HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210331Staff 41-44 to Avista.pdfDAYN HARDIE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 (208) 334-0312 IDAHO BAR NO. 9917 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2018.2019 NATURAL GAS ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED ' -3 :l /" f t1.l i::i\ li:i =i:t 3 | f}t 3: t+0 Street Address for Express Mail: I133I W CHINDEN BVLD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, TD 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AVISTA CORPORATION FOR A DETERMINATION OF 2OT 8-2019 ELECTRIC ENERGY EFFICIENCY EXPENSES AS PRUDENTLY INCURRED CASE NO. AVU-E-20-13 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. AVU.G.2O.O8 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attorney of record, Dayn Hardie, Deputy Attomey General, request that Avista Corporation (Company) provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, or by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 2021.r I Stuffir requesting an expedited response. If responding by this date will be problematic, please call Staff s attorney at (208) 334-0312. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA MARCH 31,20211 This Production Request is continuing, and the Company is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question, supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations. The Company is reminded that responses pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure must include the name and phone number of the person preparing the document, and the name, location, and phone number of the record holder and if different the witness who can sponsor the answer at hearing if need be. Reference IDAPA 31.0t.01.228. In addition to the written copies provided as response to the questions, please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUEST NO. 41: On page 8 of its 2019Impact Evaluation, Cadmus describes its non-residential program sampling methodology. For each of the programs listed in Table 7 (page 9), please provide the workpapers used to determine sample size in electronic format with formulae and links intact. For each program, please include the population variance (or standard deviation) assumed in the calculation as well as the source for that variance (or standard deviation). If any methodology other than simple random sampling was used (e.g. stratified sampling or cluster sampling), please describe the methodology and explain the rationale for its use. REQUEST NO. 42: On page 20 of its 2019Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that the Multifamily Direct Install "MFDI Idaho participant group showed a reliable relative precision estimate of +l- l7%o atthe 90Yo confidence level for the 34 facilities included in the analysis and savings of 5.8%o." Please provide all workpapers (in electronic format with all formula and links intact) and data showing how these estimates were determined. REQUEST NO. 43: On page 18 of its 2019Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that it conducted a billing analysis on Avista's HVAC, Shell, Fuel Efficiency, and MFDI programs; however, the results of these analyses are not included in Table 18, "Residential Programs THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA MARCH 3I,2O2I2 Billing Analysis Results." Please provide the results of these billing analyses, as well as all workpapers in electronic format, with formulae and links intact. REQUEST NO. 44: On page l8 of its 2019Impact Evaluation, Cadmus states that it conducted a billing analysis on Avista's HVAC, Shell, Fuel Efficiency, and MFDI programs; however, the results of these analyses are not included in Table 18, "Residential Programs Billing Analysis Results." For each of these programs, please provide the workpapers used to determine the size of the sample used in the billing analysis in electronic format with formulae and links intact. For each program, please include the population variance (or standard deviation) assumed in the calculations, as well as the source for that variance (or standard deviation). If any methodology other than simple random sampling was used (e.g. stratified sampling or cluster sampling), please describe the methodology and explain the rationale for its use. DATED at Boise, Idaho, tfri, 3lf day of Mar ch202l Deputy Attorney General i:umisc:prodreq/avue2O. I 3_avug20.08dhmm prod req3 THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO AVISTA J MARCH 3I,2O2I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 3IST DAY OF MARCH 2021, SERVED THE FOREGOING THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO AVISTA CORPORATION, IN CASE NOS. AVU-E-20-13/AVU-G-20-08, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: SHAWN J BONFIELD AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE WA99220-3727 E-mail: shawn.bonfield@avistacom.com avistadockets@ avistacorp. com DAVID J MEYER VP & CHIEF COUNSEL AVISTA CORPORATION PO BOX3727 SPOKANE W499220-3727 E-mail: david.meyer@avistacorp.com .)r"dhr"- SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE