HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210126Avista to Staff 20-34.pdfDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.comDemo of StampPDF by Appligent, Inc. http://www.appligent.com AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-2O-I I Staff Production Request Staft-020 DATE PREPARED: l/1912021WITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy ResourcesTELEPHONE: (509) 49s-2189 REQUEST: Please explain the purpose of "Plaruring Margins" of 7%o for summer and 16%o for winter and explain whether the purpose captures "Regulation," o'Operating Reserve," and "Frequency Response Requirement." Also, please explain any overlap between "Regulation," "Operating Reserve," and'oFrequency Response Requirement" and the Planning Margins. RESPONSE: For Load and Resource (L&R) planning Avista's load forecast assumes the average historical coldest/trottest day for each month and resources assume expected generation during the average historical coldest/hottest day for each month. Given the use of averages when more extreme possibilities are likely, Avista includes a planning margin to increase the amount of resources to cover load in the event loads are higher due to extreme weather or resources have forced outages. Further, Avista's reliability planning method does not include Regulation, Operating Reserves, or Frequency Response Requirements within the planning margin. These are separate calculations. These calculations are separate because they are known operating requirements to run the system. The only overlap between these different requirements is that Frequency Response Reserves can also be counted as Operating Reserves ifthey meet the NERC requirements forboth. Avista counts Frequency Response as Operating Reserves. RECEIVED 2021January 26, AM 8:00 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-O21 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: U19t2021 John Lyons John Lyons Energy Resources (s0e) 4es-8s1s REQUEST: Please provide the latest load and obligation forecast that the Company has developed. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 021C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARy orCONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section g-34}D,Idaho Code. Please see Staff PR-021C Confidential Attachment A for the Company's most current load and obligation forecast. This forecast was used to develop the recently filed draft 2021Electnc IRp. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-O21C DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: John Lyons DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (s09) 49s-8s1s REQUEST: Please provide the latest load and obligation forecast that the Company has developed. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 021C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exernpt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and233, and Section 9-340D,Idaho Code. Please see Staff PR_021C Confidential Attachment A for the Company's most current load and obligation forecast. This forecast was used to develop the recently filed draft 2021Electrtc IRP. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2o-11 Staff Production Request Staff-022 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: John Lyons DEPARTMENT: Energy ResourcesTELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please explain the causes in the difference between the latest load and obligation forecast and the load and obligation forecast in the Compliance Filing. In the explanation, please include how the latest load and obligation forecast reflects impacts of the pandemic. RESPONSE: The latest load and obligation forecast uses the current load forecast, any updated contract or resource information that is retrieved from our Nucleus database, and most notably a change from a 14 percent to a 16 percent winter planning margin (October through April). Other minor changes are corrections made for small data or equation issues that are listed on the Updates tab of Staff PR 021 Confidential Attachment A. As stated in the draft202l Electric IRP, the IRP forecast was developed assuming the service area economy is structured under normal economic conditions and we would not be able to make any significant adjustments, if any are needed, until the end of pandemic and any subsequent restructuring of the economy in the service area becomes clear. The load forecast was completed in early August 2020, so it does include Avista's actual load and customer data from the initial stages of the pandernic up to the end of July 2020. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-023 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy ResourcesTELEPHoNE: (s09) 49s-2189 REQUEST: In "Staff PR_001C Confidential Attachment 1," the note for "Net Borderline In" states it represents imports from third parties to coverborderline loads in Avista's Control Area, and it does not include resources on Avista's systern. Please confirm that borderline loads are not the Company's obligation to meet. Also, please explain why "Net Borderline In" should be included in Avista's Load and Resource Balance. RESPONSE: Avista instantaneously meets two types of load: 1) Avista native load (its customers) and 2) other load within the Balancing Authority (BA). Non-Avista loads (often times termed as "borderline loads") are included in the load and resource (L&R) report because Avista must provide operating reserves and balancing services for these loads. Within the L&R, the operating reserves are calculated with these loads, but the loads are met with an equal borderline resource to zero out the effect to the L&R. Extra background: In operations, Avista serves all load within its BA instantaneously. Some of this load is for non-Avista customers, such as Pend Oreille PUD. The third-party loads schedule power to Avista to cover this load each hour and Avista serves the intra hour variability for a fee. If the amount of power scheduled by the third party for the hour differs from actual load in the hour, the difference is paid for by the third-party using market prices plus penalties. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JUzuSDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-20-11 REQUESTER: StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-024 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Ut9l202t John Lyons James Gall Energy Resources (s}e) 49s-218e REQUEST: In response to StafPs Production Request No. 13, the Company states that there is a l0 MW operating reserve credit in its example of a 100 MW turbine. Using the Company's example, please provide evidence that if a 100 MW turbine could produce 90 MW for the peak hour in an average water year, including the 10 MW as operating reserve credit in the capacitv Load and Resource Balance is reasonable and can be relied upon during peak. RESPONSE: Avista's response to Staff Production Request No. 13 was illushative to explain the concept of operating reserves. The Avista example of the 100 MW turbine assumes the hydro resource has a storage reservoir and if the average energy over the course of the period created 90 aMW of energy, the hydro plant could theoretically generate 100 MW using the storage for a short period of time. Because of the plant's capability to instantaneously increase generation, the capability between operations of 90 MW and capability of 100 MW can count toward operating reserves. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-2O-11 Staff Production Request Staff-025 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: Response to StafPs Production RequestNo. 15 states thatthe Company considers the amount of its expected share of available market resources to determine the appropriate level of resource planning margins to include in the Load and Resource Balance. Please answer the following questions. a. How much of the planning margin is for market reliance capacity? Please provide the amount in MW by year and by percentage of the planning margin. b. In determining the expected share of available market resources, is transmission capacity I constraint considered? Please explain.c. What is the proportion of market reliance relative to the Company's import transmission capacity? RESPONSE: a) Avista's planning margin is used to cover above average peak load and/or resource unavailability. In these events, utilities could either rely on the wholesale market or acquire additional capacity above their peak load forecast (i.e. planning margin). Avista uses a 16 percent planning margin to ensure sufficient resources for this level of security. Assuming the 16 percent planning margin also means the Company relies on 330 MW of market power to meet its 5 percent Loss of Load Probability (LOLP) metric). If Avista reduced its available market power assumption below 330 MW, the planning margin would need to increase to some level above 16 percent to compensate for the reduction in available market power. b) Avista does not consider transmission as a constraint in resource adequacy planning at this time. The transmission system from the Mid-C market to Avista's system is not congested because it is counter to the energy flow from eastern resources to load centers in westem Washington and Oregon. c) Avista is uniquely located near a market hub and is connected to several larger utilities including BPA. Avista's total transmission import capability is more than double Avista's peak load. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-026 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Ut9l202t John Lyons John Lyons Energy Resources (s0e) 4es-8sls REQUEST: Does the contract information (e.9., contract execution, contract renewal, and contract termination) included in the Load and Resource Balance reflect the latest information? If not, please provide the updates that have occurred since the Compliance Filing. RESPONSE: Yes, the contract information is up to date. The negotiations with the successful bidders in the 2020 Renewable RFP are still in process. If new contracts are signed, they will be incorporated into the L&R at that time. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATTON ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-027 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: In "Staff PR_001C Confidential Auachment 1," the note for o'Other Load in BA" states that this is the third-party load in Avista's control area. Please explain why this load is not excluded from the total obligation after being used to calculate operating reserves. RESPONSE: Since these loads are netted out with resources in the "Rights" portion of the load and resource position (L&R); the choice to leave this load in the "Obligation" is a preference by the utility to develop an L&R using a Balancing Authority point of view because it represents how the utility actually operates its power system. Avista could remove third-party loads from the L&R and the net position would be the same, so long as it capfures the extra reserve requirements these loads and resources require. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 REQUESTER: StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-028 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-2189 REQUEST: Please explain "Pend Oreille Load" in the Load and Resource Balance? Please explain why Pend Oreille Load is included in the Company's Obligation. RESPONSE: Avista currently provides balancing area services to Pend Oreille PUD. Pend Oreille PUD has loads and resources Avista must provide operating reserves and load balancing services for as part of the arrangement with the PUD. Pend Oreille PUD compensates Avista for this service and this revenue lowers Avista's power supply cost. Given the load and resource balance is estimating the total requirsments of the utility as discussed in prior production requests, this load and its associated resources are included. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ruRISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staffi029 DATE PREPARED: WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Ut9l202t John Lyons James Gall Energy Resources (s09) 49s-218e REQUEST: Please define "Capacity Seryices" in the Load and Resource Balance. RESPONSE: Avista occasionally sells capacity products or "services" to third parties outside its Balancing Authority. These services are typically referred to as dynamic capacity or regulation services. In this case, the third party is able to make instantaneous calls for power to either follow the third party's load(s) or resource(s) requiring the flexibility. This line item could be used to account for the sale of excess capacity or other capacity related products in the future. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: IDAHO CASE NO: AW-E-20-11 REQUESTER: StaffTYPE: Production Request REQUEST NO.: Staff-030 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: U19l202t James Gall John Lyons Energy Resources (s0e) 4es-2t8e REQUEST: Is Avista obligated to provide ancillary services to balance load for cooperatives or municipalities within its balancing area at OATT rates? If so, which category within the load and resource balance are these ancillary services included? RESPONSE: Yes, Avista is obligated to provide ancillary services to all non-Avista loads within its balancing authority at OATT rates. The effect on the load and resource balance are included within the operating reserves and regulation line items. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON ruRISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-O31 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (509) 495-2189 REQUEST: Why is a regulation value of l6 MW constant throughout the planning horizon? RESPONSE: Avista must balance the load variance within the peak hour period. The peak load for a single hour is actually the average load over the course of the hour. The actual load within the hour varies. The 16 MW labeled as o'regulation" represents the average of the maximum instantaneous load variance within a typical historical peak hour. Avista must be able to flex its system instantaneously within the hour to meet this higher load. Avista has chosen not to change this value over time since it is a variance based on historical operations and the Company does not have evidence this variation will increase or decrease over time. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATTON JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-032 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Ut9l202t John Lyons John Lyons Energy Resources (s0e) 4e5-8s1s REQUEST: Response to Staff s Production Request No. 5 states that operating reserves are three percent of balancing area load plus three percent of on-line balancing area generation. Please explain the calculation for "on-line balancing area generation," given the calculation in the Excel Spreadsheet, "Staff PR 001C Confidential Attachment 1." RESPONSE: The online balancing area calculations are made in the Operating Reserves row (Row 21) of the lhr Peak and 18hr Peak tabs by multiplying the 3 percent load operating and 3 percent generation operating reserves targets in rows 10 and l1 of the thr Peak and 18hr Peak tabs. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AVU-E-20-11 Staff Production Request Staff-033 DATE PREPARED: lll9l202lWITNESS: John Lyons RESPONDER: James Gall DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources TELEPHONE: (s09) 495-851s REQUEST: Response to StafPs Production Request No. 6 states that, "The Frequency Response Requirement is included in the operating margin requirement section of the Load and Resource Balance." However, operating reserves only include three percent of balancingareaload plus three percent of on-line balancing area generation, without the Frequency Response Requiranent in the formula for calculating operating reserves in Excel spreadsheet, "StaLPR 001C Confidential Attachment 1." Please explain the discrepancy. RESPONSE: Staff is correct. Operating reserves must total three percent of on-line balancing area generation and three percent of load. When meeting this operating reserve requirement, a portion must meet the Frequency Reponses Requirement and the remaining must meet the requirement for the amount of time necessary to sync to the grid requirement (non-spin reserves). Note: In the past, the requirement was half from spinning reserves and the other half was from non-spinning reserues. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR TNFORMATION JURISDICTION CASE NO: REQUESTER: TYPE: REQUEST NO.: IDAHO AW-E-20-11 Staff Production Request StaffiO34 DATE PREPARED WITNESS: RESPONDER: DEPARTMENT: TELEPHONE: Ut9l202t John Lyons James Gall Energy Resources (s09) 4es-2t89 REQUEST: Why is the planning margin only applied to Peak Native Load and Net Clearwater Load, and not other loads in the total obligation? RESPONSE: Avista does not plan to meet non-Avista native load future load obligations. All third-party load within the Balancing Authority must also provide sufficient generation to meet its load for each hour. Given the third-party loads bring their own generation each hour (including the peak hour), Avista does not need to plan for any potential variation in the future.