HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210415Avista to Staff 101.pdfProject Initiation Charter Little Falls Unit 4 Upgrade - Charter Page 1 of 4 Project Name: Little Falls Unit 4 Upgrade Project Program ID: ER-4152 Project ID: 20205045 1 Key Roles • Steering Committee: o Jacob Reidt - Project Delivery & Engineering Manager o Alexis Alexander – Maintenance, Management & Construction Manager o Bob Weisbeck - Hydro Operations and Maintenance Manager • Project Sponsor: Andy Vickers – GPSS Director • Program & Project Manager: Crystal Lewis • Team Stakeholders: o Engineering Managers: PJ Henscheid (Mechanical/Civil), Kristina Newhouse (Controls), Glen Farmer (Electrical) o Operations: Ryan Bean (Spokane River Mgr), Kevin Powell (Chief Operator) o AVA Construction: Randy Pierce (Mechanic Shop GF), Brad McNamara (Electric Shop GF), Jeff Vogel (Relay Shop GF) o EAM/Maximo: Jennifer Lund (EAM Manager) o SCADA Engineering: Brad Calbick o Protection Engineering: Randy Spacek, Calvin Howard, Beth Andrews o Environmental: Robin Bekkedahl (SHPO, Historic Building Specialist) o Network: Mike Lang (ET Project Manager) o Contracts: Karen Carter (Contracts Mgr, Services), Shelly Campbell (Contracts Mgr, Procurement) 2 Statement of Mission Need 2.1 Business Need/Project Objectives Little Falls Unit 4 Upgrade Overview The Little Falls Modernization Program (LFMP) will replace equipment at the end of useful life associated with the generating units. This program is set up to first replace the equipment responsible for the majority of the outages, followed by preparing the plant for the large generation unit upgrades, and concluding by doing yearly projects structured to replace the majority of the generator’s components. The Little Falls Unit 4 (U4) project’s scope is to modernize the unit. The major components that are in need of substantial overhaul or complete replacement include the generator (windings, core and frame), governor, exciter, field poles, bearings, generator cables, turbine assembly, wicket gates, bushing assemblies, control system, protection system, bearing lube oil and cooling systems, AC station service upgrades from stepdown transformer to motor control centers and feeder buckets. Additionally, upgrades as part of the final plant upgrade and cleanup of other ancillary systems includes GSU Bus 2 protection, SCADA controls, removal of the old 240VDC system, and removal of the Bailey cabinet to provide minimum clearance from 480V panel and relocation of its remaining components. Avista crews will be used for the majority of the work. The majority of the mechanical and electrical portions of the unit will remain the same and Avista’s crews have the knowledge and experience on these types of units. During the construction of the first unit (U3), crew time was spent fabricating tooling and stands that will be used for the other unit upgrades. This contributed to a longer schedule on U3 than the other units that followed. Unit 4 will be the fourth and final unit upgraded at Little Falls; using the tools and techniques from the previous upgrades to help provide for a more efficient and effective project. We will use the previous unit and systems upgrade actuals for project schedule and costs, lessons learned, and involve the craft workers to more accurately estimate the time and resources required for each individual Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) activity based upon their prior unit upgrade experience. This historical information along with group discussions and input will aid in refining the overall Unit 4 project schedule and cost estimates. Project Initiation Charter Little Falls Unit 4 Upgrade - Charter Page 2 of 4 LFU4 Objectives: Primary LFU4 objectives include: • Upgrade or replace U4 equipment and remaining ancillary systems that are at end of useful life to reduce equipment failure, forced outages and loss of generation. Secondary LFU4 objectives include: • Continued development of a robust schedule and WBS that can be used for performance reporting. 2.2 Regulatory Drivers Little Falls HED is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as having significance to the history of their community state or the nation. Upgrades should be documented and conducted in such a manner as to preserve the historic feel of the plant. 2.3 Metrics Demonstrating Need Little Falls Unit 4 is the last of four units scheduled to be upgraded as part of the LFMP. It is the only unit still connected to and using the old control systems, protection systems, and bailey cabinet. Its physical components, equipment, and systems are beyond their useful life and are to be upgraded or replaced as part of this work. 2.4 Measures to Determine Project Success Primary objectives will be met when plant operation and reliability metrics for the plant are improved then maintained over time, and project completion is on time and within budget to the approved performance baseline while maintaining compliance with all environmental requirements. Units 1, 2 and 3 have all been upgraded, are performing as designed with little or no issues to date. If the secondary objectives are met, it will improve accuracy of cost and schedule estimation, which in turn improves resource planning for engineering, functional area support, and crafts. 2.5 Impact if Not Approved Evaluation of expected lifecycle of the plant indicates continuing with the current maintenance and inspection program combined with major equipment replacements should be planned by 2020 to avoid generator failure. • Unit 4 is beyond its useful life and is the last of four units to be upgraded under the program. • Unit 4 is still tied into the old controls and protection system, which have been upgraded for all previous units. • Personnel safety is at increased risk for unit failure if not undertaken. • A savings in Operations and Maintenance (O&M) costs is anticipated with the upgrade of the units as they will have new equipment and components, also under warranty. 2.6 What will NOT be delivered? • Out of Scope: Spillway system, Headgate system, Substation work, Repairs to the powerhouse 3 Assumptions, Risks, and Considerations 3.1 Assumptions: (Expected Conditions) • Little Falls HED is excluded from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Spokane River Project licensing. • Infrastructure requirements at the site were completed prior to undertaking the first of the unit overhauls preparing the necessary stands, spreader beams and tools to perform the work. Project Initiation Charter Little Falls Unit 4 Upgrade - Charter Page 3 of 4 • Duplication drawings from the completed Unit 2 will be generated by Cirrus Design (Consultant) to provide updated drawings for Unit 4 providing more accurate and up to date details than existing historical information. • An approach of buying new parts vs. rehabilitation of old parts will be used since expected conditions based on the age and complexity of the units cannot be effectively predicted. • Avista crews will be used to perform the unit overhauls and other significant work. • Unit 4 Construction will be completed in 2019. • A steering committee has been established for management check in’s and approval of decision gates throughout the project lifecycle. These decision gates are approving the Mission Need (Business Case), approval of Alternative Analysis, and approval of the Project Execution Plan. 3.2 Risks: (Potential Deviations) • Equipment in the field does not match original equipment manufacturer drawings • Design and operation standards for department are not well established • Drawings are inaccurate and/or institutional knowledge is not well aggregated and documented that resolves differences in existing drawings. Existing and future conditions of Unit 4 may not match duplicated drawings from Unit 2 requiring revisions. • Equipment is not delivered on time or is delivered with non-conformance to plans and specifications. • Avista crews are called off the project to attend to an unplanned, or emergency need • Unexpected conditions may become evident as the unit is disassembled and assembled requiring unplanned fabrication, machining, or repair. 3.3 Considerations Project Team Stakeholders input will be sought at a minimum to (1) identify resources upon approval of the Charter, (2) ensure functional requirements and scope are comprehensively defined by the project team at the onset of the project, (3) ensure adequate criteria and options are evaluated prior to selection of alternatives based on the complexity of the project, and (4) review the final design documents to ensure requirements were successfully met. This will allow for transfer of institutional knowledge within Avista to the project team. 4 Resource Requirements 4.1 Applicable Interfaces Stakeholder interfaces requiring assigned resources in order to achieve the project objectives are as follows (check all that apply). The specific roles and responsibilities, frequency/ type of communication, and agreed upon engagement points will be documented in a Communication Plan as part of the Project Execution Plan. Primary Project Team: Avista Engineering: Amber Fowler (Electrical), Jeremy Winkle (Controls), Jeremy Fauth (Controls), Nick Agostinelli (Mechanical) Avista Construction Foreman: Chuck Parker (Mechanical), Howard Johnson (Electrical), Tom Berg (Relay) Secondary Stakeholders: ☒ Electrical Engineering ☒ Controls Engineering ☒ Mechanical Engineering ☐ Civil Engineering ☒ Drafting & Survey ☒ Substation Engineering ☐ Distribution Engineering ☐ Transmission Engineering ☐ Operations Engineering ☒ Operations (Electric/Gas/Hydro) ☐ Gas Engineering ☒ Protection Engineering ☒ SCADA Engineering ☐ Facilities Project Initiation Charter Little Falls Unit 4 Upgrade - Charter Page 4 of 4 ☒ Asset Management ☒ MM&C/Maximo Planner ☒ Master Scheduler ☒ Maintenance Engineers ☒ Crews ☒ Environmental ☒ Cultural/SHPO Resources ☐ Hydro/FERC Licensing ☒ Network Communication (IT/ET) ☒ Supply Chain – Contracts (Bid) ☒ Supply Chain – Materials/Equipment ☐ Real Estate ☒ Legal ☐ Corporate Communications ☐ Corporate Marketing ☐ Fleet ☒ Rates and Regulatory ☒ Project Accounting ☒ Power Schedulers External: • Cirrus Design (Design and Drafting) • Supplier/Vendor: Alstom (Generator) L&S (Governor) GE (Field Poles) Hudson Bay (Ducting/Insulation) Wagstaff (Wicket Gates & Distributor Disks) HydroTech (Bearings) Voith (Shaft & Runners) Others: AllWest, Concrete Cutters, Jetco, Northwest Sandblast & Paint, HydraFab, Rhodes, K&N, CIP, S&S NDT 4.2 High Level Program Deliverables & Milestones The following is a preliminary project list and tentative construction window for the LFMP: Unit 1 Overhaul Complete – April 2017 Unit 2 Overhaul Complete – June 2018 Unit 4 Overhaul Sept 2018 – Aug 2019 Design Drawings April 2018 – transmittal Sept 2018 Disassembly Begins Sept 2018 Fabrication/Machining Begins Dec 2018 Assembly/Install Begins Feb 2019 Checkout/Commissioning Begins Aug 2019 Project Closeout/Lessons Learned/Archiving Sept 2019 – Sept 2020 4.3 Planning Cost Estimate The Little Falls U4 expected transfer to plant is estimated to be $7.8MM in August 2019. 5 Approval Signatures _________________________________________________________ _____________ Jacob Reidt, Project Delivery & Engineering Manager Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Alexis Alexander, Maintenance, Management & Construction Manager Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Bob Weisbeck, Hydro Operations and Maintenance Manager Date Project Execution Plan Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Accounting Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 Business Case Name: Little Falls Powerhouse Modernization ER/BI: 4152/DG100 Jason Thackston Andy Vickers Jacob Reidt $8,200,000 Generation Production & Substation Support Andy Vickers Crystal Lewis Jacob Reidt, Bob Weisbeck, Alexis Alexander K. Newhouse J. Winkle H. Johnson G. Farmer N. Agostinelli C. Parker P. Hensheid A. Fowler T. Berg B. McNamara J. Fauth R. Pierce J. Vogel R. Bean K. Powell Power Supply System Operations Project Description: Modernize the Unit 4 generator through replacement of the generator, field poles, governor and control system, turbine assembly, perform rehabilitation and fabrication of miscellaneous parts, complete GSU 2 protection upgrade, SCADA PLC modifications, and Bailey cabinet and component removal. Project Execution Plan Checklist: Change Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Change Management Plan is to document the process of how project change requests will be monitored and controlled, implemented or denied. 1. Identify Benefits, Impacts & Alternatives a. The Project Team monitors and controls changes within a project; b. Project Team members identify the need for a change request; c. Project Team members evaluate the impacts to the project scope, schedule, budget and risks; d. Project Manager initiates a Change Request form. i. Change Request Form - documents the request and research necessary to fully understand and evaluate the request. Avoid over analysis, you may not need to complete the change request form for all changes, but you should at least record the change in the Change Register. 2. Review & Evaluate a. Project Manager evaluates and assesses the Change Request and builds consensus across the team. It may not be practical to bring every small change to the Project Sponsor and/or Steering Committee for approval. However, the cumulative impacts of small changes can have a major impact on the project schedule and budget. Collect small changes together, evaluate their impacts and benefits and present a set of them to the Project Sponsor and/or Steering Committee for approval. 3. Obtain Project Sponsor Approval a. Project Manager routes the Change Request through to the Project Sponsor and/or Steering Committee for approval; b. If Approved; 4. Update Project Execution Plan & Implement Change a. Document changes to the Baseline - Change Register provides a historical record of the change and its impact on the project; b. Coordinate changes with the Project Team; c. Update the Risk Plan; d. Update the Scope, Schedule and Cost Plans Role Responsibilities *Evaluates the need for change against scope, schedule and cost baselines *Forwards change requests for review/approval Members/ Stakeholders *Creates change requests *Helps evaluate risk and impact analysis of change requests Communication Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Communication Management Plan is to define the communication requirements for the project and how information will be distributed to keep all stakeholders informed on progress and key issues. Kick-off Meeting Introduce project, team roles & responsibilities, review project objectives & Steer Co. Project Team Manager Minutes Action Items Meetings project, discuss and develop solutions for project issues and/or Conference Call during Execution or, as needed during Manager Minutes Action Items Reports project; major milestones, progress, costs & risks Steer Co. Project Team Manager Status Report Updates (if applicable) Spend, release or request funds Planning Group Project Manager expected spend Updates Plant and/or other miscellaneous Asset Accounting Manager Schedule updates Stakeholder Check-In’s issues, seek resolution and/or direction Needed Manager Minutes Requests and impacts of formal Change Requests Needed Steer Co. Manager Change Request approved or Coordination of the project to Managers, Manager project Cost Baseline & Cost Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Cost Baseline is to define the current estimated cost of the project and the current approved version of the budget (from the Business Case). The purpose of the Cost Management Plan is to define how the costs on the project will be managed throughout the project’s lifecycle. It sets the format and standards by which the project costs are measured, reported & controlled. Total Project Costs $ 8,200,000 Approved Amount (CPR) 2/19/16 $8,456,000 Anticipated Transfer to Plant (TTP) “In-Service” Date August 2019 Deliverable Objective Frequency Audience Responsible Reports expected spend, identify budget status Steer Co. Project Team Manager Updates spend, release or Group (CPG) Manager other misc. (as needed) Asset Manager Reporting cost performance CPG Manager Reconciliation to contract Approvers Manager Request baseline Steer Co. Project Team Stakeholders Manager Procurement Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Procurement Management Plan is to describe how goods and services will be acquired from outside of the organization. The following Vendors/Suppliers/Service Providers are to be used as part of the Unit 4 upgrade and many have been previously procured/RFP’d/selected for work on Units 1, 2, & 3. Item/Service Justification Process/Needed By Type of Contract Decision Criteria Rough Cost Estimate Owner services (Cirrus) design support during project January, 2017 work already done by Manager (GE) Equipment in 2014 for all 4 Price previous RFP Manager (HydroTech) Equipment in 2014 for all 4 Price previous RFP Manager (Alstom) Equipment in 2013 for all 4 Price Evaluation U4 Manager (L&S) Equipment in 2014 for all 4 Price Evaluation Manager Runners/Shaft Equipment in 2014 for 3 Price previous RFP U4 Manager Disks /Fabricator completed in Price Local Manager (Hudson Bay) March 2019 Price work U1, U2, Manager parts/pieces - lead (Northwest /Abatement Dec 2018 work U1, U2, U3 Manager Eccentric Pins /Fabricator Jan 2019 Unit Price U2, U3 Manager Project Team Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) 06 Project Team Management Plan v1 11/1/2018 v1 Page 1 of 2 Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Project Team Management Plan is to define the Roles & Responsibilities of the Project Team and Stakeholders. Name Role Responsibilities Functional Team A. Vickers Owner *Approves scope, schedule & budget *Identifies major stakeholders *Identifies Functional Requirements *Approves Project Execution Plan & Baseline *Ensures Stakeholder involvement *Ensures PM can obtain necessary resources *Champions the project *Supports project management process *Approves Change Requests *Resolves escalated issues B. Weisbeck Committee *Approves escalated Change Requests GPSS Project Manager *Completes Capital Project Request *Develops Project Execution Plan *Executes the Project Execution Plan *Ensures continued alignment with Charter *Facilitates RFP Process *Manages day to day work of the project *Manages Change Requests *Manages vendors & contractors *Identifies project team needs GPSS G. Farmer, P. Hensheid, B. McNamara, R. Pierce, J. Vogel, Managers/ Shop General Foreman *Identifies and assigns necessary resources *Ensures Stakeholder/Core Team involvement *Supports project management process and team *Provide expertise *Approves project key deliverables (Engineering) GPSS, Protection, Network J. Fauth A. Fowler N. Agostinelli B. Andrews C. Howard N. Ethun Engineers/ Core Team Members *Identify work required to complete the project *Provide estimates of effort and time *Provide expertise/seek guidance *Completes assigned tasks and deliverables *Complete design/specs for crew/vendor/contractor work *Complete RFP process, bid sheet/SOW as needed *Identify risk, issues and changes GPSS, Protection, Network Project Team Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) 06 Project Team Management Plan v1 11/1/2018 v1 Page 2 of 2 Name Role Responsibilities Functional Team C. Parker T. Berg Members *Identify work required to complete the project *Provide estimates of effort and time *Provide expertise/seek guidance *Completes assigned tasks and deliverables *Complete design/specs for crew/vendor/contractor work *Complete RFP process, bid sheet/SOW as needed *Identify risk, issues and changes Mech/Structural, Electrical, Relay Jen Lund *Identify work required to complete the maintenance *Logs/Updates assets into Maximo K. Powell System Ops, Power Supply, C. Figart-SCADA Stakeholders *Identify work required to complete the project *Provide expertise/seek guidance *Completes assigned tasks and deliverables *Complete RFP process, bid sheet/SOW as needed *Identify risk, issues and changes Risk Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Risk Management Plan is to document the foreseen risks, estimate the impacts and define risk responses. Risk Management output is the “Risk Register” contained in the Project Plan Budget Model. 1. Identify Risk a. Project Team members, stakeholders, subject matter experts and the Project Manger identify potential risk events i. Facilitated risk discussions ii. Risk registers from other projects iii. Lessons Learned from past projects 2. Analyze Risk a. Impact to project scope, schedule, budget and/or quality i. Very low – barely noticeable or insignificant ii. Low – minor impact iii. Moderate – major impact iv. High – impact is unacceptable v. Very high – project deliverables become unusable or useless b. Probability of risk event occurring i. Very low - <10% chance of occurring ii. Low – 10-25% chance of occurring iii. Moderate – 25-50% chance of occurring iv. High – 50-75% chance of occurring v. Very high - >75% chance of occurring c. Priority is based on the impact and probability ratings (risk score) i. Low ii. Medium iii. High iv. Critical 3. Assign Risk Manager a. Risk is assigned to a team member responsible for monitoring the risk. 4. Develop Risk Response Strategy a. Identifying options and determining actions to reduce threats to the projects objectives. i. Accept – no change to project plan ii. Monitor – see whether it is more or less likely to occur as time goes on iii. Mitigate – up front action to reduce the probability and/or impact iv. Transfer – shifts the risk, or part of the risk to another party v. Avoid – project changes so the risk event is no longer a threat 5. Verify Funding for Contingent Responses a. Create a contingency response plan to implement immediately if risk event occurs Schedule Baseline & Schedule Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Schedule Baseline is to define the original predicted start, milestone and finish dates of the project. The purpose of the Schedule Management Plan is to establish the procedures and documentation for developing, managing, executing and controlling the project schedule. Report Manager milestone dates, updates schedule Project Team Stakeholders Meetings Manager updates/reviews Plant Updates Manager expected TTP Group (CPG) Change Request Manager schedule baseline Project Team Scope Baseline & Scope Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 The purpose of the Scope Baseline is to define the original approved scope statement. and ancillary systems as part of completion of the plant upgrade program *Reduce O&M costs, reduce risk of equipment failure and loss of generation generator frame & windings, turbine assmbly, field poles, governor, bearings, wicket gates, cables, lube oil system, GSU 2, controls, protection, SCADA, and bailey removal functional and commissioned Outdated/ Obsolete systems are removed upgrade of Unit 4 generator ready for commercial operation will perform work Vendors/ Suppliers will provide materials and parts within spec & schedule place 9/2018 to 8/2019 include headgates, spillgates, substation, or facility work The purpose of the Scope Management Plan is to establish processes used to ensure the project includes all the tasks required to complete the project. Manager deliverables, update scope Project Team Stakeholders Meetings Manager updates/reviews Schedule Manager Schedule Request Manager baseline Project Team Project Execution Plan – Approval Form Project Name: Little Falls HED Unit 4 Upgrade Project ID: CPR#: 20205045 Approval Signatures: Project Execution Plan (PEP) – Baseline _________________________________________________________ _____________ Andy Vickers, Director - GPSS Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Jacob Reidt, Manager – Project Delivery & Engineering Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Alexis Alexander, Manager – Maintenance, Management & Construction Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Bob Weisbeck, Manager – Hydro Operations & Maintenance Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Crystal Lewis, Project Manager Date Project Execution Plan Component Revision History EVISION OMPONENT ATE OF ELEASE SUMMARY OF HANGES 0 Initial document version ID Task Name Start Finish Predecessors Cost 1 Design  daysMon 11/14... 11/14/1 $0 15 SEL Testing 11.2 dayTue 9/4/18 Fri 9/21/18 $0 16 Construction  daSun 8/5/18 Fri 8/2/19 $930,057 17 Disassembly  dayTue 9/4/18 Wed 1/9/19 $216,544 18 Clearance and Dewater  dayTue 9/4/18 Tue 9/25/18 $25,043 19 Clearance ‐ Electrical 1 day Tue 9/4/18 Wed 9/5/18 15SS $513 20 Clearance ‐ Mechanical 1 day Tue 9/4/18 Wed 9/5/18 19SS $518 21 Electrical Component Isolation 3 days Wed 9/5/18  9/10/1819 $4,324 22 Mechanical Component Isolation 3 days Wed 9/5/18  9/10/1820 $5,729 23 Headgate Seal 1 day Mon 9/24/18 Tue 9/25/18 22SS,15 $1,381 24 Turbine 5 days Mon 9/24/18 Tue 10/2/18 $10,127 25 Remove Ductwork & Overhead Oil Piping 4 days Mon 9/24/18 Fri 9/28/18 15 $9,206 26 Uncouple Shaft 1 day Mon 10/1/18 Tue 10/2/18 25 $921 27 Inspect/Document/As‐Found all Parts & Pieces  dayMon 9/24/18 Fri 11/16/18 15 $83,084 28 Remove Oil & Water System Piping 2 days Mon 9/24/18  9/26/18 $4,143 29 Oil Tanks ‐ Overhead 1 day Mon 9/24/18 Tue 9/25/18 $2,302 30 Oil Tanks ‐ In‐floor 2 days Mon 9/24/18  9/26/18 $1,841 31 Remove Brake System 2 days Mon 9/24/18  9/26/18 $3,682 32 Remove Reach Arms  daysWed 9/26/18 Thu 9/27/18 31 $460 33 Remove Operating Shaft & Assess 2 days Thu 9/27/18  10/1/1832 $1,841 34 Remove Saddle & Transitions 2 days Thu 9/27/18  10/1/1832 $4,603 35 Remove Turb Bearings & Stands ‐Ship to HydroTe2 days Mon 10/1/18 Thu 10/4/18 34 $3,682 36 Record Wicket Gate Clearances 1 day Thu 10/4/18 Fri 10/5/18 35 $921 37 Remove Upstream Distributor 1 day Fri 10/5/18  10/8/1836 $2,302 38 Remove Dwnstrm Distr & Packing Water Piping  daysMon 10/8/18  10/10/137 $3,452 39 Remove Scroll Case Elbows 1 day Wed 10/10/... 10/11/1838 $2,302 40 Remove Turbine     ALL HANDS 2 days Thu 10/11/18  10/16/1839 $5,063 41 Remove Turbine & Rings 1 day Thu 10/11/18 Fri 10/12/18 $3,682 42 Load/Transport to NM 1 day Mon 10/15/... 10/16/1841 $1,381 43 Remove Wicket Gates & Levers 2 days Fri 10/5/18 Tue 10/9/18 $2,762 44 Remove/Load/Haul 2 days Fri 10/5/18 Tue 10/9/18 36 $2,762 45 Reassemble Seal Rings, Distributors, Elbows 4 days Tue 10/9/18  10/16/1844 $9,206 46 Piano Wire & Take As‐Found Measurements 8 days Tue 10/16/18  10/30/1845 $18,412 47 Disassemble Rings, Distributors, Elbows 4 days Tue 10/30/18 Tue 11/6/18 46 $9,206 48 Record As‐found Measurements 2 days Tue 11/6/18 Fri 11/9/18 47 $1,841 49 Load/Transport to Wagstaff/NW Sandblast 4 days Fri 11/9/18 Fri 11/16/18 47,48 $9,206 50 Generator  dayWed 9/5/18 Wed 1/9/19 $75,661 51 Remove Generator Covers (load/haul)1 day Wed 9/5/18 Thu 9/6/18 19,20 $1,381 52 Remove Upper Half of Stator 3 days Tue 11/6/18  11/12/147 $8,261 53 Load/Haul (7+ days notice)1 day Mon 11/12/... 11/13/1852 $1,381 54 Remove Brush Holders, innerpole connections 2 days Mon 11/12/... 11/15/1852 $1,825 55 Remove Field Poles  days Thu 11/15/18  12/25/1854 $33,142 56 Drill/Tap 4 days Thu 11/15/18  11/22/18 $5,524 57 Remove Poles 18 days Thu 11/22/18  12/24/156 $24,856 58 Box/Load/Transport 2 days Fri 12/21/18  12/25/1857FF+1 day $2,762 59 Remove Rotational Exciter/Armature 1 day Mon 9/24/18 Tue 9/25/18 15 $1,841 60 Remove Rotor ALL HANDS 1 day Mon 12/24/... 12/25/1857 $3,214 61 Remove Lower Half of Stator ALL HANDS 1 day Tue 12/25/18  12/27/1860 $3,214 62 Load/Haul (7+ days notice)1 day Thu 12/27/18 Fri 12/28/18 61 $1,381 63 Remove Generator Cables 4 days Thu 12/27/18 Thu 1/3/19 61 $9,124 64 Remove Gen Bearings and Stands  daysThu 12/27/18  12/27/1861 $460 65 Remove Generator Shaft 7 days Thu 12/27/18 Wed 1/9/19 64 $10,438 66 Rotate Shaft Vertically  daysThu 12/27/18 Fri 12/28/18 60 $1,381 67 Heaters & Wiring 3 days Fri 12/28/18 Thu 1/3/19 66 $5,474 68 Wrap 1 day Thu 1/3/19 Fri 1/4/19 67 $1,741 69 Heat Up  daysFri 1/4/19 Tue 1/8/19 68 $0 70 Pull Shaft/Lay Down/Load/Haul 1 day Tue 1/8/19 Wed 1/9/19 69 $1,841 71 Misc Electrical  days Tue 9/25/18 Fri 10/26/18 18 $19,984 72 Removal Plan/Coordination (Relay)5 days Tue 9/25/18  10/3/18 $2,645 73 Remove CR Control Panel    2 days Wed 10/3/18 Fri 10/5/18 72 $912 74 Remove Floor Control Panel    3 days Mon 10/8/18  10/11/1873 $4,106 75 Remove Exciter Control Panel   2 days Thu 10/11/18  10/16/1874 $1,825 76 Remove Control Cables    4 days Tue 10/16/18  10/23/1875 $7,299 77 Remove Cable Trays 2 days Tue 10/23/18  10/25/1876 $1,825 78 Remove Misc Electrical Equipment 1 day Tue 9/25/18  9/26/18 $0 79 Brakes/Limitorques/Lube Oil Motor/Servo Heads 1 day Thu 10/25/18 Fri 10/26/18 77 $1,373 80 Removal Drawing Updating/Obsoleting (Relay)5 days Wed 10/3/18  10/11/1872 $2,645 81 Property Removal Notice 1 day Wed 1/9/19 Thu 1/10/19 17 $400 82 External Work  daSun 8/5/18 Thu 6/13/19 $0 83 Rebabbit Generator Bearings (HydroTech)48 days Thu 1/3/19 Thu 3/28/19 64,97FF+11 days $0 84 Rebabbit Turbine Bearings (HydroTech)48 days Mon 10/8/18 Fri 12/28/18 35 $0 85 Seal Rings (Wagstaff) days Fri 11/16/18 Thu 1/10/19 $0 86 Measure Rings 10 days Fri 11/16/18 Tue 12/4/18 49 $0 87 Develop and Approve DWGs 3 days Tue 12/4/18  12/10/186 $0 88 Machining/Acceptance/Pick‐up 18 days Mon 12/10/...Thu 1/10/19 87 $0 89 Wicket Gates (Wagstaff) daTue 10/9/18 Thu 4/18/19 $0 90 Initial Machining 16 days Tue 10/9/18 Tue 11/6/18 44 $0 91 Cut to size 16 days Tue 11/6/18 Tue 12/4/18 90 $0 92 US Machine Wicket Gates/Pick‐up 45 days Wed 1/30/19 Thu 4/18/19 90,91,127 $0 93 DS Machine Wicket Gates/Pick‐up 45 days Wed 1/30/19 Thu 4/18/19 90,91,127 $0 94 Painting (NWS&P)34 days Fri 11/16/18 Tue 1/15/19 49,34 $0 95 Field Pole Rehab (GE)47 days Tue 12/25/18  3/18/1958 $0 96 Field Pole Keys (Jetco)38 days Mon 12/24/...Thu 2/28/19 57 $0 97 Generator Shaft Machining (Jetco)34 days Wed 1/9/19 Fri 3/8/19 70 $0 98 Wicket Gate Bushings (CIP)18 days Mon 12/10/...Thu 1/10/19 87,48 $0 99 Eccentric Pin Manufacture (Jetco)43 days Fri 11/9/18 Thu 1/24/19 48 $0 100 Brake Hub (Jetco) ? if needed 48 days Fri 11/9/18 Fri 2/1/19 48 $0 101 Operating Shaft (??)  ? if needed 12 days Mon 10/29/...Fri 11/16/18 79,33 $0 102 Concrete Cutting (U3 oil tank relocation)2 days Sun 8/5/18 Tue 8/7/18 $0 103 Ductwork Insulation (Hudson Bay)23 days Mon 5/6/19 Thu 6/13/19 25,140 $0 104 Assembly Prep  daWed 9/5/18  4/17/19 $102,261 105 Generator Pit Prep 4 days Thu 1/3/19 Thu 1/10/19 63 $9,597 106 Paint Pit 1 day Thu 1/3/19 Fri 1/4/19 63 $912 107 Build and Install CT 2 days Thu 1/3/19 Mon 1/7/19 63SS $912 108 Epoxy Cracks/Sole Plate 4 days Thu 1/3/19 Thu 1/10/19 63SS $3,650 109 Install Cable Brackets 1 day Thu 1/3/19 Fri 1/4/19 63SS $456 110 Concrete Boring 2 days Thu 1/3/19 Mon 1/7/19 63SS $3,666 111 Install Generator Shaft 4 days Thu 3/28/19 Thu 4/4/19 97 $4,599 112 Heat 1 day Thu 3/28/19 Fri 3/29/19 97,83 $456 1.2 days 1/9 9/25 1 day A Frmn Elec 1 day A Frmn M/S 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 0.5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1.5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5,Jmn M/S #6,Jmn M/S #7,Jmn M/S #8 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 8 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 18 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5,Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5,Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 4 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3,Jmn Elec #4,Jmn Elec #5 0.5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 0.5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5,Jmn M/S #6 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3,Jmn Elec #4 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,App Lnmn 4 1.5 days 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 5 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 2 days Jmn Elec #1 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 4 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3,Jmn Elec #4 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 1 day 1 day Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn M/S #1 5 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 1 day Project Manager 48 days 48 days 10 days 3 days 18 days 16 days 16 days 45 days 45 days 34 days 47 days 38 days 34 days 18 days 43 days 48 days 12 days 23 days 1 day Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 2 days Jmn Elec #1 4 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 1 day Jmn Elec #1 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 1 day Jmn Elec #1 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 Sep '18 Oct '18 Nov '18 Dec '18 Jan '19 Feb '19 Mar '19 Apr '19 May '19 Jun '19 Jul '19 Aug '19 Sep '19 Oct '19 Nov '19 Page 1 ID Task Name Start Finish Predecessors Cost 113 Install Shaft 1 day Mon 4/1/19 Tue 4/2/19 112 $1,841 114 Set Screws (Rotor keys) 2 days Tue 4/2/19 Thu 4/4/19 113,70 $921 115 Remove Insulators & Heaters 1 day Tue 4/2/19 Wed 4/3/19 114SS $1,381 116 Clean and Paint Rotor 8 days Wed 4/3/19  4/17/19115 $3,682 117 Install Governor 6 days Tue 1/15/19 Fri 1/25/19 $5,984 118 Mount HPU and Tanks to Floor 1 day Tue 1/15/19 Thu 1/17/19 94 $1,381 119 Install Servo Head 1 day Thu 1/17/19 Fri 1/18/19 118 $921 120 Plumb Servo Head 4 days Fri 1/18/19 Fri 1/25/19 119 $3,682 121 Cable Tray Install 7 days Wed 9/5/18  9/17/1819 $9,124 122 Cable Trays 2 days Wed 9/5/18 Fri 9/7/18 $2,737 123 Concrete Cutting 7 days Wed 9/5/18  9/17/18122SS $6,387 124 Floor Plate Fabrication (servo shaft/U4M/U4G)4 days Wed 9/5/18  9/12/18123SS $3,682 125 Line Boring  dayTue 1/15/19 Tue 3/12/19 $45,340 126 Install Distrbtr (Set Seal Rings & Scroll Case Elbow5.7 daysTue 1/15/19 Thu 1/24/19 88,98,94 $10,495 127 Alignment of Disks 3 days Fri 1/25/19  1/30/19126 $4,143 128 Set Up for Boring  daysWed 1/30/19 Tue 2/12/19 127 $9,528 129 Line Boring 15 days Tue 2/12/19  3/11/19128 $20,714 130 Disassemble Distributors (Remove Elbows)1 day Mon 3/11/19 Tue 3/12/19 129 $460 131 Turbine  days Mon 12/31...Tue 1/29/19 $20,253 132 Machine Turbine Shaft 10 days Mon 12/31/... 1/16/1984 $13,809 133 Wearsleeve Welding & NDT 4 days Mon 1/14/19 Fri 1/18/19 132FF+2 days $1,841 134 Wearsleeve Machine Finish Work 5 days Mon 1/21/19 Tue 1/29/19 133 $4,603 135 Modify Transition Pieces 7 days Tue 1/29/19 Fri 2/8/19 134 $0 136 Prep/Haul Turbine Runner Assembly 2 days Mon 2/11/19  2/13/19135 $0 137 Assemble Turbine Assembly  days Fri 4/19/19 Thu 7/11/19 $112,083 138 Install Turbine  days Fri 4/19/19 Tue 5/21/19 $33,142 139 Assemble Distributor/Wicket Gates/Gland 8 days Fri 4/19/19 Thu 5/2/19 130,92,93 $18,412 140 Install Turbine (ALL HANDS)1 day Fri 5/3/19 Mon 5/6/19 136,139 $3,682 141 Install Distributors/Seal Rings 2 days Mon 5/6/19 Wed 5/8/19 140 $4,603 142 Install Lower Inner Head Covers 5 days Wed 5/8/19 Thu 5/16/19 141 $4,603 143 Install New Lines Oil & Water 4 days Tue 5/14/19 Tue 5/21/19 142FS‐2 days $1,841 144 Install Draftchest 6 days Tue 5/21/19 Thu 5/30/19 143 $11,047 145 Install Concrete 2 days Tue 5/21/19 Thu 5/23/19 $3,682 146 Install Scrollcase/Transitions/Saddles (Fitment)4 days Fri 5/24/19 Thu 5/30/19 145 $7,365 147 Install Turbine Bearings  days Fri 5/24/19 Tue 6/18/19 146SS $14,730 148 Scrape Thrust Bearings 10 days Fri 5/24/19 Tue 6/11/19 84,136,140 $9,206 149 Install Bases/Pedestals/Bearings/Align 4 days Tue 6/11/19 Tue 6/18/19 148,83,141,84 $5,524 150 Alignment 7 days Tue 6/18/19 Mon 7/1/19 149 $10,127 151 Align Turbine 4 days Tue 6/18/19 Tue 6/25/19 $7,365 152 Dowel Turbine Pedestal Bases 3 days Tue 6/25/19 Mon 7/1/19 151 $2,762 153 Install Operating Shaft/Alignment 7 days Wed 5/8/19 Tue 5/21/19 101,141 $6,444 154 Install Reach Arms 8 days Tue 5/21/19 Tue 6/4/19 141 $14,269 155 Install Reach Arm Tops 1 day Tue 5/21/19  5/22/19101,153 $1,381 156 Wicket Gate Timing 7 days Wed 5/22/19 Tue 6/4/19 155 $12,888 157 Coupling  days Tue 6/18/19 Thu 7/11/19 149 $18,412 158 Align Coupling 4 days Tue 6/18/19 Tue 6/25/19 $3,682 159 Line Bore Coupling Holes 10 days Tue 6/25/19 Thu 7/11/19 158 $9,206 160 Turn Coupling Bolts 4 days Fri 7/5/19 Thu 7/11/19 159FF $1,841 161 Install Bolts & Torque 3 days Tue 6/25/19 Mon 7/1/19 158 $2,762 162 Install Nut Covers 1 day Mon 7/1/19 Tue 7/2/19 161 $921 163 Install Brake System  daysTue 5/21/19 Fri 5/24/19 154SS $3,913 164 Install Brake System Equipment 2 days Tue 5/21/19 Thu 5/23/19 120,104,100 $3,682 165 Plumb New Air Supply  daysFri 5/24/19 Fri 5/24/19 164 $230 166 Assemble Generator Assembly  daWed 9/5/18 Tue 7/23/19 $82,331 167 Install Generator Cables 6 days Mon 1/7/19 Thu 1/17/19 $13,686 168 1500kcm Cables 3 days Fri 1/11/19 Thu 1/17/19 169 $6,843 169 3000kcm Cables 3 days Mon 1/7/19 Fri 1/11/19 110 $6,843 170 Install Lower Half of Generator 2 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/15/19 169 $4,595 171 Install Rotor 2 days Thu 3/28/19 Tue 4/2/19 170 $2,762 172 Install Generator Bearings 1 day Thu 3/28/19 Fri 3/29/19 83 $460 173 Install Rotor 1 day Mon 4/1/19 Tue 4/2/19 172 $2,302 174 Install Field Poles  dayMon 3/18/19 Fri 5/3/19 $20,253 175 Receive/Load Poles 1 day Mon 3/18/19 Tue 3/19/19 95 $1,381 176 Install Field Poles 8 days Tue 4/2/19 Tue 4/16/19 175,173,96 $11,047 177 Wedge Field Poles 3 days Tue 4/16/19 Fri 4/19/19 176 $4,143 178 Cut/Trim Wedges 8 days Mon 4/22/19 Fri 5/3/19 177 $3,682 179 Install Rotational Exciter 1 day Mon 5/6/19 Tue 5/7/19 178 $1,841 180 Install Upper Half of Generator 1 day Tue 5/7/19 Wed 5/8/19 179 $1,381 181 Stator Roundness (GE‐External)1 day Wed 5/8/19 Thu 5/9/19 180 $1,841 182 Generator Splice (External) 15 days Thu 5/9/19 Wed 6/5/19 181 $0 183 Stator/Turbine Final alignment 1 day Mon 6/3/19 Tue 6/4/19 149,182 $0 184 Terminate Gen Cables  dayMon 1/7/19 Tue 6/11/19 $11,861 185 Closet Splice 3 days Thu 1/17/19 Tue 1/22/19 168,169 $2,737 186 4kV Switchgear 3 days Tue 1/22/19  1/28/19185 $2,737 187 Generator 3 days Wed 6/5/19 Tue 6/11/19 182 $2,737 188 Wye Point‐CT skid 4 days Mon 1/7/19  1/14/19107 $3,650 189 Final Rotor Assembly  days Wed 6/5/19 Fri 7/12/19 $15,365 190 Install & Wedge Last 10 Field Poles 8 days Wed 6/5/19  6/19/19182 $3,682 191 Cut/Trim Wedges 8 days Wed 6/19/19 Wed 7/3/19 190 $3,682 192 Solder Innerpole Connections 3 days Wed 7/3/19 Tue 7/9/19 191 $4,106 193 Install Rotor Cable 1 day Tue 7/9/19  7/10/19192 $1,369 194 Perform Rotor Pole Drop Testing  daysWed 7/10/19 Thu 7/11/19 193 $684 195 Install Rotor Fan Blades 2 days Wed 7/10/19 Fri 7/12/19 194SS $1,841 196 Install Generator Covers  daWed 9/5/18 Tue 7/23/19 $8,746 197 Add Man Door/Access 2 days Wed 9/5/18 Fri 9/7/18 20,19 $921 198 Install Spacers 1 day Wed 9/5/18 Thu 9/6/18 197SS $921 199 Drill and Tap Holes 3 days Mon 7/15/19 Thu 7/18/19 198,195 $1,381 200 Modify Covers to Mate‐up 3 days Thu 9/6/18  9/12/18198 $2,762 201 Install Covers 2 days Thu 7/18/19 Tue 7/23/19 200,195,199 $2,762 202 Final Electrical Install  daWed 9/5/18  6/12/19104SS $57,029 203 Unit PLC Install  days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 2/19/19 $10,036 204 Layout Wire 2 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/15/19 169 $912 205 Wire PLC 15 days Tue 1/15/19  2/11/19204 $6,843 206 Terminate Field Wiring 5 days Mon 2/11/19 Tue 2/19/19 205 $2,281 207 Unit Protection/Control PNL  days Fri 1/11/19 Fri 2/22/19 169 $10,949 208 Layout Protection Panel 2 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/15/19 $912 209 Layout Control Panel 1 day Tue 1/15/19 Thu 1/17/19 208 $456 210 Wire Protection Panel 8 days Thu 1/17/19 Thu 1/31/19 209 $3,650 211 Wire Control Panel 8 days Thu 1/31/19 Thu 2/14/19 210 $3,650 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 2 days Jmn M/S #1 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 8 days Jmn M/S #1 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3 7 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 5.7 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 6.9 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 15 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 4 days Jmn M/S #1 5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 7 days 2 days 8 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5,Jmn M/S #6,Jmn M/S #7,Jmn M/S #8 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 10 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 6/4 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 7 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 7/11 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 10 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 0.5 days Jmn M/S #1 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3,Jmn Elec #4,Jmn Elec #5 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3,Jmn Elec #4,Jmn Elec #5 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn Elec #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4,Jmn M/S #5 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 8 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 8 days Jmn M/S #1 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3,Jmn M/S #4 15 days 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 4 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 7/12 8 days Jmn M/S #1 8 days Jmn M/S #1 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3 1 day Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3 0.5 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn Elec #3 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 2 days Jmn M/S #1 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 3 days Jmn M/S #1 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 6/12 2/19 2 days Jmn Elec #1 15 days Jmn Elec #1 5 days Jmn Elec #1 2/22 2 days Jmn Elec #1 1 day Jmn Elec #1 8 days Jmn Elec #1 8 days Jmn Elec #1 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 Sep '18 Oct '18 Nov '18 Dec '18 Jan '19 Feb '19 Mar '19 Apr '19 May '19 Jun '19 Jul '19 Aug '19 Sep '19 Oct '19 Nov '19 Page 2 ID Task Name Start Finish Predecessors Cost 212 Terminate Field Wiring 5 days Thu 2/14/19 Fri 2/22/19 211 $2,281 213 Unit Exciter Control PNL 9 days Fri 1/11/19  1/28/19169 $4,106 214 Layout Exciter Panel 5 days Fri 1/11/19  1/21/19 $2,281 215 Wire Exciter Panel 3 days Mon 1/21/19 Fri 1/25/19 214 $1,369 216 Terminate Field Wiring 1 day Fri 1/25/19  1/28/19215 $456 217 Wire Governor System 9 days Thu 1/17/19 Fri 2/1/19 $6,387 218 Wiring Governor System 5 days Thu 1/17/19 Fri 1/25/19 118 $4,562 219 Terminate Field Wiring 4 days Fri 1/25/19 Fri 2/1/19 218 $1,825 220 Wire switchgear 5 days Fri 1/11/19  1/21/19169 $3,650 221 Layout and Wire Switchgear 3 days Fri 1/11/19 Thu 1/17/19 $2,737 222 Terminate Field Wiring 2 days Thu 1/17/19  1/21/19221 $912 223 Unit Monitoring Enclosure (U2M) days Fri 1/11/19 Fri 2/22/19 169 $10,949 224 Layout and Wire Enclosure 20 days Fri 1/11/19 Fri 2/15/19 $9,124 225 Terminate Field Wiring 4 days Fri 2/15/19 Fri 2/22/19 224 $1,825 226 Wire MCC ‐ 5 Buckets  dayWed 9/5/18 Mon 2/4/19 $917 227 Terminate Field Wiring ‐ 2 Oil Pumps 1 day Fri 2/1/19 Mon 2/4/19 241 $460 228 Terminate Field Wiring ‐ 2 Governor Pumps  daysThu 1/17/19 Thu 1/17/19 118 $228 229 Terminate Field Wiring ‐ 1 Fan Motor  daysWed 9/5/18 Wed 9/5/18 104SS $228 230 Generator RTD box 4 days Wed 6/5/19  6/12/19 $1,825 231 Layout RTD Box 2 days Wed 6/5/19 Fri 6/7/19 182 $912 232 Terminate Field Wiring 2 days Mon 6/10/19  6/12/19231 $912 233 Device Wiring  dayWed 9/5/18 Tue 1/15/19 $8,212 234 Field Devices: Oil 2 days Wed 9/5/18 Fri 9/7/18 241SS $1,825 235 Field Devices: Water 2 days Wed 9/5/18 Fri 9/7/18 253SS $1,825 236 Field Devices: Vacuum Breaker Valve 2 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/15/19 169 $912 237 Field Devices: Speed Sensors 2 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/15/19 236SS $1,825 238 Field Devices: Vibration System 2 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/15/19 237SS $1,825 239 Final Mechanical Install  daTue 8/7/18 Fri 8/2/19 104SS $37,883 240 Install Shaft Packing 4 days Tue 7/23/19 Tue 7/30/19 131,201 $3,682 241 Lower Oil System  daTue 8/7/18 Fri 2/1/19 104SS $11,047 242 Install New Oil Tank 2 days Wed 9/5/18 Fri 9/7/18 104SS,243 $1,841 243 Relocate U3 Oil Tank 8 days Tue 8/7/18 Tue 8/21/18 102 $0 244 Install New Return Oil Piping 3 days Fri 1/25/19 Thu 1/31/19 120,242SS $2,762 245 Install Pumps 3 days Fri 1/25/19 Thu 1/31/19 244SS $2,762 246 Install Wall Panel Piping 4 days Fri 1/25/19 Fri 2/1/19 245SS $3,682 247 Ductwork  dayFri 6/14/19 Thu 8/1/19 $12,428 248 Gather Duct Work Sections 3 days Fri 6/14/19  6/19/19103 $4,143 249 Install & Field Fit Sections 6 days Tue 7/23/19 Thu 8/1/19 248,201 $8,285 250 Upper Oil System Install  daWed 9/5/18 Thu 8/1/19 $4,143 251 Install Upper Oil Tank 1 day Wed 9/5/18 Thu 9/6/18 104SS $1,381 252 Install Oil Header Lines 2 days Tue 7/30/19 Thu 8/1/19 $2,762 253 Unit Water System  daWed 9/5/18 Fri 8/2/19 $6,582 254 Install Water Piping  daysMon 7/29/19 Thu 8/1/19 249FF,104SS $2,394 255 Fabricate Drip Pans  daysWed 9/5/18  9/19/18104SS $3,728 256 Install Drip Pans  daysThu 8/1/19 Fri 8/2/19 254 $460 257 GSU Protection Bus 2  dayMon 4/8/19 Fri 6/28/19 $0 258 Settings from Protection 1 day Mon 4/8/19 Tue 4/9/19 260SS $0 259 GSU Install  days Mon 4/8/19 Fri 5/31/19 $0 260 Yellow Line Drawings 5 days Mon 4/8/19 Tue 4/16/19 $0 261 PLC Programming/SCADA (Controls)25 days Mon 4/8/19 Tue 5/21/19 260SS $0 262 Panel Layouts 2 days Mon 4/8/19  4/10/19261SS $0 263 Build Drawers 1 day Mon 4/8/19 Tue 4/9/19 262SS $0 264 Panel Wiring 20 days Wed 4/10/19  5/15/19263,262 $0 265 Modify & Terminate Field Cables 9 days Wed 5/15/19 Thu 5/30/19 264 $0 266 Bus 2 Outage (w Unit 3) dayMon 6/3/19 Thu 6/27/19 265 $0 267 Install drawers, cable wiring  daysMon 6/3/19 Fri 6/7/19 265 $0 268 Checkout 8 days Mon 6/10/19 Fri 6/21/19 $0 269 Checkout 3 days Mon 6/10/19 Thu 6/13/19 267 $0 270 SS ‐ update settings 2 days Thu 6/13/19 Tue 6/18/19 269 $0 271 SCADA 5 days Thu 6/13/19 Fri 6/21/19 269 $0 272 GSU Commissioning (including re‐syncro U3)4 days Mon 6/24/19 Fri 6/28/19 268 $0 273 Red Line Drawings 8 days Mon 7/1/19 Fri 7/12/19 272 $0 274 Commissioning  daFri 1/11/19  8/21/19 $79,281 275 Check Out  days Fri 1/11/19 Mon 6/3/19 104SS,169 $44,747 276 Relays ‐ SEL‐700G, SEL‐351, LOR, Syncronization 6 days Fri 1/11/19 Tue 1/22/19 $3,173 277 Meters ‐ SEL‐735 2 days Tue 1/22/19 Fri 1/25/19 276 $1,058 278 PLCs ‐ wiring, I/O check, logic, comm, DNP, modbus 25 days Fri 1/25/19  3/11/19277 $13,223 279 XM Modules,SEL‐2600,wiring,comm,device net com5 days Mon 3/11/19 Tue 3/19/19 278 $2,645 280 CTs/PTs ‐ gen bkr, wiring, function 5 days Tue 3/19/19 Thu 3/28/19 279 $2,645 281 HMI 4 days Thu 3/28/19 Thu 4/4/19 280 $4,022 282 Controls & Protection ‐ headgate, auxillary, OIT, wir 3 days Thu 4/4/19 Tue 4/9/19 281 $1,587 283 Field Devices ‐ including auxillaries 3 days Tue 4/9/19  4/15/19282 $1,587 284 Sensors‐Oil flow/levl,air,water,RTD,vibe,speed,+spe 15 days Mon 4/15/19 Fri 5/10/19 283 $7,934 285 Exciter‐wiring, OIT, SEL‐2664, comm, logic, schem, fu7 days Fri 5/10/19 Thu 5/23/19 284 $3,702 286 Governor ‐ wiring, I/O check, comm 3 days Thu 5/23/19 Tue 5/28/19 285 $1,587 287 MCC (6 buckets) ‐ schematics, wiring, settings, funct3 days Tue 5/28/19 Mon 6/3/19 286 $1,587 288 Commissioning (2wks) days Mon 8/5/19  8/21/19275,256,238 $34,534 289 Dry Test 1 day Mon 8/5/19 Tue 8/6/19 $1,878 290 Water Up 1 day Tue 8/6/19 Wed 8/7/19 289 $2,366 291 First Spin/Flash Field 1 day Wed 8/7/19 Thu 8/8/19 290 $2,822 292 Exciter 5 days Wed 8/7/19 Thu 8/15/19 291SS $2,645 293 Governor 9 days Tue 8/6/19  8/21/19289 $4,760 294 Adjust Stator 2 days Thu 8/8/19 Tue 8/13/19 291 $2,754 295 Closeout  daWed 8/21/19 Mon 7/6/20 288 $162,869 296 Commercial Operation (GOC ends 8/30/19 6pm) daysWed 8/21/19 Fri 8/23/19 $600 297 Notify/Coordinate Operations 1 day Wed 8/21/19 Thu 8/22/19 $400 298 TTP/ In‐Service/Used and Useful Notification  daysThu 8/22/19 Fri 8/23/19 297 $200 299 As‐Builts  days Wed 8/21/19 Fri 12/6/19 $19,569 300 Relay Tech ‐ Yellow Line Verification/submit to Cirru7 days Wed 8/21/19 Tue 9/3/19 $3,702 301 Elect Engr 10 days Wed 8/21/19 Fri 9/6/19 $0 302 Mech Engr 10 days Wed 8/21/19 Fri 9/6/19 $0 303 Controls Engr 10 days Wed 8/21/19 Fri 9/6/19 $0 304 Drafter ‐ Cirrus 15 days Tue 9/3/19 Fri 9/27/19 300 $0 305 Relay Tech ‐ Review with Cirrus 10 days Fri 9/27/19  10/16/1304 $5,289 306 Drafter ‐ Avista 10 days Wed 10/16/...Fri 11/1/19 305 $0 307 Relay Tech ‐ Review/Approve Asbuilts from Drafting20 days Fri 11/1/19 Fri 12/6/19 306 $10,578 308 Closeout Checklist & Final Project Report  dayWed 8/21/19 Fri 5/8/20 $60,000 309 Approval to Close 5 days Fri 5/8/20 Tue 5/19/20 308 $2,000 310 Hard Close Project 1 day Fri 7/3/20 Mon 7/6/20  day$400 5 days Jmn Elec #1 1/28 5 days Jmn Elec #1 3 days Jmn Elec #1 1 day Jmn Elec #1 2/1 5 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 4 days Jmn Elec #1 1/21 3 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 2 days Jmn Elec #1 2/22 20 days Jmn Elec #1 4 days Jmn Elec #1 2/4 1 day Jmn M/S #1 0.5 days Jmn Elec #1 0.5 days Jmn Elec #1 6/12 2 days Jmn Elec #1 2 days Jmn Elec #1 1/15 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 2 days Jmn Elec #1 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 2 days Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 3 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 6 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 1 day Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 2.6 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 8.1 days Jmn M/S #1 0.5 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 4.1 days 3 days 5 days 8 days 8/21 6 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 2 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 25 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 5 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 5 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 4 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech,Jmn P/C Mtr Tech 1 3 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 3 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 15 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 7 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 3 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 3 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 1 day Sr Comm Tech,Jmn Elec #1,Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2 1 day Sr P‐C Mtr Tech,Jmn Elec #1,Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 1 day Sr P‐C Mtr Tech,Jmn Elec #1,Jmn Elec #2,Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn M/S #3 5 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 9 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 2 days Jmn M/S #1,Jmn M/S #2,Jmn Elec #3 8/23 1 day Project Manager 0.5 days Project Manager 7 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 10 days 10 days 10 days 15 days 10 days Sr P‐C Mtr Tech 10 days 20 days 150 days 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 Sep '18 Oct '18 Nov '18 Dec '18 Jan '19 Feb '19 Mar '19 Apr '19 May '19 Jun '19 Jul '19 Aug '19 Sep '19 Oct '19 Nov '19 Page 3 e) Project Completion Analysis e. iii. Baseline Schedule to Actual Schedule Comparison: Project Schedules: The Unit 4 Upgrade project schedule is provided in a snapshot below showing the Completion Dates identified in the Baseline Schedule with a data date of 10/2018 and the updated Project Schedule with a data date of 5/2019. Baseline Project Schedule dated 10/12/18: This shows the original Unit 4 completion of work when the generator is released to the Operations group for commercial operation and production on the dates shown as early as 8/21/19 to 8/23/19. Updated Project Schedule dated 5/22/19: This shows the updated/revised Unit 4 completion of work when the generator is released to the Operations group for commercial operation and production on the dates shown as early as 9/19/19 to 9/23/19. The project experienced a delay in delivery of critical materials from a fabricator that resulted in a negative impact to the project completion dates. To mitigate this delay of one month in the completion dates for Unit 4, the project team has made arrangements and taken additional steps to compress the unit commissioning from two weeks down to one week with anticipation of releasing the unit to Operations before the revised 9/19/19 date above. Project Monthly Report – August 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 4,300,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $9,500,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through July): $ 3,238,437 Accrued Life to Date (through July): $7,942,543 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 4,500,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $9,500,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Sept 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $9,050,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project including all trailing costs with plant and program closeout and drawings into Sept 2020 is $9.5M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, with outage thru Aug 2019, extended to 9/30/2019 due to wicket gate delay. Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 Complete Unit 4 Outage GOC Start/Finish 9/4/18 – 9/30/19 Outage in Progress GSU 2 Outage (w/U3 GOC) 6/3/19-6/28/19 Complete Unit 4 Commissioning 9/9/19 – 9/20/19 Wicket gates – delay, GOC extended Accomplishments: •Drawing duplication complete. •Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. GOC extended to 9/30/19 •Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 •Turbine & Generator bearings returned and installed •All cables and wires installed, pulled into place and being terminated, •Line boring complete, field poles installed and wedged, stator halves in place and spliced, field poles installed •Hudson Bay completed ducting insulation, Concrete Cutters completed U3 & U2 vault work Upcoming Activities •Materials and equipment orders continue for unit install work, receiving new parts and materials, almost complete •Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces received from vendors and are at plant •Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring •Wicket gates install complete, last 10 field poles installed and wedged, oil and water line install and prep in progress •Hudson Bay final banding of ducting TBD after unit completion •Turbine and Stator alignment and coupling complete, generator connections in pit ongoing, wiring and terminations ongoing •SCADA PLC design and Bailey Retirement design transmittal forthcoming. Work to be completed after Unit 4 is online but beforeend Oct 2019. Risks and Mitigation Strategies: •Issues with Wagstaff and quality of wicket gates and potential delays is continually being monitored. Completion dates are set,pending actual delivery of gates. GOC modified, and commissioning dates communicated to internal and external stakeholders.Continued updates to Steering Committee are occurring. Gates received and installed. Project schedule and GOC updated. Tofurther mitigate this project delay, a one week (compressed) commissioning schedule is being implemented by the Project Teamto be able to release the unit to Operations for commercial production in advance of the Sept 30 GOC expiration. COMPLETED •Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED •Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings,prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for properpart/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 1 of 16 Project Monthly Report – July 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 3,480,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $9,500,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through June): $ 2,654,156 Accrued Life to Date (through June): $7,358,261 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 4,500,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $9,500,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Sept 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,800,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project including all trailing costs with plant and program closeout and drawings into Sept 2020 is now estimated at $9.5M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019, extended to 9/30/2019. Delay in Wicket Gate delivery. Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 Complete Unit 4 Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress GSU 2 Outage (w/U3 GOC) 6/3/19-6/28/19 Work Complete Unit 4 Commissioning 9/9/19 – 9/20/19 Wicket gates – delay, GOC extended Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication complete. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. GOC extended to 9/30/19 • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Turbine & Generator bearings returned and installed • All cables and wires installed, pulled into place and being terminated, • Line boring complete, field poles installed and wedged, stator halves in place and spliced, field poles installed • Hudson Bay completed ducting insulation, Concrete Cutters completed U3 vault work Upcoming Activities • Materials and equipment orders continue for unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors and arriving back at plant • Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring • Wicket gates back from Wagstaff following repairs of non-conformance issues with several gates completed. Downstream gates received 6/5. Upstream gates received 6/25. Project delay determined as 30 day delay and extended GOC to 9/30/19. • Hudson Bay final banding TBD after unit completion, Concrete Cutters pending U2 vault as available • Turbine and Stator alignment ongoing, generator connections in pit ongoing, wiring and terminations ongoing • SCADA PLC design and Bailey Retirement design anticipated transmittal 7/19. Work for these to be completed under Unit 4 scope, not during outage but before end Oct 2019. Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Issues with Wagstaff and quality of wicket gates and potential delays is continually being monitored. Completion dates are set, pending actual delivery of gates. GOC modified, and commissioning dates communicated to internal and external stakeholders. Continued updates to Steering Committee are occurring. COMPLETED • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 2 of 16 Project Monthly Report – June 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 3,480,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $9,500,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through May): $ 2,335,768 Accrued Life to Date (through May): $7,039,874 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 4,500,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $9,500,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Sept 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,800,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project including all trailing costs with plant and program closeout and drawings into Sept 2020 is now estimated at $9.5M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019, extended to 9/30/2019. Delay in Wicket Gate delivery. Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 Complete Unit 4 Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress GSU 2 Outage (w/U3 GOC) 6/3/19-6/28/19 Outage in Progress Unit 4 Commissioning 9/9/19 – 9/20/19 Wicket gates – delay, GOC extended Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication complete. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. GOC extended to 9/30/19 • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Turbine & Generator bearings returned to Little Falls • All cables and wires installed, pulled into place and being terminated, • Line boring complete, field poles installed and wedged, stator halves in place pending ongoing splicing • Hudson Bay completed ducting insulation, Concrete Cutters completed U3 vault work Upcoming Activities • Materials and equipment orders continue for unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors and arriving back at plant • Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring • Wicket gates in progress at Wagstaff, repairs of non-conformance issues with several gates completed. Downstream gates received 6/5. Upstream gates anticipated 6/26. Communication with Steering Committee and Engineering Team ongoing, project delays – extent determined as 30 day delay and extend GOC to 9/30/19. • Hudson Bay final banding TBD after unit completion, Concrete Cutters pending U2 vault as available • GE on site for stator roundness, shimming, splicing, and load testing week 6/17 • SCADA PLC design on going, Bailey Retirement design in progress. Work for these to be completed under Unit 4 scope, not during outage but before end Dec 2019. Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Issues with Wagstaff and quality of wicket gates and potential delays is continually being monitored. Completion dates are set, pending actual delivery of gates. GOC modified, and commissioning dates communicated to internal and external stakeholders. Continued updates to Steering Committee are occurring. ON-GOING • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 3 of 16 Project Monthly Report – May 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 3,480,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through Apr): $ 1,910,963 Accrued Life to Date (through Apr): $6,615,068 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 3,480,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019. Delay in Wicket Gate delivery. Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 Complete Unit 4 Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress GSU 2 Outage (w/U3 GOC) 6/3/19-6/28/19 Unit 4 Commissioning 8/5/19 – 8/23/19 Wicket gates - possible delay Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication complete. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves ready at Little Falls. Paint repair of stator halves completed by GE (S&S Coatings) • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Turbine & Generator bearings returned to Little Falls • All cables and wires installed, pulled into place and being terminated, • Line boring complete, field poles installed and wedged, stator halves in place pending ongoing splicing Upcoming Activities • Materials and equipment orders continue for unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors and arriving back at plant • Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring • Wicket gates in progress at Wagstaff, repairs of non-conformance issues with several gates currently in progress. Communication with Steering Committee and Engineering Team ongoing, potential project delays – extent unknown. • Hudson Bay to begin ducting insulation May 13, Concrete Cutters work on vaults as available • GE on site for stator roundness, shimming, splicing, and load testing 5/6 to 6/5 • SCADA PLC design on going, Bailey Retirement design in progress. Work for these to be completed under Unit 4 scope, not during outage but before end Dec 2019. Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Issues with Wagstaff and quality of wicket gates and potential delays is continually being monitored to get final report and completion dates before identifying full extent of project delay. Upon final analysis of delay and impact to the project a revised schedule, request to modify the GOC, and commissioning dates will be communicated to internal and external stakeholders. Continued updates to Steering Committee are occurring. • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 4 of 16 Project Monthly Report – April 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 3,480,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through Mar): $ 1,189,176 Accrued Life to Date (through Mar): $5,893,281 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 3,480,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 Complete Unit 4 Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress GSU 2 Outage (w/U3 GOC) 6/3/19-6/28/19 Unit 4 Commissioning 8/5/19 – 8/23/19 Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication complete. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves ready at Little Falls. Paint repair of stator halves completed by GE (S&S Coatings) • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Turbine & Generator bearings returned to Little Falls • All cables and wires installed, pulled into place and being terminated Upcoming Activities • Materials and equipment orders continue for unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors and arriving back at plant, line boring complete • Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring, Field Poles installed and wedged pending final completion after stator splicing • Wicket gates in progress at Wagstaff, issues with 4 gates currently under review and discussion with Steering Committee and Engineering Team, potential project delays – extent unknown • Hudson Bay to begin ducting insulation May 6, Concrete Cutters work on vaults as available • GE to be on site for stator roundness, shimming, splicing, and load testing 5/6 to 6/5 • SCADA PLC design on going, Bailey Retirement design in progress. Work for these to be completed under Unit 4 scope, not during outage but before end Dec 2019. Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 5 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Mar 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 3,480,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through Feb): $ 835,862 Accrued Life to Date (through Feb): $5,539,968 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 3,480,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 Complete Unit 4 Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress GSU 2 Outage (w/U3 GOC) 6/3/19-6/28/19 Unit 4 Commissioning 8/5/19 – 8/23/19 Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication complete. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves ready at Little Falls. Paint repair of stator halves completed by GE (S&S Coatings) • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Turbine & Generator bearings returned to Little Falls • All cables and wires installed, pulled into place and being terminated Upcoming Activities • Materials and equipment orders continue for unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors and arriving back at plant, line boring in progress • Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring • Wicket gates in progress at Wagstaff, Hudson Bay to begin ducting insulation May 6, Concrete Cutters work on vaults as available • SCADA PLC design on going, Bailey Retirement design in progress. Work for these to be completed under Unit 4 scope, not during outage but before end Dec 2019. Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 6 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Feb 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2019 Budget: $ 3,480,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2019 to Date (through Jan): $ 464,084 Accrued Life to Date (through Jan): $5,168,189 2019 Estimate at Complete: $ 3,480,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 In progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 Testing Complete Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started. Mechanical package transmitted 10/24. Electrical & Controls packages transmitted. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED. Paint repair pending by GE. • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Stator halves removed, turbine removed, distributors and wicket gates removed, old cabling and wiring removed • Turbine & Generator bearings returned from vendor for rebabbitting. • 3000 kcm and 1000 kcm cables installed, all other cables pulled into place and being terminated • Paint repair of stator halves by GE to be completed by S&S Coatings • FAT’s for turbine bearings and field poles completed in January 2019 Upcoming Activities • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in assembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors and arriving back at plant • Assembly of equipment and materials is occurring Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 7 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Jan 2019 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $ 1,290,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through Dec): $ 1,243,252 Accrued Life to Date (through Dec): $4,785,331 2018 Estimate at Complete: $ 1,243,252 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 In progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 Testing Complete Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started. Mechanical package transmitted 10/24. Electrical & Controls packages transmitted. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED. Paint repair pending by GE. • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Stator halves removed, turbine removed, distributors and wicket gates removed, old cabling and wiring removed • Turbine & Generator bearings shipped to vendor for rebabbitting. • 3000 kcm and 1000 kcm cables installed, all other cables pulled into place Upcoming Activities • Paint repair of stator halves by GE to be completed by S&S Coatings beginning Jan 14 • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit install work, receiving new parts and materials • Continued progress in disassembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors • FAT’s for turbine bearings and field poles to occur in January 2019 • Assembly of some equipment and materials is occurring Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 8 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Dec 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $ 900,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through Nov): $ 830,089 Accrued Life to Date (through Nov): $4,290,943 2018 Estimate at Complete: $ 1,330,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018, outage thru Aug 2019 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 In progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 Testing Complete Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started. Mechanical package transmitted 10/24. Electrical & Controls packages transmitted. • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED. Paint repair pending by GE. • Project Execution Plan signed Nov 2018, Schedule baseline 10/12/18 • Stator halves removed, turbine removed, distributors and wicket gates removed, old cabling and wiring removed • Turbine & Generator bearings shipped to vendor for rebabbitting. • 3000 kcm and 1000 kcm cables installed Upcoming Activities • Paint repair of stator halves by GE to be completed by S&S Coatings • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit install work • Continued progress in disassembly, parts and pieces shipped off to vendors • FAT’s for turbine bearings and field poles to occur in January 2019 • Assembly of some equipment and materials is occurring Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. - COMPLETED • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 9 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Nov 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $ 900,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through Oct): $ 335,630 Accrued Life to Date (through Oct): $3,796,484 2018 Estimate at Complete: $ 900,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 In progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 Testing Complete Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started. Mechanical package transmitted 10/24. Electrical package to transmit mid Nov • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • New stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED. Paint repair pending by GE. • Unit 4 project schedule completed with team, issued 10-12 • AUS performed diving to seal headgates on 9/24 • Stator halves removed, turbine removed, distributors and wicket gates removed, old cabling and wiring removed • Turbine bearings shipped to vendor for rebabbitting – almost ready to return. Generator bearings shipped. • 3000 kcm and 1000 kcm cables installed Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication with Cirrus Design. Electrical package with Drafting, Controls in review and to transmit after Thanksgiving • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit work • Continued progress in disassembly, parts and pieces to ship off to vendors • PEP complete – final signatures in progress Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 10 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Oct 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $ 900,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through Sept): $ 36,375 Accrued Life to Date (through Sept): $3,624,824 2018 Estimate at Complete: $ 900,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 In progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 Testing Complete Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • SEL destructive testing completed • Concrete cutting completed 8/14 for U3 oil tank relocation • New stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED • AUS performed diving to seal headgates on 9/24 • Stator top half removed, turbine removed, distributors and wicket gates removed old cabling and wiring • Turbine bearings shipped to vendor for rebabbitting Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication with Cirrus Design. Electrical/Mechanical packages transmit by end Oct, Controls end Nov • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit work • Continued work on Unit 4 project schedule with team • Continued progress in disassembly, parts and pieces to ship off to vendors • New 1500 mcm cables to be installed Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 11 of 16 Project Monthly Report – Sept 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $1,400,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through Aug): ($138,352) Accrued Life to Date (through Aug): $3,322,502 2018 Estimate at Complete: $1,400,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $8.2M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction began Sept 2018 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, stored in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication October 2018 In progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 Outage in Progress SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 Outage/Testing in Progress Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started • Outage began for unit on 9/4, GOC in place thru 8/2019. • SEL on site 9/6 to review set up, verify points, and readiness, testing 9/10-9/13 and 9/17-9/20 • Concrete cutting completed 8/14 for U3 oil tank relocation • Stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication with Cirrus Design • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit work • AUS to perform diving to seal headgates on 9/24 • Continued work on Unit 4 project schedule with team Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 12 of 16 Project Monthly Report – August 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $1,400,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,200,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through July): ($521,628) Accrued Life to Date (through July): $2,939,226 2018 Estimate at Complete: $1,400,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,200,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,200,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $7.5M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction will begin Sept 2018 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, store in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication August 2018 On Track – in progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 On Track – GOC in place SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/20/18 On Track – GOC in place Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started • Visited SEL to see test set up for generator testing, SEL met with Team on 8/1 to discuss testing process, safety and logistics • Stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication with Cirrus Design • SEL to visit site on 9/6 to review set up, verify points, and readiness • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit work • Concrete cutting to occur 8/14 & 8/15 in preparation for U3 oil tank relocation before unit outage, Unit 3 GOC in place • Outage for unit on 9/4, GOC in place. • AUS to perform diving to seal headgates on 9/24 Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, adjusted GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 13 of 16 Project Monthly Report – July 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $1,400,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,000,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through June): ($645,432) Accrued Life to Date (through June): $2,848,078 2018 Estimate at Complete: $1,500,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,000,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,000,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $7.5M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction will begin Sept 2018 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 Complete, store in Long Lake HED Unit 4 Drawing Duplication August 2018 On Track – in progress Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 On Track – GOC in place SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/21/18 On Track Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started • Visited SEL to see test set up for generator testing • Stator halves arrived, uncrated by crews and stored in Long Lake HED Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication with Cirrus Design • SEL continues to prepare for Unit 4 destructive testing, meeting on 8/1 with team at Little Falls to discuss testing, process, safety • Materials and equipment orders continue in anticipation of unit work • Concrete cutting to occur in preparation for oil tank relocation before unit outage • Outage for unit on 9/4, GOC in place. • Diving anticipated to seal headgates following completion of SEL testing Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, considering adjusting GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU 2 commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. • Continue to work with Engineers and Crews to review and discuss the planned activities at weekly construction meetings, prepare work authorizations and procurements in advance of need, check all parts/equipment deliveries for proper part/size/damage, etc before installation dates. ON-GOING Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 14 of 16 Project Monthly Report – June 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $1,400,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,000,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through May): ($664,627) Accrued Life to Date (through May): $2,796,227 2018 Estimate at Complete: $1,500,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,000,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,000,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, GSU, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $7.5M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction will begin Sept 2018 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 In Progress Unit 4 Drawing Duplication August 2018 On Track Unit Outage Start 9/4/18 On Track SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/21/18 On Track Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started • Visited SEL to see test set up for generator testing Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication • Stator Halves arrived in Tacoma 6/6, anticipate delivery to Rhodes for unloading/storage week 6/11 • Avista crews to uncrate stator halves and store inside Long Lake plant upon removal of bulkheads • SEL continues to prepare for Unit 4 destructive testing Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Following feedback from crews, considering adjusting GSU commissioning in Unit 4 schedule to allow for more time between GSU commissioning and Unit 4 commissioning. Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 15 of 16 Project Monthly Report – May 2018 Little Falls Unit 4 Modernization – 20205045 Project Manager: Crystal Lewis Approved 2018 Budget: $1,400,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $8,000,000 Accrued 2018 to Date (through Apr): ($743,989) Accrued Life to Date (through Apr): $2,716,859 2018 Estimate at Complete: $1,500,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $8,000,000 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Aug 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $8,000,000 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. The scope remains fixed: Modernize the unit through replacement of turbine, generator, field poles, governor and control system. The budget for the project remains at $7.5M. Project was under budget due to progress payments on turbine bumped into 2017 Unit 4’s construction is delayed until 2018. This has been approved by the project steering committee. Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Status/Performance Delivery of Generator June 2018 On Track Unit 4 Drawing Duplication August 2018 On Track Unit Outage Start September 2018 On Track SEL Generator Testing 9/4/18 – 9/21/18 On Track Accomplishments: • Drawing duplication started • Visited SEL to see test set up for generator testing Upcoming Activities • Continued drawing duplication • Risks and Mitigation Strategies: • Staff_PR_136 Attachment A Page 16 of 16 Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued Project Name: Cabinet Gorge Unit 2 Automation Replacement Project ID: 30405082 1 Introduction The project team, having defined the Functional Requirements of this project, has developed the below Alternatives Analysis. Whereas the Functional Requirements define the project deliverables, the Alternatives Analysis details how the requirements will be delivered by reviewing alternatives and analyzing associated risks. 2 Performance Metrics Specifically, this project will seek to improve in five major performance metrics: • Communication improvements to the Unit subsystems via Ethernet. • Improvement in programmability of devices (patching/updating for future requirements/needs). • Increased Unit availability as evidenced by an increase in the Equivalent Availability Factor (EAF) over time. • Reduced number of work orders related to critical maintenance issues. • Meet NERC PRC-025 requirements for Generator Relay Loadability. • Increase in Unit operating flexibility by incorporating AGC controls. Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued 3 Requirements and Methods Analysis It should be noted that, in all cases, “doing nothing” is an option. However, in addition to any noted risks, “doing nothing” will not meet the functional requirements of this project. Requirement Alternative #1 Alternative #2 Alternative #3 Chosen Method for Delivery will be protected from excessive heat, cold and moisture. will be insulated. Barrel heaters will be installed. the powerhouse. RISK: Damage to the unit due to excessive heat, cold and moisture This is the most cost effective way to protect the generator. The combined act of installing both the barrel heaters and insulating the lid provides the most efficient and effective protected from flooding. monitoring devices will be installed. Sump Pumps will be installed. RISK: doesn’t provide visibility of flooding during loss of power. may be possible but, significant cost savings would not be realized. Installing pit level monitoring devices and sump pumps is the most effective method for keeping the turbine pit Power Supply with operational flexibility. system and Automatic Generation Control (AGC) will be installed. other of blowdown or AGC but, not both AGC is required for Avista to enter into the EIM market which should provide financial benefit. Adding a blowdown system to motor the unit greatly enhances our ability to respond to frequency excursions and meet Avista’s Frequency Response Obligation. Failing to meet these requirement would have negative operational and financial impacts. monitored in both the X and Y positions and related data captured VibroSystM. manufacturers. X and Y positions for mechanical protection but, do VibroSystM is standard equipment on the Clark Fork River Project Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued analysis not create nuisance alarms. Note: Add HMI inputs for will provide indication when racked out and the fan(s) will provide necessary cooling. when racked out. Replace the fan motor and/or add a redundant fan. JRW: Providing racked out indication has safety benefits when conducting maintenance. • There is certainly some operational risk if a second trip coil is not installed which is the typical Avista standard. • Does the age and condition of the existing breaker add a significant amount of failure risk compared to replacing the coil. RISK: There is some operational risk of not installing a second trip coil which is the typical Avista standard. breaker. Racked out indication has safety benefits when conducting maintenance. Overheating the breaker causes it to trip. generator windings will be monitored. system will be upgraded but, we will not change out the capacitive probes. ETHERNET CABLE will require port open on the corp visual inspections. IRIS system provides periodic monitoring without a significant outage which greatly reduces the risk of an unplanned outage due to failure. water system will be refurbished. control valves coils generator air housing coolers. alternatives 1, 2 and 3 The current air coolers are inefficient due to their age. Cooling is Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued generator health. Without a well- functioning system we are susceptible to unplanned outages. information will be collected in the penstock to accurately reflect real-time river installed Accusonic system. ETERNET CABLE methods for measurement (i.e. turbine flow tables . . .). products/systems RISK: Are the probes in good working order? They will need to be tested. control system will be modernized to improve efficiency and frequency response. Bradley ControlLogix PLC based Governor. Switch, ports and cables. VIe governor based governor Avista standard Familiarity with control system programming and operation greatly enhance engineer and technician’s ability to troubleshoot and exciter will be replaced with a modern, digital Switch, ports and cables Already purchased (R-39696) controls system will be replaced with a modern PLC that will improve efficiency, monitoring capabilities and reliability. Bradley ControlLogix PLC Switch, ports and cables Avista standard The spare parts to the Bailey are no longer in production and the product is not supported. We are currently operating with significant mechanical/electrical protection relays will be replaced with modern, multi-function relays to meet NERC requirements and ensure electrical of-the-art multi- function SEL relays. ETHERNET CABLE NAT ADDRESS REQUIRED (ETHUN FOR Avista standard Network will be reliable isolate Unit from Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued control systems. equipment. network will be modified to provide data from Unit 2 to SCADA for System Operations for monitoring and AGC control. SCADA to identify critical points and configure control system to deliver information to SCADA. Network Engineering – similar to line 12 (SEL-3620 = be upgraded to revenue quality standards to more accurately monitor power generation for marketing purposes and to help improve the System Operator’s area load control. meter and revenue grade CTs. ETHERENET CABLE Avista Standard Unit metering is critical to participation in the EIM market. Care should be taken to evaluate the location of the new CTs. NOTE: have we evaluated the current CTs for compliance? Dave Should probably plan to temperature monitoring and alarming system will be replaced to integrate into the new PLC control system. with dual element Resistive Temperature Devices (RTD) and signal condition equipment. Potential ETHERNET CABLE RISK: Loss of temperature monitoring can result in unknowingly wipe the bearing which can cause significant outage. The dual element RTD provides greater reliability than the single element units currently in use. Which device are we going to purchase – standard is no longer provided to the thrust bearings. filtration system. filtration machine. RISK: higher equipment and Improved bearing life will be realized with filtration system. bearing oil system will overhaul system; could result in Oil has an optimal Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued heating, control, indication and alarming. coolers. prevents the Unit from starting helps maintain the oil temperature in this optimal range which will extend the life of the oil in use. Provides antiquated high lift pump system oil to the thrust bearings including motors and motor starters will be replaced. reliable equipment with enhanced monitoring and control capabilities. Damage to the Thrust bearing would require a significant outage. Improving the monitoring of the system greatly reduces the chance of oil pumps are Woodward XX pumps that have not been completely overhauled since installation in the late 1950’s. Governor pump and motor for Unit 2 should be overhauled during the motor off-site to American Governor to be overhauled Governor train one or more of our mechanics in the process offsite. 4. Approval Signatures Alexis had the following comments: Regarding the VibroSystM, Alexis commented, “We have struggled with analyzing the data generated from Vibrosystem and went another direction on the lower Spokane River.” JRW - I agree with Alexis regarding VibroSystM. We are currently testing out another solution for LF that could be used for CG as well. But I’d certainly defer to other that are more familiar Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued with the product. I’ve always felt that we struggle maintaining the system, because we analyze it remotely. We would need users to be more invested in the Vibrosystem product to fully take advantage of its capabilities. DJS - Dave – VibroSystM was never installed and was not necessary on the Spokane River plants due to unit size and most of them being horizontal shaft. Since I’m the designate SME for the VibroSystM for now, I plan of being able to use it for preventive maintenance activities, however the equipment needs to be updated in order to accomplish this. We are also considering a duplicative bearing runout system – VibroSystM for remote (CORP network monitoring) and a second set of sensors wired directly to the Unit PLC (GEN Network) AA – Sounds like progress, I’m only concerned we have an event and are unable to process and analyze the data. Regarding the generator breaker indication, Alexis asked, “Was remove rackout capability considered?” JRW – perhaps we didn’t describe this correctly; we are simply looking to add “rackout” indication. Currently, the generator breaker has no status to the HMI system of racked in or racked out. AA – so there will not be new switchgear, simply added racked out indication? Make sure the indication is accurate when the breaker is racked out. Regarding Accusonic, Alexis commented, “Visit why flow monitoring was not installed at LF.” JRW - I’m not familiar with the reasoning, but there are requirements at LF for reporting flow to the tribes. We use a look up table based on test data to provide flow indication. I believe an accurate and reliable flow meter would be preferred. AA- An accurate and reliable system was difficult to find 2 years ago. We determined it wasn’t worth the cost. Regarding kidney loop filtration system, Alexis commented, “I imagine this addresses the oil temperature issues on Unit 1.” DJS - This is also the same system that was installed at Little Falls with the unit upgrades. BZN - The kidney loop oil filtration is for the Thrust-tub oil that is specific to Unit 2. This oil is pumped from the main sump during commissioning, and then valves are closed and that quantity of oil will live in the Thrust tub (Oil pot on the drawings) for the duration of that operation cycle. The kidney loop oil filter will run all the time, cycling the oil in the tub through dual stage filtration to remove any contaminants that build up in the oil as the unit runs. The oil inside the thrust tub is cooled by copper heat exchangers that are inside the thrust tub near the Alternatives Analysis Planning Phase Continued thrust bracket and are supplied cold river water via the cooling water valves, the replacement of which (Both valves and the heat exchanger coils) is/are also part of this project. The oil temperature issues on unit 1 are unique to the Kaplan design, as unit 2 does not supply pressurized oil down the spinning shaft. That being said, as part of the unit 1 failure and repair, a kidney loop oil filter with an included orifice heating device was installed on the main sump that provides oil for unit 1 Kaplan operation. Heat trace was also added to the associated piping and accumulator as well as insulation to keep this oil at a controlled viscosity during operation. AA – Sounds good! ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 1 CGU2 Automation Upgrade Project 400.7 days?Thu 6/21/18 Mon 6/1/20 88% 2 ConstructionTransmittal 0.8 daysWed 7/18/18 Wed 7/18/18 100% 3 Review & Yellow Line Prints (W/O# 1005022790)4 mons Mon 11/26/18Fri 4/12/19 100% 4 move PPT from Noxon to Cabinet 0.8 daysFri 3/15/19 Fri 3/15/19 100% 5 Electrical Procurement 24 days Mon 1/7/19 Fri 2/15/19 100% 6 Procure CTs 0.8 daysMon 1/7/19 Mon 1/7/19 100% 7 Procure PTs 0.8 daysMon 1/7/19 Mon 1/7/19 100% 8 Procure Cable Tray & Cable 24 days Mon 1/7/19 Fri 2/15/19 100% 9 Protection & SCADA 80 days Mon 1/7/19 Fri 5/24/19 100% 14 Controls & Integration 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 99% 15 PLC Program 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 16 HW I/O 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 17 Auxiliairies 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 18 Master 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 19 Start 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 20 Governor Control 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 21 Governor - Gate 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 22 Governor - MW 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 23 Governor - Flow 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 24 Governor - Motor 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 25 Governor AGC 0.8 daysTue 12/18/18 Tue 12/18/18 100% 26 AVR Control 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 27 AVR - Volt 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 28 AVR - Mvar 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 29 Trip 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 30 Stop 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 31 HMI I/O 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 32 Unit OIT Program 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 33 Governor OIT Program 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 34 HMI Program 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 90% 35 Integration Points List 39.2 daysTue 12/18/18 Fri 2/22/19 100% 36 Networking 0.8 daysTue 1/8/19 Tue 1/8/19 100% 37 0.8 daysTue 1/8/19 Tue 1/8/19 100% 38 SCADA 20 days?Tue 5/28/19 Mon 7/1/19 0% 39 Prepare SCADA Design Configuration 0.8 days?Tue 5/28/19 Tue 5/28/19 0% 40 DB Modeled 0% 41 Checkout Sheet Distributed 0% 42 DB Updated/Deployed 0% 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 43 Displays Updated 0% 44 Update SCADA/AGC Model 5 wks Tue 5/28/19 Mon 7/1/19 0% 45 Pre-Work - Shop 48 days?Thu 6/21/18 Wed 9/12/18 98% 46 Electrical Construction 28 days Mon 12/17/18Fri 2/1/19 100% 52 PCM Checkout (W/O#10050033414)43.2 daysWed 1/16/19 Mon 4/1/19 97% 53 Upgrade firmware on the PLCs 0.8 daysWed 1/16/19 Wed 1/16/19 100% 54 Upgrade versions on OITs 0.8 daysWed 1/16/19 Wed 1/16/19 100% 55 Solidify the network Ips 0.8 daysWed 1/16/19 Wed 1/16/19 100% 56 Cable up the network and set all Ips 0.8 daysWed 1/16/19 Wed 1/16/19 100% 57 Wire Check & Terminal Test U2C1 1.6 daysWed 1/16/19 Fri 1/18/19 100% 58 Wire Check & Terminal Test U2M1 1.6 daysFri 1/18/19 Tue 2/5/19 100% 59 Wire Check & Terminal Test U2P1 1.6 daysTue 1/22/19 Wed 2/6/19 100% 60 Wire Check & Terminal Test U2GOV 1.6 daysWed 2/6/19 Fri 2/8/19 100% 61 Setup & Pre-Test U2 Switch 1.6 daysThu 2/7/19 Mon 2/11/19 100% 62 Setup & Pre-Test U2 DLR Ring 1.6 daysMon 2/11/19 Tue 2/12/19 100% 63 Setup & Pre-Test SEL700G(1) SCADA DNP 1.6 daysWed 2/13/19 Thu 2/14/19 100% 64 Setup & Pre-Test SEL700G(1) U2 PLC DNP 1.6 daysFri 2/15/19 Mon 2/18/19 100% 65 Setup & Pre-Test SEL700G(2) SCADA DNP 1.6 daysTue 2/19/19 Wed 2/20/19 100% 66 Setup & Pre-Test SEL700G(2) U2 PLC DNP 1.6 daysThu 2/21/19 Fri 2/22/19 100% 67 Setup & Pre-Test SEL351 SCADA DNP 1.6 daysMon 2/25/19 Tue 2/26/19 100% 68 Setup & Pre-Test SEL351 U2 PLC DNP 1.6 daysWed 2/27/19 Thu 2/28/19 100% 69 Setup & Pre-Test SEL735 SCADA DNP 1.6 daysFri 3/1/19 Mon 3/4/19 100% 70 Setup & Pre-Test SEL735 U2 PLC DNP 1.6 daysTue 3/5/19 Wed 3/6/19 100% 71 Setup & Pre-Test SMP SCADA 1.6 daysThu 3/7/19 Fri 3/8/19 100% 72 Setup & Pre-Test Governor OIT 2.4 daysMon 3/11/19 Wed 3/13/19 100% 73 Setup & Pre-Test U2 OIT 2.4 daysThu 3/14/19 Mon 3/18/19 100% 74 Setup & Pre-Test U2 HMI 8 days Tue 3/19/19 Mon 4/1/19 100% 75 Acceptance Testing 20 days Tue 4/2/19 Mon 5/6/19 80% 76 PLC Program Checkout 14.4 daysTue 4/2/19 Thu 4/25/19 72% 77 HW I/O 0.8 daysTue 4/2/19 Tue 4/2/19 100% 78 Auxiliairies 0.8 daysWed 4/3/19 Wed 4/3/19 100% 79 Master 0.8 daysThu 4/4/19 Thu 4/4/19 100% 80 Start 0.8 daysFri 4/5/19 Fri 4/5/19 100% 81 Sync 0.8 daysMon 4/8/19 Mon 4/8/19 100% 82 Governor Control 0.8 daysTue 4/9/19 Tue 4/9/19 0% 83 Governor - Gate 0.8 daysWed 4/10/19 Wed 4/10/19 0% 84 Governor - MW 0.8 daysThu 4/11/19 Thu 4/11/19 0% 85 Governor - Flow 0.8 daysFri 4/12/19 Fri 4/12/19 0% 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 2 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 86 Governor - Motor 0.8 daysMon 4/15/19 Mon 4/15/19 0% 87 AVR Control 0.8 daysTue 4/16/19 Tue 4/16/19 100% 88 AVR - Volt 0.8 daysWed 4/17/19 Wed 4/17/19 100% 89 AVR - Mvar 0.8 daysThu 4/18/19 Thu 4/18/19 100% 90 Trip 0.8 daysFri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 100% 91 Stop 1.6 daysMon 4/22/19 Tue 4/23/19 100% 92 HMI I/O 1.6 daysWed 4/24/19 Thu 4/25/19 100% 93 Unit OIT Program 1.6 daysFri 4/26/19 Mon 4/29/19 100% 94 Governor OIT Program 1.6 daysTue 4/30/19 Wed 5/1/19 100% 95 HMI Program 2.4 daysThu 5/2/19 Mon 5/6/19 100% 96 Transport Panels to Cabinet 1 day Tue 6/18/19 Wed 6/19/19 100% 107 Pre-Work Plant Thu 6/21/18 98% 108 Mechanical 4.8 daysMon 1/28/19 Mon 2/4/19 100% 109 transport PPT from Noxon to Cabinet 1.6 daysWed 1/30/19 Thu 1/31/19 100% 110 Blowdown 4.8 daysMon 1/28/19 Mon 2/4/19 100% 111 Build Level Sending Sensor 3.2 daysMon 1/28/19 Thu 1/31/19 100% 112 Install valves 1.6 daysFri 2/1/19 Mon 2/4/19 100% 113 Electrical Thu 6/21/18 97% 114 Blowdown Thu 6/21/18 75% 115 Core drill barrel 0.8 daysWed 1/16/19 Wed 1/16/19 100% 116 Core drilling for panels 4 days Mon 1/21/19 Fri 1/25/19 100% 117 Set U2P1 4 days Wed 6/19/19 Wed 6/26/19 100% 118 Set U2C1/M1 4 days Wed 6/26/19 Wed 7/3/19 100% 119 Set PPT 4 days Wed 7/3/19 Thu 7/11/19 100% 120 Cable tray around barrel 4 days Mon 2/18/19 Fri 2/22/19 100% 121 Primary Connections 4 days Mon 1/28/19 Fri 2/1/19 100% 122 VibroSystM 8 days Mon 2/11/19 Fri 2/22/19 90% 123 Unit2 Upgrade Pre-Work Vibro PCM (W/O# 1005022711)0.8 days Thu 6/21/18 Thu 6/21/18 100% 124 Turbine Sump Pumps 2 days Thu 6/21/18 Mon 6/25/18 100% 125 build control box 2 days Thu 6/21/18 Mon 6/25/18 100% 126 install control box 1 day Thu 6/21/18 Fri 6/22/18 100% 127 Wire control box 1 day Thu 6/21/18 Fri 6/22/18 100% 128 OUTAGE 27 wks Tue 9/3/19 Fri 3/13/20 59% 129 Level 2 Clearance Issued 0.8 daysTue 9/3/19 Wed 9/4/19 100% 130 Unit 2 control clearance issued 0.8 daysWed 9/4/19 Thu 9/5/19 100% 131 Mechanical 60 days?Tue 7/30/19 Tue 11/12/19 86% 132 Governor 8.8 daysTue 9/3/19 Wed 9/18/19 100% 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 3 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 140 Governor Oil Pump 29.5 days?Tue 7/30/19 Thu 9/19/19 100% 144 Cooling Water 4.8 daysTue 11/5/19 Tue 11/12/19 100% 149 Turbine Pit Sump Pumps 1.6 daysThu 11/7/19 Fri 11/8/19 0% 150 modify piping 1.6 daysThu 11/7/19 Fri 11/8/19 0% 151 Level sensor /alarms 0.8 daysThu 11/7/19 Thu 11/7/19 0% 152 install flow meters 0.8 daysThu 11/7/19 Thu 11/7/19 0% 153 Turbine Bearing Flow & Pressure Xducer plumbing 2.4 daysTue 9/3/19 Thu 9/5/19 90% 154 Install sump level transducer 0.8 daysTue 7/30/19 Tue 7/30/19 0% 155 Electrical 4 days Tue 9/3/19 Tue 9/10/19 100% 157 Generator Breaker 32 days Mon 11/11/19Thu 1/9/20 100% 163 PPT 4 days Fri 9/20/19 Fri 9/27/19 100% 166 Exciter 16.8 daysFri 9/27/19 Mon 10/28/19 100% 173 Field Ground Protection 50.5 daysWed 10/9/19 Fri 1/10/20 92% 174 Install 1.6 daysWed 10/9/19 Mon 1/6/20 100% 175 Field connections 1.6 daysTue 1/7/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 176 ground brush 0.8 daysThu 1/9/20 Thu 1/9/20 50% 177 power and fiber 0.8 daysFri 1/10/20 Fri 1/10/20 100% 178 Partial Discharge 4 days Fri 11/1/19 Wed 1/8/20 75% 179 Remove Vib/Temp Monitoring Panel 0.8 daysFri 11/8/19 Mon 11/11/19 100% 180 CT&PT 36.1 daysMon 11/11/19Fri 1/17/20 99% 181 New Wye Point cTs (6)2.4 daysMon 11/11/19Wed 12/4/19 100% 182 New U2 Switchgear CTs (6)2.4 daysMon 1/6/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 183 Remove old 13.8kV A Bus PT 8 days Mon 1/6/20 Fri 1/17/20 100% 184 Remove Existing B-phase Bus Sync PT 1 day Mon 1/6/20 Tue 1/7/20 100% 185 U1 CO2 System Removal 1 day Tue 1/7/20 Wed 1/8/20 90% 186 U1 CT1 Replace CTs Switchgear - Bus Side 1 day Wed 1/8/20 Thu 1/9/20 100% 187 U1 CT2 Replace CTs Breaker 1 day Thu 1/9/20 Fri 1/10/20 100% 188 U1 CT3 Replace CTs Switchgear - Generator Side 1 day Mon 1/13/20 Tue 1/14/20 100% 189 U1 CT4 - CT5 Replace Neutral CTs 1 day Tue 1/14/20 Wed 1/15/20 100% 190 U1 Replace Generator PTs 1 day Wed 1/15/20 Thu 1/16/20 100% 191 U2 CT1 Replace CTs Switchgear - Bus Side 1 day Thu 1/16/20 Fri 1/17/20 100% 192 Turbine Bearing Flow and Pressure devices - wire 2.4 daysMon 1/6/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 193 Generator Lockout (86G) - wiring 0.8 daysTue 12/3/19 Tue 12/3/19 100% 194 Generator Lockout (86GD) - wiring 0.8 daysTue 12/3/19 Tue 12/3/19 100% 195 Communications - IRIG & Ethernet 1.6 daysMon 11/11/19Wed 11/13/19 100% 196 AC Turbine Sump Pumps 4 days Mon 1/6/20 Fri 1/10/20 50% 197 AC & DC Turbine Oil Pumps 112.8 daysWed 6/19/19 Mon 6/1/20 1% 198 Governor 9.6 daysFri 11/15/19 Thu 12/5/19 100% mechanic mechanic mechanic 1/9 10/28 1/10 electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop 1/17 electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop 12/5 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 4 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 211 U2PIT Jbox wiring 4 days Tue 12/3/19 Mon 12/9/19 100% 212 Cooling Water 6.4 daysFri 9/20/19 Tue 10/1/19 100% 218 Jacking Oil Pump wire 1.6 daysMon 1/6/20 Tue 1/7/20 100% 219 High Lift Oil Pump wire 1.6 daysWed 1/8/20 Thu 1/9/20 100% 220 Blowdown 92.7 daysWed 6/19/19 Tue 12/3/19 71% 221 Level tube coating 0.8 daysWed 6/19/19 Wed 6/19/19 0% 222 Panel U2BD wire 1.6 daysMon 9/30/19 Tue 10/1/19 100% 223 Wire 3" valve 0.8 daysMon 9/30/19 Mon 9/30/19 100% 224 Wire 6" valve 0.8 daysMon 9/30/19 Mon 9/30/19 100% 225 Wire Level Sensor 0.8 daysMon 9/30/19 Mon 9/30/19 0% 226 improved barrel lighting (safety)0.8 daysTue 12/3/19 Tue 12/3/19 100% 227 Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) - Panel 9F wire 0.4 daysMon 12/9/19 Mon 12/9/19 100% 228 13.8kV Bus Differential (87B) - Panel BP1 wire 0.4 daysTue 12/3/19 Tue 12/3/19 100% 229 Breaker Failure (86BF) - Panel 8 wire 1.6 daysTue 12/3/19 Thu 12/5/19 100% 230 Flow Meter (Accusonic) wire 2.4 daysTue 9/3/19 Fri 9/6/19 100% 231 Bailey DCS 2.4 daysTue 9/3/19 Fri 9/6/19 100% 235 PCM Checkout 103.9 days?Thu 7/25/19 Wed 1/29/20 84% 236 Remove old Controls (Panel2 4F & 4R) (W/O#1005022544)4 days Tue 9/3/19 Tue 9/10/19 100% 237 Generator Breaker (W/O#1005022509)25.6 daysThu 7/25/19 Mon 9/9/19 98% 238 wire check 0.8 daysThu 7/25/19 Thu 7/25/19 100% 239 Ratio, SAT, Polarity CTs (3)0.8 daysFri 7/26/19 Fri 7/26/19 100% 240 Test Trip circuit 0.8 daysFri 9/6/19 Fri 9/6/19 90% 241 Test Close circuit 0.8 daysMon 9/9/19 Mon 9/9/19 100% 242 PPTs (W/O#1005022650)19.6 daysFri 8/2/19 Fri 9/6/19 100% 248 Exciter (W/O# 1005022869)12 days Wed 10/9/19 Wed 10/30/19 100% 261 Field Ground Protection -Wire check 0.8 daysMon 1/13/20 Mon 1/13/20 100% 262 Field Ground Protection -Test SEL2664 Alarm & Trip 0.8 daysTue 1/14/20 Tue 1/14/20 100% 263 Panel U2P1 (W/O# 1005023103)8 days Tue 9/10/19 Tue 9/24/19 68% 264 wire check 1.6 daysTue 9/10/19 Thu 9/12/19 100% 265 Power supply & IO circuits 1.6 daysThu 9/12/19 Mon 9/16/19 100% 266 Test Protection cicuits 1.6 daysMon 9/16/19 Wed 9/18/19 90% 267 Test SEL-3400 1.6 daysWed 9/18/19 Fri 9/20/19 0% 268 Test Sync circuit 1.6 daysFri 9/20/19 Tue 9/24/19 50% 269 Panel U2C1 (W/O# 1005023040)8 days Tue 9/24/19 Tue 10/8/19 91% 270 wire check 0.8 daysTue 9/24/19 Wed 9/25/19 100% 271 Power supply & IO circuits 0.8 daysWed 9/25/19 Thu 9/26/19 100% 272 Test PLC20 DI1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)1.6 daysThu 9/26/19 Mon 9/30/19 95% electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop 12/3 electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop electric Shop 1/29 10/30 PCM Shop PCM Shop 10/8 PCM Shop 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 5 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 273 Test PLC20 DI2 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysMon 9/30/19 Tue 10/1/19 90% 274 Test PLC20 DI3 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysTue 10/1/19 Wed 10/2/19 70% 275 Test PLC20 DO1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysWed 10/2/19 Thu 10/3/19 100% 276 Test PLC20 AI1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysThu 10/3/19 Fri 10/4/19 80% 277 Test PLC20 AI2 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysFri 10/4/19 Mon 10/7/19 70% 278 Test PLC20 AI3 (see hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysTue 9/24/19 Wed 9/25/19 100% 279 Test PLC20 AO1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysMon 10/7/19 Tue 10/8/19 100% 280 Panel U2M1 (W/O# 1005042376)8 days Tue 10/8/19 Tue 10/22/19 99% 281 wire check 0.8 daysTue 10/8/19 Wed 10/9/19 100% 282 Power supply & IO circuits 0.8 daysWed 10/9/19 Thu 10/10/19 100% 283 Test PLC22 AI1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysThu 10/10/19 Fri 10/11/19 100% 284 Test PLC22 AI2 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysFri 10/11/19 Mon 10/14/19 100% 285 Test PLC22 AI3 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysMon 10/14/19Tue 10/15/19 100% 286 Test PLC22 AI4 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysTue 10/15/19 Wed 10/16/19 100% 287 Test PLC22 AI5 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysWed 10/16/19Thu 10/17/19 100% 288 Test PLC22 AI6 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.8 daysThu 10/17/19 Fri 10/18/19 100% 289 Test PLC22 AI7 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.4 daysFri 10/18/19 Mon 10/21/19 100% 290 Test PLC22 AI8 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.4 daysMon 10/21/19Mon 10/21/19 100% 291 Test PLC22 DO1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.4 daysMon 10/21/19Tue 10/22/19 100% 292 Test PLC22 DYM1 (see Hardware I/O Sheet)0.4 daysTue 10/22/19 Tue 10/22/19 80% 293 VibroSystems - Test I/O to PLC20 (W/O# 1005042456)3.2 daysMon 11/11/19Fri 11/15/19 0% 294 Status & Warning Lights (W/O# 1005042502)0.8 daysTue 12/10/19 Tue 12/10/19 100% 297 CT&PT (W/O# 1005042605)4 days Thu 11/21/19 Mon 12/2/19 90% 298 Ratio, Sat & Pol check CT1 (3)0.8 daysThu 11/21/19 Fri 11/22/19 100% 299 Ratio, Sat & Pol check CT3 (3)0.8 daysFri 11/22/19 Mon 11/25/19 100% 300 Ratio, Sat & Pol check CT4 (3)0.8 daysMon 11/25/19Tue 11/26/19 100% 301 Ratio, Sat & Pol check CT5 (3)0.4 daysTue 11/26/19 Wed 11/27/19 100% 302 Ratio and test Gen PTs (3)0.4 daysWed 11/27/19Wed 11/27/19 100% 303 Verify Generator phasing 0.4 daysWed 11/27/19Mon 12/2/19 100% 304 Test Wye Point grounding transformer 0.4 daysMon 12/2/19 Mon 12/2/19 0% 305 Master Start/Stop Circuit (W/O# 1005042736)3.2 daysTue 9/10/19 Mon 9/16/19 90% 306 wire check 1.6 daysTue 9/10/19 Thu 9/12/19 100% 307 test 1.6 daysThu 9/12/19 Mon 9/16/19 80% 308 Generator Lockout (86G) (W/O# 1005042806)0.8 daysTue 10/22/19 Wed 10/23/19 100% 311 Generator Lockout (86GD) (W/O# 1005042833)0.8 daysWed 10/23/19Thu 10/24/19 100% 312 wire check 0.4 daysWed 10/23/19Thu 10/24/19 100% 313 test 0.4 daysThu 10/24/19 Thu 10/24/19 100% 314 Comm Network (W/O# 1005042878)8 days Wed 11/13/19Wed 11/27/19 100% PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 10/22 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 12/10 12/2 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 10/23 10/24 PCM Shop PCM Shop 11/27 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 6 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 322 AC Turbine Sump Pump 1 - Test (W/O# 1005042918)1.6 daysMon 1/13/20 Tue 1/14/20 100% 323 AC Turbine Sump Pump 2 - Test (W/O# 1005042918)0.8 daysMon 1/13/20 Mon 1/13/20 100% 324 AC Turbine Sump Pump 3 - Test (W/O# 1005042918)0.8 daysMon 1/13/20 Mon 1/13/20 100% 325 U2PIT Terminal Box - wire check (W/O# 1005042947)0.8 daysTue 12/10/19 Tue 12/10/19 100% 326 AC Turbine Oil Pump (W/O# 1005043040)2 days Tue 1/7/20 Thu 1/9/20 80% 327 wire check & Test 0.8 daysTue 1/7/20 Tue 1/7/20 100% 328 Test Brg Oil Flow alarm (80T-1)0.4 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 0% 329 Test status to PLC20 0.4 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 330 Test pressure switch (63T)0.4 daysThu 1/9/20 Thu 1/9/20 100% 331 DC Turbine Oil Pump (W/O# 1005051075)1.6 daysTue 1/7/20 Wed 1/8/20 75% 332 wire check & Test 0.8 daysTue 1/7/20 Tue 1/7/20 100% 333 Test Brg Oil Flow alarm (80T-2)0.4 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 0% 334 Test status to PLC20 0.4 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 335 Governor (W/O# 1005051193)16 days Thu 12/5/19 Mon 1/6/20 92% 336 Wire check U2GV 1.6 daysThu 12/5/19 Mon 12/9/19 100% 337 Test & Calibrate Gate Feedback (2)1.6 daysMon 12/9/19 Wed 12/11/19 80% 338 Test & Calibrate LVDT 0.8 daysWed 12/11/19Thu 12/12/19 100% 339 wire check and calibrate pressure transducers, brake air transducer and meter 1 day Thu 12/5/19 Mon 12/9/19 100% 340 Wire check & test Speed sensors (ZVPUx2)0.8 daysThu 12/12/19 Fri 12/13/19 50% 341 Wire check & test Speed sensors (PTx2)0.8 daysFri 12/13/19 Mon 12/16/19 50% 342 Wire check & test U2GV power supply 0.8 daysMon 12/16/19Tue 12/17/19 100% 343 Wire check & test brakes 0.8 daysTue 12/17/19 Wed 12/18/19 100% 344 Wire check & test local controls 0.8 daysWed 12/18/19Thu 12/19/19 100% 345 Wire check & test I/O to U2P1 & U2M1 0.8 daysThu 12/19/19 Fri 12/20/19 100% 346 Wire check & test pressure switches 0.8 daysFri 12/20/19 Mon 12/23/19 100% 347 Calibrate & test pressure switches 0.8 daysMon 12/23/19Thu 12/26/19 100% 348 Wire check & test mechanical overspeed sw's 0.8 daysThu 12/26/19 Fri 12/27/19 80% 349 Wire check & test PLC21 HSC (2)0.8 daysFri 12/27/19 Mon 12/30/19 100% 350 Wire check & test PLC21 AI1 0.8 daysMon 12/30/19Tue 12/31/19 100% 351 Wire check & test PLC21 AI2 0.8 daysTue 12/31/19 Wed 1/1/20 100% 352 Wire check & test PLC21 AO1 0.8 daysWed 1/1/20 Thu 1/2/20 100% 353 Wire check & test PLC21 DI1 0.8 daysThu 1/2/20 Fri 1/3/20 100% 354 Wire check & test PLC21 DO1 0.8 daysFri 1/3/20 Mon 1/6/20 100% 355 Cooling Water (W/O# 1005051877)4 days Wed 10/2/19 Tue 10/8/19 80% 356 Wire check U2CW panel 0.8 daysWed 10/2/19 Wed 10/2/19 100% 357 Test Thrust Brg CW flow meter 0.8 daysThu 10/3/19 Thu 10/3/19 100% 358 Test Thrust Brg CW flow switch 0.8 daysFri 10/4/19 Fri 10/4/19 100% PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/9 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/8 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/6 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 7 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 359 Test Packing water flow switch 0.8 daysMon 10/7/19 Mon 10/7/19 0% 360 Test Thrust CW Control valve switch 0.4 daysTue 10/8/19 Tue 10/8/19 100% 361 Test Stator CW Control valve switch 0.4 daysTue 10/8/19 Tue 10/8/19 100% 362 Jacking Oil Pump (W/O# 1005051916)0.8 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 50% 363 Wire check 0.4 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 364 test status to PLC20 0.4 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 0% 365 High Lift Oil Pump (W/O# 1005056394)0.8 daysFri 1/10/20 Fri 1/10/20 50% 366 wire check 0.4 daysFri 1/10/20 Fri 1/10/20 100% 367 test status to PLC20 0.4 daysFri 1/10/20 Fri 1/10/20 0% 368 Blowdown (W/O# 1005056429)52.1 daysFri 10/4/19 Thu 1/9/20 96% 369 wire check Panel U2BD 0.8 daysTue 1/7/20 Tue 1/7/20 100% 370 Test 6" valve control & feedback 0.8 daysWed 1/8/20 Wed 1/8/20 100% 371 Test 3" valve control & feedback 0.4 daysThu 1/9/20 Thu 1/9/20 100% 372 Calibrate & test Bindicator 0.4 daysFri 10/4/19 Thu 1/9/20 75% 373 Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) (W/O# 1005056483)0.8 daysThu 12/5/19 Fri 12/6/19 100% 377 13.8KV Bus Differnetial (87B) - Test CTs to SEL-487B (W/O# 1005056523)0.8 days Fri 12/6/19 Mon 12/9/19 100% 378 Breaker Failure (86BF) - Test Trip & Block close circuits (W/O# 1005056554)0.8 days Mon 12/9/19 Tue 12/10/19 0% 379 Bus Lockout Auxiliaries (86M,94M) (W/O# 1005056594)0.8 days Tue 12/10/19 Wed 12/11/19 100% 382 Flow Meter (Accusonic) (W/O# 1005056639)5.5 daysTue 9/3/19 Wed 9/11/19 71% 383 Build Scaffolding 5 days Tue 9/3/19 Wed 9/11/19 100% 384 Penstock Flowmeter sensor alignment 0.8 daysTue 9/3/19 Tue 9/3/19 100% 385 Test I/O 1.6 daysFri 9/6/19 Tue 9/10/19 0% 386 Test Ethernet comms 0.8 daysTue 9/10/19 Wed 9/11/19 0% 387 Bailey DCS - Test Bailey Module Bus (W/O# 1005056661)0.8 days Fri 9/6/19 Mon 9/9/19 100% 388 HMI (W/O# 1005069678)3.2 daysThu 10/24/19 Wed 10/30/19 50% 389 Test HMI (Plant)1.6 daysThu 10/24/19 Mon 10/28/19 50% 390 Test HMI (GCC)1.6 daysMon 10/28/19Wed 10/30/19 50% 391 SCADA (W/O# 1005069718)48.8 days?Wed 10/30/19Wed 1/29/20 0% 392 SCADA Checkout 2.4 daysWed 10/30/19Mon 11/4/19 0% 393 Test DI points with SO 0.8 daysWed 10/30/19Thu 10/31/19 0% 394 Test AI points with SO 0.4 daysThu 10/31/19 Fri 11/1/19 0% 395 Test DO points with SO 0.4 daysFri 11/1/19 Fri 11/1/19 0% 396 Test DI points with SO 0.4 daysFri 11/1/19 Mon 11/4/19 0% 397 Test AO points with SO 0.4 daysMon 11/4/19 Mon 11/4/19 0% 398 Verify SCADA checkout complete w/SCADA 0.8 days?Tue 1/28/20 Wed 1/29/20 0% PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/8 PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/10 PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/9 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 12/6 PCM Shop PCM Shop 12/11 10/30 PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/29 PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop PCM Shop 1/29 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 8 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete 399 Runner Welding 8 wks Mon 11/18/19Thu 1/16/20 100% 400 Bindicater Sandblasting 2 days Fri 1/17/20 Tue 1/21/20 0% 401 Remove Scaffolding 1 day Tue 1/21/20 Wed 1/22/20 100% 402 Plumb Unit 10 days Wed 1/22/20 Mon 2/10/20 60% 403 Dry Testing (W/O# 1005069782)8 days Mon 2/17/20 Fri 2/28/20 0% 418 Vendor Commissioning (W/O# 1005069830)9.7 daysMon 2/24/20 Tue 3/10/20 0% 419 Governor Prechecks 1 day Mon 2/24/20 Tue 2/25/20 0% 420 ABB Exciter Prechecks 1 day Tue 2/25/20 Wed 2/26/20 0% 421 IRIS - HydroGuard 1 day Tue 3/3/20 Wed 3/4/20 0% 422 Accusonic 1 day Wed 3/4/20 Thu 3/5/20 0% 423 Vibration System 3 days Tue 2/25/20 Fri 2/28/20 0% 424 Modified Clearance 0% 425 Water Up (W/O# 1005069872)1.8 daysTue 2/25/20 Thu 2/27/20 0% 426 Governor Offline Testing 0.8 daysTue 2/25/20 Wed 2/26/20 0% 427 ABB Exciter Offline Testing 0.8 daysWed 2/26/20 Thu 2/27/20 0% 428 Verify w/SCADA that all points are in service and live 0% 429 Online (on the grid) (W/O# 1005069930)25.6 days?Mon 2/17/20 Tue 3/31/20 0% 430 Governor Online Testing 1.6 daysWed 2/26/20 Fri 2/28/20 0% 431 ABB Exciter Online Testing 1.6 daysThu 2/27/20 Mon 3/2/20 0% 432 IRIS - HydroGuard Testing 1.6 daysWed 3/4/20 Fri 3/6/20 0% 433 Vibration System Testing 25.6 days?Mon 2/17/20 Tue 3/31/20 0% 434 Supervision of the replacement of one damaged air gap sensor. Supervision of instsallation of airgap triaxle cables & LIN modules, displacement probes, stator core/frame accelerometers and TWR probe 4.1 days Mon 2/17/20 Fri 2/21/20 0% 435 Commissioning of the sensor, which includes - TWR Support and installation materials 4.1 days Mon 2/24/20 Fri 2/28/20 0% 436 Commission Report Tue 3/31/20 0% 437 Avista/Unit Controls Tuning (W/O# 1005069954)3.2 daysWed 4/1/20 Mon 4/6/20 0% 438 Unit Start/Stop Testsing 3.2 daysWed 4/1/20 Mon 4/6/20 0% 439 Unit Online Mode Testing 3.2 daysWed 4/1/20 Mon 4/6/20 0% 440 Misc Testing (AGC, Motoring, etc.)3.2 daysWed 4/1/20 Mon 4/6/20 0% 441 Release for Service (The End)0.8 days?Tue 4/7/20 Tue 4/7/20 0% 442 Commission Blowdown 0% 443 WECC testing 0% 444 As-builts 0% 445 update parts list 0% NW Sandblast L&S/CE/PCM ABB/CE/PCM IRIS Accusonic VibroSystM 2/27 L&S/CE/PCM ABB/CE/PCM 3/31 L&S/CE/PCM L&S/CE/PCM IRIS 3/31 4/6 Control Eng / PCM Control Eng / PCM Control Eng / PCM,SCADA 12/30 1/6 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 December January February March Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 9 Project: CG Automation Constru Date: Tue 2/4/20 Scope Baseline & Scope Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) 1 Project Name: Cabinet Gorge Unit 2 Automation Project ID: 30405082 The purpose of the Scope Baseline is to define the original approved scope statement.1 be protected from excessive heat, cold and moisture. insulated. Barrel heaters will be installed. temperature will be maintained at a steady Generator barrel heater installation protected from flooding. devices will be installed. Sump Pumps will be not flood. monitoring devices. Installation of Sump Supply with operational flexibility. Automatic Generation Control (AGC) will be installed. employ operational flexibility with Cabinet Gorge Unit blowdown system; Installation of AGC. monitored in both the X and Y positions and related data captured and stored. monitoring will provide operational alerts to Unit VibroSystM equipment. provide indication when racked out and the fan(s) will provide necessary racked out. Replace the fan motor and/or add a redundant will be employed; breaker cooling will be employed. be installed; fans will be installed. windings will be monitored. will be upgraded but, we will not change out the capacitive probes. ETHERNET CABLE will require port open on the monitored and provide operational alerts to Unit performance. HydroTrac equipment. system will be refurbished. valves be supplied to the water system. will be collected in the penstock to accurately reflect real-time river Accusonic system. ETERNET CABLE flows will be monitored information. 1 For more information on project scope, please reference the attached Functional Requirements and Alternative Analysis documents. Scope Baseline & Scope Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) 2 system will be modernized to improve efficiency and frequency response. ControlLogix PLC based Governor. Switches, ports and cables. governor control system will be used to improve efficiency and frequency Governor. will be replaced with a modern, digital static Switches, ports and cables be employed using a digital static static exciter. system will be replaced with a modern PLC that will improve efficiency, monitoring capabilities and ControlLogix PLC Switches, ports and cables monitoring and reliability will be improved upon. PLC. mechanical/electrical protection relays will be replaced with modern, multi-function relays to meet NERC requirements and ensure electrical art multi-function SEL relays. ETHERNET CABLE NAT ADDRESS REQUIRED (ETHUN FOR CONFIGURATION) will be met; electrical protections will be enhanced. multi-function relays. Network will be expanded to integrate Unit 2 into the networking equipment. integrate Unit 2 into the modern and reliable network equipment. modified to provide data from Unit 2 to SCADA for System Operations for monitoring and AGC control. to identify critical points and configure control system to deliver information to SCADA. Network Engineering – similar to line 12 (SEL- monitor critical system operations and AGC control data. network. upgraded to revenue quality standards to more accurately monitor power generation for marketing purposes and to help improve the System Operator’s area load revenue grade CTs. ETHERENET CABLE will be improved; power generation for marketing purposes will be improved. temperature monitoring dual element Resistive temperature monitoring and Scope Baseline & Scope Management Plan Component of Project Execution Plan (PEP) 3 the new PLC control system. condition equipment. Potential ETHERNET PLC control system. to the thrust bearings. filtration system. thrust bearings will loop filtration system. bearing oil system will be upgraded to provide more reliable cooling, heating, control, indication and system; install heaters and coolers. bearing oil system will experience increased reliability. bearing oil system including installation of heaters and coolers. high lift pump system oil to the thrust bearings including motors and motor starters will be equipment with enhanced monitoring and control capabilities. system reliability will be enhanced. reliable pumps are Woodward XX pumps that have not been completely overhauled since installation in the late 1950’s. Governor pump and motor for Unit 2 should be overhauled off-site to American Governor to be overhauled governor oil pumps will provide years of reliable service. pumps. The purpose of the Scope Management Plan is to establish processes used to ensure the project includes all the tasks required to complete the project. Report deliverables, update scope status Project Team process quality Request Project Team Functional Requirements Planning Phase Continued Project Name: Cabinet Gorge Unit 2 Automation Replacement Project ID: 30405082 1 Introduction Avista’s Safe and Reliable Infrastructure strategic initiative seeks to leverage advancing technology and innovative business models to improve products and services offered to existing and new customers. The work proposed for Unit 2 will ensure system compatibility with current standards and will improve system reliability. Plant standardization improves efficiencies and reduces unpredictable and costly outages. This Functional Requirements document will identify the current state, performance metrics and project requirements. It will complement the Methods Analysis, which defines the scope expectations by identifying recommended upgrades to specific systems and alternatives where available. The recommended upgrades shall be compliant with all requirements identified herein. 2 Current State Construction on Cabinet Gorge, one of four regulating hydro plants owned and operated by Avista Utilities, was completed in 1953. The plant consists of four generating units. The Business Case supporting this capital work (ER4163) is identified as “Cabinet Gorge Automation” indicating that the Business Case aims to address plant wide automation. The decision to address Unit 2 first was largely based on a variety of mechanical issues related to the governor, excitation system, cross current compensation, stator cooling water valves, RTDs and various other mechanical issues that contribute to this Unit’s inability to run reliably and without operator intervention. Each sequential Unit will in turn be addressed in separate projects. 3 Performance Metrics Specifically, this project will seek to improve in five major performance metrics: • Communication improvements to the Unit subsystems via Ethernet. • Improvement in programmability of devices (patching/updating for future requirements/needs). • Increased Unit availability as evidenced by an increase in the Equivalent Availability Factor (EAF) over time. • Reduced number of work orders related to critical maintenance issues. • Meet NERC PRC-025 requirements for Generator Relay Loadability. Functional Requirements Planning Phase Continued 4 Requirements 1. The generator barrel will be protected from excessive heat, cold and moisture. 2. The turbine pit will be protected from flooding. 3. The braking and jacking system will provide position indication.1 4. The Unit will provide Power Supply with operational flexibility. 5. Unit vibration will be monitored in both the X and Y position and related data captured and stored. 6. The generator breaker will meet plant standards. 7. The health of the generator windings will be monitored. 8. The aging cooling water system will be refurbished. 9. Reliable flow information will be collected in the penstock to accurately reflect real-time river flows. 10. The aging governor control system will be modernized to improve efficiency and frequency response. 11. The aging rotating exciter will be replaced with a modern, digital static exciter. 12. The aging Bailey controls system will be replaced with a modern PLC that will improve efficiency, monitoring capabilities and reliability. 13. The aging mechanical/electrical protection relays will be replaced with modern, multi-function relays to meet NERC requirements and ensure electrical protection. 14. The Generation Control Network will be upgraded to integrate modern control systems. 15. The SCADA network will modified to provide data from Unit 2 to SCADA for System Operations for monitoring and AGC control. 16. The Unit metering will be upgraded to revenue quality standards to more accurately monitor power generation for marketing purposes and to help improve the System Operator’s area load control. 17. The longevity of generator windings will be improved upon.2 18. Aging thrust shoe temperature monitoring and alarming system will be replaced to integrate into the new PLC control system. 19. Clean oil will be provided to the thrust bearings. 20. The aging turbine guide bearing oil system will be upgraded to provide more reliable cooling, heating, control, indication and alarming. 21. The aging generator guide bearing monitoring system will be replaced.3 22. The aging and antiquated high lift pump system including motors and motor starters will be replaced. 23. The governor oil pumps will be overhauled. 1 Defer this work to the rotor pull portion of Unit 2 work 2 Defer this work to the rotor pull portion of Unit 2 work 3 Defer this work to the rotor pull portion of Unit 2 work Project Monthly Report CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Approved 2016 Budget: $616,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $2,941,000 Accrued 2016 YTD (8/31/16) $171,335 Accrued Life to Date (8/31/16): $266,289 2017 Estimate at Complete: $2,308,044 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $$2,096,181 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: Sept 2018 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $$2,096,181 Table 1. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: This project will replace the existing Bailey control equipment with a new system that will be integrated with the OIT and other plant devices. Work also includes:  Governor upgrade  Vibro System incorporation  Iris system update  Blowdown upgrade  Exciter replacement  PPT replacement  Protection and control panels  Penstock flow meter  Field brushes   Business case requested amount $2,941,000 Total CPR amount = $865,856 (12/1/15) 2016 Budget = $616,000 2016 Spend to Date = $171,335 (28%) 2016 Average monthly spend = $21,417 Due to significant underspend, a recommendation was made to release $300k to the CPG. Completion of this project is predicated by completion of the Cabinet Gorge DC System Upgrade which is not slated to begin until Q2 2017 and may take up to seven weeks to complete. There is ample time to thoroughly plan for this work but, care must be taken to keep the schedule on track. Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 15% complete Complete design Construct Control panels 12/31/16 0% complete Construct Relay panels 12/31/16 0% complete Accomplishments:  Rob Selby traveled to Montreal for FAT of the exciter Upcoming Activities  Draft Charter  Complete design – Rob Selby  Construct control and relay panels this year Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Approved $300k capital release for 2016 Project Monthly Report CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Approved 2016 Budget: $316,0001 Approved Lifetime Budget: $2,941,000 Accrued 2016 YTD (9/30/16) $272,806 Accrued Life to Date (9/30/16): $285,831 2016 Estimate at Complete: $303,051 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $2,042,077 Expected Transfer to Plant: April 2018 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $2,042,077 Table 3. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: This project will replace the existing Bailey control equipment with a new system that will be integrated with the OIT and other plant devices. Work also includes:  Governor upgrade  Vibro System incorporation  Iris system update  Blowdown upgrade  Exciter replacement  PPT replacement  Protection and control panels  Penstock flow meter  Field brushes   Projected to come in under budget for 2016. Completion of this project is predicated by completion of the Cabinet Gorge DC System Upgrade which is not slated to begin until Feb 2017 and may take up to seven weeks to complete. Annual planning has this project slated to begin construction in late August 2017. Table 4. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 15% complete Complete design Construct Control panels 12/31/16 0% complete Construct Relay panels 12/31/16 0% complete Accomplishments:  Controlling spend; shepherding planning Upcoming Activities  Draft Charter – meeting setup with key stakeholders on Friday, October 14th  Complete design – Rob Selby  Construct control and relay panels this year Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Due to significant 2016 underspend, approved $300k capital release. 1 Returned $300k to CPG in September 2016 Project Monthly Report CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Approved 2016 Budget: $316,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $2,941,000 Accrued 2016 YTD (10/31/16) $272,806 Accrued Life to Date (10/31/16): $290,558 2016 Estimate at Complete: $316,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $2,422,025 Expected Transfer to Plant: April 2018 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $2,422,025 Table 5. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Charter approved. Though the planning phase will define the full scope, Power Supply requires that Cabinet Unit 2 be equipped with Automatic Generation Control (AGC) and that unit metering be brought up to our current design standards (5 minute revenue quality metering).  Projected to come in under budget for 2016. Completion of this project is predicated by completion of the Cabinet Gorge DC System Upgrade which is not slated to begin until Feb 2017 and may take up to seven weeks to complete. Annual planning has this project slated to begin construction in late August 2017. Table 6. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Complete design Accomplishments:  Charter approved  Controlling spend; shepherding planning Upcoming Activities  Site visit scheduled for November 30, 2016  Complete design – Rob Selby Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Gantry crane unavailable – no plans to pick the rotor CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2016 Budget: $316,000 Approved Lifetime Budget: $2,941,000 Accrued 2016 YTD (11/30/16) $281,830 Accrued Life to Date (11/30/16): $294,855 2016 Estimate at Complete: $316,000 Total Project Estimate at Complete: $2,422,025 Expected Transfer to Plant: April 2018 Expected Transfer to Plant Amount: $2,422,025 Table 7. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Preliminary scoping meeting conducted on December 2nd. Notes are out to the team for review. Annual Master Schedule has this work slated to begin in late August 2017. Unless scope is reduced, this date cannot be met. Master scheduling has been advised.  Projected to come in under budget for 2016. Annual Master Schedule has this work slated to begin in late August 2017. I have communicated with scheduling that this date may not be realistic. One of two things must happen: Either scope must be reduced or the start date must be pushed out – likely to 2018 Table 8. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 Functional Requirements Methods Analysis Project Execution Plan Accomplishments:  Preliminary scoping meeting conducted on December 2nd.  Electrical engineering responsibilities shifted from Rob Selby to Dave Schwall. Upcoming Activities  Governor discussion scheduled for Monday, December 12th.  Working to define scope: differentiate between “must have” and “nice to have” components. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Gantry crane unavailable – no plans to pick the rotor  Power Supply has indicated the desire for Unit 2 to be equipped with Automatic Generation Control (AGC) but, operations indicates that the cost benefit of AGC on Unit 2 is limited due to the mixed flow runner that constrains operational flexibility to 90-100% of wicket gate. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2016 Budget: $316,000 Approved Business Case Lifetime Budget: $2,941,000 Accrued 2016 YTD (12/31/16) $317,073 Accrued Life to Date (12/31/16): $330,098 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Estimated 2017 Spend2: $750,000 Table 9. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Scope continues to be refined. Power Supply has requested that the project team consider refocusing this work effort away from Unit 2 and onto Unit 4 where ACG will be a more effective tool. A decision point is scheduled for Friday, January 20th.   2016 YTD spend came in flat to expected spend. With construction pushed out to Aug 2018, the 2017 estimated spend has been revised from $1.56mm to $750k. This project has been removed from the annual master schedule until such time as planning is more complete. It is anticipated that construction/execution will begin in Aug 2018 though this is just an estimate. Table 10. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 50% complete Functional Requirements TBD Methods Analysis TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  2nd scoping meeting conducted on Friday, Jan. 6th at which Glen Farmer announced Power Supply’s request to switch focus from Unit 2 to Unit 4.  Working to differentiate between “must have” and “nice to have” components. Upcoming Activities  L&S scheduled to visit Cabinet Gorge next month.  Project team decision point w/ramifications scheduled for Friday, January 20th. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Switching focus from Unit 2 to Unit 4 should not pose a problem since the scope of this project has not yet been clearly defined and not much work effort beyond the purchase of the ABB exciter has transpired.  With the announcement of Ryan Bean’s new role as Manager, Enterprise Asset Management (Maximo), Civil Engineering responsibilities have been transferred to Nick Agostinelli. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen 2 This figure is primarily comprised of engineering labor and governor purchase. Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $1,561,000 Accrued LTD (1/31/17) $372,043 2017 Forecast $751,565 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 11. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: It has been decided to stay with Unit 2 which has some substantial operational issues rather than switching to Unit 4. Scope is 90% defined.   On track for now. Waiting for quote from L&S on the governor after which a revised 2017 spend can be calculated. This project has been removed from the annual master schedule until such time as planning is more complete. It is anticipated that construction/execution will begin in Aug 2018 though this is just an estimate. Table 12. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 90% complete Functional Requirements 3/31/17 Methods Analysis TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Scope @ 90%  Site visit with L&S – 2/2/17  Began determining Functional Requirements. Upcoming Activities  Second Functional Requirements meeting scheduled for February 22nd. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  It is the desire of the controls group to standardize the governor to a PLC based system. Jeremy Winkle is composing a request to standardize for submission to Andy Vickers for approval.  If approved, we have an opportunity to purchase all three Cabinet Gorge governors for Units 2, 3 and 4 on one contract with L&S which could represent substantial savings.  If purchased, there is an additional opportunity to install all three governors concurrently prior to the full upgrades on Units 3 and 4. This work would add the benefit of Frequency Response to all three Units. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $1,561,000 Accrued LTD (2/28/17) $373,1223 2017 Forecast $779,545 2017 YTD Spend (2/28/17) $31,800 2017 Estimate at Complete (EAC) $811,345 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 13. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: No change On track On track Table 14. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements 3/31/17 Methods Analysis TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Scope @ 99%  L&S delivered digital governor quote Upcoming Activities  Functional requirements gathering continues Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year.  It is the desire of the controls group to standardize the governor to a PLC based system. Jeremy Winkle is composing a request to standardize for submission to Andy Vickers for approval.  If approved, we have an opportunity to purchase all three Cabinet Gorge governors for Units 2, 3 and 4 on one contract with L&S which could represent substantial savings.  If purchased, there is an additional opportunity to install all three governors concurrently prior to the full upgrades on Units 3 and 4. This work would add the benefit of Frequency Response to all three Units. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen 3 $35,110 professional services credit posted in February for charges mistakenly attributed to this project. Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $1,561,000 Accrued LTD (3/31/17) $373,1224 2017 Forecast $779,545 2017 YTD Spend (3/31/17) $31,800 2017 Estimate at Complete (EAC) $811,345 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 15. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: No change On track On track Table 16. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements 3/31/17 Methods Analysis TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Scope @ 99%  L&S delivered digital governor quote Upcoming Activities  Functional requirements gathering continues Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year.  It is the desire of the controls group to standardize the governor to a PLC based system. Jeremy Winkle is composing a request to standardize for submission to Andy Vickers for approval.  If approved, we have an opportunity to purchase all three Cabinet Gorge governors for Units 2, 3 and 4 on one contract with L&S which could represent substantial savings.  If purchased, there is an additional opportunity to install all three governors concurrently prior to the full upgrades on Units 3 and 4. This work would add the benefit of Frequency Response to all three Units. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen 4 $35,110 professional services credit posted in February for charges mistakenly attributed to this project. Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $1,561,000 Accrued LTD (4/30/17) $401,365 2017 Forecast $951,319 2017 YTD Spend (4/30/17) $71,267 2017 Estimate at Complete (EAC) $811,345 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 17. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: No change On track On track Table 18. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 Functional Requirements approved 6/9/17 Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Cirrus Design delivered the 3D Point Cloud of Pipe Floor, 3D Point Cloud of Operating Floor and AutoCAD XREF .dwgs of both floors. Upcoming Activities  Governor Evaluation and Recommendation  Finalize Functional Requirements  H2E to begin General Arrangements Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year.  It is the desire of the controls group to standardize the governor to a PLC based system. Jeremy Winkle is composing a request to standardize for submission to Andy Vickers for approval.  If approved, we have an opportunity to purchase all three Cabinet Gorge governors for Units 2, 3 and 4 on one contract with L&S which could represent substantial savings.  If purchased, there is an additional opportunity to install all three governors concurrently prior to the full upgrades on Units 3 and 4. This work would add the benefit of Frequency Response to all three Units. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $1,561,000 Accrued LTD (5/31/17) $429,550 2017 Forecast $876,437 2017 YTD Spend (5/31/17) $99,452 2017 Estimate at Complete (EAC) $975,889 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 19. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: On Track On track On track Table 20. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Methods Analysis approved 6/30/17 Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Functional Requirements developed Upcoming Activities  Governor Evaluation and Recommendation  Methods Analysis submitted for review and approval. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year.  It is the desire of the controls group to standardize the governor to a PLC based system. Discussions are underway with L&S.  If approved, we have an opportunity to purchase all three Cabinet Gorge governors for Units 2, 3 and 4 on one contract with L&S which could represent substantial savings.  If purchased, there is an additional opportunity to install all three governors concurrently prior to the full upgrades on Units 3 and 4. This work would add the benefit of Frequency Response to all three Units. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $1,561,000 Accrued LTD (6/30/17) $472,075 2017 Forecast $395,162 2017 YTD Spend (5/31/17) $141,977 2017 Estimate at Complete (EAC) $537,139 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 21. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: On Track On track On track Table 22. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Methods Analysis approved 6/30/17 Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Quote received from L&S for all four governors.  Controls Engineering memo written in support of governor standardization.  Statement of Work for governor purchase underway.  Transition to the new business case format; looking to transfer $1MM dollars from this year to next. Upcoming Activities  Manager review and approval of governor specifications.  Methods Analysis submitted for review and approval. Waiting on feedback. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year.  If purchased, there is an additional opportunity to install all three governors concurrently prior to the full upgrades on Units 3 and 4. This work would add the benefit of Frequency Response to all three Units. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2017 Budget: $561,000 Accrued LTD (7/31/17) $507,950 2017 Remaining Forecast $97,530 2017 YTD Spend (7/31/17) $177,852 2017 Estimate at Complete (EAC) $275,382 Expected Transfer to Plant: Q4 2018 Table 23. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: With the prospect of having a functioning crane at the start of this work, the scope has been increased to include pulling the rotor which will enable work to be performed on the brakes and DC jacking system as well as performing the stator re-wedge and field pole key insulation. On track On track Table 24. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Total cost for this project has not changed - $2,422,025. Timing for spend has changed. Construction is not slated to begin until Aug/Sep 2018 due to crew workload and planning constraints. Accomplishments:  Governor specification completed  Statement of Work for governor purchase underway. Upcoming Activities  Finalization of Alternatives Analysis Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Budget 13,025$ 316,000$ 561,000$ 1,532,000$ 2,422,025$ Actual 13,025$ 317,073$ 213,734$ 543,832$ Forecast 140,624$ EAC 354,358$ Variance (0)$ (1,073)$ 206,642$ 22% Table 25. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Meeting scheduled with steering committee to address scope creep. On track On track Table 26. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Statement of Work for governor purchase drafted and under review. Upcoming Activities  Finalization of Alternatives Analysis  Finalization of Methods Analysis Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Budget 13,025$ 316,000$ 561,000$ 1,532,000$ 2,422,025$ Actual 13,025$ 317,073$ 225,917$ 556,015$ Forecast 79,645$ EAC 305,562$ Variance (0)$ (1,073)$ 255,438$ 23% Table 27. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Met with steering committee to address scope creep. On track On track Table 28. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Total Float Status/Performance Draft Charter 10/31/16 11/4/16 100% complete Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Met with steering committee to discuss perceived project scope deviance when compared to the business case.  L&S purchase agreement finalized Upcoming Activities  2 day L&S kick off meeting on site October 10 - 11  PM will present steering committee w/scope options (full-meal deal vs. ala carte)  Prepared to release $200k to capital planning Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Due to the low level of certainty related to the 2017 spend projection for this project, a funds change request was submitted to the Capital Planning Group on October 12th. Please see the details below. Project Monthly Report Table 29. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: PM will present detailed scope with costs ranging from minimum work to meet the business case to full unit overhaul. Released $200k in October 2017; requested additional $200k in 2018. On track Table 30. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (PNID) drawing development meeting w/reps from H2E conducted on 11/8/17 Upcoming Activities  Anticipating proposal from L&S to extend delivery date of first governor for Unit 1. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Will this project focus on just excitation and controls upgrades w/digital governor or, will this project seek to overhaul the entire Unit? To be determined.  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Budget 13,025$ 316,000$ 361,000$ 1,732,000$ 2,422,025$ Actual 13,025$ 317,073$ 301,322$ 631,420$ Forecast 17,952$ EAC 319,274$ Variance (0)$ (1,073)$ 41,726$ 26% Table 31. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: PM will present detailed scope with costs ranging from minimum work to meet the business case to full unit overhaul. On track On track Table 32. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Delivery date for first governor unit has been extended from 3/1/18 to 5/17/18 Upcoming Activities  Blowdown system intended for Unit 2 will be installed on Unit 1. Parts will be reordered for Unit 2. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  Will this project focus on just excitation and controls upgrades w/digital governor or, will this project seek to overhaul the entire Unit? To be determined.  Many items have long lead times. Material orders may be placed this year for items to be used next year. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Budget 13,025$ 316,000$ 361,000$ 1,732,000$ 2,422,025$ Actual 13,025$ 317,073$ 329,150$ 659,248$ Forecast 1,732,000$ EAC 329,150$ % spend to date Variance (0)$ (1,073)$ 31,850$ 27% Table 33. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: There is still some question as to the scope of this project. To pull the rotor in order to address poles and stator windings or not. On track 2017 underspent by $31,850 Master schedule has this work starting on 8/6/18. Is there an opportunity to move this date up? Table 34. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved TBD Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  Notice to proceed with Field Pole Insulation Rewinding delivered to GE 12/28/17. Waiting on confirmation of scheduling timeline. Upcoming Activities  If approved, anticipate pulling the rotor with the strand jack the week of July 9th spill permitting. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  With regard to the business case which is ambiguously written as “Cabinet Gorge Automation,” it will be necessary to do one of two things: o Either limit this business case strictly to automation of all units to include governs, exciters and controls, or o Expand this business case to include mechanical and automation overhaul of units 2, 3 and 4.  The budget for 2018 is $1.732mm which will not cover the poles and stator windings along with all the other work. Would have to make a request of CPG if we decided to proceed with that work. A compelling case would have to be made. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Budget 13,025$ 316,000$ 361,000$ 1,732,000$ 2,422,025$ Actual 13,025$ 317,073$ 329,150$ 16,031$ 675,279$ Forecast 1,587,667$ EAC 329,150$ % spend to date Variance (0)$ (1,073)$ 31,850$ 28% Table 35. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: On Trac On Trac On trac Table 36. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved 2/15/17 Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments:  The decision was made to not pull the rotor: o Would have necessitated an additional $1.7mm ask of the CPG o Too risky with respect to the crane o No evidence to suggest this work must be performed “now.”  Rescinded NTP with GE for field poles.  GE Contract amended.  Submittal #2 from L&S received: drawing and bill of material for the speed sensing retrofit Upcoming Activities  Alternatives Analysis complete. Meeting with SteerCo slated for 2/15/18. Approval of Alternatives Analysis and related financial forecast authorizes the purchase of materials. Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  This work is slated to begin on 8/6/18 according to the master schedule. However, this work can provide float to other projects since it is not dependent on weather and spill.  With regard to the business case which is ambiguously written as “Cabinet Gorge Automation,” it will be necessary to do one of two things: o Either limit this business case strictly to automation of all units to include governs, exciters and controls, or o Expand this business case to include mechanical and automation overhaul of units 2, 3 and 4.  The budget for 2018 is $1.732mm which will not cover the poles and stator windings along with all the other work. Would have to make a request of CPG if we decided to proceed with that work. A compelling case would have to be made. CG Automation Replacement ‐ 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Budget $13,025 $316,000 $361,000 $1,732,000 $2,422,025 Actual $13,025 $317,073 $329,150 38,887$ $675,279 Forecast 1,741,605$ $1,980,850 EAC $329,150 $1,996,881 $2,656,129 Variance $0 ($1,073)$31,850 ($264,881) ($234,104) Table 37. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: If project is pushed out to next year, scope will increase. On Track Construction may be pushed out to 2019 once the crane is available. Table 38. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Scope Defined 12/30/16 99% complete Functional Requirements finalized 6/6/17 6/9/17 100% complete Alternatives Analysis approved 2/15/17 Project Execution Plan TBD Accomplishments: Upcoming Activities With the crane project back on for 2018, a request has been made to revisit sequencing of work at Cabinet Gorge: o Crane Rehabilitation o Unit 2 Automation o Station Service A o Station Service B o HVAC o Unit 3 Automation o Unit 4 Automation o Unit 1 Governor More to come following March 15th sequencing meeting Risks and Mitigation Strategies:  This work is slated to begin on 8/6/18 according to the master schedule. However, this work can provide float to other projects since it is not dependent on weather and spill. Revisiting construction schedule.  With regard to the business case which is ambiguously written as “Cabinet Gorge Automation,” it will be necessary to do one of two things: o Either limit this business case strictly to automation of all units to include governs, exciters and controls, or o Expand this business case to include mechanical and automation overhaul of units 2, 3 and 4. Cabinet Gorge Automation – 30405082 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Approved 2018 Budge $1,532,000 Approved Lifetime Budge $2,222,025 Project Monthly Report Accrued 2018 to date thru (3/31/18) $127,686 Accrued Life to Date (thru 3/31/18) $786,939 2018 Estimate at Complete $1,599,811 Total Project Estimate at Complete $2,259,059 Expected Transfer to Plant - date 12/31/19 Expected transfer to plant - $$$ $2,259,059 Table 39. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds  baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline  end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule.  Scope Budget Schedule On Track On Track On Track Table 40. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Electrical Design IFC 4/12/18 Panel Construction Protection Settings 7/27/18 Pre-construction Meeting 7/19/18 Construction Begins 8/13/18 Construction Ends 11/21/18 Summary With the crane rehabilitation project now underway, the expectation is that the main hoist will be fully functional @ 340 Tons by year’s end. This project will focus 2018 efforts on the controls, governor and excitation systems along with a few mechanical components. Pulling the rotor to address the field poles and remaining mechanical components will take place in 2019. Accomplishments  Approval of detailed governor drawings  Control Cabinets ordered and received. Upcoming Activities  Factory Acceptance Test of governor at L&S  Scheduling ABB representative for exciter commissioning  Expect delivery of panel design packages (IFC) from H2E by 4/12/18  Procure materials for panels (cable tray, cable, etc.)  Protection Relay Settings expected late July Cabinet Gorge Automation – 30405082 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Approved 2018 Budge $1,532,000 Approved Lifetime Budge $2,222,025 Project Monthly Report Accrued 2018 to date thru (4/30/18) $150,354 Accrued Life to Date (thru 4/30/18) $809,602 2018 Estimate at Complete $1,416,987 Total Project Estimate at Complete $2,076,235 Expected Transfer to Plant - date 12/31/19 Expected transfer to plant - $$$ $2,076,235 Table 41. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds  baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline  end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule.  Scope Budget Schedule On Track On Track On Track Table 42. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Electrical Design IFC 4/12/18 5/31/18 Governor FAT 5/1-5/2 Complete Panel Construction Q2 2018 Protection Settings 7/27/18 Pre-construction Meeting 7/19/18 Construction Begins 8/13/18 Construction Ends 11/21/18 Summary With the crane rehabilitation project now underway, the expectation is that the main hoist will be fully functional @ 340 Tons by year’s end. Pulling the rotor to address the field poles and remaining mechanical components will take place in 2019. This project will focus 2018 efforts on the controls, governor and excitation systems along with a few mechanical components. Accomplishments  Governor Factory Acceptance Testing completed Upcoming Activities  Scheduling ABB representative for exciter commissioning  Expect delivery of panel design packages (IFC) from H2E by 5/31/18  L&S governor expected to ship the week of May 21st.  Procure materials for panels (cable tray, cable, etc.)  Protection Relay Settings expected late July  L&S tentatively scheduled governor commissioning for 9/10/18 Cabinet Gorge Automation – 30405082 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Approved 2018 Budge $1,532,000 Approved Lifetime Budge $2,222,025 Project Monthly Report Accrued 2018 to date thru (5/31/18) $150,354 Accrued Life to Date (thru 5/31/18) $809,602 2018 Estimate at Complete $1,416,987 Total Project Estimate at Complete $2,076,235 Expected Transfer to Plant - date 12/31/18 Expected transfer to plant - $$$ $2,076,235 Table 43. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds  baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline  end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule.  Scope Budget Schedule On Track On Track On Track Table 44. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Electrical Design IFC 4/12/18 5/31/18 Governor FAT 5/1-5/2 5/1-5/2 Complete Panel Construction Q2 2018 Protection Settings 7/27/18 Pre-construction Meeting 7/19/18 6/21/18 Construction Begins 8/13/18 Construction Ends 11/21/18 Summary With the crane rehabilitation project now underway, the expectation is that the main hoist will be fully functional @ 340 Tons by year’s end. Pulling the rotor to address the field poles and remaining mechanical components will take place in 2019. This project will focus 2018 efforts on the controls, governor and excitation systems along with a few mechanical components. Accomplishments  FAT completed  Governor received at plant Upcoming Activities  Construction Transmittal to be delivered by June 29  Commissioning schedule: o The governor must be commissioned prior to the exciter. L&S scheduled for the week of 11/5; ABB scheduled for the week of 11/12  Procurement of panel materials and cables underway  Protection Relay Settings expected late July Cabinet Gorge Automation – 30405082 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Approved 2018 Budge $1,532,000 Approved Lifetime Budge $2,222,025 Project Monthly Report Accrued 2018 to date thru (6/30/18) $464,155 Accrued Life to Date (thru 6/30/18) $1,418,383 2018 Estimate at Complete $1,416,987 Total Project Estimate at Complete $2,076,235 Expected Transfer to Plant - date 12/31/18 Expected transfer to plant - $$$ $2,076,235 Table 45. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds  baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline  end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule.  Scope Budget Schedule On Track On Track Some risk due to crew availability and power pricing/timing. Table 46. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Electrical Design IFC 4/12/18 5/31/18 Governor FAT 5/1-5/2 5/1-5/2 Complete Transmittal 6/29/18 Panel Construction Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Protection Settings 7/27/18 Pre-construction Meeting 7/19/18 Construction Begins 8/13/18 Construction Ends 11/21/18 Summary There is a risk that this work will not be conducted in 2018 due to delayed transmittal and power pricing/timing. Please find the risk register below. RISK REGISTRY RISK SME Probability Severity Risk Score Response Resource Availability due to other work (Noxon U2 & Monroe Street) Alexis Possible Moderate 5 Accept revise the schedule; move outage window out to November Crew inavailability to build panels Brad Possible Moderate 5 Transfer bring in contract crew to build panels (Pantrol) Unable to meet 14 week outage schedule Brad Possible Serious 6 Mitigate bring in extra crew members; work 5 tens instead of 4 Critical Path: Controls Engineering Package Jeremy Likely Major 8 Transfer Power Supply's concern about the outage window Robert F Likely Serious 7 Accept Noxon Unit 2 will be out of commission until Septebmer 30, 2018. It is  unadvisable to have two units out on the Clark Fork river during peak  cooling season. Therefore, the CG Unit 2 outage cannot occur until  October 1, 2018. Robert F Expected Major 9 Accept Delaying this project will necessitate the release of funds this year and  a request for funds next year. Terri Possible Serious 6 Accept Event Estimate Jeremy indicates that the Controls Engineering pkg will take a  miniumum of 30 days to complete and that work on it cannot  begin until the MS project is wrapped up ‐ i.e. after labor day.  Could we pull in other controls engineering resoruces? Quinton?  "we would not want the Cabinet outage to extend into 2019 if at  all possible. If we have to, we have to." Cabinet Gorge Automation – 30405082 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Project Monthly Report Approved 2018 Budge $1,532,000 Approved Lifetime Budge $2,222,025 Accrued 2018 to date thru (7/31/18) $528,746 Accrued Life to Date (thru 7/31/18) $1,187,994 2018 Estimate at Complete $1,298,278 Total Project Estimate at Complete $1,957,526 Expected Transfer to Plant - date 12/31/19 Expected transfer to plant - $$$ Table 47. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds  baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline  end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule.  Scope Budget Schedule Scope will not change due to construction timing change. Dollar variance YTD is $1,003,254. Will need to request funds for 2019. Construction has been pushed out to 2019 but is not yet on the schedule. Table 48. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Electrical Design IFC 4/12/18 5/31/18 Governor FAT 5/1-5/2 5/1-5/2 Complete Transmittal 6/29/18 7/18/18 Panel Construction Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q2 2019 Protection Settings 7/27/18 Pre-construction Meeting 7/19/18 Q2 2019 Construction Begins 8/13/18 8/13/19 Construction Ends 11/21/18 11/21/19 Summary This work will not take place in 2018. The team will maintain the scope as is since the transmittal is complete. The team will continue to purchase all necessary materials for this project, finalize protection plans, review prints and work on PLC controls engineering package. Although delayed, this extra time will ensure that we will be well positioned to begin construction following the 2019 spill season. RISK REGISTRY RISK SME Probability Severity Risk Score Response Resource Availability due to other work (Noxon U2 & Monroe Street) Alexis Possible Moderate 5 Accept revise the schedule; move outage window out to Q3 2019. Unable to meet 14 week outage schedule Brad Possible Serious 6 Mitigate bring in extra crew members; work 5 tens instead of 4 Critical Path: Controls Engineering Package Jeremy Likely Major 8 Transfer Power Supply's concern about the outage window Robert F Likely Serious 7 Accept Noxon Unit 2 will be out of commission until Septebmer 30, 2018.  Crews are slated to begin major maintenance work on NRU5 directly  afterward. Robert F Expected Major 9 Accept Delaying this project will jeopardize full budget spend this year and  most certainly dictate a request for funds next year. Terri Possible Serious 6 Accept Baily Breakdown Kristina Unlikely Serious 5 Accept Event Estimate Jeremy indicates that the Controls Engineering pkg will take a  miniumum of 30 days to complete and that work on it cannot  begin until the MS project is wrapped up ‐ i.e. after labor day.  Quinten has been pulled in to assist. "we would not want the Cabinet outage to extend into 2019 if at  all possible. If we have to, we have to." The Bailey is old; replacement parts are unreliable and at times  unavailable.  Project Monthly Report Cabinet Gorge Automation – 30405082 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Approved 2018 Budge $1,532,000 Approved Lifetime Budge $2,222,025 Accrued 2018 to date thru (8/31/18) $610,272 Accrued Life to Date (thru 8/31/18) $1,269,520 2018 Estimate at Complete $1,343,069 Total Project Estimate at Complete $2,002,317 Expected Transfer to Plant - date 9/30/19 Expected transfer to plant - $$$ $2,002,317 Table 49. At‐a‐glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds  baseline and is non‐recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline  end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule.  Scope Budget Schedule Scope will not change due to construction timing change. Dollar variance YTD is $921,728. Likely to release funds this year and request funds for 2019. Construction has been pushed out to 2019 but is not yet on the schedule. Table 50. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Date Actual/Projected Completion Date Status/Performance Electrical Design IFC 4/12/18 5/31/18 Governor FAT 5/1-5/2 5/1-5/2 Complete Transmittal 6/29/18 7/18/18 Panel Construction Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q2 2019 Protection Settings 7/27/18 Pre-construction Meeting 7/19/18 Q2 2019 Construction Begins 8/13/18 8/13/19 Construction Ends 11/21/18 11/21/19 Summary This work will not take place in 2018. The team will maintain the scope as is since the transmittal is complete. The team will continue to purchase all necessary materials for this project, finalize protection plans, review prints and work on PLC controls engineering package. Although delayed, this extra time will ensure that we will be well positioned to begin construction following the 2019 spill season. RISK REGISTRY Project Monthly Report RISK SME Probability Severity Risk Score Response Resource Availability due to other work (Noxon U2 & Monroe Street) Alexis Possible Moderate 5 Accept revise the schedule; move outage window out to Q3 2019. Unable to meet 14 week outage schedule Brad Possible Serious 6 Mitigate bring in extra crew members; work 5 tens instead of 4 Critical Path: Controls Engineering Package Jeremy Likely Major 8 Transfer Power Supply's concern about the outage window Robert F Likely Serious 7 Accept Noxon Unit 2 will be out of commission until Septebmer 30, 2018.  Crews are slated to begin major maintenance work on NRU5 directly  afterward. Robert F Expected Major 9 Accept Delaying this project will jeopardize full budget spend this year and  most certainly dictate a request for funds next year. Terri Possible Serious 6 Accept Baily Breakdown Kristina Unlikely Serious 5 Accept Event Estimate Jeremy indicates that the Controls Engineering pkg will take a  miniumum of 30 days to complete and that work on it cannot  begin until the MS project is wrapped up ‐ i.e. after labor day.  Quinten has been pulled in to assist. "we would not want the Cabinet outage to extend into 2019 if at  all possible. If we have to, we have to." The Bailey is old; replacement parts are unreliable and at times  unavailable.  Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 1 of 8 Project Name: Cabinet Gorge Unit 2 Automation Project ID: 30405082 Project Manager: Terri Echegoyen 1 Participants Lessons Learned Participants Project Team Dave Schwall, Jeremy Winkle, Brett Nephew, Mike Benstine, Shane Matteson, Dennis McCarty, Jim Schmitt Andrew Burgess, Chris Clemens, Laroy Dowd, Jeff Vogel, Brad McNamara, Loren Davidson Steering Committee Alexis Alexander, Jacob Reidt, Bob Weisbeck 2 Project Performance Overview 2.1 This project was established to replace the existing Bailey control equipment for Unit 2 with a new system and to integrate the new system with the OIT and other plant devices. It will also include a governor upgrade, incorporate the VibroSystM into overall platform, update the Iris system, upgrade the blowdown, replace the Exciter, install a new PPT, as well as new Protection and control panels, penstock flowmeter, and field brushes. Total $3,269,973 For full details, please see the Final Project Report. 3 Lessons Learned Overview Lessons Learned is defined as the learning gained from the process of performing the project. The purpose of documenting Lessons Learned is to share and use knowledge derived from experience to: o Promote recurrence of desirable outcomes (What went well?) o Preclude the recurrence of undesirable outcomes (What opportunities were discovered for future improvement?) 3.1 Project Plan – WBS Review Task Name What went well? Opportunities for Improvement OUTAGE No problems None Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 2 of 8 Level 2 Clearance Issued Mechanical brakes Electrical – required modification – ordered insulation for -order. Generator Breaker PPT Something to consider Exciter -commissioning to Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 3 of 8 -visit. Perhaps a pre-commissioning Field Ground Protection - leak. Build a to prevent saturation. – – not a Partial Discharge – whoops! Remove Vib/Temp Monitoring Panel CT & PT Turbine Bearing Flow and Pressure gs. (RTDs) Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 4 of 8 Generator Lockout (86G)No issues Generator Lockout (86GD)No issues Communications - IRIG & Ethernet communication from Unit /road map AC Turbine Sump Pumps One of the very last things to – difficult to test due to AC & DC Turbine Oil Pumps  Governor U2PIT Jbox No issues Cooling Water No issues - (Mechanical) Jacking Oil Pump & brakes High Lift Oil Pump wire No issues Blowdown No issues wiring or plumbing Turbine – fixed blade vs. Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 5 of 8 Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) - Panel 9F No issues 13.8kV Bus Differential (87B) - Panel BP1 wire No issues Breaker Failure (86BF) - Panel 8 wire Wiring and checkout were good – no issues PCM Checkout Went well Runner Welding Plumb Unit Dry Testing (W/O# 1005069782) Able to do some great governor testing! Compressed but successful. Could have used more time (1.5 days Would have preferred to Vendor Pre-Commissioning (W/O# ABB Accusonic Verify w/SCADA that all points are in – couldn’t communicate to list. Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 6 of 8 Online (on the grid) (W/O# 1005069930) Avista Commissioning & Testing (W/O# – hands on! Release for Service (The End) vice document. Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 7 of 8 4 Lessons Learned - Next Steps 4.1 Action Items [Action items should include any near-term activity that you believe can be improved immediately as an outcome of this meeting.] Owner Action Item Date Completed organization ahead of time. Make a plan ahead of 4.2 Initiatives [Initiatives are defined as items that are either complex in nature or may take longer in duration to resolve to reduce risk, increase efficiencies, or improve future project performance.] Owner Initiative Item Follow Up Date 4.3 Communication Plan [The Communication Plan is developed in the meeting in order to understand how to and who will share the summarized information.] Owner Communication Item Date Completed/Follow Up from management on new Follow up: • IRIS – PDA monitoring – will require visit once travel bans are removed. • Exciter low power and PSS settings!!! Will require a visit from ABB once travel bans are removed • Exciter control panel – loses connection to the exciter PLC when power cycles • Unit synchronization – instability of the turbine – continue to look at ways to improve synchronization. • Shane finalizing prints – back to Dave who will forward to H2E. Add P&IDs for plant review. • PLC bearing runout probes – review dynamic settings • Spare fuses needed – inventory and stock at plant – H2E – include fuses in material list • Ensure that valves are ordered ahead of time. • WECC testing – request schedule from Kestrel – Rob Selby – could we build into Unit 3 schedule along with commissioning. Lessons Learned – CGU2 Automation – GPSS Lessons Learned Template 12.2016 v 1 Avista Confidential Page 8 of 8 • Operator training during commissioning week – Unit 2 still needs some training. Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Avista Confidential Page 1 of 7 Project Name: Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Replacement Accounting Project ID: CPR 30405083 Business Case Name: Replace Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane ER/BI: 4178/IG502 1 Key Roles Business Case Sponsor Jason Thackston Andy Vickers Business Case Owner Jacob Reidt Business Case Funding $3,530,000 Business Case Dept./Area Generation & Production Project Sponsor Andy Vickers Program/Project Manger Terri Echegoyen Steering Committee Operations Stakeholders Engineering Stakeholders Environmental Stakeholder Andy Vickers Alan Lackner EE – TBD Tim Swant Mike Magruder Andrew Burgess CE – TBD Bob Weisbeck Randy Pierce Tracy West Brad McNamara Nathan Jones PJ Henscheid 2 Statement of Mission Need 2.1 Business Need/Project Objectives This project aligns with the Safe & Reliable Infrastructure strategic vision of Avista. The goal of the project is to provide Cabinet Gorge HED with a safe and reliable crane system on top of the powerhouse, adequate for all foreseeable lifting needs including lifting the Unit 1 generator, generator step-up transformers and tailgate bulkheads. The objective is to replace the existing gantry crane with a completely new crane that has a capacity of 330T. 2.2 Regulatory Drivers There are no regulatory requirements that make this project necessary. 2.3 Metrics Demonstrating Need The Cabinet Gorge gantry crane is over 65 years old and was used in the original construction of Cabinet Gorge HED. Usual lifespan for equipment of this type is 50 years. Many of its components are original equipment. Some work has been performed to update the buss bar system among other things though past modifications have been relatively minor in scope and the crane has a long history of breakdowns and operational problems. Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Avista Confidential Page 2 of 7 Most recently, during the Cabinet Gorge Unit #1 rehabilitation project spanning from 2014 to 2016, problems with the crane caused significant delays. Some examples include: • Relay/Contactor problem – approx. 6 days • Gear/bearing problem – approx. 3 weeks • Brake problem – approx. 2 days Additional problems experienced with the crane during the Unit #1 rehabilitation are documented in a memo by Ryan Bean, dated November 13, 2015, attached to this Project Initiation Charter as Appendix A. 2.4 Measures to Determine Project Success This project will be a success if a new gantry crane is transitioned into operation prior to the end of 2018, or prior to the requirements of any major transformer or generating unit replacements or overhauls or repair. Additional measures of success include: • Able to lift Unit 1 generator • Extended reach to accommodate access to draft tube bulkheads • Extended reach to accommodate access to Generation Step-up transformers 2.5 Impact if Not Approved If the gantry crane is not replaced, its eminent failure could result in forced plant outages. Lead time for manufacture of a gantry crane is lengthy; leaving the plant without a functioning crane puts the plant at risk. Since there is no other means of lifting heavy unit loads, this project is necessary to minimize lengthy forced outage time to execute major equipment upgrades in the future. 2.6 What will NOT be delivered? No other plant systems will be altered, modified, or upgraded through the execution of this project. 3 Assumptions, Risks, and Considerations 3.1 Assumptions: (Expected Conditions) a. The existing crane can be removed and the new crane installed without any need to upgrade or modify the existing plant access road and powerhouse access tunnel. b. Some rehabilitation of the existing concrete crane rail walls will be required. c. Lead and asbestos abatement will be necessary. d. The existing crane rails can be replaced if necessary without degrading the structural integrity of the concrete crane rail walls on which they bear. e. A portion of the parking area around the plant warehouse will be available for use as a laydown area for the project. f. Sufficient electrical power supply on the powerhouse side of the crane is available. Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Avista Confidential Page 3 of 7 3.2 Risks: (Potential Deviations) a. Some components of the existing electrical power supply on the powerhouse side of the crane may need to be replaced or upgraded. b. An unexpected need for a heavy lift at the powerhouse could arise during the time that there is no operable gantry crane. c. The existing crane and trolley dead weight is unknown. 3.3 Considerations 1. Projects at Cabinet Gorge requiring use of the gantry crane will have to be scheduled around the time period that the gantry crane is out of commission. 2. Access to the powerhouse will be restricted during the deconstruction of the existing crane and installation of the new crane. 4 Resource Requirements 4.1 Applicable Interfaces Requested resources in order to achieve the project objectives are as follows (check all that apply). The specific roles and responsibilities, frequency/ type of communication, and agreed upon engagement points will be documented in a communication plan as part of the project execution plan. This is anyone who gets work done; anyone the project manager assigns work directly to. These stakeholders do not necessary need to be tied to a person on the stakeholder list. Internal (check all that apply): ☒ General Engineering ☒ Electrical Engineering ☒ Controls Engineering ☒ Mechanical Engineering ☒ Civil Engineering ☐ Substation Engineering ☐ Distribution Engineering ☐ Transmission Engineering ☒ Operations Engineering ☒ Operations (Electric/Gas/Hydro) ☐ Gas Engineering ☐ Protection Engineering ☐ SCADA Engineering ☐ Network/Communication Engineering/PM (IT/ET) ☒ Asset Management ☒ Construction Inspector ☒ Master Scheduler ☒ Maximo Support ☒ Crews/Shops: (Elect/Mech/Relay/Line) ☐ Environmental ☒ Cultural/SHPO Resources/TERO ☒ Hydro/FERC Licensing ☒ Power Supply ☒ Supply Chain – Contracts (Bid) ☒ Supply Chain – Materials/Equipment (Procurement) ☐ Real Estate ☒ Legal ☐ Corporate Communications ☐ Corporate Marketing ☐ Fleet ☒ Drafting & Survey ☒ Project & Fixed Asset Accounting ☒ Rates and Regulatory ☐ Facilities Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Avista Confidential Page 4 of 7 ☒ External: (add/delete as applicable) • Consultant Engineering • Consultant Analysis/Study • Contractor • Inspector/Special Inspection Services • Supplier/Vendor Engagement 4.2 High Level Project Deliverables & Milestones To meet the primary project objective, the following artifacts will be completed. Description Target date for completion/approval (MM/YY) • Charter Approved March 2017 Planning • Owner’s Engineer on-boarded • Technical Specifications approved • RFP for manufacturing • PEP Approved • • Operational Handoff • Approval to Close NLT December 2018 TBD Closing • Lessons Learned • Project Closing Report TBD TBD 4.3 Planning Cost Estimate Owner’s Engineer $250,000 Avista Project Management $42,000 Manufacturing $5,500,000 Demolition/Installation $975,000 AFUDC $505,000 Total $7,272,000 Assumptions in the planning cost estimate: 1. Class 4 AACE cost estimate classification: -15% to +50% 2. Avista electricians and mechanics will be required to support the project. 3. Avista Engineering will be primarily project management, however, other engineering disciplines will be required to support the project. 4. A Consultant will be utilized to: a. Write a performance specification for the crane. b. Provide technical review and evaluation of crane bids. c. Review submittals from the crane manufacturer during the design and fabrication process. d. Provide periodic field observation of crane construction onsite. 5. Demolition of the old crane is included in the crane manufacturer’s bid. Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Replacement Avista Confidential - 12.2016 v1 Page 5 of 7 5 Approval Signatures _________________________________________________________ 02/27/2017 Andy Vickers, Director GPSS Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Mike Magruder, Manager Hydro Ops & Maintenance Date _________________________________________________________ _____________ Bob Weisbeck, Manager Project Delivery Date Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Replacement Avista Confidential - 12.2016 v1 Page 6 of 7 APPENDIX A DATE: November 13th, 2015 TO: File, Jacob Reidt, Randy Pierce, Bob Weisbeck, Mike Shoff FROM: Ryan Bean SUBJECT: Cabinet Gorge Unit 1 – Gantry Crane Rotor Pick Problems Background The scope of work during the Unit 1 rehabilitation included two picks of the generator rotor complete with field poles installed. The first pick removed the rotor from the stator and placed it in the shop for field pole removal. The rotor was then moved to the rotor storage building until the field poles were returned after being refurbished by RPR Hydro (subcontractor to GE). The field poles were reinstalled in the rotor storage building and the rotor was then placed back in the stator. An Engineered Pick Plan was produced in accordance with ASME Code Section B30.2-3.1.7 that allows for occasional picks for loads exceeding rated limits up to 125% of the nameplate rating. The crane nameplate is 275 tons with an occasional pick of up to 343.8 tons. The rotor with lifting device weighs approx 330 tons. The cranes ability to lift this load was confirmed by Bedford Crane during the initial installation. The code allows an occasional pick not to exceed two occurrences in a 12 month period provided the crane manufacturer or other qualified person has reviewed the crane design to handle the load. Inconsistencies During Operation During the initial removal of the rotor from the stator, the micro drive and main hoist motor were used. The micro drive operated as expected, however the main hoist motor appeared to struggle when initially engaged. While returning the rotor to the stator on September 22nd, 2015, an issue was experienced where the main hoist did not operate as expected during raising. This was a repeatability issue with the main hoist where the hoist may raise, stall, or lower the rotor when the control lever was taken back into the same notch repeatedly. The lift was stopped and an investigation followed. Investigation and Troubleshooting With assistance from PCI and K&N Electric, an investigation and troubleshooting of the power and control systems followed. Components checked included the control lever, overloads, contactors, resistors, motor currents, brakes, and micro-drive operation. Everything appeared to be operating correctly, albeit in an overloaded condition due to the above nameplate load. The micro-drive operated reliably throughout testing. This lead us to believe the problem resides downstream of the control system, potentially with either the motor output or mechanical drive system. The gear train was visually inspected via available access ports and appeared to be in good shape and operated smoothly. Original records of the hoist motor test data indicate the existing hoist motor reaches its nameplate current of 160 amps at a load of approximately 205 tons. This limits the service cycle at 240 amps with a load of approx. 320 amps to approximately one to two minutes without overheating resistor banks. This would require several Project Initiation Charter Planning Phase Approval Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane Replacement Avista Confidential - 12.2016 v1 Page 7 of 7 lifting and cooling off periods to complete the lift. This reflects what we experienced in the field with tripping of the overload relays during sustained lifting at approx. 250 amps. The crane micro-drive arrangement was also inspected, which consists of an additional motor and speed reducer that can be clutched in or out as necessary. The arrangement utilizes the same main hoist drivetrain and brakes (with an additional motor brake) without using the main hoist motor. Per Mark Oney’s crane evaluation dated May 10, 1994 and design drawings, the micro-drive is rated for continuous duty without overheating. Hoisting speed is reduced during operation to slightly less than 0.5 feet per minute. Conclusion This has historically been a difficult pick for this crane and the system appears to have reached an impasse where the main hoist is no longer capable of producing the power to function at 100%. We suspect the issue lies in either the motor output, which has been operated above its nameplate current a number of times in the past, or due to an increase in mechanical drag in the gear train. Per the results of our initial investigation and a stakeholder meeting on October 5th, 2015, (Ryan Bean, Andy Vickers, Mike Gonnella, Bob Weisbeck, Brand McNamara, Rob Selby, and Jeremy Winkle in attendance) and in agreement with the project Foreman Mike Shoff, the rotor pick was completed using the installed micro-drive system, without the use of the main hoist motor. References 1. CG 1 Rotor Pick Plan Oct 2015 Rev1 2. ASME Crane code for CG1 3. Crane Report by Mark Oney, May 10 994 4. D-15701s001c1952 – Gantry Clearance Diagram with notes 5. 304E-25-040-01-01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08 – Micro Drive Arrangement Drawings 6. 1952 Load Test Data 7. 1993 Load Test Data CG Gantry Crane Requirements Gathering – Thursday, May 18, 2017 Attendees: Randy Pierce, Tracy West, Dick Garrison, Bob Weisbeck, Dave Schwall, Dennis McCarty, Terri Echegoyen Invitees included: Must Haves Nice to Haves Install midrail and toe plate around cab opening CG Gantry Crane Requirements Gathering – Thursday, May 18, 2017 Attendees: Randy Pierce, Tracy West, Dick Garrison, Bob Weisbeck, Dave Schwall, Dennis McCarty, Terri Echegoyen Next Steps: • Hire consultant to write specifications. Simmers? Eureka!Engineering? Other? • Decision Point: rehab or new? o Coffman’s replacement quote spanned $5.2 million to $6 million o Simmer’s rehab quote was for $1.2 million  Quote does not include lead paint abatement and repainting w/epoxy paint • Site visits to review some of Simmers other projects o Affiliate company, Advanced Crane Technologies has worked on sites in Portland and Walla Walla Districts and at Gavins/Garrisson/Ft Randall on the Missouri River • Power rail (480V)? ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish PredecessorsResource Names Cost 1 Full Crane Rehabilitation 211 days?Thu 7/20/17 Thu 5/10/18 $307,123.00 2 Site visit 3 days Thu 7/20/17 Mon 7/24/17 $0.00 3 Drum cast iron testing 10 days Mon 8/14/17Fri 8/25/17 $0.00 4 Drums removed 1 day Thu 7/20/17 Thu 7/20/17 $0.00 5 Calculation and designs for new drive hoist including panel arrangements and wiring interconnect 1 day Wed 8/30/17 Wed 8/30/17 $0.00 6 Capacity Analysis Report 1 day Fri 11/3/17 Fri 11/3/17 $0.00 7 Simmers Proposal (-1706963-6)1 day?Wed 11/29/17Wed 11/29/17 $0.00 8 Contract Fully Executed 1 day?Fri 3/23/18 Fri 3/23/18 $307,123.00 9 Site Visit #1 4 days Mon 4/9/18 Thu 4/12/18 Paul Miller $0.00 10 Site Visit #2 w/CSD, Rhodes, S&S and NW Sandblasting 4 days Mon 5/7/18 Thu 5/10/18 Chris Truitt $0.00 11 Concrete/Runway Evaluation 92 days Mon 3/26/18Tue 7/31/18 $0.00 12 Preliminary condition report 10 wks Wed 5/16/18Tue 7/24/18 CSD $0.00 13 Submittal 071018A 1 day Wed 5/16/18Wed 5/16/18 $0.00 14 Analysis Report 1 day Tue 7/31/18 Tue 7/31/18 CSD $0.00 15 Submittal 091818A 1 day Tue 7/31/18 Tue 7/31/18 $0.00 16 Runway Repair Details 1 day Mon 3/26/18Mon 3/26/18 $0.00 17 Submittal 102918A 1 day Mon 3/26/18Mon 3/26/18 $0.00 18 Priority 1 202 days Mon 3/26/18Tue 1/1/19 $767,808.00 19 Controls & Electrification Engineering 14 days Tue 6/5/18 Fri 6/22/18 8 $0.00 20 Submittal #060518a 14 days Tue 6/5/18 Fri 6/22/18 Quinton Snead,Dave Schwall $0.00 21 Order Controls & Electrification Materials 16 wks Mon 6/25/18Fri 10/12/18 19 $0.00 22 End Trucks, Bridge Wheels & Bridge Drive Engineering 1 day Tue 7/3/18 Tue 7/3/18 $0.00 23 Submittal #070218A 1 day Tue 7/3/18 Tue 7/3/18 $0.00 24 Order Bridge Materials 26 wks Wed 7/4/18 Tue 1/1/19 22 $0.00 25 Main Hoist Mechanical Components Engineering 12 wks Mon 3/26/18Fri 6/15/18 $0.00 26 Submittal #052218a 16 days Tue 5/22/18 Tue 6/12/18 Tracy West $0.00 27 Order Main Hoist Materials 19 wks Mon 5/14/18Fri 9/21/18 $0.00 28 Review & Acceptance of all Priority 1 Drawings 5 days Mon 6/4/18 Fri 6/8/18 $307,123.00 3/23 Paul Miller Chris Truitt Quinton Snead,Dave Schwall Tracy West 6/8 T M F T S W S T M F T Jun 18, '17 Jul 30, '17 Sep 10, '17 Oct 22, '17 Dec 3, '17 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: CG Gantry Crane5 Date: Mon 4/15/19 ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish PredecessorsResource Names Cost 29 Confirmation of Orders Placed for Priority 1 Materials 5 days Mon 5/21/18Fri 5/25/18 $460,685.00 30 Priority 2 210 days?Mon 4/9/18 Fri 1/25/19 $0.00 31 Aux Hoist Mechanical Engineering 10 wks Tue 8/28/18 Mon 11/5/18 $0.00 32 Submittal #082818A 10 days Tue 8/28/18 Mon 9/10/18 $0.00 33 Order Aux Hoist Materials 21 wks Mon 9/3/18 Fri 1/25/19 $0.00 34 Trolley Enclosure Engineering 9 wks Mon 5/21/18Fri 7/20/18 $0.00 35 Submittal 041119A 1 day Mon 5/21/18Mon 5/21/18 $0.00 36 Order Trolley Enclosure Materials & Fabricate 21 wks Mon 7/30/18Fri 12/21/18 $0.00 37 Trolley Wheels Engineering 8 wks Mon 4/9/18 Fri 6/1/18 $0.00 38 Submittal #121818A 1 day Mon 4/9/18 Mon 4/9/18 $0.00 39 Order Trolley Wheels Materials 18 wks Mon 6/11/18Fri 10/12/18 $0.00 40 Review & Acceptance of all Priority 2 Drawings 5 days Mon 9/10/18Fri 9/14/18 $0.00 41 Confirmation of Orders Placed for Priority 2 Materials Mon 9/10/18 $0.00 42 43 44 Receipt of Priority 1 Materials Mon 11/5/18 $0.00 45 Receipt of Priority 2 Materials Fri 1/25/19 $0.00 46 47 Priority 3 65 days?Mon 7/9/18 Fri 10/5/18 $0.00 48 Cab Windows & Other Miscellaneous Engineering 6 wks Mon 7/9/18 Fri 8/17/18 $0.00 49 Submittal 031219A 1 day Mon 7/9/18 Mon 7/9/18 $0.00 50 Review & Acceptance of all Priority 3 Drawings 5 days Mon 8/20/18Fri 8/24/18 $0.00 51 Order Cab Windows & Miscellaneous Materials 7 wks Mon 8/20/18Fri 10/5/18 $0.00 52 Confirmation of Order Placed for Priority 3 Materials Mon 9/10/18 $0.00 53 Evaluate & Update Lead Times & Discuss Installation 5 days Mon 7/9/18 Fri 7/13/18 $0.00 54 $0.00 55 Change Order #3 66 days Wed 5/1/19 Wed 7/31/19 $0.00 56 Below the Hook Analysis 66 days Wed 5/1/19 Wed 7/31/19 $0.00 57 Fall Protection (engineering, materials and installation)66 days Wed 5/1/19 Wed 7/31/19 $0.00 58 Trolley Drive Shaft Modifications (engineering, materials, installation)66 days Wed 5/1/19 Wed 7/31/19 $0.00 5/25TMFTSWSTMFT Jun 18, '17 Jul 30, '17 Sep 10, '17 Oct 22, '17 Dec 3, '17 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 2 Project: CG Gantry Crane5 Date: Mon 4/15/19 ID Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish PredecessorsResource Names Cost 59 60 Construction 16 wks Mon 3/18/19Fri 7/5/19 Simmers $0.00 61 Onsite Orientation/Safety Training 0.5 days Mon 3/18/19Mon 3/18/19 $0.00 62 Staging Equipment 1 day Mon 3/18/19Tue 3/19/19 61 $0.00 63 Demolition 14 days Tue 3/19/19 Mon 4/8/19 62 Simmers $0.00 64 Build Scaffolding 10 days Mon 4/8/19 Fri 4/19/19 63 Safway $0.00 65 Erect Containment 5 days Wed 4/17/19Tue 4/23/19 64 $0.00 66 Sandblast and Primer 7 wks Wed 4/24/19Tue 6/11/19 65 S&S Coatings $0.00 67 Full upgrade 13 wks Mon 6/17/19Fri 9/13/19 66 Simmers $0.00 76 Load Testing 1 wk Mon 9/16/19Fri 9/20/19 67 $0.00 77 Final paint 4 wks Mon 9/23/19Fri 10/18/19 76 S&S Coatings $0.00 78 79 Re-stripe the deck $0.00 T M F T S W S T M F T Jun 18, '17 Jul 30, '17 Sep 10, '17 Oct 22, '17 Dec 3, '17 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 3 Project: CG Gantry Crane5 Date: Mon 4/15/19 3/23 Paul Miller Chris Truitt 7/31 Quinton Snead,Dave Schwall Tracy West 6/8 T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W Dec 3, '17 Jan 14, '18 Feb 25, '18 Apr 8, '18 May 20, '18 Jul 1, '18 Aug 12, '18 Sep 23, '18 Nov 4, '18 Dec 16, '18 Jan 27, '19 Mar 10, '19 Apr 21, '19 Jun 2, '19 Jul 14, '19 Aug 25, '19 Oct 6, '19 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 4 Project: CG Gantry Crane5 Date: Mon 4/15/19 5/25 9/14 9/10 11/5 1/25 8/24 9/10 T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W Dec 3, '17 Jan 14, '18 Feb 25, '18 Apr 8, '18 May 20, '18 Jul 1, '18 Aug 12, '18 Sep 23, '18 Nov 4, '18 Dec 16, '18 Jan 27, '19 Mar 10, '19 Apr 21, '19 Jun 2, '19 Jul 14, '19 Aug 25, '19 Oct 6, '19 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 5 Project: CG Gantry Crane5 Date: Mon 4/15/19 Simmers Safway S&S Coatings S&S Coatings T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W S T M F T S W Dec 3, '17 Jan 14, '18 Feb 25, '18 Apr 8, '18 May 20, '18 Jul 1, '18 Aug 12, '18 Sep 23, '18 Nov 4, '18 Dec 16, '18 Jan 27, '19 Mar 10, '19 Apr 21, '19 Jun 2, '19 Jul 14, '19 Aug 25, '19 Oct 6, '19 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only External Tasks External Milestone Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 6 Project: CG Gantry Crane5 Date: Mon 4/15/19 Project Monthly Report – August 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen (thru 7/31/19): $3,988,031 7/31/19): $5,746,745 2019 Expected Transfer to Plant Date: 9/16/19 at time of transfer: $7,238,741 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Fall Protection 07/31/19 Trolley Drive Shaft Modifications 07/31/19 Below the Hook Analysis 07/31/19 7/30/19 complete Oil and lubricant installation 8/1/19 8/1/19 complete Testing to begin 8/5/19 Load Test Summary: • North and East trolley walls are now installed. Final West wall is en-route. Next is the lower platform. Once the hoist reeves are tested out, ceiling panels can be installed. • Just received the wire rope for both main and aux hoist. • Two cab windows are installed. Other frames are expected on Sunday and will be installed by Tuesday of next week. • Steelhead will work with Simmers on the AC unit for the control house. • All conduit is complete. Everything is mounted, wire pulls are done and terminations continue with exception of the trolley limits. • Intend to change the tag over tomorrow; power up crane to begin checkout and setup steps w/Shane. • Bump test motors; auto tune. Electrically speaking, everything should be completely wrapped up by the weekend. • Load test may occur the last week of August. • Waiting on estimate for festoon replacement which will be presented to the steering committee. Risks/Issues: Project Monthly Report – August 2019 There is still some question as to what extent the crane can be used without concrete repairs. The crane is critical path to most of the work scheduled to take place at Cabinet this fall. It has been suggested that additional testing of core samples to verify strength and chemical composition would be appropriate. Project Monthly Report – June 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen (thru 6/30/19): $2,277,392 6/30/19): $4,036,106 2019 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Runway Repair Design Drawings ($12,767) 7/12/19 Fall Protection 07/31/19 Trolley Drive Shaft Modifications 07/31/19 Below the Hook Analysis 07/31/19 Oil and lubricant installation 8/1/19 Testing to begin 8/5/19 Load Test Release to Limited Service Summary: All containment and scaffolding has been removed. Painting will be performed by hand with brushes and rollers rather than spray. Nearly all mechanical work has been complete opening the door to the electrical portion. Simmers has a crew of four on hand. Expecting to begin testing the first week of August. RFP for concrete repair/restoration will be launched as soon as design drawings are delivered (expected 7/12/19) Risks/Issues: 1) There is some question as to what extent the crane can be used without concrete repairs. The crane is critical path to most of the work scheduled to take place at Cabinet this fall. A meeting to discuss this issue has been scheduled for July 19th. Project Monthly Report – July 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen (thru 6/30/19): $1,590,644 6/30/19): $3,417,581 2019 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Runway Repair Design Drawings ($12,767) 7/12/19 Fall Protection 07/31/19 Trolley Drive Shaft Modifications 07/31/19 Below the Hook Analysis 07/31/19 Trolley Enclosure Components Trolley Wheels & Components Cab Windows & Misc. Components Summary: sandblasting, priming and intermiadate paint complete. All spent sand blast media disposed of and equipment demobilized. Painting will begin on the water side and will finish after all scaffolding is removed – July 1st. With the containment and scaffolding removed, Simmers will have better access to the crane which will expidite installation. Painting will continue along side installation but will be performed by hand with brushes and rollers rather than spray. RFP for concrete repair/restoration will be launched as soon as design drawings are delivered (expected 7/12/19) Risks/Issues: 1) There is some question as to what extent the crane can be used without concrete repairs. The crane is critical path to most of the work scheduled to take place at Cabinet this fall. Project Monthly Report – June 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen (thru 5/31/19): $1,590,644 5/31/19): $3,417,581 2019 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Runway Repair Design Drawings ($12,767) 7/12/19 Fall Protection 07/31/19 Trolley Drive Shaft Modifications 07/31/19 Below the Hook Analysis 07/31/19 Trolley Enclosure Components Trolley Wheels & Components Cab Windows & Misc. Components Summary: sandblasting, priming and intermiadate paint complete. All spent sand blast media disposed of and equipment demobilized. Painting will begin on the water side and will finish after all scaffolding is removed – July 1st. With the containment and scaffolding removed, Simmers will have better access to the crane which will expidite installation. Painting will continue along side installation but will be performed by hand with brushes and rollers rather than spray. RFP for concrete repair/restoration will be launched as soon as design drawings are delivered (expected 7/12/19) Risks/Issues: 1) There is some question as to what extent the crane can be used without concrete repairs. The crane is critical path to most of the work scheduled to take place at Cabinet this fall. Project Monthly Report – April 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: addressed in Change Order #3. Concrete work will be needed. See funding in Q2 - $4m Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Runway Repair Design Drawings Controls & Electrical (060518A) 5/11/18 6/5/18 Complete End Trucks, Bridge Wheels & Drive Bridge (070218A) 6/15/18 7/2/18 Complete Main Hoist – Mechanical (052218A) 6/15/18 5/22/18 Complete Trolley Wheels, axles and bushings (121818A) 9/7/18 12/18/18 Complete Control House Mounting (110218A) Complete Trolley Enclosure (041119A) 4/11/19 Complete Cab Windows & Miscellaneous Items (031219A) Complete Fall Protection 07/31/19 Trolley Drive Shaft Modifications 07/31/19 Priority 1 items ordered: Controls & Electrical Components, bridge, main hoist Orders placed: September ‘18 Expected delivery: January 2019 Aux Hoist Components 1/25/19 Trolley Enclosure Components Trolley Wheels & Components Cab Windows & Misc. Components Other: Change Order #3 is in the supply chain queue. A steerco meeting has been scheduled for Monday, April 15th. Risks/Issues: 1) The jib crane and access to the erection bay will be unavailable from May 6th to June 14th. 2) Meeting with Simmers, CSD and Avista engineering on April 1st to determine next steps with regard to the condition of the concrete. What is the recommended path forward? We plan to proceed with a limited RFP in order to obtain budgetary quotes for phased repair approach. Project Monthly Report – March 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: addressed in Change Order #3. Concrete work will be needed. See will dramatically pick up this year as construction gets underway. March 2019. Concrete work may delay the crane’s Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Concrete Analysis – Preliminary Report (071018A) 7/9/18 7/10/18 Complete Concrete Analysis – Final Report 7/31/18 9/18/15 Complete Runway Repair Design Drawings Complete Controls & Electrical (060518A) 5/11/18 6/5/18 Complete End Trucks, Bridge Wheels & Drive Bridge (070218A) 6/15/18 7/2/18 Complete Main Hoist – Mechanical (052218A) 6/15/18 5/22/18 Complete Trolley Wheels, axles and bushings (121818A) 9/7/18 12/18/18 Complete Control House Mounting (110218A) Complete Trolley Enclosure Pending Cab Windows & Miscellaneous Items Pending Priority 1 items ordered: Controls & Electrical Components, bridge, main hoist Orders placed: September ‘18 Expected delivery: January 2019 Aux Hoist Components 1/25/19 Trolley Enclosure Components Trolley Wheels & Components Cab Windows & Misc. Components Risks/Issues: 1) The jib crane and access to the erection bay will be unavailable from May 6th to June 14th. 2) Meeting with Simmers, CSD and Avista engineering on _______ to determine next steps with regard to the condition of the concrete. What is the recommended path forward? Project Monthly Report – February 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: addressed in Change Order #3. Concrete work will be needed. See will dramatically pick up this year as construction gets underway. March 2019. Concrete work may delay the crane’s Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Concrete Analysis – Preliminary Report (071018A) 7/9/18 7/10/18 Complete Concrete Analysis – Final Report 7/31/18 9/18/15 Complete Runway Repair Design Drawings Complete Controls & Electrical (060518A) 5/11/18 6/5/18 Complete End Trucks, Bridge Wheels & Drive Bridge (070218A) 6/15/18 7/2/18 Complete Main Hoist – Mechanical (052218A) 6/15/18 5/22/18 Complete Trolley Wheels, axles and bushings (121818A) 9/7/18 12/18/18 Complete Control House Mounting (110218A) Complete Trolley Enclosure Pending Cab Windows & Miscellaneous Items Pending Priority 1 items ordered: Controls & Electrical Components, bridge, main hoist Orders placed: September ‘18 Expected delivery: January 2019 Aux Hoist Components 1/25/19 Trolley Enclosure Components Trolley Wheels & Components Cab Windows & Misc. Components Risks/Issues: 1) Upon receipt of the crane’s runway analysis report in September 2018, it was not immediately evident that concrete repairs would be required in order to ensure the supporting concrete wall and gantry crane rail anchorage is sufficiently robust to withstand the increase in potential loads. Not until Simmers supplied CSD’s notes (1/30/19) regarding how Avista should proceed did we become aware that the anchorage and supporting concrete wall is in generally poor condition and needs to be addressed. A contractor will need to develop construction drawings based on CDS’s final design drawings, provide additional analysis and design detail, and perform construction services to bring the gantry crane Project Monthly Report – February 2019 runway to the conditions noted in the final construction drawings and as required by the additional analysis. 2) Simmers has subcontracted with both Safway (scaffolding) and S&S Coatings (lead abatement, priming, painting). The three vendors held an on-site meeting on February 12th to review the deck plan. Safway will supply drawings for Avista to review and approve but, it should be noted that although every effort will be made to ensure access to the jib crane is maintained throughout the duration of the rehabilitation, there will be a period of roughly six weeks when the jib crane will be inaccessible. Project Monthly Report – January 2019 Cabinet Gorge Gantry Crane – 30405083 Project Manager – Terri Echegoyen 1 Table 1. At-a-glance overall status report (see risks and mitigation section for detail). Red = cost and schedule exceeds baseline and is non-recoverable; Yellow = currently overspent or currently behind schedule but recoverable to baseline end date and total cost; Green =meeting or exceeding the baseline expectations for cost or schedule. Scope: Budget: Schedule: addressed in Change Order #3. by $3,906. to begin March 2019 Table 2. Milestone status and planned, projected and actual completion dates Milestone Baseline Completion Completion Date ormance Concrete Analysis – Preliminary Report (071018A) 7/9/18 7/10/18 Complete Concrete Analysis – Final Report 7/31/18 9/18/15 Complete Runway Repair Design Drawings Complete Controls & Electrical (060518A) 5/11/18 6/5/18 Complete End Trucks, Bridge Wheels & Drive Bridge (070218A) 6/15/18 7/2/18 Complete Main Hoist – Mechanical (052218A) 6/15/18 5/22/18 Complete Trolley Wheels, axles and bushings (121818A) 9/7/18 12/18/18 Complete Control House Mounting (110218A) Complete Trolley Enclosure Pending Cab Windows & Miscellaneous Items Pending Priority 1 items ordered: Controls & Electrical Components, bridge, main hoist Orders placed: September ‘18 Expected delivery: January 2019 Aux Hoist Components 1/25/19 Trolley Enclosure Components Trolley Wheels & Components Cab Windows & Misc. Components Other: • Jessica Bean is reviewing the design drawings provided by CSD for concrete repairs. • Change Order #3 is begin drafted. It will incorporate costs for man lift rental, mobile crane and operator (previously identified as Avista’s responsibility) and below-the-hook device analysis in addition to identifying costs for sandblasting and coating the crane an element that had previously been identified in Change Order #1 but, was not given a budgetary quote. • Mechanical Engineer Tracy West has suffered an accident and will be out-of-work until roughly January 21st. However, his absence should not cause any risk to the project at this juncture. • Runway Repair Design Drawings were stamped by a PE. Jessica reviewed and had no comments. 1 Budget increased by $169,366 with Change Order #2.