HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210319Avista to Staff 35-60 - Redacted.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION -i a ::1 * ; ! 1.+j\--ii..-Li U i4i.;# JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2l -01 / AVU-G-21-01 IPUC Production Request Staff-035 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 031171202r. ,', : !?F** , fl ala aA a *l Tara Knox,..; rii:; i i ffl ld: l+ i TaraKnox ir,,,.". 1Regulatory A&irs, "''*":':":J6'ps' (s0e) 4es-432s REQUEST: Pages 2 through 6 of Ms. Knox's direct testimony describe the l0-year regression analysis used to normalize electric consumption for weather effects. Please provide, in electronic format, the predictor (CDD, HDD and Trend) and consumption data for the date range used to construct the regression model. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_035_Attachment A which is the Excel file containing the data that was imported into the EViews program where the regressions were performed. Please see StaflPR_035_Attachment B which is the EViews Workfile used to perform the electric regressions. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311712021 CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Tara Knox REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Tara KnoxTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-036 TELEPHONE: (509\ 49s-432s REQUEST: In its 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019 electric rate cases (AVU-E-15-05, AVU-E-16-03, AVU-E-17-01, and AVU-E-19-04), the Company based its Cost of Service allocators on a Load Research Study performed by DNV-GL (dated January 22, 2015). Were the Cost of Service allocators for the present case based on the same study? If not, please provide the information used as a basis for the allocators in the present case. RESPONSE: As in prior cases, the demand allocators in the cost of service sfudy are indirectly based on the DNV-GL load study completed for the 2015 General Rate Case (2015 Load Study). The demand allocation factors are developed in the cost of service work paper file named "Demand l2CP l2.20l9.xlsm". The 2019 system coincident peak estimation process utilizes average daily load shapes from the 2015 Load Study to assign estimates of peak day loads to the peak hours. The peak day load estimates are derived from 2019 billing information, weather statistics, and weather sensitivity. The relationships of monthly average hourly load to class non-coincident peak loads from the 2015 Load Study are multiplied by 2019 monthly average hourly loads (by class) to estimate 2019 non-coincident peak demand. The 2015 Load Study information is not used for the extra-large general service and lighting service Schedules 25,25P, and 4l - 49. Actual 2019 hourly data is developed for the extra-large general service classes, negating the need to estimate their dernand. Similarly, the lighting class dernands are assumed based on 2019 recorded consumption and the 2019 hours of darkness. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311712021 AVLI-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Tara KnoxIPUC RESPONDER: Tara Knox Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-037 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325 REQUEST: The Company's electric weather normalization models assume there to be linear relationships between Cooling Degree Days, Heating Degree Days, and Consumption. Did the Company consider incorporating higher order curvature terms in its models? Please explain. RESPONSE: No higher order terms were tested with the 2018 dataset electric regressions. However, two sets of regressions were performed, differentiated by whether Cooling Degree Days were segregated into shoulder and summer seasonality. The selected results do not segregate Cooling Degree Days by season resulting in one sensitivity factor applied to all cooling adjustments. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 031171202t CASE NO: AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Tara Knox REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Tara KnoxTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Affairs REQUEST NO.: Staff-038 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4325 REQUEST: The Company's electric weather normalization adjustrnents were obtained by applying selected coefficients (sensitivity factors) from the Company's regression model to its test year Heating and Cooling Degree days. Did the Company consider using the whole model, instead of selected coefficients, to obtain its adjustrnents? RESPONSE: No, the purpose of the weather normalization is to adjust loads for weather. If the predicted model were compared to booked usage it would eliminate other usage changes not associated with weather (such as energy efficiency) that should be reflected in the test year. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311712021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Joel AndersonIPUC RESPONDER: Joel Anderson Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-039 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2811 REQUEST: Pages 3 through 5 of Mr. Anderson's direct testimony describe the lO-year regression analysis used to normalize gas consumption for weather effects. Please provide, in electronic format, the predictor (HDD and Trend) and consumption data for the date range used to construct the regression model. RESPONSE: Please see StaflPR_039 Attachment A which is the Excel file containing the data that was imported into the EViews progrilm where the regressions were performed. Please see StaflPR_039 Attachment B which is the EViews Workfile used to perform the electric regressions. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311512021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: ElizabethAndrewsIPUC RESPONDER: Joel Anderson Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-040 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2811 REQUEST: According to Footnote No. 2 on page 5 of Mr. Anderson's direct testimony, "Heating degree days that occur during July through September do not impact the natural gas weather normalization adjustment as the seasonal sensitivity factor is zero for summer months." However, the models on pages 10 through 13 in the accompanying workpapers (Anderson Revenue Norm WPs.pdf) include factors for the surlmer months, as well as interactions between the summer period, Heating Degree Days, and Year. Please explain the apparent discrepancy between Footnote No. 2 and the workpapers. RESPONSE: Footnote No. 2 on Page 5 of Anderson testimony was inadvertently included in testimony. The associated sentence on line 2 and 3 of page 5 of Anderson testimony should read as follows, "The adjustment to normal required the decrease of 235 heating degree-days from January through Decernber" with no footnote. This updated language is supported by Page 15 in (Anderson Revenue Norm WPs.pdf). AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 1 -0 1/AVLr-G -21-0t IPUC Production Request Staff - 041 DATE PREPARED: 0311712021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4s32 REQUEST: Please explain why Clearwater Transmission and Renewable Energy Credits (REC) are netted to zero. Kalich Exhibit No. 9, Schedule 2, page 2. RESPONSE: As explained on page 20 (beginning at line 1) of my direct testimony, the Clearwater self-generation contract results in no net power expense, but it does result in the Company's 10olo share of the REC revenues offset by the Company's 10% share of associated transmission expense (net revenue from RECs sold), both of which are directly assigned to the Idaho jurisdiction. As per the Clearwater contract approved in Case No. AVU-E-18-13, actual values for the Company's 10% share of the net revenue from REC sales are intended to flow through the PCA subject to the 90/10 sharing. Therefore, any test year net REC proceeds must be pro formed to $0 in order to exclude them from retail ratemaking and establishment of the PCA base. The following excerpt from CaseNo. AVU-E-18-13 Joint Petition ofAvista and ClearwaterPaper (pages 7 and 8) outlines the approved treatment of the RECs net of associated transmission expense. (g) Under the terms of the REC deal with the Third Party, 100% of the total REC value from RECs associated with Clearwater's Generation will be directly assigned to the Idaho jurisdiction. Of the total REC proceeds from RECs associated with Clearwater's Generation, Clearwater will receive 90o/o of the net revenue from RECs sold to the Third Party; the remaining llYo of the net revenue from RECs sold to the Third Party will flow through the PCA to all Idaho customers at the 90%ll0% sharing. T}rre9}% net benefit to Clearwater from such REC sales will be separately credited directly to Clearwater through a monthly bill credit. T\e l0o/o net benefit from such REC sales for all Idaho customers will be excluded from retail ratemaking for base retail rates, and would flow through the PCA subject to the90%ll0% sharing. Page 1 of1 AYISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311912021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: K. Schultz/J. ThackstonIPUC RESPONDER: Kaylene Schultz Production Request DEPARTMENT: RegulatoryAffairsStaff-042 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2482 REQUEST: For the natural gas projects listed in Exhibit No. 7, please provide a workpaper that breaks out the allocation of capital costs by jurisdiction for the years 2020 -2023. Thackston Exhibit No. 7. RESPONSE: Thackston Exhibit No. 7 does not sponsor any natural gas capital projects. The Company has updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final 2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjusbnents 3.10, 22.01, and22.02. Please see Staff-PR-O43 for more information. ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 031191202r AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-2l-01 WITNESS: K. Schultz,/H. RosentraterIPUC RESPONDER: Kaylene Schultz Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-043 TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2482 REQUEST: For the natural gas projects listed in Exhibit No. 1 1, please provide a workpaper that breaks out the allocation of capital costs by jurisdiction for the years 2020 -2023. Rosentrater Exhibit No. I I . RESPONSE: The Company has updated Pro Forma Adjustrnent 3.08 - 2020 Pro Forma EOP to reflect actual 2020 transfers to plant, including retirements, for both electric and natural gas. The Company has also updated Pro Forma Adjustment 3.09 - 2021Pro Forma EOP to reflect variances between final 2020 expected transfer to plant amounts and 2020 year-end CWIP (as described in Company Witness Ms. Schultz's testimony) for both electric and natural gas. The cascading effect of updating Pro Forma Adjustments 3.08 - 3.09 can be seen in Pro Forma Adjustrnents 3.10, 22.01, and22.02. Please see Staff PR_043 Attachment A fortheupdated adjustments. Boththe "Eleckic SUM 2020-2021 Update" and *Nat. Gas SUM 2020-2021 Update" tabs show the variance between adjustments from the Company's original filing and this 2020-2021update. Staff PR_043 Attachment B contains the electric and natural gas transfers to plant detail for years 2020-2023, which is the basis for the monthly plant additions inputs in Sta[PR_043 Attachment (see tabs "Summary-Cost-E" and ooSummary-Cost-G"). In Sta[PR_043 Attachment B, on the*CAP 2020-2023 Plant Additions" tab, the user can filter Column A - ooID Witness" for the desired Company witness. Specifically, monthly Idaho natural gas transfer to plant balances can be see in Column AO through Column BA; the associated year is listed by project in Column J. The Company intends to update Pro Forma Adjustments 3.09 - 3.10, 22.01 -22.02 with Q1 actual 2021 transfers to plant and a re-forecast of April - Decernber 2021 when available. The system re-forecast is expected to be available in late Apil 2021, with the jurisdiction reallocation available to update this response the first two weeks of May. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311912021 AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: K. Schultz./J. KensokIPUC RESPONDER: Kaylene Schultz Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaft-044 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2482 REQUEST: For the natural gas projects listed in Exhibit No. 13, please provide a workpaper that breaks out the allocation of capital costs by jurisdiction for the years 2020-2023. Kensok Exhibit No. 13. RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-043 for the 2020-2023 natural gas project detail sponsored by Company witness Mr. Kensok. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311912021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: K. Schultz/K. MagalskyIPUC RESPONDER: Kaylene Schultz Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-045 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2482 REQUEST: For the natural gas projects listed in Exhibit No. 6, please provide a workpaper that breaks out the allocation of capital costs by jurisdiction for the years 2020-2023. Magalsky Exhibit No. 6. RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-O43 for the 2020-2023 natural gas project detail sponsored by Company witness Mr. Magalsky. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311912021 AVU-E-21-01 /AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: K. Schultz/S. KinneyIPUC RESPONDER: Kaylene Schultz Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-046 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2482 REQUEST: For the natural gas projects listed in Exhibit No. 8, please provide a workpaper that breaks out the allocation of capital costs by jurisdiction for the years 2020-2023. Kinney Exhibit No. 8. RESPONSE: Please see Staff-PR-043 for the 2020-2023 natural gas project detail sponsored by Company witness Mr. Kinney. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AVU-E-2l-01/AVU-G-21-01 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 047 DATE PREPARED: 0311712021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4s32 REQUEST: Please explain how the Company validated the single-zone method, as described in Mr. Kalich's direct testimony, to ensure it can generate reasonable dispatch results. RESPONSE: The Company validated the results of the single-zone method by reviewing the overall dispatch against historical operations and how plants performed in individual periods. The single-zone method, sometimes also called the input-pricing method, is greatly simplified from how Aurora normally would calculate dispatch. This is because the majority of the math Aurora normally performs, i.e., developing market prices, is not needed. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 1 -0 l /AVU-G -21 -0t IPUC Production Request Staff - 048 DATE PREPARED: 03117 12021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyTELEPHONE: (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Please provide evidence using actual data that confirms that the size of the Mid-C Market Resource (4274 MW) represents the availability of electricity that the Company can purchase from the electricity market at any given time and that the size of the Mid-C Market Load (twice Avista's area load in each hour) represents the amount of electricity that the Company can sell into the market at any given time. Specifically, please provide data showing the maximum amount that Avista has purchased from and sold into the market at any time over the last five years. RESPONSE: There is no evidence to confirm Mid-C market availability. The market must exceed the possible maximum sale and/orbuy needed in each hour. This is the same as in past filings. In the multi-zonal WECC model Avista and the Mid-C market were contained together in the northwest market "bubble," meaning there were no market liquidity limits. Were Avista to introduce such limits based on historical transaction levels, the result would be higher filed rates because the market would not be as available to optimize our portfolio. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 1 -0 1 /AW-G -21 -0t IPUC Production Request Staff - 049 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 0311712021 Clint Kalich Clint Kalich Power Supply (s0e) 4es-4s32 REQUEST: On page 4 of Mr. Kalich's direct testimony, it says, "Instead of iterating with modifications to many of the 'out-of-the-box' Model assumptions, thereby driving calculated prices until they match forwards, we instead input forward prices directly." Please provide the following: a) Please list and describe the modifications to model assumptions the Company made to drive calculated prices until they match forwards. b) Please explain how using static forward elecricity market prices and modeling the "Market" as a single Mid-C Market Resource and a single Mid-C Market Load can be more accurate than market prices typically produced in Aurora by modeling the amount of supply and demand across the entire Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region. c) Please provide any data or evidence that the market forward prices are more accurate than Aurora calculated market prices without modifications of inputs. RESPONSE: The Company made no assumption changes to drive prices to equal forwards because forward prices were directly input into the model making this step unnecessary. While Aurora would in the past been relied upon to determine the intra-month hourly price shape applied to monthly on- and off-peak prices, in this case we use actual test-year hourly shapes, as described in testimony. In past cases we essentially drove market prices to equal forwards. We were required to greatly modifr assumptions affecting loads and dispatch to where we would substantially achieve prices equal to forward prices. Over time this effort became more difficult to the point where Avista became uncomfortable with the assumptions having to be made. Besides having to make these large changes relative to cases further in history where smaller changes were necessary, the effort was very time consuming and difficult to achieve. It also made updating prices during a case difficult. Given that the goal of previous cases was to modiff input assumptions in Aurora to achieve prices equal to the forward prices, by definition inputting actual forward prices is more accurate. Inputting market forward prices is by definition more accurate than iterating with Aurora in an attempt to closely match forward prices. Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO.: AVU-E-21-01/AVU-c-2r-01 REQUESTER: IPUCTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 050 DATE PREPARED: 03117 /2021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: As described in Mr. Kalich's direct testimony, please explain why hydro dispatch depends on the area load shape and does not depend on the amount of load. RESPONSE: Since hydro dispatch is tied to Avista's load shape, hydro runs to maximize its value relative to our load by reducing peaks. Further, the dispatch is compared to ensure energy dispatch reflects our 5-year average hydro operations. Lastly, dispatch is not affected by the size of the Mid-C market load so long as that load is large enough to "consume" all surplus Company generation, which it is. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -01/AVLr-G -21-01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 051 DATE PREPARED: 03117 12021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyTELEPHONE: (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: As described in Mr. Kalich's direct testimony, please explain why non-hydro resource dispatch is not affected by the size of the Mid-C Market Load. RESPONSE: Dispatch is not affected by the size ofthe Mid-C market load so long as that load is large enough toooconsume" all surplus Company generation, which it is. Page 1 of1 AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 l -0 I /AW-c -2t -01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 052 DATE PREPARED: 0311712021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyTELEPHONE: (509) 495-4532 REQUEST: Please provide the actual average monthly market prices at Mid-C and the average monthly forecasted Mid-C market prices used to generate the Net Power Costs in the Company's original filing in Case No. AVU'E-19-04 for the period of Decemb er 1,2019 through November 30,2020. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 052C, which contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Staff PR_052C Confidential Attachment A - *2020 Mid-C Actual Prices (PR52C).xlsx provides actual Mid-C prices for 2019 and2020. Staff PR_052C Confidential Attachment B - 2018 Idaho Power Supply Adjustment (Apr 2019) (PR52C).xlsx is from our original filing in the AVU-E- I 9-04 case. Please refer to tab "Mid-C Price Comparison" for the filed values in that case. Page I ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 1 -0 1 /AW-G -2t -01 IPUC Production Request Staff - 053 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 031t712021 Clint Kalich Lori Hermanson/Tara Knox Power Supply/Regulatory Affairs (sOe\ 4e s -4658(s0e) 4e s -432s REQUEST: The direct testimony of Mr. Kalich states that there was an adjustment to load to account for a large customer being offline for a portion of the test year due to a fire. Please quantif,i the amount of adjustment, identifu the large customer, and provide the dates it was offline. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 053C, which contain TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please refer to Kalich electronic work paper'Native Load Table_2020 weather adj.xlsx", sheet 'weather correction' (starting in cell C68) which includes the large customer adjustment in the amount of 6,994,487 k to being grossed for line losses. The retail revenue side of this adjustment is included in the Knox Revenue Normalization workpapers. The sales adjustment is shown on workpaper reference page REV-4 of AVU-E-2l Knox REV workpapers. Please see Staff PR 053C Attachment A CONFIDENTIAL that contains support for the 2019 Schedule 21 Adjustment,2019 Schedule 25 iustment for actual billed, and 2019 Schedule 25 Adjustment for Expected monthly values resulting in the Net Increase/(decrease) in overall load values that were provided to Mr. Kalich. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311712021 AW-E-21-01 / AW-G-21-01 WITNESS: Clint KalichIPUC RESPONDER: Annette Brandon Production Request DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyStaff-054 TELEPHONE: (509\ 495-4324 REQUEST: Section 7.2.2 of the Rattlesnake Flat PPA describes Sales and Use Tax Exemption. Please provide the amount of the Sales and Use Tax Exemption adjusfinents applied to the contract prices. RESPONSE: The agreed upon exemption amount for the Sales and Use Tax exemption was based on a negotiated rate of $1.25lMW. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311712021 CASE NO: AVU-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Clint Kalich REQUESTER: IPUC RESPONDER: Annette BrandonTYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Power Supply REQUEST NO.: Staff-055 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4324 REQUEST: Please provide the forecasted REC prices in dollars per megawaff-hour over the remaining contract period for Rattlesnake Flat and Palouse Wind. Please provide the data sources and the basis for the estimates. RESPONSE: The best estimate for the value of Renewable Energy Credits (REC) for the forward time period is $7.50 based on abroker quote from Karbone. This suggests the average pricing for RECs couldbe $7.50, however the price will most likely be higher for a larger transaction amount or further out into the future. RECs are a dynamic market and the price is volatile depending on supply and demand. Because we cannot sell our RECs as WA compliant and the Company has not had a need to purchase any, we don't have any acfual transactions to verifr current or future prices. As such, $6-$8 is a reasonable assumption. However, the amount could vary based on how large a purchase or how far into the future you need to secure, etc. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2 I -0 I /AW-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff - 056 DATE PREPARED: 03117 12021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Clint Kalich DEPARTMENT: Power SupplyTELEPHONE: (509) 495-4532 RE,QUEST: Please provide an estimate of the cost to integrate electricity produced by Rattlesnake Flat and Palouse Wind in dollars per megawatt-hour over the remaining contract periods for each PPA. Please provide the source and basis for the estimates. RESPONSE: The cost to integrate the wind projects is based on our 2007 wind integration study. T\e2007 study is a single value and therefore is applied to each year. The Company will perform a new study this year, but continues to rely on the 2007 work until such time as a new study is available. We do not apply integration on a per-MWh basis, but instead charge $1.067/kw-month. The rate used is contained in StaflPR_056 Attachment A - "Avista 2007 Wind lntegration Cost Summary (PR56).xlsx." Our 2007 Wind Integration Study is available on our website at the following location: https://www.myavista.coml-lmelia/myavista/content-documents/about-us/our-company/irp-docu ments/archive/avi stawindintegrationstudy. pdf Page 1 ofl 1TAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -0 I /AVU-G -2t -01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 057 DATE PREPARED: 0311712021WITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Lori Hermanson DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4658 REQUEST: Please explain why the tab and the table contained in workpaper NaturalGas_Elec_Prices 2020_ ll032020.xlsx, tab "3 Mo Strip Price," table "3-Month Average Forward Prices" is based on a three-month average while the direct testimony of Mr. Kalich states thata one-month (from October 1,2020 through October 30,2020) average is used. RESPONSE: In Kalich workpaper'NaturalGas_Elec_Prices]020_11032020.x1sx" the tab"3 Mo Price" was a labeling error and should have been updated to "l Mo Price Strip." In addition, the table "3-Month Average Forward Prices" was a labeling error that should have been updated to "l-Month Average Forward Prices." You'll see from the query copied into that same sheet that the actual period queried was October I - October 30,2020 as stated in Mr. Kalich's direct testimony. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 1 -0 t/AW-G -21 -01 IPUC Production Request Staff - 058 DATE PREPARED: 03/17 /202rWITNESS: Clint Kalich RESPONDER: Lori Hermanson DEPARTMENT: Power Supply TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4658 REQUEST: Please provide the forward prices for natural gas and electricity based on the latest one-month settlement period for the pro forma period. RESPONSE: The first set of prices below reflect forward electric and natural gas prices for the period January 28 - February 26,2021. The originally filed values are shown in the second set of columns. Price $/dth (updated)Price $/dth (as filed) Basin AECO Malin Mid-C off Mid.C On AECO Malin Mid-c Mid-c On Sep-21 2.21 2.93 33.85 55.91 2.08 2.87 27.78 45.33 Oct-21 2.32 2.88 27.01 33.35 2.15 2.84 25.85 32.67 Nov-21 2.42 3.31 27.30 33.74 2.31 3.t2 30.25 36.98 Dec-21 2.52 3.68 34.46 44.34 2.4t 3.46 39.82 49.49 Jrn-22 2.s8 3.73 32.40 42.02 2.48 3.59 34.78 44.96 Feb-22 2.56 3.58 28.88 36.t9 2.48 3.45 30.88 38.45 lslar-22 2.36 3.0s 23.46 28.02 2.33 2.91 26.76 32.31 Apr-22 1.89 2.33 13.08 19.83 1.8s 2.28 t3.92 20.37 Iu{ay-22 1.78 2.27 6.22 t4.63 1.74 2.21 10.36 19.66 Jw-22 1.73 2.30 r0.27 18.32 1.72 2.24 8.74 20.t4 Jttl-22 1.80 2.49 2t.21 42.94 1.77 2.37 24.54 44.44 Atrs-22 1 .81 2.5r 33.42 56.34 t.77 2.39 28.39 49.19 Avq 2.t6 2.92 24.30 35.47 2.09 2.8t 25.17 36.17 Page I ofl A\TISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION CASE NO.: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2 I -0 I /AVU-G -2t -01 IPUC Production Request Staff- 059 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 031t71202r Clint Kalich Lori Hermanson Power Supply (s0e) 4es-46s8 REQUEST: Please provide the pro forma net power cost adjustment and corresponding revenue requirement reduction or increase with updates to confidential and non-confidential schedules contained in Mr. Kalich's Exhibit No. 9 workpapers, for the following scenarios using the natural gas forward prices and the electricity forward prices for September l,2l2l,through August 3l,2022,based on the most recent one-month settlement period. a. b. c. d. lnclude both Palouse Wind and Rattlesnake Flat in base rates. Exclude Palouse Wind from the base rates. Exclude Rattlesnake Flat from the base rates. Exclude both Rattlesnake Flat and Palouse Wind from the base rates. RESPONSE: See Staff PR_059 Attachment A - Comparative Summary of Wind Cases (PR59).xlsx for the results of the 4 scenarios above with the as filed forwards and the updated forwards for the period of ll28l2l-2126121. Page 1 ofl AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 0311712021 AW-E-21-01 / AVU-G-21-01 WITNESS: Tara KnoxIPUC RESPONDER: Tara Knox Production Request DEPARTMENT: Regulatory AffairsStaff-060 TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-432s REQUEST: Please provide Tara Knox's workpapers in Excel format with all formula intact calculating the Load Change Adjustment Rate (LCAR). RESPONSE: Electronic versions of the printouts provided in my LCAR workpapers were included in either Ms. Andrews or my native format work papers in the Company's initial filing. The following table indicates the location of associated electronic format files. Annotated versions of Results of Operations are provided here as Staf{_PR_060_Attachment A and Staff PR 060 Attachment B. Native work File Name Tab Name Reference folder Sub-FolderNo.if icable Annotated Version LCAR-8 LCAR-9 LCAR-10 LCAR.11 LCAR-12 LCAR-1:} tcAR-14 tcAR-15 rcAR-16 LCAR-17 LCAR.18 LCAR.19 LCAR-20 LCAR-21 LCAR-22 LCAR-23 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. AndrewsWorkpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 16. Tara L Knox Workpapers 16. Tara L. Knox workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 16. Tara L Knox Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M, Andrews workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 4. Elizabeth M. Andrews Workpapers 16. Tara L. Knox workpapers 15. Tara L. Knox Workpapers 16. Tara L. Knox Workpapers 2019 lD Electric RR Model-09.01.2021 2019 lD Electric RR Model-09.01.2021 124-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull Functionalization lD 2019 Functionalization lD 2019 124-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull 12A-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull 124-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull Functionalization lD 2019 124-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull 12E-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull 12E-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull 12E-2019.12_Avista Electric Pull 1) lD Pro Forma Plant Adi - SUMMARY 1) lD Pro Forma Plant Adj - SUMMARY 1) lD Pro Forma Plant Adi - SUMMARY 1) lD Pro Forma Plant Adj - SUMMARY 1) lD Pro Forma Plant Adi - SUMMARY 1) lD Pro Forma Plant Adi - SUMMARY Functionalization lD 201!) Functionalization lD 20() lDElec COS Base Case AVU-E-21-01 lDElec COS Base Case AVU-E-21-01 PCA LCAR Calc-21-22 PCA LCAR Calc-21-22 E-OPS 454 Revenue 456 Revenue E-PLT E-PLT E-PLT lntangible E.APL E.PtT E-PLT E.PLT E-CAP SUMMARY E-CAP SUMMARY E-CAP SUMMARY E.CAP SUMMARY E.CAP SUMMARY E-CAP SUMMARY ADFIT lD Retail Load SUMCOST Sumcost Exhibits Lm Results of Operations - 2019 ECOS workpapers native ECOS workpapers native Lm Results of Operations - 2019 Lm Results of Operations - 2019 1.00 Results of Operations - 2019 ECOS workpapers native 1.00 Results of Operations - 2019 1.00 Results of Operations - 2019 1.00 Results of Operations - 2019 1.00 Results of Operations - 2019 3.08-3.10 22.01-22.02 PF - Capital Additions 3.@-3.LO 27.01-22.02 PF - Capital Additions 1@3.LO Z2.OL-22.02 PF - Capital Additions 3.08-3.10 22.01-22.02 PF - Capital Additions 3.0&3.10 22.01-22.02 PF - Capital Additions 3.08-3.LO 22.0L-22.02 PF - Capital Additions ECOS workpapers native ECO5 workpapers native ECOS workpapers native LCAR.1 Attachment A 15. Tara L. Knox LCAR.2 ECOS native LCAR.7 Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B LCAR-4 LCAR-5 LCAR.5