HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210414Avista to Staff 41-44.pdfRECEIVED AyISTA CORpORATION 202tApfl 14,AM 10:32 RESpoNsEroREQrrESrFORrNFORMArroN rr,rri?#3o'rfilifro* ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: TDAHO AVU-E-2o- 1 3/AW-G-20-08 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 4l DATE PREPARED: 04/07/2021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4873 REQUEST: On page 8 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus describes its non-residential program sampling methodology. For each of the programs listed in Table 7 (page 9), please provide the workpapers used to determine sample size in electonic format with formulae and links intact. For each progrcm, please include the population variance (or standard deviation) assumed in the calculation as well as the source for that variance (or standard deviation). If any methodology other than simple random sampling was used (e.g. stratified sampling or cluster sampling), please describe the methodology and explain the rationale for its use. RESPONSE: Sta[PR_4l Attachment A shows the confidence and precision assumptions that were made for each program and fuel type. It also includes the tracking of population for each program by sampling wave. Note that the 2019 sample was part of the total 201 8-201 9 period, so it is inclusive of two years of population. Staf[_PR_4l Attachment B (CONFIDENTIAL) and StafLPR_4l Attachment C (CONFIDENTIAL) contain the population for sampling waves 3 (January 2019 to June 2019) and 4 (July 2019 to December 2019). Each tab represents a program and contains a listing of the population as well as the sites selected by Cadmus. Each sample also includes specifications regarding whether the sample is made with certainty or randomly; further notations are included for each certainty selection to explain the reason why that particular sampling was with certainty. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-20-13/AVU-G-20-08 REQUESTER: IPUC StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 41(C) DATE PREPARED: 0410712021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-4873 REQUEST: On page 8 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus describes its non-residential progftrm sampling methodology. For each of the programs listed in Table 7 Qtage 9), please provide the workpapers used to determine sample size in electronic format with formulae and links intact. For each progftlm, please include the population variance (or standard deviation) assumed in the calculation as well as the source for that variance (or standard deviation). If any methodology other than simple random sampling was used (e.g. stratified sampling or cluster sampling), please describe the methodology and explain the rationale for its use. RESPONSE: Staff PR_41 Attachment A shows the confidence and precision assumptions that were made for each program and fuel type. It also includes the hacking of population for each program by sampling wave. Note that the 2019 sample was part of the total2018-2019 period, so it is inclusive of two years of population. Staff PR_41 Attachment B (CONFIDENTIAL) and Staff_PR_4l Attachment C (CONFIDENTIAL) contain the population for sampling waves 3 (January 2019 to June 2019) and 4 (July 2019 to December 2019). Each tab represents a program and contains a listing of the population as well as the sites selected by Cadmus. Each sample also includes specifications regarding whether the sample is made with certainty or randomly; further notations are included for each certainty selection to explain the reason why that particular sampling was with certainty. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20- I 3/AVU-G-20-08 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 42 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: 041071202t N/A Ryan Finesilver Energy Efficiency (s09) 4es-4873 RBQUEST: On page 20 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that the Multifamily Direct Install "MFDI ldaho participant group showed a reliable relative precision estimate of +/- 17% atthe9}Yo confidence level for the34 facilities included in the analysis and savings of 5.80/o." Please provide all workpapers (in electronic format with all formula and links intact) and data showing how these estimates were determined. RESPONSE: Please See Staff PR_42 Attachment A (CONFIDENTIAL) for the workpapers requested above. The tab labeled "Facility_Type_Summary_State" shows the 2018 data in row 12. Please note that Cadmus utilized the 2018 participation data for 2019 due to insufficient data from 2019. With regard to 2019 data, the "part 2019" (row 9) group is a subgroup that installed MFDI measures in 2019 but installed too early to be put in the nonparticipant group. Because they installed in2019, these participants have the minimum number of post months (10 months post) and, on average,have only 300 post days, which is the minimum allowed number of days. Cadmus did not use this group because there was a constant misbalance between number of days pre (365) and post (300) and this could potentially skew results. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-20- l 3/AW-G-20-08 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff - 42 (C) DATE PREPARED: 041071202rWITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4873 REQUEST: On page 20 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that the Multifamily Direct Install "MFDI Idaho participant group showed a reliable relative precision estimate of +l- l7o/o atthe90o/o confidence level for the 34 facilities included in the analysis and savings of 5.8010." Please provide all workpapers (in electronic format with all formula and links intact) and data showing how these estimates were determined. RESPONSE: Please See Staff PR_42 Attachment A (CONFIDENTIAL) for the workpapers requested above. The tab labeled "Facility_Type_Summary_State" shows the 2018 data in row 12. Please note that Cadmus utilized the 2018 participation data for 2019 due to insufficient data from 2019. With regard to 2019 data, the "part 2019" (row 9) group is a subgroup that installed MFDI measures in 2019 but installed too early to be put in the nonparticipant group. Because they installed in2019, these participants have the minimum number of post months (10 months post) and, on average, have only 300 post days, which is the minimum allowed number of days. Cadmus did not use this group because there was a constant misbalance between number of days pre (365) and post (300) and this could potentially skew results. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-20- I 3/AVU-G-20-08 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff- 43 DATE PREPARED: 0410712021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 495-4873 REQUEST: On page 18 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that it conducted a billing analysis on Avista's HVAC, Shell, Fuel Efficiency, and MFDI programs; however, the results of these analyses are not included in Table 18, "Residential Programs Billing Analysis Results." Please provide the results of these billing analyses, as well as all workpapers in electronic format, with formulae and links intact. RESPONSE: For copies of the Residential Programs Billing Analysis Results, please see StaflPR_43 Attachment A (CONFIDENTIAL) for electric and Staff PR_43 Attachment B (CONFIDENTIAL) for natural gas. Note that on the "Final Results" tab for, the data applicable to Idaho begins on row 12 (Attachment A) and on row l9 (Attachment B). In addition, to explain how the Cadmus team selected the population for billing analysis, please see Staff PR_43 Attachment C (CONFIDENTIAL) for electric and Attachment D (CONFIDENTIAL) for natural gas. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON ftruSDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2o- 1 3/AW-G-20-08 IPUC Staff Production Request Staff-43(C) DATE PREPARED: 04107 12021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (509) 49s-4873 REQUBST: On page 18 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that it conducted a billing analysis on Avista's HVAC, Shell, Fuel Efficiency, and MFDI programs; however, the results of these analyses are not included in Table 18, "Residential Programs Billing Analysis Results." Please provide the results of these billing analyses, as well as all workpapers in electronic format, with formulae and links intact. RESPONSE: For copies of the Residential Programs Billing Analysis Results, please see StaflPR_43 Attachment A (CONFIDENTIAL) for electric and Stafi_PR_43 Attachment B (CONFIDENTIAL) for natural gas. Note that on the "Final Results" tab for, the data applicable to Idaho begins on row 12 (Attachment A) and on row 19 (Attachment B). In addition, to explain how the Cadmus team selected the population for billing analysis, please see StaLPR_43 Attachment C (CONFIDENTIAL) for electric and Attachment D (CONFIDENTIAL) for natural gas. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQITEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-20-13/AVU-G-20-08 REQUESTER: IPUC StAffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff- 44 DATE PREPARED: 04107 12021WITNESS: N/A RESPONDER: Ryan Finesilver DEPARTMENT: Energy Efficiency TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-4873 REQUEST: On page 18 of its 2019 Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that it conducted a billing analysis on Avista's HVAC, Shell, Fuel EfEciency, and MFDI progftrms; however, the results of these analyses are not included in Table 18, "Residential Programs Billing Analysis Results." For each of these programs, please provide the workpapers used to determine the size of the sample used in the billing analysis in electronic format with formulae and links intact. For each program, please include the population variance (or standard deviation) assumed in the calculations, as well as the source for that variance (or standard deviation). If any methodology other than simple random sampling was used (e.g. shatified sampling or cluster sampling), please describe the methodology and explain the rationale for its use. RESPONSE: Please See the Company's response to StaffPR 43(C).