HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201218Avista to Staff 1-19.pdfAVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/16/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-001 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please provide workpapers, with formulas intact, for all calculations used in Figures 1 – 3 of the Company’s Application. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 001C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff_PR_001C Confidential Attachment 1. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/16/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-001C TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please provide workpapers, with formulas intact, for all calculations used in Figures 1 – 3 of the Company’s Application. RESPONSE: Please note that the attached document contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. Please see Staff_PR_001C Confidential Attachment 1. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/10/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-002 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please explain how the capacity contribution of Energy Efficiency (EE) is included in the Load and Resource Balance. Please answer each of the following: a. Which category (or categories) in the Load and Resource Balance is the capacity contribution of EE included? b. Please explain if the capacity contribution of Energy Efficiency (EE) includes both existing and forecasted EE. c. If included, please provide the amount of existing EE and forecasted EE separately for each year over the IRP planning horizon. d. Please explain how existing EE and forecasted EE are determined and the sources of the data. e. Are existing EE and forecasted EE assumed to continue throughout the IRP planning horizon once included in the Load and Resource Balance and are the levels of capacity contribution expected to change over time? Please explain. RESPONSE: a. Existing and expected EE is included in the load forecast as an adjustment to the load forecast to exclude the projected EE additions, but is not specifically identified as a separate resource in the Load and Resource Balance. b. Yes, the capacity contribution of both existing and expected EE is included as part of the load forecast. c. The Company does not differentiate between new and existing EE in the load forecast. This is an area that could be estimated in future IRPs, but it would be an estimate. Please refer to Figure 5.1 – Historical Conservation Acquisition (system) on page 5-2 of the 2020 IRP for the historic annual, cumulative and remaining EE and Table 11.4 – Energy Efficiency Selected by PRiSM vs. Added to the Load Forecast on page 11-10 of the 2020 IRP. The data behind this figure and table are included as Staff_PR_002 Attachments 1 and 2. d. As explained on page 5-1 of the 2020 IRP, existing EE assumes an average measure life of 18 years to account for EE resources that are no longer reducing customer loads. As discussed on pages 11-9 and 11-10 of the 2020 IRP, the Company begins with the Conservation Potential Assessment and then uses its PRiSM model to choose the total amount of cost effective EE to include in the Preferred Resource Strategy. The actual EE programs are identified and implemented through the EE biennial planning process. e. Yes, as discussed above, existing and forecasted levels of EE are included in the Company’s Load and Resource Balance for an average expected 18-year EE measure life. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/10/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-003 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Is the Company planning Demand Response (DR) to meet customer load? Also, please answer the following: a. Has the Company included DR in the Load and Resource Balance? b. Which category (or categories) in the Load and Resource Balance is the capacity contribution of DR included? c. Please explain if the capacity contribution of DR includes both existing and forecasted DR. d. If included, please provide the amount of existing DR and forecasted DR separately for each year over the IRP planning horizon. e. Please explain how existing DR and forecasted DR are determined and the sources of the data. f. Are existing DR and forecasted DR assumed to continue throughout the IRP planning horizon once included in the Load and Resource Balance and are the levels of capacity contribution expected to change over time? Please explain. RESPONSE: a. No. The Company does not have any DR programs at this time to include in the Load and Resource Balance. b. There are no DR programs to include in the Company’s Load and Resource Balance. c. There are no existing DR programs and any future DR programs would not be included in the Company’s Load and Resource Balance until a contract was in place for such a resource. d. Not applicable at this time. e. There are no existing DR resources in the Company’s Load and Resource Balance. Future DR programs are identified and detailed in the IRPs Preferred Resource Strategy (PRS) and are discussed on pages 11-8 and 11-9 of the 2020 IRP. Table 11.3: PRS Demand Response Programs on page 11-9 of the 2020 IRP shows the forecasted DR programs, start year and maximum load reductions. f. As discussed above, the DR programs identified in the PRS are not included in the Company’s Load and Resource Balance until a resource is secured. The DR would be included for the length of program or third-party contract. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/10/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-004 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Does the Company have interruptible load contracts included in the Load and Resource Balance? Also, please provide the following: a. Explain how interruptible load contracts are included in the Load and Resource Balance. b. Provide the amount of capacity contribution in each year. c. Explain if interruptible load contracts are assumed to be renewed in the Load and Resource Balance after contract expiration. d. Please explain whether their values should be considered for load when calculating planning margin. RESPONSE: No, the Company does not have any interruptible load contracts to include in the Load and Resource Balance. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-005 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please define and differentiate “Regulation,” “Operating Reserves,” and “Planning Margin.” In addition, please explain how the items that the reserve/margin percentages apply to are chosen. RESPONSE: Regulation is the amount of additional capacity that the Company maintains to cover resource and load variations within the operating hour. The exact amount of regulation can vary each hour and is determined based on historical operating experience and the amount of on-line variable generation. Operating reserves are the amount of extra generation that the Company must maintain to cover unplanned generation outages per the NERC/WECC BAL-002-WECC-2a Contingency Reserve standard. Per Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) requirements, Avista must maintain a minimum of 3 percent of balancing area load plus 3 percent of on-line balancing area generation. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-006 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Page 7-2 of the 2020 IRP states that there is a 24-megawatt Frequency Response Requirement. Please provide the following: a. Please explain how the 24 megawatts is determined and why it is needed for the system. b. Please explain how the Frequency Response Requirement is included in the Load and Resource Balance. RESPONSE: a. The 24 MW Frequency Response Requirement included in the Load and Resource Balance is determined by the Western Electric Coordinating Council (WECC) per the NERC BAL-003-2 standard. Frequency Response is required to ensure there is enough on-line inertia in the WECC region to maintain system frequency during the loss of the largest credible resource contingency. The WECC largest credible contingency is the simultaneous loss of two Palo Verde nuclear units (2,850 MW). Avista is allocated its percentage share of the WECC frequency requirement. b. The Frequency Response Requirement is included in the operating margin requirement section of the Load and Resource Balance. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-007 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Are the load and obligation amounts included in the Application the latest information available? If not, please provide the latest load and obligation data and explain causes for any differences from the amounts included in the Application. RESPONSE: The load and obligation amounts included in the Application are from the 2020 IRP. There are updates being developed for inclusion in the 2020 IRP that will be available and submitted to the Commission on April 1, 2021. A draft of the 2021 IRP will be also be released to the Commission and the Technical Advisory Committee on January 4, 2021. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-008 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please explain how peak hour capacity amounts are determined for PURPA contracts and non-PURPA contracts for different types of resources (i.e. wind, solar, etc.). RESPONSE: The peak hour capacity amounts are shown in the “Schedule” and “Renewable Sched” tabs by resource in the Staff_PR_001_Confidential Attachment 1. These capacity amounts are based on the estimated available contributions available to meet one-hour peak capacity based on the actual output and timing with each resource compared to our peak load needs as the contracts are maintained with the Company. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-009 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please answer the following regarding to Customer-Owned Generation as mentioned on pages 4-10 of the 2020 IRP. a. Has the Company included Customer-Owned Generation in the Load and Resource Balance? b. Which category (categories) in the Load and Resource Balance is the capacity contribution of Customer-Owned Generation included? c. Please explain if the capacity contribution of Customer-Owned Generation includes both existing and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation. d. If included, please provide the amount of existing Customer-Owned Generation and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation separately for each year over the IRP planning horizon. e. Please explain how existing Customer-Owned Generation and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation is determined and the sources of the data. f. Are existing Customer-Owned Generation and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation assumed to continue throughout the IRP planning horizon once included in the Load and Resource Balance and are the levels of capacity contribution expected to change over time? Please explain. RESPONSE: Please see Avista's response 009C, which contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and exempt from public view and is separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. a. The Customer-Owned Generation listed on page 4-10 of the 2020 is included as reduction in the load forecast for the Load and Resource Balance as net metered resources. b. The capacity contribution of these resources is included as a reduction in the peak load forecast. c. The existing and a forecast of the expected capacity contribution to peak load from Customer-Owned Generation is included in the peak load forecast. Additional details about how this generation, which is primarily from rooftop solar, is included in the load forecast is discussed in point number 6 on page 3-14 of the 2020 IRP. d. Please reference the solar section of the “Simulation Model” tab of Staff_PR_009C Confidential Attachment 1 for the Customer-Owned Generation data used in the load forecast. e. Please see point number 6 on page 3-14 of the 2020 IRP for additional details concerning expectations about the estimated growth in number and size of Customer-Owned Generation resources included in the load forecast. f. Yes, the existing Customer-Owned Generation is expected to continue and the amount of forecasted Customer-Owned Generation is expected to increase over the IRP load forecast as discussed in the replay to section C above. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-009C TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please answer the following regarding to Customer-Owned Generation as mentioned on pages 4-10 of the 2020 IRP. a. Has the Company included Customer-Owned Generation in the Load and Resource Balance? b. Which category (categories) in the Load and Resource Balance is the capacity contribution of Customer-Owned Generation included? c. Please explain if the capacity contribution of Customer-Owned Generation includes both existing and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation. d. If included, please provide the amount of existing Customer-Owned Generation and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation separately for each year over the IRP planning horizon. e. Please explain how existing Customer-Owned Generation and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation is determined and the sources of the data. f. Are existing Customer-Owned Generation and forecasted Customer-Owned Generation assumed to continue throughout the IRP planning horizon once included in the Load and Resource Balance and are the levels of capacity contribution expected to change over time? Please explain. RESPONSE: Please note that the attached document contains TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY or CONFIDENTIAL information and are separately filed under IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 067 and 233, and Section 9-340D, Idaho Code. a. The Customer-Owned Generation listed on page 4-10 of the 2020 is included as reduction in the load forecast for the Load and Resource Balance as net metered resources. b. The capacity contribution of these resources is included as a reduction in the peak load forecast. c. The existing and a forecast of the expected capacity contribution to peak load from Customer-Owned Generation is included in the peak load forecast. Additional details about how this generation, which is primarily from rooftop solar, is included in the load forecast is discussed in point number 6 on page 3-14 of the 2020 IRP. d. Please reference the solar section of the “Simulation Model” tab of Staff_PR_009C Confidential Attachment 1 for the Customer-Owned Generation data used in the load forecast. e. Please see point number 6 on page 3-14 of the 2020 IRP for additional details concerning expectations about the estimated growth in number and size of Customer-Owned Generation resources included in the load forecast. f. Yes, the existing Customer-Owned Generation is expected to continue and the amount of forecasted Customer-Owned Generation is expected to increase over the IRP load forecast as discussed in the replay to section C above. “AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-010 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please define “Power Deal Purchases” and explain whether it only includes committed power purchases, or both committed power purchases and forecasted purchases. If it includes forecasted purchases, please explain how the values are determined. RESPONSE: “Power Deal Purchases” include signed contracts for the purchase of the amount and timing of resources specified in the contracts for each resource. Contracts with a predetermined amount and timing of generation are included as such, and variable resources are included using a forecast of the amount of estimated resources available. For example, a Mid-Columbia hydro contract could include the expected generation from the purchase of a percentage of the output of a specified hydro facility or 100 percent of the expected output of a wind project such as Palouse Wind or Rattle Flat. The amount of expected generation is based on details and forecasts included in the contract or as adjusted as actual generation is received from the project over time. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-011 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please define “Net Borderline In” and explain whether it only includes committed values, or both committed values and forecasted values. If it includes forecasted values, please explain how the values are determined. RESPONSE: ”Net borderline In” is loads within the balancing authority where the Company is not the Local Distribution Company. Avista conducts a load forecast of these loads using historical trends of load growth. These loads are only included in the Load and Resource balance as the Company is required to provide operating reserves for this load. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-012 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please define “small power” and explain whether it only includes committed values, or both committed values and forecasted values. If it includes forecasted values, please explain how the values are determined. RESPONSE: “Small power” includes forecasted values of generation for the small PURPA projects included in this category based on the forecasts provided by the project owners which the Company adjusts over time, if needed, based on the actual generation received from each project over time. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-013 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please define “Operating Reserve Credit-Hydro” and explain whether it only includes committed values, or both committed values and forecasted values. If it includes forecasted values, please explain how the values are determined. RESPONSE: The “Operating Reserve Credit-Hydro” is capacity from hydro facilities that can count toward operating reserve requirements that is not accounted for in capacity determined for the hydro facility. For example, in an average water year a 100 MW turbine could produce 90 MW for the peak hour, but since its capacity is 100 MW, it may be able to provide 100 MW of operating reserves. The difference between the 100 MW and the 90 MW of capability results in a 10 MW operating reserve credit. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-014 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please define “Market Reliance” in the Load and Resource Balance and explain why the value is zero. RESPONSE: The “Market Reliance” section in the Load and Resource Balance is a placeholder in the Company’s Load and Resource Balance to rely on the wholesale energy market for an amount of resources. This value is zero because the Company is not planning for any market reliance at this time and instead plans to maintain a mix of owned and controlled resources equal to or greater than the amount of load plus a planning margin for the one-hour peak, 18-hour sustained peak and energy needs for both the summer (August) and winter (January) periods. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-015 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please explain whether transmission capacity and market availability are included in the Load and Resource Balance. If not, please explain why. If so, please explain how it is determined and where it is included in the Load and Resource Balance. RESPONSE: No, the Company does not include transmission capacity and market availability in its Load and Resource Balance, as the Company has decided as a matter of policy for long-term planning that neither of these resources should be relied about for meeting forecasted load obligations. However, the Company does consider the amount of its expected share of available market resources to determine the appropriate level of resource planning margins to include in the Load and Resource Balance. Additional details about the development of the Company’s resource planning assessment can be found on pages 7-1 through 7-3 of the 2020 IRP. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-016 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Page 4-8 of the 2020 IRP states that the IRP assumes renewal of PURPA contracts after their current contract term ends. Please explain why PURPA contracts are assumed to be renewed after expiration for purposes of determining the deficit date and provide rationale and/or evidence to support the answer. RESPONSE: The PURPA contracts listed in Table 4.6 on page 4-8 of the 2020 IRP are assumed to be renewed after the expiration dates listed because of the Company’s long history with these PURPA contracts and indications from the PURPA resource owners in ongoing discussions with them that they do intend to keep renewing these contracts. If the Company received any indication that the owner of a PURPA resource was considering to not renew their contract with Avista, it would be taken into consideration in the Load and Resource Balance as a resource that would likely need to be replaced after the expiration of the contract. The Company’s experience with these PURPA contracts has been very consistent. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-017 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Please explain how non-PURPA energy/capacity contracts are included the Load and Resource Balance (which category or categories). Please explain when and if they are assumed to be renewed. RESPONSE: Non-PURPA energy/capacity contracts are included in the Load and Resource Balance based on the type of resource that is providing the energy or capacity such as Mid-Columbia hydro, wind or solar. These contracts are not assumed to be renewed because they include short-term and long-term negotiated contracts with specific end dates. The end dates are only updated if a new or updated contract is signed. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-018 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: When are Colstrip units 3 and 4 reflected to be removed in the Load and Resource Balance for determining the deficit date? Has the Company included replacement resources in the Load and Resource Balance if Colstrip units 3 and 4 are to be closed early? RESPONSE: The Load and Resource Balance shows Colstrip Units 3 and 4 out of the Company’s resource mix beginning on January 1, 2026. The Load and Resource Balance does not include replacements for Colstrip Units 3 and 4. Replacement resources would not be included in the Load and Resource Balance until a replacement was obtained through a completed contract or ownership arrangement for a complete or partial replacement resource. Estimates of the size and type of replacement resources are determined in the modeling process for the IRP in the Preferred Resource Plan and actual replacement resources would be ultimately determined through a Request for Proposal or similar resource selection process. AVISTA CORPORATION RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION JURISDICTION: IDAHO DATE PREPARED: 12/15/2020 CASE NO: AVU-E-20-11 WITNESS: John Lyons REQUESTER: Staff RESPONDER: John Lyons TYPE: Production Request DEPARTMENT: Energy Resources REQUEST NO.: Staff-019 TELEPHONE: (509) 495-8515 REQUEST: Does the contract information (e.g. contract execution, contract renewal, and contract termination) included in the Load and Resource Balance reflect the latest information? If not, please provide the latest information. RESPONSE: The Company is currently working on the 2021 IRP which includes draft Load and Resource Balance information which is in the process of being finalized for the draft IRP release to the public on January 1, 2021. The new Load and Resource Balance will be available at that time with any new contracts that may be signed, such as the successful bidders in the 2020 Renewables RFP which are still in negotiations.