 ea 72 3,696 160 1,285.59 /ea 3,857 Demo Steel Cross Insulator column 553 lb, 8' long 3.00 ea 45 2,826 941.88 /ea 2,826 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 3.00 load 3 147 225 124.02 /load 372 Dump Fees 6.00 ton 600 100.00 /ton 600 02220.02.0120 Remove 500kV Surge Arrestor Support & Footing 3.00 ea 120 6,669 600 932 2,733.57 /ea 8,201 EXCAVATOR - Hydraulic - (Cat 321D LCR) 1.18 cy w/ Operator 31.00 hr 31 1,884 2,527 142.30 /hr 4,411 Demo Below Ground Pipe and Appurtanances - fire water 147.00 lf 31 1,549 10.54 /lf 1,549 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 3.00 load 3 147 225 124.02 /load 372 Dump Fees 3.00 ton 60 20.00 /ton 60 02220.02.0150 Remove DI Fire Water Pipe, 10" dia 147.00 lf 65 3,580 60 2,753 43.49 /lf 6,393 BACKHOE - 4WD 14-15' - (CAT 420E) 1.25 cy w/ Operator 300.00 hr 300 17,807 10,071 92.93 /hr 27,878 BACKHOE - Jack Hammer/Breaker Attachment 300.00 hr 5,637 18.79 /hr 5,637 LOADER - Articulated Wheel (Cat 924H) 2.4 cy w/ Operator 300.00 hr 300 18,231 12,168 101.33 /hr 30,399 Demo Concrete Wall Heavy Rebar, behind transformer, 40' L x 19'-6" H 780.00 sf 94 4,698 6.02 /sf 4,698 Demo Concrete SOG with Rebar, existing AHU 22 cy 578.00 sf 43 2,176 3.76 /sf 2,176 Demo Concrete SOG with Rebar, existing Transformer Pedestal, 3'-6" deep, 47 cy 362.00 sf 36 1,817 5.02 /sf 1,817 Demo Concrete SOG with Rebar, existing Transformer containment SOG, 1' deep, 3'-6" H walls, 53 cy 1,432.00 sf 129 6,469 4.52 /sf 6,469 Haul Demo/Off Site 20cy Rear Dump 1 Load/Hour 20.00 load 20 979 1,501 124.02 /load 2,480 Dump Fees 302.00 ton 6,040 20.00 /ton 6,040 02220.03.0100 Remove Transformer Concrete Pad & Wall 129.00 cy 922 52,177 6,040 29,377 679.02 /cy 87,594 02200 Site Preparation 1,403 77,713 7,200 34,328 119,241 Grade stone surfacing after installation 1,555.00 sy 4 236 306 0.35 /sy 542 Excavate and load onto trucks, common earth, bulk bank measure, front end loader, wheel mounted, 3 cy bucket 260.00 cy 7 439 362 3.08 /cy 801 Haul excavated material on-site, 12 cy dump truck, 15 mph average, cycle 0.5 miles 260.00 cy 5 265 355 2.38 /cy 620 Load fill from on-site stockpile onto dump truck, front end loader, wheel mounted, 3 cy bucket 260.00 cy 7 439 362 3.08 /cy 801 Haul fill from on-site stockpile, 12 cy dump truck, 15 mph average, cycle 0.5 miles 260.00 cy 5 265 355 2.38 /cy 620 Spread dumped material (from on-site stockpile),260.00 cy 3 182 231 1.59 /cy 413 02310.02.0100 Remove/Respread Stone Surfacing 260.00 cy 32 1,826 1,971 14.61 /cy 3,797 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ Page 1 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 196 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ 02300 Earthwork 32 1,826 1,971 3,797 Load excavated material onto dump truck, front end loader, wheel mounted, 1-1/2 cy bucket 24.00 cy 2 122 81 8.44 /cy 203 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 50 mph average, cycle 20 miles 24.00 cy 2 98 131 9.54 /cy 229 Disposal Fee, public landfill 12.00 ton 240 20.00 /ton 240 Auger Cast Piles 24" dia x 25' deep, 8 ea 200.00 vlf 40 2,402 6,103 42.53 /vlf 8,505 Auger Cast Piles - mobilization 1.00 lot 18 1,081 2,746 3,827.36 /lot 3,827 Drilled Pier Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 3.30 tn 1 52 33 20 31.74 /tn 105 Drilled Pier Rebar 3.30 tn 3,135 950.00 /tn 3,135 -- Install Drill Pier Rebar 3.30 tn 53 3,304 1,001.28 /tn 3,304 4000 psi Concrete 24.00 cy 2,592 108.00 /cy 2,592 Place Drilled Piers, Pumped 24.00 cy 18 857 35.71 /cy 857 Drilled Pier Concrete Pumping- 92' Boom (28m)24.00 cy 235 240 19.80 /cy 475 02465.02.0100 Auger Cast Piles, 24" dia x 25' Deep 8.00 ea 134 7,916 6,000 9,081 235 240 2,934.04 /ea 23,472 02450 Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements 134 7,916 6,000 9,081 235 240 23,472 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 79.00 cy 4 240 322 7.12 /cy 562 Labor support during excavation 79.00 cy 4 194 2.46 /cy 194 Load excavated material onto dump truck, backhoe / loader, 3/4 cy bucket 16.00 cy 1 47 27 4.65 /cy 74 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 16.00 cy 1 52 70 7.67 /cy 123 ASTM D448 # 57 Stone (1.00- No. 4) Pipe bedding 12.00 cy 288 24.00 /cy 288 Haul import stone 12 cy dump truck, hourly 1.00 hr 1 49 65 114.43 /hr 114 Spread dumped import fill, pipe bed & soil 75.00 cy 5 297 378 8.99 /cy 674 Compact fill, single drum, padfoot, 8" lift, pipe bed & soil 75.00 cy 4 223 132 4.72 /cy 354 -- Install DI Post Indicating Valve - Flg, HWO, 10" - Relocate existing 1.00 ea 8 536 536.10 /ea 536 10" DI Mortar-Lined, Restrained Joint, Class 50, Pipe, Fire water 185.00 lf 7,436 40.19 /lf 7,436 -- Install 10" DI Restrained Joint, Class 50, Pipe 185.00 lf 72 3,766 1,716 29.63 /lf 5,482 02510.02.0100 Relocate Existing DI Fire Water Pipe, 10" dia 185.00 lf 100 5,405 7,724 2,709 85.61 /lf 15,838 DRILL AIR TRACK - auger, w/ Operator 8.00 hr 8 475 418 111.63 /hr 893 4000 psi Concrete 1.10 cy 119 108.00 /cy 119 Place Bollard Footing, Direct Chute, 4 ea 1.10 cy 8 373 339.25 /cy 373 Steel Pipe Bollard - 6" Schedule 40 4 ea x 7' lg 28.00 lf 1,593 56.91 /lf 1,593 -- Erect Steel Pipe Bollard - 6" Schedule 40 4 ea x 7' lg 28.00 lf 28 1,758 62.79 /lf 1,758 02510.02.0110 Pipe Bollards at PIV Valve 4.00 ea 44 2,606 1,712 418 1,184.16 /ea 4,737 02510 Water Utility Distribution Piping 143 8,011 9,436 3,128 20,575 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 4.00 hr 19 4.87 /hr 19 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 26.50 cy 2 107 144 9.49 /cy 251 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 21.20 cy 1 64 86 7.12 /cy 151 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 21.20 cy 2 104 139 11.44 /cy 243 Disposal Fee, public landfill 8.00 ton 160 20.00 /ton 160 Spread dumped material, by hand 5.30 cy 4 160 30.27 /cy 160 Import Aggregate Base Fill 14.14 cy 212 15.00 /cy 212 Spread dumped imported fill, by hand 14.14 cy 9 428 30.27 /cy 428 Compact granular fill around a building foundation, 8" lifts, walk behind 21" x 24" vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 14.14 cy 1 41 7 3.41 /cy 48 -- Fine Grade Foundation 572.75 sf 5 231 0.40 /sf 231 Slab-on-Grade (Edge Form Mat'l), 1-Use 108.00 sf 356 3.30 /sf 356 -- Install Slab-on-Grade (Edge Forms), 1-Use 108.00 sf 32 1,605 14.86 /sf 1,605 Page 2 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 197 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ Construction/Key Joint, 12"29.00 lf 45 1.56 /lf 45 SOG Form Oil & Hardware 108.00 sf 54 0.50 /sf 54 -- Install Construction/Key Joint, 12"29.00 lf 3 131 4.51 /lf 131 SOG Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 0.80 ton 1 63 8 24 118.70 /ton 94 SOG Rebar 0.80 ton 755 950.00 /ton 755 -- Install SOG Rebar 0.80 ton 14 902 1,134.62 /ton 902 4000 psi Concrete 21.21 cy 2,291 108.00 /cy 2,291 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)0.64 cy 69 108.00 /cy 69 Place SOG, Direct Chute 21.21 cy 32 1,542 72.70 /cy 1,542 Broom Finish SOG 572.75 sf 1 55 0.10 /sf 55 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 572.75 sf 1 55 34 0.16 /sf 90 03300.03.0100 Relocated AHU SOG 12"21.20 cy 108 5,490 3,985 420 466.74 /cy 9,895 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 8.00 hr 39 4.87 /hr 39 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 1,017.00 cy 14 824 1,106 1.90 /cy 1,930 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 889.00 cy 44 2,701 3,624 7.12 /cy 6,325 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 889.00 cy 89 4,353 5,819 11.44 /cy 10,172 Disposal Fee, public landfill 100.00 ton 2,000 20.00 /ton 2,000 Spread dumped material,128.00 cy 6 371 209 4.53 /cy 580 Import Aggregate Base Fill 148.15 cy 2,222 15.00 /cy 2,222 Spread dumped imported fill, stone 148.15 cy 36 1,825 79 12.86 /cy 1,905 Compact granular fill around a building foundation, 8" lifts, walk behind 21" x 24" vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 148.15 cy 2 115 20 0.91 /cy 135 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 5.00 day 40 2,525 3,824 1,269.66 /day 6,348 Slab-on-Grade (Edge Form Mat'l), 1-Use 560.00 sf 2,800 5.00 /sf 2,800 -- Install Slab-on-Grade (Edge Forms), 1-Use 560.00 sf 168 8,324 14.86 /sf 8,324 Keyway 356.00 lf 1,068 3.00 /lf 1,068 Construction/Key Joint, 24"80.00 lf 400 5.00 /lf 400 SOG Form Oil & Hardware 560.00 sf 280 0.50 /sf 280 -- Install keyway 356.00 lf 53 2,668 7.49 /lf 2,668 -- Install Construction/Key Joint, 24"80.00 lf 24 1,199 14.99 /lf 1,199 SOG Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 16.30 ton 5 257 163 98 31.74 /ton 517 SOG Rebar 16.30 ton 15,481 950.00 /ton 15,481 -- Install SOG Rebar 16.30 ton 293 18,356 1,126.44 /ton 18,356 4000 psi Concrete 296.30 cy 32,000 108.00 /cy 32,000 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)8.89 cy 960 108.00 /cy 960 Superplasticizers 296.00 cy 5,920 20.00 /cy 5,920 Place SOG, Pumped 296.30 cy 593 28,310 95.55 /cy 28,310 Float Finish SOG 4,000.00 sf 32 1,550 0.39 /sf 1,550 SOG Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)296.30 cy 1,161 2,963 13.92 /cy 4,124 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 4,000.00 sf 8 387 240 0.16 /sf 627 03300.03.0125 Transformer SOG 24"296.30 cy 1,407 73,765 63,534 14,817 1,161 2,963 527.31 /cy 156,241 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 5.00 day 40 2,525 3,824 1,269.66 /day 6,348 Equipment Pad Form Mat'l > 8" thick 504.00 sf 2,520 5.00 /sf 2,520 Chamfer 3/4"168.00 lf 168 1.00 /lf 168 Equipment Pad Form Oil & Hardware 504.00 sf 252 0.50 /sf 252 Epoxy Bonding Agent 192.00 sf 96 0.50 /sf 96 -- Install Equipment Pad Forms > 8" thick (SF)504.00 sf 176 8,740 17.34 /sf 8,740 -- Apply Epoxy Bonding Agent 192.00 sf 6 285 1.49 /sf 285 -- Install Chamfer 3/4"168.00 lf 13 671 4.00 /lf 671 Equipment Pad Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 4.11 ton 2 97 41 37 42.61 /ton 175 Equipment Pad Rebar 4.11 ton 3,902 950.00 /ton 3,902 Page 3 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 198 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ -- Install Equipment Pad Rebar 4.11 ton 74 4,626 1,126.44 /ton 4,626 4000 psi Concrete 64.00 cy 6,912 108.00 /cy 6,912 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)1.91 cy 206 108.00 /cy 206 Place Equipment Pad, Pumped 64.00 cy 160 7,644 119.44 /cy 7,644 Broom Finish Equipment Pad 576.00 sf 6 279 0.48 /sf 279 Equipment Pad Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)64.00 cy 1,254 640 29.60 /cy 1,894 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 576.00 sf 1 56 35 0.16 /sf 90 -- Fabricate/Place/ Align Anchor Bolts- 2 Bolt Set 6.00 set 12 599 240 139.91 /set 839 03300.03.0150 Transformer Pedestals 3 ea, 16'x12'x3'64.00 cy 490 25,523 14,372 3,860 1,254 640 713.27 /cy 45,649 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 10.00 day 80 5,049 7,647 1,269.66 /day 12,697 Rent Conc.. Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,200.00 sf 16,400 2.00 /sf 16,400 -- Assemble and Erect Rented Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,200.00 sf 820 40,627 4.96 /sf 40,627 Bulkheads/Construction Joints/Wall Ends 164.00 sf 820 5.00 /sf 820 -- Install Bulkheads/Construction Joints/Wall Ends 164.00 sf 74 3,656 22.30 /sf 3,656 Blockout / Boxout Form Mat'l (Contact Area) Bus Duct 84.00 sf 420 5.00 /sf 420 -- Install Blockout / Boxout Forms (Contact Aea)85.00 sf 43 2,123 24.98 /sf 2,123 Chamfer 3/4"200.00 lf 200 1.00 /lf 200 -- Install Chamfer 3/4"200.00 lf 30 1,499 7.49 /lf 1,499 Wall Form Oil & Hardware 8,282.00 sf 10,767 1.30 /sf 10,767 Wall Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 8.35 ton 4 197 84 75 42.61 /ton 356 Wall Rebar 8.35 ton 7,934 950.00 /ton 7,934 -- Install Wall Rebar 8.35 ton 167 10,453 1,251.60 /ton 10,453 4000 psi Concrete 151.85 cy 16,400 108.00 /cy 16,400 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)4.56 cy 492 108.00 /cy 492 Superplasticizers 151.85 cy 3,037 20.00 /cy 3,037 Place Straight Wall, Pumped 151.85 cy 759 36,778 106 242.89 /cy 36,884 Float Finish / Strike-off top of Wall 100.00 sf 3 145 1.45 /sf 145 Straight Wall Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)151.85 cy 2,480 1,519 26.33 /cy 3,999 PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"100.00 lf 420 4.20 /lf 420 -- Install PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"100.00 lf 10 495 4.96 /lf 495 Point & Patch Wall 8,282.00 sf 41 2,005 83 0.25 /sf 2,088 03300.03.0220 Transformer Back Wall 100' x 41' x 12"151.85 cy 2,031 103,029 57,056 7,829 2,480 1,519 1,132.12 /cy 171,913 CRANE - RT - 45T (Max boom Length 105') w/ Operator 5.00 day 40 2,525 3,824 1,269.66 /day 6,348 Rent Conc.. Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,736.00 sf 17,472 2.00 /sf 17,472 -- Assemble and Erect Rented Wall Gang Forms > 16' tall 8,736.00 sf 874 43,283 4.95 /sf 43,283 -- Move Wall Gang Forms > 20' tall 1.00 move 32 1,585 1,585.44 /move 1,585 Chamfer 3/4"312.00 lf 312 1.00 /lf 312 -- Install Chamfer 3/4"312.00 lf 47 2,319 7.43 /lf 2,319 Wall Form Oil & Hardware 8,736.00 sf 11,357 1.30 /sf 11,357 Wall Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 8.90 ton 4 210 89 80 42.61 /ton 379 Wall Rebar 8.90 ton 8,453 950.00 /ton 8,453 -- Install Wall Rebar 8.90 ton 178 11,137 1,251.60 /ton 11,137 4000 psi Concrete 161.78 cy 17,472 108.00 /cy 17,472 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)4.85 cy 524 108.00 /cy 524 Superplasticizers 161.78 cy 3,236 20.00 /cy 3,236 Place Straight Wall, Pumped 161.78 cy 809 39,182 113 242.89 /cy 39,295 Float Finish / Strike-off top of Wall 156.00 sf 5 227 1.45 /sf 227 Straight Wall Concrete Pump- 92' Boom (28m)161.78 cy 2,642 1,618 26.33 /cy 4,260 PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"156.00 lf 655 4.20 /lf 655 -- Install PVC Waterstop Dumbell /Center Bulb 3/8"x 9"156.00 lf 16 773 4.95 /lf 773 Page 4 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 199 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ Point & Patch Wall 8,736.00 sf 44 2,115 87 0.25 /sf 2,203 03300.03.0240 Transfomer Divider Walls 39' x 28' x 12" 4 each 161.77 cy 2,047 103,355 59,657 4,017 2,642 1,618 1,058.84 /cy 171,289 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 2.00 hr 10 4.87 /hr 10 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 15.00 cy 1 46 61 7.12 /cy 107 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 3.60 cy 1 44 59 28.46 /cy 102 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 3.60 cy 1 35 47 22.89 /cy 82 Disposal Fee, public landfill 3.00 ton 60 20.00 /ton 60 Spread dumped material,11.40 cy 1 66 37 9.06 /cy 103 Import Aggregate Base Fill 1.50 cy 23 15.00 /cy 23 Spread dumped imported fill, by hand 1.50 cy 2 68 45.40 /cy 68 Compact granular fill, walk behind vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 1.50 cy 1 29 5 22.71 /cy 34 Continuous Footing Form Mat'l <= 12" thick 1-Use 36.00 lf 481 13.36 /lf 481 Foundation Form Oil & Hardware 68.00 sf 34 0.50 /sf 34 -- Install Continuous Footing Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 36.00 lf 9 450 12.49 /lf 450 -- Install Pedestal Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 32.00 sf 10 480 14.99 /sf 480 Foundation Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 0.21 ton 1 41 2 16 281.80 /ton 59 Foundation Rebar 0.21 ton 200 950.00 /ton 200 -- Install Foundation Rebar 0.21 ton 10 635 3,025.60 /ton 635 4000 psi Concrete 3.59 cy 388 108.00 /cy 388 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)0.09 cy 10 108.00 /cy 10 Superplasticizers 3.59 cy 11 3.15 /cy 11 Place Continuous Footing, Direct Chute 3.59 cy 18 870 242.32 /cy 870 Float Finish / Strike-off Top of Footing / Foundation 81.00 sf 1 31 0.39 /sf 31 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 81.00 sf 1 31 5 0.45 /sf 36 Concrete Sealer- Water Based 81.00 sf 1 31 2 0.41 /sf 33 -- Set Anchor Bolts, 1-3/4" x 2'-4" long 4.00 ea 12 606 400 251.51 /ea 1,006 03300.03.0300 500kV Cross Insulator Support Footing 3.59 cy 67 3,464 1,615 235 1,479.98 /cy 5,313 COMPACTOR - Walk Behind - Jumping Jack / Rammer 3.00 hr 15 4.87 /hr 15 Excavate and pile, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 28.40 cy 3 173 232 14.23 /cy 404 Load excavated material onto dump truck, common earth, bulk bank measure, hydraulic excavator, crawler, 1.18 cy bucket 8.90 cy 2 108 145 28.46 /cy 253 Haul excavated material off-site, 12 cy dump truck, 35 mph average, cycle 20 miles 8.90 cy 1 44 58 11.44 /cy 102 Disposal Fee, public landfill 4.00 ton 80 20.00 /ton 80 Spread dumped material, by hand 19.50 cy 3 162 91 12.95 /cy 252 Import Aggregate Base Fill 3.57 cy 54 15.00 /cy 54 Spread dumped imported fill, by hand 3.57 cy 7 324 90.80 /cy 324 Compact granular fill, walk behind vibratory plate compactor w/ operator 3.57 cy 2 104 18 34.05 /cy 122 Continuous Footing Form Mat'l <= 12" thick 1-Use 96.00 lf 1,283 13.36 /lf 1,283 Foundation Form Oil & Hardware 144.00 sf 72 0.50 /sf 72 -- Install Continuous Footing Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 96.00 lf 24 1,189 12.39 /lf 1,189 -- Install Pedestal Forms <= 12" thick 1-Use 96.00 sf 29 1,439 14.99 /sf 1,439 Foundation Rebar and Accessories/Unload & Store 0.93 ton 1 64 9 24 105.12 /ton 98 Foundation Rebar 0.93 ton 884 950.00 /ton 884 -- Install Foundation Rebar 0.93 ton 28 1,759 1,891.02 /ton 1,759 4000 psi Concrete 8.90 cy 961 108.00 /cy 961 4000 psi Concrete (Waste)0.30 cy 32 108.00 /cy 32 Superplasticizers 8.90 cy 28 3.15 /cy 28 Place Continuous Footing, Direct Chute 8.90 cy 45 2,157 242.32 /cy 2,157 Float Finish / Strike-off Top of Footing / Foundation 192.00 sf 2 74 0.39 /sf 74 Water Base Non-Residual Cure 192.00 sf 1 65 12 0.40 /sf 77 Concrete Sealer- Water Based 192.00 sf 1 65 5 0.36 /sf 70 Page 5 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 200 of 209 Spreadsheet Level Takeoff Quantity Labor Man Hrs Labor Amount Material Amount Equip Amount Sub Amount Other Amount Total Cost/Unit Total Amount 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - CIVIL/STRUCTURAL/MECHANICAL BOQ -- Set Anchor Bolts 1-1/2" x 2'-1" long 12.00 ea 36 1,784 960 228.64 /ea 2,744 03300.03.0310 500kV Surge Arrestor Support Footing 8.90 cy 184 9,509 4,379 583 1,625.90 /cy 14,470 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete 6,335 324,135 204,598 31,759 7,539 6,739 574,770 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 8.00 hr 273 34.14 /hr 273 Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 16" dia.35.33 lf 3,846 108.85 /lf 3,846 -- Erect Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 16" dia x 35'-4" long 35.33 lf 23 1,442 40.82 /lf 1,442 05130.05.0100 500kV Cross Insulator Steel Support, 16" dia x 35' lg 1.00 ea 23 1,442 3,846 273 5,560.78 /ea 5,561 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 8.00 hr 273 34.14 /hr 273 Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 13" dia.24.00 lf 2,448 102.00 /lf 2,448 -- Erect Steel Pipe Column, Sch. 40, 13" dia x 8' long 24.00 lf 42 2,637 109.89 /lf 2,637 05130.05.0110 500kV Surge Arrestor Steel Support, 12 3/4" dia x 8' lg 3.00 ea 42 2,637 2,448 273 1,786.13 /ea 5,358 05100 Structural Metal Framing 65 4,079 6,294 546 10,919 LIFT - Boom Truck, 30 Ton 105' Reach 80.00 hr 2,731 34.14 /hr 2,731 Support Beams, embeds, anchor bolts 6.00 tn 18,000 3,000.00 /tn 18,000 -- Support Beams 6.00 tn 96 6,028 1,004.67 /tn 6,028 Steel Grate - Press-Locked - 1-1/2 x 3/16 - (1-3/16 & 4" spacing)3,168.00 sf 84,110 26.55 /sf 84,110 -- Install Steel Grating - Press Locked 3,168.00 sf 295 18,500 5.84 /sf 18,500 05530.05.0100 Steel Grating, Galvanized 3,168.00 sf 391 24,528 102,110 2,731 40.84 /sf 129,370 05500 Metal Fabrications 391 24,528 102,110 2,731 129,370 LIFT - Articulating Boom Lift - 40' Reach - 2WD Electric 36.00 hr 490 13.62 /hr 490 Alum Ribbed 3" Profile Siding (Painted) .032"100.00 sf 1,000 10.00 /sf 1,000 -- Install/Modify Metal Siding Panels 100.00 sf 36 1,844 18.44 /sf 1,844 07410.07.0100 Modify Existing Bldg at Relocated AHU 100.00 sf 36 1,844 1,000 490 33.34 /sf 3,334 07400 Roofing and Siding Panels 36 1,844 1,000 490 3,334 CRANE - Hydraulic Truck - 45T (Max boom Length 110') w/ Operator 2.00 day 16 1,010 2,181 1,595.34 /day 3,191 Air handler, existing, Relocate, approximately 80 lf 1.00 ea 120 6,975 6,974.64 /ea 6,975 Ductwork, balance - at Relocated AHU 1.00 lot 96 5,035 5,000 1,000 11,035.20 /lot 11,035 15720.15.0100 Relocate Existing AHU Unit 1.00 ea 232 13,020 5,000 2,181 1,000 21,200.51 /ea 21,201 15720 Mechanical Equipment 232 13,020 5,000 2,181 1,000 21,201 01 Coyote Springs 2 GSU Transformer TOTAL 8,771 463,072 341,638 86,216 7,774 7,979 906,679 Page 6 of 6 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 201 of 209 AVISTA ENERGY COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - PLANT ELECTRICAL ESTIMATE TOTALS Description Amount Totals Hours Rate Percent of Total Labor 83,053 841 39.28% Material 18,033 8.53% Subcontract 0 0.00% Equipment 1,575 0 0.74% Other 0 0.00% TOTAL DIRECT COST 102,660 102,660 48.56% ALLOWANCES Shift Work ( 3 - 8 hr shifts)0 Included in Wage Rate 0.00% TOTAL DIRECT COST W/ ALLOWANCE 0 102,660 0.00% SUBCONTRACTOR MARK-UP'S Subcontractor-GCs 8,213 8.0%3.88% Subcontactor-OH 6,160 6.0%2.91% Subcontractor-Fee 6,160 6.0%2.91% Subcontractor-Bond/Insurance 2,567 2.5%1.21% GRAND TOTAL DIRECT COST 23,099 125,759 10.93% RISK ASSESSMENT MARK-UP's Construction Contingency 37,728 30%17.84% Escalation to Mid Point 7,546 6%3.57% TOTAL INCLUDING RISK 45,273 171,032 21.41% GENERAL REQUIREMENTS General Conditions Management 9,407 5.5%4.45% General Conditions Subsistance 3,421 2.0%1.62% General Conditions Temp Fac 1,710 1.0%0.81% General Conditions Equipment 855 0.5%0.40% General Conditions Start-up 2,565 1.5%1.21% General Conditions Permits 855 0.5%0.40% Sales Tax 0.0%0.00% TOTAL INCLUDING GC'S 18,814 189,846 8.90% CONTRACTOR FEE G&A 7,594 4.0%3.59% Profit 11,391 6.0%5.39% TOTAL INCLUDING FEE 18,985 208,830 8.98% INSURANCES & BOND Builders All Risk Insurance 668 0.32%0.32% General Libility Insurance 418 0.20%0.20% Other Insurance 0 0.00%0.00% P&P Bond 1,504 0.72%0.71% TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 2,589 211,420 1.22% Total $ 211,420 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 202 of 209 AVISTA COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT - PLANT ELECTRICAL BOQ Description Takeoff Quantity Labor Unit Labor Hours Labor Price Labor Amount Material Price Material Amount Equipment Rate Equipment Amount Total Amount ELECTRICAL 1.00 ls ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 1.00 ls PROTECTIVE RELAYS 4.00 ea Existing GSU Relays - Update Settings & Test 4.00 ea 32 128.00 $ 98.75 $ 12,640.00 $ -$ -$ 12,640.00 ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION 1.00 ls CABLE & TERMS-600V 7,200.00 lf 3/C #12 AWG 600V POWER W/GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 0.71 $ 568.00 $ -$ 2,938.00 2/C #12 AWG 600V POWER W/ GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)1,200.00 lf 0.03 36.00 $ 98.75 $ 3,555.00 $ 0.63 $ 757.20 $ -$ 4,312.20 2/C #10 AWG 600V POWER W/ GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 0.90 $ 720.00 $ -$ 3,090.00 3/C #4 AWG 600V POWER W/GND (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 3.04 $ 2,428.80 $ -$ 4,798.80 2/C #12 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)1,200.00 lf 0.03 36.00 $ 98.75 $ 3,555.00 $ 0.43 $ 511.20 $ -$ 4,066.20 2/C #10 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)400.00 lf 0.03 12.00 $ 98.75 $ 1,185.00 $ 0.61 $ 242.80 $ -$ 1,427.80 4/C #12 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)800.00 lf 0.03 24.00 $ 98.75 $ 2,370.00 $ 0.80 $ 641.60 $ -$ 3,011.60 4/C #10 AWG 600V CONTROL (EPR/PVC Jacket)1,200.00 lf 0.03 36.00 $ 98.75 $ 3,555.00 $ 1.16 $ 1,396.80 $ -$ 4,951.80 #10 AWG 600V Term 48.00 ea 0.80 38.40 $ 98.75 $ 3,792.00 $ 2.50 $ 120.00 $ -$ 3,912.00 #12 AWG 600V Term 60.00 ea 0.80 48.00 $ 98.75 $ 4,740.00 $ 2.50 $ 150.00 $ -$ 4,890.00 #4 AWG 600V Term 12.00 ea 0.90 10.80 $ 98.75 $ 1,066.50 $ 2.50 $ 30.00 $ -$ 1,096.50 GROUNDING 580.00 lf GROUND STINGER EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS 8.00 ea 0.80 6.40 $ 98.75 $ 632.00 $ 25.00 $ 200.00 $ -$ 832.00 GROUND STINGER-CONDUCTOR (4/0 AWG X 15')8.00 ea 1.05 8.40 $ 98.75 $ 829.50 $ 43.95 $ 351.60 $ -$ 1,181.10 1/C 4/0 AWG 600V INSULATED GND CABLE 120.00 lf 0.07 8.40 $ 98.75 $ 829.50 $ 2.93 $ 351.60 $ -$ 1,181.10 #4/0 AWG 600V INSULATED GND TERM 12.00 ea 0.50 6.00 $ 98.75 $ 592.50 $ 15.00 $ 180.00 $ -$ 772.50 500 KCMIL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 460.00 lf 0.09 41.40 $ 98.75 $ 4,088.25 $ 6.68 $ 3,071.42 $ 1.58 $ 725.00 $ 7,884.67 GROUNDING RODS (3/4" X 10')8.00 ea 2.00 16.00 $ 98.75 $ 1,580.00 $ 22.52 $ 180.16 $ -$ 1,760.16 EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION -TEE (4/0 AWG - 4/0 AWG)2.00 ea 0.50 1.00 $ 98.75 $ 98.75 $ 15.83 $ 31.66 $ -$ 130.41 GROUND STINGER-TEE EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION (4/0 AWG - 4/0 AWG)8.00 ea 0.50 4.00 $ 98.75 $ 395.00 $ 15.83 $ 126.64 $ -$ 521.64 EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION -CROSS (4/0 AWG - 4/0 AWG)4.00 ea 0.50 2.00 $ 98.75 $ 197.50 $ 20.20 $ 80.80 $ -$ 278.30 EXOTHERMAL CONNECTION -GND ROD (3/4" - 4/0 AWG)8.00 ea 0.50 4.00 $ 98.75 $ 395.00 $ 15.79 $ 126.32 $ -$ 521.32 CONDUIT-UNDERGROUND 180.00 lf U/G 2" DIA SCHED 40 PVC CONDUIT 180.00 lf 0.06 10.80 $ 98.75 $ 1,066.50 $ 0.81 $ 145.80 $ 4.72 $ 850.00 $ 2,062.30 U/G 2" DIA, 90 DEG,36" RADIUS, FIBERGLASS ELBOW 4.00 ea 1.26 5.04 $ 98.75 $ 497.70 $ 98.08 $ 392.32 $ -$ 890.02 SPACERS-BASE 4" WITH 3" SEPARATION 12.00 ea 0.35 4.20 $ 98.75 $ 414.75 $ 0.75 $ 9.00 $ -$ 423.75 SPACERS-INTERMEDIATE 4" WITH 3" SEPARATION 12.00 ea 0.35 4.20 $ 98.75 $ 414.75 $ 0.75 $ 9.00 $ -$ 423.75 CONDUIT ABOVE GROUND 400.00 lf A/G 3/4" RGS Conduit and Fittings 400.00 lf 0.30 120.00 $ 98.75 $ 11,850.00 $ 4.85 $ 1,940.00 $ -$ 13,790.00 PANELS, POWER TRANSFORMERS ETC.4.00 ea DISCONNECT SWITCH 480V, 3PH, 30A THROUGH, FUSIBLE 2.00 ea 4.00 8.00 $ 98.75 $ 790.00 $ 300.00 $ 600.00 $ -$ 1,390.00 NEMA 4 Enclosure 12"x 12" x6"2.00 ea 6.00 12.00 $ 98.75 $ 1,185.00 $ 625.00 $ 1,250.00 $ -$ 2,435.00 JUNCTION BOXES 1.00 ea PULL BOX - 32"H x 32"W x 18"D, INDOOR/OUTDOOR 1.00 ea 8.00 8.00 $ 98.75 $ 790.00 $ 820.00 $ 820.00 $ -$ 1,610.00 DEVICES ETC.3.00 ea Transformer Fire Protection Elec Interface 3.00 ea 40.00 120.00 $ 98.75 $ 11,850.00 $ -$ -$ 11,850.00 Misc Receptacles 4.00 EA 2.5 10.00 $ 98.75 $ 987.50 $ 150.00 $ 600.00 $ -$ 1,587.50 TOTAL 841 $ 83,053 $ 18,033 $ 1,575 $ 102,660 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 203 of 209 4/1/2019 1 of 2 Coyote-SpringsGSU_HV_Material-and-Labor_BOQ.xls - Det Pricing S01 Mob/Demob Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Security Guard WEEKS $ -0 $ 2,160.00 0 Mobilize LOT $ -150 1 150 $-$ 36,480 $ 36,480 1 150 1 4 3.75 0.75 De- Mobilize LOT $ -150 1 150 $-$ 36,480 $ 36,480 1 150 1 4 3.75 0.75 (do not use or delete this line) S01 Subtotal 300 $-$ 72,960 $ 72,960 300 7.50 1.50 S02 Site Work Labor $ 116.47Sub$ - (do not use or delete this line) S02 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S03 Concrete Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Drilled Piers(Remove Civil per request)Install/Day Qty Concrete - Drilled Piers 0 4 CY 5.00 $ 500.00 0 1 4 Concrete Cost + 25% over run CY $ 175.00 0 Rebar Cost LOT $ 1.00 0 Anchor Bolts LOT $ 1.00 0 Rock Excavation CY 3.00 $ 500.00 0Install/Day Qty Spoil Removal TON 0.10 $ 150.00 0 1 2 Concrete Testing EA $ 300.00 0 Layout LOT 100.00 0 Bollards LOT $ 100.00 5.00 0 (do not use or delete this line) S03 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S04 Distribution OH Line Labor $ 116.47Sub$ - (do not use or delete this line) S04 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S05 Steel Structures Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Tubular Steel (Unit Price $/lb)$ 1.90 Lattice Steel (Unit Price $/lb)$ - Manhours per 1/2 ton $ 3.50 Misc Structural Steel LB/EA 1000 LB $ 1.90 3.50 0 Descriptions come from Foundation Tab 500kV Take-Off Tower, Full Tension LB/EA 85000 EA $ 161,500.00 297.50 500kV Fire Walls LB/EA 4000 EA $ 7,600.00 14.00 0 500kV High Disc Sw Stand LB/EA 8000 EA $ 15,200.00 28.00 0 500kV Low Disc Sw Stand LB/EA 8000 EA $ 15,200.00 28.00 0 500kV High Bus Support Stand,1PH LB/EA 2500 EA $ -8.75 9.00 0 1 4 500kV Low Bus Support Stand,1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV Low SA, 1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV High SA, 1PH LB/EA 2500 EA $ -8.75 26.00 0 1 4 500kV CT Stand,1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV CCVT Stand,1PH LB/EA 1500 EA $ 2,850.00 5.25 0 500kV LT Stand,1PH LB/EA 2500 EA $ 4,750.00 8.75 0 500kV Jack Bus Stand,1PH LB/EA 8000 EA $ 15,200.00 28.00 0 500kV CGIT Stand,1PH LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Unlisted LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Unlisted LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Unlisted LB/EA 1000 EA $ 1,900.00 3.50 0 Spare FT $ -0.00 0 Spare FT $ -0.00 0S07GroundingLabor$ 116.47 Sub $ - Above Grade Grounding FT $ 2.50 0.15 0.20 354 53 $ 1,170 $ 12,914 $ 14,084 354 53 1 4 1.33 0.27 AG Two hole pads EA $ 35.00 0.22 0.50 8 2 $ 370 $ 428 $ 798 8 2 1 4 0.04 0.01 BG Duestch Press EA $ 55.00 0.22 0.50 74 16 $ 5,402 $ 3,976 $ 9,378 74 16 1 4 0.41 0.08 Ground Mats EA $ 500.00 1.00 1.75 0 Ground Well(150')EA $ 5,000.00 50.00 100.00 0 (do not use or delete this line) S07 Subtotal 71 $ 6,942 $ 17,318 $ 24,260 71 1.78 0.36 S08 Conductor Labor $ 116.47Sub$ - (do not use or delete this line) S08 Subtotal 0 $-$-$-0 0.00 0.00 S09 Switchyard Buswork Labor $ 116.47(Bus Prices Include Fittings)Sub $ - 15 kV Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.25 0.50 0 15 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.25 0.50 0 34.5 kV Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.54 1.06 0 34.5 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 100.00 0.54 1.06 7 4 $ 925 $ 919 $ 1,845 7 4 1 4 0.09 0.02 69 kV Insulator EA $ 140.00 1.50 2.33 0 69 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 210.00 1.50 2.33 0 115 kV Insulator EA $ 221.00 2.00 4.23 0115 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 320.00 2.00 4.23 0 138 kV Insulator EA $ 270.00 2.25 4.33 0 138 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 350.00 2.25 4.33 0 161 kV Insulator EA $ 440.00 2.50 4.50 0 161 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 600.00 2.50 4.50 0 230 kV Insulator EA $ 460.00 3.00 5.50 0 230 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 620.00 3.00 5.50 0 Avista Energy Trench ACCR OPGW HDWR OHGW Initial Coyote Springs 2 GSU XMFR Upgarde $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4/1/2019 500kV Connection for 3 single pahse XMFR 401395.11 Bid $304,835 Enviro ROW Survey Testing DICM XFMR Aerial $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.04 Price Estimate Manpower Schedule CostCode Description Data Unit Labor Rate Unit Material UnitCost Labor Unit 1MH Labor Unit 4MH Sub Unit Cost Testing UnitCost Total QTY Total MH Total SellMaterials Total SellLabor Total SellPrice QTY EstimateHours QTY Crews QTY Men Duration inWork Days DurationWeeks Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 204 of 209 4/1/2019 2 of 2 Coyote-SpringsGSU_HV_Material-and-Labor_BOQ.xls - Det Pricing 345 kV Insulator EA $ 900.00 4.00 6.50 0 345 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 1,400.00 4.00 6.50 0 500 kV Insulator EA $ 1,150.00 5.00 8.00 0 500 kV High Strength Insulator EA $ 1,650.00 5.00 8.00 1 5 $ 2,181 $ 1,216 $ 3,397 1 5 Jumper Conductor Change Rates every Bid 1590 kcmil AAAC AL FT $ 6.00 0.30 675 203 $ 5,354 $ 49,248 $ 54,602 675 203 1 4 5.06 1.01 Bus Conductor 4" Bus AL FT $ 45.00 0.40 120 48 $ 7,138 $ 11,674 $ 18,812 120 48 1 2 2.40 0.48 5" Bus AL FT $ 65.00 0.50 120 60 $ 10,311 $ 14,592 $ 24,903 120 60 1 2 3.00 0.60 500kV - 2 conductor spacer, Corona free EA $ 55.00 0.50 3 2 $ 218 $ 365 $ 583 3 2 1 2 0.08 0.02 500kV - 3 conductor spacer, Corona free EA $ 75.00 1.00 12 12 $ 1,190 $ 2,918 $ 4,108 12 12 1 4 0.30 0.06 Overhead Dead End Insulators EA $ 1,000.00 3.03 5.93 3 9 $ 3,966 $ 2,211 $ 6,176 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 V-String Insulators EA $ 500.00 4.50 6.50 $ -0 Single Conductor Assemblies EA $ 100.00 1.00 2.00 3 3 $ 397 $ 730 $ 1,126 3 3 1 2 0.15 0.03 Dead-End Compression EA $ 250.00 4.00 $ -3 12 $ 991 $ 2,918 $ 3,910 3 12 1 4 0.30 0.06 Strain Bus FT $ 4.00 0.10 $ -0 Compression Terminal Connector, EHV, Corona free EA $ 200.00 2.00 $ -30 60 $ 7,932 $ 14,592 $ 22,524 30 60 1 4 1.50 0.30 4 hole nema pad, welded to pipe, EHV, Corona free EA $ 200.00 3.00 $ 150.00 3 9 $ 793 $ 2,733 $ 3,526 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 Elbow for 5" bus EA $ 250.00 3.00 $ 150.00 4 12 $ 1,322 $ 3,644 $ 4,966 4 12 1 4 0.30 0.06 Trifurcating Terminal Single to Triple Flat Pads, TAT-9-EHV-W1S, Travis EA $ 450.00 3.00 $ 150.00 3 9 $ 1,785 $ 2,733 $ 4,518 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 Trifurcating Coupler, TAC-9-EHV, Travis EA $ 200.00 3.00 $ 150.00 3 9 $ 793 $ 2,733 $ 3,526 3 9 1 4 0.23 0.05 Conductor Jumper Assemblies EA $ 200.00 5.00 $ -0 Spare EA 0 (do not use or delete this line) S09 Subtotal 456 $ 45,296 $ 113,228 $ 158,523 456 14.08 2.82S15Surge Arrestors Labor $ 116.47 Sub $ - Surge Arr,34kV Sys,70kV MCOV EA $ 750.00 2.00 4.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,69kV Sys,70kV MCOV EA $ 1,000.00 2.00 4.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,115kV Sys,70kV MCOV EA $ 1,300.00 4.00 6.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,138kV Sys,84kV MCOV EA $ 1,500.00 5.00 7.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,161kV Sys,84kV MCOV EA $ 2,000.00 5.00 7.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,230kV Sys,152kV MCOV EA $ 3,000.00 6.00 8.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,345kV Sys,212kV MCOV EA $ 6,000.00 7.00 9.00 $ 2.00 0 Surge Arr,500kV Sys,318kV MCOV EA $ 10,500.00 8.00 10.00 $ 2.00 3 24 $ 41,641 $ 7,470 $ 49,111 3 24 1 4 0.60 0.12 Spare EA 0 (do not use or delete this line) S15 Subtotal 24 $ 41,641 $ 7,470 $ 49,111 24 0.60 0.12 GRAND TOTALS 851 93879 210976 304855 6 0.00 Sub 851 93879 210976 304855 Sub 6 1 T-Line 0 $-$-$-T-Line 0 $-$ (20)$ (20) HV TIE-IN TOTAL 851 $ 93,879 $ 210,956 $ 304,835 Avista Energy Trench ACCR OPGW HDWR OHGW Initial Coyote Springs 2 GSU XMFR Upgarde $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4/1/2019 500kV Connection for 3 single pahse XMFR 401395.11 Bid $304,835 Enviro ROW Survey Testing DICM XFMR Aerial $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.04 Price Estimate Manpower Schedule CostCode Description Data Unit Labor Rate Unit Material UnitCost Labor Unit 1MH Labor Unit 4MH Sub Unit Cost Testing UnitCost Total QTY Total MH Total SellMaterials Total SellLabor Total SellPrice QTY EstimateHours QTY Crews QTY Men Duration inWork Days DurationWeeks Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 205 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 12 Attachment 6 Engineering & Procurement Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 206 of 209 C r e a t e a G a n tt C h a rt in t hi s w o r k s h e e t. E n t e r ti tl e o f t hi s p r o je ct in c el l B 1. L e g e n d ti tl e is in c el l I1 . I n f o r m a ti o n a b o u t h o w t o u s e t hi s w o r k s h e e t, in cl u di n g in st r u ct io n s f o r s c r e e n r e a d e rs a n d t h e a u t h o r o f t hi s w o r k b o o k is in t h e A b o u t w o r k s h e e t. C o n ti n u e n a vi g a ti n g d o w n c ol u m n A t o h e a r f u rt h e r in st r u ct io n s. AVISTA COYOTE SPRINGS UNIT 2 GSU REPLACEMENT E n t e r C o m p a n y N a m e in c el l B 2. A le g e n d is in c el ls I2 t h r o u g h A C 2. ENGINEERING AND MAJOR EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT SCHEDULE - PRELIMINARYE n t e r t h e n a m e o f t h e P r o je ct L e a d in c el l B 3. E n t e r t h e P r o je ct S t a rt d a t e in c el l F 3 o r al lo w t h e s a m pl e f o r m ul a t o fi n d t h e s m al le st d a t e v al u e fr o m t h e G a n tt D a t a t a bl e. P r o je ct S t a rt D a t e : la b el is in c el l D 3. C el ls I5 t h r o u g h B L 5 c o n t ai n t h e d a y n u m b e r o f t h e m o n t h f o r t h e M o n t h r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e c el l bl o c k a b o v e e a c h d a t e c el l a n d a r e a u t o c al c ul a t e d . D o n o t m o di fy t h e s e c el ls . T o d a y' s d a t e is o u tl in e d in R e d ( h e x # A D 3 8 1 5 ) fr o m t o d a y' s d a t e in r o w 5 t h r o u g h t h e e n ti r e d a t e c ol u m n t o t h e e n d o f t h e p r o je ct s c h e d ul e. Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 A s c r ol lb a r is in c el ls I6 t h r o u g h B L 6. T h e in c r e m e n t f o r p a gi n g t h r o u g h t h e d a t a is d e fi n e d a s 2 p a g e s a t a ti m e a n d c a n b e c o n fi g u r e d in t h e s e tt in g s f o r t h e c o n tr ol b a r. T o j u m p f o r w a r d o r b a c k w a r d in t h e ti m el in e, e n t e r a v al u e o f 0 o r hi g h e r in c el l F 4. A v al u e o f 0 t a k e s y o u t o t h e b e gi n ni n g o f t h e c h a rt . T hi s r o w c o n t ai n s h e a d e rs f o r t h e p r o je ct s c h e d ul e t h a t f ol lo w s b el o w t h e m . N a vi g a t e fr o m B 7 t h r o u g h B L 7 t o h e a r t h e c o n t e n t. T h e fi rs t le tt e r o f e a c h d a y o f t h e w e e k f o r t h e d a t e a b o v e t h a t h e a di n g, st a rt s in c el l I7 a n d c o n ti n u e s t h r o u g h c el l B L 7. A ll p r o je ct ti m el in e c h a rt in g is a u t o g e n e r a t e d b a s e d o n t h e c a t e g o r y, st a rt d a t e a n d n u m b e r o f d a y s e n t e r e d in t h e M il e st o n e s t a bl e. Milestone Description No. Weeks PHASE 1 PHASE 2 E n t e r P r o je ct in f o r m a ti o n st a rt in g in c el l B 9 t h r o u g h c el l G 9. S a m pl e d a t a is in c el ls B 9 t h r o u g h G 3 3. E n t e r M il e st o n e D e s c ri p ti o n , s el e ct a C a t e g o r y fr o m t h e d r o p- d o w n li st , a s si g n s o m e o n e t o t h e it e m , e n t e r t h e p r o g r e s s, st a rt d a t e a n d n u m b e r o f d a y s f o r t h e t a s k t o st a rt c h a rt in g. T h e n e x t in st r u ct io n is in c el l A 3 4. Engineering Site Investigations & Preliminary Engineering 8 GSU Bid and Procurement Technical Support 18 IPB Bid and Procurement Technical Support 16 Electrical/Controls BOP Detailed Engineering & Construction Specifications 28 Civil/Structural/Mechanical BOP Detailed Engineering & Construction Specifications 28 Construction Contractor Bid and Procurement Technical Support 12 E n t e r P r o je ct in f o r m a ti o n st a rt in g in c el l B 9 t h r o u g h c el l G 9. S a m pl e d a t a is in c el ls B 9 t h r o u g h G 3 3. E n t e r M il e st o n e D e s c ri p ti o n , s el e ct a C a t e g o r y fr o m t h e d r o p- d o w n li st , a s si g n s o m e o n e t o t h e it e m , e n t e r t h e p r o g r e s s, st a rt d a t e a n d n u m b e r o f d a y s f o r t h e t a s k t o st a rt c h a rt in g. T h e n e x t in st r u ct io n is in c el l A 3 4. GSU Transformer Procurement GSU Sizing Calculation 1 Develop GSU Specification 2 Issue for Bid 4 Award GSU Procurement 4 GSU Delivery Lead Time 52-56 Preliminary GSU Outline Drawing 6 Final GSU Outline Drawing 10 IPB Procurement Conceptual IPB Design 2 Develop IPB Specification 2 Finalize IPB Design 1 Issue for Bid 4 Award IPB Procurement 4 IPB Delivery Lead Time 20-26 Final IPB Outline & Support Drawings 8 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 207 of 209 BLACK & VEATCH | Attachments 13 Attachment 7 Construction/Unit Outage Level 1 Schedule Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 208 of 209 1110 1110-1 -1 8 91234567 8 9 GSU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WEEKS DWN CHK APP GLHCMS NO.DATE REVISIONS & RECORD OF ISSUE ISSUE FOR STUDY AVISTA UTILITIES LEVEL 1 SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 401395COYOTE SPRINGS GENERATING STATION UNIT 2 TRANSFORMER REPLACEMENT OUTAGE START 0 29-MAR-19 GROUND GRID MODIFICATIONS UNDERGROUND DUCT BANK MODIFICATIONS ABOVE GROUND RACEWAY CABLE INSTALLATION & WIRING RELAY SETTINGS & TESTING DEMO 2 SECTIONS OF 500kV BUS INSTALL 3 SURGE ARRESTERS INSTALL 34.5 kV NEUTRAL BUS INSTALL NEW 500kV BUS INSTALL 500kV CONNECTIONS FOR XFMR BUSHINGS & SURGE ARRESTERS DEMO EXISTING XFMR FND & FIREWALLS DEMO 3 SURGE ARRESTER FNDS/ STRUCTURES INSTALL GSU FOUNDATION WITH SECONDARY CONTAINMENT INSTALL GSU FIREWALLS INSTALL BUS DUCT SUPPORT FND/ STRUCTURE INSTALL 3 SURGE ARRESTER FNDS/ STRUCTURES DEMO 1 BUS DUCT SUPPORT FND/STRUCTURE *RELOCATE EXISTING HVAC HANDLER UNIT *DEMO EXISTING HVAC AIR HANDLER FND *RELOCATE EXISTING U/G FP PIPE DE-ENERGIZE AND REMOVE GSU INSTALL GSU & DRESS OUT GSU TESTING INSTALL ISO-PHASE BUS DUCTISO PHASE HV ISO PHASE BUS DUCT TESTING DJC OUTAGE END COMMISSIONING INSTALL 500kV INSULATOR INSTALL GSU PILING INSTALL GSU FIRE PROTECTION SET GSU *INSTALL AHU DUCTS ELECT & PIPING MODIFICATIONS *THIS WORK MAY BE SCHEDULED AND COMPLETED PRIOR TO THIS OUTAGE MECH SYSTEMS Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 209 of 209 Discount Rate 6.85% Inspection 1,184 Swap Costs 600 Repair Tx 3,849 Insurance Value for Repair Transformer 4,633 Probability No Insurance 20% Scrap T3 1,200 1 NPV 2019 2020 2021 CS2 Market Value 12.3 27.6 34.6 Cost of Rebuiling Transformer Net Deductable 1.93 1.97 2.00 Option 1- Rebuild T3; T4 to spare Plant Net Market Value 238.8 12.3 27.6 34.6 Lost margin due to derate (10% of market value)(6.0) (1.2) (2.8) (0.9) Failure Risk (4.6) (0.3) (1.4) (0.3) Tranformer Rebuild (4.0) - - - Lost Power Cost due to Tx Swap (0.5) - - (0.6) 5.16 Replace of T4 after used as a spare one time (4.8) - - - 4.45 Capital Rev. Req.(5.1) - - (0.6) Total 213.7 10.8 23.4 32.2 Option 2- Purchase new 3 phase GSU; T4 to spare Plant Net Market Value 238.8 12.3 27.6 34.6 Lost margin due to derate (10% of market value)(6.0) (1.2) (2.8) (0.9) Failure Risk (5.2) (0.3) (1.4) (0.9) Tranformer Rebuild (4.0) - - - Lost Power Cost due to Tx Swap (0.5) - - (0.6) 5.16 Replace of T4 after used as a spare one time (4.8) - - - 4.77 Capital Rev. Req.(5.5) - - (0.6) Total 212.8 10.8 23.4 31.6 Option 3 Purchase new 3 phase GSU and Repair T3 Plant Net Market Value 238.8 12.3 27.6 34.6 Lost margin due to derate (10% of market value)(4.6) (1.2) (2.8) (0.9) Failure Risk (5.2) (0.3) (1.4) (0.9) Tranformer Rebuild (4.5) - - (0.3) Lost Power Cost due to Tx Swap (0.5) - - (0.6) 8.63 Capital Rev. Req.(9.9) - - (1.2) Total 214.0 10.8 23.4 30.7 Option 4- 2 New 3 Phase Transformers Plant Net Market Value 238.8 12.3 27.6 34.6 Lost margin due to derate (10% of market value)(4.6) (1.2) (2.8) (0.9) Failure Risk (5.0) (0.3) (1.2) (0.9) Tranformer Rebuild (4.5) - - (0.3) Lost Power Cost due to Tx Swap (0.5) - - (0.6) 8.98 Capital Rev. Req.(10.3) - - (1.2) Total 213.8 10.8 23.6 30.7 Option 5- Single Phase Plant Net Market Value 238.8 12.3 27.6 34.6 Lost margin due to derate (10% of market value)(4.6) (1.2) (2.8) (0.9) Failure Risk (1.9) (0.3) (1.2) (0.3) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 26 Lost Power Cost due to Tx Swap (1.0) - - (1.1) 13.49 Capital Rev. Req.(15.5) - - (1.8) Total 215.7 10.8 23.6 30.4 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 31.3 23.7 24.1 17.8 15.5 14.3 14.1 14.8 13.9 14.2 13.2 12.5 12.8 12.3 2.04 2.09 2.13 2.17 2.21 2.26 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.44 2.49 2.54 2.59 2.64 31.3 23.7 24.1 17.8 15.5 14.3 14.1 14.8 13.9 14.2 13.2 12.5 12.8 12.3 (0.5) (0.4) (0.4) (0.3) (0.3) (0.5) (0.4) (0.4) (0.3) (0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) - (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.5) - - (0.7) (0.7) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.6) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.6) (0.6) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.5) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) (0.4) 29.7 22.0 21.7 15.6 13.4 12.5 12.4 13.1 12.2 12.6 11.6 11.0 11.3 10.8 31.3 23.7 24.1 17.8 15.5 14.3 14.1 14.8 13.9 14.2 13.2 12.5 12.8 12.3 (0.5) (0.4) (0.4) (0.3) (0.3) (0.5) (0.4) (0.4) (0.3) (0.3) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) - 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GSU Transformer T#3 Resolution and Options Last revision by DWN 8/5/2019 Estimated T#3 failure removal from service and investigation costs to date 0.9M$ 883,000$ n/a Avista costs to date subtotal 0.9M$ 883,000$ n/a 6/4/2019 ABB Forensic Investigation Avista issues work authorizations & contract negotiations w/ ABB legal n/a n/a 3 weeks 6/25/2019 ABB arranges field service and shipping agent to Coyote Springs n/a n/a 2 weeks 7/9/2019 ABB disassembles GSU & prepares for shipping 0.1M$ 100,605$ 2-3 weeks 8/2/2019 change orders for confined space crew, HV bushing crates, G10 bracing 0.0M$ 28,257$ incl. Shipping transformer by freight ship from Coyote Springs to ABB Ontario 1.3M$ 1,341,420$ 5 weeks 9/9/2019 ABB Ontario receives transformer and performs low voltage testing 0.1M$ 83,831$ 2 weeks 9/23/2019 ABB performs additional incoming high voltage testing 0.4M$ 353,324$ 1 week 9/30/2019 ABB untanks transformer and performs visual inspection 0.0M$ 32,500$ 2-4 weeks 10/21/2019 ABB performs tear down inspection 0.2M$ 190,432$ 3-4 weeks 11/15/2019 MAJOR HOLD POINT - PROBLEM IS FOUND OR NOT FOUND ABB inspection subtotal 2.1M$ 2,130,369$ 20-24 weeks 11/5/2019 If problem is found at major hold point: Insurance credit to be determined unknown unknown n/a Option I: Repair T3; T4 to spare pad Budgetary estimate to repair by rewinding transformer 1.9M$ 1,866,000$ budgetary worst 46-52 weeks 10/13/2020 Ballpark estimate to replace tank lid with non-magnetic steel design 0.3M$ 250,000$ Shipping transformer by freight ship from ABB Ontario to Coyote Springs 1.5M$ 1,453,200$ ABB reassembles and commissions GSU 0.3M$ 279,572$ Removal of T#4 to place repaired T#3 in service 0.5M$ 500,000$ Avista/PGE personnel support at commissioning 0.1M$ 100,000$ 4.4M$ 4,448,772$ 53-60 weeks 12/4/2020 (time after T3 evaluation) Option II: Purchase new three-phase GSU; T4 to spare pad Write specification 0.0M$ 20,000$ Avista estimate 4 weeks 9/2/2019 Budgetary cost of new three-phase transformer from Hyundai 4.2M$ 4,165,000$ Hyundai budgetary 64 weeks 11/23/2020 Removal of T#4 to place new T#5 in service 0.5M$ 500,000$ Avista/PGE personnel support at commissioning 0.1M$ 100,000$ Salvage of T#3 0.0M$ -$ incl. 4.8M$ 4,765,000$ 68 weeks 11/23/2020 Option III: Purchase new three-phase GSU and repair T3 Write specification 0.0M$ 20,000$ Avista estimate 4 weeks 9/2/2019 Budgetary cost of new three-phase transformer from Hyundai 4.2M$ 4,165,000$ Hyundai budgetary 64 weeks 11/23/2020 Removal of T#4 to place new T#5 in service 0.5M$ 500,000$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 9 of 26 Budgetary estimate to repair T3 by rewinding transformer 1.9M$ 1,866,000$ budgetary worst 46-52 weeks 10/13/2020 Ballpark estimate to replace tank lid with non-magnetic steel design 0.3M$ 250,000$ Shipping transformer by freight ship from ABB Ontario to Coyote Springs 1.5M$ 1,453,200$ ABB reassembles and commissions GSU T3 for spare 0.3M$ 279,572$ Salvage of T#4 0.0M$ -$ 8.6M$ 8,633,772$ 68-75 weeks 12/18/2020 Option IV: Purchase two new three-phase GSUs with one to spare pad Write specification 0.0M$ 20,000$ 4 weeks 9/2/2019 Budgetary cost of new three-phase transformer from Hyundai 4.2M$ 4,165,000$ 64 weeks 11/23/2020 Budgetary cost of new three-phase transformer from Hyundai 4.2M$ 4,165,000$ 4 weeks Removal of T#4 to place new T#5 in service 0.5M$ 500,000$ Avista/PGE personnel support at commissioning 0.1M$ 100,000$ incl. Salvage of T#3 0.0M$ -$ incl. Salvage of T#4 0.0M$ -$ incl. 9.0M$ 8,975,000$ 74 weeks 1/4/2021 Option V: Purchase new single-phase GSU bank Budgetary cost of three new single-phase transformers and associated plant Black & Veatch 82 weeks 3/1/2021 Salvage of T#3 0.0M$ -$ incl. 13.5M$ 13,485,000$ 82 weeks 3/1/2021 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 10 of 26 Transformer Record (yrs)Start End 1 0.167123 3/1/2002 5/1/2002 2 0.671233 5/1/2003 1/1/2004 2 2.580822 8/1/2004 3/1/2007 3 11.34521 5/1/2007 9/1/2018 Avg 3.691096 Avg months between failures 44.29315 Probability 0.022577 Probability X2 0.045154 Single Phase Fail Rate Years 30 Months 360 Single Phase Fail Rate 0.002778 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 11 of 26 Service Start 3/1/2002 Probable Failure Rate 5.85 Latest Failure Date 11/1/2018 Years 16.7 Actual # of failures 7 Significance Adjusted Failures:2.85 Failure Transformer 1 Supplier Related Risk Reduction2 Adjusted Failure 1 T1 100%50%50.0% 2 T2 50%50%0.25 3 T2 20%50%0.1 4 T2 100%50%0.5 5 T2 100%50%0.5 6 T3 100%50%0.5 7 T4 100%50%0.5 2.85 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 12 of 26 Years between Failure ` Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 13 of 26 Discount Rate 6.85% Year Month Date CS2 Net Value ($000) Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 2019 9 Sep-19 3,135 2019 10 Oct-19 2,452 2019 11 Nov-19 2,616 2019 12 Dec-19 4,137 2020 1 Jan-20 2,617 2020 2 Feb-20 2,195 2020 3 Mar-20 1,277 2020 4 Apr-20 612 2020 5 May-20 358 2020 6 Jun-20 589 2020 7 Jul-20 2,607 2020 8 Aug-20 4,412 2020 9 Sep-20 2,155 2020 10 Oct-20 1,569 2020 11 Nov-20 1,987 2020 12 Dec-20 2,834 Likely Case Likely Case Likely Case 2021 1 Jan-21 3,774 2021 2 Feb-21 2,757 2021 3 Mar-21 1,925 2021 4 Apr-21 846 2021 5 May-21 552 2021 6 Jun-21 562 2021 7 Jul-21 3,820 2021 8 Aug-21 4,870 2021 9 Sep-21 4,311 2021 10 Oct-21 3,177 2021 11 Nov-21 3,429 Expected Replacement Exposure Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 14 of 26 Option 4 Option 4 (wait Likely Case Likely Case Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 15 of 26 millions (margin) Year Forwards IGRC 2020 IRP Energy Value 2019 12 12 73%2020 32 23 28 84%75%2021 41 14 35 50%2022 48 14 31 25%2023 49 15 24 25%2024 50 16 24 10%2025 48 14 18 2026 15 15 2027 14 14 2028 14 14 2029 15 15 2030 14 14 2031 14 14 2032 13 13 2033 13 13 2034 13 13 2035 12 12 2036 13 13 2037 11 11 2038 13 13 2039 12 12 2040 11 11 2041 12 12 2042 12 12 2043 13 13 2044 16 16 2045 16 16 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 16 of 26 Capital Recovery Factor 1 0.133793 2 0.130013 3 0.125954 4 0.121994 5 0.118127 6 0.114344 7 0.11064 8 0.107009 9 0.103418 10 0.099834 11 0.096249 12 0.092665 13 0.08908 14 0.085496 15 0.081911 16 0.078327 17 0.074742 18 0.071158 19 0.067573 20 0.063989 21 0.060617 22 0.057671 23 0.054937 24 0.052203 25 0.04947 26 0.046736 27 0.044002 28 0.041268 29 0.038534 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 17 of 26 2020 IRP Forecast Report_Year AvgOfOutput AvgOfEnergy_Revenue AvgOfTotal_Fuel_Cost AvgOfVariable_OM_Cost 2021 191 43,786 26,297 2,023 2022 191 43,754 26,034 2,061 2023 186 44,996 26,270 2,052 2024 183 46,911 27,827 2,060 2025 173 47,621 29,622 1,978 2026 171 50,733 31,642 2,004 2027 160 48,348 30,458 1,903 2028 151 48,337 30,488 1,841 2029 145 49,536 30,913 1,802 2030 123 45,552 27,938 1,561 2031 121 47,426 29,219 1,558 2032 110 45,695 28,598 1,456 2033 96 42,672 26,294 1,288 2034 85 41,173 24,615 1,167 2035 82 40,380 24,279 1,140 2036 75 40,276 23,592 1,070 2037 66 36,967 21,958 954 2038 62 38,250 22,081 921 2039 53 35,099 19,925 807 2040 41 30,277 16,188 640 2041 39 30,681 15,888 611 2042 35 29,901 15,125 568 2043 33 30,631 14,957 544 2044 35 35,215 16,565 587 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 18 of 26 AvgOfFuel_Start_Costs AvgOfNon_Fuel_Start_Costs Margin 626 605 14,235 600 583 14,477 676 640 15,357 742 667 15,615 900 733 14,387 900 699 15,488 969 740 14,277 1,073 796 14,140 1,170 835 14,816 1,288 884 13,881 1,461 956 14,231 1,511 952 13,178 1,596 961 12,533 1,636 966 12,789 1,696 977 12,288 1,735 972 12,906 1,740 930 11,384 1,800 928 12,520 1,743 869 11,754 1,458 716 11,274 1,510 723 11,950 1,479 690 12,039 1,454 659 13,016 1,563 691 15,809 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 19 of 26 Water Year2020 Margin PERIOD MDCOL-MDCOL- 1929 32702.76 Jan-20 39.68$ 30.28$ 35.28$ 1930 33639.93 Feb-20 33.17$ 26.57$ 31.86$ 1931 36526.23 Mar-20 27.33$ 21.84$ 28.37$ 1932 28487.46 Apr-20 22.52$ 13.95$ 19.18$ 1933 24086.98 May-20 22.02$ 11.95$ 10.10$ 1934 18250.5 Jun-20 21.17$ 9.83$ 15.15$ 1935 25171.68 Jul-20 47.05$ 25.00$ 29.86$ 1936 28114.13 Aug-20 52.18$ 28.60$ 33.24$ 1937 31774.74 Sep-20 43.83$ 24.34$ 34.62$ 1938 23291.08 Oct-20 27.76$ 22.91$ 30.43$ 1940 27707.58 Nov-20 31.35$ 25.99$ 28.48$ Dec-20 38.66$ 30.85$ 33.92$ Avg 33.94$ 22.70$ 27.55$ 1942 23360.08 1943 21286.52 1944 32129.36 1945 29571.12 1946 21719.13 1947 18268.54 1949 24417.64 1948 17116.4 1950 18695.07 1951 12816.13 1952 20269.24 1953 25434.26 1954 18968.74 1955 23543.86 1956 16234.74 1957 24712.36 1958 23721.29 1959 18476.56 1960 20012.87 1961 24200.08 1962 25325.11 1963 23130.91 1964 21987.02 1965 15049.29 1966 22821.85 1967 20638.28 1968 21965.41 1969 15135.61 1970 21337.8 1971 12998.92 1972 11240.24 1973 24742.49 1974 9161.234 1975 18991.69 1976 11615.4 1977 33123.08 1978 21960.44 1979 28693.77 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 20 of 26 1981 22233.98 1982 16428.62 1983 17843.46 1984 18209.04 1985 26985.01 1986 21202.54 1987 28504.52 1988 31022.35 1989 28828.62 1990 21626.92 1991 17751.15 1992 32220.75 1993 29969.07 1994 31584.38 1995 26553.18 1996 9007.364 1997 12633.21 1998 20082.02 1999 16910.45 2000 19634.26 2001 36091.84 2002 24624.66 2003 29096.85 2004 28898.93 2005 27124.2 2006 23359.42 2007 22900.26 2008 26463.22 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 21 of 26 AURORA Off_Peak AURORA Malin 30.06$ 2.86$ 27.82$ 2.78$ 25.10$ 2.68$ 16.91$ 2.06$ 2.98$ 2.01$ 1.94$ 2.05$ 16.80$ 2.15$ 24.25$ 2.16$ 27.95$ 2.15$ 25.23$ 2.15$ 24.85$ 2.29$ 21.09$ 2.32$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 22 of 26 Malin Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2019 1.94 1.81 2020 2.47 2.35 1.93 1.60 1.58 1.64 1.98 2.00 1.98 2021 2.40 2.38 2.24 1.79 1.78 1.82 1.95 1.98 1.98 2022 2.47 2.46 2.34 1.95 1.93 1.97 2.04 2.06 2.06 2023 2.52 2.46 2.39 2.05 2.03 2.08 2.16 2.18 2.19 2024 2.62 2.59 2.48 2.10 2.09 2.12 2.19 2.21 2.21 2025 2.67 2.66 2.58 2.23 2.21 2.25 2.32 2.34 2.35 DY_DAY MDCOL-ON 8/6/2019 201908 25.5 38.79 8/6/2019 201909 25.25 30 8/6/2019 201910 23.05 26.7 8/6/2019 201911 24.1 28.1 8/6/2019 201912 31.8 40.5 8/6/2019 202001 29.1 37.35 8/6/2019 202002 28.35 32.45 8/6/2019 202003 20.05 23.85 8/6/2019 202004 13.5 17.95 8/6/2019 202005 8.45 16.25 8/6/2019 202006 10.75 18.85 8/6/2019 202007 23.8 38.9 8/6/2019 202008 28.45 54 8/6/2019 202009 23.4 32.4 8/6/2019 202010 21.85 26.45 8/6/2019 202011 24.15 30.1 8/6/2019 202012 30.35 37.15 8/6/2019 202101 31.85 41.45 8/6/2019 202102 28.35 35.1 8/6/2019 202103 24 28.95 8/6/2019 202104 15.05 20.45 8/6/2019 202105 11.15 19.05 8/6/2019 202106 9.6 19.3 8/6/2019 202107 25.95 44.6 8/6/2019 202108 30.55 50.2 8/6/2019 202109 29.55 44.9 8/6/2019 202110 27.9 34.2 8/6/2019 202111 30 37.2 8/6/2019 202112 35.5 44.95 8/6/2019 202201 35.15 43.85 8/6/2019 202202 30.8 37.4 8/6/2019 202203 26.35 30.65 8/6/2019 202204 17 23.15 8/6/2019 202205 13 21.9 8/6/2019 202206 11.65 22.45 8/6/2019 202207 33.1 49.35 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 23 of 26 8/6/2019 202209 37.8 50.5 8/6/2019 202210 27.25 31.75 8/6/2019 202211 29.4 34.7 8/6/2019 202212 35.1 42.35 8/6/2019 202301 33.3 42.8 8/6/2019 202302 30.5 37.1 8/6/2019 202303 25.05 30.1 8/6/2019 202304 22.9 29.35 8/6/2019 202305 18.65 28.2 8/6/2019 202306 17.3 28.6 8/6/2019 202307 30.75 45.7 8/6/2019 202308 36.85 51.7 8/6/2019 202309 35.35 46.3 8/6/2019 202310 28.25 33.7 8/6/2019 202311 31.35 37.1 8/6/2019 202312 37 45.15 8/6/2019 202401 34.75 44.4 8/6/2019 202402 31.45 38.3 8/6/2019 202403 26.05 30.85 8/6/2019 202404 23.4 29.65 8/6/2019 202405 19.4 28.7 8/6/2019 202406 17.8 28.9 8/6/2019 202407 30.75 46.15 8/6/2019 202408 37.05 51.95 8/6/2019 202409 35.8 46.6 8/6/2019 202410 29.25 34.55 8/6/2019 202411 32.45 38.3 8/6/2019 202412 37.9 46.55 8/6/2019 202501 35.35 44.75 8/6/2019 202502 32.15 38.75 8/6/2019 202503 26.35 31.3 8/6/2019 202504 24.2 30.7 8/6/2019 202505 19.85 29.3 8/6/2019 202506 18.45 29.8 8/6/2019 202507 30.45 46.25 8/6/2019 202508 37.05 51.95 8/6/2019 202509 36 46.85 8/6/2019 202510 29.9 34.75 8/6/2019 202511 33.05 38.75 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 24 of 26 10 11 12 1.78 2.00 2.55 1.84 2.12 2.32 1.95 2.20 2.39 2.06 2.22 2.43 2.19 2.32 2.53 2.21 2.38 2.59 2.35 2.51 2.69 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 25 of 26 Prices Plant Attributes Cost To Generate Hours Total Margin Year Month Date MDCOL-ON MDCOL-OFF MALIN Capacity BL Capacity DB Heat Rate BL Heat Rate DB Var. O&M BL Var. O&M DB BL ($/MWH)DB ($/MWH)HL LL BL ($)DB ($)Total20190920199Sep-19 30.00 25.25 1.81 277 22 6,873 8,369 360 - 13.71 15.11 416 328 2,926,069 209,371 3,135,441 25%201910 2019 10 Oct-19 26.70 23.05 1.78 284 22 6,881 8,369 360 - 13.54 14.93 400 296 2,295,751 156,449 2,452,200 20% 201911 2019 11 Nov-19 28.10 24.10 2.00 292 22 6,896 8,369 360 - 15.02 16.73 416 327 2,459,340 157,084 2,616,425 21% 201912 2019 12 Dec-19 40.50 31.80 2.55 296 22 6,828 8,369 360 - 18.60 21.30 416 304 3,891,079 245,890 4,136,969 34%202001 2020 1 Jan-20 37.35 29.10 2.47 296 22 6,840 8,369 360 - 18.14 20.70 400 344 3,386,925 210,079 3,597,004 11%202002 2020 2 Feb-20 32.45 28.35 2.35 294 22 6,841 8,369 360 - 17.30 19.67 416 304 2,841,903 175,060 3,016,962 9% 202003 2020 3 Mar-20 23.85 20.05 1.93 288 22 6,841 8,369 360 - 14.45 16.15 416 328 1,657,130 98,577 1,755,708 6% 202004 2020 4 Apr-20 17.95 13.50 1.60 285 22 6,836 8,369 360 - 12.22 13.42 416 328 798,636 42,109 840,745 3% 202005 2020 5 May-20 16.25 8.45 1.58 279 22 6,829 8,369 360 - 12.07 13.21 400 320 465,828 26,748 492,576 2%202006 2020 6 Jun-20 18.85 10.75 1.64 276 22 6,822 8,369 360 - 12.48 13.71 432 312 760,447 48,866 809,312 3%202007 2020 7 Jul-20 38.90 23.80 1.98 273 22 6,827 8,369 360 - 14.85 16.59 384 337 3,341,459 241,905 3,583,364 11% 202008 2020 8 Aug-20 54.00 28.45 2.00 273 22 6,833 8,369 360 - 14.96 16.70 416 328 5,637,886 426,084 6,063,970 19% 202009 2020 9 Sep-20 32.40 23.40 1.98 277 22 6,834 8,369 360 - 14.80 16.53 400 344 2,771,074 191,668 2,962,742 9%202010 2020 10 Oct-20 26.45 21.85 1.84 284 22 6,845 8,369 360 - 13.89 15.43 384 288 2,023,417 133,800 2,157,217 7%202011 2020 11 Nov-20 30.10 24.15 2.12 292 22 6,862 8,369 360 - 15.78 17.74 432 311 2,569,781 161,289 2,731,070 9% 202012 2020 12 Dec-20 37.15 30.35 2.32 296 22 6,873 8,369 360 - 17.13 19.38 416 304 3,659,815 235,957 3,895,772 12% 202101 2021 1 Jan-21 41.45 31.85 2.40 296 22 6,875 8,369 360 - 17.74 20.12 400 344 4,237,620 276,492 4,514,112 11%202102 2021 2 Feb-21 35.10 28.35 2.38 294 22 6,871 8,369 360 - 17.60 19.95 416 304 3,102,869 194,871 3,297,740 8%202103 2021 3 Mar-21 28.95 24.00 2.24 288 22 6,867 8,369 360 - 16.65 18.77 416 328 2,171,877 130,948 2,302,826 6% 202104 2021 4 Apr-21 20.45 15.05 1.79 285 22 6,861 8,369 360 - 13.53 14.97 416 328 961,529 50,764 1,012,292 2% 202105 2021 5 May-21 19.05 11.15 1.78 279 22 6,854 8,369 360 - 13.46 14.86 400 320 623,045 36,879 659,924 2%202106 2021 6 Jun-21 19.30 9.60 1.82 276 22 6,846 8,369 360 - 13.78 15.25 416 328 634,774 37,081 671,855 2%202107 2021 7 Jul-21 44.60 25.95 1.95 273 22 6,847 8,369 360 - 14.68 16.33 400 321 4,251,895 316,745 4,568,640 11% 202108 2021 8 Aug-21 50.20 30.55 1.98 273 22 6,851 8,369 360 - 14.85 16.53 416 328 5,415,539 409,268 5,824,806 14% 202109 2021 9 Sep-21 44.90 29.55 1.98 277 22 6,851 8,369 360 - 14.84 16.54 416 328 4,802,580 353,478 5,156,058 12%202110 2021 10 Oct-21 34.20 27.90 1.95 284 22 6,860 8,369 360 - 14.63 16.30 416 328 3,551,900 247,549 3,799,449 9%202111 2021 11 Nov-21 37.20 30.00 2.20 292 22 6,876 8,369 360 - 16.34 18.40 416 328 3,845,744 255,844 4,101,588 10% 202112 2021 12 Dec-21 44.95 35.50 2.39 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.67 20.01 416 328 5,096,843 340,091 5,436,933 13% 202201 2022 1 Jan-22 43.85 35.15 2.47 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.19 20.63 416 328 4,813,272 317,224 5,130,496 11%202202 2022 2 Feb-22 37.40 30.80 2.46 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.12 20.55 416 328 3,609,351 228,105 3,837,456 8%202203 2022 3 Mar-22 30.65 26.35 2.34 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.34 19.60 416 328 2,516,641 149,766 2,666,407 6% 202204 2022 4 Apr-22 23.15 17.00 1.95 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 14.64 16.32 416 328 1,277,930 67,354 1,345,284 3% 202205 2022 5 May-22 21.90 13.00 1.93 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 14.49 16.14 416 328 913,848 52,757 966,605 2% 202206 2022 6 Jun-22 22.45 11.65 1.97 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 14.76 16.46 416 328 948,558 54,804 1,003,362 2%202207 2022 7 Jul-22 49.35 33.10 2.04 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.26 17.07 416 328 5,938,336 411,054 6,349,390 13%202208 2022 8 Aug-22 55.60 39.40 2.06 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.42 17.27 416 328 7,285,934 510,496 7,796,430 16% 202209 2022 9 Sep-22 50.50 37.80 2.06 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.41 17.25 416 328 6,504,486 452,549 6,957,035 14% 202210 2022 10 Oct-22 31.75 27.25 2.06 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.39 17.23 416 328 3,171,066 205,231 3,376,297 7%202211 2022 11 Nov-22 34.70 29.40 2.22 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.47 18.55 416 328 3,504,725 226,169 3,730,894 8%202212 2022 12 Dec-22 42.35 35.10 2.43 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.96 20.35 416 328 4,674,306 307,724 4,982,031 10% 202301 2023 1 Jan-23 42.80 33.30 2.52 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.58 21.11 416 328 4,418,114 286,525 4,704,639 10% 202302 2023 2 Feb-23 37.10 30.50 2.46 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.18 20.62 416 328 3,531,038 222,099 3,753,137 8%202303 2023 3 Mar-23 30.10 25.05 2.39 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.65 19.98 416 328 2,254,841 129,256 2,384,097 5%202304 2023 4 Apr-23 29.35 22.90 2.05 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.30 17.12 416 328 2,471,893 153,657 2,625,551 5% 202305 2023 5 May-23 28.20 18.65 2.03 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.19 16.98 416 328 1,941,146 114,656 2,055,802 4% 202306 2023 6 Jun-23 28.60 17.30 2.08 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.52 17.38 416 328 1,787,080 102,663 1,889,743 4%202307 2023 7 Jul-23 45.70 30.75 2.16 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.06 18.05 416 328 5,082,826 344,733 5,427,559 11%202308 2023 8 Aug-23 51.70 36.85 2.18 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.25 18.27 416 328 6,374,834 439,964 6,814,798 14% 202309 2023 9 Sep-23 46.30 35.35 2.19 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.29 18.32 416 328 5,554,724 378,966 5,933,690 12% 202310 2023 10 Oct-23 33.70 28.25 2.19 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.30 18.33 416 328 3,308,316 212,211 3,520,527 7%202311 2023 11 Nov-23 37.10 31.35 2.32 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.17 19.40 416 328 3,836,152 248,301 4,084,453 8%202312 2023 12 Dec-23 45.15 37.00 2.53 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.63 21.17 416 328 5,057,032 333,773 5,390,805 11% 202401 2024 1 Jan-24 44.40 34.75 2.62 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 19.26 21.94 416 328 4,606,069 298,070 4,904,139 10% 202402 2024 2 Feb-24 38.30 31.45 2.59 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 19.02 21.64 416 328 3,586,883 223,293 3,810,176 8%202403 2024 3 Mar-24 30.85 26.05 2.48 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.31 20.78 416 328 2,298,778 130,185 2,428,964 5%202404 2024 4 Apr-24 29.65 23.40 2.10 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.69 17.60 416 328 2,470,187 152,134 2,622,321 5% 202405 2024 5 May-24 28.70 19.40 2.09 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.58 17.46 416 328 1,989,169 116,836 2,106,006 4% 202406 2024 6 Jun-24 28.90 17.80 2.12 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 15.82 17.75 416 328 1,805,114 102,326 1,907,441 4% 202407 2024 7 Jul-24 46.15 30.75 2.19 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.30 18.34 416 328 5,085,929 344,125 5,430,054 11%202408 2024 8 Aug-24 51.95 37.05 2.21 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.42 18.48 416 328 6,387,904 440,339 6,828,243 14%202409 2024 9 Sep-24 46.60 35.80 2.21 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.42 18.48 416 328 5,606,621 382,356 5,988,976 12% 202410 2024 10 Oct-24 34.55 29.25 2.21 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.43 18.49 416 328 3,481,513 224,604 3,706,117 7% 202411 2024 11 Nov-24 38.30 32.45 2.38 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.61 19.93 416 328 3,993,899 258,454 4,252,353 9%202412 2024 12 Dec-24 46.55 37.90 2.59 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 19.02 21.65 416 328 5,229,867 345,203 5,575,070 11%202501 2025 1 Jan-25 44.75 35.35 2.67 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 19.63 22.38 416 328 4,626,326 298,274 4,924,600 10% 202502 2025 2 Feb-25 38.75 32.15 2.66 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 19.56 22.30 416 328 3,590,472 221,641 3,812,113 8% 202503 2025 3 Mar-25 31.30 26.35 2.58 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 19.01 21.63 416 328 2,229,307 122,565 2,351,872 5%202504 2025 4 Apr-25 30.70 24.20 2.23 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.55 18.64 416 328 2,489,154 150,531 2,639,684 5%202505 2025 5 May-25 29.30 19.85 2.21 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.46 18.53 416 328 1,912,539 108,041 2,020,579 4% 202506 2025 6 Jun-25 29.80 18.45 2.25 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 16.70 18.83 416 328 1,784,925 100,433 1,885,358 4% 202507 2025 7 Jul-25 46.25 30.45 2.32 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.16 19.39 416 328 4,878,513 325,684 5,204,197 11%202508 2025 8 Aug-25 51.95 37.05 2.34 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.35 19.61 416 328 6,182,141 421,778 6,603,918 14%202509 2025 9 Sep-25 46.85 36.00 2.35 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.38 19.65 416 328 5,443,539 366,841 5,810,380 12% 202510 2025 10 Oct-25 34.75 29.90 2.35 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 17.41 19.69 416 328 3,352,224 211,536 3,563,760 7% 202511 2025 11 Nov-25 38.75 33.05 2.51 296 22 6,885 8,369 360 - 18.50 21.01 416 328 3,912,596 249,299 4,161,895 9% Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 26 of 26 Alternative Summary CIRR Repair T3, T4 (spare)5.85% New, T4 (spare)6.31% New, T3 Repair (spare)6.93% (2) New, (1) Spare 6.65% Single Phase Bank 7.79% Assumptions: T4 will always run at 90% capacity. New T3 will increase the plant's capacity. Intangible Insurance costs will be based on cost to repair plus th Insurance is expected to cover 100% of the cost to re Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 1 of 18 Annual Gross Margin (Requirement)Levelized ROE Total Capital $1,810,700 $230,640 $9,595,674 $1,884,548 $241,757 $9,995,674 $1,806,436 $239,024 $8,600,000 $1,841,364 $250,142 $9,000,000 $1,705,810 $375,213 $13,500,000 benefit of not having to run the existing T3 at 100% he $2.1 million spent on removal and inspection. epair plus the $2.1 million. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 2 of 18 Rebuild Failure Risk 5.85 Year Repair T3, T4 (spare)New, T4 (spare)New, repair T3 (spare) 1 4,400,000$ 4,800,000$ 8,600,000$ 2 -$ -$ -$ 3 -$ -$ -$ 4 -$ -$ -$ 5 4,800,000$ 4,800,000$ -$ 6 -$ -$ -$ 7 -$ -$ -$ 8 -$ -$ -$ 9 -$ -$ -$ 10 -$ -$ -$ 11 -$ -$ -$ 12 -$ -$ -$ 13 -$ -$ -$ 14 -$ -$ -$ 15 -$ -$ -$ 16 -$ -$ -$ 17 -$ -$ -$ 18 -$ -$ -$ 19 -$ -$ -$ 20 -$ -$ -$ 21 -$ -$ -$ 22 -$ -$ -$ 23 -$ -$ -$ 24 -$ -$ -$ 25 -$ -$ -$ 26 -$ -$ -$ 27 -$ -$ -$ 28 -$ -$ -$ 29 -$ -$ -$ 30 -$ -$ -$ 31 -$ -$ -$ 32 -$ -$ -$ 33 -$ -$ -$ Capital (Includes capital risk, rebuild, and assumes $1MM every 6 ye Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 3 of 18 34 -$ -$ -$ 35 -$ -$ -$ 36 -$ -$ -$ 37 -$ -$ -$ 38 -$ -$ -$ 39 -$ -$ -$ 40 -$ -$ -$ 41 -$ -$ -$ 42 -$ -$ -$ 43 -$ -$ -$ 44 -$ -$ -$ 45 -$ -$ -$ 46 -$ -$ -$ 47 -$ -$ -$ 48 -$ -$ -$ 49 -$ -$ -$ 50 -$ -$ -$ 51 -$ -$ -$ 52 -$ -$ -$ 53 -$ -$ -$ 54 -$ -$ -$ 55 -$ -$ -$ 56 -$ -$ -$ 57 -$ -$ -$ 58 -$ -$ -$ 59 -$ -$ -$ 60 -$ -$ -$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 4 of 18 years New (2), one (spare)Single Phase Bank Year Repair T3, T4 (spar 9,000,000$ 13,500,000$ 1 -$ -$ -$ 2 -$ -$ -$ 3 -$ -$ -$ 4 -$ -$ -$ 5 -$ -$ -$ 6 -$ -$ -$ 7 -$ -$ -$ 8 -$ -$ -$ 9 -$ -$ -$ 10 -$ -$ -$ 11 -$ -$ -$ 12 -$ -$ -$ 13 -$ -$ -$ 14 -$ -$ -$ 15 -$ -$ -$ 16 -$ -$ -$ 17 -$ -$ -$ 18 -$ -$ -$ 19 -$ -$ -$ 20 -$ -$ -$ 21 -$ -$ -$ 22 -$ -$ -$ 23 -$ -$ -$ 24 -$ -$ -$ 25 -$ -$ -$ 26 -$ -$ -$ 27 -$ -$ -$ 28 -$ -$ -$ 29 -$ -$ -$ 30 -$ -$ -$ 31 -$ -$ -$ 32 -$ -$ -$ 33 -$ ears) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 5 of 18 -$ -$ 34 -$ -$ -$ 35 -$ -$ -$ 36 -$ -$ -$ 37 -$ -$ -$ 38 -$ -$ -$ 39 -$ -$ -$ 40 -$ -$ -$ 41 -$ -$ -$ 42 -$ -$ -$ 43 -$ -$ -$ 44 -$ -$ -$ 45 -$ -$ -$ 46 -$ -$ -$ 47 -$ -$ -$ 48 -$ -$ -$ 49 -$ -$ -$ 50 -$ -$ -$ 51 -$ -$ -$ 52 -$ -$ -$ 53 -$ -$ -$ 54 -$ -$ -$ 55 -$ -$ -$ 56 -$ -$ -$ 57 -$ -$ -$ 58 -$ -$ -$ 59 -$ -$ -$ 60 -$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 6 of 18 New, T4 (spare)New, repair T3 (spare New (2), one (spare)Single Phase Bank -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ O&M Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 7 of 18 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 8 of 18 Year Repair T3, T4 (spare)New, T4 (spare)New, repair T3 (spareNew (2), one (spare) 1 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 1,500,000$ 2 4,200,000$ 4,200,000$ 4,200,000$ 4,200,000$ 3 1,800,000$ 2,400,000$ 2,700,000$ 2,700,000$ 4 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 5 1,200,000$ 1,200,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 6 1,200,000$ 1,200,000$ 800,000$ 800,000$ 7 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 8 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 9 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 10 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 11 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 12 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 13 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 14 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 15 700,000$ 700,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 16 700,000$ 700,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 17 700,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 18 700,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 19 700,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 700,000$ 20 -$ -$ -$ -$ 21 -$ -$ -$ -$ 22 -$ -$ -$ -$ 23 -$ -$ -$ -$ 24 -$ -$ -$ -$ 25 -$ -$ -$ -$ 26 -$ -$ -$ -$ 27 -$ -$ -$ -$ 28 -$ -$ -$ -$ 29 -$ -$ -$ -$ 30 -$ -$ -$ -$ 31 -$ -$ -$ -$ 32 -$ -$ -$ -$ 33 -$ -$ -$ -$ Risk (Failure Risk, Lost Capacity, TX Swap, Transformer Rebuild) Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 9 of 18 34 -$ -$ -$ -$ 35 -$ -$ -$ -$ 36 -$ -$ -$ -$ 37 -$ -$ -$ -$ 38 -$ -$ -$ -$ 39 -$ -$ -$ -$ 40 -$ -$ -$ -$ 41 -$ -$ -$ -$ 42 -$ -$ -$ -$ 43 -$ -$ -$ -$ 44 -$ -$ -$ -$ 45 -$ -$ -$ -$ 46 -$ -$ -$ -$ 47 -$ -$ -$ -$ 48 -$ -$ -$ -$ 49 -$ -$ -$ -$ 50 -$ -$ -$ -$ 51 -$ -$ -$ -$ 52 -$ -$ -$ -$ 53 -$ -$ -$ -$ 54 -$ -$ -$ -$ 55 -$ -$ -$ -$ 56 -$ -$ -$ -$ 57 -$ -$ -$ -$ 58 -$ -$ -$ -$ 59 -$ -$ -$ -$ 60 -$ -$ -$ -$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 10 of 18 Insurance Probability:100% Single Phase Bank Repair T3 (T4 to pad)New G3, (T4 to pad) 1,500,000$ Swap -$ -$ 4,200,000$ Inspection -$ -$ 2,300,000$ Repair 4,400,000$ -$ -$ Xfrmr 4,800,000$ 4,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Insurance New -$ -$ -$ Insurance Final -$ -$ -$ -$ Upfront Capital 4,400,000$ 4,800,000$ -$ Repair 4,400,000$ 4,400,000$ -$ Total Capital 8,800,000$ 9,200,000$ -$ -$ Notes:Transformer repair, options (2,3), assumes retur -$ Repair option (1) assumes spare at 90%. -$ -$ Rebuild Cost 2,100,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 11 of 18 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 12 of 18 New G3, (repair T3)New (2), one spare 4 Single Phase -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,800,000$ -$ -$ 4,800,000$ 9,000,000$ 13,500,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8,600,000$ 9,000,000$ 13,500,000$ -$ -$ -$ 8,600,000$ 9,000,000$ 13,500,000$ rn to full capacity. Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 13 of 18 Xfrmr Rev Req5.xlsm State Income Tax Rate ............0.00%Scenario:Repair T3, T4 (spare)Long-term Debt ...........................48.60%5.76%2.80%2.21%Gross Revenue 100.0000%Federal Income Tax Rate ........21.00%Short-term debt .................2.90%3.26%0.09%0.07%Uncollectables 0.6183% Discount Factor ......................6.89%Common Equity ......................48.50%9.50%4.61%4.61%Commission Fees 0.2000% Capital Class ...........................1 (1) General Structures.7.50%6.89%Washington Excise Tax 3.8495%(2) Generation, Transmission, Franchise Fees 0.0000% and Distribution.----------------------- (3) Other Equipment.IRR CALC Misc. Revenue Items 4.6678%(4) Transportation Equipment.PV Project Life cost ......................24,442,529 24,442,529 PV Project life cost ----------------------- Book Life (Years) ..............40 Interest .......................6.89%1,105,438 PV Levelized Benefits Before State Income Tax 95.3322% Property Tax Rate ...............1.50%Term .............................40 5.85%IRR State Income Tax 0.0000% O&M Escalation Factor ..........2.00%Levelized Annual Rev Requirement .......1,810,700 ----------------------- Before Federal Income Tax 95.3322%nominal sum Federal Income Tax 20.0198%36,658,982 Lev ROE 230,640 -----------------------(v)NPV equity 3,113,390 Conversion Factor 75.3124%PV Benefits/Offsets14,922,240 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................TERM Capital Additions 40 -----------------Rate Accum.Book Dep.Rate Average Shareholder Misc.State Federal Total Present Value ACTUAL LEVELIZEDTaxBookBaseBookTaxon Tax Deferred Base Book Rate Interest Equity O&M & A&G Property Revenue Income Income Revenue Revenue ROR BY 1,105,438 Basis Basis BOP Deprec.Deprec.Basis Taxes EOP Deprec.Base Expense Return Expense Taxes Items Tax Taxes Requirement Reqmnt YEAR (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)(o)(p)(q)(r)(s)(t)(u)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total =>9,595,674 9,595,674 5,281,023 4,158,324 235,767 4,158,324 3,766,430 6,008,042 22,857,807 2,049,944 1,979,968 0 1,597,074 42,417,589 24,442,529 Savings, benefits, Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------offsets, or margin year 1 4,400,000 4,400,000 4,400,000 55,000 69,828 55,000 3,114 4,341,886 55,000 4,370,943 63,160 100,750 1,500,000 66,000 88,707 0 26,782 1,900,399 1,777,850 19.22%2,576,598 2 0 0 4,341,886 165,000 139,700 110,000 6,237 4,225,649 110,000 4,283,768 123,801 197,482 4,284,000 65,175 236,638 0 52,495 5,069,591 4,436,838 35.30%6,260,515 3 0 0 4,225,649 275,000 139,700 110,000 6,237 4,109,412 110,000 4,167,531 120,442 192,123 1,872,720 63,525 117,996 0 51,071 2,527,877 2,069,698 48.56%4,238,889 4 0 0 4,109,412 385,000 139,700 110,000 6,237 3,993,175 110,000 4,051,294 117,082 186,765 1,061,208 61,875 77,684 0 49,646 1,664,261 1,274,743 8.16%1,690,851 5 5,195,674 5,195,674 9,188,849 559,946 222,155 174,946 9,914 9,003,990 174,946 9,096,420 262,887 419,345 1,298,919 138,160 117,793 0 111,471 2,523,520 1,808,250 -2.07%1,652,899 6 0 0 9,003,990 799,838 304,663 239,892 13,602 8,750,496 239,892 8,877,243 256,552 409,241 1,324,897 135,536 121,180 0 108,786 2,596,083 1,740,286 -3.55%1,614,947 7 0 0 8,750,496 1,039,730 304,663 239,892 13,602 8,497,002 239,892 8,623,749 249,226 397,555 1,126,162 131,938 110,190 0 105,679 2,360,642 1,480,412 -1.59%1,576,995 8 0 0 8,497,002 1,279,622 304,663 239,892 13,602 8,243,508 239,892 8,370,255 241,900 385,869 1,148,686 128,339 110,034 0 102,573 2,357,292 1,382,980 -2.28%1,539,043 9 0 0 8,243,508 1,519,513 304,663 239,892 13,602 7,990,015 239,892 8,116,762 234,574 374,183 702,996 124,741 86,952 0 99,466 1,862,804 1,022,398 3.04%1,501,090 10 0 0 7,990,015 1,759,405 304,663 239,892 13,602 7,736,521 239,892 7,863,268 227,248 362,497 717,056 121,142 86,381 0 96,360 1,850,576 950,189 2.57%1,463,138 11 0 0 7,736,521 1,999,297 304,663 239,892 13,602 7,483,027 239,892 7,609,774 219,922 350,811 731,397 117,544 85,824 0 93,253 1,838,643 883,184 2.07%1,425,186 12 0 0 7,483,027 2,239,189 304,663 239,892 13,602 7,229,533 239,892 7,356,280 212,597 339,125 746,025 113,946 85,281 0 90,147 1,827,011 821,004 1.52%1,387,234 13 0 0 7,229,533 2,479,081 304,663 239,892 13,602 6,976,040 239,892 7,102,787 205,271 327,438 760,945 110,347 84,753 0 87,041 1,815,686 763,300 0.93%1,349,282 14 0 0 6,976,040 2,718,973 304,663 239,892 13,602 6,722,546 239,892 6,849,293 197,945 315,752 776,164 106,749 84,239 0 83,934 1,804,674 709,747 0.30%1,311,330 15 0 0 6,722,546 2,958,865 304,663 239,892 13,602 6,469,052 239,892 6,595,799 190,619 304,066 923,635 103,151 90,200 0 80,828 1,932,390 710,968 -2.49%1,273,378 16 0 0 6,469,052 3,198,756 304,663 239,892 13,602 6,215,559 239,892 6,342,305 183,293 292,380 942,108 99,552 89,845 0 77,721 1,924,792 662,505 -3.37%1,235,426 17 0 0 6,215,559 3,438,648 304,663 239,892 13,602 5,962,065 239,892 6,088,812 175,967 280,694 960,950 95,954 89,509 0 74,615 1,917,580 617,460 -4.33%1,197,473 18 0 0 5,962,065 3,678,540 304,663 239,892 13,602 5,708,571 239,892 5,835,318 168,641 269,008 980,169 92,355 89,191 0 71,508 1,910,764 575,590 -5.37%1,159,521 19 0 0 5,708,571 3,918,432 304,663 239,892 13,602 5,455,077 239,892 5,581,824 161,315 257,322 999,772 88,757 88,891 0 68,402 1,904,351 536,665 -6.52%1,121,569 20 0 0 5,455,077 4,158,324 304,663 239,892 13,602 5,201,584 239,892 5,328,331 153,989 245,636 0 85,159 38,680 0 65,296 828,651 218,463 12.29%1,083,617 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Update Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 14 of 18 Xfrmr Rev Req5.xlsm State Income Tax Rate ............0.00%Scenario:New, T4 (spare)Long-term Debt ...........................48.60%5.76%2.80%2.21%Gross Revenue 100.0000%Federal Income Tax Rate ........21.00%Short-term debt .................2.90%3.26%0.09%0.07%Uncollectables 0.6183% Discount Factor ......................6.89%Common Equity ......................48.50%9.50%4.61%4.61%Commission Fees 0.2000% Capital Class ...........................1 (1) General Structures.7.50%6.89%Washington Excise Tax 3.8495%(2) Generation, Transmission, Franchise Fees 0.0000% and Distribution.----------------------- (3) Other Equipment.IRR CALC Misc. Revenue Items 4.6678%(4) Transportation Equipment.PV Project Life cost ......................25,439,407 25,439,407 PV Project life cost ----------------------- Book Life (Years) ..............40 Interest .......................6.89%1,810,700 PV Levelized Benefits Before State Income Tax 95.3322% Property Tax Rate ...............1.50%Term .............................40 6.31%IRR State Income Tax 0.0000% O&M Escalation Factor ..........2.00%Levelized Annual Rev Requirement .......1,884,548 ----------------------- Before Federal Income Tax 95.3322%nominal sum Federal Income Tax 20.0198%42,417,589 Lev ROE 241,757 -----------------------(v)NPV equity 3,263,463 Conversion Factor 75.3124%PV Benefits/Offsets24,442,529 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................TERM Capital Additions 40 -----------------Rate Accum.Book Dep.Rate Average Shareholder Misc.State Federal Total Present Value ACTUAL LEVELIZEDTaxBookBaseBookTaxon Tax Deferred Base Book Rate Interest Equity O&M & A&G Property Revenue Income Income Revenue Revenue ROR BY 1,810,700 Basis Basis BOP Deprec.Deprec.Basis Taxes EOP Deprec.Base Expense Return Expense Taxes Items Tax Taxes Requirement Reqmnt YEAR (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)(o)(p)(q)(r)(s)(t)(u)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total =>9,995,674 9,995,674 5,528,671 4,353,324 246,823 4,353,324 3,933,788 6,275,005 23,482,047 2,142,869 2,049,372 0 1,668,039 43,904,444 25,439,407 Savings, benefits, Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------offsets, or margin year 1 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000 60,000 76,176 60,000 3,397 4,736,603 60,000 4,768,302 68,902 109,909 1,500,000 72,000 90,094 0 29,216 1,930,122 1,805,656 3.13%1,900,399 2 0 0 4,736,603 180,000 152,400 120,000 6,804 4,609,799 120,000 4,673,201 135,056 215,435 4,284,000 71,100 239,082 0 57,267 5,121,939 4,482,653 6.38%5,069,591 3 0 0 4,609,799 300,000 152,400 120,000 6,804 4,482,995 120,000 4,546,397 131,391 209,589 2,496,960 69,300 150,952 0 55,714 3,233,906 2,647,758 -8.03%2,527,877 4 0 0 4,482,995 420,000 152,400 120,000 6,804 4,356,191 120,000 4,419,593 127,726 203,743 1,061,208 67,500 80,023 0 54,160 1,714,360 1,313,117 6.37%1,664,261 5 5,195,674 5,195,674 9,551,865 604,946 234,855 184,946 10,481 9,356,438 184,946 9,454,152 273,225 435,836 1,298,919 143,635 120,079 0 115,855 2,572,495 1,843,343 6.98%2,523,520 6 0 0 9,356,438 854,838 317,363 249,892 14,169 9,092,378 249,892 9,224,408 266,585 425,245 1,324,897 140,861 123,414 0 113,040 2,643,934 1,772,362 6.98%2,596,083 7 0 0 9,092,378 1,104,730 317,363 249,892 14,169 8,828,317 249,892 8,960,347 258,954 413,072 1,126,162 137,113 112,371 0 109,804 2,407,368 1,509,714 6.98%2,360,642 8 0 0 8,828,317 1,354,622 317,363 249,892 14,169 8,564,256 249,892 8,696,287 251,323 400,899 1,148,686 133,364 112,162 0 106,568 2,402,894 1,409,734 6.98%2,357,292 9 0 0 8,564,256 1,604,513 317,363 249,892 14,169 8,300,196 249,892 8,432,226 243,691 388,726 702,996 129,616 89,028 0 103,332 1,907,280 1,046,809 6.97%1,862,804 10 0 0 8,300,196 1,854,405 317,363 249,892 14,169 8,036,135 249,892 8,168,165 236,060 376,552 717,056 125,867 88,405 0 100,096 1,893,928 972,449 6.97%1,850,576 11 0 0 8,036,135 2,104,297 317,363 249,892 14,169 7,772,074 249,892 7,904,104 228,429 364,379 731,397 122,119 87,795 0 96,860 1,880,871 903,468 6.97%1,838,643 12 0 0 7,772,074 2,354,189 317,363 249,892 14,169 7,508,013 249,892 7,640,044 220,797 352,206 746,025 118,371 87,200 0 93,624 1,868,115 839,474 6.96%1,827,011 13 0 0 7,508,013 2,604,081 317,363 249,892 14,169 7,243,953 249,892 7,375,983 213,166 340,033 760,945 114,622 86,619 0 90,388 1,855,665 780,106 6.96%1,815,686 14 0 0 7,243,953 2,853,973 317,363 249,892 14,169 6,979,892 249,892 7,111,922 205,535 327,860 776,164 110,874 86,052 0 87,153 1,843,529 725,028 6.95%1,804,674 15 0 0 6,979,892 3,103,865 317,363 249,892 14,169 6,715,831 249,892 6,847,862 197,903 315,686 923,635 107,126 91,961 0 83,917 1,970,120 724,849 6.95%1,932,390 16 0 0 6,715,831 3,353,756 317,363 249,892 14,169 6,451,770 249,892 6,583,801 190,272 303,513 942,108 103,377 91,554 0 80,681 1,961,397 675,104 6.94%1,924,792 17 0 0 6,451,770 3,603,648 317,363 249,892 14,169 6,187,710 249,892 6,319,740 182,640 291,340 960,950 99,629 91,165 0 77,445 1,953,061 628,885 6.94%1,917,580 18 0 0 6,187,710 3,853,540 317,363 249,892 14,169 5,923,649 249,892 6,055,679 175,009 279,167 980,169 95,880 90,794 0 74,209 1,945,120 585,939 6.93%1,910,764 19 0 0 5,923,649 4,103,432 317,363 249,892 14,169 5,659,588 249,892 5,791,619 167,378 266,994 999,772 92,132 90,443 0 70,973 1,937,583 546,030 6.93%1,904,351 20 0 0 5,659,588 4,353,324 317,363 249,892 14,169 5,395,528 249,892 5,527,558 159,746 254,820 0 88,384 40,178 0 67,737 860,758 226,928 6.92%828,651 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Update Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 15 of 18 Xfrmr Rev Req5.xlsm State Income Tax Rate ............0.00%Scenario:New, T3 Repair (spare)Long-term Debt ...........................48.60%5.76%2.80%2.21%Gross Revenue 100.0000%Federal Income Tax Rate ........21.00%Short-term debt .................2.90%3.26%0.09%0.07%Uncollectables 0.6183% Discount Factor ......................6.89%Common Equity ......................48.50%9.50%4.61%4.61%Commission Fees 0.2000% Capital Class ...........................1 (1) General Structures.7.50%6.89%Washington Excise Tax 3.8495%(2) Generation, Transmission, Franchise Fees 0.0000% and Distribution.----------------------- (3) Other Equipment.IRR CALC Misc. Revenue Items 4.6678%(4) Transportation Equipment.PV Project Life cost ......................24,384,969 24,384,969 PV Project life cost ----------------------- Book Life (Years) ..............40 Interest .......................6.89%1,810,700 PV Levelized Benefits Before State Income Tax 95.3322% Property Tax Rate ...............1.50%Term .............................40 6.93%IRR State Income Tax 0.0000% O&M Escalation Factor ..........2.00%Levelized Annual Rev Requirement .......1,806,436 ----------------------- Before Federal Income Tax 95.3322%nominal sum Federal Income Tax 20.0198%42,417,589 Lev ROE 239,024 -----------------------(v)NPV equity 3,226,576 Conversion Factor 75.3124%PV Benefits/Offsets24,442,529 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................TERM Capital Additions 40 -----------------Rate Accum.Book Dep.Rate Average Shareholder Misc.State Federal Total Present Value ACTUAL LEVELIZEDTaxBookBaseBookTaxon Tax Deferred Base Book Rate Interest Equity O&M & A&G Property Revenue Income Income Revenue Revenue ROR BY 1,810,700 Basis Basis BOP Deprec.Deprec.Basis Taxes EOP Deprec.Base Expense Return Expense Taxes Items Tax Taxes Requirement Reqmnt YEAR (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)(o)(p)(q)(r)(s)(t)(u)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total =>8,600,000 8,600,000 5,324,432 4,192,500 237,706 4,192,500 3,598,211 5,739,707 21,758,332 3,254,025 1,961,896 0 1,525,745 40,712,773 24,384,969 Savings, benefits, Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------offsets, or margin year 1 8,600,000 8,600,000 8,600,000 107,500 136,482 107,500 6,086 8,486,414 107,500 8,543,207 123,449 196,921 1,500,000 129,000 103,275 0 52,346 2,212,491 2,069,816 0.10%1,900,399 2 0 0 8,486,414 322,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 8,259,223 215,000 8,372,819 241,974 385,987 4,284,000 127,388 262,295 0 102,604 5,619,248 4,917,891 0.94%5,069,591 3 0 0 8,259,223 537,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 8,032,033 215,000 8,145,628 235,409 375,513 2,809,080 124,163 188,949 0 99,820 4,047,934 3,314,244 -11.16%2,527,877 4 0 0 8,032,033 752,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 7,804,842 215,000 7,918,438 228,843 365,040 848,966 120,938 91,847 0 97,036 1,967,670 1,507,140 3.67%1,664,261 5 0 0 7,804,842 967,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 7,577,652 215,000 7,691,247 222,277 354,566 865,946 117,713 91,550 0 94,252 1,961,303 1,405,389 14.81%2,523,520 6 0 0 7,577,652 1,182,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 7,350,461 215,000 7,464,057 215,711 344,093 883,265 114,488 91,269 0 91,468 1,955,293 1,310,732 16.09%2,596,083 7 0 0 7,350,461 1,397,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 7,123,271 215,000 7,236,866 209,145 333,620 788,314 111,263 85,492 0 88,684 1,831,516 1,148,585 14.81%2,360,642 8 0 0 7,123,271 1,612,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 6,896,080 215,000 7,009,676 202,580 323,146 804,080 108,038 85,135 0 85,900 1,823,878 1,070,036 15.11%2,357,292 9 0 0 6,896,080 1,827,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 6,668,890 215,000 6,782,485 196,014 312,673 702,996 104,813 79,057 0 83,115 1,693,667 929,568 9.99%1,862,804 10 0 0 6,668,890 2,042,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 6,441,699 215,000 6,555,295 189,448 302,199 717,056 101,588 78,617 0 80,331 1,684,238 864,782 10.04%1,850,576 11 0 0 6,441,699 2,257,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 6,214,509 215,000 6,328,104 182,882 291,726 731,397 98,363 78,191 0 77,547 1,675,105 804,629 10.08%1,838,643 12 0 0 6,214,509 2,472,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 5,987,318 215,000 6,100,914 176,316 281,252 746,025 95,138 77,778 0 74,763 1,666,272 748,772 10.13%1,827,011 13 0 0 5,987,318 2,687,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 5,760,128 215,000 5,873,723 169,751 270,779 760,945 91,913 77,380 0 71,979 1,657,746 696,903 10.19%1,815,686 14 0 0 5,760,128 2,902,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 5,532,937 215,000 5,646,533 163,185 260,305 776,164 88,688 76,997 0 69,195 1,649,533 648,733 10.25%1,804,674 15 0 0 5,532,937 3,117,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 5,305,747 215,000 5,419,342 156,619 249,832 791,687 85,463 76,628 0 66,411 1,641,640 603,994 12.87%1,932,390 16 0 0 5,305,747 3,332,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 5,078,556 215,000 5,192,152 150,053 239,358 807,521 82,238 76,275 0 63,627 1,634,072 562,440 13.10%1,924,792 17 0 0 5,078,556 3,547,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 4,851,366 215,000 4,964,961 143,487 228,885 960,950 79,013 82,659 0 60,843 1,770,836 570,209 10.46%1,917,580 18 0 0 4,851,366 3,762,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 4,624,175 215,000 4,737,771 136,922 218,411 980,169 75,788 82,472 0 58,059 1,766,820 532,228 10.54%1,910,764 19 0 0 4,624,175 3,977,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 4,396,985 215,000 4,510,580 130,356 207,938 999,772 72,563 82,303 0 55,275 1,763,206 496,889 10.63%1,904,351 20 0 0 4,396,985 4,192,500 273,050 215,000 12,191 4,169,794 215,000 4,283,390 123,790 197,464 0 69,338 32,222 0 52,490 690,304 181,990 10.73%828,651 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Update Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 16 of 18 Xfrmr Rev Req5.xlsm State Income Tax Rate ............0.00%Scenario:(2) New, (1) Spare Long-term Debt ...........................48.60%5.76%2.80%2.21%Gross Revenue 100.0000%Federal Income Tax Rate ........21.00%Short-term debt .................2.90%3.26%0.09%0.07%Uncollectables 0.6183% Discount Factor ......................6.89%Common Equity ......................48.50%9.50%4.61%4.61%Commission Fees 0.2000% Capital Class ...........................1 (1) General Structures.7.50%6.89%Washington Excise Tax 3.8495%(2) Generation, Transmission, Franchise Fees 0.0000% and Distribution.----------------------- (3) Other Equipment.IRR CALC Misc. Revenue Items 4.6678%(4) Transportation Equipment.PV Project Life cost ......................24,856,457 24,856,457 PV Project life cost ----------------------- Book Life (Years) ..............40 Interest .......................6.89%1,810,700 PV Levelized Benefits Before State Income Tax 95.3322% Property Tax Rate ...............1.50%Term .............................40 6.65%IRR State Income Tax 0.0000% O&M Escalation Factor ..........2.00%Levelized Annual Rev Requirement .......1,841,364 ----------------------- Before Federal Income Tax 95.3322%nominal sum Federal Income Tax 20.0198%42,417,589 Lev ROE 250,142 -----------------------(v)NPV equity 3,376,649 Conversion Factor 75.3124%PV Benefits/Offsets24,442,529 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................TERM Capital Additions 40 -----------------Rate Accum.Book Dep.Rate Average Shareholder Misc.State Federal Total Present Value ACTUAL LEVELIZEDTaxBookBaseBookTaxon Tax Deferred Base Book Rate Interest Equity O&M & A&G Property Revenue Income Income Revenue Revenue ROR BY 1,810,700 Basis Basis BOP Deprec.Deprec.Basis Taxes EOP Deprec.Base Expense Return Expense Taxes Items Tax Taxes Requirement Reqmnt YEAR (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)(o)(p)(q)(r)(s)(t)(u)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total =>9,000,000 9,000,000 5,572,080 4,387,500 248,762 4,387,500 3,765,570 6,006,670 21,758,332 3,889,688 2,027,309 0 1,596,710 42,052,850 24,856,457 Savings, benefits, Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------offsets, or margin year 1 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 112,500 142,830 112,500 6,369 8,881,131 112,500 8,940,565 129,191 206,080 1,500,000 135,000 104,662 0 54,781 2,242,214 2,097,623 -0.07%1,900,399 2 0 0 8,881,131 337,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 8,643,373 225,000 8,762,252 253,229 403,940 4,284,000 133,313 264,739 0 107,376 5,671,597 4,963,705 0.63%5,069,591 3 0 0 8,643,373 562,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 8,405,616 225,000 8,524,494 246,358 392,979 2,809,080 129,938 191,340 0 104,463 4,099,158 3,356,183 -10.93%2,527,877 4 0 0 8,405,616 787,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 8,167,858 225,000 8,286,737 239,487 382,019 848,966 126,563 94,185 0 101,549 2,017,769 1,545,513 3.23%1,664,261 5 0 0 8,167,858 1,012,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 7,930,101 225,000 8,048,979 232,616 371,058 865,946 123,188 93,836 0 98,636 2,010,278 1,440,482 13.88%2,523,520 6 0 0 7,930,101 1,237,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 7,692,343 225,000 7,811,222 225,744 360,097 883,265 119,813 93,503 0 95,722 2,003,144 1,342,808 15.09%2,596,083 7 0 0 7,692,343 1,462,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 7,454,586 225,000 7,573,464 218,873 349,137 788,314 116,438 87,673 0 92,808 1,878,242 1,177,888 13.87%2,360,642 8 0 0 7,454,586 1,687,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 7,216,828 225,000 7,335,707 212,002 338,176 804,080 113,063 87,264 0 89,895 1,869,479 1,096,789 14.15%2,357,292 9 0 0 7,216,828 1,912,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 6,979,071 225,000 7,097,949 205,131 327,215 702,996 109,688 81,133 0 86,981 1,738,144 953,979 9.26%1,862,804 10 0 0 6,979,071 2,137,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 6,741,313 225,000 6,860,192 198,260 316,255 717,056 106,313 80,640 0 84,068 1,727,591 887,042 9.29%1,850,576 11 0 0 6,741,313 2,362,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 6,503,556 225,000 6,622,434 191,388 305,294 731,397 102,938 80,162 0 81,154 1,717,333 824,913 9.33%1,838,643 12 0 0 6,503,556 2,587,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 6,265,798 225,000 6,384,677 184,517 294,334 746,025 99,563 79,697 0 78,241 1,707,375 767,243 9.37%1,827,011 13 0 0 6,265,798 2,812,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 6,028,041 225,000 6,146,919 177,646 283,373 760,945 96,188 79,246 0 75,327 1,697,725 713,710 9.42%1,815,686 14 0 0 6,028,041 3,037,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 5,790,283 225,000 5,909,162 170,775 272,412 776,164 92,813 78,811 0 72,413 1,688,388 664,013 9.47%1,804,674 15 0 0 5,790,283 3,262,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 5,552,526 225,000 5,671,404 163,904 261,452 791,687 89,438 78,390 0 69,500 1,679,370 617,876 11.96%1,932,390 16 0 0 5,552,526 3,487,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 5,314,768 225,000 5,433,647 157,032 250,491 807,521 86,063 77,984 0 66,586 1,670,677 575,040 12.18%1,924,792 17 0 0 5,314,768 3,712,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 5,077,011 225,000 5,195,889 150,161 239,531 960,950 82,688 84,315 0 63,673 1,806,317 581,634 9.64%1,917,580 18 0 0 5,077,011 3,937,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 4,839,253 225,000 4,958,132 143,290 228,570 980,169 79,313 84,075 0 60,759 1,801,176 542,578 9.71%1,910,764 19 0 0 4,839,253 4,162,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 4,601,496 225,000 4,720,374 136,419 217,609 999,772 75,938 83,854 0 57,846 1,796,438 506,254 9.79%1,904,351 20 0 0 4,601,496 4,387,500 285,750 225,000 12,758 4,363,738 225,000 4,482,617 129,548 206,649 0 72,563 33,721 0 54,932 722,411 190,454 9.87%828,651 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Update Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 17 of 18 Xfrmr Rev Req5.xlsm State Income Tax Rate ............0.00%Scenario:Single Phase Bank Long-term Debt ...........................48.60%5.76%2.80%2.21%Gross Revenue 100.0000%Federal Income Tax Rate ........21.00%Short-term debt .................2.90%3.26%0.09%0.07%Uncollectables 0.6183% Discount Factor ......................6.89%Common Equity ......................48.50%9.50%4.61%4.61%Commission Fees 0.2000% Capital Class ...........................1 (1) General Structures.7.50%6.89%Washington Excise Tax 3.8495%(2) Generation, Transmission, Franchise Fees 0.0000% and Distribution.----------------------- (3) Other Equipment.IRR CALC Misc. Revenue Items 4.6678%(4) Transportation Equipment.PV Project Life cost ......................23,026,633 23,026,633 PV Project life cost ----------------------- Book Life (Years) ..............40 Interest .......................6.89%1,810,700 PV Levelized Benefits Before State Income Tax 95.3322% Property Tax Rate ...............1.50%Term .............................40 7.79%IRR State Income Tax 0.0000% O&M Escalation Factor ..........2.00%Levelized Annual Rev Requirement .......1,705,810 ----------------------- Before Federal Income Tax 95.3322%nominal sum Federal Income Tax 20.0198%42,417,589 Lev ROE 375,213 -----------------------(v)NPV equity 5,064,974 Conversion Factor 75.3124%PV Benefits/Offsets24,442,529 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................TERM Capital Additions 40 -----------------Rate Accum.Book Dep.Rate Average Shareholder Misc.State Federal Total Present Value ACTUAL LEVELIZEDTaxBookBaseBookTaxon Tax Deferred Base Book Rate Interest Equity O&M & A&G Property Revenue Income Income Revenue Revenue ROR BY 1,810,700 Basis Basis BOP Deprec.Deprec.Basis Taxes EOP Deprec.Base Expense Return Expense Taxes Items Tax Taxes Requirement Reqmnt YEAR (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)(o)(p)(q)(r)(s)(t)(u)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total =>13,500,000 13,500,000 8,358,120 6,581,250 373,143 6,581,250 5,648,355 9,010,006 8,176,920 5,834,531 1,843,287 0 2,395,065 37,421,021 23,026,633 Savings, benefits, Period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------offsets, or margin year 1 13,500,000 13,500,000 13,500,000 168,750 214,245 168,750 9,554 13,321,696 168,750 13,410,848 193,787 309,120 1,500,000 202,500 120,270 0 82,171 2,576,598 2,410,444 -1.29%1,900,399 2 0 0 13,321,696 506,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 12,965,060 337,500 13,143,378 379,844 605,910 4,284,000 199,969 292,228 0 161,065 6,260,515 5,479,119 -1.56%5,069,591 3 0 0 12,965,060 843,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 12,608,424 337,500 12,786,742 369,537 589,469 2,392,920 194,906 197,863 0 156,694 4,238,889 3,470,588 -5.88%2,527,877 4 0 0 12,608,424 1,181,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 12,251,787 337,500 12,430,105 359,230 573,028 0 189,844 78,926 0 152,324 1,690,851 1,295,110 7.29%1,664,261 5 0 0 12,251,787 1,518,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 11,895,151 337,500 12,073,469 348,923 556,587 0 184,781 77,154 0 147,953 1,652,899 1,184,399 14.71%2,523,520 6 0 0 11,895,151 1,856,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 11,538,515 337,500 11,716,833 338,616 540,146 0 179,719 75,382 0 143,583 1,614,947 1,082,580 15.87%2,596,083 7 0 0 11,538,515 2,193,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 11,181,879 337,500 11,360,197 328,310 523,705 0 174,656 73,611 0 139,213 1,576,995 988,969 14.40%2,360,642 8 0 0 11,181,879 2,531,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 10,825,242 337,500 11,003,560 318,003 507,264 0 169,594 71,839 0 134,842 1,539,043 902,928 14.94%2,357,292 9 0 0 10,825,242 2,868,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 10,468,606 337,500 10,646,924 307,696 490,823 0 164,531 70,068 0 130,472 1,501,090 823,872 10.90%1,862,804 10 0 0 10,468,606 3,206,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 10,111,970 337,500 10,290,288 297,389 474,382 0 159,469 68,296 0 126,102 1,463,138 751,257 11.27%1,850,576 11 0 0 10,111,970 3,543,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 9,755,334 337,500 9,933,652 287,083 457,941 0 154,406 66,525 0 121,731 1,425,186 684,582 11.66%1,838,643 12 0 0 9,755,334 3,881,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 9,398,697 337,500 9,577,015 276,776 441,500 0 149,344 64,753 0 117,361 1,387,234 623,381 12.09%1,827,011 13 0 0 9,398,697 4,218,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 9,042,061 337,500 9,220,379 266,469 425,059 0 144,281 62,982 0 112,990 1,349,282 567,227 12.56%1,815,686 14 0 0 9,042,061 4,556,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 8,685,425 337,500 8,863,743 256,162 408,619 0 139,219 61,210 0 108,620 1,311,330 515,723 13.07%1,804,674 15 0 0 8,685,425 4,893,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 8,328,789 337,500 8,507,107 245,855 392,178 0 134,156 59,439 0 104,250 1,273,378 468,503 15.25%1,932,390 16 0 0 8,328,789 5,231,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 7,972,152 337,500 8,150,470 235,549 375,737 0 129,094 57,667 0 99,879 1,235,426 425,228 15.96%1,924,792 17 0 0 7,972,152 5,568,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 7,615,516 337,500 7,793,834 225,242 359,296 0 124,031 55,896 0 95,509 1,197,473 385,586 16.74%1,917,580 18 0 0 7,615,516 5,906,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 7,258,880 337,500 7,437,198 214,935 342,855 0 118,969 54,124 0 91,139 1,159,521 349,289 17.60%1,910,764 19 0 0 7,258,880 6,243,750 428,625 337,500 19,136 6,902,244 337,500 7,080,562 204,628 326,414 0 113,906 52,353 0 86,768 1,121,569 316,069 18.56%1,904,351 20 0 0 6,902,244 6,581,250 428,625 337,500 19,136 6,545,607 337,500 6,723,925 194,321 309,973 0 108,844 50,581 0 82,398 1,083,617 285,682 3.71%828,651 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Update Staff_PR_102 Attachment A Page 18 of 18